NO. 88 | SEPT/OCT 2022
Charlotte's talented photographers, artists, performing arts centers, local galleries, style icons, creators, and more.

The Quintessential Charlotte Luxury Magazine
art in the city

Move beyond your expectations

Nothing Compares.

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some of
Life & Landscapes the with the most talented photographers.Charlotte

121 2022
Leading The Charge fashion inspiration of Charlotte's influencers style icons.

from 22
A Talented City some Charlotte's most local artists. Exclusive Art Features best

Showcasing some of the city’s
Cover Photo by Mike Anthony
arts and culture offerings. THE EXCLUSIVES — THE FEATURES — 112 108 116

DEPARTMENTS 70 5932 30 FOOD & DRINK RESTAURANTS • DISHES • LIBATIONS More59 Than Just A Name A new all-day Restaurant from the Kindreds bears the name of their most beloved bite. Spend64 An Evening In Havana El Puro embodies what it means to cook from the heart and honor those who came before us. Ever68 Andalo’s Oysters Briny deliciousness in NoDa. Yunta’s70 Smoky Melon Cool off with this cocktail in South End. Mizu’s72 Tai-Dye A colorful rum cocktail to try.
A52Goods.Living Portfolio
Life32 meaningfulTheArt38Ward.LaureateCharlotte’sTranslatedFirstPoetJunious'Jay'InTheCitybestplacestofindartinCharlotte. A44Standing Ovation

Painter Aimee Perry shares her

Random Scott Avett’s solo exhibit at SOCO Gallery.
Art25 In
Performing arts offerings from theater to ballet and with ecofriendly artist Michelle Fernandez of Limoncito

Let us introduce you to SouthPark’s newest home decor boutique, Maison by Kim Mauney.


A90Chef’s Modern Kitchen
A kitchen from the talented builders at Grande Custom Elegance92Builders. & Eclecticism
A beautiful bedroom at a Lake Toxaway home from Lucy and Company.
A home designed and reimagined by Charlotte Lucas Interior Design.

A97Place For Travelers
A beautiful living space from the team at Pheasant Hill Designs.
Living75 In Style
Entertain86 In Style
Lakeside Living
Tiffany Brown, of Brown Builders Design, talks shop. The80 Business Behind The Build
104 92 97 DEPARTMENTS 86
New Life Building Supplies outfits Charlotte with some of the most luxurious kitchens, bathrooms, and now elevators.
Drift away in luxuryABy104bestDaufuskieAn102Dreamersaccommodationsdesign-focusedtheluxuryofWelcome.IslandGetawayistheLowcountry’skeptsecret.TheSeasidelookatKiawahIsland’snewhomecommunity. TRAVEL PROFILES • SPACES • FEATURED HOME ACCOMMODATIONS • TOWNS • ADVENTURES

No. 88 NOTE JULIA CHANDLER LAWING ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS FOR SALE AND BY COMMISSION | 704.796.8253 ClearWater Arts Center • 223 Crowell Dr NW • Studio 160 • Concord, NC


T here are many reasons why we value artists, photogra phers, and creators. But these are the three most imporant to us at QC Exclusive: First and foremost, we acknowledge how difficult it is to create and we truly respect the talent, effort, precision, and dedica tion it takes to master an art form. Secondly, in our business, we rely on these types of people every day. Content creation from experienced writers, creative graphic design ers, world-class photographers, videographers, illustrators, and other artists is what really makes our magazine and social media brands possible. Lastly, I remember someone telling me several years back that a city really can't become world-class until its arts and cul ture scene does. It's been a joy to watch Charlotte's arts and culture scene explode over the last decade since we started this magazine. And we want to try to do it justice best we can by taking great pride in curating the content for our annual Arts & Culture issue. In this year's issue we share some of our favorite artists, galleries, performing arts centers, city photographers, and style influencers. Most of the stories you'll find are in list format to pro vide introductions to the many tal ented talented people in the Queen City. We hope that you find stories and art you like and most impor tantly, we hope you'll support these folks and their art by buying prints and originals, sharing their work, attending their shows, and being an advocate for the arts! We'll see you in October for our Fall issue. Until then, happy reading. Director Brett Barter, Publisher
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18 • QCEXCLUSIVE.COM DETAILS ADDRESS 1910 Abbott Street Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28203 WEBSITE EMAIL PHONE 828.773.4922704.219.9088 SUBSCRIBE FOR A SUBSCRIPTION Receive 9 issues/year of QC Exclusive Magazine by subscribing online SUBSCRIPTION BY EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION BY PHONE 207.631.4644 SUBSCRIPTION BY MAIL Exclusive Media Group 1910 Abbott Street. | Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28203 (Include a check for $25 and address and info) EST. 2011 Phillips MondayCharlottePlace–Saturday 10-6 704.366.9092 • @trcstyle Fall 2022

20 • QCEXCLUSIVE.COM OUR TEAM PUBLISHER Brett Barter ART DIRECTOR Jon-Paul Grice EDITOR Sunny Hubler EDITORIAL LizaEleanorCarrasquilloMerrell PHOTOGRAPHY Jamey Price CONTRIBUTORSEDITORIAL Joseph Schuberth JohnReaganMugabeHall EST. 2011 CONNECT @QCExclusive

Nationwide Design Services @jlaytoninteriors 1720 E 7th St. Charlotte NC 28204 JL ayton Interiors CHARLOTTE CHARLESTON NANTUCKET NEW YORK

Contact Brett Barter by phone at 704-219-9088 or email

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Post an event in QCExclusive or inquire about partnering with us for an upcoming event by email at
We welcome your feedback—both positive and negative—and believe it is very valuable in our constant pursuit to be better as a publica tion. We encourage all of our read ers to contact us with any critiques, compliments, or questions by email at
Contact JP Grice by phone at 828-773-4922 or email at

September 10–December 24, 2022
Mint Museum Uptown
More than 100 paintings and sculptures showcasing two centuries of American creativity, from elegant portraits and striking landscapes to fascinating scenes of everyday life.
American Made: Paintings and Sculpture from the DeMell Jacobsen Collection is generously presented in Charlotte by PNC Bank. Additional generous support is provided by The Dowd Foundation, Windgate Foundation, and The President’s Cup. The Mint Museum is supported, in part, by the Infusion Fund and its generous donors. IMAGE: Charles Ethan Porter (1847–1923). Sunflowers (detail), circa 1880s, oil on linen canvas. Courtesy of the Thomas H. and Diane DeMell Jacobsen PhD Foundation.


Painter and storyteller Aimee Perry shares her story.

words SUNNY HUBLER / portraits JAMEY PRICE / photos of art courtesy AIMEE PERRY
Here, she talks with us about her work in acrylic, and what drives her to keep making art.
At some point, I secretly picked up a paintbrush and began experimenting myself. I would paint something, bring it to the gallery and lean it up against the wall. When an artist came in, I told them it belonged to a student looking for feedback so “he” could get better… By telling them it was a student, I received some of the most helpful and authentic feedback and would then take the paintings home to rework them. One fine day, I sold my alias’ work, and so it began. After leaving the gallery, I painted and sold under that alias for close to a year before feeling brave enough to stand on my own two legs and sign my name to my art.
When did you start painting?
If you were to describe your art, what would you say is your style?
Her story didn’t start with painting, however. From her curator role with AVA Gallery in Davidson to her co-ownership of Tradewind Studios, a music facility where she and her husband create original film scores, to her work writing and illustrating children’s books, Aimee’s work is markedly diverse. But it was when she first picked up a paintbrush that a new trajectory was born.
Abstract acrylic painter Aimee Perry has been part of Charlotte’s creative community for over 20 years.

I was asked to be the director of an art gallery (AVA) several years back. At that point, I had no experience with artists who paint. I didn’t know that language, the business, and I definitely didn’t have an art degree. Thankfully, with the support of Charlotte’s best artists, and the couple who took that risk in hiring me, I learned to swim… Within two years our little Davidson gallery had won “Best Gallery in Charlotte” and built a reputation for hosting some of Charlotte’s finest artists.
What draws me to art is its unique power to unlock me, moving me from my head to my heart. I consider myself more a storyteller than a painter, as that is my favorite art form. I love nuance. I love twists, turns, and even mistakes, because they add original value to every great story. It’s my love for storytelling that pulls me toward Impressionism and abstract work in particular, due to the imaginative, surprise elements I find therein.

What drives your art? Where do you find your Connectioninspirations?drivesme, whether that means connecting further to myself, or with another, I thrive here. My imagination is my favorite place. I love the quiet exploration of the wild and simple that create profound moments of reflection, keeping my mind in the present tense. If I stay here, there’s endless

what are your biggest artistic influences?
I go deep-diving into my heart. I find all kinds of undiscovered treasure there. My faith is a big influence, as well as imagining life through different lenses. I like not knowing where I’m going when I start out, and landing in unexpected places. The joy of discovery makes it worth the gamble for me. I love that if I mess up, I can just paint over it and rebuild. That’s freeing. / @aimeeperry_fineart

What is your artistic process like?
I admire character and integrity and when those are partnered with divine talent, I’m amazed. For this reason, while I love so many of the greats and learn whatever I can from them, the artists I once represented at the gallery continue to influence, mentor and inspire me most. They are my art family and that connection I hold dear.

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Scott Avett’s solo exhibit at SOCO Gallery.
SOCO Gallery will open Purpose At Random, a solo exhibition by artist Scott Avett on September 14, and the show will run through November 2. This will be the artist’s second solo ex hibition with SOCO Gallery. Avett’s paintings, often figurative, explore universal themes as well as the more personal stories of his own career, family, and life.
Right: Beach Boy
The Concord-based artist and musician blends materials and techniques, including screen printing, block printing, and paint ing. Avett has been a working artist since he earned a BFAin stu dio art from East Carolina University in 2000.
Purpose At Random will present new medium and large-scale oil paintings and prints created by the artist from early 2020 through today. Avett, whose touring ground to a halt during the pandemic, managed to navigate the challenges of these past years with a heightened focus and dedication to his studio prac tice resulting in a period of prolific creativity.

words SUNNY HUBLER photos of art courtesy SOCO GALLERY
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words ELEANOR MERRELL photos JAMEY PRICE Reflections from Charlotte’s First Poet Laureate Junious 'Jay' TRANSLATEDLIFEWard.“WhenIthinkbacktomyearlyinterestinwhatwordscoulddo,itwasreallytheirsonicqualitiesthatdrewme,”saysJunious‘Jay’Ward,theinauguralPoetLaureateofthecityofCharlotte.Ward’sfamilymovedfromPoughkeepsie,NYtoRichSquare,NCwhenhewasfiveyearsold,andsettledintothesmall,easternCarolinatown.There,heencountered5thand6thgradeteacherswhodedicatedclasstimetoreadingnovelsaloud.Wardrodetherhythmofthesespokenwords,absorbingeachphrase’sriseandfall,aligningthecadenceofasentencewiththepaceofaplot.Atthesametime,histeachersintroducedhimtotheHarlemRenaissanceandLangstonHughes’jazz-infusedpoetrywhilehispeerslistenedtohip-hop,whichwasinthemidstofitsheyday.Language—itsstrengthanditsbeauty—surroundedWardfromthisyoungageandmadeanindelibleimpression. CULTURE
“I began to fall in love with how much power words could have and how cadence and pattern influenced that power.”
masculinity, racial justice, and grief and resilience. “As poets we respond to the moment, what’s happening around us, we respond to inspiration when it hits, but outside of those things, we also have our obsessions—themes we keep coming back to either on purpose or out of com pulsion,” says Ward.
“I began to fall in love with how much power words could have and how ca dence and pattern influenced that power. I wanted to do that—I wanted to write po ems, I wanted to write rap songs, I want ed to write short stories. I wanted to use words to create…something. Something that didn’t exist before,” recalls Ward.
So Ward set pen to paper to explore family and fatherhood, gentrification, the prison industrial complex, Southern
No matter the theme, each poem he writes is an attempt to articulate the in describable, explore the extraordinary,


Weekends 12 p.m.–4 p.m.
“My approach to the role is about not reinventing the wheel. There are so many poets and arts organizations in this city that are doing amazing things. Rather than attempt to dupli cate what they are already doing, I want to partner with them and find ways to amplify poetry and the impact it wields on communities,” says Ward. In other words, although the role may be new for the city of Charlotte, Ward’s mechanisms for making an impact certainly are not. He strives to use those mechanisms to elevate those who are already enmeshed in Charlotte’s literary scene, as well as introduce “the power of poetry” to new audiences.
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or untangle the complex. “Poetry is life translated,” he says. “Poets can reckon with issues in ways that help readers better understand their place in the world,” even when those concepts seem beyond the scope of words.
His knack for interrogating topics that resonate, ear for lan guage, and talent for performance earned Ward a victory at the national slam poetry championship, as well as at the world po etry slam championship. He has one collection of poetry pub lished by Bull City Press, as well as a forthcoming collection with Button Poetry.

In April, a committee composed of local arts leaders and city employees selected Ward as Charlotte’s inaugural poet laure ate. The committee evaluated candidates based on the quality of their literary work and their commitment to arts advocacy.
Weekdays 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
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Lately, Ward has been producing po etry that hinges on themes of resilience and celebration — an intentional choice made despite a divided nation riddled with hate and despair. As Ward reflects on his new role, he harnesses that same hope for positive continuity: “The most exciting thing to me about being the city’s first poet laureate is that it means there will be another, and another.”

info / @jward2030

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Elder Gallery is a contemporary art gallery aiming to connect Charlotteans through the experience of art. Representing a booming variety of artists, Elder Gallery mainly displays fine glass art and paintings. Different exhibits showcase different hu man experiences. Open to the public each Friday and Saturday, Elder Gallery is a great place to appreciate one-of-a-kind art.
Bechtler Museum of Modern Art
Charlotte Museum of History
Anne Neilson Fine Art
Charlotte Art League
Designed by Swiss architect Mario Botta, Bechtler Museum of Modern Art is a unique and elegant museum exhibiting work from the mid-20th century. The museum specializes in displaying work from prestigious artists such as Picasso and Warhol. The gor geous museum has some of the most sought-after art in Charlotte.
Anne Neilson Fine Art displays more than fifty different kinds of artists from all over the world. The gallery showcases art of all mediums and styles with a mission to help nonprofit organiza tions all over the world through donating a portion of its fine art sales. Open Tuesday through Saturday, Anne Neilson is a fresh, eclectic art gallery that illuminates Charlotte.
The Charlotte Art League is a non-profit organization offering classes, studio space and events to the locals, along with a gal lery. Located in NoDa, the Charlotte Art League strives to be accessible to every art lover, regardless of age, background or experience level.
The Charlotte Museum of History is a nonprofit museum that aims to share and preserve Charlotte’s eccentric history. Lo cated in East Charlotte, the museum also showcases the Heze kiah Alexander House, which is the oldest house in Mecklenburg County. Open to the public only one Saturday a month, the Char lotte Museum of History is a must-see for Charlotte natives.
Art House Charlotte
Discovery Place
Since it was founded, the museum has undergone several loca tion changes and major renovations, but its mission is still the same. The museum remains dedicated to inspiring and educat ing students and teachers through STEM. You can visit Discov ery Place at any of its four locations, including Discovery Place Science in Uptown, Discovery Place Nature in Freedom Park, and Discovery Place Kids in Huntersville and Rockingham, N.C.
Elder Gallery
The best places to find meaningful art in Charlotte.
Anne Neilson Fine Art
Judith Weston Zehmke started Art House Charlotte in 2009 when she wanted to mix her love of art with her outgoing nature. Now home to many local artists of different mediums, Art House Charlotte provides original and affordable artwork for its clients.

Art is important—ask nearly any passerby if they agree, and you’ll probably find that they do. But ask them why—ask them what makes art so necessary to us humans and when they last made time to experience any for themselves, and the an swers get a little more complicated. While it’s true that art can be found anywhere, it’s also true that art can feel pretty inacces sible to a lot of people. What counts as art? How should people interact with it? How should they even find it? Fortunately, you don’t have to have all the answers to introduce new forms of art into your life—especially when you start by going to these Char lotte-area galleries and museums.
W W W . S P R I N G D A L E C H A R L O T T E . C O M

Met Contemporary Artist Studio
Shain Gallery
Met Contemporary Art Studio is home to Foozhan Kashkooli, a multidisciplinary artist. Kashkooli has worked with many mediums such as paint, photography, metal sculpture, and in stallation. Book an appointment to view Foozhan Kashkooli’s gallery today.
Mint NorthMuseumCarolina’s very first art museum, The Mint has one of the largest collections of art in the greater Southeast. The museum offers two locations in Uptown and Randolph showcasing collec tions of American, Contemporary, and European art. The mu seum offers events for all ages making it a family friendly envi ronment. Offering a variety of different exhibits every year, The Mint Museum is rightfully one of the most respected museums in Charlotte.
Picture House Gallery
This local gallery might be smaller than others in the city, but don’t let its size fool you. For more than 40 years, the Providence Gallery has taken pride in being a well-known name among Charlotte’s fine arts scene. The gallery owners have housed col lections from a wide range of artists, including painters like Luz Aveleyra and Lisa Bartell.
Hidell Brooks Gallery, at The Steelyard in South End, is owned and operated by Katherine Hidell Thomas and Rebecca Brooks. The gallery showcases contemporary work of well-established and solidly-emerging American artists.
Levine Museum
Named after Charlotte’s first African-American mayor, the Har vey B. Gantt Center exemplifies the type of cultural conscious ness Charlotte can enjoy when people come together. The center has held numerous exhibitions from renowned artists, including Russell Craig and Deana Lawson. It’s also become a safe place dedicated to opening a dialogue around the many injustices plaguing African-Americans and people of color. Visitors can find breathtaking art inside its gallery walls, as well as an abun dance of resources for further learning.
Near Uptown, Picture House brings over 40 years of expertise, making it one of Charlotte’s original resources for major collec tors and institutions. The gallery showcases styles ranging from traditional to abstract, and their eclectic collection features oil paintings, watercolors, pastels, and a variety of sculptures by na tionally and internationally recognized artists. Owner Bob Grif fin and his team also offer appraisals, placement, custom framing, and restoration services to meet their clients’ every art need.
Hot Glass Alley
Jerald Melberg
The Levine Museum of the New South is a history museum showcasing the everchanging Queen City. The museum has a va riety of exhibits, from Charlotte post-Civil War to confronting social issues Charlotte faces today.
Located in NoDa, Hot Glass Alley is Charlotte’s first glass-blow ing art shop. The gallery is home to three experienced gaffers who commission all different types of vases, light fixtures, and installations. The gallery is open to the public for glass-blowing classes, or you can book your next private event.
Jerald Melberg is a fine art gallery that exhibits art chosen with the utmost care. The gallery seeks to display art that is “visually poetic and transcends the everyday.” Jerald Melberg himself has been involved in fine art for over forty years, previously as curator at the Mint Museum. His gallery offers rotating themed exhibitions that can last around one to four months.
Shain KnownGalleryasoneof the finest contemporary art providers in the Southeast, Shain Gallery offers colorful and modern art. The fine art gallery is located in the Myers Park neighborhood of Charlotte and showcases acclaimed artists from all over. Offer ing an annual schedule of exhibitions, Shain Gallery is also open Monday through Sunday to view art at your preference.

Harvey B. Gantt Center
Providence Gallery
Hidell Brooks Gallery
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Sozo Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in Plaza Midwood that specializes in inspiring soulful connections. Sozo brings art from local, national, and international artists to the Charlotte area. Rotating art every 4 to 6 weeks, there is always some thing new going on at Sozo. The space is open every week from Tuesday to Saturday.
Sozo Gallery
Sozo Gallery luxury kitchens and bathrooms

SOCO LocatedGalleryintheheart of Myers Park, SOCO focuses on contemporary artwork. Under Chandra Johnson’s direction, the stylish gallery and art-forward bookshop high lights local, national and international works. It shares a space with Tabor and Not Just Coffee, making it a perfect rainy day stop.

Van Every/Smith Galleries
The Light Factory
is The Light Factory. The Light Facto ry exhibits the art of photography and showcases many artists, from worldrenowned photographers to local Char lotte photographers. With the exhibits changing constantly, you’re bound to see something new during your visit to The Light Factory.
Located in the Visual and Performing Arts Center, about a mile from Uptown,

The William H. Van Every and Edward M. Smith Galleries, also known as the Van Every/Smith Galleries, is curated and op erated by Davidson College. These galler ies feature both rotating and permanent collections with a wide range of pieces. Guests can see art made over 500 years ago, as well as art made from students currently attending the college. Because of Davidson College’s dedication to the surrounding community, these galleries are excellent places to learn a little more about a variety of artistic creations.

Jazz Arts Initiative

The performing arts are integral to every world-class city, and luckily for all Charlotte metro residents, our city has a wide variety of offerings from theater to ballet and beyond.
Founded in 1970 as the North Carolina Dance Theater, the Char lotte Ballet is a critically renowned dance company whose local and national performances imbue artistry with dynamic motion. The Charlotte Ballet’s versatile repertoire ranges from timeless, classical ballet such as Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker to imagi native contemporary works such as Christopher Stuart’s DISPERSAL. Single ticket sales for the 2022/2023 season begin in August, or discerning patrons of the arts can purchase sub scription packages to ensure they never miss a performance.
Since 2009, the JazzArts Initiative has grown into one of Char lotte’s most celebrated art institutions. Led by a partnership of elite musicians and educators, the JazzArts Initiative performs each month at the Jazz Room in Uptown and at public festivals and events around the city. Stay up to date with JazzArts Initia tive’s latest showcases so you can support the blossoming future of the arts in Charlotte.
Opera BreathtakinglyCarolinabeautiful, Opera Carolina draws from over sev enty years of excellence to bring grandeur and grace to each of its performances. Whether you are a seasoned admirer or new
Charlotte Symphony

Middle C Jazz
Top photo courtesy MIDDLE C JAZZ
Bottom photo courtesy CHARLOTTE SYMPHONY
to the art of opera, Opera Carolina offers an intentionally im mersive experience to satisfy all in attendance. Performances are held at the Belk Theater in Center City on Thursdays, Satur days, and Sundays.
Charlotte Ballet
In 1931, Spanish composer and conductor Guillermo de Roxlo emigrated from Cuba to Charlotte with ambitions to establish a symphony orchestra for his new hometown. Now the longest continuously operating Symphony Orchestra in North Carolina, the Charlotte Symphony has become a champion for the fine arts of Charlotte. The Charlotte Symphony performs classical reper toire, alongside cinematic scores, and family-friendly features.
Cozy and chic, the Middle C Jazz club is Charlotte’s newest home for cool. Slip into Middle C’s intimate lounge atmosphere and spend the night savoring the flavors of fresh tapas, craft cocktails, and vibrant jazz. Middle C Jazz spotlights local and national acts each Wednesday-Sunday and welcomes lifelong listeners and learners alike to sit back, snack, and snap.
Jazzy WestinghouseSoloShow Opens September 23 Shain Gallery | 2823 Selwyn Avenue, Suite K | Charlotte NC 28209 704-334-7744 | European Goldfinch Oil20x16on Board

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Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
Ovens Auditorium is Charlotte’s largest performing arts theater with a culture of hosting Broadway blockbusters and popular concerts. The 2,400 seats invite you and your family to spend an evening within Ovens Auditorium.
Ovens Auditorium
Located in the heart of Center City, the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center is a cultural centerpiece for the city of Charlotte. Consisting of three central ized venues including the prominent Belk Theater, Booth Playhouse, and Stage Door Theater, the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center plays host to a diverse variety of performances rang ing from Broadway musicals, dance companies, and comedy tours. With year round events suitable for all ages, the Blumenthal Performing Arts Cen ter has a well-earned history as Char lotte’s center for community enrich ment and entertainment.
Upstage Center of Performing Arts
Upstage Center of Performing Arts of fers the opportunity to develop talent in your youth, and brings performers and audiences onto the Phillips Cen ter Main Stage in the University area. When their fall ‘22 season opens, sign up for a class to craft the art of dance within your child.

Michelle sells everything from mugs and planters to vases, candle holders and jewelry. Below, she shares with us more about the impetus behind Limoncito and what keeps her creating.
Michelle Fernandez had to overcome life’s challenges to make something beautiful: Limoncito Goods is Fernandez’s Charlotte-based, one-woman studio where she slow-makes home goods and accessories by hand.

As a kid, art was my constant companion, and I could be found engaged in no less than five art projects at a time throughout most of my life. I always loved how making and art could reflect parts of ourselves and our feelings that are often hard to express or name. Art can serve as a medium,
As a child, my mom would always remind my sister and me to re frame our outlook on hard times by reminding us to "make lem onade" when things got tough. It was her callback to the popular saying, "when life hands you lemons…" At the end of 2020, life felt particularly bitter. COVID-19 had been difficult to navigate, and I was dealing with a lot of anxiety. When it came time to give a name to this little project, calling back to that bitter ness and how art had helped make it feel more manageable seemed natural. I wanted to honor how art helped me feel better while also paying homage to my Latin roots.
A conversation with eco-friendly artist Michelle Fernandez of Limoncito Goods.
Today, Limoncito has an online business and in-person pres ence at Lokal in Camp North End. Michelle managed to take her background in psychology and her initial emotional response to the pandemic and, out of the mess, she made a burgeoning busi ness in the Charlotte community that centers around beauty.
The brand was originally Michelle’s, a mother and a student, simple coping mechanism for the intensity that 2020 brought to her household. Translated loosely to “little lemons,” each cast and design from Limoncito is created intentionally to be a high light of your home. Every piece is hand-casted, sanded, sealed, and packaged by Michelle herself.
What drew you to making art?
What's the story behind the name of your business?

The best place to shop for Limoncito Goods is at Lokal in Camp North End or online at
What is your process like creating a piece, from start to finis h?
Most of my products start with a color story. I love textures and colors, and I have a running album of photos that I snap along with a Pinterest board full of colors or textures that catch my eye. From here, I play with combinations that feel fun and then start conceptualizing what shapes might feel
like a good fit for those colors to take life through. Then comes the technical parts of working to make the terrazzo chips and casting and curing the product. The next few steps are pretty physical and involve a lot of sanding and buffing, followed by several stages of sealing before the product is ready to go out into the world.
What do you hope is next for you or for Limoncito Goods? To balance with my many tasks in life, Limoncito has had to take on a minor role over the past few months. There are some really fun partnerships in the pipeline that I am very excited about. I hope to continue striving for a sense of balance and sustain ability with the brand as I transition through the next internship and licensure stages, all while creating and cultivating this little space of bright and happy things.
What made you decide to work with terrazzo art in particular? Did anyone teach you how?

In late 2020, I started seeing a lot of videos from the U.K. on TikTok. I was drawn to viewing artists working with the medium of Jesmonite and using it to produce this very modern version of terrazzo. I was fascinated by how ter razzo uses multiple parts–often recycled or broken pieces of something else to make up a whole. It felt very symbolic to me. I have no formal education in the terrazzo art, so I researched and set about hunting down the medium here in the States. It took months, but when I found it, I was thrilled to jump in headfirst, and the rest is history. I have continued to learn so much from watching videos, conversations with other makers, and just a lot of trial and error. I still feel like I have so much left to learn, which is part of the fun and magic about art and this medium; there is always more to learn.
a message, a release, and a healer, all simultaneously. There is something so incredibly grounding about creating some thing that began as an idea or thought in your head. As I've aged, I have found that art represents another facet of ther apy for me. That is what drew me back to creating in 2020 and what grew into Limoncito Goods.
Who are your home goods for? Everyone! One of my favorite things about launching Limoncito last year through pop-ups was seeing customers' faces. It gave me a deep understanding that anyone and everyone can appreci ate and enjoy these goods. I've seen kids as young as nine walk up and fall in love with a product or someone like my mom, who is one of my biggest supporters, find a piece that speaks to her. If it speaks to your heart, then it is for you!

532 Governor Morrison Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28211 · 704.496.9181 · Sea’,AegeantheAcrossScatteredIslands‘Little 57x48canvas,onoil BROAD STROKES On view May 5 - June 30 th,GriffiDusty IVesselThe panelwoodandplexionmediamixedandbeeswax42x38, 721 Governor Morrison St, Charlotte, NC 28211 | 704.496.9181 | DUSTY GRIFFITH SOLO EXHIBITION luminous encaustics with spiritual signifi cance EXHIBITION ON VIEW SEPTEMBER 8 th — OCTOBER 20 th

Secondly, Mauney envisioned Maison as a living portfolio for her designs, a place where she could experiment and also show her clients what is possible. “I wanted to show them different ways of experiencing design elements. I wanted clients to see how we can mix antiques and modern artwork and clean lines, and it can all come together,” explains Mauney. Early in her ca reer, Mauney recalls arriving to project interviews with a bulky
Let us introduce
“The majority of my career I spent going into design centers with my clients. And here in Charlotte, these centers don’t really exist,” explains Mauney. “So I felt like nobody could really expe rience the furniture and to encourage our clients to buy a sofa without ever sitting in it, or one like it, was difficult.”
Mauney decided to launch Maison, a curated space for furni ture and home decor located in the Morrison Shopping Center in SouthPark, in 2021. The space serves two functions. First, it’s truly a place for consumers to experience prospective home goods, especially larger purchases like sofas, in person before purchasing them.

Kim Mauney has been designing interior spaces for 25 years. She cut her teeth in San Francisco in the 90s before bring ing her copious talents to Charlotte. She also brought a fresh perspective with her, noticing opportunities to improve the in terior design experience for not only her clients, but also other designers’ clients.

words ELEANOR MERRELL photos JAMEY PRICE or courtesy KIM MAUNEY you to SouthPark’s newest home decor boutique, Maison by Kim Mauney. PORTFOLIO

Sitting within Mauney’s aesthetic is a treat as difficult to ar ticulate as it is to replicate unless you are Mauney herself. Her aesthetic is inspired in part by the legendary designer Michael
After moving to the South, Mauney says her style evolved. She embraced the interior drama of the region, achieved through an attention to detail, a nod to traditional design elements, and an embrace of color. Ultimately, though, Mauney’s end goal isn’t a particular style, it’s magic.

“I have often said that anybody can design. But just because
“How do you create a room that evokes emotion that you can’t quite put your finger on? That you never want to leave? You may not really know what it is, but you know that there’s something special about that room. That’s my goal.”

portfolio in hand. She would flip through samples of her work, shoulder to shoulder with prospective clients. Then, her portfo lio moved online; prospective clients could visit her website for an impression of her work. Now, she has Maison. Her portfolio has become an immersive experience. Clients can see her style, but they can also live it, if only briefly, at scale and in person.
Taylor, whose study of the use of light, scale, balance, and tex ture paved the way for what is now considered classic California style and laid the foundation for Mauney’s own style.

56 • QCEXCLUSIVE.COM “ The French love for feasting, sharing food, and esthetic cooking is

Mauney is a problem solver by na ture (including by education; she earned her degree from Duke Univer sity in public policy). When there’s magic to be solved for, she’s the right woman for the job, and Maison is the right space for discovery.
THE ART o f i n s p i r e d l i v i n g the a

you can pick throw pillows and add artwork, doesn’t necessarily mean you can create magic. So my obsession is: How do you create a room that evokes emotion that you can’t quite put your finger on? That you never want to leave? You may not really know what it is, but you know that there’s some thing special about that room,” says Mauney. “That’s my goal.”
reason food is art. Pippin Home Designs created an exquisite, artful space to pursue my French Chef ’ s certification, and to live in a light filled home which maximizes our views. ” Donna Carpentier Award winning homes with

Lun Tse, Patina Gardens, oil painting on canvas w/silver leaf background, 52" x 64" Craig Alan, Motivo, oil on canvas, 48” x 60” @PictureHouseGal@picture_house_gallery@PictureHouseGallery 1522 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28204 | 704.333.8235 | CLEARANCE SALE Please inquire

Quartzite, “Crystalita”, backlit with LED light panels
Photo by Jim Schmid Photography
Where cutting-edge innovations meet timeless designs, Cadenza brings any homeowner’s unique requests to life. Driven by passion and solutions, Cadenza’s team of experts make it happen. We are Charlotte’s experts for countertops, fireplaces, and shower surrounds.

new all-day restaurant from the Kindreds bears the name of their most beloved bite.

words photos
Katy and Joe Kindred have become something like household names in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. After meeting in Chicago, touring Italy, living in San Fran cisco, and marrying on the coast of Carolina, the husband and wife duo put down roots in Joe’s hometown of David son, just north of Charlotte. They restored an old pharmacy building on Davidson’s Main Street and opened Kindred in 2015. Since then, the couple has serenaded the discerning palates of gastronomists across the Southeast, to the tune of multiple James Beard Award nominations, exquisite wine, and perfect pastas.
In contrast with Kindred’s more buttoned-up style, milk bread is an all-day restaurant with a casual café ambiance. Diners will find espresso, coffee, and tea beverages that pair nicely with the restaurant’s dreamy donuts—descen dants of the milk bread lineage with a soft, warm interior and perfectly crisp, sweetened exterior.
The core meal menu features bowls, salads, and chicken sandwiches. We recommend the grain bowl, which includes almond romesco, sprouts, avocado, and a jammy egg (soft boiled egg) served over a bed of delightfully crispy rice for a

After opening a second restaurant on the coast of Lake Norman named Hello, Sailor, the couple turned back to Da vidson with plans to open a third restaurant: milkbread.

Named for the buttery, salty, fluffy Kindred appetizer that inspired a loyal fandom, milkbread opened its doors earlier this year to lines that meandered out the door and a demand that couldn’t be met.


milkbread such a good fit for its sec ond location, which is popping up in the heart of Plaza Midwood.

info / @milkbreadallday
For nearly six decades, the drive up Dairy Queen at the corner of Central Ave. and Pecan Ave. was one of the most iconic digs in Charlotte. When it shut down, there was a brief wave of terror that the building would be razed and replaced with yet more apartment complexes. In swooped an array of restaurateurs, ready to put their name on the building and dish out their fares to the ever-hungry foot traffic of Plaza Midwood. It was an opportunity for Joe and Katy Kindred to do what they do best: deftly restore an aging build ing and serve outstanding food.
beautiful blend of textures and tastes. Feeling like you need some more greens in your life? Dress up a Momo Salad (seasonal lettuce, bacon, rad ish, carrot, red onion, breadcrumbs, buttermilk dressing) with avocado and grilled chicken breast. Or opt for something truly cravable from the crispy chicken section of the menu, like The Hot Dip—eastern Carolina hot-dipped chicken, citrusy coleslaw, and Duke’s mayonnaise tucked into a soft potato milkbread, the Kindreds’ other establishments, invites collabora tions from other local eateries. You’ll find a custom house roast by Summit Coffee Co., espresso roast by HEX Coffee, and sourdoughs by Verdant Bread. This is particularly welcome in places like Davidson with a strong affinity for a healthy ecosystem of local businesses that provide color, originality, and an enhanced sense of community. That’s also what makes
milkbread is open from 7 am to 9 pm in Davidson and is expected to wel come diners to its Plaza location in the fall of this year.

331 E Catawba Street, Belmont NC 28012 980.297.9296


Designing an entire eatery around a certain cuisine is nothing new—in fact, it’s pretty expected. Guests want to eat in an environment that matches their meals in some way, whether that’s from the décor, the architecture, or something else entirely. The owners of El Puro take this idea to the next level. Dania Ochoa and Emmanuel and Ana Acela Perez don’t just want guests to think of Cuba while they’re eating—they want them to feel the spirit of the country throughout their entire dining experience.
LIZA CARRASQUILLO photos JAMEY PRICE As one of Charlotte’s premier Cuban restaurants, El Puro embodies what it means to cook from the heart and honor those who came before us.

“What sets us apart from the rest,” says Emmanuel “Man ny” Perez, “is that we do more than serve authentic Cuban food. Our restaurant’s décor is carefully thought out to make our concept more alive. Every little detail, every little piece of decoration is where it is for a purpose.”

Serving as the restaurant’s VIP table is part of a custom ’55 Ford Crown Victoria, the same type of car that Manny’s father used to drive around places like Trinidad and Vi ñales. The result of these special touches and their dedica tion to detail is a space that’s become a source of comfort and nostalgia for their community.
“We know that life is busy and very stressful,” says Man ny, “so our goal was to provide the community a place they can go to unwind. To relax and indulge in our culture with our food, ambience, and live music.”
That purpose—to bring as much of Cuba as they can to the Queen City—is steeped into every aspect of El Puro. Orig inally founded in honor of their family patriarch, El Puro embodies the happiness he drew from life in pre-revolution ary Havana, Cuba. The owners worked closely with their designer to recreate that happiness by choosing everything from the light fixtures to the tile colors—but what truly tied the space to its Cuban roots was the car.
“We also pride ourselves on making the best mojito in the city,” adds Manny, “with fresh mint and fresh squeezed lime juice.”Whether guests want to reminisce about the beauty of Havana or immerse themselves in an elegant dining experi ence, El Puro is the perfect destination to do just that. Don’t forget to stop by for dinner during the week for live music alongside premium cocktails.
es pancakes, while those coming around lunchtime can try a variety of specialty sandwiches like their pollo siboney, lechón asado, and of course, their Cuban sandwich. The res taurant’s dinner menu is just as enticing, with dishes like croquetas for the appetizer and chuleta matamoros for the entrée.Butfor El Puro to truly embody the history and glamour of Havana, Cuba, the restaurant needed a drink menu that lived up to their claims. That’s why they took such great care to build out their cocktail offerings and perfect the classics like El Presidente and El Cubano Viejo.
info / @elpurocubanrestaurant
Guests visiting El Puro can expect to indulge any time of day by taking advantage of the restaurant’s brunch, lunch or dinner menus. Those who stop by for brunch can try local favorites like the guava and cream French toast or tres lech

A Sophisticated Experience
Real Estate
Lisa McCrossan 704.620.0328


Ever Andalo's roasted oysters are an enticing treat both for the eyes and the mouth. Roasted

in creamy European butter and black garlic, this dish embraces decadence without apology. The oysters are topped with fresh parmigiano reggia no and foccacia bread crumbs, adding a touch of texture to each sumptuous bite. Finally, the oys ters are laid atop a bed of coarse sea salt, capers, vibrant pansies, and the obligatory lemon wedge.
— info — / @ever_andalo
Ever Andalo in NoDa is known for both its artful platings and refined, fresh flavors. While de ciding which homemade pasta dish to choose from, give yourself permission to peruse the equally en ticing antipasti menu.
@QCEXCLUSIVE • 69 Now in 3 Locations New Bern (South End) | NorthCross (Huntersville) | Arboretum (Providence Rd.) Schedule e Meeting...We’ve Got Lunch Covered

vodka, Mezcal, lime, and watermelon, The Smoky Melon is a refreshingly clean cocktail rimmed with smoked Hawaiian lava sea salt and finished with a pointed wa termelon slice. Savor this pink drink amongst the lush backdrop of tropical vegetation overhanging Yunta’s bar during your next happy hour gathering or while enjoying the live DJ each weekend starting at 7 pm.

/ photo
Yunta, a new neighbor in the prominent food scene of Charlotte’s South End, spotlights nikkei cuisine, the century-old Japanese influence on Peruvian cuisine. Although Yunta’s menu is brimming with incredible food, regulars are already raving about Yunta’s drink selections.TheSmoky Melon is one such classic. A combination of
70 • QCEXCLUSIVE.COM FOOD & DRINK — info — / @yuntanikkei
7908 Concord Highway | $1.85 M | MLS 3884008 Recent Significant Sales Managing Partner/Owner Charlotte Office 704.526.6695 Liza Caminiti 8385 Norman Estates Dr. | MLS 3856021 7114 Old Dairy Lane | MLS 3821438 2525 Morrocroft Lane | MLS 3817407 $5.2 M $2,687,500 $2.625 MSOLD SOLD SOLD 47 + Acres Offering Unlimited Opportunities

Mizu is a dynamic new restaurant in SouthPark. The zen atmosphere and rooftop dining make Mizu a destination for your next event. Grilled seafood is their specialty, complemented by a large cocktail menu featuring inventive flavors andOnecombinations.cocktailwe
love is the “TaiDye,” a boozy mix of butterfly pea flower-infused rum, Ed's Secret Tiki Mix, and topped off with a bruleed lime. Butterfly pea flower, often used in Japanese teas, is rich in antioxidants and lends a brilliant blueish-purple color that gives this cocktail its signature look, while the bruleed lime adds a caramelized but still tart element. Secure your spot on the rooftop, and enjoy the view with drink in hand.
— info — / @mizucharlotte

The Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove Showroom will help you go from delicious inspiration to memorable meals in a space that truly reflects the way you want to cook, live, and entertain. You’re invited to tour, taste, and test-drive with our team of dedicated product specialists and on-site chefs.

This celebration
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Tiffany Brown, of Brown Builders Design, talks shop. IN

Now, Brown Builders Design offers three core services: consul tation, full service design, and finishing touches (styling). No matter which branch of services her clients select or whether she engages with them from renovation to final design, Brown finds that the most satisfying project moments occur when she is working on “the nerve center of the client’s home,” wherever they spend the bulk of their time. These spaces offer the clearest window into the client’s life. “I find that when I design and create a tone for the most utilized space, it serves as a catalyst for the rest of the home,” explains Brown.
From the Nerve Center Outward
When she launched Brown Builders Design, Brown had al ready lived in Charlotte for 22 years and built a reputation as a hard worker with a keen eye. Her knowledge pertaining to ven dor relationships, project management, and real estate analysis helped her establish a client base quickly, which ballooned by word-of-mouth and glowing referrals.

Brown Builders Design is a full service design firm started by Tiffany Brown, whose project management skills, customer service intuition, and design instincts have garnered a loyal cli ent base in the Charlotte area. Brown Builders Design special izes in organic and sustainable design choices that promote a timeless and sophisticated style.

The Brown Builders Design process begins with a compli mentary discovery call during which both parties explore objec tive, scope, and preferences. If the partnership moves forward, then Brown submits a personalized proposal to her client. From that point, there are four primary phases: design development, procurement, vendor management, and a final installation. Throughout the process, Brown strives to set client expecta tions, maximize the client’s investments, and generate a finished

support of my spouse, I decided to take the leap and transition from an employee to entrepreneur,” says Brown.
Brown was working in multi-family real estate when a friend asked her to design their family’s living area. The process lit a fire in Brown, who already was feeling a need to introduce more creativity into her professional life and sensed a perfect marriage of skills, experience, and talents in her completion of the“Withproject.the
Sotheby’s International Realty® and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. Each office is independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Property information herein is derived from various sources including, but not limited to, county records and multiple listing services, and may include approximations. All information is deemed accurate. Instagram:NativeCollective@PremierSIR.comNativeCollective.RealEstate704.665.0527NativeCollective.RealEstate Established in 1744, Sotheby’s is the world’s largest, most trusted and dynamic marketplace for art and AUCTIONluxury.HOUSEExceptional Diamonds. Curated by Sotheby’s. CARS WINE DIAMONDS ART THE CHOICE WHEN SELLING PRECIOUS ASSETS... INCLUDING YOUR HOME. Founded in 2020, NATIVE COLLECTIVE is proud to be building on the iconic heritage of a remarkable brand. Contact us today for your confidential consultation. $2.975 Million 7101 Old Dairy Lane Charlotte, North Carolina 1976 SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY® Founded on the same commitment to exceptional service that characterized the Sotheby’s Auction House for more than two centuries, the Sotheby’s International Realty brand is created and becomes known around the world for the distinctive properties it represents. SIGNIFICANT SALE

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Brown describes her style as unique yet timeless, sophisticated yet soulful, and curated. Each project, of course, varies aesthetically based on the cli ent’s taste. However, some elements are consistent across Brown’s portfo lio: natural materials, clean lines, chic additions, and a cohesive look achieved by intentionally placing complementing
As Brown marches forward, she re minds herself to embrace two of the most fundamental lessons she has learned on her journey from employee to entrepre neur: “Take initiative to learn each day as the industry is ever evolving. While you won’t have everything figured out, enjoy the process.”
project that matches the environment sought by the client.
Brown’s entrepreneurial spirit pushes her ever-onward. She has ambitions to collaborate with a developer on a new construction project, as well as to open a show house that represents the Brown Builders Design brand and incorporates retail and events.

Arcadia Art Consultancy provides trusted expertise to new and experienced collectors as they build and refine their modern, post-war, and contemporary art collections to align with their art historical interests and overall investment strategy. | | (704) 807-1041

typically working alongside builders to source, deliver, and install. This turnkey model of service has made New Life Building Supplies a popular partner for projects in the Char lotte area. They help design the kitchen/bathroom alongside the builder and homeowner or decorator/designer, then they form the layouts, provide a quote to the builder or homeown er, source the supplies, and install. From beginning to end, Magliocca and his team are on hand to offer expertise and as sure a high quality result.
words ELEANOR MERRELL photos courtesy NEW LIFE BUILDING SUPPLIES portraits and bathroom JOE PURVIS
Richard Magliocca has been in the business of building for 46 years. A Charlotte native, he started New Life Building Supplies in 2011, which he now operates alongside his broth er Mike Magliocca, Tim Gay, his wife, Kristen, and a robust team from their offices/showroom in South End.
Together, the New Life Building team specializes in cabi nets, countertops, and small renovations (especially for kitchens and baths). They dedicate about half their time to renovation projects and half to new construction projects,

New Life Building Supplies outfits Charlotte with some of the most luxurious kitchens, bathrooms, and now elevators.

Locally owned and mismanaged since 1977.

It’s up to you to it right.


In the last few months, New Life Building Supplies has added a new offering: pneumatic vacuum elevators. These extraordinary products look like they are straight out of a futuristic science fic tion movie. Powered by air, pneumatic vacuum elevators are not dissimilar to the old bank deposit stations, where patrons would slip their deposit into a clear tub that would be sucked through a passageway and into the bank. By harnessing this technology, this style of elevator is able to provide a more stylish alternative to traditional elevators that also saves space.

The Supplies
In the past 11 years of doing business, New Life Building Supplies has not only honed their service model, but also curated a highquality selection of products that they source for their clients. They work closely with local NC manufacturers to bring stock and custom cabinets to Charlotte clients. New Life Building Sup plies has many choices for decorative hardware, fuctional cabinet hardware, decorative wood products, and bath vanities. Maglioc ca’s company also does a substantial amount of countertop busi ness, for which they lean heavily on local suppliers to offer gran ite, marble, butcher block, cambria, quartz, silestone, gibraltar, laminate, and stained countertops.
82 • QCEXCLUSIVE.COM | 704-375-6766 | Two convenient locations: Charlotte & Pineville

Magliocca’s team members include gener al contractors who are licensed, bonded, insured, and on hand not only for in stallation of New Life Building Supplies products, but also for small scale reno vations and home improvement projects. Call upon this team for bathroom, kitch en, room additions, remodels, or other similar projects.
info (704) 372-0927 | Sophisticated Design, Personal Approach.

After decades in the Charlotte area, Magliocca has cultivated a wealth of professional relationships in the Queen City’s building industry, as well as a trove of knowledge that he applies to deliver the highest quality service and supplies to all New Life Building Supplies clients, whether commercial or private.
Jack of All Trades

P atty H endrix Broker/Realtor ® & Top Producer for 39 years Licensed in NC & SC 704.577.2066 | ©2022 Corcoran Group LLC. All rights reserved. Corcoran® and the Corcoran Logo are registered service marks owned by Corcoran Group LLC. Corcoran Group LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Sold | $1,800,000 | Pellyn Wood 4921 Hardison Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 7BR | 4BA | 4,435 sq. ft. Sold | $2,047,500 | Wendover Hills 158 McAlway Road, Charlotte, NC 28211 5BR | 4.1BA | 4,571 sq. ft. For Sale | $2,495,000 | Myers Park 1224 Wareham Court, Charlotte, NC 28207 4BR | 4.1BA | 5,076 sq. ft. For Sale | $1,795,000 | Summerlake 2501 Flintgrove Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 6BR | 4.1BA | 5,806 sq. ft. Please reach out if you are considering a move. It would be my honor to represent you!

— info — /
work creating a spacious home. The light-colored floors and walls pair well with the blue hues of the furniture— not to mention the area rug from Artisan Rug Gallery. The custom paneling and ceiling from ITC Millwork, coupled with the light fixtures from Visual Comfort and Hudson Valley Lighting, draw the eye upward in a way that makes the space feel bigger. Putting it all together gave the clients the perfect place to entertain everyone from family and friends to business associates. @kendrapheasanthilldesigns

Part of what makes interior designing such a rewarding process is the chance to work with the same clients over and over as their lifestyles change. That’s one reason why this house in Weddington, NC, with a build by Arcadia, was such a fun opportunity for the team at Pheas ant Hill Designs. With this home being their second project for the clients, it was easier to understand exactly the direc tion the clients wanted to take for their new dream home. After choosing a plot in The Meadows, the team got to @hartwhiteinteriors 828.310.0340 www.yoshiokaphoto.comYoshiokaKeitaroPhotography:

relaxed look, and plenty of textures and unique pieces. The majority of the furniture in the bedroom is from Sherrill, and Ashley Mullis installed the wallpaper. The brass hard ware offsets the dark walls and adds a luxe touch to the room. The lush bedding and thick rug make for a comfort able, inviting spot to retire after a long day spent on the water. Want more? See the whole home in our 2022 Food & Drink Issue or at info / @lucyandcompany

Lake Toxaway was the beautiful backdrop for a full-home overhaul by Beth Conant Keim, the owner of interior design firm Lucy and Company. The goal between designer and client was to create a mountain-inspired vacation getaway that would take advantage of the already existent sweeping lake view. This bedroom, part of the 4,500 square foot, four bed room home, perfectly encapsulates the modern mountain aesthetic Beth wove throughout by using lighter colors, a
Some restrictions apply. Offer may not be applied to previous purchases.
SPECIALTY SHOPS SOUTHPARK 6401 Carnegie Blvd | Charlotte NC 28211 | 704-442-4006 Experience the luxury of Scandia Down


Keeping with the theme, the windows are also larger than usual, bringing in as much natural light as possible for the clients. The chrome hardware and light fixtures brighten ev erything up even further and match nicely with the gray tile framing the windows. The end result is a modern home that has that unique, high-end feel that Grande Custom Builders is known for.
— info — / @grandecustombuilders
Clients come to Grande Custom Builders with the expectation of excellence — they know that a cookie-cutter home won’t cut it, and they want to work with builders who know that, too. That’s why this home was made with the in tention of creating a unique yet cohesive look in every room. The kitchen is a prime example, where the dark oversized is land draws the eye in contrast with the light floors.

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Living room video streaming, home office Zoom meetings, virtual school in the bonus room, soothing audio in the master bedroom, and automated lighting and shades throughout your home. Control your technology with one simple and easy to use solution from Home Technology Solutions. 704-708-5126

Lucas describes the homeowners on this project as a “charm ing couple who married later in life and have a mutual love of travel, art, and entertaining… [the client] is incredibly bubbly and bright, so we wanted her home to reflect that.”
Born and raised in North Carolina, Lucas also co-founded a design-forward wallpaper and fabric company, House of Harris, with her sister and fellow designer Liz Harris Carroll. No matter the task or project at hand, Lucas’ own unique vision is coupled with her attunement to each individual client’s way of thinking about styling, living, and entertaining.
Lucas and her team started with a strong, saturated color palette of blues, reds, and purples and coupled it with lots of
A home designed and reimagined by Charlotte Lucas Interior Design.

Charlotte Lucas brings the impact of color, pattern, and detail to all her work. The interior designer, who started her eponymous firm, Charlotte Lucas Interior Design, in 2012 now spearheads projects all across the Southeast.
With this Myers Park transitional three-bedroom home, Lucas married the old with new, placing favorite family trea sures alongside elevated pieces to create a home that’s inspired and totally original.

From that splashy wall to the flower-forward powder room

and the dramatic dining area, every inch of this home is a nod to Charlotte Lucas Interior Design’s capacity for whimsy and impact.Asalways, the design team sourced from many local ven dors. The kitchen countertops are from Levantina, the foyer rug is from Charlotte Rug Gallery, and the custom hood in the kitchen is from Copper Innovations. The rug in the fam ily room is STARK and artist Sally King Benedict (via Hidell Brooks Gallery) commissioned the eye-catching statement piece in the family room.
— info — / @charlottehlucas
imaginative patterns and memorable art pieces—they pushed the “bold” theme even further with the undeniably unforget table peacock perched at the entryway, ready to greet visitors.

“In one of our first meetings,” Lucas shares, “[our client] came in with a magazine cutout featuring a variety of beauti ful jewel tones. Given the couple’s love of travel and art, they also wanted to showcase the many pieces and meaningful treasures they’ve collected along the way —hence the giant gallery wall at the entry.”

Obtain the Property Report required by Federal law and read it before signing anything. No Federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. This information shall not constitute a valid offer in any state where prior registration is required. © 2022 Blowing Rock Resort Venture, LLC. Schedule your Discovery Tour to begin a life well-lived. | | 828.520.8901 The Meadows is the culmination of all the things that make Blue Ridge Mountain Club something extraordinary. Complete with its own village center full of four-season premier amenities and walkable lifestyle, The Meadows blends a vibrant sense of community with serene natural surroundings that brings it all home. Welcome to The Meadows at Blue Ridge Mountain Club. an to L e a r n Mo Two Hours from Charlotte • World-Class Amenities • 50+ Miles of UTV & Hiking Trails • Four-Season Community Near Blowing Rock • Homes from $999k NowfromAvailable$ 999K

@QCEXCLUSIVE • 97 TRAVELACCOMMODATIONS • PLACES • ADVENTURES words JOE SCHUBERTH photos courtesy DREAMERS WELCOME Drift away in the design-focused luxury accommodations of Dreamers Welcome. A TRAVELERSPLACEFOR

Wilmington is an idyllic getaway for any Carolinian, and now there is a new way to experience elevated accommodations by the coast. Dreamers Welcome, located in the heart of historic Wilmington, is a design-focused hospitality group offering luxurious amenities, invisible service, and curated guest experiences.Dreamers

DW’s other location, DRIFT AWAY, is a cozy 1950s bungalow in Wilmington’s historic Sunset Park. Unlike the separated suites of DREAMER, DRIFT AWAY is a three-bedroom home complete with a full kitchen and a spacious deck that extends to a lush private backyard garden—perfect for a weekend retreat with friends or family.
sleeping in late? DREAMERS serves complimentary vegan and vegetarian breakfast upon request, and Bespoke Coffee & Dry Goods is only two blocks away.

which direction you turn, DREAMERS is only a short stroll from countless local restaurants, boutique storefronts, and the Wilmington Riverwalk. Feeling like

Both locations are more than just minimal in their design; they also use minimal paper and plastic so guests can rejuvenate with minimal stress and mess. But Dreamers Welcome offers more than just beautiful lodgings. Guests can book in-room massages, on-property yoga classes, and car pickups to and from Wilmington International Airport or Wilmington’s top-rated beaches, such as Wrightsville Beach and the ferry-accessible Mansboro Island.
Welcome hosts two locations within Wilmington, each with unique elements and atmosphere.
DREAMERS by DW offers the charm of a renovated Victorian home set in a tree-lined residential street in Downtown Wilmington. Each of the four uniquely designed suites features the era-defining high ceilings, crown molding, and large original windows, with chic en-suite bathrooms, furnishings, and appliances.Nomatter
Compliments To The Chef
Discover seasonal offers on vacation rentals & more at

beautiful fall day. A group of friends gathered at the coast for an epic Friendsgiving feast. Sea bass instead of turkey. It was indeed a bold move, but Byron never had a doubt. Thanks to the zesty marinade, an attentive eye, and open-minded friends, it all worked out deliciously.


Wilmington is also rich in historical gems. Hop aboard a water taxi to the World War II Battleship North Carolina, explore Fort Fisher, or schedule Springbrook Farm’s carriage tour of Wilmington’s 230-block National Register Historic District.
For a luxurious coastal getaway, look no further than Dreamers Welcome in Wilmington, NC. With two locations boasting unique atmospheres and amenities, you can load your weekend stay with adventure and return to a perfect place to lounge. Book now and enjoy all that beautiful Wilmington and Dreamers Welcome’s accommodations have to offer.

info • @naturesspacharlotte 6311 Carmel Road • Charlotte, NC 28226 • (704) 542-7306 Nature’s Spa is a purveyor of decadent treats for the soul. As a family owned, appointment only boutique spa, we focus on perfecting every treatment using the finest ingredients and staffing a unique group of highly trained, natural born healers. is charming, petite spa offers a one-of-a-kind experience. Whether you desire a brief respite from the world or a multi-hour pampering experience, we have a variety of services and packages to help you make the most of your time with us. We also offer gi certificates so you can share the gi of relaxation. How do you treat yourself?

If traveling with little ones, drive down to meet Luna, a rare albino alligator, at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher or spark their creativity at the Children’s Museum of Wilmington, across the street from DREAMERS.

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tours, like the sunset and dolphin tour, the guided history and artisans tour, or the family scavenger hunt. With an island that has a rich history and ecosystem like Daufuskie, there’s lots to absorb. As with any island, boating is also an excellent way to explore. If you don’t have your own, there are several options for day rentals or water taxis. Daufuskie Island is also home to many small businesses. There are plenty of local shops and artists, from the Iron Fish Art Gallery, where you can admire sculptures of coastal animals all sculpted by artist Chase Al len, to Daufuskie Blues, a store and studio dedicated to the col or indigo. If you decide to stay at Haig Point, you can partake in golf, tennis and equestrian rides.

Where to Eat
Only a mile from the bustling island of Hilton Head lies quaint Daufuskie Island. Only reachable by boat or ferry, Daufuskie is a place where time seems to simply slow down. With its beautiful beaches, lush greenery and rich history, Daufuskie is the perfect place for a quiet, lowkey weekend in the

Speaking of small businesses and local restaurants, Daufuskie is home to some excellent, locally-owned restaurants. Stop by the Old Daufuskie Crab Company Restaurant for fresh sea food and oysters, prepared right before your eyes. You can also swing by D’Fuskies Store and Eatery for more casual fare, like sandwiches or pizza. If you’re in the mood for a cup of coffee, try School Grounds Coffee, a coffee shop located inside the old schoolhouse. With rich history and little com mercial development, Daufuskie Island is a charming destina tion for a relaxing, oceanside getaway that’s still a little off the beaten path.
There are plenty of activities to choose from once you’re on Daufuskie Island. If your group is over 21, you can visit the Daufuskie Island Distillery to try the rum distilled on the island. You can also visit Silver Dew Winery, the oldest winery in South Carolina. Looking to explore? There are a variety of different

Daufuskie is the Lowcountry’s best kept secret.
What to do
Daufuskie Island to the mainland, the only way to get there is by boat. Luckily, there is daily ferry pick up from Bluffton, South Carolina that drops off passengers on Melrose Point on the island. There are no hotels on Daufuskie, but there are plenty of beach cottages on Airbnb to choose from. You can also choose to stay at Haig Point, the island’s only pri vate community. Haig Point offers a room in a lighthouse direct ly across from Hilton Head for guests. They also offer rooms in the old Strachan Mansion, or cottages around the property. Haig Point offers its own ferry from Daufuskie to Hilton Head. The primary way to get around the island is by golf cart, which many Airbnbs offer, or you can rent from third party companies all around Daufuskie.
Showroom: 1141 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28205 | 704.344.1875 | Mike@WindowAndDoorPros.Com | For 25 years Window & Door Pros has been serving Charlotte builders and homeowners with the finest selection of windows, doors, and architectural products. WINDOW & DOOR PROS Established 1996

East West Partners’ new development, The Cape on Kiawah Island, is the first whole ownership luxury residence offering on the island in 40 years. Poised to open next year, The Cape of fers the intersection between rare escape and reality that only the Kiawah Island community can offer. The beachfront housing development spans 14 acres and will be home to over 70 coastalmodernLivingresidences.ontheseashore is one of the many benefits and ameni ties of The Cape. East West Hospitality provides onsite property managers and maintenance to ensure lasting property values,
words JOHN MUGABE photos courtesy THE CAPE ON KIAWAH
A look at Kiawah Island’s new luxury home community.

Kiawah, with its lush greenery and pristine beaches, stretches ten miles off the coast of South Carolina’s Lowcountry region, and its magnetic beauty attracts all walks of life. Located just south of Charleston, and within close reach of Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA, Kiawah Island is ripe to become more than a temporary bliss.


and The Cape is also home to The Cape Club, a beach club featuring an infinity pool, sun deck, al fresco dining at the outdoor bar and grill, a fitness center, and watersports for the whole family to enjoy. Residents can expect a private roof top deck, a grand lawn, outdoor showers, as well as a dune garden and oceanfront boardwalks as part of the community amenities.
The Cape on Kiawah Island values sustainability in its development, committing to resource-efficient infrastructure and energy-efficient materials and utilities. The community expects to offer a LEED Gold certification for the Cape residenc es to ensure the highest living at the lowest cost to the crucial environment that makes Kiawah Island such a consistently desirable location.
Expected to be completed in 2023, The Cape on Kiawah makes a home out of an island community that beckons to both the adventurers and the homemakers. The community offers two-, three-, and four-bedroom floor plans along with a pent house model; all are designed to maximize the stunning natural setting.
info / @thecapeonkiawah
Owners are also granted the opportunity to gain membership to the Kiawah Is land Club, a private membership club which offers additional amenities including but not limited to two championship golf courses, a 9,000 square foot sports pa vilion, and a spa and sporting club to make the most of the time in the community.
The development is already being embraced by a community of locals, with Charleston-based Cortney Bishop Design leading the look for the interiors of the community. Charleston’s Trident Construction will carry out the exceptional ex ecution of the lofty aesthetic the Cape on Kiawah Island presents to its residents.

©2022 Corcoran Group LLC. All rights reserved. Corcoran® and the Corcoran Logo are registered service marks owned by Corcoran Group LLC. Corcoran Group LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Broker/Realtor ® & Top Producer for 20 years Licensed in NC & SC Meredith TomaS cak As a native Charlottean and second generation Realtor ®, I have been honored to witness the evolution of the Queen City and its real estate market. I am passionate about sharing that knowledge with my clients and providing the highest level of service. I’m here to help when you are ready to make a move!



Charlotte comes to life from the vantage point of the locals who love the area most. These photographers share a love of capturing the Queen City and the Carolinas and sharing it with oth ers. We invite you to meet these talented Charlotte photographers and see some of their amazing images.

“I grew up in Northern California but moved to North Caro lina 18 years ago to pursue a career in NASCAR. That career path led me to be able to travel with free time and a rental car, so I eventually rediscovered my love for the outdoors and then realized I lived in one of the most incredible states when it comes to diversity of hiking and landscapes. I bought a camera in 2017 to fill this passion I had as a kid for photography and hiking. Since then, that camera has taken me to places I never imagined existed, sunrises you'd swear were fake, and water falls and lighthouses that seemed like a fairy tale. It's made me rethink the direction my life is headed and I couldn't be more excited about it but it's all because of that camera purchase.”
Mike Anthony
Best Buy with my camera, I realized that I had the chance to take my own skyline pictures, and I just started to run with it.”
Behind the camera with some of the most talented Charlotte photographers.
“I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC and grew up seeing amazing pictures of the Charlotte skyline. I had been thinking about buying a camera for a while, but it wasn’t until I was on a camping trip and I just couldn’t get my phone to take the same picture that my eyes saw that I got serious. Once I got home from
Justin Potter @jpotterphoto
“From a young age, I had a fascination with photography and film. From weddings to landscapes, I enjoy all the challenges involved in photographing our world. In 2015, I made the de cision to turn my life-long passion into a career and launched my first photography business. Even after 15 years of living in Charlotte, the Queen City skyline continues to be my favorite to Mylescapture.”Gelbach
“Charlotte has given me so much in my life; one of those things is photography. It has allowed me to be free in the sense of always striving to create something different. And I hope that my photog raphy evokes a feeling and a glimpse of that moment I've captured.” Andrew Weber is a photographer, videographer, and podcast host. His photos are inti mate and raw. Weber has the uncanny ability to capture honest, everyday glimpses of the Queen City and those who inhabit it. When he’s not out shoot ing, he hosts the podcast “Those In Our CLT Community,” which highlights dif ferent Charlotte locals who are making an impact at home.
Taylor Smith
As a motorsport and automotive pho tographer, Jamey Price lives life in the fast lane. The Charlottean and father of two was named the 2019 Motors port Photographer of the Year by the National Motorsports Press Associa tion. When he’s not traveling the world photographing fast-moving vehicles, he doubles as the staff photographer for QC Exclusive.
a photographer. After spending 20-plus years in the investment management world, I stepped away to follow my creative passion of photography and videography, and founded my company The 5 and 2 Project which captures Charlotte’s story visually from street to Jameysky.

For more photographers:
Andrew Weber @andyjweber
Kevin Young @the5and2project
“My name is Taylor James Smith, I'm
“My very first job was a wedding pho tographer’s assistant back in the early 1990’s, and there were no digital cam eras or smartphones. I got paid $50 per wedding no matter how long it lasted! I have always loved capturing natural and authentic moments from behind the lens. Being able to capture unique compositions is one of my strengths as
a 32-year-old self-taught photogra pher from Charlotte, North Carolina. I started taking photos with my iPhone 3 in 2008 for the sake of looking back on moments and sharing them with fam ily and friends. In the eight years since, that hobby has turned into a passion of mine and a career in various indus tries. I'm grateful to live here, and I feel like Charlotte is a great place to live if you're a photographer!”


Jeremiah Allen
Charity Washington
words SUNNY HUBLER and LIZA CARRASQUILLO photos JAMEY PRICE and KYO H. NAM or courtesy participants
Who: CEO and founder of Liberate Your Palate and The Cocktailery.
Who: The owner and founder of Capti vate, at SouthPark mall, and a leader in the beauty and fashion industry for over 20 years, with multiple storefront and

What: What is now The Cocktailery first grew as a concept from Liberate Your Palate, Curtis’ original business that she created in 2015. Curtis is a selfdescribed “lover of a good cocktail par ty,” so it makes perfect sense that LYP and The Cocktailery are ways for Tamu to provide services for the craft drink en
thusiast. As any good party lover, Tamu is always rocking a look chic enough for day or night, and we love the way she can rock neutrals and splashy colors with equal effortlessness.
Find fashion inspiration from 22 of Charlotte's fashion influencers and style icons.
Tamu Curtis
• @tamucurtis
clients in her portfolio.
Who: The founder and CEO of fashion brand Rook and King.
• •
What: As one of Charlotte’s premier bou tiques—and the only one in the SouthPark mall owned by a Black woman—Char ity’s boutique, Captivate, has garnered a reputation for supplying unique, highend clothes that rival the designer brand powerhouses all around it. Charity has dressed everyone from star athletes to Grammy award-winning artists and con tinues to be in high demand.
Renata Gasparian
Who: The owner of fashion line RENA TA clothing.
What: Jeremiah understands the power a simple accessory can hold—especially one with a handmade touch. Through Rook and King’s handcrafted lapel pins, Allen has not only brought a unique accessory to CLT locals, but has also made a name for himself as an artisan along the way.
What: Renata has over 17 years of ex
• @charityluvs
Tamu Curtis
Renata Gasparian
Few industries change as rapidly— and as drastically—as the fashion indus try. It can feel as if colors and shapes are blurring together in a cycle of runway shows moving faster than a hurricane. But for those keyed into that world, it can feel as if they’re right in the eye of the storm—right in an unmoving center where they can innovate and pull from all that’s around them, including their environments.Asagrowing city with residents from all walks of life, Charlotte is just the right place for all kinds of style icons to flex their creativity. We put this list to gether so you can discover some of the Queen City’s most iconic style influenc ers and get inspired about their foray into the fashion world.
Irina Toshkova
• @renata_gasparian
Who: The owner of modern men’s fash ion boutique Bruce Julian Clothier.

Whitley Adkins
Girl CarrieTribe’sBarker & Sarah Baucom
Bruce Julian
Twine Elizabeth White
• @brucejulians
What: Carrie Barker and Sarah Bau com originally met in sixth grade at Holy Trinity Catholic Middle School in Char
lotte, NC but did not become friends un til years after graduating college. Out of this was formed the Girl Tribe Facebook group of over 17,000 women (local and nationwide) who all believe in women supporting women. Eventually, their col laboration grew into a curated collective of women-owned businesses in the fash ion/style space. Today, they have a brickand-mortar on Camden in South End. They source from not only Carrie and Sarah’s eye for style, but that of dozens of Charlotte women, as well.
Who: The founder of Toshkova Fine Art (TFA) Advisory.
• @thequeencitystyle
Who: The co-owners and co-founders of Girl Tribe Co., a Charlotte boutique and collective that regularly hosts pop-ups.

& JacquelynTwig'sTugwell And
jeremiah Allen
• @irina.toshkova
Who: These two sisters co-founded and co-run jewelry business Twine & Twig. What: Twine & Twig features handtied, hand-stitched, and hand-branded pieces that now include lifestyle and apparel as well as their original acces sories. The sisters each bring their own looks to the jewelry line and are fre quently dabbling with fashion-forward clothing: Elizabeth often dons flowy, feminine dresses while Jacqueline tends to play with more masculine tex tures, like denim and leather. Together, they bring their line to life and give us all plenty of inspiration as to how to take their pieces and make them compli ment our own individual aesthetic.
Whitley Adkins
What: The boutique is a preeminent fashion source in Charlotte, opened in 1965. Bruce’s personal style is every bit as interesting as the shop itself, which is also home to a Bloody Mary bar in the back. Look to him for mod ern ways to dress a Southern gentle man, and elevate your ability to wear linen, don a hat, or pair unexpected suit colors and patterns.
• @twineandtwigstyle
perience in Brazil’s high fashion world, which helped give her the foundation to launch her own line. Renata describes herself as someone who “likes to be a maximalist in a minimalistic way.” Her own looks often incorporate flowy, fresh dresses and skirts with patterns, texture, and accessories—all with the goal of selfexpression, and inspiring others to use their daily outfits as a way to do the same.
Irina Toshkova
What: Irina has over 15 years of experi ence in the art market, including travels to New York, Washington, DC, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, and across Eu rope. She works with beginning and es tablished art collectors with collection management, specializing in contempo rary art, and recently consulted at the newly opened Bazal to select art for the gallery. With her keen eye for fine art, she also brings an astute, creative touch to her own outfits.
• @girltribeco
Who: A fashion stylist, magazine style editor, creative director and producer.
What: If you know Charlotte style, you know Whitley. She’s the driving force be hind many a fashion shoot and more styl ish locals’ street looks than we can count. Whitley’s outfits, whether for herself or a client, tend toward the bold, unexpected, and playful, and she lives her own best fashion advice to “put your best self for ward.” If you need help getting outside the box or breathing new life into your wardrobe, Whitley is your woman.
Twine & Twig’s Jacquelyn Tugwell and Elizabeth White

• @neshapai
Amanda Laird Cherry
expert event designer who studied con temporary art at Christie’s in London and a custom cake baker. Whether she’s hands-on in one of the restaurants, set ting up a longtable dinner in the Low country, or running around her home town of Charlotte, she seems to always effortlessly marry a classic Southern style alongside a tasteful European touch for a look that’s definingly her own.
What: Windy is yet another example of someone who brings artistic vision off the canvas and into her own fashion choices. Much like her paintings, you can often find her decked out in trendforward bright colors, playful textures, and softer, feminine touches. Windy’s studio is in South End at 2222 Hawkins Street, where you can view and buy her paintings, textile designs and handpainted silk pillows and fabrics.
Jekia Benson
• @queencitytrends
Vidya Gopalan
What: As a CPA, mom, and busy business owner, Nesha has every reason to neglect a personal aesthetic. Part of her charm and success comes from her ability to el evate a career that others might think of as left-brained only into a creative, styl ish endeavor. Who wouldn’t want a killer CPA who you can also tap for how to style the season’s hottest trends?
Who: Owner of Amina Rubinacci in SouthPark
Hade Robinson
• @amandalairdcherry
What: Putting a look together means more than just finding the right dress or a nice top to match those perfect jeans. It means having the right accessories to go with it—something Jekia Benson nails every time. Not quite ready for a night out? Benson has even found a way to bring style to sleeping with Five13 Studio’s soft sweatpants and matching sweatshirts.
• @windyoconnorofficial
Who: Sarah Wrenn Donelan is the long time Creative Sales Director at Noble Food and Pursuits.
Who: An abstract painter and a textile/ wallpaper designer.
Who: The owner of Five13 Studio, a South End-based womens’ boutique.
• @jekiathestylist
Who: A prolific South African designer who now resides in Charlotte, Amanda runs a self-named fashion line, Amanda Laird Cherry Apparel.

What: Vidya helms a social media pres ence and blog under the name “Queen City Trends.” In addition to outfits, Vidya shares her family life and travel. Look to her for inspiration on the lat est trends that can be worn daily and with ease.
What: In addition to driving the res taurant industry forward, Sarah is an
• @aminarubinaccicharlotte
Jeannie DeMarco
What: Owner Jeannie DeMarco , who has a degree in design, deeply admires Amina's artistry and thought it would be a wonder ful addition to Charlotte's growing bou tique world. Alongside her daughter and business partner, Stuart Yochem, Jean nie strives to introduce Charlotte women to the flawless quality and wearability of this Italian clothing line. Amina Rubinacci Charlotte carries the full line of Italian clothing as well as shoes, handbags, clutch es, outerwear, scarves, eyewear, perfume, and jewelry. It is Jeannie and Stuart's mis sion to find unique accessories that pair well with the Amina collection.
Windy O’Connor
Sarah Wrenn Donelan
• @sawrenn
Who: A lifestyle blogger who leads with her personal style choices.
What: Amanda first showed at South African Fashion Week in 1999. In ad dition to her own designer label, she co-founded an international boutique called The Space. Her pieces, both mens and womenswear, explore the deeply political and personal history of South Africa. Her style marries multiple cul
tural influences into haute couture.
Nesha Pai Who: Nesha is a speaker, author, busi ness-owner, and entrepreneur.
Chandra Johnson
What: Felicia’s expertise built over 15plus years is in the realm of personal and magazine styling, wardrobe con sultations, and media and speaking engagements, including curating style segments for the Charlotte Today Show. Her looks are always trend-forward and wearable, but with a little edge that’s uniquely her own.
What: Frankie’s love for culture, equal ity, respect, and freedom culminated when he participated in a creative Civil Rights Movement with Charlotte’s “Black Lives Matter” Mural and later when he organized his own 16 Artist “Black Lives Matter” Mural in his hometown. It’s no surprise that his love for the arts trans lates into his own daily wear which is casual, cool, and perfectly accessorized.
Pam Stowe
Chandra Johnson
Who: Hade is a style contributor and fashion events organizer.
Richard Pattison
What: Pam has deep ties to the commu nity: Her husband’s uncle, Daniel Stowe, started the botanical garden 20 years ago, and Pam sits on on the Art in the Garden task force. An animal-lover, she also contributes regularly to many other efforts across the city. When it comes to style, Pam’s is eccentric, flashy, and fun. You’ll catch her in unexpected takes on all kinds of looks, and typically acces sorized to a tee.
• @nyoni_couture
• @chandrajohnson
• @pam_stowe
What: Affectionately called “The Charlotte Style Guy,” Hade’s own look is a blend he terms “classic-traditional luxury.” Beyond modeling how to dress himself, Hade focuses on managing a 250-plus SouthPark team so their cus tomers are getting top-notch styling tips, too. Hade also maintains a hand ful of personal clients.
Pam Stowe
• @fabstylesnc
look is a touch Southern, a touch high fashion, and always an inspiration.

Hade Robinson
What: Chandra comes to her style chops honestly: The former fashion model has long loved fine art photography, and be gan producing pop-up exhibitions that eventually turned into her 2015 brick-andmortar. She opened SOCO Gallery, a con temporary art space and bookshop, and the gallery has featured the works of Sally Mann, Scott Avett, Jackie Gendel, Austin Eddy, Juan Logan and more. Chandra’s
Richard Pattison
Felicia Bittle
Who: Co-founder and co-owner of Tay lor, Richards, & Conger.
Who: A creative do-it-all, known for contemporary abstract art forms rang ing from interior design, to automotive design, fashionable apparel, and murals.

What: As an international seller and tailor, he not only learned how to keep an eye out for the latest trends, but also how to take those trends to the next level. By blending Western looks with styles inspired from his Liberian heritage, Sioh has created a style that’s strong and unique—perfect for a mod ern-day gentleman.
Who: A community activist for several philanthropic efforts, including Stand for Animals.
Who: The owner of bespoke menswear shop Nyoni Couture.

• @cltstyleguy
Frankie Zombie
• @trcstyle
Who: Felicia is a Charlotte-based style consultant and entrepreneur who goes by the business name “Styling by Fab.”
Who: Owner of SOCO Gallery.
What: As one of the founding members of the highly respected, luxury spe cialty store in SouthPark, Richard Pat tison is an easy shoe-in for any fashion roundup. The store opened in 1986, and Richard has continued to not only elevate the look of Charlotte men, (and for nearly two decades, Charlotte’s women, too) but also to continue to play with his own personal style, sporting European-inspired, perfectly tailored clothing no matter when you catch him.
If you want to refine or class up your wardrobe, Richard is the pinnacle of that look.
Nyonisela Sioh
So, in this issue we decided to cel ebrate the many talented women in the space who are pushing the artistic limits and making the Queen City such an artforward city! We hope you find this list informative. We hope it leads you to dis cover a new artist whose work you truly love. Lastly, we hope it encourages you to support our local
The talented Ruth Ava Lyons’ beautiful
the Charlotte area for her signature an gels, Moffatt also paints landscapes and abstract pieces. The success of Moffatt’s art enables her to flex her philanthropist muscles, as she often donates proceeds from her art sales to Lindsaycharity.Jones

A mother of two, Amy Moffatt has to squeeze her artistry time from the inbetween minutes of her days, dashing to the easel in her kitchen to paint a few strokes at a time. Although known in

Support some of Charlotte's most gifted local artists.
Lindsay Jones specializes in oil paint ings that depict modern landscapes and abstractions. She has exhibited in galler ies across North Carolina, including the McColl Center and is a board member of Arts for Life.Kathleen
Marcy Gregg
tion to an inability to find exactly that which she was seeking. Today, Kathleen is the winner of Belk’s Southern Designer Showcase, and she continues to break the mold, drawing attention from interior de signers like Beth Keim of Lucy and Com pany in the process. Rare materials and delicate, light features make her work fine and airy—capable of being an aug mentation or the focal point.
Between making her own jewelry and now her fine art line, the creative spirit within Kathleen Murphy is nothing short of infectious. Kathleen says her first mo tivation to make her own jewelry as a child came when she couldn’t find what she wanted anywhere else. Fine art came later, as the same type of hands-on solu
Art is such an important aspect of the evolution and ethos of a city. Over the last decade we have witnessed so much amaz ing growth in the Charlotte art scene. Our region is simply put, chock full of talent. And sometimes for a magazine like us — one that curates local talent — this much abundance makes it harder to narrow down lists like these.
The path that led Marcy Gregg to her artwork was long and arduous. Delivery of her third child left her in a coma with slim chances of recovery. When she ulti mately awoke, most of her memory was gone, but the path of rebuilding her life resurrected her passion for art. She now creates oil paintings that hinge on line work.
Ruth Ava Lyons
creations are scattered throughout Char lotte. Find them across the street from Workman’s Friend in Plaza Midwood, throughout NoDa, along the light rail, and elsewhere. She has also exhibited throughout the country, including at the Met. Nature inspires most of her pieces.
Melissa Herriott
Molly Wright
Elisa Sanchez is a Charlotte illustrator who draws and creates strikingly unique work on a wide variety of surfaces. Her work explores the juxtaposition of harsh and soft, organic and rigid, even life and death. She uses ink and fire, paper and paint, to create sculpture and images that you won’t soon forget, from paper taxider my to pyrography and painted ‘tattoos’ us ing a brush and india.
Lita Gatlin
Mary Kamerer
Charlotte artist Ashley Sellner creates abstract and landscape paintings and collages inspired by the idea of divine pilgrimage. When not painting, Sellner is photographing. Her photography has been printed in publications like Savor, Four, and HGTV Magazine.

Lita Gatlin is an artist of many subjects and mediums. However, you’ll most often find her painting her personal take on a contemporary landscape, full of bold col or and often rendered with oil paint. Lita began drawing with ink and pencil as a child, but didn’t make it her full-time pur suit until after she had spent nearly two decades in the banking sector and become a mother. What called her back to art was simple, a passion that couldn’t be ignored.
The talented artist Molly Wright’s paint ings are impressionistic, sometimes verg ing on abstract, and are characterized by bright colors and, often, repetition. She has exhibited throughout the Southeast, but her work can currently be found online.
ceramics, watercolor, stained glass, pho tography, and even a one-year goldsmith ing apprenticeship. Painting, however, is what calls her most often, and she says she has become enchanted with capturing the charm and simplicity of life in the ru ral South. An emphasis on textures, light and shadows can be seen in her impres sionistic paintings of Carolina landscapes.
with her yoga and lifestyle brand, The Traveling Gypsy. Now, alongside her mother Ann, the yogi has launched a new venture, Duarte Designs, a mural business dedicated to transforming the Queen City’s blank spaces.

Sydney Duarte has successfully cata pulted herself onto the Charlotte scene
Kristen van Diggelen Sloan
Ashley Sellner
Kristen van Diggelen Sloan lives in York County, South Carolina, but she’s just a stone’s throw from Charlotte, where her work has exhibited at the McColl Center and Anne Nielson Fine Art. She primarily crafts oil paintings and sculptures.Sydney
melissa herriott
For some thirty-odd years, Mary has pur sued creative arts of all sorts, including
Elisa Sanchez
Taking in Melissa Herriott’s art, you’d never guess that she took a break from painting… for 20 years. Her pieces look as though they flow fluidly from her, no matter whether the medium is acryl ic or ink. Abstract and color-driven, Herriott’s work showcases in spaces throughout Charlotte. Regardless of the subject, Herriott’s work never fails to stun, assuring her position on our list of female Charlotte artists to keep your eye on.
provoking installations and paint ings, as well. With an art degree from UNC and a degree in visual arts from Wollongong University in New South Wales, Australia, she has exhibited internationally. She is a member of the Asian American Women Artists Association, and, with husband Till Schmidt-Rimpler, became founder and artistic director of a non-profit project called Moving RosaliaRosaliaPoets.Torres-WeinerTorres-Weinerisanartist, ac tivist and community leader. Her work is featured in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum has been exhibited in venues including the McColl Center for Arts and Innova tion, Levine Museum of the New South, UNCC’s Projective Eye Gallery, the City of Raleigh Museum, the Birmingham Civ
Katherine BOXALL
Evelyn Henson
il Rights Institute, and the Mexican Cul tural Institute in Washington D.C. Her public murals celebrate the rich history and changing demographics of the South, and Rosalia uses her art to document so cial conditions and raise awareness. The issues she explores are typically those affecting immigrant communities like family separation, racism, and moving beyond commonKatherinestereotypes.Boxall
Evelyn Henson is the talent behind the now-iconic Confetti Hearts Wall and the Confetti Stripes Wall in Charlotte’s South End. “I set out to create something color ful that would inspire passersby to walk away happier and more filled with love and kindness,” Henson says of the 40-foot murals. Her other work is just as bright and joyful as the mural and, through her website, her designs are available for pur chase in a variety of forms, including on mugs, prints, and
Katherine Boxall has filled supporting roles for the artist community, she be longs center-stage as an artist. Her work, each piece often enormous in size, elicits open-mouthed awe, and has been exhib ited in Canada, Australia and the United States. Her process is both intentional and intuitive, big and small. She tests colors, textures, compositions, and other elements on small canvases placed aside

MyLoan’s is art that’s very much of the world—often socio-political in nature, her mixed-media relics are imbued with new meaning as she deftly plac es them in different contexts. Look up her work and you’ll find thought-
ing’s work has been exhibited through out the Carolinas, and even has been displayed within Charlotte’s own cityscape through ArtPop Street Gal lery
her massive and final canvas. She fol lows her intuition as she tests, then intentionally compiles each element in her final composition. She has expand ed her repertoire to abstract and mixed media painting. Her expansive artistic wheelhouse affords Boxall the creative flexibility she
Amanda Moody
Artist and longtime North Carolin ian Julia Lawing synchronizes color and texture to capture the essence of a moment and evoke the emotion and energy of life’s mundane beauty. Law
learned to be patient during the cre ation process, to wait for the layers of each piece to unfold before adding more paint. This is especially important given that Moody rarely begins one of her pieces with a plan in mind. Moody’s creative process and the trance-like ef fect of her finished pieces replicate the processes and effects of nature, which she identifies as a primary form of in spiration. To Moody, nature is a model of symbiosis, connection, and complex ity, in which she finds not only inspira tion, but also comfort and fodder for meditation.
Julia Lawing
Mary Erickson paintings are dreamy but realistic, respectful renderings. They are influenced by the tradition of the artists that come after the French Impressionists of the 1800s. High Ridge Gardens, where Mary works, is a 39 acre nature preserve and artist retreat. Running this retreat has al lowed Erickson to pursue her passion of painting while promoting conserva tion efforts and fostering a thriving art community.
Trudi Norris’ abstract paintings are of ten characterized by vibrant splashes of color. Norris has exhibited at Anne Nielson Fine Art and throughout North Carolina.
Although she studied studio art at UNCG and Appalachian State, most of Amanda Moody’s artistic education is informed by trial and error. She has

For more artist stories





Founded in Charlotte, NC, TFA Gallery + Ad visory is a thriving firm working to fill a sig nificant need in today’s art market for a clientoriented combination of deep market knowledge and relationships with artists. Catering to wide range of art enthusiasts, TFA Gallery + Adviso ry provides a comprehensive range of services from private individual collectors to estab lished institutions. NC • (704)

tation, management, and value reporting for private and corporate collectors.
Focusing on art consultation and collection management, TFA Gallery + Advisory provides art acquisition, installation, curating, and mar ket intelligence as well as collection documen
Charlotte, NC 28207 •
TFA GALLERY + ADVISORY GALLERY + @tfaadvisoryADVISORY•2325Crescent Ave.
804-8896 • •
Toshkova Fine Art Gallery + Advisory (TFA Gallery + Advisory) builds authentic rela tionships between art lovers and today’s most progressive and passionate artists. With the wealth of information to interpret and the many venues from which to choose, they offer clients tailored services to best fit their unique needs.
sponsored partner section Charlotte,

W here art , fashion and music all come together. A bespoke environment that sets elegance as the standard. Charlotte’s one-of-a-kind venue is also available for private event bookings.
The gallery’s walls are adorned with art from both local and international artists.

The drink menu consists of top-shelf liquors, artful cocktails and unique spirits from around the world.

The music is deep, “sexy” house, played by a DJ at a comfortable volume to allow pa trons an atmosphere that fosters intimacy and socialization.
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124 • sponsoredQCEXCLUSIVE.COMpartner section INTERIOR STYLING FIRM
Melissa Herriott - Owner • • • @melissaherriott Charlotte, NC M. HERRIOTT DESIGNS

Designs is a Charlotte-based interior styling firm made up of art ists and design specialists dedicated to creating beautiful, unique spaces that reflect the clients' visions. We breathe new life into homes using color, decor, fur niture and artwork. Whether you’re looking for a little help, or a lot, we are here to help you love where you live.

• AMERICANgrovewood.comART&CRAFTsponsoredpartnersection

Asheville, NC
stablished in 1992, Grovewood Gallery is nationally recognized for its dedication to fine American art and craft. The gallery, locat ed in historic Grovewood Village in Asheville, is notable for its charming, old-world setting and rich craft heritage. This site once housed the weaving and woodworking operations of Biltmore Industries, an Arts and Crafts enter prise that played a significant role in the Ap palachian Craft Revival during the early 20th century.Today, Grovewood Gallery offers over 9,000 square feet of finely crafted jewelry, textiles, pottery, glass, and much more, contributed by
TheMountains.galleryisopen 7 days a week from 10am – 5pm. Select artwork is available to purchase online at You can also follow Grovewood Gallery (@grovewoodgal lery) on Facebook and Instagram to see their latest offerings.
Grovewood Gallery • 111 Grovewood Rd. • Asheville, NC • 28804 • (828) 253-7651

over 300 artists from across the United States. The gallery’s second-floor showroom features an impressive collection of American-made studio furniture and lighting. Visitors can also enjoy a leisurely stroll through Grovewood’s sculpture garden, complete with panoramic views across the valley to the nearby Blue Ridge

stablished in 1998, Shain Gal lery has earned a reputation as one of the finest contemporary art providers in the Southeast. Located in the Myers Park neighborhood of Charlotte, NC, and owned by Sybil Godwin, the gallery was awarded Charlotte Magazine’s "Best Gallery" distinction.ShainGallery serves a discrimi
nating clientele of regional home owners and corporations and represents over forty different na tionally and regionally acclaimed artists. The gallery offers consulta tion and acquisition assistance, an annual schedule of exhibitions, and welcomes clients who are just be ginning to collect art and those who have been collecting for years. Selwyn Charlotte, NC • 704-334-7744
Avenue •
• @shaingallery
126 • sponsoredQCEXCLUSIVE.COMpartner section Charlotte, NC SHAIN GALLERY CONTEMPORARY ART


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128 • QCEXCLUSIVE.COMAllenTateRealtors ...............130 Amina Rubinacci........................... 10 Anne Neilson Fine Art ...............51 Arcadia Homes............................33 Arcadia Art Consultancy 79 Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group...... 129 Bardo JLaytonHomeHi-LineHendersonHeirloomHartWhiteGraperGrandeGerrardEmpireDonaldDiamondsDTRDLVSCCrystalCottinghamCarolinaCadenzaBrandonBlueBlackhawkBedsideBechtler.............................................62MuseumOfModernArt..47Manor............................89Hardware...............81RidgeMountainClub......96LawnRealEstate......27........................................58Dental..........................41Chalk.....................37Coast.............................99.............................................83SouthPark............................36Direct.......BackCoverHaackDiamonds...........13Communities..................101Builders......................24CustomBuilders..........8HarperCosmeticSurgery..22Interiors.................87Restaurant...............69Ventures................43AutoHaus......................36TechnologySolutions..91Interiors........................21 Julia Lawing ..................................16 Karen Kettler Design ................42 Ken Riel LinkLakeKingswood..........................................46....................................17NormanRealty...................31&Pin........................................69LisaMcCrossanInvestorJackson...67LizaCaminiti..................................71LucyandCompany........................15MajesticBath...............................74McDevittAgency.........................11MeredithTomascakHMProperties.......106MiddleCJazz...............................28MintHillOrthodontics..........20MintMuseum................................23MyronGreer................................84NativeCollection......................77Nature’sSpa..............................100NestlewoodRealty...................61NewLifeBuildingSupplies.....120,127OasisOutdoor..........................105OmniHotels&Resorts.........128OperaCarolina...........................49OutdoorLightingPerspectives..107PattyHendrixHMProperties..85PeppermintForest....................105PictureHouseGallery..............57PippinHomeDesigns...................56PremierSotheby’s........................6RoyalBuildingGroup................29 Ruth's WindsorWindowVanVANAUrbanToccareTinyTheTaylorTLGSub-zeroSpringdaleSodomaSimoniniShainSeleniteChris.................................28Beauty..........................53Gallery..............................45...........................................4Law..................................55CustomBuilders..39Wolf.............................73Doors&Hardware..............78Richards&Conger.........18Jimmy.......................................65Gods........................................19DaySpa.........................35Barn...................................63...............................................62Every/SmithGalleries...34&DoorPros................103Jewelers........................2 Plan your next getaway, and experience a fun-filled stay packed with amazing amenities, including complimentary access to the Charlotte Athletic Club, as well as fine dining and much more! 704-377-0400 • Be our guest. INDEX

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