Year in Review 2013

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Welcome to the Queensland Performing Arts Centre’s QPAC Year in Review 2013

QPAC has a reputation locally, nationally and increasingly internationally as a centre of excellence. It is the leading performing arts centre in Queensland and along with State Library of Queensland, Queensland Museum and Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art, make up the outstanding Cultural Precinct on Brisbane’s South Bank. QPAC is a place for people to gather, enjoy performances, be entertained and engage with the arts. In 2012-13 QPAC welcomed over one million people to the Centre, presented more than 1200 performances across four theatres and outdoor venues, produced the first Clancestry festival and held the second season in the prestigious QPAC International Series – the Bolshoi Ballet. Many of these visitors travelled from across Queensland and Australia to enjoy QPAC’s quality arts offer. Producing and presenting major events, international exclusives, specially created festivals and the best in local and national performing arts, QPAC is also making a growing contribution to the state’s cultural tourism market. I hope you enjoy this review of QPAC’s 2013 successes and I look forward to our leading performing arts centre providing us with an even bigger and better year in 2014.

The Hon. Ian Walker MP Minister for Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts

CHAIR’S MESSAGE This is my first year as Chair of the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) and I am proud to see the outstanding achievements of the organisation over this and recent years. I come to QPAC knowing that the expertise, experience and enthusiasm of the staff have made the organisation a leader in the performing arts both here in Australia and overseas. At the same time I would like to acknowledge the contribution of the board who give much of their time and experience to support and drive the excellence that is vividly displayed, almost daily. Our appreciation and gratitude is extended to the Queensland Government who provide tangible support that demonstrates their clear understanding of the value that the arts provide to the community. At QPAC we believe that watching, listening, experiencing and making art are some of the most powerful ways for people to understand themselves and the societies they live in and affect change. Our mission is to engage people through live performance in order to enrich lives and enable active participation in civic life. All of our activity reaches towards this mission. As Queensland’s state performing arts centre we fulfill many roles. QPAC is a venue, a producer, an investor, a presenter and a public place. On any given day we simultaneously host artists and companies from around Australia and the world, we produce our own festivals and productions, we collaborate with local arts companies, we create contexts to bridge the space between artist and audience and all the while we ensure the centre remains a viable part of a unique and vibrant cultural precinct. Over the past twelve months QPAC has embarked on a new strategic direction, one that builds on many years of growth and success. Our new plan is underpinned by the concept of ensuring public value is delivered by being entangled with our communities. The plan articulates four key focus areas that drive us – CURATE, LEARN, EXPERIENCE and SUSTAIN – and supports our vision of a world where the performing arts matter to everyone. QPAC has many reasons to be proud of 2013: the first Clancestry festival, the second QPAC International Series, more record attendances and a positive balance sheet for the fourth year running. Our ongoing focus will be on our audience and ensuring that each visit to QPAC is a memorable experience.

Chris Freeman AM Chair




The right way to value QPAC is to look at what it does not just individually but also in terms of leveraging the character, scale and activities of the larger arts industry as a whole. Professor Mark H. Moore

QPAC is Queensland’s premier performing arts venue and a statutory body of the Queensland Government.



Since opening in 1985, with the purpose to contribute to the cultural, social and intellectual development of all Queenslanders, QPAC has grown into one of the most recognised performing arts centres in the Asia Pacific and a driving force of Queensland’s reputation as an exciting and innovative cultural hub. More than 17 million people have attended performances at QPAC since its opening. QPAC is positioned along the riverfront in the heart of the city and located as part of a vibrant cultural and education precinct that encompasses not only the Cultural Precinct – State Library of Queensland, Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art and Queensland Museum – but also Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. This precinct is unique in Australia in size and character and is deeply connected to its surrounding communities.

QPAC’s live performance program reflects a commitment to excellence and diversity and includes works produced or presented by QPAC as well as those presented by others. QPAC regularly collaborates with artists, companies, producers and presenters from around the world, utilising its resources, networks and the expertise of our staff to create a dynamic live performance culture. In addition, QPAC is the performance home for Queensland’s leading performing arts companies – Queensland Ballet, Queensland Theatre Company, Opera Queensland and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. QPAC operates across both the commercial and public sectors, managing the Centre to deliver financial return and fulfil its cultural and social functions. QPAC owns and operates its own ticketing service, qtix, as well as all its food and beverage retail operations. QPAC is also the country’s only major performing arts centre that invests in major musical theatre productions.

Cremorne Theatre 312 seats

Playhouse 850 seats

primarily designed for theatre and dance

intimate and versatile black box theatre space

QPAC belongs to a network of five major performing arts centres in Australia (Sydney Opera House, The Arts Centre [Melbourne], Adelaide Festival Centre, Perth Theatre Trust) and maintains connections with centres around the world. At the heart of QPAC’s activities is the aim to cultivate excellence in cultural thinking, planning and delivery and help build the success of art in Queensland. In all its activity, QPAC strives to be a place that is readily accessible, filled with people learning, exploring and having fun. QPAC has four theatres catering to a range of performance styles as well as a variety of outdoor performance spaces and studios.

Lyric Theatre 2 000 seats designed primarily for opera, ballet and large-scale theatre events such as musicals

Concert Hall 1 570 seats

versatile space, designed primarily for orchestral performances and also used for contemporary music, stand-up comedy and awards presentations

Mind boggling illusions and magic and comedy. Steve – audience review, QPAC website

JANUARY 2013 began in a puff of smoke…with the world’s best magicians live on stage in The Illusionists.


It was scary but I loved it! Oscar Wilson 7


Summer holidays are popular with our youngest artists, audiences and their families. January featured: Hairy Maclary and Dinosaur Petting Zoo, as well as Opera Australia’s musical South Pacific and Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap which began life as a short radio play and has become the world’s longest running production. SOUTH PACIFIC PHOTOGRAPHER JEFF BUSBY, THE MOUSETRAP ORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN CAST PHOTOGRAPHER JAMES MORGAN, HAIRY MACLARY

FEBRUARY Two of the world’s greatest actors came together in the Pulitzer Prize winning play Driving Miss Daisy. Stage and screen legends Angela Lansbury and James Earl Jones were joined by internationally acclaimed theatre actor Boyd Gaines and delighted audiences in this sold out season which premiered in Brisbane ahead of a national tour. Off stage the stars generously gave their time at a fundraising event to benefit the Actors and Entertainers Benevolent Fund (Qld) at a special morning tea held at QPAC’s Lyrebird Restaurant. The Fund assists hundreds of performers each year who have fallen on hard times and need a helping hand.


One of QPAC’s four Resident Companies, Southern Cross Soloists, presented its first performance of the year in the Concert Hall with international mandolin master Avi Avital. The chamber music ensemble’s 2013 season included three subscription concerts across the year, each with renowned special guest artists as well as a range of other performances at QPAC.

Having a reliable home at QPAC has given us opportunities to connect with new communities, be more strategic about our business while continuing to offer audiences outstanding musical experiences. Tanya Fraser, Creative Director, SxS


MARCH QPAC’S inaugural Clancestry: A Celebration of Country was a weeklong festival of free events, workshops, concerts, conversations bookended by opening and closing ceremonies. More than 10 000 people came together to celebrate the arts and culture practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Queensland is home to two indigenous cultures and Clancestry aims to preserve culture, build capacity and build pride among all Australians for the rich and diverse heritage of our First Nations peoples.

Clancestry was supported by the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland and the Backing Indigenous Arts Initiative (Arts Queensland). Clancestry also received widespread community support including 98.9FM radio, Brisbane’s Indigenous music station. QPAC partnered with Nguin Warrup to develop the program for Clancestry and this partnership was recognised at the Queensland Reconciliation Awards.


Clancestry didn’t just honour our stories – it honoured us... Dr Chelsea Bond

our community, our spirit and our people.


QPAC is a venue, producer and presenter. In curating an annual program there is a blend of thoughtfulness, balance and relevance in putting together a program where success is measured in the number of people who visit QPAC and their satisfaction with their visit.

Deeper than this is the aim for QPAC that high quality artistic experiences should be available for all Queenslanders and visitors to the Centre. Curating this program underpins much of how QPAC demonstrates the inherent public value of the organisation.



Legally Blonde: the Musical, the stage adaptation of one of the most popular movies of the 2000s, brought musical theatre favourite Lucy Durack back to QPAC. The building blushed pink throughout the season as audiences visited the specially themed Bend and Snap Bar for cocktails and blow drys before the performance.

MAY Major companies and artists from across Australia perform regularly at QPAC. In 2013 this included the Australian Chamber Orchestra, The Australian Ballet, Musica Viva, Bangarra Dance Theatre, Opera Australia and Sydney Dance Company.


Having QPAC support the Conservatorium’s popular music students has provided these emerging artists with invaluable music industry experience and exposure, and opened them up to a much broader audience than they would previously have had. Dr Donna Weston – QCGU Deputy Director

Melbourne Street Green Friday night, free music, independent artists and the outdoors. QPAC and the Queensland Conservatorium have partnered to produce two performance seasons. Summer = Green Jam. Jazz standards and contemporary funk from The Con students. Winter = The Seed Project. Local independent bands from The Con’s Bachelor of Popular Music with styles from pop, rap, alternate rock, folk and hip hop. PHOTOGRAPHER EMMA GLOEDE

JUNE The Bolshoi Ballet is one of the largest, oldest and most renowned ballet companies in the world. Their exclusive season was their first appearance in Australia in almost two decades. The season formed part of the QPAC International Series, supported by the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland. The two-week sold out season featured the Bolshoi Ballet in two productions: Le Corsaire and The Bright Stream. This visit by the Bolshoi Ballet was a massive undertaking for QPAC logistically and technically. The Bolshoi Ballet was one of the largest companies to have performed at QPAC. The company praised the Queensland Symphony Orchestra for its performance in both productions.


8 shipping containers carrying over 50 tonnes of freight travelled by sea

154 dancers and company staff travelled 14 000 kilometres from Moscow to Brisbane 12 sold out performances in the Lyric Theatre Live simulcast of Le Corsaire to nearly 6 000 people across 9 regional venues Almost 29 000 people experienced the Bolshoi Ballet across Queensland 22.4% of audience from intrastate | 16.3% from interstate

4 kilograms of rosin for dancers’ shoes

The Bolshoi Ballet season was also Feet First on the Cultural Forecourt opening dancing to everyone. A Russian Bazaar on the Melbourne Street Green with traditional Russian dancing, food and wares. The Russian Supper Club in the Lyrebird Restaurant to relax after the performance. Bolshoi Conversation Series in the Concert Hall which featured expert panellists discussing the finer points (or should that be pointe) of ballet.

Tools of the Trade exhibition in the QPAC Museum looking at ballet costume design over the years. Steppe by Step, an installation in the QPAC Tunnel exploring the birth and development of classical ballet. Gala dinner on the Concert Hall stage ahead of opening night for The Bright Stream including a dessert with a balletic twist that left guests amazed.


Creating a memorable experience requires a clear perspective on the dynamics between artists, audiences and setting. There are multiple ways for people to interact with QPAC and our programs – visit our building in South Bank, watch our YouTube channel, dine in our restaurants and bars, take part in discussions, workshops or programs, view exhibitions and installations.

Audiences connect with us digitally via our website and social media profiles as well as via satellite in more remote parts of the state during our live simulcasts. Each year several thousand students have their first experience of QPAC when schools host speech nights in the Concert Hall and Universities their graduations.

JULY War Horse is the story of a beloved horse sold to the cavalry in World War I. The National Theatre of Great Britain’s hit production enthralled audiences in the Lyric Theatre.

Sensational, poignant, innovative. audience review, QPAC website

Exquisite puppets, created by the Handspring Puppet Company, brought the animals to life on stage and made it almost impossible to distinguish between puppet and animal during a visit from the Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation.




QPAC’s annual program features three or four major musical theatre productions. One of this year’s most popular was Grease which began its national tour in Brisbane. On opening night, QPAC’s Melbourne Street Green was transported back in time with a vintage, retro, rockabilly market.

I loved the Grease show! QPAC is a very nice place and the performance was great! For sure I’ll be back soon. Patricia – audience review, QPAC website

From Here QPAC is part of Queensland’s strong and vibrant arts scene and each year partners with a diversity of artists, companies and communities to produce and present works. This year, QPAC presented, and co-presented performances with: Aboriginal Centre for Performing Arts, Brisbane Festival, Camerata of St John’s, Expressions Dance Company, Harvest Rain, Oscar Theatre Co, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, Queensland Music Festival, Queensland Pops Orchestra, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland Youth Orchestra and University of Queensland School of Music.



South Bank’s Cultural Forecourt is QPAC’s front yard. An expansive outdoor space on the banks of the Brisbane River, it regularly transforms to host outdoor cinemas, intimate symphonies, large rock concerts, markets and dance classes.

This year the Feet First program presented as part of the QPAC International Series Bolshoi Ballet season attracted thousands keen to try their skills at rockabilly, swing, tap and more. In September, the Forecourt became the focal point of the city when the 2013 Brisbane Festival presented Santos GLNG City of Lights and the Brisbane Airport Light Garden.


For One Night Only QPAC’s Concert Hall is regarded as one of the best in the country and each year houses an incredibly diverse suite of performances including the world’s largest orchestras, chamber music ensembles, contemporary music artists and stand up comedians. In contrast to long running musical theatre seasons, the Concert Hall features many ‘one night only’ performances from some of the world’s most acclaimed artists.



QPAC connects people, ideas and content to enhance learning in and through performing arts. Throughout the year curated activities – conversation series, foyer talks, online discussions, exhibitions, markets or workshops – support main stage productions.

Stand alone events are also produced to advance discussion and debate on industry issues including cultural policy, public value and arts education. This year Harvard Professor Mark H Moore and US cultural planner Steven Wolff re-visited QPAC to deepen the public conversation on how arts organisations create public value in and for their communities.

OCTOBER QPAC formalised a strategic alliance with one of China’s most prestigious performing arts centres – Guangzhou Opera House. QPAC Chief Executive John Kotzas travelled to China to sign a Friendship Agreement between the two organisations that will mean collaboration across staff professional development as well as the creation of new work.


Queensland’s major performing arts companies present a large part of their annual seasons at QPAC. In 2013 our home companies – Queensland Theatre Company, Opera Queensland, Queensland Ballet and Queensland Symphony Orchestra – represented 22% of performances. As well as being a performance space, QPAC regularly co-produces and presents in partnership with our home companies.




300 young and hopeful Queenslanders auditioned for the roles of Jeremy and Jemima Potts and the chance to be on stage alongside stars David Hobson and Rachel Beck in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


A thrilling night from the powerful, sweeping moments to those that showed such restraint, such a deft touch – this was a wonderful, wonderful evening. Standing ovations that went on for longer than any I’ve experienced and still didn’t feel like quite enough… a perfect evening. Melissa Mitchell, audience review, QPAC website


The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra’s debut visit to Australia came as part of the Orchestra’s 125th anniversary world tour. Named the best orchestra in the world by Gramophone Magazine, their two performances in the Concert Hall continued QPAC’s run of high profile international concerts by leading orchestras.

DECEMBER QPAC’s longest running and most popular annual program, Spirit of Christmas celebrated its 30th concert this year. To mark the occasion, the QPAC Choir released its first Spirit of Christmas album. The QPAC Choir is a community choir and choristers meet weekly to sing together and perform publicly throughout the year.

Something magical happens when a group of individuals sing together, making music so much greater than the sum of its parts. Tim Sherlock – QPAC Choir Master SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. PHOTOGRAPHER DARREN THOMAS

Open House

Each year several thousand students have their first experience of QPAC when schools host speech nights in the Concert Hall and Universities their graduations. Attending these rites of passage at QPAC ensures that for many, the Centre holds a special place in the lives of young Queenslanders. QPAC is a public building and while many of the spaces are freely accessible each and every day there are certain areas that are not usually visible. This changes when QPAC throws open the doors during Brisbane Open House whereby people can tour behind the scenes at QPAC and explore the hidden areas, including backstage where the theatre ‘magic’ happens.


QPAC is focused on expanding our capacity, agility and vitality. In addition to secure funding, earning a reputation as an international centre of excellence relies on creating and sustaining a network of resources and advocates. As relationships with local companies and communities our partnerships extend across governments and the private sector and internationally through our colleagues in the performing arts and Ambassadors and Consular staff. In particular QPAC is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Tourism and Events Queensland.

As well as being a venue for hire, QPAC is also a presenter, a producer and an investor in productions, partnering with local and international creatives and production companies. QPAC’s Scholar in Residence, a position created in partnership with Queensland University of Technology’s Creative Industries Faculty, works as a bridge between staff, audiences, and artists to enrich arts experiences and provide a deeper connection to what happens on stage. Our partnerships with PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Treasury Casino and Hotel, Heritage Bank, Oaks Hotels and Resorts, Louis Roederer Champagne, Qantas, Sirromet, Giancarlo Coffee and The Wheel of Brisbane support us in delivering major productions as well as helping us connect with audiences across the state.

Before and After The performing arts are capable of spiriting us away from our everyday lives and entrancing us through stories, music, dance and drama. An important part of any performance is getting the chance to anticipate and then to discuss. QPAC has spaces for conversations before and after performances for people to reflect on and continue the conversation for what has happened on stage. Throughout QPAC there are spaces for people to connect with what is on stage: in our foyers; in the QPAC Tunnel which hosts installation pieces; and in the QPAC Museum and Tony Gould Gallery. These areas extend the on stage experience and also invite people to learn more about the performing arts.




FEBRUARY LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 3 February Shen Yun Falun Dafa Association of Queensland Inc

21 – 28 February Swan Lake The Australian Ballet


23 February McAllister in Conversation

LYRIC THEATRE 2 – 27 January South Pacific

26 February Once Upon a Time

Opera Australia

CONCERT HALL 18 – 27 January The Illusionists QPAC

PLAYHOUSE 2 – 20 January Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap Mousetrap Australia Pty Ltd

23 – 26 January Peter Pan Ballet Theatre of Queensland

CREMORNE THEATRE 9 – 25 January Hairy Maclary and Friends QPAC

STUDIO TWO 11 – 15 January Invisible Me – Tour to Melbourne QPAC

21 – 23 January QPAC Choir Auditions QPAC

The Australian Ballet

The Australian Ballet

28 February People’s Day The Australian Ballet

CONCERT HALL 8 February The Hollies ATA Allstar Artists Pty Limited

9 February Sarah Blasko QPAC

14 February All Hallows’ Inaugural Mass 2013 All Hallows’ School Limited

16 February QSO Maestro 1 with Kuerti & Fritzsch High Viennese Romantics Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

18 February Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain Les Currie Presentations

21 February Glenn Frey

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 8 – 20 January Dinosaur Petting Zoo

Artist Network Pty Ltd / Bluehawk Presents


Australian Chamber Orchestra

TONY GOULD GALLERY 2 – 31 January Exhibition: All Dressed Up – Costumes from Broadway to Hollywood

24 February SXS Concert 1 – Mandolin Mastery


22 February The Reef


26 February Clancestry Conversations: Postcode Justice QPAC

27 February Clancestry Conversations: Life Through Art – In Conversation with Rhoda Roberts QPAC

28 February Tim Rogers and The Bamboos QPAC

PLAYHOUSE 3 – 24 February Driving Miss Daisy Dorcat Productions Pty Ltd Trading As Gordon Frost Organisation

4 February This Is The Stuff: A Celebration for Bille Brown AM QPAC

MARCH LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 2 March Swan Lake Australian Ballet

10 – 31 March Legally Blonde Legally Blonde Australia Pty Ltd

CONCERT HALL 2 March Dirtsong by Black Arm Band QPAC

6 March QSO Secondary Schools Symphonic Revolutionaries

CREMORNE THEATRE 2 – 28 February The Pitch and The China Incident

Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

Queensland Theatre Company



13 March Soweto Gospel Choir 10th Anniversary Tour


25 February Swan Lake Workshop Australian Ballet

STUDIO ONE 28 February Clancestry Conversations: Kinship and Identity. Just who is black enough? QPAC

LYREBIRD RESTAURANT 5 February Clancestry Elder’s Lunch QPAC

22 February A Conversation with Angela Lansbury and James Earl Jones Actors’ & Entertainers’ Benevolent Fund (Qld) Inc

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 28 February Exhibition: All Dressed Up – Costumes from Broadway to Hollywood QPAC

9 March Dame Kiri Te Kanawa

HVK Productions Pty Ltd

14 March Goran Bregovic

PLAYHOUSE 2 – 24 March End of the Rainbow QPAC and Queensland Theatre Company

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 9 March The Pitch and The China Incident


FUNCTION ROOM 4 - 7 March Guangzhou Opera House Educational Visit

LYRIC THEATRE 10 – 31 April Legally Blonde


Legally Blonde Australia Pty Ltd

12 March NARPACA Welcome Function

26 – 28 April Carl Barron


A List Entertainment

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 2 – 3 March Clancestry Weekend Program

CONCERT HALL 9 April Cirque de la Symphonie



15 & 22 March Green Jam Sessions

13 April Best of British


Australian Musicians and Orchestral Services Pty Ltd

CASCADE COURT 2 – 3 March Clancestry Weekend Program QPAC

16 March QSO Maestro 2 with Lan & Fritzsch The Siege of Leningrad

UPPER CASCADE COURT 12 – 31 March Bend and Snap Bar

Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd


21 – 23 March St Matthew Passion

MERIVALE STREET STUDIO 1 – 5 March Legally Blonde Orchestral Rehearsal

24 March QSO Music on Sundays 1 Music of the British Isles Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

24 March QYO Concert 1 – Mahler 5 Queensland Youth Orchestra Council

25 March Steven Wolff Strategic Sessions QPAC

27 March Counting Crows Live Nation Australasia Pty Ltd

28 March Beatlemania Rockcity Event Marketing Pty Ltd


Queensland Theatre Company

Arts Projects Australia Events Pty Ltd

Opera Queensland Ltd

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 31 March Exhibition: All Dressed Up – Costumes from Broadway to Hollywood

Legally Blonde Australia Pty Ltd

SOUTHBANK CULTURAL FORECOUT 1 March Clancestry Opening Performance QPAC

1 – 2 March Clancestry Riverside Stage QPAC

3 March Clancestry Closing Event QPAC

TUNNEL 1 – 3 March Clancestry Markets QPAC

17-20 April Oklahoma Harvest Rain Ltd

21 April QSO Music on Sundays 2 Something Old, Something New Queensland Symphony Orchestra

26 – 27 April Josh Groban Live Nation Australasia Pty Ltd

28 April Operamania Global Marketing Communications Pty Ltd

PLAYHOUSE 5 – 20 April Cinderella Queensland Ballet

27 – 30 April Red Queensland Theatre Company

CREMORNE THEATRE 6 April Candyrat Guitar Night Fretfest Pty Ltd

9 – 13 April Hairy Maclary QPAC

SOUTHBANK CULTURAL FORECOURT 1 – 9 June Feet First: An Invitation to Dance

18 – 30 April Next to Normal

30 – 31 May Bolshoi Ballet: Le Corsaire

25 – 31 May Mother Courage and Her Children

1 & 5 & 8 June Bolshoi Backstage Tours

23 June SXS Concert 2 – Rhythm and Dance

Oscar Theatre Company


Queensland Theatre Company



PLAYHOUSE STUDIO 1 15 April Auditions for the Bolshoi Supernumeraries/Extras

CONCERT HALL 1 May Berlin Cabaret

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 4 May Next to Normal

4 June Bolshoi Ballet Simulcast

24 – 26 June Giggle and Hoot and Friends


Andrew Kay & Associates

Australian Chamber Orchestra

Oscar Theatre Company


2 May ‘Whole Lotta Love’ Led Zeppelin Celebration

15 – 25 May Animal Farm

19 – 22 June Ballet Revolucion

29 June Idina Menzel in Concert

ATA Allstar Artists Pty Limited



Contempree Calderazzo Entertainment Pty Ltd

Shake & Stir Theatre Co

7 May Anh Do

28 – 31 May A Clockwork Orange

26 – 30 June Slava’s Snowshow

30 June Deborah Conway and Willy Zygier – Stories of Ghosts


A List Entertainment

Les Currie Presentations

11 May QSO Maestro 3 with Wispelwey & Aadland Ultimate Heroes

FUNCTION ROOM 16 May Live Performance Australia Member Forum

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Live Performance Australia

15 May The Ten Tenors – Mum’s the Word! Tour

PLAYHOUSE LOUNGE 17 May Animal Farm Workshop

PLAYHOUSE STUDIO 2 17 April Auditions for the Bolshoi Supernumeraries/Extras QPAC

RECEPTION ROOM 22 April Yunan Delegation Workshop QPAC

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 5, 12, 19, 26 April Green Jam Sessions QPAC

UPPER CASCADE COURT 2 – 20 April Bend and Snap Bar QPAC

LYREBIRD 18 April Clancestry Elders Lunch

Frog in a Sock

17 May Time of My Life Premier Artists

18 May An Evening with Julie Andrews Spiritworks Pty Ltd


19 May QSO Music on Sundays 3 Classic Cinema

MERIVALE STREET STUDIO 9 – 10 April Secondary School Teacher Workshops

19 – 20 May Yuri Bashmet and the Moscow Soloists

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Frank Productions


TONY GOULD GALLERY 2 – 6 April Exhibition: All Dressed Up – Costumes from Broadway to Hollywood

26 May Carnival of the Animals


University of Queensland School of Music

27 – 28 May Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Launch

23 – 30 April Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume

TML Enterprises Pty Ltd




29 May Bolshoi Ballet Conversation Series 30 May Bolshoi Le Corsaire – Pre Show Function QPAC

LYRIC THEATRE 3 – 25 May Hot Shoe Shuffle

PLAYHOUSE 1 – 19 May Red

David Atkins Enterprises Pty Ltd

Queensland Theatre Company

Shake & Stir Theatre Co

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 3, 10 May Green Jam Sessions QPAC

CASCADE COURT 30 May Bolshoi Le Corsaire – Opening Night Function QPAC

LYREBIRD RESTAURANT 12 May Mother’s Day High Tea at the Lyrebird QPAC

31 May Russian Supper Club QPAC

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 31 May Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume QPAC

JUNE LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 9 June Bolshoi Ballet: Le Corsaire/The Bright Stream QPAC

Lunchbox Theatrical Productions Pty Ltd

CONCERT HALL 1 June QYO Concert 2 – Romeo & Juliet Queensland Youth Orchestra Council


PLAYHOUSE 1 – 16 June Mother Courage and Her Children


TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 30 June Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume

LYRIC THEATRE 6 – 31 July War Horse War Horse Productions Pty Limited on behalf of the War Horse Partnership

2 June Bolshoi Ballet Conversation Series: Old Tradition, New Tricks?

Queensland Theatre Company


Queensland Ballet

CONCERT HALL 5 – 6 July Engelbert Humperdinck

7 June Bolshoi The Bright Stream – Dinner

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 8 June A Clockwork Orange

13 July Take 6


21 – 30 June Giselle

Mellen Events Pty Ltd

8 June Bolshoi Ballet Conversation Series: But I thought Ballet was French?

Les Currie Presentations

The Queensland Music Festival Pty Ltd

22 – 30 June Venus in Fur

14 July One Man Lord of the Rings


Queensland Theatre Company

Tim Woods Entertainment

8 June Valentina Lisitsa in Recital

PLAYHOUSE STALLS FOYER 24 June LPA Helpmann Awards Nominations 2013

16 July Steve Vai


FUNCTION ROOM 1 June Italian National Day

18 July An Evening with Jason Alexander and his Hair. With special guests ‘The Umbilical Brothers’


A List Entertainment

19 June QPAC hosting ‘VMA After 5’ Function

19 July The Pink Floyd Experience


Spiritworks Pty Ltd

PLAYHOUSE LOUNGE 5, 8 & 12 June Mother Courage Pre/Post Show Workshops

20 July Renee Geyer with Big Band

Queensland Theatre Company

23 – 25 July QUT Graduations July 2013


13 June Chucho Valdes John Cristian Productions

14 June Kristin Chenoweth in Concert QPAC

15 – 16 June QSO Maestro 4 with Tiempo & Tchivzhel Pathetique Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

17 June Richard Tognetti Presents ACO2 Australian Chamber Orchestra

18 June QPAC Choir: True Colours QPAC

21 June The Whitlams with Symphonie Des Femmes QPAC


Live Nation Australasia Pty Ltd

Spiritworks Pty Ltd

Queensland University of Technology

27 July QSO Maestro 5 Premieres with Morrison & Bliss Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

8 August QSO Masterworks 1 with Cislowska & Fritzsch Fantastic Scherzo

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 17 August Blood Brothers

PLAYHOUSE 1 – 6 July Giselle

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Harvest Rain Limited

12, 26 August Joan Baez

21 – 31 August Tequila Mockingbird

Queensland Ballet

Maggie Gerrand Presents Pty Ltd

Shake & Stir Theatre Company

11 – 13 July Project Rameau

13 August Cory Band World’s Best in Brass

Australian Chamber Orchestra

Brass Down Under

FUNCTION ROOM 2 August American Ballet Theatre Media Launch

18 – 27 July Bangarra ‘Blak’

17 – 18 August QSO Maestro 6 with Demidenko & Fritzsch Slavonic Passion

29 July Barefoot Fiddler Australian Chamber Orchestra


21 July The Mabo Oration QPAC

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

20 August Brian Cox

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 27 July Venue in Fur

Lateral Marketing & Management

Queensland Theatre Company


LT LOUNGE 17, 24, 27 & 31 July War Horse School Workshops

23 August Don McLean

War Horse Productions Pty Limited on behalf of the War Horse Partnership

24 August QYO Concert 3 – War Requiem

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 31 July Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume QPAC

AUGUST LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 4 August War Horse War Horse Productions

18 – 31 August Grease Skyline Theatricals Pty Ltd

CONCERT HALL 1 August Paul Kelly – Spring and Fall Live Nation Australasia Pty Ltd

2 August American Ballet Theatre Launch QPAC

22 August George Benson

Lennard Promotions

Queensland Youth Orchestra Council

25 August Coalition Campaign Launch Move Your Audience Pty Ltd

29 August LET IT BE The Songs of Lennon and McCartney Spiritworks Pty Ltd

31 August Come Swing with Me Australian Musicians & Orchestral Services Pty Ltd

PLAYHOUSE 1 August Elegance Dress Rehearsal (Open for the public) Queensland Ballet

2 – 4 August Elegance Queensland Ballet

10 – 31 August Other Desert Cities Queensland Theatre Company


CONCERT HALL 2 September QPAC Choir ‘Spirit of Christmas’ CD & Recording

CREMORNE THEATRE 3 – 7 September Tequila Mockingbird

27 September QTC’s Theatre Residency Week Rehearsals

Shake & Stir Theatre Company


11 – 19 September ACPA Spirit of the Lore

LYREBIRD RESTAURANT 27 September Out of the Box Partner’s Lunch



21 – 29 September The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)


6 September QSO Masterworks 2 with Gillham & Aadland Grieg Piano Concerto Queensland Symphony Orchestra

7 September Conversations with Ghosts


Queensland Theatre Company

LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 7 October Grease

8 August Queensland Plan – Cultural sector workshop

Brisbane Festival


Skyline Theatricals Pty Ltd

11 – 12 September Cyndi Lauper


Lennard Promotions


Opera Queensland Ltd

LYRIC THEATRE LOUNGE 3 August War Horse Weekend Workshop

13 September Ute Lemper

STUDIO TWO 8 – 9 September Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Children Auditions

War Horse Productions Pty Limited

14 September QSO Maestro 7 with Perianes & Aadland Nijinsky’s Petrushka

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 9, 16, 23, 30 August The SEED Project QPAC

25 August Kustom Krafts Brisbane Retro & Vintage Market QPAC

LYREBIRD RESTAURANT 2 August American Ballet Theatre Partners Launch QPAC

MERIVALE STREET STUDIO 9 – 16 August Tequila Mockingbird Rehearsals Shake & Stir Theatre Company

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 31 August Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume QPAC

SEPTEMBER LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 29 September Grease Skyline Theatricals Pty Ltd

Brisbane Festival

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

21 September Brisbane Sings Queensland Show Choir Inc

24 September In the Mood Mario Maiolo Promotions Pty Ltd

27 September Harrison Craig The Harbour Agency

29 September QSO Music on Sundays 5 Musical Swoons & Lollipops

TML Enterprises Pty Ltd

FUNCTION ROOM 12 September Long Paddock Networking Event arTour

16 September American Ballet Theatre Advance Party Dinner QPAC

25 September Farewell to Italian Ambassador QPAC

PLAYHOUSE LOUNGE 21 September Collective Magazine Freeze Frame Event QPAC

24 to 31 October Otello 25 October Carl Barron A List Entertainment

30 October Grand Designs – An Evening with Kevin McCloud Andrew Kay & Associates

CONCERT HALL 5 – 6 October Brassfest 2013 QPAC

7 October Come Dine With Me Australia – Interview Filming ITV Studios Australia Pty Limited

11 October QSO Masterworks 3 with Astanova & Schwarz An American in Paris Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

3 – 28 September

PLAYHOUSE 1 September Other Desert Cities

Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume

12 October QSO Maestro 8 with Astanova & Schwarz An American in Paris


Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

Queensland Theatre Company

6 – 14 September When Time Stops

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 6, 13, 20, 27 September The SEED Project

14 October King and I Launch

Expressions Dance Company


18 – 22 September Freeze Frame

MERIVALE STREET STUDIO 19 – 22 September Ozfrank September Actor Training Workshop

16 – 17 October A Festival of Russian Ballet

Brisbane Festival

25 – 28 September The Rite of Spring/Petrushka Brisbane Festival

Frank Productions

Opera Australia

Russian Ballet Touring Pty Ltd

19 October Viva Italia Australian Musicians & Orchestral Services Pty Ltd as Trustee for The Pickett Family Trust

20 October SXS Concert 3 – Celebration QPAC

21 October QPAC Choir “Spirit of Christmas” CD & Recording QPAC

23 October QSO Launch – Special Event 2014

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 6 October The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) QPAC

23 – 26 October Our Turn Griffith University – Queensland Conservatorium

Queensland Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

30 – 31 October Carmen Sweet

24 October Taikoz presents Crimson Sky

Expressions – The Queensland Dance Theatre Limited trading as Expressions Dance Company

Synergy & Taikoz Ltd

CONCERT HALL ORCHESTRA ROOM 13 – 14 October King and I Children Auditions

25 October CSTD in Concert 2013


12 November St Margaret’s Speech Night 2013

LYRIC THEATRE 1 November Anh Do

St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School

A List Entertainment

2 November Otello Opera Queensland

19 – 30 November Chitty Chitty Bang Bang TML Enterprises Pty Ltd

CONCERT HALL 1 November QSO Maestro 9 with Osborne & Fritzsch Guide to the Orchestra

Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing

Opera Australia

26 October The Tallis Scholars

STUDIO ONE 22 – 23 October Taikoz Workshops

Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Synergy & Taikoz Ltd

Queensland Youth Orchestra

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 4 & 11 October The SEED Project

4 November Brisbane Boys College Speech Night 2013


27 October UQ School of Music: Choral Fantasia University of Queensland School of Music

28 October Brahms 4 & Steven Isserlis Australian Chamber Orchestra

29 October St Rita’s Annual Thanksgiving Celebration 2013 St Rita’s College

30 October Clayfield College Annual Speech Night 2013 Clayfield College

31 October All Hallows’ Night of Celebration 2013 All Hallows’ School Limited

PLAYHOUSE 1 – 5 October The Cat in the Hat QPAC

10 – 12 October Ashgrove Dance – Encore! Ashgrove Dance Studio

13 October QTC Launch of 2014 Program Queensland Theatre Company

19 – 31 October Design for Living Queensland Theatre Company


18 & 25 October Green Jam Sessions QPAC

CASCADE COURT 5 October Brassfest 2013 QPAC

MERIVALE STREET STUDIO 25 – 31 October Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Kids Rehearsals TML Enterprises Pty Ltd

VARIOUS 12 October Brisbane Open House QPAC

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 12 October Exhibition: Tools of the Trade – Exploring the traditions of ballet costume QPAC

22 – 31 October Exhibition: Page to Stage – Costume Design for Performance QPAC

2 November QYO Concert 4 – Finale

Brisbane Boys College

5 November QPAC Choir Recording Session QPAC

6 November Iona College Junior and Senior School Speech Night 2013 Iona College

7 November Academy of Ancient Music & Sara Macliver Musica Viva Australia

8 November Bernadette Robinson – In Concert QPAC

9 November Roy Orbison Reborn – 25th Anniversary Celebration Ben Maiorana Entertainment

10 November QSO Music on Sundays 6 A Musical Zoo Meets Peter and the Wolf Queensland Symphony Orchestra

11 November St Aidan’s AGC Annual Award Ceremony 2013 St Aidan’s Anglican Girls School

CREMORNE THEATRE 1 – 2 November Carmen Sweet

9 – 13 December QUT Graduations December 2013

13 November Brisbane Grammar School Speech Day 2013

Expressions Dance Company

14 December Jack Johnson

Brisbane Grammar School


14 November Somerville House Speech Night 2013

STUDIO ONE 4 – 5 November Public Value and Professor Mark Moore

Somerville House

15 November Smokie Live in Concert NOW Music Co

16 November QSO Gala 2 Last Night of the Proms Queensland Symphony Orchestra

20 November Charlie Pride Concert Events Limited

21 November QSO Masterworks 4 with Chindamo & Fritzsch Beethoven’s Eroica Queensland Symphony Orchestra

22 November Here Comes the Night Backstage Productions Pty Ltd

23 November Bjorn Again Zaccaria Concerts and Touring Pty Ltd

24 – 25 November Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra QPAC

28 November An Evening with Mandy Patinkin and Nathan Gunn Opera Australia

29 November Peace Train Spiritworks Pty Ltd

30 November QSO Maestro 10 with Chen & Fritzsch Triumphant Tchaikovsky Queensland Symphony Orchestra

PLAYHOUSE 1 – 10 November Design for Living Queensland Theatre Company

6 November 2013 Educator’s Performing Arts Market


LYRIC THEATRE LOUNGE 6 November 2013 Educator’s Performing Arts Market QPAC

PLAYHOUSE LOUNGE 6 November 2013 Educator’s Performing Arts Market QPAC

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 November Green Jam Sessions QPAC

LYREBIRD RESTAURANT 8 November Clancestry, A Celebration of Country: Elders Lunch QPAC

TONY GOULD GALLERY 1 – 30 November Exhibition: Page to Stage – Costume Design for Performance QPAC

DECEMBER LYRIC THEATRE 1 – 22 December Chitty Chitty Bang Bang TML Enterprises Pty Ltd

CONCERT HALL 3 December Brandenburg Chamber Orchestra Australian Chamber Orchestra

7 December QSO Gala 3 Messiah Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Queensland University of Technology

Live Nation Australasia Pty Ltd

20 – 21 December Spirit of Christmas 2013 QPAC

31 December 30th New Year’s Eve Gala Australian Musicians & Orchestral Services

PLAYHOUSE 4 – 21 December The Nutcracker Queensland Ballet

27 – 29 December A Murder is Announced Louise Withers & Associates Pty Ltd

CREMORNE THEATRE 21 December Shake & Stir Holiday Workshop Shake & Stir Theatre Co

STUDIO TWO 16 – 21 December Shake & Stir Holiday Workshop Rehearsals Shake & Stir

MELBOURNE STREET GREEN 6, 13, 20 December Green Jam Sessions QPAC

LYREBIRD RESTAURANT Actors’ & Entertainers’ Benevolent Fund Annual Christmas Luncheon 2013 QPAC

TONY GOULD GALLERY 3 – 31 December Exhibition: Page to Stage – Costume Design for Performance QPAC

CHIEF EXECUTIVE AFTERWORD QPAC had many great accomplishments in 2013 that collectively represent artistic and financial success for the organisation. The year was filled with international presentations, local collaborations, audience participation and much discussion and debate. I would like to reflect on one particular presentation that I believe represents so much of what we strive to do as a performing arts centre. In February QPAC had the honour of hosting the Australian premiere of Driving Miss Daisy which meant we experienced up close the unmatched talent and charm of Angela Lansbury and James Earl Jones. The production opened in Brisbane as the result of a collaboration between a major producer and Tourism and Events Queensland, a partnership that expanded the capacity of QPAC and the city. Iconic tends to be a term used broadly these days but certainly these two giants of the stage and screen rightly deserve to be considered as such. This production of Alfred Uhry’s Pulitzer Prize winning play was stunning, absolutely world class. That these two actors are masters of their craft was undeniable, audiences were mesmerised. Off stage, Angela Lansbury and James Earl Jones captivated people with behind the scenes stories from decades in the industry at a fundraiser for the Queensland chapter of the Actors and Entertainers Benevolent Fund. A generous gift. The season sold out and set the tone for the Australian tour. Driving Miss Daisy was a combination of great art, strong partnerships and opportunities for learning and personal connection. 21st century performing arts centres are many things. Around the world they function variously as performance houses, meeting places, community centres, national icons and vibrant sites of civic and cultural expression. I look forward to QPAC becoming more entangled with our communities, artists and partners as we move towards our fourth decade as Queensland’s performing arts centre.

John Kotzas Chief Executive

Audience satisfaction 97% Venue utilisation 84% Performances 1182 Visitation 1 166 757

Audience from interstate 6% Audience from regional Queensland 21.3% Venues to receive Bolshoi Ballet simulcast

Burdekin Theatre, Ayr | Moncrieff Entertainment Centre, Bundaberg | Cairns Civic Centre | Palmer Coolum Resort | GEC Marquee, Gladstone Seafront Oval, Hervey Bay | Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre | Pilbeam Theatre, Rockhampton | Empire Theatre, Toowoomba

Cities with QPAC programming Cairns | Townsville | Mount Isa | Toowoomba | Gladstone | Bundaberg | Maryborough


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