Utah’s G
January 3, 2008
ay & Les
GA ZINE A M T N E M NTERTAIN E & s w bian Ne
Transgender Student Barred from SUU Housing Kourt Osborne told to prove sexreassignment surgery
Gay Pleasant Grove Man Wins ‘Survivor’ Utah’s newest millionaire talks with JoSelle Vanderhooft
Center Holds Bisexual Awareness Month Oregon Suspends Domestic Partner Law Hotel Monaco’s Shawn Jackson is Most Fabulous
Suzanne Westenhoefer Loves Quirky Utah Ruby Ridge Goes Vegetarian ... Yeah Right The Gay Agenda Qdoku, Comics
J a n u a r y 3 , 2 0 0 8 I S S U E 9 3 Q S A LT L A K E 1
2007 in Review