QSaltLake Magazine - Issue 307 - Dec. 19, 2019

Page 41

December 19, 2019  |


ISSUE 307  |  Qsaltlake.com


Ian McKellen: A Biography BY GARRY O’CONNOR, 2019, ST. MARTIN’S PRESS, $29.99, 356 PAGES

Any old stick would do. When you were a child, that’s what it took to become a wizard: a stick became a makeshift wand, an old towel turned into a cape, and you were ready for spell-making. It worked for imaginations everywhere although, as you’ll see in Ian McKellen: A Biography by Garry O’Connor, sometimes, reel magic helps, too. On May 25, 1939, mere months before the beginning of World War II, Ian Murray McKellen made his debut into the world. The only son


ARIES March 20–April 19

Start off as if you are a new person. The birth of ideas can flourish by pruning what isn’t working from your garden of accomplishments. Look for a new job or move to a new place. Whatever it takes to redefine your world is bound to be a big help. Take small steps if needed, but a big impact is bound to create happiness.

TAURUS Apr 20–May 20

Mistakes don’t fix themselves with a calendar change but it is time to bury the hatchet with an old friend who has recently become an enemy. Love is the answer to the question: what is it that will fix the problems? It might surprise you how much can be accomplished with a simple idea such as saying sorry or being nice.

GEMINI May 21–June 20

The desire to celebrate will be strong. Go out and enjoy yourself, even if it feels a little unnecessary. There is always something good to be found even if the world isn’t perfect.

of parents who lived large, passionate lives, young McKellen grew up securely happy despite the War. Alas, that ended when his beloved mother died of cancer when McKellen was just 12 years old. As years passed, he always regretted that she never knew about him what he knew about himself: he had his “first gay kiss” at age nine and understood even then that he preferred boys to girls. Though his original plan was to graduate school and work as a journalist, McKellen was denied the chance and instead opted to attend Cambridge. There, others noticed that he had a great aptitude for Shakespearean acting; it was nurtured and a “most extraordinary explosion of talent happened.” His time at Cambridge helped him sharpen his craft; it was also there that McKellen lost his virginity to another man. O’Connor says that Mc-

Kellen is “a slow-progress stickler” and never minded using “modest roles” as stepping-stones; every role he played led to bigger parts on better-known stages in larger venues. In 1964, he landed a small part in a BBC-TV production as his first foray into television, and he continued to eye a career in film – a career that “still eluded [him] until the late 1990s.” At that time, he was able to transition from stage to screen, quickly racking up a Tony, a Golden Globe, a SAG award, and an Oscar nomination. And then a “quick perusal of the Marvel comics… caught his fancy.” For readers who are wild about Shakespeare, Ian McKellen: A Biography will be a delight. Those who are not, however, may find this book quite tedious. Author Garry O’Connor, who’s known McKellen for decades, explains in the first

The shortcut to happiness may come in the form of a romantic interest or simply a crush. Make a move and don’t spare the fun. Celebrate!

dreams. Get ready to show off what you can do. The results will amaze.

CANCER June 21–July 22

Whoever said life is fair doesn’t exist in your world. Nevertheless, you’re going to be wondering where the balance is in the universe this month. One moment, things will be great. The next they could fall apart. Change is becoming a constant that defines everything right now. Don’t count on anything but enjoy the ride.

LEO July 23–August 22

Pinpoint what is right in a relationship. Other people wonder how you get things to work. Don’t take all the credit when it comes to success. Be aware of the gifts others bring to the table. Don’t be afraid to stand as an equal with a key person. While it’s not always easy sharing the limelight, the best shows often take two.

VIRGO August 23–Sep. 22

An unfinished project will become the main focus. A lot has sidetracked you from completing it but a newfound spark has ignited the need to get things done. Self-gratification is the best reward you could ask for. Don’t be afraid to take hold of your

LIBRA Sept 23–October 22

A friend or family member is having a harder time than they let on. Give them a boost by showing how much you care. Whether it be a small gift or providing compliments, it can make a difference. Compassion comes effortless to you, though sometimes the call to action isn’t heard clearly. Perk up, pay attention.

SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21

No one can define what’s in store for you, but not all the ideas thrown your way are bad. Consider what others are suggesting and remember that brainstorming with a buddy is always a good thing. Take vacations, enjoy life as much as possible. But don’t forget that a companion for a while is better having none.


Nov. 22–December 20.

However long it takes, a damaged relationship is worth fixing. Whether you let old wounds heal or choose to move on, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. Put emotions in check and choose to have an uplifting time. Even if nothing more happens between you and this person, at least it

chapter how this book came about, in opening words that are carefully off-the-cuff. That chumminess feels as if you’re real-time eavesdropping on a semi-scripted conversation between two friends. Get past the account of McKellen’s early life, though, and much of the rest of this book is uber-deep into theater, with the occasional reminder of McKellen’s gayness in the narrative. Serious followers of British stage performances will find the former to be irresistible and the latter to make one feel like a close backstage insider. Those who prefer McKellen’s later work might find this all mildly interesting, but far too extra until toward the end. And so there’s the breakdown: Theater fan, yes. You’ll love Ian McKellen: A Biography. If you’re a fan of McKellen’s later movie career only, this book is okay if you can stick with it.  Q won’t be a sore spot.

CAPRICORN Dec 21–Jan 19

There is a tendency to simplify the complex and add complications to the straightforward. Take a moment and try reversing the order of operations and see if you enjoy a different type of flow. There is a compromise to be found. The first step is to take a look at what you really want. Surprises are in store for you.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18

It is nice to play pretend sometimes. In the realm of romance, there is room for fantasy with those you aren’t in love with. Expand your horizons and explore the unknown. Even if it’s for a little while, embrace the best parts of yourself. The longer you spend having fun, the more productive you will be long term.

PISCES Feb 19–Mar 19

Extreme cold can be confused for heat, and extreme hate can be mistaken for passion. Take a moment to examine what you think you know about your interests and make a decision to find out what really drives you. Don’t be defined by fears when dealing with those around you. Emotions are complex so sort them out.  Q

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