QSaltLake Magazine - Issue 309 - March 2020

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March, 2020 |  ISSUE 309 | Qsaltlake.com


Gay Like Me: A Father Writes to His Son


Like father, like son. When you were small, people said you looked just like your dad. As you grew up, they said you had his sense of humor or his temper, you laughed alike, you walked alike. Today, you may be close or you may have a chasm of miles or emotion between you, but as in the new book Gay Like Me by Richie Jackson, you’re a lot more like Dad than you think. From the time he was small, Richie Jackson knew two


ARIES March 20–April 19

You have a lot of power to influence those who care about you. Learn the facts and act appropriately. A different viewpoint will create inspiration. Create some good memories with others and simply relax. While it isn’t easy to get what you want, it is possible that a good time will present itself when needed.

TAURUS Apr 20–May 20

A little passion could help you get past a pesky barrier. Put trust in your hopes right now. If a long lost dream is coming back into view, this is a great time to pursue it. Nothing can come from being passive when the opportunities are flying by. Take life by the horns and get ready for a truly wild ride!

GEMINI May 21–June 20

Take a look at life and see if there is something you’d like to change. While switching it up is not always the answer, there are times when it is simply good to see what is

things: he “felt lucky to be gay,” and he wanted to be a father someday. “Everything good that has happened to me is because I am gay,” he says – and that includes the birth of his son, born to a surrogate when Jackson was in his thirties. Since then, in the meantime, the sentiment has surely doubled since Jackson’s son came out as gay. That was his “greatest wish for” his son, that he know the joy of being gay because it’s “a gift.” Says Jackson, he is “thrilled for the flight ahead of you” and “wary of the fight ahead of you” because wonderful things could happen but vigilance is required, and the knowledge that pain sometimes comes from people you didn’t think would hurt you. Still, Jackson is excited for his son, who is college-age now and who grew up at a time

when AIDS isn’t a death sentence, hiding isn’t mandatory, and so many large battles have already been fought by people at Stonewall, in the military, in marriage equality, and in everyday life. These things give Jackson hope as he launches his eldest son in the world as a gay man, but he has advice…. Know who you are, he counsels, and “never diminish your essence.” Know the heroes who went before you. Never let your sexuality shame you and never use it to shame others. Know your partner’s HIV status in advance. Don’t fall into the same drugs-and-alcohol trap that’s ensnared so many other gay men. And “vote as if your life depends on it, because it does.” Is there a modern teenager in the world who takes his father’s advice? Perhaps not, but if he’s a gay young man, he might still be glad to have Gay

possible. Reinventing your image is a good idea at this time of the year so go for it. A relationship with someone you oppose will improve!

Money matters should be kept on a leash, but don’t be afraid to invest wisely in your desires.

CANCER June 21–July 22

You feel good about someone who is hanging around a lot. This could lead to a better or worse outcome. For now, it is best to go with the flow. Act accordingly and more than likely things will work out for the best. If they do not, take comfort in knowing that you’ve learned a lesson no matter what.

LEO July 23–August 22

Your mind is getting in the way of your heart. Finances and work could take over your agenda, but a personal relationship is about to flourish. Separate your feelings if you must, but don’t lose sight of joy. Finding the balance doesn’t always come naturally, but with enough discipline, you can have it all.

VIRGO August 23–Sep. 22

Your high structure need will come in handy. Keep grounded and don’t forget how much fun you are wanting to have. What pleasures you have has nothing to do with others, but it doesn’t hurt to have some help.

LIBRA Sept 23–October 22

You are feeling held back by the need to control a crazy situation. A challenging time seems to be ahead, but you shouldn’t worry too much. A close friend or relative could use some help. Support them but don’t lose sight of your own needs as well. Things have a way of working out if you let them.

SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21

What is giving you hope is a sense of inner discipline and an awakening of the soul. The best kind of news is often no news, but in this case, a hidden blessing is waiting to sprout. Don’t fear the demands of others, but take them into consideration. You do know best what will work for you.


Nov. 22–December 20.

Keep clear of a conflict that doesn’t concern you. A couple or group may try to rope you in, but you should stay on the sidelines until the dust clears. A goal you are hoping to accomplish should be the focus, especially if you’ve had it on your mind for a while. Do the best and life can be

Like Me. Written with enthusiasm and gratitude, author Richie Jackson also displays a lot of loving steel hidden in the things he wants his son to know. His advice is fierce, but tempered with the kind of acquired fear that traumatically becomes a part of one’s DNA. In the sweetest of dad-tones, he’s honest, using a pleasedon’t-do-as-I-did warning, heavy on the “please.” He doesn’t just write words to his son, but he penned them about his son, and they’re caressing, but difficult, words that aren’t only for the sake of, or aimed at, one specific, specifically-young man. You don’t, in other words, have to be young or gay or even a man to enjoy Gay Like Me Mothers of gay teens will want it, fathers and sons alike.  Q quite rewarding.

CAPRICORN Dec 21–Jan 19

A sense of urgency should not be ignored. The hardest part of getting motivated is to care, so take time to examine what really matters at this time. Everything will turn out well in the end but there are fires to put out that burn brighter than you know. Invest in finding a climax to the problems.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18

You are getting restless and ready for adventure. Now is the time to get out there see what trouble you can get into. The most fun is to be had in a social situation or a mini vacation. Take friends along if you want but take the reigns. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll figure it out as you go.

PISCES Feb 19–Mar 19

Nothing in life is quite what was expected, but that’s okay. This alternative version of your life is real, and it’s bound to make more sense than anything you could have fantasized. The best medicine is the kind that makes you feel better, so find what works and go with it. Life is full of surprises.  Q

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Articles inside

The tale of a dizzy queen

page 46

8 things that’re getting on my GD nerves right now

page 44

Vacation: The best cure

page 43

You’re a Bad-Ass

page 42

Gay Like Me: A Father Writes to His Son

page 41

5 retail replacements that should satisfy your urge to splurge

page 34

The Madness of Martha Wash

pages 30-32

Genderbands to hold first Purple Soirée

page 29

Deep Inside Hollywood

page 28

Science proves it: We make great dads

page 27

Steven Hotze

page 26


pages 24-25

The Equal Rights Amendment is a queer movement

pages 22-23

My brother is wrong about his transgender bill

page 21

Rachel Slawson is the first out contestant for Miss USA

pages 18-19

Elevation Utah Gay Ski Week Turns 10

page 17

Utah Gay Football League’s 2020 season beginning

page 17


page 16

Salt Lake County Health Dept. adds HIV PrEP to STD Clinic services

page 15

'No Sides, Only Love' banner slashed in Orem

page 14

Few LGBTQ-related bills on Utah's Capitol Hill this legistlative season

page 14

Local leaders endorse Buttigieg for president

page 13

Buttigieg draws thousands for town hall in Salt Lake City

page 12

Utah ranks in top half of states in HRC State Equality Index

page 11

Top national and world news since last issue

page 9
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