Carers’ Connection
Welcome to the April edition of Carers’ Connection.
I was recently reflecting back over the previous meetings we’ve had with carers, including our very first PATH event where you told us that, whilst you welcome the benefits that profile-raising national events like Carers Week bring, you had found in the past that so much was concentrated into that one week that it proved difficult for you to find the required replacement care to enable you to attend everything that you would like to. It also left you with an all-ornothing type feeling that you had no other events to look forward to the rest of the year. As a co-produced service we took this on board, planning regular groups and gettogethers throughout the seasons. Our cover photo shows one such event, where the ladies from our Connexions group enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Duthie Park café. One of the ladies said afterwards, ‘The lunch was fab. Great company, delicious food, and good service. It’s good to get together for a little while and forget your worries; to chat and have a laugh. I’m very grateful to Quarriers for a lovely treat.”
We recently welcomed carers to our office to hear from Katy Martin, Quarriers’ Head of Development and External Relations, about Project VIVID – the ground-breaking work Quarriers is doing with energy and
tech companies to identify vulnerable households, and how smart meter data can be used to help keep them safe. Katy was accompanied by Quarriers’ Chief Executive Dr Ron Culley, who chatted afterwards to a few of the carers we support. Ron said, “A couple of older gentlemen were lamenting the failure of Aberdeen Football Club to build a replacement stadium for Pittodrie – but they were otherwise stoic and had hardly a grumble, despite the weight of their caring responsibilities. To a man and woman, all of them spoke in glowing terms about the support they receive from our Aberdeen team. One of the men has gone one step further and is now fundraising for us – wanted to give something back he said. I’ve always felt there’s a quiet heroism in the way unpaid carers carry themselves.” I couldn’t agree more!
Stay up to date with all the latest news on our Facebook page. The page is public, and you don’t need to have a Facebook account to access it: aberdeencarerssupportservice
April 2024
Joanna McPherson, Service Coordinator
Meet the team
Joanna McPherson Service Coordinator
Nicola Black Administrator
Tel: 07917 521879
Lauren Gardiner
Family Wellbeing Worker (Respitality)
Tel 07917 521874
Email: lauren.gardiner@
Anna Schmitt
Family Wellbeing Worker (Respitality)
Tel 07917 051489
Email: anna.schmitt@
Andrew Falconer Team Leader
Tel: 07917 521268
Email: andrew.falconer@
Natalia Beaton
Family Wellbeing Worker (Health and Wellbeing)
Tel: 07917 052551
Email: natalia.beaton@
Mairi Lorimer
Family Wellbeing Worker
Tel 07917 521862
Susan Shaw
Family Wellbeing Worker
Tel 07531 193656
Susan Middler Digital and Community Inclusion Worker
Tel: 07917 521886
Email: susan.middler@
Louisa Donaldson Carer Advisor
Tel: 07917 521885
Email: louisa.donaldson@
Teresa Massie Carer Advisor (Enhanced Carer Support)
Tel: 07917 521853
Email: teresa.massie@
Mackenzie Wilder
Family Wellbeing Worker (Diversity and Inclusion)
Tel 07586 564203
Email: mackenzie.
Kyle Fitzpatrick Senior Administrator
Tel: 07554 555027
Email: kyle.fitzpatrick@
Elaine Dukes Parent Carer Advisor
Tel: 07917 521852
Email: elaine.dukes@
Loreena Piffre
Family Wellbeing Worker (Enhanced Carer Support)
Tel 07551 018643
Welcome to the team
Susan Shaw
I am delighted to have joined Aberdeen Carers Support Service as a Family Wellbeing Worker and to be able to share my knowledge with carers, as well as provide support in areas important to them.
I initially started working in finance, moving on to running my own country pub before changing my whole life path to supporting people with learning difficulties. My background in finance led to me being part of the new Self-Directed Support scheme that was being implemented in Aberdeen, and this role allowed me to meet and discuss carers’ needs as well as individual needs for people with life disadvantages.
SDS has allowed so many people to have a fuller life and be more included within communities, as well as giving them back a sense of independence. I worked within the Learning Disabilities and Mental
Farewell to Ann
We said a fond farewell to Ann from our Admin team at the end of January, surprising her with a coffee morning and some lovely retirement gifts. An emotional Ann said, “I will be forever grateful to Quarriers. I am leaving with a heavy heart but looking forward to new adventures.”
Health teams and then moved on to work with Advocacy, supporting people to have a say in their choice of support, alongside working with young autistic people transitioning from children’s services into adult services, enabling their voices to be heard in relation to future planning.
Most of my spare time is taken up with my family - two girls, three boys, my husband, and one wee dog! Thankfully all the family are grown up, but grandchildren are coming fast and furious!
I love hill walks, have a real passion for cooking, and a liking of all things mystical. I especially like sound baths and have my own set of singing bowls that I enjoy playing.
Fully booked!
We wish Ann all the very best for the future!
World Book Day took place on 7 March, but did you know that we have a Carers’ Health and Wellbeing Library? We have a range of titles to support you in your caring role on topics such as mindfulness, mental health, dementia, ADHD, cerebral palsy, autism, cancer, and general caregiving. Pop in to see us and browse our selection of books. Take one home and then return it at a time that suits you. For a full list of titles available, or for further information, please contact natalia.beaton@quarriers. / 07917 052551.
Burns Day
On 25 January, we commemorated Scotland’s National Bard by hosting a Burnsthemed coffee morning and Big Burns Quiz for our Male Carers’ Support Group. Most of them knew their Tam O’Shanters from their Auld Lang Synes, but were surprised to learn that Australia, not Scotland, is home to the oldest Burns statue in the world!
“Thanks so much for the effort you guys put in today for the hospitality at the ‘Touch of Tartan’ Burns Day. Your sparkling company, food, coffee, and quiz fairly lifted our spirits. Looking forward to the next one!”
Duthie delight
Danestone Wee Blether
In February, our Connexions group enjoyed a delicious lunch in the lovely surroundings of the Duthie Park café, chatting about anything and everything from the new Aberdeen FC manager to The Masked Singer. It was heartening to see that leaving their care role behind, even for just a few hours, did them a world of good.
“I really appreciate the time we meet as a group because, although our circumstances are different, we all understand each other. If it wasn’t for Quarriers I wouldn’t have that support.”
“Our lunch was a much looked-forward to event and provided a helpful focus in the preceding days. I have lovely memories that will keep me going through the next days and weeks with a smile.”
“The other ladies are a great support and can understand my problems. It was wonderful to see them.”
We are delighted to have joined forces with Danestone Community Centre’s existing Brew and Blether to form our newest Wee Blether group. Taking place every Tuesday from 11am - 12.30pm, the group aims to bring people aged 55+ living in the AB22 8 postcode area together for company and a chat.
Why not join us? Come along on your own or bring your cared for with you. Pre-booking is required, so please let us know which dates you would like to attend. Contact aberdeencarers@ / 01224 914036 or kaymacdonald1@
We look forward to welcoming you!
“The Danestone Wee Blether group is so handy. It saves a bus journey into town or taking the car and stressing about parking. I was able to walk there in five minutes, so it means your cared for is left at home for a much shorter time. Everyone at the centre was lovely. Plenty of tea, coffee, cakes, and biscuits on offer, and there is a brunch option every second week. It was nice to join in and meet a different group of people.”
Kinship support
January saw the first of our weekly Kinship Carer Support Groups in partnership with Family Learning. These take place every Monday during term time at Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle. Just drop in any time between 10–11.30am for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support.
For more information please contact Elaine Dukes, Aberdeen Carers Support Service: 07917 521852 / or Natasha Watson, Family Learning: 07789 273818 /
Natty knits
This cute guy and a few others were recently distributed to some of our carers’ children. Our grateful thanks to the friend of a carer we support for knitting and generously donating this second batch, having already given us a fantastic bundle of knitted toys last year!
Evening group
For those who are interested in attending an evening group, either in person or online, please get in touch with Teresa for further information or to register your interest: / 07917 521853.
Take Art!
One of our carers was delighted to be gifted two pieces of art which were created by Joanna, our Service Coordinator, and made available via our Facebook page. The artwork provided the finishing touches when decorating two of their loved one’s rooms and really brought a smile to both their faces.
We still have two pieces of art up for grabs, modelled perfectly for us by Carer Advisor, Teresa. If you would like either of these, just give us a call on 01224 914036.
Project VIVID
We recently welcomed carers to a buffet lunch and presentation by Katy Martin, Quarriers’ Head of Development and External Relations, on Project VIVID, the groundbreaking work Quarriers is doing with energy and tech companies to identify vulnerable households, and to hear how smart meter data can be used to help keep them safe.
Project VIVID (Vulnerability Identification
Via Informative Data) is based here in Aberdeen and sees Quarriers team up with core partners Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks, Aberdeen City Council, and CGI, with the aim of finding ‘the missing’. Currently, Priority Services Registers are focused on the elderly and the under-fives, but VIVID aims to find those who are missing from the registers, for instance households with disabled children, children with additional support needs, or carers and their cared fors who are under pension age.
We were delighted to see attendees engage with Katy, asking lots of questions and providing input around the extra measures they feel energy suppliers should be taking. All of the suggestions were passed on to SSEN at a meeting later that afternoon. Those who signed up to the project will have the data from their smart meters looked at remotely by energy suppliers to gauge how much or how little energy they use and at what times of the day, helping to identify their support needs compared to the rest of the population. The aim is to eventually take the principles established in VIVID and roll out the benefits across the rest of the UK.
For further information, or to enquire about signing up to take part in the project, please email or just give us a call.
Carers said, “I found the VIVID information lunch very informative and helpful. I am now looking forward to the installation of a smart meter and being able to see exactly how much power we use in our home.”
“I am always impressed with what Quarriers do. It was really nice to attend, and to see Quarriers taking a rounded approach to support, as the additional cost of energy that carers face is often forgotten. It was a lively discussion that I think highlights issues that are also often forgotten, and I am looking forward to seeing how the project will help carers. The more data that energy suppliers can look at, the better the picture will be and that will help the support we get from them.”
“The presentation was very informative and gave a good insight into the benefits of having a smart meter installed. As a result of the meeting, I have managed to register with OVO Energy for their Priority Services Register, and I have also signed up to take part in the project. A very good meeting and an excellent lunch - thanks.”
“It was good to meet others and find out that we have a lot in common. These kinds of get-togethers are fantastic for carers. I went in knowing very little and came out a lot more knowledgeable.”
ACHSCP Conference 2024
This year’s extra day – 29 February – saw us attend the Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership Annual Conference at the city’s Beach Ballroom, and what better way to spend it than engaging with staff and networking with a variety of organisations from across the third sector. Throughout the morning we heard from a host of guest speakers who showcased good practice and transformation, and explored a number of stalls where we learned about health and wellbeing initiatives that will benefit residents across the city. Stallholders included the Vaccination and Wellbeing Hub, Telecare, Hospital at Home, Community Planning, and the Health Improvement Team.
After lunch we collaborated with staff from other services to discuss what our mutual priorities are – what matters to each of our services and to those we support, as well as staff health and wellbeing. It was a fantastic
The Flexible Working Act 2023
New flexible working laws coming into effect this month mean that millions of workers in the UK will have more flexibility over where and when they work.
Under the new regulations, employees will be entitled to request flexible working arrangements from the very first day of their employment rather than after 26 weeks as previously.
This includes requests for part-time, term-time, flexitime, compressed hours, and varied working locations. Employers need to be aware that, under the new rules, before they reject any request for flexible working arrangements, they must
day for sharing information and discussing partnership working, and we’d like to say a big thank you to the organisers, stallholders, speakers, and everyone else who made it the success that it was!
explain the reasons behind their decision. Previously, employers could deny any request for flexible working without explanation. Employers will also now be obliged to respond to flexible working requests within two months, compared to three months previously, and employees will be able to make two statutory requests for flexible working in any 12-month period, as opposed to one request previously.
The Listening Service
We can all feel low, sad, or be faced with challenges at some point in our lives where we need a safe place to talk about things including:
• Ill-health
• Bereavement
• Relationship breakdowns
• Unemployment
• Changes to life circumstances that feel out of our control
So often, people do not want to burden their family and friends and don’t know where to turn, but talking to someone outside our personal circle can sometimes be just what is needed. The Listening Service can offer that for you.
The Listening Service provides a safe, confidential space, free from judgement by their trained Community Chaplaincy Listening (CCL) Listeners, for you to speak about whatever is causing you anxiety, or just making you feel low, and generally getting in the way of your health and wellbeing.
Unlike counselling or other forms of psychological intervention, CCL Listeners are not there to fix the problem, they are there to listen to your story, told in your own words, and to allow you the space to be seen, heard, and process what is going on for you.
The Listening Service is open to anyone over the age of 18 in Aberdeen City and Shire and provides 50-minute appointments with fully trained listeners. These take place within GP practices, Aberdeen Health Village, and Get Active@Northfield on Kettlehills Crescent.
Self-referrals and referrals made by health professionals are welcome.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact
Relaxed shopping
Every Sunday from 11am - 12noon, Union Square Aberdeen delivers a quieter shopping experience where centre music will be turned off and lights will be dimmed where possible. You will find a list of participating stores here:
At the Customer Service desk on the Lower Mall, those with autism and additional support needs can access a range of sensory toys, ear defenders and tinted glasses. The centre also has a Changing Places toilet on the East Mall with an intercom system for entry. It contains a large wall-mounted bench and hoist and is for older families and people with disabilities.
Scooters and wheelchairs are available from the Shopmobility centre for a small donation. They can be found off the first floor of the multi-storey car park, close to a number of disabled car parking bays. For more information, visit
Feeling anxious or struggling to cope?
Visit www.nhsinform. scot/mindtomind
National Dementia Advisor Service
Alzheimer Scotland’s National Dementia Advisor Service is available Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm. It aims to provide a responsive, high-quality information, advice and advocacy service relating to all aspects of brain health and dementia.
The service can be accessed by calling 0300 373 5774 (charged at a local call rate) or by emailing
For more information, visit
Best foot forward
Personal footcare is important for everyone but particularly for older people, as good foot health can reduce pain or discomfort and improve confidence, quality of life, and independence. Healthy feet can also help people to remain physically active, allowing them to get out and about in their local community and increase their energy levels and general zest for life.
Importantly, neglecting personal footcare needs can contribute to falls which might otherwise be avoided. Personal footcare includes the tasks that adults normally carry out for themselves such as cutting
Carers’ Corner
Here is Teresa showing off a fantastic etching of Lille Cathedral, known as the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Treille, which was gifted to her for the office by carer Carol Davidson.
Carol says, “I did two years at Gray’s School of Art and two years at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee, where I graduated with an Honours degree in Art and Design (Woven Textiles). I went on holiday when I was a student to France - to Paris, Brittany, and Normandy, then to Lille. I like visiting churches and did some drawing there. I did the etching of Lille Cathedral at Peacock Printmakers in the Castlegate. It was the first etching I did. As well as textiles I did paintings, prints and painted furniture.
and filing toenails, smoothing and moisturising skin, and looking for signs of infection. An essential aspect of selfmanagement or helping others to manage personal foot care is that people have access to education around the subject. You will find valuable footcare resources online via NHS Grampian at
“Teresa was looking for some artwork for the office and I decided to give her the etching because she’s been wonderfully helpful and supportive while I’ve been a carer for my mother, who
has dementia. Teresa has been the person who has given me the most assistance and supported me with various situations, and I’m very grateful to her.”
Our team is in awe of the intricate details that Carol has captured so beautifully, and we send our grateful thanks to her for this amazing gift.
If you have anything you would like us to feature in a future edition, whether it’s a photo, poem, useful info for other carers, or anything else carer-related, please send it to
Creative Breaks
Our Parent Carer Advisor, Elaine, loved being by the seaside in sunny Blackpool. I am an unpaid carer for my son, Steven, who is 31 years old and lives at home. Steven loves Blackpool and watches all the YouTubers on his iPad, so when thinking of a place to have a break away it had to be Blackpool!
We had a lovely four days away and the weather was fantastic. My friend came along to help care for Steven as he requires support with all aspects of his daily life. This gave me and his stepdad some much-needed respite while away.
Without the funding, we would not have managed to have a break due to the high rise in living costs. I can’t thank the lovely Lauren from the Respitality team enough for completing the application on my behalf.
Here are some photos from our October holiday in Kent. This was the second time we had chosen a caravan park as our holiday destination for a calm and measured holiday. The funding allowed us to travel far from Aberdeen, experience different modes of transport, and feel the spirit of adventure.
The new, different environment of the caravan, proximity to nature, entertainment
Missed an edition?
within walking distance and convenient time had a calming effect on the children (two of them are autistic). They were busy exploring the new space and feeling positive emotions, which gave me time to enjoy the holiday myself and not think about the number of overdue tasks at home (housework, payments, and applications).
Thank you very much!
Backdated copies of Carers’ Connection are available to read via our Virtual Carers Centre:
“ 10
Carers’ groups
Date and time Session
Monday 6 May 12noon - 2pm
Tuesday 7 May 10.30am –12.30pm
Tuesday 7 May 11am – 1pm
Monday 13 May 10am – 11.30am
Tuesday 14 May 2–4pm
Monday 20 May 10am – 11.30am
Tuesday 21 May 10.30am –12.30pm
Monday 27 May 10am – 11.30am
Wednesday 29 May 11am - 1pm
Monday 3 June 10am – 11.30am
Monday 3 June 12noon - 2pm
Tuesday 4 June 10.30am –12.30pm
Tuesday 4 June 11am – 1pm
Monday 10 June 10am – 11.30am
Tuesday 11 June 2-4pm
Monday Men’s Group – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. To book, contact 07917 521853 /
Parent Carer Support Group – Receive advice, support, and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.
Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Parent Carer Support Group – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Please contact 07917 521853 / to discuss the criteria.
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Monday Men’s Group – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. To book, contact 07917 521853 /
Parent Carer Support Group – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.
Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.
Date and time Session
Monday 17 June 10am – 11.30am
Tuesday 18 June 10.30am –12.30pm
Monday 24 June 10am – 11.30am
Wednesday 26 June 11am - 1pm
Monday 1 July 10am – 11.30am
Monday 1 July 12noon - 2pm
Tuesday 2 July 10.30am –12.30pm
Tuesday 2 July 11am – 1pm
Tuesday 9 July 2-4pm
Tuesday 16 July 10.30am –12.30pm
Wednesday 31 July 11am - 1pm
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Parent Carer Support Group – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Please contact 07917 521853 / to discuss the criteria.
Kinship Carer Support Group – Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, with a focus on Kinship Support. Manor Park Hub, Manor Park Primary School, Danestone Circle, Aberdeen, AB16 7YB. Contact 07917 521852 /
Monday Men’s Group – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. To book, contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@quarriers.
Parent Carer Support Group – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.
Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /
Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.
Parent Carer Support Group – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.
Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Please contact 07917 521853 / to discuss the criteria.
Your preferences
Would you prefer to receive this newsletter by email? Let us know by getting in touch via the contact details on the right.
37 Albert Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1XU
Tel: 01224 914036
Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SC001960