Moving forward together Annual review 2019
Quarriers in 2019
As we approach the end of a decade, we turn our gaze to the future. We focus on developing and implementing our organisational strategy for 2020 onwards, our mission of transforming lives, and setting ambitious goals about how we move forward together.
staff across all levels as well as a commitment to ongoing improvement and development. This award underlines the importance of the centre’s pioneering work and is testament to the dedication of every member of the team who played their part.
We have continued to develop our life-changing services throughout the past year. We opened Mearns View, a dedicated service for young men affected by autism; expanded our supported living services in Ayrshire; and are working towards opening our first recovery café in Elgin. Our Resilience for Wellbeing Service is promoting positive mental health in high schools in the Borders, and our Maternal Wellbeing Service is providing vital support for new mums.
Our staff are responsible for driving our values, breathing life into our vision and genuinely transforming the lives of the people we support. Their dedication is reflected in outstanding regulator ratings, and this year, we have seen these ratings at their highest ever levels. We know from speaking to our staff that salaries will always be important, and we are proud that Quarriers is now an accredited Living Wage Employer. We continue to operate against a backdrop of austerity, but we are committed to delivering at least Scottish Living Wage to ensure we are an employer of choice and are doing all we can to support our staff.
Everyone at Quarriers is delighted to have attained Investors In People PLATINUM status in recognition of how Quarriers supports, develops and invests in its staff. This is the highest accreditation that Investors In People awards and has only been achieved by 0.05% of organisations in the UK. In June 2019, The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre was awarded the five-star Recognised for Excellence accolade from Quality Scotland, again the highest award available. The European Quality Foundation Management’s Recognised for Excellence is awarded to organisations that demonstrate high levels of performance which engage and motivate
The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, in which Quarriers is an active participant, will continue throughout 2019 and 2020. I have personally been representing Quarriers at the Inquiry, and I would like to reiterate our full and unequivocal apology to anyone who suffered abuse while in Quarriers’ care. We firmly believe that all survivors have the right to be heard. We understand that giving evidence in such circumstances is both difficult and emotional, and we therefore thank everyone who has given evidence for their bravery and candour.
In April, I will be standing down as Chief Executive Officer. It has been a privilege to lead this organisation for the past seven years, and I am proud of our achievements. I have been lucky to meet so many inspirational people we support, and work with such passionate and committed staff and Trustees. I know their dedication to our organisational mission will continue: by engaging with those we support, Quarriers will keep providing vital, responsive services which will help to transform lives throughout the next decade and beyond.
Alice Harper Quarriers Chief Executive
About us All volunteers, Quarriers Trustees offer their wealth of skills and expertise in a range of areas. We believe in Quarriers’ vision of supporting people to reach their true potential and proudly support the work of this extraordinary organisation. There have been real causes to celebrate in the past year, particularly the phenomenal achievements of receiving Investors In People PLATINUM accreditation and being awarded five-star Recognised for Excellence by EFQM. On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend my congratulations to everyone involved. As a Trustee, I have the privilege to meet so many remarkable staff, volunteers and people we support. Everyone has their own story to tell and is inspirational in their own way. Sadly, we said goodbye to a true inspiration when our much-loved former Chairperson Trish Godman passed away in 2019. Trish accomplished so much during her time at Quarriers, and she loved visiting services and getting to know people we support. She was truly dedicated to helping people to get the most out of life, and we will miss her very much.
Directors (Board of Trustees)
Executive Directors*
Tom Scholes - Chairperson
Alice Harper
Chief Executive Officer
Andrew Williamson
Service Director and Deputy Chief Executive
Barry Ashcroft
Director of IT and Information Management (until 7 December 2018)
Ann Parkinson
Director of IT and Information Management (from 10 December 2018)
Niall MacPherson
Director of Finance and Corporate Services
Sheila Gillies - Vice Chairperson Linda Bailey (until July 2018) Marjorie Calder Patricia Cunningham Graham Findlay Alan Frizzell Trish Godman (until 21 July 2019) Prof. Michael Greaves Glen Johnstone (from 23 May 2019) Andrew Kubski Heather McKinlay Donald McRae (until September 2018) Nick Pascazio George Peacock David Watt Ian Williams (from 15 January 2019 to 29 July 2019) John Wood (from 13 March 2019)
Tom Scholes Chair, Quarriers Board of Trustees
Secretary Christopher Harwood
One step at a time
In 2019, more than 60 members of Quarriers staff challenged themselves to go the extra mile – and then some! – for the people we support by taking part in the Glasgow Kiltwalk. The Kiltwalk, which takes place in cities across Scotland, gives participants the option of walking six, 13 or 26 miles. It’s no small undertaking, and staff trained for months to ensure they were ready for the event. On the day, teams from Quarriers ABC Supported Living, Countryview, Family Support Service (Dumfries), Homelife Girvan, Johnstone Supported Living, Renfrewshire Supported Living Initiative, Rivendell and Stopover Services, the Fundraising Department and Quarriers Executive set out on the journey from Glasgow to Balloch.
Despite the challenge ahead, everyone was in good spirits, driven by the idea that they were making a difference by raising money for Quarriers services. The team from Johnstone Supported Living was joined by Mhairi who is supported by the service and wanted to raise money towards creating a sensory garden at the service. In addition to their physical effort, everyone who took part was hard at work collecting sponsorship, and raised an incredible combined total of £15,726.93. Staff members have since taken part in Kiltwalks in Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Everyone at Quarriers is exceptionally proud of all the participants, and they should be exceptionally proud of themselves too.
If you’re inspired to take on a challenge and raise money for Quarriers, visit www.kiltwalk. to find your nearest event, or contact our Events and Community Fundraising Team Call 01505 616132 Email
Maternal Wellbeing
Perinatal mental health problems affect up to 20% of women in Scotland – around 11,000 every year. Pregnancy and childbirth can pose problems for women with a history of poor mental health, but they can also trigger a number of significant conditions including depression and anxiety in women who have not previously experienced issues. Without prompt attention these conditions can be long-lasting and devastating. Quarriers Maternal Wellbeing Service was established in 2017 to provide comprehensive support for mothers and their families from the early stages of pregnancy until the child is two years old. New mothers experiencing mental health difficulties can feel very isolated, so in addition to one-to-one support and counselling through specialist service Bluebell, the service provides ongoing group sessions. Once they have completed the initial 12-week postnatal group programme, mums are welcome to attend a dropin group whenever they need. These sessions are opportunities to meet other mums: people who have had similar experiences and can show them that they are not alone. “What we’re doing is giving women a safe space to open up,” says Alison
I thought I was the only one struggling, but since coming here, it’s really helped me and my children. We have friends, a community of people who we know we can rely on. Mother supported by Quarriers
Brown, Support Worker at Quarriers Maternal Wellbeing Service. “They are so supportive of each other, and just knowing other mums have felt the same makes a huge difference.” The service is based at Quarriers Family Resource Centre in the north east of Glasgow, an ideal placement for accessing other support services from Quarriers including the centre’s nursery, baby massage, and sessions including Growing Together (a drop-in group for parents and children aged 0-3), parenting support, relaxation and Bookbug. The support does not stop once the child reaches a certain age: it meets their changing needs as they grow. In 2019, a team from The Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection at Stirling University evaluated the service in research funded by Comic Relief and
the UK Government Tampon Tax. By receiving honest feedback from people we support, the research team found that Quarriers’ continuation of support filled a gap in service provision. They found it particularly important that support continues in an environment where families already feel comfortable and have made connections. This joined-up approach helps to reduce isolation, remove barriers to people accessing services and, crucially, ensure that families feel supported to move forward together.
Get in touch Call 0141 774 8202 Email ruchaziefamilysupport@
Investors In People
Securing the Investors In People Platinum award really is a fantastic outcome for us all. It represents a true team achievement in every sense. Alice Harper, Chief Executive Officer
At Quarriers, we believe that our staff are our most valuable asset. Our staff define Quarriers and make us who we are. We know that staff who feel confident, happy and valued in their roles will provide the highest quality support, and we are therefore committed to prioritising staff learning and wellbeing. Following an in-depth assessment of the organisation in 2018, Quarriers became one of the first health and social care charities in Scotland to achieve Investors in People PLATINUM status. The award is the highest level that can be achieved by an employer and puts Quarriers among 0.05% of companies in the UK to enjoy this accolade.
This award recognises Quarriers’ investment in our staff and their wellbeing, showing that we strive towards the highest standards of people management and development. This accreditation is particularly meaningful as it is based on staff feedback and shows that everyone at Quarriers is united in upholding our mission, vision and values. Quarriers held a special celebration event at which the Investors In People PLATINUM plaque was unveiled. Staff at all levels spoke about their experiences of working at Quarriers and how they support and feel supported by their colleagues.
Shared Lives
Tommy is just part of our lives now. We wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves if Tommy wasn’t here. Alice
Quarriers specialised Shared Lives Family Placement Service supports adults with complex needs to live with a family in their home. Living in a nurturing home environment really helps people to flourish, as Alice, William and Tommy have discovered. 73-year-old Tommy first came to stay with Alice and William for two weeks when his carer at that time had health issues, and soon he had moved in permanently. Seven years on, he is very much part of the family. Alice was one of eight children whose mum worked three jobs to keep the family together, so she has been taking charge from a young age. Earlier experience of fostering gave Alice and William the confidence to welcome Tommy into their home, although Alice says it was a big decision. “If you are caring for someone with learning
difficulties, it’s important to understand the commitment you are making. It does involve the social aspect as well as personal care – it’s the whole package of what that person needs and wants.”
happy and content, his vocabulary has improved and he is better able to communicate. He is supported to enjoy his hobbies, he makes his own choices, and is experiencing new things all the time.
Quarriers provides comprehensive support for Alice and William, including an annual review discussing all aspects of caring. “They tell us all about Tommy and his achievements, and we constantly remind them of the great job they are doing,” says Diane Glendye, Quarriers Supervising Social Worker.
But it isn’t all one way: Tommy is accepted and included by all Alice and William’s friends and family, and both Alice and William say life without Tommy would now be unimaginable. As William says “I don’t know who gets more out of this, Tommy or us.”
And when Alice and William do need a break, their daughter Sharon provides respite care, meaning that Tommy can stay at home and be cared for by someone he knows. The difference Alice and William have made to Tommy’s life is evident. He’s
Get in touch Call 0141 954 1010 Viait services/adult-family-placement/
Drumming A-Head
I can express myself through drumming. It helps you forget your troubles. Individual supported by Quarriers
It is well documented that music can help to boost a person’s mood we can all relate to the feeling of singing along to a favourite song – and regularly taking part in a creative hobby such as playing an instrument can have a lasting positive effect on wellbeing. Quarriers Renfrewshire Head Injury Service offers practical support and advice for adults affected by an acquired brain injury, and one aspect of this support is providing meaningful activities in the community to help improve wellbeing. In early 2019, the service joined forces with mental health drumming group The Buddy Beat to run a weekly percussion group called Drumming A-Head.
The Buddy Beat sessions are facilitated by Tom who found that drumming helped him to cope with depression and anxiety. The Buddy Beat runs sessions with a variety of groups throughout Renfrewshire, helping to share the positive effects of making music. Drumming A-Head sessions are suitable for all abilities, and people we support don’t need to have any experience of playing an instrument, just a desire to have fun. Instruments used include tom toms, drums and boom whackers, and participants build their confidence as they learn new skills. Local organisations and fundraisers have been keen to support the group, with Morrisons in Paisley contributing funding for the sessions and Quarriers
Quality Manager Sam Simpson raising over £800 for the group by taking part in The Kiltwalk. The sessions have been extremely popular, giving people we support the opportunity to socialise, relieve stress and express themselves without words. Participants leave every session with smiles on their faces, saying they can’t wait to come back next week.
Get in touch Call 0141 848 1701 Email headinjuryservice@
Ruchazie Woods Project
young children’s transition to local pre-school nurseries. Children can meet others who attend their new nursery, ensuring they see familiar faces when they move on, and parents have the opportunity to meet staff and keyworkers.
Staff and people supported by Quarriers Ruchazie Family Resource Centre have transformed a run-down wasteland into woodlands for all the community to enjoy. Following The Scottish Government’s Outdoor Play Strategies and sharing good practice documents My World Outdoors (Care Inspectorate, 2016) and Out to Play (Scottish Government, 2018:3) Embedding outdoor play into the fabric of young people’s lives will require us all to work together, The Woods Project has created a vital community space. Activities run by Quarriers have included finding bugs, making sensory bottles and collages with leaves and twigs, and painting tree bark with natural paints. The space has also been used for Bookbug sessions and children
have enjoyed bringing stories like We’re Going On A Bear Hunt to life. Staff have seen a positive effect on children’s behaviour as the woodland environment can be very calming. Some children feel nervous in new surroundings, but staff take time to help them build their confidence. One boy who had a phobia of insects overcame this by first seeing them and eventually being able to handle them. All activities follow the service’s motto to leave nothing but a footprint behind. Children help to mark out boundaries of play using flour, while areas are signposted with bright ribbons which are easily removed at the end of a session. The Woods Project also helps to bring the wider community together to aid
Work to clear the woodlands began in summer 2018 when parents supported by the centre mentioned they would like a safe space where their children could play. The dads group was keen to help turn the woodlands into something positive for the community, which in turn has improved their wellbeing. Local businesses and Glasgow City Council ELC have provided funding and resources including waterproof jackets so the children can get out in all weathers. Quarriers Inclusion Team has greatly assisted this project by committing staff time, enabling more children to benefit. A successful funding bid from the team also provided the nursery with muchneeded resources for outdoor play. Several groups have benefited from the space including the relaxation group for mums who enjoyed the peace of being outdoors. The service hopes to offer daily sessions and involve as many local groups and organisations as possible, truly bringing the local community together.
Epilepsy Fieldwork pop-up shop
Living with epilepsy can be isolating. It can impact all aspects of life, from work and education to being able to socialise with friends. And that’s where Quarriers Epilepsy Fieldwork Service comes in. As well as providing practical support and advice for people who have epilepsy and their families, carers and professionals who support them, the service runs a range of support groups. The groups give people the chance to share their experiences and meet others affected by the condition. Epilepsy is still widely misunderstood, so speaking to other people who have been there, who understand, can be a lifeline. Friendships quickly form, and the groups enjoy social activities together.
People we support have also been keen to get involved in fundraising to support the work of the groups. Fundraising activities have included sponsored cycles, rock climbing and coffee mornings. And when Quarriers first decided to run a week-long pop-up charity shop in 2017, people we support couldn’t wait to get involved. The pop-up shop, which is held in the Charity Shop in Aberdeen city centre, both raises money and promotes awareness of epilepsy in the community. People we support donated and collected clothes, toys, books, music and homeware to be sold, and helped to spread the word about the shop. When the doors opened, it was all hands on deck, with staff, volunteers
and people we support serving customers, replenishing stock and even dressing up. This continued when the shop returned in 2018 and 2019. Running the shop makes for a busy week, but it’s a week filled with encouragement, fun and laughter. It’s a chance for people we support to build their confidence – in 2018, one person we support enjoyed volunteering in the shop so much that she was inspired to find a job – as well as meeting new people and feeling they are giving something back. The 2019 shop saw three support groups coming together from Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire to raise a fantastic £1,565.68, helping the group to enjoy new activities and adventures.
Fife Supported Living
Supporting someone to settle into a new home in a new area can take time, and this transition becomes much more complicated when the very idea of home has to be redefined. This was the challenge faced by the team at Quarriers when the Fife Supported Living Service was established in 2014. The service runs tenancies for six people affected by mental health difficulties and learning disabilities, and is unusual in that the people we support all moved to their own homes from long-term hospital care. This service is Quarriers’ first in Fife, so the team was met with the additional challenge of establishing a service, building a reputation and making connections in a new area. With some of the people we support having been in hospital for almost 20 years, this transition was more than moving house: it was adjusting to a whole new way of life. People we support displayed challenging behaviour, and Quarriers worked with them to help reduce anxiety about the move. Each person’s move was coordinated by Quarriers and NHS Fife, and the transition process was gradual, taking place over a year.
Six years on, the service is thriving. Once people we support felt settled, the service’s focus shifted to helping them set goals and develop their independence. Promoting choice is key to all areas of Quarriers’ work, and this gave people supported at the service new opportunities: deciding what they want to eat, taking part in activities they enjoy and choosing how to decorate their homes. The latter was particularly important in helping them to settle into their new lives, a world away from only having their own room. People we support are active every day. Each has their favourite places in the area, including cafés, social groups, bingo and the cinema. Their adventures have also taken them further afield, with trips to the safari park, the seaside and Dynamic Earth, and even going on their first ever holidays. Staff at the service record every outing and achievement in scrapbooks. People we support often ask to look at these books and are proud to see how far they have come. The service too has much to be proud of. The staff team is motivated and actively involved in setting goals for
the service. Quarriers is well respected in the local community and continues to enjoy exemplary partnership working with NHS Fife, liaising on everything from accessing medical records to recommending training. And above all, the service has achieved what it set out to do: transform lives. People we support simply enjoy life more, and truly have somewhere to call home.
Moray Carers
Creating my support plan helped me put things into perspective. The future looks more positive and I feel more able to continue caring. Carer
In 2019, Quarriers Carer Support Service (Moray) celebrated its 10th anniversary, with three staff recognised for having been with the service since the beginning. Established on 4 May 2009, the service has made a phenomenal contribution to carers in Moray. Almost 400 carers registered for support in the service’s first year, and this has steadily increased, with over 1,600 carers of all ages now registered to benefit. The service supports carers to recognise their caring role and its impact on them, and helps identify the most appropriate support to meet their needs. For adult carers, this starts with the completion of an Adult Carer Support Plan; for young carers, a Young Carers Statement. Quarriers offers a comprehensive range of support including information and advice, access to respite and short breaks, peer support opportunities,
a network of Carers’ Cafés and emotional support, as well as access to professional counselling, training and learning opportunities to help carers develop skills and feel confident in their caring role, and referral and signposting to condition-specific and specialist services. The underlying principle behind the service is to help carers manage their caring role and maintain a life of their own alongside caring. For young carers, reducing the caring role as much as possible and allowing them to be young people first and foremost is key. Carers who have regular breaks from their role and feel they can look after their wellbeing are more able to continue to provide care. The 10th anniversary was marked with a special event at the service’s office in Elgin. Carers, volunteers, staff, former staff, commissioners, delivery partners
and others who have supported, worked with or benefited from the service gathered to recognise the achievement. MSP for Moray Richard Lochead attended, spending time chatting to carers and hearing about the difference the service has made. Prior to the event, carers and professionals were asked to submit one word summing up their experience of Quarriers Carer Support Service. The words they chose say it all: acceptance, coping, appreciated, lifeline, essential.
Get in touch Call 01343 556031 Email carersmoray@
Borders Resillience for Wellbeing Service
Young people are under a huge amount of pressure to perform well academically, to look a certain way, to be popular. They may be facing problems at home or with their friends, and with the pervasiveness of social media, bullying doesn’t stop when the bell rings. Established in 2018, Quarriers Resilience for Wellbeing Service provides vital support to help young people in the Scottish Borders build confidence and resilience to cope when times are tough. The service works with young people to create time-limited support which responds to their individual needs and promotes resilience rather than building reliance. A fundamental aspect of the service’s support is having a community presence, including Resilience Practitioners in each of the nine high schools across the Borders. Resilience Practitioners come from all walks of life, bringing a wealth of experience to their roles. They offer an impartial listening ear, which is crucial: many young people say they wouldn’t want to worry their family, that they would be embarrassed speaking to a teacher, and they worried about being judged by friends. Each practitioner has a dedicated room in their school where young people
can make appointments or drop in. Practitioners are creative in helping young people talk about how they are feeling: being engaged in an activity like drawing can encourage someone to open up. One practitioner has a table on which young people are invited to draw or write whatever they wish. A pupil talks about how calm she felt after spending a session writing negative thoughts onto paper, freezing them in ice and smashing them. But all sessions have one thing in common: they are shaped by the young person and what they want to talk about. Prevention and early intervention are key when addressing mental health issues, and Quarriers’ presence in schools is encouraging young people to speak up earlier, before their situations reach crisis point. The service has had exceptional feedback from teachers who have seen pupils become more confident and better able to focus on
their schoolwork. The young people can’t speak highly enough of the service, with many saying that they simply don’t know where they would be without it. The service has introduced a wellbeing ambassador programme in each school, and senior pupils - some of whom have been supported by the service themselves - were keen to volunteer. By encouraging their peers to reach out during difficult times, they are helping to tackle the stigma around mental health and ensuring that more young people are able to access the support they need.
Get in touch Call 01896 668 411 Email
Mearns View
Launched in 2018, Quarriers’ awardwinning Care To Join Us recruitment campaign took the innovative approach of focusing not on having particular qualifications and experience but on finding people who share our organisational values of enabling people we support, respect, dignity, excellence, honesty and being outcomes-focused
I decided I wanted to make a difference too, to support people to live full and fulfilling lives.
One staff member who embodies this journey is Senior Autism Practitioner Gary Mitchell. “After leaving school, I worked in the construction industry,” he says. “Around this time, my uncle was diagnosed with mental health issues which completely changed his life and meant he now required help from support staff to meet both physical and mental wellbeing needs. I saw how much of a difference his support staff made to his life, and
Quarriers promotes a culture of continuous improvement, and comprehensive training is provided for all roles. Training ranges from core skills to specialist areas, and Quarriers’ LEAD programme equips managers with the tools they need to progress within the organisation. Staff also have the opportunity to gain formal qualifications through the organisation, and Gary has attained HNC and SVQ qualifications.
“I work at Quarriers Mearns View Service which specialises in supporting people with autism. As soon as I heard about the service, I knew it was where I wanted to be.”
Quarriers Mearns View Service was established in 2019 to provide support for five young men affected by autism, empowering them to live as independently as possible and achieve their personal goals. As Mearns View is Quarriers’ first autism-specific service, Gary’s role as Senior Autism Practitioner presented many more opportunities to learn. “Quarriers is an extremely supportive organisation that encourages staff to excel and grow,” says Gary. “Being part of it is a fantastic and rewarding opportunity.”
Get in touch Visit
Corporate volunteering
The team was very motivated and conscientious, and demonstrated a high level of respect for the people we support and the staff. Sandra Sweeten, Project Manager at Quarriers Paisley and Johnstone Supported LIving Service
There are many different ways to support Quarriers by volunteering, from befriending and mentoring to providing office support. And it’s not just individuals who volunteer: corporate teams regularly take part in employee challenges, spending a day painting, decorating and gardening at services across Quarriers. Thermo Fisher Scientific has been taking part in employee challenges for Quarriers for more than six years. Groups of volunteers from the company have spent one day a year at services including Countryview, Fountainview and Paisley and Johnstone Supported Living, helping to transform rooms and outdoor spaces.
And this contribution is so much more than aesthetic: it truly enhances the day-to-day lives of the people we support by enabling them to get more out of their home environment. People we support can reflect their personality in choosing colours and furnishings for a newly decorated bedroom, and improved garden facilities encourage spending time outside and boosting wellbeing through time in nature. Employee challenges also help with team building, while the volunteers have the chance to learn more about the work that Quarriers does and see firsthand the difference that their support makes.
Thermo Fisher Scientific’s outstanding contribution was recognised with title of Corporate Volunteer Team at the 2018 Quarriers Volunteer Awards. The company also made an extremely generous donation of toys to Quarriers Family Resource Centre in Glasgow which helped to brighten Christmas for hundreds of families we support.
Get in touch Call 01505 616109 Email volunteercentre@
Your support Here is just a snapshot of how our incredible supporters have made a difference during the past year.
raised at Festival of Choirs
raised at Quarriers Golf Day
Direct Debit gifts in the year
raised at Noel Lunch
raised in The Kiltwalk, Glasgow
gifts to Summer Appeal
raised at Quarriers Ladies Lunch
Our supporters With sincere thanks to these charitable trusts, grant-making bodies and foundations. Aberdeenshire Council
Glebefoot Charitable Trust
Scottish Government - CYPEIF
Aldi Sports Fund
Holywood Trust
Short Breaks Fund
Andrew Paton’s Charitable Trust
Inspiring Scotland - intandem
Talteg Limited
BBC Children In Need
James Inglis Testamentary Tust
Templeton Goodwill Trust
Big Lottery Fund - Investing In Communities
James Wood Bequest Fund
The AMW Charitable Trust
Big Lottery Fund - Supporting 21st Century Life
John Christie Trust
Brand’s Trust
JTH Charitable Trust
Carers Act Transformation Fund
Life Changes Trust
Cash For Kids
MEB Charitable Trust
Comic Relief
MV Hillhouse Trust
Corra Foundation PDI
Martin Connell Charitable Trust
Creative Scotland
National Lottery Awards For All
Duncan Campbell Leggat Charitable Trust
Patrick Mulholland Trust
UCB Pharma Limited
Fletcher Bequest Trust
Robert and Jeanne Mairs Charitable Trust
Voluntary Action Fund
Glasgow City Council Glasgow Life Homeless World Cup Legacy Project
John Scott Trust Fund
Robert Barr Charitable Trust
The Ann Jane Green Trust The Boshier-Hinton Foundation The Cross Trust The Donald Trust The GC Gibson Charitable Trust The March Brown Charitable Trust The Mickel Fund
Year of Young People National Lottery Fund
Santander Discovery Grant
Creating better lives.
Our finances
Financial review
Summary statement of financial activities
It has been a challenging year resulting in a net expenditure position of £2.2m, much of which was driven by increased staffing and agency costs. On a positive note, total income increased by £1.2m to £42.7m and the Fundraising team exceeded its income target delivering a total of £2.5m.
Year ended 31 March 2019 £000s
Year ended 31 March 2018 £000s
Other trading activities
Gain on sale of fixed assets
Total expenditure
Net income before investment gains
Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit pension scheme
Net movement in funds
Income from: Donations and legacies
Notwithstanding the challenging environment, we have been able to provide person-centred support to over 5,000 people across a diverse range of care models and geographic areas. We also gained Living Wage accreditation during the year resulting in all staff receiving at least the real Living Wage.
Charitable activities
Statement of trustees
Total income
This is an extract from the Annual Report and Financial Statements of Quarriers which was approved by the Board of Trustees on 26 August 2019. These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity.
Expenditure on:
For further information, the full audited Annual Report and Financial Statements can be obtained from the Director of Finance at the registered office of Quarriers or the Registrar of Companies.
Investment management costs
Extract from the Annual Report and Financial Statements of Quarriers for the year ended 31 March 2019.
Net gains on investments
Tom Scholes Chair, Quarriers Board of Trustees
David Watt Quarriers Board of Trustees
Raising donations and legacies Charitable activities Other trading activities
Net (expenditure)/income
Summary balance sheet Year ended 31 March 2019 £000s
Year ended 31 March 2018 £000s
Assets and liabilities Fixed assets
Where our money came from Local authority and NHS fees
Grants and trusts
Net current assets
Creditors: over one year
Pension deficit
Total net assets
Major fundraising events, courses and venue hire
Investment and other income
1,561 42,738
Reserves General
Charitable activities:
Adult disability
Total Capital and Reserves
Where did our money go? 25,318
Children and families
Young adults
Raising donations and legacies
Major fundraising events, courses and venue hire
Investment management
Quarriers services are independently regulated by: Care Inspectorate Healthcare Improvement Scotland Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
Registered and Head Office: Quarriers, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir PA11 3SX Tel: 01505 616000/612224 Email: Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SC001960 and is a company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland No 14361. VAT registration No 263 5009 75. Written and designed by Quarriers. Cover photograph by Elaine Livingstone. Photography by Elaine Livingstone, Ian Watson, Maguires and Quarriers.