Aberdeenshire Carers Service - summer 2022 newsletter

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Carers’ newsletter Summer 2022

Dear Carer,

Scotland hosted a drop-in event at our office on 1 June, and we also had a drop-in session during Carers Week. This was an opportunity for you to meet some of the team and have your questions answered. In addition, we held a pop-up stall at Inverurie Garden Centre and Young Carer Awareness Assemblies in schools to reach out to carers who may not have been aware of the support they are entitled to.

Now is the time the sun is returning, and our days are longer. I hope you are enjoying this change alongside the increasing freedoms as we move out of the pandemic. We have been delighted to distribute payments through the extra Winter Hardship Funding from the Scottish Government. We managed to get more than 300 grants of £300 out to carers, alongside counselling provision and IT equipment. Thanks to our office team for managing such a big undertaking with a six-week turnaround in the funding.

The cover photo above shows the staff team saying farewell to our lovely Linda Camilli. Linda has taken early retirement, and we had a lunch to celebrate her and all she brought to the service. Many laughs, creative working, and professionalism. Thank you, Linda. We all wish you much happiness.

In addition, we have been busy matching carers to breaks through the ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme. Many of you have had lovely trips away with the much-needed respite that is crucial for our carers. The funding is now closed but allocation is ongoing. Our new Creative Breaks funding is now open for applications.

With that goodbye comes a welcome and we are delighted to have two new team members join us - Kath and Morag. They bring a wealth of knowledge to the service, and you can read about them on page 4. This edition of the newsletter also includes updates on what our creative Young Carer Team has been providing for our young carers and the fun that has been had, details of our support groups, and a piece by unpaid carer, Adrian Slayter.

On the subject of holidays, we are running a three-day residential for families in a beautiful setting in Edzell. There will be many activities available on this woodland family retreat, along with wellbeing support. If you care for a young person in your family and fancy an assisted break in July, then please contact your Family Wellbeing Worker or the office to check for eligibility.

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful summer. Heather and the team

We are always keen to reach out to unidentified carers and we used Dementia Awareness Week (30 May — 5 June) and Carers Week (6–12 June) towards that aim. Alzheimer

Heather Knowles Service Coordinator 1

Meet the team

Heather Knowles Service Coordinator

Kirsty Duncan Team Leader (Adult Carers) & Family Wellbeing Worker Tel: 07468 863934 kirsty.duncan@ quarriers.org.uk

Kirsty Jackson Team Leader (Young Carers) & Family Wellbeing Worker Tel: 07468 863930 kirsty.jackson2@ quarriers.org.uk

Sandra Andrew Senior Administrator Tel: 01467 538700 sandra.andrew@ quarriers.org.uk

Julie Applin-Smith Administrator Tel: 01467 538700 julie.applinsmith@ quarriers.org.uk

Kath Robertson Administrator Tel: 07812 376475 kath.robertson@ quarriers.org.uk

Lora Fenwick Family Wellbeing Worker (Respitality) Tel: 01467 538700 lora.fenwick@ quarriers.org.uk

Jenny Keir Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage) Tel: 01467 538700 jenny.keir@ quarriers.org.uk

Ann Coutts Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07725 593902 ann.coutts@ quarriers.org.uk 2

Shravya Allumalla Family Wellbeing Worker (Carer Researcher) Tel: 07808 241878 shravya.allumalla@ quarriers.org.uk

Meet the team

Siobhan Lawson Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07812 228562 siobhan.lawson@ quarriers.org.uk

Moira Stewart Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07812 228404 moira.stewart@ quarriers.org.uk

Morag Mundie Family Wellbeing Worker (North) Tel: 07812 228437 morag.mundie@ quarriers.org.uk

Kaye Taylor Family Wellbeing Worker (North) Tel: 07812 228451 kaye.taylor@ quarriers.org.uk

Alison McKessick Family Wellbeing Worker (North) Tel: 07812 228558 alison.mckessick@ quarriers.org.uk

Yvonne Hobson Family Wellbeing Worker (North) Tel: 07972 849442 yvonne.hobson@ quarriers.org.uk

Lisa Falconer Young Carers Toolkit Development Worker Tel: 07741 707679 lisa.falconer@ quarriers.org.uk

Deborah Ironside Family Wellbeing Worker (South) Tel: 07919 891448 deborah.ironside@ quarriers.org.uk

Sandra Proctor Family Wellbeing Worker (South and Central) Tel: 07770 228731 sandra.proctor@quarriers. org.uk

Gillian Bidgood Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07741 707694 gillian.bidgood@ quarriers.org.uk

Julie McIntosh Family Wellbeing Worker (Young Carers) Tel: 07586 553364 julie.mcintosh@quarriers. org.uk

Julie Ritchie Family Wellbeing Worker (Volunteer Coordinator) Tel: 07586 553325 julie.ritchie@ quarriers.org.uk


Staff update - welcome to the team

Morag Mundie

Kath Robertson

Hi, my name is Morag Mundie and I have recently joined Quarriers as an Adult Carer Family Wellbeing Worker working in the north of Aberdeenshire.

I joined Quarriers in February this year as an Administrator. Most of my career had been in the oil industry until we had another downturn in 2016, which ended in my redundancy. I then found myself in a caring support role for a young man for the next five years, which I absolutely loved, until Covid hit us all and the world changed.

I have just recently completed an Applied Social Science degree at RGU as a mature student. This is something that I have always wanted to prove to myself I could do. I have enjoyed the experience and meeting my fellow students and lecturers.

Caring support services have always been a great passion of mine. My husband and I set up a community group to help support those who were marginalised, alone without relatives close by, or anyone who just needed time to be able to meet others in a safe and friendly place.

I am also a volunteer counsellor with Childline which I enjoy, especially having the privilege of listening to and supporting young people. When the vacancy came up at Quarriers it was a good fit for me, as Quarriers’ values of equality and fairness reflect my own.

For a few years, before Covid, we raised funds and held a Christmas Day lunch event in the Town Hall in Inverurie, which was a joy and privilege to host and great fun for everybody involved.

The team have been very welcoming and supportive, and there is a lot to learn.

I can say without any hesitation that I am loving my job and the people I work alongside. They are amazing individuals who sincerely care and are passionate about the work they do. It is an inspiration to me.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and going for long walks with my two dogs, especially along the Moray coast.

I have been welcomed into the team wholeheartedly and my hope is that while supporting staff in my admin role, I bring a little bit of fun and laughter too.


Young carers’ update

Young Carers Action Day

need to be paid back. If you are interested in applying for this grant, please speak to your Family Wellbeing Worker, who can help you complete the forms.

Young Carers Action Day took place in March, with our toolkit worker Lisa Falconer touring a number of academies in Aberdeenshire. More than 30 young carers attended the events over the week, along with teachers and PSAs, to find out more about what the Young Carers service does, ask questions, and advise the service on what they would like to see happen. The events took place over lunch times, and pizza and sandwiches were provided, which made for a very relaxed atmosphere.

Young Carer South event April saw the young carers’ team head down to Stonehaven to run another group event for primary school-aged young carers. The theme of the evening was building bird boxes and making clay models. Everyone was very excited to get together again, and there are plans to hold more events. If you are interested in attending any of our group events, please let your Family Wellbeing Worker know.

Health and Wellbeing Grant Young carers in Aberdeenshire can apply for a Health and Wellbeing Grant to take time out from their caring role and enjoy activities and hobbies, or spend time with friends. Young carers can decide what to buy with the grant, as long as it helps to look after their health and wellbeing. The grant is a one-off purchase that does not

What’s next? Summer is approaching, and we are in the process of planning a number of group events. The next few months will be focused on group events for those at academy schools, so keep an eye out for those.


Creative Paths

The Creative Paths programme, funded by Creative Scotland and delivered to Quarriers by Findhorn Bay Arts, has sadly come to an end.

Carers were provided with art packs and then met fortnightly over Zoom, with Nicola demonstrating art techniques such as mono printing, watercolours, collage and accordion book decorating. Carers across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray produced some truly inspirational artwork, which you can see here https://drive.google.com/drive/ folders/1UTknmrFjNUiC366TkQprvL b_AFj6Msln.

And what an end it was, as Dawn Hartley, Quee Macarthur and Nicola Kennell hosted a fabulous grand finale celebration event for carers and Quarriers’ staff at Duthie Park in Aberdeen. There was music, drawing, and dancing through the greenhouses (much to the bemusement of park staff and visitors!). Attendees enjoyed a lunch at the Park Café followed by a sing-along, with lyrics they had written as part of the programme put to music by Quee Macarthur. Quee treated them to the sounds of the double bass and bouzouki, with fellow band members Charlie Grey on fiddle and Joseph Peach on keys.

Block 2 saw Dance Artist Dawn Hartley of What Moves You? introducing gentle exercises and encouraging carers to explore key movement themes set to live music. The aim was to get everyone to explore their individual responses to music and movement tasks. Once again, carers gathered online and engaged in activities such as composition and landscape, introduction to song writing, moving, and drawing: capturing action, and song and choreography.

Block 1 of the programme began in September 2021, with participants enjoying mindful walks under the guidance of art psychotherapist Nicola Kennell of Green Tree Arts.

Turn to page 7 to see some of the fun we had in our gallery.


Creative Paths gallery

The whole course was a joy! Every element was an invitation to learn something new and I feel I have gained hugely from taking part.

The Creative Paths project has allowed me to return to my love of art, which in turn has given me confidence to try out the other activities in the programme, for instance dance and songwriting, which I would never have had the confidence to try before. We felt supported just to go for it.


Understanding and accepting a caring role by Adrian Slayter

Despite the challenges, caring people endure, finding gains to offset losses, finding comfort and joy where and when they can. It could be that their demanding situation brings out their practical spirit who bravely realises the value, and sometimes joy, of managing the ongoing situation to the best of their ability. This requires understanding and acceptance of the situation. It may help to ask, “How do I feel right now?” The alternative, of thinking about difficulties from yesterday or tomorrow, only adds mind drama to the drama that is actually happening now.

A person’s life changes when they have a role of carer. It’s helpful to understand and be prepared for this change. Although accepting such a role is admirable and responsible, an efficient carer also supports themselves responsibly. Carers share their resources such as time, consideration, physical support and treatment. The availability of resources is likely to change. For instance, the person under care may previously have provided support. In such cases, relationships may also need to change with the carer required to take on new roles. This can result in reduced employment opportunities.

With reduced anxiety, the mind works most efficiently to find improvement, and will need less comforting from external things that are usually harmful when enjoyed in excess.

Particularly when there is less time for rest and personal interests, it may not be so easy to enjoy relationships, and some friends may withdraw from the carer’s situation, possibly reluctant to share with them. New uncertainties can lead to anxiety, unwelcome emotions and frustration. As a carer, you tend to feel another person’s hurt.

North Carers Café

Clan Crimond Clan Crimond is hosting monthly coffee mornings for the public. Join them on the last Friday of every month from 10am-12noon for some delicious tea, coffee, and cakes! Just pop along to the Crimond Medical & Community Hub, Logie Avenue West, Crimond, AB43 8QJ. There is a suggested donation of £3.50 for entry.

North Carers Café attendees in April were very kindly invited along to a lovely afternoon tea at Saplinbrae Hotel and Lodges on the outskirts of Mintlaw. The delicious food was made and served by pupils from Peterhead Academy participating in the Foundation Apprenticeship in Hospitality Skills programme. Those who attended enjoyed the lovely food and were able to relax. We would like to say a big thank you to Saplinbrae Hotel and Lodges and the pupils of Peterhead Academy.

For further info, contact crimond@ clancancersupport.org or call 01779 487176. 8

Meet the Carer Practitioner Team Aberdeenshire Council/Health and Social Care Partnership

Barbara Anderson Carer Practitioner Central Aberdeenshire

Elinor Allan Carer Practitioner North Aberdeenshire

Kara Robertson Carer Practitioner South Aberdeenshire

Barbara Anderson recently joined the Carer Practitioner team at Aberdeenshire Council/Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and Tracy Gordon has been seconded to the role of Service Development Officer — Carers. Carer Practitioners are social work staff who support eligible carers, following completion of an Adult Carer Support Plan or Young Carer Statement, to look at how they can be supported to meet their needs and outcomes through use of a selfdirected support (SDS) budget.

Tracy Gordon Service Development Officer — Carers

a self-directed support budget. Carers who meet the eligibility criteria can discuss SDS options with a Carer Practitioner. SDS is a way of providing support that means that eligible carers are given choice and control over what kind of support they use. The Carer Practitioner will support the carer to make an informed decision on which of the four SDS options to use. Carers are encouraged to use their SDS budget creatively to meet their identified outcomes. During previous Covid restrictions, many carers used their SDS budgets to purchase support they could use at home. Examples of these included home gym equipment, massage equipment, aromatherapy oils, digital devices, streaming services and garden equipment, which supported carers to access breaks from caring.

Quarriers is commissioned by Aberdeenshire Council/HSCP to provide a Carer Support Service to unpaid adult and young carers in Aberdeenshire. Quarriers work alongside carers to identify the impact caring has on the whole family and can offer advice, support, and information. All carers have a right to an Adult Carer Support Plan, or Young Carer Statement if under 18 or still at school — these set out carers’ identified personal outcomes, needs, and any support required to meet them. The intention is to support carers in a flexible, person-centred way before they reach crisis point.

SDS for carers is funded by Aberdeenshire Council and HSCP via carer support funding received from the Scottish Government. More information on the Aberdeenshire eligibility criteria for adult and young carers and self-directed support can be found on these Aberdeenshire Council webpages:

If a carer has identified eligible needs or outcomes that cannot be met by support from Quarriers, universal services or support provided to the cared for person, then the carer will be referred to the Carer Practitioner team at Aberdeenshire Council/HSCP for consideration for 9

www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/socialcare-and-health/community-care/ caring-for-others/support-for-carers/

www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/socialcare-and-health/community-care/ financial-support/self-directedsupport/

Respitality update by Lora Fenwick

We are delighted to report that three previous donors to Respitality have agreed to donate again. Firstly, big thanks to Energie Fitness (www.energiefitness. com/inverurie) who have gifted a threemonth gym membership to a young carer, allowing them to take a break from caring and improve their fitness at the same time. Gifting our young carer social, mental and physical attainments, all from one donation! Queen attends when staying at Balmoral. It is an idyllic spot, fully enclosed with a beautiful garden, which is kept to a high standard by local volunteers. In fact, the cottages are a local project, started 30 years ago when the wife of the minister fundraised to convert what were derelict buildings into holiday cottages suitable for disabled people after a conversation with a friend who mentioned that there was a lack of suitable accommodation for disabled people like her.

You may remember an article about Tahuna Bothies in Newburgh gifting weekend breaks to young carers last year. The owners, Tanya and Gail, have kindly agreed to donate again later this year and are opening the opportunity to adult and parent carers too! Read more: www.tahunabothies.co.uk/ More in Moray private tours took a carer and their family member on a bus tour of Aberdeenshire last week, stopping off to see sights including Slains Castle in Cruden Bay. More in Moray happily agreed to arrange another tour later in the year for a deserving carer. Find out more: https://moreinmoray.com/

To that end, the cottages come provisioned with hospital-style beds and ceiling track hoists, with many types of accessibility equipment such as mobile hoists, shower chairs, roto-stands and fully accessible bathrooms. A full list of available equipment can be accessed on their website: www.crathieholidays.org. uk/. They have kindly agreed to donate a break to Respitality, so Maggie MacKay, who has been manager of Crathie Opportunity Holidays for 25 years, was presented with a certificate to mark the occasion.

I recently made a trip to visit Crathie Opportunity Holidays near Ballater. Even the journey there was relaxing, as the scenery is just beautiful. Crathie Opportunity Holidays is a collection of four self-catering cottages nestled right on the banks of the River Dee in the valley between the Balmoral Estate and Crathie Kirk, the church the 10

Support and online groups We are running carer support cafés and mindfulness groups for unpaid carers. These will take place in person and via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. If you are interested, let us know and we will book you in or send you an invite to join any of the online sessions. If you have any questions about joining or accessing any of the sessions, please let us know and we can support you. Date and time


June Wednesday 1 June 10.30–11.30am

Carer Café — North Aberdeenshire. Ban Car Hotel, Main Road, Lonmay, Fraserburgh, AB43 8RL. In-person only. Pre-booking required.

Tuesday 14 June 1.30- 2.30pm

Carer Café — Central Aberdeenshire. Community Room, Rowlands Chemist, 32 Market Street, Ellon, AB41 9JD. Inperson only. Pre-booking Required.

Wednesday 15 June 11am–1pm

Connexions — A closed group for women in need of mental health support. If you wish to attend, contact Teresa Massie on 07917 521853.

Friday 24 June 2-2.45pm

Adult carers mindfulness — Explore meditation to assist you in your daily life and beyond. Via Microsoft Teams.

Wednesday 29 June 1.30-2.30pm

Carer Café — South Aberdeenshire. Front Room, Belvedere Hotel, 41 Evan Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2ET. Pre-booking Required. Also online via Microsoft Teams.

July Wednesday 6 July 10.30–11.30am

Carer Café — North Aberdeenshire. Ban Car Hotel, Main Road, Lonmay, Fraserburgh, AB43 8RL. In-person only. Pre-booking Required.

Wednesday 6 July 11am – 1pm

Connexions — A closed group for women in need of mental health support. If you wish to attend, contact Teresa Massie on 07917 521853

Tuesday 12 July 1.30–2.30pm

Carer Café — Central Aberdeenshire. Community Room, Rowlands Chemist, 32 Market Street, Ellon, AB41 9JD. Inperson only. Pre-booking Required.

Wednesday 27 July 1.30-2.30pm

Carer Café — South Aberdeenshire. Front Room, Belvedere Hotel, 41 Evan Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2ET. Pre-booking Required. Also online via Microsoft Teams.

Friday 29 July 2-2.45pm

Adult carers mindfulness — Explore meditation to assist you in your daily life and beyond. Via Microsoft Teams.


Support and online groups (continued) Date and time


August Wednesday 3 August 10.30–11.30am

Carer Café — North Aberdeenshire. Ban Car Hotel, Main Road, Lonmay, Fraserburgh, AB43 8RL. In-person only. Pre-booking required.

Tuesday 9 August 1.30–2.30pm

Carer Café — Central Aberdeenshire. Community Room, Rowlands Chemist, 32 Market St, Ellon, AB41 9JD. In-person only. Pre-booking required.

Wednesday 10 August 11am – 1pm

Connexions — A closed group for women in need of mental health support. If you wish to attend, contact Teresa Massie on 07917 521853.

Friday 26 August 2-2.45pm

Adult carers mindfulness — Explore meditation to assist you in your daily life and beyond. Via Microsoft Teams.

Wednesday 31 August 1.30–2.30pm

Carer Café — South Aberdeenshire. Front Room, Belvedere Hotel, 41 Evan Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2ET. Pre-booking required. Also online via Microsoft Teams.

How to book your place •

For Adult and Young Carer Groups, contact kirsty.duncan@quarriers.org.uk or kirsty.jackson2@quarriers. org.uk

Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service Wardes Road Inverurie AB51 3TT

OR telephone the service on 01467 538700 and leave your name and a contact number.

Tel: 01467 538700 aberdeenshirecarers@quarriers.org.uk


Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SC001960


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