Aberdeenshire Carers Newsletter November 2020

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Carers’ newsletter November 2020



Facetime friends



Uno Treadmill



Strictly Movies


Laptop breaks Switch off Murder Pilates The Bridge Jigsaws River Weights mysteries Arts & crafts Being unavailable YouTube Laugh City Peer support Nature


Netflix Prosecco




Chat with colleague

Being outdoors


Me time

Dog grooming

Ready meals

Growing things Singing Just breathe Countryside Holiday Wine Eastenders planning Gin Phone off



How do you do it said night How do you wake and shine I keep it simple said light One day at a time by Lemn Sissay

My pet



Tennis Manicure Gym Running

We are a carer-led service and will be led by you on how you are coping and what level of support you require. If your circumstances change then please contact the service or your Family Wellbeing Worker directly. If you are affected by coronavirus and require support with shopping, prescriptions, etc, please contact the Grampian Hub to request assistance.

This was a poem my mother shared with me and we spoke about it in our catch-up phone call this week because now more than ever it seems very apt.

Stay safe and stay connected.

With the clock change and winter approaching quickly I am now driving back from work in the dark which at first, I felt quite cross about until I remembered some advice given to me by a friend in Shetland. She always has a store of some fireside craft project ideas or reading material. She used to have a basket she would pop things into over the summer months when she was busy out and about. Then as the weather turned and the daylight hours reduced, she would rediscover her basket of treasures to keep her busy by the fire. I decided it was time to follow that rule myself and have collected some reading that I was too busy over the summer to finish, yarn to crochet with and a pack of new notelets so I can go old school and write to my family and friends that I can’t see as much just now. Then instead of being stressed about a situation I have no control over, I can look at it more positively as time to stay in touch in a different way and time to try out new hobbies.

Joanna McPherson Service Coordinator

It is very important for us all to try and find ways of destressing especially in this difficult world of restrictions. Our staff team spent some time this week at our team meeting sharing tips for how they manage stress and we have made into a word cloud to share with you.

Stay up to date with all the latest news on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ aberdeenshirecarersupportservice 1

Meet the team

Heather Knowles Team Leader (Young Carers) & Family Wellbeing Worker Tel: 07734 979954 heather.knowles@ quarriers.org.uk

Joanna McPherson Service Coordinator

Kirsty Anderson Team Leader (Adult Carers) & Family Wellbeing Worker Tel: 07468 863934 kirsty.anderson@ quarriers.org.uk

Sandra Andrew Senior Administrator Tel: 01467 538700 sandra.andrew@quarriers.org.uk

Julie Applin-Smith Administrator Tel: 01467 538700 julie.applinsmith@ quarriers.org.uk

Ann Brodie Family Wellbeing Worker (Respitality) Tel: 07770 373827 ann.brodie@quarriers.org.uk

Linda Camilli Family Wellbeing Worker (Information and Social Media) Tel: 07812 376415 linda.camilli@quarriers.org.uk

Ann Coutts Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07725 593902 ann.coutts@quarriers.org.uk

Tracey Harrison Family Wellbeing Worker (Volunteering) Tel: 07531 193899 tracey.harrison@quarriers.org.uk


Meet the team

Jenny Keir Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage) Tel: 01467 538700 jenny.keir@quarriers.org.uk

Siobhan Lawson Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07812 228562 siobhan.lawson@quarriers.org.uk

Iain McIntosh Family Wellbeing Worker (Marginalised Carers) Tel: 07812 376415 iain.mcIntosh@quarriers.org.uk

Alison McKessick Family Wellbeing Worker (North) Tel: 07812 228558 alison.mckessick@quarriers.org.uk

Debbie Neill Family Wellbeing Worker (South) Tel: 07837 834889 debbie.neill@quarriers.org.uk

Peter Rainbird IT Support and Innovation Worker Tel: 07587 034531 peter.rainbird@quarriers.org.uk

Moira Stewart Family Wellbeing Worker (Central) Tel: 07812 228404 moira.stewart@quarriers.org.uk

Kaye Taylor Family Wellbeing Worker (North) *On maternity leave*


Staff updates - welcome to the team Catherine Garden

Yvonne Hobson

My name is Catherine Garden, and I am the Family Wellbeing Worker who will support young carers in the north and central areas of Aberdeenshire.

My name is Yvonne Hobson and despite these unusual times, I am delighted to start my new journey as a Family Wellbeing Worker (part-time) supporting young people in the north.

I have worked in the field of social care for 26 years, having graduated in 2000 from Robert Gordon University with a BA in Applied Social Studies and Diploma Social Work. I worked within the Children and Families and duty Social Work teams for a few years before spending 13 years working for Grampian careers/Careers Scotland/Skills development Scotland with teenagers in secondary schools and the local community. For the last six and a half years, I have worked within the Community Mental Health team (social work) supporting adults with mental health issues.

I have spent the last 42 years working in social work in five different Local Authorities having gained my degree in 1978 from Keele University. During my long career I have had various roles and covered most areas of practice. I retired from full-time work in March 2020 but wanted to return to my roots as a practitioner as I felt I still had something to give. I am really looking forward to working with young people and their families and hope my past work experience will be useful. In addition, working in a third sector organisation and for a Carer Support Service will be both different and challenging.

My background is mainly working with children and families, teenagers, and adult mental health. Getting the opportunity to work with Quarriers and young carers is a new and exciting change of role for me. I am also looking forward to working within the third sector.

On a more personal level, I love pilates, swimming and tennis and looking after my four cats. My only son now lives in London and I am a frequent visitor there when time allows.

I am mum to two children and one golden retriever. I enjoy pilates, reiki, reading, dog walking, and spending time with family and friends.

Kirsty Jackson Hi, my name is Kirsty Jackson, and I am a Family Wellbeing Worker supporting Adult Carers in North and South Aberdeenshire. I have worked in the third sector for over 15 years mainly with young people in projects such as Young Carers, Youth Befriending, and general youth work. After completing my MSc in Community Educations at the University of Edinburgh, I moved into project management managing a youth befriending service for children and young people affected by parental substance misuse in Edinburgh and more recently I was working as an Operations Manager for a youth music project in Aberdeen.

community-based orchestras and concert bands. When not playing one of my many instruments, I can be found competing in archery competitions both nationally and internationally.

When I’m not working, you will find me indulging in one of my hobbies. I studied Classical Music at Edinburgh Napier University and the University of York as a clarinettist and musicologist, and continue to play for

I look forward to meeting you all as I settle into working for Quarriers.


Carers Parliament 2020 The first ever virtual Carers Parliament will take place on three days - 16, 17 and 25 November. On days one and two, carers will be able to attend workshops on a range of topics, with a separate webinar from Professor Jason Leitch on 17 November. Carers can attend up to two workshops and also the broadcast session over the two days. Day three will include speakers and a panel discussion followed by a series of information, wellbeing and network rooms.

Book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ carers-parliament-workshop-session-6transitions-to-adult-lifetickets-124255362133

Below are details of each of the workshops, webinar and main event. These are booked via Eventbrite. We ask only for limited information but have asked for your town or village to help us ensure we are reaching widely across Scotland. If you have any queries, please email rena.friel@carersscotland.org

3. 3.30-4pm - Mental Health and Wellbeing Scottish Association for Mental Health Book via https://www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/carers-parliament-workshopsession-7-mental-health-and-wellbeingtickets-124256010071

Monday 16 November Workshops


1. 10-11.30am - Recovery and Renewal Social Renewal Advisory Board Book via https://www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/carers-parliament-workshopsession-1-recovery-and-renewaltickets-124056264627

2pm-3pm Managing risk and decision making in a COVID world Professor Jason Leitch, Clinical Director, Scottish Government Book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ managing-risk-and-decision-making-in-a-covidworld-prof-jason-leitch-tickets-124264483415

2. 12noon-1.30pm - Social Care Review Derek Feeley, Chair of the Advisory Panel, Independent Review of Adult Social Care Book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ carers-parliament-2020-workshop-session-2social-care-review-tickets-124129068385

Wednesday 25 November The Main Event 9.30am-1.30pm

3. 2-3.30pm - Financial Inequality Oxfam Scotland and Carers Scotland Book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ carers-parliament-2020-workshop-session-3financial-inequality-tickets-124253446403

The main event will include a keynote address from the Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing, Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, interviews with carers and a presentation from young carers. Also included is a panel event where questions posed from the workshops will be raised directly to:

4. 4.15-5.45pm - Young Carers Young Scot and the Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance Book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ carers-parliament-2020-workshop-session-4youn-tickets-124245935939

Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing

Clare Haughey MSP, Minister for Mental Health

Councillor Stuart Currie, Health and Social Care Spokesperson, COSLA

Lucinda Godfrey, CEO, Dundee Carers Centre

Tuesday 17 November Workshops 1. 10-11.30am - Carers and Human Rights British Institute of Human Rights Book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ carers-parliament-workshop-session-5-carersand-human-rights-tickets-124254443385

This will be followed by a series of information and networking spaces where carers can hear about a range of issues including breaks, digital technology, employment and more as well as taking part in wellbeing activities - or simply just having a chat. Book via https://www. eventbrite.co.uk/e/virtual-carers-parliamentthe-main-event-tickets-123482037097

2. 12noon-1.30pm - Transitions to adult life in the age of COVID-19; Tools, tips and support to help you and your child navigate the journey Family Fund and CONTACT


Partnership working with families, carers, and professionals PAMIS Family Support Service PAMIS supports people who have profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and their family carers. We respect and value true partnership and working together is core to the work we undertake. Importantly, PAMIS recognises the knowledge and understanding carers have and the expertise of parents is celebrated and supported. Carers know the person they care for best and are best placed to advocate on their behalf. The service delivered through the PAMIS Family Support Service ranges from a one to one meeting, attending school and day service reviews, assessments, and campaigning for improved intellectual and physical access. We also ensure that people with PMLD and their family carers are represented at strategic policy planning and consultation at local and national level. PAMIS provides practical information and research identified as important to families is undertaken by PAMIS and in partnership with family carers. Innovative and creative models of delivering training to staff and families, caring for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, is also an integral part of the service. As an organisation, PAMIS works to improve the lives of people with PMLD and those who care for them and works with family carers to contribute toward creating a more inclusive society. By visiting the PAMIS website at http://pamis.org.uk/ you can find further information about the various ways PAMIS offers support. In Grampian, we also have a closed group on facebook called Grampian PMLD family carer group. Family carers are always key in all that we do. This video shows the value and importance of good postural care which is very much a topic that is important for many people, children and adults, who have limited body control and require body shape support. Fraya’s Mum is showing how her daughter is better supported physically by using good postural care methods. http://pamis.org.uk/news/carers/ freyas-24-hour-postural-care-story/

PAMIS and monitored to ensure social distancing and appropriate COVID-19 measures were followed. Photos courtesy of Pamis and Pony.

Two wonderful days were recently held at St Cyrus Nature Reserve and beach. Simon and his pony Obama were able to take people with PMLD in wheelchairs through the nature reserve and on to the beach. Fun was had by all as they enjoyed the magic of reaching the sand and running through the water. Magical events like this was made possible with support from Stonehaven Co-op Local Community and National Lottery Funds. It is hoped that Simon and his pony will be able to return soon and bring further joy to those who would otherwise not be able to experience such a great activity. The two days were organised by

For more information, contact Brenda Garrard Project Manager/Grampian Family Support Director 15/16 Springfield House, Dundee, DD1 4JE Tel: 01382 385154 Email: B.Garrard@dundee.ac.uk https://www.facebook.com/pamisscotland


Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership update Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 briefing The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 was implemented in April 2018 and placed new duties on all Scottish local authorities and health and social care partnerships. The act applies to both adult and young carers and aims to support carers’ health and wellbeing, to make caring more sustainable.

unable to access this in another way. Quarriers has also produced extra newsletters throughout the pandemic to keep carers informed and connected.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we delayed the intended March 2020 bulletin, however as we adjust to a new normal, we thought it would be good to give an update on how we’ve been supporting carers during this difficult time. Whilst some scheduled work has had to change or pause, we have continued to support carers whilst adhering to government guidelines and restrictions. We continue to carry out our duties under the Carers Act and are making progress with other actions identified in the Aberdeenshire Adult Carer and Young Carer Strategies (http:// publications.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/dataset/localcarer-strategies).

Carer Practitioners (employed by Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership), who support carers in receipt of their own SDS budget, have been making contact with them to check in and ensure that they have the support needed to continue their caring roles. These discussions have, in some cases, resulted in temporary changes to how carers use their budgets to support them to meet their outcomes where current restrictions affect this, in line with the Scottish Government/ COSLA Guidance May 2020 relating to flexibility of use of Option 1 & 2 of Self Directed Support. An example of this is carers using budget previously used for holistic treatments for relaxation to purchase items to achieve the same outcome at home.

Information regarding Coronavirus continues to be regularly updated, For latest information and advice please refer to NHS Inform (Scotland) www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus.

Quarriers Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service

Aberdeenshire Carer Support Services – Contract Award

The impact of Coronavirus has been particularly difficult for unpaid carers with many having new or increased caring roles, some experiencing reduction in the support they received due to suspension of respite and day services as well as closure of services and facilities that were accessed by the person they care for to allow them a break from their caring role.

The Adult Carer and Young Carer Support Service went to tender at the end of 2019 as the previous contracts came to an end. Quarriers was successful in their bid to provide the Aberdeenshire Carer Service for Adults and Young Carers from April 2020 and will be the provider for the next four years. Quarriers Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service offer advice, information and support to complete an ACSP or YCS. For information and advice for adult and young carers please contact Quarriers, by calling 01467 538700 or emailing aberdeenshirecarers@quarriers.org.uk.

Throughout this time, Quarriers staff have continued to keep in contact with unpaid carers registered with them and a member of staff was assigned to provide support to unpaid carers who are suffering from anxiety related to the pandemic. Despite the change in legislation relaxing our legal duty, Adult Carer Support Plans (ACSP) and Young Carer Statements (YCS) are still being progressed where appropriate and staff have continued to receive Creative Break applications which have been fulfilled with alternative types of breaks for carers, in line with the restrictions such as creative packs and laptops. Quarriers has also accessed funding to allow purchase of tablets and laptops for carers who would benefit from access to these for various uses to make their caring role more manageable e.g. attending online medical appointments, accessing online support groups, information and online grocery shopping.

Young Carer Awareness We have been working on a new range of young carer materials, with input from young carers at Mackie Academy and Quarriers Young Carer Focus Group to develop designs with Foyer Graphics (part of the Foyer Enterprise Group). The chosen vibrant design has been used in new leaflets and posters with the aim to increase awareness of young carers in schools and the wider community. The new literature will be launched in November. We would like to thank all the young carers involved with the animations and literature design review which you will see glimpses of in the current Young Carer Strategy Draft out for consultation.

Unpaid carers can access Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) via Quarriers if they are 7

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership update (continued) Draft Aberdeenshire Young Carer Strategy 2021 – 2023 The consultation is now open on the Draft Aberdeenshire Young Carer Strategy 2021 - 2023. This strategy is for all Aberdeenshire young carers up to the age of 18 years old and has been developed through discussions with young carers to gather their views and reflect the opinions of young carers across Aberdeenshire, and other key partners in social work, education, health and the third sector. We encourage young carers and as many people as possible to read our draft Young Carer Strategy 2021 - 2023 and complete the survey to give their views. If you have any queries, please contact the Carer Support Team via email to carersupport@aberdeenshire.gov.uk or telephone 01467 536677. The survey will close on 18 October 2020 at 23:45. The Draft Aberdeenshire Young Carer Strategy 2021 – 2023 can be viewed here: https://tinyurl. com/yylujnax and the survey can be accessed here: http://tiny.cc/2xuxsz

Carers’ Rights Day, 26 November 2020 – Save the Date As with so many other things, Carers’ Rights Day will be different this year. Instead of an event for Aberdeenshire carers to attend in person, we are co-hosting a virtual information event with Quarriers - more information will follow shortly from Quarriers.

have any feedback or suggestions for any adult or young carer support information content or distribution, by emailing carersupport@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk.

Carer Support Webpages

Carer Representatives on the IJB

Aberdeenshire Council’s Caring for Others webpage www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/carersupport contains useful links to other carer support webpages and to documents such as Local Carer Strategies, Eligibility Criteria, SBSS, SVQ application from and will soon host an electronic version of the Aberdeenshire Carer Information Pack.

Two carer representatives were appointed at the Integration Joint Board (IJB) in February 2020. Fiona Culbert and George Mitchell provide carer representation at the IJB, which is a joint board of Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian. The IJB oversees the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) and manage adult Social Care and Health Service in Aberdeenshire. To contact the Carer Representatives email ijbstakeholderreps@gmail.com, please note this is a joint mailbox for all IJB stakeholder members and will be accessed by multiple people and not just the Carer Representatives.

Next briefing The next Carers Act Briefing will be circulated internally by email in March 2021 It will also be added to Quarriers, PAMIS (Promoting a more inclusive society) and Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action (AVA)’s newsletters. The current briefing will be available on the Aberdeenshire Council website carer pages: www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/ social-care-and-health/community-care/caringfor-others/carers-rights-and-legislation/. Previous editions are available on request by emailing carersupport@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

Short Breaks Services Statement (SBSS) The Aberdeenshire Short Breaks Services Statement was updated as part of annual review in March 2020 and can be viewed at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/social-care-andhealth/community-care/caring-for-others/ support-for-carers/

If you have any queries or would like to find out what support is available to you as a carer in Aberdeenshire, please email carersupport@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk.

Carer Support Information Work continues on local carer support literature including the Waiving of Charges Guidance and Information Pack. Please contact us if you

Carers Strategy Team 09 October 2020 8

Taking a moment

mindfulness illustrated by a picture of a woman sitting in the lotus position on a tropical beach in the bright sunshine. Well, I sat in my old chair at my writing desk at home in jeans and a jumper and did just fine.

Earlier this month I did something that I’ve never done before. I took part in an online meditation session. Sorry if you were hoping for something a little more dramatic – like my first bungee jump or dancing a tango – but hey, we’re in a pandemic. Whilst it may not have been dramatic (which was kind of the point) it was nonetheless quite powerful.

It emphasised how important it is to give myself permission to stop for a few moments and take some time out. Even a few minutes can make a difference. Since our session I have been trying to take 10 minutes, morning and evening, to do a little meditation for myself (using a YouTube video – see below). Of course, life isn’t always that neat – some mornings I feel lucky if I get ten minutes to go to the loo – but when I manage it, I always feel better afterwards.

Anxiety is a bit of a family trait and over the last few months of lockdown it has run amok more than once. Like most carers I just kept bashing on, dealing with the everyday demands and keeping my head above water, but I knew that I needed to take better care of myself and that my stress and anxiety weren’t doing me any good.

No, it won’t miraculously transform my life but anything that helps keep me relax and keep on top of my anxiety has to be good. Sometimes the seemingly simply things turn out to be surprisingly powerful.

Enter Heather Knowles, Family & Health and Wellbeing Worker for Quarriers Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service and her perfectly timed online mindfulness meditation session. It was the perfect antidote to the demands of caring and the extra stresses added by the pandemic.

These are currently my three favourite meditation videos, each around 10 minutes. There is a huge choice online so if you prefer something with music in the background or a shorter/longer one then just do some searches.

It gave me time out to focus purely on me for a little while – to slow my breathing, to relax my muscles and let go of the constant stream of thoughts and worries in my head. By the end of the session I felt more relaxed and refreshed. Being led by Heather helped me to keep my focus on the present and be less distracted by thoughts of what was next on my to-do list and what we were going to have for tea.

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ZToicYcHIOU

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=A8fbPuRs1L8

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=tlSTYtDD2p4

To join any of the monthly online sessions, contact the service on 01467 538700 or email Heather directly on heather.knowles@quarriers.org.uk.

What really stayed with me, however, was Heather’s observation that this more relaxed state of being was within my reach whenever I needed it.

Sessions are run from 2-2.45pm on a Friday. Upcoming dates are 6 November and 4 December 2020, and 8 January, 5 February and 5 March 2021.

I didn’t have to buy expensive equipment, put on trendy workout gear or go anywhere in particular. We are all familiar with articles about 9

Connecting Scotland Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government programme set up in response to coronavirus. It provides iPads, Chromebooks, and support to develop digital skills for people who are digitally excluded and on a low income. Phase 1 was rolled out between April and July 2020 and focused on those who were at risk of isolation due to coronavirus because they were in the extremely high vulnerability group (shielding) or the higher risk of severe illness group.

In a time when all seems negative, I feel a bit of faith in humanity is restored today.

My wellbeing worker has just given me the best pickme-up. A wonderful HP chromebook. I have been struggling with virtual communication on my tablet for over year. I can’t thank you enough for facilitating this for me. As a carer this means a lot, especially in strange COVID times. Struggling to connect with people. What a boost for my mum to get using dementia apps and managing zoom calls and activities (not bad for 91-year-old!) and hear what is being said she has hearing impairment. I will get on to so many carers and cared for sessions to keep us going.

Quarriers were successful in their application and our service has been able to support ten carers in the above categories to access our online groups, shop online and stay connected with family and friends.

Foundation Scotland

Free access to sanitary products

Funded by Foundation Scotland from the Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Benefit Fund.

With funding from the Scottish Government, Aberdeenshire Council have made sanitary products available in schools and public buildings. They have also introduced an online ordering service for anyone who menstruates and lives in Aberdeenshire that might struggle to purchase or access sanitary products at this time.

Following an application and a successful interview with the local Advisory Panel, we secured funding to support 34 carers in the Huntly area with vouchers for a local supermarket as a response to the financial hardship caused by COVID-19.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to Quarriers and anyone else involved in this scheme for my voucher.

The system enables you to complete an order form for sanitary products. The products that are available are disposable sanitary pads and tampons and individuals will receive a two-month supply. These products will be sent directly to the address you have specified on the order form. This is a free service, but you must provide an Aberdeenshire post code for delivery. It may take up to three weeks for your products to arrive but if your need is urgent, please contact ourfreeperiod@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

I was able to go out shopping and stock up the freezer for the winter along with some other goodies.

To order online or find out about how your data is held, please visit https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/ covid-19/period-products/


Online carers groups We are running online groups for unpaid carers via Microsoft Teams. If you are interested, let us know by contacting us on the details below, and we will send you an invite to join the online group. If you have any questions about joining or accessing any of the sessions, please let us know and we can support you. Date and time


2020 Wednesday 11 November 2.15 - 3.15pm

Carers Xchange – A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia. Hosted by our service and Alzheimer Scotland in partnership. Please contact Mags from Alzheimer Scotland to join the group: MCorbett@AlzScot.org

Thursday 12 November 11.30am - 12.30pm

Carers Xchange – A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia. Hosted by our service and Alzheimer Scotland in partnership. Please contact Mags from Alzheimer Scotland to join the group: MCorbett@AlzScot.org

Wednesday 25 November 2.15 - 3.15pm

Carers Xchange – A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia. Hosted by our service and Alzheimer Scotland in partnership. Please contact Mags from Alzheimer Scotland to join the group: MCorbett@AlzScot.org

Thursday 26 November 11.30am - 12.30pm

Carers Xchange – A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia. Hosted by our service and Alzheimer Scotland in partnership. Please contact Mags from Alzheimer Scotland to join the group: MCorbett@AlzScot.org

Thursday 26 November 1.30 - 2.30pm

Carers Rights Day – An online event for carers to learn about the service and their right to support. Guest speaker will be Caroline Buchan, Welfare Rights Advisor with Aberdeenshire Council/NHS Grampian. Booking is essential to secure a place and must be done by Monday 22 November: email kirsty.anderson@quarriers.org.uk or call 01467 538700. The information in this webinar will also be available in electronic and printable versions after the event and can be requested from Quarriers on 01467 538700.

Tuesday 1 December 4.15 - 5pm

Young carers - A monthly online group for young people to get together, stay connected, make new friends and catch up with others who are in a caring role.

Wednesday 2 December 3.30 - 4.30pm

Adult carers - A group for those in an unpaid caring role to share information, skills and knowledge and support each other in a safe, nurturing environment.

Friday 4 December 2 - 2.45pm

Adult carers - Explore relaxation and de-stress tools to assist you in your daily life and beyond.

Wednesday 9 December 2.15 - 3.15pm

Carers Xchange – A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia. Hosted by our service and Alzheimer Scotland in partnership. Please contact Mags from Alzheimer Scotland to join the group: MCorbett@AlzScot.org

Thursday 10 December 11.30am – 12.30pm

Carers Xchange – A group for carers supporting someone living with dementia. Hosted by our service and Alzheimer Scotland in partnership. Please contact Mags from Alzheimer Scotland to join the group: MCorbett@AlzScot.org

2021 Tuesday 5 January 4.15 - 5pm

Young carers - A monthly online group for young people to get together, stay connected, make new friends and catch up with others who are in a caring role.

Wednesday 6 January 3.30 - 4.30pm

Adult carers - A group for those in an unpaid caring role to share information, skills and knowledge and support each other in a safe, nurturing environment.

Friday 8 January 2 - 2.45pm

Adult carers - Explore relaxation and de-stress tools to assist you in your daily life and beyond.

Tuesday 2 February 4.15 - 5pm

Young carers - A monthly online group for young people to get together, stay connected, make new friends and catch up with others who are in a caring role.

Wednesday 3 February 3.30 - 4.30pm

Adult carers - A group for those in an unpaid caring role to share information, skills and knowledge and support each other in a safe, nurturing environment.

Friday 5 February 2 - 2.45pm

Adult carers - Explore relaxation and de-stress tools to assist you in your daily life and beyond. 11

Aberdeenshire Carers Rights Day Webinar “Know Your Rights� Thursday 26th November 2020 1:30 - 2:30pm Following COVID-19 guidance and regulations, our Carers Rights Day event will be held differently this year, with an online event giving helpful information on your rights as a carer. Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for a while, we believe it is important you are aware of your rights and can access the support available to you, at the time, you may need it. How to Register: Booking is essential to secure a place and must be booked by Sunday 22nd November by emailing: kirsty.anderson@quarriers.org.uk The information in this webinar will also be available in electronic and printable versions after the event and can be requested from Quarriers on 01467 538700.

Social Security Scotland

Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service Wardes Road, Inverurie AB51 3TT Tel: 01467 538700 The Scottish Government has published their latest advice on disability benefits claims and the extra support options for those who might need further support with an application. To find out more visit https://www.gov.scot/publications/ extra-support-social-security-scotlandgive-need/ to download the publication.

Email us on: aberdeenshirecarers@quarriers.org.uk


If you do not have access to the internet, please contact your Family Wellbeing Worker. Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SC001960


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