Cleaning & Maintenance July 2018

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JULY 2018

IN THIS ISSUE: ᔢ Chemicals & Chemical-Free Cleaning A look at the role of chemicals in cleaning, and chemical-free alternatives to traditional practices.

ᔢ Laundry & Dishwashing Products, systems and consumables for the laundry, dishwashing and glass washing sectors.

ᔢ Can you tell your Insta from your Weibo? A report on the benefits of a proactive social media strategy.

The TTB1840 and Henry

1840 Compact Scrubber Dryers


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The Official Partner of the Cleaning Show

J U LY 2018

PLUS: • Industry news • People • Contracts • Products

Chemicals & Chemical-Free Cleaning A look at the role of chemicals in cleaning, and chemical-free alternatives to traditional practices.

Laundry & Dishwashing Products, systems and consumables for the laundry, dishwashing and glass washing sectors. >>> page 26

Can you tell your Insta from your Weibo? A report on the benefits of a proactive social media strategy. >>> page 30

>>> page 22





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A matter of time Interclean – held during May at the RAI in Amsterdam – was a

workers in London, and today 96% of Enhance’s staff, working

great success and broke a number of records. It was the first

on client contracts, are paid the London Living Wage or higher –

time the event used space in every hall of the vast exhibition

a fantastic achievement.

venue, and consequently attracted more exhibitors than in previous years – 892 from 47 countries in fact. There was plenty

Meanwhile, Bob Vincent, chairman of LCC Support Services,

going on, with new focused areas looking at – amongst other

has orchestrated the sale of his company to Templewood

things - environmental responsibility and healthcare hygiene

Services, a leading services company supplying cleaning,

practices. Despite the size and activity, however, for me the

hygiene, washroom and security services to blue chip clients

show is just too long.

across the UK.

I organise and attend dozens of exhibitions across a number

Congratulations to both Sandy and Bob on achievements that

of industries throughout each year, and the only events that

are very well deserved.

truly justify a four day billing are those that attract circa 100,000 visitors. Interclean attracted a little over 33,000. Time is a

Apologies for ending on a very sad note, but just as we were

valuable commodity for both exhibitors and visitors, so I would

going to press I received news that Chris Klopper, a well known

encourage the organisers to consider reducing the show to

industry figure and a very good friend of mine, passed away

three days…three busy days. Following conversations I had

on Sunday 17 June following a short illness. Chris will be

throughout the show this year I believe that such a move would

remembered as a fine marketeer and a true professional - I

be welcomed by many exhibitors and visitors.

will miss him. Everyone at C&M sends their very best wishes to Chris’s family, colleagues and friends at this very difficult time.

In the news this month I am delighted to see that two of the industry’s best known and most proactive individuals have

Wishing you a happy, clean and tidy month ahead.

been rewarded for their efforts, albeit to different degrees and in different ways! Sandy Aird, managing director of Enhance Office Cleaning Ltd, picked up a Living Wage Champion Award 2018 for Recognised Service Providers. Enhance was one of the first cleaning

Neil Nixon, Editor

companies to embrace the idea of a fair wage for low-paid

Cleaning & Maintenance Magazine




JULY 2018 5

The new Origo 2 The most innovative cleaning trolley we’ve ever built Achieve perfect cleaning results faster, safer, cleaner, smarter, greener and with more flexibility.

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Feature: Chemicals & Chemical-Free Cleaning A look at the role of chemicals in cleaning, and chemical-free alternatives to traditional practices.

JULY 2018

08 15 17 18 26 33 34 36

Industry News In the news this month… Hand hygiene in focus in recent Westminster debate, Templewood Services acquires LCC Support Services, Enhance wins Living Wage Champion Award, Salisbury Group receives award for innovation. People New appointments from across the cleaning and FM sectors. Contracts We take a look at all the latest contracts awarded across the industry. Clear Impressions Sponsored feature from Grundon Waste Management. Feature: Laundry & Dishwashing Products, systems and consumables for the laundry, dishwashing and glass washing sectors.


Special Report: Establishing a right to work here Kim-Marie Freeston, managing director of uComply, reports.

Special Report: Can you tell your Insta from your Weibo?

Special Report: Reach for the SkyVac An alternative to working at height.

Ceris Burns reports on the benefits of a proactive social media strategy.

New Products An overview of some of the new products available on the market this month.

05 Editor’s Comment

16 BICSc Comment

Looking back at the past month in the cleaning sector.

The importance of industry exhibitions.


20 BCC Comment Why window cleaners should take a shine to the SAM scheme.

21 Making a margin – a contractor’s blog Nick Gasson reports.

JULY 2018 7



Hand hygiene in focus in recent Westminster debate HAND hygiene and infection

hygiene is an important issue,

prevention is now a top priority

direct observation is not an

on the Government’s agenda,

appropriate means of monitoring

after a recent Westminster

hand hygiene compliance, whilst

debate addressed the key

technology offers a clear way

infection prevention issues within

of improving compliance and

healthcare settings. The debate

reducing infections. John Hines, director of

addressed the use of electronic

research and development at

monitoring systems to measure

Deb, said: “The debate proved

hand hygiene compliance and reduce infection rates. All parties present addressed

hygiene monitoring in hospitals needs updating and is inaccurate

between 18% and 40%.” Steven Barclay, Minister of State

a huge success and it was great to see MPs and Health Ministers

the flaws of direct observation

and outdated. There are better

for the Department of Health

joining forces to ensure infection

and the impact that capturing

monitoring systems out there. The

and Social Care, acknowledged

prevention remains high on the

inaccurate hand hygiene data has

current system allows poor hand

the potential of electronic

Government’s list of priorities.

on patients and the NHS. It also

hygiene practice to spread and can

monitoring to reduce infection

Technology, if adopted in the right

focused on how technology can

put patients’ lives at risk.”

rates and save money. He said:

way, creates an opportunity to

“One theme of the debate was

improve patient safety and reduce

improve hand hygiene compliance

MPs Jim Shannon and Nigel

and what actions need to be

Mills, and Shadow Minister for

whether the Government is doing

the £1 billion cost associated

taken to reduce costs and increase

Health and Social Care Justin

enough to drive forward the use

with healthcare associated

patient safety within the NHS.

Madders, recognised the need for

of technology. I recognise the

infections. Now it’s time to

a change in the way that hand

limits of direct observation and

take further action by working

and Outwood, played a key role

hygiene is measured. Justin

how behavioural change may

closely with the Government to

in the debate as she continues

Madders said: “Staff naturally wash

respond to those. That is why the

ensure more hospitals are aware

to actively campaign to improve

their hands much more frequently

Government is actively looking at

of the benefits of electronic

hand hygiene ever since losing

when being observed directly,

the extent to which technology can

monitoring systems. We want

her dad to an MRSA in 2011. She

which results in clearly overstated

facilitate this area.”

to see such systems replacing

said: “It is important that this

compliance rates of 90% to 100%.

As a result of the debate, there

debate draws attention to the fact

Academic research has found that

emerged a clear consensus from

nurses’ time and paving the way

that the current system of hand

typical compliance is actually

all sides of the house that hand

for a safer NHS.”

Andrea Jenkyns, MP for Morley

direct observation audits, freeing

Templewood Services acquires LCC Support Services

Bob Vincent, chairman of LCC Support Services.

- Harvey Soning, chairman of

extensively across sub-Saharan

in the industry for many years I was

Templewood Services, and Bob

territories and with its head

delighted when the suggestion was

Vincent, who will become non-

office in Johannesburg, South

made to merge our businesses to

executive chairman of LCC. Both

Africa, acquired a majority stake

provide an even better service to all

Soning and Vincent will continue

in Templewood Services. Since

our major clients throughout the

to be actively involved in the

that acquisition Templewood

UK. Our relationship has grown very

business for the foreseeable future.

has focused on implementing

strong through the negotiations

Excellerate’s technology platforms,

which I know will benefit both of us

businesses who together have a

as well as integrating extensive

and our new parent, Excellerate, in the future.”

The acquisition combines two

TEMPLEWOOD Services, a leading

combined turnover of £40 million

intellectual property, in order to

services company supplying

and employ approximately 3000

deliver an improved, transparent

Bob Vincent, chairman of LCC

cleaning, hygiene, washroom and

people across the UK supplying

and efficient service to its clients.

Support Services, said: “I am very

security services to blue chip clients

specialist soft-FM services into

Founded in 1997 by Bob Vincent,

pleased with the acquisition.

across the UK, has announced

over 800 clients and at more than

LCC has flourished over the past

Templewood Services has a similar

the acquisition of LCC Support

1000 separate locations.

21 years to stand now as one of

ethos and business ethic to what

the fastest growing single-service

I have strived for over the past 21

specialists in the FM sector.

years, and as such was a perfect fit.

Services, one of the UK’s largest

Templewood Services was

independently owned national

founded in 2000 by Harvey Soning

contract cleaning specialists.

and in June 2017, Excellerate

The acquisition brings together two big names in the industry 8 JULY 2018

Harvey Soning, chairman

I look forward to being involved in

Services, a major African property

of Templewood Services, said:

the business going forward.”

services company operating

“Having known of Bob’s reputation





Kärcher’s eco!efficiency mode reduces the energy consumption of our scrubber driers by 20% and delivers a 20% fuel saving on our pressure washers. Our eco!efficiency vacuum cleaners save up to 40% power compared with standard models and at only 57dB(A) they’re quiet too, making them ideal for daytime cleaning.

Many of our scrubber driers feature Kärcher’s DOSE system which delivers metered detergent on demand, ensuring safe and consistent results and preventing costly overuse. In many applications, our steam cleaners and hot water pressure washers can eliminate the need for detergent altogether.

Packed with a range of laboursaving features including automatic tank filling and tank rinsing systems, our scrubber driers can deliver up to 25% time savings*, meaning that operators can be more productive and spend more time cleaning.




Approved for the government’s Water Technology List, Kärcher’s water efficient machines mean not only will you reduce your water consumption but you can also claim 100% first year tax relief on our steam cleaners and qualifying scrubber driers.

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Your machines, your teams, your business – whatever you need to clean, let Kärcher help you achieve more for less.

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*based on a two tank clean



Enhance wins Living Wage Champion Award Sandy Aird, MD of Enhance, said: “Paying a

ENHANCE Office Cleaning Ltd is a winner of the Living Wage Champion Award 2018 for

real Living Wage to our staff is a fundamental

Recognised Service Providers. The 2018 Living

principle within our business and we owe

Wage Champion Awards celebrate individuals

a huge ‘thank you’ to our clients for their

and organisations that have made an

ongoing support with this policy. We’re

outstanding contribution to the Living Wage

delighted to be recognised by winning the

movement, and are sponsored by Aviva, KPMG

service providers Living Wage Champion

and the City of London Corporation.

Award 2018.” Tess Lanning, director of the Living Wage

The service provider sector is a traditionally low pay industry. However, Living Wage

benefits of paying the real Living Wage to its

Foundation, said: “Congratulations to Enhance

Recognised Service Providers aim to buck

clients. The majority of Enhance’s business

on becoming a Living Wage Champion award

this trend by spreading the benefits of the

is within London and 96% of Enhance’s staff,

winner. Employers like Enhance are leading

real Living Wage throughout their contracts.

working on client contracts, are paid the

the way in placing dignity and respect at

They commit to always supply a Living Wage

London Living Wage or higher.

the heart of their organisation. Over 4300

bid alongside every market rate submittal to

Enhance hasn’t stopped there, and has

employers have now signed up to the

clients to champion fair pay within the sector.

worked hard to promote the Living Wage

movement, and their leadership is making a

Ending low pay, one contract at a time.

to others. This includes launching a public

profound difference to the lives of families and

affairs campaign to promote the Living Wage,

communities across the UK. Enhance’s work in

companies to embrace the idea of a fair wage

resulting in over 50 media articles, and

celebrating and championing the Living Wage

for low-paid workers in London. Over the past

regularly presenting to industry leaders on the

has been vital to its success.”

eight years it has consistently promoted the

benefits of the Living Wage.


Enhance was one of the first cleaning

Award confirms recycling best practices “It is a huge honour to be named Plastics

RPC bpi recycled products has been named ‘Plastics Recycling Business of the Year’ in the

Recycling Business of the Year,” said Sian

Awards for Excellence in Recycling and Waste

Miles, purchasing director, RPC bpi recycled

Management, organised by, a

products. “The selection process was stringent

leading independent website for the sector.

and thorough and even to make the shortlist was a giant achievement. The judges got to

The company’s entry focused on the major steps it has taken to improve not just

know our business, our ambitions and our

its recycling but its overall sustainability

commitment, so to win the top prize is all

performance. This has been delivered through

the more rewarding. It is also a testament to

heavy investment in technology, the adoption

the dedication and hard work of our talented staff in our four UK sites, in Stroud, Heanor,

of circular economy principles, lowering the business’s carbon footprint, and reducing the amounts of waste it sends to landfill.

Left to right: Rachel Riley (host), Lucinda Holmes, Katherine Lorek-Wallace and sponsor Paul Foster of YS Reclamation, with Steve Eminton.

Rhymney, and Dumfries.” WWW.BPIRECYCLING.CO.UK

Salisbury Group receives award for innovation Upon receiving the award, Ed Swales, CEO of

SALISBURY Group, the national FM and

and has provided a 50% saving in back-of-

maintenance company, has been named

house administration. It has also improved

Salisbury Group, said: “This award recognises

winner of the Outstanding Innovation category

report completion rates from 40% to 100%

our ability to innovate for the benefit of our

at the 2018 Global Business Excellence Awards.

and has been very popular with Salisbury

employees and customers. Our team worked

Group’s employees, who can access the

tirelessly to ensure it was easy to use and met

system from any mobile or tablet device.

our objectives of simplifying and speeding

The Outstanding Innovation Award recognises the transformational

The Global Business Excellence Awards

up the reporting process, and significantly

in moving its safety and incident reporting

attract a wide range of entries from across

improving overall safety and health in the

process from paper to an app-based system.

the world, from large international PLCs and

workplace. We thank the Global Business

The change has reduced average incident

public sector organisations to dynamic and

Excellence Awards for this honour.”

reporting times from 15 minutes to 90 seconds

innovative SMEs.


improvements achieved by Salisbury Group

10 JULY 2018


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Atalian and Servest merge to create ‘global leader in facilities services’ operating in the UK, and Atalian,

and will enable Atalian Servest to

and collaboration. Many of our

headquartered in France and

continue to develop its innovative

multinational or global clients are

operating in Europe, the US,

approach based on its customers’

looking for a more standardised

south-east Asia and Africa offering

requirements, whether that be at a

service delivery across

a full range of facilities services

local, national or international level.

geographies and can now benefit

including cleaning, catering,

“Our two organisations are

from our approach wherever

security, building services, energy

very complementary with like-

they are based. The merger also

TWO international FM providers,

management and compliance,

minded business approaches

demonstrates the strength of

Atalian and Servest, have merged

front of house, landscaping,

based on an entrepreneurial

and optimism within the facilities

to form Atalian Servest, one of the

waste management, and pest

strategy where organic and

management and outsourcing

world’s largest FM outsourcing

control to clients in the private

acquisitive growth are of equal

sectors both in the UK and around

companies. The new organisation

and public sectors.

importance,” said Matthieu de

the world following a turbulent

Baynast, group CEO at Atalian.

time in the market place.”

has a turnover of €3 billion,

Atalian and Servest both have

The merged group’s executive

employs more than 125,000 people

a strong heritage in providing

“The merger of our organisations

worldwide and operates in 33

customised facilities solutions to a

will enable businesses to have

management team will see

countries across four continents.

variety of organisations in a diverse

more choice when looking for a

chairman of Atalian, Franck Julien,

The merger follows the formation

range of sectors. Both companies

global FM partner.”

and group CEO, Matthieu de

of a joint venture between the two

are experienced at understanding

organisations in 2016.

and managing cultural nuances in

USA at Servest, said: “At a time

assuming the role of vice chairman

different local environments while

when the Brexit deal is creating

of the group, with Rob Legge

businesses are geographically

delivering a seamless global service.

headlines about the UK’s exit from

becoming chairman UK and USA.

complementary to one another

The merger strengthens this local

Europe, this is a genuine story


with Servest headquartered and

presence and global service delivery

of UK and European harmony


Both privately-owned

Rob Legge, chairman UK and

Baynast, joined by Kenton Fine

Specialist steps in to tackle £0.5 billion slips and trips bill A campaign is being launched

service and promote the safety

to remind businesses across key

benefits of Bonasystems Grip.

sectors - including wet leisure,

There are more than 20,000

hospitality, retail, public transport,

RIDDOR reported slip and trip

and healthcare - of the urgent

incidents every year in the UK,

need to safeguard staff and

costing employers an estimated

customers by applying an anti-slip

£0.5 billion a year in management

coating to high-risk floors.

costs, legal bills, compensation,

It follows the acquisition by extreme cleaning specialist

and fines. Steve Broughton said: “New

CleanSafe Services (UK) Ltd

sentencing guidelines have

of the floor treatment arm of

greatly increased potential fines

Bonasystems Europe, a leading

for slip and trip incidents. This

manufacturer and provider of floor

makes it more vital than ever

care chemical products. The deal

before for businesses to reduce

gives CleanSafe Services exclusive

these risks and the associated

rights in mainland UK to apply

costs. Bonasystems Grip is the

Bonasystems Grip, the anti-slip

go-to product for supporting

treatment for tiles, stone and other

workforce and customer safety,

cementitious surfaces.

demonstrating due diligence,

CleanSafe Services managing

and reducing the risk of the

director, Steve Broughton, said

potentially huge management

the company will spend £250,000

and legal costs associated with

over the next two years to develop

slip and trip incidents.”

the floor product application


12 JULY 2018




Business leader wants ‘social value’ overhaul of government contracts PUBLIC sector contracts should

under a legal duty to consider

be delivered by accountable

well they are doing in reflecting

no longer be given to the

the interests of workers and

social businesses that employ

stakeholders’ interests.

lowest bidder but awarded to

local communities alongside

locally, share profits, and cap

‘social business’ companies

those of shareholders.

pay and dividends.”

that agree to share profits

Ullmann, who has capped

Ullmann insisted that a new approach to business

In his paper he set out how

and society is the best way for

with staff and employ local

his own pay and is setting

the Public Services (Social Value)

firms to protect their long-term

workers, according to Phillip

up a ‘profit pool’ to share

Act, which covers government

profits. He said: “Profit is and

Ullmann of Cordant Group.

with his staff, said that only

contracts, can be reformed to

must remain one of the key

He said that British business

radical changes in the rules

favour sustainable businesses

driving forces of business, but

needs to fundamentally change

for companies and public

over those who simply promise

who receives that profit? If it

its approach in response to

procurement can address

to deliver most cheaply.

is only a remote few, the cost

growing public distrust.

populist arguments that the

In a paper published by

market economy is ‘rigged’.

He also proposed reform of

in public trust will become

the Companies Act to put new

unsustainably high and our

the Social Market Foundation

He said: “Flawed public

duties on executives to look

licence will be withdrawn. The

think-tank, Ullmann said that

procurement deals that leave

after the interests of people and

days of companies driven by

the law should be changed so

taxpayers bearing all the risk

groups affected by their firm’s

‘shareholder value’ and

that public service contracts are

are the best way anyone has yet

actions, including workers.

nothing else are over. We must

awarded on the basis of ‘social

devised to persuade voters that

Companies should be required

start to share our profits more

value’ and not just financial

the modern economy really is

to draw up a ‘social mission

fairly, or there will be no profit

cost. Company rules should also

a rigged game. New rules are

statement’ and then face

for anyone.”

be overhauled to put executives

overdue. Public services should

statutory audits to assess how



JULY 2018 13



BGF backs merger with £5.5 million funding NATIONWIDE Window Cleaning

Crayford, and completed three

unlock growth opportunities and

and High Access Maintenance

successful acquisitions.

make them happen.”

have joined forces in the


Niel Bethell of High Access

TCFM awarded 100% Achilles Audit

inaugural merger of two BGF-

specialist High Access, which is

added: “The size and scale of

backed businesses, the first

headquartered in Manchester,

the opportunities for the group

in the investor’s history. The

provides building, roof and gutter

are significant. Our job now is

merger creates one of the

maintenance as well as safety

to cement our position in the

FOLLOWING a rigorous two-

largest independent FM services

system testing, and glazings,

market, and make sure staff

day assessment, TC Facilities

companies in the UK, with a

coatings and hire. After partnering

and customers benefit from

Management (TCFM) has

combined revenue of £30 million.

with BGF in 2016, the company

our expanded presence, service

successfully completed its

BGF has supported the merger

acquired Scotland-based

offering and fleet. We have a

‘Achilles’ annual audit for the third

with a further capital investment

Outreach Access and AA Access to

clear direction for future growth

consecutive year. The audit saw

of £5.5 million.

open up in new markets including

which will create new career

a score of 100% being awarded

hire for film, TV and major

opportunities for our teams

in all four key areas that the

sporting venues across the UK.

over the next couple of years.

audit measures: corporate social

High Access’s Niel Bethell takes the role of group CEO while NWC’s Thornton Tasker will become the

The new group, which retains

With the continued support

responsibility, health and safety,

executive chairman. Bethell and

the Nationwide Window Cleaning

and partnership of BGF, we’re

environment, and quality. This

Tasker founded their businesses

and High Access brands, will

looking forward to this next

100% achievement validates TCFM’s

in the mid to late 2000s and

become NSS Group.

exciting chapter.”

operational capability, competence

have pushed forward significant

Thornton Tasker, NWC’s

BGF, which remains a minority

and compliance. The two-day visit included an

founder and executive chair of

partner in the combined group,

NSS Group, said: “Both Niel and

has provided total investment

audit of both head office and

by the two founders and BGF,

I have individually worked to

of close to £16.5 million to NWC

a client site. At the site audit,

bringing together the synergies

create businesses of scale, by

and High Access over six rounds

the auditor commented about

and strengths of the businesses to

investing in our employees and

of funding. Both companies have

the appearance, attitude and

create one company of significant

providing the highest quality

been supported by BGF’s Neil

knowledge of security officers to

scale. Leeds-headquartered

service to customers. There are

Inskip, who sits on the board

ensure the job they do is done to

NWC, which provides window

so many synergies between

of the businesses, and Rhys

the very best of their ability.

cleaning and specialist cleaning

the companies, not only in

Davenport. Stuart Lees has been

Richard Grafham, group

services, has experienced a £10

our operations but also in our

non-executive chairman for High

compliance manager, said:

million increase in revenue, four

aspirations for the team and

Access and NWC and will also

“Attaining this recognised

times increase in profits and has

the future. Without doubt this

continue in this role.

accreditation demonstrates our

grown its team to 320 since BGF’s

merger couldn’t have happened

Neil Inskip, BGF said: “NWC

investment in 2014. The group

without the backing, support and

and High Access are ambitious

It also represents the great

has opened a new head office,

investment from BGF who have

companies with best-in-class

teamwork at play across the

added an operational base in

consistently worked with us to

leadership from Thornton and

business and emphasises our

Niel. Both businesses were on

commitment to our clients’ and

a growth trajectory before we

colleagues’ safety and wellbeing.”

growth in recent years. The merger was initiated

invested - our role has been

David Tilley, director, said:

to help accelerate that growth

“Achieving this accreditation gives

through continuing to fund and

me a sense of great pride and

back their acquisitive and organic

satisfaction that our commitment

strategies. This merger creates

to the high standards we work

even more opportunities for the

to have been recognised. It gives

group, and we’re pleased to be

businesses, partnered with Achilles

part of that.”

UVDB community confidence that

Last month, BGF, which has

14 JULY 2018

high standards and competency.

we can deliver what they need. It will

invested £1.45 billion across 225

enable us to leverage our national

growing businesses in the UK

capability as we compete for other

and Ireland, became the first and

national contracts, expand our

only investor to be honoured for

reputation as a quality supplier and

Innovation in the Queen’s Award

gives us an excellent opportunity to

for Enterprise.

see further success as a business.”





Washroom cleaning operatives recognised In-house cleaning team

IN 2017 the Loo of the Year

declared as ‘full time attended

Awards introduced the Washroom

toilets’ on the entry form. Judging

national awards and trophy

Cleaner of the Year Awards. These

will be completed at the same

are presented to the cleaning

awards relate specifically to the

time as the Loo of the Year Awards

team employed by a washroom

dedicated cleaning staff that look

inspection and any cleaning

provider with multiple entries

after the facilities, rather than the

staff seen at the time of the

in the Loo of the Year Awards

washrooms themselves.

unannounced visit are deemed

who, in the opinion of the

to represent the whole cleaning

judges, are performing a high

Awards managing director, said:

team. There are Washroom

quality ‘ambassadorial’ role

“While the range of gradings and

Cleaner of the Year Award

for the washroom provider in

of the Year Awards trophy, with

national Loo of the Year Awards

national winners in England,

terms of appearance, attitude,

other national winners being City

and UK/Ireland trophies provide

Scotland, Wales and Ireland and

commitment, and efficiency. In

Facilities Management, Danfo (UK)

adequate recognition of the

overall UK/Ireland trophies.

2017 the overall winner was JD

Ltd and Robinson Services.

Mike Bone, Loo of the Year

washrooms and their providers,

All cleaning and FM companies


Individual cleaner national

External contractor cleaning

are invited to enter their client’s

it is the people who look after

awards and trophy are presented to

each facility - be they individual

the cleaner(s) who, in the opinion

team national awards and

washrooms in the 2018 Loo of

washroom cleaners, in-house

of the judges, are performing a high

trophy are presented to the

the Year Awards - full details

cleaning teams or external

quality ‘ambassadorial’ role for

cleaning contractor company or

can be found at

cleaning/FM contractors, who also

the washroom provider in terms of

organisation which, in the opinion

National and UK/Ireland awards

deserve recognition.”

appearance, attitude, commitment,

of the judges, is providing a high

and trophies will be presented on

and efficiency. In 2017 the overall

level of service to one or more

Friday 7 December at St Johns

automatically be entered into the

winner was Maureen Boyle of Ards

Loo of the Year Award entrants. In

Hotel Solihull. The closing date for

Washroom Cleaner of the Year

and North Down Borough Council,

2017 the overall winner was ABM,

entries is 31 July.

Awards for all entries that are

Northern Ireland.

who also won the overall Loo


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JULY 2018 15



The importance of industry exhibitions THE first Interclean took place in 1967,

achieved quality face to face time with

Closer to home, in 1976 the NEC (National

over 250 people who are interested in

Exhibition Centre) opened in Birmingham. The

into one of the world’s largest

our services. This is something that

NEC hosts 125 trade and consumer exhibitions

trade fairs for our industry. Over

simply cannot be achieved over the

each year and is the biggest exhibition venue in

a 28-year period I have attended

phone. ‘Being there’ should never

the UK. In 2000 ExCel opened close to Canary

and the show has since developed

14 Interclean exhibitions, my

be underestimated and should

Wharf, London hosting 1000s of events each year

first being in the early 90s.

always be included in a sales

including Ecobuild, the UK’s largest construction

and marketing strategy.

event, Hotelympia, the UK’s largest foodservice

Interclean 2018 spanned

So, where and why were

across 12 halls of the RAI

and hospitality exhibition, and The Cleaning Show.

Convention Centre, comprising 892 exhibiting

exhibitions invented? In 1851 Queen Victoria

It was also used for the 2012 Olympic Games,

companies from 47 countries with a staggering

decided to create an exhibition to symbolise the

hosting boxing, weight lifting, judo, and fencing.

33,710 visitors attending over the four days.

industrial, military and economic superiority of

Of course, the cleaning operation in these

Visitors attended from as far afield as Jamaica,

Great Britain. Prince Albert followed up with the

venues needs to be carried out with military

Seychelles, Swaziland, Mongolia and Bolivia. This

idea of the ‘Great Exhibition’. The Great Exhibition

style precision - with Interclean having a footfall

year Interclean added a new dimension with a

needed a venue, and so the Prince commissioned

of over 33,000 it requires a constant round of

Healthcare Cleaning Forum, which welcomed 300

Joseph Paxton to construct Crystal Palace in

washroom cleaning, waste removal, spot cleaning

healthcare professionals from 46 countries.

London. Crystal Palace was a huge iron structure

and general maintenance, all whilst the show is

covered in over a million square feet of glass.

running. Once the exhibition has closed a more

We should never underestimate the importance of exhibiting, presenting and attending industry

In 1962 P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG was founded

thorough clean takes place and once the show actually closes it begins all over again.

exhibitions. For BICSc, taking part in these shows

by Paul Eberhard Schall. Its portfolio of trade fairs

this year has in proved invaluable. So far we

includes world-leading industry forums such

have attended and presented at The Manchester

as Control (international trade fair for quality

do we ever consider what actually goes on

Cleaning Show at Event City and The BACHE

assurance), Motek (international trade fair for

behind the scenes?

Conference at Aston University. We also exhibited

assembly, handling technology and automation)

at Interclean and, with the addition of our own

and Blechexpo (international trade fair for sheet

For more information about our services visit

Sector Specific Days for our members, we have

metal working) - all taking place in Stuttgart.


When we attend exhibitions and conferences

#Creating a Career in Cleaning

BIGGER CAN BE BETTER The new i-mopXXL delivers a 40%* productivity increase




*40% more productive than the standard i-mopXL. I-mopXL - scrubbing width 46cm, i-mopXXL - scrubbing width 62cm.

16 JULY 2018




Seafront underpass restored KÄRCHER has joined forces with national

together and take pride in their local area. It was

independent environment charity, Keep Britain

a fantastic day and showed that if you all pull

Tidy, to bring the ultimate spring clean to a

together you can get great results - the area is

seafront underpass. With the help of a team

spotless and ready for people to enjoy again.”

from Kärcher, the two organisations descended

Richard McIlwain, deputy chief executive

on Weymouth to wash, scrub and clean a local

at Keep Britain Tidy, said: “Keep Britain Tidy

seafront underpass, giving it a good-as-new

works really hard to make sure the people of

pathway under the busy Esplanade for locals to

local communities are proud of the places they

get safely across the road.

work and live in. We’re delighted we could join

The walkway was given the treatment after

forces with Kärcher and help the community of

‘WeyProgress’ won a national competition, out

Weymouth give a fresh look to the underpass.”

of hundreds of entries, to win an expert clean in

Nigel Shearing from WeyProgress said:

its local area. The competition, run by Kärcher

“It’s been really great to see members of the

UK and Keep Britain Tidy across their social

Weymouth community pitch in and help - the

channels, urged participants to put forward

underpass is looking fantastic. We’re so thankful

their local towns that needed some TLC to be in

to Kärcher and Keep Britain Tidy for helping

with a chance of winning.

us make this clean possible and we hope that

Jack Sweeney, marketing director at Kärcher

everyone will once again enjoy walking though

UK, said: “Here at Kärcher UK we have always

the underpass on the way to the seafront.”

focused on inspiring communities to come


Vacuum cleaner earns its stripes at arts festival

Barnet Council - a Glutton for cleaner streets BARNET Council has rolled out a fleet of new

technology, it can be used during busy periods

environmentally-friendly, mechanised street

without creating any noise or air pollution

cleansing machines. As part of the authority’s

for residents, businesses and shoppers. An

SEBO’S upright vacuum cleaner technology

innovative approach to street cleaning, seven

intelligent, integrated battery charger enables

took centre stage at the Block Universe festival

bright orange Glutton machines will be located

recharging from any mains electricity supply,

in London recently. Sebo cleaning power was

in Barnet’s town centres, with an additional

allowing for opportune charging in the field.

called upon to prepare a unique live installation

machine dedicated to targeting hotspot areas

Furthermore, as an all-electric machine,

by New York based artist and choreographer,

across Barnet.

it requires virtually no maintenance or

Maria Hassabi.

The Sebo professional BS 36 vacuum cleaner created stunning stripes on the 40-square metre shocking pink carpet that was an integral part

The Glutton is a quiet, clean and

Barnet Council will deploy the machines in

on street cleaners and powered barrows. Its

town centres from 11am-7pm daily. The fleet

powerful vacuum sucks up any waste that

is part of the council’s £600,000 investment in

can pass through its 12.5cm diameter tube

new-generation equipment. Barnet Council

including paper, cardboard, cigarettes packets

purchased the fleet from the Glutton’s

and butts, cans and glass, plastic and metal

authorised UK distributor, Oldham-based

bottles, dog faeces, dead leaves, and waste

ePower Trucks.

trapped in tree grills.


Councillor Dean Cohen, chairman of Barnet

of Hassabi’s dance performance. The event

Council’s Environment Committee, said: “Our

took place at London’s newest cultural hub, The

residents expect our streets to be cleansed and

Store X on the Strand. Making her debut in the

maintained to excellent standards and this new

UK, Hassabi’s live installation of movement was

equipment will help us achieve this. The orange

part of the popular Block Universe Festival that

Glutton machines will make it quicker for our

happens annually in the capital.

teams to clean large areas, with the street

Block Universe production manager, Xica

vacuums able to clear smaller pieces of litter

Aires, said: “We wanted to create neat lines and

much better. The machines are also electric,

a flawless finish to bring Maria’s live installation

environmentally friendly and can operate

to life. She was already familiar with Sebo’s

quietly without causing noise pollution.”

legendary performance, which is why she

100% battery powered, the Glutton provides 12

specifically asked for the machine.”

hours of operation between charges. Virtually


silent and with powerful dust capturing


replacement of spare parts.

environmentally-friendly alternative to ride-

JULY 2018 17



Raising a (paper) cup to new recycling service An estimated 2.5 billion paper cups are consumed in the UK every year. As Grundon Waste Management launches its dedicated new Paper Cup Recycling Service, Stephen Hill, head of sales at Grundon Waste Management, spills the (coffee) beans.

Identifying the right solution for recycling paper cups has been a key priority for Grundon for some time. We wanted to make sure that when we launched, the service would be right for our customers, right for us in terms of delivery, and right for the environment. I’m pleased to say we believe we have ticked all those boxes and more, and we’re confident that by guaranteeing 100% recycling, this is the most flexible and sustainable offering available today. To do so, we have partnered with CupCycling by James Cropper, the world’s first recycling process dedicated to upcycling take-away cups. We’ve tailored the cost of the service around the frequency of customer collections and the number of cups to be recycled, rather than membership fees. Importantly, all our collections are certified CarbonNeutral, so

18 JULY 2018

our collections won’t impact on a customer’s own carbon footprint. And even better, our customers will be able to buy back paper made from cups which have already been recycled - a perfect example of the circular economy in action. Paper cups are problematic to recycle because they are made of two materials - paper and the polyethylene film which is bonded to it. The bonding makes it difficult to separate the paper fibres from the film and it is widely reported that less than 1% of those cups disposed of are currently recycled. The majority of paper cups go into general waste, which means they are either disposed of via an Energy from Waste (EfW) facility, which generates energy, or they go into landfill. Now, as part of our new service, we provide customers with specially-designed colour coded paper cup recycling bins, complete

with a central reservoir for excess liquid and a special side pod for the disposal of lids. After we collect the clean cups, they are taken to our materials recovery facilities (MRFs) for processing and baling, before being sent to James Croppers’ own paper mill. There, they separate the paper - which makes up around 90% of the material in the cups - and convert it back into Forest Stewardship Council (FCS) certified paper fibre. The remaining 10% is made up of the plastic polymers from the polyethylene film, and is sent for reprocessing. Customers can then buy back paper products made from waste paper cups, including 100% recycled 80gsm premium office paper. We’re very excited about this and also thrilled that one of our first customers is West One Shopping Centre, located in the heart of




London’s West End near Oxford Circus. Tenants include McDonald’s, Marks & Spencer and Boots, plus a host of coffee and food outlets including Starbucks, Notes and Pret a Manger, and the centre is a perfect example of somewhere that can benefit from the new service. We know the centre team is passionate about sustainability and they’ve told us it was a ‘no brainer’ to introduce paper cup recycling, which we’re delighted to provide in addition to the total waste management package we already deliver for them. Shopping centres are just one sector where we believe our new service will make a real difference. Others are likely to include leisure and hospitality venues, businesses, offices, airports, hospitals, schools and universities, and many more. Organisations wishing to work with us don’t even have to be existing Grundon customers - we’re offering it as a standalone service as well. And it means we can now recycle most polyethylene (PE) coated cups, coffee cups used by high street chains such as Costa and Starbucks, and cold cups, such as those used by McDonald’s for serving soft drinks and milkshakes . To find out more about Grundon’s new Paper Cup Recycling Service, please email or call us on 01753 686 777. WWW.GRUNDON.COM

Key elements of Grundon’s new Paper Cup Recycling Service include: Q Expert advice and support. Q Delivery and installation of specially-designed colour-coded paper cup recycling bins with a central reservoir to contain excess liquid. Q A special side pod on each bin for the disposal of lids. Q A CarbonNeutral waste sack liner, which can be easily removed when the bin is full. Q A selection of different sized external cup recycling containers where cups can be stored to await collection. Q Easy-to-read signage to encourage responsible disposal. Q A comprehensive training package for employees and associates, such as cleaning and facilities management companies. Q Support for Waste Awareness Days to promote the benefits of the programme. Q Additional posters and marketing materials to create awareness of paper cup recycling.


JULY 2018 19



Why window cleaners should take a shine to the SAM scheme Andrew Lee, chairman of The Federation of Window Cleaners, reports. YOU may have read in C&M and the other cleaning trade press recently about how the British Cleaning Council awarded a grant to the

and other branches of government - are reassured

range of clients, and it is up to the individual

accredited suppliers. So, what makes the SAM scheme

Federation of Window Cleaners (FWC)

Of course, there is no legal requirement to be SAM accredited to carry out work for a wide

when they see bids come in from SAM

buying authority to decide what value they put

which allowed us to participate fully

different from that of Safe Contractor

on the professional training (and health and

in an innovative health and safety

or CHAS, and why should FWC

safety standards) being offered by potential

project linked to the use of telescopic

members think about applying for it?

suppliers who are bidding for their cleaning

water-fed pole equipment. And while it has been great participating in this

contracts. But in this post-Carillion world, where

Well, as pointed out earlier, it’s

the realisation that ‘best value’ means much

the only programme dedicated to all

initiative alongside cleaning companies, HSE and

aspects of safety linked specifically to window

more than just lowest price, and where in the

ergonomic specialists dorsaVi, it may have left

cleaning. This includes all aspects of working at

public sector in particular concerns around

some thinking that looking into complex health

height including ladders, abseiling and mobile

the health and wellbeing of a contractor’s

and safety issues which specifically affect window

elevating work platforms, alongside other risks

staff is seen just as important as that of their

cleaners was something relativity new.

such as musculoskeletal disorders caused using

own, I believe that firms which invest in their

In fact, the FWC has been proactive in

telescopic poles and other long-reach equipment.

employees’ wellbeing will have a genuine

preventing accidents, injuries and ill-health

The scheme also requires applicants to prove

competitive advantage in the long run.

amongst window cleaners since its inception

they have undertaken an accredited Institution

That’s why we developed the SAM scheme for

in 1947, and five years ago we channelled

of Occupational Safety and Health course (IOSH)

window cleaners, and that’s why if you belong to

over a half-century’s worth of learning and

before they can be considered for the SAM award.

the FWC I would encourage you to consider it as

experience into a new, comprehensive and

This means that anyone responsible for procuring

a genuine investment in your future, and not just

cost-effective safety accreditation scheme

window cleaning services knows for certain that

another layer of unnecessary red-tape. You’ll find

exclusively for FWC members.

the SAM accreditation is underpinned by credible

more details of the SAM scheme, and all our other

and robust training, and isn’t just a paper-based,

training provision, on our website:

box-ticking process.


Called SAM (Safety Accredited Member), the qualification is the only one dedicated to window cleaning and is increasingly being seen

And with the FWC being a not-for-profit

by procurement managers - especially within the

organisation - maintained and run by the window

The FWC is a member of the British Cleaning

public sector - as one of the ‘must-have’ credentials

cleaning industry for the window cleaning

Council. Any views expressed by Council members

for any window cleaning firm tendering for work.

industry - we can administer and award the SAM

are not necessarily shared by the BCC itself.

For example, the British Association of Cleaning in

qualification at a fraction of the cost of other more

Higher Education (BACHE) now fully recognises the

generic H&S programmes aimed at cleaning and


programme, and more and more local authorities -

FM contractors.




Supported by

In partnership with British Cleaning Council

The Voice of the Cleaning Industry







HR - in house or outsource? Nick Gasson, joint managing director of So Clean Cleaning and Support Services, reports. THE decision to go the in-house route with

difficult for managers to have themselves. Perhaps the

HR management expertise is one

greatest benefit of an

of the trickiest in

outsourced solution,

contract cleaning. Why? Because on the one hand, the labour-

however, is flexibility and over the last few own particular provider, 360 HR,

naturally demands it - we employ

on a number of different levels.

five times as many staff per £ of

Their first job was to create an HR

turnover than the average UK

framework for us, writing a set of

company. But on the other, it’s

procedures we could call upon to

a costly overhead that comes

deal with HR incidents. At this stage

straight off the bottom line. As

of our development we only had

generalist managers, we think

a part time internal HR resource

we know how to handle most

and they also supported us with

employee ‘incidents’, but then

hands-on involvement in resolving

again HR is rather like health and

issues. Then, as we grew to the

safety, in so far as it can be costly

stage where we were able to invest

when something goes wrong, and

in a full time HR coordinator, they

there’s no denying the propensity

took more of a background role,

in cleaning for HR issues to pop up

advising us on the less frequent,

more frequently than we might like.

but more serious occurrences.

So how do you strike a balance

This is where their breadth of

between providing an HR resource

experience comes into play. There’s

that’s fit for purpose with the

no guarantee that an in-house, full-

need to manage its cost? There’s

time HR manager will have faced

no doubt in my mind that, for a

every type of situation, whereas

medium size contractor such as

you can be pretty sure that an

ourselves, outsourcing can be a

outsourced provider will have done

valuable part of the overall solution.

so, even if it’s not in our industry.

And to be clear, I’m not talking here

In other words, you know you are

about HR admin - starters, leavers,

dealing with an organisation which,

job descriptions - I’m talking about

between their consultants, has got

disciplinary, grievance, TUPE

every tool in the box when your

disputes, redundancy, tribunals

breakdown occurs. What about cost? Well again,

two critical requirements are

the clear benefit is in the flexibility.

expertise and fast response, both

You know that with an outsourced

of which an outsourced company

provider the tap that can be turned

can provide. It also helps to have

on and off when you need them.

people who are independent

And as any cleaning contractor

from the employees involved in a

knows, an overhead you can flex to

‘situation’ and who can come into

suit your income is a very valuable

the office and hold the sort of tricky


conversations which are sometimes




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and so on. With these issues the


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JULY 2018 21



How can probiotic cleaning products help in the fight against biocide resistance? With increasing concerns about the rise of ‘superbugs’ which have arisen due to the historical overuse of antibiotics and the development of microbial resistance to chemical biocides, contractors within the FM industry need to recognise - now more than ever - the risk of biocide resistance and change their reliance on chemical biocidal cleaners. Katie Edwards, research and development scientist at Genesis Biosciences, explains what biocide resistance is and explores ways that probiotic cleaning products can help tackle the threat. BIOLOGICAL cleaning products are a safer

help to build an active biofilm of beneficial

alternative, and their benefits should no longer

bacteria on the application surface - therefore

be ignored. Just as there are harmful bacteria,

prolonging cleaning efficacy, as the beneficial

there is also an abundance of beneficial

bacteria continue to break down soiling after

bacteria that can be used to tackle the issue

the initial application. This significantly reduces the frequency of

of biocidal resistance within the facilities

cleaning and the labour costs of having to re-

management industry.

apply the cleaning products. Minimising the use

The use of chemical biocides, such as disinfectants and preservatives, is considered

of chemical products also carries the benefit of

by the public as essential for the maintenance

preserving asset value, and reduces the impact of

of hygiene in the domestic environment. Those

facility damage from harsh chemical cleaners. As beneficial bacteria replicate in the

products, used in a range of industries including

application area they degrade the organic

medicine, agriculture and cosmetics, intend

soiling on the surface, competing with any

to destroy, render harmless or prevent the action of any harmful organism by chemical or

cause problems as their resistant genes could

harmful bacteria present for available growth

biological means.

be transferred to harmful bacteria.

nutrients. Through this mechanism the level of

However, studies have shown that biocide

Rather than using harsh chemicals,

harmful bacterial populations can be reduced naturally by means of competitive exclusion.

residues in the environment create a pressure

‘beneficial bacteria’ can be applied to specific

to select products for bacteria with greater

cleaning challenges to break down the soiling

tolerance to these conditions. There has also

present and malodourous compounds

remain on, and in, the surface after application,

been a recent trend towards the inclusion

produced by ‘harmful bacteria’. In scientific

they continue to work for as long as there is

of biocides within a multitude of traditional

studies, probiotic products have been shown

food for them. They can remove stubborn

consumer products, and there is cause for

to drastically reduce the number of harmful

soiling over a few days or a few applications

concern that, as seen with antibiotics, the wide

bacteria through different biochemical

that even the strongest chemical products can

and indiscriminate use of these biocides may

mechanisms including competitive exclusion,

never touch, and prevent the re-establishment

contribute to resistance in microorganisms.

whereby the beneficial bacteria out-compete

of harmful organisms.

These microorganisms may already be

the harmful bacteria for the same resources,

resistant, or they can develop resistance to

or through the production of bio-surfactants,

to recognise that traditional cleaners are 20th

biocides due to a spontaneous change in

which have potent anti-microbial activity

Century solutions to 21st Century cleaning

their DNA, or transfer of resistant genes from

against the harmful bacteria. But as they do

challenges. These products can invariably leave

other organisms. When these microorganisms

not directly ‘kill’ the pathogens, there is no

low-level biocide residues on surfaces, either

are exposed to the biocide, those that have

mechanism by which resistance can occur.

due to human error or because of poor cleaning

resistant genes can survive, and therefore

Most bacteria have a very positive effect on

Furthermore, because the beneficial bacteria

With the rise of biocidal resistance, we need

efficacy, and so the continued use of chemical

reproduce and this can lead to an increase in

the environment and ourselves. In fact, the

disinfectants will only serve to encourage

the number of resistant strains.

ecosystems in which we live rely heavily on

the emergence of biocide resistant strains of

beneficial microbiota, we even rely on bacteria

bacteria that pose real risks to human health.

The misuse of biocides could pose a threat

Probiotic cleaning products, on the contrary,

to human health if they lead to the survival of

on a very personal level within our digestive tract

harmful bacteria which are resistant to these

and on our skin to keep us healthy. This thought

provide tangible benefits in long term cleaning

biocides, as the harmful bacteria can then

process is the same for biological cleaners.

efficacy and odour control, labour saving,

grow and spread despite treatment with a

Unlike chemical cleaners, which offer short-

infrastructure asset protection, health and

disinfectant product. Even the emergence of

term cleaning benefits, probiotic cleaners,

safety and environmental sustainability.

harmless resistant bacteria could indirectly

which contain live bacteria or enzymes,


22 JULY 2018


Providing the “Ability” to achieve polished results and perfect cleanliness – day in, day out Ability Handling are a leading independent

Hako Antibac system

machinery supplier, specialising in materials handling equipment and electric vehicles. With many years of experience supplying equipment to hospitals throughout the UK, we are delighted to announce our new partnership with Hako Machines for the healthcare sector.

;OL ZPNUPÄJHU[ PUUV]H[PVU ^P[O [OL /HRV CLH range of scrubber-driers is the Antibac technology which is incorporated into the dirty water recovery tanks. This technology provides continuous antibacterial properties which kill \W [V VM TVZ[ JVTTVU IHJ[LYPHS Z[YHPUZ I\[ ZPNUPÄJHU[S` Staphylococcus Aurues (gram positive), Escherichia Coli (gram negative) as well as the Aspergillus Niger fungus.

Hako is already a well-established brand within the industrial cleaning sector, known for robust and reliable machinery and for creating solutions for a range of environments. New to the market is our exclusive range of white cleaning machines, these machines have been ZWLJPÄJHSS` KLZPNULK MVY PUMLJ[PVU WYL]LU[PVU HUK H great compliment to the wide range of electric vehicles already supplied to the NHS and other medical facilities. ;OL /HRV /LHS[OJHYL YHUNL VM ZJY\IILY KYPLYZ HYL Ä[[LK with the unique ‘AntiBac’ system which is proven to kill 99.9% of the most common strains of bacteria, ideal for use in hospitals and medical facilities where heavy duty deep cleaning is required.

Features The range comes with many new features including a clean white and grey design, quiet operation for healthcare environments, simple controls, electrical brush release system, quick change squeegee, on-board charger and detail cleaning kit plus the unique AntiBac infection prevention system. Available with a range of brush heads, drive plates and pads ensures the Hako Healthcare YHUNL JHU IL HKHW[LK [V JSLHU HU` ÅVVY Z\YMHJL There are currently 3 models in the range; B30CLH 430mm wide scrubbing width B45CLH 510mm wide scrubbing width B70CLH 650mm wide scrubbing width The high coverage and low operating costs make the Hako Healthcare range the perfect tool for the job.

“The Hako Healthcare range can be adapted to clean any ÅVVY Z\YMHJL ¹

Infection prevention and control is high on the agenda for patients, nurses and key decision makers across the network of hospitals and primary care facilities in the UK. Hako Machines have a range of automatic scrubber driers that address directly the issue of potential infection or cross contamination in the water recovery [HURZ ^P[O P[Z OVZWP[HS ZWLJPÄJH[PVU ZJY\IILY KYPLYZ

For all enquiries and to book your free demonstration call 01709 821821 or visit



Chemicals - to clean with or without? Thomas Stuecken, chairman of OspreyDeepclean Ltd, reports A traditional view of cleaning generally depicts

tool. When used in conjunction with an

the use of some type of chemical together

integrated vacuum, surfaces are also left dry

with labour intensive scrubbing. Disinfectants

and ready for immediate reuse thus avoiding

and cleaning fluids are still the ‘go to’ tool for

unnecessary downtime. Dry steam is not limited

many to kill germs and achieve the visible

to where it can be used and can (and does) clean

high standards of cleanliness. But just how

virtually anything and in any environment, even

well do these products clean and, when used

those that are considered a ‘dry environment’

continuously, what damage do they cause to

such as a bakery and food production lines.

the surfaces they are used on?

There is no scope for microbial resistance with dry steam as the only component is water and

The alternative - cleaning without chemicals - is still a relatively new, albeit popular,

it is incredibly environmentally friendly. One

concept. However, with some online reports

litre of water converts to almost 1600 litres of dry steam vapour.

claiming that chemical free cleaning is a marketing term rather than a technical term,

this is through a lack of training in the safe

Dry steam is the ultimate modern day tool

can a high standard of sanitation really be

handling of chemicals as illustrated in this

for traditional cleaning practises. If you want it

achieved without?

case or through health issues associated with

clean, use steam!

prolonged exposure during use. An American non-profit group, The Environmental Working Group, conducted a ‘hall of shame’ study which found that of 2000 assessed cleaning products, 438 of them contained at least one chemical identifiable as an asthmagen (the name given to any substance that is causally-related to the development of asthma). Health issues associated with prolonged chemical exposure can range from a simple rash to headaches and respiratory issues if the correct protective clothing (masks, gloves are goggles) are not supplied and used where appropriate. So what is the alternative? To be truly Earlier this year an NHS Trust in the UK was

chemical free would be cleaning with just water.

So which method is best? Cleaning with

criticised by the Quality Care Commission (QCC)

Water alone cannot compete with the hygiene

chemicals or without? There will always be scope

when inspectors found cleaning chemicals were

standards achieved by chemicals. But when

for chemicals within a cleaning regime but equal,

not always being stored safely. This came after

superheated to approximately 180°C, cold clean

if not superior, results can also be achieved with

an elderly patient died from drinking cleaning

tap water is converted from its liquid state to a

dry steam without any detrimental effects to the

fluid believing it to be orange juice. While this

gas or ‘dry steam’ - powerful enough to clean,

user and/or the environment being cleaned. I

was an exceptional case, there is always a risk

sanitise, de-grease, remove allergens and

know which gets my vote!

when cleaning chemicals are present - whether

pathogens, and be used as a decontamination


Sustainable floor cleaning with water alone CLEANING teams can make their floor care

disc machines. Each pad contains the recycled

the microscopic diamonds. According to the

operations more sustainable by using machines

PET fibres from just over two and a half recycled

manufacturer, this ensures the pads are less

with pads made from recycled materials that

plastic water bottles.

abrasive than the corresponding conventional

offer good results with water alone. To meet

Twister by Diversey is an set of 13 floor care

alternative which helps to protect the floor

these demands Diversey offers the Twister by

pads made from recycled PET impregnated

while giving a smoother and improved

Diversey and Taski Americo pad ranges - both

with billions of microscopic diamonds. Pads

appearance. Moreover, it is claimed that the

made from 100% recycled PET plastics - for use

for different applications are manufactured

resulting micro-polished finish of the floor is

with its Taski swingo scrubber driers and rotary-

by changing the size and combination of

more resistant to soiling.

24 JULY 2018




The pads can be used with water alone, are described as lasting three times longer than traditional products, and reduce the need for periodic maintenance, all of which improves sustainability and reduces the overall cost. According to Diversey, used this way these pads reduce chemical usage by 100%, floor pad costs by 66%, and weight of consumables by 98% compared with traditional products. Working without chemicals also simplifies cleaning processes, creates a healthier environment for cleaning operatives and bystanders, and reduces

routine machine maintenance burdens. Twister by Diversey is suitable for daily

aggressive stripping to gentle polishing.

maintenance to clean and polish unprotected

These pads also promote sustainability

stone floors. There are different pads in the

because they are designed to be used

range for almost every type of hard floor.

without harsh chemicals.

Using just four in sequence - red, white,

Manufacturing and delivery of the pads is

yellow, green - on old, dull and worn floors

also optimised for enhanced sustainability.

can rejuvenate and transform floors with

The machinery used to make them is more

clean, uniform, shiny and polished results.

than 30% more energy efficient than older

The diamond impregnated side of the pad is

equipment. In-house water treatment and

coloured and works as a wear indicator.

recycling has reduced water consumption by

As an alternative to Twister by Diversey,


cleaning and maintenance application from

83%, and the packaging for the pads contains at

the Taski Americo range comprises a

least 45% recycled materials.

complete set of pads for every floor


JULY 2018 25



Coping with water pressure Matt Hayas, global product manager at Hydro, reports. GOOD water pressure and a consistent water

water entering the unit. With a regulated water

pressure at 2 bars, but with the clear proviso

flow are fundamental to the efficient operation

pressure system, you will get even greater

that the pressure is above this in the first place.

of any chemical dispenser. A potential problem

accuracy over the long-term because the exact

with the water supply is a common concern

same bar pressure is assured on every cycle. The

your everyday observations: a good indicator is

amongst laundry owners when installing a

simplest and most common way to address this

a machine that will only fill at a certain speed.

chemical dispensing system.

problem is fitting a pressure regulator, integrated

If a laundry is situated on the top floor of a

flow control washer or AccuPro device.

building this can also contribute to pressure

Water pressure can be influenced by many

You will know if you have low pressure from

The AccuPro functions as a restrictor of

problems. Installing a booster system with a

different times of the day and similarly due to

flow. It is not available as a separate item

tank is one highly effective remedy. Another

variable peaks reflecting seasonal demand.

but is offered ready built into Hydro units.

relies on the skill of the installer and involves

These can amplify the more localised problems

The AccuPro provides a distinct advantage in

altering the timing of the machines. For

of laundries, where water pressure can vary

comparison to what is available elsewhere in

example, if you have five industrial washing

from building to building - and even from one

the dispenser market - it maintains the water

machines running at the same time, this

factors. Low pressure can occur typically at

simultaneous demand for water can result in a

area in a facility to another.

drop in pressure.

Low or varying water pressure can affect

It is very unlikely that high water pressure will

the performance of the eductor or venturi in dispensers with a significant impact

give you cause for concern. Hydro’s chemical

on their accuracy. Without the means to

dispensing units are factored up to six bars of

regulate pressure you will have to deal with

pressure, which is effectively engineered beyond

inconsistent dilution rates. Quite apart from the

the scope of what is to be found in water supplies

inconvenience of downtime, there is additional

in Europe, the US or the Middle East.

impact on your bottom line from rewashing. Also, the extra costs incurred from overdosing

The best bar none

of chemicals and the negative impact on your

If you have low pressure with an EvoClean

reputation with customers.

dispensing unit, any financial implications can be factored in to the total cost of ownership.

Going with the flow

This will still outweigh having a unit with a

To manage variable water pressure, you should

peristaltic pump over the same number of

look for a dispensing system with a component

years. To ensure consistent dispensing, the

to regulate the pressure and eliminate dilution

incoming water pressure must be at least

variance through control of the amount of

1.5 bars for a low flow unit and 2 bars for a

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The EvoClean incorporates the latest venturis that guarantee flow consistency in a low pressure environment when these initial


to clean these deposits without sufficient knowledge and expertise can be a risk. It’s crucial that you control the long-term

conditions are satisfied. This ensures exactly

costs of your laundry when margins are tight. All

the right amount of chemicals are diluted every

laundry environments, whether they are large

time, regardless.

or small, industrial or on-premise, can make gains in efficiency if water pressure and other

Hard choices

common water issues are placed firmly under

high flow unit.The AccuPro keeps the water

If your laundry is in a hard water area it will be

control in the chemical dispensing process.

pressure at 2 bars if the facility’s pressure is

self-evident. If you aren’t using a water softener

These efficiencies reflect substantially in your

above this. The AccuPro cannot increase the

any potential issues with the performance of

costs, while delivering positive kudos to your

existing water pressure so as a consequence

your chemical dispensers will be overshadowed

reputation through quality assurance and a

if the pressure is too low, the EvoClean won’t

by the tell-tale scale deposits in your washing

reduction of impact on the environment.

operate correctly.

machines and in other equipment. Attempting


Technology takes commercial laundry to new heights Christeyns UK has its headquarters in Bradford, Yorkshire, and is part of the Christeyns Group, based in Ghent, Belgium. Its principal focus is the manufacture and supply of detergents and supporting chemicals for the commercial laundry sector across the UK. The company is continually looking at ways to develop chemicals and systems that improve the quality of the wash whilst assisting laundries in achieving maximum efficiency, whilst at the same time reducing their carbon footprint and help keep the industry and the planet sustainable. Dave Aveyard, operations director at Christeyns UK reports on the company’s passion for laundry science and how one laundry, OCL in County Mayo, Ireland, has won new customers and increased productivity following the installation of a state-of-the-art laundry efficiency measurement system. WATER is a fundamental for life. It is also an

Once such systems are in place, Christeyns

from this technology - the installation of a

important source in most industries and saving

recommends that large scale modern laundries

Laundry Dashboard has helped him to a win an

water wherever we can is crucial to sustain our

now also employ the latest hi tech programmes

additional 40 customers. He said: “I originally

lifestyles in the long term. Much of the water we

to assist in maintaining running costs at an

set up OCL in 2001 and we were the first steam-

consume is ‘unseen’ in that it is used to grow

optimum level and increasing output.

free laundry in Europe. We now have 46,000

the food we eat or goes into the can of Cola or

Monitoring a laundry’s performance is the

square feet and can handle up to 2.7 tonnes of

key. Not only for ensuring the quality of the

linen per hour, offering nationwide linen rental

output, but also the efficiency of the systems in

and linen servicing to the hotel, restaurant

represents nearly half the fibre used to make

place and the use of time, product and utilities

and hospitality industries in Ireland. With

clothes and other textiles worldwide - about 20

such as water and energy. Add to this the

such a large operation it is essential to keep

million tonnes are produced globally each year.

environmental implications and increasingly

on top of costs and outputs to run an efficient

According to WWF, 20,000 litres of freshwater

stringent sustainability measures and there is a

business and last summer we installed Laundry

are used to produce just 1kg of cotton in water

lot to keep tabs on.

Dashboard to do just that. We have always

bottle of beer we drink. To relate this to the laundry industry, cotton

irrigated plantations, and 53% of the world’s

Real-time insight into a laundry’s performance

prided ourselves on being at the forefront of

at any given time during the production cycle

technology and when we made the decision to

is the cornerstone to success. Technological

move to our new facility in Ballinrobe in June

and advisor as a fundamental first step to

developments mean that there is now a

2016, we wanted to make sure our operations

help cut down water consumption and reduce

specific tool that measures people, plant and

were state-of-the-art from the outset.”

energy usage for commercial laundries. We aim

processes - a state-of-the-art laundry efficiency

to provide systems and laundry chemicals that

measurement system that takes intelligent

includes 10 screens located across the laundry

are tailor-made to fit. To offer the best cleaning

readings across the whole laundry facility.

facility that monitor gas, water, electricity, and

cotton production is produced this way. At Christeyns we see our role of consultant

results, so an improved quality of the wash output, whilst also reducing operational costs. WWW.CLEANINGMAG.COM

Alan O’Connor at OCL Laundry Services in West Ireland is one laundry that has benefited

The system installed at OCL currently

productivity. Alan O’Connor and his team are Continued on page 28. JULY 2018 27



significant cost factor is the linen.

Continued from page 27.

We set out to develop a process that would

able to determine where the strongest and weakest staff members are and move them

extend the usable life of textiles. Combining

around to improve output. The dashboards also

equipment and chemistry, ‘Cool Chemistry’

measure machine performance and can identify

is able to deliver improved whiteness and

critical information from equipment downtime,

disinfection even when operating at a neutral

to time taken to repair a machine.

pH and reduced temperatures as low as 400C. Less water to be used for rinsing and the neutral

Laundry Dashboard is a collaboration

pH reduces chemical damage.

between laundry specialists Christeyns and

O’Connor said: “The benefits of the Cool

WSP Systems who realised that even with

Chemistry system are fantastic. We are running

the most modern laundry, it is still difficult to

two CBWs on less water now that we were

ascertain which parts of the laundry operation are making a profit and which are not. Laundry

automatic notifications of any deviation from

using one, using 2 litres of water per kg of linen

Dashboard provides ongoing intelligent

pre-set norms.

as opposed to 8-10 litres before. Our costs of

readings and detailed reports that allow a

In order to optimise all laundry functions,

linen replacement are also lower, we have

company to see which customers are profitable,

Christeyns carried out a full review of what

significantly improved whiteness and we have a

check employee performance and how to

equipment would be needed and where.

much better Carbon Footprint, something that

increase energy efficiency.

Recommendations included the installation

is important to us as a company.”

“It’s not difficult to use,” said O’Connor. “Our

of a highly efficient heat exchanger along with

Innovation is key to driving the industry

staff simply scan in and then log on at the

a fully automated high -tech dosing system.

forward, with increased emphasis on expertise,

station connected to the machine on which

These now feed the two CBWs, (tunnel washers)

knowledge and sustainability, issues that are all

they are working. We have seen an increase of

and two Girbau wash extractors.

at the heart of what we do. Through continued

20% in productivity since installing Laundry

Christeyns’ patented ‘Cool Chemistry’ is also

research, Christeyns can provide innovative

Dashboard with our operatives working through

used at OCL. At the basis of our environmental

solutions that encourage customers to make

97kg of linen per person per hour.”

commitment is our research and development

the necessary changes, solutions that will affect

into laundry science, looking for ‘greener’

their bottom line and enable them to continue

within six months and ready to optimise

alternatives whilst producing the highest

to run a sustainable business. These changes

laundry operations. Reports are produced as

possible wash performance from the new

will also have long term implications on the

required and can be viewed on any computer

formulations. Aside from commercial laundries

quality of the environment.

or mobile device. The system also sends out

considering water and energy costs, a third


Laundry Dashboard can be up and running

Modular and mobile laundry launched WE all have an ongoing need to wash our

The new concept is proving popular as an

container. Each mobile laundry comes with

clothes and most of us have a washer and dryer

additional customer offering in a number

a mix of Girbau’s latest energy and water-

at home to do so. If you are away from home,

of retail sites such as filling stations and

saving high spin washers (with 9kg, 14kg or

travelling or in temporary accommodation you

supermarkets, where they offer the potential

19kg capacity) and ultra-efficient ED 340 19kg

need to find another way. Perhaps you also

to attract new customers and increase total

capacity ecodryers. These are much bigger than

have bulky items like duvets, pet bedding, or

spend per visit. End users can carry out a

domestic machines and engineered to provide

horse rugs that won’t fit in domestic machines.

complete washing and drying cycle in as little

years of reliable commercial usage.

Your only option then is to find a laundry or a

as 45 minutes.

self-service launderette.

Camp sites and holiday parks are additional

Girbau HS 6 Series washers can spin at speeds of up to 1000rpm to create water

Many people’s perceptions of launderettes

locations where the plug and play laundries

extraction forces of up to 400G. Depending on

are stuck in a 1950s time warp, but things are

are proving popular. The weather proof and

the fabrics being cleaned, residual moisture

changing fast in the world of away-from-home

self-contained modules can easily be sited close

after washing can be less than 50%, which in

laundry. One company, Girbau, has introduced

to existing facilities without any building work

turn means faster drying. All HS Series washers

its new Plug and Play Mobile Laundry. The

being required. If necessary, they are also very

are on the Water Technology List. They are very

modular self-contained units include a

easy to move to another site.

water efficient and businesses purchasing new

selection of the latest energy efficient washers

Mobile laundry units are also ideal for

washers can benefit from 100% tax relief. Girbau ED dryers feature a reliable and

and dryers complete with dosing equipment

festivals and sporting events, where they may

and all the necessary plumbing. All that is

only be needed for a few high usage days or

accurate built-in humidity control system that

required on delivery is to connect the unit to

weeks at a time. The container-sized units can

automatically senses when clothes are dry and

local utilities and it is ready to go. If there is

be transported by lorry to temporary venues.

activates the cool down process for energy

no mains gas supply, then gas storage can be

For maritime transport to far-flung locations,

efficiency and the best textile care.

included, or electric dryers can be selected.

the units fit in a standard 40-foot shipping


28 JULY 2018


a clean sheet laundry has evolved...

With the EvoClean venturi laundry system, Hydro Systems has developed a four, six or eight product commercial laundry solution which eliminates the routine maintenance requirements of competing peristaltic systems. Lightweight, with a small footprint, integrated flush manifold, low-level alarm, on-board control system and remote formula select, there really is no comparison. With no chemical drop-off or deteriorating performance from worn tubes, EvoClean ensures consistent results and satisfied customers, wash after wash.

for more details call +44 (0)1344 488880 or visit our website



Can you tell your Insta from your Weibo? According to the ‘Digital in 2018’ report from We are Social and Hootsuite, 66% of the UK population is now active on social media. Ceris Burns, managing director of Ceris Burns International, looks at what this might mean for the cleaning industry. ONCE seen as a ‘flash in the pan’, it’s fair to say

Having a page for your business on LinkedIn,

that social media is now here to stay. Whether

for instance, could help you be found on search

you choose to use it in your private life is

engines. You are not going to win a customer

still very much a personal decision (and one

with a single post or Tweet, but as part of your

perhaps influenced by the recent Cambridge

marketing and communications strategy, social

Analytica/Facebook story), but cleaning

media can act as an important shop window to

businesses that aren’t being social online are

your business.

missing out.

What should we share?

I am very much an advocate of the personal approach and travel the length and breadth

The most important thing on social media

of the country (and beyond) to visit existing

is to display personality and a human touch

and potential clients. I’d still rather pick up the

- that’s what being social is all about. Visual

phone on most occasions too. Social media

and shareable content is the most effective

isn’t a replacement for face-to-face or individual

way of building your social media presence,

communications. However, it provides a very

especially short videos. YouTube is the second

effective platform to share messages and

most used search engine after Google, which Ceris Burns

engage with a wider audience and should be part of your communications mix.

tells you a lot about people’s appetite for the media. Videos don’t have to involve big

Top benefits

budgets and overblown production values.

media options can seem overwhelming. Should

The key benefit of being on social media is an

Given the advances in technology even smart

your company be on Facebook, Instagram,

increased brand awareness, including being

phone videos can play their part in your social

Twitter or something else entirely? The simple

able to share your business’s unique selling

media strategy.

answer is that it depends on who you hope

points and ethos. It also means a higher

to communicate with and what you hope to

number of links to your content, which in turn

Unstable platforms

achieve. An expert can help you identify the

boosts search engine optimisation (or how easy

One issue people can have when looking

most appropriate avenues to explore.

it is to find your website) and helps drive sales.

to develop their social media is that it can

For the uninitiated the plethora of social

30 JULY 2018




be hard to keep up with all the different platforms. Vero, for instance, was being touted as the next big thing as it had supposedly taken the best elements of all the other popular platforms and combined them. However, technical issues and reports of suspect behaviour by its owners mean its rise was limited and its fall rapid. That’s not to say new platforms shouldn’t be adopted, but especially in a business situation you need to know they will be sustained, and that your audience (for example, customers and suppliers) are interested in using it.

A world of difference As with many aspects of international trade, there are regional differences to be aware of if you are planning a campaign across several countries. This is more obvious in some places

Something to chew on

have declined 15% since 2007 - the year the

such as China, where state-approved platforms,

And for those who are still not convinced and

iPhone came out. It’s believed people are too

including Weibo, replace the more commonly

bemoan the omnipresence of smartphones,

busy on their phones to notice the gum at

known western options. Even in Europe,

it’s worth noting that the growth in their

shop checkouts!

though, there are differences to be aware of.

use has led to a decline in sales of chewing

If you need help telling your Insta(gram) from

For example, Twitter is less popular on the

gum - the bane of many in the cleaning

your Weibo, ask an expert. They’ll be happy to

continent than in the UK, and in Germany, for

industry. According to market research firm

help you find your social media feet.

instance, Google+ is preferred.

Euromonitor International, global gum sales



JULY 2018 31

The BICSc Annual Awards Education Programme & Exhibition Thursday 27th September 2018 Whittlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire 1RZ RQH RI WKH ODUJHVW DQG PRVW LQȾXHQWLDO QHWZRUNLQJ events in the cleaning industry’s calendar celebrating excellence in training and accreditation. We will be hosting a daytime education programme and H[KLELWLRQ D QHWZRUNLQJ OXQFK GULQNV UHFHSWLRQ IROORZHG E\ WKH $QQXDO $ZDUGV FHUHPRQ\ WDNLQJ SODFH WKH VDPH evening.

Find out more E: DZDUGV#ELFV RUJ XN T: +44 (0) 1604 678 710 W: DZDUGV ELFV RUJ XN

Sponsorship opportunities are available.


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Establishing a right to work here Kim-Marie Freeston, managing director of uComply, reports. EVERYONE has a right to work, but not all have the right to work here. Employing those who want to work here is one issue, but employing those who can legally work here is another. As a recruitment veteran with 25 years’ experience years I found that checking the legality of those wanting to work became increasingly difficult with so many good fake documents in recent years. Checking was a series of manual processes which were not always perfect so I developed uComply, a thorough checking system. Up to Brexit day there will be hundreds of thousands of workers coming here before the door closes, to work in service industries. Most have genuine paperwork and a legal right to work. Sifting out the fakes is vital when fines of £20,000 or imprisonment are the penalties for employing a person without genuine paperwork. One recruitment firm owner has discovering one fake a month - not surprising

Stefan Sosnowski, commercial director, and Kim-Marie Freeston, managing director of uComply.

with 8400 fake document producers in Europe.

The desktop version

and the training is superb. Ultimately, it gives us

interviews proceed confidently? For less than

Office based personnel interviewing numerous

peace of mind as a business owner. This is the

the cost of a cup of coffee per candidate, an

candidates use the computer version that

first piece of technology that has immediately

interviewer can, using my uComply system,

accommodates a passport scanner (as used

paid for itself, impressed our clients and

tell immediately whether the interviewee has

in airports) which plugs into the PC/laptop

enhanced our reputation. I wish all software

genuine documents and qualifies to work.

and checks the passport chip for UV and

was so easy and user friendly.”

How does the employer carrying out

Infrared readings. All scanned ID documents

There will be Cleaning & Maintenance

The mobile version

are compared against a document library and

readers asking the question: ‘What if a clever

For the area manager interviewing staff

this is the only system that offers Home Office

fake gets through the system…?’ The answer is

away from the office the checking process is

Guidance together with passport chip reading.

comforting because if the employer can prove

paperless with a mobile phone - tap in the

Information is stored safely and securely on the

that it has followed the Home Office guidance

country of origin and a list of all necessary

user’s own servers for easy access.

to the letter and has all the documents checked, cleared, signed and dated, there is

documentation will appear fully in-line with the Home Office guidance. The interviewer

User speak

takes a photograph, saves it in the cloud and

Birkin Cleaning Services has used uComply

the candidate signs the screen to allow storage

mobile version for six months. CEO Paul Ashton

cleared, the process is continuous. Email alerts

of his or her documents. The app scans the

finds the system essential to his recruitment. He

are sent to the employer concerning expiring

documents and reads and saves all the data

said: “We chose this software because it offered

documents like passports, visas, biometric

from the information on the passport’s chip.

the widest range of checks, the price is keen

cards, country ID cards, and driving licences.

your statutory excuse/defence. The process doesn’t end once a candidate is

All development, help desk, data storage, and sales are UK based with no overseas call centre. This system is priced so that it is within reach of employers, contractors and recruitment companies. Employing one illegal worker by accident can cause immeasurable damage to your business and tarnish your reputation. When considering employing someone the golden rule is ‘if in doubt - don’t’. WWW.UCOMPLY.CO.UK WWW.CLEANINGMAG.COM

JULY 2018 33



Reach for the SkyVac WHEN it comes to cleaning buildings at

costly plant and scaffold and is the answer

put to the test, removing dust and cobwebs

height, the process can seem a daunting

to health and safety issues associated with

from hard to reach high-level visible areas

prospect. With a cherry picker or tower

working at height.”

around the church’s altar.

often being the first port of call - without

According to the latest British Cleaning

Although the Church was built after the Great

even considering man hours - the whole

Council report there have been 13 fatal injuries

Fire of Northampton in 1675, the settlement

process becomes extremely costly, before the

in the cleaning industry over the last four years.

dates back to medieval times. The Grade

cleaning has even commenced.

Falls from height are in the top three workplace

I listed building boasts fine plasterwork,

accidents associated with cleaning activities,

ornamentation and architecture. But with

introduced what it describes as the world’s first

accounting for 10% of all reported injuries.

exquisite features and extremely high ceilings

telescopic carbon fibre vacuum pole. Designed

The financial costs from fall related injuries are

comes a lot of maintenance with high-level

and manufactured by Spinaclean, the all-in-one

substantial - not only to the individual, but also

areas being inaccessible from the ground.

lightweight carbon fibre pole is compatible

to the companies concerned. If someone is

with most major vacuum cleaners. Reaching

injured falling from height, on average they will

Church, described the SkyVac as a ‘eureka

up to 30ft, the pole is easy to transport with a

be off work for 9.4 days.

moment’, and said: “With SkyVac we were able

To simplify the process Spinaclean has

collapsed length of just 5.5ft.

But avoiding working at height is easier said

Robin Sheppard who works at All Saints

to reach all the nooks and crannies. It is much

than done. Companies are under a duty to

faster, more accessible and so much cheaper

Spinaclean team demonstrated the pole’s

do all that is reasonably practical to prevent

than hiring in a tower and paying for man

compatibility with a standard vacuum cleaner

someone from falling. In fulfilling this duty, the

hours. Previously we have used contractors to

as well as the SkyVac Internal 27. Designed by

company must adopt a risk control hierarchy

carry out the work for us, but seeing that it is so

Spinaclean’s managing director, Andy Whiting,

from managing work at height, including the

easy to use, we are looking at purchasing one

in 2003, the versatile high-level cleaning system

selection of equipment.

ourselves so that we can use it within all our

Showcased at Interclean in May, the

is now distributed to over 35 countries. He said:

An example of a company adhering to this

sister churches.” There are over 13 different SkyVac systems in

“Not only is SkyVac is a multi-use, low cost,

protocol is All Saints Church in Northampton.

high reach cleaning and inspection system, it

The church was recently ‘amazed’ by the

the range to suit every environment and budget.

also removes the need for out of hours working,

capabilities of the SkyVac when the system was


34 JULY 2018



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ROBERT Scott has launched its latest innovation in the form of a new

Robert Scott launches first ‘self-cleaning’ catalogue

product catalogue for 2018 that stays hygienically clean. Featuring an antibacterial cover that reduces the risk of crosscontamination and prevents bacterial build-up, the catalogue showcases a fresh, clean design, new category listings and a host of new products, making it easier for customers to navigate around the range of items available. Over 1000 products have been organised into nine new categories and include the latest innovations such as the Toucan Eco non-chemical cleaning system, Duop Cleaning Tool, Stream Disposable Mop and the

Handy Mitt. There is also an introduction to Robert Scott’s new Clean team experts, sharing some of their practical insight in a series of cleaning know-how articles on a range of subjects throughout the catalogue. WWW.ROBERT-SCOTT.CO.UK FOLLOWING the introduction of the Ecobat Lead Crystal battery range, the company has brought into its range a tailor-made charger to make up its Rapid Charge System. This addition allows it to offer an alternative package solution for applications that are presently or potentially lithium based. “In contrast to common perception, matching the correct charger to the battery is as important

Rapid charge system introduced

as identifying the most appropriate battery for the application,” said EBT Industrial’s national accounts manager, Colin McCartney. “This is particularly the case with a highly engineered product such as Lead Crystal, which is designed to provide a realistic real-world alternative to lithium and other lead based products. In this scenario, because of the complexities of the battery design, the manufacturers of both battery and charger have had to collaborate to develop a charge profile that is tailored to suit the way in which the battery is constructed and the crystal mix it incorporates. With this work now undertaken, we can offer our customers a sub four-hour recharging solution that truly deserves its Rapid Charge System title.” WWW.ECOBAT.TECH INTERCLEAN 2018 provided the platform for Northwood to launch its brand new dispenser range, North Shore. As an addition to the existing brand portfolio which also features

North Shore makes waves in Amsterdam!

Leonardo dispensing systems and the Whisper range, North Shore features the Northwood lock out system that is widely regarded as being one of the very best available. The North Shore range includes the all new Orbit toilet tissue dispenser with its four roll capacity and carousel mechanism. Hand towel dispensers include a Micro Folded Towel, a mechanical hands free and the fully automatic Hybrid dispenser. These systems can be teamed with the Impressions range of toilet tissue, roll towels and hand towels which feature strong performance with an all-round feel of luxury that

enhances any washroom. The final element in the new range are the soap dispensers which, like the recycled paper products, carries the hard earned EU Ecolabel Certificate. WWW.NORTHWOOD.CO.UK

36 JULY 2018




CORDANT Cleaning has developed a bespoke

New app provides valuable data

app designed to capture and report on the activities of contract teams. It also assesses and monitors the cleanliness of vehicles and premises using real time data. The technology is being rolled out across the whole of Cordant Cleaning’s customer


Neil Nixon 07957 71316 SALES DIRECTOR

base and is part of the company’s commitment to delivering added value to its contracts. The highly intuitive app can be used on any android mobile or desktop device and provides a simple dashboard to deliver key information at a glance using the traffic light system. It can also be emailed to users who have the ability to drill down into detailed reports. Currently it has three

Vanessa Van Santen-Smith 01737 855041 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER

requirements with further elements planned for the coming months.

Michelle Andrews 01737 855086



core areas: quality audits, daily reports and periodic cleaning data, all tailored to specific client

BUYERS of plastic bin liners can now look for the CHSA


Accreditation Scheme logo to

Bin liners incorporated into CHSA scheme

Carol Baird 01923 437619 Steve Diprose

be certain the ‘what’s on the


box is what’s in the box’. The

Paul Michael

Accreditation Scheme for Plastic Refuse Sacks has been expanded to include these products. Mike Stubbs, chairman of


Elizabeth Barford 01737 855028

the panel governing the CHSA Accreditation Scheme for Plastic Refuse Sacks, said: “With members of the Accreditation Scheme consistently delivering near perfect conformance on label compliance and performance, the time was right to include a wider range of products in the Scheme for Plastic Refuse Sacks. Bin liners, bought in huge number, were the natural addition. With the reassurance of the CHSA Accreditation Scheme marque on the packaging of products manufactured by Scheme members, buyers of these products can now be certain they are getting what they pay for.” WWW.CHSA.CO.UK


BRIGHTWELL has announced the launch of Myriad, its new soap and

Quartz Business Media Quartz House 20 Clarendon Road Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QX 01737 855086

paper dispenser range. The Myriad range offers versatile dispensers that allow customers to brand them according to company style. The Myriad range includes the following soap and paper dispensers: 900ml soap dispenser with options to mix and match pumps and containers; hand towel dispenser that fits a wide range of hand towels; centre-pull hand towel dispenser, a practical and robust dispenser that fits perforated and non-perforated centre-pull rolls; auto-cut hand towel dispenser

Introducing the Myriad soap and paper dispenser range

Annual Subscriptions 12 copies per year (10 print & 12 digital) UK: 1 yr £125; 2 yrs: £224 Rest of the world: 1 yr: £174; 2 yrs: £310

that is ideal for environments where hygiene is paramount; toilet roll jumbo dispenser, a compact toilet tissue dispenser for busy washrooms; waste bin, strong, durable and suitable for any environment; and Multiflex soap dispenser. WWW.BRIGHTWELL.CO.UK


ISSN: 1473 723X © Quartz Business Media, 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, Cardiff, UK

JULY 2018 37

The Official Partner of the Cleaning Show


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T THE SCEN S OF SUCCES trol Odour Con solutions in ht the spotlig

GREAT MAKING A ESSION FIRST IMPR ng and the Street Cleani of outdoor ce maintenan spaces >>> page 38



PARK LIFE Neil Nixon speaks to JPC Cleaning about managing the extensive complex at Chiswick Park >>> page 26

With RPC bpi ducts Recycled Pro tery Bat and Fortis 24 & 36 >>> pages

>>> page 26


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What can be done to make hand washing quicker and easier for healthcare staff ? >>> page 28

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JULY 2018 39

THE RESULTS ARE CLEAR. See your business in a different light. Say goodbye to soggy cloths and dirty buckets. The lightweight WVP 10 Window and Surface Cleaner is the brighter way to clean all your flat surfaces – quickly and easily. Its long battery life, durable construction and powerful suction mean you’ll get the job done brilliantly, time after time. And when your premises look the business, your customers and employees will appreciate it – and so will your bottom line. Find out how the WVP 10 can help your business at

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