Cleaning & Maintenance December 2017

Page 1



IN THIS ISSUE: Hand Hygiene

The importance of hand hygiene – and specifically hand drying – particularly within healthcare environments.

Computer Systems

What’s new in computer systems designed to assist the cleaning sector? How can technology remove the stress from cleaning contract management?

MerryChristmas Have a very

from all of us at Numatic International

Smaller Area to Clean? Use the SD7-R Scrubber Dryer from Victor. Simply engineered for greater reliability and lower repair costs. For a free demonstration or more information please call us on 0121 765 2345.

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The Official Partner of the Cleaning Show

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PLUS: • Industry news • People • Contracts • Products

HAND HYGIENE The importance of hand hygiene – and specifically hand drying – particularly within healthcare environments. >>> page 24



What’s new in computer systems designed to assist the cleaning sector? How can technology remove the stress from cleaning contract management?

Sponsored feature from Grundon Waste Management. >>> page 18

>>> page 22


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Show down at show time The danger of commenting on an ongoing story

Back to more predictable events, the

in a monthly magazine is that it will probably

Manchester Cleaning Show is continuing to

have either developed, been resolved, or

thrive following a phenomenal launch in 2016,

completely gone away by the time we hit the

which saw it featured on national TV. Next

streets - but some things just can’t pass without

year’s event – which takes place at Manchester’s

comment. This month’s prime example is the

Event City on 11 and 12 April 2018 – has already

rather public spat between the Amsterdam RAI

increased in size, and features a full seminar

(owner of Interclean) and the ISSA.

programme over the two days of the show. Topics including Brexit, health and safety,

The first salvo in what has become a war of words

marketing, social media, recruitment, training,

was fired by Amsterdam RAI, announcing via a

and a review of the British Cleaning Council’s

letter to all ‘stakeholders’ that the agreement

most recent industry research are all sure to

and cooperation with the ISSA – which had been

draw the crowds. Exhibitors large and small will

in place since 1998 – was being terminated with

also wow attendees with all that’s new for the

immediate effect. The letter went on to say that

UK’s commercial cleaning sector.

Interclean – which has itself been in existence since 1967 – would continue business as usual,

Beyond the Manchester event, we’ll be looking

and would look to expand its presence globally

forward to The Cleaning Show in London in

through the addition of more events.

2019 (19-21 March 2019 at ExCel) – another event that is seeing huge growth as bookings for

This announcement caused ripples across the

space are coming in thick and fast. Before that,

cleaning sector, although many remember

however, we’ll all be off to Amsterdam in May

Interclean before the deal with ISSA, so a return

2018 for ISSAInterclean, Interclean, Interclean

to the old status quo was probably not that

supported by the ISSA, Interclean brought to

surprising. The response from ISSA, however,

you by Amsterdam RAI...I guess the name will

was unexpected.

depend on how the negotiations between the two parties shake out!

In a release headed ‘ISSA strongly refutes RAI’s unilateral termination of alliance’,

Wishing you a clean, tidy, happy and healthy

the organisation went on to say that it

month, and, if it’s not too early, a very happy

‘unambiguously rejects RAI Amsterdam’s


contention that their long-standing alliance has ended’ - and that’s that. At time of going to press, that’s the situation – a stand-off between two organisations that have co-operated to deliver cleaning exhibitions in Europe and the USA for almost 20 years. We’ll watch with

Neil Nixon, Editor

interest as the story unfolds.

Cleaning & Maintenance Magazine





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22 Feature: Computer Systems What’s new in computer systems designed to assist the cleaning sector? How can technology remove the stress from cleaning contract management?



Industry News

14 17


18 24

In the news this month… ICE acquires Reintec and Tecserv, the best in Europe celebrated in Rome, Nilfisk completes Stock Exchange listing.

We take a look at all the latest contracts awarded across the industry. People New appointments from across the cleaning and FM sectors.

Clear Impressions


Sponsored feature from Grundon Waste Management.

Feature: Scrubber Dryers

Feature: Hand Hygiene The importance of hand hygiene – and specifically hand drying – particularly within healthcare environments.

An update on new additions to the scrubber dryer market.

05 Editor’s Comment

16 BICSc Comment

20 BCC Comment

Looking back at the past month in the cleaning sector.

Creating a career path for the cleaning industry.

On the front line of environmental protection.


21 Making a margin – a contractor’s blog Simon Gasson reports




ICE acquires Reintec and Tecserv ICE has announced that on

market and it sees the same

opportunity to create a truly

Reintec as it means focus and

Friday 27 October it agreed to

opportunities as we do to make

market leading organisation.”

investment, which in turn will

acquire 100% of the Reintec

that happen. The coming together

and TecServ business. Trading

of the organisations also means

Paul Lewis, will take the role of

as Reintec, the business has led

that our strength and depth on

chief commercial officer at ICE.

the way since 2010 in equipment

a national level in terms of field

He said: “ICE is an extremely

(acquired in December 2016) will

rental, offering flexible hire and

engineering and logistical support

progressive business with a high

now all be fully integrated into

repair of professional cleaning

will be unrivalled. It allows our

degree of agility in both strategic

the ICE Group, and will all operate

equipment. TecServ delivers

operation to become far less

development and investment,

under four new ICE brands, which

expert maintenance services

Southampton centric, delivering

underpinned by a philosophy

will come to market in the very

which support the Reintec

higher quality and stronger levels

of building long term, strategic

near future. A separate transition

product offering.

of service and support to our

relationships and partnerships

team has been deployed and

existing sales, hire and service

with like-minded organisations.

ring fenced away from the day

said: “This is the second

customers. This acquisition

ICE has spent 50 years building

to day operations of all three

acquisition for ICE in the last 12

further strengthens the ICE

its business, ruthlessly focusing

businesses (ICE, Reintec and CES)

months and represents a very

market proposition, bringing

on customer delivery and

to enable the existing teams to

exciting strategic opportunity for

complimentary capability and

innovation, and it has delivered

focus on business as usual and

us going forward. Reintec shares

experience into the group. As

sustainable growth in a tough

customer support whilst the

our values, beliefs and aspirations

a combined business, we have

competitive environment. This

organisations transition.

- it too wants to transform the

a platform for growth and an

is a fantastic opportunity for


Mark Bresnihan, ICE’s CEO,

Reintec’s managing director,

help us continue to support our customers.” Reintec, TecServ and CES

Changing roles and responsibilities within BCC announced THE British Cleaning Council, which

executive of the British Pest

represents over 20 national trade

Control Association (BPCA)

and membership associations

announce that after over seven

linked to the UK’s cleaning, hygiene

years in post he was leaving his

and waste management sectors,

role at the BPCA in January next

has officially welcomed several new

year, and would therefore also be standing down from BCC duties.

council member representatives to new roles across both its main

Allison Ogden-Newton, Keep Britain Tidy.

Simon Forrester, BPCA.

BCC chairman, Stan Atkins,

cleaning services sector including

said: “It is great to welcome

operations director at Pall Mall,

such high calibre individuals to

last year, Anne Godfrey had

divisional managing director at

new roles within the BCC. Their

by BCC member Keep Britain Tidy

leadership roles in a diverse range

Broadreach Services, and MD at

respective experience will help

at its head office in Wigan, the BCC’s

of membership organisations

Strand Cleaning in London. In 2013

to give the council fresh insights

chairman, Stan Atkins, formally

including CIM, where she was chief

he joined Exclusive Services Group

into challenges and opportunities

introduced Anne Godfrey, CEO of the

executive; the Law Society, where

as managing director.

affecting the cleaning, waste

Chartered Institute of Environmental

she was director of commercial

Health (CIEH), and Jim Melvin from

and membership services; and the

Keep Britain Tidy as chief executive

sectors, plus collectively they bring

the Cleaning and Support Services

CBI, where she was commercial

in 2015. Previously she was CE of

skills gained across a diverse range

Association (CSSA), as new council

and marketing director.

the charity World Child Cancer.

of organisations and industries

The BCC meeting in Wigan

which will be invaluable as we

board and its finance and policy committee. At a recent BCC meeting, hosted

representatives for their respective organisations.

committee for the first time. Prior to joining the CIEH

Jim Melvin has had many senior management roles within the

Allison Ogden-Newton joined

also saw Simon Forrester, chief

management and environmental

move forward. It was also sad to see Simon announce his departure

Anne Godfrey replaces former CIEH CEO Graham Jukes, while

from council as he, and the BPCA,

Jim Melvin has stepped into

has been very supportive of the

the role previously occupied

BCC’s work since they joined us

by former BCC chairman, Doug

two years ago. I am therefore

Cooke. The meeting in Wigan

looking forward to meeting

also saw Keep Britain Tidy’s chief

Simon’s successor when he or she

executive, Allison Ogden-Newton,

is appointed.”

join the BCC’s finance and policy

WWW.BRITISHCLEANINGCOUNCIL.ORG From left, Jim Melvin (CSSA), Anne Godfrey (CIEH), and Stan Atkins, chairman of the BCC.



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The best in Europe celebrated in Rome THE winners of the European


Cleaning and Hygiene Awards

Markas best practice for

2017 were announced at a gala

sustainability: the Montichiari

dinner in Rome on 9 November.

Hospital project.

The awards recognise standards

Workforce - excellence in

of excellence in the professional

employee relationships,

cleaning sector Europe-wide.

diversity and inclusion, rewards

The winners were:

programmes, etc:

Best use of technology by

Maximum impact, Breedweer

contractors in their cleaning

Facilitaire Diensten.

within a cleaning operation:

distributors across Europe. We’re

programmes, sponsored by

Best initiative raising the profile

Avril McCarthy, Derrycourt

very proud to be involved in these

Diversey Care:

and perception of the professional

Cleaning Specialists.

awards which show that the

University of Wolverhampton and

cleaning sector - locally or on a

Lifetime achievement award,

industry is about so much more


wider level:

sponsored by Ceris Burns

than ‘just cleaning’. The talent

Commitment to and investment

LIFE (Labour Intensive Facility


and dedication on show across

in training, sponsored by

Event) - ANIP Road Show.

Adolf Kruse.

the wide-ranging categories is


Groundbreaking technological

Julius Rutherfoord and Co.

innovation of the year, sponsored

and member of the judging

Excellence in client/contractor


panel, Michelle Marshall, said:

comprised: Johannes Bungart,


BeSense, CSU.

“The European Cleaning and

director, BIV; Juan Diez de los Rioz

FBD and Derrycourt Cleaning

Inspirational leader of the year,

Hygiene Awards are a unique

de San Juan, president, ASPEL;


sponsored by Truvox International:

opportunity to highlight and

and Lynn Webster, director, Lynn

Distributors - excellence in added

Jan-Hein Hemke, Facilicom UK.

celebrate the tremendous work

Webster Consultants. Next year’s

value initiatives, sponsored by

Greatest individual contribution to

being carried out by service

event will take place in Berlin.

Luciness, sponsored by Werner &

driving up standards of excellence

providers, manufacturers and


Compère for the evening

testament to that.” The judging panel also

ABM strengthens presence in Northern Ireland ABM has taken a further

and with customer retention

foothold in Northern Ireland

at the heart of our service,

with the opening of a dedicated

we expect many more in the

office in Belfast, and the

coming months and years. We’re

appointment of a country

also delighted to welcome Kyle

manager tasked with growing

Russell to ABM, who has been

the local portfolio.

appointed regional manager -

Partly motivated by the

Ireland. While Kyle will be our

region’s growing retail sector,

overall lead on the Bloomfield

ABM’s move to establish

contract, he’ll also be tasked

itself further in the market

with identifying new business

will offer its growing roster of

opportunities for the group.

clients a local and personable

Kyle has an impressive 15-year

management service. It offers a

track record in the facilities

broad range of facility services

management industry, having

including cleaning, security,

previously been responsible

mechanical and electrical,

for accounts including Ulster

technical, HVAC, data centre

Bank (part of the RBS Group),

cleaning, and guest services.

EirGrid, Danske Bank, Aviva, and Santander. We look forward to

Kim Harris, integrated facility solutions director at ABM, said:

putting energy behind taking

Bloomfield Shopping Centre

the wealth of experience that

“Northern Ireland is an exciting

advantage of this fantastic

and Retail Park is the latest

Kyle will bring with him to ABM.”

territory for us, and we are

market. The contract win with

addition to our retail portfolio,

10 DECEMBER 2017




Supported by

In partnership with

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone who has responsibility for cleaning, hygiene or facilities management should attend this event.

Register now to attend the regional Cleaning

Contract cleaning companies

Show event dedicated to the cleaning and hygiene

Window cleaners

sector. Don’t miss this chance to test and source

Facility/office/business managers from a wide range of industries including:

new products and benefit from the free seminar

educational establishments - schools, universities etc.

finance/insurance - city offices, banks etc.

hospitals and healthcare establishments

industrial, manufacturing and warehouse facilities

leisure and hospitality facilities - hotels, restaurants, cinemas etc.

• Health & Safety in the

local and central government

Cleaning Industry

public services - ambulance services, police, fire brigades etc.

residential and nursing homes

retail and shopping centres

transport providers

programme. Registration is free of charge for all relevant professionals

FREE-TO-ATTEND SEMINAR The following sessions are free-to-attend to all registered visitors • The British Cleaning Council’s Research Report • Future Ready Workshops

• Business Promotion Workshops



CERATA launched to offer recruitment and training services THE Cleaning Executive Recruitment

A well-known and popular figure

associated industries all face

and Training Agency (CERATA) has

in the professional cleaning and

the same challenge in correctly

been launched to provide recruiting,

hygiene industry over the past

recruiting and then retaining

talent retention and training services

four decades, Keith Baker was

sales, marketing, customer service

for the professional cleaning, hygiene

formerly director of EMEA services

and executive level colleagues,”

and janitorial supply sectors.

for ISSA. Prior to that, he ran his

continued Keith Baker. “By

CERATA has been conceived

own distribution company - Baker

identifying better candidates from

and is headed by Keith Baker. He

Hygiene and Healthcare Supplies

the outset, linked to providing

said: “It fulfils an unanswered but

- for many years, following a

training once they are in position,

pressing need in the professional

significant career with Unilever.

we are revolutionising the

cleaning and facilities management

In this new venture, Keith Baker

traditional recruitment agency

sector - in the UK and beyond.

is joined by other well-known

model. We are turning what is an

Its mission is to recruit the best

names from the sector including

unnecessary and painful short-

possible candidates, train them to

Lynn Webster of LWC Ltd and Chris

term cost for our clients when it

develop and increase their skills

Klopper of Mulberry Marketing

comes to recruitment into long-

based on and include real-life

and value, leading to higher staff


term profit.”

insights from the cleaning industry

retention levels. This in turn leads

“Our pre-launch research has

In addition to the recruitment

Keith Baker, founder of CERATA

and are led by highly experienced

to a more profitable bottom line

established that manufacturers,

of executives, CERATA offers a

professionals from across all areas

for CERATA’s clients - the employer

distributors and building service

programme of sales and executive

of this sector.


contractors in the cleaning and

training workshops. These are


Clean Sweep retains standards accreditation

Bain Capital Private Equity invests to expand Diversey BAIN Capital Private Equity

Plantevin, a managing director of

CLEAN Sweep UK has attained

quality that runs throughout the

has, through its investment in

Bain Capital Private Equity, said:

ISO 9001:2015 accreditation for

company. We’re proud to hire the

Diversey, reached agreement on

“We are committed to growing

quality management, having

highest quality Kärcher cleaning

the terms of a recommended

Diversey’s geographic reach and

previously been accredited to

equipment, and with the expertise

final cash offer for Zenith

the addition of Zenith Hygiene

ISO9001:2008. The company

of our friendly and knowledgeable

Hygiene Group plc, manufacturer

would be a first valuable step

prides itself on providing quality

staff - from our service engineers

of cleaning and hygiene

towards creating a world-class

and well maintained Kärcher

who maintain the equipment,

chemicals and related products.

provider of cleaning and hygiene

cleaning machinery, and the latest

to our office staff who have

accreditation is testament to this.

ensured processes are in place

Hygiene offers a wide, high

To achieve the accreditation,

to maintain an excellent service

quality range of products serving

Hygiene Group plc, said: “We

Clean Sweep UK had to

to our customers - we are able to

customers in the healthcare,

are excited to join Diversey and

demonstrate a commitment to

consistently hit the high standards

food service, hospitality, leisure

be part of a group benefiting

customers by adhering to high

we challenge ourselves to achieve.

and facilities management,

from Bain Capital’s integrated

performance measures set-out

This is reflected in our award of the

pharmaceutical, and food and

global platform and bold growth

by Bureau Veritas. Steve Dennis,

ISO 9001:2015 accreditation, which

beverage processing industries.

plans for Diversey. During

managing director of Clean Sweep

is further representation of our

The company employs more

the past 20 years, we have

UK, said: “We firmly believe the

commitment to quality and our

than 500 people and generated

successfully grown the business

ongoing success of Clean Sweep

dedication to our customers.”

net sales of £67 million in the

by developing a comprehensive

UK is down to the emphasis of


fiscal year ending February 2017.

product offering in the UK and

Based in Hertfordshire, Zenith

Bain Capital completed the

12 DECEMBER 2017

solutions.” Ringo Francis, CEO of Zenith

Ireland. We believe that all

acquisition of Diversey from

customers will benefit from the

Sealed Air in September 2017.

combination of both companies’

Completion of the Zenith deal is

innovations and application

anticipated to take place during


Q1 of 2018, subject to customary


anti-trust clearance. Michel





Nilfisk completes stock exchange listing ON 12 October Nilfisk was successfully listed as an independent company on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (Nasdaq Copenhagen). The leadership team, led by Nilfisk CEO Hans Henrik Lund, had the pleasure of ringing the opening bell, clearly stating that Nilfisk has reached a historical milestone in the company’s history. “Nilfisk has successfully been a part of NKT Holding since 1989,” said Hans Henrik Lund, CEO at Nilfisk. “During this time, we have worked diligently to develop Nilfisk into a leader in our industry, and as a result we have created a strong and financially robust company that is able to thrive independently. The entire Nilfisk community throughout

milestone.” Hans Henrik Lund continued:

and our investors strongly believe

done for the past 111 years and

in the business, we have built.

focus on developing and bringing

the world has contributed to this

“We are extremely happy to have

However, it will not change how

to market high quality products

journey and we are extremely proud

completed a successful listing,

we do business. We will continue

and services.”

to celebrate this significant company

because it shows that the market

to run our company as we have




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DECEMBER 2017 13



Bilfinger contract phase one underway THE Eric Wright Group’s FM arm

works to Bilfinger locations in

second phase to deliver cleaning

chosen as its delivery partner for

has won a three-year contract to

Newton-le-Willows and St Helens,

and waste management services

the next three years. Bilfinger join

provide property management

with a further three properties

at all sites.

a growing client portfolio and we

services to five Bilfinger sites

being introduced in Chesterfield,

Connal O’Brien, managing

across the country, commencing

Fareham and Reading by the end

director of Eric Wright FM, said:

to expand our geographical

with two in Merseyside. Eric

of 2017.

“Bilfinger sought an FM company

reach and service delivery

with a proven track record and


we’re thrilled to have been


Wright FM will deliver planned and reactive management and small

The contract, worth around over £120,000 per year, also includes a

look forward to working together

Shine strategy secures new business worth £4 million NVIRO has secured a succession

relationship with former client,

of new cleaning contracts during

Yokogawa Marex, a specialist

a period of growth. Nviro’s strong

software solutions company based

portfolio of schools and colleges

in Cowes on the Isle of Wight,

has been further boosted following

Nviro has also secured a three-year

contract wins with Fareham

contract with innovative customer

College, Chichester Free School,

care outsourcing specialist,

Bishop Challoner Federation of

Ascensos. The contract sees

Schools in East London, and King’s

Nviro providing an all-inclusive

College School in Wimbledon -

facilities management solution

with a combined contract value of

(incorporating security, washroom,

£2 million.

waste management, and feminine hygiene services) at its brand new,

for at least the next seven years

innovative and motivated teams

secured a three-year, multi-lot

purpose-built and prestigious

with options to extend for a further

are making a real difference

contract with Sovereign Housing

social media-based call centre on

three. This is also the first contract

to the health and well-being

Association. The contract, with an

the Isle of Wight.

that Nviro has incorporated a

of our clients. Some of which

laser-guided, Robo 2 cleaning

include the most vulnerable in

machine as part of its solution.

our society - from young primary

In other sectors, Nviro has

initial value of £1 million, covers

The company has also

supported and general needs

successfully retained its long-term

housing across four of its regions

partnership with Portsmouth

Nviro’s sales and marketing

- Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire,

International Port, a contract

director, John French, said: “We

and those living in general/

and the Isle of Wight. The process

with a potential lifespan of 10

are extremely proud to have

sheltered housing. Our emphasis

centred around people, and

years. The council and the port

retained our long-standing

on focusing on our people -

included three interviews (one

ran a complex competitive

partnership with Portsmouth

ensuring they have the right

with a number of residents), where

tender process to evaluate if the

International Ports and to have

training, the right tools for the

Nviro’s ethos, culture and mission

cleaning provision should be

added a number of new clients

job and the right support - means

were key to Sovereign’s decision in

taken in-house. The tender went

to our portfolio. What is common

we can deliver an enhanced user

awarding the contract.

out to the open market with Nviro

across all of these contracts

experience for our customers.”

successfully retaining the contract

is that our highly trained,


As well as re-establishing its

14 DECEMBER 2017

school children to the elderly



Multi-service contract secured in Milton Keynes TC Facilities Management (TCFM)

the on-site client team to deliver a

has been awarded a multi-

seamless transition.

service contract at a fulfilment

DLR contract awarded

Keith French, group

centre close to Milton Keynes in

development director at TCFM,


said: “We are delighted to have

The contract will see over 70 staff


been awarded our 13th logistics

from TCFM deployed to provide

centre and are looking forward to

cleaning, security and catering.

replicating the improved standards

Over 2000 staff work on site,

we’ve delivered at other sites, using

managing orders 24 hours a day.

our ingenuity and use of technology

The contract commenced during

resources. This will complement

October and is being headed up by

and support our client as it ensures

Steve Wengrow, divisional director

that its customers get what they

at TCFM. He will lead the TCFM

want, when they need it.”

ISS has secured a new contract

collaboratively with KAD and all

team which is working alongside


with KeolisAmey Docklands


(KAD), operator of the Docklands

Steve Wengrow

Keith French

Brian Raven, managing

Light Railway (DLR). The four year

director of ISS transport sector,

partnership will see ISS providing

said: “ISS is very much looking

cleaning, security and revenue

forward to the new partnership -

protection services. The new

our service delivery will focus on

contract will focus on improving

providing great service for DLR

customer experience around the


services and working closely and


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DECEMBER 2017 15



Creating a career path for the cleaning industry LIKE many of those entering the industry, I fell into cleaning by chance. Back then, cleaning was not seen as an aspirational career choice, and yet - despite all the technological advancements and industry developments - this remains largely unchanged today. Part of the reason for this is that there is still no clearly defined career path for operatives to aspire to and, as a result, the industry loses much of its talent as quickly as it attracts it. According to the 2017 Cleaning and Support Services Industry Report, published by the British Cleaning Council, the cleaning industry is set to see significant employment growth across higher level occupations such as managers and technical roles. It is no secret, however, that the cleaning industry is aging and struggling to attract a younger workforce. Over one third of management positions are currently filled with people over the age of 55, so it is important, now more than ever, to address this issue, enabling the industry to attract and retain its next generation of leaders. However, a company’s answer to providing a career path for operatives is often to promote those who show potential into supervisory or management positions, without providing them with the additional knowledge or skills they need to carry out the job effectively. Many businesses

16 DECEMBER 2017

fail to recognise that an ‘outstanding’ operative does not automatically lead to an ‘outstanding’ supervisor, and this is clearly having a negative impact on companies as, according to the British Cleaning Council, 12% of firms in the sector have reported having skills gaps - and of these, 19% said this has had a major impact on their business. In order to address these skills gaps, we need to first understand what makes an operative into a ‘great’ manager. Dr Sally Messenger, head of education at BICSc, said: “Supervision is a skill-set which needs to be developed through a personalised CPD programme. Outstanding supervisors not only have strong interpersonal and coaching skills but they also look to enhance and maintain their technical skills and knowledge. It is this combination of technical and front-line management skills that really add value and create a great manager.” Although the industry still hasn’t progressed as far as having a strongly defined career path, the British Institute of Cleaning Science is intending to ‘bridge the gap’ between the operative and

cleaning supervision and management with the launch of new courses under its ‘Cleanlogic’ brand. The training is aimed at current and aspiring managers and will provide enhanced technical skills in a variety of specialisms. Cleaning management have one of the most important roles within a cleaning operation, so these courses have been developed with this in mind to cover the essential skills required to run a cleaning function effectively. The new courses and workshops will include a health and safety workshop explicitly for the cleaning industry, assessor training, a work rates workshop, and a work loading workshop, enabling candidates to calculate the hours required to clean a building to its specification. There will also be a Level 1 Cleaning Inspection course which will deliver the technical skills to implement a cleaning inspection. More training courses and workshops will be announced during 2018. To find out more about the British Institute of Cleaning Science’s Cleanlogic courses for supervisors and managers visit WWW.BICS.ORG.UK




Greyland appoints sales manager GREYLAND has appointed James Brough to

to have him join our team here at Greyland, where

expand its distributor network and sales. After

we very much look forward to him assisting us

well over a decade selling cleaning chemicals

to further expand and develop our business to

to distributors, where he has gained notable

greater heights in the coming years.” James Brough said: “I think this is a great

success at both Coventry Chemicals and, more recently, Bio Productions, Brough has now

move at just the right time for both myself and

joined Greyland as its new sales manager.

Greyland. We have many exciting plans and I am looking forward to this new challenge in

Greyland’s MD, Richard Dyson, said: “I have noted James progressing steadily within our

my career.”

market sector in recent years, so I am very pleased


Former cleaning operatives take on boardroom roles

It’s a chemical reaction

develop their skills and fulfil their full potential. They have worked their way up to the most senior management positions, learning the business from the ground up. They have both worked with me for a considerable length of time. Michelle has been with the company

Hannah Smith at work in the Christeyns lab.

for 22 years and Nicola for eight. They bring

BRADFORD based detergent and hygiene

an immense amount of experience to their

chemical manufacturer, Christeyns is

respective roles and have been key to helping

working in partnership with the University

grow the business. I am confident that they

of Huddersfield to provide a year-long

will continue to drive the future growth we

opportunity for one undergraduate science

SPOTLESS has appointed two former cleaning

are aiming for and I am delighted to have the

student seeking work experience during the

operatives as joint managing directors as part of

opportunity to promote them to this joint

third year of their degree course.

its strategy for long term growth. Nicola Barbour

leadership position in recognition of their

Christeyns introduced the initiative in 2011 to

and Michelle Lamb will share responsibility for

commitment to the company. I believe in

fulfil its requirement for quality control technicians

over 1400 staff across seven offices. They will

creating work environments where people

and to offer someone new to the world of work a

each handle a £6 million per annum portfolio.

can contribute and be rewarded for what they

solid start and a useful training programme that

Michelle Lamb will be based in Glasgow

do. I empower my staff by recognising good

would provide skills for future roles.

and will be responsible for Spotless’s offices

performance and encouraging them to grow

in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle and

and develop at every opportunity. The level

at Christeyns, said: “We offer a foot in the door

Manchester, and Nicola Barbour, based

of service Spotless delivers to its customers

through our placement scheme, an opportunity

in Aberdeen, will look after the company’s

depends largely on the level of dedication of

to learn the ropes and pick up some valuable

operations in Aberdeen, Sheffield and London

our managers and Nicola and Michele are both

skills. The role involves an introduction into the

as well as oversee the opening of a new office to

outstanding examples of this.”

background of the products, where they are used

(L-R) Michelle Lamb and Nicola Barbour, Spotless.

service the Reading area. A key objective for the joint MDs will be to

Roger Green set up Spotless Commercial Cleaning in 1988 while still studying at

Chris Stakes, who manages the programme

in the wash process and how we test them.” 20 year old Hannah Smith has recently joined

ensure the same procedures, policies and

university in Edinburgh. He has grown Spotless

Christeyns as the seventh laboratory work

levels of service are replicated across each of

into a national brand with an annual turnover

experience student, having successfully won the

Spotless’s seven offices. Spotless CEO, Roger

of £12 million and 1400 employees over seven

2017/18 placement. She said: “It’s a fantastic

Green, said: “Both Michelle and Nicola joined

offices across the UK. He believes its success

opportunity to gain hands on experience and I’m

Spotless as cleaners as at the time they needed

lies in the fact that the business has been built

finding it really interesting. As we test such a wide

flexible part time work to fit round their family

on the three core values of fairness, decency

range of products, no two days are the same.”

commitments. They threw themselves into

and respect. If the company’s cleaning staff and

their roles and I quickly recognised that they

managers are engaged, happy and recognised

and half months, with the initial intensive

had a real aptitude for managing people. I

for their efforts then the company’s clients will

training programme run over a six week period

promoted them to more and more senior roles

reap the rewards of a motivated cleaning staff.

at the end of the outgoing student’s placement.

within the company to encourage them to




The placement period takes place over 13

DECEMBER 2017 17



Ringing the festive changes in waste management Traditionally, the end of the year is a time when we review the highs and lows of the last 12 months and draw breath before starting the merry-go-round again. What better time then, to take stock of waste management measures and think about improvements that could be introduced for 2018. In tune with the festive season, Scott Williams from Grundon Waste Management, has produced his own version of the famous song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, providing tips and hints which will last the whole year. On the first day of Christmas think about developing an effective waste management strategy and environmental policy that will set

18 DECEMBER 2017

your organisation up with clearly defined goals, such as zero waste to landfill and boosting your recycling figures.

On the second day of Christmas - make a date for 2018 and invite a reputable waste management company in to undertake a waste audit. This will help you identify different waste streams and consider the most efficient ways of dealing with them, potentially saving you money and improving your green credentials. On the third day of Christmas - talk to your waste company about various disposal options for different types of waste. Ideally, work with a single waste management provider who can provide all the services you need under one roof - it can streamline your operations, ensure you a single point of communication, access to plenty of expertise and knowledge, plus cost-saving ideas. On the fourth day of Christmas - take a look at the calendar.



Specialist industrial cleaning activities - for example, of large storage tanks and vessels or on manufacturing production lines - can often only be carried out during annual shutdown periods, so plan ahead and always work with an expert who is fully qualified, licensed and registered. On the fifth day of Christmas - the start of the year is the perfect time for an early spring-clean. Removing old furniture, long-forgotten materials and paperwork can help create new space and set a business up for the year ahead. Give careful thought however, to what happens to all those discarded items. You can’t just dispose of old toner cartridges, piles of sensitive paperwork and outdated computers in black bin bags, so speak to an expert who can help with correct disposal. For larger and bulkier items, Grundon will even provide a skip and plenty of advice on recycling wherever possible. On the sixth day of Christmas know your WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and remember that in a commercial environment many things, including light bulbs, toner cartridges, batteries, aerosols and inks, all fall under the banner of hazardous waste and require specialist disposal. Grundon’s Haz-Box for small volumes of hazardous waste items is the perfect present for the office, while Grundon’s experts can advise on the disposal of larger materials. WWW.CLEANINGMAG.COM

On the seventh day of Christmas next May, the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulatons (GDPR) come into force, meaning organisations will have to review the personal data they hold and the way it is used. Part of the compliance will mean disposing of out-of-date records and when it comes to confidential waste, such as classified documents, magnetic tape and digital media, it pays to work with a specialist. Grundon’s partner Shred Station provides mobile, on-site shredding services and will give you a certificate of destruction.


On the eighth day of Christmas make sure you stay on top of waste compliance and regulations and remember that any organisation disposing of items in a noncompliant manner can face strict penalties. A professional waste management company will take care of all compliance issues for you. On the ninth day of Christmas - talk to your employees about why you are changing your waste management methods. They will be the ones implementing the new measures - for example, replacing under desk bins with corridor bins so they need to understand why, and what a difference it will make to the business. On the tenth day of Christmas plan ahead for the year’s events. If you’re staging an exhibition, holding a company conference, or simply throwing a celebration for customers and colleagues, speak to an expert who can manage the safe and environmentally-friendly disposal of everything from party glasses to unwanted canapés. On the eleventh day of Christmas - with a watchful eye on existing contracts coming to an end - for example, with your own waste management provider, your cleaning or facilities management company - and start considering your options. Look for a supplier who is innovative, proactive, has a good reputation and a great track record of testimonials and happy customers. On the twelfth day of Christmas - by planning properly, you can be reassured that when Santa finally comes knocking, you can enjoy the festive spirit safe in the knowledge that you have reviewed your Christmas waste wish list and know that you can ring the changes for 2018. Happy Christmas! To find out more, please contact or call us on 01753 686 777. WWW.GRUNDON.COM DECEMBER 2017 19



On the front line of environmental protection Anne Godfrey, chief executive, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, reports. I must have a taste for helping

and evil-smelling animal residues challenged public health.

membership organisations

The problems may be less

ensure their future relevance.

help to ensure that supply chains are ethical and environmentally responsible. In local government, they are the eyes and ears of

Having entered the sector

apparent to the eyes and

their communities, most often receiving

from publishing I am now

the nose now and some are

complaints from the public, for whom

international, like climate change

‘environmental health’ and ‘the council’ are

on my seventh! Following on

and the growing tide of discarded

from marketers, lawyers and

often synonyms. EHPs educate, cajole and try to use

plastic. But dealing with the health

surveyors I am now working with

and environmental consequences of what is

persuasive compliance. Often working with

to ensure that their professional body is

thrown away and escapes from chimneys and

community wardens, they are experts in an

modern, inclusive and fit for purpose.

pipes are still a key part of environmental health.

ever-changing palette of often controversial

environmental health professionals

Like the British Cleaning Council, CIEH gets

Year one (I’m getting used to this now)

powers including by-laws and fixed penalties,

involved stakeholder mapping and a brand

involved with litter, trade waste, pests, and

Public Spaces Protection Orders, CCTV

review, a new external affairs strategy,

fly-tipping. On a national level, we help to

and other forms of covert surveillance.

set of professional standards, and a

shape and influence emerging legislation and

Through pounding pavements and making

major consumer and business survey on

its unintended consequences - who would

inspections, they have a unique and intimate

environmental health.

have thought that the smoking ban would

knowledge of local businesses.

Year two brought new work-based learning

Next year will be my third in this

lead to mounds of cigarette butts outside pubs and restaurants?

products, a streamlined governance system,

challenging, but always fascinating sector and role. I’m looking forward to it and to

revamped awards and a new volunteers’

We also campaign. In a time of austerity,

network. Year three will see us delivering

CIEH believes that food waste is a national

working with, and alongside, other members

a competency framework which will help

scandal - 920,000 tonnes of food goes into

of the BCC.

assess the skills, knowledge and experience

landfill each year, three-quarters of which

of a holistic, broadly-based membership.

could have been eaten. We are working with

Working in all three sectors, our members,

To find out more on the work of the CIEH visit WWW.CIEH.ORG

national charity WRAP on a campaign - Your

environmental health professionals, are

Business is Food - to reduce what is thrown

The CIEH is a member of the British Cleaning

experts in rubbish, pollution and waste,

away, particularly in the catering sector.

Council. Any views expressed by Council members are not necessarily shared by the

among many other subjects. As inspectors

Our members, like many of you in the

of nuisance in the 19th century, they dealt

cleaning sector, are on the front line of the

BCC itself.

with the consequences of ‘offensive trades’

environment. Employed by companies,


in town and country. Then black smoke

environmental health practitioners (EHPs)


The Professional Independent Registered Trade Association for

Window Cleaning Membership offers numerous quality benefits IOSH Accredited Safety Training Safety Accredited Member (SAM) Procurement Scheme Secure online shopping at: Federation of Window Cleaners Tel: 0161 432 8754 / 0161 432 9280 Email: – Web:

20 DECEMBER 2017




the internal and external communal

Increasing the flow of team spirit

areas, as well as the retail and catering outlets. Around the busy lunchtime period there’s a two-hour overlap, where one supervisor hands off to another with proper briefing notes. If the early shift doesn’t do its job, the second shift knows about it, making for a real sense of togetherness. The same happens in a busy hotel conferencing and catering environment, where the intensity of cleaning varies dramatically from one hour to the next and at times there’s a real backs-to-the-wall atmosphere about the place. In these situations, it soon becomes obvious who is a team player and who isn’t and

Simon Gasson, joint managing director of So Clean Cleaning and Support Services, reports.

it’s our job to try to spot them at interview stage.

AS anyone in the industry will tell you, you

course, everyone agrees team spirit is

can’t expect to hang on to cleaning staff for

a priceless commodity, but it’s one thing to

made key objectives out of building team

long if paying the national living wage is the

talk about it in newsletters and on websites,

spirit and encouraging staff to see the bigger

only item in your staff retention tool bag. One

and another to make it happen at hundreds

picture, rather than just viewing themselves

of my challenges is how to stop an employee

of different cleaning locations. So there needs

as individual cleaners. To back this up, we’ve

leaving their £7.50 job with us, when they

to be a way of generating it at the coal face.

rewritten our staff handbook to set out

could earn £8.45 or £9.75 around the corner at

I can’t visit every site, which means I need to

clearly what we expect from staff and what

a LWF client. The fact is we have some largish

rely on my area managers and supervisors to

they can expect from us. Is it working? Yes,

clients who, despite being excellent in many

do the job for me.

it is. You can’t help noticing that when the

At recent manager appraisals, we’ve

Like so much else in cleaning, it starts

management and frontline staff are bought-in

than the NLW for our staff, mainly because

with recruitment. ‘Must be a team player’ is

to the idea of supporting each other, it creates

that’s what they pay their direct employees.

probably the number one cliché in recruitment

a real buzz. The clients notice it too and our

And to be honest, you can see their logic.

adverts the world over, but in cleaning it’s

staff know that if a client mentions a particular

vital. Take, for example, a motorway services

person, they’ll be rewarded, setting up a

of making it attractive for staff to work at

we look after where we have staff on site for

virtuous circle of feedback, encouragement

So Clean, and for all of this year we’ve been

16 hours. It’s a complex environment, with

and celebrating success.

ramping up our focus on team building. Of

cleaning taking place over two shifts in both


other respects, will not sanction anything more

That means we need to find other ways

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DECEMBER 2017 21



Taking the stress out of mobilising new cleaning contracts

Rick Stoor, MD of Templa, explains how a cleaning company has solved the problem of mobilising large new contracts without taking its eye off the day-to-day operation. IN the last five years, cleaning contractor DOC

office and operations teams, but the company is

and manage the work of everyone involved,

Cleaning of Bishops Stortford has doubled its

living proof of how technology can be harnessed

whilst retaining visibility of progress. Workflow

annual turnover to nearly £20 million. In order

to eliminate what could otherwise be an

is a system-wide feature that sends actions

to manage such rapid growth, DOC elected

absolute torrent of meetings and paperwork. So

and electronic documents around the business

- in 2012 - to streamline its administration

how did they streamline this process to make it

for completion, review and electronic sign-off.

by swapping its existing bundle of software

easier, faster and more accurate?

Advanced forms is a centralised forms design facility for ‘intelligent’ documents containing

systems and spreadsheets for an integrated

data fields that will automatically populate

Much of a cleaning company’s administration

Take the old procedure and convert it to an electronic one

burden is down to the sheer number of cleaning

In essence, mobilisation is about co-ordinating

onto the system - a new starter form is a good

staff, but not far behind is the volume of

the activity of different departments, suppliers


documentation and activity required to set up

and subcontractors to ensure that everything is

Jamie Bull goes on to describe how, as soon

new contracts. With notice periods sometimes

ready to go live on a certain date. DOC’s Jamie

as the contract start date is confirmed, the basic

as short as a week, information is often needed

Bull explained: “We now manage mobilisations

details are captured to the system via a contract

urgently, placing huge short-term pressure on

using TemplaCMS, via its customer service,

start-up form. The many tasks involved in the

field management, payroll and administration

workflow and advanced forms modules.

mobilisation are then grouped together and a


Customer service provides internal helpdesk/

pre-defined ‘service request’ is set up that sends

project management functions from where, as

emails - or ‘action requests’ - to the different

the mobilisation controller, I can coordinate

people responsible for managing them such as

contract management system, TemplaCMS.

For DOC, contract mobilisation has become a constant feature in the daily workload of both its

the central database once they are accepted

HR, payroll, accounts, purchasing, operations, contract support, and the compliance team. For example, HR manages recruitment and the TUPE transfer. Compliance carries out the risk assessments and puts together the health and safety manuals. The contract support team sets up any subcontractor schedules, for example window cleaning or hygiene services. Purchasing orders equipment, and so on. The action requests are staggered according to the natural sequence of a mobilisation. 22 DECEMBER 2017




Full visibility for all managers

sheets, spending a lot of time just keeping

are completing the on-boarding process so vital

All through the process, Jamie Bull can

track of progress. That might be okay when

for payroll and HR. The employee starter form

view the service request screen for any one

a mobilisation happens every now and

template is pre-populated with spaces for a

of his live mobilisations and this tells him

again, but when you’ve two or three sizeable

photograph, electronic signature and scanned

which tasks have been completed, which

contracts mobilising simultaneously, with

right-to-work documents such as a visa or

are outstanding and to whom each task was

different operations managers, a paper system

passport. The operations manager completes

assigned. Automatic time delay alerts are set up

is not sustainable. A software-driven approach

the form on his or her mobile device, which

for critical tasks, such as new starter forms, to

involves all the stakeholders from the start and

then synchronises to the main server at head

ensure they don’t fall behind schedule.

makes it simple for staff based in the field, or

Meanwhile, in the field operations managers

office where it is routed via workflow through

Another useful feature is that as users sign-off a

at different offices, to do their job updating the

to a member of HR who checks the details on

task, they can attach notes highlighting any issues

system and viewing progress without having to

screen, before electronically ‘accepting’ the

or peculiarities. In fact, the service request screen

travel to a meeting at head office. I don’t have

document and forwarding it on to payroll.

can be viewed by anyone with authorisation to

to wait days for forms to arrive and I know

From there, data automatically populates the

do so. DOC’s operations managers also can see a

exactly where we stand on each mobilisation,

time and attendance system which is also

‘dashboard’ showing how many action requests

no matter how big the contract is. You then

dynamically integrated to TemplaCMS, meaning

are outstanding on their patch.

have the added benefit that because all the information is keyed in to the central contract

that within a short time the contract is ready to go live with all employment details checked and

The benefits

management system as you go along, it’s all

loaded in the back office and in the field.

Jamie Bull concluded: “The benefits of the

there for use by the day-to-day operational

system can be summed up in one word

modules like payroll, billing, stores ordering,

specifications and risk assessments which

- control. Contract mobilisations used to

work bills, and quality auditing, without

carry a reference number to store themselves

be completely paper-based. There were

needing to key in the data to other systems

automatically behind the relevant client or

lots of meetings, paperwork flying around


site record.

the office, and me in the middle with tick


Other electronic forms include cleaning

Increased workforce visibility and operational performance Apple Blossom Cleaning is using SmartTask’s employee scheduling and workforce management solution to better coordinate and monitor its cleaning team that provides office, residential and specialised services in South Wales. Having hired 24 new staff over the past 12 months, the Pembrokeshire-based company adopted the system for proof of attendance and rota planning across 109 cleaning operatives.

cleaners booking on and off shifts by calling from

and this has only been possible due to using

This has enabled the company to dramatically

a designated landline at each customer site and

SmartTask to streamline processes and work

improve productivity and staff engagement, while

inputting their unique PIN number. Alternatively,

smarter,” said Phil Deacon. “As well as now having

enhancing its business development capabilities.

cleaners are able to confirm attendance on some

the added time to focus on winning prestigious

customer contracts using the MySmartTask

public sector contracts, we have also gained the

smartphone app.

ISO90001 and ISO140001 accreditation needed to

“We have saved huge amounts of time by turning our back on a paper-based

crack the lucrative construction industry, working

office and this has enabled us to focus on

Meanwhile, the SmartTask roster engine

winning more business,” said Phil Deacon,

helps Apple Blossom Cleaning to streamline

development manager at Apple Blossom

its planning and scheduling processes

Cleaning. “Effectively managing staff rotas and

by creating rosters for multiple customer

software solution is proven to help cleaning

considering employee welfare is not the only

locations based on the known availability

companies provide a speedy and reliable

reason digital technology is part of our wider

and preferences of cleaners. This replaced a

service through improved communications and

business strategy. We recognised the need for

previous manual planning system, reducing the

increased transparency. Companies such as

fully integrated systems across the business to

time and administrative resources required. It

Apple Blossom Cleaning are using the extensive

give us a competitive edge.”

has also allowed rosters to be automatically

functionality of the system to streamline

communicated to a smartphone via

operational processes, improve contract

has enabled Apple Blossom Cleaning to have full

MySmartTask, so cleaners can have immediate

delivery and differentiate their businesses. As

visibility of how customers are being serviced.

access to their individual work schedule.

a result, it is helping to achieve growth and

SmartTask’s proof of attendance capabilities

Sophisticated call taking software effectively captures and records working hours, with


“We have been able to focus on winning contracts that previously were out of our reach

on after-build cleans.” Paul Ridden, CEO of SmartTask, said: “Our

support their overall business strategy.” WWW.SMARTTASK.CO.UK DECEMBER 2017 23



A cut and dried case

Suzanne Halley, UK segment marketing manager, Kimberly-Clark Professional, explains why drying hands is an essential part of the hand washing routine to prevent the spread of bacteria and protect the skin. The importance of hand drying has been

contamination from wet hands into

introduced new products across

documented in many studies. It has been

the air and the rest of the body [2]. A

both rolled and folded hand towel

proven that some microbes remain on hands

study by the University of Westminster showed

formats. The new Kleenex Ultra Rolled Hand

after washing and can be easily transferred

that drying your hands with a single use towel

Towel Solution brings the quality and care that

if hands are not properly dried [1]. The

reduces germ count by up to 76%. It also

is synonymous with the Kleenex Brand, but in a

effectiveness of hand drying takes into account

showed that jet air dryers increase germ count

roll for a seamless hand drying experience.

the speed of drying, the degree of dryness, the

by 42%, while hot air dryers increase germ

effective removal of bacteria, and prevention of

count by 194% .

cross contamination.


Following the advice of the WHO and opting

The premium Kleenex Branded Hand Towels are embossed with the brand pattern, providing instant recognition of quality and trust for the

for single-use paper towels is the first decision

user. This further enhances the washroom

hand washing to help stop the spread of simple

of several for facility managers and cleaning

experience, aligning it with the comfort, quality

infections like influenza and other bacteria. It is

teams when it comes to encouraging staff to dry

and care enjoyed at home.

important across all sectors, for all individuals,

hands properly. Other things to consider include

although particularly so in healthcare

ensuring the washrooms are well-maintained,

is perfect for healthcare sites - it is designed

environments, where good hand hygiene is

well-stocked and there is a constant supply of

to be kinder to hands [4], which is critical for

essential to prevent the spread of Hospital

hand towels available to use.

healthcare workers who may need to wash their

Effective hand drying is as important as

Acquired Infections (HAIs) and to keep patients

The Scott Control Rolled Hand Towel solution

hands several times every hour to comply with

and staff safe. In the UK, Health Secretary

What type of towels to choose?

WHO guidelines and its ‘five moments of hand

Jeremy Hunt has confirmed government

The typical choice is between rolled and folded

hygiene’ for healthcare workers. About 20-30%

plans to halve the number of gram-negative

hand towel formats. Look out for products that

of HAIs are preventable, and research shows

bloodstream infections by 2020 (such as E-coli).

offer extra absorbency and strength together

that the number one prevention method is good

As part of this initiative, for the first time the

with a softer feel. A more absorbent, stronger

hand hygiene. However, staff compliance can be

NHS will be required to publish staff hand

towel will increase efficiency in the long term as

a challenge for healthcare facilities. Skin irritation

hygiene indicators.

fewer towels will be used, which in turn means

is a major barrier to good hand hygiene - in fact it

less frequent refills, saving time for the cleaning

is the number one reason for the failure of hand

There are many different hand drying methods, but the World Health Organisation

teams and money for the site. A softer towel

hygiene compliance in hospitals [5]. Choosing

(WHO) unequivocally recommends drying

delivers a better, gentler drying experience, thus

a product such as Scott Control Rolled Hand

hands thoroughly with a single use towel. This

improving hand hygiene compliance.

Towel, which is softer to use and therefore kinder

method has been found to help prevent cross24 DECEMBER 2017

Kimberly-Clark Professional has recently

to hands, encourages hand hygiene compliance



and can help prevent the spread of infection. Both ranges are made with patented Airflex fabric technology to give towels a softer texture


easy one-wipe clean, making cleaning quick

[2] Microbiological comparison of hand drying

and efficient and freeing up time for staff to

methods: the potential for contamination of

perform other cleaning duties .

the environment, user and bystander. E.L.


Best.1.M.H.Wilcox1.2 - Microbiology Department,

and achieve superior absorbency. The unique stamp embossing of Scott Control Rolled Hand

Managing the washroom space

Old Medical School, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds

Towels increases user preference further by

Modern dispensers can also help to prevent

Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Leeds.

more than 40% .

product jamming or tearing and stop the

[3] Comparative Hygiene Study on three different

cleaning staff overfilling the dispenser, which can

drying methods: paper towel, warm air dryer, jet

Dispensing efficiency

result in jamming. This helps to manage waste

air dryer - University of Westminster (November

The design of the dispenser can also contribute

and keep the washroom tidy and litter free.



to efficiency. Look out for dispensers that are

Rolled hand towels that deliver more sheets

[4] Results of Hall Test research conducted by

themselves easy to clean, easy to refill and that

per roll, combined with an effective dispensing

Sapio Research Agency, January 2017.

do not waste product.

system, can help with washroom waste and

[5] Pessoa-Silva CL, Posfay Barbe K, Pfister R,

overall tidiness - specifying better quality hand

Touveneau S, PernegerTV, Pittet D. Attitudes

compatible with both the Kleenex Ultra Rolled

towels means lower usage rates, thereby reducing

and perceptions toward hand hygiene among

Hand Towel Solution and the Scott Control

overflowing bins and waste in the washroom.

healthcare workers caring for critically ill

Rolled Hand Towel System, comes with an

When correctly specified and managed,

The compact Aquarius dispenser which is

neonates. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. Mar

improved never-run-out feature. The stub roll

single use hand towels become an extremely

2005; 26(3): 305-311).

is used to the full with normal single-sheet

useful tool for encouraging more effective hand

[6] Versus current unembossed Kimberly-Clark

dispensing until the roll is finished - it does not

drying and improved hand hygiene compliance.

Professional products. Results of market research

feed twice, and the transition to the new roll is


conducted by Parker Insights Agency May 2015. [7] Results of Hall Test research conducted by

seamless, with no overlap to maximise efficiency. [1] Patrick, D.R., Findon, G & Miller, T.E. (1997).

Sapio Research Agency January 2017.

dispensers and the single-sheet dispensing

Residual moisture determines the level of touch-

[8] Results of Hall Test research conducted by

system helps keep washrooms tidy making

contact associated bacterial transfer following

Sapio Research Agency January 2017 and Swab

less work for cleaning teams [7]. The dispenser’s

hand washing. Epidemiology & Infection, 119. (3).

Test study conducted by MGS Laboratories

smooth design with no dirt traps allows for an


January 2017.

This means less time is required for refilling

BIGGER CAN BE BETTER The new i-mopXXL delivers a 40%* productivity increase




*40% more productive than the standard i-mopXL. I-mopXL - scrubbing width 46cm, i-mopXXL - scrubbing width 62cm.


DECEMBER 2017 25



Hand hygiene: it’s nothing personal are not visibly soiled and if there is no time to wash. Here the placement of dispensers is allimportant to speed up the process. Tork offers its own alcohol hand sanitiser available in a range of formats plus a guide to optimum sanitiser dispenser placement [2] in healthcare facilities. For visibly-soiled hands and where time allows, a soap such as Tork Extra Mild Foam Soap provides a gentle hand wash and prevents the problem of chapping or soreness that can result from frequent hand washing. The hands should then be dried using a soft towel such as the Tork Xpress Multifold Hand

Hand washing is not simply a matter of personal hygiene. Unwashed hands have the potential to spread germs into the wider environment which means the issue affects everyone. Tork manufacturer Essity looks at some common reasons behind neglecting hand hygiene and considers how these can be addressed.

Towel. In areas where hygiene is of paramount importance - such as in intensive care wards extra soft towels such as Tork Xpress Extra Soft Multifold Hand Towels will further encourage good hand hygiene. Tork Extra Mild Foam Soap and Tork Soft Singlefold Hand Towels also provide a user-friendly hand hygiene solution in food

Most of us understand the importance

to carry out regular and thorough hand washes.

preparation areas. However, sanitisers are not

hand washing - particularly after using the

But the more cold and flu sufferers there are,

recommended here since they will not remove

washroom. Removing any bacteria that may

the higher the number of antibiotics prescribed

soiling from the hands and because they

be picked up in the toilet is widely recognised

- and the less effective these become.

are ineffective against certain parasites and

Hand hygiene is very much a public issue

allergens. Therefore it is important to supply a

in the healthcare and food sectors since any

sufficient number of sinks and adequate soap

lapses here will have a direct impact on patients

and towel supplies to make hand hygiene easily

survey [1] study around 65% of people wash and

and customers. For example, a patient with an

accessible in food environments.

dry their hands after using the washroom. But

open wound or a compromised immune system

hand washing often occurs in private - which

could contract an infection via the unwashed

not be limited to the food and healthcare

means we only have their word for it. And when

hands of a medical worker. And a food worker’s

sectors of course. Every time we touch a door

researchers actually observe people’s hand

soiled hands could contaminate the foods that

handle, a light switch, hotel remote control,

hygiene behaviour rather than ask them about

are destined for consumption by customers.

stair rail, or escalator handrail we run the

as a crucial line of defence against contracting and spreading illnesses. According to a 2015 Gallup International

their habits, compliance figures often appear to

Yet even in these hygiene-critical sectors,

Good hand hygiene practices should

risk of contaminating these objects with our

studies show that hand hygiene is often

unwashed hands - or picking up germs from

skimped due to lack of time, lack of awareness

the hands of others. So strategically-placed

out privately it is very much a public issue.

of its importance, the unavailability of facilities,

posters in stores, transport hubs, hotels, offices,

No matter how scrupulously we practise our

or because frequent handwashing can cause

and other public buildings will help to remind

own hand hygiene we are continually at risk of

chapping and soreness. It is therefore important

us about the importance of hand washing. And

contamination from others who have failed to

to ensure that a constant supply of soaps and

all public washroom facilities should be user-

wash their hands and from the surfaces they

hand towels is made available and that all

friendly and streamlined in order to speed up

have touched.

products are user-friendly to prevent any skin-

the user’s visit.

be much lower. Despite the fact that hand hygiene is carried

According to the Royal Pharmaceutical

related conditions.

Queueing may occur in busier washrooms

Society, poor hand hygiene compliance could

The optimum hand hygiene regime in

also be helping to cause antibiotic resistance.

healthcare should take between 40 and

have no choice but to stand at them for as long

Antibiotics are often demanded by patients

60 seconds, according to the World Health

as it takes to dry the hands. If they become

who are suffering from colds and flu - despite

Organisation. But this is sometimes difficult to

impatient and leave with wet hands this could

the fact that the drugs are ineffective against

achieve in such a busy environment. Therefore,

have cross-contamination consequences

these viruses. The RPS claims that our risk of

WHO advocates the use of hand sanitisers

since damp hands are much more efficient at

contracting colds and flu increases when we fail

in place of soap and water where the hands

spreading bacteria than dry hands.

26 DECEMBER 2017

where air dryers are installed since visitors




Queuing may also occur where soaps or hand towels have been allowed to run out since everyone will be waiting to use those dispensers that still have supplies. In hightraffic washrooms a system such as the Tork PeakServe Continuous Hand Towel will dramatically reduce queuing. The patented dispenser eliminates the risk of jams while supplying each user with a towel in just three seconds. This allows washroom visitors to take a towel and move on, leaving the area free for the next person. During the swine flu scare of 2009, many shopping centres and visitor attractions installed hand sanitiser dispensers to enable people to supplement their hand hygiene in a quick and easy manner. The swine flu threat has passed for now and public sanitiser stations have disappeared. But as the winter cold and flu season begins in

hand washing and drying as quick and easy as


earnest, it makes good sense to reinstate

possible, ensuring a continuous supply of soap


them in strategic positions such as near ATM

and paper and by reminding us more frequently


dispensers, Oyster card readers and snack

of its importance, hopefully more people will


kiosks where people are touching communal

be persuaded to adopt better hand hygiene


surfaces or handling food.

practices and allow us to improve on the 65%

Other people’s hand hygiene affects us all but it can never be enforced. However, by making

compliance figure. WWW.TORK.CO.UK

INTRODUCING THE NEW MOTORSCRUBBER STAIR BRUSH A must have for any facility with stairs, this brush helps improve the hygiene of high traffic areas by reducing dirt and bacteria travelling through a building. This unique 140mm deep brush cleans the uprise and the step simultaneously while the different length brush filaments give an exceptional deep clean to all hard floors including uneven and textured surfaces.


DECEMBER 2017 27

JOIN US AT THE MANCHESTER CLEANING SHOW The 2016 exhibition sold out with 70 exhibitors representing nearly all the major cleaning brands


2,308 visitors attended with a combined purchasing power of over £218 million

The exhibition sold out in the first year and 100% of exhibitors

Organised by

surveyed said they would exhibit again Visitors attending were almost double expected targets – with 2,308 attendees over 2 days Serious PR exposure including BBC Breakfast’s Steph McGovern presenting business news from the event throughout the morning, BBC North West TV reports, exhibitors interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live and regional newspaper coverage throughout the North West.


Official media partner






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Craig McKay, Sales and Marketing Director, Kärcher UK












Michelle Andrews Business Development Manager T: +44 (0)1737 855086 E:

It’s been a fantastic show, attracting very high numbers of visitors to an excellent location.





Vanessa Van Santen-Smith Sales Manager T: +44(0)1737 855041 E:




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Networking Café




Floorplan correct at time of print




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Brands matter in the washroom Paul Mulready, marketing manager at Northwood Hygiene Products Ltd, reports.

people who also use AfH washrooms and

The perception that unbranded products are

thinks that a similar dynamic is in play in its

cheaper than branded goods but deliver similar

sector. Why does it matter? One strand of

quality and performance and continue to sell

thought is that using branded dispensers shows

well, is one of the apparent unchallenged truths

that it creates a positive reaction in that the

that is being…. well challenged!

management of the businesses are seen to

Now most of those shoppers are the same presumably their reaction to perceived brand value is at least similar, which is why Northwood

care about their customers and staff. Another

their undoubted status as one of the country’s

supermarket discounters such as Aldi and Lidl

strand is that for outward facing businesses, the

leading educational establishments.

who do not brand any of their packaging as

washroom is an important part of the overall

Similarly the Whisper range of washroom

being own label, though they are, preferring

corporate identity strategy. Think restaurants,

tissue product is designed to bring a luxury feel

instead to give them appealing brand names

hotels, fitness centres, and major corporations.

to those discerning users who expect the best

that evoke all manner of goodness and ethical

When the customer expectation of quality is

and at the Eagle House Hotel in Launceston,

sourcing for the product.

high, failure to meet that expectation can be

Cornwall, where it is teamed with silver

very costly to the bottom line.

Leonardo dispensers.

How else to explain the growth of the

In response to their success, at least two of the major supermarkets have recently

Northwood’s two principal ranges of

So brands in the washroom clearly do bring

been held to account for re-labelling their

washroom dispenser systems, branded

advantages, but at what price? Going back to

price fighting value brands as Willow Farm,

Leonardo and Bay West, offer distributors and

the notional grocery brands spoken of earlier,

Rosedene Farm and Farm Stores. These

end users a choice of well-designed, highly

the thing that all have in common is that they

are names that conjure up that nice warm

efficient, easy to maintain dispensers that are

represent outstandingly competitive value for

artisan producer feeling but are not single

suitable for virtually all AfH locations.

money. Northwood brands do the same. From

supplier sourced and are not exclusively

The Kassam Stadium complex in Oxford has

reduced cleaning times due to washrooms

from the UK. They have replaced ‘Smart

a diverse washroom usage requirement - high

being left tidier, to reduced waste thanks to

Price’ or ‘Everyday Value’ names which

volume peaks at the football ground, with a

single sheet presentation, to easier fitting and

arguably denote highly efficient and hygienic

flatter usage profile in both the conference

maintenance, they deliver cost in use figures

food manufacturing but undoubtedly lack a

centre and the two hotels on site. All need to

that continue to impress.

bit of soul.

look good and the Leonardo dispensers have

Why have these smart, highly skilled, highly successful businesses done it? Without going into the ethics of it all, they have done it

Leonardo, Bay West and Whisper - brands

proven to be popular with users, management

that have a real values, that appeal to

and maintenance personnel.

customers, management and maintenance

For St Albans High School for Girls, Bay

teams and come without brand premium

because the sales figures show that consumers

West dispensers provide the finishing touch to

pricing. That’s Northwood.

like it and they buy it.

the newly refurbished washroom,s reflecting

Washrooms for the volume market Competitively priced and well constructed,

for high usage areas. Particularly notable

the latest products to join the Bower

are the Magnum Master, its counterpart the

Products washroom range are purpose

Magnum Premium and the compact Magnum

designed for the volume market. The new

Crystal in black.

range of hand dryers, soap dispensers and

Equally stylish and offering a solution to

towel dispensers is suitable for all washrooms

the volume market are the latest additions to

- whether small, large, utilitarian, or luxurious.

Bower Products’ soap and towel dispensers

Featuring 10 competitively priced high speed

under the Lunar label. The range includes

automatic hand dryers designed and built to

the Lunar soap dispenser in grained stainless

Bower Products’ standards, these new hand

and the foam soap dispenser and Lunar mini

dryers are mainly fast drying (with drying

jumbo roll hand towel dispenser in stainless.

times of 10 to 15 seconds) making them ideal


30 DECEMBER 2017




Why successful companies clean up their act

BUSINESSES spend a lot of money to stand

a hazard for moving vehicles. Damage caused

from expectations for presentation and also

out. Presentation is all important and the

to axles by plastic banding and strapping

a commitment to ISO standards. Motivations

attention to detail in maintaining a brand’s

is an easily avoidable cost. Dust and other

for managing waste and recycling for 14001

reputation commands significant investment.

debris blocks radiators and clogs air filters.

compliance can extend to preventing skips of

However, standing out for all the wrong reasons

This disrupts planned maintenance schedules

refuse blowing around not only your own yard

is something that also comes at a cost.

designed to keep your operation running

but neighbouring sites too.

Potential customers often request a tour

smoothly and at minimal cost. Cleaning out

All these attempts to avoid risk come with

of your premises as part of their assessment

these blockages, with its associated ‘time-is-

added benefits too. A regime that maintains the

of possible new suppliers. Equally, it might

money’ delays, is a preventable issue.

floor regularly helps to prevent damage to floor

be tempting to invite a prospect to see your

Expensive equipment isn’t the only source

operation in action. Either way, you want

of issues from airborne dust. Long term

them to see you at your best. Hours of effort

exposure for employees can have equally

ensuring that your production line is running

damaging implications.

coatings from spillages that might otherwise require expensive refurbishment. Whether you have the resources to manage these tasks in-house with dedicated or rotating resource or you choose to outsource

smoothly only for them to see an untidy factory floor or warehouse undermines all

Risk-free benefits

cleaning to a contractor, you can be sure

that preparation. Worse still, if unsightly or

These all seem like perfectly rational reasons

that there are options available. Whereas

possibly dangerous spillages appear to have

why companies pay attention to cleaning.

previously the prospect of acquiring cleaning

been left unattended for days, this creates a

But are there influences from a higher level,

equipment would mean outright purchase

negative impression.

broader considerations that can provide that

and management level approval, the market is

direction? Large corporations often issue clear

changing. When asset management specialist

guidelines for their sites and this can stem

Briggs Equipment was announced as the

The need for change It’s not just car manufacturing plants

national dealer for the Hako range of cleaning

that have transformed from oily, grimy

equipment in the UK, this brought with it a

engineering operations into gleaming, well-

number of benefits. The prospect of paying

lit environments with painted floors and

weekly helps budgeting and frees up cash for

walkways. Modern companies now have

other investment. With a team of 600 mobile

a keen understanding of the benefits of a

engineers, an in-house finance company and

properly implemented cleaning strategy.

experience supporting organisations with

Aside from the obvious influence that a well maintained working environment can have

varied fleets of machinery, the landscape is now very different.

on employee morale, there is the impact on

With so much at stake for companies that

productivity. Clear aisles and walkways not

already have their primary business operation

only improve access but also reduce the risk

to focus on, it’s important to take advantage

of slips, trips and falls. Movements of goods

when an industry sector transforms its offering.

around the workplace are unhindered by

These changes in customer demands and the

obstacles that must be moved or spillages that

expectations for better service drive industries

have to be avoided.

to improve. How many other areas could

Beyond the logistical, there’s the mechanical factor. Discarded material such as pallet wrap is


benefit from this same approach? WWW.BRIGGSEQUIPMENT.CO.UK DECEMBER 2017 31



ESSITY, maker of the Tork brand of products,

Essity and Microsoft partner to bolster EasyCube

services and solutions, and Microsoft have

MI-MOP is a new, colour-coded disposable microfibre flat mop pad from Robert Scott

announced that they will partner to leverage

designed for use in a wide range of

the power of big data and cloud computing

environments, but is especially relevant

to further enhance Essity’s hygiene and

in hygiene-critical areas where cross

health products and solutions globally.

contamination is an issue or where

Directly benefitting its FM customers, Essity will integrate its Tork EasyCube FM software with Microsoft’s Azure Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to

there is no access to laundry facilities. “It’s an idea we developed earlier

Mi-mop microfibre disposable pad launched

this year following the introduction of

optimise everyday operations - saving customers time and money, as well as

our new Mi-Cloth non-woven disposable

enhancing sustainability. This partnership will provide facility management

microfibre range,” said sales director, Alastair Scott. “We have

and cleaning staff with focused, actionable information, powered by the

adapted Mi-Cloth’s features and benefits for use on floors using

strong data security, enhanced analytics and continued innovation of

our break-frame flat mops. So that means all the cleaning power of

Microsoft. What’s more, as facilities increasingly leverage IoT systems to

microfibre, but for floors with the advantage - and price point - of

manage operational needs, administrators will have the opportunity to

being disposable.”

streamline platforms and processes.

Mi-mop is designed to provide cleaners with a quick and effective

“Tork EasyCube has revolutionised how our industry views cleaning,”

method for the removal of 99.9% of harmful bacteria without

said Don Lewis, president, Essity Professional Hygiene. “What started

the need for chemicals and prevents the cross-contamination of

as an innovative way to manage washrooms has rapidly evolved into a

surfaces as you can mop and throw away. It is ideal for general floor

holistic facility cleaning offering and we’re just getting started. We are

cleaning using Robert Scott’s

already leading the global market with this facility management software

standard flat mop break-frames

- partnering with Microsoft and leveraging the Azure platform is the first of

or Uniko clip-frames where it

many ways we plan to bring added value to our customers.”

effectively cleans away dirt, dust


and microorganisms, but also excels in tasks where preventing ARMITAGE Shanks has launched

cross contamination is of utmost

new Doc M packs which make it

importance, such as in hospitals.

easier for specifiers and building


managers to ensure their facilities fulfil Part M of the Building Regulations and satisfy the 2010 Equality Act. Itemised packs, floorplans and guidance are available online and in print for single toilet facilities, multiple toilet facilities, hotel facilities, public shower facilities, and washrooms. Tony Rheinberg, senior sector marketing manager at Armitage Shanks, said: “This year sees our brand celebrate its bicentenary and as the last remaining sanitaryware manufacturer in Britain, we certainly have a lot of knowledge when it comes to meeting diverse customer needs. Our Doc M packs and our broad range of Part M products

Doc M packs simplify specification process

demonstrate this and offer specifiers the perfect fit, whatever their application may be. In fact, we’re so confident in the products we create that we offer a lifetime guarantee on all ceramic items and a five year guarantee on our taps, mixers, toilet seats, stainless steel, and cistern fittings.” WWW.IDEALSPEC.CO.UK

32 DECEMBER 2017




THE Airdri Quantum has been developed by Airdri to meet an ever increasing demand for ultra-fast hand drying and low power consumption in busy washrooms. According to Airdri, when launched it will become the most energy efficient hand dryer on the market, running at just 200 watts. This, coupled with a reported lifespan in excess of 10,000 hours, offers high performance and low running costs.

‘Unrivalled energy efficiency’ claim for new jet dryer

The Quantum has also been designed for straight-forward and easy installation, with a universal voltage of 100v-240v that makes it


Neil Nixon 07957 71316 SALES MANAGER

immediately suitable for almost any washroom, in any location. Chief operating officer at Airdri, Emma Shortt, said: “Airdri is committed to developing hand dryers that reduce energy consumption and are inclusive to everyone. The Quantum is ADA compliant, making it an ideal choice for

Vanessa Van Santen-Smith 01737 855041 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER

a contemporary, thoughtfully-crafted design and market-

Michelle Andrews 01737 855086

leading environmental and cost efficiencies, it really is a jet


specialist facilities and washrooms limited in space. With

dryer that’s perfect for every environment.” WWW.AIRDRI.COM

Carol Baird 01923 437619 MANAGING DIRECTOR

Steve Diprose CEO

BIOCOTE Ltd has been

Paul Michael

declared joint winner

BioCote scoops industry award


of the ‘Supplier

Elizabeth Barford 01737 855028

partnership materials’ category at the 2017 Plastics Industry Awards. BioCote (together with development partner Matrix Plastics) was recognised for its antimicrobial master batches that optimise stringent quality levels

within the medical, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Graham Harvey, BioCote’s managing director, said: “Matrix Plastics continues to demonstrate its commitment to meeting BioCote’s market leading standards for quality antimicrobial master batches. Its thorough approach and support ensures the collaborative delivery of fast and effective R&D solutions for our business - with certified results being overseen by our internal quality control team. This, combined with its continued investment in equipment and human resources, only serves to reinforce Matrix Plastics’ dedication to the growth of our business partnership and I am delighted that our relationship has resulted in recognition at the Plastics Industry Awards 2017.” WWW.BIOCOTE.COM

Annual Subscriptions 12 copies per year (10 print & 12 digital) UK: 1 yr £125; 2 yrs: £224 Rest of the world: 1 yr: £174; 2 yrs: £310

IN a bid to bring innovative products to the commercial market, Green World Innovations has continued to add to its partnership collaborations by teaming up with Veltia UK to supply and install its range of hand dryers. Veltia UK currently supplies over 200 business with hand dryer packages. The Veltia hand dryers incorporate exclusive technology, the only range of its kind to boast 300 jets of air strategically placed to dry both sides of your hands without the need to move them. They also hold patented technology that allows excess water from the hands to be directed and collected within the Veltia hand dryer itself and not on the floor. WWW.GREENWORLDGB.COM



Quartz Business Media Quartz House 20 Clarendon Road Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QX 01737 855086

Partnership broadens product portfolio

ISSN: 1473 723X © Quartz Business Media, 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, Cardiff, UK

DECEMBER 2017 33

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PARK LIFE Neil Nixon speaks to JPC Cleaning about managing the extensive complex at Chiswick Park >>> page 26

With RPC bpi ducts Recycled Pro tery Bat and Fortis 24 & 36 >>> pages


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What can be done to make hand washing quicker and easier for healthcare staff ? >>> page 28

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DECEMBER 2017 35

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