Living Hea Wint l er t / Sprin h g 2022 y 5 Connecting with your community 6 45Celebratingyears 8 andChildrenBurns 12 Road Safety starts with good vision 16 Do you adrenalsufferfatigue?

Living ExecutiveContributorsHealthyManager Glenn Seri Editor and Marketing Officer Tamika Piccinelli Head of Member Experience Matthew Wilshere Contributors Laura Geitz, Brand Ambassador and Member Loretta Woodford, Registered Nurse and Owner of Parentmedic North Qld James Jensen, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Australian Nutrition Centre Elizabeth Kodari, Optometrist, OPSM Thank you to all of our contributors - we appreciate being able to provide our Members with valuable information. Contact Us Address 333 Ross River Road, Aitkenvale, QLD 4814 PO Box PO Box 42, Aitkenvale, QLD 4814 Phone 1800 813 415 Email Website Social qldcountryhealthqueenslandcountryhealthfund Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd ABN 18 085 048 237 Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is provided for general information purposes only not as a substitute to medical advice. The information provided or views expressed by third party contributors in this publication are not necessarily those held by Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd. Contents From the Executive Manager. Glenn Seri 3 Connecting with your community Laura Geitz 5 Celebrating 45 years 6 Burns awareness children and Burns. Loretta Woodford ........................ 8 Queensland Country Accommodation Units .......................................... 10 Refer a friend 11 Road Safety starts with good vision. Elizabrth Kodari 12 Member Satisfaction Survey 2022 14 Are you suffering from Adrenal Fatique? James Jensen ....................... 16 The value of having Private Health Insurance ........................................ 18 Online Health and Wellness 19 Premier Provider Network 20 Queensland Country in the Community 21 Benefit improvements ........................................................................... 22 Going to Hospital? ................................................................................ 24 Claim anywhere, any time with our Mobile App 26 Queensland Country Good for Good Grants 27 2 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022

I am extremely proud to announce that the Fund’s membership base grew by 4.41%, more than double the industry average for the 21/22 Financial Year. Profits were also strong and we are currently looking at ways to further give back to our Members in the coming months and create even better value for money.

Recently, we received the results from our Member Satisfaction Survey completed earlier this year. We achieved excellent results with 97% of Members surveyed * saying they were satisfied with Queensland Country Health Fund. Our Members are our most important stakeholders and it is great to see that we have hit the mark regarding service and product design. Thank you to all of those Members who took the time to complete the survey and provide invaluable feedback. Make sure you take a look at just some of the great feedback we received on pages 14-15.
Loretta Woodford from Parentmedic North Qld discusses burns awareness including some key tips and James from Australian Nutrition Centre asks the question "Are you suffering from adrenal fatigue?"
Regards, Glenn ExecutiveSeri Manager
* Source: January 2022 Member Satisfaction Survey, 70% were very satisfied and 27% were somewhat satisfied from 1,528 respondents.
The current restrictions that are being placed on elective surgery in the public system are seeing wait times and lists increase significantly and make having private health insurance more valuable than ever. ManagerExecutivethe
The winter months, reduction in travel and gathering restrictions have also led to a prolific flu season, with Influenza A particularly prevalent. All of this has placed undue pressure on the public health system at a time when our health workers are vulnerable due to fatigue after more than two years of battling a health Wecrisis.all love our diversions from everyday life, whether they are sporting or artistic and often the term “hero” is bandied about to describe our favourite stars, but the real heroes in our society are our front-line health workers. They have been putting themselves in harms way and helping the sick and vulnerable in our communities throughout this health crisis. They deserve a vote of thanks from all of us.
Hello and welcome to the winter edition of Living Healthy. 2022 has so far seen a continuation of the “new normal” with the country trying to navigate life with Covid-19. The so called “third wave” that has now taken Australia by storm, continues to impact many aspects of everyday life and shows no sign of slowing down.
Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring
Finally, I would like to thank the staff at Queensland Country, they have worked particularly hard this year amongst plenty of distractions and absenteeism to deliver outstanding service to our Members. Thank you once again to our loyal Members and I hope you enjoy this Healthyedition.
Also, in this edition of Living Healthy enjoy an article from our brand ambassador and Member, Laura Geitz who talks about her hometown and shares her late grandmother's recipe.
2022 3
In addition to these great results the Fund is extremely proud to celebrate 45 years of providing health insurance to our Members and we look forward to continuing this for many more years to come.
4 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022

With the catastrophic floods that have hit Queensland and parts of NSW in recent months, it has been heartbreaking to watch on television and see the impact it has had. Families losing all they own and businesses having it all swept away in a matter of hours after just finishing the re-building process from the 2011 floods, not to mention the spanner COVID has thrown.
It’s hard to understand why a disaster can bring out the best in people, and why it becomes a clear observation that at times our biggest strengths are our kindness, connection and sense of community. Imagine if we practiced these a little more regularly instead of being caught up in the busyness of life.
I have just returned from a weekend in my hometown, it’s fast becoming one of our favourite places to escape to with the kids, to give them a small taste of the childhood I was lucky to have growing up. On Sunday morning we had a small gathering for morning tea or as it’s affectionately referred to by the locals ‘Smoko.’ Everyone brings a plate because, well that’s what you do, arriving empty handed isn’t a thing. One of my favourite pleasures in life is a cup of tea and something sweet so when I laid eyes on the sultana slice that had been freshly baked and bought along by a family friend that morning I had to indulge. It was as delicious as it looked and what made it even a little more special was that it was my late grandmothers’ recipe. The lovely friend who baked it, later sent through the original recipe written in my grandmothers’ handwriting. So if I can leave you with a thought, give this recipe a crack and then drop by a neighbour, enjoy a cuppa and a good chat because let’s be honest that’s what life is all about, connection!
Connecting with your community
Thelma's Slice Recipe

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 5
Laura Geitz Member and AmbassadorBrand

Put in a saucepan 1/4 lb of butter 1 cup of brown sugar 1 cup of coconut 1 cup of mixed fruit Vanilla Heat all together, take off stove. Add beaten egg and 1 cup of self raising flour. Press in slice tin. Bake in moderate oven and ice while warm.
If there has ever been a time to sit back and realise the impact of the everyday Aussie, it sure is now. Flicking on the television in the morning to see the mud army rolling up their sleeves and sweeping the streets, knee high in slosh and a stench that only flood victims can fathom. The endless amounts of batch cooking, the clothes, care packages and the essential supplies provided to not only mates but complete strangers. It gives a sense of pride to not only those front and centre but the ones that watch on in awe that these are normal people doing extraordinary things.

Queensland Country Health Fund is extremely proud to be celebrating 45 years of providing, genuine, affordable health insurance to our Members. We first opened our doors in Mount Isa in 1977 and since that date we have grown to be the largest regionally based health insurer in Queensland servicing over 30,000 Members.

* Source: January 2022 Member Satisfaction Survey, 70% were very satisfied and 27% were somewhat satisfied from 1,528 respondents.
45 years
The Health Fund was originally established as the MIM Employees’ Health Society out of a need to access quality health care in regional Queensland that was affordable. Each development that we have undertaken since that date has been to further deliver on that need. With a 97% Member Satisfaction* Members have continued to be at the heart of everything we do and we look forward to helping our Members live better lives through better health for many years to come! Here are some great memories throughout the past 45 years.
6 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022

45QueenslandCountry HealthFund 1977 – 2022 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 7

BURNS AWARENESS 8 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
Children and Burns
Children can sustain burn injuries if they come into contact with the hot surface of a heating appliance, hot coals or flames. Camping is also a pastime where children are burnt by fire. Create a boundary and make sure the fire is extinguished safely when finished, so small feet do not get burnt on hot coals. Supervision is the key to prevent children from Smokeburns.
Loretta Woodford Registered Nurse and Owner of Parentmedic North Qld

alarms save lives, so make sure you have them installed and replace the batteries on April 1st every year.
In winter, guards around fires and heaters should always be used.
In Queensland, almost two children up to the age of four are hospitalised per week for more than a day after sustaining a serious burn injury. Severe burn injury can be life threatening and even small burns can be dangerous for young children. All burns are painful and can have a lasting impact on their life. Babies and young children have fragile skin, and their skin burns deeper and more quickly than an adult’s, and at lower temperatures. Most burns are preventable and by being aware and making small changes, you can help to keep your family safe. Hot food and drinks remain the number one cause of serious burns and scalds. So, it is best never to have small children in the kitchen when you are cooking. Keep hot drinks away from the edge of the table or bench and, where possible, use a cup with a lid. You never know when the baby will be able to reach or when a crawling infant will start to toddle. Make it a habit from the moment they are born to keep hot drinks out of their reach. Your toddler may be safer in the playpen or in the highchair for a short time when you are busy in the kitchen, or you could use a child safety gate to restrict access to the kitchen. The bathroom is another place to keep children safe from scalds and burns. Never have running water unattended and always test the water temperature before you let them get in. A good tip is to run cold water at the beginning and at the end, so it cools the spout. Always turn taps off tightly, so little hands cannot turn them on themselves. One ‘hot tip’ is to think about your ‘hot water’. Some domestic homes are set at 70°. The ideal temperature should be set at 50°. Hot water burns like fire, and even a small adjustment to the temperature can be the difference between a minor or severe burn. At 60° it takes one second for hot water to cause a lifethreatening scald to an infant. At 55° it takes ten seconds and at 50° it takes five minutes. Talk to a licenced plumber who can recommend tempering valves and hot water shutdown devices.

• 76% of burn injuries to children occur in the home environment.

• Keep the child warm and seek medical advice, if the burn is larger than a 20-cent piece, looks raw or the child is in pain.
DO NOT apply ice, iced water, butter, creams, oil or powders! Country Health Fund 2022
• Call 000: if the burn is to the child's face, airway, hands, joints or genitals or if the burn is larger than the child's hands.
• Living Healthy Winter/Spring
First Aidfor burns
Burns Statistics*
• The most common cause of burn injury to children is scalds (52%) followed by contact (25%) and flame (11%) injuries.
• Children aged 12–24 months account for 30% of paediatric burn injury cases.
*Data source: Burns Registry of Australia and New Zealand Annual Report 2019/2020
If the unthinkable happens and your child receives burns or scalds, administering first aid immediately will reduce the severity. If clothes are wet, take them off so heat can escape.
• Cool the burn for 20 minutes: under cool running water. This treatment is useful up to 3 hours later.
• The kitchen is the most common location in the house for a child to be burned (48% of cases). The next most common location is the living room, playroom or family room (18%) and the garden or yard (10%).
Remember, prevention is the best cure and always look out for hazards and keep your children safe.
• Cool the burn not the child: if the burn is large stop cooling after 20 minutes [no earlier, unless recommended].
• Hot beverages are the most common cause of scald injury to children, followed by water from a saucepan, kettle, jug, billy, urn or thermos and scald injury from food.
Tips ✔ Test water before putting baby in bath ✔ Fill bath with cold water first than hot water ✔ Full supervision in kitchen ✔ Keep hot fluids and food out of reach ✔ Store kettle and cord away from reach ✔ Turn pot handles in so children cannot reach them ✔ Always supervise during camping ✔ Guards around fire or heater
• Cover the burn: with sterile on non-stick dressing. If not available use cling wrap/cotton sheet.
Often our Members need to travel to Brisbane or Townsville for medical treatment. Treatment may involve an initial appointment to see a specialist and even once your surgery or initial treatment is completed, they may still need follow-up surgery or ongoing visits back to the hospital. Finding accommodation close to the hospital where you're being treated can be an extra hassle that you really don't need during this time
We know the costs involved with travelling to receive medical treatment, which is why we provide subsidised accommodation for our Members who need to travel. Accommodation costs for both the Townsville and Brisbane apartments are as follows: Number of nights Price* 1 night $105 per night 2 nights $95 per night 3 nights $85 per night 4+ nights $75 per night
Accommodation unit costs
With this in mind, Queensland Country provides apartments in both Townsville and Brisbane, available exclusively to our Members. These 2-bedroom, self-contained and fully furnished apartments offer comfortable, peaceful accommodation for our Members needing medical treatment.

Queensland BrisbaneAccommodationCountryUnitsTownsville 10 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
*Prices effective 1 January 2015. Check in from 2pm. Check out time at 10am. You can make a reservation online for either Townsville or Brisbane accommodation units. Eligibility requirements Eligibility requirements apply for booking of the apartments. A minimum two-month period of membership with Queensland Country Health Fund is required prior to booking. Documentation in support of your hospitalisation or medical appointment is required from your healthcare professional upon making your reservation. Please send all appropriate documentation to info@queenslandcountry. health at the time of making your reservation. Terms and conditions of use, including eligibility, can be viewed via the online reservation system. Make a reservation To check availability and make a reservation, visit Full payment must be made via credit card at the time of making your reservation. Reservations will not be confirmed as a booking until documentation is received from your healthcare professional. Once documentation is received a booking confirmation will be sent to you.
Receive a forG$100*iftCard!eachreferralthattakesoutaneligiblesinglespolicy We’ll double it for a couple or family! Love your cover, why not share with others! Refer a friend, family member, mate or colleague to Queensland Country Health Fund and if they take out an eligible policy during the promotional period, we’ll say thank you with a gift card.* Make sure you tell your friend when joining to provide us with your name and contact details, so we can send you your gift card. *Offer valid until 31 December 2022 (promotional period). The referring person must be an existing Queensland Country Health Fund policy holder. Available to new Silver and Bronze Hospital policies only. Available with corporate discount offers, but not in conjunction with any other offer. Terms and conditions apply and are available at Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd ABN 18 085 048 237. 1800 813 415 •

Road Safety starts with good vision

12 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
OPSM commissioned research on Australian drivers and found that three quarters of drivers are planning a long road trip this year with an average length of 4 hours. Despite this, over 90% of Australian drivers and riders don’t get their eyes checked before their journey. Covid lockdowns over the past few years have resulted in a significant reduction of people getting their eyes tested. Reduced eye testing and increased road journeys is a concern which led OPSM to commission the OPSM Driving and Eye Health Report 2021, to better understand Australians’ attitudes and behaviours towards vision and road safety. We all know how important our vision is for road safety, but what is surprising is how many of us get behind the wheel with vision problems. A staggering 1 in 3 Australian riders and drivers don’t feel comfortable driving at night due to their vision, 9 in 10 drivers and riders are bothered by glare, and 84% of Australian drivers and riders admit their vision isn’t perfect.
After months of lockdown and border closures many Australians are escaping on a road trip or planning to. The trouble is many of us have neglected to get an up-to-date eye test over the break.
Elizabrth Kodari Optometrist,OPSM
It is recommended that you make regular visits to your optometrist based on your eye health needs for improved road safety. Optometrists strive to ensure you have the best possible vision to be safe on the road and provide innovative lenses that are built for comfort and road safety, so you can drive and ride with confidence and clarity. Put an eye test on your road safety checklist, because road safety starts with good vision.

Servicesinclude:✔ Single vision spectacles✔ Bifocal spectacles✔ Multifocal spectacles✔ Contact lenses (hard or soft)✔ Repairs to frames or spectacleframes only or replacementlenses.Need new glasses or lenses? Here is what Queensland Country will pay: Extras Cover Waiting periods Example of benefits Premium Extras 2 months $300 per person Total benefit per person, per Membership year for optical items Essential Extras $215 per person Total benefit per person, per Membership Year for optical items Select Extras $245 per person Up to $490 per policy, per Membership Year for optical items Young Extras $225 per person Up to $450 per policy, per Membership Year for optical items Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 13

14 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
What Members think of us 66% are likely to recommend us to their friends and family.
89% have NOT had a claim rejected or unpaid in the last year. 86% of Members that have claimed in the last year were very satisfied with the speed of their claim payment. 87% were very satisfied with their claiming experience when they swiped their Membership Card at the provider.
80% agree that we offer good value for money for our Members. 1,453 agree that we are easy to deal with. 92% of respondents agree that we are Member-service focused. 1097 agree we offer better benefits then other Health Funds. Prior to completing the survey 78% of Members were aware that the Fund is part of a Member owned group.
of Members that reside in the dental practice areas have visited Queensland Country Dental Townsville or Mount Isa. Of those who visited, 65% were very satisfied. 67% of Members feel that having a dental practice is a valuable part of their Claimingmembership.
Member SatisfactionSurvey 2022 Thank you for your feedback!
Members shared their thoughts with us and completed the
We value the views and opinions of Queensland Country Health Fund Members. In January 2022, we invited our Members to complete a satisfaction survey to find out what we do well and the areas where we can improve. Here's what you told us:

Thank you again for your valuable feedback! What you say matters as it helps us concentrate our efforts on offering quality service in areas that are important to you. Mobile App 96% of Members who have claimed via the Mobile App have been satisfied with the service. 63% respondents say the Mobile App is easy to use. Country Health
Whilst we wish you a lifetime of good health, If something does go wrong, don’t worry, let us know. We’re here to help!
Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 15
* Queensland
• Keep informed and up to date: Read our bi-annual Living Healthy magazine – you can nominate to receive this electronically or have a copy sent to you Read Health eBYTES your bi-monthly email Check out our Health and Wellness Centre on the website View stories and news on the Mobile App
Follow us onLike us on Communication with our Members
• Life moves and changes quickly, so if circumstances change, contact us to make sure your policy reflects this and suits where you’re at.
70% were very satisfied and 27% satisfied.somewhatwere
• We’re here to help you better understand the value of your private health insurance. We want to help you to live a better life through better health. Ask us how to use your policy so you can get the most value out of your cover.

74% of Members were satisfied with the amount of communication that they receive regarding their membership 61% of Members that have interacted with us over the past 12 months said that enquiries are always taken care of on-the-spot. 75% of Members who have interacted with us say it is always an easy process. 64% have phoned us in the last year. Of those who called: 85% were very satisfied with the telephone service they have received (in terms of problem solving and the advice given). we’re working on… We’ll continue to share how you can process your claims, so you can stay up to date on changes and new processes.
Suddenly feelings of anxiety, fatigue and overwhelm begin to creep in. We blame our lifestyle and naively believe we will feel better once things wind down. But unfortunately, this often isn’t the case. Why? Because internally our body is in overdrive, and a simple nap no longer does the trick to help it recover. This is generally a sign that your adrenal glands are burnt out, otherwise fondly known as adrenal fatigue.
Are you suffering from Adrenal(Fatique?
16 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
The adrenal glands are located on the top of the kidney and produce hormones that help regulate our metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and various other essential functions. The term ‘adrenal fatigue’ can sometimes be misleading as the adrenal glands are, in fact, still capable of functioning. However, the term is instead commonly used to describe adrenal dysfunction, which is when people have difficulty with energy levels and are unable to ‘switch off,’ despite being exhausted. When the body is in a constant state of stress for a prolonged period, the adrenal glands become overworked and depleted. This means they are unable to secrete normal levels of cortisol (the body’s stress hormone) that is required for optimal bodily function.
Adrenal fatigue is intrinsically linked with imbalanced hormones. All our hormones are connected, so whatever happens to one ultimately affects the other. Therefore, when the adrenal glands aren’t functioning properly, it means other hormones in the body are out of whack as well. As a result, symptoms such as brain fog, low energy, depressed moods and sweet cravings become commonplace (and hard to fix unless you help your adrenal glands recover!).
What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Why does Adrenal Fatigue occur?
As humans we are notoriously too capable. We work hard to build successful careers, relationships, and juggle various commitments, while trying to keep all balls flawlessly in the air. The demands of everyday life leave many of us feeling tired, stressed and increasingly unable to cope (COVID certainly hasn't helped).
• Supplemental supportCombining therapeutic doses of Magnesium and Activated B’s with natural adaptogenic herbs targets endocrine dysregulations and aims to restore energy and support mood (consult with your practitioner before making any decisions).
Whilst the easiest solution is to abolish all stress from our lives, we know that is unrealistic. However, the good news is there are a few different ways you can address adrenal fatigue and help get your body back on track.
Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 17
How do you fix Adrenal Fatigue?

• Nutritional intake Our bodies require a healthy diet and lifestyle for optimal functioning. It is important to address any nutrient deficiencies, remove inflammatory foods and utilise supplements to help rebalance your hormones.
Don’t let your adrenal glands stop you from living a better, more balanced life! By emphasising a holistic approach, you address the root cause of your health issues.
• Managing stress - While we cannot always remove stressful situations, we can improve the way we cope with it. Undertaking activities such as meditation and exercise can work wonders in reducing stress levels and assist in bringing your adrenal glands back down to normal speed.
James Jensen Functional Medicine Practitioner, Australian Nutrition Centre

Private health cover gives you the opportunity to visit the dentist, optometrist or health care practitioner of your choice.
Peace of mind Having private health insurance definitely has its rewards. It gives you the peace of mind and the security of health care options and benefits not available today through the public health care system.
Pay less at tax time High income earners are required to pay a Medicare Levy Surcharge of up to 1.5% in addition to the standard MLS if they do not have private health insurance. For individuals, couples or families earning over the income threshold, having private health insurance means they will avoid this surcharge, which may cost more than your private health insurance premiums.
Having private hospital cover gives you the choice of which hospital, either public or private, you wish to be treated in.
Choice of extras provider
With the cost of living expenses going up for many people, we have had some of our Members ask whether it is valuable to keep private health insurance. We thought we’d put together some key ways your private health insurance can provide value with choice:

Choice of doctor
With private hospital cover you can choose your own doctor and decide whether you will go to a public or private hospital that your doctor attends.
The value of havingPrivate Health Insurance 18 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
Some of the most common hospital procedures if provided in a public hospital can have lengthy waiting lists. For someone in pain, this can have an advserse impact on their quality of life. Alternatively, having private health cover can give you the option to receive the medical treatment in a private hospital.
Choice of hospital
No need to worry about long waiting periods in the public system
• Breast cancer • Sleep disorders • Type 2 diabetes • Osteoarthritis • Depression • Pregnancy • Prostate cancer • Heart failure • Families and mental health • Adjusting to parenthood Queensland OnlineCountry’s Health and Wellness At Queensland Country Health Fund we want to inspire you to live a better life through better health. We’ve partnered with Healthily and put together a group of online resources on some key topics. These include: In addition, we have also worked with our Brand Ambassador, Laura Geitz and Senior Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Tehanee Obeyesekere from BodySmart Health+ to bring you a Prenatal Exercise Program. Queensland Country hope these resources provide helpful information for our Members when you or a family member may be dealing with a serious medical condition. Visit today! Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 19

Did you know that Queensland Country Health Fund pay the same benefits to all recognised extras services and therapies providers, so you don’t need to change your favourite dentist or optometrist? We do have agreements in place with a number of dentists and optometrists across the state under our Premier Provider Network. Our Premier Provider Network provides our Members with access to exclusive discounts and services, so you get even more value for your money. To find out more about our dental and optical Premier Providers visit Premier ProviderProviderPremier Network Queensland Country 20 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022

Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring
After the latest news and stories from Queensland Country Health Fund? us on us onus on
We are excited to once again be proud sponsors of the BMA River 2 Reef Ride which will be held on Saturday, 3 September and Sunday, 4 September 2022. The charity event is a mass participation ride, not a race, to raise funds for local charities and to encourage more people to become active and involved in cycling.

River 2 Reef Charity Ride
Fire Up!
Queensland Country in the Community
Queensland Country is happy to announce that we have recently re-signed as proud sponsors of JCU Townsville Fire for the 2022/23 season. We look forward to seeing the team in action at The Fire Pit when the season gets under way later in the year.

Stay up to date with us
This year’s event is to be held across two exciting days on Yuwi Country at Mackay Botanic Gardens over four distances including the 30km Queensland Country Bank | Health Dash on Sunday, 4 September 2022. The event is a great opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy the glorious scenery Mackay has to offer while raising money for worthwhile causes. To find out more or register a team visit Country 2022 21
We pride ourselves on offering products with generous benefits. Each year these are reviewed to ensure we maintain a value for money product. Here are the details of our benefit changes that took effect back on 1 April 2022.

Benefit improvements
22 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
• Extended Family Cover is available on our hospital covers, with the exclusion of Public Hospital (Basic+)*. The cost is slightly higher than a standard family or single parent family policy but is more cost effective compared to the dependent taking out their own cover at the same level.
While previously our Fund did pay a benefit for skins checks, this was only claimable when completed through a mole mapping service. We are pleased to be changing our guidelines to now include any form of skin check providing a Medicare Benefit is not claimable.

For our Members who hold an Extras level of cover, please see the below benefits claimable in a Membership year:
Supermarket Tours
Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 23
^No longer available for purchase Queensland Country Health Fund • Living
In line with changes to legislation, dependents can now remain on your family policy up to and including the age of 31 providing they meet the eligibility criteria.
• A dependent can remain on a family policy at no extra cost up to and including 31 providing they are not married or living in a de facto relationship and is either a full-time student at a school, college or university, an apprentice earning no more than $30,000 p.a or unemployed and receiving a Centrelink benefit.
Family/Single Parent Family Policy
Level of Cover Benefit
• Covers the policy holder, as well as their partner and all dependents up to and including age 31 (or just the policy holder and dependents in the case of a Single Parent Extended Family policy).
We aim to help Members live better lives through better health and understanding nutrition is key to preventing a large range of health issues. Supermarket tours are now becoming increasingly popular and are a great way to assist and educate Members to make the right food choices to support their health. These tours can be claimed under our Healthy Living Benefit. The supermarket tour must be completed by a dietitian or other allied health provider qualified to deliver nutrition advice.
Premium Extras $150 per person Extras $125 per person Extras $125 per person up to $250 per policy Extras $125 per person up to $250 per policy Singles & CombinedCouples(Basic+)^ $125 per person up to $250 per policy
We understand that particularly in our communities, skin checks are important and are a crucial step towards the prevention of skin cancer.
• Covers the policy holder, as well as their partner and all dependents up to 21 years.
*Public Hospital (Basic+) is no longer available for purchase.
• Where a dependent doesn’t meet this criteria, you may opt for an Extended Family level of cover.
Extended Family Policy
We have received consistent feedback from Members about the ability to claim a benefit for certain CPAP machine accessories, in particular DC converters and battery packs used while travelling. Where Members hold one of our Top Levels of Hospital Cover*, these items can now be claimed under the $250 consumables sub-limit (per person, per Membership year).
• The dependent cannot be married or living in a de facto relationship.
*Top Hospital (Gold) and Comprehensive Hospital (Gold) – Closed products not available for purchase.
Skin Checks
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
For Members who are unable to use these units, we provide an accommodation benefit# to subsidise the cost of your stay. We will pay an accommodation benefit related to hospitalisation where the patient is required to travel* 300 kilometres or more return from their home address. The accommodation benefit is up to $50 per night and will apply to every night for the duration of the hospitalisation required including the night prior to admission and also the night of discharge.
24 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022
# The accommodation benefit is not claimable where a Member chooses to use the Fund’s accommodation facility.
We believe in better value for our Members, that’s why we introduced our Access Gap Cover initiative. It has been designed to help minimise or, in some cases, eliminate out-of-pocket expenses when you go to Whenhospital.talking to your doctor we encourage all Members to:
Please Note: Some procedures may require multiple specialists and it’s important you discuss the above points with each specialist. For example, when going for surgery, both your surgeon and anaesthetist will charge separately.
^ Units are subject to availability and rates depend on length of stay.

• Ask for an Informed Financial Consent (IFC).
Are you or a family member going to hospital soon? Preparing for a hospital procedure can be daunting for everyone. We’ve popped together some important tips to help you plan, prepare and be informed.
Access Gap Cover Access Gap Cover is a major feature of our hospital cover. Where your doctor agrees to participate in Access Gap, this will help minimise or, in some cases, eliminate out-of-pocket expenses when you go to hospital. It’s important to note, that it is the doctor’s choice to charge under the Access Gap Scheme and they can do so on a case-by-case basis. Where the doctor chooses not to participate, it is likely that you will have large out-of-pocket expenses.
Your Informed Financial Consent (IFC) will outline all the fees, charges and applicable rebates of your procedure/s and should clearly display your total outof-pocket expenses. Our friendly team are available to assist you in understanding this document.
Going to (Hospital?
• Ask if they will participate in Access Gap.
We understand that substantial travel is sometimes required for our rural and regionally based Members when they are seeking treatment for a medical condition. Members travelling to Townsville or Brisbane for medical treatment can use our exclusive accommodation units^ located close to the Mater Hospital in Townsville and Wesley Hospital in Brisbane.
*Where a parent or carer travels with a dependent aged 12 years and under (the patient), there is no minimum travel distance required.

Talk to your GP about your condition and where a specialist is required, ask for a few recommendations. Private health insurance gives you the choice to select your own doctor. Talk to your specialist and ask about all fees and charges up front. Ask for a written cost estimate outlining all fees and charges*. *See Out-of-pocket Expenses for more information to support you with this conversation. Will I need to travel for treatment, and do I need to arrange accommodation? Talk to one of the friendly Queensland Country team Am I covered for my procedure? Do I have an excess? Does my chosen hospital have an agreement with Queensland Country Health Fund? Our team are here to help so please feel free to contact us before you head to hospital! HOSPITALQueenslandCHECKLISTCountryHealthFund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 25

Download it today! and Mobilewithanyanywhere,ClaimtimeourAppOurQueenslandCountryHealthFund Mobile App offers all Members 24/7 access to your membership. It is an easy, convenient and secure way to manage your membership. Some of the great features include: • Online claiming - lodge claims directly to Queensland Country by simply taking a photo of your receipt/s and pressing submit • Review your claims history • View policy details including contribution details • Check your annual benefit limits – it has never been easier to check your limits with a graph that clearly shows what is remaining • View personal details and update your contact information • View membership communications through your own secure inbox • Make immediate payments by credit card • Order new Membership Cards • Provider search • Learn more about your health insurance and how you can experience genuine value via our blogs and news • Find your nearest Queensland Country branch • Login in using biometric logins 26 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022

Good for Good Grants
• Jerona Citizens Association, Helicopter Landing Site to ensure the remote community has access to transport options.
• Edge Hill FC were able to build a fence around the perimeter of their fields to ensure a safe environment for players and supporters. Visit:

• The Burdekin BMX Club have used their funds to renovate their amenities so they can host larger competitions.
Queensland Country Good for Good Community Grants is our way of providing a helping hand to community groups across Queensland.

Queensland Country
Some of our past Good for Good success stories:
• Restorative building works are underway at Magnetic Island History and Craft Centre to preserve some of the island’s original buildings.
since COMMUNITY2005
Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2022 27
IMPACT All throughout QLD from Weipa to andSupportingMEMBER-OWNEDKoralbynourMembersourcommunities
During each application period not-for-profit organisations are invited to apply for funding of between $5,000 and $30,000 to deliver projects that make a practical difference to the lives of people in Queensland communities - projects that help Queenslanders ‘live better’. $2.5 InjectedMILLIONback regional QLD

45QueenslandCountry HealthFund 1977 – 2022