Qué pasa en enero

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/ QuĂŠ Pasa Guatemala



n nuevo año, un nuevo comienzo, y nuevas aspiraciones! Me gusta esta época del año. Nos da la oportunidad de reflexionar, hacer planes, y soñar en grande. Sin embargo, la pregunta “¿Qué has planeado para el próximo año?” es intimidante a principios de diciembre cuando ni se han finalizado los planes de Navidad y Fin de Año, y por esa razón los eventos en los calendarios de enero de Qué Pasa siempre son un poco escasos. Pero esto nos da la oportunidad de publicar más artículos acerca de las personas y organizaciones que sueñan en grande sobre hacer que Guatemala sea un mejor lugar todos los meses del año. En una nota más solemne, el equipo de Qué Pasa desea darle un cariñoso adiós a Karla Pons, amiga de muchas personas aquí en La Antigua. Nuestros pensamientos están con su familia y las personas que más la amaban.


Enero / January

Feliz Año Nuevo para ti y los tuyos, Keri




Happy New Year to you and yours, Keri

n vivo e a • c i 1 s


new year, a new start, and new aspirations! I like this time of year. It gives us a chance to reflect, make plans, and dream big. The question “What do you have planned for next year?” is, however, daunting to answer at the beginning of December when Christmas and New Year’s Eve plans haven’t even been finalized, and for that reason Qué Pasa’s calendars are always a bit slim in January. But this gives us the opportunity to publish more articles about the people and organizations that dream big about making Guatemala a better place during all the months of the year. On a more somber note, that staff of Qué Pasa would like to wish a fond farewell to Karla Pons, a friend to many here in La Antigua. Our thoughts are with her family and those who loved her most.


a u •4 g i t n


En la portada, una fotografía por Geovin Morales

On the cover, a photograph by Geovin Morales

i@geovinmorales.com www.geovinmorales.com

14 •M ente y C u e

El contenido y diseño de la revista Qué Pasa y su sitio web no pueden ser reproducidos parcial o totalmente sin el consentimiento escrito del director y sus autores. El listado de precios para publicidad en las revistas pueden ser encontrados en nuestro sitio web grupoquepasa.com. Qué Pasa no se responsabiliza por omisiones o errores en los calendarios y secciones de listados.

The content and design of Qué Pasa magazine and associated website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without the prior written consent of the publisher and author. Prices for advertising can be found on our website grupoquepasa.com. Qué Pasa is not responsible for any omissions or errors in the calendars and listings sections.

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Calendario La Antigua Todos los días Ecofiltro Factory Tour. Visit Ecofiltro’s factory and learn how Ecofiltro is helping to bring clean drinking water to the people of Guatemala. Your tour fee will go towards the purchase of a replacement filter for a school, hospital, or rural family. For more information, email pwilson@ecofiltro.com. US$25. Ecofiltro. NGO

Exposición. En el marco de los 25 Años del Programa del Patrimonio Cultural de Desarrollo de la AECID en América Latina. Esta exposición recoge las intervenciones efectuadas por el Programa de Patrimonio de la AECID, desde su creación hasta hoy en día, a través de distintas imágenes que nos acercan a los trabajos realizados tanto en arquitectura monumentalartística como en la civil y en los Centros Históricos, así como la gran labor desarrollada por las escuelas taller. Gratis. Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española, MAP D4. M@donnas, a Solo Exhibition by Puerto Rican Artist Patrick McGrath Muñiz. This collection of oil paintings on canvas and wood are inspired by the sacred imagery of the Virgin Mary from Spanish Colonial art. By recontextualizing colonial iconography, this artist commentary responds to some of the current global and Neo-colonial issues, consumerism, dependency on technology, and the environment through satire. Gratis. Monday-Saturday 10 AM-7 PM/ Sundays 12-6 PM. La Antigua Galería de Arte, MAP D6.

American Legion Library. Lending 30,000 books. Americanlegion2@ gmail.com, 7934-6576, 57883432. 11 AM-3 PM. 7a Avenida Norte #49. Chocolate-Making Workshops. From the bean to the bar / Del grano a la barra and Truffles / Trufas. Q180. 11 AM, 1:30 PM, 4 PM. ChocoMuseo, 4a Calle Oriente #14. At the Movies. Go as a group and choose the movie. Free with a minimum consumption of Q40. 7832-9734. 2 PM & 4 PM. Las Palmas, 6a Avenida Norte #14. Movies at the Barn. Gratis. De lunes a sábado / MondaySaturday. 6:30 o/or 7 PM. Domingos / Sundays 5:30 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4. Movies / Cine. More information and times / Más información y horario de cine: 7832-5438. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7.

Todos los lunes Las Tierras Altas Bike Tour. A half-day intermediate singletrack XC ride with amazing views. Perfect for groups of varied skill levels. bikeguatemala.com, 5399-0440. Old Town Outfitters, MAP D4. Ciudad Perdida “Lost City” Valley Bike Tour. This cultural tour shows you Guatemala from the unobstructed view of a bike. Visit churches and cemeteries, towns, an organic macadamia farm, a chicken bus factory, and more. guatemalavolcano.com, 7832-0074. 1 PM. O.X., MAP E4.




Pub Quiz. 6:30 PM. Reilly’s, MAP E4.

Chocolate-Making Workshops Everyday 11 AM, 1:30 PM, 4 PM ChocoMuseo

5 YWAM Antigua. Monday night English-language church service at Iglesia Del Camino one block from La Calle del Arco. Contact AaronMusch@gmail.com for more details.

Todos los martes Atitlán Pedal-Paddle Trip. The best way to discover Lake Atitlán in either 2 or 3 days. Beautiful cross country and downhill biking (technical trail rides or scenic back country cruisers), sea kayaking on the azure waters of Lago de Atitlán, and hiking through fields and indigenous villages along the lakeshore. bikeguatemala.com, 5399-0440. Old Town Outfitters, MAP D4. Crochet. wuto.antigua@ gmail.com, 7882-4641. 11 AM-1 PM (free with purchases over Q100) & 3-5 PM. Wüto, El Jaulón, 4a Calle Oriente #10, 2 Nivel, Local 21. Volcán Velocity Bike Tour. Hit the slopes of the big volcano looming over La Antigua, Volcán de Agua. Bike through the trails that cross farmland and give spectacular views on this exciting and fast single-track mountain bike tour. guatemalavolcano.com, 78320074. 1 PM. O.X., MAP E4.

Clases de Canto. Por el maestro especializado representante de la academia de mayor prestigio en nuestro país: Martha Bolaños de Prado y Luis Adolfo Palma Prado. 7832-5438, casacultural. delrio@gmail.com. 2-5 PM. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7. Lecture Evening. Local charities give talks about the work they do and issues concerning Guatemala. Suggested donation Q25, all of which goes directly to the charity. 5:30 PM. Rainbow Café, MAP D3. NGO

Todos los miércoles

Atitlán Pedal-Paddle Trip Every Tuesday Old Town Outfitters

Holy Santa María Volcano Ride. Half-day or full-day advanced singletrack XC/downhill. Ride high above La Antigua on Volcán de Agua. bikeguatemala.com, 5399-0440. Old Town Outfitters, MAP D4. Big Ridge Ride Bike Tour. This mountain bike trip has it all: a bit up, a bit of flats, a bit off road, a bit of single track, and a lot of down. A guide favorite. Jump on the saddle and join in the fun. guatemalavolcano.com, 78320074. 1 PM. O.X., MAP E4. Taller de Ajedrez. Principiantes y avanzados. Con el árbitro federado Rolando Velásquez. 7832-5438, casacultural.delrio@gmail. com. Q150 mensuales. 2-4 PM. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7.

Open House. wuto. antigua@gmail.com, 7882-4641. Go and knit for free. 3-5 PM. Wüto, El Jaulón, 4a Calle Oriente #10, 2 Nivel, Local 21. Ciclo de Cine. Gratis. 6 PM. Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española, MAP D4. Karaoke Night. La Sala, 6 Calle Poniente #9, MAP E4.

Todos los jueves

Pastores Si quieres unas botas de vaquero chileras a la medida, súbete a una camioneta detrás del Mercado de La Antigua, y vete al pueblo cercano de Pastores, donde los artesanos son famosos por sus trabajos en cuero. Sabrás que estás en el lugar correcto cuando veas todos los rótulos de botas. ¡Que te diviertas! If you want some custom-made, kickin’ cowboy boots, hop on a chicken bus behind La Antigua’s market and go to nearby Pastores, where the craftspeople are famous for their leather work. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see all the signs peddling boots. Shop around. Have fun!

Cielo Grande Ridge Ride Bike Tour. A half-day or full-day advanced XC ride on the Big Sky Ridge above La Antigua with tight singletrack and old growth forests. bikeguatemala. com, 5399-0440. Old Town Outfitters, MAP D4. Experience Guatemala. Niños de Guatemala’s weekly tour to Ciudad Vieja takes you off the tourist trail to experience the real Guatemala. 7832-8033. Q200, 50% off for children under age 12. 8:15 AM from Iglesia Santa Lucía. Email tour@ninosdeguatemala.org to reserve or for directions. Niños de Guatemala, 4a Calle Oriente #41. NGO

6 NGO Tour. Safe Passage is seeking to empower those who live and work around the Guatemala City garbage dump by breaking the cycle of poverty through education. (Interested in volunteering? Housing allowances are available for volunteer commitments of 6 months or more.) The tour includes a view of the dump, a drive through the community, a visit to their education centers, and lunch. Sign up for the tour at: visitors@safepassage.org or 5649-7640. Q150 donation. 8:30 AM-1:30 PM. Safe Passage, Calle del Hermano Pedro #4. NGO

Crochet. wuto.antigua@ gmail.com, 7882-4641. 11 AM-1 PM & 3-5 PM. Wüto, El Jaulón, 4a Calle Oriente #10, 2 Nivel, Local 21. Clases de Canto. Por el maestro especializado representante de la academia de mayor prestigio en nuestro país: Martha Bolaños de Prado y Luis Adolfo Palma Prado. 7832-5438, casacultural. delrio@gmail.com. 2-5 PM. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7. Taller de Piano. Con el maestro Ricardo Carranza. Para niños de 5 años en adelante. Clases personalizadas. Todos los niveles. 7832-5438, casacultural.delrio@gmail. com. Q200 mensuales. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7.

Taller de Guitarra. Con el maestro Ricardo Carranza. Clases personalizadas. Todos los niveles. 7832-5438, casacultural.delrio@gmail. com. Q200 mensuales. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7. Blessed Fruit of the Womb: a Fight for Reproductive Rights in Guatemala. A new documentary film from WINGS. Undeterred by Guatemala’s powerful religious organizations, conservative politicians, and a male-dominated culture that leaves women without a voice, Evelyn and Ester are two women who courageously travel the countryside on a journey to provide women with family planning education and access to contraceptive methods. It is a story about the fight for reproductive rights and freedom in a country gripped by staggering poverty, the highest fertility rate in Latin America, and one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. Gratis. 5 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4. NGO

English Night for Locals with Disabilities. Anyone looking to practice his or her Spanglish is invited to join in the lively discussion. 4932-8137. 4:455:45 PM. Transitions, Colonia Candelaria #80 (off 1a Avenida Norte). NGO

Belly Dancing Show. 9 PM. Gaia, MAP B4.

Todos los viernes Day or Overnight Trip to Volcán Acatenango. Get a bird’s eye view of Volcán de Fuego from Guatemala’s 3rd highest volcano, Acatenango! Rated a top-five thing to do while in Guatemala by the Lonely Planet. bikeguatemala.com, 5399-0440. Old Town Outfitters, MAP D4. Calvary Chapel Antigua Bilingual Service. Crochet. wuto.antigua@ ccantigua.org. 7 PM. gmail.com, 7882-4641. Centro Luterano, 1a Avenida Free with purchases over Norte #35. Q100. 11 AM-1 PM. Wüto, El Jaulón, 4a Calle Oriente #10, Salsa Dancing. Enjoy 2 Nivel, Local 21. the best in live performances of música Pacaya Overnight salsa this evening. Las Palmas, Camping Volcano 6a Avenida Norte #14. Tour. Experience this active volcano the way it Belly Dancing Show. should be, with a sunset and 9 PM. Gaia, MAP B4. a sunrise, free of the crowds. guatemalavolcano.com, 78320074. 2 PM. O.X., MAP E4.

Blessed Fruit of the Womb Every Thursday The Bagel Barn

7 Todos los sábados Sip & Cycle Coffee Tour. An easy half-day ride among the coffee plants at a nearby plantation. Learn all about coffee from production to picking through packing. bikeguatemala. com, 5399-0440. Old Town Outfitters, MAP D4. Acatenango or Fuego Overnight Camping Volcano Tour. These big, bold volcanoes are a must-see! Climb high and experience the view of a lifetime. Toast the sunset from 13,000ft/4,000m. guatemalavolcano.com, 78320074. O.X., MAP E4.

Day or Overnight Trip to Volcán Acatenango Every Friday

Taller de Pintura. Para niños de 5 a 10 años. Con el maestro Carlos Chávez. 7832-5438, casacultural.delrio@gmail. com. Q50 inscripción, Q250 mensuales (no incluye materiales). 10 AM-12 PM. Casa del Río, Calle del Hermano Pedro Prolongación #6, MAP F7.

Mininos: Espacio Cultural Infantil. Biblioteca infantil, cuenta cuentos, arte y juegos. aecid-cf.org.gt. Entrada libre y gratuita. 2:30-4 PM. Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española, MAP D4. Children’s Film / Cine Infantil. 4 PM. Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española, MAP D4. Belly Dancing Show. 9 PM. Gaia, MAP B4.

Todos los domingos Ultimate Frisbee Game. Easy to learn and great exercise. All are welcome to join in the game. For more information, call Greg at 4787-3714 or Liz at 5174-8028. Free. 12-2 PM. Antigua International School, El Cortijo de Las Flores, Km 48.5 Carretera a Ciudad Vieja (about 4 km from La Antigua).



FERIADO: AÑO NUEVO – Muchos negocios y todas las oficinas gubernamentales cerrados.




Pub Quiz. Hosted by Shaun Paul Griffiths. 7 PM. Ocelot, MAP D5. Free Salsa Lessons. La Sala, 6 Calle Poniente #9, MAP E4.

HOLIDAY: NEW YEAR’S DAY – Many businesses and all governmental offices closed.

Blessed Fruit of the Womb: a Fight for Reproductive NGO Rights in Guatemala. A new documentary film from WINGS. Undeterred by Guatemala’s powerful religious organizations, conservative politicians, and a male-dominated culture that leaves women without a voice, Evelyn and Ester are two women who courageously travel the countryside on a journey to provide women with family planning education and access to contraceptive methods. It is a story about the fight for reproductive rights and freedom in a country gripped by staggering poverty, the highest fertility rate in Latin America, and one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. Gratis. 5 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.

Calvary Chapel Services in La Antigua Every Sunday



CONMEMORACIÓN – El Día de Los Reyes Magos; Epifanía.

COMMEMORATION – Day of the Magi; Epiphany.

2 Jueves

Calvary Chapel Services in La Antigua. English/ Spanish church. ccantigua.org. 7 PM. Meets at the Lutheran Center, 1a Avenida Norte #35.


7 Martes

The Maya Meetings 2014. For the first time in over a decade, the Maya Meetings series of conferences will focus on the archaeology and history of Tikal, one of the great kingdoms of ancient Maya civilization. The conference and workshops will feature new research on various fronts, revealing changes in our conception of Tikal as a city, as a court, and as a community. Workshops from January 7th through 9th will include: Intermediate Hieroglyphic Workshop (in English), Early Classic Inscriptions from Central Petén (in English), Taller de Jeroglíficos para Principiantes (en español), and Taller de Jeroglíficos para Nivel Intermedio (en español). More information: 7832-0760, utmesoamerica.org/maya/2014-maya-meetings. US$175 (general public), US$95 (students). Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española MAP D4. Mayan Dances by Indigenous Children from Nuevo Amanecer. K’a k’a’ Saqarik (Nuevo Amanecer or New Dawn) is a locally set-up charity dedicated to helping more than 30 indigenous children in San Andrés Itzapa. They are working hard to keep these children in good health, to educate them, and to preserve the local Mayan traditions, such as the language and dance, which are currently being lost at an alarming rate. See the show and learn more about this project and the Mayan culture. Suggested donation Q25. 5:30 PM. Rainbow Café, MAP D3. NGO

Oxford Bilingual Montessori Open House. Parents and kids are welcomed. More information: 7832-5969. Drop by between 9 AM and 5 PM. Oxford Bilingual Montessori School, 1a Avenida Norte, #35B. (Enter through the Centro Luterano), MAP B6. Inauguración de Exhibición: Vistas de Antigua por John Maxon. Ver la página 28 para más detalles. Gratis. 5 PM. Galería de Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Ave. Sur #19, MAP F4.

Presentation: Antigua Behind the Walls with Elizabeth Bell. Enjoy a one-hour presentation of La Antigua and its heritage through vintage and contemporary photographs, collected over the past 40 years, accompanied by Elizabeth Bell’s expert narration. Proceeds benefit educational programs in La Antigua. Questions encouraged. Autographed books available. Q30 per person. 6 PM. Hotel Sor Juana, 4a Calle Oriente #45.

Oxford Bilingual Montessori Open House. Parents and kids are welcomed. More information: 7832-5969. Drop by between 9 AM and 5 PM. Oxford Bilingual Montessori School, 1a Avenida Norte, #35B. (Enter through the Centro Luterano), MAP B6. Blessed Fruit of the Womb: a Fight for Reproductive Rights in Guatemala. A new documentary film from WINGS. Undeterred by Guatemala’s powerful religious organizations, conservative politicians, and a male-dominated culture that leaves women without a voice, Evelyn and Ester are two women who courageously travel the countryside on a journey to provide women with family planning education and access to contraceptive methods. It is a story about the fight for reproductive rights and freedom in a country gripped by staggering poverty, the highest fertility rate in Latin America, and one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. Gratis. 5 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4. NGO

La Antigua Curry Club. Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month to eat Indian food. A membership-based club, see website for more information: cernikovsky.com/curry.htm.

9 Jueves



Documentary: Dance of the Maize God Viernes 10 de Enero Casa Herrera

9 Oxford Bilingual Montessori Open House. Parents and kids are welcomed. More information: 7832-5969. Drop by between 9 AM and 5 PM. Oxford Bilingual Montessori School, 1a Avenida Norte, #35B. (Enter through the Centro Luterano), MAP B6. Documentary: Dance of the Maize God. A special preview screening of the documentary by director David Lebrun. The film enters the world of painted Maya vases to explore the royal life and rich mythology of the Maya, as well as the tangled issues involved in the collection and study of Maya art. Limited seating. More information: 7832-0760. Gratis. 7:30 PM. Casa Herrera, 4a Avenida Norte #9.

Más Música, Menos Violencia. Mesón Panza Verde presenta un recital único de estudiantes y talleristas del Sistema de Orquestas de Guatemala (SOG), una organización que busca el desarrollo, el fomento de valores y la inclusión de l@s niñ@s y jóvenes más vulnerables del país por medio de la práctica colectiva de la música. Todos los fondos recaudados será para apoyar las iniciativas del Sistema de Orquestas. Meson Panza Verde presents a unique concert by students of the Orchestra System of Guatemala (SOG), an organization that seeks development, the promotion of values, and the inclusion of the most vulnerable children and youth in the country through music. All funds raised will support SOG’s initiatives. Q150. 5 PM. Mesón Panza Verde, MAP F4.

¡Magnífica y amarilla! Toma fotos. Ve a misa. Explore las ruinas del convento (Q5) y verás la que se cree la fuente más grande en Latino América. También hay una excelente vista desde el segundo nivel del campanario de la iglesia y del Volcán de Agua. Magnificent and yellow! Take photos. Go for mass. Explore the convent ruins (Q5) and see what is said to be the largest fountain in the Spanish Americas. There is also an excellent view of the church’s bell tower and Volcán Agua from the second floor.

Clases de Frances. Inicio de los cursos de 2014. alianzafrancesantigua@gmail.com, 7832-8910, 78320804. Alianza Francesa de La Antigua, 2a Avenida Sur #25, MAP F6.

14 Martes

El Convento Mercedario & La Merced

Captain Philips. Tom Hanks stars in this film based on the true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two hundred years. In English con subtítulos en español. 5:30 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.

13 Lunes



11 Sábado

SIMPOSIO: The Maya Meetings 2014: Tikal y Sus Vecinos. Académicos reconocidos y emergentes impartirán ponencias en un simposio especial sobre la investigación arqueológica e historia de Tikal. En español e ingles; estará disponible traducción simultánea. Más información: goo.gl/fmiUHd, 7832-0760. US$110 (público en general) y US$75 (estudiantes). Viernes 9 AM-5 PM y sábado 10:30 AM-3:30 PM. Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española MAP D4.

Lecture evening: Life in Guatemala: Brief History and Current Conditions. Presented by Sue Patterson, a retired US Foreign Service officer living in La Antigua. She is a former US Consul General in Guatemala and has served in Chile, Iran, and Italy. She is also the founder of WINGS, a non-profit dedicated to reproductive health and family planning. Sue is the recipient of numerous awards for her work, most recently the 2003 Sargent Shriver Award for Outstanding Humanitarian Service from the National Peace Corps Association of America. Suggested donation Q25. 5:30 PM. Rainbow Café, MAP D3. NGO

Feria. Municipio de Santa Catarina Barahona, Sacatepéquez, en celebración al Cristo Negro de Esquipulas.

Feria. Municipio de Santa María de Jesús, Sacatepéquez, en celebración al Cristo Negro de Esquipulas.

15 Miércoles



10 La Antigua Curry Club. Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month to eat Indian food. A membership-based club, see website for more information: cernikovsky.com/curry.htm.

Niños de Jardinería. Actividad para los niños de jardinería con el vivero de Escalonía. Mas información a alianzafrancesantigua@gmail.com, afantiguacultura@ gmail.com, 7832-8910, 7832-0804. Alianza Francesa de La Antigua, 2a Avenida Sur #25, MAP F6.

Blessed Fruit of the Womb: a Fight for Reproductive NGO Rights in Guatemala. A new documentary film from WINGS. Undeterred by Guatemala’s powerful religious organizations, conservative politicians, and a male-dominated culture that leaves women without a voice, Evelyn and Ester are two women who courageously travel the countryside on a journey to provide women with family planning education and access to contraceptive methods. It is a story about the fight for reproductive rights and freedom in a country gripped by staggering poverty, the highest fertility rate in Latin America, and one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. Gratis. 5 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.

Education for the Children (EFTC) presents the Big Volcano Challenge. This challenge of a lifetime involves climbing Volcanoes Pacaya, Acatenango, and San Pedro over four days and camping overnight on the volcanic slopes to raise funds to help improve the lives of children living in poverty. See this month’s Non-Profit Bites on page 104 for more information or visit www.eftc.org.uk/volcano-challenge.

Jobs. Starring Ashton Kutcher and Dermot Mulroney. The story of Steve Jobs’ ascension from college dropout to one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century. In English, con subtítulos en español. 5:30 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.


Kon-Tiki. A film about legendary explorer Thor Heyerdal’s epic 4,300-mile crossing of the Pacific on a balsawood raft in 1947, in an effort prove that it was possible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Columbian times. In English con subtítulos en español. 7 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.


Blessed Fruit of the Womb: a Fight for Reproductive Rights in Guatemala. A new documentary film from WINGS. Undeterred by Guatemala’s powerful religious organizations, conservative politicians, and a male-dominated culture that leaves women without a voice, Evelyn and Ester are two women who courageously travel the countryside on a journey to provide women with family planning education and access to contraceptive methods. It is a story about the fight for reproductive rights and freedom in a country gripped by staggering poverty, the highest fertility rate in Latin America, and one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. Gratis. 5 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4. NGO

28 Martes

Lecture Evening: The Riecken Foundation: Modern NGO Community Libraries. Learn all about The Riecken Foundation, an organization which promotes democracy and prosperity in Central America through community libraries that spark a spirit of discovery and foster social participation. They support and coordinate with a network of 65 lending libraries in Guatemala and Honduras that offer free access to technology, books, and dynamic programming that engage communities to generate opportunities for themselves. Suggested donation Q25, all of which goes directly to the charity. 5:30 PM. Rainbow Café, MAP D3.



Tarde deportiva. En Jocotenango en XtremaBungee (Callejón San Isidro 54543805). Mas información a alianzafrancesantigua@gmail. com, afantiguacultura@gmail. com, 7832-8910, 78320804. Alianza Francesa de La Antigua, 2a Avenida Sur #25, MAP F6.

Blessed Fruit of the Womb: a Fight for Reproductive NGO Rights in Guatemala. A new documentary film from WINGS. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. Gratis. 5 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.

30 Jueves



No se aceptan devoluciones. Una encantadora y conmovedora comedia/drama sobre un hombre que se ha hecho una nueva vida para sí mismo y para la hija que fue dejada en la puerta de su casa hace seis años. Su familia está amenazada cuando la madre biológica resurge. En español. 6:30 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.

Lecture Evening: Los Patojos: Forming Leaders for NGO Guatemala. Asociación Los Patojos is an alternative educational program for more than 250 children and teenagers that live in Jocotenango. The project serves the children by providing school scholarships, tutoring, cultural programs, meals, and a medical clinic. Suggested donation Q25, all of which goes directly to the charity. 5:30 PM. Rainbow Café, MAP D3.






26 Domingo

Conferencia: La restauración de una residencia colonial: el ejemplo de la Casa Popenoe. Ver la página 22 para más. Más información: 2338-7959, historia-ufm@ufm. edu, bit.ly/IBLGJm. Q30; estudiantes y guías de turismo Q15. 4 PM. Casa Popenoe, 6a Calle Oriente #16.

When the Mountains Tremble. Documentary about the war between the Guatemalan military and the Mayan population, with firsthand accounts by Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchú. In English & español, with English subtitles. 7 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.


Donde Acaban Los Caminos. Una adaptación fílmica de la novela homónima de Mario Monteforte Toledo, que muestra los distintos problemas que atraviesa la relación de un joven médico, quien llegó a prestar sus servicios a un pequeño poblado del interior de la República de Guatemala, con la hija de uno de los campesinos indígenas del lugar, de quien se enamora. En español. 7 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.

Back-to-School Fundraising Party for Niños de Guatemala. Live music, cheap drinks, dancing. Receive a free drink for donating pencils, crayons, or notebooks. 7 PM. Kafka, 3a Calle Poniente #4, MAP C4. NGO

31 Viernes




Taller: Jarines Verticales. Sobre cómo construir y mantener jardines verticales. Gratis. 10 AM. Vivero y Cafe de La Escalonia, 5a Avenida Sur Final #36C, MAP F4.

Elysium. Matt Damon and Jodie foster star in this thought-provoking film of a distopian future. In the year 2154, the wealthy live on a man-made space station, while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. One man decides to buck the system and take on a mission that could bring equality to this polarized society. In English con subtítulos en español. 7 PM. The Bagel Barn, MAP D4.


Música en vivo Live Music i

La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) Charlie y su Guitarra Mágica. 7 PM Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Eric Fry. Rock. 7:30 PM i



Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Open Mic. 7:30 PM Segafredo (MAP D4) Salsa. 10 PM-12:30 AM

La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) Grupo Sol Latino. Andean. 7 PM La Sala (MAP E4) Guest Artists. Las Palmas (La Antigua) Grupo Caribe. Salsa. 9 PM-12 AM

Segafredo (MAP D4) Funk. i

Las Palmas (La Antigua) Gilberto, Trujillo, Bryan & René. Bossa Nova Mix. 8-11 PM

La Cueva Panza Verde (MAP F4) Latin Guitar. Q35. 8-10 PM


Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Guest Artists. 7:30 PM

Viernes Fridas’ El Atico Bar (MAP C4) Guest Artists.

Segafredo (MAP D4) Disco & DJ. 10 PM-12:30 AM i


La Sala (MAP E4) Electro House.

La Cueva Panza Verde (MAP F4) Guest Artists. A wonderfully eclectic mix of artists, each with their own style. Q100. 5-6:30 PM

Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Gustavo. Latin & Western. 7:30 PM




La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) Grupo Sol Latino. Andean. 7 PM

Kafka (MAP C4) Latin, rock & pop. 8-11 PM

Ocelot (MAP D5) Guest Artists. 8:30 PM

Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Gustavo. Latin & Western. 7:30 PM

La Cueva Panza Verde (MAP F4) Jazz Duo with Lisandro de León. Q35. 8-10 PM

La Cueva Panza Verde (MAP F4) Buena Vista de Corazón with Ignacio Perez on Congas & Aniet Gonzáles on Flute. Salsa. Q35. 8-10 PM

Las Palmas (La Antigua) Gilberto, Trujillo, Bryan & René. Bossa Nova Mix. 8-11 PM

La Sala (MAP E4) Buena Vista de Corazón with Don Ignacio Perez. Salsa. 9 PM


Fridas’ El Atico Bar (MAP C4) Guest Artists.

La Sala (MAP E4) DJ Jason Robles. Latin.



Elú at El Convento (MAP B6) Saxophone. 6:30-9:30 PM

La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) Grupo Sol Latino. Andean. 7 PM

La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) David. Coffee House Jazz. 7 PM





La Cueva Panza Verde (MAP F4) Guest Artists. Q35. 8-10 PM









Kafka (MAP C4) Latin, rock & pop. 8-11 PM La Cueva Panza Verde (MAP F4) Lation Trio with Denis Medina on Cubano Tres. Salsa. Q35. 8-10 PM

Domingos La Fonda de la Calle Real (MAP D4) Marimba. 1-4 PM La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) Grupo Sol Latino. Andean. 7 PM

La Peña de Sol Latino (MAP D3) Grupo Sol Latino. Andean. 7 PM

La Sala (MAP E4) Salsa.

La Sala (MAP E4) Nö Escuse. Electro-Cumbia.

Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Kenny Molina. Latin. 7:30 PM

Las Palmas (La Antigua) Grupo Caribe. Salsa. 9 PM-12 AM

Restaurante Las Velas (MAP E3) Joya Colonial. Marimba. 9 AM-4 PM

Rainbow Café (MAP D3) Bonfire Night with Guest Artists. 8 PM Welten (MAP D6) Julio & César. 8-10 PM


Vistas de Guatemala



riginally from Wyoming, John Maxon developed an expansive view of nature and the spiritual essence it imbued. Later while living in the San Francisco Bay area, his delight in the effects of light and color led him to become an artist at the young age of 15. His natural ability was encouraged, and at 16 he began formally studying art, eventually earning Bachelor of Arts from San Jose State University and a Master of Fine Art from University of California Davis, both in painting. During his formative years in the Bay Area, the movements of the late ’60s and early ’70s were strong influences on John, and his work began to reflect the style and perceptions of this period. But it was not until the early 1980s that he began to show his work more seriously and on a wider scale, attracting the attention of collectors with his abstract landscapes, which convey a sense of

spirit and offer a unique perspective on the patterns and contours of the Earth. John strives to represent human inevitabilities through his art. “Paint the struggle. Paint the joy. Above all, paint the Truth.” His desire to paint the great beauty that surrounds us and to share his own personal joy is found in his abstract landscapes and expressive use of color. “As the days progress, I certainly feel very blessed and inspired,” and it is this inspiration that he shares with us. John Maxon will be showing his work in an exhibition entitled Vistas de Guatemala at Galería Panza Verde (MAP F4), opening on January 8th at 5 PM. www.panzaverde. com, 7832-2925. To read John’s complete bio, visit www.johnmaxon.com. For more information, contact him at johnmaxon@ mac.com.

riginario de Wyoming, John Maxon desarrolló una amplia vista de la naturaleza y la esencia espiritual que le imbuyó. Más tarde, mientras vivía cerca de la bahía de San Francisco en California, su deleite en los efectos de luz y color le llevaron a convertirse en un artista a la temprana edad de 15 años. Su capacidad natural fue alentada, y a los 16 comenzó a estudiar formalmente el arte, y finalmente obtuvo un título Bachelor en Artes de la Universidad Estatal de San Jose (California) y una Maestría en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de California Davis, ambas en pintura. Durante sus años formativos en el área de la bahía de San Francisco, los movimientos de los años 60 y principios de los 70 fueron una fuerte influencia en John, y su obra comenzó a reflejar el estilo y la percepción de este período. Pero no fue sino hasta principios de los 1980 que empezó a mostrar su trabajo más en serio y en una escala más amplia, atrayendo la atención de coleccionistas con sus paisajes abstractos que transmiten un sentido de espíritu y que ofrecen una perspectiva única de los patrones y los contornos de la Tierra. John se esfuerza por representar lo inevitable de la humanidad a través de su arte. “Uno debe pintar la lucha. Pintar la alegría. Por encima de todo, pintar La Verdad.” Su deseo de pintar la gran belleza que nos rodea y de compartir su propia alegría personal se encuentra en sus paisajes abstractos y el uso expresivo del color. “Mientras avanzan los días, ciertamente me siento muy bendecido e inspirado”, y es esta inspiración que comparte con nosotros. John Maxon expondrá su trabajo en una exposición titulada Vistas de Guatemala en la Galería Panza Verde (MAPA F4). La inauguración será el 8 de enero a las 5 PM. www.panzaverde.com, 7832-2925. Para leer la biografía completa de John, visita www. johnmaxon.com. Para más información, se puede comunicar con él a johnmaxon@mac. com. Traducción por Kevin Cole


John Maxon Guatemala #7 óleo sobre lienzo Oil on canvas 36” x 48”

John Maxon Guatemala #8 óleo sobre lienzo Oil on canvas 36” x 48”



Mind & Body

Todos los días Spa Special. Two relaxing massages, Q300. 7832-8106. El Reposo, MAP B3. Spa Special. Deluxe Pedicure / Pedicure Deluxe. Pamper your feet with natural organic products and an extensive massage and reflexology session / Cuida tus pies con productos naturales orgánicos y un largo y rico masaje con reflexología. prana-antigua.com, 5903-1002. Q140. Prana Holistic Center.

Chocolate Therapy Massage. Massage applied with a chocolate and orange balm. The balm penetrates and nourishes your skin, leaving you de-stressed and ready to take on the day. (You will not need to shower afterward.) prana-antigua.com, 5903-1002. Prana Holistic Center.

Cognitive and Psychomotor Rehabilitation. For babies, children, young adults, and adults who need special one-on-one attention. Focuses on complete cognitive, motor, social, and emotional development. Individual session by appointment only. prana-antigua.com, 5906-7230. Q200/50m. Prana Holistic Center.

Private Yoga Classes. Please call to make a reservation. pranaantigua.com, 5903-1002. Prana Holistic Center. One-day Intensive Hot Stone Massage Workshop. 2 to 4 people. Materials supplied, and coffee break included. Please bring your own lunch. pranaantigua.com, 5903-1002. Q500. 9:30 AM-5:30 PM. Prana Holistic Center.

The Artist’s Way Creative Workshop based on Julia Cameron’s books. Provides tools to help you reconnect to your creative side. Call for information about specific dates. prana-antigua.com, 5903-1002. Q120 plus donation for 12-week course. 7-9:30 PM. Prana Holistic Center.

Todos los lunes Spa Special. Cleansing facial and 1-hr massage. 7832-8106. US$46. El Reposo, MAP B3. YogAntigua Here & Now Yoga. Traditional poses held with awareness. It is a meditative yin session whose main focus is to align the mind with the practice to be fully present in what we are doing, and therefore gain great spiritual and physical benefits. Taught by Marco Barbi. yogantigua.com, 4081-8845. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes, or Q500 for 10 classes. 8:30-10 AM. Panza Verde, MAP F4. Free Guided Meditation Class. Given by various leaders. prana-antigua.com, 5903-1002. 6-6:45 PM. Prana Holistic Center.

Todos los martes Spa Special. 1-hour cacao relaxing massage and 30-min reflexology. 7832-8106. Q300. El Reposo, MAP B3.

Todos los miércoles YogAntigua Vinyasa. Combines flowing movements linked with breath, core strengthening, flexibility, and endurance. An advanced class for those in good physical condition and who want a strong workout. Taught by Liz van Leeuwen. yogantigua. com. 5251-4809. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes, or Q500 for 10 classes. 8:30-9:45 AM. Panza Verde, MAP F4. YogAntigua Foundations. An ideal class for beginners and other practitioners, who want to focus on the foundations of yoga – body awareness, alignment, and breath work (pranayama) – and increase strength and flexibility. A holistic approach to yoga, including yamas and niyamas. Taught in Spanish and English by Liz van Leeuwen. yogantigua.com. 5251-4809. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes, or Q500 for 10 classes. 10:15-11:30 AM. Panza Verde, MAP F4.

Todos los jueves Spa Special. Full body cacao scrub and cacao relaxing massage. 78328106. Q335. El Reposo, MAP B3. Early Stimulation Class for Babies. Taught by Ana Luisa Penagos Moreno. For babies 0 to 12 months. prana-antigua.com, 5906-7230. Q320/month. 9:3010:30 AM. Prana Holistic Center.

Pre-/Post-Natal Yoga. Postures are adapted to the various stages of your pregnancy. Post-natal yoga is ideal to get you back into shape and to create special moments with your child. With Nancy Payne. prana-antigua. com. 5903-1002, 5262-8161. Q50. 5:30 PM. Prana Holistic Center.

Meditación Camino del Diamante / Diamond Way Buddhist Meditation. 5165-9457, 5453-2423; diamondwayantigua@ gmail.com. 7:30 PM.

Todos los viernes Spa Special. Bamboo massage. 7832-8106. US$15. El Reposo, MAP B3. YogAntigua Sivananda. A form of natural Hatha yoga involving proper breathing, asanas, relaxation & positive thinking, designed to suit beginners to advanced students. Taught by Heidi Kusters. yogantigua.com, 5786-8934. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes, or Q500 for 10 classes. 8:30-9:45 AM. Panza Verde, MAP F4.

Todos los sábados YogAntigua Vinyasa Flow. Combines flowing movements linked with breath, core strengthening, flexibility, and endurance. Suitable for all levels: beginners to advanced students. Taught by Salina Duncan. yogantigua.com, 4589-4826. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes, or Q500 for 10 classes. 9-10:30 AM. Panza Verde, MAP F4. Baby Massage Class. For babies 0 to 9 months. Connect and bond with your baby in the early months of life. Baby massage helps to relieve gas, colic, and constipation. Provides stimulation for your baby and a sense of wellbeing and relaxation for both mom and baby. Taught by Ana Luisa Penagos Moreno, baby massage certified (IAIM) instructor. prana-antigua. com, 5906-7230. Q850/5 sessions. 10:30 AM-12 PM. Prana Holistic Center. Spa Special. Bamboo massage. 7832-8106. US$15. El Reposo, MAP B3.

15 Todos los domingos YogAntigua Deep Stretch. A deeply therapeutic stretching class. Suitable for all levels with modifications for beginners or advanced students with a focus on alignment awareness and body connection. Taught by Liz van Leeuwen. yogantigua. com, 5251-4809. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes, or Q500 for 10 classes. 9-10:30 AM. Panza Verde, MAP F4. Spa Special. Reflexology. 7832-8106. US$14. El Reposo, MAP B3.

Mascarilla Sanadora de Aguacate Mezcla ¼ de aguacate, 3 cucharadas de yogurt, 1 cucharada de miel y 2 cucharadas de harina de avena, para hacer una mascarilla facial de 15 minutos de aplicación. Las vitaminas y los minerales en el aguacate hidratan y equilibran el nivel de pH de la piel, y el yogurt estimula la producción de colágeno, suavizando las líneas de expresión.

Avocado Mending Mask Mix together a ¼ of an avocado, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, for a 15-minute facemask. The vitamins and minerals in avocado rehydrate while balancing the skin’s pH level, and the yogurt stimulates collagen production, smoothing fine lines.

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onterrico es un lugar favorito para los amantes de la playa para disfrutar de arena negra volcánica, agua salada, puestas de sol, brisas tropicales y cocteles. Es también el hogar de muchos animales y aves. Mientras que estás descansando en una hamaca en el lado Pacífico de la isla, lo más probable es ver pelícanos rasando la superficie del agua, y si estás allí durante la temporada correcta, tal vez tengas la suerte de ver una tortuga marina gigante arrastrándose hasta la playa o una ballena jorobada saltando del agua a lo largo del horizonte. Pero usualmente la mayoría de la fauna está en el lado de la isla frente al Canal de Chiquimulilla, donde un laberinto de canales de agua salobre y un bosque de manglares son un hogar para una gran variedad de especies como el caimán, la iguana verde y el martinete común. Interesados pueden visitar la reserva natural Biotopo Monterrico-Hawaii para ver este ecosistema costero único. Para más información, visita www.visitmonterrico.com.


onterrico is a favorite spot for beach lovers to enjoy sandy shores, saltwater, sunsets, tropical breezes, and cocktails. It’s also home to many animals and birds. While you’re lazing in a hammock on the Pacific side of the island, you’ll likely see pelicans skimming the water’s surface, and if you’re there during the right season, maybe you’ll be lucky enough to see a giant sea turtle crawl onto shore or a humpback whale breach out along the horizon. But most of the time, the majority of the fauna are enjoying themselves on the Chiquimulilla Canal side of the island, where a maze of brackish waterways and a mangrove forest are home to a myriad of species like the caiman alligator, the green iguana, and the black-crowned night heron. Interested visitors can tour the Biotopo Monterrico-Hawaii Nature Reserve to see this unique coastal ecosystem. For more information, visit www.visitmonterrico.com.


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