Quinceañera Magazine Colorado Fall-Winter 2022

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On our Cover:


Hola a todos! Me llamo Lucero Plascencia, actualmente tengo 15 años de edad, y estoy muy feliz de poder empezar esta nueva etapa de mi vida. Antes de todo me gustaría contarles un poco de mi para que me conozcan mejor. El pasado 11 de Agosto cumplí mis 15 años, tuve la dicha de tener mi fiesta de quince años el cual me siento muy agradecida con dios, no solo porque pude disfrutar ese día tan especial con las personas que más quiero y aprecio, si no también porque durante el proceso conocí personas increíbles que me ayudaron a llegar hasta donde lo estoy ahora, como lo es el equipo de Quinceañera Magazine Colorado, me gustaría agradecerles el gran apoyo que me brindaron desde el principio, y el acompañarme durante el proceso de uno de mis grandes sueños. Tengo 4 hermanos, tres hermanas y un hermano, y yo soy la menor. Estoy muy agradecida con Dios por haberme dado los padres que me dio, entre ambos me han enseñado a ver la vida de la mejor manera. La vida nos ha puesto muchos obstáculos, no todo ha sido facil, pero estoy segura de que si no fuera por eso no seríamos las personas que somos hoy en día. Desde niña me enseñaron a vivir cada día como si fuera el último, y así me gusta hacerlo, me gusta disfrutar desde el primer paso que doy al levantarme de mi cama, no sin antes agradecer el estar viva un día más, me gusta recordarle a la gente que amo lo feliz que me siento de tenerlos en mi vida, me gusta hacerlos sentir bien, tratar de hacerlos sonreír, porque si le sonríes a la vida, la vida de sonríe de vuelta. Hablando un poco más de lo que me gusta hacer, me gusta mucho hacer ejercicio, disfruto el poder ayudar a mi cuerpo y a mi salud, también me gusta mucho leer, mi mama me dijo una vez que leer era la manera más sabia para cultivar mi mente y aprender cosas nuevas. Actualmente curso el décimo grado en High School, mi escuela ofrece un programa de Air Force Junior el cual tiene muchos equipos de marchas en honor a la fuerza militar, uno de ellos está titulado como “Reds” que es el equipo en el que desempeño parte de mi talento para el programa de Air Force Junior ROTC, disfruto el poder representar algo tan importante para mi escuela y mi país. Ahora que saben un poco más de mi me gustaría darle un pequeño consejo a las demás niñas de mi edad, niñas, vayan tras lo que quieren, nunca permitan que nada ni nadie les digan que no pueden, porque nosotras somos capaces de hacer hasta lo imposible, tengan siempre en mente, que ustedes son capaces de volar tan alto como su mente lo pueda imaginar, durante el transcurso de su vida conocerán personas que les dejarán una enseñanza diferente, no se detengan solo por que algo no salió como lo planeado, no hay mujer o persona perfecta, tengan siempre en mente que pueden lograr cuanta meta se propongan, pero sobre todo, siéntanse siempre agradecidas con la vida, por haber tenido la oportunidad de llegar hasta donde lo están. Disfruten cada segundo de su vida a el máximo.

DRESS BY : Daisy’s Boutique HAIR & MAKEUP : ELizabeth Rodriguez COVER PHOTOS: Alan Castillo Photogrpahy
Your new Miss Cover Girl Fall-Winter 2022 Lucero FOR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL (720) 707-8357


Lucero Plascencia

6 QM Fall- Winter 2022 Denver, Colorado SAN ANTONIO, TX José Medrano NEW YORK Maria Bejarano KANSAS CITY Jackie Camargo LEON, MEXICO Andres Ramirez CULIACAN, MEXICO Gabriela Nuñez NATIONAL DIRECTOR Rafael Aguayo SACRAMENTO Javier Ramírez PHOENIX Emma Barrio SOUTHERN CA Norma Capitanachi FLORIDA Heidi Sulpher SAN DIEGO Marco A. Salcedo DALLAS/FORTWORTH José Medrano SALT LAKE CITY Aaron Franco CHICAGO Rocío Martinez AUSTIN, TX Jose´ Medrano LAS VEGAS Rafael Aguayo DENVER Luis and Veronica Reyes WASHINGTON DC Yamila Chacon OREGON Tania de La Vega CENTRAL VALLEY Del Mar Co. IOWA Catalina Arredondo NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSS QuinceanerasMagazine.com 2022© Quinceañera Magazine®. Is a semestral publication. All materials are copyright protected. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. Quinceañera Magazine® does not asume COMENTARIOS Y SUGERENCIAS POR FAVOR DIRIJALAS POR ESCRITO A: info@quinceanerasmagazine.com
On our Cover: FOR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL (720) 707-8357 DRESS BY : Daisy’s Boutique HAIR & MAKEUP : ELizabeth Rodriguez COVER PHOTOS: Alan Castillo Photogrpahy




Discover it Yourself

26 QM Fall- Winter 2022 Denver, Colorado A photo booth at your Quinceanera is fun and exciting and we provide 5 reasons why they make your party even more special! 1. Guests keep their photos, a great memory from a great time at your quince. 2. You get a guest photo album with a copy of their photos! 3. Your guests will love the props and the photo opportunity. 4. Suitable for all ages!! 5. You give the guests something to do during the downtime at your reception. Photo booths give life to your Quinceañera and are a definite must have to make your quince day go from great to amazing!!

The Venue


The location for both your ceremony and reception play a vital role in setting the ambiance of your quinceañera. They are also important in helping execute the ideas you have for decoration and theme.

Since both locations will depend greatly on whatever your budget allows, you’ll need to consider the benefits and disadvantages of each venue you visit. A few things to consider are distance, space capacity, special accommodations, rental permits and fees, outdoor/indoor spaces, décor limitations, additional costs.

A few of the most common places where you can host your quince are hotels, reception halls, restaurants and someone’s backyard. All of them have details that work for and against your favor. To help you decide which is best for you, here is a side-by-side comparison of a few of the details you need to consider.

Pros & Cons of Venue Locations



• They have lots of space

• Lobby space

• Rooms for your out of town guests

• Ballroom options

• They have their own setup

• They’re fully staffed


•They will set everything up for you

•They clean up after the party

•Lots of parking

•Party Packages


• Great food

• No decoration needed

• Great service

•More strict on vendors and guests

•Outside hotel guests

•May not allow outside vendors

• No time restrictions

• You can pick all of your own vendors

• You can serve your own food and drinks

• Guests feel comfortable to be in a place they’re familiar with


•May not allow outside vendors

•Limited space

•You are on a strict time schedule

•May charge extra for additionals

• Less expensive than renting

reception hall or hotel

• May need to decorate more

• Set-up/Clean everything yourselves

• Limited space

• May not be as formal as you’d like

• Weather may affect your party

• Neighbors may not like all the noise and guests



• They offer a combined ceremony/ reception


• Limited space

• Small dance floor (if there is one)

• Your guests may have to sit in different rooms

• Could be a golf club, a private man sion, a church or any other facility with event space

Less stress

• You don’t have to find any of your own vendors

• Cookie-cutter quince; hardly any room for creativity.

• A big challenge to transform the event room.

• Sometimes they hold multiple events


Finding the perfect venue

Now that you’re close to finally deciding where to have your quince, it’s time to start narrowing down your top choices. Use this list of questions to help select the best location for you. Ask each venue representative the questions below and see how their answers measure up to one another’s. Then, select the venue that best fits your needs.


Location name, address phone number

How many guests can this locatio hold?

Is my Quince date available?

Do they haveall-inclusive packages?

Can I bring my own vendors?

Can I bring my own food and drinks?

What time frame would be available?

Can I bring my own DJ/Banda/Mariachi?

Do they have designated parking?

Can I practice my waltz and baile sorpresa here?

Do they provide tables and decorations?

What is your cancelation policy?

Any restrictions I should be aware of?

How do I make the payments?

Do I need additional insurance?

Photo courtesy of Eduardo’s Reception Hall / Phoenix, AZ
$ Price Range Deposit Required


Looking to add a touch of originality to the style of your

Sleeves, capes, straps…

The strapless dress was once the most popular design for quinceanera gowns. Two of the latest trend in quinceaneras gowns are dresses with sleeves and/or embellished straps that go off the shoulders and adding capes to the already stunning gown. In our magazine view all the collections with sleeves, straps, and cape options. There are many to choose from off-the-shoulder silhouettes, detachable capes, beaded vintage cap sleeves, straps with feathers, and many more designs. Add that touch of originality to your style and be as unique and beautiful as you want to be.

42 QM Fall- Winter 2022 Denver, Colorado

The 12 month countdown

Prepare yourself:

Now that you have a general idea of what your vision is, what you would like and who you would like to work with, it’s time to prepare yourself mentally. As mentioned earlier that the planning of your quince was going to be an emo tional roller coaster with ups and downs, yet still an adventure. It will get to a point where that’s all that anyone is talking about and all that you’re thinking about. Throughout this pages there will be tips on how to stay stress free. However, be ing stressed out, overwhelmed and tired are not reasons throw tantrums or be disrespectful to anyone. Celebrating this new chapter in your life comes with the privilege of having a party but also with the expectation that you carry yourself in a lady-like way. All eyes are on you, and you never know whose watching, who’s looking up to you or how much work behind the scenes is taking place to make this day extra special. Be kind. Be prepared.

any Pickday: a day,

The date you choose should be a day that all of your guests can attend or make arrange ments in advance if they’re planning on trav eling from out of state or country. Don’t get so caught up in the planning that you acci dently schedule it on a National Holiday or other event. You want to be considerate of other people’s beliefs and special days.

“Here’s a list of days for you to think twice about”

Let’s get to work

44 QM Fall- Winter 2022 Denver, Colorado • New Year’s Eve/Day • Mother’s Day • Father’s Day • Fourth of July Weekend • March 17th St. Patrick’s Day • Thanksgiving Weekend • Super Bowl Sunday • Valentine’s Day • Halloween • Christmas Season

The month bymonth schedule

How exciting! Family meeting: Mom, Dad, I decided I want a Quinceañera and I want the best party ever! Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Quinceañera Magazine, websites... Start downloading and printing your favorite ideas. Register on quinceaneramagazine.com Go to a Quinceanera Magazine Expo in your area Set the magic date.

workCreate a guest list.

Plan a budget plan with your parents Pick padrinos

Set fitness goals

Pick your royal court/ corte de honor Book a place for your ceremony and reception

Choose a party theme

Hire quince planner (If you are using one)

Start looking for a photographer/videographer Create invitations

Decide what your damas and chambelanes will wear Decorations

Party Gifts (recuerdos) When personalized it may take up to 3 months to deliver.

Compile and determine the final guest list with names and addresses.

Start looking for invitations ideas Send save the dates

Hire photographer adn videogpher Start looking for your dress

Find your Chambelan and dama outfit

Order your quince gown

Find your shoes and accessories

Start inteviews on a makeup artist and hair stylist Select readings and songs for your ceremony

Look for a hotel for out of town guests

Negotiate group discounts.

Flowers and florist

Look for a choreographer

Start a basic gift registry list

Book your music, if is DJ, or live band. Have your pre-quince photoshoot Order your quince invitations Chambelan and dama tuxedo and dress fittings

If you will have jewelry, its time to start looking Book tent, lighting and other rentals if needed.

Schedule meetings and a cake tasting Book a choreographer

Review invitations proofs. Look for all the accessories (tiara, ramo, tocado, etc)

Rent a limo (Partybus, classic car, carriage, etc)

Meet with priest or ceremony officiant

Choose decorations Choose table linens

Choose centerpieces

Order cake

Start choosing songs for reception

Mom’s dress

Siblings outfits. Dad’s outfit

Make an appointment for your dress fitting Schedule a food tasting

Finalize guest list

Decide on waltz songs Decide on baile sorpresa song Schedule choreography practices

Time to mail invitations

Choose sitting cards

Arrange sitting chapter

Finalize all decorations

Hand out or mail out invitations

Finalize all choreography

Final trial run on your hair and makeup with accessories

Final dress fitting Ceremony practice

Confirm all of your vendors Make a timeline for your vendors

Set up final meeting with your florist

Arrange for people to help you seating and receving gifts at reception

Confirm with hotel for room reservations

Find out where other people will stay Have a final dress fitting

Have your dress steamed.

Pick up your dress

Call the limo company to confirm pick up time Get manicure and pedicure


Hair color or retouch

Break your heels in Practice your baile sopresa one more time

Prepare a “thank you” speech

Rehearse religious ceremony at location

46 QM Fall- Winter 2022 Denver, Colorado

Practice your speech

Final choreography practices

Write a program of your day

Give guest book, cake knife, champagne bottles and party favors to a person who will distribute them Confirm with your damas all outfits are put together and ready

Have your chambelanes go pick up their tuxedos

Relax. Go to bed early Avoid salty foods.

Practice your speech one more time Review and finalize seating chart If possible arrange a get together with your close family Feel the excitement



Check your dress for an additional steamWake up early. Have a good breakfast Get ready Be on time Relax and Enjoy Today is going to be a magical day!

Return rental tuxedos

Return all rentals

Thank all your guests

If preserving gown, send it to preservation company Send a thank you note to all the people that helped you.

Zayra De
Photo By:
Aguayo Dress: Mori Lee
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