Alumni Memories
FRESHMAN YEAR was the most memorable, I just had less classes to worry about and I made so many friends. Meeting everyone and little did I know I would meet people who would be in my life forever! —Abigail Kastenholz ’20
Putting on chemistry demonstrations with Dr. Luaders for the non-chemistry majors. Or having lunch with Dr. Natalini talking about medical school applications. —Adam King ’06
One of my favorite QU memories was volunteering at the Veteran’s Home during freshman orientation. —Amanda Bond England ’03 The day I turned 21 a group of us went to Larrys and each bought a bottle of beer. Then we went over to the park and consumed it and just enjoyed each others company for an hour or so. My birthday is April 15th and that year it was on a Wednesday. Each Wednesday until the end of the school year we repeated the get together. We called the group the “WNBC” or Wednesday Night Beer Club.
—Barbara (Koppes) Fitzke ’65
Late night breakfast if the caf durning finals. It was a good way to unwind a bit from all the stress and late night studying. — Amanda Probst (Betlach) ’06
Meeting new friends in the grad program that have become lifelong friends. And putting post-it notes all over Dr. Oliver’s car. —Amy Hasting ’07 & ’09
I participated in a study group for Comps at the end of senior year. The day we took our Comps, as each person finished, they went and sat in the bleachers above the gym floor. No one left the site until the last person in our group finished. Teamwork! —Barbara Brink (Ostermiller) ’72
Becoming a Hawkette and Senior Wine and Cheese Event! —Annie Arment ’17
I met some lifelong friends while at QU and have made many many memories...hanging out in Solano Hall, going to Night Prayer in the Chapel, hanging out with my best friends in the world talking about life, sitting out and watching the stars, I can’t pick just one. — Beth Lask ’02 Hog Wild Weekend - I enjoyed seeing everyone participate in fun, silly events. It was a great spring weekend to get outside. —Barbara Kuchar Walsh ’91
Sitting in the chapel at night praying and playing the piano. Also, having our daughter baptized in the chapel on the day that I graduated! —Beth Collins ’07 My fondest memories are in McHugh Theatre where I spent most of my free time. Mr. Fitz was an institution by the time that I attended college who both scared and delighted all of us. I loved participating in shows every semester of college and signing the wall backstage after every show. — Carol (Raidt) Frattini ’81
The community was so friendly. — Anthony Cook ’07
The hours upon hours of time spent on the courts with the Hawks Tennis team. —Bill Brooks ’03
Celebrating baseball victories with the student fan section down the left field line. Always a blast! —Brett Zurliene ’10
During an information weekend my parents and I sat down at a table with Missy Mueller and her mom. As we talked with one another we found out that we only lived a half hour from one another when we are at home and that we had many things in common with one another. From that weekend on Missy and I became life-long friends. QU was very instrumental in my making so many friends that are like family to me! — Colleen McDermott ’98
My favorite memories of QU are the people. I was not a traditional student. Transferring in as a sophomore I had been out of high school for many years and I was a mother. QU was welcoming and accepting. I cherish the people and relationships I made there overall. I met some of the best people. The faculty was amazing. Dr. Miles was my favorite professor. He was always eager to share and teach. QU helped me expand my thinking and become even more open minded and well rounded. My days there are some of the best days of my life. —Cheyanne Flynn ’13
I loved marching with the band and participating in Colorguard. — Caleigh Hayhurst/Adams ’17
I will always treasure the Christmas Concerts in the Chapel and the Graduation Brunch. One Christmas Concert I attended, rather than study for a Final Exam the next day, since I loved the concerts so much. As soon as I was seated, my professor sat down behind me, clearly seeing I was not home preparing for his exam. I prayed a lot during the concert! — Connie Book Alexander ’72
Playing soccer for the Hawks! — Christopher Ionta ’04
My favorite memory is all of the fun times in Solano Hall - making music, taking lessons, and meeting my future husband in band. —Christine Damm (Calabrese) ’95
Spending time with the Friars. They always opened their friary up to students. — Brother Stanley Rother Wagner (aka Joseph) ‘’10
Tending bar at Club 21. Opportunity to interact with so many QC classmates! — Dave Strupeck ’71 Actually four days with the same event. The first day I went to QC as a Freshman and then each of the three following three years when I returned as a sophomore, junior, and finally as a senior. Epochal days of my life. — Dan Tolbert ’68
I entered Quincy College in August of ‘68. I graduated in May, ‘72. IT. WAS. THE. BEST. FOUR. YEARS. OF. MY. LIFE! I was a theatre major from the very beginning. All the auditions, rehearsals and performances were memorable. Some more than others, but every one enjoyable in its own way. The thing I remember most was the daily gathering of most if not all of the theatre majors at one time or another in Mr. Fitz’s outer office. Talking, laughing, going over lines, reading or just being there. If you think about it, these were the best of times.
—Dean F. Showalter ’72
So many, but studying with friends & going to Niemann’s freshman year in our pajamas for late munchies. Beach themed party with a house full of delivered sand. —Debbie Outlaw ’87
My favorite memories always was game night. Being a basketball player at Quincy was very special because the whole town came out and was very excited to cheer us on to victory. The Christmas tournament was special because most of the students were gone home and the local fans would keep the Pepsi Center electric!!
— David Lakine ’89
My favorite memory from QU is being the student manager for men’s basketball team, and meeting new people and involvement with helping the athletic department. — Erin Enger ’20
My favorite memory from my time at QC, besides meeting my wife, Jill, has to be the cafeteria. Our group, the F-boys, sat at the first table where students would exit the food line and we had a rollicking great time! —Don Schmidt ’73
Winning the soccer intermural championship four years in a row! — Craig Manning ’97
If I had to pick just one memory, it would have to be Homecoming Week. I loved playing in the powderpuff game, sharing a meal with the priests, the dance, tailgating, the football game itself. Just anything and everything about tha week always makes my nostalgic. —Erin Grimes ’91
There were many but the highlight, of course, was getting married to Maureen Henning Altman (‘71) in the Chapel by Fr. Tom Brown. This spring will be 50 years. —Jack Altman ’70 As a homesick freshman, I was considering transferring to a school much closer to home. Walking to class one winter day in Francis Hall, I was greeted with “Hi, Eileen” by a friendly Franciscan friar who had never had me in class and I had no idea how he knew my name. Needless to say, the family feeling fostered at Quincy College changed my mind, and I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of my QC career! — Eileen Sullivan ’71
I have many. In the academic area, my favorite memories would be Fr. Aaron’s American History classes. They were interesting and challenging. I enjoyed his way of teaching and have retained what I learned!
— Ginny (Johnson) Camacho ’73
There’s too many to choose from! Top of the list would be: being a part of SPB, bringing acts to campus and also going to Boston & Nashville for conventions. Driving to Florida to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. Countless laughs participating in the theater programs and band & choir. —Hannah Kennedy (Kort) ’08
Beach Boys concert, fall of 1974, along with the gang of “Club 302” and friends. — George Hubbard ’77
My favorite memory was going to the cafe and socializing with my friends everyday, it was simple, but something I will always cherish and remember! —Hannah Howard ’19
Spending time with my sisters - Phi Sigma Sigma had a number of events (charity or social) as well as get togethers that increases our freindship. —Jamie Jenkinz ’17 Playing at home with my girls and beating Drury on a buzzer beater. Pepsi Arena was insane that night. — Hannah Weedman ’14
Senior year Fall Fest at the Outback house. Enjoying the weekend with my housemates and their families. We all gathered in the back yard with food and drink! —Gina Marketti Williams ’91 My favorite memory is the year I lived at North Campus. At times it felt like we were on our own little island. There were many late nights sitting in the hallway talking and laughing with friends. —Jera (Paris) Cofield ’99
I LOVED Hawk Wild my freshman year. My teammate tripped in the gym and split his chin open. Always an unforgettable memory. —Gabby Orlando ’19
I have made many lifelong friends from my QU days that I still see regularly now! Also a few instructors that impacted my life/career!!! Favorite memories from Psychology club to the Psych of Women presentation to grad school when I further developed my clinical skills and knowledge - there are many memories!! — Janice Winn ’07 & ’10 Homecoming parade and Balloon Glow right after. It was the one thing I always looked forward too every year. — Haylee Enyart ’19
One of my favorite memories from my QU days was in 1995 when the men’s basketball team went to the second round of the NCAA tournament. Every men’s basketball game at the end of the season was PACKED with fans and the student section was crazy with school spirit. My friends and I had a lot of fun supporting the men’s basketball team on the court! — Jen Lawlor (Niemira) ’95
I transferred to QC in the middle of my junior year. Most of my classes were in Solano Hall. It’s not easy to be the new kid, even as an adult. But the students and faculty were so welcoming and kind to me. I made great friends and had the best experiences in those Solano Hall days. —Jean Murray ’77 Among the many fond memories I have from my QU days too numerous to count, I will stick with October 24, 1983 and the first date I had with my best friend who would go on to become my future wife of now 31+ years. Who knew that freshman from Garner Hall would become my soul mate and mother to our four wonderful children? I guess she must have really liked the chicken divan at Pinocchio’s that night! Thank you Carolyn (Metzger) Naumovich (1987)! — Jim Naumovich ’85
So many memories! How about seeing The Association, Chubby Checker, Jim Croce and others. Watching the QC Hawks excellent soccer teams from 1970-1974. Going to St. Pat’s dances. Having fun in Garner and Lind Street Halls. There are many more memories! — Joanne Hettinger Kirchner ’74
Taking Mrs Bergman’s PE classes. — Joe Cygan ’00 Homecoming Weekends, Party’s at the Big Boy House, QC Baseball and Life long Friendships. — John Pankey ’84
There are so many to think about!! I loved my years at QU, and they are a big reason why I chose to live in Quincy when I graduated. I think one of my favorite memories, though, would be hanging out in the downstairs common room in Garner Hall and watching “Talk Soup,” “Space Ghost,” or terrible soap operas with my friends. We also always had to wait for one of us to learn the “very special lesson” from “Boy Meets World” before we could go to lunch. We had such a tight bond, I will be forever grateful! — Jenni (Howard) Moran ’01
The Day I Got Kicked Out of the Friary At this point in time you register for classes the next semester by class level, juniors, sophomores and then freshmen. There was a class that I knew that I might not get into as upper classmen might fill it up and it wasn’t offered every semester. The way that you registered for a class was to go to each department and pick up an IBM card and when the cards were gone that class was full. So myself and two other guys decided that the best way to ensure that we got into the class was to stay in Francis Hall all night to be first in line. We decided the best hiding place was in a closet in the hall way from Francis Hall into the Friary (some 50 friars lived in that building at the time). All went well until about 1:00 am, when the door to the closet opened and we heard a friar say “gentlemen I think you should leave the building”. It seems that when it’s quiet three voices even whispering can carry a long way down the hall. Good news is that I did make it back in time to get into that class. —Jerry Krogmeier ’74
Attending Quincy University helped shape and mold me into the person I am today! My senior soccer season definitely has several of my favorite memories including winning the GLVC and making it to the sweet 16 in the national tournament! —Jodi Chapie ’14
in 1977, I worked parttime in sports for The Quincy Herald-Whig. The soccer team went to the NAIA National Tournament and the newspaper sent me to Huntsville, Ala., for a week to cover the Hawks winning the national championship. I knew most of the players from class so it was a great experience. — John Potts ’79
I was pregnant with my second son during my sophomore year. Besides being a mom and full time student, I worked part-time. The real challenge became fitting into a classroom desk and not delivering before the end of the spring semester. It all worked out perfectly; my son was born 16 hours after last my final exam. It was thrilling to finish to straight A semester. —Joanne Schrader ’92
Studying percussion with Hugh Soebbing — Joseph Pusateri ’81 My favorite memory of QU was being on the swim team my freshman year and making new friends! — Julianna Basler ’20
One of my favorite memories from QU is all the late nights spent in MacHugh Theatre having play and musical practice. I made so many friends in that dark space under the chapel. — Karen DePauw ’07
Hog Wild Weekends. — Kathy Corse ’90 Phi Sigma Sigma! — Kayleigh Ketchum ’19 Hawk Wild/Homecoming. — Ken Medo ’11
The QU Hawk experience including being part of the tennis team, writing for the school paper, hosting Mayor Dave Neussen, many class discussions, holiday services in the Chapel and fun with classmates at student center and Tower of Pizza were all memories that are forever cherished. — Kevin Wensing ’80
So many but I will highlight the many good times I had as a “Garner Girl” with hall decorations, candle lighting ceremonies, all-nighters, sunbathing on the roof, nonstop talking with my wonderful roomie, Terri and so much more. — Laura Cornille-Cannady ’79
Meeting the girls to found Phi Sigma Sigma. Also, living in the senior housing and making life long friends. —Kimberly Myers ’03
Walking back from class and trying to dodge the water balloons being launched out the windows of Willer Hall. Run fast or get wet!
— Lesley (Walker) Gooding ’97
My favorite memory is of the first day of orientation. I met so many awesome people that day who would become lifelong friends. — Kevin Brown ’94
Everything! My friends and I started The Brother Sun, Sister Moon Players and I loved having improv nights in Frank N Clare’s Coffee House. Also, being part of Campus Ministry, especially Koinonia! — Madonna Broeker ’01
Forming friendships that have lasted a lifetime! The senior brunch event/day will always be a memory I will cherish! —Kristin Grahovec ’02
I really loved my badminton, volleyball, & golf course with Mrs. Bergman. It was a lot of fun. — Lori Miller ’98
Working at WWQC Radio with Fr. Harry, and of course, Larry’s Tavern. — Mark Miller ’92 Going to San Antonio Texas with IMA and staying on the river walk. — Mary Lair (Glosier) ’14
I met my future husband, Andrew Henske, there— This has to be the best memory and art class with Father Tom. — Marilyn Panus Henske ’64
I enjoyed tailgating at the homecoming football game and catching up with alumni. I loved being a part of Phi Sigma Sigma and doing all of the events within the community.
—Melissa Brown Kiel ’90 My favorite memory during my QU days is attending 9 pm Sunday night mass. It was a great way to start the week. —Matthew Bailey ’94
Making life-long friends! — Melissa (Shea) Lynch ’00 Watching the beautiful campus scenery change throughout the seasons. —Madison DeRousse ’20 I loved all of the concerts. The Lovin Spoonfuls, The Chad Mitchell Trio with John Denver. I can’t remember anymore but I did go to all of them. — Mary M Downing ’70
Enjoyed living at Centennial East and in student houses on Lind Street. Remember Saturday night steak in the Cafe and studying in the cubes in the library. — Mary Renner Behan ’72
Being a part of the massive effort in moving the books from the old library to the new library. —Mary Lynch Wolf ’70
Kiwanis Christmas Coloring Book! I enjoyed tailgating at the homecoming football game and catching up with alumni. I loved being a part of Phi Sigma Sigma and doing all of the events within the community.
— Melissa Brown Kiel ’09
Circle K food drives. — Michael Dietrich ’96 My favorite memory is meeting Dr. Combs and finding out that her first name was Michelle too! And we back the Michelle twins! — Michelle Walker ’20 I had such a wonderful time at Quincy College. So many memories. Mary Pat Clancy Lyons and I won a dance contest as partners when we were freshman. — Mimi Panico Sarwark ’76
As a History major we were required to call into Father F.J.’s office when we were sick and had to miss his class. My intramural team Makiyi were playing the Ballers for the championship in football that day and was the reason for my calling in sick so I could play. Halfway thru the game I hear someone badgering me from the sideline and look over and there was F.J. screaming at me in a most humorous way that I cut his class for this? He critiqued my play like George Carlin for the rest of the game. After we won, he gave me a hug and said “you should have just told me about the importance of the game. I still would have busted your chops but would have wished you luck.” We remained friends for the rest of his life and several times I went down to Chicago where he retired too and met him for lunch. A truly great man. Next to my parents, he was the most influential person in my life. I still miss him dearly! — Mike Sullivan ’75
Around 1962 or 1963 we were all living in Augustine Hall which is no longer there. One Saturday morning we all had a shaving cream fight in the bathroom of D wing. There was shaving cream everywhere, all over everything. A very good friend of mine, John Stenger, RIP, was standing at the long mirror shaving. Somebody yelled Apples. Apples was short for Father Apollinaris who was the resident proctor of the whole resident hall. Everybody ran out of the bathroom except John and myself. John was shaving and I was standing next to him with a hand full of shaving cream which John didn’t see. I said I had to run so I said see ya and then softly slapped John on the back with the hand that had all the shaving cream and ran out the door. John told me later that Apples had come in and seeing shaving cream everywhere ask him if he had anything to do with the shaving cream fight. John replied “absolutely not” Apples then took his hand and scraped John’s back coming away with a hand full of shaving cream. I don’t think John got in too much trouble but in later years whenever we met up I always brought up this story and we both laughed so hard we cried.
— Michael McTiernan ’66
From freshman orientation to graduation weekend. It’s all my favorite memory! Making life-long friends along the way. Fall fest, Hog wild, dorm life, amazing teachers and one of my favorite places on earth - the Chapel. — Monica Schafer Svetz ’91
There’s so many fun memories but I guess my favorite was always the little moments that add up like Sundays were homework days and then we would take a break and go to Fr John’s mass and then go back to studying, and Thursdays was Phi Sig meetings and then we’d all change out of our ritual attire and go to Jeds and Barney’s, another one was the philanthropy work we did either through Phi Sig sorority such as raising funds for Special Olympics, doing Polar Plunge, the 5K color run for Shannon Peters, and Princess for a Day and also volunteering through Circle K. My 5th year of undergrad was my favorite academically because the communication faculty literally changed my career path and I came out of that program stronger than I ever thought I could. All these random memories at QU some of the best and gave me lifelong friendships. —Pasha Yates ’15 & ’17
Being part of the Garner Hall RA gang and hanging out with housemates on Senior Row who remain close friends to this day! — Patricia Sullivan-Viniard ’82 QU hosted a Maynard Ferguson concert in downtown. Lucky to be part of the QU staff team and had a front row seat for one of the great trumpet players of our time. — Rob Huster ’99 Soccer! I loved watching the games, learning how it works, and playing intramural. — Roberta Meyer (Broeker) ’81 My favorite QU memories are all the fun times our tennis teams had hanging out together. We had a great group of people and had a ton of fun on and off the court. Glad to still keep in touch with many of them, and always look forward to catching up at homecoming. Fingers crossed we can have an inperson one this fall! — Patrick Kuhle ’16
Getting married to my wife Janise Denton in the Quincy College Chapel on Saturday, November 24, 1990. We had three of our favorite priests officiating: Fr. Titus Ludes, OFM, Fr. Phil Moriarity & Fr. J.J. Lakers, OFM. Wonderful day with family and friends ! — Paul Brown ’65 Lots of good memories from the Quincy College days. After all of these years, I still remember my very first class freshman year. History 101 taught by Fr. Aaron Pembleton, OFM. He walked into class dressed in a very fashionable suit and tie. He introduced himself and the pronounced that he flunks 80% of the class. Talk about motivation!
— Robert Erwin, Jr. ’76
QU hosted a Maynard Ferguson concert in downtown. Lucky to be part of the QU staff team and had a front row seat for one of the great trumpet players of our time. —Rob Huster ’99
Soccer! I loved watching the games, learning how it works, and playing intramural. — Roberta Meyer (Broeker) ’81 Homecoming and being close to all my friends. — Samantha Harshbarger ’20 Any psychology class with Dr. Michael Chase! — Susan Pierce ’02
After getting my RN at Quincy College / St Mary School of nursing in 1952 I went back to earn my BSN in the class of 76. I made many new and lifelong friends with other older students who were also returning to complete their bachelors degree. —Rosemary Wensing ’76
I have so many- truly my QU peeps are the best part of it. The friendships that I’ve had for over twenty years are some of the best in my life. But Hawk Wild and hanging out at Frank & Clare’ssome of my most fun memories. — Randi Cattero (Ramsey) ’00
Our favorite memory at QC was meeting each other in 1974. We also appreciate the values of a Franciscan Catholic education. Getting married in the chapel was a very beautiful and meaning experience for both of us and our families. We will always cherish our time and education at QC!
— Steve ’75 & Jan (Dickson) Koester ’77
One of my favorite memories of QU was Hawk Wild. My senior year I participated in jello wrestling which was a blast! There were tons of events on the obstacle courses that were a pleasure to watch & participate in. It was a day everyone truly came together and enjoyed each others presence. — Tabitha Beardsley (Strom) ’06
I will always remember how much of a community QC/ QU was during my time in Quincy. Their were always activities going on, and one of my favorite events/memories was the AirBand contests. This was the event of the year and was something to look forward. There are so many memories; from We are the World to Wilson many more. This was always a night to remember! — Todd Burrell ’92
There are so many! Being a member of the Orientation Committee, seeing the Gin Blossoms in concert on Campus, being a part of BACCHUS.... —Tiffany (Lowe) Black ’95
There are so many, but tonight I’m thinking about late night movie nights in the campus ministry house with amazing friends. — Timothy Johnston ’02 My greatest time at QC was the roommates I lived with in off & on campus housing. We are still in contact after all these years remembering the crazy times. I also had fond & fun memories of my fellow music students. The many concerts & recitals & fun in our own little world at Solano Hall. ( making Beethoven santa at Christmas & making up our own lyrics to popular songs) I’ve even kept in contact with a few of them. I’m thankful my HS band teacher recommended QC. Got a great education from Dr. Wagner, Charlie Winking ,& Louie Margaglioni. —Susan Schilling ’71
Meeting my future wife in Principles of Education class — Thomas Gorell ’63 Bringing back the AOII Mr. GQ contest and celebrating the event accordingly afterwards. — Vicki Knudtson (Goshert) ’06 My favorite would be living in a house my Senior year on Senior Row. We would all get together in a common back yard to talk, have cookouts and just be together. — Susan Schultz Ledford ’84
The campus was always so beautiful in the spring and summer! And I love going to the chapel! —Lori Rossmiller ’99
One of my favorite memories was from Freshman year. We met monthly with the humanities classes and teachers at a colloquium to have grand conversations. It was a great time to talk about everything and nothing. I vividly remember my afternoon Western Civilization class on 11/23/63 as Mr. Evans showed up late and very distraught. He said President Kennedy has just been shot in Dallas and promptly dismissed a shocked class. I joined my classmates in front of the TV in the C wing lounge in Augustine Hall as Walter Cronkite delivered the news. On that Sunday morning, we suddenly heard screams from the lounge shouting that Oswald had been shot on live TV. History continued to unfold until Thanksgiving break.
— Tracy Morris (Dobosz) ’88
After break, Bob Drapel from Detroit area returned proclaiming that the “BEATLES” were coming. Beatles!! What’s he talking about?? We soon found out as their music hit the airwaves in December. C wing lounge was again packed in February as Beatle mania invaded our campus by way of the Ed Sullivan Show. In March, Augustine Hall rocked with Trini Lopez’s rendition of “Kansas City” which was the dream of every NAIA basketball team. I enjoyed playing intermural basketball and after one game Bill Powers and I got “recruited” to be referees for an upperclassmen’s game. We were out of our league and they soon took our whistles away. We hurried back to the security of the dorm and I decided that being a referee was not part of my future. Freshman year was certainly a time of change and growth in the nurturing environment of QC with its excellent faculty and staff. Little did we know that greater changes were on the horizon.
— Carl Koch ’67
Some of my favorite memories from my time at QU include Hawk Wild weekends, sorority recruitment weeks, the SIFE club and our competitions, including our wins to advance to Nationals.
— Tracy (Eyler) Spoonmore ’04
Becoming a Hawkette and Senior Wine and Cheese Event! —Annie Arment ’17
I have not one single memory, but many memories during my stay at QU. I have the memories of all the wonderful people I met, from the Professors, to the staff that made it easy to attend the school, to the ladies that made our coffee in the
I was just starting my freshman year at Quincy College in September 1964. I was from Westchester. a Chicago suburb, and was very new to the town of Quincy. Quincy College was called the “Friendliest College in America” at that time. I met many new and very friendly girls in my dormitory called Centennial Hall. I loved it there! One day while walking on my way to class at the college, a car drove by and stopped in the middle of the street. One of the passengers asked me if I wanted a ride. Coming from the Chicago area, I quickly said no I do not take rides with strangers. The driver, John Martens, said that they were college students at Quincy and he was a friend of Mary Lyn Marxer (she was my dorm proctor). After he said that, I realized that I was okay. I did take the ride and the other passenger was Carl Koch. Carl and I dated throughout our college years and got married December 23, 1967. We just celebrated our 53rd wedding anniversary this last December. I guess Quincy College lived up to its reputation of the “Friendliest College in America.” — Nancy Koch ’68
den downstairs. I do have a sad memory. The fact that I could never get hired to work there after I had graduated. I love the school, the town and the people. I wanted to make Quincy my last home. I have a bundle of wonderful memories during my stay at QU. Memories that are priceless. Thank you to all the Professors who taught me so much, and helped me push my boundaries to be better.
— William Anthony ’01
Walking down Penny Lane past the beautiful flowering trees, and taking the warm and comfortable shuttle to North Campus in the snow. Also time spent in the studio art rooms at the top of Francis Hall creating beautiful things. —Jeri Ruff ’02
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