Let's Talk about Cleaning - March 2022

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Monthly magazine for industrial sanitization and environmental hygiene

English text

Let’s talk about S





Cleaning and competent management SUSTAINABILITY

Circular economy in the Italian paper industry SANITIZATION

Disinfecting environments during a pandemic MARKETING

How to communicate effectively in public FOLLOW


































Solutions for professional

Scan the QR Code to download the catalogue COMAC S.p.A. Via Maestri del Lavoro, 13 - 37059 Santa Maria di Zevio - Verona - ITALY Tel. 045 8774222 - www.comac.it - com@comac.it Comac S.p.A. org. cert. ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, SA 8000:2014

cleaning and sanitizing

Monthly magazine pubished by


Quine Srl Via G. Spadolini, 7 - 20141 Milano www.quine.it | info@quine.it | Ph. +39 02 864105 Editor-In-Chief Giorgio Albonetti Editorial director Ornella Zanetti | ornella.zanetti@quine.it Technical director Maurizio Pedrini Editorial coordination Chiara Scelsi - c.scelsi@lswr.it | Ph. +39 349 0099322


Editors Loredana Vitulano - loredana.vitulano@quine.it Ph. +39 342 6618995 Cristina Cardinali - c.cardinali@lswr.it Simone Ciapparelli - s.ciapparelli@lswr.it



Technical scientific consultants for the section Environmental hygiene Chiara Dassi - Graziano Dassi






Panoramica di inizio anno

Organo ufficiale



Conto Termico e TEE. A che punto siamo?



Produttori e distributori: ce la si può fare!


Organo ufficiale



Advertising and development Filippo Viola - f.viola@lswr.it Guido Rossi - g.rossi@lswr.it Edoardo Rossi - e.rossi@lswr.it Elena Brusadelli - e.brusadelli@lswr.it RISPARMIO ENERGETICO NEL TERZIARIO


ISSN: 2038-0895

Poste Italiane Spa – Posta target magazine – LO/CONV/020/2010

MARCO BOSELLI Bosch riparte da… Bosch

Analisi del processo e case study

ORGANO UFFICIALE ANGAISA (Associazione Nazionale Commercianti Articoli Idrotermosanitari, Climatizzazione, Pavimenti, Rivestimenti ed Arredobagno)

N. 64 · Anno XI · dicembre 2016




Poste italiane Target Magazine LO/CONV/020/2010 - Omologazione n. DCOCI0168

MARCO BOSELLI Bosch riparte da… Bosch

ORGANO UFFICIALE ANGAISA (Associazione Nazionale Commercianti Articoli Idrotermosanitari, Climatizzazione, Pavimenti, Rivestimenti ed Arredobagno)

Poste italiane Target Magazine LO/CONV/020/2010 - Omologazione n. DCOCI0168

Organo Ufficiale AiCARR

Circulations and subscription service Ornella Foletti - o.foletti@lswr.it | Ph. +39 342 7968897 LA RIVISTA PER I PROFESSIONISTI DEGLI IMPIANTI HVAC&R


ISSN: 2038-0895




N. 64 · Anno XI · dicembre 2016




COVER Dimensione Pulito for more than 30 years has been a reference point for the professional cleaning and environmental sanitation sector. In addition to Organo ufficiale FME www.commercioelettrico.com COMMISSIONING Organo ufficiale FINCO IL BUSINESS MAGAZINE technical articles, interviews with the protagonists of DEI DISTRIBUTORI Organo ufficiale AiCARR Layout Organo ufficiale ANGAISA www.bluerosso.it www.casaeclima.com LA RIVISTA CHE HA PORTATO LIFE LSWR Group L’INFORMAZIONE EFFICIENTE, COMPLETA E LA RIVISTA PER I DEL CANALE LA VOCE PIÙ AUTOREVOLE DEL LA VOCE AUTOREVOLE the sector and in-depth columns, the magazine carries E GROSSISTI DI LA PROGETTAZIONE IN TEMPO REALE OLTRE 200.000 UTENTI MESE MATERIALE ELETTRICO PROFESSIONISTI Production DELL’HVAC&R manager SOSTENIBILE IN ITALIA PIÙ DINAMICA and SETTORE IDROTERMOSANITARIO IDROTERMOSANITARIO out analyses studies on the cleaning market. www.commercioelettrico.com Organo ufficiale FME Antonio Iovene - a.iovene@lswr.it | Ph. +39 349 Let’s talk about Cleaning, international edition Organo1811231 ufficiale FINCO IL BUSINESSthe MAGAZINE www.bluerosso.it Organo ufficiale ANGAISA www.casaeclima.com LA RIVISTA CHE HA PORTATO DEI DISTRIBUTORI of Dimensione Pulito, is distributed at the most Printing L’INFORMAZIONE EFFICIENTE, COMPLETA E LA VOCE PIÙ AUTOREVOLE DEL LA VOCE AUTOREVOLE DEL CANALE LA PROGETTAZIONE E GROSSISTI important exhibitions in theDI sector. Grafica Veneta PIÙ DINAMICA SOSTENIBILE IN ITALIA IN TEMPO REALE OLTRE 200.000 UTENTI MESE MATERIALE ELETTRICO SETTORE IDROTERMOSANITARIO IDROTERMOSANITARIO Via Malcanton, 2 Dimensione Pulito is also available in digital version. SPECIALE BIM

ce la si può fare!

TREND Il bagno che ti calza a pennello

DISTRIBUZIONE Quando la differenza la fa il “service”

ANTONIO FALANGA Una passione sempre viva


Poste Italiane Spa – Posta target magazine – LO/CONV/020/2010

ITS Dove va la filiera?

FOCUS Un anno di logistica




Passo obbligato e grande opportunità

Il ruolo del BIM nella sicurezza in cantiere


TREND Il bagno che ti calza a pennello

DISTRIBUZIONE Quando la differenza la fa il “service”

ANTONIO FALANGA Una passione sempre viva




ISSN n. 1974-7144

Passo obbligato e grande opportunità

Il ruolo del BIM nella sicurezza in cantiere

Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1 – CN/MI





a pag. 12

35010 Trebaseleghe PD - Italy I BENEFICI DELLA NORMAZIONE



alle pagg. 22­23

MACCHINE UTENSILI Poste Italiane S.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - 70% - LO/MI

alle pagg. 16­17

N. 12 - Dicembre 2016

Dal 1952 periodico di informazione per ingegneri e architetti

PricesUn and subscriptions CNI eletto per dare risposte • Annual subscription: 49 euro In USA volano le infrastrutture • Subscription outside Italy: 160 euro Newsletter • Back copies: 17 euroTop 7 megaSCIA, operativo il modello unico infrastrutture del 2016 Installatore • Cost of a copy: 1.30 euro GUIDE dell’ Professionale 7 abbonamenti.quine@lswr.it | Ph. +39 02 864105 Ancora trattative e consultazioni? www.quine.it L’EDITORIALE

Innovazione e cambiamento

La crisi ancora “morde”, il contesto politico barcolla, alta l’attenzione sul governo degli ingegneri





alle pagg. 22­23

N. 12 - Dicembre 2016

odico di informazione per ingegneri e architetti

sto politico barcolla, alta l’attenzione sul governo degli ingegneri

etto per dare risposte In USA volano le infrastrutture

TAX& LEGAL Partite IVA dal prossimo anno la contabilità diventa un lavoro a tempo pieno e i costi salgono a pag. 15


Nr.01 – VENERDì 13 GENNAIO 2017

, operativo Top 7 megadello unico infrastrutture del 2016 Raddoppiati i programmi per le opere pubbliche, un trilione → pag.3 di dollari per infrastrutture e stimolo ai consumi. Gli effetti in Europa e le opportunità per le imprese italiane. La Cop22 di Marrakech e le politiche Usa sulle emissioni. alle pagg. 6-7


gni campo dell’architettura e dell’ingegneria nel senso più ampio del termine ha fatto progressi, ha modificato modalità, metodologie, tecnologie, mezzi e strumenti, fatto ricerche e scoperte. Le idee sono progredite, sono mutate, si sono evolute; si sono adeguate alla società o hanno modificato modi e stili di vita. Nessuno si è mai posto il problema se fosse giusto o sbagliato; la cultura del “fare” ha privilegiato la sperimentazione e ha insegnato che dagli errori si può imparare, crescere, progredire e migliorare. Non è mai stato chiesto ai professionisti se fossero d’accordo con un “SI” o con un “NO”. È stato dato semplicemente per scontato che il cambiamento fosse insito nella natura dell’uomo e nel nostro caso dei professionisti, nella loro ricerca di miglioramento e progresso per il bene comune. Ci sono stati “si” e “no” dettati da successi e insuccessi; il buon senso e la competenza hanno sempre fatto da guida nelle scelte e quindi nell’evolversi delle professioni. Per la politica evidentemente è diverso; ma ciò dimostra solo uno scollamento fra i problemi pratici della quotidianità dell’individuo e l’incapacità della politica ad adeguarsi. Il buon senso non fa da guida; un referendum che fa contento/scontento la metà dei cittadini resta un problema non risolto. Il cambiamento è necessario e la civiltà parla da sola a tal proposito; ma il cambiamento dovrebbe godere della fiducia e della certezza di tutti i cittadini quando si parla di politica. Se tutti quanti noi quando attraversiamo un ponte o saliamo sulla cima di un grattacielo diamo per scontato di poterci fidare di chi ha pensato il progetto, forse non vuol dire che i professionisti potrebbero insegnare e dire il loro pensiero con più forza alla politica? n

TAX& LEGAL Partite IVA dal prossimo anno la contabilità diventa un lavoro a tempo pieno e i costi salgono



iorganizzazione delle divisioni operative del Cni. E, in prospettiva, due sfide: quella dei servizi per gli iscritti e delle strutture territoriali. Armando Zambrano, presidente uscente del Consiglio nazionale degli ingegneri, si prepara a governare la categoria per altri cinque anni: dal 2016 guiderà gli ingegneri fino al 2021, quando completerà i suoi dieci anni di mandato. In attesa che arrivi l’ufficialità del ministero della Giustizia e che i consiglieri designati indichino lui come nuovo presidente, è già possibile fare il punto sulle prime mosse del nuovo Governo del Cni. “Siamo desiderosi di partire, visto che dai territori è arrivata un’indicazione così forte per la continuità del Consiglio nazionale uscente”, è stata una delle prime dichiarazioni fatte da Zambrano.

Raddoppiati i programmi per le opere pubbliche, un trilione → pag.3 di dollari per infrastrutture e stimolo ai consumi. Gli effetti in Europa e le opportunità per le imprese italiane. La Cop22 di Marrakech e le politiche Usa sulle emissioni. alle pagg. 6-7

→ pag.37

Professionisti al passo coi tempi...

Per redarre un progetto il supporto informatico è dato per scontato che i professionisti lo abbiano, lo usino e lo utilizzino. Per depositare un progetto in Comune è scontato che tutto il supporto elettronico diventi carta, che la firma digitale non sia prevista, e che sia scontato fare una coda di ore per farsi mettere un tim→ pag.5 bro di carta per documentare la consegna.

A Pavia il Centro Europeo di Ricerca Formazione in Ingegneria Sismica →epag.25

a pag. 10

Oggi si parla molto di Industria 4.0 applicata alla produzione. Ma occorre ricordare che l’efficienza del flusso produttivo passa attraverso l’ottimizzazione della movimentazione dei materiali all'interno delle aziende. [pag. 10]





50 anni di torni

Fondata da Paolo Giana nel 1966, Torgim compie il prestigioso traguardo dei 50 anni di attività. Il comune di Magnago vide un grande sviluppo economico e industriale già a partire dalla seconda metà del 1800. Con il passare dei decenni il territorio s’è via via arricchito di aziende manifatturiere che hanno rappresentato delle vere eccellenze in molti settori industriali. [pag. 11]

– Anno 72 - n. 9


Novembre/Dicembre 2016

#4maggio 2016 mensile



Via libera alla finanza innovativa, quali risposte alla stretta del credito?

Italia scossa di Fabio Chiavieri Macerie ovunque, interi paesi rasi al suolo, gente disperata, sguardi persi. No, non è lo scenario di guerra che ci arriva da qualche zona remota del mondo, a cui siamo tristemente abituati. È la forza devastante del terremoto che ha colpito, e continua a farlo, il nostro Centro Italia. Una faglia che si è estesa per cinquanta chilometri, una ferita su quelle terre che non si potrà più rimarginare. L’Italia è scossa, fisicamente e mentalmente; schiaffeggiata dalla mano della natura che a volte sa essere molto dura nella sua inarrestabile forza. Eppure il nostro paese risulta essere nelle prime posizioni per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo di tecnologie antisismiche nelle nuove costruzioni. Cosa succede allora? Alessandro Martelli, Presidente del Glis (Isolamento sismico e altre strategie di progettazione antisismica), ha dichiarato che “Oltre il 70% dell’edificato italiano attuale non è in grado di resistere ai terremoti che potrebbero colpirlo”. Il problema pertanto è la sicurezza delle costruzioni più datate, e di un immenso patrimonio storico e culturale famoso in tutto il mondo, fatto di chiese, monumenti, palazzi storici, emblema di un passato grandioso che ha visto protagonisti i più grandi artisti e ingegneri di tutti i tempi. Il tema della sicurezza degli ambienti in cui viviamo e lavoriamo, più volte trattato dal nostro giornale e a cui le nostre imprese pongono molta attenzione, ritorna così alla ribalta in un frangente – purtroppo non l’unico negli ultimi anni - tanto eclatante quanto drammatico. Dalle pagine de L’Ammonitore abbiamo rivolto molti inviti al settore manifatturiero italiano a investire in tecnologie produttive innovative per continuare a essere competitivo, e questa volta ci sentiamo di invitare tutti a investire sulla propria sicurezza, lo Stato a salvaguardare la vita dei cittadini intervenendo significativamente sulle strutture pubbliche e sul nostro prezioso patrimonio artistico, perché il futuro non si prevede, men che meno un terremoto, ma si prepara.

→ pag.37




[pag. 14]

Macerie ovunque, interi paesi rasi al suolo, gente disperata, sguardi persi. No, non è lo scenario di guerra che ci arriva da qualche zona remota del mondo, a cui siamo tristemente abituati. È la forza devastante del terremoto che ha colpito, e continua a farlo, il nostro Centro Italia. Una faglia che si è estesa per cinquanta chilometri, una ferita su quelle terre che non si potrà più rimarginare. L’Italia è scossa, fisicamente e mentalmente; schiaffeggiata dalla mano della natura che a volte sa essere molto dura nella sua inarrestabile forza. Eppure il nostro paese risulta essere nelle prime posizioni per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo di tecnologie antisismiche nelle nuove costruzioni. Cosa succede allora? Alessandro Martelli, Presidente del Glis (Isolamento sismico e altre strategie di progettazione antisismica), ha dichiarato che “Oltre il 70% dell’edificato italiano attuale non è in grado di resistere ai terremoti che potrebbero colpirlo”. Il problema pertanto è la sicurezza delle costruzioni più datate, e di un immenso patrimonio storico e culturale famoso in tutto il mondo, fatto di chiese, monumenti, palazzi storici, emblema di un passato grandioso che ha visto protagonisti i più grandi artisti e ingegneri di tutti i tempi. Il tema della sicurezza degli ambienti in cui viviamo e lavoriamo, più volte trattato dal nostro giornale e a cui le nostre imprese pongono molta attenzione, ritorna così alla ribalta in un frangente – purtroppo non l’unico negli ultimi anni - tanto eclatante quanto drammatico. Dalle pagine de L’Ammonitore abbiamo rivolto molti inviti al settore manifatturiero italiano a investire in tecnologie produttive innovative per continuare a essere competitivo, e questa volta ci sentiamo di invitare tutti a investire sulla propria sicurezza, lo Stato a salvaguardare la vita dei cittadini intervenendo significativamente sulle strutture pubbliche e sul nostro prezioso patrimonio artistico, perché il futuro non si prevede, men che meno un terremoto, ma si prepara.







Novembre/Dicembre 2016

#4maggio 2016 mensile



Via libera alla finanza innovativa, quali risposte alla stretta del credito?

[pag. 14]


Il cliente prima di tutto MISURA

M-Steel qualità da oltre 40 anni

Ovako, fornitore finlandese di acciai, ripropone sul mercato la qualità M-Steel. Grazie ad un incremento nella lavorabilità M-Steel si caratterizza per affidabilità, coerenza e prevedibilità nelle lavorazioni, riducendo i così costi di pro[pag. 12] duzione.


40 anni di storia e successi nella robotica industriale

Il 2016 è un anno molto importante per Tiesse Robot. L’azienda festeggia infatti i 40 anni di attività: una storia lunga di successi nazionali e internazionali per le applicazioni della robotica in [pag. 6] ambito industriale.


Trasformare l’esperienza di oltre 40 anni di attività in una nuova piattaforma in grado di coniugare soluzioni avanzate con le esigenze e professionalità di oggi. Questo è lo sforzo che sta compiendo Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, emerso anche durante il forum di fine settembre dedicato all’automazione e alle tecno[pag. 4] logia multisensore.



In occasione di BIMU 2016, i vertici DMG MORI hanno dato vita a un interessante dibattito con la stampa tecnica specializzata, evidenziando le strategie in atto per [pag. 8] rafforzare la posizione del Gruppo nel mondo e sul territorio italiano.

Un ponte tra passato e futuro



www.dimensionepulito.it a pag. 9


Al centro della fabbrica intelligente


QUOTA RINNOVABILI EDIFICI SPECIALE MILLEPROROGHE Eucentreeper ricostruire la sicurezza obblighi proroghe Tutti i rinvii


“Il museo del futuro è il mondo intero”





a pag. 7


50 anni di torni

Fondata da Paolo Giana nel 1966, Torgim compie il prestigioso traguardo dei 50 anni di attività. Il comune di Magnago vide un grande sviluppo economico e industriale già a partire dalla seconda metà del 1800. Con il passare dei decenni il territorio s’è via via arricchito di aziende manifatturiere che hanno rappresentato delle vere eccellenze in molti settori industriali. [pag. 11]

[pag. 10]

– Anno 72 - n. 9

Italia scossa

segue a pag. 2

I pareri degli Ordini dopo l’esito del referendum del 4 dicembre

Abbiamo sentito alcuni Ordini per commentare un ipotetico scenario all'indomani delle dimissioni di Renzi. Nelle parole dei Presidenti inter­ pellati è fortissima la preoccupazione sull’ennesima battuta d’arresto di un Paese in affanno. Stabilità e certezza sono oggi più lontane per lo meno dal punto di vista temporale. Come sottolinea Varese “Ora gli ac­ cordi tra CNI e Governo che fine faranno?” / alle pagg. 18­19



Oggi si parla molto di Industria 4.0 applicata alla produzione. Ma occorre ricordare che l’efficienza del flusso produttivo passa attraverso l’ottimizzazione della movimentazione dei materiali all'interno delle aziende.

di Fabio Chiavieri




Parte il piano 'smart city' 1 miliardo per 14 città


Al centro della fabbrica intelligente

Collaborators Michael A. Berry, Filippo Cafiero, Vincenzo Cama, Cristina Cardinali, Simone Ciapparelli, Luca Ilorini, Marco Monti, Fabrizio Pirovano, Michele Ruzza MENSILE D’INFORMAZIONE PER LA PRODUZIONE E L’AUTOMAZIONE INDUSTRIALE

a pag. 15

Nr.01 – VENERDì 13 GENNAIO 2017

Poste Italiane S.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - 70% - LO/MI


Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1 – CN/MI

VE NORME UNI pag. 21 • MOSTRE E CULTURA pag. 21 • IN LIBRERIA pag. 21


e i e o e o i o i i o , e -


L’anello che mancava: l’utensile connesso al sistema produttivo

INTERVISTA Gianfranco Carbonato, un’emozione che dura da quarant’anni


TENDENZE Generative design, come cambierà il mondo MACCHINE UTENSILI

Rettificatrici Ghiringhelli: 95 anni sull’onda dei mercati

L’utensile “intelligente” è il naturale completamento del complesso sistema produttivo che si basa sulla raccolta e l’analisi dei dati provenienti da macchine e strumenti di misura in costante dialogo tra loro. In altre parole un nuovo passo avanti verso la creazione della fabbrica completamente automatica. [pag. 7]

[pag. 18]

PANORAMA La formazione salesiana professionale

CAD/CAM unico per il settore Lamiera

SPECIALE Robotica Sempre più al centro dello sviluppo DOSSIER Macchine di misura Amici per il micron


Il cliente prima di tutto In occasione di BIMU 2016, i vertici DMG MORI hanno dato vita a un interessante dibattito con la stampa tecnica specializzata, evidenziando le strategie in atto per [pag. 8] rafforzare la posizione del Gruppo nel mondo e sul territorio italiano.

M-Steel qualità da oltre 40 anni

Ovako, fornitore finlandese di acciai, ripropone sul mercato la qualità M-Steel. Grazie ad un incremento nella lavorabilità M-Steel si caratterizza per affidabilità, coerenza e prevedibilità nelle lavorazioni, riducendo i così costi di pro[pag. 12] duzione.

INTERVISTA Gianfranco Carbonato, un’emozione che dura da quarant’anni


Responsibility www.meccanica-automazione.com MECCANICA&AUTOMAZIONE Dimensione Pulito is a Monthly Recorded Periodic: MENSILE PER LA www.ammonitore.com PERIODICO BUSINESS TO BUSINESS IL PORTALE CHE TI LA GUIDA DA PORTARE IL PERIODICO Authorization ofDAL the1952 Court of Milan No. 598 ofLA RIVISTA PER PROGETTARE Organo ufficiale Confapi www.rivistainnovare.it SUBFORNITURA E GUIDA VERSO LA NEL MONDO DELL’INDUSTRIA SEMPRE9.11.92 CON SÉ PERQuine is registered D’INFORMAZIONE in the Operators Register INFORMAZIONE LA SMART INDUSTRY LA PRODUZIONE SMART INDUSTRY MECCANICA E DELLE MACCHINE CONOSCERE I PER INGEGNERI ofTUTTI Communication n. 12191EofARCHITETTI 29/10/2005. The TECNICO SCIENTIFICA INDUSTRIALE UTENSILI TRUCCHI DEL MESTIERE NEWSLETTER – L’AGGIORNAMENTO publication or reprint of articles and images must be PER LE PMI www.meccanica-automazione.com MECCANICA&AUTOMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE VIA MAILThe articles authorized in writing by the publisher. MENSILE PER LA www.ammonitore.com PERIODICO BUSINESS TO BUSINESS IL PORTALE CHE TI Ogni 15 giorni Organo raggiunge oltre Confapi 42.000 iscritti IL PERIODICO www.rivistainnovare.it ufficiale SUBFORNITURA E on Dimensione Pulito are under the LA RIVISTApublished PER PROGETTARE GUIDA VERSO LA NEL MONDO DELL’INDUSTRIA ORMAZIONE INFORMAZIONE LA SMART INDUSTRY LA PRODUZIONE responsibility of the authors. Published manuscripts and SMART INDUSTRY MECCANICA E DELLE MACCHINE ERI E ARCHITETTI TECNICO INDUSTRIALE drawings will not beSCIENTIFICA returned. UTENSILI L’AGGIORNAMENTO PER LE PMI INFORMATION PURSUANT TO GDPR 2016/679 NALE VIA MAIL Pursuant to art. 13 European Regulation for the Protection iunge oltre 42.000 iscritti of Personal Data 679/2016 below GDPR, the data of all readers will be processed both manually and with IT tools and will be used for sending this and other publications and information and promotional material. The methods of treatment will comply with the provisions of art. 5-6-7 of the GDPR. Data may be disclosed to subjects with whom Quine Srl maintains contractual relationships necessary for sending copies of the magazine. The data controller IVO GRASSO e MASSIVE ARTS is Quine Srl, Via G. Spadolini 7 - 20141 Milan, to which SALVATORE the reader can turn to request the update, integration, ADDEO www.audiofader.com cancellation e any other operation referred to in articles WEBSITE AGGIORNATO 15-21 of the GDPR. QUOTIDIANAMENTE MAGAZINE MENSILE DIGITALE MENSILE DI FORMAZIONE E www.MTEDocs.it IL PUNTO DI RIFERIMENTO PER CHI www.pulizia-industriale.it IVO GRASSO e www.terminidellameccanica.com TUTTI IMASSIVE VOLTI E LEARTS AZIENDE TECNICHE OPERA NEL CAMPO DELLA PULIZIA DA 50 ANNI LA VOCE - Milan LA PIATTAFORMA ITALIANA DELLA PRODUZIONE MUSICALE AGGIORNAMENTO PER INFORMAZIONE IL TRADUTTORE MULTILINGUE © Quine srl DELLA MECCATRONICA PER L’AUTORIPARAZIONE INDUSTRIALE, SANIFICAZIONE E AUTOREVOLE DEL CLEANING IL MECCATRONICO SALVATORE E DELL’AUDIO PROFESSIONALE ADDEO DELLA MECCATRONICA www.audiofader.com FACILITY MANAGEMENT Testata Associata

ra trattative e consultazioni?

egli Ordini dopo l’esito del referendum del 4 dicembre

sentito alcuni Ordini per commentare un ipotetico scenario ni delle dimissioni di Renzi. Nelle parole dei Presidenti inter­ rtissima la preoccupazione sull’ennesima battuta d’arresto di n affanno. Stabilità e certezza sono oggi più lontane per lo punto di vista temporale. Come sottolinea Varese “Ora gli ac­ NI e Governo che fine faranno?” / alle pagg. 18­19

Copia offerta da:

In collaborazione con:

Collegio degli Ingegneri e Architetti di Milano

Programma Corsi di Aggiornamento Professionale Gennaio - Maggio 2017

Per redarre un progetto il supporto informatico è dato per scontato che i professionisti lo abbiano, lo usino e lo utilizzino. Per depositare un progetto in Comune è scontato che tutto il supporto elettronico diventi carta, che la firma digitale non sia prevista, e che sia scontato fare una coda di ore per farsi mettere un tim→ pag.5 bro di carta per documentare la consegna.

© Collegio degli ingegneri e Architetti di Milano

È vietata qualsiasi utilizzazione, totale o parziale, dei contenuti ivi inclusa la riproduzione, rielaborazione, diffusione o distribuzione dei contenuti stessi mediante qualunque piattaforma tecnologica, supporto o rete telematica, senza previa autorizzazione

NEWSLETTER – Nr.01 – Pag.1

Centro Europeo di Ricerca Formazione in Ingegneria Sismica →epag.25

a pag. 10


© Collegio degli ingegneri e Architetti di Milano

lusa la riproduzione, rielaborazione, diffusione o distribuzione dei contenuti stessi mediante qualunque piattaforma tecnologica, supporto o rete telematica, senza previa autorizzazione


L’anello che mancava: l’utensile connesso al sistema produttivo

L’utensile “intelligente” è il naturale completamento del complesso sistema produttivo che si basa sulla raccolta e l’analisi dei dati provenienti da macchine e strumenti di misura in costante dialogo tra loro. In altre parole un nuovo passo avanti verso la creazione della fabbrica completamente automatica. [pag. 7]

TENDENZE Generative design, come cambierà il mondo


PANORAMA La formazione salesiana professionale

Rettificatrici Ghiringhelli: 95 anni sull’onda dei mercati

CAD/CAM unico per il settore Lamiera

SPECIALE Robotica Sempre più al centro dello sviluppo

[pag. 18]

DOSSIER Macchine di misura Amici per il micron

Collegio degli Ingegneri e Architetti di Milano Gennaio - Maggio 2017


40 anni di storia e successi nella robotica industriale

Il 2016 è un anno molto importante per Tiesse Robot. L’azienda festeggia infatti i 40 anni di attività: una storia lunga di successi nazionali e internazionali per le applicazioni della robotica in [pag. 6] ambito industriale.


Trasformare l’esperienza di oltre 40 anni di attività in una nuova piattaforma in grado di coniugare soluzioni avanzate con le esigenze e professionalità di oggi. Questo è lo sforzo che sta compiendo Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, emerso anche durante il forum di fine settembre dedicato all’automazione e alle tecno[pag. 4] logia multisensore.

Competent cleaning management Michael A. Berry, PhD

gramma Corsi di Aggiornamento Professionale

SLETTER – Nr.01 – Pag.1


Un ponte tra passato e futuro



Professionisti al passo coi tempi...

NNOVABILI EDIFICI SPECIALE MILLEPROROGHE ntreeper ricostruire la sicurezza hi proroghe Tutti i rinvii



UNIVERSAL AUDIO APOLLO 8P il sistema completo per la musica


monitor con tweeter a nastro

ROLAND TR-09 torna la TR-909


compressione valvolare vintage, controlli moderni


il modulare si virtualizza

ISSN 2499-362X

Cleaning procurement, the path to the best value Edited by Simone Ciapparelli



20 SANITIZATION www.audiofader.com € 7.50

il sistema completo per la musica


monitor con tweeter a nastro

ROLAND TR-09 torna la TR-909


compressione valvolare vintage, controlli moderni

Disinfecting environments during a pandemic Vincenzo Cama Lo studio di registrazione moderno

ISSN 2499-362X



il modulare si virtualizza



il virtuale non convenzionale

L’amore per l’SSL


principi di programmazione

AVID PRO TOOLS | DOCK la soluzione per tutti

Mensile - n.6 - Dicembre 2016 - Editore Quine Business Publisher - Milano

www.audiofader.com € 7.50

Lo studio di registrazione moderno


L’amore per l’SSL

il virtuale non convenzionale


principi di programmazione

AVID PRO TOOLS | DOCK la soluzione per tutti

Mensile - n.6 - Dicembre 2016 - Editore Quine Business Publisher - Milano


3. Aziende alimentari 4. Sanità e RSA 5. Enti pubblici 6. Pubblici esercizi



professionali 9. Disinfestazione e servizi ambientali CON: QUINE COLLABORA 10. Grande distribuzione

Perfumes and steam cleaning: future scenarios Luca Ilorini














Let’s talk about CLEANING Supplement to Dimensione Pulito No 2 March 2022 www.dimensionepulito.it PIACENZA (I) TIRANA (AL) Quine srl Via G. Spadolini, 7 20141 Milano - Italia Tel. +39 02 864105 Fax. +39 02 70057190



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32 CIRCULAR ECONOMY Paper: an increasing sustainable industry Edited by Simone Ciapparelli

38 LEGAL NOTICE Manufacturers and commercial trademarks: what are the differences? Filippo Cafiero


44 MARKETING How to communicate (effectively) with a public of customers Marco Monti and Fabrizio Pirovano

50 PEST CONTROL Fight against flies in a compost farm Michele Ruzza

54 ON THE MARKET TODAY Technologies, research and development: the new products in the world of cleaning by Cristina Cardinali


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50 26/03/15


INDEX OF ADVERTISERS 4CleanPro Adiatek Arco Comac Falpi

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P rofessionalism

CLEANING and Competent MANAGEMENT The cleaning industry continuously seeks professional recognition, but rarely is there a discussion of what it actually means to be professional, and rarely are the indications of competent cleaning management ever indicated Michael A. Berry, PhD


| March/2022


ro f e s s i o n a lism” and “Competent Management” are two concepts essential in the achievement of effective cleaning.


A profession is a line of work or employment requiring specialized knowledge, science, academic preparation, formal training, or disciplined experience. Professionalism is characterized by conformance to technical and ethical standards and performance of the profession. Historically, professionalism was related to skilled activities that affect life, death and salvation. The first recognized professions were medicine, law, military and clergy. Those who perform activities and services that are essential to the defense and well-being of other humans have a special place in society. Professional cleaners are such persons. They hold in their hands the health, safety and wellbeing of the people who inhabit the indoor environment. They are responsible for healthy environmental quality in those places where people spend the vast majority of time: homes, offices, schools and health care facilities to name but a few. Those who perform the cleaning processes are in every way managers and guardians of built environments. The U.S. Army teaches officers that professionalism can be found in four words: “Be,” “Know,” “Do” and “Have.” These concepts also apply to professionalism in the cleaning industry. The Be component of professionalism has to do with commitment to a worthwhile cause. For cleaning to be professional and effective, there must be a commitment to the purpose and benefits of cleaning — primarily the protection of human health.

The Know component of professionalism emphasizes knowledge. Knowledge must be based on science and fact. For cleaning to be effective, there must be knowledge of how the process of effective cleaning occurs. The Do component of professionalism requires action. Without action, there is never a result. The Have component of professionalism has to do with the expectation of a successful result. Professionals in cleaning recognize and understand the value of what they do. Cleaning professionalism can be summed up as follows: ■ The commitment to create a healthy condition: Those who clean professionally protect health and valuable materials, and enhance the quality of life. ■ The knowledge-based ability and skill to deliver specialized cleaning services and processes that create a healthy condition. Cleaning professionals understand the science and management principles on which their important and valuable work is based. ■ The delivery of effective, health-essential cleaning activities. Cleaning professionals must take credit for and pride in doing this important work. Every profession is identified by a unique language, set of definitions, concepts and organization. For cleaning to truly be a professional, science-based industry, recognized by government, health organizations and other critical constituents, the language of cleaning science and management must be published and spoken.


A professional cleaning company must properly define “clean” and “cleaning.” If the activity or provided service does not fit both of the following definitions, it is not cleaning.

Clean is a condition free of unwanted matter. Cleaning is the process of achieving a clean condition. More specifically, cleaning is the systematic process of removing unwanted matter so human activities can take place in a healthy environment.


The following describe the characteristics of a systematic cleaning process: 1. Understanding the environment, sub-compartment, or object to be made free of unwanted matter. 2. Identification of the unwanted matter. 3. Separation of the unwanted matter from an object or environment. 4. Containment of the unwanted matter so it can be effectively removed. 5. Transporting the unwanted matter to a suitable location. 6. 6. Proper disposal of the unwanted matter. Effective cleaning occurs when the systematic cleaning process removes unwanted matter in the form of solids, liquids, gases or living organisms to the greatest extent. Unwanted substances (matter) often have the potential to cause adverse effects. Effective cleaning creates healthy conditions by reducing exposures and risks. Effective cleaning is the most basic form of environmental management.


Science is essential to professional cleaning. Science is a body of knowledge that answers the question, “How?” Cleaning can be demonstrated effective only to the extent we know how the process works to remove unwanted matter. How a cleaning process is effective in the appliMarch/2022 |



P rofessionalism

cation of chemistry and physics for the movement of unwanted matter is understood through cleaning science. How cleaning gets the environmental quality result it does can be explained by how the process is managed (cleaning management). Professional cleaning demands competent management of the systematic cleaning process. Most of the management principles taught in business schools and used throughout the business world were developed, evaluated and published by scientists. Management is the continuous, coordinated process used to make good decisions and bring about change or improvement. The word “process” is key to understanding management. Management is the process of planning, setting goals and objectives, organizing, communicating and motivating, educating and improving processes, collecting information and assessing performance. Where management is a process, leadership is the driving force behind the process. Leaders are often but not necessarily charismatic individuals. Always they provide vision and direction to the management process. A professionally designed and implemented cleaning program is one that achieves an effective cleaning result on a consistent or sustained basis through

the application of quality-based management principles. Quality management components include process identification, continuous improvement, management by fact, structured problem solving, effective communication, valuing human resources, performance measurement, quality tools and technology. Application of these principles is an indication of competent management. Examples of cleaning management competency include: ■ A well-defined cleaning management structure containing a comprehensive cleaning objective and planned, scheduled, systematic cleaning coverage. ■ A communication policy and strategy. ■ Focused training for cleaning personnel. ■ Cleaning effectiveness measurements. The use of cleaning equipment and technology tested and evaluated for effectiveness and safety.


Professional cleaning is indicated by a well-defined cleaning process and management structure. The effectiveness of a cleaning system resides in its comprehensive, coordinated, scheduled, systematic cleaning coverage

of the building or area to be cleaned. There are many differences to be found in cleaning effectiveness as the result of management design and process implementation. An effective cleaning system is designed to position those doing the cleaning to be fully successful on a consistent basis. Effective systems studied so far evolve around a systematic, scheduled process that is designed to give completed, coordinated coverage of matter removal from the building. In institutional cleaning, this tends to be accomplished best with a coordinated team in which each member is assigned a special cleaning objective.


Professional cleaning emphasizes effective communication between those doing the cleaning, supervisors and customers. An effective cleaning program requires responsibility for cleaning knowledge at all levels of the cleaning operation — from management to supervisors to the operational-level cleaner. Professional cleaning knowledge must be properly communicated. Professional cleaning endeavors increasingly require special attention to language barriers and translation, especially in regard to safety and housekeeper training. One of the most important professional tasks is to com12

| March/2022


municate the benefits of cleaning. The following benefits must be continuously emphasized especially to customers and those involved in the cleaning operation: ■ Cleaning enables sanitation, breaks the transmission chain of infectious agents, and prevents illness. ■ Cleaning provides for healthy living and working spaces. ■ Cleaning protects valuable materials and equipment, and it maintains the value of property. ■ Cleaning encourages topophilia — “love of place.” ■ Cleaning accents aesthetics, promotes human dignity, sends caring messages and instills a sense of ownership. ■ Cleaning projects a professional image and enhances human pro-

ductivity. ■ Cleaning is a form of insurance that prevents crisis and reduces the full range of costs related to property and real estate. ■ Cleaning manages wastes and contributes to environmental protection and sustainability.


Individuals employed and tasked with carrying out cleaning processes must be regularly trained, adequately equipped, appropriately compensated, and appreciated for the vital service they perform. The cleaning workforce grows professionally if it identifies with an activity of value. Training at a high professional level creates a higher level of self-esteem as well as performance. Cleaning ser-

vice providers all too often lack a sense of positive self-esteem regarding their work. Turnover at the entry level of the cleaning industry is high; this is due in part to negative perception, which is a management failure. Elevated requirements for entry, fair compensation, training, and an industry focused on science and value reduces turnover. Training materials for the professional cleaner must be based on research and sound science. Because technology is always changing, information in the tech- nical and scientific end of cleaning education needs to be kept up-to-date. Cleaning education is critical when cleaning cultures want to be seen as professional managers of the built environment. Training must be professionally oriented, science-based, and safety-focused. Training should pertain to specific operations in a facility. Training should provide a clear explanation of what cleaning is, why it is important, and the history and importance of professional cleaning. Safety must be an integral part of the training program and emphasized throughout. Safety documentation must be easy to read and understand, even by workers who speak another language. Safety information for equipment and supplies must be easy to identify and access. Safety instruction must not be too general and unspecific.


One cannot manage what one does not measure. Every effective management process has a measurable objective. Cleaning effectiveness is measured in terms of the quantity of unwanted matter removed with the least amount of diseconomy. For example: dusts, fungi, bacteria and aerosol (PM10) are all measurable substances. Environmental sampling of dust, fungi, bacteria and aerosol (PM10) are useful, if not essential, measures of cleaning effectiveness. Cost-effective measures can indicate effectiveness in removing dust from the building envelope. A measure of cleaning effectiveness and sanitation in restrooms is aerobic bacteria counts found after cleaning. Sampling and measurement answer the question, “What happens when you clean?” March/2022 |



P rofessionalism

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) measurements can associate cleaning with indoor air quality. Previous studies have demonstrated clearly that effective cleaning programs have a positive influence on IAQ. Studies have shown that effective cleaning when consistently implemented is cost effective and can lead to measurable environmental improvements as measured by reductions in particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and biological pollutants. Benchmarking and compliance auditing can be used periodically to verify the management process is on track and being properly followed and implemented. If a high-performance management system is being successfully implemented, one can reasonably assume that the desired level of environmental quality is being achieved and maintained.

dated. Without testing and scientific documentation, cleaning products and technologies cannot be assessed in terms of cleaning effectiveness or environmental suitability. Untested cleaning products of any type should be avoided by professional cleaners.


Professionalism and competent management are twin pillars of any successful organization. If pursued vigorously and without compromise by the clea-

ning industry, a new, higher level of recognition and respect will be gained. The goal for the cleaning industry to be recognized as a profession — recognized by government, health organizations and other critical constituents — is achievable if cleaning science and competent management are vigorously pursued. ■ Article published on Cleaning Science Quarterly, Vol.I, Issue 1. Cleaning Industry Research Institute www.ciriscience.org


Cleaning technology must be tested and evaluated for safety and effectiveness. For example, a well-designed and tested vacuum cleaner reduces back strain and injuries. Tested vacuums tend to have much lower particle emissions to the breathing zones of cleaners than untested machines. Another example, two-chamber mop buckets can be shown to reduce cross contamination of bio-pathogens by separating fresh water from rinse water. This simple management of water provides for significantly higher levels of sanitation. Efficacy and test data must exist for all cleaning chemicals used. Many cleaning chemicals in use today are not tested for effectiveness and are often not necessary for effective cleaning. An efficient cleaning system uses the least amount of chemicals required for effective cleaning; correspondingly, there is less risk of a significant chemical spill or accident. Too frequently unsubstantiated claims are made with regard to the attributes of green cleaning products. In the absence of product or systems testing, these claims cannot be vali14

| March/2022

Sources & Notes

1. Albrecht, Karl, Ron Zemke. (1990). Service America. New York: Warner. Berry, M. A. (1993). Protecting the built environment: Cleaning for health. 2. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Tricomm 21st Press. 3. BOMA. (1990). “Cleaning operations in North America—A study of custodial management practices and costs.” Washington, DC: Building Owners and Managers Association International. 4. Covey, Stephen R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon and Schuster. 5. Deming, D. Edwards. (1986). Out of the crisis: Quality, productivity, and com- petitive position. Cambridge: Cambridge. 6. Franke, D. L., et al. (1997). “Cleaning for improved indoor air quality: An initial assessment of effectiveness.” Indoor Air: The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Vol. 7, 41–54. 7. Hance, B. J., Caron Chess, Peter M. Sandman. (1990). Industry Risk Com- munication Manual. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Inc. 8. Maslow, A. H., Mintz, N. L. (1956). “Effects of esthetic surroundings: Initial effects of three esthetic conditions upon perceiving energy and well-being in faces.” Journal of Psychology. 41, 247–254. 9. Qubein, Nido R. (1986). Communicate Like a Pro. Berkeley. 10. Spivak, Dr. Steven. (1989). “A Preliminary Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Issues Related to Textile Furnishing and their Professional Cleaning.” Litera- ture review for USEPA. 11. UNC-CH. (2006, October). “(OS1) Evaluation Committee Report on the Com- parison of (OS1) and Zone Cleaning.” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 12. U.S. EPA. (1992). “Indoor Air Quality Monitoring in Carpeted Environments.” Research Triangle Park, NC: Environmental Criteria and Assessment Office, 13. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 14. U.S. EPA. (1994). “Indoor Environment Characterization of a Non-Problem Building: Assessment of Cleaning Effectiveness.” Research Triangle Park, NC: Environmental Criteria and Assessment Office, U.S. Environmental Pro- tection Agency.




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S ervices

CLEANING procurement, the PATH to the best value Choosing which cleaning service provider to rely on is a delicate task that requires consideration of several factors, moving away from an approach that only considers the convenience of the price Edited by Simone Ciapparelli


efore selecting a cleaning service provider, the first step is to identify the specific needs of your organization. Consulting various users and investigating the “need behind the need” is the first step in establishing the right criteria by which a supplier will be chosen. Being clear about what is required on a technical and organizational level will be essential to correctly assess whether the skills of a cleaning company match the requirements. In the case of contracts for cleaning services, it is important to consider, first of all, that cleaning is a labor-intensive service in which the latter represents approximately 85% of total costs. This means that the pressure 16

| March/2022

on prices will have direct consequences on staff, on the knowledge and experience of the teams, on the rest of the costs and on the importance given to the aspects of innovation and sustainability. Therefore, it is essential to shift the focus from a selection based solely on price to a choice based on the best quality/price ratio. To help public or private organizations to choose a quality cleaning service, from the design of the call for tenders to the award of the contract, EFCI European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry (the European federation that brings together professional organizations of the cleaning and services sector) has published The Selecting Best Value Guide, developed jointly

with UNI Europa and financed by the European Union. The document aims to assist the client in the procurement procedure by highlighting the advantages deriving from the choice of services based on quality. With this guide, the social partners intend to help the reader understand how to include and measure quality and social aspects in procurement procedures. Based on these principles, EFCI invites the reader to keep in mind the following recommendations regarding the procurement of cleaning services, in order to base all phases and steps of the public procurement procedure (from design to selection, award and implementation) on the principle of best value rather than the “lowest price”.

■ Conduct a preliminary market consultation by interviewing candidates and contacting other interested parties in order to better prepare the procurement procedure. The actions to be taken consist in informing the cleaning companies about the planned contract and asking the economic operator how it intends to meet the requirements dictated by the contract, so that the quality-oriented operators can be specific in their offer.




It is very important to collaborate with cleaning companies throughout the procurement process, while establishing constructive relationships while maintaining a level playing field between bidders so as to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment. During the preparatory phase, this can be achie-

ved by conducting market analyses. In this regard, it is recommended to: ■ Conduct the research by contacting the national association representing the cleaning companies of your country to obtain assistance and advice from a body above the parties. National associations can in fact count on dedicated specialists and guides to assist buyers in preparing offers.

For the award criteria, contracting authorities are encouraged to go beyond the price-only criteria to embrace the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (Meat) criterion, which is an approach focused on the best value for money. In the adjudication phase, public buyers should ensure that bids are not valued only on the basis of price but rather allow them to compete on the basis of technical and qualitative criteria. It is recommended to reject abnormally low offers and evaluate price offers through the proportional model. By applying this model, the point difference becomes smaller the greater the price difference. Also, one gets a clearer distinction between offers that rank much higher than the lowest price (for example, a price 100% higher than the lowest price still scores half the points).


Buyers are advised not to use the number of hours as a scoring criterion: a cleaning contract is based on results and not on the performance of an activity; using the number of hours as a scoring criterion in the competition would, in certain situations, place the cleaning service buyer in a position similar to that of a direct employer. Contracting authorities and buyers of cleaning services should also take into consideration the following aspects when defining the award criteria or conditions for the performance of the contract. Contracting authorities and buyers of cleaning services are encouraged to March/2022 |



S ervices

also consider the following aspects when defining the criteria for the award of the contract or the conditions of performance: ■ Organization of the execution of the contract: in order to ensure quality control for the entire duration of the contract, it is suggested to request a description of the methods and policies used to verify the quality routines and confirmation that the quality standards have been achieved (e.g. ISO certificates) and include contract management, operational planning and customer relationship specifications in the tender and contract. ■ Qualification and experience of the staff: the tender should include references about the experience and qualifications of the staff who will perform the required cleaning services (including references to training and/ or skills); ■ Environmental sustainability of the cleaning service: the tender can refer to environmental management systems (national, European or international, such as ISO 14001 or equivalent), materials and products used (request for environmental

certifications or other equivalent, guarantees of efficient use of natural resources and reduced use of chemicals and disinfectants where possible), staff training on eco-sustainability, transport impact, correct use of cleaning materials and products. ■ GPP criteria: contracting authorities can use specific provisions to work according to strategic objectives of environmental sustainability, such as Green Public Procurement (GPP), that is the green purchases of the Public Administration. It is recommended to include these provisions through an evaluation of the offers carried out exclusively on the basis of the criteria set in the tenders, as

established by the 2014 Directive, and not on external elements related to the general CSR policy of the contracting companies. ■ Include daytime cleaning in the execution criteria: Maintaining daytime cleaning in the execution criteria would have immediate positive consequences on the work-life balance of workers and on the overall recognition of services by those who use the premises where the cleaning service is carried out. Specifically, the increase in daytime cleaning leads to a decrease in split hours. ■ Transfer of undertakings: Cleaning service contracts are subject to the transfer of business legislation, which establishes that, in the event of a change of contractor, the incoming company must hire the staff of the outgoing company. Therefore, given that the cost of labor amounts on average to 80% of the price indicated in the offers of cleaning companies, it is essential that the tender includes information on the staff to be employed in the event of a business transfer. This is a legal obligation that is very often not respected by public clients. EFCI considers that all the requisites resulting from this obligation must be taken into consideration by the buyers in the drafting of the tender clauses, especially in social and integration matters. ■ Source: EFCI, EFCI’s recommendations for quality-based procurement of cleaning services, 2021 (www.efci.eu)


| March/2022


S aniti z ation

DISINFECTING environments during a PANDEMIC

The scientific bibliography and when incompetence becomes “Fake” Vincenzo Cama


| March/2022


n 2020 and 2021, we saw many claims for disinfection systems boasting bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal capacity, sometimes in complete dissonance with the current standards, the current level of development of the products and the common sense. As is well known, there is a great difference between micro-organisms, both in their reproduction system and in their resistance to disinfectants.


Bacteria - Single-celled microorganisms that reproduce by splitting. Almost all bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, apart from certain complex situations. Of note are Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Clostridium Tetani (with difficulty), Escherichia Coli, Legionella Pneumophila (with difficulty), Mycoccus and various others responsible for various infections or pathologies. Viruses - Instead, these are clusters of proteins made up of DNA and RNA, capable of reproducing using the material present in a certain host cell to form another identical individual, or a similar one if it has mutated. In fact, they

only live inside the cells of animals and plants, specific to various functions. They escape from these cells and infect other cells of the same type or sometimes other types present in other parts of the body. Viral infections can only be fought through the body’s production of antibodies, which are substances that harness the virus by chemically binding to their structure and thus making them unable to reproduce. This happens as they emerge from the host cell. Antibiotics that work to attack bacteria are ineffective at neutralising the viruses that are present inside cells. There are many types of viruses that cause diseases that can only be treated at an early stage or prevented by vaccines, thanks to the antibodies produced by our bodies. There are specific antiviral drugs to fight a particular type of virus with various mechanisms. There are currently no antiviral drugs that can replace the Covid-19 vaccination. There are drugs that produce positive effects but do not always cure the disease. Vaccines are made either from the same viruses that are deactivated after growing them or, like current Covid-19 vaccines, chemically pro-

duced. Vaccines cause the body to produce antibodies through which the infection is stopped, as long as it has not already spread and has not already damaged a majority of the cells that have been infected by it. Here are just a few pathologies caused by various viruses. Measles, Chickenpox, various types of Herpes, Influenza, AIDS, Gastroenteritis, Hepatitis, Warts, Pneumonia (including the well-known Covid-Sars 2), etc. There is no cell in the body that cannot be attacked by some type of virus. You only have to search on the Internet under Bacteria and Viruses (Biology) Wikipedia and you can see which and how many diseases of bacterial and viral origin have been identified. Fungi - Fungal or mycotic infections are completely different in nature from that caused by bacteria and viruses. Fungi are plants with no chlorophyll function that proliferate using the tissues on which they have implanted themselves. Fungal infections occur by transplanting spores on tissues, particularly on the skin, as well as lung tissues or the vagina. Trichophyton Interdigitale, Ringworm, Aspergillus Niger and Trichomonas Vagina-

March/2022 |



S aniti z ation

lis are some of the most well-known. They are treated with fungicidal substances in the form of ointments or creams. Lung infections caused by Aspergillus Niger are particularly dangerous and difficult to treat, often resulting in death.


As stated above, the focus of this article is on environmental disinfection during the Covid-19 pandemic as a preventive treatment specifically for surfaces. Sars 2 disease (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) caused by Covid19 (Coronavirus Disease) is mainly spread by inhaling a carrier’s infected breath. The infamous breath droplets containing the virus can reach more than a metre away. Sneeze droplets can reach up to 6-7 metres. As can be seen when the air is cold, the droplets coagulate, wet breath tends to fall and consequently settle on surfaces, with the timing and manner depending on various factors (see below). The same happens more visually with sneezing. Numerous articles appeared in scientific journals in the years 2019/2020 showing detection of the presence of Coronavirus in the air and on various surfaces. Table A reports Coronavirus survival times on various types of surfaces. Equally interesting are the studies regarding the survival of the virus in the air transported by the droplets (see Table B). There is a great deal of evidence that the spread of coronavirus occurs during gatherings when the breath of the virus carrier is inhaled directly. So avoiding gatherings and wearing a mask are the two well-known preventive measures. There are some considerations to be noted about the meaning of gathering (see below). There are other fundamental recommendations such as frequent hand washing and the use of alcoholic gel for sanitizing hands. For these simple 22

| March/2022

Table A. Survival time of the Sars-Cov 2 virus on surfaces SURFACES




M. F.


3 days

5 days

2 days

2 days


3 days






4-6 days

3 days

3 days



4 hours

4 hours

4 hours



2-8 hours



Varnished metal


5 days





4 days


24 hours



5 days





5 days





1 hour-2 days





5 days





3 hours

24 hours

25 mins.

References WHO “World Health Organization - Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità; JHI Journal of Hospital Infection; NEJM New England Journal of Medicine Medical Fact. Type in a search engine the name of the journal and “Persistence of corona Virus on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with Biocidal agents”.

operations, as for others involving the disinfection of air and surfaces that may be touched, the “action and use of disinfectant” is not enough, but it is necessary that the disinfection operation is done correctly. For surface disinfection it is not enough that a disinfectant containing a biocidal active substance is used, but that the concentration is correct with the correct contact time on the surface and that the surface is fully covered.

Similarly for air disinfection, which is perhaps even more complex. Below we report the data on concentrations and contact times obtained from scientific studies and in official documents from various bodies. Table C shows the primary ones for the disinfection of surfaces. Other data are reported for disinfection of air and surfaces with “vaporisers”. For a disinfectant to be approved and placed on the market, it is also neces-

sary for the product to be registered with the Ministry of Health as a Medical/Surgical Device and/or with the ECHA (European Chemical Agency) as a Biocide if the ECHA has taken over the management of that active substance. Some preliminary considerations are necessary for air disinfection.

Table C Product type

Active ingredient and minimum recommended concentrations

Contact time

Chlorioxidants Sodium hypochlorite and dichloroisocyanurate

Active chlorine available 1,000 ppm (0.1%)

1 minute

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Application by spreading with a cloth 5,000 ppm (0.5%) Application with aerosol dispensers (aHP)* 15,000 ppm (1.5%) Application with gas dispensers* (HPV) 130 ppm (180 mg /m3)

Aerosols and droplets

There are several studies on the environmental survival of Coronavirus which show that the persistence of the virus in the air is marginal or temporary while the residual effect on the surface as seen from Table A can last up to several days. By typing the phrase “Airborne transmission” into a search engine, you can read an interesting summary of studies by various authors and scienti-


Ethanol 70% by weight (w/w) O 78% by volume (V/V)

fic publications on the problem of the transmission of Sars-Cov 2 virus connected to droplets that are emitted by an infected person. Everything is connected to the size of the droplets and

5 minutes 60 minutes

30-60 seconds

their infectious capacity linked to their presence in the air. A person who breathes, sneezes or coughs can emit droplets ranging in size from 1 micron (µm) to 1000

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S aniti z ation

microns in diameter. A micron is one thousandth of a millimetre. Droplets larger than 100 µm fall back onto surfaces within 2 minutes. Smaller droplets can stay and travel further depending on the air movement and their size as well as ambient humidity (RH). Very small droplets below 30 µm can evaporate within seconds, shrinking to sizes below 5 µm. This depends almost exclusively on the relative humidity (RH) of the air as well as on the temperature. Rooms with higher relative humidity (RH>50%) keep the size of the droplets unchanged for a longer time and they, therefore, fall back onto surfaces more quickly, decreasing the infectiousness of the air. Dry air, such as in heated rooms in winter with no humidification, is a source of increased contagion. Many authors who have carried out studies on the spread of Covid-19 have in fact concluded that airborne infection can occur by inhaling the breath of an infected person within 2 metres (true


| March/2022

anti-gathering distance). Evidently, a closed environment, especially with dry air, with more people emitting droplets, can become very contagious due to the air being charged with these particles if there is no circulation. The rest of the contagion occurs via the surfaces if they are not disinfected. A publication in the American Society Journal of 4 March 2020 (Airborne Coronavirus) reports that airborne

samplings in an isolated room in Singapore with 3 patients with Covid did not demonstrate the presence of the virus in the air, while there was presence of the virus on floors and surfaces. In a hospital investigation on the search for the presence of Sars 1 published in Emerging Infectious Diseases of 2004 Vol. 10 (5) “Sars in Hospital Emergency Rooms”, the authors verified viral absence in the air in the face of


various samples that were positive on various surfaces (chairs, tables, shelving, floors, etc.). In these and other similar studies, it can be assumed that there was adequate air circulation in the rooms. Other studies report the same conclusions, including one in the Wuhan hospital. An important article often referred to by other authors is the one published by the New England Journal of Medicine in March 2020 (NV Doremalen et al. Aerosol and surface stability of SarsCov 2) which reports a study on the survival of the virus in the air infected with an aerosol smaller than 5 µm. The dimensions are like those droplets that most likely remained suspended in the air. Survival in the air is compared to that on surfaces after droplets have fallen and dried. The measurement of the viral load that remains viable over time is carried out with the TCID50 Test (Tissue Culture Infection Dose). The viral load is counted at 50% of samples from a litre of air infected with the virus, while for the surfaces, 1 ml of contaminated fluid spread on plastic and steel was used.



Time 0

log 3.5 - 103.5 (approximately 10,000 TCID units)

Time 3

log 2.7 - 102.7 (approximately 1,000 TCID units)

Time 6

log 1.7 - 101.7 (approximately 100 TCID units)

Time 9

log 0.5 - 100.5 (less than 10 TCID units)

The decay of the infectious dose is indicated (as always) with the logarithmic function “Log”. After spraying the Sars-Cov 2 virus dispersion with <5µm droplets at various intervals, the inactivation count is performed. The RH is not indicated and is assumed to be 50-60%. The results are set out in Table B. On the surfaces, on the other hand, a charge of 100.7 (less than 10 units) is detected after 72 hours (3 days) on plastic and after 48 hours (2 days) on steel. The above is a very important indication if aerial disinfection is to be carried out. Significant presence of the virus in the air is between 3-6 hours after use of the premises. Subsequently, the droplets either fell on surfaces, as with those larger than 30 µm, or lost their infectiousness, as indicated in table B.

Airborne transmission of the infection is always considered the main cause of infection, but it is evident when contagion through the air occurs at the same time as the virus is released into the environment in the vicinity of the infected person, whereas its presence on surfaces is much more permanent. An article in the Journal of Hospital Infection also reports similar data (2004; 56 (supl.): 564-569). ■ The data reported in the article are taken from scientific publications in journals or qualified institutions such as WHO (World Health Organisation), ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità-Italian National Institute of Health), ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), Ministry of Health, CDC-USA (US Center for Disease Control and Prevention). The original publications can be easily consulted by typing in topics such as “Aerosol and surface stability of Sars Cov2”. The most significant references are reported in the text. Such articles can easily be found on the internet.


March/2022 |



Hall 2.113

R-QUARTZ was designed following the Quartz 66-80 model, a highlevel performances and technical features scrubber. Thanks to a 100l capacity solution tank and the Solution Saving System Dispenser (3SD) as standard equipment, it is possible to precisely adjust the consumptions, granting up to 4 hours of continuous work. The 24V 330Ah Lithium battery pack, offers up to 6 hours of autonomy and a 5 hour fast charge.

The future of the autonomous cleaning

R-QUARTZ has two different learning modes and the possibility to create work sequences combining different routes which were memorized with different modes and with different features between each other. The dashboard is provided with a 7” touch screen which allows an easy and intuitive communication between the machine and the operator. The machine is always in touch with the user thanks to the

TELEMATICS system. The operator can always monitor the sequence on the map, the time left to complete the job and the eventual indications and warnings that the machine signals; it is possible also the receive real-time notices transmitted by the machine directly on the smartphone.

Working safely R-QUARTZ is provided with three safety systems which work simultaneously and can make it move in complete autonomy, granting a total safety for the people and avoiding the eventual obstacles.


T rends

PERFUMES and steam cleaning: FUTURE scenarios

Steam cleaning is an ever-evolving technique within the professional sector, with new-generation sanitisation and disinfection treatments: a technology increasingly in the spotlight, the ultimate aim of which is to sanitize large structures and common areas, increasingly trying to combine a ‘perfuming’ component

Luca Ilorini


fragrance is not a single material with clearly defined properties, but rather a mixture of individual chemicals, each of which behaves according to its own


| March/2022

unique attributes. Characterizing these chemicals separately, thus combining their effects, allows us to understand the behavior of the complete composition of the fragrance in different applications. The most important properties

of chemical fragrances include volatility, polarity, surface activity and stability. In standard application, both the transfer of perfume and its subsequent evaporation are unbalanced processes. It is therefore important to con-

sider the evaporation dynamics and factors such as mass transfer coefficients and diffusion coefficients. In general, perfumes cannot withstand high temperatures, they undergo a physiological reduction in their olfactory performance to the point of becoming imperceptible in some situations. This is an issue in environments such as professional laundries after the ironing phase for example: in this case the sheets are ‘almost’ odorless except in rare cases.


Steam cleaning at an industrial level has become involved in the perfume sector in recent years, both through the choice of solutions taken from the home care sector and through in-depth studies and research on the subject. There are a number of devices that can be connected or pre-installed to the most modern steam cleaning machines that allow the release of pleasant fragrances during the cleaning phase. The choice of suitable fragrances is

crucial: first of all, raw materials for fragrances that are more aggressive on plastics should be carefully avoided. This category includes, for example, the terpene fractions of numerous essential oils, which must be carefully avoided in order not to create problems with the functioning of the product. Similarly, it is important to choose the solvents that will accompany the fragrance: it is necessary to avoid, for example, solutions of a glycolic nature that could cause a non-optimal vapor diffusion, with an impact on the effectiveness of the cleaning phase. Furthermore, it would be advisable to choose solvent solutions with an excellent evaporation capacity, which favor the evaporation of the main components responsible for the fragrance. The possibility of ‘pre-solubilising’ the fragrance quota within an aqueous dispersion is also much debated: this solution is not suitable for all devices and all surfaces. The choice of sector players who want to invest in the ‘perfume’ sector combined with steam machines

must be governed by the numerous factors indicated above. It is essential to avoid fragrances with too high a content of fixatives and heavy molecules, as the presence of these could cause problems in the drying phase, causing halos at the vapor application point. At vaporization temperatures, the disinfection activity linked to the essential oil will vanish, leaving room for the action of the steam; but the fragrant component will still be present for a limited time, before leaving room for the base hints only.


Another strategy followed by numerous companies in the professional sector is to clean with dry saturated steam, without fragrances of any kind. This choice is due to the problems that some fragrance components can cause, especially in terms of health, to customers and users of industrial areas subject to steam cleaning procedures. In addition, in certain areas such as hospitals or nursing homes, the presence of overly strong fragrances may cause problems for particularly sensitive patients. Also, in this case, the pandemic situation has created a sort of borderland, a ‘grey’ area in which the two needs can somehow be combined. In fact, following the demand from some cleaning sector customers for disinfectant solutions that are, at least partially, capable of releasing a pleasant fragrance into the environment, there has been a proliferation of such proposals. An interesting compromise in this respect is that made by essential oils, particularly those that have been found to possess disinfectant activity, with numerous good examples. Amongst the latter, eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus gloMarch/2022 |



T rends

bulus), lemon oil or peppermint oil stand out: in all cases, these are interesting solutions from an olfactory point of view and definitely worth pursuing. The odoriferous fraction of the essential oil considered is the one that finds its maximum expression in the vapor phase: for this reason, its possible use at decimal levels within vapor cleaning solutions may represent an interesting starting point for new business opportunities.


For some years now and with great success, the world of professional detergents has opened up to other sectors, such as food and cosmetics. Sectors from which to take inspiration to face new challenges and seize different opportunities: with this in mind, research studies are being developed to test the possible impact of new technologies on the world of profes-


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sional cleaning. One challenge, as noted above, is the persistence and effectiveness of the fragrance when exposed to very high temperatures. A valid ally in this situation is represented by the latest generation of cyclodextrins. Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides with a toroidal molecular structure and are able to form non-covalent host-guest inclusion complexes with various molecules. The most common cyclodextrins have 6, 7, and 8 glucopyranose units in the cycle and are referred to as a-, b- and c-CD respectively. The formation and stability of guest inclusion cyclodextrin complexes depend on many factors such as the size/shape correspondence and binding forces between the host cyclodextrin and the molecules and chemical substance. When complexes are formed, the cyclodextrin cavity helps stabilize and protect the host molecules and control and support their structure. Cyclodextrins are natural, non-toxic and slowly biodegradable

molecules, and consequently they are used in various sectors. Stabilization of aromas/flavors at high temperatures is an important issue, as significant problems such as short shelf life can occur due to the high volatility of these fragrance/aroma constituents. Studies have shown that cyclodextrins are very effective for stabilizing and sustained release of fragrances over time. Therefore, incorporating these compounds into fragrance delivery devices would be extremely interesting, as fragrances with greater stability and persistence over time could be achieved. With this in mind, it is interesting to evaluate future applications of this technology in combination with traditional steam cleaning, to achieve the desired result of obtaining an environment that is not only sanitized, but also delicately but perceptibly perfumed, generating a pleasant reaction from end customers, in the production departments of important companies or in large communal areas. ■

DRY STEAM MACHINES stindustry.it



circ u lar econom y

PAPER: an increasingly sustainable industry

The Italian paper industry has long been a leader in the circular economy and, thanks to increasingly selective collection of urban and production waste, has gradually reduced its input of virgin raw materials Edited by Simone Ciapparelli


| March/2022


n the field of renewability and circularity, paper can certainly play an important role; for the quality and quantity of recycled materials in Italy, in fact, the sector has a particularly strategic value in giving impetus to new good practices in the field of circular economy.


The production of paper and its entire supply chain represent an excellent example of a circular economy based on the use of cultivated renewable resources that would theoretically allow multiple production cycles from a single environmental withdrawal. dossale della normativa sugli scarichi, reL’acqua è un elemento fondamentale del The manufacture of paper always stano quindi mediamente superiori a quelli processo produttivo cartario. Il riciclo inrequires an input of raw material, both di altri paesi europei e potrebbero essere terno dell’acqua è elevato e soltanto il almeno dimezzati. 10% dei consumi di processo è costituito cellulose and other materials (minerals, Gli inquinanti presenti nelle acque reflue da prelievi. starches), but the secondary material is di cartiera sono essenzialmente di origine I consumi idrici – diversificati a seconda gly managed in a sustainable manner: now the main input. Cellulose fibre is a sumption in the sector has greatly biologica o naturale (cellulose, amidi, cadel prodotto finito e tra processi di pro89.8% of the duzione forestsdella owned or manarenewable, biodegradable and comporeduced over the years. To produce a riche minerali inerti come il carbonato di pasta e processi di fabbriged by the paper stable material of natural origin, easily ton of paper, calcio). 26 cubic metres of water cazioneindustry cartaria – in si Europe sono drasticamente are certified according to FSC PEFC returnable for recycling into new paper. today, to the di100 Rispetto ai compared principali parametri caratridotti nel corso degli or anni. Se, infatti,are allaused delle acque reflue, valori degli annipulp settanta erano necessari schemes, andfine 90% of the purchaOn a European scale, fibres are used on neededterizzazione up to forty years ago. Duei to medi di emissione di COD e di solidi mediamente 100 metri cubi d’acqua per sed by the European paper industry is average 3.6 times, more than the world the effect of discharge regulations, sospesi (alcune sostanze più critiche sono orprodurre una tonnellata di carta, attualcertified. average. The fibre, however, undergoes Italian water consumption remains mai state eliminate dai processi) mostrano mente ne vengono utilizzati 26 (dato memechanical and chemical degradation, on average higher than inridimensionamento, other Euronel tempo un continuo dio del campione Assocarta). therefore needing to be reintegrated could WATER INPUT, EMISSIONS attestandosiand sempre ben be al dihalved. sotto dei liIl dato, sostanzialmente stabile negli pean ultimi countries with long fibres. The present in paper mill AND CONSUMPTION miti di legge. anni, evidenzia il raggiungimento di un pollutants La stabilizzazione registrata negli ultimi limite tecnologico quale sembreRecent data indicate, for the paper wastewater are essentially of biologiInternal water recycling is sotto high il and anni è anche il segno di un sostanziale rebbe difficile spingersi senza incorrere industry, a total consumption of matecal or natural origin, such as cellulose, only 10% of process consumption is limite, oggi difficilmente superabile con le in un incremento delle concentrazioni. I rial equal to 10.08 million tons, for the starch and inert mineral fillers. made up of withdrawals. Water contecnologie di trattamento disponibili. consumi idrici italiani, per un effetto paraproduction of 8.9 million tons of product. Trend of the specific use of water (m³/T) Of the total consumption, 50.2% is 11 - ANDAMENTO DELL’IMPIEGO SPECIFICO DI ACQUA (M3/T INDICIZZATO AL 1995 =100) made up of secondary materials, 35.4% of virgin fibres and 14.4% of non-fi120 brous materials such as starches. It can therefore be estimated, overall, 100 that approximately 89.1% of the materials used are made up of secondary 80 materials (pulp) or renewable materials (cellulosic fibres and starches). 60 The consumption of virgin fibres, in relation to the production of paper, 40 has progressively contracted over the last ten years, reaching its minimum 20 in 2018. Italy imports 94.1% of paper pulp (i.e. cellulose from virgin fibres), 0 mainly from Europe and the Americas; it comes from cultivated forests and, increasingly, from certified forests. In Europe and other areas, forests cultivated for paper timber are increasinSource: Assocarta data processing March/2022 |


























3.1 Acqua: impiego d’acqua, riciclo dell’acqua ed emissioni in acqua



circ u lar econom y

Air emissions into the atmosphere come, above all, from energy production and are emissions of CO2, nitrogen oxides, SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and fine dust. The conversion of industrial power to natural gas has effectively eliminated sulfur dioxide emissions and greatly reduced particulate emissions. The emissions of nitrogen oxides and CO2, on the other hand, are proportional and determined by the extent of energy consumption. Paper processes require significant quantities of energy, both heat and electricity: energy consumption in the paper sector has been progressively made more efficient, with a reduction in total consumption - fuel and electricity - and specific consumption. Energy requirements in the production process vary according to the raw material, the technology used and the finished product. which does not include companies The production of pulp from wood in the printing sector, a reduction in requires an energy equivalent of energy consumption of approximately approximately 4300 kWh/t, while, 30% has been recorded over the last 20 when using recycled paper, it requires years. Currently, the sector produces only 1300 kWh/t. This difference is due about 76% of the electricity it needs, to the fact that the fibre is basically using almost exclusively natural gas as already available from the recycling the source. process. In the Assocarta sample, 03 RINNOVABILE E RICICLABILE A PARTIRE DALLE NOSTRE MATERIE PRIME Trend in specific energy consumptions of the paper sector in relation to production


Source: Assocarta data processing



120 100

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The specific production of waste per ton of product has remained constant over the years, with a slight increase since 2013; we are talking about 1.5 million tons of waste, corresponding to approximately 165 kg per tonne of


Assocarta is the trade association that aggregates, represents and protects the companies that produce paper, cardboard and pulp in Italy. The Association, which is a member of Confindustria and acts as an institutional interface with the main national political and administrative institutions, defines and orients its institutional activity according to the different needs of the Italian paper industry in order to represent its legitimate interests and promote its development and competitiveness. Through the European Confederation for the Paper Industry (CEPI), Assocarta represents the interests of the sector and raises the profile of the industry with EU and international institutions.

paper produced. More than a third of the waste consists of paper streams that are sent for recycling. Excluding the flow of recovered waste, production waste from the paper industry is composed of sludge and residues from water purification, residues from the recycling process and de-inking sludge, various types of waste such as iron, plastic and wood, stemming from the packaging system. The most critical waste stream is the estimated 250,000 tons of pulp and de-inking sludge produced by the recycling paper industry. Despite improvements in processing techniques, there has been an increase in the generation of these residues due to the introduction of new processes like de-inking, the increased treatment capacity of water treatment plants, and, above all, the increased use of waste, especially from separate waste collection, which has a higher content of impurities and non-reusable fibre.


The European paper industry has set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050 compared to 1990, through the decarbonisation of production thanks to the combination of interventions based on recycling, energy efficiency, use of renewable fuels and electrification. For Italy, substantial investments have been made in recent decades by equipping the system with natural gas-based cogene-

rators; more drastic decarbonisation is not an easy goal to achieve, but technologies are largely available and new technologies are being developed. The paper industry cannot do without the contribution of primary fibres (wood and pulp), a cultivated and therefore renewable and potentially fully sustainable product. It is necessary to strengthen and generalise the use of only fibres from sustainable management, whether European or non-European, in the knowledge that there are still areas of the world where forest production is not sustainable. A major development opportunity for the paper industry is the transition towards a reduction of disposable and hard-to-recycle products and packaging. Paper products, also combined for example with bio-plastics, represent the answer to the demand for truly recyclable and biodegradable

packaging. Of all packaging products, paper products are the only ones with the potential to be almost completely recyclable, so they deserve to be promoted by public policies, through programmes to phase out inappropriate materials and packaging or equivalent measures that allow the necessary time for production conversion and economic optimisation of processes. As regards paper production waste, in the context of Italian production, the anaerobic co-digestion of paper sludge with other more nitrogen-rich streams, such as municipal sludge, manure and herbaceous productions, is particularly interesting and applicable; these technologies can enhance the energy content of sludge with the production of biogas that can be upgraded to biomethane. ■ Source: Assocarta, “Rapporto Ambientale dell’Industria Cartaria Italiana”


March/2022 |



80 YEARS of service to the professional HYGIENE market


he last five years have been instrumental in the growth of Paredes. The transformation began in 2017 with a new management, ably led by Francois Thuilleur, who launched an ambitious plan with the aim of, in his own words, transforming “an old company that is becoming modern”. Paredes is currently celebrating its 80 years of service to the professional hygiene market, of its development from a family business into the company it has become today with over €220 million turnover, 650 collaborators, 2 production sites and 16 commercial and logistic sites spread between France and Italy. Their history contains important milestones such as the invention of the first single-use, paper roll for hygienic purposes and the first auto cut dispenser for hand towels or the establishment of Paredes Italia in 1988. 2022 marks the end of the overarching project #Dèfi22 that encompassed all aspects of the business – a new visual identity, renewed product lines including its dispenser line Paredis Style and Paredis Style Elite and many other important investments. Examples of this are the inauguration of HUB Paredes – a central logistics port that


| March/2022

accounts for 20% of the 100 000 m² of the Groups warehouse space – and Université Paredes, their training centre. The modernisation of their commercial activities include the development of the myparedes application, a 100% digital hygiene solution and last year’s launch of their e-shop that, paired with experts divided by client sector to consult on the most appropriate solutions for their clientele, is garnering considerable success. With the attention these Covid-tainted years have brought upon professional

hygiene services comes a spotlight on social and environmental issues for which Paredes has always been an active spokesperson since its launch of its philosophy Eco Attitude® in 1995. These solid foundations have been built upon with the adhesion to the UN Global Compact in 2017, a Gold EcoVadis Sustainability Rating since 2019, Social Accountability certification and Carbon Footprint certification for its products, to name but a few of its CSR initiatives. This development has launched Paredes to the position of modern front-runner on the European hygiene market. In fact, its development over the next few years will reach further afield; whilst Paredes Italia has launched its own growth project #Forza25, the Group is currently opening up the Swiss, German and Benelux markets. Paredes has come a long way since its early days and they have navigated these recent tumultuous times with success. Their client-centric approach is greatly appreciated and looks set to confirm its growth trajectory in the years to come. ■ www.paredes.it

Soluzioni d’igiene e di protezione professionale


L egal notice

MANUFACTURER’s and commercial TRADEMARKS: what are the differences? Affixing one’s own trademark and logos in place of those of the actual manufacturer must be done carefully and in accordance with the law. Filippo Cafiero


| March/2022


he need for correct and clear identification of the manufacturer has been under discussion from the time of the original Law No. 126/91 to the subsequent Ministerial Decree 101/97, up to the Consumer Code, as amended by Decree-Law No. 76 of 16 July 2020 converted, with amendments, into Law 120 of 11 September 2020. This issue is also governed by other regulatory texts, such as CE marking, Due Diligence and European Regulation 305/2011, which clearly highlights the roles of manufacturer, importer and retailer and, therefore, the reasons why those who are not the true manufacturer can also be considered as such by the law and the market. Affixing one’s own trademark in place of that of the manufacturer inevitably entails the assumption of precise obligations and considerable responsibilities: this operation must be carried out with the appropriate precautions and in compliance with the obligations and formalities of the law. Care and caution must be exercised when affixing trademarks or logos, as well as when simply adding a header. Together with the well-known principles regarding product data sheets and CE marking, it is also necessary to take into account the regulations relating to trademarks and, in particular, to commercial ones, or to the trademarks or identifying logos of the party who acts as a reseller in the supply chain. Although the law authorises the affixing of such marks and thus entitles the retailer to mark the product supplied to customers with its own logo, thereby identifying its own hand in relation to the various references, the Civil Code expressly prohibits the removal of the manufacturer’s mark in order to do so. Consequently, if one does not exercise due care in affixing one’s trademarks, one runs a double risk: a risk related to the principles of qualification as a manufacturer even for those who may not be manufacturers in reality; and a second risk due to the consequences one may face for violating trademark law.



By providing for the reseller’s right to add its own trademark to that of the manufacturer, without however suppressing it, this provision aims to ensure that the identification of the difference between the manufacturer and the trader does not disappear. Not only for a subjective diversification but also for a distinction of roles, competencies and responsibilities in relation to that product. Not because of the product itself but because of the relationship that that product implies between the manufacturer, the retailer and the recipient of the product. In fact, the rule particularly concerns references intended for circulation and the identification of the manufacturer in relations with the seller and in subsequent relations between dealers and traders. For this reason, the protection is actually twofold: on the one hand, the familiar one resulting from the registration of the manufacturer’s trademark;

on the other, the distinction between the subjects within the production and commercial chains. Double and mutually corresponding, because in connection with and as a function of the registration of the trademark, the law confers quite a few powers and rights on the person for whose benefit the registration itself was made and because in connection with and as a result of the omitted distinction between manufacturer and reseller/ dealer there is a risk of running into serious consequences for having thus undermined and compromised the very rationale of the registration of the manufacturer’s trademark, with the obvious and reciprocal impact of one aspect on the other. But not only that: precisely for this reason, the prohibition of the suppression of the manufacturer’s trademark is implicitly and concretely accompanied by that of alteration of this trademark. If, in fact, the purpose of the provision is to protect the manufacturer in dealings with other traders/dealers, any alteMarch/2022 |



L egal notice

ration that does not take the form of the actual removal of the manufacturer’s mark but of an alteration or other operation that, in any event, does not allow for that identification and, above all, that distinction between the various subjective powers, constitutes conduct prohibited by law because it is in clear breach of a precise obligation in commercial relations. Strictly speaking, the principle does not apply if the retailer has carried out work on the product, presenting it as its own finished product and different from that received from the original manufacturer, his supplier. This is the case, for example, in work on behalf of third parties or in subcontracting relationships. Beware, however: in such cases the advantage of not being subject to the discipline under consideration here is not so great, if one is then unable to sustain the stated position of “manufacturer” of the finished product. In other words, if a multi-services company, in completing the work commissioned by the client, works with the product supplied by the manufacturer and presents the same product as his own, he is not (only) removing the identification of the figure of the manufacturer as his supplier, but is assuming the burdens and responsibilities as the manufacturer of the entire product. Therefore, if he is able to support these in relation to the recipient of his product and in any context, including litigation, there is no argument. If he is unable to do so, he should reconsider his actions. The fact that the distinction between the manufacturer and the reseller/ dealer must always be apparent, and all the more so when the latter does not make any changes to the product and does not act as manufacturer, is also permitted by some courts through express mention in sales catalogues or at exhibitions where the products are shown to the public. Thus, if from the whole or the overall context of the relationship that the retailer/dealer establishes with its customer there 40

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are signs that the distinction between itself and its manufacturer/supplier is unambiguous, the risks of infringement may be considered mitigated and sufficiently surmountable. If this is not the case, then the risk is indeed considerable.

perly regulated, both in terms of the way in which they are expressed and the formalities involved, the risks for both parties are considerable: for the retailer, because he may be held and called to account by the market as a manufacturer without actually being


one (in view of what has already been said several times on the subject of the product sheet and CE marking); for the manufacturer, because he may be involved in irregularities or failures by his retailer without having been entitled to do so or being at fault. Finally, for all the reasons mentioned above, however much emphasis is placed on the manufacturer’s trademark or logo, it must be borne in mind that, in an economy in which communication and image are of considerable importance, all other signs attributable to the manufacturer and intended to distinguish it or its various products must be understood to be included and treated in the same way as the manufacturer’s trademark or logo. ■

All the more reason to reinforce the need for precise and careful regulation of the relationship between the manufacturer and the retailer and any further traders, even when the economic-commercial relationship of supply is accompanied by the authorisation to use the trademark or any other possibility of using a different heading or method of presenting the product. As we know, in some of these relationships there are agreements for the use of trademarks or logos and for the use of technical and commercial documentation relating to one’s own product, but if these agreements are not pro-


www.rcm.it ICON is a professional scrubber-drier, compact and agile, with an high productivity rate, to be used on mediumbig size areas, even in narrow passages and difficult lay-outs. It is available in 3 versions: 1000 mm cleaning width with rolling brushes, 900 and 1000 mm cleaning width with disk brushes. Quiet, to work without disturbing and safe even in crowdy places, because of the front LED light.


M ar k eting

“All the world’s a stage”, Shakespeare said, and he had got a point Fabrizio Pirovano

Marco Monti

HOW TO communicate (effectively) with a public of CUSTOMERS


an has always found himself in front of people to whom to communicate something, with whom to discuss and share ideas or face difficulties; well, the ability to communicate effectively in public is an essential skill to demonstrate effective leadership. It seems obvious to underline the importance of transferring role credibility and concreteness when presenting a product or service to a customer, or simply during a meeting with one’s colleagues or collaborators, yet in years of consulting activity in private and public companies we have faced with people who do not give strategic importance to their communication. Well yes, it seems that the strength of the content is considered sufficient for it to reach the other side, to the public. 44

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However, we know very well, in our hearts, that this is not the case. What are the secrets of effective communication, such as the «tricks» of an actor’s profession, the secrets of those who fascinate us in a sale, on a stage or, simply, leave us an important trace of their passage in our memory, like a shopping experience not to be forgotten? We could answer these questions by addressing them to those who have hit the scenes and studied to honor the expectation of their audience, or to those who have studied as actors. We do not deny that we have attended school of theatrical improvisation and have hit the scenes a few times, but today we are more trainers and consultants than actors, and we have something we would like to share with you on this issue. First of all the basics that must be clear to all communicators:

1. You can’t not communicate1 2. The effectiveness of the communication lies in the feedback that you get and not in the intentions. 3. The public is a creditor. Let’s address these three points in detail and see how they can be adapted to the case of a salesperson in managing a presentation to customers.


“One cannot not communicate” is a well-known axiom which highlights how every gesture, every attitude, every pause, every behavior produces inevitable effects on the recipients; this means that it is good to be fully aware that we can adequately influence our client through an appropriate and stra1

Paula Watzlawick ne “La pragmatica della comu-

nicazione umana”, Astrolabio

tegic use of our non-verbal language (gestures, postures and looks) as well as the timely use of the voice and, then, of the arguments. If we place ourselves in a pedantic way, as «technical experts in the sector», even if this reflects our professional position, it does not mean that this is enough to get the message where we want and, above all, with the effectiveness we want. Our breaks, if right, will emphasize the relevance of the message while if used incorrectly they will make our public fall asleep! Not looking at customers in favor of our products means making our own business while the interlocutor is addressing us: what an impropriety! We can therefore summarize the first point with these key principles of the art of public speaking: ■ The voice, which has a 38% impact on the effectiveness of syntonic communication, governs the customer’s attention and is the key tool to underline, like a marker, some concepts that are more important than others. If we want to underline a message, we just need to introduce a preparatory break first and this will raise the attention and expectation of the interlocutor; then, after marking the (short) message, we will insert another closing pause after a waning tone of voice. ■ Eye contact is part of non-verbal communication (gestures, postures, etc.), however we prefer to give it its own independent dignity for a very simple reason: eye contact is the crosshairs of our communication! If we do not look our clients in the face while we speak we will never be able to make it clear that what we are saying is meant precisely for them. ■ The gestures and postures (which account for 55%) obviously add effectiveness to our words. The gestures should not be excessive, but sufficient to underline what we are saying by favoring a three-dimensional vision to our interlocutors. It is like saying that our message, supported by words and voice, is enriched with gestures and looks that make it complete.


“The effectiveness of communication lies in the feedback you get and not in the intentions” it means that the seller’s expectations are obviously important but never as important as the result of the work done. The desire to transmit content is never enough, if you want to transmit it correctly! How many times have we heard that certain types of customers were difficult and that nothing could be done to convince them... nothing more wrong: the responsibility for the effectiveness of the communication lies with the seller. There can certainly be difficult situations but it is rather disarming to hear sellers convinced that they have done their job well, regardless of the feedback gotten. For this reason, the purpose of a seller, as well as that of an actor on stage, must always be to respond to an expected need of the public (the customers) and not to «impose» the need as if it were dropped from heaven and the seller had the divine power to influence attention for the sole reason of having some important motivation to do so. In other words, we are underlining one of the most serious and recurrent misconceptions of “old-fashioned” salespeople: «What you say counts because it counts who says it». Incomplete! we’d say rather: «What is said counts because whoever says it counts and, since it counts, he also knows how to say it!»


“The customer is the creditor”. Yes, the customer is a creditor towards the seller for a simple reason: he has a loss of profit given by the time he will

spend listening to you and he rightly expects it to be a profitable time, able to compensate for the renunciation of other activities simultaneously sacrificed for the purchase opportunity. If this is not the case, he will go buy somewhere else. Naturally, the customer’s expectation is the result of experience, and this is not comforting if we consider that most of the experiences of the «injured party» (the customer) are negative due to pedantic, self-referential sellers, disinterested in the priority of the interlocutor and convinced that «the strength of the content» is more than enough and that the techniques of persuasive communication and public speaking are useless. Finally, two words should be spent in favor of the content so as not to seem absurd in emphasizing the effectiveness of a sales argument solely on the basis of the ability to deliver it. What we say is undoubtedly important. What we say, the result of our competence, our preparation and also what is generally of interest to the customer, loses value if the seller is boring and detached!


The combination of content - what we say - and form - how we say it - will offer 100% of our effectiveness to a clientele who will be happy to listen, to remember and, above all, to buy, activating profitable word of mouth. The actors prepare a lot on what to say and so is the commitment on preparing how to say it. Make sure that your meetings and presentations are the right mix of content and form: the buying audience will thank you. ■ March/2022 |


SMART SOLUTIONS, in line with technological INNOVATION


ounded in 1946, Kunzle & Tasin has quickly established itself as one of the reference points in the market for woodworking and parquet treatment machines. In July 2010, the company joined the Biffignandi Group, combining international projection, innovative skills, tradition and solidity. In the meantime, the new challenges of national and international markets demanded a strong push for innovation and the ability to look to other sectors. That’s why Künzle & Tasin developed and launched in 2019 Multi Mode Line, a new range of machines for professional cleaning. Models with unique and distinctive features, created to simplify


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and deeply improve the daily job of most operators. All these products guarantee excellent performance, and represent the most suitable solution for cleaning and sanitizing in the best way industrial, commercial, institutional (schools, hospitals, public places,…) environments. In January 2020 Künzle & Tasin acquired the business branch of Menghini & Bonfanti “La Genovese”, a well known historic company, specialized in the production of grinding machines for concrete, marble and natural stone floors. A synergy that will allow a successful combination of the respective backgrounds, so offering to customers and partners even new values and increasingly innovative products.

The new challenges constantly require strong research and drive for innovation. Aware of this, Kunzle & Tasin is continuously focused on thinking, designing and developing new solutions: new machines and treatment systems, able to accomplish successfully every task in different situations and contexts, thus simplifying and improving the daily job of each professional. What we offer our customers are smart solutions, in line with technological innovation and with the real needs coming from the market, but always respectful of the latest regulations regarding environment and safety. www.kunzletasin.com



W/D Module wet&dry vacuum cleaners are a perfect synthesis of power, reliability and performance. The battery driven W/D Module B50, perfectly combines a high productivity with a remarkable running time (up to 2 hours continuously, with the standard 40Ah batteries). The right mix of speed,efficiency and comfort makes this battery vacuum cleaner ideal for professional cleaning of mediumlarge areas (swimming pools, hotels, industries and warehouses, supermarkets...).


Sanding on 3 wheels means working in a fast, agile and comfortable way. That’s why Stornello® is well known as one of the most innovative manual precision sanders perfectly combining flexibility and performance. Thanks to its flexible strutture, Stornello® can “host” a wide range of different accessories. So we have created 4 different configurations, 4 well defined systems able to emphasize and enhance the strength and features of the machine in various situations. Marble, granite, metal, wood… Stornello® can work everywhere. With amazing results.



1 machine, 3 different configurations: sweeper, scrubber dryer and wet&dry vacuum cleaner. That’s the truly distinctive feature for Module. The perfect combination of sweeping, scrubbing and vacuuming mode makes Module a completely flexible machine, able to accomplish different cleaning tasks, which usually would require the combined job of more devices. That’s why Module is a “3 in 1” machine, ideal for working in different market segments: commercial, institutions, hospitals, industrial. Module is available in two “sizes”, Module 35 and Module 50, both in cable and battery versions.

Golia single disc machines, “classic” and successful models, well known in the market, represent in the best way the competence of Künzle&Tasin in the professional treatment of all the main surfaces. Blue Golia are now back, updated in design and in some technical functions. 3 models, 3 different working approaches, to successfully accomplish any operation, from basic cleaning to heavy duty treatments, on wood, concrete and any other surface. The top model Blue Golia Plus KN, with the standard KING NEB planetary disc, allows to carry out “heavy” treatments and processes in a simplified, deep and effective way. The remarkable weight of the machine, the high rotation speed and the counterrotating movement of the satellites ensure strength and stability, allowing the operator to work “straight” in a comfortable, quick and highly performing way.

March/2022 |



pest control

FIGHT against FLIES in a compost farm

Analysis of a concrete case of application of the Integrated Pest management guidelines and the benefits resulting from the use of this methodology Michele Ruzza


he report of discomfort due to the excessive presence of flies reached the compost company in question during the spring of 2021, by residents in homes adjacent to the industrial structure. The first step was to visit the company in order to assess what its fly control 50

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system was and what actions were being implemented. From the analysis of the data for the years 2019 and 2020 it was possible to detect how, in order to limit the presence of these insects, the company had entrusted the service to a pest control company that performed adulticide treatments for their containment. The treatments were carried out

fortnightly in spring and autumn and weekly in the summer (from June to September) with scheduled interventions, regardless of any adverse weather conditions in the hours following the treatment. From the analysis it emerged that no other control methodologies had been contemplated for flies, both in the internal and in the external area.

In agreement with the plant manager, it was decided to study a new control methodology, developed on the IPM and on the basis of the compost production process by analyzing the various production processes. The company’s study therefore led to the evaluation of some areas as sensitive such as: ■ Zone A: consisting of 2 sheds in which the waste was delivered and left to maturate for at least 4 weeks with the movement of the mass every 7 days. The shed, next to the mass of waste, highlighted an area with the presence of sewage as well as a lane suitable for the passage of processing machinery and two main openings, one for loading and the second for unloading, with weekly opening. ■ Zone B: consisting of 4 sheds with a single entrance (used for both loading and unloading) with the resting function of the mass taken from the sheds in zone A. In these sheds the rest timing of the mass varied from a minimum of four weeks to a few months. ■ Zone C: it was decided to consider the external area of the company as a potentially sensitive area and therefore to adopt a control program also in this area. Once the various sensitive areas had been identified, the first operational step was to evaluate which products and equipment could be the most performing for the service and on the basis of those then go to study the methods of application of the same. As regards the larvicidal treatments, it was considered to perform periodic treatments with two products, the first based on S-Methoprene and the other based on Diflubenzuron, in order to avoid possible resistance phenomena. The controls of the adults to be developed with two methods were then evaluated. The first control method was the use of chromotropic panels activated with brushing with a product based on Clothianidin and Trichosene (Pesguard® CT 2.6) and with mass traps activated with protein components. The second method was to

tions and the presence of infestation in order to vary the frequency. It was also considered to carry out the interventions at the first light of dawn and not at a set time.

carry out spatial adulticide treatments with a product based on Prallethrin and Cypermethrin (Cymina Super) which guaranteed good killing action and prolonged residuality, but with only the H410 risk phrase. Therefore, having established the products to be used, the operational plan for the 2021 season, was built:

From a control of the presence of flies it was shown that during the entire intervention period the mass traps near the

■ Larvicidal treatments: carried out every two weeks in the sheds in Zone A, monthly in the sheds in Zone B. Treatments start on April 19th and ends on September 13th, except for temperatures favorable to the recrudescence of the problem; ■ “Physical” adulticidal treatments: the positioning of 20 panels per shed as regards Zone A and 5 panels as regards Zone B was evaluated, for a total of 60 panels (10 x 30 cm) with a fortnightly change. In the external area, on the other hand, two defensive lines were evaluated with mass capture traps, placing 2 for each entrance to the sheds (for a total of 8 traps) and 10 traps in the perimeter area, all with monthly change. ■ Spatial adulticide treatments: the evaluation began with treatments starting from June 3 every twenty days to end on September 16, notwithstanding the continuous monitoring of the weather condi-

doors had an average quantity of flies approximately double compared to the traps present in the external perimeter, and during adulticide treatments there was not a high amount of flies in the walls of the buildings. This fact was also confirmed in the interviews carried out with staff, who identified a decrease in the perception of the presence of flies in the external areas of the compost company. More importantly, no protests were received from residents of neighboring housing structures. It can therefore be identified how, for the control of flies, the application of a coordinated control/protocol between larvicidal interventions, physical interventions and adulticidal interventions can guarantee an effective decrease in the pressure of the pest, from an IPM perspective. Of course, the principles of the IPM also apply to the hygienic-sanitary protection of the environment, also underlining the need to activate a close collaboration between the Management and the disinfestation function. ■ March/2022 |



B io - et h ological s h eet


Correct management of manure in farms: frequent removal in fertilizers with a concrete base and channels for the collection of sewage; covering the dunghill with plastic sheets to increase the fermentation temperature.

Insecta Diptera Brachycera Muscidae

DIMENSIONS Larva: Pupa: Adult:

Disinfestation adults: biological struggle with sterile males; use of traps, baits and sticky strips; treatments with killing and residual products larvae: biological fight with parasitoids; larvicidal treatments in outbreaks of infestation with low environmental impact products

12 mm 6 mm 5 - 9 mm


The adult has burgundy eyes, the thorax is gray with 4 black stripes, and the abdomen has 2 large yellowish spots on the sides. The mouthparts consist of a retractable proboscis. The larva is whitish with a conical shape. This species is cosmopolitan and widespread everywhere.


Larva: within excrements, manure, waste and fermenting plant material, provided they are sufficiently hot and humid. Adult: in the air, near dunghill, landfills, agro-food industries, etc.: ubiquitous and synanthropic. It generally remains at the outbreak of infestation, with displacements of 0.5 - 5 Km.


Larva: bacteria and yeasts present within the substrates in which they live. Adult: food substances of all kinds, animal serosities, excrements, etc. The characteristic way of feeding (regurgitation emitted to dissolve solid foods) determines its danger.


Egg > larva > pupa > adult Duration: 6 - 8 days (in optimal conditions) N° generations/year: 12 – 15 N° egg/female: 600 - 900, in groups of 100 - 200 elements.The female is monogamous, the male is not Wintering: as an adult in sheltered places (houses, stables); sometimes as larvae in suitable microclimates (dunghill and landfills).


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Minimum temperature: 10°C (egg and larvae) 12°C (stopping adult activities) 0° C for long periods (adult mortality) Optimal temperature: 35° - 38°C 30°C (adults) Maximum temperature: 50°C (larvae)


Decrease in production on farms due to the discomfort of animals. Health damage: potential vector of numerous pathologies. Economic and image damage in tourist areas. Damage in the agro-food industries.


Prevention Frequent cleaning: elimination of food residues and organic waste. Correct management of food and waste: hermetic sealing of both in suitable containers and possibly in separate environments. Use of exclusionary practices: installation of fine mesh windows and double doors with return.

Treatment calendar 5 - 10 treatments to be started at the first appearance of the infestation. It is advisable to carry out the first interventions in spring, to contain subsequent infestations. In summer, when there is a strong presence of flies, approach the treatments at intervals of 10 - 20 days, depending on the persistence of the product in the environment in question. Products Adulticides: ■ Natural pyrethrum extract ■ Pyrethroid ■ Low toxicity phosphoric esters Larvicides: ■ Low toxicity phosphoric esters ■ Anti Chitinizers ■ Juvenoids Equipment ■ Sprayers Technique Wall spraying should be done by insisting in particular on the areas around the entrances (doors and windows), as well as on those most frequented by flies. The larvicidal treatments must affect the area of the fertilizer where there is no supply of fresh manure. Also intervene along the perimeter of the relaying areas, where there is no continuous trampling action.


500 ml

250 ml

150 ml


3.000 SPRAYS



ORMA srl - Via A. Chiribiri 2, 10028 Trofarello (TO) Italy - Tel: +39 011 64 99 064 - aircontrol@ormatorino.it - www.ormatorino.com


by Cristina Cardinali


On the MARKET today Technology, research, development: the latest news from the cleaning world MIRA WITH HEPA FILTER GB Professional cleaning is one of the fundamental aspects of the reception and the use of adequate technologies are the must for perfect sanitization. Especially small and smart scrubber drier models are very useful in this sector, ensuring a high level of hygiene, rapid operation, immediately dry and effortlessly walkable floor. For the hospital or highrisk sector with high risk of contamination, 4CleanPro provides for the application of an absolute Hepa class H14 filter that completely filters the aspirated air thus ensuring an effective sanitation of the ebb air remixed into the environment. Since 99,95% of the thin dust will be collected by the filter.

4 CLEANPRO SRL www.4cleanpro.com

4CleanPro is a dynamic company that produces machines for industrial cleaning. In the last two years it has positioned itself in the high niche of the market with high quality products. All the machines have Aisi 304 steel frames, and are equipped with an intuitive and reliable electronic component.

GAIA 50 B INOX AISI 304 The new update on our model GAIA 50B which is now with a full inox stainless steel chassis. We know that machine washers suffer after a few years of using obvious signs of corrosion. This is due to the fact that the machines work perennially with very aggressive water and detergent and it is no coincidence that after a few years the owner has to spend money on the maintenance and restoration of the machines. For this reason, 4CleanPro today produces all its stainless-steel models and all the topquality components.

R-QUARTZ R-Quartz comes with the Solution Saving System Dispenser (3SD) and a 100l solution tank. The 23V 330Ah lithium battery pack ensures up to 6h of autonomy and a quick charge of 5 h. R-Quartz has two learning modes and the possibility to create work sequences combining different routes, even with different modes and features. Equipped with a 7” touch screen, grants a simple and intuitive interface, always in touch with the operator through the telematics system, thanks to the real time notifications sent directly on the smartphone.


www.adiatek.com Adiatek is an Italian floor cleaning machines brand, with a range of both walk-behind and ride-on machines that stand out for their design and engineering. Adiatek models differ for dimension, brushes type (round, cylindrical and pads), work system (scrubbers and sweepers) and power supply (battery or electric plug). The working widths go from 35 to 130 cm.

QUARTZ 50 PRACTICAL AS A SMALL ONE The digital display makes the approach and the use very intuitive and thanks to the extractable van also the battery installing is very easy and ergonomic. The reduced dimensions allow the operator to drive the machine inside the standard elevators in order to be able to operate on different floors. Thanks to the wide squeegee rotation, the machine offers a perfect drying even on the sharpest turns. QUARTZ 50 can be equipped with several optional equipment such as the water and detergent dosing system (3SD), the Ozone box, the Telematics and the on-board battery charger.


| March/2022

ARCO CHIMICA SRL www.arcochimica.it

ARCO is a certified chemical company UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 e ISO 14001 that formulates and produces products aimed at the industrial cleaning and sanitizing market, the food industry, the catering sector and communities. Very important is its customers service, constantly updating with operators in the industry, offered by Arco Informa, with training opportunities.

COMAC SPA www.comac.it

Comac produces a complete range of professional cleaning machines including floor scrubbers, sweepers, vacuum cleaners, single disc machines and professional sanitizer. The experience built up in more than 45 years has allowed Comac to acquire the knowledge necessary to develop innovative products that meet people’s cleaning needs.

GESAN PMC DISINFECTANT Gesan Pmc is a biocide disinfectant with Medical Surgical Device for floors and washable surfaces, tiles, ceramic material. Effective at high dilutions against multiple microorganisms. It consists of an innovative active ingredient (triamine), characterized by a high bactericidal, fungicidal and viricidal activity. Recommended for applications in hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, food production, schools, kindergartens, offices, gyms. Thanks to the aid of Aladin dosing systems, Gesan Pmc is transformed into a ready-to-use solution for the daily disinfection of surfaces. Aladin machines provide a 600ml silk-screened bottle for the Gesan Pmc disinfectant. The product is available in 2 formats: 5kg tank and 1000ml bottle with right dose cap.

FLASH WASH The smart, practical and reliable wash ideal for bar washing machines. Flash Wash is a floating sensor that detects the pH value inside the washing tank of the cup washing machine. As the concentration decreases, the probe will flash red indicating that another dose of detergent needs to be added. Once the suitable pH value has been reached, the probe will start flashing green. Advantages of the system: Battery life, not replaceable, up to 1400 wash cycles; Reduction of detergent waste; 1 bottle of 1000 ml with correct dose cap: 350 washing cycles. The kit is available in the following packaging: 4 bottles with right dose cap of 1000ml of detergent product; 1 flash wash probe to be inserted in the wash tank.

VEGA: THE SCRUBBING MACHINE WITH A SIMPLE YET EXTREMELY ROBUST CHARACTER Vega is a walk-behind floor scrubber that combines power and versatility in a single machine while remaining compact and easy to handle. Comac quality focuses on essentials with Vega: ease of use, robustness and functional design make the range perfect for work even in the most difficult and dirty conditions by combining advanced technology with sturdy, functional design. To obtain optimal results on any floor, Vega is available as a scrubbing version (BT), a scrubbingsweeping version (BTS) and an orbital version (BTO). Ideal for maintenance and deep cleaning of large spaces, Vega is ideal for any situation: from industrial or logistics sectors to health-care facilities or large-scale retailing.

CS700 AND CS800: VERSATILE, COMFORTABLE, BUT EXTREMELY ROBUST SWEEPERS CS700 and CS800 is a range of industrial ride-on sweepers devised to offer maximum user-friendliness and comfort for the operator. Extremely robust and reliable, these sweepers were designed to offer great productivity and effective, affordable cleaning. Equipped with the most innovative technologies, CS700 and CS800 are available battery-powered or with gasoline engine, and with two different working widths to meet all cleaning requirements. Extremely effective also in the presence of coarse dirt, these sweepers are suitable for cleaning indoor and outdoor floors and surfaces in industrial environments, warehouses, shopping areas, car parks and in the public, automotive and transport sectors. March/2022 |






www.falpi.com Falpi brings dynamism and desire for innovation into the world of professional cleaning tools thanks to a young and motivated team. Falpi has decided to remain faithful to the quality of “made in Italy”. Falpi products are designed for cleaning companies, hospitals, companies, community centres, hotels and they are made with recyclable materials.


Hygenia is a constantly evolving, reactive company, ready for innovation and to take care of the hygiene of the environments and the quality of life of people. It is always guided in its engineering activities by the search for quality and design. New divisions have been added over the years to offer products and services increasingly focused on the evolution of customer needs.


KUBI ECOLABEL EU During the Issa Pulire 2021 exhibition, Falpi presented all the innovations developed in the last year, among which the very first model of Kubi trolley certified by the EU Ecolabel: high quality, innovation, Made in Italy and, above all, a design based on sustainability and respect for the environment, all certified with the EU Ecolabel Environmental Label.

Hygenia, which has always been at the forefront in everything concerning the concrete answers to the needs of hygiene and safety in the field of professional cleaning presents the dispenser Surf. Available in the table, wall and floor version, it delivers the right amount of sanitizer and is easy to use and refill. Finally, it guarantees safety and hygiene, thanks to the touch technology that reduces the contact of the hands with its surfaces, proportionally decreasing the probability of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms and allowing you to clean your hands quickly and without rinsing.

MIKRO K The Mikro K wetmop now has the Ecolabel certification which guarantees its environmental performance. Its matrix microfiber composition (18% polyester, 82% polyamide) guarantees excellent cleaning capacity, while the Loopfix fastening fabric gives excellent resistance to washing. Its particular structure facilitates the release of impurities during washing while maintaining the effectiveness of the subsequent pre-impregnation speeding up the process. Available from December at Falpi distributors.


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HY-GENIO Hy-genio is a hardware component that transforms the Mop into a system capable of capturing the actual cleaning activity carried out within a structure. Hy-Genio optimizes cleaning activities, mapping the movements of the Mop and the square meters actually cleaned. So, it provides to optimize of resource and budget management, Time savings, Validation of clean areas, Simplify and monitor performance analysis, Optimize workload planning.



Kemika, since1976, produces and sells chemical specialties and equipments for professional cleaning and for the HORECA market. It proposes machines too, with the brand NOVA: Scrubber-Driers, Sweepers, Rotary Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Extractors, Carpet Cleaners. Certified company UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

LUCE ECO Luce Eco is an innovative film-forming protection suitable for all resilient floors, formulated according to the Austrian Ecolabel criteria. It contains acrylic polymer emulsions and waxes with good traffic resistance and washing resistance to detergents and disinfectants, allowing a long lasting in time of the protective film. The protective film enables to cover any floor imperfection and obtain a high gloss degree. Luce Eco can be maintained with the high-speed system to achieve the wet look and to harden the film. Stripping operations are delayed and less detergent is therefore used during the lifetime of the treatment, reducing the environmental impact. In order to maintain treated floors we suggest using the Ecolabel detergent Toc Eco.

KEMALCOOL DUO KemAlcool Duo is the ethyl alcohol based disinfectant cleaner for washable surfaces, formulated by Kemika to fight the Covid-19. Thanks to its ability to act quickly, without leaving any residue, this product is included and recommended in KEMIKA HACCP plans for catering and in the food industry. KemAlcool Duo is effective against viruses, Bacterias, fungus, yeasts, complying with the norms UNI-EN 14476, UNI-EN 16777, UNI-EN 13624, UNI-EN 13727, UNI-EN 13697.


www.mp-ht.it MP-HT is an Italian company that designs and produces sweeper machines – made to last over the time – with high technology systems, low environmental impact, easy to maintain and resistant, thanks to its solid metal frame. The strength of the Company is the flexibility and the continuos research.


AGILE MAX 108 Agile Max 108 is a ride-on sweeper powered by a three-phase AC electric motor that allows greater autonomy and low energy absorption. A unique feature of this sweeper is the extreme maneuverability, so as to move in confined spaces It is equipped with a collection system in easily replaceable disposable bags to simplify emptying the machine and protect the operator from contact with dust. A large 70 liter tank, a rear washing bar with four nozzles and a washing lance have been added to the dust control system, to clean and disinfect in one step, both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Wind Zero is a 100% electric sweeper. Equipped with a “steer by wire” steering system managed by a joystick, it is extremely maneuverable. It is perfect to cleaning indoor and outdoor spaces, both small an medium-large size. As a result of research and development, the sweeper concentrates cutting-edge technological Industry 4.0 solutions, to remotely monitor and access machine functions at any time. For easy and safe work for the operator and easiest and cheapest management. The MP-HT metal frame makes this sweeper extremly robust and solid, over the time. March/2022 |




AIR CONTROL SANITIZER® PMC Air Control Sanitizer® is a line of ready-to-use aerosol disinfectant cans based on quaternary ammonium salts, effective against bacteria, yeasts and viruses for use in environments, on objects and surfaces. It is available in three different formats (500 ml, 250 ml with metered valve and 150 ml with total release valve) to adapt to the different needs. Air Control Sanitizer® complies with standards for application in the medical, food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas: EN14476 and EN16777 for effectiveness on encapsulated and some non-encapsulated viruses; EN 13697: 2015 + A1: 2019 of bactericidal and yeasticidal efficacy; EN1276: 2019 of bactericidal efficacy; EN1650: 2019 of yeasticidal efficacy.


www.ormatorino.com ORMA S.r.l. is an Italian company with thirty years of experience in the field of professional solutions for environmental hygiene: pest control and air control require continuous technical, scientific and regulatory updating. ORMA puts all the expertise of its team at the customer’s service, providing products developed after careful research: EFFECTIVE, FUNCTIONAL and DURABLE.

SANITIZER GEL® AND LIQUID SANITIZER® In the ORMA catalogue you can find two new products 70,4% ethyl alcohol-based for hands sanitization: The Liquid Sanitizer® and Sanitizer Gel® are both registered as disinfectant effective against bacteria, fungi and virus tested EN 13727, EN 13624, EN 1500, EN 14476 for hospital and everyday application. The Liquid Sanitizer® is available in 1 liter bottle size, while Sanitizer Gel® comes in 500 ml bottle with push-push dispenser.

PAPERDI SRL www.paperdi.it

Paperdì has been operating since 1989 in the “tissue” sector of the paper industry, producing, at the Caserta plant, disposable items for sanitary and food uses in pure cellulose and ecological paper (industrial coils, medical food, jumbo and round toilet paper, interleaving towels in V,C, Z, W). Since January 2018, the company has started the operation of its Paper mill located in Pietramelara.

PAPERDI V FOLD HAND TOWEL Paperdi has made every effort to grow strongly and healthy with great respect for the environment and of the stakeholders. With the launch of our V fold hand towel we have summarized these two values. A product 100% sustainable and recyclable from the sheets to the paper packaging (no more in plastic) to the carton. A product that facilitates the dispenser recharge process and helps the operator to do his work faster, using only one garbage to dispose of the waste. Flexibility of use, attention to the environment, and simple way of use are for sure the key to the success of this product.

THE NEW DISPENSING SYSTEM NO-TOUCH Soavex Professional is the new dispensing system by Paperdi ready to meet the growing needs of the market in terms of guaranteed hygiene, cost of use and autonomy. A range of no-touch dispensers with a modern, innovative, technological and practical design. The ideal solution to guarantee concrete benefits to your business by combining maximum efficiency, high autonomy, cost control in every sector.


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www.klindex.com Klindex, estabilished in 1988, produces in Italy grinding machines, single disc machines, industrial vacuum cleaners and diamond tools for the industry of concrete, marble, granite, terracotta, terrazzo and parquet flooring. Klindex equipment is used all over the world for grinding and leveling of flooring, the removal of mastics, epossidic resins and other coatings, parquet sanding as well mirror polishing of concrete and stone. It has a full range of propane and electric sanders and industrial vacuums. The wide Klindex range of tools and accessories covers all floor work, from coating removal and preparation works for the epoxy to the polishing and daily maintenance. In addition to famous brands, such as Levighetor, Superconcrete, Supervak and Supershine, it also produces private labelled machines and diamond tools for client companies.

The 3-head single brush – Triple K – is a single-phase machine with variable speed. Thanks the extreme manoeuvrability, it is also a suitable solution to be used by an inexperienced operator, whose productivity is tripled thanks to 3 oscillating heads. An ideal solution for polishing large surfaces, the New Triple K performs diamond grinding and polishing with polish. By mounting adjustable wheels that rest on the ground, crystallisation is performed effortlessly and moving the machine from one room to another is simple as it folds and goes through the normal doors in houses and offices.

SUPERASCO Superasco is an invention by Giuseppe Parodi, the founder of Parodi & Parodi. It is a double-action sink plunger. Not a classic one. Its strong string and its movable handle guarantee the maximum adherence to the sink with the minimum effort. How to use it: you should apply the plunger to the sink, closing the side holes of the sink (if any) with a hand. You can easily remove the plunger rotating the handle. Doing this, you’ll get the maximum power from Super Asco.

SLALOM STICK Slalom is a cleaner for the iron, double stick in one pack. It prevents the iron from leaving spots on the cloths and makes it work better. It is made of natural ingredients, made in Italy. We also have a descaler of the same line always to improve the iron performances and preserve it for long.

VACUUM MOTORS The company promoters, after acquiring different experiences in the market of the industrial cleaning machines manufacturing since 1976, decided to establish the Synclean company aimed at creating not only a complete line of cleaning machines and accessories but also offering a complete service Door to Door to their Distributors. Leader in the distribution of vacuum motors, Synclean exports to most of the European, Arabic, Far East and South America Countries, total 57 countries.

PARODI & PARODI SRL www.parodieparodi.it

Parodi & Parodi is an Italian company born in 1969 and producing household cleaning items, recognized for the Patent of its sink plunger all over the world. It is specialized in 7 lines of products: cleaning, ironing, laundry, kitchen, sewing, shoes, it is known for the quality of its products and its service (speed of orders delivery, exposition on selling points, agents on the territory). The packaging is very attractive, coordinated in its divisions and in 4 languages. The company is in expansion out of its boundaries now, looking for new distributors all over the world.


www.syncleanservice.com It has been over 25 years since Synclean had the idea of creating a database of accessories and spares for industrial cleaning machines. Modern and dynamic company but with a high level experience and specific know-how in the world of industrial cleaning machines, Synclean offers a wide choice of suction motors, squeegee rubbers, brushes, accessories and consumables that satisfy every request.

The foreign turnover represents about 85 % of the total. Thanks to a deep knowledge of all of the Industrial Cleaning Machines, in addition to its own brand MAXICLEAN, Synclean can supply spare parts and accessories from worldwide leading manufacturers: squeegee rubbers, pads, brushes, batteries and chargers. March/2022 |




RUBINO CHEM SRL www.rubinochem.it

Rubino Chem is one of the most important companies in the Italian chemical industry. Rubino Chem offers innovation and technology in a wide range of products for professional cleaning, ensuring high quality. The company has a vanguard R&D department. Our keyword is excellence.


www.rcm.it RCM (Raimondi Costruzioni Meccaniche) S.p.A. has been manufacturing and distributing industrial and urban cleaning machinery around the world since 1967. RCM were one of Italy’s first companies to specialise in the cleaning sector. the company was established in Modena, a city that reflects RCM’s entrepreneurial spirit and vocation with a solid family in business.



Magica Essenza, synonym of Rubino Chem Sanitizing Essence, is the brand identifying the highly concentrated polyfunctional formulation with strong sanitizing action and neutral pH used to cleanse, remove germs and bacteria with mechanical action, dust, perfume and deodorize environments and surfaces. The Magica ESSENZA formulation, was designed to meet the needs of professional users. The registered Trademark and the formulation have maintained over time their peculiar high quality and identity recognized and appreciated by our end users. The iconic name and its function have always linked the universe of cleaning and the most demanding customers.

GIGA is the professional scrubberdryer, compact and agile, with high-productivity performances. It is suitable for all the mediumsized areas, even when obstacles or people are around, because it leaves the floor perfectly dry, even when turning, and because of the very low noise level (61 dB) and the LED front light. The possibility to use different washing programs, it has long running time (up to 6 hours), reducing the consumption of water and chemicals. Setting the working parameters also allows constant cleaning results. Different scrub-heads are available: 700, 800 and 900 mm with 2 disk brushes or rollers.

OLÈ RESSENZA Olè RESSENZA, synonym of Rubino Chem Sanitizing Essence, is the new brand identifying the highly concentrated polyfunctional formulation with strong sanitizing action and neutral pH used to cleanse, remove germs and bacteria with mechanical action, dust, perfume and deodorize environments and surfaces; it will support the well-known Olè ESSENZA brand. The Olè ESSENZA formulation, launched in 2002, was designed to meet the needs of professional users. The registered Trademark and the formulation have maintained over time their peculiar high quality and identity recognized and appreciated by our end users. The iconic name and its function have always linked the universe of cleaning and the most demanding customers.


| March/2022

ICON SCRUBBER: CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT IS CONVENIENT ICON is the man on board scrubber for medium/large environments, has a large tank of 200 liters, has great autonomy thanks to the Energy Saver system. In addition, it is very ergonomic and is designed to be reliable and to facilitate daily and extraordinary maintenance. ICON scrubber technologies: ■ MY: the customization system for cleaning operations, save time and control costs. ■ GO GREEN: to save money and clean ecologically. ■ AQUASAVER: less water. Clean better, with less water, reducing costs and respecting the environment. ■ DETERSAVER (optional): don’t waste detergents.

TENAX INTERNATIONAL SPA www.tenaxinternational.com

Tenax International is an Italian company dedicated to the design and production of low-voltage, genuinely 100% electric road sweepers and street washers. ​With over 35 years of experience, incomparable technical expertise and over 700 machines sold and supported in more than 42 countries over 5 continents, we are specialised in the creation of cutting-edge machinery powered by clean energy, with genuinely extraordinary performance. ​Tenax offers innovative and customised solutions which allow access to quiet, effective and zero-emissions road cleaning and sanitisation solutions.

TENAX ELECTRA 2.0 EVOS: THE 100% ELECTRIC SWEEPER The new Electra 2.0 evos is the innovative electrically powered and operated 48-Volt, 2 m3 compact road sweeper with zero CO2 emissions. Balanced and ergonomic, with improved performance, quiet operation and extremely compact size, it guarantees runtime of up to ten hours and is the perfect solution for cleaning town centres, pedestrianised areas, cycle lanes, and more generally any small or medium-sized areas, both indoors and outdoors. Safe and intelligent, the outstanding performance of Electra 2.0 evos improves the lives of both operatives and residents.

TENAX ELECTRA 1.0: THE 100% ELECTRIC SWEEPER Electra 1.0 is the 100% electric 48 Volt compact road sweeper, with 360 L removable DIN waste hopper and zero CO2 emissions. Balanced and ergonomic, with extraordinary performance, quiet operation and extremely compact size, it guarantees runtime of up to nine hours and is the perfect solution for cleaning town centres, pedestrianised areas, cycle lanes, and more generally any small or medium-sized areas, both indoors and outdoors. Safe and intelligent, Electra 1.0 improves the lives of both operatives and residents.

Spazzatrici Stradali & Lavastrade 100% Elettriche 100% Electric street Sweepers & Flushers Tenax International S.p.A. Via Balduina, 3 - 42010 Rio Saliceto (RE) Italy www.tenaxinternational.com

March/2022 |




SPRAY TEAM SRL www.sprayteam.it

Spray Team design, builts and sale equipment and machines for urban disinfestation and disinfection. In mid-2019 signs a partnership agreement with Gate Srl, a university spin-off and an innovative start-up, which has perfected the electrochemical technology, capable of generating large volumes of highly disinfecting water, used for urban disinfestation and in environmental sanitation. Spray Team has also developed the atomizers for the atomization of electrolyzed water, designing specific nozzles capable of obtaining dry air.

AWS ELITE The Elite series of atomisers has been created to satisfy the needs of our most demanding customers, combining attractive, functional and safe property. The compact dimensions and the possibility of customization through various features and engines make it perfect for any use, from the simple “anti-mosquito” intervention to more specific treatments for trees and considerable heights. Elite, thanks to its easy use and its great versatility, is the perfect atomizer both for experienced exterminators and for those who approach this universe for the first time.

Spray Team presents, in collaboration with Gate and Hypogreen, AWS (Automatic Water Based Sanitizer), the first automatic, complete and portable system for ultrasonic production and nebulization of hypochlorous acid: a sanitizer which has also been approved as a disinfectant and which uses a mixture of water and salt as a base. Thanks to the electrolysis process, this mixture acquires its properties of protecting against viruses, bacteria, molds and spores, and is automatically distributed throughout the room, setting the height and square meters of the environment. AWS is therefore ideal for small environments, such as wagons, shops, hotels or restaurants. It does not pollute, does not generate waste and does not cause dermatological or respiratory damage, as confirmed by research from the University of Ferrara: it can be employed without any contraindication also when the staff is in the room.

QV7 PRO QV7 PRO is a steam generator ideal for professional use, equipped with a “suction” function. This technology, called “DryMaster”, allows the operator to vacuum and dry-up perfectly the surface treated with steam. In addition, the machine’s exclusive “Infinivac System” offers the possibility to adjust the suction power to obtain an even better cleaning result. The boiler has a capacity of 1.5 liters, which develops 7 bar of power thanks to a pair of heating elements of 2,400W in total. Moreover, QV7 PRO is equipped with the exclusive VAP Filter System, a technology patented by us that duplicates the cleanliness of the intake air. QV7 PRO is equipped with a comprehensive accessory kit, and it’s the most complete product for the cleaning of homes / offices / small professional activities etc.


| March/2022



STI Srl is a young, dynamic company, and a very positive example of a successful Italian family business evolved to advanced industrial level. The range of STI’s steam generators is wide and ready to satisfy a very large number of applications, and it’s currently made up by 16 models addressed to the domestic, professional, and industrial sectors of the market.

COMBY 4000 COMBY 4000 is a new single-phase steam generator ideal for professional use, with a robust stainless-steel body. The machine is equipped with a “suction” function. Such technology, called DryMaster, allows the operator to vacuum and dry-up perfectly the surface treated with steam. In addition, the machine’s exclusive Infinivac system offers the possibility to adjust the suction power to obtain an even better cleaning result. Thanks to its power and extremely robust structure, Comby 4000 is the ideal machine for the most demanding cleaning jobs. Furthermore, this model can be equipped with the exclusive HydroPower technology (optional), which makes it possible to connect the Comby 4000 to the water mains, for long-term work.


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