New Year, New Start /new-year-new-start/
New Year, New Start – Will you ‘Finnish’ 2015 on a high point? The Finnish people define their strength and determination as ‘Sisu’. It’s quality of having perseverance and the ability not to give up what you’ve started however hard life might get. As we’re so often told, nothing worth having ever came easy and the same applies to making changes in your own life. So, are you already dreading the return to work in January? Does the thought of it make you want to crawl under the duvet? Well, you’re not alone but you have to be mentally prepared to make the change and to put some effort into making a successful change. As Einstein is credited to have said:
New Year New Start
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
We’re all guilty of having the Lottery mentality and hoping things will get better ‘tomorrow’. But, tomorrow never comes and if you’re not careful, we can slip into the old habits that mean absolutely nothing ever really changes.
New Year, New Start – Why do you get up in the morning? In Okinawa [a Japanese island], there is no word for retirement, just one word that covers everything: Ikigai. In other words, it’s your sense of purpose or the reason why you get up in the morning. We are all so used to being told that life is divided into certain sections: going through the education system, getting a job and then retiring. But, who says it has to be like that? Does the thought of feeling energised, happy and passionate on a cold January morning really appeal to you? Believe it or not, it is possible but effort is required; there is no real ‘get rich quick’ despite some of the New Year, New Start promises made on the internet. What does get you results is hard work to set up a system that will work for you over and over again in the future. This means that once the hard work is done you can be earning even when you’re asleep, on the beach or enjoying your favourite hobby.
New Year, New Start – Don’t make resolutions, make a decision Make a decision to achieve just one thing in 2016 and that’s freedom. Because, once you have that, you can live your life on your terms: mentally, physically and financially. Imagine being able to take holidays when you want and being there for your children when they walk out of the school gates or are unwell.
Imagine being free to work your schedule around ageing parents without the worry of having to inform an employer that your family is your number one priority. But, like I said at the beginning of this blog, you need to have the Finnish quality of ‘Sisu’. The journey will be hard but you have to keep on going without any thoughts of giving up. Because, once you get to the other side, you’ll be amazed by what’s possible As Thomas Edison once said:
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
New Year, New Start
Never give up, it’s as simple as that.
Life Hack Tip of the Day: New Year, New Start = Use the right education and ditch the excuses The internet is full of good stuff but it’s got its share of the bad stuff too. This includes educational tools and nobody wants to make an expensive mistake that they’ll live to regret later. Do your research carefully and remember that old saying: You get what you pay for … The desire to keep learning is essential too because life and technology is changing all the time. If you stop learning then you will get left behind and nobody likes the feeling of being last in the queue. So, if you want to learn from the best and be the best you can be, click here and make 2016 the best year you’ve ever had. Happy New Year! I wish you every success for your digital future! Rachel A Hill LLB [Hons] Digital Entrepreneur, Private Tutor and Author
New Year, New Start