Perseverance Is The Key To Success /perseverance-key-success/
Perseverance Is The Key to Success – It’s Not Instant! No, it’s not like coffee granules or instant cuppa soup – let’s get that straight from the start. In this day and age we are used to get everything ‘right now’. We live in a society that wants instant gratification of some kind or another. Nearly everyone has a mobile phone so we can order a takeaway and turn on our heating at home at the touch of a button. This is great in so many ways as it means technology is ever evolving to improve the quality of our lives and save us time. What isn’t so good is that we expect the same to be true of success. We want it now [of course we do, that’s human nature] but it requires hard work, dedication and effort. Trouble is, we humans are just not that good at waiting are we …?
Perseverance Is The Key To Success
Perseverance Is The Key to Success – Don’t Quit Let me tell you a little story about me from a few years back. I used to do long distance endurance competitions swimming for hours in cold, dirty lakes and sunken quarries. There were no wet suits either! Just grease and erm, that’s it. Training was at a local lagoon, romantically called ‘The Blue Lagoon,’ although strangely blue is not how you would describe the colour of its water. Anyway, come rain or shine I did my training even when there was snow on the ground and my fingers got so cold I couldn’t dress myself properly. Yes, I quickly learned jeans were not the best choice of clothing. The cold hurt so much that my skin would sting, fish would chew my toes, the dirty water made me ill and I also succumbed to hypothermia once or twice.
Perseverance Is The Key To Success
But, I didn’t quit. Not once. No, never. Not a chance. Why did I do it and why did I always finish? Because I wanted to see through a challenge and I had the right mentality. It wasn’t just about physical endurance but about mental endurance – controlling what happens inside your head. Entrepreneurs do not quit, it’s that simple.
Perseverance Is The Key to Success – Work Around The Obstacles This is where your entrepreneurial skills come into play. If an entrepreneur comes up against an obstacle then they find a way around it. Robert Kiyosaki gave an example of how one of his entrepreneurial friends did just that when he wanted to export his wine from France to another country. The French government told him he could not export his wine in barrels. So, after clarifying that this ban applied to wine ‘in barrels’ he simply got round the problem by exporting his wine in
bottles instead. Simple, but how many other people would have allowed this to stop their dream? Remember, when nothing goes right, go left instead.
Perseverance Is The Key to Success – Failure Is Not An Option It mustn’t even register on your radar. My blog about visualisation goes into more detail about the need to literally ‘live’ your dream mentally before it manifests physically.
Perseverance Is The Key To Success
Quite literally, if you believe it then you can conceive it. Failure and people saying ‘no’ is part of the journey; it’s a learning process but it’s not an excuse for giving up. You have to have the mindset of success and believe in your ability to succeed. In other words, you need to hold onto your ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ as that is what makes you stand apart from the 99% who just accept failure.
Life Hack Tip of the Day: Perseverance Is The Key to Success = Share and Switch
Perseverance Is The Key To Success
By ‘share’ I mean be a part of a community of like-minded individuals is vital to success. If you are in the company of people with whom you can share your experiences, not only do you become more accountable but you’re more likely to follow through on your goals and desires. So what do I mean by ‘switch’? In a nutshell, it’s about retraining your brain about how you view your experiences. Michael Jordan gave a great example of a brain ‘switch’ when he once said:
‘I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.’
Perseverance Is The Key To Success
This is what being an entrepreneur is about. 99% of people would view Michael Jordan’s experience as a point blank failure. Michael Jordan ‘switched’ his thought process and it is the 1% that can view the experience as the journey to success. Take your own journey further right here and design the life you love. Click on my name below to see more of my blog posts. I wish you every success for your digital future! Rachel A Hill LLB [Hons] Digital Entrepreneur, Private Tutor and Author