The Power of Gratitude

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The Power of Gratitude /power-of-gratitude/

The Power of Gratitude – Use It Every Day There is always something to be grateful for; it just depends how we choose to think about what happens to us each and every day. Last weekend, I fell down the stairs [something I’ve not done since I was about 3 years old] and landed awkwardly. Quite frankly, it hurt like hell and I felt really shaken up but instead of reacting how I would have done in the past, i.e. angrily and resentfully, I was grateful I hadn’t actually injured myself badly. Gratitude isn’t just about what you say, it’s also about how you feel in yourself. I used to think that happiness was about those major life events like having a really brilliant Christmas or going on a wonderful holiday. Of course those occasions matter but they are isolated and fleeting. It took me a long time to realise that happiness is in the every day if you look for it and I am indeed grateful for that realisation.

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude – What Goes Around Comes Around I wrote about gratitude in a previous post called, ‘The Power of Visualisation ’. It’s about having that sense of alignment with the universe in which we all live; understanding the power of the thoughts we have, how we feel about the world and ultimately how we manifest those thoughts. I have always been a strong believer in the saying: ‘What goes around comes around’. If you put out positive energy then that is what will you attract back to you. It makes sense, yet how often do you see people handle a difficult situation with aggression? What comes back to them? Usually more aggression, nastiness, bad feeling which just makes everything ten times worse. However, if you use kindness, understanding and grace then the situation instantly becomes much calmer and the energy you attract back is so much more positive.

The Power of Gratitude

Some people call it psychology, some call it using intuition and some call it religion. However you view the ‘label’ it is still the Law of Gratitude.

The Power of Gratitude – Be Consistent It’s no good switching your gratitude on and off. The Law of Gratitude is always in operation. You must train yourself to have an awareness of what we can be grateful for on a daily basis – make it a habit. If you have food on the table and a roof over your head then don’t just take that for granted, have gratitude for what is literally under your nose because it’s all too easy to forget. Don’t look to compete with your neighbour not only because it is pointless and wasted energy but because it detracts from how you are creating your own universe. Only you can change your own circumstances and only you can express gratitude for what shows up in your own day-to-day life. My suggestion is to set yourself a reminder on your phone; make yourself consciously aware of what is happening during your day. You have to keep bringing yourself back into the present moment and commit to retraining yourself in this thought process.

The Power of Gratitude – What I Know For Sure Being grateful for what you have right now is one of life’s biggest lessons – it’s a game changer. We are often guilty of thinking, ‘I’ll be happy and grateful when x, y or z happens …’ when what we already have like family, friends, good food and the clothes we are wearing are more than enough and certainly more than many other people on the planet. The problems you think you have can suddenly become quite small when you look outside of yourself. It’s something I do [and continue to train myself to do] as it is the only way to really give true value to others and show how living your life a different way can lead to massive change. Expressing gratitude can have a massive impact on others and in the words of Oprah Winfrey this is ‘What I Know For Sure ’: If someone thanks me for doing something then it certainly makes me want to do even more for them without the expectation of any additional gratitude. It’s The Law of Gratitude in motion like a set of dominoes that keeping knocking the next one down in its path.

Life Hack Tip of the Day: The Power of Gratitude = Live It Today So, yesterday has gone, tomorrow hasn’t arrived and all we have today is the moment that we’re in. Have an awareness of everything around you and really look at everything we take for granted. Chances are you’ll find many things to be grateful for right there and feel so much better for it. I’m grateful that spring is nearly here and that there is some blossom on the trees and the flowers are starting to grow again. Simple things, not just the grand gestures in life.

The Power of Gratitude

You have so much more ability than you probably give yourself credit for and I will take the opportunity to ‘thank you’ for the unique qualities you all bring to the table. Make the most of those qualities today. Sign up for the free webinar to find out how your uniqueness is your brand, your business and your future. Click on my name below to see more of my blog posts. I wish you every success for your digital future!

The Power of Gratitude

Rachel A Hill LLB [Hons] Digital Entrepreneur, Private Tutor and Author

The Power of Gratitude

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