The Power of Visualisation /the-power-of-visualisation/
The Power of Visualisation – It’s Not Such a Well Kept Secret! Visualisation is a technique that’s been used by entrepreneurs in all walks of life for many, many years. Richard Branson is a prime example of this as he sets about launching his latest Virgin Galactic endeavour. Not only is he turning space into a holiday venue, he has envisioned building a Virgin hotel in space too. Just because that hotel doesn’t exist doesn’t mean that it can’t be envisioned. Even sports’ psychologists use the technique when athletes are preparing for important races: they ‘run through’ the race mentally inside their head and imagine every detail of their event going perfectly. Why? Because the brain can’t tell the difference between a mental and a physical experience. It’s been proven scientifically.
The Power of Visualisation
What’s more, this same technique can be applied to your life and your business. It’s called manifestation.
The Power of Visualisation – How Do I Do It? In a nutshell, it’s about thinking right, acting right and being grateful for what you have already in your current circumstances. I recommend you have a read of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles for the full story. I read it in a couple of hours but it’s something you’ll want to revisit as you put the advice into practice. A free copy is available here for you to read right now .
The Power of Visualisation – It’s A Scientific Formula Believe it or not, if you apply the principles correctly and more importantly, consistently, the results will come to you. It’s not a ‘pot luck’ technique and you don’t just ‘think yourself rich’. What you do need to do is take action to manifest what you want and put in the necessary effort into bringing about your success.
The Power of Visualisation
Think about it, you wouldn’t become a Wimbledon champion by playing a couple of rounds of tennis at the local park; it’s about reinforcing and fine-tuning a change in your life over a period of time. It’s also not about being competitive: you must put yourself into a creative frame of mind. It’s not about wanting what someone else has got, you must envision and change only your own circumstances.
Life Hack Tip of the Day: The Power of Visualisation = Be Clear About What You Want and Have Gratitude
The Power of Visualisation
It’s no good being wishy-washy and vague about what you want. You need to have an absolutely crystal clear vision of how you see your future. It’s not enough to say ‘I want a better life’ or ‘I want more freedom’. It’s just not specific enough. You must know exactly what it is you want to achieve and move purposefully towards it.
Write it down. Repeat it to yourself. Live it. Breathe it. Own it. Make It Part of YOU!
The Power of Visualisation
I previously recommended vision boards in another blog post [I Need To Sort My Life Out] but it’s up to you how you do your own envisioning. It’s whatever brings your vision to life. What’s more as you move through this process, you must also have gratitude. As Wallace D Wattles so rightly states: –
You cannot exercise power without gratitude for it is gratitude that keeps you connected to power.
Yes, there is a law of gratitude; it’s like a magnet. What you put out there, you will receive back into your life, a bit like the saying ‘What goes around comes around’ … I wish you every success for your digital future! Rachel A Hill LLB [Hons] Digital Entrepreneur, Private Tutor and Author