Radiance Jan-Feb-2021 Issue: We's Come Full Circle

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JAN-FEB 2021


onscious apitalism Freeing the Spirit of Your Business

Danielle Marie

LAX Hilton: Live and Remote

The Spirituality in Toy Story 4

The New Woman Your Experience is Your Proof

Crossing the Threshold into The Age of Aquarius

Kimberly Meredith Maureen St. Germain Gail Thackray Whitley Strieber Deborah King Adam Apollo Bashar Full Schedule & Ticketing SCAN QR Code RADIANCE MAGAZINE


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4 6





Conscious Life Expo 2021 Event Schedule

Note from The Publisher SC


Meet Ann Marie


An Empowering Story of Hope & Housing


Walking the Talk, or How

20 34

to Move Mountains By Steven A. Ross

You Already Are That By Micheila Sheldan

COVER STORY Rev. Danielle M Hewitt


8 10 14 19 19 ART

26 35

Art By douglastaylorvisionaryart.com Art By alfredoaya.net


Conscious Capitalism Freeing the Spirit of Your Business

Pondering the Future While Living What is the Dawning of

the Age of Aquarius to You?


Interview of Kimberly Meredith

as Channeled by Kasey Wallis Always Been Effective

By Kara of Pet’s Eye View THE AGE OF (R)EVOLUTION from


the Elohim Channeled by Phyllis Douglass

I Heal Your Pain – Free Online


Energy Healing By Daniel the



Art by Mark Mentzer

Fifth Dimension Living

This is The Moment By Julius, Contactless Pet Healing Has

in the Moment Radiance Editors


From Magdalene Channeled by Crista Marie Miller

Your Experience is Your PROOF Interview of Nick Pope


Mother Daughter Sacred Love


Robert Anton Wilson



Letters between Natalia (daughter) and Faith (mother)

Explains Everything

The Spirituality in Toy Story 4





JAN-FEB 2021




We’ve Come Full CIRCLE “The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.” –Marianne Williamson


our years ago, I read an article

about Danielle Marie’s remem-

brances of Lemuria and I was so taken by its elegance and spirit (you can

find it here https://radiancemm.com/ jan-feb-2017/). This was around the time I had emailed her about getting involved with the magazine.

At that time, she was in the process

of closing her Temple of Light Spiritual

Center and Radiance Magazine that she had founded seven years earlier. I saw a great opportunity and agreed to restart

the publication, expanding it from 70 lo-

cations to over 600, adding other “dimensions” like video interviews, QR Codes, etc., with the help of several editors.

I then took her year-long class on all

things spiritual and found Danielle to be a delightful teacher. For three hours every Saturday morning, we would cover a

spiritual subject, and then engage with it, usually in a deeply meditative state. We

didn’t just talk about the Akashic records; we visited them in a guided meditation.

When it came to animal communication,

we connected first with an animal we

to accept payments for the site. Shortly

creature we imagined. I’ll never forget my

million of their 13 million videos that had

knew, then one we knew of, then any

experience hanging suspended in the

ocean depths with a whale who found me as curious as I did him.

I also got to experience what a

wonderful Theta healer she is, which

is why many go to her for readings and

healings. I, therefore, wondered why she

had chosen to go back into the corporate world. She made it clear: she was called

after that, Pornhub acted to delete 10

been uploaded anonymously and then

actually suggested that other social media companies do the same. It doesn’t

yet eliminate the demand for this sort of content – only we have the power to do

that – but it’s capitalism acting a little bit more consciously, even if some shaming was involved.)

In past issues, Danielle has also writ-

by Spirit to bring divinity into that world,

ten joyfully of attending the Conscious

world will certainly benefit from that. In

this year, both online and in-person.

to help make capitalism conscious. Our

this issue, she talks about the wisdom of companies operating consciously, and the path she took to get there.

(Note: It’s not coincidental that Dan-

ielle once wrote in these pages about sex trafficking: recently the New York

Times wrote an expose on how Pornhub accepts anonymous videos that fre-

quently depict underage girls in sexually harrowing situations. Almost the next

day, Visa and Mastercard decided not

Life Expo, happening February 19th-21st There will be fewer booths and limited

attendance in the workshops to observe the spacing protocols of the LAX Hilton,

but a presence nonetheless! Good news for those who find it to be the most fun and enlightening event of the year.

For those of us on a soul path, I hope

you are as inspired by the articles herein as I was. Enjoy.

Many Blessings,

Scott Ware, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Publisher and Editor-in-Chief - Scott Ware | Executive Editor - Gina Kegel Associate Editors - Torin Lee, Crista Marie Miller

Design Editor and IT – Yan Hughes | Subscription Manager - Tonya Fitzpatrick 11432 South St. Cerritos, CA 90703

info@radiancemm.com | 714-501-5050 | RadianceMM.com

Published bi-monthly in print and online at RadianceMM.com. All rights reserved. Radiance Multidimensional Media, Radiance Magazine and Inner Views on Xpnsion Network supports the expansion of individual and collective consciousness into the new world

we’re co-creating. We feature holistic and spiritual practitioners who provide foundational non-denominational spiritual teachings and tools to help us navigate life at the highest levels. We also offer transformational technology and cutting-edge wellness products

and services that enhance our mind-body-spirit connection. Radiance Magazine can be found in Wellness Centers, Health Food Stores, Yoga and Meditation Studios, Doctors’ Offices, Health Fairs, Coffeehouses, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual Centers and Car Washes. Radiance and its owners do not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed

herein are the responsibility of the authors and advertisers and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by us. We invite you to enjoy the experience of your self-exploration and spiritual expansion, and know that you’re not alone; you’re One with all of Us. Namaste.





Pondering the Future While Living in the Moment


his is part of a Zoom conversation between Radiance Editors Scott Ware, Torin Lee and Gina Kegel. Torin’s angelic newborn daughter Zoe even made a key contribution just by showing up.

Scott: We’ve been talking about how we’ll be crossing the

Torin: And she can’t wait to meet you all, she keeps

an underlying theme for some of the articles... what else

bigger than hope…? If hope, faith and belief could be one

threshold of the Age of Aquarius at the end of December, should Radiance be radiating in the first issue of 2021?

Torin: That we’re moving into a season of abundance. The Age of Aquarius is about abundance in all of its forms

and it’s there for the taking. If you are open to it, and are

manifesting it and staying within the vibe and the energy of it…

Scott: I like that. I tell you what I’m also getting from Baby Zoey… (she was visible onscreen at this point) Torin: What? Scott: It’s more from her presence. Torin: Yep. Scott: There is not a care in the world, not one anxiety.

Just wonder… and fun… and love. Just nothing attached to anything, you know what I mean?

Torin: I do know what you mean. She’s very much an old

soul. She’s like, “Pandemic? I went through a lot just to be

here!” That’s good; I think it’s wonderful you picked up on that. But since the moment she was born, that’s been her vibe. She’s like “Miss Zen.” It’s pretty cool, actually.

Scott: I agree. She has this big, clear-eyed radiance. 8

JAN-FEB 2021

saying that. Going into the year, if there’s a word that’s word… if you could combine all of those concepts into one energy frequency, that’s what the new dawning of

the Age of Aquarius actually is and can be for everybody who’s open to it. And if you have no more energy left, if

you feel spent… lots of people have been feeling every-

thing is out of their control… If you can just stay open to that energy, so it can come in and touch you, then you’ll be okay. That’s what Spirit’s telling me to tell you.

Scott: That’s a really good, thank you. How about you, Gina?

Gina: There is a lot of conversation in my sessions these

days around the release of expectations... Because when you build up for yourself how you think it’s going to look or feel or be or works out… the universe doesn’t usually

work that way, so it can lead to feeling disappointed or let down or cause a loss of faith or, you know, belief. It would behoove us to release our expectations for what the

Age of Aquarius will be like. Everybody has their theory. But what if we can just be centered in our power and

strength, and let it be, and unfold the way it needs to? Scott: We could put that on one page, pointing to the

next page that’s blank, like “Here’s your blank canvas.” Gina: (nodding) Mmm.

6 0 mi n

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Scott: Because I agree with you: living in the present

means not imagining a future, except the way Joe Dispenza talks about being synced with a positive future

reality that’s in alignment with you, which is not the same as “I needed it to look this way, or that way.” Because if

we have that trust with a capital T, and the knowing that

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everything happens from our highest and best good, it

produces a cycle of spiritual understanding that’s liberating and empowering. It’s easy to hook into expectations of how we think people or governments or institutions

should act, but I realize whenever I think things should be “getting better” it’s a view that’s based on old models in-

stead of creating anew. By force or by flow, we’re moving forward.

Gina: By force or by flow... which one would you prefer? Scott: Of course, to be like water. Gina: It brings to mind… Jesus. When Jesus came, they thought he was going to be the king and lead the army. They had a very culturally specific idea of what that

would look like, and it wasn’t that at all. And so, there were a lot of disappointed people.

Doris Garrett

Owner of Ocean Soal Life Coaching www.oceansoulcoaching.com A session can change your entire perspective on life. My work with you is highly confidential. You can speak freely about private matters to me. We can have the session over the phone or via Skype. A face-to-face meeting at a location that works for both of us is the most beneficial. A 60 min session is $80 – you may also purchase a certificate for a family member

or close friend.

Scott: Very good point. (long pause while we pondered

our own expectations) So, staying present is more crucial than ever. Staying in alignment with our Higher Self. And I can’t think of a better purpose for life than to continue

to experience life to the fullest. It’s always our choice of how we’ll experience all these happenings; how conscious we can be in that awareness…

If hope, faith and belief could be one word… if you could combine all of those concepts into one energy frequency, that’s what the new dawning of the Age of Aquarius actually is It brings to mind when Jesus came… they thought he was going to be the king and lead the army. They had a very culturally specific idea of what that would look like, and it wasn’t that at all. And so, there were a lot of disappointed people RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Been waiting for this my whole life!!! A world There is no choice but To Grow & Glow with Love

đ&#x;’– Cecile Claude

focused on life, not death; on love, not hate; on community resources, not corporate

greed; a world that honors and preserves Nature, peace and harmony and systems

of cooperation; an end to the Power-Over paradigm, where healthcare is a right, not

This has been the most profound growth period of my entire life. I tend to see everything as a blessing or a lesson, so change is a con-

stant state. Learning to be happy with my


a privilege and where people are given full

đ&#x;‘? Margo Mateas

etc. You know, nothing much!

solitude and releasing relationships which

đ&#x;™?đ&#x;’ƒ Andrea K Garst

do not serve me; out of a loving space


JAN-FEB 2021


time jobs with livable wages and benefits,

I’m excited!!

Renee Reisch

What is the Dawning of

the Age of Aquarius to You? Now that we’ve crossed the threshold of


ius �on December 21st,

â™’The Age of Aquar-

đ&#x;’ we asked Radiance readers

about their thoughts or experiences on this new age.

Art by Mark Mentzer

I feel that power of shaming left the building! I don’t push or pull and for sure I don’t respond to games no more-)))

Marika Spirited

I feel 2020 has been a mixed blessing. It has been a great

learning experience. Recently, I had purchased a house that was more fitting to my needs. On the first night in my new house, I

recognized the symptoms of a brain bleed. I was rushed to the

intensive care unit they did emergency surgery to stabilize me.


They were lots of complications. I literally died and came back. Off the top of my head... I have experi-

enced loss of familiarity. Was a Mom with

two jobs and a man. Now all is gone (retired, kids grown, single). My Astrology would

say I’ve mastered aspects of the Aquarian

energy and will profit. My personal hope is

that a lifetime of loving and caring deeply for

This is the third time this is happened (dying coming back). With that I’ve had a miraculous recovery. I feel I have released a lot

of things that needed to be released. The blessing is I feel I am entering a new life new energy with so much positive transfor-


mation. This is my new life. With more positive guided transformation in the coming months/years.

Yvette del Corazon

others and decades of hard work in an office without windows, has earned me the ability to further the beneficial aspirations of oth-

ers for the highest good; and that I will know

When I think back sixty years, I feel like my whole life has been

and kind.

my school choir, and having so many beautiful carefree experi-

Love with a man that is honest, pleasurable,

My hope for the Aquarian Age is that all people will have safety and comfort and begin

to treasure and care for Nature. I used to live in LA, commute to a government job, and

raise kids. Now I live on a dirt road, talk to

animals and pray for peace. I hope to work with others in a community of healing and

đ&#x;’™đ&#x;™?đ&#x;’™ Stacey Dilley higher aspirations.

leading up to this transition. Singing the Age of Aquarius song in ences with Nature as a child growing up in NY, and all the experiences in between: college, going to Europe and exploring other cultures for three years, returning to the U.S., getting married,

and working in tech and publishing. Buying a house. Then leaving it all behind to find something more meaningful and getting hit with that midlife crisis - the wakeup call! It’s been a long and

winding way forward, but I’m eager to step into more unity, joy,

đ&#x;˜€đ&#x;’šđ&#x;’œ Rebecca Russell

and discovering new ways of being, healing, living, and loving.




This is the By Julius, as Channeled by Kasey Wallis


Editor’s Note: Julius is a channeled collection of Ascended Masters that speak through Kasey Wallis. This is an excerpt of an interview with Kasey and Brad Wallis. View the entire interview at radiancemm.com or on the Inner Views Show on Xpnsion Network.


e really want to support everybody, in this timely moment of Now, Masters, that it is a paramount,

pivotal moment, opportunistically, for everyone to be reaching for and conjuring love. Love.

This is the shift. This is the moment.

Everything that has been revealed and concealed,

has come at you with such a disruptive, angry wave

of accusations and blame. And though we appreciate

reveal-ment of information, there still is an energy behind it that can feel very toxic, and very disruptive to our lives. And everyone has felt that they have been in a whirlwind

of turbulence, of things being taken away from them, and things that are so fearful for them.

And we are at this pivotal shift, where through the

information you filter out the anger, you filter out the fear - you harness and embody the love. That is the

useful information to direct your thoughts for love-shifting change, every sentient being walking on this earth at the soul

level - not the altered ego level but at the soul level - wants only love

and expansiveness for themselves and all sentient beings. It is the

altered ego that starts to pull us in

come into Heaven, to Eden, to paradise because it lives within you. And it comes out of you through the feeling and vibration of that truth being known.

And then it is an example in a reality here on this earth

and we need to do this unified. All Masters are calling for this which is you because you are all the Masters of your reality and your universe. So with a smile on your face

and joy in your heart you do this projection: extraordinary resilience and magnificence for everyone on every level, from every service provided from every creative plat-

form provided, for every interaction provided, and every dream to come true.

We are coming on to the 2021 platform and it is time

for us to land with awareness. No more excuses for an ignorant state. No more excuses for anger and blame and judgment towards anyone. Everyone is on their

conscious journey. Even though it doesn’t appear that

And we are at this pivotal shift where through the information you filter out the anger, you filter out the fear - you harness and embody the love

directions that separate the unification of all of us being

way on the onset, you work your conscious journey and

cutting that loose and allowing the embracing of all of the

that’s who we are. That’s who we are.

Source. And we need to be aware of recognizing that and magnificence of all sentient beings.

All sentient beings want love. They want wellness,

they want abundance. They want health and wellness for the Earthship, for the environment, for our children, for

the unborn children, for the souls that have left and every sentient being no matter where you sit position-wise on

particular views, everyone can come together and agree on this view.

So now is the time to focus and project for the

existence and the life that is loving and expansive for

everyone, not the harm of everyone. Not the extraction of everyone but the rising of consciousness for everyone to 12

JAN-FEB 2021

you send blessings to everyone else who is working, and We sent nothing but blessings and love to each one

of you, because we know who you are. You are Source

having a physical experience. And though you may have fallen into amnesia over that truth, look around because the light is shining upon you to reveal this truth back to your own self like no other time. You are loved beyond

any possible comprehension state. But don’t worry about that. Just reach and know that truth. Every moment,

Masters, we are waiting for you to join us in the type of reality that we exist in. Blessings to you.

Read more messages from Julius and learn how to

work with them and Kasey at expandwithjulius.com/.

Meet Ann Marie An Empowering Story of Hope & Housing


magine seeing a woman in her 70s, sleeping in her car, shivering with cold, night after night. Tragically, this is

an increasingly common sight in our communities. Seniors are now the fastest-growing population of people

who are experiencing homelessness.

At age 71, Anne Marie became homeless. Her husband had passed away and she had been living with family

but it did not work and she had to leave. She was forced to live in her car, where she was extremely vulnerable to crime and health issues.

“I had nowhere to go. I lived in my car in a friend’s garage. She took a risk as I was not supposed to be there. I

was so cold.”

Fortunately, a kind woman at Anne Marie’s

church told her about WISEPlace. She met with our case manager and was immediately welcomed into our shelter. We are familiar with the unique chal-

lenges faced by older adult women who find them-

To get her , we can su pp ort w omen l i ke An n Mar i e!

Meet Ann Marie A Story of Hope & Housing

selves homeless – more than 40% of WISEPlace shelter participants are over 60 years old.

With your support, we continue to provide

women like Anne Marie with safe shelter, healthy meals, and vital services we call The WISEPlace Way, a solutions-based program to get women back on their feet.

“The services at WISEPlace are amazing. I

was given counseling and financial advice. I also learned about housing options and how to take

care of my health. WISEPlace helped me with my job search and taught me computer skills. It was just what I needed.”

With the counseling and self-confidence she

gained at WISEPlace, Anne Marie was able to find

work as a caregiver. She began to save money and pay her rent.

After two years of hard work, Anne Marie saved

enough to move into her own apartment in a se-

SCAN ME! 1411 N BRO ADW AY SANTA ANA C A 92706 Se e how your sup por t can t ra nsf or m liv es at WI SEPl ac e:

w ww .w isepl ace .c om/ donat e -no w

nior living community. She had been living inde-

pendently for two years when COVID-19 hit in March. She was laid off from work and was struggling to pay her

rent and bills. WISEPlace stepped in with financial assistance so she would not become homeless again due to the pandemic.

“At 75 years old, I made a promise to myself that I will make it. I learned that I have to be steady and focus on

my goals. Thank you for supporting WISEPlace so that they could walk with me on my journey. I am housed and I am safe, thanks to YOU.”

If you would like to learn more about how you can transform a woman’s life, visit: wiseplace.org/donate-now.

Ann Marie was able to find work as caregiver. She began to save money and pay her rent RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Kimberly Meredith

Fifth Dimension Living Interviewed by Christa Marie Miller ing into a Christ Consciousness. And in that, we have growing pains.

But what’s happening is that we can also witness

miracles... (It) is amazing because (of what) we can tap

into. We have a choice to tap into a God frequency. That is not a bad word, God. It is a beautiful word because

God is love. You have a choice to live in fear or love, you


can’t have both. (You can get into a love frequency by) imberly Meredith is unique. What is unforgettable about Kimberly is that her healing mediumship

manifests in her blinking eyes. As she scans a body, her eyes blink, signaling the presence of disease blocks

praying five minutes a day…meditating… listening to music, and inviting the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God.

Crista Marie Miller: A lot of our readers are very much into the fifth dimension and raising their vibration

that denote trapped emotional energy if her left eye

blinks rapidly. But when her right eye blinks, she has encountered a problem that she then clears through her

frequency up to our fifth dimension in consciousness.

So how can we protect ourselves in the fifth dimension

perspective from third-dimensional elements like

healing style. She’s been likened to a human MRI.


In this interview, we talk about how to overcome

fears and the services she offers.

Kimberly Meredith: What is important right now is our vitamin intake and our immune system

Kimberly Meredith: So to keep yourself protected


boost, but we need to raise ourselves spiritually as well. Crista Marie Miller: Speaking about the fear and depression that has just grown rapidly, how can you offer any

advice on how to rebound emotionally or calm or our fears? Kimberly Meredith: In my book, I have a spiritual fifth-dimensional prayer that I channeled, where I help people

understand the reality that we have bounced back from

third-dimension to fifth-dimension. I live in a dimensional system. I had a near-death experience in 2013, through

which I became more multidimensional. I learned we are

(from) COVID-19… is to keep a very strong spiri-

tual mind over matter practice… I constantly keep myself shielded. We do live in a third-dimensional energy where there are people walking around in

illness and in a negative mindset. We are around the field of this energy. We can vibrationally keep ourselves in (a)

higher frequency… by staying calm and in peace and love, and knowing that we automatically can push out negative mind chatter, and go into a loving peace, love and light,

and (negativity) will diminish and leave. This takes some

time for people to understand. They may say “…well I don’t think I can do that.” But, you can do that… (by) inviting in

the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is stronger than any negative spiritual attack.

all multidimensional to some level.

Kimberly Meredith is a gifted medical mediumship healer

dimensions. We are living in a third dimension reality

enced complete healings. She is available for in-person and

So we have the choice of bouncing in and out of

right now which is worry and fear. We’re witnessing a

consciousness frequency, and it’s important that we are

witnessing it because what’s happening is we’re gravitat14

JAN-FEB 2021

and spiritual speaker whose clients have personally experiSkype healing or spiritual sessions. Her new book Coronavirus: Top 21 Tips For Protection offers both practical and

channeled advice. She can be reached through her website at thehealingtrilogy.com.

Contactless Pet Healing Has Always Been Effective


By Kara of Pet’s Eye View am an animal communicator. But sometimes, talking is not enough. I am trained in several modalities such as The Silva Method, EFT for animals, chakra clearing, acupressure, and others.

I not only talk to the animal; I also look inside the pet’s body for pain and discomfort. I employ various visualization

techniques to allow health. This does not replace a good veterinarian but provides a boost.

While scanning the body, I receive messages about things that may help your pet, or I may see an old injury. You might

think your dog has a nasty temper, but his neck has been “out” for years. If you were in pain, you might be snappish, too!

Animals read our minds. I train you to send positive imagery to your pet of how you prefer they behave

anxiety, a rescue animal, grief for lost, ill, or deceased pets.


Visualization: Animals read our minds. I train you to send positive imagery

How Different

Energy Modalities Help Specific Companion Animal Situations EFT For Animals and Their

People: Emotional Freedom Tech-

nique (EFT), is a combination of talk

therapy and tapping on several Chinese acupressure points to release

to your pet of how you prefer they behave. This works well for physical ailments as well. My dog had a heart murmur last year. I visualize his heart as normal daily. At his checkup in December, the vet was astounded to find his heart murmur gone.

Good for: Any behavior or health issue.

The Silva Method: I am certified in the Silva Method. One of the deep med-

itation techniques within the Silva Method enables me to help better intuit what an animal needs and relay that to his guardian.

Good For: Identifying depth and type of pain, chronic health problems,

stuck energy, fear, anger, or bad


on the human, to release their frus-

animals, bladder meridian sweeps, animal chiropractic, and more. There are

behavior. I use this technique FIRST trations, and then on the animal,

using what the animal has told me to break up stuck energy. It works

Bodywork: I offer my clients suggestions for body massage, T-Touch for

simple techniques you can easily learn at home that will help ground your pets. Good For: General calming for overly pushy or aggressive animals.

If you ever want to know what your pet is thinking or feeling, what is behind

very effectively via video chat.

a behavior problem, or have a chronically ill or deceased pet, please visit me at

getting along, health problems,

to enhance your pet’s health and behavior.

Good for: Aggression, pets not

www.petseyeview.com. Consider learning energy work and bodywork yourself




Your Experience is Your PROOF

Nick Pope ran the British government’s UFO project from 1991 to 1994, where he researched and investigated UFOs, alien abductions, crop

circles, and other strange phenomena, leading the media to call him the real Fox Mulder. He will be appearing at the Conscious Life Expo in February. – Scott Ware, Radiance Publisher


ou were in charge of investigating hundreds of UFO incidents, but you didn’t find evidence of actual alien encounters with people on Earth and therefore don’t believe? Well, I cer-

tainly like to think of myself as skeptical but open-minded. And certainly, I went

into that particular job thinking it’s all nonsense. And after meeting the witnesses, doing the research, delving back into the archive of case files, I came away with the sense that - look, this isn’t all aircraft lights and weather balloons and hoaxes and crazy people. There’s really something going on here. I didn’t pretend to have all the answers; I probably came away with more questions.

Some people believe we’ve already found life. I mean, in late 2020, there was

an announcement about possible microbial life in the atmosphere of Venus. It’s just one in a long string of stories that edges closer and closer to first contact.

A lot of people channel multi-dimensional beings: Bashar, Julius, you have Seth, Abraham-Hicks who appear to be here to assist us. Do you subscribe to that at all? I keep an open mind. I mean, I’d love it

heavals that flips everything 180 degrees, and I am not sure society has responded very well. The media and the public have

consistently panicked, and people seldom make good decisions when they’re panicking.

something to establish the bona fides of all this.

But if these other multidimensional beings were savvy, maybe they made it so people who were elevating their vibration with a strong heart-mind connection would be the ones who could experience them. That would be slick, but I would

suppose we can empathize, but we can’t get inside that person’s head and

of elitism rule, the Cognoscenti…

to be true. I’m certainly not one of these people who would debunk any of this because my goodness, the world would be far more interesting and fun with these sorts of visitors with this sort of presence, this interaction, whatever

you call it. I would still like something tangible, even if it’s just a little taste or A lot of people have subjective proof – they’ve had direct experiences. I

really say what that person’s experience actually was.

Crop Circles: why hasn’t anyone been able to show a video of how they are supposedly faked? I would say it’s because it spoils it for the artists. Like a magician doesn’t want to spoil the trick.

Actually, you can find any magic trick out there on the internet. Yes, it just seems interesting that in all these decades, no one is doing it. I’m probably coming across as a horrible evil debunker here, but I think we’re all big enough to have a debate about this. And I want this to be true.

What effect has the pandemic had on disclosure? It gives the gov-

ernment a lot of data to look at in terms of how society responds to major up-


JAN-FEB 2021

have a problem with it. Because it’s a sort

You could go into any village and among the poorest people, there’s a beggar or somebody like that who’s actually a master. A lot of very enlightened people in this world living humbly. I get that. But my concern would be: what about everyone

else? They have free will. It’s right there for anyone to experience.

For more of our video interview, go to

NickPope.net or RadianceMM.com





Phyllis is a conduit of angelic and celestial guidance from the Elohim. This is a communication specifically for this issue of Radiance.


rossing over into the Age of Aquarius is in essence, a revolutionary experience for all con-

cerned. This is an auspicious incarnation to have been

chosen. When you consider the number of Souls in the running, to have been chosen to take part in this particular experience, is a key thing for you to take into

consideration when you ask questions such as, “Why am I here?” This is a time when variable changes and de-

structive measures have been taking place, that are most effectively in alignment with a “New Age of Man’’ versus a “new world”—because you cannot have one without the other. The two go hand-in-hand.

Everything that has thus happened has served as a

catalyst for derision, ill-held contempt, servitude, and dark periods that primarily reside within rather than without, as humankind learns more about who they

truly are—where they have come from, who they are,

and where they are headed. The future of the collective

word. Every action. Every thought puts you on the brink

of a new discovery, point of departure, or decision which reflects forward and backward throughout the illusion of time.

You are here for the benefit of all beings, and have a

stake in the evolution of humanity, as all beings must rise together.

So yes, it is a (R)evolution. A shift of paradigms.

Forced and radical change. Spiritual evolution. A spiraling back to our center. A fine-tuning.

Coming home.

Phyllis Douglass is a Shaman Seer Sage who serves as a catalyst—an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action through movement, bodywork, energy, and sound. www.phyllisdouglass.com

resides within this very moment in time as humankind

toys with their inner desire to step outside of themselves — and out of their comfort zone — to answer the call

of their true and divine nature. It is this aspect of one’s

being that is orchestrating each and every move, to offer

A doorway that brings heaven to earth from within you

course correction when you are led astray. The Infinite

at some point in time takes command of the vessel. Our

true nature of being rises to its full expression within the physical form.

The Age of Aquarius — with its peaks and valleys — is

a Revolution in the process of unfoldment. It is a period

of discovery on all levels that will progress humankind in

the quintessential art of expressing compassion, unconditional love, and the ability to truly live beyond self, for

the benefit of all—those who came before us, and those who will come after.

Our ancestors who built up the foundation that we

are precariously balanced upon, are here with us today.

They are a part of your DNA. Their lifeforce flows through

your veins, your thoughts, and can thereby influence your actions when you allow. We think of them as being far removed, and that is truly not the case.

You are not here to have a solo and inconsequential

experience. Every step you take leaves a mark. Every 18

JAN-FEB 2021



Are you looking for a way to heal an issue, or to simply feel better? Do you wish to unburden yourself and feel happier and more joyful? Would you like to have fewer pains and aches?


If you said “yes” to any of these, then please read on.

i, I’m Daniel the Healer, and I offer you free Online Energy Healing Events Every Thursday at 10 AM and 8 PM Pacific time. For the time being they are absolutely FREE.

Daniel the Healer

All you have to do is register here at DanielTheHealer.com/event-registration.

These weekly free events started in May, and I already have pages and pages of

glowing testimonials. I am a Holistic Intuitive Energy Healer. Please check me out at


Thank you and I wish you all the best. RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Walking the Talk, or How to Move Mountains By Steven A. Ross

CEO and Co-Founder at World Research Foundation


ow does one attain the true strength of conviction to accomplish things of

this magnitude? Now we know that in the Bible it says, “Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, ‘Why could we not drive it out?’ And He said to them, ‘Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you…”” Many people have their own understanding of these words, I do not question nor am I trying to change anyone else’s belief; I would like to share my personal interpretation of this concept. It is not merely our belief in external things or people, but it is the development of our inner belief and understanding, that accomplishes the Great Work of true manifestation. It is not our belief that someone else will or can do it, but that we can do it, this is what allows an individual to consistently accomplish that which one desires. Merely speaking A Word, is not a magical formula that will accomplish results of great magnitude. Results manifest from a thought or concept that is reinforced with power and authority that the action will happen because it must happen! How does a person develop and resonate at this state of awareness that they have the power and authority for their thought to manifest? Through the integrity of action within an individual, action being another word for walking. Now Jesus was an example in his religion of the embodiment of Love. Other revelators have been the embodiment of Love within their religion. What allowed these individuals to accomplish and demonstrate their ability was the integrity of the life they lived. They walked their talk, lived their talk, and acted totally within the Wisdom that we are Soul with all power, light, and love. I refer to Integrity as being the consistency of one’s actions with their belief. The walking beyond the talking of one’s belief. Some people use a person’s name as

20 20

JAN-FEB 2021

SCAN ME! being their belief, philosophy, or religious system. The more profound manner is to walk in the same footsteps as that individual you admire or attest to. In the example above regarding the Disciples, I choose to understand, they were speaking words but their words did not have the power or authority behind them because they did not have the deeper understanding of what they were saying and doing. They were just talking without understanding the walking. Success in moving challenging mountains before us is not merely about the words one uses or quotes at the moment, it is about the actions or steps one has taken under ALL circumstances and experiences that bring us to the understanding that we have power and authority over all experiences. Having the opportunity for expressing our true nature might be why we are in this schoolroom called Earth. It is not what you talk or profess, it is how you walk and act, that bespeaks your true understanding of the deepest spiritual philosophy. I have heard individuals within the spiritual community remark that they believe that the further you proceed along the spiritual path, the harder it is. This is that person’s belief and it is not a truism. When you walk, live, and talk with integrity in the philosophy and spiritual path you espouse, the easier it is because it is not work, it is NATURAL. It is who you are. The beautiful and profound Spiritual individuals who have walked on Earth throughout history are meant to be templates, examples, guides, teachers, friends,

and part of our own spiritual family. Merely talking and professing love and support for these individuals of the past is not the same as acting and demonstrating in the same manner they did. I am grateful for the loving brothers and sisters that have come before us to be examples of beauty, love, truth, honesty, integrity, compassion and so many other aspects. The best way to honor someone is to live and act, within your life, displaying the same attributes as your teacher or “hero.” The manner in which you accomplish the mighty works and even those aspects of negating illness and disease is through the integrity of your lifestyle. When you become one with that which you desire, through your actions and not just your words, then your faith in the power of your spirit, in concert with the Divine Spirit of the Creator, will manifest what you desire. Through repetition, many things become easier. By living the life, you become that life. When doing what is the highest and best in each situation is as natural as each breath, you have become the Christ or Buddha Self, not because you have spoken some words, but because you have become Love personified within your individual self. We are capable of more because we are more than we imagine at this time. It starts with the smallest of experiences, which are not obstacles, but creative opportunities to learn and grow in our awareness and integrity. To each their own and may your personal belief, religion, or philosophy bring you comfort, beauty, and love.

To inspire and empower. With love, in love, and through love.

Steven A. Ross, Ph.D. www.Lesscomplicated.net


Conscious Capitalism

Fr eeing the Spirit of Your Business



hat is Conscious Capitalism?

It is a voluntary exchange for mutual benefit which leads to

unprecedented prosperity for all the stakeholders involved. The

stakeholders are the investors, founders, employees, customers, suppliers, and the surrounding affected communities.

According to John Mackey, founder and Co-CEO of Whole

Foods Market, and author of the book Conscious Capitalism there are four tenets that make up the pillars of conscious capitalism. In the book, he designates them as: 1. Higher Purpose

2. Stakeholder integration 3. Conscious Leadership

4. Conscious Culture and Management

How much better would the world be if other CEOs practiced


JAN-FEB 2021

this kind of leadership?

higer purpose: I always knew I would have a career in the business

world. I got an “office” job right out of high school,

worked my way up the corporate ladder, obtained my

CPA license, and eventually started my own practice as a single mom working out of my living room on a ridic-

I was badly out of balance. My mind rejected the idea

of repeating the same work. My soul wanted something

completely different. I realized that while we maintained our mission of always doing the best work we possibly

could for our clients, growth and new business was not coming - because I had lost my passion and no longer saw the higher purpose I once had.

I knew I needed to make a change and so a very real

ulously tiny desk. While being a single mom and work-

conversation with my husband was in order. I shared what

passion for my work which resulted in both clients and

tant (feeling perhaps a little abandoned by me), agreed

ing long hours was often exhausting, I still felt a great money flowing in.

And I had found my calling as an articulator: one who

brings clarity to any given situation. Even my license plate read: rtql8r. I had been recognized as one who

communicates effectively, especially in business. This meant that I could bring together a mass of disorga-

nized information and not only make sense of it but bring meaning and useful purpose. What a wonderful thing it

was to use my skills to help small business owners form

I was experiencing and although he was initially relucI should take some time off and he would manage the

practice on his own without me. I rested and meditated

for a year, recovering my strength and balance. I was 47 years old and had been working in the business world

since I was 17. During this convalescence, I continued with my spiritual journey. I was taking classes, reading

books, and working with mentors. I developed the ability to channel a higher energy. I began getting messages

a business strategy, measure its efficacy, course correct when needed, and thrive.

As the years passed, I remarried, and my CPA hus-

band and I merged our accounting practices and together, growing the combined business to an even larger

size. But the stress of the deadline-oriented business

began to get to take its toll on me. At the end of April 15th every year, I found myself sick, tired, injured, exhausted, and ten pounds heavier. My work life had become

a disaster for my health and wellbeing. I was no longer

consciously aligned with the work I was doing. My higher purpose was slipping away from me.

During this time, I began experiencing what some

would call a “Spiritual Awakening.” I began a disciplined meditation practice, studied ancient religions and

teachings, and took up an interest in metaphysics. I was developing a very personalized belief system of what

God and the Divine, Angels, and other teachings meant to me. As destiny would have it, in the fall of 2005 I

attended a weeklong retreat in Laguna Beach with a well-

and communications from the angelic realm (archangels

afternoon and I went home feeling like a different person.

dha, Moses, St. Germain), and beloved family members

known spiritual teacher. The class finished on Sunday

On Monday morning I did my normal routine of getting

the kids to school and then drove to work. I arrived at the office, parked my car, and sat in the driver’s seat staring at the door unable to muster the energy or intention to

get out of the car and go in. Instead, I sat there and cried. My body was telling me it was done with the stress and

and guardian angels), the Ascended Masters (Jesus, Budand friends who had crossed over (mediumship). The

more I developed the spiritual side of myself, the less and less I could see myself flowing in the family CPA

practice. My higher purposes changed, and my career changed with it.

I knew I needed to spend time with like-minded peoRADIANCE MAGAZINE


ple and searched for a local community. One night as

I sat at the kitchen table after another exhausting and

unsuccessful search for a church that was not a church

in the traditional sense, I closed the laptop, and in a very

Stakeholer integration: I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business

loud internal mental voice cried out, “I need a spiritual

Administration with a concentration in accounting. I am

Archangel Michael, answered me with a booming mes-

istration degree with a concentration in Leadership. In a

community!” The voice of (what I now know to have been) sage; “Then build one!”

I pondered this message. Several days later in the af-

ternoon, I was doodling and the words “Temple of Light’’ came through my hands and onto the paper. From that moment on there was an unexplained, yet also familiar

energy that seemed to take over. Before I knew it, I had

secured a URL link, hired a website designer, made busi-

in the process of earning a Master of Business Admin-

recent course, “Corporate Finance,” the authors of the

textbook consistently drove the point that the responsibility of the CEO and upper management (management) was to “maximize shareholder profits.” This point was

emphasized over and over in every chapter, case analysis, and homework assignment.

In addition to pressing this point, the authors in-

ness cards, found a commercial space to rent, and told

dicated that if management failed to make this their

have an energy of its own. The flow of what was happen-

ant stakeholders i.e., customers, suppliers, employees,

my friends I had founded a spiritual center. It seemed to

ing was almost hard to keep up with. I had a new passion

and a new higher purpose. I founded the Temple of Light Spiritual Community and it thrived for ten years, servic-

ing thousands of people who felt called to find their own spiritual awakening. I felt so lucky that this was my job. In the spring of 2017 rent increases of 35 to 40%

community-wide made it impossible for us to continue. We closed the doors in July 2017. I was devastated. I

cried for months. I wondered what on earth I would do

now. I prayed. I meditated. I journaled. I needed direction. In my prayers and meditations, I was guided and given

images of juxtaposing my dual skill set of business and

spiritual teachings. I was to return to the business world

priority (by not bypassing the needs of the less importand the surrounding community) and compromised the

shareholder profits, management could be held accountable, legally accountable, for engaging in what would be called an “agency problem.” Meaning management is

required by the corporate by-laws to act as an agent for the shareholders, and only the shareholders. This view

of shareholder profit maximization, at the expense of the other stakeholders, is a myth and an outdated view of

how a business reaches success. If the common and re-

lated needs of the entire group of stakeholders are not taken into consideration the business will not thrive or experience unlimited prosperity and growth.

In the book “Conscious Capitalism” by John Mackey,

as this upgraded version of myself, no longer vulnerable

Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, he shared an account

would be to work with visionary leaders in the business

located Austin, Texas. Just one year into the new and

to the stress and pressures of deadlines. My new mission world, providing consulting services that combine sound business practices with the ultimate focus: high-level energy of love and community responsibility.

I frowned at this message initially. Go back to the

business world? I do not think so. But I was nudged and shown the higher purpose of such an endeavor. My

husband was thrilled after a ten-year absence I would be

returning to the practice. It took some adjustment (about a year), but it feels like a higher purpose now. I endeavor to bring the perspective of a higher purpose to the cli-

ents I work with and assist them to see the power of what

they create. I do not think I could do this kind of business consulting work if it lacked this aspect of it. I still do

some non-business spiritual counseling and guidance because I love it and it helps keep me in balance.


JAN-FEB 2021

of when he and his business partner had but one store expanded version of his store, a flood occurred, and

the store was by his accounts flooded up to eight feet.

Without insurance, the store a disaster, and the inventory damaged, he felt sure he was bankrupt. Then, to his

surprise, his customers showed up and helped clean up the store. His employees came and worked for free. His

suppliers offered him more than generous lengthy terms for supplies so he could restock. His investors gathered and offered more investment money. He realized this

disaster taught him one of the most valuable lessons: it is not just the stockholders who serve you, but all the other stakeholders who participate in your business. He was

astonished at how the various groups came to his aid. It

taught him the value of making sure everyone related to

your business has a positive and empowering experience with you.


conscious leadership: Conscious leaders are motivated by the business

mission statement and higher purpose as opposed to concentrating on maximizing shareholder wealth. A

conscious leader may not necessarily be the CEO of a non-profit to engage in this kind of thinking but would

need the shareholders to be in alignment with this de-

cision-making process to be successful. These kinds of

leaders are not driven by ambition but are demonstrative

of personality behaviors like emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and systems/leadership intelligence. Conscious leaders also demonstrate the ability to

break mental boundaries to challenge the norms and af-

fect great change. They are always moving toward self-improvement. They identify with a deeper purpose. They are compassionate and they lead with humility. They are also authentic, have integrity, listen well, and are accountable

for their own actions. They are altruistic and courageous. Robert K. Greenleaf, founder of the “Servant Lead-

ership” movement and the Greenleaf Center for Servant

Leadership says “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to

serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first.”

Some examples of world leadership include Mahat-

ma Gandhi who left his mark in his endeavor to use civil disobedience and a non-violent platform to gain India’s

liberation from English rule. He inspired civil rights move-

ments around the world. Winston Churchill led Britain and the allied forces in the daunting task of victory against the Nazis during World War II. He helped establish the

post-war peace which led the western world through one

of its greatest periods of prosperity. To name several others, Martin Luther King, Jr., Albert Einstein, Nelson Man-

dela, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Stephen Hawking, and Oprah Winfrey.

And in the business world, we can look to leaders who

through their success embrace many if not all the same

qualities. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook, Bob Iger, CEO of the Disney Corporation,

Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, Mary Barra, CEO of Gen-

eral Motors Company, Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Who Code (which promotes technology training to girls), Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors (and formerly PayPal), and Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men in the

world who has pledged to give away 99% of his assets.

When we look at these world, political and business leaders we can be in no doubt their drive is not monetary, but rather of purpose, passion, and of service.

conscious culture & management: We have all heard and used the phrase “corporate

culture.” We use the term to describe the environment

of the place we work. It may or may not be a corporation as such, but aptly describes any working environment. Employees may describe a work or corporate culture

as friendly, nurturing, growth-oriented, with empowered

leadership. It can also be described as dominating, intimidating, embedded with various “isms”, such as racism, sexism, ageism, and classism.

Employees may report being treated with respect

affect everyone if everyone took the same action. For ex-

environment under constant threat of being fired, demot-

trash in front of your home, and simultaneously, 7.5 billion

and justice, they may also report working in a fear-based ed, or reprimanded. Sir Richard Branson, founder of the

Virgin Group says, “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will

ample, if you walked out your front door and threw a bag of people on earth did the exact same thing, what would your world look like? And would you be happy with it?

When we think of worldwide businesses, corpora-

take care of your clients.” Or a more abbreviated version,

tions, and capitalism (or other forms of government

your business.” Also, “Train people well enough so they

Imperative” and see if the way we are running our own

“Take care of your employees and they’ll take care of

can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” Simon Sinek is quoted as saying, “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”

I have worked for a great many organizations in my

time. One thing I have heard more often than anything else is how people talk about the way they feel about

where they work. They love the people, their boss, the

work environment, the commute, the pay, the benefits, the opportunity for training and advancement. When

someone feels good about where they work, they ap-

preciate it, demonstrate loyalty, always put in their best efforts, and... stay.

and economic systems) we must apply the “Categorical business would hold up in the great scheme of the world we live in if it were categorically applied to all.

What would our world look like if all corporations,

businesses, and government socio-economic systems

applied these four pillars of Higher Purpose, Stakeholder Integration, Conscious Leadership, and Conscious Culture/Management?

Rev. Danielle Marie diversifies her skills and education in two distinct areas: one of them being of the mainstream

business world where she is a co-founder and co-owner

of Invisible Advisory Group, a Lake Forest, California CPA

firm where she provides business consulting and fractional

One of my favorite philosophers is Immanuel Kant of

Chief Financial Officer services to growing businesses. Rev.

Imperative” which is a universal ethical principle stating

tion and is in the process of earning a Master’s of Business

and that one should only act in accordance with rules that

Danielle is also a renowned Spiritual Advisor assisting peo-

that all actions we take are discerned as to how they would

ordained minister in the process of earning a Doctorate of

German descent (1724-1804) who wrote the “Categorical that one should always respect the humanity in others

could hold for everyone. In other words, it is imperative


JAN-FEB 2021

Danielle has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administra-

Administration (MBA).

ple with navigating life with ease and grace. She is also an

Divinity. www.daniellemarie.me

douglastaylorvisionaryart.com RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Mother Daughter Sacred


Faith Nouri’s daughter wrote about her for a school assignment and allowed us to share it with you all. Faith wrote a response.


ear Mom (Faith), you’re the best parent a 10 (Soon 11) year old kid could ask for. You always are there for me in times of need, you never fail to cheer me up and not gonna lie, you can be HILARIOUS sometimes (by the way I didn’t mean that in a bad way.) Hanging out with you and having you in my life is a 100% blessing! No matter the “mistakes” you did in the past/present your always perfect to me. I love the way on how you listen to what I say for example I wanted to try online school and you said yes and now I have the most awesome teacher a 5th grader could have. You’re the best part of every holiday and you never cease to warm my heart. I enjoy watching movies with you (except if it’s a boring one of course!) You always know how to make me laugh no matter the situation after all you’re the love of my life. I will always love you no matter what you do because I know we will figure it out in the end. With love: Natalia To My Lovely Daughter, Natalia I want you to know that you are my

happy. Your loving and warm smile melts my heart every time.

blessing and I always thank our creator for

You have been my greatest teacher since

planning for us to take our journey together

birth. I learned to be a mom by learning to

in this time and space.

care for you. I’m also learning to be more

I love so many things about you, starting with your morning snuggle; I feel your cold fingers, toes and nose as you give me a big bear hug and rub your feet over mine and kiss my face as our dog Aspen starts to compete with you and licks my ears. I start my morning with giggles and a light heart and feel so 28

JAN-FEB 2021

patient and to love without condition. I do tell you from time to time that I love you no matter your grades or whatever expectation may arise. I want you to know you are always beautiful, kind, intelligent, worthy, generous and have my unconditional love. There are no strings attached.

Every day, I learn something new from

and ask me not to have sad thoughts. I love

you and I realize how kind and wise you

it when I ask you to limit your online game

are. Once, at the Orange County Fair, you

usage or get ready for bed, and you laugh-

were concerned about the employees and kept

ingly tell me “Mom, in the next life, I could

telling them you wished you had a chair for

be your mom and I will be strict, so you may

them to sit on because you felt they must

want to let me do what I want!” We usual-

have been tired from standing up.

ly laugh and I tell you that if you were my

Last week at the soccer scrimmage, you kept telling everyone they’re all winners and

mom in the next life, and I was your child, I would have so many plans for you.

there is no loser in the game. You tell me

You romance life with your inner joy and I

competition makes no sense when it makes

marvel at your inspiring ways. You say I am

another person feel bad about themselves.

your rock but I think you are my rock. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I feel

You always check the

truly fortunate. You are my

car for spare change to hand it out to

You have my

needy people. You wouldn’t think twice about giving

best friend and it is an

unconditional love. There are no

all your savings

strings attached

from your chores

honor to be considered your best friend.

Your mom, Faith

to a homeless person on the street. I see the light in your eyes with your big smile when you empty your wallet and give all you have to a needy person. I love your generosity. You are so sensitive to my feelings and expressions that when I am preoccupied with a client’s issue that is not pleasant, you approach me and remind me that you love me RADIANCE MAGAZINE




JAN-FEB 2021

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t’s easy to get caught up in judgements and compari-

sons these days. Being of service doesn’t always look

like the fancy photos we see on social media. It isn’t

about modeling ourselves after anyone else, nor is it

ego responds to this statement with a ‘what about me?’ feeling that encompasses all of your desires for the self. These desires do not go unrecognized by the collective self; your higher self and perception. When you enter

validated by followers, likes, or fancy trips

a more collective form of creation and

to exotic lands. Service is taking place

manifestation, the desires for the self are

through you, in every moment. Some-

easily met by what we define as the

times this requires a willingness to

One Source. One Source is a different

stand right where you are, exactly

dimensional access than perceiving

as you are, and recognize the

multiple streams of creative ener-

beauty and value in that.

gy for the self. One Source op-

The biggest struggle I

erates through you when you

see right now on the plan-

simply offer to humanity an

et is Lightworkers trying

expression of your highest

to move forward with

intention.” ~ Channeled

creative ideas without the

through Thoth and the

burden of limiting beliefs

Magdalena Collective

and programming getting in

You Already

Are That By Micheila Sheldan

Being of service doesn’t always look like the fancy photos we see on social media the way and making it feel really hard.

You are a vessel overflowing with a unique creative

offering for humanity. Simply become that vessel and

the rest begins to take shape. Believe you already are

that, without the distortion of the media or other humans

telling you how and what it must look like. Your offering to humanity does not rely on numbers. Within your human

story, the gift to humanity lies and awaits, and everything coming to support that grounds to meet you. It cannot be measured.

“The inner temple is carved by the soul, but the door

to its abundant beauty is opened with your consciousness. As we say this, take a breath and allow it to simply relax you into a state of what you have already received. Efforting to achieve has no place upon this new Earth and many of you have already entered the dimension in which it exists. When we come to offer you this phrase, it is not without tender care for your ego structure in relationship to a soul experience. We know that your 34

JAN-FEB 2021


I believe that integrating the higher self or a more

collective perspective is the key to all of this. When we awaken, we are questioning our collective reality. But

somewhere along the way, we get stuck in the awakening, the questioning, and never move forward. Or we separate what we see on the planet from our singular timeline.

We will always take physical action. We came to be

physical. But this physical action must come from within you to take concrete shape and form.

Relationships, resources, information, and experienc-

es you need are not separate from this One Source. They meet you to also meet all others exactly where they are.

You are here to manifest for yourself and all others. This is the sweet spot.

During a struggle to overcome chronic pain, Micheila

awakened to her intuitive gifts, launching a journey to better understand her connection to spirit and the universe. More

can be found at MicheilaSheldan.com





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JAN-FEB 2021




Robert Anton Wilson Explains Everything

There was only one Buddha 2,500 years ago. Now you meet five or ten Buddhas at every city you go to


f you take history as starting on this planet at midnight

and you assume the life of the planet is 15 billion years

ence is the yoga of the west.”

Science is a yoga, too. Science is a way of trying to

which is the estimated life of a G-Type star, it is now 8

reach an objective level in which your emotional compul-

because we’ve pretty much been operating on autopilot

with all your favorite reality tunnel. The scientific world-

o’clock in the morning, and it’s time for us to wake up, until now.

And there are signs of planetary awakening. Domes-

ticated primate’s psychology remains pretty much the

same as it was in the paleolithic. But one sees increasing evidences of mutations. There was only one Buddha

2,500 years ago. Now you meet five or ten Buddhas in every city you go to. Knowledge, wherever it is discovered, is traveling over the whole world faster and faster. The

possibility of changing consciousness was discovered

in the Orient 2,500 years ago at least, probably it’s older than that, but techniques were discovered to quiet the

mind, pacify the mind, to remove emotional compulsions and these were organized into the science of yoga. As John Lilly says, “Yoga is the science of the East. Sci38

JAN-FEB 2021

sions and prejudices aren’t twisting all the facts to fit in

view grew up in the west between 1500 and 1750 largely due to mystics who were known as Hermeticists. This

Hermetic scientific revolution saw theology as its enemy,

with no conflict between Hermeticism and science—they were both based on experimentation, and they were both opposed to the authority of the church. Shortly after

1600 this began to split, the hermetic tradition faded

into the background, and we developed for the first time in history a science that had absolutely no connection with anything except pure reason. The hermetic tradi-

tion believed that there is no such thing as pure reason;

you’ve got to first work on your own perceiving apparatus to correct your prejudices. Further, they believed that the

scientist is not separate from what the scientist observes

with the general yogic attitude that, “You are the master who makes the grass green.”

Western science lost that insight and from Newton

level accurately unless you include the observer in your picture.

So, quantum physics turned out to be saying ex-

onwards we had the idea that it doesn’t matter who

actly the same thing that the psychedelic revolution was

the truth. This began to break down after 1900 due to

us, all we know is the reality that we are co-creators of

you are, if you follow scientific procedure you will find

Sigmund Freud, who pointed out that even scientists are

human beings and may have neuroses and that scientific theories may be elaborate rationalizations from neuro-

ses. Karl Marx pointed out that no matter what you’re theorizing about, it’s a mirror of your economic status and

what your economic goals are. And then anthropologists

started coming back with reports about alternative reality tunnels showing that no matter what reality tunnel you

live in the world will organize itself in your perceptions to be compatible with that reality tunnel.

So, science began to have data to look at science

itself critically. That’s how intelligence increases: when intelligence looks at intelligence and criticizes intelli-

gence. So, we got to the point where we could look at

science and say science is the product of people, people are doing this and their prejudices are getting into it, it’s not just enough to say I will be objective, you’ve got to

learn to change yourself from the inside out before you can even begin to approximate toward objectivity. How do you do that?

Well, it took a while to begin to find answers to that.

The big changeover came when Albert Hofmann went

for a bicycle ride one day after experimenting with ergot derivatives. Albert Hofmann, after accidentally ingesting LSD, went through a profound experience in 1942

saying: that there is no objective reality separate from

the reality perceived, conceived, and put together by our nervous systems. And at this point it becomes obvious that intelligence can be raised, consciousness can be

altered, nothing is static, all we’ve got to do is learn how to change our nervous systems and we can go to wider

and wider reality tunnels and bigger and bigger levels of perception and so on, so there was a great deal of drug

research and a lot of people were getting a lot of radical

ideas and so the government made it illegal. Which is the natural thing to do if you’re a politician; the last thing you

want is intelligence increase. So, then some others started saying “Okay, so they won’t let us investigate drugs, but now that we know that it’s possible to change con-

sciousness let’s see the other techniques that they will let us investigate. Nobody has made Pranayama illegal

yet because it would be impossible to enforce, you just have to read a book on yoga and learn how to breathe

through alternative nostrils and you find that you go into an entirely different consciousness state. Then you go back to your ordinary consciousness and think about that state, and then go back into that state and think

about your ordinary consciousness and already you’re

in I squared. You’re in intelligence studying intelligence, you’re finding out how your nervous system works.

So, with each decade, since the 1960s, we are

which he did not put into words until 1982—it took him

moving more and more to the place where we can change

classical scientific background and assumed that there

make bigger and bigger reality tunnels. Once you look

40 years. He was educated as a classical chemist with a was such a thing as an objective observer and so on. So,

it took him 40 years to figure out what LSD meant. And in 1982 he wrote an essay on the 40th anniversary of the discovery of LSD in which he says that the main thing

that I’ve learned from LSD is that there is no objective reality separate from us. All there are the realities that

our nervous systems construct out of the signals they

receive. This became obvious to others due to the things that were happening in quantum physics from 1900 on

and with the doubling of knowledge between 1900 and 1950, physicists discovered that the atomic world is

just not describable in terms of Aristotelian logic. For

one thing you can’t describe anything on the quantum

our nervous systems, change our reality tunnels, and

down at your reality tunnel, whether your reality tunnel

is Ohio Methodist or New York Jewish or Marin County

hippie or Tokyo Capitalist Zen Buddhist or Iranian Muslim Fundamentalist – once you get to the level where you

are outside your reality tunnel looking down at it you can

compare reality tunnels and then you’re on a higher level of intelligence already. Because you’re no longer a con-

ditioned mechanism just following the reality tunnel that was accidentally imprinted or conditioned and you can start choosing between reality tunnels.

Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007) was an American author, futurist and self-described agnostic mystic. RADIANCE MAGAZINE


The New WOMAN From



Channeled by Crista Marie Miller y dearest ones, I bring in the feminine aspect of the teaching, the nurturing, the very essence of

who we are as women...

There are four aspects we are shifting through and

that I invite you to embrace: Relationship with Self; Your Twin Soul Flame; Your Relationship with Mother Earth; and Creating Your Future…

I say we because we on the spirit realm are going

through it with you… No matter how isolated and separated you feel, you are far from alone, my dear ones…

The first aspect is the cultivation of a relationship

with self… Self is number one, for no one can fill your cup but you… Do not even allow anyone to say, “Your cup is empty because you are not doing X, Y, and Z…”

What is your cup filled with?... Your soul calling... And

once you achieve it, there is always something new...

similar is far easier, even your soulmate, which does not

necessarily mean a romantic connection... Your soul part-

ner maybe your son, or your mother... The second aspect is sacred relationship with others, and there’s no need to self-sacrifice who you “be” to co-create with this being…

You’re going to crave relationships that bring satisfaction

on all levels of the human experience, and any life partner will grow with you, expand with you, out of their commitment to the union...

Relationship with Mother Earth, the third aspect, cul-

tivates a profound awareness of the planet and the many sweet souls passing to the higher realms... Their soul’s

decision to leave need not have judgmental energy from

you… it is their time and their choice to not participate in the treasures that lay before you in the coming years… The fourth aspect is that you are creating your fu-

That is what makes life so enriched, so fascinating…

ture. Unconsciously this is happening by the billions; an

for growth... See the opportunities as blessings… Learn

all… conscious souls are creating the brightest of futures

Crista calls them hurdles; we call them opportunities

to accept discomfort as this growth, so you may move quickly to the next phases of your spiritual journey… Once you know yourself, finding others who are

unconsciously-created world that serves some, but not

for the collective with their conscious intentions, and we invite you to “jump on that bandwagon…” Know thyself

and where you want to go so your vision is clear and path far less impeded….

As a bonus, I always speak about writing

intentions in pencil… Pencil lead is the strongest form here on earth to create manifestation... If

you cannot get a pencil, a blue pen has a similar, though slightly lower, frequency level. Use them

to help shift out of the dark shadows, my friends, and this new light in this new breath creates that


spark of hope, that spark of development, that spark of understanding… there is a calling for

you to answer… hear it, heart it, and follow it for

that is your truest path… Blessings my dear ones, I will leave you with that…

Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler,

Certified Aura Color Coach, and Reiki Master. Crista

began channeling Spirit at the age of 7. Her focus

is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the Goddess-

es that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage including Mary Mag-

dalene, Ana, Mother Mary, Kuan-Yin and so many

more! Contact her at cristamariemiller.com or by 40

JAN-FEB 2021

email at cristamariemiller@gmail.com.




When Spirituality Goes Mainstream

INT. RV TRAILER – CONTINUOUS Bonnie sleeps, buckled up at the kitchen table. Holds a frustrated Forky tightly in her hand. ON WOODY He lies slumped on the floor, keeping his tired eyes trained on Forky. Buzz sneaks his way over. Hey Buddy. Hey, Buzz.


Buzz sits down beside his old friend. BUZZ You doing okay? WOODY I don’t know, Buzz, I know you weren’t around when Andy was little but… I don’t remember it being this hard… They glance up at Bonnie as she stirs in her sleep. BUZZ Want me to take next watch? I’ll keep an eye on Forky. WOODY No, no. I need to do this. That little voice inside me would never leave me alone if I gave up. 42

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BUZZ Hmm… Who do you think that is? Who?


BUZZ The voice inside of you. Who do you think it is? WOODY Uh. Me? You know, my conscience? (Off Buzz’s puzzled look) The part of you that… tells you things? What you’re really thinking? Buzz considers this. BUZZ Fascinating. So your inner voice… advises you. Buzz taps Woody’s PULL STRING RING… then ponders his own VOICE COMMAND BUTTON. PRESSES IT. BUZZ VOICEBOX

“It’s a secret mission into unchartered space. Let’s go!”


Xcelerating The consciousness of Humanity


This Television Network provides programming from extraordinary practitioners to help you on your journey. You will experience top energy healing and transformation from practitioners worldwide. This network is growing at a rapid pace. We invite you to tune in and discover yourself and others on this path to consciousness. Feel the excitement and enthusiasm of others as you experience these practitioners changing lives in front of your eyes.






JAN-FEB 2021

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