January/February 2016 Radiance

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Spirit Temple of Light


Radiance January/February 2016

Temple of Light SPIRIT

The Joy of Service........................................................4 By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Spiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners

We can Learn from What the Ancients Knew.........8 Deborah Shea & Isabella Stoloff

Column: The Celebrity Channeler How to Manifest Your New Year's Resolution...... 10 By Jamilla Shabazz

MIND The Movie & The Move........................................ 28 By Choury DeVelle

Column: Life Action Plan What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do...... 30 By Margo Mateas

Column: Message fron Xenanthium Loving Allowance................................................. 32 By Hugh Campbell

The Therapist for Lost Souls................................... 12

Column: Highly Sensitive People Stop the Madness................................................ 34

Column: Unity Church Setting Our Intentions for the New Year .............. 16

Column: Kwan Yin Reiki Recognizing Your Magnificence........................ 34

Is Peace on Earth Possible?................................... 18

Column: Pet Communicator Two Gifts to Give Your Dog and Yourself.......... 38

An Interview with Wanda Pratnicka

By Rev. Arlene Meyer

By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

By Rev. Johnnie Urban

By Nancy Kiimes

LA Conscious Life Expo............................................ 20

By Kara Udziela

By Dawna Shuman



Column: Chiro Corner Removing Interference and Restoring Your Health......................................... 40

Leadership Team ..................................................... 22

By Dr. Benjamin Horning

Special Events........................................................... 24

Why do We Accessorize with Jewelry?..............41

Workshops & Classes.............................................. 25

Column: Doctor Designed Wellness A Neighborhood Success Story......................... 32

Resource Directory................................................... 26

ON THE COVER Feeling Joy MAGAZINE STAFF Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Editor-in-Chief, Creative Director, Executive Director Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

By Four Crows

By Dr. Doug DiSiena

Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email info@ liveyourradiance.org or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to http://radiancemagazine.org to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article for review, please email Rev. Basia, Editor-in-Chief at basia@templeoflightoc.org.

January/February 2016 Radiance




he Joy of Service

By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Spiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners


often speak of being of service and the many ways abundance is reaped from what we sow. So many times the word “abundance” translates only as a monetary value. Abundance comes in many forms not just monetary. This is not only true but can also be misleading if we think our happiness is wrapped up in monetary abundance. In the immortal words of the Beatles “Money Can’t Buy Me Love” nor can it buy health, a great career, friends, or happiness. We certainly can have an abundance of love, family, health, outlets for creativity, opportunities to teach and learn, adventure travels, great wisdom and most importantly, joy. In an article I wrote in the November 2014 issue of Radiance called “The Abundant Servant,” I spoke of an epiphany which came to me in a meditation regarding being of service.

I had discovered through this meditation a Universal truth (as compared to a flawed human truth). I was indeed abundant in the ways which truly mattered. I was, and am, worthy of Divine Love. In this discovery, 4

Radiance January/February 2016

I came to know I had nothing to prove or earn from the Divine and, therefore, my acts of service were not something to be done in order to gain reputation or love. My acts of service are to be done purely from a place of gratitude. I have learned acts of service are simply something we do to support the Universal Energy of Love, which already supports us without our having to ask for or earn it. I discovered in the past year since I wrote the article, when I show my deepest gratitude for the love and support I receive from the Universe and the Divine Spirit by being a servant, all I need and want comes through in ways I could never have imagined. Abundance is not a material thing, but rather a feeling of deep peace and “rightness.” The more I serve, the greater I feel the abundance that was always there.

Recognition is key. When we decide to serve, we see the abundance; the more we serve, the more we see. It gives the appearance of “coming” but, of course, this is untrue. It was, and is, always there when we abandon

the illusion of the “wants,” which only show us what we do not have. It’s perspective.

I do not want a Porsche to drive seven miles to work and back, therefore, I do not feel deprived in not having one. There is only one thing to want, the love of the Divine, which I already have. There is nothing else to want. With this knowledge deeply embedded in my soul, which says, "I have all I could need and am no longer in a place of want," I feel the urge to give to others that which I have in limitless form, love.

Strangely though, even with this deep knowledge of a love so pure in my soul which I felt every day in such a profound form, I also felt a slight inexplicable heaviness. Things were changing. I was on a mission to “fix” everything with this newfound sense of no longer being in a state of want for anything. I examined everything in my life, relationships with my husband, children, extended family, friends, co-workers, community members, even my guides. If I didn’t want for anything, why did I still have squabbles with people, especially the ones I loved dearly? I feel grateful to be aware of thoughts and feelings, so back I went deep into meditation to seek the answers. Slowly but surely, the answers came. Although I was being of service and felt great satisfaction and fulfillment, I was not in a place of pure joy. I was serving people and things which did not register with me as joyous. I was being guided to go deeper.

Joy was something foreign to me. Trusty Google gives synonyms of delight, jubilation, triumph, exultation, rejoicing, happiness, glee, exhilaration, exuberance, elation, euphoria, bliss, ecstasy and rapture. I am familiar with the meaning of these words, but realized I had only experienced any of them in glimpses. I was not living a life of joy. I asked of the Divine...is this possible? I felt worthy of it, it’s just seemed unattainable.

I imagined what it would look like to walk through every day feeling a combination of all of the above delicious words. Because I had never given myself over to imaging such a possibility, I also had never examined anything I was holding onto that got in the way. Imagination is creation. When we create with a pure heart, we raise our vibration which brings up stuff

from a lower vibration. I began seeing things about which I was unhappy which were truly stuffed down in the crevices of my denial. It struck me hard because I thought I was good at avoiding denial and was willing and courageous enough to see and confront things head on. However, to deny something, we are usually aware on some level they exist. These were so deep down in my awareness.

I work with people in a variety of ways in my spiritual counseling practice. I serve people in the form of couples counseling, addiction recovery, spiritual career paths and finding their personal empowered selves. One common denominator in all aspects is relating to and working with the Inner Child. When the Inner Child feels safe, she/he comes out to play full of enthusiasm and optimism. When the Inner Child has suffered a trauma which remains undealt with, she/he comes out hurt, angry, afraid, intimidated, and even bitter. When the wounded Inner Child is given a safe opportunity to speak and, if we listen carefully to what he/she says, we can gauge the “age” of the voice and pinpoint the actual age of when the trauma occurred and start to reveal it at its source.

As I allowed myself to see what was underneath my higher vibration, I gave space to listen to my Inner Child. I heard my inner dialog expressing her feelings. I was stunned; she sounded like a two-year-old and, in some cases, younger. No wonder I was not able to get to her consciously before. I had no adult memories of what she felt. As I listened to her and gave her a safe place to speak, feelings associated with her trauma began to subside. She only needed to be heard and have the dignity of speaking her feelings. Once this occurs, the Inner Child can merge with the adult mind and is no longer a separate personality aspect which drives our behavior without our conscious knowledge.

Waves of pain, anguish, and anger left like an ocean receding in full tide, only this time not to come back. Space, I couldn’t believe how much space was left. It was like when you go from a tiny apartment crammed full of stuff to an open big, airy house which feels like a football field of room. And I filled this empty space continued on page 6 >>

January/February 2016 Radiance



<< continued from page 7 with joy. The layers opened up and anything I felt in my adult life that was anger- or sadness-based now had a name and an association with a way to navigate through it with words. As the connections continued, I found my adult words, expressed myself with dignity and grace and stepped into truly unfamiliar ground. I felt so unburdened! I realized with a great sense of perspective and wisdom that in being of service, feeling loved and supported by the Universal Divine, while simultaneously allowing joy to be a part of my everyday existence, I had found a winning combination. You see, it’s not enough to be of service and feel love and peace in our hearts, we also need to feel joy. When we combine being of service with the added element of doing it in a manner which brings us joy, we feel the greatest abundance with a joyous heart as well.

I now understand when we open our hearts to being of service which brings us the most profound joy, we expand our ability and reach. All of my remaining nagging relationship issues resolved. The Temple

telephone rang off the hook and we doubled our programs within a 90-day period. Things still come up, of course, but now I have a stellar navigator to get through them quickly and gracefully. I am a joyous servant and an abundant one. Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master TheaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle Marie has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal an Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at revdanielle@templeoflightoc.org.




FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH HOURS: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. February 6, March 5, and April 2 For information, visit http://templeoflightoc.org/holistic-healing-fair 6

Radiance January/February 2016

Build An Empowered Spiritual Practice With Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Sat. & Sun., Jan. 12 & 13 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost: $197 per person AND you can bring ONE friend for free (share the cost)

Register: http://templeoflightoc.org/ build-an-empowered-spiritual-practice

Do you dream of having a successful Holistic/Healing Arts Practice? Whether you do it as a hobby, part- or full-time, this 2-day course will get you started or enhance your existing practice. We provide the tools you need to create your empowered practice so you can fulfill your dreams to bring your work to those who need you. This course is based on Rev. Danielle’s experience in building a spiritual practice, the creation of the Temple of Light, her 30+ years of experience as an accountant and entrepreneurial CPA, and the following books:  Starting a Spiritual Practice  Create Yourself  Creating Customers for Life  Creating An Abundant Practice  The Practice  The Enlightened Entrepreneur  The Science of Spiritual Marketing  Soulful Marketing  PR for the Holistic Healer  Living with Certainty  The Soul of Money  Client Mastery

TOPICS:  Getting out of your way: what emotional blocks are holding your back? (Strengthening the Lower Chakras)  Creation, Branding, and “I AM Presence:” discovering who are you and what you do. (Strengthening the Heart Chakra and letting Divine Spirit guide you)  Telling the World WhatYou Do...and Attracting Your Perfect Clients: Share What You Offer through Public Relations, Marketing, Websites, Social Media, the Perfect Sales Techniques for You, Networking and Making the Right Connections (Strengthening the Upper Chakras)  Managing Your Practice: Accounting, Legal, Merchant Accounts, Paypal, Eventbrite, Staffing, Barter Arrangements, Event Organization, Venues, Facebook, etc. (Being grounded in a “woo woo” field of work) January/February 2016 Radiance




e Can Learn fromWhat the Ancients Knew


n today’s world, it is remarkable to see how disconnected we have become from ourselves, each other, and the natural world. Due to our technology-driven society with cell phones, televisions, computers and the Internet super highway, more and more we are living with minds disconnected from our bodies. Most of our environment has been paved over, creating a world of concrete and asphalt which further disconnects us from the earth.

Many of our health and emotional problems, behavior issues, and the spiritual crisis can be traced back in part to this disconnection. In much of humanity at this time, most of our energy centers or chakras are to some degree shutdown, damaged, or congested. This is especially true of the lower energy centers and those which exist below our feet. One such energy center is the earth star chakra which connects us to Earth’s electromagnetic grids and beneficial and healing energies which are always available for us providing nourishment and vitality. The Ancients knew how sacred and monumental their connection to the Earth was. Not only did they have reverence for the life-giving mother who provided food and shelter, but they also knew the Earth to be a living being and the giver of life. 8

Radiance January/February 2016

By Deborarh Shea and Isabella Stoloff The acts of hunting or gathering and harvesting crops were done while maintaining this sacred connection. Many of the ancient cultures around the world knew Earth, like a human body, also has energy centers and lines of energy know as Ley Lines which when they intersect, provide access to accelerated energies. This can clearly be seen reflected in the fact ancient cultures worldwide built their sacred sites where these special Ley Lines intersect. Many of these ancient cultures also believed these special places also provided access to heaven, their gods, goddesses, and deities as well as to the underworld or inner earth realms which was also sacred.

Through sacred ceremony they were able to deepen this connection with the special energies of these places. Through this connection they were fed and nurtured physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Some myth and lore also suggest the ancients were able to harness the energy consciousness of the earth grids to connect with star gates which gave them access to higher dimensions and states of being. Some say the ancient Maya and Hopi were able to move into these higher dimensions and seemed to disappear off the face of the earth. It is possible these grids hold the ability to harness our spiritual potential, accelerating

our evolutionary path.

To restore our balance and return to our natural state of connection, health and wholeness we can look to the ancients for clues on how to live in harmony with nature again. This is why we have created a magical Mayan retreat to visit and deeply connect with three of the most beautiful sites on the Riviera Maya especially for you. When one feels the call to explore the depths of their soul there is no better way than in a group of like-minded people on a mission to connect, heal, and create a sense of wholeness like never before. During this retreat, you will discover more about yourself and how you walk in the world. We will connect deeply with Mother Earth and listen to her stories in the winds. It is true you can connect with sacred sites from home in meditation, but imagine what it will feel like to actually sit where the Ancients sat and tune into the stones while sitting in sacred ceremony. There will be release ceremonies as well as activations, along with time to play and explore. Come and discover your connection to the ancient ones. We both send you all light and love.

Deborah Shea & Shaman Isabella Stoloff

Shaman Isabella Stoloff founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009 and speaks worldwide. She travels all over the world holding ceremony and providing one-on-one sessions. Her sessions leave you feeling lighter and more connected. Shaman Isabella provides house clearings, private sessions, private Shaman training, and spiritual journeys. For more info on Isabella visit www.ochealingcenter.com “Transforming my life has been a passion of mine for over 20 years. I look forward to assisting you in connecting with your soul at the deepest level" Deborah Shea is a healer, teacher, channel and owner of Lemurian Light. Shea has studied metaphysics for more than 15 years, graduating from Spiritual Touch, a four-year healing school in California. She has been featured on Television, including A&E Network, Radio and online as well as being a featured presenter nationally and internationally. She offers certification classes, workshops, and retreats worldwide as well as private healing sessions. You can find more information at www.lemurianlight. org.

January/February 2016 Radiance



Jamillah Shabazz The Celebrity Channeler How to Manifest Your New Year's Resolutions

As the famous channel for the angel Light Energy John Christopher, who has helped so many people, everyone tends to think I walk on water and my life is perfect. Don’t allow my celebrity status to fool you; we all require a little assistance from an angel now and then. It’s that time of the year again. You’re putting all of your goals into place, and you feel really good because this “year” you are definitely keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Nothing is going to stand in your way.

This is an all-too-familiar conversation we have with ourselves: “Starting the first of January, I’m going to do X, Y, and Z.” What’s stopping you from achieving “all” of your goals on the list? Are you procrastinating? Do you give up way too easily? Do you feel unworthy? Which one is it?

Well, I will let the angel Light Energy John Christopher take it from here: Greetings, we greet your energy, Dear One. Let us give you some energy, Dear One.

It is not what you set forth to “do” when choosing to accomplish your goals that will allow you to achieve it; it’s who you are choosing to “be” that will bring it to you like magic, Dear One. Let’s use this example, Dear One. We connect to humans waiting, in your illusion of time, until the end of your 10

Radiance January/February 2016

Earth year to create the same goal of releasing weight. Connect to this, Dear One. They eat differently. They exercise regularly. However, the weight never leaves or still comes back. They are “doing”—so why is this goal not being accomplished? It is not a “doing” energy that creates the goal, Dear One. It’s a “being” energy that brings it forth. Every experience is created with an energy of “who you are choosing to be.” You will always take actions in creating your goals, but who you are “being” will ensure the most beneficial actions to take. It’s not the “doing” that comes first. It’s the “being” that comes first, which allows intuitive actions to “do” to come to you. We will continue to use the “releasing weight” goal as the example. In achieving this goal, the human may be choosing to “be” determined to drink lemon water before eating every meal. Or maybe, the human may choose to “be” courageous in releasing sugar completely from their eating regimen. Whomever the human is choosing to “be”—they will vibrate to that “being” energy in all areas of their journey while achieving the goal. It’s the energy of “being” that allows you, as a human energy, [human-being] as you call yourselves, to experience your greatest “doing.” To achieve your goals, Dear One, we say write it in this format. Let us use an example. Let’s say the goal is to achieve having more clients. You will write it as such:

Create more clients – I am choosing to be__________. Then fill in the blank, Dear One. Your new way of “being” should be different than the way you have been experiencing yourself, Dear One. Now you, as a human energy, will achieve your goals. As you “be,” you achieve and receive. We thank your energy, Dear One.

The Celebrity Channeler is a published author, keynote speaker, radio personality, and the professional conduit for the angel, Light Energy John Christopher. He has given personal assistance to celebrities, law enforcement officers, and everyday people alike. Light Energy John Christopher reveals insights and deeper meanings into all situations as he brings clarity and answers to your innermost questions. The Celebrity Channeler has been assisting humankind for more than 13 years with clients nationally and internationally. She has been featured on television, numerous radio stations and in worldwide publications such as, The Secret to the Law of Attraction Magazine. Go to www.TheCelebrityChanneler.com or call (888)714-6226.

Author, Speaker, Radio/TV Personality and Conduit for Angel, Light Energy John Christopher He reveals insights and deeper meanings into all situations and brings clarity and answers to your innermost questions

Light Energy John Christopher has given personal sessions to celebrities, law enforcement, and ordinary people for more than 13 years worldwide. For more information or to book a session, please visit www.TheCelebrityChanneler.com.

January/February 2016 Radiance




he Therapist for Lost Souls

An Interview of Wanda Pratnicka

For more than forty-five years you have helped tens of thousands of people around the world. How would you describe yourself and what you do, Wanda? I am a psychologist, parapsychologist, spiritual teacher and book author. People also refer to me as a lay exorcist and healer. I had psychic skills from birth. I saw and knew things others couldn't see and know. In the beginning, I never thought of becoming an exorcist. 12

Radiance January/February 2016

However, all my life people of all ages have come to me for help, comfort, understanding, and advice. Today, I am a therapist for ghosts or entities, if you will, and for people. They both need the same care, understanding and the same dose of love. I help ghosts who are ready now but who were undecided after death to pass through to the other side of death's curtain. These ghosts or entities who don't know what to do with themselves I help them come to a decision.

You Are Invited to a Life -Altering Workshop


WANDA PR ATNICK A S piritual Teacher and Book Author from Poland FEBRUARY 28, 2015 2PM-5PM TEMPLE OF LIGHT, 11 GODDARD, IRVINE CA 92618 TICKET: $95 VISIT WWW.WANDAPRATNICK A .COM OR CALL 914-662-9763

iscover the soul ’s journey af ter leaving the physic al bod y, the process of transiting to the • DLight, and life in the higher worlds. • Get rid of the fear of death and heal the pain af ter losing a loved one or any other major loss. about why some souls do not transition to the other side of the death’s c ur tain and about • Learn toxic relationships that arise between people and the souls that had stayed among the living. S uch relationships are often referred to as “entity attachment ” and are the c ause of : • Deep Emotional Pain, Intensified Levels O f Fear/Anger/Hate, Mood Swings, Depression, S tates O f Panic/Anxiet y, C hronic Fatigue, S uicidal Thoughts, Phobias, Obsessions, Personalit y D isorders, S chizophrenia, Alzheimer, Physic al D iseases Including: C ancer, Tumor, Migraines, Anorexia, Bulimia, Abdominal Pains, Urge To Do Things O utside The L aw, Religious Fanaticism


WANDA PRATNICK A is a psychologist and parapsychologist with degrees from Institutie of Economics and Culture in Moscow. A s a renowned healer and exorcist she has helped tens of thousands of people around the world for more than 45 years – without being there in person. S he is the best-selling author of Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the X XI Centur y and the series In the Wheel of Life – Vol. 1-3. Her most recent book is K now the Truth and Be Free. S he is of ten a guest on national television to disc uss her work. S he resides in Gdansk, Poland January/February 2016 Radiance



What is an exorcism?

An exorcism is about freeing people from ghosts or entities, but often it is the other way around, freeing a ghost/entity from a living person. Looking from the outside at an exorcism performed by me, you would see it’s about breaking a bond, or breaking chains with which two souls (alive and dead) are welded to each other. It’s also about bringing a soul to the Light who doesn’t have a physical body. Many things create this bond – feelings of guilt, unresolved matters, lack of or unwillingness to forgive, similarity of interests, common addictions, etc. Who are ghosts/entities?

Ghosts or entities are people who have physically died, but haven’t yet passed to the other side of a death curtain to Light. They overlooked their death and wander among the living. How can we overlook our death?

It is easy to overlook one’s death, since after the death of the physical body literally nothing changes for us. We still live as we did in our physical life, seeing, hearing, and feeling in the same way. Because religion often tells us something happens to us after death, we associate death with a corpse lying stiff and insentient. However, since we still can hear, feel, smell after death —we are in a shock, thinking we probably imagined our death. Even if you had a terminal disease or were very old and aware of your impending death, you would probably still doubt you had died after it happened. It's even possible to commit suicide and doubt you have died. Most souls think: “I probably recovered or a miracle happened and I didn’t die.” Unfortunately, this happens in most cases. In your book you wrote that ghosts/entities can attach themselves to the living which could result in the tragic consequences for both parties. How can we recognize when someone is under the influence of a ghost/entity?

There are many symptoms and they are all listed and described in detail on my website. They occur 14

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individually or in groups. Sometimes a spirit/entity attachment is barely noticeable (although loved ones are often able to see a change in the possessed person’s behavior), and sometimes it is very intense - the person is unable to function. Everything depends on the person’s sensitivity and what type of spirit/ entity is attached to them. Symptoms could be in the form continuous or regular headaches and/or abdominal pains, constant tiredness, exhaustion despite an adequate amount of sleep, a feeling of heaviness, constant apathy inclusive of depression, unjustified fears (from small to great), mental noise, rapid or changeable moods, a lack of control over emotions, and even financial problems. Serious physical illnesses could also occur (depending of the cause of the possessing ghost’s death) and/or mental illness. Sometimes spirit/entity attachment would “only” manifest itself through constant waking up at night (insomnia), sensing someone’s presence or pressure to do various things. You don’t need to have direct contact with a possessed person. All you need is their first and last name, address and date of birth to lead away a ghost/entity attached to them. How can exorcism perform in such a way and be effective?

For me, as an exorcist as well as for ghosts/entities, time and space don’t exist. When I want to talk to a ghost it does not matter where it is – in the next room, a block away, or on another continent. I have the same contact with it as if it were sitting right across from me. Because I can perform exorcisms with the same effect or even better from a distance, I stopped performing them next to the possessed person. It is a safe, stressfree method for my client and myself. My clients are people from around the world and, in this way, I spare them stress, time and money if they had to travel to see me. Personal details can be provided to me in various ways – via email, phone, letter or fax. I successfully have performed thousands of exorcisms at distance and have proof it worked. My clients feel the effect of my work by feeling relieved. They often tell me it feels as if I have taken away a heavy burden they have carried, sometimes for many, many years.

How often do you deal with cases of spirit/entity attachment and who is the most at risk to become possessed? I deal often with cases of spirit/entity attachment. Some statistics report one out of every 12 people has an entity attached; other statistics claim entity attachment is even more common. Entity attachments are more frequent in pathological communities—entity attachment concerns every member of such communities yet in conscious families, entity attachment concerns single members. One can get entity attached at any age; it doesn't matter if it is a child, adult, or elderly person. It doesn’t have anything to do with sex, education level, or

Wanda Pratnicka will present a lecture entitled

“Life after Life”

February 28, 2016 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Temple of Light 11 Goddard

Irvine, CA 92618 Details and tickets at:

www.WandaPratnicka.com or call 914-662-9763

social status. Everyone can get entity attached to them. Both men and women of all professions, including actors, professors, doctors, judges, politicians, priests, nuns, students, and homemakers turn to me for help. Your first book Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the XXI Century became a bestseller in your homeland Poland shortly after its first publication and has been published in many languages. What motivated you to write this book? My clients motivated me to write this book. It is a reply to the endless questions asked by people who turn to me for help. They often believe things which have happened to them are unique and only happened to them. They wonder why they are suffering so much. They think maybe they did something bad and are being punished. Or maybe it’s a curse or black magic. I also wanted to, at least in part, soften people’s fear of death, and teach them to not detain those who have died, but allow them to depart in peace and most of all, after they leave their physical body, to fully consciously and trustingly direct themselves towards the Light, into the hands of a loving God. I wish everyone this with all my heart. Wanda Pratnicka is a psychologist and parapsychologist with degrees from Institute of Economics and Culture in Moscow. As a renowned healer and exorcist, she has helped tens of thousands of people around the world for more than 45 years – without being there in person. She is the best-selling author of ”Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the XXI Century” and the series “In the Wheel of Life – Vol. 1-3.” Her most recent book is “Know the Truth and Be Free.” She often discusses her work as a guest on national television. She resides in Gdansk, Poland. For more information about Wanda, please visit: www. WandaPratnicka. com.

January/February 2016 Radiance



Rev. Arlene Meyer

Unity Church

Setting Our Intentions for the New Year The New Year is such a wonderful time – a time filled with promise, hope, mystery, and an opportunity to create our best year ever. Some people, like millions other, make resolutions with a determination this will be the year they actually will be done. It might be to give up a bad habit such as smoking, to lose weight, or maybe be more positive. Whatever the resolution, many people have a difficult time sticking to their resolutions. In fact, most people give up on them before January is even over.

I, too, was guilty of this and stopped making resolutions. It seemed useless to make a resolution only to break it shortly afterwards. Doing this only made me feel worse than not making any resolution at all. What I do now is to make a list of intentions for the New Year. The definition of intention is “something somebody plans to do or achieve.” Sounds like a resolution, right, which is defined as a firm decision to do something. Is there a difference? Is it just a matter of semantics? Another definition for intention is “the quality or state of having a purpose in mind.” This is the definition I use. It is having a purpose (or vision) of what you want to have in your life rather than a hard and firm decision to do something you may not really want.

For example, you may make a resolution to stop smoking. Not because you want to, but because you think you should. When we set an intention, we set a 16

Radiance January/February 2016

purpose for the year, not because it is what we should do, but because it is what our heart tells us is ours to do at this time.

When we set an intention, we change our consciousness rather than doing something by sheer self will. We in Unity know anything we wish to bring about in our world requires we must first bring about a change in our consciousness. When we set our intentions, we think about what we want to attract, and create a plan in consciousness before taking any action. We let our plan be flexible, not rigid like a resolution. In this way, if necessary, we can alter course or make new choices along the way.

Our spiritual life is a progression of ongoing changes and alterations. As we journey on a spiritual path, we often no longer desire to be stuck in doing the same old things and getting the same old results. A definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. So we set our mind on where we want to go, and then become open to new ideas to get us there. We become open enough so we can change direction when needed without going to pieces.

Within each one of us is a creative being who can do things we rarely allow ourselves to acknowledge. We are good at looking at what we cannot do but rarely inventory our assets. Each of us has within ourselves all we need to be all we were created to be. We need only to find our purpose and go forth with vision. We go through our days often feeling like slaves making money to survive. We do not enjoy this day because we

are living in anticipation of some future day. We look at what we do not have, or might not have, rather than looking at what we do have.

When we use our inner assets and direct them with intention and focus, we only need to add the energy from the Source of Love to harness the essence of spiritual capital. Love is the soul’s real currency and is more than a feeling of well-being. It is creative, connective, and transformative. When we invest our spiritual capital, the return on our investment is not simply monetary, but an opening of other possibilities as well. When we list our intentions, rather than making resolutions we rarely keep past the middle of January, we are tapping into the Love, Creativity, and Power that is The Christ within us.

As we set our intentions for the New Year, we begin changing our consciousness. When we do the work, we not only see the dawn of the New Year , but also a new day and a new life. How will 2016 be for you? What is your intention? The choice is yours!

Rev. Arlene Meyer is a Minister, Motivational Speaker, Life Consultant, Author and Healthy Lifestyle Coach. She has been inspiring and empowering people for over 20 years. She uses her own life experiences of overcoming a life of addiction, illness and debt to one of prosperity, wholeness, peace and health to guide individuals, couples, families and groups into transforming their lives to live life the way they would like. As a Life Consultant, Arlene encourages others to design and manifest a life that is in harmony with their Soul’s purpose. For over 10 years, she has worked with people seeking to start a new life, or a new chapter in their life, whether it is because of recovery, retirement, major life changes or just wanting to do something more with their lives. She has helped others build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. As a Lifestyle Coach, Arlene empowers others to live a life of health, wholeness, and wellness of body, mind and spirit. She helps others find a path for themselves of good eating, consistent exercise and overall well-being. She offers inspiring talks, workshops and transformation indepth coaching programs that help others achieve new heights of health, success, meaning, and spiritual aliveness.

REV. ARLENE MEYER 11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92618 Sunday Service 10:00 AM Join us to hear a dynamic message which is practical, positive and relevant, enjoy uplifting contemporary music and meet other enthusiastic like-minded people.

Everyone is welcome! Unity Telephone: 949.472.9230 Office Hours: 10 AM - 2 PM www.unityofalisoviejo.com unityofalisoviejo@gmail.com

Temple of Light: 949.333.1641 January/February 2016 Radiance




s Peace on Earth Possible?

“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the world.” ~ Marcus Aurelius


here is constant news about another terrorist attack somewhere in the world. Many Americans instantly think about Muslims are to blame for the world's ills. However, let's be real. Are they really? Terrorists can be from any religion and culture - and any part of the world. What percentage of terror attacks in the United States and Europe are committed by Muslims?

Following is a graph from the FBI which actually shows the percentage and what groups are responsible:


Radiance January/February 2016

By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade said “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims."

Sadly, too many reasonable people believe this statement. Many believe there are no Christian or Jewish terrorists.

This isn't true. Think about the attacks by the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists, and the Jewish Defense League. There are zealots within every radical group We must stop living in fear stirred up by the media. This was done during World War II against the Japanese. During the 1950s against Communists. And so on. However, if you believe, truly believe, we cannot have peace on earth, think about this statistic:

99.999% of human beings live in peace.

Unfortunately, the media worldwide practically salivates whenever terrorism rears its ugly head. Reporters from every media source focus on being the first with the news; many do not bother checking sources or references. These are sensationalist reporters, not journalists who check and then double check before ruining someone's or a group's reputation with false accusations. There are few reports of peaceful neighbors getting along, or families celebrating the holidays with joy, or

people joining together to help the homeless or the disabled. I want peace on earth. I bet you do, too. Do you wish for a world in which we can ALL live joyful, prosperous, and abundant lives? Do you yearn for a world in which we give each other respect and love despite our differences? Do you believe you are helpless to do anything about world peace? If you do, your helplessness will lead to grief and sorrow being inflicted on millions of innocent victims by a few who abuse the power of their convictions. So how do you turn your helplessness into doing something to bring about world peace? Let’s believe you and I can bring peace to all. It's simple. All we have to do is follow Mahatma Gandhi’s 5 Teachings to Bring about World Peace.

the Source, etc. We are just using different words.

Rise above our differences beginning now. Some may call me a Pollyanna who is wearing "rose-colored" glasses, but I would rather believe people want to live in peace than war. We are being tested. I believe we will succeed. We must.

Rev. Basia Christ, has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling, is Executive Director of the Temple of Light, and editor of Radiance.

She is available for presentations on human trafficking, gender equality, being a living kidney donor, and Rising to Your Greatness. For more information, call 949.690.1257 or email basia@basiachrist.com.

Teaching # 1

Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. Teaching # 2

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy? Teaching # 3

There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no cause that I am prepared to kill for. Teaching # 4

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. Teaching #5

We must become the change we want to see in the world.

“Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.~ – Albert Einstein on Gandhi

Instead of living in fear because someone is different, learn acceptance and tolerance. Every religion and culture embraces similar paths to God, Allah, Buddha,

Healing the Wounded Child Within with Rev. Basia Christ, PhD Every Monday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

$20 Donation SPECIAL OFFER:


TO REGISTER: www.meetup.com/OrangeCounty-Healing-the-Wounded-Child-Within January/February 2016 Radiance




ransformation through Community The 14th Annual Conscious Life Expo By Dawna Shuman

A Four -Day Experiential Expo Promoting a Sustainable Lifestyle Offering Real Solutions Through New Technology, Innovative Modalities and Motivational Learnings for the Global Community. At the Conscious Life Expo, we reaffirm our common commitment to radical personal and planetary transformation. We are all working arduously to bring into form this next stage in human and societal evolution. We find ourselves in the middle of a miraculous explosion of knowledge, creativity, compassion…and possibility. This is our destiny. Let us come together to celebrate and witness the emergence of this new consciousness. Let the journey begin at the 2016 Conscious Life Expo. THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO returns to the LAX Hilton Hotel on February 19-21, 2016 with Post Conference seminars on February, 22. Presenting illustrious visionaries and influential thinkers of the 21st Century, the Expo is abundant with opportunity for inspiration, empowerment and creativity amidst a global community environment. Returning in its 14th year, The Conscious Life Expo continues to be a huge success in Southern California with the reputation of being one of the best Expo’s of its kind in North America. Drawing people from all walks of life, the Expo lives up to its name, creating an environment of heightened consciousness that allows attendees to be 20

Radiance January/February 2016

open to the experience of creating new possibilities for living an inspired way of life - more important than ever, as we navigate the unpredictable avenues in these challenging times. THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO draws together influential speakers, best-selling authors, award-winning films, renowned educators, artists, and visionaries built into an exciting four days of provocative panel discussions, participative workshops, film screenings, book signings, live performances and many other events.

As always, The Expo is proud to continue to present a special Latino program featuring lectures and workshops in Spanish. Three Exhibit Hall features over 200 exhibitors displaying products and services to heal and inspire, from the latest health technologies to ancient healing modalities, from superfoods to spiritual books, book-signings and live music. Healthy, vegan and organic foods offerings are provided to suit everyone’s food styles. A new feature to the Expo is the Permaculture Zone with lectures, panels and exhibits presenting the most innovative and eco-sustainable solutions for a health planet. The Expo is especially happy to be announcing that

Xiuhtezcalt Martinez will be a special guest appearing on the Environmental Panel and performing his hip hop enviro rapping at the Opening Ceremony. XIUHTEZCATL is a 15-year-old indigenous, environmentalist activist, eco hip-hop artist, and the Youth Director of Earth Guardians. His is a powerful voice on the front lines of the youth-led climate movement. He performs internationally and has spoken at over 100 high-impact conferences around the globe to ignite and inspire youth and adults to step up as leaders and take action on behalf of the planet. In 2013, Xiuhtezcatl received the 2013 United States Community Service Award from

President Obama, and was the youngest of 24 national change-makers chosen to serve on the President's youth council. He has spoken at the U.N. and was a high profile speaker at the COP21 Climate Talks in Paris gaining the attention of world wide media.

Highlights of the Expo (free event)

Conscious Life Film Festival

OPENING CEREMONY Fri., Feb. 19 – 6-8pm

Honoring Mother Earth With Lynn Andrews, Xiuhtezcatl, Swami Beyondananda & Drew Dellinger Plus special guests

2015 Noteworthy Speakers (a sampling of more than 75 speakers) * David Wilcock *Nassim Haramein *James Redfield * Dr. Steven Greer *William Henry * Linda Moulton Howe * Master Sha *George Noory *Gail Thackray *Nick Seneca Jankel *Eric Pearl * Stephen Halpern *Dannion Brinkley * Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe *Dr. Andy Wakefield *Dr. Eben Alexander * Anita Moorjani *Lisa Garr *Sean Stone *Laura Eisenhower *Don Jose Ruiz *Matias de Stefano *Gordon Asher Davidson

Panels Include:

Ancient Aliens – Ascension - Psychic Abilities – Spiritual Healing - George Noory Forum on the Future of Humanity - Near Death Experience The Environmental Panel, Solutions for a Healthy Planet and The Truth in Vaccine Panels

The 14th Annual Conscious Life expo once again, presents a dazzling potpourri of visual, audio, and sensory delights for everyone. We invite you to join us at this visionary gathering place. Together we can build a healthier, sustainable global community. And have fun doing it.

(free screenings)

“Bought” - “The Prophet” - “The Last Avatar” “Packing for Mars” - Trace Amounts”

Show Information:

We are bringing together an eclectic community of speakers, exhibitors, musicians, filmmakers, authors, artists and visionaries for a 4-day dynamic experience of collective consciousness to explore evolutionary transformations in health, science, spirituality and healthy lifestyles. Feb. 19 - 3pm-10pm Feb. 20 - 9am-11p Feb. 21 -10am-8pm Post Conferences: Feb. 22 - tbd Location: LAX Hilton Hotel -5711 Century Blvd., Los Angeles 90045 *Validated parking: $10.00

Admission: $$10 (Friday only) $25 Advance/$30 Door. Workshops: $25 - $75

For info: conference@consciouslifeexpo.com or 1-800-367-5777 Visit website: www.consciouslifeexpo.com January/February 2016 Radiance


Temple of Light




Founder and Spiritual Director

Executive Director

President, Board of Directors

Editor-in-Chief & Creative Director

Events, Operations & Facilities Manager

Director & Instructor, AOL

Radiance Magazine

Leader, UCC

949.690.1257 Basia@templeoflightoc.org

On-site Practitioner, HSS

949.244.1960 RevDanielle@templeoflightoc.org

ABBAS “ABBY” NAMAZI On-site Practitioner, HSS



714.318.6629 Debra@DebraHookey.com



Radiance January/February 2016

949.333.1641 hidekotempleoflightoc.org



On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

contact@tvolved.com www.tvolved.com

847.989.7117 faizmashood@yahoo.com



Leaders, UCC

949.677.3700 RaMaHolisticCare@yahoo.com

Leader, UCC

732.609.4639 DidgiHealer@gmail.com




Member, Board of Directors

On-site Practitioner, HSS


714.336.8122 mhoward48@msn.com

Leader, UCC On-site Practitioner, HSS


CHOURY DE VELLE BSC, CHT, NLP On-site Practitioner, HSS Leader, UCC

714.624.1956 chouryd@yahoo.com www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com



On-site Practitioner

On-site Practitioner, HSS

949-328-9944 nicole@drnicolesirota.com

949.682.SHAR (7427 SharPirnia@gmail.com




949.803.5302 Yosisable@yahoo.com


Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

949.706.4112 margo@prtrainer.com

949.706.4112 karaudziela@me.com

949.842.1787 healingartstouch@gmail.com

HSS - Holder of Sacred Space; UCC - United Conscious Community January/February 2016 Radiance


Temple of Light




Jan. 8 & Feb. 12 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm 2nd Fridays $25


Jan. 14, 21, 28 & Feb 4 3rd Saturdays 11 am - 1 pm Thursdays $20/class; 4 for $75






Rev. Danielle

Jan. 10 & Feb. 14 6 pm - 7 pm 2nd Sundays $5

Jan. 9 & 10 10 am - 6 pm Saturday & Sunday $197 Bring a friend for FREE

DOLPHIN WISDOM SUMMIT Laurie Reyon Jan. 16 9:30 am - 5 pm Saturday $75 Booths Available

Susan Lape

HIGHLY SENSTIVE PEOPLE Rev. Johnnie Urban Jan. 16 & Feb. 20 3rd Saturdays 11 am - 1 pm $10







Michael &


Marti Parry


Angela Culhane Feb 2 First Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm $10



Radiance January/February 2016

Feb. 28 3rd Saturdays 7 pm - 9 pm $55

Feb. 28 2 pm -5 pm $90

classes&workshops Click here for January and February Calendars UCC CLASSES IN BLACK - MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT APPLIES SUNDAY




Unity Church Rev. Arlene Meyer Smiling Monkey Kids' Yoga 3-7 Smiling Monkey Kids' Yoga 7-12 3 Secret Keys to Happiness Vivek Gulati 1st in Feb.: Integrative Dance John Salat Quantum Meditation Thriving not Surviving Healing the Wounded Child Within

Choury DeVelle Elizabeth Hendershoot

"I AM" Mentorship Group Meeting Naam Movement & Meditation TaiChi for Better Living Naam Yoga 1st & 3rd: Psychic Development 2nd & 4th: Mediumship Development 5th: Love Never Ends

Rev. Danielle Josh & Lemia Ryan Lee Lemia & Josh Debra Hookey

1st & 3rd: Animal Communication QiGong 1st & 3rd: Life ActionPlan 2nd & 4th: OC Hawkins Group

THURSDAY "I AM" Mentorship Channeling 2nd & 4th: Crystal Journeys 3rd: Dances of Self-reflection FRIDAY SATURDAY

3rd: Sound Healing

Rev. Basia Christ, PhD Kara Udziela Adil Panton Margo Mateas Raymond Lee

Debra Hookey Debra Hookey

Rev. Danielle Deborah Shea Jen Corimer & Meg Golden Seth Pincus

QiGong Ryan Lee New Earth Drumming Alejandro Tovares Smiling Monkey Kids' Yoga 3-7 Smiling Monkey Kids' Yoga7-12 2nd: Candle Magic 101 or Mojo Bag Making Allegra Garcia 3rd: Crystal & Gemstone Jewelry Making Kathleen Abraham

10am 11am 12:30 pm 3:30 pm 2 pm

Love Donation $15 dropin/pkg available $15 dropin/pkg available $5 $5

7 pm


7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm

10 am 5:45 pm 6 pm 6:30 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm

6:30 pm 7 pm 6:30 pm 7 pm

9 am 10 am 12:30 pm 2 pm 9 am 9 am

$10 $10

$20 $15 $25 Donation

$25 Donation $15 $15 dropin/pkg available $25 $25 $25 $33 $20 $20 $15

$15 $15 $15 dropin/pkg available $15 dropin/pkg available $25 (+$15 supplies)

$25 (+$10 supplies)

January/February 2016 Radiance


Temple of Light AYURVEDA HEALERS_________________

FOOD - HEALTHY_SNACKS_____________

Faiz Mashood, D.C. 847.989.7117


Teri Nejad

949.424.6542 contact@tvolved.com www.tvolved.com

ENERGY HEALERS____________________


Hideko Curcio

949.395.0414 curciohideko@gmail.org

Marcie Howard Reiki Sounds

"get health in your hands" 714.336.8122 mhoward48@msn.com

Abby Namazi

949.212.7787 asnamazi@yahoo.com

Seth Pincus

732-609-4639 didgihealer@gmail.com

Deborah Shea



Terrell Washington Anansi, Stylist Church of Hair terrellanansi@yahoo.com (949) 510-9821, call for appt.

HOLISTIC HEALTH____________________

Lemia Astarbardi & Joshua Bowser RaMa Holistic Care 949.677.3700 www.ramaholisticcare.com


Choury DeVelle, BSC, CHT, NLP

714.624.1956 chouryd@yahoo.com www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com 26

Radiance January/February 2016

for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Consumer MASSAGE THERAPIST________________

SHAMANIC THERAPY________________

Adil Panton Healing Arts Touch, Lake Forest

Veronica Tioicha Shamanic Soul Therapy

949.842.7187 www.healingartstouch.com

657-464-3569 info@fireinthelotus.com www.fireinthelotus.com


Elzabeth Hendershot 949.803.5302 Yosisable@yahoo.com

Shauna Kossoff

(951)440-6938 shaunakossoff@gmail.com MEDIUMS______________________________


Rev. Basia Christ, PhD 949.690.1247 basia@basiachrist.com www.basiachrist.com

Author: From Ash to Flame: Women Rising Teavcher: Healing the Wounded Child Within

Debra Hookey

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

714.318.6629 Debra@DebraHookey.com

949.244.1960 revdanielle@templeoflightoc. org www.templeoflightoc.org


Temple of Light

Spiritual Community Live Your Radiance

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

www.templeoflightoc.org 949.333.1641

Shar Pirinia

949.682.SHAR (7427) SharPirnia@gmail.com

Want to be included in the Jan./Feb. Resource Directory? Go to http://templeoflightoc.org/radiancemagazine and complete the online registration. January/February 2016 Radiance




he Movie and The Move


n this dream I am suddenly awake and aware I am on the set of a movie with Tom Cruise. Tom's character is like the one he played in the movie "War of the Worlds." In this movie, however, a message was sent by God to world leaders and certain people in positions of power to prepare the planet for a coming disaster. Upon receiving this news, it seems everyone on the planet forgets their religious, race, and political differences and begin to prepare for the end their way. Many survivalists who fearfully predicted these times were coming retreat to the wilderness and their underground shelters. I shutter inwardly thinking about what their lives are going be like in a month or two after their food runs out. Suddenly, a picture came into my mind of a cold, dark, lifeless world with the last of the survivalists 28

Radiance January/February 2016

By Choury DeVelle crawling out of their holes like animals scrounging around the ruins of a lifeless planet so desperately clinging to their lives for one more day they would kill anyone or anything that threatened their miserable existence. I couldn't live in that world nor would I want to. On other parts of the planet, people start pilgrimages to holy sites around the world. Others simply get down on their knees and pray. Scientists around the world agree the event will be worldwide and will begin with meteors raining from the sky like hail. Some will be the size of cars and others will be as small and as harmless as raindrops. Then a massive explosion will take place on the surface of the sun which will destroy everyone and everything on planet earth within 24 hours. They tell us gamma

rays from this eruption will be so powerful that anyone and everyone outside or inside underground shelters will boil from the inside out. Tom's character had been building a home underneath his current home and was covering the doorways and windows with a thick mud he believed would protect him from the gamma rays. However, even with all of his money and survival skills, he was as vulnerable as the rest of us. As I looked at the subliminal meaning of this madness, I realized I wasn't sure of what my part in this movie was. I was observing everyone trying to protect their homes and families, but this didn't seem to be important to me. I had a feeling this movie was written and designed to prepare us for a real upcoming disaster and an inevitable

inter-planetary move. It was also a reminder this wasn't the first time a disaster of this magnitude occurred.

Some primal memory formed in my mind which took me back millions and millions of years to a highly evolved society of people in a remote corner of the universe similar to ours. Sadly, they inherited a planet which had been used and abused for eons. There were people who warned that without replenishing the planet, it would eventually die, but no one paid attention. Fortunately, for them, they had great scientists who found a way to build the ultimate space ship out of a nearby fertile planet similar to Earth. Right in the middle of the filming of the movie, the earth began to shake and production came to a halt. Everyone on the set braced themselves for what appeared to be another California quake. We all looked up as thousands of streaks of light shot across the sky. "What amazing special effects!" I thought. Apparently, the prediction of the disaster starting in 24 hours was incorrect; the end was upon us.

I wasn't sure if I was in a movie or a dream or experiencing real life. As I watched the streaks of light shoot across the sky, I thought they were meteors raining down on us, then I remembered I had seen them in previous dreams and realized they were Angels. I could see their transparent wings which were like rainbow extensions of their almost too bright bodies of light. Although




frightened upon seeing these streaks of light flowing above the Earth, I felt compelled to let them know we had nothing to fear. I wanted them to know the Earth had undergone this kind of biblical like tragedy before. This is why there are so many ruins which have left hints other worldly help arrived at key times in our evolution. In the dream I continued to explain to everyone there was no need to panic. Angelic help was arriving to save us from what we thought was impending doom.

Is something holding you back from realizing your true potential? Fears can manifest into sickness, selfsabotage, and violence if you feel threatened What most people don't understand is these roadblocks to success are old beliefs based on lack and limitation buried deep within the subconscious mind. Most of the time, the victim doesn't know how or why those beliefs got started .Choury believes the quickest, most effective way is through hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and change the programming from fear, sickness, lack, and limitation to courage, health, abundance, and wealth which is quicker than standard psychotherapy. 714.624.1956;

However, there was also a gigantic space ship floating above the Earth. Its size was so massive it is difficult to describe. Let it suffice to say there was room on this space c h o u r y d @ y a h o o . c o m ; ship for everyone on Earth and all www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com their pets. It was like a modern day Noah's Ark. This book continues the story where As I watched the Choury’s last book, The Message, ended. Angels fly across the Heavens catching meteors before they hit the Earth, I felt amazingly confident and secure knowing that whatever dark forces come against us, God showed up in a way which left no doubt that a higher power is real and always looking after us. END OF DREAM

Buy your copy today!

NEMAH Available on Amazon.com now.


CHOURY DEVELLE Email Choury at chouryd@yahoo.com. Give this as a gift ... and buy a copy for yourself!

January/February 2016 Radiance



Margo M. Mateas

Life Action Plan What to Do When You Aren't Sure What to Do want to DO something.

So what exactly can you do when times are tough and you need answers? 1. Stay with yourself. When we panic, we abandon ourselves. Remember to be there for yourself. You would not leave a friend who was going through a challenging time, so don't leave yourself, either. You can be there for yourself by listening to yourself, respecting and feeling your feelings, and not judging yourself for what is happening.

Everyone is plagued with uncertainty from time to time. Despite our best efforts, life does not always go as planned, leaving us confused and disappointed. In times like these, we look within, we reach out for guidance, we pray, we 30

Radiance January/February 2016

meditate, we yearn for clarity.

It's important to remember not give in to fear during times of crisis or confusion. Fear shuts down our natural connection with the Divine, making us feel even more isolated and alone. More than anything we

2. Slow down and breathe. When we panic, we stop breathing, which tricks the brain into thinking that we are actually suffocating. This releases stress and flightor-flight hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, making you feel even more threatened. The simple, measured acting of taking deep breaths will help you feel calmer and more in control. Take three to six long deep breaths to count of four, holding it for a count or two, then releasing it in on the count of four. This will bring your spirit back into your body and calm you down.

3. Go with your gut. No matter what is going on in your life, you always have an internal compass which tells you what to do. It may be blocked by fear or other things, but it is still there. Check in and see what direction your internal guidance is giving you. If you can't connect, reach out to friends, psychics, or other healers to give the support and guidance you need.

4. Be willing to do nothing. Sometimes, when you ask for help from the Universe, you may hear nothing. This is especially challenging, because it's tempting to think that God doesn't love you. It's also easy to blame yourself, and think you must be doing something wrong. Resist the urge to blame yourself or God. Be patient. The answer may be "no" or it may be

Have you lost your confidence or self-esteem? Do you want to discover your hidden talents? Do you have a difficult time making the right choices? Do you want to get “unstuck” from pain and old patterns?

Do you want to find your life path? The Life Path Action Plan Workshop with Margo Mateas Creator of “Career Cards”

Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. $25.00 for Non-members


"not right now." Divine Timing is frustrating. However, this does not mean you have been left behind.

5. Let Go and Let God. When you have exhausted all your efforts and still nothing happens, "let go and let God." Ask for what you need from human and heavenly sources, and wait for life to take its course. In the meantime, pay attention to the signs and signals coming your way. Are you being kind to yourself? Are you being stubborn and resisting something? Observe what is happening and let go. Surrendering to Divine Will always brings you to where you are supposed to be. For additional help in discovering what’s next for you, contact Margo at 949-706-4112 or visit www. getrealanswers.com Margo is an intuitive strategist and spiritual advisor who helps people worlwide. She created Career Cards, a powerful, unique oracle, used in 14 countries which delivers practical advice for life, career, and relationships. She works with the Archangels to do energetic clearings and chakra work over the phone resulting in immediate transformations. She is a teacher at the Temple of Light offering her Life Plan Action Course. To reach Margo, visit her website at www.margomateas. com or margo@margomateas.com.

Register at http://templeoflightoc.org/life-action-plan-course-margo-mateas Career Cards are available in our Gift Shop


11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 For more information, please call 949.333.1641. January/February 2016 Radiance



Hugh Campbell

Messages from Xenanthium

Loving Allowance Life on planet Earth is much older than mankind realizes. The human biological form itself is something that has evolved to become a unique vehicle able to express and manifest the expressions of the soul. The dichotomy of this world is the vast separation between those who manifest the divine through the divinely inspired human expression and those who don’t. It is all part of the divine plan to allow through love the complete diversity of expression. Only through the complete spectrum of contrast can the ultimate understanding of love evolve. It is how the cycle of love works. Only through loving allowance can the cycle begin in love and end in love. Everything in between is the ultimate depth of love that allows such a breadth of contrast that ultimately leads back to the full and complete understand of the vastness of loving allowance. This is the reason for contrast. This is the reason everything has a cycle. Complete loving allowance can only come from embracing the role that contrast play in the evolution of all of life. Contrast is the tool that puts all things into perspective. It is what leads us to the understanding of loving allowance. When we come from a place of loving allowance, 32

Radiance January/February 2016

we no longer judge or criticize ourselves or another. When each of us become centered in loving allowance, we raise our vibration and begin to raise the vibration of all those around us. We become the light of love moving all of humanity toward the completion of the cycle of evolution and understanding of ultimate love. Love without restrictions, without boundaries is the only way that the full spectrum of love can be understood and this is the meaning of loving allowance.

Hugh Campbell is an ex-Aerospace Engineer that evolved into an energy healer incorporating Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Healing perfumes, Chakra Healing Plates, Life and Soul Coaching and more. He is also a Teacher of Resonant Testing™ and other Spiritual Tools. He can be booked for individual or group classes and healings. For information, contact: info@HealingBodySpiritMind.com www.HealingBodySpiritMind.com (714) 782-7596 Contact for a free monthly subscription to Healing News! A channeled writing from Xenanthanium is in each issue. Back issues are on the website! Channeled writings from Golden Arrow through Alexandra are also in the Newsletter!

Healing is a personal Journey. It requires different tools for different people. I have integrated Resonant Testing™, Pranic Healing, Chakra Plates, Life and Soul Coaching and more to create the perfect program for you! Hugh Campbell 714 782-7596 www.HealingBodySpiritMind.com freenergee@yahoo.com

Holistic Dentists deal with the mind, body, and spirit of their patients, not just their "teeth” based on the following: • Proper nutrition for the prevention and reversal of degenerative dental disease • Avoidance and elimination of toxins from dental materials • Prevention and treatment of bite problems and physical imbalance) • Prevention and treatment of gum disease at its biological basis Dr. Kayhan uses a digital X-ray machine with 50% lower radiation






Dr. Kayhan graduated from the University of Southern California and has more than 15 years of experience.

Armaghan Kayhan, DDS Holistic Dentistry

949.559.6988 14785 Jeffrey Road, #206 Irvine, CA January/February 2016 Radiance



Rev. Johnnie Urban, SI

Highly Sensitive People Stop the Madness

How the Highly Sensitive Person can Thrive in a Chaotic World of advice from a lot of well-meaning people that practically drove me crazy. I always felt like they were telling me there was something wrong with me and THEY had the magic method that would fix it. Peace... “It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”

When I was growing up, I distinctly remember hating it whenever I heard someone else complaining about and judging someone. I always needed to defend the underdog and tell the judgers to just let them be who they are. It quickly became my motto, just let them BE! Now I realize it was because when I heard or saw people treating others wrong, I felt it deeply within myself and I needed it to stop.

Learning to manage this “feeling deeply” trait of a Highly Sensitive Person has been a roller coaster ride for me. I’ve heard a great deal 34

Radiance January/February 2016

Feeling deeply, for a Highly Sensitive Person, is as natural as breathing air.

When feeling deeply is beautiful and expanding you will feel alive and authentic to your core. When it is gut wrenching, torture, and exhausting is when we want the madness to stop. I am here to tell you that you have a choice of doing what works best for you.

Yes, being a Highly Sensitive Person will be the cause of tears while experiencing a beautiful song that moves you, or a work of art, or a flower in your garden. It will also cause you to stop an injustice, help someone get out of their pain, or build a successful business that employs people and contributes to the community.

If someone were to ask a Highly Sensitive Person to stop feeling deeply as a way to protect

themselves, then they are also asking them to give up a piece of who they are. Will there be times that you will feel overwhelmed with emotion when it’s not convenient? Absolutely! That is when you will need to use some useful techniques that I have developed and taught many Highly Sensitive People over the years.

Of everything that you will read and learn and in your own personal experiences about Highly Sensitive People there is one thing that’s really important for you to know. We may fit into the description of being a Highly Sensitive Person, but we are all uniquely different. As unique as our fingerprints. Even identical twins have their own unique attributes. Back when I was a child, I wished that there was someone I could have spoken to about this stuff. I was so confused, alone, and unsure about what I was experiencing in my life every moment of every day. That is exactly why I have taken my coaching, teaching passion and experiences into helping people

like you that are still looking for the answers to your Highly Sensitive challenges. Tapping into my Highly Sensitive traits and experiences as an ability makes me a unique coach for people like you.

I chose as the title of my book, Stop The Madness, How the Highly Sensitive Person Can Thrive In A Chaotic World, because there are so many Highly Sensitive People out there in the world that are suffering from overwhelm, exhaustion, and the crazy-making of other people. These are beautifully talented people that are hiding, not using their gifts and abilities because the very thought of possibly being overwhelmed is terrifying and exhausting.

Did you know that Highly Sensitive People are designed to be giving? If we are not giving our love, joy, happiness, and heartfelt gratefulness, then we are only existing, not thriving. And because a Highly Sensitive Person is so attuned to what is working and not working, we will feel guilt and shame if we are not contributing. This is an example of what Highly Sensitive People will learn about their traits and abilities and how they can be a challenge and a blessing.

You will also learn how to transform your emotional and physical pain into a new, wonderful You that contributes to your relationships, community, and even the world.

Rev. Johnnie Marie Urban, SI “The Sensitive Coach”

Author, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Master Life & Businesss Success Coach MNLP, MHt, MTT, Christian Counselor Wife, Mother, Grandma, Friend, & a Highly Sensitive Person

Teaching Highly Sensitive People How to Thrive in the Chaotic World "Without Johnnie's help I don't know where my family would be right now. Her coaching is from the heart and gets results so we are able to be a happy family again. Thank you Johnnie" ! -Lynn K., Yorba Linda!

Wonderful Life Learning Co. A Christian based Success Coaching & Consulting Company Phone and Skype Sessions


WonderfulLifeLearning.com Johnnie@WonderfulLifeLearning.com “Stop The Madness” book on Amazon.com

Rev. Johnnie Marie Urban is an Author, Speaker, Workshop facilitator. Founder of Wonderful Life Learning Co. a Christian based Life Success Coaching & Consulting Company specializing in teaching the Highly Sensitive People how to thrive in the chaotic world. This is where people come to uncover and explore what their HSP talents and abilities are so that you can have a fulfilled life without the worries of exhaustion and overwhelm. Certified Strategic Interventionist, Master Life & Business Success Coach, MNLP, MHt. MTT. Christian counselor, Wife, Mother, Grandma, friend and a Highly Sensitive Person. Her book, "Stop The Madness" is on Amazon.com WonderfulLifelearning.com. Johnnie@WonderfulLifeLearning.com

Are your relationships troubled? Do you want to change careers? Is money an issue for you?

Do you want to lose weight, but not diet? Is change a challenge?


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p: 949-422-1830 e: ana@anaweberoxa.com w: http://anaweberoxa.com January/February 2016 Radiance



Nancy Kimes

Kwan Yin Reiki

Recognizing Your Magnificence Be ready to step into your magnificence! There have been many times I faced a huge challenge and thought I was going to have to make a decision I didn’t want to make. The decision would not serve me or free me of this challenge.

Oftentimes we don’t recognize how special we are. We get caught up in the humdrums of life and sometimes give power to things which influence our lives, not always for our highest good.

So what can you do when you recognize this is happening to you? You shouldn’t say, “Oh, well!” or “That’s the breaks!” This is a form of giving up and you should never give up on your magnificence! When you react this way, lessons continue to repeat themselves. Claim your magnificence and activate a new wheel to set you on the path of recognizing your magnificence. Discard the old wheel which has you stuck in the mud. Cleanse your


Radiance January/February 2016

mind, heart, and emotions. Wash away the debris.

Do you realize the miracle you are in your physical form? Do you realize the transformation you went through in becoming a human being? Somewhere in your consciousness, you do. When challenges arise, meet them with a smile because you have what it takes to overcome them and start fresh with knowledge that will serve and empower your progress. To be magnificent is a decision you have to make to manifest it in your reality. You cannot empower the tools to your magnificence if you don’t recognize you are magnificent.

What was the challenge? Bankruptcy! When I first faced this issue, it was overwhelming. As I explored my options, I found a way to satisfy my debtors and restore my credit, even better than it was originally! And, it opened a new door I had not contemplated, my own business which was successful for 11 years!

Be vigilant, focused and diligent with optimism! Create your vision. Be present and plan your future wisely even if the world turns itself upside down. Watch, learn, and grow. The world is not your responsibility; it is too much energy and responsibility for any person.

This is not to say you cannot have lofty goals. Once you accept your magnificence and align with it, you can go into new territories of development and transformation to help others find their magnificence. I want to take you on a rewarding journey. Record it or have someone

read the following to you:

Come back into your physical space Prepare yourself for meditation. and know your magnificence is a Find the perfect place where you part of you and lives inside of you. will not be disturbed. Set your mind on your magnificence. Do not Nancy Kimes is an author, Minister, judge yourself. Let this thought rest Feng Shui Specialist, Certified comfortably within your soul. In Reiki Master, and Founder of Kwan your quiet place a pinpoint of light Yin Reiki. She has been working manifests before you. The light with the energy of Kwan Yin for expands and transforms from a 20+ years and has practiced the clear, colorless form to a beautiful, principles of Feng Shui for 13 years. glowing transcendent gold, which Nancy provides a Kwan Yin Reiki envelopes you. Community Gathering to learn At this moment you become one about the energy of Kwan Yin along with the essence of magnificence. with a meditation to connect with You find you are more than you her energy at The Temple of Light ever thought you were. Your cells drink in the light moving like liquid through your veins, arteries, and major organs, filling your entire being. As you breathe in the golden light, it expands and surges forth filling every capillary down through the marrow of your bones. As you exhale, the light moves through your crown, eyes, and throat, bathing your aura in this beautiful light. Sit with this presence and ask for new insights about yourself, your abilities, and your talents.

Let this discovery of recognizing your magnificence manifest inside of you in liquid or solid form. The next time you are faced with a challenge, let the light activate in physical ways which express your magnificence. Take a deep breath and fill yourself with the evidence of this golden light. You are one with its essence and it will be a powerful example in your life.

once a month. For more information about her workshops and classes go to www.meetup.com/spiritualfitness-reiki or call 714-739-5819. Nancy Kimes is an author, Minister, Feng Shui Specialist, Certified Reiki Master and Founder of Kwan Yin Reiki... She has been working with the energy of Kwan Yin for the past 20+ years and practicing the principles of Feng Shui for the past 13 years. Nancy provides a Kwan Yin Reiki Community Gathering to learn about the energy of Kwan Yin along with a meditation to connect with her energy at, The Temple of Light, once a month. For more information about her workshops and classes go to: www.meetup.com/spiritualfitness-reiki or call, 714-739-5819.

NEW! Chakra Insights Oracle Card Deck created by

Nancy Kimes This is a versatile 70-card oracle system you can use for yourself or as a divining tool for others.

Insightful messages guide you to bring alignment of the chakras and for your own divining. This deck can be used as a daily practice and awareness.

For inquiries, call 714.739.5819. Give this as a gift ... and buy a deck for yourself!

January/February 2016 Radiance



Kara Udziela Pet Communicator Two Gifts to Give Your Dog and Yourself in 2016 As the holidays wane and we settle into a New Year, many of us are also adding new dogs to our homes or adjusting to a dog who is getting on in years. Here are two gifts you can give you and your dog this year to have a great year and a stronger bond.

a tremendous reference for anyone who wants to make their pet’s life happier and healthier.

2. Training —for YOU, not just the dog

1. Energy work


Reiki, acupuncture, EFT, chakra clearing and flower essences aren’t just for people. Most physical and behavioral issues have an energetic and emotional component to them. At least 60 percent of my work involves unplugging an owner from expectations that her dog will fail her, and helping by offering suggestions like these to help speed the process toward health and balance. If you live in the Orange County area, register with the Temple of Light on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month to learn more about these techniques in my Animal Communication meetups. We will start with Joan Ranquet’s Energy Healing for Animals book, which is Radiance January/February 2016

As an animal communicator, one of the biggest problems I see with new and old dog owners is a resistance to training their dogs—It seems boring, time consuming, or costly, or maybe you don’t trust yourself to follow through.

Somehow, we get a cute puppy and expect it to magically know not to chew, nip, jump up, or bark at other dogs. They should also automatically know to ask to go outside to potty. Although we yell at them not to bark at every hour of the day, they are just expected to “get it,” that they should bark just to go out for this one task.

Imagine how confused your dog is.

As a result, many pets are dumped at county shelters because they are “bad dogs,” instead of their human partners investing time and energy in helping them be successful.

The reality is, many people who love pets are big, old softies, and the cuddling idea looks cute, but all the structure of teaching commands and compliance seems mean, too constrictive or daunting. Trust me—dogs do not thrive in chaos. They either cower in fear, take a leadership role because you are not and become hyper-pushy with strangers, or run amok. You need to be the gentle leader of your house. Group lessons are great with very young dogs. If your schedule is very busy, you have older dogs or rescue dogs, or a multi-dog household, it is a good idea to invest slightly more money in a trainer who will come to your home for two three-four hour sessions to teach you several commands at one time and do diligent practice. This can solve 90 percent of your concerns without making time to be at your local park once a week for six weeks, and address more than simple obedience concerns. There are many great resources for this. The Alpha Dog Trainer, http:// www.thealphadogtrainer.com/, is a personal favorite for in-home

training, particularly for fearful or slightly aggressive dogs.

Is your dog already an A student? Great! Agility is a great way for you to work together and keep his mind and body active.

Please love your pets this year, and give them the gifts of time, energy work and great training to make this your best year yet. As always, I am here to help you understand your pet better!

Kara Udziela created Pet’s Eye View to help pets and their families create stronger bonds by using a mix of telepathic skills and deep animal knowledge. She is an animal communicator, EFT and Reiki practitioner. One of her horse clients just won Reserve Champion World Championships with Kara’s intuitive guidance. Do you have a problem with two animals that don’t get along or a question about an older animal or one who has passed? If you do, please contact me. At Pet’s Eye View, I unleash your animal’s voice and work with you on strengthening the bond you have with your special pet.

Happy St. Valentine's Day

Let me unleash your pet’s voice using telepathy, EFT, chakra clearing and animal knowledge to help you understand your pet and improve issues.

Book appointments at www.petseyeview.com, join me on FB at www.facebook.com/petseyeview.com, or register for my class, http://templeoflightoc.org/animalcommunication-kara-udziela: Sat. JulyStarting 25 fromin10:00 a.m2016 to 1:00 p.m. January

In this class, you will talk to my animals who will LOVE Talk and Listen tocommunicate. the Animals to teach you how to


Class held at Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

January/February 2016 Radiance



Dr. Ben Horning's

Chiro Corner

Removing Interference and Restoring Your Health Life wants to survive. When you get sick, your body tries to fight off the illness and repair itself. When you get hurt, your body does its best to fix the problem. However, are there be factors which slow this progress? If yes, are there ways to improve the time it takes for your body to heal? The answer to both questions is YES!

In Chiropractic, the term “subluxation” is used which is a slight misalignment in the spine which affects the body’s nervous system and can prevent the body from healing. These misalignments can cause long term problems and are a Chiropractor’s primary focus. The best way to eliminate them is to get adjusted which will turn on your body's power, allowing you to recover faster. Remember, the body is trying to survive and if there are road blocks, it makes the job more difficult. What else can affect your body heal? The type of fuel you eat or nutrition. What you eat will either help or hurt it. Why not help it the most by feeding it food packed with vitamins and minerals. When your body has proper nutrients, it uses them to repair and enhance your body. Taste and nutrition have no correlation. Eating things which taste good but are bad for you, will harm your body and slow the healing process so make good food choices. Movement or lack of it also can affect your body’s health. Our bodies are designed to move and be used. They are not designed to stare at a screen all day and stare at a bigger screen at night. So walk, run, play, get outside, join a gym, do yoga, or whatever you can to exercise. The more you work out the better your body operates and the healthier you become. Lastly, surround yourself with supportive, constrtuctive people who have the same life goals and hobbies you 40

Radiance January/February 2016

do. Being in a negative environment will put excess stress on your body and take its toll. Having a positive environment will help you grow as a person. This is crucial to your health. Follow these simple steps and you will see improvements in your health and a faster recovery time if you get injured.

Dr. Horning grew up in a holistic home. He studied at the University of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences. An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have.

The Chiropractic Office of Dr. Benjamin Horning Dr. Horning’s staff treats the whole body through Chiropractic, Muscle Testing, and Nutrition. The focus is to heal your body using a natural, holistic approach.

Contact us at 949.422.7698 or horningchiropractic@gmail.com. 25241 Paseo De Alicia #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653

www.drbenhorning.com This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition or disease.

Why do we accessorize with jewelry? By Four Crows Why do we feel the need to wear objects on our body? Why do we wear silver, gold, or gemstones?

teeth, shells, and pebbles.

This need appeared about 75,000 years ago when people began crafting necklaces and bracelets in basic designs from leather, bones, feathers, animal

They would adorn themselves to display their status. Jewelry as a luxury became more popular as we evolved after our basic survival needs were met. It is believed decorating our bodies with jewelry is a remnant of mating rituals. Seduction and mating rituals can be observed in the Animal Nation. Animals will display brightly colored feathers and feats of strength to attract a mate.

Women and men wearing beautiful jewelry enhances their physical and spiritual traits, giving them a better chance to catch the eye of a potential partner. Most people feel a sense of beauty when they are adorned with specific power stones with silver or gold, especially when they have a real understanding and appreciation of what they are wearing. Certain stones, colors, and symbols magnify and support our natural energy field as well.

For others, fashion statements are important; however, for many people it is more about the design and materials used. There are times when someone might not be able to express their sentiments with words, but can express

them by giving a lovely piece of jewelry as a gift or romantic gesture.

People can express themselves by wearing jewelry in a unique, personal way which makes a strong physical, emotional, and more importantly, a spiritual statement. Even if a person cannot afford expensive jewelry, a well-priced piece can still elicit a provocative, strong, self-image.

Jewelry can also be used to honor Stone People and their attributes so willing to share with humanity. Aho! Developing more than four decades, Nila has acquired a strong background in Esoteric Teachings, Metaphysics, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Tarot, and Quantum Physics. These multifaceted modalities have assisted her in creating a well rounded perspective of what is referred to as "Reality." Acquiring this extreme information is the basis for Nila's specialized, personal approach in reading Tarot Cards, which includes: Releasing core patterns of behavior, Relationships, Career Profiling, and more. Please call 714-881-6508 for a reading. New clients receive a discount! www.fourcrowscenter.com



TAROT READINGS BY NILA 339 EL Camino Real, Tustin, CA 92780

714.7881.6529 www.fourcrowscenter.com

January/February 2016 Radiance



Dr. Doug DiSiena Doctor Designed Wellness Neighborhood Success Story

Meet Kathleen and learn how Doctor Designed Wellness and Weight Loss helped changed Kathleen’s life. I discovered Dr. DiSiena at the Temple of Light Holistic Healing Fair and attended his lecture. Afterwards, I spoke with Liz Herrera, his assistant, at their booth in the Fair and fell in love with her and her attitude.

I made an appointment and knew I was taking the best first step to getting better. I had done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and various diet plans, but needed the support and accountability along with medical help. I liked the 6-week programwith maintenance because it made more sense to me. I cut out foods which cause inflammation and cravings and began eating “real food” food along with the shake/ bar and supplements. It was the right time for me. I added up what I would spend in junk/fast food and it was equivalent to what I would spend on the program.

After the first month, I had more energy, the sugar cravings had subsided, and I loved to cook the new recipes. The weight came off steadily, and I didn't feel like I was starving; on the contrary, I was eating whole food all the time. With the lab work, we found that my bones hurt because my Vitamin D levels were close to zero. After taking Vitamin D, my levels are now normal. My triglycerides had been high. By following the program, this number was cut in half and are in the low normal range. Before getting on the program, my blood pressure had begun to increase (thank goodness it had always been low) and is now back to what it was when I was a teenager! All my labs have dramatically changed for the better. I've lost weight and body fat, yes, but what I gained is selfesteem and a complete change in eating patterns. I don't snore and sleep better.

(And now the tears fall) I'm so grateful for all the love 42 Radiance January/February 2016

and support from Dr. DiSiena, Alex, Liz and the entire staff. Alex was a wonderful support, keeping me on track, providing encouragement, recipes and her light. Liz, I am grateful for her checking in on me after I began the program, and love keeping in touch with her. Dr. D, thank you for giving me my life back. I NEVER thought it would be possible to not want to eat all the cookies, cakes, or sugar around me. I have a bite or two on rare occasion - or ask "is it worth it?" My big vice is still coffee... but much less than I used to drink. Okay... still don't exercise, work in progress. At least I can go on a 3-mile walk and not be winded.

I'm on maintenance now. What I learned has become a way of life. I don't want to go back or feel the way I did. People ask me how much I have lost or what my goal is. .I tell them my goal is my health; the weight will eventually settle where it is supposed to be.

If you want to be healthy or make a change, just do it. Follow the simple instructions, make changes slowly, and ask for help. It can be done with a little work.

DOLPHIN WISDOM SUMMIT A “Dolphins Love Kids” 501(c)3 Fundraiser

11:00 a.m. to Early Evening January 16, 2016 $75 Pre-registration, $90 Day of the Event SUMMIT LEADERS Laura Eisenhower, Solving the Earth Crisis Emmanuel Dagher, Changing the World into Light Larisa Stow, Wake, Shake, Shift and Lift Humanity Aros Crystos, Author of “Adventures in Consciousness” Mark “Dr. Dream” Peebler, Awake in the Dream Steven Sadlier, The Self Awareness Institute Eric Rankin, Author of “The Aquarians:2012 A New Era Begins” Deborah Shea, Lemurian Light and the Great Shift Laurie Reyon and Master Cat Puddah, Founder of Dolphins Love Kids And more……check the website for details and to register http://templeoflightoc.org/dolphins-love-kids-fundraiser

The Temple of Light has donated this space. All event registration proceeds go to fund the Dolphins Love Kids program www.dolphinslovekids.com. WANT TO BE AN EXHIBITOR? Contact Temple of Light at 949-333-1641 or email basia@templeoflightoc.org

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