Radiance May-Jun 2021 Issue: "Follow Your Bliss" Updated

Page 38

What is Sacred Union and the Ancient Dance of Hieros Gamos?


acred Union and the Ancient Dance of Hieros

Gamos is the Sacred Energetic Union between a

man and a woman.

It is the merging of the two forces, the two energies

of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

As the walls, the fears, are dropped and the hearts of

the two are opened, the conscious merging to Oneness can begin. The gifts of relationship have been largely

forgotten, so let us now allow the pure and divine magic that occurs when the sacredness is returned.

Morgan Lee is Creator and Facilitator of Zero

Pointing, a path to self embodied sovereignty that offers you the assistance of consciously and safely re-programming your entire being to fully resonate in the energy of your truest alignment. More at zeropointing.com.

In this merging, the two beings become an energetic

“One,” where each can consciously feel the physical

sensations, the feelings, the emotions, and the truth

of the other. Where he can feel her skin, her heart, her

thoughts, her mind, her emotions, the fullness of all her

energy and life force, her power, her love, her grace, her

mic Orgasm for the two individuals. And he will know her pleasure and she will know his.

The human beings will likely want to stay in the sex-

compassion, just as easily as he can feel his own.

ual chakras, but there is opportunity for further expan-

merging to occur, each can allow the conscious merging

the glorious human orgasm is to allow for expanded

With the intention of allowing this Sacred and Divine

of the Higher Self/Soul Self energies to become One.

What happens in this? Well, first the two will energet-

ically dance together, like dipping a toe in the water to

check the temperature. And when each has adjusted to the other and aligned, the merging will begin.

The lower chakras are the first to become One, and

both will feel that magical charge of sexual energy, not

sion though all the other chakras. To choose to forsake experience of so much more. To breathe and wait for the sexual energy to expand to a new energy is to allow and

intend for movement through to the greater experiences that Sacred Union has to offer. And in this conscious

merging of Oneness, each will balance any conflict, confusion, disturbance, duality within the relationship.

We have forgotten who we are, what we are capable

as the single experience that has been so far known

of; the love, the power that we can give to the other

Divine Feminine working together with each person con-

as we decide that the childhood wounds will no longer

to the self, but the energy of the Divine Masculine and scious of their own experience as well as the other.

And Her beingness becomes his to experience, just

as he can experience his own.

His base chakras are now melded with hers – and

hers with his – to create an energy that allows for Cos-

also becomes the love we give to the self, especially be in charge of how the relationship plays out. The

Power is in Reverence for Him and Reverence for Her; in the togetherness, in honor and value, the cherishing of each other and the self, we can find the gifts of Divine and Sacred Union.

Childhood wounds will no longer be in charge of how the relationship plays out


MAY-JUN 2021

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