he concept of a life journey is a very familiar one, particularly in terms of our spiritual selves.
We start at one end and forge ahead towards a pow-
erful, but ultimately unknowable destination - sometimes with enthusiasm, and oftentimes with difficulty. Each
step can be a challenge or a joyous discovery, depending on the conditions we encounter and fellow travelers we meet along the way.
Ultimately, it’s a linear view of life: moving away from one
viewpoint or position on the map of life, and striving to arrive at another. It takes time, of course, as all linear journeys do,
and effort. Energy is expended to move us along to the next post of reference along the path. No effort….no progress!
Past to future, asleep to awake, ignorant to informed. All the while paying your dues and earning your progress. Sounds familiar, right? Practice, diligence, and perseverance.
Getting Off the Spiritual Path The Way of the New Human By Rebecca Dawson
The idea of progressing along that path is intrinsically
linked with the concept of ascension. If we can complete
that journey then we can transition to a new realm of existence. Somewhere balanced, harmonious, where we can
experience the wholeness of ourselves and the Cosmos. How many of us have played the game of acceler-
ating this journey to ascension? We engage with prac-
tices, methods, and techniques to help us to speed up
that journey, get us there more quickly, more efficiently, perhaps making the journey less of a rocky uphill hike
and more of a smooth superhighway! Part of the joy in my earlier life was discovering some of these strategies, like collecting pieces of the puzzle that we believe help us to arrive at the end of the journey.
And yet, the more we discover, the less we are satis-
fied, the more we realize we don’t know, and how far we still have to go. The never-ending path to awareness. I
began to ask the question: does this quest for comple-
tion take our attention away from our point of origin? The divinity that we enter this Earth experience with?
To follow the suggested path of a humanity that has
already existed, cycle after cycle, is the hesitation of new
generations of humans arriving in our midst: children who 34
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struggle to focus in one direction, adolescents who feel
trapped by being asked to set goals for their identity for
the future, adults who have become disillusioned with the journey they so carefully planned for themselves.
Is it a sign of failure, of a humanity that no longer has
the self-discipline to stay the course and “do the work?” We cannot create a New Earth if we continue along
the well-trodden path to enlightenment. The moment for change is now. It’s time to get off the crowded path and
get out into the muddy fields. Explore, discover, feel the
Earth beneath your bare feet. Be here. Be the pioneers of a new era of humanity. It takes courage to leave the pop-
ular, the known. But out in the fields lie the seeds of a new experience - dormant and ready to be discovered. How
will your footsteps out in the mud create new pathways for others to follow?
Be bold, enter the unknown. Be the Creator you are. This is the remapping of our world.
Rebecca Dawson is an international channeler, speaker and author.
With the assistance of her team of Masters, Rebecca brings forward
wisdom about the human design, the nature of Consciousness, and
the mechanics of reality, so humanity can awaken, remember its
potential and reclaim its Mastery. More at www.rebeccadawson.net