I Love Being Spiritual To reach out to Athanasia for spiritual counseling, events and more, go to shamanicyoga108.com.
I’m going to get a little personal. There is truly no other area in my life that has brought
me so much love, wisdom and fulfillment than my spiritual connection to the Divine.
There are sooo many paths to “getting there” and I
feel I have experienced quite a variety of paths to connect with the Creator of the universe - God.
Of all the paths that are available to us, I feel the one
that has resonated the most with my mind, body, spirit
connection is having a spiritual experience through the practice of prayer and meditation. All the paths that I
have stepped on during my lifetime have all led me to diving deeper into what “spirituality” means.
What is Spirituality, anyway? According to the
dictionary, it is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to
For me, the
only way to “be
spiritual” is to LOVE by
having a direct relationship with a Higher Power.
The various names - God, Great Spirit, Creator, Great
Mystery, The One, The Supreme Good, Our Father, The Universal Mother, The Nameless, etc., this is just semantics. It
is the feeling of Love, of BEING love, that is most important. The One who has many names yet remains nameless
is the Energy of Pure Love. In my experience God is universal, all-loving, androgynous - possessing both mas-
culine and feminine qualities, with positive and negative aspects, yet transcending them all.
Spirituality, religion, science, they are all one and the
same for me now, because they teach me that there is
material or physical things.
In my opinion, when the ancient
I found the word quality in the
Greeks said “Know Thyself”
definition so interesting, because
what I truly feel is a deeper
I feel that there were many times
spiritual connection is to
in my life that I had a very bleak
Love Thyself.
quality of concern with my soul.
Unity Consciousness
My attention was purely on what
shows us we are all con-
I could get in this world, and
nected, we are all One, and
even, what I could get out of
if I love myself, I will love
spirituality at first.
my sisters and brothers. To
Through my communication
(communion) between me (self)
and God (Self), I’ve learned there
is nothing to get in this life. The only thing to do is to be, to be Love.
Having a strong relationship with our Cre-
ator is THE most important priority in my life. It is the
only way I feel I can exist in this dimensional plane now. 40
MAR-APR 2021
love myself, not harming my-
self by thought, word or deed,
is to be of service to the Divine.
Most especially, then, I am able to
love others and the world about me.
I love spirituality because it brings me
home to myself and closer to the Universal Power that heals and guides all of life.