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An Exciting Talk Show With The Transformers Of The Exhibition Industry
from Aug 2020
An Excing Talk Show With The Transformers Of The Exhibion Industry
Showcasing The World Of Exhibitions
A n E x c l u s i v e M o n t h l y T a l k S h o w P o w e d r e y B n o i t i b i h x E e s a c w o h S e n i z a g a M
In Association With
MBB Consulng’s – Exhibions Think Tank & the Exhibion Showcase publicaon have announced a new partnership to launch an exclusive talk show that will feature thought provoking discussions and industry shaping insights from the people who have gathered together to re-define the exhibion industry via the Exhibions Think Tank.
The series which has been tled as ‘ETT Viewpoint with Exhibion Showcase’, will feature a virtual panel discussion each month. The panelists which will involve ETT Club members (leading industry professionals) along with ETT founder, Mahias Tesi Baur and a guest speaker, will be quizzed on the most pernent topics concerning the future of the global exhibion industry by the host & moderator, Raghav Khosla, Group Editor of Exhibion Showcase. Revelaons on ETT Club reports, insights and findings concerning the exhibion industry will also me made during the forum which will be extremely useful for all the aendees.
The insighul panel discussions will be an open to aend forum for everyone and will carry no commercials. The monthly series is scheduled to be launched from September 2020.
Commenng on the new iniave, Mahias Tesi Baur, MD, MBB Consulng Group & Founder, Exhibions Think Tank said, “The ETT Viewpoint is a sincere iniave to take ETT Club findings and insights to the fraternity at large. It will also be a good forum to discuss about the future of our industry. We are excited to have found a great partner in Exhibion Showcase Media to reach out to our global peers effecvely.”
Raghav Khosla, Group Editor, Exhibion Showcase said, “It was imperave that we projected the insights from the professionals who are trying to redefine the industry. The fraternity at large should benefit and learn, so we decided to produce this new series. It will be insighul to quiz the masters!”
About Exhibions Think Tank: The Exhibion Think Tank Club is a worldwide e-plaorm for Exhibion Industry professional to network, debate & connue helping the industry to move on and upwards. Members are industry peers from different sectors and countries gathering together and sharing their experse, vision and insights. For more informaon please visit hps://www.exhibionthinktank.com/
About Exhibion Showcase:Exhibion Showcase is the leading media plaorm for the exhibion industry. Official Media Partner & Member of UFI – The Global Associaon of Exhibion Industry, Exhibion Showcase is Fueled By The Monthly Print Magazine, Dynamic Online Portal, an exclusive Youtube Channel for Exhibions & The Exhibion Excellence Awards Iniave. For more informaon please visit www.exhibionshowcase.com
MoU Inked Between IPAMA And NASSCOM For Technology Upgradaon
An MoU was signed between Iqbal Singh, General Secretary, Indian Prinng Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers; (IPAMA) and Sudhanshu Mial, Head – Gurugram Center & Director – Technical Soluons, Naonal Associaon of Soware and Service Companies (NASSCOM) Center of Excellence – IOT & AI at Noida.
IPAMA is an associaon registered under the Sociees Act, 1860, having its head office at NOIDA, UP. It has been assisng its Member companies in upgradaon and adopon of latest Technology in Prinng and Packaging manufacturing segments. NASSCOM Center of Excellence – IoT & AI is part of the Digital India Iniave by Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY), in partnership with the State Governments and NASSCOM.
It is a naonwide program to develop culture of thought leadership, digital transformaon and co-creaon in Industry 4.0, Automove, Healthcare, Agriculture, Energy, and other industry vercals. CoE is also engaged in facilitang Technology adopon by the Industry, by bringing the latest and deeptech innovaons for Startups and Technology Companies and to help grow and scale their business interests. It also provides largest Innovaon plaorm for enterprises, governments and innovators in emerging technologies of AI, ML, IoT, Big Data,
Analycs, AR/VR and Robocs for Digital Transformaon. NASSCOM aims to be the primary catalyst for development and adopon of innovave digital soluons in different domains.
On the eve of signing of the agreement, Dayaker Reddy, President, IPAMA stated that “This agreement will strengthen the Indian Prinng and Packaging Machine manufacturers in upgrading their machines. In India, the emerging technologies such as arficial intelligence and advance prinng and packaging are user-friendly for end-customers and ensuring widespread use in different sectors of the industry.
The situaon will change more in the coming years and more and more companies will come forward to make investments in automaon of machines for quality enhancement, increase the producon, make economical etc. We are encouraging the companies for adopon of new technologies in the prinng and packaging sector”.
Sudhanshu Mial stated that we are commied to helping Indian manufacturing sector with digital technology adopon to improve their quality, producvity, worker safety and any other area where they need help. Indian ecosystem has variety of soluons available to meet the requirements of manufacturing companies. Through this partnership we expect that IPAMA members will be able to leverage the experse offered to adopt the digital technology in their operaons and start their Industry 4.0 journey.
The objecve of MOU is to impart training to IPAMA Members in the emerging areas of IT based technology and to help them with digital technology adopt in their operaons. The Scope of Work incorporated in the agreement reads as under: - Ÿ Enable access for the Members of
IPAMA to the latest innovave products and soluons from the startups incubated by NASSCOM CoE and from the extended startup ecosystem. Ÿ A deep-dive engagement program of
NASSCOM CoE to fast track discovery and applicaon of innovave soluons sourced from its network of deep-tech curated startups /innovators, system
Integrators and technology companies. Ÿ To organize Joint events and workshops to build awareness about the implementaon of technology in prinng and packaging machine manufacturing segments. Ÿ To make members aware of exisng and new use-cases as they get created to drive adopon of deep-tech within the industry ecosystem.