REALinfo June 2016

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REAL info june ● 2016

News and Resource for MEMBERS


Musings from RAHB CEO George O'Neill – page 2


Report those conditional sales! – page 3 New procedure for listings for sale and for lease – page 3 Signing in to WEBForms® and REALTOR Link® in Matrix – page 4 Your questions about pre-emptive (bully) offers answered – page 4 Great news! No more “Out of Area – 9999” listings in Oakville! – page 5 New! Matrix webinars – page 6

Services spotlight Professional development and education – page 6

RAHB News RAHB dues deadline June 30, 2016 – page 7 RAHB scholarship – page 7 RAHB welcomes new members! – page 8 Annual Charity Golf Tournament – page 8

Member services Advertising sold properties — what you need to know before you advertise a sold property – page 9 Realty Shoppe – page 11 Bay Area Economic Summit – page 12 Professional Development for REALTORS® – page 12

REALTORS® CARE REALTORS® donate to Fort McMurray fire appeal – page 13 REALTORS® Ride for Charity! – page 13

Mark YOUR Calendar What's coming up at RAHB – page 14

Empowering REALTORS ® to Succeed

Download Full Edition

News and Resource for Members

Established in 1921, the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB) represents more than 2,900 real estate brokers and salespersons from Hamilton, Burlington, and surrounding areas. Members of the association may use the REALTOR® trademark, which identifies them as real estate professionals who  subscribe to a strict code of ethics. The Association operates the local Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) System and provides ongoing professional education courses for its members. In addition, RAHB is an active participant in the Home Ownership Affordability Partnership (HOAP) and holds an annual  auction in support of local charities. Advertisements of local MLS®  property listings and information about the services provided by a REALTOR® can be found at More information about RAHB is available at

Mission Statement Empowering REALTORS® to Succeed President Kim Alvarez 905.407.7046 President-Elect Lou Piriano 905.628.6625 Vice-President Jack Loft 905.304.3303 Immediate Past President Donna Bacher 905.520.1946 Directors Ann Forbes Arndt Nikola Bucalo Kathy Della-Nebbia Gary Herron Paul Martindale Andrew Robertson Bob Van de Vrande

905.574.3038 905.388.1110 905.574.4600 905.388.1110 905.572.9465 905.308.8333 905.332.4111

Realinfo is published monthly by the REALTORS® Association of HamiltonBurlington (RAHB) 505 York Boulevard, Hamilton ON L8R 3K4 T.: 905.529.8101 F.: 905.529.4349 MLS® F.: 905.529.6636 Help Desk T.: 905.667.4650 Realty Shoppe: T.: 905.529.5979 F.: 905.529.7109 Email: Web site: Intranet site: Editor: Valerie Webster Editorial Assistant: Sheila Sferrazza Design: Maggie Inglis In-house Products: RAHB Print Services


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from Rahb Ceo George O'Neill There are two events happening in June that are worth noting.

RAHB’s Charity Golf Tournament is taking place on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at Copetown Woods Golf Club. This tournament supports the Karan Barker Scholarship Fund, and it is an important way we help our members’ children and grandchildren fund their college or university educations. Although this will be my first time golfing in this tournament, I am really looking forward to it. I visited the golf course awhile ago and it looks like a great tournament course! Contest holes are one of the fun parts of any golf tournament. So far, I’ve heard about a putting contest, a “closest to the Crown Royal” contest, a chance to upgrade to an Escalade golf cart and something about a hole in one contest featuring a Mercedes as the prize. How great would that be?! The golf tournament is about much more than just the prizes, though. It’s the chance to network and mingle with other RAHB members and the sponsors who support the tournament. It’s also about the funds raised for such a great cause, the Karan Barker Scholarship Fund. Higher education has become both very important and expensive, and it’s a privilege for RAHB to help our members and their children and grandchildren through the scholarship program. If you haven’t already registered to golf on the 23rd, there’s still time to sign up to golf yourself or as part of a foursome. Contact Sheila at for complete details. _______________ The second event is the Hamilton and Burlington Bay Area Economic Summit which will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2016. This is a full-day look at the evolving role of the Bay area in an increasingly regional and international economy, strategies to position the area for long-term success, and how to drive the changes that will ensure that long-term success. The tagline for the Summit is “Leading Change in a Regional Age” and the agenda is built around the theme of how to prepare for the future of the Bay Area. The agenda is wide-ranging, touching on all aspects of economic development in our area, and includes two plenary sessions; 12 breakout sessions focusing on topics such as regional superclusters; waterfront development; transit hubs; changes in healthcare and a keynote address by Premier Kathleen Wynne. There will also be an update from the federal government on stimulus funding opportunities available to this area. This is the second year the Summit will be a joint venture between the Hamilton and Burlington Chambers of Commerce. It promises to be an interesting and inspiring day. I will be participating in the program and hope to see many of you there. There are still tickets available; see the registration information on page 12 of this issue of REALinfo. Best Regards,

News and Resource for Members

MLS®/technology Report those conditional sales! We are hearing more reports of members who call to make appointments to see a listing, only to be told it’s been sold conditionally. If you have a listing that has a conditional sale, it is important that you report the sale – it’s important especially in a market as fast-paced as the current one, because members need accurate, up-to-date and reliable information. The MLS® Rules and Regulations very specifically require you to report conditional sales. Here’s what they have to say: Section 9 – Reporting of Sales 9.01 An important part of the inherent value of the Association’s MLS® System is the transaction data accumulated for sales of listed properties. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all Members to ensure, regardless of their business model, that property sold information for properties listed on the Association’s MLS® System, including the reporting of conditionally sold properties and sale prices, be reported to the Association. Members are not permitted to avoid these reporting responsibilities to the Association by, for example, cancellation of a Listing between receipt (or anticipated receipt) and acceptance of an Offer, or encouraging a Seller to do so. Accordingly, the Listing Brokerage will report by Broker Load all sales and conditional sales for Broker Loaded MLS® Listings effected during the Listing term and during the holdover period of an MLS® Listing, within two (2) Association business days following written acceptance of any Offer by the Seller. If the MLS® Listing is Board Loaded, the sale or conditional sale must be submitted in writing within two (2) Association business days following written acceptance of any Offer by the Seller. Power of Sale and commercial sales shall be reported not later than two (2) Association business days after closing. 9.02 In the event an unconditional sale or a conditional sale falls through, the Listing Brokerage will notify the Association in writing or by Broker Load, within two (2) Association business days. If services are to be resumed, the Listing Brokerage shall so notify the Association. What happens if you don’t report your sale – conditional or firm? When RAHB’s MLS® department is advised — either in writing or verbally — of a conditional or firm sale that has not been reported within two association business days, staff will investigate and either issue a warning letter or a fine as outlined in RAHB’s MLS® policies: 1st offense – warning letter 2nd offense – $100 fine 3rd offense – $250 fine 4th or subsequent – $400 fine So do your part to ensure RAHB’s MLS® System remains a valuable, up-to-date and accurate tool for all members – report your conditional sales.

New procedure for listings for sale and for lease Before RAHB listings were uploaded to Matrix, you were able to load listings into Fusion which were both for sale and for lease on one MLS® number. Members searching for listings that were only for sale or only for lease would see your listing because that’s the way Fusion worked. Matrix, however, operates differently. If you have a property that is both for sale and for lease, you MUST broker load the listing twice in Fusion: one listing for sale only and the other for lease only. This is the only way to ensure that your listing will be visible to others searching in Matrix if they are searching for only leases or only sales. If you have existing listings that are For Lease or Sale, you can edit them - change the original to a sale and then upload a duplicate for the lease. As always, if you have any questions, please get in touch with the RAHB MLS® Department at 905.667.4650.


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News and Resource for Members

Signing in to WEBForms® and REALTOR Link® in Matrix If you want to sign in to WEBForms® and REALTOR Link® when you are in Matrix, you will have to use the ‘External Link’ marked “REALTORLink® and WEBForms® Login Page” until RAHB fully cuts over to Matrix. (You will find the ‘External Link’ widget on your Matrix home page.) Sign in using your Fusion credentials, that is, your Fusion user name and password. (You won’t need the “HB” prefix.) Alternatively, you can log in to the Regional Dashboard (using your Matrix credentials) by going to and clicking the applicable button to directly access WEBForms® and REALTOR Link® (again, you will have to sign in using your Fusion credentials). Please note: if you are using WEBForms® from Matrix and want to auto-populate listing information into a form (data form, offer form, listing agreement), you will need to drop the “X” prefix from the RAHB MLS® number to do so.

If you wish to auto-populate listing information from one of the other Regional associations’ listings, Change Board to that to that association first, then enter the MLS® number — the information will populate.

Your questions about pre-emptive (bully) offers answered! Members have been asking about how to deal with pre-emptive, or bully, offers. You asked, we answer. Q. When a Seller says “No offers until …”, can I present an offer that comes in before the date specified? A. The short answer is No. When a seller provides written instructions, via OREA Form 244 “Seller’s Direction re: Property/Offers”, that offers will be held until a particular date, those instructions must be followed to the letter. Q. What if the buyer insists on having the offer presented? A. The buyer will have to wait with everyone else or walk away … the instructions from the Seller are that no offers will be presented until a specified date in the future. Q. What if the Seller changes his or her mind and wants to see an offer? A. In this case, and you are the listing salesperson, you must do two things: 1. Change the remarks section of your listing to remove the “no offers until” notation 2. Contact all the Co-operating Salespeople who showed an interest in presenting offers or who registered offers and arrange for a time for offer presentation of all offers. These two steps should be performed with all reasonable speed. Now that offers are being presented to your Seller, you want to make sure the Seller has the opportunity to review all offers to they can get the best outcome on the sale of their home. (Note: as good practice, you should also contact all Co-operating Salespeople who showed the property and let them know offers are being presented – they may have clients or customers who were holding off making a decision about making an offer until closer to the date specified for offer presentations.) June

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continued on page 5

News and Resource for Members

continued from page 4

Q. What about “No offers until (specified date), but the Seller will review offers prior to this date”? A. This is a bit of an odd instruction, because it’s really saying the Seller will look at offers whenever they come in. However, if you have a Seller who mostly wants to wait for offers but will look at something that comes in before the specified date, here’s what you do: 1. Have your Seller complete Form 244 “Seller’s Direction re: Property/Offers” and make a note of the full instructions in the Remarks section of the listing.

2. If you get an offer before the specified date and the Seller wants to review the offer, contact all Co-Operating Salespeople who registered offers to let them know they can present their offers as well. Again, to be sure you are being fair to everyone and you are working in the best interests of your Seller, you should also contact the Co-operating Salespeople who showed the property to let them know that offers are being presented, just in case their buyers are interested in putting in an offer. You should be contacting the Co-operating Salespeople with reasonable speed so your Seller has the chance to review all offers and get the best outcome on the sale of their home.

Q. What do you do if someone isn’t following the rules? A. If you find yourself in a situation where the listing brokerage didn’t let you know that offers were being presented before the time noted on the listing, you should file a formal complaint with either RAHB’s Professional Standards Committee or RECO. For more information about how to file a complaint, contact Angela at or 905.529.8101.

Great news! No more “Out of Area – 9999” listings in Oakville! As of May 30, 2016, when you load a listing located in Oakville, Milton or Halton Hills into Fusion, you will now find all the four-digit neighbourhood codes that correspond to the codes already used in Matrix. When you use these codes, your listings will no longer appear as “Out of Town – 9999” listings when they are uploaded to Matrix and RAHB staff will no longer need to manually produce a duplicate listing to place your listing in the correct neighbourhood. Your listing will be in the right neighbourhood for all to find. The neighbourhood codes for Cambridge, Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo will also be added to Fusion in the near future. The Oakville/Milton/Halton Hills codes were added first because the majority of the “out of area” listings were in these areas. If you aren’t sure of the correct neighbourhood code for your listing in Oakville, Milton or Halton Hills, you will find all the codes on the map found in Fusion in Resources > RAHB Documents > Oakville, Milton, Halton Hills Neighbourhoods. As the codes for the Cambridge, Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo associations are added to Fusion, maps for those areas will be added to the same Resources section in Fusion. RAHB staff will be correcting the existing active Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills listings to show the correct neighbourhood code. This correction will generate an auto-email if your search criteria includes those neighbourhood codes, even if an auto-email was previously sent based on the duplicate listing. This will affect only listings that are currently active in the Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills areas. If you have any questions, please contact RAHB’s MLS® Department at 905.667.4650.


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News and Resource for Members

New! Matrix webinars RAHB has received numerous requests for additional Matrix training, and RAHB has added webinars as a delivery method. In a webinar, you will explore the basic features of Matrix – team settings, hotsheets, searches, search results grid, auto emails, client portal, creating and maintaining contacts. This is the same information covered in Direct Delivery, lecture style and hands-on Matrix training. Three dates have been scheduled for webinars: Friday June 10, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Wednesday June 15, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesday June 29, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Register now for the date and time that works best for you. Please register at and you will then receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the webinar on the date you chose. Register soon — webinars can accommodate only 100 members at a time.

Services spotlight Professional development and education Professional development and education is an important member service at RAHB. Although the mandatory “24 MCE credits” is a thing of the past, RAHB members continue to capitalize on the many professional development sessions that are offered throughout the year. Courses, workshops and lectures are presented in the RAHB classroom and at special member events such as the annual REALTOR® CONNECTIONS AGM, Conference and Trade Show. In 2015, RAHB members supported more than 40 sessions, 25 of which were new. RAHB’s Professional Development Committee approves the sessions, which come via members’ suggestions, instructors approaching RAHB directly, or from local, provincial or federal sources. RAHB also partners with the Real Estate Institute of Canada (REIC) and now offers courses where you can earn designations or certifications such as Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR), e-Pro, and Seller Representative Specialist (SRS). Sessions offer topical, current and relevant information for you as a real estate professional, and provide you with new skills and insights. Make sure that you watch Message of the Day, direct email, REALTOR Link® and RAHB’s Facebook group for information about sessions that will put you onto the path of greater personal and professional development. Do you have a suggestion or enquiry? Contact Angela


REAL info



News and Resource for Members

RAHB News RAHB dues deadline June 30, 2016 The quarterly RAHB dues have been billed and e-mailed to you as part of your May monthly invoice. Please note that dues are due and payable no later than June 30th, 2016.

125.00 28.75 77.50 30.06 $ 261.31 $

Full Member – RAHB dues (July to Sept) – OREA dues (July to Sept) – CREA dues (July to Sept) – HST Total

75.00 28.75 77.50 23.56 $ 204.81 $

Senior Member* – RAHB dues (July to Sept) – OREA dues (July to Sept) – CREA dues (July to Sept) – HST Total

Acceptable methods of payment: In person: Visa, MasterCard, Interac, Cash or Cheque By phone: Visa or MasterCard Online via Fusion: Visa, MasterCard or AMEX Online: CIBC/PC Financial, Royal Bank, Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust – for assistance in set-up, please call Karin at 905.529.8101 x258. Pre-Authorized payment subscribers will be processed on Tuesday, June 21, 2016. * To meet the Senior Membership criteria, you must be 65 years of age and and have been a RAHB member for at least 25-years. If you meet the criteria, please contact Camryn in the Membership Department with proof of age (e.g. driver’s license) – or by fax to 905.529.4349. A reminder about notifying RAHB of terminations in your office Brokerages are responsible for notifying RAHB when members in their office resign or otherwise leave. Notice must be received by RAHB within seven business days of the member leaving. If notice is delayed beyond the seven business days, the Brokerage will be assessed a penalty of $50 per incident. (RAHB Bylaw, Article 4, Section 1.02.)

RAHB scholarship available! Do you have a child or grandchild who is heading off to (or already in) university or college who qualifies for the Karan Barker Scholarship? This scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence, a high level of involvement in school and/or the community, maturity, initiative and/or strength of character. If that sounds like your offspring, have them apply for a scholarship! The application is in REALTOR Link® under the Member Services tab or The deadline for applications is Friday, August 12, 2016.

Your local full service law firm


REAL info



News and Resource for Members

RAHB welcomes new members! The REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington extends a warm welcome to its newest members (April 23 to May 20). Byron Metcalfe Lucas Colalillo

Ambitious Realty Advisors Inc.

Morgan Murray City Brokerage

Keller Williams Edge Realty Inc.

Kourosh Gulrokhi Daniel Tsegaye Lewis Weinerman

Brian Cumming

Homelife Professionals Realty Inc.

Adam Palios Heather Perov Brandon Dyment Shannon Gibson Daphne Bennett

Jason Thomas Lawrence

Thelesa Riley Mary Buendia-Fernandez Barbara Ann Reidy Kim Perosa Michael Ritchie

RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc.

Michelle Odrzywolski Syed Hasnain Zhong Biao Zhang Right At Home Realty Inc.

Mike Sobhi

Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd.

Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate Services Inc.

Neil Dring Realty Network: 100 Inc.

Arshad Hayat

Royal LePage Macro Realty Inc.

Tanya DiNicolantonio Darrin Swayze Diana Yu

RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc.

Keller Williams Complete Realty Inc.

Register Today!

Annual Charity Golf Tournament Thursday, June 23, 2016 Copetown Woods Golf Club

1430 Concession 2 West, Copetown

Registration: 11 a.m.

Lunch: 11:30 a.m.



plus HST

Shotgun: 1 p.m. sharp


lunch, dinner, golf - best ball, cart, entrance gift, photo, contests  If you have a foursome, please provide all names below  If a non-member is on your team, please specify which member will be billed. Non-members cannot be billed directly  Registration on a first come, first served basis  Only 144 golfers will be accepted. No exceptions

Form may be faxed to 905.529.4349, emailed to or dropped off at the association office.


Registration Form for Annual Charity Golf Tournament - Thursday, June 23, 2016 Please print Name/Office

Captain Player 2 Player 3 Player 4


Bill my RAHB account Bill my RAHB account Bill my RAHB account Bill my RAHB account

If non-member, bill the RAHB account of: Name: Office: Or charge credit card: VISA MASTERCARD Name on Card: Card#: CV#: Expiry: Signature:

REAL info



News and Resource for Members

Member services Advertising sold properties – what you need to know before you advertise a sold property The following article was written by RECO and published in a Registrar’s Bulletin dated April 17, 2015. This article is reprinted with permission. After months of searching for the perfect home, Anna and Mark† finally found it. They were delighted with their new home and with the service of their real estate salesperson. A few weeks later, Anna and Mark learned that their new home had been highlighted in a large advertisement published in a national newspaper. The advertisement contained private information from their agreement of purchase and sale including the price they paid, terms, address and other particulars of their new property. At no time had Anna and Mark provided their consent to advertise any information about the purchase of their new home with the public. Furthermore, during their search for a home, they had been assured on a number of occasions about privacy laws that protect their privacy. Anna filed a complaint with RECO. Upon learning about the complaint, the salesperson who represented the seller, and who had placed the advertisement in question, contacted Anna to apologize and took full responsibility. RECO conducted a thorough investigation. A Discipline Panel determined that the seller’s real estate salesperson was in violation of several sections of the Code of Ethics under REBBA 2002 including: 36.(8) A registrant shall not include anything in an advertisement that could reasonably be used to identify specific real estate unless the owner of the real estate has consented in writing. 36.(9) A registrant shall not include anything in an advertisement that could reasonably be used to determine any of the contents of an agreement that deals with the conveyance of an interest in real estate, including any provision of the agreement relating to the price, unless the parties to the agreement have consented in writing. The salesperson was ordered to pay a penalty of $8,000. When advertising that a property is sold, you may not include anything (such as an image or text) that could reasonably be used to: • • •

Identify any party to the transaction, unless they have consented in writing S.36.(7) Identify the specific property, unless the owner of the real estate has consented in writing S.36.(8) Determine any of the contents of an agreement relating to the transaction including any provision that relates to the price (e.g., % of list price) or terms, unless the parties to the agreement have consented in writing S.36.(9)

Determining whose written consent to seek – the buyer, seller or both – depends on: 1. When the advertisement is distributed (before versus after the transaction has completed). 2. Who is placing the advertisement (the buyer’s brokerage or the seller’s brokerage). The information provided in this article is based on an actual

discipline hearing that was dealt with by RECO. Anna and Mark are fictitious names used to protect the identity of the complainants. You can review this and other RECO discipline decisions by visiting the Complaints and Enforcement section of RECO’s website.

continued on page 10


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News and Resource for Members

continued from page 9 Remember, if you need to contact a party that was represented by another brokerage, communication must go through that other brokerage, unless you first obtain that brokerage’s written consent to contact the party directly. S.7. Code If the advertising will appear before the transaction is completed: And if...

Then ...

The seller's brokerage wants to advertise that the property The seller's written consent is required is sold (with or without and image of the property The seller's brokerage wants to advertise that the property is sold (with or without an image of the property) and wants to include price information (or % of list price) or other terms of the deal

Both the seller's and buyer's written consent is required

The buyer's brokerage wants to advertise that the property The seller's written consent is required (must be obtained is sold (with or without an image of the property) via the seller's brokerage unless written consent has been obtained from the seller's brokerage to contact the seller directly The buyer's brokerage wants to advertise that the property is sold (with or without an image of the property) and wants to include price infrormation (or % of list price) or other terms of the deal

Both the seller's and buyer's written consent is required

If the advertising will appear after the transaction is completed: And if...


The seller's brokerage wants to advertise that the property The buyer's written consent is required (must be obtained is sold (with or without and image of the property via the buyer's brokerage unless written consent has been obtained from the buyer's brokerage to contact the buyer directly) The seller's brokerage wants to advertise that the property is sold (with or without an image of the property) and wants to include price information (or % of list price) or other terms of the deal

Both the seller's and buyer's written consent is required

The buyer's brokerage wants to advertise that the property The buyer's written consent is required is sold (with or without an image of the property) The buyer's brokerage wants to advertise that the property is sold (with or without an image of the property) and wants to include price infrormation (or % of list price) or other terms of the deal

Both the seller's and buyer's written consent is required

 Please see RECO’s Advertising Guidelines and Advertising Checklist for more information.


REAL info



News and Resource for Members

Realty Shoppe 2016 summer attraction discounted tickets Any ONE Operating Day, May 3 – October 31 $ Child (3+ under 48” tall) 38.00 Senior (60+) $38.00 $ Adult (3 - 59 and over 48” tall) 43.00

Pay ONCE, Visit TWICE ticket: Valid for two visits by the same person All Ages $56.00

Ticket prices include HST but do not include food, merchandise, lockers, tubes, rental pavilions, games and special events. NOTE: With the exception of special diet/need items and plastic bottled water, outside food and beverages are not allowed in the park. Tickets are not valid for Halloween Haunt. Parking is extra. In person purchases only/final sale/no refunds or exchanges. Available in the Realty Shoppe — while supplies last

Shoppe “Welcome Summer” Draw

Drop by the Realty Shoppe and enter today RAHB members who make a purchase (in person) before June 15 are eligible to enter their business card to win two Adult tickets to Canada’s Wonderland (good for any one day of the 2016 season).

Wall Mount Pushbutton Lock Box – perfect as a “Thank You” gift for a client  Wall

mount key safe provides secure storage of keys or access cards push button locking mechanism in familiar alpha/numeric telephone keypad format  Set your own combination using up to 12 letters, numbers or both  Large buttons for ease of use, even in low light conditions  3-1/8in (79mm) wide durable metal construction  Large internal cavity and removable key hook prevents jamming  Protective weather cover prevents freezing and jamming  Convenient


24.40 ea.*

* All applicable taxes are extra. Prices subject to change.

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. T.: 905.529.5979 F.: 905.529.7109 E.:


REAL info



News and Resource for Members


Hamilton & Burlington Bay Area Economic Summit

June 21, 7:30 am to 6:00 pm | Royal Botanical Gardens

Special Speaker Ontario Premier

“Let’s prepare for tomorrow’s growth!” Keanin Loomis, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Keith Hoey, Burlington Chamber of Commerce

Kathleen Wynne 12 Topics | 50+ Expert Presenters Powerful Information & Insights on

• • • •

Intercity Cooperation Growth Management Business Opportunities Real Estate Development

• Infrastructure Renewal • • Environmental Stewardship • And much more …


Click Here to Register Promo Code: BAESNRH

A joint initiative of the Hamilton and Burlington Chambers of Commerce

To Register & For Full Agenda Visit

| Information: 905-522-1151 x100 #BAES2016

RAHB Members!

Use the promo code BAESNRH to received a $100 discount off the regular price for the Bay Area Economic Summit! When you register online, choose the number of tickets you want (maximum 2), and provide your contact information. When you get to the next screen, enter the promo code BAESNRH, and then check out at the reduced price.

Professional Development for REALTORS® Protect Yourself! Self-Defense for the Real Estate Professional* FREE

Master Facebook Bootcamp

Friday, June 10, 2016, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. $ 79 Early Bird (prior to July 20) $99 regular

Social Media for Agents*

Staging Sells FREE

Monday, June 13, 2016, 9 a.m. – Noon $ 79 Early Bird (prior to June 6) $99 regular

ERIS – Separate Yourself from the Competition with an Environmental Report* FREE

Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 10 a.m. – Noon

Certification/Designation Course

Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

e-PRO® Day 1* Thursday, August 18, 2016, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Secrets of ALL Types of Investments (You don’t have to be rich to retire early)* FREE

(Note: Day 2 is completed online)

Monday, June 20, 2016, 10 a.m. – Noon

Master LinkedIn Bootcamp

Wednesday, July 27 2016, 9 a.m. – Noon $ 79 Early Bird (prior to July 20) $99 regular



OREA Articling Course Principles of Property Management

Tuesday to Thursday, July 5 to 7, 2016 $ 505 (includes course text and initial examination) 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. *New courses


REAL info



All courses will be held at the RAHB office, McCullough Room (lower level). For complete details and course descriptions, follow the links, or contact Angela (905.529.8101 x233 or Watch for our monthly Professional Development update in your email inbox!

News and Resource for Members

REALTORS® CARE REALTORS® donate to Fort McMurray fire appeal (received from CREA) Thanks in large part to your wonderful support, the Canadian REALTORS Care® Foundation has raised $186,000 for the Canadian Red Cross’ Alberta Fires Appeal. CREA will be cutting a cheque for that amount to send to the Canadian Red Cross and sharing this good news publicly so they can start putting the funds donated so far by the REALTOR® Community to good use in support of Fort McMurray evacuees. CREA will follow that up with more cheques as they receive more donations over the next few weeks.

Thanks to RAHB members who donated to the Alberta fires appeal! To date, RAHB members have donated $3,330 to the campaign. If you would like to make a donation through the Canadian REALTORS® Care Foundation, donate online at or send a cheque to Canadian REALTORS Care® Foundation c/o The Canadian Real Estate Association 200 Catherine St., 6th floor Ottawa, ON K2P 2K9

REALTORS® Ride for Charity! The 11th annual REALTORS® Ride for Charity will take place on Wednesday, July 6, 2016. Destination: Sudbury! This motorcycle ride raises funds for the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation, and every dollar raised goes to supporting shelter-related causes in our communities. This year’s ride kicks off at the TREB office in Newmarket, then winds its way to the Sudbury Real Estate Board, with stops at the Barrie and District, The Lakelands and North Bay real estate associations' offices. Register to ride yourself, or support a RAHB member who has already registered to take part in the Ride. So far, we know of four members on the Ride: Bruce King (Sutton Zenith Real Estate Brokerage), Jamie Edwards (J.M. Edwards Associates Inc.), Tim Mattioli (RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc.) and Richard Schilstra (RE/MAX Riverside Realty Inc.). You can sponsor a RAHB Rider online at


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News and Resource for Members

Mark YOUR Calendar Computer Held at RAHB – 505 York Blvd. – Lower Level C – Chambers Room M – McCullough Room  New

Member Computer Training Level 1

Thursday, June 2: C, 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Thursday, June 9: C, 1 p.m. – 3: 30 p.m.. Thursday, June 16: C, 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 22: C, 9 a.m. – 11: 30 a.m.

Hands-on Training

 Matrix

Tuesday, June 7: M – 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Professional Development


Yourself! Self-Defense for the Real Estate Professional*  Protect

Board of Directors, Committee and Task Force Meetings Held at RAHB – 505 York Blvd. – First Floor T – Thompson Room P – Purnell Room  MLS®

Committee Thursday, June 9: T – 9:30 a.m.

 Government

Relations Tuesday, June 28: T – 9:30 a.m.  Charity

Auction Wednesday, June 29: T – 1 p.m.

Upcoming Events  Annual

Charity Golf Tournament

Thursday, June 23, 2016 Copetown Woods Golf Club 1430 Concession 2 West., Copetown Registration: 11 a.m.

Monday, June 13: M, 9 a.m. – Noon

 ERIS – Separate Yourself from the Competition with an Environmental Report*

Office Closure

Friday, June 10: M, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  Social

Media for Agents*

Wednesday, June 15: M, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

 Secrets of ALL Types of Investments (You don’t have to be rich to retire early)*

The RAHB office will be closed Friday, July 1 – Canada Day

Monday, June 20: M, 10 a.m. – Noon  Master

LinkedIn Bootcamp

 Master

Facebook Bootcamp

Wednesday, July 27: M, 9 a.m. – Noon Wednesday, July 27: M, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.  Staging Sells Wednesday, August

24: M – 10 a.m. – Noon

Certification and Designation Courses  Principles

of Property Management

Tuesday to Thursday, July 5 to 7: M, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Day 1* Thursday, August 18: M, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Note: Day 2 is completed online)  e-PRO®


REAL info



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