vad&6 ekpZ&viSzy
csjh vks QjZsYy U;w lkmFk osYl ds 43 osa รงhfe;j cus
Home Loan Privileges Package*
the standard variable interest rate for the ďŹ rst two years.
for the remaining life of the loan.
PLUS a bonus in a BOQ transaction account.^
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ekpZ&viSzy 02 9762 8100
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Page 4 eq[; lEiknd % vuqt dqyJs’B lEiknd %
laikndh; fganh dh O;Fkk
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Publisher: JK MEDIA HOLDINGS PTY LTD Phone: For Info: 0404672346 ForAdvertisement: 0422448790 Disclaimer:Any Material supplied to Hindi Gaurav is at the contributor’s risk. No responsibility will be taken by the publisher. Opinions published in Hindi Gaurav are not necessarily those of the publisher. Hindi Gaurav does not guarantee the authenticity or takenAny responsibility for any advertisement or marketing feature.
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AfterÊ winningÊ yourÊ hearts, weÊ haveÊ wonÊ someÊ smallerÊ awardsÊ too.
AU S Sharma’s Kitchen Yogurt Silver Medal Winner in the Yogurt – Natural (set) Category
Sharma’s Kitchen – Silver Medal Winners in the Dairy Industry Association of Australia (DIAA) National Awards 2010
Sharma’s Kitchen Paneer Silver Medal Winner in the Cottage Cheese Category
Sharma’s Kitchen Strawberry Sharma’s Kitchen Mango Silver Medal Winners in the Cultured Dairy Beverage Category
The quality and taste you have trusted for years, continues to win awards too. In 2010, all the products in the Sharma’s Kitchen range have won Silver yet again. More than an award, we take it as further proof of our commitment to you. At Sharma’s Kitchen, we’ll continue to offer you dairy products packed with ‘natural goodness’.
For trade or any other enquiries, please contact Sharma's Kitchen Phone: 02-9476 2323 Mobile: 0417 272 165 Fax: 02- 9476 3454
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y¨ dj y¨ ckr ! u¨V¨a dh ckfj”k
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?kkVs dh p¨jh
¨Lr¨] D;k dHkh vkius lquk gSa p¨j p¨jh Hkh dj ys ysfdu [kqn gh ?kkVs esa jgsA ,slk gh dqN gqvk bl cspkjs p¨j ds lkFkA vesfjdk ds Gqbflvuk ldZy esa ,d vkneh ,d nwdku esa x;k vkSj dkmaVj ij 20 Mkyj dk u¨V j[k dj nwdkunkj ls NqV~Vk ek¡xkA tSls gh nwdkunkj us iSl¨ okyk njkt+ [k¨yk r¨ bl p¨j us fiLr¨y fudky yh vkSj dgk fd njkt+ esa ftrus Hkh iSls gSa] esjs gokys dj n¨A nwdkunkj us pqi pki lkjs iSls fudky dj mlds lkeus j[k fn,A p¨j us QVkQV iSls mBk;s vkSj ogka ls Hkkx fy;kA tYnckth esa viuk 20 dk u¨V Hkh ogha N¨M+ x;kA ckn esa nwdkunkj us iqfyl d¨ crk;k fd njkt+ esa flQZ 15 Mkyj gh FksA bl rjg ls ;g p¨j 20 M‚yj ns dj 15 Mkyj ys x;kA y¨ dj y¨ ckr] vc leL;k ;s gS fd nqdkunkj vkSj iqfyl d¨ ;g le> ugha vk jgk fd ;fn d¨Ã p¨j vkid¨ fiLr¨y fn[kk dj iSls nsdj tkrk gSa r¨ D;k ;s xqukg gqvk ;k ughaA vc vki gh l¨fp,A
y¨dfç;rk esa lcls uhps flMuh gokà vM~Mk
Muh ds varjZk”Vªh; gokà vM~Ms ds ckjs esa geus vkSj vkius cgqr lkjh f’kdk;rs lquh Hkh gSa vkSj ns[kh HkhA ysfdu vc ;s ckr iDdh g¨ pqdh gSa fd flMuh dk gokà vM~Mk ns’k ds ckdh varjZk”Vªh; gokà vM~M¨a ds eqdkcys lcls csdkj gSA vkWLVªfy;u çfr;¨fxrk vkSj miHk¨Drk vk;¨x us [kqyklk fd;k gSa fd ns’k esa flMuh gokà vM~Ms ij miHk¨Drk larqf”V lc ls de gSa] vkSj ;s lc ls T;knk iSls dekus okyk gokà vM~Mk gSa ftlus flQZ ikfdZax Qhl ls gh 95 fefy;u M‚yj dek, gSaA viuh lkykuk fji¨VZ esa bl vk;¨x us ns’k ds lHkh gokà vM~M¨a dk loZs{k.k djus ds ckn ;s ckr dgh gSaA loZs{k.k ds n©jku ;k=h vkSj mM+ku lapkyd¨a us bls 5 esa ls 3-5 uacj fn, gSa t¨ fd ns’k ds ckdh gokà vM~M¨a ls lcls de gSaA 1924 esa ‘kq: gqvk ;g gokà vM~Mk vkt fo’o dk 28 osa uacj dk lcls O;Lr gokà vM~Mk gSA lky 2002 esa vkWLVªsfy;k ljdkj us blds dk;ZHkkj dh ftEesnkjh ,d futh dEiuh d¨ l©ai nh FkhA flMuh ds gokà vM~Ms d¨ fiNys lky 35 fefy;u y¨x¨a us bLrseky fd;kA vk;¨x dh fji¨VZ ds vuqlkj flMuh dk gokà vM~Mk ns’k esa lcls egaxk gS tgk¡ çfr ;k=h 13-63 Mkyj [kpZ vkrk gSA blds eqdkcys esycuZ dk gokà vM~Mk 7-96 Mkyj çfr ;k=h ds [kpZ ds fglkc ls ns’k dk lcls lLrk gokà vM~Mk djkj fn;k x;kA vk;¨x us flMuh gokà vM~Ms ds çca/kd¨a ij viuh ,dkf/kdkj dh ‘kfDr dk nqji;¨x djus dk bYt+ke Hkh yxk;k ftUg¨aus ?kaVs ls vf/kd dh ikfdZax dh dher 52 Mkyj dj nh gSA tokc esa gokà vM~Ms oky¨ dk dguk gSa fd o¨ bl fji¨VZ ls lger ugha gSa vkSj mUgsa bl vk;¨x dh dk;Zç.kkyh ij ‘kd gSaA y¨ dj y¨ ckr] çca/kd pkgs eqdjrs jgsa ysfdu flMuh fuoklh r¨ ;g tkurs gh gSa fd d©u lPpk gS vkSj d©u >wBkA D;wafd tc d¨Ã fj’rsnkj ,vji¨VZ ls fid djus ds fy, dgrk gS r¨ fj’rsnkj ds vkus dh [k+q’kh ls T;knk eu esa ,vji¨VZ igq¡pus ds V¨y vkSj ikfdZax ij g¨us okys cM+s [kpZs dh fpark T;knk lrkus yxrh gSA
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tkiku esa egkfouk”k
iku ds bl egkfouk’k d¨ Vsyhfotu lsV ij ns[kdj foKku ds rFkkdfFkr fodkl ij cgl djsa ;k gtkj¨a tkikuh Hkkb;¨a&cgu¨a dk ‘k¨d euk,a\ nqfo/kk gqà FkhA blls vPNk r¨ dk’k! ge ;g n`’; u gh ns[krsA blus mij¨Dr çkÑfrd daiu dh rjg gekjs fny¨fnekx d¨ Hkh tM+ ls cqjh rjg ls fgykdj j[k fn;k Fkk vkSj efLr”diVy ij ges’kk ds fy, vius fp=¨a d¨ vafdr dj fn;k FkkA ;dhuu ;g nq?kZVuk vdYiuh; :i ls Hk;kog gSA çÑfr dh ‘kfDr ij gesa dHkh ‘kd ugha jgkA ysfdu o¨ bruk vkØked :i /kkj.k dj ldrh gS] vc Hkh ;dhu ugha g¨rkA ,d iy ds fy, i`Foh بf/kr yx jgh FkhA ftUgsa çÑfr ds bl pfj= ij fo’okl ugha mUg¨aus bu n`’;¨a d¨ ns[kdj vius nkar¨a ls maxfy;¨a d¨ dkVk g¨xkA cgjgky] bu n`’;¨a dh dYiuk geus D;k fdlh us Hkh ugha dh g¨xhA viuh Js”Brk lkfcr djus okys dà vkWLdj fotsrk funZs’kd d¨ Hkh bu n`’;¨a d¨ ns[k&ns[kdj ‘keZ vk jgh g¨xh fd os çÑfr dh l`tu’khyrk o fo/oal ‘kfDr ds ;FkkFkZ ls fdruh nwj gSaA ;gka fganqLrkuh flusek dh ckr djuk O;FkZ g¨xkA tgka eu¨jatu ds uke ij vf/ kdrj u©Vadh ij¨lh tkrh gS vkSj n’kZd ckr&ckr ij rkyh ihVus esa ekfgj gSaA tkikuh ç/kkuea=h ds dFkukuqlkj r¨ ;g f}rh; fo’o;q) ds ckn ogka dh ‘kk;n lcls cM+h =klnh gSA ysfdu yxrk gS fd bl rjg dh ?kVuk bfrgkl esa igys dgha vkSj fn[kkà ugha nsrh] tc rhu&rhu egkfouk’k dh nq?kZVuk,a ,d ds ckn ,d yxHkx ,dlkFk ,d gh LFkku ij ?kfVr gq, g¨aA lcls igys Hkwdai] ftls ‘kk;n tkikuh bfrgkl esa vc rd dk lcls rxM+k >Vdk ekuk tk jgk gS mlds rqjar ckn Hk;adj rckgh okyk lqukeh vkSj fQj ijek. kq fofdj.k dh laHkkoukvksa ds lkFk Qqdqf’kek ijek.kq fctyh?kj esa foLQ¨VA ,d vdsyk j¨x ‘kjhj d¨ r¨M+ nsrk gSA ,d egkekjh iwjs bykds d¨ lkQ dj nsrh gSA ,sls esa rhu&rhu egkfouk’kdkjh ?kVukvksa d¨ >syuk vlaHko&lk çrhr g¨rk gSA fQj Hkh t¨ dqN ns[kk]
lquk] i<+k o¨ lc bl vk’kadk d¨ >qByk jgs FksA tkikuh lekt dh dk;Z’kSyh] xq.koÙkk ds çfr vklfDr] vkink çca/ku] vuq’kklu] larqfyr O;ogkj] ‘kkarfpÙk o yxu ds lkFk VheodZ esa dk;Z djuk vkSj lcls çeq[k jk”Vª&çse] ;s lHkh xq.k ,d ckj fQj lkQ&lkQ igys fnu ls gh ;gka ç g¨ jgs FksA ;g mudk jk”Vªh; pfj= gSA os iwoZ esa Hkh ,slk djrs jgs gSaA f}rh; fo’o;q) esa vkSj mlds iwoZ muds vanj dh fNih egRokdka{kk d¨ Hkqyk;k ugha tkuk pkfg,A ysfdu fQj iwjh rjg ls VwVdj] gkjdj] fQj [kM+k g¨ tkuk bfrgkl ds iUu¨a esa vU;= fn[kkà ugha nsrkA veweu lH;rk,a tYnh ls [kM+h ugha g¨ ikrha vkSj dà r¨ gkj vkSj xqykeh d¨ viuh laLÑfr dk fgLlk cuk ysrs gSaA tkiku us ,slk ugha g¨us fn;k vkSj ;g mudk vc LoHkko gh gS t¨ os gj ckj fu;fr ds lkFk iwjh rUe;rk ds lkFk tw>us yx iM+rs gSaA blesa d¨Ã ‘kd dh xqatkb’k ugha jg tkrh fd tkiku vius bl egkfouk’k ds nq%[k ls mcjdj] mHkjrs gq, ,d ckj fQj [kM+k g¨ tk,xkA fgj¨f’kek&ukxklkdh us lalkj d¨ ,d lcd fn;k Fkk vkSj blds ckn gh fo’o;q) o ijek.kq ;q) ls ge lc cpus yxsA Hkh”k.k rckgh ds ckn tkiku us fodkl dh dgkuh dk ikB fo’o d¨ i<+k;kA blh dM+h esa tkiku dh orZeku nq?kZVuk Hkh dà lcd ysdj vkà çrhr g¨rh gSA dà loky iSnk djrh gSA ftls flQZ mUgha ds lanHkZ esa lhfer djds ns[kuk mfpr ugha g¨xkA çÑfr dh ekj d¨ ge pkgs t¨ dgsa exj o¨ dHkh bruh funZ;h ugha g¨ ldrhA mlus viuh O;oLFkkvksa dk tky QSyk j[kk gS] tgka lHkh dk vfLrRo mlds gkFk¨a lqjf{kr gSA mlus gj ,d dk mik; Hkh crk j[kk gSA ;g r¨ euq”; dh vuar bPNkvksa vkSj pkgr¨a dk urhtk gS fd igys og ‘kh’ks ds egy d¨ [kM+k djrk gS vkSj fQj mlds VwV tkus ij bYtke dadM+¨a d¨ yxkus yx iM+rk gSA mij¨Dr egkçy; esa euq”; ds tkueky dh gkfu d¨ r¨ ;gka vkaduk ‘kk;n Bhd ugha g¨xk ysfdu cckZnh dk t¨ n`’; fn[kkà fn;k o¨ vkSj dqN ugha cfYd gekjs vkyh’kku Hkou¨a] HkO; bekjr¨a] lM+d vkSj ml ij n©M+rh egaxh&egaxh dkj¨a] gok esa mM+us okys mM+u[kV¨y¨a vkSj leqæ ij rSjrs tgkt¨a ds tekoM+s ds cgus ls mRiUu gqvk FkkA gekjs rFkkdfFkr fodkl o vkjkerych ds çrhd&lk/ku d¨ tc f[ky©us ds ekfQd lqukeh dh ekj esa cgrs gq, ns[kk r¨ lcdk nnZ vkSj vf/kd c<+ x;kA vxj ;s lc u g¨rs r¨ ge isM+ dh fdlh ‘kk[kk ij cSBdj leqæ ds j©æ :i d¨] Hk;Hkhr g¨dj gh lgh] ns[k jgs g¨rsA vkius dHkh tkuoj¨a dk] çkÑfrd vkinkvksa ds n©jku] O;ogkj ns[kk
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gS\ i’kq&i{kh d¨ çÑfr ds lkFk lkeatL; cukuk vkrk gSA cl ekuo us viuh vyx jkg cuk yhA ;gka rd Hkh lc Bhd gS exj fQj vc ijek.kq fofdj.k ds fouk’k d¨ d©u >sys\ ftldh ekj çkÑfrd vkinkvksa ls vf/ kd ihM+knk;d gSA çÑfr ds FkisM+¨a ls ‘kk;n ge ,d ckj cp Hkh tk,a exj bl Lojfpr e©r ds bartke dk D;k djsa\ ?kj tykdj g¨us okys mtky¨a ls va/ksjs Hkys] ,slh fctyh fdl dke dh tgka gekjh dà ihf<+;¨a ds yk[k¨a y¨x f?klV&f?klV dj thus ds fy, etcwj g¨ tk,aA eSaus Hkh vius thou esa n¨ egkfouk’kdkjh ?kVukvksa d¨ ns[kk vkSj >syk gSA nqHkkZX;iw.kZ bu ?kVukvksa
esa] la;¨x ls ,d euq”;tfur Fkh r¨ nwljh çÑfrtfurA Hk¨iky xSl =klnh vkSj tcyiqj ds Hkwdai d¨ eSaus bUgha vka[k¨a ls ?kfVr g¨rs ns[kk gSA vxj e©r ds vkadM+¨a d¨ N¨M+dj cps gq, y¨x¨a esa thou dh xq.koÙkk d¨ iSekus ij j[kdj bu n¨ ?kVukvksa d¨ ns[krk gwa r¨ euq”;tfur nq?kZVuk,a eq>s çÑfr ds lkeus vf/kd fouk’kdkjh vkSj gkfudkjd eglwl g¨rh gSaA çÑfr ds fouk’k esa dHkh Hkh vekuoh;rk eglwl ugha g¨rhA t¨ ikyu&i¨”k.k djrk gS mls بf/kr g¨us dk Hkh vf/kdkj gSA Åij ls çÑfr dHkh viuk la;e ugha [k¨rh] vçR;kf’kr O;ogkj r¨ drà ugha djrhA tcfd ekuoh; fouk’k ,d ‘kSrku ds [kwuh iat¨a tSlk eglwl g¨rk gSA ;g dà rjg dk g¨ ldrk gSA ;q) d¨ blh n`f”V ls ns[kk tkuk pkfg,A
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;g vf/kd uqdlkunk;d vkSj yacs le; ds fy, d”V nsrk gSA fQygky ;g l¨p&l¨pdj ijs’kkuh vf/kd c<+ jgh gS fd Ã’oj u djs ysfdu ,slk gh dqN fganqLrku ds fdlh {ks= d¨ >syuk iM+ tk, r¨ D;k g¨xk\ ;gka dqN crkus dh vko’;drk ughaA vius pfj= dk fo’ys”k.k djds ckj&ckj etkd mM+kus dk Lo;a d¨ Hkh d¨Ã gd ughaA lR; gS fd ge fdlh Hkh dk;Z esa yacs le; ds fy, xaHkhj ugha g¨ ikrsA erfHkUurk d¨ çtkra= dk LokHkkfod xq.k ekudj ge [kq’k g¨rs jgrs gSaA fQj pkgs blls reke dke gh #d tk,aA ;g gekjk LoHkko cu
pqdk gSA ge Hkkokos’k esa dqN iy ds fy, ,dtqV g¨ ldrs gSa exj fQj ,d&nwljs dk flj Q¨M+us ;k Vkax f[kapus dh vkik/kkih esa yx tkrs gSaA gj rjg ds gFkdaMs ;gka Hkh ‘kq: g¨ tkrs gSaA var esa gekjk dqçca/ku gh cprk gS t¨ ckdh cps dk loZuk’k djus ds fy, dkQh gSA dqN ,d mnkgj.k¨a d¨ N¨M+ nsa r¨ ge y¨x ekuoh; lsokvksa esa Hkh tTckr¨a ls dke djrs gSaA dqN ?kaVs rd ds fy, r¨ ;g Bhd jgrk gS exj tc ekeyk egkfouk’k dk g¨ r¨ >aMs ;k i¨LVj yxkdj Q¨V¨ f[kapokrs gq, ge ns[ks tk ldrs gSaA exj gdhdr esa lcds lkFk rkjrE;
fcBkrs gq, pqipki dke djus dh gekjh fu;fr ughaA vf/kd nwj tkus dh t:jr ugha] ftl le; lkjk fo’o tkiku dh nq?kZVukvksa ij fnuHkj O;fFkr Fkk] LrC/k Fkk] vkalw cgk jgk Fkk] viuh laosnuk çdV dj jgk Fkk] t¨ fd muds Vsyhfotu pSuy¨a ij çeq[krk ls iwjs&iwjs fnu çlkfjr g¨ jgk Fkk] gekjk ehfM;k dqN n¨&pkj LØhu dh lqanfj;¨a d¨ ysdj fØdsV ds fjVk;MZ f[kykfM+;¨a ds lkFk cSV&c‚y ls fudys ju¨a dk fglkc&fdrkc cuk jgk Fkk vkSj n’kZd VdVdh yxk,a ;wa rkd jgs Fks eku¨ thou dk lkj bl dk;ZØe ds var esa t:j feysxkA [ksy dh thr vkSj gkj ls ?kj esa thou&ej.k tSlk ekg©y cuk j[kk FkkA tc dHkh chp esa tkiku d¨ fn[kk;k Hkh x;k r¨ ;g ek= ,d czsfdax U;wt FkhA ftldk çHkko fØdsV ds p©d¨a vkSj NDd¨a ds lkeus de fn[kkà ns jgk FkkA oSls euq”; dk LoHkko Hkh xtc gS] nqfu;kHkj esa vf/kdka’k tu /khjs&/khjs viuh gh /kqu esa eLr g¨ jgs g¨axsA ;g dqN&dqN e`R;q&n’kZu dh rjg gS tgka vkneh ‘e’kku?kkV ls fudyrs gh e©r ls ,d ckj fQj utjsa pqjkdj rsjh&esjh esa yhu g¨ tkrk gSA ;wa r¨ thou dh lrr/kkjk ds fy, ;g t:jh gS exj e`R;q d¨ iwjh rjg Hkqykdj Lo;a d¨ vej le>rs gq, thuk tgka ew[kZrk gS ogha fdlh dh e©r ds rqjar ckn eneLr g¨ tkuk vlaosnu’khyrk çdV djrk gSA cktkj ds }kjk ;g dSlh lH;rk fodflr g¨ jgh gS\ laLÑfr o ekuoh;rk ds fy, igpkus tkus okys bl egku ns’k d¨ D;k g¨ x;k gS\ D;k vkus okyh ihf<+;ka ge ij xoZ dj ldsaxh\
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dqN vyx lk gS {kh.k g¨rh tkrh gS Li”kZ “kfDr Hkh /kweziku ls /kweziku dh <sj lkjh cqjkb;¨a esa ,d ;g Hkh gS fd blls ‘kjhj dh Li’kZ ‘kDfr Hkh {kh.k g¨rh pyh tkrh gSA vesfjdk ds oSKkfud¨a ds ijh{k.k es ;g ckr lkeus vkà gSA mUg¨aus ;qod¨a ds n¨ ny cuk,] ,d esa os y¨x Fks t¨ flxjsV ugha ihrs Fks rFkk nwljs esa os t¨ blds vknh FksA fQj ,d y¨gs dh jkM+ d¨ gYdk xeZ dj ckjh&ckjh ls n¨u¨a ny¨a d¨ idM+us d¨ dgk x;kA t¨ /kweziku ugha djrs Fks mUg¨aus lyk[k dh xehZ d¨ rqjar eglwl fd;kA blds foijhr /kw,a dk lsou djus oky¨a d¨ fdlh Hkh rjg dh xjekgV dk vkHkkl ugha gqvkA bldk ,d vkSj Hkh fu”d”kZ fudkyk x;k fd T;knk /kweziku djus oky¨a d¨ gzn;k?kkr dk nnZ eglwl ugha g¨rk ftlls j¨x dk funku tYn uk g¨us ls le; ij bykt ugha g¨ ikrk t¨ tkuysok Hkh g¨ tkrk gSA bldk nq”çHkko gkFk dh mu Åaxfy;¨a ij Hkh viuk çd¨i M+kyrk gS ftuesa flxjsV T;knk nsj rd Qalh jgrh gSA mldh xehZ Ropk dh laosnuk d¨ [kRe dj nsrh gSA ^pfpZy flxkj cgqr ihrs FksA ,d ckj fdlh us muls dgk] bruk /kweziku vkid¨ /khjs&/khjs e©r dh vksj ys tk jgk gSA* pfpZy us rqjar tokc fn;k&eq>s Hkh d¨Ã tYnh ugha gS
vkSj¨a ds fy, ?kqliSfB, gekjs fy, Hkxoku nqfu;k oSls pkgs ftruh N¨Vh g¨rh tk jgh g¨ ij fQj Hkh cVh iM+h gS rjg&rjg dh lhekvksa esaA txg&txg rjg&rjg dh otZuka,sa e©twn gSaA ,slk ugha gS fd d¨Ã fdlh Hkh ns’k esa ,sls gh euethZ ls pyk tk, vkSj y©V vk,A Bhd Hkh gS] Hkkà mudk ?kj gS ,sls gh dSls d¨Ã eqag mBk, pyk tk ldrk gSA blhfy, fdlh Hkh ns’k esa tkus&vkus ds fy, ogka dh btktr ysuk cgqr t:jh g¨rk gSA yqds&fNis] xSj dkuwuh :i ls fdlh Hkh ns’k esa ?kqlus dh d¨f’k’k djus ij rjg&rjg ds naM+¨a dh O;oLFkk dj j[kh gS lHkh usA tSls %& mÙkjh d¨fj;k dh lhek yka?kus ij 12 lky ds lJe dkjkokl dk çko/kku gSA og Hkh fdlh lqulku bykds esaA Ãjku esa ,slk djrs idM+s tkus ij ml O;Dfr d¨ vlhfer le; ds fy, dkjkokl esa Bwal fn;k tkrk gSA vQxkfuLrku esa r¨ lh/ks x¨yh ekj nh tkrh gSA vjfc;u ns’k¨a esa lJe dkjkokl lquk fn;k tkrk gSA phu esa ftlus ,slk nqLlkgl fd;k og r¨ ,slk xk;c dj fn;k tkrk gS ftldk fQj dHkh irk gh ugha pyrkA osustq,yk esa ,slk djusokys d¨ tklwl le>k tkrk gS vkSj lh/ks tsy dh gok f[kyk nh tkrh gSA D;wck r¨ ,sls gh [kklk cnuke jgk gSA ogka
,sls O;Dfr d¨ tsy esa vekuqf’kd ;=a.kk,a nh tkrh gSaA ;¨j¨i ds ns’k¨a esa tsy esa j[k dj eqdnek pyk;k tkrk gSA pw¡fd ge ^vfrfFk* d¨ Hkxoku ekurs gSa blhfy, vius ns’k esa ;fn d¨Ã ,slh gjdr djrk gS vkSj Fk¨M+k lk Hkh ^paV* g¨rk gS r¨ nsf[k, mls D;k&D;k feyrk gS & *jk’ku dkMZ+] *ikl i¨VZ] *iwjs ns’k esa ?kweus ds fy, M~+jk;foax yk;lsal] *o¨Vj vkÃ-Mh-]*ØsfMV dkMZ+] */kkfeZd ;k=kvksa esa fdjk, esa Hkkjh NwV] *u©djh esa vkj{k.k] *ljdkj }kjk eq¶r f’k{kk] nok&nk:] ?kj] *dqN Hkh c¨yus dh Lora=rk] *vius o¨V }kjk Hkz”V y¨x¨a d¨ pquus dh lgwfy;r] t¨ thr dj muds fgr¨a dh j{kk dj ldsaA D;k dqN dguk pkgsaxs vki] bl ckjs esa \
u¨csy iq:Ldkj vkSj tokgj yky usg# ;g r¨ lHkh tkurs gSa fd iqokZxzg¨a ds pyrs] ‘kkafr iqjLdkj ds fy,] u¨csy QkmaMs’ku us xka/khth dh vuns[kh dh FkhA ckn esa u¨csy lfefr us viuh Hkwy eku Hkh yh FkhA gkykafd lkjh dk;Zokgh x¨iuh; g¨rh gSA ysfdu dqN le; igys bl lfefr us 1901 ls 1956 rd dk iwjk C;¨jk lkoZtfud fd;k gS] ftlls irk pyrk gS fd bl QkmaMs’ku us Hkkjr ds igys ç/kku ea=h ds uke d¨ Hkh xaHkhjrk ls ugha fy;kA og Hkh ,d&n¨ ckj ugha] iwjs X;kjg ckj muds uke d¨ [kkfjt fd;k x;kA 1950 esa usg#th ds uke ls n¨ çLrko Hksts x;s FksA mUgsa viuh xqVfujis{k fons’k uhfr vkSj vfgalk ds fl)kar¨ ds ikyu djus ds dkj.k ukekafdr fd;k x;k FkkA ij ml le; jkYQ cqaps d¨ fQyhLrhu esa e/;LFkrk djus ds miy{; esa u¨csy ‘kkafr iqjLdkj fn;k x;kA 1951 esa usg:th d¨ rhu ukekadu gkfly gq, FksA ij ml ckj Ýkalhlh VªsM ;wfu;u usrk fy;¨u t¨gkDl d¨ pqu fy;k x;k FkkA 1953 esa Hkh usg#th dk uke csfYt;e ds lkaln¨a dh vksj ls çLrkfor fd;k x;k Fkk] ysfdu bl o”kZ ;g iqjLdkj] f}rh; fo’o;q) esa vesfjdh lsukvksa dk usr`Ro djusokys tktZ lhA ek’kZy ds gd esa pyk x;kA 1954 esa fQj usg#th d¨ n¨ ukekadu çkIr gq,] ij fQj dgha uk dgha rdnhj vkM+s vk;h vkSj bl ckj ;g iqjLdkj fdlh balku d¨ ugha] cfYd la;qDr jk”Vª ‘kj.kkFkhZ mPpk;qDr dk;kZy; ds i{k esa pyk x;kA vafre ckj usg#th dk uke 1955 esa Hkh çLrkfor fd;k x;k FkkA ijUrq bl ckj ;g f[krkc fdlh d¨ Hkh uk nsdj bldh jkf’k iqjLdkj laca/kh fo’ks”k d¨”k esa tek dj nh x;h FkhA ,slk r¨ ugha Fkk fd x¨js&dkys dk Hksn Hkko ;k fQj ,d ,sls ns’k] t¨ o”kZ¨a x¨j¨a dk xqyke jgk g¨] dk çfrfuf/kRo djusokys balku d¨ ;g iqjLdkj nsuk mUgsa ukxokj xqtjk g¨A
vkalw] çÑfr dk ,d migkjvkalw] nq[k ds] ihM+k ds] Xykuh ds] ijs’kkuh ds ;k fQj [kq’kh dsA eu dh fofHkUu voLFkkvksa ij ‘kjhj dh çfrfØ;k ds QyLo#i vka[k¨a ls cgus okyk tyA tc Hkkouk,a csdkcw g¨ tkrh gSa r¨ eu d¨ laHkkyus] mld¨ gYdk djus dk dke djrk gS ^vJq*A blds lkFk&lkFk
xxu “kekZ gh ;g gekjh vka[k¨a d¨ lkQ rFkk dhVk.kqeqDr j[krk gSA vkalw dk mn~xe ^ySØsesy lSd* uke dh xzUFkh ls g¨rk gSA Hkkoukvksa dh rhozrk vka[k¨a esa ,d jklk;fud fØ;k d¨ tUe nsrh gS] ftlds QyLo#i vkalw cgus yxrs gSaA bldk jklk;fud ijh{k.k crkrk gS fd bldk 94 çfr’kr ikuh rFkk ckdh dk Hkkx jklk;fud rRo¨a dk g¨rk gSA ftlesa dqN {kkj vkSj ykÃl¨tkbe uke dk ,d ;©fxd jgrk gS] t¨ dhVk.kqvksa d¨ u”V djus dh {kerk j[krk gSA blh ds dkj.k gekjh vka[ksa ftok.kqeqDr jg ikrh gSaA oSKkfud¨a ds vuqlkj vkalwvksa esa bruh vf/kd dhVk.kquk’kd {kerk g¨rh gS fd blds Ng gtkj xquk ty esa Hkh bldk çHkko cuk jgrk gSA ,d pEep vkalw] l© xSyu ikuh d¨ dhVk.kq jfgr dj ldrk gSA ,slk le>k tkrk gS fd dHkh uk j¨usokys ;k de j¨usokys etcwr fny ds g¨rs gSaA ij MkDVj¨a dk utfj;k vyx gS] muds vuqlkj ,sls O;Dfr vlkekU; g¨rs gSaA mudk eu j¨xh g¨ ldrk gSA ,sls O;Dfr;¨a d¨ j¨us dh lykg nh tkrh gSA r¨ tc Hkh dHkh vkalw cgkus dk fny djs ¼çHkw dh n;k ls e©ds [kq’kh ds gh g¨a½ r¨ f>>dsa ughaA [kwu] fdruk tkurs gSa ge blds ckjs esa \ jDr] [kwu] ygw] #f/kj fdrus uke gSa bl thounk;h rjy ds] t¨ tUe ls ysdj e`R;q ç;ar gekjs ‘kjhj esa vuojr n©M+rk jgdj gesa ftUnxh çnku djrk jgrk gSA fQj Hkh ge blds ckjs esa T;knk ugha tkurs {MkDVj¨a ds vykok}A esjs ikl dqN tkudkfj;ka gSa ftUgsa ckaVuk pkgrk gwaA buds vykok ;fn vkids ikl g¨a r¨ lcd¨ t:j crk;sa&&& gekjs ‘kjhj esa djhc ik¡p yhVj jDr fo|eku jgrk gSA bldh vk;q dqN fnu¨a ls ysdj 120 fnu¨a rd dh g¨rh gSA blds ckn bldh d¨f’kdk,a rhYyh esa VwVrh jgrh gSaA ijUrq blds lkFk&lkFk vLFkh&eTtk {c¨u eSj¨} esa bldk mRiknu Hkh g¨rk jgrk gSA ;g cuus vkSj VwVus dh fØ;k ,d fuf’pr vuqikr esa g¨rh jgrh gS] ftlls ‘kjhj esa [kwu dh deh ugha g¨ ikrhA jDr okfgfu;¨a esa çokfgr g¨us okyk ;g xk<+k] dqN fpifpik] yky jax dk æO;] ,d thfor mÙkd gSA ;g Iykt+ek vkSj jDr d.k¨a ls fey dj curk gSA Iykt+ek og futhZo rjy ek/;e gS ftlesa jDr d.k rSjrs jgrs gSaA Iykt+ek ds lgkjs gh ;s d.k lkjs ‘kjhj esa igqap ikrs gSa vkSj og Iykt+ek gh gS t¨ vkar¨a ls ‘k¨f”kr i¨”kd rRo¨a d¨ ‘kjhj ds fofHkUu Hkkx¨a rd igqapkrk gS vkSj ikpu fØ;k ds ckn cus gkuhdkjd inkFkZ¨a d¨ xqnZs rd ys tk dj mUgsa fQj
Page 14 lkQ+ g¨us dk e©dk nsrk gSA jDrd.k rhu çdkj ds g¨rs gSa] yky] lQ+sn vkSj IySVySV~lA yky d.k Q+sQ+M+¨a ls vkDlhtu ys lkjs ‘kjhj esa igqapkus dk vkSj dkcZuMkÃvkDlkÃM d¨ ‘kjhj ls Q+sQ+M+¨a rd ys tkus dk dke djrs gSaA budh deh ls vfufe;k dk j¨x g¨ tkrk gSA lQ+sn d.k gkuhdkjd rRo¨a rFkk fcekjh iSnk djus okys ftok.kqvksa ls ‘kjhj dh j{kk djrs gSaA IysVysV~l jDr okfgfu;¨a dh lqj{kk rFkk [kwu cukus esa lgk;d g¨rs gSaA euq”;¨a esa jDr gh lcls vklkuh ls çR;kj¨fir fd;k tk ldrk gSA ij fHkUu&fHkUu jDr d.k rjg&rjg ,Vhtal okys g¨rs gSaA bUgha ,Vhtal ls jDr d¨ fofHkUu oxZ¨a esa ckaVk x;k gS vkSj jDr nku djrs le; blh dk /;ku j[kk tkrk gSA egRoiw.kZ ,Vhtal d¨ n¨ Hkkx¨a esa ckaVk x;k gSA igyk , ch vks rFkk nqljk vkj&,p o ,p&vkjA ftu y¨x¨a dk jDr ftl ,Vhtal okyk g¨rk gS mls mlh ,Vhtal okyk jDr nsrs gSaA ftu ij d¨Ã ,Vhtal ugh g¨rk mudk xzqi “vks” dgykrk gSA ftuds jDr d.k ij vkj&,p ,Vhtal ik;k tkrk gS os vkj&,p ikftfVo vkSj ftuij ugha ik;k tkrk os vkj&,p usxsfVo dgykrs gSaA vks oxZ okys O;Dfr d¨ loZnkrk vkSj , ch okys d¨ loZxzkgh dgk tkrk gSA ijUrq , ch jDr okys d¨ , ch jDr gh fn;k tkrk gSA tgka LoLFk O;Dfr dk jDr fdlh dh tku cpk ldrk gS] ogha j¨xh] vLoLFk O;Dfr dk [kwu fdlh ds
ekpZ&viSzy fy;s tkuysok Hkh lkfcr g¨ ldrk gSA blhfy, [kwu ysus&nsus esa cgqr lko/kkuh dh vko’;drk g¨rh gSA oSls vc oSKkfud¨a us ç;¨x’kkyk esa Hkh Ñf=e jDr dk fuekZ.k dj fy;k gS vkSj vk’kk gS fd fudV Hkfo”; esa jDr dh vuqiyC/krk ls fdlh dh tku ugha tk,xhA ;g ^f=’kadq* d©u gS \ lÙkk vkSj /ku vkt ls ugha gtkj¨a&gtkj lky ls euq”; ds fnekx d¨ foÑr djrs vk, gSaA fQj ml vlarqfyr fnekx us vius Lokeh d¨ vge ls Hkj ludh cuk vthc¨xjhc dke ;k QSlys djus ij etcwj fd;k gSA,slk gh ,d pfj= gS ^f=’kadq*A ftldk vlyh uke Fkk lR;ozrA lw;Zoa’kh jktk lR;ozrA bl ij çHkw dh vlhe Ñik FkhA ;’k pkj¨a vksj QSyk gqvk FkkA lc Bhd&Bkd Fkk ij mls dqN vu¨[kk djus dh bPNk lnk cuh jgrh FkhA vpkud ,d fnu mlds fnekx esa ,d dhMk dqycqyk;k vkSj ,d lud us tUe fy;k fd eq>s l’kjhj LoxZ tkuk gSA cl fQj D;k Fkk bl ç;¨tu ds fy, mlus fo’ks”k ;K dh rS;kjh dj vius dqyxq# _”kh ofl”B d¨ ;K dk lapkyu djus d¨ dgkA ij ofl”B us bl çÑfr fo#) dk;Z d¨ djus ls badkj dj fn;kA jktk ij r¨ lud lokj Fkh mlus _”kh ofl”B ds iq=¨a ds ikl tk muls bl dk;Z d¨ laiUu djokus d¨ dgkA ij os Hkh bl xyr ijaijk d¨ Mkyus d¨ fdlh Hkh çdkj jkth ugha gq,A le>kus ij Hkh jktk us mudh ckr ugha
lkeqnkf;d ekuh vkSj mUgsa cqjk&Hkyk dgus yxk ftlls _”kh iq=¨a d¨ ب/k vk x;k vkSj mUg¨aus mls pkaMky cu tkus dk Jki ns MkykA mlh {k.k jktk dh dkafr efyu g¨ x;h vkSj og Jhghu g¨ x;kA ij mlus Hkh gB ugha N¨M+k vkSj mlh voLFkk esa og _”kh fo’okfe= ds ikl x;k vkSj lkjh ckr crk viuk ;K iwjk djus dh çkFkZuk djus yxkA mldk gky ns[k _”kh æfor g¨ x;s vkSj mUg¨aus ;K lapkfyr djus dh LohÑfr ns nhA ;K esa ‘kkfey g¨us ds fy, lkjs czkg~e.k¨a d¨ vkea=a.k Hkstk x;k ij ofl”B iq=¨a us ;g dg dj vkus ls badkj dj fn;k fd czkg~e.k dqy ds g¨ dj os fdlh pkaMky ds ;K esa Hkkx ugha ys ldrs tc fd og ;K Hkh ,d czkg~e.k }kjk lapkfyr uk g¨ dj ,d {k=h; } kjk fd;k tk jgk g¨A muds bu dVq opu¨a ls Øq) g¨ dj fo’okfe= us mUgsa HkLe g¨ tkus vkSj vxys tUe esa pkaMky ;¨fu esa tUeus dk Jki ns MkykA fQj mUg¨aus ;K iwjk fd;k vkSj vius ri¨cy ls jktk lR;ozr d¨ lnsg LoxZ fHktok fn;kA m/kj nsojkt baæ bl xyr ijaijk ls cgqr بf/kr Fks l¨ blds fuokj.k gsrq mUg¨aus lR;ozr d¨ fQj uhps dh vksj <dsy fn;kA vc _”kh ds ri¨cy vkSj nso çd¨i ds dkj.k lR;ozr dgha dk uk jgkA dgrs gSa vkt Hkh og /kjrh vkSj vkdk’k ds chp f=’kadq cu yVdk gqvk gSA
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fganh jsfM;¨ dh u;h igpku % fufru enku n¨ lky igys flMuh ds fganh jsfM;¨ çlkj.k esa ,d u;k e¨M+ vk;kA flMuh okflvksa d¨ ,d ,sls ç¨xzke dh t+:jr Fkh t¨ eu¨jatd g¨us ds lkFk lkFk lekt ds nwljs igyqvksa d¨ Hkh lh/kh vkSj ljy Hkk”kk esa çLrqr dj ldsA bl varj d¨ iwjk djus dh d¨f’k’k esa ‘kq: gqvk jsfM;¨ lqj laxe] gj jfookj d¨ n¨igj 3 cts 99-9 ,Q ,e ij çLrqr fd;k tkus okyk ;s ç¨xzke fganh jsfM;¨ txr esa viuh ,d vyx igpku cukus esa lQy jgk gSA jsfM;¨ lqj laxe d¨ lQy cukus dk Js; tkrk gS ç¨xzke ds mRiknd vkSj çLrqrdrkZ fufru enku d¨] ftuds vuFkd ç;kl ds pyrs lqj laxe us bl eghus n¨ lky iwjs dj fy, gSa vkSj gj g¶rs lQyrk ds f’k[kj dh vkSj c<+rk tk jgk gSA fganh x©jo ds lkFk dh x;h bl ckrphr ds n©jku fufru th us vius vkSj lqj laxe ds ckjs esa dqN vudgh ckrsa crkÃaA fganh x©jo % fufru th] lcls igys r¨ vkid¨ lqj laxe ds n¨ o”kZ iwjs g¨us ij gkfnZd c/kkà g¨A fufru enku % /kU;okn thA oSls c/kkà ds vlyh ik= r¨ gekjs J¨rk gSa] ftuds çse vkSj lg;¨x ds cy ij gh ;g laHko g¨ ik;k gS vkSj mEehn gS fd vkxs Hkh bl lQj esa mudk lkFk feyrk jgsxkA fganh x©jo % ;g crkÃ;s fd lqj laxe dk ;g lQ+j ‘kq: dSls gqvk\ fufru enku % nsf[k;s] fganh ls eq>s cgqr yxko gSA vkWLVªsfy;k vkus ds ckn eSa lHkh fganh ds ç¨xzke cM+s ‘k©d ls lquk djrk FkkA dHkh dHkh ,slk eu esa vkrk Fkk fd eSa Hkh jsfM;¨ ds ml rjQ tkÅaA 2007 esa eSa 99-9 ,Q ,e dk lnL; cuk vkSj n¨ lky bart+kj ds ckn eq>s e©dk feyk viuk ç¨xzke ‘kq: djus dkA vçSy 2009 esa tc lqj laxe ‘kq: gqvk r¨ igys ç¨xzke ds lkFk gh y¨x¨ dk Hkjiwj ç¨Rlkgu feyk vkSj le; ds lkFk lkFk ç¨xzke vkSj Hkh fu[kjrk x;kA igys ;g eaxyokj lqcg 9 cts çlkfjr g¨rk Fkk] ysfdu ,d lky igys J¨rkvksa dh ekax ij bldk le; cny dj jfookj n¨igj 3 cts dj fn;k x;kA eSa vdsyk gh pyk Fkk tkfucs eafty exj ] y¨x lkFk vkrs x, vkSj dkjoka c<+rk x;kA fganh x©jo % lqj laxe tSls ç¨xzke dk gekjs lekt esa D;k ;¨xnku gS\ fufru enku % gj O;fDr dk uSfrd drZO; g¨rk gS viuh laLÑfr] viuh Hkk”kk d¨ vxyh ih<+h rd igq¡pkukA vkSj t¨ y¨x ijnsl esa jgrs gSa] muds fy,
r¨ ;g ft+Eesnkjh vkSj Hkh c<+ tkrh gSA gekjh rjQ ls ;g ,d N¨Vk lk ç;kl gS vius leqnk; ds fy, dqN djus dkA lekt us gesa bruk dqN fn;k gS] r¨ Fk¨Mk lk y©Vkuk gekjk Hkh Q+tZ+ curk gSA gekjh laLÑfr vkSj Hkk”kk d¨ lgst dj j[kus dh t¨ gekjs leqnk; dh d¨f’k’k gS] mles gekjk ;g N¨Vk lk ;¨xnku gSA fganh x©jo % vkius iwjs leqnk; dh ckr dh gS] r¨ ckdh lkekftd laLFkkvksa ds ç;kl ds lkFk vki [kqn d¨ dgk¡ ikrs gSa\ fufru enku % vius vius LFkku ij dà y¨x d¨f’k’k djus esa yxs gq, gSaA tSls vki fganh if=dk fud- gq, gj oxZ vkSj gj vk;q ds O;fDr d¨ /;ku esa j[kk ky jgs gSa] d¨Ã fganh Ldwy pyk jgk gS] d¨Ã lkaLÑfrd x;k gSA ç¨xzke dh ‘kq#vkr ,d Fkhe ls g¨rh gS] ;g dk;ZØe vk;¨ftr djrk gS] d¨Ã g¨yh] nhokyh tSls fo”k; fdlh lkekftd eqÌs] R;©gkj] lkaLÑfrd fnu] fj’r¨a ;k j¨t+ejZk dh ftanxh ij vk/kkfjr g¨rk gSA xhr¨a ds t+fj;s bl fo”k; ij tkudkjh nh tkrh gSA fQj gekjs x+t+y çsfe;¨a ds fy, egfQ+y ltrh gS dqN ‘kk;jh vkSj ,d pquh gqà x+t+y ds lkFkA g¶rs ds V‚i 3 xhr¨a esa vkus okyh fQYe¨ ds uohure xhr¨a d¨ lqukrs gSa vkSj bl n©jku orZeku çlax¨a ij vk/kkfjr dqN [kV~Vh ehBh ckrsa Hkh g¨rh gSaA gkfy;k fjyht+ gqà fQYe dh leh{kk dh tkrh gS] t¨ fd y¨x cgqr ilan djrs gSaA blds bykok leqnk;d lwpukvksa esa flMuh esa g¨ jgs dk;ZØe¨a dh rQlhy nh tkrh gS vkSj buds vk;¨td¨a ls ckrphr Hkh g¨rh gSA
R;¨gkj¨a ij esys yxkrk gS vkSj dqN ek cki ?kj ij cPp¨a d¨ f’k{kk nsrs gSA ;g bu lcdk ;¨xnku gS ,d cM+s y{; d¨ çkIr djus dh vkSj ;g y{; gS viuh laLÑfr vkSj Hkk”kk d¨ ftank j[kuk] ih<+h nj ih<+h vkxs c<+kuk rkfd ge viuh tM+¨a ls tqM+sa jgsaA ge Hkh vius ç¨xzke ds t+fj;s uk flQZ xhr¨a ds lkFk y¨x¨a dk eu¨jatu djrs gSa] cfYd vius ns’k] lekt vkSj Hkk”kk ds ckjs esa tkx:drk Hkh QSykrs gSaA fganh x©jo % lqj laxe ç¨xzke dh :i js[kk ds ckjs esa dqN crkb,A fufru enku % lqj laxe dh :ijs[kk cukrs
fganh x©jo % vki flQZ ,d ?kaVs esa bruk dqN çLrqr djrs gSa] ;s crkÃ;s eVsfjvy dk p;u fdl vk/kkj ij djrs gSa\ fufru enku % gekjs ikl flQZ ,d ?kaVk gh g¨rk gS blfy, ,d ,d feuV gekjs fy, cgqr dherh gSA gj xhr dk p;u dkQh l¨p le> dj fd;k tkrk gSA iqjkus lnkcgkj xhr¨a ls ysdj fcydqy uohure xhr¨a rd dk larqyu cukuk iM+rk gSA t¨ y¨x viuh ;knsa ihNs ns’k esa N¨M+ vk;s gSa mud¨ muds vrhr ls t¨M+us ds lkFk lkFk vkt dh ih<+h dh t+:jr¨a d¨ Hkh /;ku esa j[kuk t+:jh gSA vktdy y¨x¨ d¨ Hkk”k.k vPNk ugha yxrk [kkldj ;qok ih<+h tYnh c¨j g¨ tkrh gS] blfy, ç¨xzke d¨ lh/kh vkSj ljy Hkk”kk esa j¨pd cukdj is’k djuk gh gekjk mÌs’; gSA ‘kk;n ;gh otg gS ds y¨x gj g¶rs ç¨xzke dk bart+kj djrs gSaA
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Page 17
’o esa lcls T;knk xkuk xkus okyh esy¨Mh Dohu vk’kk Hk¨lys dk flMuh esa d¨alVZ Fkk] ftlesa gtkj¨a y¨x¨a us vk’kk Hk¨lys ds lkFk çflÌ xk;d vfer dqekj ds xku¨a ij >wedj yqIr mBk;kA vk’kk Hk¨lys ds dalVZ ls igys vk;¨ftr ,d çsl d¨alVZ esa mud¨ utnhd ls tkuus
ekpZ&viSzy dk e©dk feykA vk’kk th ds lkFk vfer dqekj vkSj laxhrdkj fufru ‘kadj vius iwjs E;wftd daiuh ds lkFk flMuh vk;s FksA vk’kk th us crk;k fd og nl o”kZ dh vk;q ls xkus xk jgh gSA tc mUg¨aus xkuk xkuk ‘kq: fd;k ml le; dà çflÌ xkf;dk,¡ igys ls e©twn Fkh ftlls mud¨ viuh txg cukus esa dkQh laxhr dkQh ilan fd;k tkrk gSA vk’kk th us crk;k fd iape vius n©j ls Hkh vkxs dk laxhr cukrs FksA vk’kk th us fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ eLre¨yk vkSj egku xk;d crk;k t¨ fd gj Q+u esa ekfgj Fks pkgs og xk;d] dykdkj] ;k fQYe fuekZrk g¨ gj {ks= esa og deky dh idM+ j[krs FksA fd’k¨j dqekj vkSj vkj Mh ceZu tSls dykdkj lfn;¨a esa ,d ckj g¨rs gSA
vk’kk Hk¨lys ds laxhr ds lj¨cj esa flMuh Mwck yrk th xkuk xk jgh Fkh vkSj vk’kk th cscl g¨dj ns[krh jghA mUg¨aus fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ ncax crk;k dgk t¨ ckr fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ vPNh ugha yxrh Fkh r¨ og dg nsrs Fks] ,d ckj mudk vkSj fd’k¨j dqekj dk xkuk laxhrdkj us fdlh vkSj ls fjd¨MZ djk fy;k] fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ dkQh cqjh yxh eqf’kdy vkÃA vk’kk th us ckj ckj n¨gjk;k fd vkj Mh ceZu vius le; ds csgrjhu laxhrdkj Fks] vkius t¨ Hkh laxhr cuk;k o¨ ml le; ls dkQh vkxs ds le; dk Fkk ftlls ml le; r¨ mudk laxhr mruk ilan ugha fd;k x;k ysfdu vkt ds n©j esa mudk
vkius crk;k fd jkgqy ,aM vkà d‚UlVZ muds fny ds djhc gS D;¨fd eSaus iape d¨ vusd¨ /kqu¨a d¨ cukrs gq, lquk gS mudk laxhr esjs fny ds dkQh djhc gSA mUg¨aus ;g Hkh crk;k fd ‘kq#vkr esa dà ckj ;g Hkh gqvk fd fdlh xkus ds fy, eSaus esgur dh vkSj og xkuk fdlh vkSj ls fjd¨MZ djk fy;k x;kA ,d ckj ,d laxhrdkj us muds lkFk xkuk iDdk dj fn;k tc og LVwfM;¨ igqaph r¨ yrk th xkuk xk jgh Fkh vkSj vk’kk th cscl g¨dj ns[krh jghA mUg¨aus fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ ncax crk;k dgk t¨ ckr fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ vPNh ugha yxrh Fkh r¨ og dg nsrs Fks] ,d ckj mudk vkSj fd’k¨j dqekj dk xkuk laxhrdkj us fdlh vkSj ls fjd¨MZ djk fy;k t¨fd fd’k¨j dqekj d¨ dkQh cqjh yxh vkSj tc fd’k¨j dqekj dk le; vk;k r¨ mUg¨aus ml laxhrdkj d¨ dgk vkSj mld¨ dkQh tyhy fd;kA vk’kk th ls tc iqNk x;k fd vki vkSj yrk th ,d lkFk LwwVst ij dc xkuk xk;saxh r¨ vk’kk th crk;k fd dqN o”kZ iwoZ vk’kk th yrk th ds lkFk dydÙkk esa ,d d¨alVZ dj pqdh gS ftlesa vfer dqekj us Hkh lkFk esa ;qxy xkus xk;sa Fks t¨ fd dkQh lQy jgk mEehn ls T;knk y¨x vk;s Fks vkSj y¨x vkt Hkh bl ‘k¨ d¨ ;kn djrs gS] og Hkh pkgrh gS yrk th ds lkFk ‘k¨ djs og yrk th ds vkns’k dk bart+kj vkt Hkh dj jgh gSA
Page 18
xku¨a dk lQ+j tjh j[kk lkFk esa vkius mu xku¨a ls lEcf/kr fdLls Hkh lquk;sA vfer dqekj us fQYe c¨Ecs Vw x¨ok ds xkus M¨ys M¨ys M¨ys M¨ys ds ckjs esa Hkh crk;k fd fd’k¨j dqekj us dSls bl xkus ds eq[kM+s ds ckjs esa lq>k;k Fkk vkSj vfer dqekj us lHkh xkus cM+h mtkZ ds lkFk xk;s d¨Ã ;s ugha dg ldrk fd fd’k¨j dqekj djhc 60 c”kZ ds utnhd g¨axsA vk’kk th us pqjk fy;k rqeus t¨ fny d¨ ut+j ugha pqjkuk] iwN¨ u ;kj vfer dqekj us loky¨ ds tckc esa crk;k fd mud¨ muds firkth fd’k¨j dqekj us dkQh N¨Vh vk;q D;k gqvkA rqeis r¨ ge ej feVs gS- tkus gekjk vkxs D;k g¨xkA vk’kk th ,oa vfer dqekj us dqN ;qxy ls xkuk xkus dh Vªsfuax nh FkhA vfer dqekj us crk;k fd mUg¨aus ‘kq#vkr esa dà fQYe¨a ds fy, xkus xk;s gSA ‘kq#vkr esa mud¨ dà eqf’kdy¨ dk lkeuk djuk iM+k tc mUg¨aus viuk dSfj;j ‘kq: fd;k r¨ ml le; eqds’k] jQ+h] fd’k¨j vkSj eqUuk Ms vius iSj tek pqds Fks vkSj T;knkrj fQYe¨a esa mUgh ls xkuk fjd¨MZ djk;k tkrk FkkA tc vfer dqekj ls iqNk x;k fd mUg¨aus T;knk fQYe¨a esa xkus D;¨a ugha xk;s gS r¨ bl ç’u dk tckc vk’kk th us fn;k fd vfer dqekj fdlh Hkh ikVhZ esa ugha tkrs fdlh ds iSj ugha Nwrs u gh fdlh d¨ eLdk ekjrs] vius dke ls dke j[krs gS vkSj og DokfyVh ds xkus xkus esa fo’okl j[krs gSA vfer dqekj us vius vkSj fd’k¨j dqekj ds ckjsa esa Hkh xk;s ftuesa Fks vktk vktk eSa gw¡ I;kj rsjk] vks esjs dà fnypLi ckrs crkÃA vk’kk th us c¨yk fd vfer fny ds pSu pSu vk;s esjs dqekj dkQh çfrHkk okys dykdkj gS tc gh r¨ og fny d¨ nqvk dhft,] ;s vfer dqekj ds lkFk o”kZ 1995 ls d¨alVZ dj jgh gSA tokuh gS nhokuh #d esjh jkuh] ,d eSa vkSj ,d rw ftl fnu dk flMuh okfl;¨a d¨ bart+kj Fkk n¨u¨a feys bl rjg ,oa o¨ fnu 5 ekpZ d¨ vk;k vk’kk Hk¨lys vkSj vfer dqekj n¨ y¶t¨a dh gS ,d dgus flMuh ds vksyfEid ikdZ esa laxhr dk t¨ u’kk kuhA y¨x¨a ij p<k;k mld¨ mrjus esa dkQh fnu yxsaxsA vk’kk th us lcls igys LVst ij flMuh ds çflÌ ,adj lquhy x©re th vk;s mug¨aus viuh lgk;d mn~?k¨f”kdk crk;k fd esjk dqN bf’krk c¨l ds lkFk dk;ZØe d¨ vkxs c<k;kA lquhy lkeku rqEgkjs ikl iM+k x©re us flMuh dh xkf;dk ‘osrk ‘kekZ d¨ xkuk xkus gSa d¨ iape th us dsoy ds fy, vkeaf=r fd;kA fQj ‘kq: gqvk lQ+j laxhr chl feuV esa vk’kk th dk vfer dqekj us vkrs gh LVst ij pkj pk¡n yxk ds lkeus rS;kj fd;k FkkA fn, mUg¨aus lcls igyk xkuk x;k ;s glhu¨a y¨ esa vk v’kk th us crk;k fd x;k mlds ckn r¨ vfer dqekj us ,d ls c<+dj ,d vkj nh ceZu usiky vius
lkeqnkf;d laxhr ds flyflys esa iUæg fnu ds fy, x, Fks ogka mUg¨aus dqN [kqclwjr yM+fd;¨a ds >q.M d¨ fpl¨a fpl¨ gok ek¡ xkrs lquk tc iape th Hkkjr okil y©Vs r¨ mUg¨aus iwN¨ u ;kj D;k gqvk] rqeis r¨ ge ej feVs gSa] tkus gekjk vkxs D;k g¨xk xkuk rS;kj fd;k t¨ fd dkQh lQy gqvkA vk’kk th us dqN etsnkj pqVdqys Hkh lquk,¡A vk’kk th us r¨jk eu niZ.k dgyk;s js d¨ dà xk;d¨a vkSj xkf;dkvksa fd vkokt+ esa lqukdj crk;k fd vyx&vyx xk;d dSls bl xkus d¨ xk;saxsA bl dk;ZØe esa U;w lkmFk osYl fd çhfe;j fØLVhuk dsusYyh ,oa foi{k ds usrk csjZh vks* QjZsYy dk çfrfu/kRo gOdsLcjh ls fycjy ikVhZ ds mEehnokj js fofy;El us vk’kk Hk¨lys dk lEeku fd;kA çhfe;j fØLVhuk dsusYyh us bl volj ij dgk fd mud¨ cgqr [k+q’kh g¨ jgh gS fd egku xkf;dk vk’kk Hk¨lys th dk og lEeku dj jgh gS] tc vk’kk th us fØLVhuk d¨ c¨yk fd vki dkQh yEch gS r¨ fØLVhuk us dgk fd vk’kk th dk dn muls dà cM+k gS vkSj og fo’o esa viuh vkokt+ dk ijpe Qgjk jgh gSA fycjy ikVhZ ds js fofy;El us vk’kk th ds lEeku esa dgk fd vk’kk th dk esa Lokxr djrk gw¡ ;s esjk l©HkkX; gS fd vk’kk th ds lkFk esa eap ij [kM+k gw¡A bl dk;ZØe esa djhc 3500 y¨x mifLFkr FksA vk’kk th dk dk;ZØe esyc¨uZ esa Hkh vk;¨ftr djk;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe ds eq[; vk;¨td ;¨xs’k ‘kekZ Fks t¨ fd og igys Hkh dà vk;¨tu djk pqds gSA
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Page 20
TAZA TANDOORI RESTAURANT â&#x20AC;&#x153;Experience all the warmth of India in graceful yet relaxed surroundings.â&#x20AC;? Exciting Indian Restaurant started from November 2004, presenting Indian curries. Featuring delicacies from the North Indian & Indian Chinese Food, Aloo Paratha, Murgh Tikka, Tandoori Chicken, Kadhai Paneer and much more. We do Specialise in Catering for Special Occasions. We focus on quality at every stage - quality ingredients, quality preparation and quality, friendly service! At Taza you will experience authentic Indian cuisine prepared using traditional methods by experts with years of experience in preparing and presenting exceptional Indian dishes from all regions of India. TIMINGS: Lunch: Monday - Friday 11.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
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Page 21 ekpZ&viSzy M‚ rjy¨pu flag flMuh esa laxhr dk çdk”k fc[ksjsrs gq,
vkWLVªsfy;k esa Hkkjrh; leqnk; esa laxhr ds {ks= esa dqN çeq[k y¨x viuk vewY; ;¨xnku ns jgs gSA M‚ rjy¨pu flag laxhr ds {ks= esa ,d lEekfur uke gS t¨ laxhr esa xq#&f’k”; ijEijk d¨ vkxs c<+k jgs gSA M‚ rjy¨pu flag djhc chl o”kZ U;wthySaM esa laxhr ds lsok, ns pqds gS] vki vkWLVªsfy;k djhc uCcs ds n’kd esa vk;s Fks fQj vki U;w t hyS a M çLFkku dj x,A vki vHkh pkj o”kZ iwoZ flMuh esa okil vk x, gS] vki CySd Vkmu esa vius ,d laxhr Ldwy ds ek/;e ls laxhr dk çpkj&çlkj dj jgs gSA M‚ rjy¨pu flagw dk tUe Hkkjr ds iatkc çkUr esa ljnkj nrj flag th ,oa /keZ d©j ds ;gk¡ nl tuojh 1946 d¨
gqvkA o”kZ 1957 ls o”kZ 1967 rd vkius rcyk ctkuk rcyk v/;kid ljnkj cgknqj flag th ds funZs’ku esa lh[kkA o”kZ 1967 ls o”kZ 1982 ds e/; vkius vusd¨a jk”Vªh; ,oa baVjus’kuy dk;ZØe çLrqr fd;s ftuesa çeq[k gS & jsfM;¨ vkd’ fnYyh ,oa ve`rlj Vhoh lkFk esa vkid¨ vusd¨a lEeku çkIr gq, ftuesa çeq[k gS laxhr vyadkj] laxh; Hkk”dj ,oa laxhr çoh.kA M‚ rjy¨pu flag us ns’k ds vfrfjDr fons’k¨a esa Hkh vius laxhr dk çn’kZu fd;k gS ftuesa çeq[k gS uSj¨ch] baXySaM] FkkÃySaM] eysf’k;k] gkaxdkax] V¨j¨aV¨] osad©oj] vyLdk] okf’kaxVu ,oa vesfjdk ds ckYVhe¨j fo’o&fo|ky; vkfnA vkidh miyfC/k;ka vHkh [k+Re ugha g¨rh lkFk gh vkius ,p,Eoh ds fy, rcys dh fjd¨fMZax dhA vkius laxhr fnYyh fo’o&fo/kky; esa Hkh i<k;k gSA vkid¨ laxhr pwM+kef.k rcys dh n{krk ds fy, 1982 esa çnku
fd;k x;kA vkius o”kZ 1983 ls o”kZ 2006 rd dqN fdrkc¨a d¨ fy[kk ftudk çfrf”Br y¨x¨a us y¨dki.kZ fd;kA vkius ,d iqLrd vkun ds uke lh fy[kh ftldk y¨dki.kZ Hkkjr ds rRdkyhu jk”Vªifr us fd;kA vkius rky ‘kkL= iqLrd Hkh fy[kh ftldk y¨dki.kZ fd;k U;wthySaM dh ekuuh;k ç/kkuea=h gsysu dykdZ usA M‚ rjy¨pu flag us g¨yhoqM fQYe LVªhV QkÃVj esa rcyk ctk;k gSA M‚ rjy¨pu flag us fofHkUu LFky¨a ij viuk laxhr çLrqr fd;k ,oa v/;kiu dk;Z esa yxs jgs ftuesa çeq[k gS flaxkiqj] baM¨usf’k;k] tdkrkZ] esyc¨uZ] fczlcsu] U;wthySaM esa fofHkUu LFkyA vc M‚ flag pkj o”kZ ls flMuh esa laxhr dk çdk’k fc[ksj jgs gS ftldk ykHk vusd¨a fo/kkZFkhZ ykHk mBk jgs gSA M‚ flag rcys vfrfjDr vusd¨a laxhr ;U= ctk ysrs gS ;g dguk xyr u g¨xk fd M‚ flag vius vki esa ,d laxhr fd fdrkc gS ftlesa laxhr ls lEcaf/kr vusd¨a iUus gSA
“k¨VZ ,aM LohV us ,s”o;kZ fuf/k d¨ lEekfur fd;k
vkWLVªsfy;k esa Hkkjrh; fFk;sVj /khjs /khjs viuh igpku cuk pqdk gSA flMuh esa Hkkjrh; fFk;sVj ds fodkl esa dà y¨x¨ us egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk vnk dh gSA flMuh esa ,s’o;kZ fuf/k jaxeap dh nqfu;k esa ,d tkuk igpkuk uke gSA orZeku esa ,s’o;kZ th ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV ls tqMh gq;h gSA bl o”kZ ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV us iqjs nl o”kZ fd;s gSA ,s’o;kZ fuf/k ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV ls tqM+s gq, bl o”kZ pkj o”kZ iqjs gq, gS ftlds miy{; esa ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV us ,s’o;kZ fuf/k d¨ cz¨at+s çek.k i= ls vkWLVªsfy;k ds lcls çfrf”Br fFk;sVj NIDA esa lEekfur fd;kA ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV nl feuV ds ukVd¨a dk nqfu;k dk lcls cM+k ukV~; lekj¨g gS] ftlesa çfr o”kZ 150 ls T;knk ukVd LFkkuh; ,oa baVjus’kuy ys[kd¨a ds çLrqr fd;k tkrsa gSaA xr o”kZ ,s’o;kZ fuf/k }kjk vfHkuhr ukVd DokuZVhu ¼Quarantine½ ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV dh vkSfM,al p¨bl esa rhljk LFkku feyk FkkA blesa ,s’o;kZ fuf/k us felst [kUuk dk fdjnkj fuHkk;k Fkk ftlesa og vius csVs ds lkFk flMuh ,;j Q¨VZ ij igqaprh gS vkSj DokuZVhu vf/kdkfj;¨a ls mudk lkeuk g¨rk gS vkSj ‘kq: g¨rk gS gkL; dk lQ+j vkSj bl esa crk;k x;k gS dh fdl rjg og vf/kdkfj;¨a
ls tw>rh gSA bl ukVd d¨ fy[kk Fkk uhuk c/kokj usA ,s’o;kZ fuf/k xr o”kZ Hkkjr esa fnYyh esa gq, ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV esa vius ukVd DokuZVhu esa vfHku; dj pqdh gSA vkius ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV d¨ Hkkjrh; leqnk; esa y¨dfç; cukus esa dkQh cM+h Hkwfedk fuHkkà gS vkSj vkius Hkkjrh; leqnk; ls dkQh y¨x¨a d¨ ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV ls t¨M+k gSaA vkidk ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV esa loZJs”B vfHkus=h oxZ esa ukekadu g¨ pqdk gSA ,s’o;kZ fuf/k vfHku; Ldwy vkWQ+ QjQ¨feZax vkVZ~l lapkfyr djrh gS ftlds ek/;e ls mnh;eku y¨x¨a dh çfrHkk d¨ fu[kkjk tkrk gS ftlesa vfHku;] u`R;] ukV~; ys[ku ,oa fFk;sVj dh Vªsfuax nh tkrh gSA bl o”kZ ‘k¨VZ ,aM LohV dk Qk;uy NIDA esa gqvk ftlesa flMuh ds ys[kd]
vfHku; fd;k FkkA vkWLVªsfy;u ys[kd fxYM vokMZ Q‚j csLV LfØIV ds fy, blh ukVd ds ys[kd MsfoM cqYej d¨ vokMZ feykA turk dh ilan vokMZ Hkh blh ukVd d¨ feykA ,s’o;kZ fuf/k le; ij LVst ij ukVd eapu djkrh gS vkids }kjk vfHkuhr ukVd xka/kkjh d¨ y¨x Hkh vkids cst¨M+ vfHku; ds fy, ;kn djrs gSA ukVd ds lkFk ij laxhr dk;ZØe Hkh çrqLr djrh jgh gS vkius vHkh gky esa vk;Zu cCcj }kjk vHkhuhr fQYe fojlk esa Hkh vfHku; fd;k gSA vkid¨ fFk;sVj ,oa vfHku; dk ,d yEck vuqHko gS vkids [kkrs esa dkQh csgrjhu ukV~; gS ftuesa vkius vfHku; fd;k gSA ,s’o;kZ fuf/k us iwNus ij crk;k fd og Hkkjrh; leqnk; d¨ bl rjg ds baVj&us’kuy LVst ls t¨M+uk pkgrh gS ftlls t¨ vfHkusrk] ys[kd] funZs’kd] lkmaM ,aM ykbV rduhd ls tqM+s y¨x ,oa d¨LVqe fMtkÃulZ ukV~; ls tqM+uk pkgrs gS og jaxeap dh mPp DokfyVh dh ckjhfd;ka lh[ks ftlls og baVj&us’kuy eap ij lQy g¨ ldsA ,s’o;kZ fuf/k tYn gh ,d ukVd fganh esa djuk pkgrh gS ftlesa flMuh ds çfrHkk’kkyh dykdkj viuh {kerk dk ifjp; ns ldsaA
funZs’kd MsfoM cqYej ds ukVd Mwbax ÃV Q‚j nk isaxqbUl d¨ fotsrk ?k¨f”kr fd;k x;kA ;g ukVd jktfufrd O;ax ij vk/kkfjr Fkk ftlesa yscj ikVhZ dh ,d dk;ZdrkZ } kjk lkÃfdy dh lokjh dk cM+k gh j¨pd o.kZu FkkA bl ukVd d¨ dà iq:Ldkj feys ftuesa csLV vksojvky vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, laidZ djs ,s’o;kZ fuf/k ç¨MD’ku] csLV ys[kd] csLV vfHkusrk] csLV vfHkus=h çeq[k FksA bl ukVd esa ,fyl Qsfczl ,oa Msfe;u fgfXxUc¨Fke us ls 0488 200 222 ijA
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Page 23
lhfu;lZ flfVtu xzqi dh fyyh cj¨g v/;{k cuh bafM;u lhfu;lZ xzqi] g¨ZUlch] lhfu;lZ flfVtu ls lEcaf/kr xfrfof/k;¨a esa dkQh o”kZ ls lfØ; gSA ;g xzqi le; le; ij vusd¨a lkaLÑfrd ,oa lkekftd dk;ZØe lapfyr djrk jgk gSA bl xzqi dh laLFkkid gS ehjk jgstk th vHkh rd ehjk th bldh v/;{k FkhA Qjojh ekg esa bafM;u lhfu;lZ xzqi us vius çkf/ kdkfj;¨a ds fy, pquko vk;¨ftr djrs x, ftuesa fuEu uo&fuokZfpr çnkf/kdkjh pqus x,%& lykgdkj& Jherh v#.kk pUæyk v/;{k & Jherh fyyh cj¨g mi/;{k& txnh’k p©/kjh lfpo& nos iklh lg lfpo& ‘kkjnk ‘kekZ d¨”kk/;{k& vatfy xqIrk lg d¨”kk/;{k& ds ds ;kno lnL; &fnyhi p¨iM+k] jtuh [kUuk] jkds’k iwjh ch ih ‘kekZ] Hkwisaæ cj¨g] jkf/kdk [kkaMdj] dYiuk ukfliqjh
bl pquko esa n¨ pquko çHkkjh fu;qDr fd;s x, v#.kk paækyk& v/;{k ;w vkà ,s] vkSj lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ cjadk bOd¨fod Fks ftudh ns[kHkky esa pquko djk;s x,A dk;ZØe dh ‘k#vkr Jherh ehjk jgstk th us lHkh vkeaf=r vfFkfr;¨a] çnf/kdkfj;¨a] lnL;¨a ,oa Loa lsod¨a dk Lokxr djrs gq, dhA vkius n¨u¨a pquko çHkkfj;¨a d¨ bl dk;Z ds fy, cgqr cgqr /kU;ckn fn;k] vkius v#.kk paækyk ls bl xzqi dh lykgdkj cuus dk vuqj¨/k fd;k ftld¨ v#.kk pUæyk us Lohdkj dj fy;kA v#.kk paækyk us ;w vkà ,s dh rjQ ls bl xzqi d¨ Ng l© M‚yj nku fn;kAblds ckn ‘k¨Hkk Jherh ehjk jgstk th us bl volj ij vius [kV~Vs vkSj ehBs vuqHko cM+s Hkkoqd g¨dj crk;sA ‘k¨Hkk bUXys’oj us Hktu lqukdj dk;ZØe d¨ vkxs c<k;kA bl volj ij fuEu O;fDr bl xzqi ds Loa lsod cuk;s x,& vpZuk nqjkuh] jkt [kV~Vd] v’k¨d xqIrk] lquhy
Hkkjrh; leqnk; ls vihy vkWLVªsfy;k esa Hkkjrh; leqnk; us cgqr de gh le; esa ,d egRRoiw.kZ LFkku çkIr fd;k gSA Hkkjrh; leqnk; dh igpku ,d cqn~fnthoh] es/kkoh] ikfjokfjd ewY;¨a esa fo’okl j[kus okyk ,oa ‘kkafriwoZd leqnk; ds :i esa dh tkrh gSAvHkh gky esa ns[kus d¨ feyk gS t¨ leqnk; ‘kkafr ,oa HkkÃpkjs ds fy, tkuk tkrk jgk gS mlesa dqN xyrQgfe;ka] erHksn] dVk{k ,oa ,d&nqljs ij dhpM mNkyus ds dqN ekeys ns[kus d¨ feys gSA tSls fd lHkh tkurs gS fd U;w lkmFk osYl esa pquko dk ekg©y gS bl rjg ds ekeys vkSj T;knk ns[kus d¨ fey jgs gSA fdlh Hkh i<+s&fy[ks lekt esa fdlh Hkh rjg ds uQ+jr okys dVk{k ekU; ugha g¨rs gSA vHkh gky esa dqN y¨x¨a us Cy‚x] b&esy] Qslcqd ij dqN y¨x¨a ij O;fDrxr dVk{k fd;s gS t¨ fd fdlh Hkh ek;us esa uSfrd :i ls lgh ugha Bgjk, tk ldrs gS vkSj ;g dà dVk{k rF;¨a ls ijsa gSaAA Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds fofHkUu laxBu¨ us bu uQ+jr Hkjs Cy‚x] b&esy ij csgn ukjktxh trkà gS dgk gS fd bl rjg ds dke¨a ls Hkkjrh; leqnk; dk uke [k+jkc g¨ jgk gS t¨ fd fcydqy lgh ugha gSA lHkh y¨x¨a dk dke djus dk rjhdk vyx g¨rk gS vxj vki mlds dke¨ ls lger ugha gS r¨ vius vPNs dke¨a ls leqnk; esa viuk vewY; ;¨xnku ns ftlls lekt vkxs c<+ ldsa vkSj lgh fn’kk esa tk ldsaA lekt esa lHkh y¨x lEekfur y¨x gS fdlh d¨ Hkh fdlh ij O;fDrxr dVk{k djus dk gd+ u r¨ uSfrd :i ls gS u gh oS/kkfud :i ls gSA Hkkjrh; lekt ds lHkh lEekfur lnL;¨a ls vihy fd tkrh gS lHkh vius erHksn Hkwydj g¨yh ds R;©gkj ds volj ij lHkh erHksn Hkwydj ,d nwljs d¨ xys yxkdj lekt d¨ ldjkRed fn’kk esa ys tk,¡A
[kkaMdj] lehj l¨eS;k] esjk espy]Ar esa uo fuokZfpr v/;{k Jherh fyyh cj¨g us lHkh dk vkHkkj O;Dr djrs gq, Hkfo”; dh ;¨tukvksa ij çdk’k Mkyrs gq, dgk fd Jhefr ehjk jgstk th ds vuqHko¨a dk ykHk mBkrs gq, ge lHkh bl xzqi d¨ ,d lgh fn’kk esa ys tk;saxs ftlls Hkkjrh; laLÑfr ds varxZr ge lHkh ,d nqljs dk lEeku djrs gq, bl xzqi d¨ ,d lQyrk ds ekxZ ij LFkkfir dj ldsaA
Hkkjrh; ewy dh Nk=k dh flMuh esa gR;k vHkh gky esa 11 ekpZ d¨ baVjus’kuy Nk=k 24 o”khZ; r¨”kk BDdj dh flMuh esa gR;k dj nh x;hA r¨”kk Ø‚;Mu esa ,d edku esa ,d dejk esa jgrh Fkh ftl edku esa vU; fo/kkZFkhZ Hkh jgrs FksA crk;k tkrk gS r¨”kk dh gR;k mlds iM+¨l esa jgus okys 19 o”khZ; Msfu,y LVkuh&jsfxukYM us dh mlus gR;k ls igys cykRdkj fd;k vkSj fQj mld¨ ekjdj ,d lwVdsl esa Hkjdj iM+¨l esa gh ikuh ls Hkjh ,d txg Qsad fn;kA crk;k tkrk gS tc mlus lwVdsl Qsadk r¨ ogk¡ dke dj jgs ,d Jfed us ns[k fy;k FkkA r¨”kk BDdj Hkkjr ds xqtjkr çkUr ls rkYyqd j[krh FkhA r¨”k flMuh esa rhu o”kZ ls ,dkmafVax dh i<kà dj jgh FkhA crk;k tkrk gS r¨”kk dkQh gleq[k LokHkko dh FkhA crk;k tk jgk gS fd Msfu,y r¨”kk d¨ turk Fkk vkSj og vDlj mlds edku esa tkrk jgrk FkkA ,slk le>k tk jgk gS fd tc Msfu;y us mld¨ idM+k vkSj cykRdkj fd;k r¨ og igys ls dqN Hkh viuh j{kk esa ugha dj ikà D;¨fd mld¨ ;g vk’kadk ugha Fkh fd og mlds lkFk dqN xyr djsxkA Msfu;y vHkh iqfyl dh fgjklr esa gSA tc bl dsl dh lquokà g¨ jgh Fkh ml le; djhc 50&60 Hkkjrh; fo/kkZFkhZ mifLFkr Fks og dg jgs Fks fd mud¨ U;k; pkfg,A muls tc iwaNk x;k fd dgh ;g gR;k uLyoknh ekufldrk ds dkj.k r¨ ugha dh x;h r¨ mUg¨aus dgk fd vHkh dqN Hkh ugha dg ldrs D;¨fd r¨”kk dh gR;k djus okyk mld¨ igys ls tkurk FkkA d¨VZ dh lquokà ds le; Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds dqN çeq[k y¨x Hkh mifLFkr Fks mUg¨aus fo/kkZfFkZ;¨ ls vihy dh gS og fdlh Hkh çdkj dh lgk;rk ds fy, fdlh Hkh laLFkk ls laidZ djs lkFk esa mUg¨aus dgk fd tc rd Nk=&;k Nk=k fdlh d¨ cgqr vPNh rjg ls ugha tkurs tc rd og mUgsa vius ikl u cqyk;s u gh feys vxj fo/kkZfFkZ;¨ d¨ fdlh Hkh gukg¨uh dh vk’kadk g¨ r¨ rqjar iqfyl d¨ lwfpr djsaA lkFk esa leqnk; ds usrkvksa us dgk gS fd bl gR;k d¨ vHkh uLyokn ls t¨M+uk ugha pkfg, D;¨fd vHkh d¨VZ esa dà rF; j[ks tk;saxs fQj irk pysxk fd okLro esa D;k gqvkA
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ykyphdqÙkk ,d dqÙkk cgqr I;klk FkkA og j¨Vh dh ryk’k esa b/kj m/kj HkVd jgk FkkA rHkh mldh fuxkg ,d j¨Vh ds VqdM+s ij iM+h- ml VqdM+s d¨ns[k mldh çlUurk dk fBdkuk u jgkA mlus j¨Vh dk VqdM+k eqg¡ esa mBk fy;k vkSj l¨pus yxk fdlh vPNh txg cSB dj bls [kkÅaxkA lkeus unh ds ikj ,d cM+s isM+ dh Nk;k mls cgqr ilan vkÃA l¨ og py fn;kA unhikj tkus ds fy, ,d N¨Vk lk iqy ikj djuk iM+rk FkkA tc dqÙkk vk/ks iqy rd iagqpkA mls ikuh esa ,d vkSj dqÙkk eqg¡ esa j¨Vh fy, fn[kkà iM+k ftlds eqag esa Hkh j¨Vh dk VqdM+k FkkA mlus l¨pk ;g VqdM+k Hkh mls fey tk;s r¨ fdruk vPNk g¨xkA ykyp esa og ;g Hkwy x;k fd og mldh gh Nk;k gSA j¨Vh dk VqdM+k ikus ds fy, vkSj mls Mjkus ds fy, ml ij t¨j ls Hk©dk cl j¨Vh dk VqdM+k ikuh esa tk fxjkA vc r¨ mlds ikl mldh Hkw[k feVkus ds fy, mldk viuk VqdM+k Hkh ugha Fkk t¨ mldh Hkw[k feVkrkA lp gS uk cPp¨a fcuk l¨ps le>s ykyp djuk cqjh ckr gS] gS uk! rqEgkjh I;kjh vk’kk ukuh
g¡l¨ vkSj g¡lkvks
& fjrq enku
D;k vki tkurs gSa ds 15 lsdaM [kqydj glus ls vkidh ftanxh ds n¨ fnu c<+ tkrs gSaA gkykadh cgqr lkjh fjlpZ ;g lkfcr dj pqdh gSa fd g¡luk gekjh ‘kkjhfjd vkSj ekufld lsgr ds fy, cgqr Qk;snsean gSa] ysfdu fQj Hkh vkt dy dh Hkkx n¨M+ vkSj ijs’kkfu;¨a Hkjh ftanxh esa g¡luk yqIr lk g¨ x;k gSaA eu¨fpfdRld M‚- ekbdy VhVts ds vuqlkj 1950 esa y¨x ,d fnu esa yxHkx 18 feuV g¡lrs FksA t¨ fd vkt dy ek= 6 feuV gh jg x;k gSaA g¡lus g¡lkus vkSj yrhQs lqukus ls u flQZ vki ?kj vkSj dke ij nwlj¨a dk fny thr ldrs gSa] cfYd mnklh] f[kUurk vkSj jDr pki tSlh fcekfj;¨a ls Hkh NqVdkjk ik ldrs gSaA Hkkjrh; M‚- enu dVkfj;k ftUg¨aus yk¶Vj ;¨xk ewoesaV LFkkfir fd;k gSa] dgrs gSa fd g¡luk fnekx vkSj ‘kjhj ds fy, ,d vPNh dljr gSaA 1995 esa eqacà ds ,d ifCyd ikdZ esa eqBh Hkj y¨x¨a ds lkFk ‘kq: gq, Mk dVkfj;k ds ;g ykfQax Dyc vkt 60 ns’k¨a esa QSys gSa ftudh la[;k 6000 ls Hkh T;knk gSA bl Dyc dk nkok gS ds galh vkSj ;¨xk dk feJ.k ,d cgqr cf<+;k dljr gS ftlls yk[k¨a y¨x viuh dà chekfj;¨a ls NqVdkjk ik pqds gSaA bl rF; dh iqf”V ;w ,l , ds LrkUQ¨MZ fo’o fo|ky; ds M‚- fofy;e Ýkà us dh gSa ftlds vuqlkj 1 feuV dk g¡luk 10 feuV dh j¨bax e’khu d+h dljr ds cjkcj gSaA dqN vkSj ‘k¨/k ds vuqlkj g¡lus ls mPp jDr pki de g¨ ldrk gSa] ;knk’r c<rh gSa] vkSj çfrj{kk ç.kkyh d¨ Hkh c<+kok feyrk gSaA lcls cM+h ckr r¨ ;s gSa fd ;g nok fcuk fdlh lkbM b¶QsDV ds vkids ‘kjhj vkSj eu d¨ LoLF j[kus esa lgk;rk djrh gSaA r¨ nsj fdl ckr dh gS] g¡fl;s vkSj g¡lkb,] nwlj¨a dk fny thfr, vkSj [kqn Hkh LoLFk jfg;sA
uojk=h ds ikou csyk dh vki lcdks gkfnZd “kqHkdkeuk,a
nqxkZ ek¡ vki lHkh ds ?kj lq[k&Le`f) ds :i esa ièkkjsaA Page 25
SERVICE SUITE Home Cleaning Home Care Meals
Carer / Nurse Day Care Counseling
CAREWELL is setup to advocate local community needs for our aged community.
CAREWELL is setup to work with government agencies to advocate the needs of the local 360째 Assessment community and establish relationships that Volunteer Program allow government programs to be channeled for culturally appropriate care for the aged Visitor Program community.
Our Services are structured to be culturally appropriate and our programs and services have been formulated to meet your comfort and quality.
U3A Programs
Dementia Day Care Mental Health Advocacy Transport
CONTACT US Madhu 0425 341 086 Arnab 0433 216 150
CAREWELL is a single point of contact for you. We understand you language, your culture, and your needs. It has an established team and network of service providers to meet your care requirements. It aims to provide a caring and homely environment in its services and programmes. The initial phase is to establish and commence provision of aged care services at the premises of Vedanta Centre of Sydney located at 85 Bland Street, Ashfield, NSW from July 2010.
Our Team are professionals from the health care, medical industry, associated health industry and finance. We are also supported by 3 Frazier Close, Liberty volunteers from the community who share a passion to help the community. Grove, NSW 2138.
360째 Assessment Program Day Care Program Services Community Care Services Home Care Services Meals Services Transport Services Nursing Services Respite and Convalescence Care Short Term Accommodation We also have a volunteering program that allows members of the community to provide assistance and companionship to their own community members. CAREWELL is a non profit organisation for You and Your Community. Let us join hands and bring out the best for our local community.
Fax: 02 9743 4830
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eaxfyd ;ksx ;g tkuuk vfr vko’;d gS] fd eaxfyd nks”k D;k gS] bls igys le>k tk, eaxy 2 eaxy 3
eaxy 12 eaxy 1
eaxy 4
eaxy 11
eaxy 10
fd mudks yM+dk ;k yM+dh eaxfyd gS og ;g ckr Nqik ysrs gSa vkSj bl ckr dks tkfgj ugha djrs vkSj ckn esa cqjs ifj.kke fudyus ij i’pkrki~ djrs gSaA ;g ckr ifr vkSj iRuh ds fj’rs esa fo’ks”k :i ls vlj fn[kkrh gS] D;ksafd eaxy dk lacaèk [kwu vkSj xehZ nksuksa ls gS vkSj [kwu dh xehZ dk fo’ks”k izHkko ifr vkSj iRuh ij gksrk gSA
fgrsUnz dqekj
blfy, eaxfyd yM+ds dh ‘kknh eaxfyd yM+dh ls gh ‘kqHk gksrh gS vkSj nksuksa gh lq[kh oSokfgd thou O;rhr dj ldrs gSaA ;fn eaxfyd yM+ds ;k & yM+dh dh ‘kknh lkekU; yM+ds ;k yM+dh ls dj nh tk, rks nksuksa esa vucu] ,d dk fcekj jguk ;k lnk ‘kkjhfjd d”V jguk vkSj rykd vkSj tqnkbZ dh ukScr & vk tkrh gSA
eaxy 2 Hkko esa gks rks eaxy dk vlj viuh tku o mldh iRuh ij gksrk gS] D;ksafd nwljk Hkko ekjd LFkku gSSA
tUe dq.Myh esa ckjg Hkko gksrs gSa vkSj ;fn eaxfyd u”V ;ksx & 1] 2] 4] 7] 8] o 12osa eaxy xzg 1] 2] 4] 7] 8 vkSj 12 osa Hkko esa gks rks og ?kj esa eaxy fLFkr gks rks eaxfyd ;ksx gksrk gS ij ;g O;fDr eaxfyd gksrk gS vkSj nwljs ‘kCnksa esa dgk tk, eaxfyd ;ksx Hkax gks tkrk gS] ;fn eaxy dks lw;Z vkSj & rks 50 izfr’kr O;fDr tUe ls eaxyhd gksrs gSA blfy, pUnz ls lgk;rk fey jgh gksA eaxfyd yM+ds ;k eaxfyd yM+dh ds fy, oèkq ;k oj vklkuh ls <wa<s tk ldrs gSaA eaxfyd gksuk dksbZ Hkkjh nks”k ugha gS] ;g ckr eSa lkQ dj nsuk pkgrk gwaA
eaxy 7 Hkko esa ifr@iRuh ij cqjk izHkko Mkyrk gSA
eaxy 5
eaxy 6
eaxy 7
eaxy 8
eaxy 9
tUe dq.Myh
eaxy 4 Hkko esa vius ?kj dh fL=;ksa ¼eka] ukuh] lkl vkSj ifr@iRuh½ ij cqjk izHkko Mkyrk gSA
eaxy xzg dk lacaèk [kwu] gfFk;kj] vkx] yky jax ls gSA yhoj ls lacafèkr chekjh dk lacaèk eaxy ls gSA HkkbZ ls [kwu dk fj’rk gksrk gS blfy, eaxy dk vlj HkkbZ ij Hkkjh gksrk gSA ‘kknh C;kg esa Hkh eaxy xzg ds ;ksx ls gksrk gS blfy, ‘kknh C;kg ls igys vkSj ckn esa eaxy xku xk;s tkrs gSaA ‘kknh ls igys oj o oèkq dh tUe if=;ksa dk feyku fd;k tkrk gS vkSj bl ckr dk fo’ks”k è;ku fn;k tkrk gS fd oj ;k oèkq esa ls dksbZ Hkh ekaxfyd gS ;k ugahA ,slk ekuk x;k gS fd ekaxfyd O;fDr dh ‘kknh eaxfyd yM+dh ls gksuh pkfg,A ;g Hkh ns[kk x;k gS fd ekrk&firk dks ;fn T;ksfr”kh crk Hkh nsa]
;fn nks ikih xzg ,d Hkko esa bdV~Bs gks rks & O;fDr eaxfyd ugha jgrk ¼’kfu jkgw ;k ‘kfu dsrq dq.Myh esa fdlh Hkh Hkko esa bdV~Bs gks rksa & eaxyhd ;ksx u”V gks tkrk gSA½ ;fn eaxy ds lkFk lw;Z] pUnz c`gLifr lkFk gks & ;k budh eaxy ij n`f”V gksA
;fn lw;Z cqèk fdlh Hkh ,d Hkko esa bdV~Bs gks rks eaxy usd Qy nsrk gSA
eaxy 1 ;k 8 Hkko esa fLFkr gks rks O;fDr eaxfyd gksrk gS ijUrq eaxy dk cqjk vlj Lo;a ml O;fDr ij gksrk gS] ;k ml O;fDr ls [kwu ls lacafèkr yksxksa ij gksrk gSA
eaxy 8 Hkko esa NksVs HkbZ ij cqjk izHkko Mkyrk gSA eaxy 12 Hkko esa cM+s HkkbZ dks cqjk izHkko nsrk gSA ;g Hkh ns[kk x;k gS fd 28 o”kZ ds ckn eaxy dk izHkko O;fDr ij de gks tkrk gSA mik; & eaxy ds cqjs izHkko dks de djus ds fy, fuR; gh nkarksa dks lkQ djuk pkfg,A nku nsus vkSj HkykbZ dk dke djus ls eaxy vPNk Qy nsrk gSA
Page 28
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Page 29
xhrk&Kku dk y{;
en~Hkxrxhrk dk y{; gesa ;g euq’; leqnk; izd`fr tfur xq.kksa }kjk ijos”k fl[kkrk gS fd mifuonksa dks lpeqp gqvk deZ djus ds fy, ckg~; fd;k tkrk gSA dSls O;ogkj esa yk;k tk ldrk gS vkSj dSls ekuo thou gh ,slk gS tks gesa dk;Z djus ds mUgsa nSfud thou dk vkèkkj cuk;k tk ldrk fy, foo”k dj nsrk gSA ;g gekjs vanj fLFkr gSA gekjh viuh izd`fr ¼LoHkko½ gh gS tks gels xhrk dk n”kZu eq[;r% bl èkjrh ij izokl rjg&rjg dk O;ogkj djokrh gSA pkgs ge djus okyh thokRek dh mu fLFkfr;ksa dk ?kj esa jgsa ;k dgha ckgj tk,a deZ rks djuk gh fu:i.k djuk gS ftUgsa mls txr&iziap esa gSA dsoy dk;Z fHkUu izdkj dk gksxkA ?kVus okyh [kV~Vh&ehBh lHkh ?kVukvksa dks gekjs _f’k;ksa&eqfu;ksa us izd`fr dks igpkuus gj gky esa Hkksxuk gh iM+rk gSA mudk lacaèk ij tkuk fd lHkh O;fDr;ksa dk thou rhu pkgs izse&?k`.kk] #fp&v#fp] jkx&}s’k ds }a} xq.kksa ls ifjpkfyr gksrk jgrk gSA og xq.k gS ksa ls] Js;&izs; ls ;k dÙkZO; deZ ds chp gksus & lr~&jt&reA tks gksxk mldk okys vkarfjd la?k’kZ rFkk èkeZ&ladV ls D;ksa u gksA tc rd thou esa vuqdwy ifj& fLFkfr;k¡ jgrh gS rc rd thou&jFk fpduh lM+d ij ljiV nkSM+rk jgrk gSA FkksM+h lh izfrdwyrk gksus ij gh lkjh fo?uckèkk,¡a lkeus vk tkrh gSaA ,slh fLFkfr esa gekjs eu dh n”kk “kkar] larqfyr cuh jg ldsA mldk Kku gesa ek¡ xhrk gh nsrh gSA bl Kku ds vHkko esa ckgjh ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks gh lPpk ekudj muds ihNs ds lkj rRo dks u le> ikus ds dkj.k O;fDr ,slk iFk pqu ysrk lcds lkFk eS=h] d#.kk dk Hkko jgsxkA og gS tks mlds dY;k.k ds foijhr gksrk gSA lcdh lgk;rk djus ds fy, rRij jgsxk] og xhrkth gekjs var%dj.k] eu] cqf)] vgadkj Kkuoku gksxk] mldks LoHkko esa ifo=rk gksxhA dk iwjh rjg ls foospu djok dj gesa lkjs jktfld xq.k laiUu O;fDr esa dk;Z djus dk la?k’kks±] eksg&Hkze ls eqDr djok nsrh gSA rHkh mRlkg gksrk gS blhfy, lnk fØ;k”khy jgus gekjs vanj ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks Bhd ls le>us dh mldh o`f= jgrh gS] ftlesa rkefld dh lkeF;Z vk tkrh gSA xq.k dh izèkkurk jgrh gS og vkyL;fiz;] bl izdkj xhrk ,d ,slk xzaFk gS tks cgqewY; nh?kZlw=h] Øksèkh o LokFkhZ gksrk gSA bl vkèkkj jRuksa dh [kku gS] ftruh xgjkbZ ls ge mldh ij lkfRod] eks{k ikus dk vfèkdkjh gks tkrk rg esa tk,axs mrus gh jRuksa dks ge xzg.k dj gS tcfd jktfld vkSj rkefld dks lalkj ldrs gSaA izkr%dkyhu Hkze.kdky esa eSa lnk dh vius paxqy esa ck¡èks j[krk gSA rjg ea=ksPpkj.k djus dk fdruk gh iz;kl ,slk ugha gS fd dksbZ iw.kZ :i ls gj le; djrh jgh ij gBkr~ xhrk ds rhljs vè;k; ds lkfRod gh gksxk ;k jktfld vkSj rkefld ik¡posa L=ksr dh nwljh iafDr vk vkdj eu ij jgsxkA izR;sd O;fDr esa U;wukfèkd rhuksa xq.k nLrd nsrh jgh& jgrs gSaA le;&le; ij ftlesa lRoxq.k dk u fg df”pR{k.kehi tkrq fr’BR; deZd`rA vfLrRo vfèkdka”kr% jgrk gS mls lkfRod dk;Zrs g~;o”k% deZ loZ% izd`fr tSxqZ.kS%AA&5 ekuk tk,xkA rkefld O;fDr esa Hkh lkfRod fuf”pr :i ls blesa dksbZ lansg ugha gS fd xq.k jgrk gh gSA blh izdkj jktfld esa O;fDr {k.kek= ds fy, Hkh dqN fd, fcuk ugha Hkh lkfRod o rkefld xq.k jgrk gSA gekjk jg ldrkA blds ihNs dkj.k ;g gS fd lkjk iz;kl ,slk jguk pkfg, fd tgk¡ rd laHko
& Mk- vk”kk xqIrk gks lds eu vPNs dk;ks± dh vksj izo`r gks vkSj eu esa lcdh HkykbZ djus dk Hkko gksA vkReKkuh ds Åij xq.kksa dk dksbZ izHkko ugha iM+rkA og lkjs xq.kksa ls Åij mB tkrk gSA og xq.kghu gks tkrk gSA vKkuh] ftls ;g Kku gh ugha gS fd mlds g`n; esa okl djus okys bZ”oj vU; lHkh izkf.k;ksa ds g`n; esa Hkh cls gq, gSaA og vlgk; gksdj lkalkfjd thou dh ck<+ esa cgrk pyk tkrk gSA mldk O;ogkj lHkh ds lkFk eèkqj ugha jg ikrk gSA vc bls ge ,d mnkgj.k ds ekè;e ls le>us dk iz;kl djsaxs& ,d ifjfpr ds lkFk ,slk gqvk fd mudh fe= mUgsa ,d ckj ugha] dbZ ckj cqjk&Hkyk dgdj pyh xb±A mldk dksbZ mfpr dkj.k Hkh ugha FkkA mUgksaus bl ckr dks cM+h xgjkbZ ls vius eu ij ys fy;kA Qy ;g gqvk fd mudk jDrpki c<+ x;kA ckr ;gha rd ugha jgh mudk ekufld larqyu Hkh fcxM+ x;kA ;fn mUgsa FkksM+k lk Hkh xhrk dk Kku jgk gksrk rks lE;d cqf) ls mls le>dj mu ckrksa dks flj ds Åij ls >Vd ldrh FkhaA Lo;a dks lkfROd Hkko dk cuk, j[kdj rkefld okrkZ dks eu esa cSBus u nsrhaA ;gh la;e mUgsa iw.kZ LoLFk j[k ldrk FkkA iq= vkSj ifr dks dke ij u tk ikus dh pqHku ls Hkh og j{kk dj ldrh FkhA vc Hkh izlUurk izkIr djus dh dqath muds ikl gSA og Hkxoku ij fo”okl djds muds uke dk fujaru tki djds vkSj fe= ds O;ogkj ds izHkko dks ,d nq%LoIu le>dj] ,d nq[kn ?kVuk ekudj mls vius eu ls fudky nsaA xhrk ek¡ dgrh gSa bZ”oj lr~&fpr~&vkuan Lo:i gSaA bZ”oj dk va”k gksus esa ukrs] og Hkh lr~&fpr~&vkuan Lo:i gSaA tc ge vkuan Lo:i gSa rks nwljksa dh ew[kZrk ls viuh vkuan Lo:irk esa fo?u D;ksa MkysaA gj fLFkfr esa izR;sd dk;Z dks bZ”oj dk dke ekudj mls fu%lax Hkko ls djrs jgdj vkuan dk vuqHko djsaA ;gh gS xhrk dk KkuA Page 30
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Page 31
gksyh mRlo dk egÙo Hkkjrh; laLd`fr dh fo’ks”krk gS fd og dsoy lkoZHkkSfed gh ugha ijUrq og ekuo thou ds Hkxoku dk fn;k gqvk lc ls mÙke migkj ekurh gSA og ekuo :i dks u dsoy Hkxoku ds xq.kksa ls lqlfTtr vkSj izfr”Br dj iwtrh gh ugha ijUrq vius R;kSgkjksa vkSj mRloksa }kjk cM+s mRlkg] izlUurk ds lkFk èkwe&èkke ls eukrh gSA blfy, Hkkjrh; mRlo izkd`frd] vkfFkZd lkekftd vkSj èkkfeZd egÙo ls gh ugha ijUrq oSKkfud egÙo ls Hkh ifjiw.kZ gSA gksyh ds mRlo dk rks D;k dgus--- Qjojh vkSj ekpZ dk clUrh ekSle gSA izd`fr vius ;kSou ij gSA ou] miou] uxj] xkao vkSj lkjk pjkpj txr eksg ls Hkjk gqvk gSA Qwyksa ds f[kyus dh vkSj if{k;ksa dks u;s ia[kksa ls ltus dk NksM+ lh yxh gqbZ gS vkSj fQj ekuo dgka ihNs jgus okyk gS jaxksa ls jeae;h gksus ls! dwcsj egkjkt Hkh d`ike;h gSA fdlku yksx vuFkd esgur ls vki gh dh ewY;oku Qly dks ns[k dj vkuUnksRlo o jax jfy;k euk jgs gSaA dsoy fdlku gh ugha ij O;kikfjd yksx Hkh izlUufpr gS vkSj lkjk lekt jaxe;h gks jgk gSA lekt ds lc yksx Åap&uhps] NksVs&cM+s dk HksnHkko feVk dj LoPN g`n; ls vkil feyrs gSa vkSj jaxksa ls fHkxks nsrs gSa ,d&nwljs dksA gksyh dk R;kSgkj ,drk dk izrhd gSA o”kZ Hkj ds cSjh ,d nwljs dks xys yxkdj fQj ls fe= cu tkrs gSaA gksyh dk fnu gS feyu dk fnu! vkRek dk ijekRek ds feyu dk fnu! o`Unkou dk n`’; rks bl fnu ns[kus okyk gksrk gSA vkuUne;h okrkoj.k vkSj lrjaxh o”kkZ }kjk xksihe;h vkRek dk d`”.kk:ih ijekRek ls feyu dks n`’kk;k tkrk gSA bl Hkkouk
dks lkjs Hkkjr esa vkSj gjs jke] gjs d`”.kk }kjk vkSj tgka&tgka Hkkjrh; jgrs gSa fdlh u fdlh :i ls ljkst vjksM+k izdV fd;k tkrk gSA ikSjk.kksa esa gksyh ds fo”k; esa ;g dFkk cgqr ugha ekuuh pkfg,A J)k vkSj fo’okl ds lkFk izfl) gSA bl volj ij vR;kpkjh nSR; fgj.kd’;i lriFk ij pyus okys izHkq HkDrksa ij Hkxoku vkap us vius ijes’oj izseh iq= izgykn ds fy;s viuh rd ugha vkus nsrsA cgu }kjk fprk tyokbZA mlus lkspk fd gksfydk nf{k.k Hkkjr esa ;g fnu dke nuk ds :i esa Hkh euk;k tkrk gSA ikSjkf.kd dFkk ds vuqlkj tc dkenso us f’ko Hkxoku dh lekfèkLFk voLFkk dks Hkax djus dk iz;Ru fd;k rks f’ko th egkjkt dks rhljs us= ds [kqyus ij HkLe gks x;k ij dkenso dh iRuh jrh ¼okluk½ ij n;k dj mls ekufld :i ls thfor j[kk rkfd lalkj esa thou dh mRifRr gks ldsaA bl dFkk dk vFkZ gS fd ifo= è;ku }kjk ge dkenso ij fot; ik ldrs gSaA osndky ls Hkkjr esa ok;qeaMy dks LOPN djus dh izFkk pyh vk jgh gSA blds fy, HkkSfrd nso :ih vfXu esa bl viuh jk{klh ek;k ls izgykn dks fprk esa tyk izdkj dh tM+h cwfV;ksa rFkk oLrqvksa dk leiZ.k djrs dj vki lqjf{kr ckgj fudy vk;sxhA ijekRek dh gSa rkfd ok;qeaMy dks ifo= dj ldsaA vlhe d`ik ls izgykn dk rks cky Hkh ckadk u gqvk gksyh ds fnu vfXu esa v”kkM+ ds uohu vUu vkSj jk{klh gksfydk ml fprk esa gh HkLe gks x;h vkSj Qwyksa dk gkse fd;k tkrk gS rkfd okrkoj.k vkSj blds lkFk gks x;k HkLe fgj.kd’;i dk xoZ ifo= gks lds vkSj gksfydk :ih iznw”k.k HkLe gks vius dks Hkxoku ekuus dk! HkDr izgykn ds lqjf{kr tk;sa vkSj fQj lkjk lekt jaxe;h gks tk;sA jgus ds miy{; esa euk;k tkrk gS gksyh dk fnu! bl ikSjkf.kd ls gesa ;g f’k{kk feyrh gS fd pkgs ladVksa dk vFkkgk! lkxj meM+s vkSj vkifRr;ksa tho fo|k oSKkfudksa dk ekuuk gS fd dh ?kksj vkaèkh pysa ijUrq ,d lR;ozrh dk d`Ro; gS tye;h jax gekjh Ropk dks lqn`<+ cukrs gSaA gksyh fd og vius fuf’pr i{k ls fopfyr u gksaA dk egRo gesa gj vksj ls u;s jaxksa esa jax nsrk gSA esjh ;fn firk o vU; xq#tu Hkh lR; iFk ls vksj ls lc dks gksyh dh cgqr&cgqr ‘kqHkdkeuk,aA gVdj dwekxZ dh vksj ys tk;sa rks Hkh mudh ckr
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tqfy;u vlkUts vkSj fofdfyDl cM+h /kwe ep xà fofdfyDl ds dkj.k fd vkWLVªsfy;k ds ,d ukeh O;fDr ftlus ^bd¨u¨feLV ÝhMe vkWQ+ ,DLçs’ku* dk o ^veusLVh baVjus’kuy ;w-ds- ehfM;k* dk ,okMZ thrk gS mls fdlh rjg ;©u vijk/k dk bYt+ke yxk dj Q¡lkus ds mik; <w¡<s tk jgs gSaA ;g O;fDr t¨ tqfy;u vlkUts ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gS mldk fofdfyDl ls D;k fj’rk gS\ ^n vkWLVªsfy;u* us vlkUts d¨ bldk laLFkkid crk;k gSA [k+qn vlkUts us vu©ipkfjd okrkZ esa Lo;a d¨ fofdfyDl dk fny vkSj fnekx+] laLFkkid] nk’kZfud] çoDrk] fu;eudrkZ vkfn lc dqN crk;k gS fdUrq fofdfyDl ij fdlh vukeh phuh x.khrK d¨ laLFkkid ds :i esa Fk¨ik x;k gSA d+kuwuh :i ls vlkUts vius d¨ fofdfyDl esa ,d Hksn [k¨yus okyk o lqj{kk ikus ds fy;s e/;LFk dgrk gSA jgL;¨n~?kkVd Hksn [k¨yrs gSa ftls og dsoy çdkf’kr djrk gSA og fdlh lwpuk ds lR; g¨us dh odkykr ugha djrkA fofdfyDl ekurh gS fd bl osc lkbV ij Hksn [k¨yus okys viuk uke irk xqIr j[k ldrs gSa ,oa ;g osc lkbV iwjh rjg vçfrcUf/kr gSA LohMu dh PQR dEiuh bld¨ vk;¨ftr djrh gS D;¨afd ;g ns’k d+kuwuh lqj{kk çnku djrk gSA fofdfyDl ds vius loZj Hkh gS t¨ vKkr txg¨a ij j[ks tkrs gSa rFkk muesa nLrkost+ ds lz¨r dk d¨Ã ys[kk&t¨[kk ugha j[kk tkrkA muesa lSU;&Lrj dk dwVc) djus dk rjhd+k viuk;k tkrk gS ftls vdkV~; vk;¨tu Hkh dgk tkrk gSA dqN loZj r¨ Hkwfexr U;wfDy; cadj esa j[ks x;s gSaA vkWLVªsfy;k esa tqfy;k fxykMZ us dgk Fkk fd lwpuk pqjkus dk ;g dke voS/k gSA tc la?kh; iqfyl ;g ugha crk ldh fd blesa vkWLVªsfy;k dk d©ulk fu;e r¨M+k x;k rc og dgrh gS fd Hkys og vkWLVªsfy;k ljdkj ds fy;s funZ¨”k g¨ ij vesfjdk dh ljdkj dk xqugxkj vo’; gSA ij tc vesfjdk dh lqçhe d¨VZ dgrh gS fd voS/k :i ls fdlh ds }kjk nh xà lwpuk dk iqueZqæ.k vijk/k ugha gS vr% çdk’kd d¨ og lqj{kk çnku djrh gS r¨ D;k vesfjdk dh vnkyr esa bl ckr ij eqdnek yM+k tk;xk fd vlkUts us ^lp] dsoy lp vkSj lp ds vykok dqN Hkh ugha* c¨yus dk nqLlkgl fd;k\ lkj ;g fd dqN u dqN djds vlkUts dk eq¡g cUn djuk ljdkj ds fy;s vko’;d gS D;¨afd dÃa ns’k¨a ds fy;s ;g Hksn cM+s ‘keZukd gSa vkSj nwljh rjQ+ :l vkfn ns’k¨a ds fy;s o vke turk ds fy;s nLrkost+¨a ls feyrh dwVuhfrd jgL;¨a dh xgjkà *Kku çkIr* djus tSlh gS( *lwpuk* tSlk ‘kCn N¨Vk iM+ tkrk gS! ;fn fdlh rjg twfy;u vlkUts d¨ dqN nk¡oisp yxk dj ;U=. kk nh tk; r¨ D;k g¨\ bldk gy vlkUts us igys ls fudky j[kk gSA 26 tqykà 2010 d¨ fofdfyDl us vQ+xku ;q) dh Mk;jh esa 1-4 GB dh chek&QkÃy cukà fd ;fn fofdfyDl t+cjnLrh cUn dj fn;k
x;k ;k vlkUts d¨ ekjk x;k r¨ ;g iwjh QkÃy eq[; loZj¨a ls çdkf’kr dh tk;xhA ;g e`r O;fDr dk fje¨V dgk tk ldrk gSA lwpuk nsus dh LorU=rk ds leFkZd bls Cysdesy ugha fdUrq fujijk/k vlkUts dk *okÃVesy* dgrs gSaA blds yhd g¨rs gh vesfjdk dh fLFkfr ‘keZukd g¨ tk;xhA vlkUts ds ofdy us Hkh dgk gS fd fofdfyDl ds ikl ,slh lwpuk,¡ gSa ftls rki&ukfHkdh; midj.k dh miek nh tk ldrh gSA ;fn mls viuh j{kk djuh iM+h r¨ og HkkaMkQ¨M+ dj gfjgj >k esyc¨uZ] vkLVªsfy;k nsxhA 4 uoEcj 2010 d¨ vlkUts us fLoVt+jysaM ds Vhoh ij ;g Hkh dgk fd og ogk¡ jktuSfrd ‘kj.k ysus x;k\ ;g r¨ vPNk cgkuk gS LohMu u tk dj vnkyr dk xaHkhjrk ls fopkj dj jgk gSA ;gk¡ vkSj vkÃlysaM ls eq¡g fNikus dk fd ogk¡ dh laLFkk;sa vesfjdk dh n¨u¨ bl æf”V ls lqjf{kr ns’k gSaA dBiqryh gS ! cM+s vk’p;Z dh ckr gS fd vfHkO;fDr dh LorU=rk] ikjnf’kZrk vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro dh e’kky ç’u ;g mBrk gS fd ;s jgL; dSls [k¨ys x;s\ mBk dj tkxzrh çnku djus okyk Lo;a ij vkrs gh tSlk fd vesfjdk dh jkT;&ljdkj vkSj fo’ks”kr;k dqN u dqN “kM+;U= ns[kus yxrk gS ! dgrk gS fd isaVkx¨u dgrk gS fd Ãjkd esa vesfjdk ds fupys vksgns mlls cnyk fy;k tk jgk gSA ;g n¨gjk ekinaM gS ds lSfud¨a us *ese¨jh&LVhd* ds }kjk fofdfyDl d¨ ftlds çR;qÙkj esa vlkUts ds leFkZd dgrs gSa fd lwpuk çnku dh gS r¨ D;k bldk vFkZ ,sls le>k tk; ljdkjsa *tufgr dk mÙkjnkf;Ro* ysdj turk ds lkFk fd ;g lc lqj{kk esa <hy ds dkj.k gqvk gS( gsdj¨a dh /k¨[k+k djrh gSaA vlkUts ds ;qofr;¨a ls lEcU/k turk fof’k”V ;¨X;rk ds dkj.k ughaA vlkUts dk ekuuk gS d¨ :fpdj yxsa r¨ D;k gqvk \ bldk tufgr ls d¨Ã fd ^y¨x rduhdh dh rjQ+ blfy;s eqM+rs gSa fd os ysuk nsuk ugha gSA mls eu¨oSKkfud lacU/k¨a dh vis{kk vPNh rjg le> ldrs gSaA fdUrq bu n¨u¨ dh le> gh gesa okrkoj.k ;g vlkUts eu¨oSKkfud Lrj ij fdl çdkj d¨ thrus dh ‘kfDr nsrh gSA tc rduhdh y¨x dk balku gS\ mldk O;fDrRo fcYdqy p©dkus okyh lfØ;rkoknh g¨ tkrs gSa r¨ mudk jktuSfrd Mj ,sls ckr gSA dqN y¨x mls foÑr O;fDrRo okyk ekurs gSa lek/kku dh vksj ys tkrk gS ftlesa y¨x¨ ds okLrfod ij lR; r¨ ;g gS fd mlus cky&vf’yy&fp=¨a ds O;ogkj dh d¨Ã >yd ugha feyrhA* mls ;g dFku ekeys esa foDV¨fj;k jkT; ds iqfyl dh enn dh FkhA cgqr fç; gS fd balku tc Lo;a ds lkFk g¨rk gS rc tc og ek= 20 o”kZ dk Fkk rc gsfdax ds vkj¨i ij og Lo;a ugha g¨rkA vki mlds psgjs d¨ udkc ns Q+Slyk nsrs le; ,d tt us vlkUts d¨ bu ‘kCn¨a esa nhft;s( og lR; c¨yuk ‘kq: dj nsxkA fofdfyDl dh tt fd;k Fkk ^rqEgkjs thou dh i`”BHkwfe dkQh vfLFkj vke turk esa çflf) dk D;k dguk ! Q+slcqd ij 1 jgh gS… rqEgs vkSj rqEgkjh ek¡ d¨ t¨ ?kqeDdM+ thou fnlEcj 2010 rd 12 yk[k Qsu cu pqds gSaA Q+slcqd fcrkuk iM+k blds dkj.k rqEgsa ?kj esa vusd¨a coaMj dk dguk gS fd mudh lkÃV dk Lrj cuk gqvk gSA >sysus iM+sA* D;k ;g vk’p;Z ugha fd vlkUts d¨ Q+slcqd ds Qsu lkÃV dh uhfr ds fo:) dqN Hkh 37 Ldwy¨a esa ços’k ysuk iM+k Fkk\ fQj ;g l¨ap dj ugha djrsA blds vykok 2010 esa vkokt+ baVjus’ky fd vlkUts Hkfo”; esa viuh rh{.k cqf) dk lnqi;¨x us tc bl lkÃV dk leFkZu fd;k r¨ blesa 2-5 yk[k dj lds( tt us tSy dh lt+k nsus dk bjknk cny leFkZd¨a us gLrk{kj fd;s vkSj :l ds jk”Vªifr us r¨ fn;k( fQj r¨ ?kqekonkj e¨M+¨a ls xqtjrk gqvk mldk ;gk¡ rd dg Mkyk fd vlkUts d¨ u¨csy iqjLdkj nsus thou bruk fooknkLin g¨rk x;k fd vkWLVªsfy;k ds ds fy;s x+Sj ljdkjh laLFkku¨ d¨ fopkj djuk pkfg;sA ,d fji¨VZj ,UMª~;w Q+‚yj us vlkUts dh thouh d¨ ij vlkUts ds foj¨f/k;¨a dk rdZ gS fd ;fn O;fDrxr vk/kkj cuk dj ,d iqLrd fy[kh gS ftldk ‘kh”kZd vkSj xqIr ckr¨a d¨ mtkxj djds xqIrrk dh /kkj.kk gS & ^fo’o dk lcls [krjukd vkneh*A bl ij ,d dk gh xyk nc¨p fn;k x;k r¨ blls vfHkO;fDr dh g‚fyoqM fQ+Ye Hkh cuus tk jgh gSA dgk x;k gS fd ;g LorU=rk d¨ ç¨Rlkgu feyus ds cnys mYVk /kDdk iqLrd vius oSf’od çHkko ds lkFk bl ih<+h dk lcls igq¡psxkA ,d ?kj esa gh dgk¡ ;g laHko g¨ ikrk gS fd luluh[kst ukVd gS D;¨afd blds ihNs dk pfj= Hkh Nqikà gqà /kkj.kk;sa ?kj ds lHkh y¨x¨a d¨ crk nh tk;¡! de iSfpnk ugha gSA ;fn mldh lwpukvksa dh p¨jh LohMu esa mldh O;fDrxr i¨y [k¨yh tk jgh gSa r¨ ,d dyad gS r¨ ;g dyad bruk çdk’koku gS fd og blesa vesfjdk ljdkj dk U;Lr&LokFkZ ns[krk gSA varjjkf”Vª; Lrj dh p¨fj;¨a dk inkZQ+k’k dj nsrk gS vlkUts ds foj¨/kh ;g Hkh dgrs gSa fd n¨ vkSjrsa t¨ vkSj ;fn mls lt+k nsdj mlds eq[k ij dkfy[k i¨rh dsoy vlqjf{kr ;©u lacU/k ls cpko ds fy;s vlkUts tkrh gS r¨ bl dkfy[k dh vkHkk esa dkfy[k i¨rus dk STD ifj{k.k djokuk pkgrh Fkh ij vlkUts u ekuk oky¨a ds deZ mtkxj g¨ tkrs gSaA r¨ blesa ljdkj¨a dh xanh pky dk ç’u dgk¡ ls vk
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csjh vks QjZsYy U;w lkmFk osYl ds 43 osa çhfe;j cus
jh vks QjZsYy U;w lkmFk osYl ds 43 osa çhfe;j ds :i esa jkT; dk ‘kklu pyk,axsA U;w lkmFk osYl jkT; ds pquko¨a esa fycjy ikVhZ us vkf[kjdkj 16 o”kZ ckn yscj ikVhZ d¨ gjkdj fot; ik;h gSA ,u ,l MCyw ds u, çhfe;j csjh vks QjZsYy dk tUe o”kZ 1959 esa esyc¨uZ esa gqvk FkkA vkidk igyk
t‚c lkmFk vkWLVªsfy;k ds lhusVj x¨jMu MsfoMlu vkSj V¨uh esLLusj ds ;gk¡ ls ‘kq: gqvkA vki fycjy ikVhZ ds lnL; 19980 ls gSA csjh vks QjZsYy U;w lkmFk osYl jkT; ds fycjy ikVhZ ds MkÃjsDVj o”kZ 1992 ls o”kZ 1995 rd jgs gS] vkius bl in ds fy, orZeku fycjy ikVhZ ds QsMjy foi{k usrk V¨uh vc¨V d¨ gjk;k FkkA vki çFke ckj o”kZ 1995 esa u¨FkZd¨V ls jkT; lkaln esa igqapsaA vki o”kZ 1999 ls dqfjaxxà lhV ls fycjy ikVhZ dk çfrfuf/kRRo ,d laln ds :i esa dj jgs gSA vki ‘kSM¨ ea=h ,oa ,u ,l MCyw jkT; ds foi{k ds mi usrk Hkh jgs gSA vçSy 2007 esa fycjy ikVhZ] ,u,lMCyw ds usrk ihVj Mscue ds R;kxi= nsus ds ckn csjh vks QjZsYy U;w lkmFk osYl ds fycjy ikVhZ ds usrk cusA vki iRuh j¨tesjh ,oa n¨ cPp¨a ds lkFk j¨tfoy esa jgrs gSA
U;w lkmFk osYl ds izhfe;j dh lwph %& Øe 1 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 & & & & & 7 & & & 8 & 9 10 & 11 & & & & 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 & 20 21 22 & & 23 24 & 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
uke LVqvVZ MksukYMlu pkYlZ dksOij gsujh ikjdj pkYlZ dksOij ¼nwljh ckj½ fofy;e QksjLVj tkWu jkscsV~lZu pkYlZ dksOij ¼rhljh ckj½ tsEl ekfVZu pkYlZ dksOij ¼pkSFkh ckj½ tsEl ekfVZu ¼nwljh ckj½ tkWu jkscsV~lZu ¼nwljh ckj½ pkYlZ dksOij ¼ikapoh ckj½ lj tsEl ekfVZu ¼rhljh ckj½ gsujh ikDlZ tkWu jkscsV~lZu ¼rhljh ckj½ gsujh ikDlZ ¼nwljh ckj½ lj tkWu jkscsV~lZu ¼pkSFkh ckj½ tsEl QusZYy lj gsujh ikDlZ ¼rhljh ckj½ ,ysDl,aMj LVqvVZ tkWtZ fMCcl tkWu jkscsV~lZu ¼ikapoh ckj½ lj isfVªd tsafuXl lj gsujh ikDlZ ¼pkSFkh ckj½ tkWtZ fMCcl ¼nwljh ckj½ lj gsujh ikDlZ ¼ikapoh ckj½ tkWtZ fMCcl ¼rhljh ckj½ lj tkWtZ jhM fofy;e y;~us lj tkWu lh Fkksel oM~Msy lj tkslsQ dk#FkslZ lj pkYlZ osM tsEl eSdxksosa fofy;e gksyeu fofy;e gksyeu ¼nwljh ckj½ tkWu LVksjs tsEl Mwyh tkWtZ Qqyj tsEl Mwyh ¼nwljh ckj½ lj tkWtZ Qqyj ¼nwljh ckj½ tSd yx FkkWel cfou tSd yx ¼nwljh ckj½ lj cVZje LVsosal ,ysDl,aMj eSj fofy;e eSddy tsEl eSfDxjZ tkslsQ dkfgy cksc gsQÝks tSd jsu’kko lj jkscsVZ vfLdu Fkksel ysfol lj ,fjd fofYyl usfoYys ojsu csjhZ mULoksFkZ fuDd xsz,j tkWu Qkgs cksc dkj eksfjZl b,Eek ukFku jhl fØLVhuk dsusvYyh
izksVsdLVfuLV izksVsdLVfuLV Ýh VsªM izksVsdLVfuLV Ýh VsªM izksVsdLVfuLV Ýh VsªM izksVsdLVfuLV izksxszfLlo izksxszfLlo fycjy jsQkseZ fycjy yscj yscj us’kufyLV yscj yscj us’kufyLV yscj us’kufyLV yscj us’kufyLV yscj ;wukbZVsM vkWLVªsfy;k ;wukbZVsM vkWLVªsfy;k yscj yscj yscj yscj fycjy fycjy fycjy fycjy yscj yscj fycjy fycjy yscj yscj yscj yscj
dk;Zdky vkjEHk 6 twu 1856 26 vxLr 1856 3 vDVwcj 1856 7 flrEcj 1857 27 vDVwcj 1859 9 ekpZ 1860 10 tuojh 1861 16 vDVwcj 1863 3 Qjojh 1865 22 tuojh 1866 27 vDVwcj 1868 13 tuojh 1870 16 fnlEcj 1870 14 ebZ 1872 9 Qjojh 1875 22 ekpZ 1877 17 vxLr 1877 18 fnlEcj 1877 21 fnlEcj 1878 5 tuojh 1883 7 vDVwcj 1885 22 fnlEcj 1885 26 Qjojh 1886 25 tuojh 1887 17 tuojh 1889 8 ekpZ 1889 23 vDVwcj 1891 3 vxLr 1894 14 flrEcj 1899 28 ekpZ 1901 15 twu 1904 30 vxLr 1904 2 vDVwcj 1910 21 vDVwcj 1910 30 twu 1913 15 uoEcj 1916 13 viSzy 1920 5 vDVwcj 1921 20 fnlEcj 1921 20 fnlEcj 1921 13 viSzy 1922 17 twu 1925 18 vDVwcj 1927 4 uoEcj 1930 16 ebZ 1932 5 vxLr 1939 16 ebZ 1941 6 Qjojh 1947 2 viSzy 1952 23 vDVwcj 1959 30 viSzy 1964 13 ebZ 1965 3 tuojh 1975 23 tuojh 1976 14 ebZ 1976 4 tqykbZ 1986 25 ekpZ 1988 24 twu 1992 4 viSzy 1995 3 vxLr 2005 5 flrEcj 2008 4 fnlEcj 2009
dk;Zdky lekfIr 25 vxLr 1856 2 vDVwcj 1856 7 flrEcj 1857 26 vDVwcj 1859 8 ekpZ 1860 9 tuojh 1861 15 vDVwcj 1863 2 Qjojh 1865 21 tuojh 1866 26 vDVwcj 1868 12 tuojh 1870 15 fnlEcj 1870 13 ebZ 1872 8 Qjojh 1875 21 ekpZ 1877 16 vxLr 1877 17 fnlEcj 1877 20 fnlEcj 1878 4 tuojh 1883 6 vDVwcj 1885 9 vDVwcj 1885 22 Qjojh 1886 19 tuojh 1887 16 tuojh 1889 7 ekpZ 1889 23 vDVwcj 1891 2 vxLr 1894 13 flrEcj 1899 27 ekpZ 1901 14 twu 1904 29 vxLr 1904 2 vDVwcj 1907 1 vDVwcj 1910 29 twu 1913 15 uoEcj 1916 12 viSzy 1920 5 vDVwcj 1921 20 fnlEcj 1921 20 fnlEcj 1921 13 viSzy 1922 17 twu 1925 18 vDVwcj 1927 3 uoEcj 1930 13 ebZ 1932 4 vxLr 1939 16 ebZ 1941 6 Qjojh 1947 2 viSzy 1952 22 vDVwcj 1959 30 viSzy 1964 13 ebZ 1965 3 tuojh 1975 23 tuojh 1976 14 ebZ 1976 4 tqykbZ 1986 25 ekpZ 1988 24 twu 1992 4 viSzy 1995 3 vxLr 2005 5 flrEcj 2008 4 fnlEcj 2009 ekpZ 2011
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*Askin’s given name was Robin but he changed it legally to Robert in 1971, prior to being knighted in 1972. Before then, he was generally knownAs Bob.
Hkkjrh; leqnk; esa fycjy ikVhZ dh /kwe
U;w lkmFk osYl esa vHkh gky esa pquko [k+Re g¨dj pqds gSA vHkh rd Hkkjrh; leqnk; yscj ikVhZ ds lkFk [kM+k fn[kkà nsrk jgk gS] ysfdu bu pquko¨a esa Hkkjrh; leqnk; dk #[k igyh ckj fycjy ikVhZ dh vksj fn[kkà fn;k gSA Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds dqN çeq[k y¨x¨a us fycjy ikVhZ ls Hkkjrh; leqnk; d¨ t¨M+us ds fy, fycjy Vh ikVhZ dh ‘kq#vkr dh gSA bl fycjy Vh ikVhZ d¨ ‘kq: djus esa M‚ ts ,l fodZ] jkgqy tsBh] fciu ‘kekZ us egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkà gSA bl fycjy ikVhZ d¨ ‘kq: yxHkx n¨ ekg iwoZ ‘kq: fd;k x;k Fkk] bl igyh fycjy Vh ikVhZ d¨ xqjehr rqyh ds ?kj j[kk x;k FkkA blds ckn r¨ n¨ ekg esa yxHkx 25 Vh ikVhZ fofHkUu LFky¨a ij g¨ pqdh gS ftu esa çeq[k gS tlfoanj Hk¨xy] v’ouh ‘kekZ] jkt] jkgqy tsBh] fcYyw vkfn gSA vxj ns[kk tk, r¨ Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds tqM+us dh ‘kq#vkr xr o”kZ vxLr esa gq, bafM;u fjifCyd Ms gq;h t¨ dh M‚ ts ,l fodZ] jkgqy tsBh fcfiu ‘kekZ }kjk vk;¨ftr fd;k x;k FkkA bl Vh ikVhZ esa vge Hkwfedk fuHkkus okys M‚ fodZ dh pqukoh le; esa dkQh O;Lr fnup;kZ g¨rh gS vki lqcg pkj cts mBdj fnu esa djhc n¨ ls pkj Vh ikVhZ dk vk;¨tu esa lgk;rk djrs gS t¨ dh dkQh nsj jkr rd pyrk jgrk gSA tc M‚ fodZ] jkgqy tsBh] fcfiu ‘kekZ ls iqNk x;k fd D;k dkj.k gS fd Hkkjrh; leqnk; dk #[k fycjy ikVhZ fd vksj g¨us yxk gS r¨ mUg¨aus crk;k fd Hkkjrh; leqnk; dkQh o”kZ¨a ls yscj ikVhZ ds lkFk Fkk] ysfdu dkQh volj¨a ij
yEck le; yxuk] Leky fctusl esa dkQh dfBukà g¨uk vkfn çeq[k leL;k,a gS ftu esa y¨x lq/kkj pkgrs gSA M‚ fodZ us crk;k fd fycjy Vh ikVhZ dkQh lQy jgh gS blls dkQh y¨x tqM+s gS blls ;g ykHk gqvk fd Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds y¨x çR;{k :i ls fycjy ikVhZ ds mEehnokj¨a ls feys vkSj orZeku leL;kvksa ds ckjs esa ppkZ dhA vkius ;g vk’kk trkà dh fycjy ikVhZ Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds fgr¨a dh j{kk ds fy, vko’;d dke djsxhA
100 95 75
Hkkjrh; leqnk; us vuqHko fd;k fd yscj ikVhZ us Hkkjrh; leqnk; fd mis{kk fd gS Hkkjrh; leqnk; d¨ mruk çfrfu/kRo ugha feyk ftruk feyuk pkfg,A M‚ fodZ us dgk fd Hkkjrh; leqnk; yscj ikVhZ }kjk Hkkjr d¨ ;qjsfu;e ugha nsus ds dkj.k dkQh [kQk gSA y¨x ,u ,l MCyw esa ;krk;kr O;oLFkk] bejtsalh esa dkQh
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HINDI GAURAV Friday, 17 September 2010 12:38:09 PM
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[kcj¨a dh eqjEer nhfidk d¨ r¨gQs esa feyha u© LdVZ!
ne ekj¨ ne fQYe esa ‘k‚VZ LdVZ igudj lsDlh vkbVe Mkal djus okyh vfHkus=h nhfidk iknqd¨.k d¨ ç’kald¨a us r¨gQs esa u© LdVZ nh gSaA fQYe 22 vçSy d¨ fjyht g¨xhA oSls nhfidk ds ikl ç’kald¨a ds <sj¨a migkj j¨t vkrs gSaA buesa l‚¶V V‚;] p‚dysV vkSj xzhfVax dkMZ g¨rs gSaA exj ;g igyk e©dk gS tc mUgsa r¨gQs esa LdVZ feyh gSaA tc og fQYe vkj{k.k dh ‘kwfVax djds eqacà vius ?kj y©Vha] r¨ LdVZ ns[kdj nax jg xÃA lw=¨a dk dguk gS fd og ç’kald¨a ds r¨gQs vkSj i= ,d vyx dejs esa j[krh gSa vkSj le; feyus ij [kqn mUgsa ns[krh gSaA ij bl ckj ds r¨gQ¨a d¨ ns[kdj le> ugha ik jgh gSa fd D;k djsa\ LdVZ¨ dh yackà Hkh vyx&vyx gSA dqN yach gSa r¨ dqN ,dne N¨VhA mudk dguk gS fd ;g fQYe ne ekj¨ ne ds xkus dk vlj gS fd n’kZd mUgsa bruk I;kj ns jgs gSaA xkus ds c¨y¨a esa Hkh LdVZ dk bLrseky fd;k x;k gSA
ghj¨bu¨a ds pgsrs vfHk’ksd
viuh ghj¨bu¨a dk fny thruk d¨Ã vfHk”ksd cPpu ls lh[ksA vfHk”ksd ds galeq[k O;fDrRo ds çHkko ls muds lkFk dke djus okyh d¨Ã ghj¨bu ugha cp ikà gSA fQj os pkgs fo|k ckyu g¨a ;k l¨ue diwj] daxuk ju©r ;k fç;adk p¨iM+k ;k fQj uÃ&uosyh lkjk tsu Mk;lA fo|k r¨ ik esa vfHk”ksd ds lkFk dke djus ds ckn mUgsa viuk fç; lykgdkj ekuus yxh gSaA fo|k dgrh gSa] vfHk”ksd dh ,uthZ rkjhQ ds dkfcy gSA os fjglZy ugha djrs gSa ftl dkj.k eSa muds lkFk ,fDVax
ds n©jku csgn lgt jgrh gwaA vfHk”ksd dh rkjhQ esa lyeku cuk,axs dqekj fç;adk dgrh gSa] os deky ds d¨&vkfVZLV gSaA lsV fo”o fjd‚MZ ij mudh ,uthZ ds D;k dgus! tc fç;adk vkSj fo|k vfHk”ksd dh rkjhQ esa dlhns i<+ jgh gSa] r¨ Hkyk l¨ue dSls ihNs jgrhaA os dgrh gSa] vfHk”ksd tSls pkfeZax d¨&vkfVZLV ds vklikl jguk ges’kk vPNk yxrk gSA eSa fnYyh 6 ds ckn Iys;lZ esa Hkh muds lkFk dke dj jgh gwaA Iys;lZ ds lsV ij muds lkFk cgqr etk jgk gSA vc ckr tYn fjyht g¨us okyh fQYe xse esa vfHk”ksd dh uà d¨&vkfVZLV lkjk tsu Mk;l dhA os dgrh gSa] vfHk”ksd yoyh ilZu gSaA os ges’kk vius lkFkh dykdkj d¨ csgrj djus ds fy, çsfjr djrs gSaA muesa U;wdej tSlk mRlkg gS] t¨ eq>s csgn vPNk yxrk gSA bu glhukvksa ls vius ifr dh rkjhQ lquus ds ckn ,s’o;kZ fQYeh inZs ij ‘kVZ mrkjus dk vuqHko r¨ jk; ds fny ij D;k xqtjsxh] ;s r¨ ogh tkusa--] ysfdu lyeku [kku d¨ [kwc gSA vc vly ftanxh esa og gka] vfHk”ksd t:j [kq’kh ls >we jgs g¨axs--A Vh&’kVZ~l QkM+us dk fo’o dhfrZeku cukus dh rS;kjh esa gSaA Vhoh pSuy dylZ ij 18 ekpZ ls vkus okys fj;fyVh /keZ d¨ ,tsaMk u cuk, ‘k¨ n fxuht o ZYM fjd‚MZ~l vc bafM;k r¨M+sxk esa lyeku ,d feuV esa 15 Vh&’kVZ~l QkM+us dk fjd‚MZ jktusrk% “kkg#[k cukus dh d¨f’k’k djsaxsA vc rd ,d feuV esa 14 ckj Vh&’kVZ~l QkM+us dk fjd‚MZ gSA bl ‘k¨ dh ,adj g¨axh c‚yhoqM vfHkus=h fçVh ftaVkA lw=¨a ds eqrkfcd] lyeku dylZ ij fcx c‚l lhtu&4 dh estckuh dj pqds gSaA ‘k¨ dkQh lQy jgk] blfy, pSuy mUgsa bl ‘k¨ esa ykuk pkgrk gS] blds fy, rkjh[k Hkh r; dh tk jgh gSA fQygky lyeku viuh ,d fQYe dh ‘kwfVax esa O;Lr gSaA c‚yhoqM vfHkusrk ‘kkg#[k [kku dk dguk gS fd jktusrkvksa d¨ /keZ d¨ ,tsaMk ugha cukuk pkfg, vkSj u gh ,d&nwljs ds çfr viekutud ckrsa QSykuh pkfg,A ‘kkg#[k us ‘kqØokj d¨ bafM;k VqMs lEesyu esa dgk] eSa ugha le> ikrk fd ,slk D;¨a g¨rk gS ysfdu eSa okLro esa ,slk ekurk gwa fd jktusrkvksa d¨ /keZ d¨ ,tsaMk ugha cukuk pkfg,AmUg¨aus dgk] ;g Lohdk;Z ugha gSA lkekftd eq̨a ds rgr f’k{kk] efgykvksa ds l’kfDrdj.k] usr`Ro ds xq.k ,sls eqÌs gSa ftUgsa njfdukj dj fn;k tkrk gSA ;s vk/kkjHkwr jktuhfrd eqÌs gSa vkSj bu ij /;ku fn, tkus dh vko’;drk gS] bu eq̨a d¨ çdk’k esa ykuk pkfg,A ‘kkg#[k us dgk fd /keZ O;fDrijd ugha gS ysfdu ;g y¨x¨a ds fo’okl dk ekeyk gSA mUg¨aus dgk] eSa eqfLye gwa ysfdu esjs cPps lHkh /keZ¨ ds fo”k; esa tkurs gSa vkSj mUgsa bl rjg dh tkudkfj;ka nsuk esjk l¨pk&le>k fu.kZ; gSA /keZ dqN ugha gS ysfdu ;g vkids Ã’oj esa vkidk fo’okl gSA bls fganw] eqfLye] fl[k ;k Ãlkà esa ugha ckaVuk pkfg,A nqfu;k esa fdlh Hkh O;fDr d¨ vkids vkSj vkids Hkxoku ds chp vkus dk vf/kdkj ugha gSA
fcduh esa fo|k ckyu!
fQYe bf’d;k esa c¨YM Hkwfedk fuHkkus okyh vfHkus=h fo|k ckyu dh fcduh igus rLohj baVjusV ij lqf[kZ;¨a esa gSA njvly fdlh us mudh Q¨V¨ ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ djds mudh udyh rLohj cukdj baVjusV ij Mky nh gSA vc fo|k ijs’kku gSa vkSj lQkà nsrh ?kwe jgh gSaA oSls blls igys] fiNys lky fnlacj esa d¨Ã ‘kjkjrh rRo l¨uk{kh flUgk d¨ Hkh blh çdkj fcduh esa fn[kk pqdk gSA rc ‘k=q?k~u flUgk dh ykMyh fcfV;k us fQYeh nqfu;k esa dne gh j[kk FkkA --vkSj rLohj ns[kdj mudh uhan mM+ xà FkhA [kSj] n’kZd le>nkj gSaA os vlyh vkSj udyh dk QdZ [kwc le>rs gSaA
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euksjatu & fQYe leh{kk ruq osM~l euq eq[; dykdkj % vkj ek/kou] daxuk jku©r] fteh ‘ksjfxy] nhid M¨cjh;ky] jktsUæ xqIrk] ds ds jSuk] btkt [kku] Lojk HkkLdjA funZs’kd % vkuan ,y jk; vad % 3-5@5
dh dgkuh esa iatkc dk lqanj N©ad yxk;k gSA fofo/k Hkkjrh ij vehu l;kuh dh vkokt ls ‘kq: gqà fQYe Ýs’k vkSj j¨pd laokn¨a ds lkFk [kwclwjrh ls vkxs c<+rh gSA Ñ”.kk ds laxhr ij jkt’ks[kj ds c¨y dgkuh esa :fp cuk, j[kus esa enn djrs gSaA i`”BHkwfe esa vk;k xhr jaxjst dk euq vkSj ruq dh Hkkoukvksa ds vfHkO;fDr ds fy, vPNk bLrseky fd;k x;k gSA euq vkSj ruq ds O;fDrRo dk foj¨/kkHkkl cka/ks j[krk gS] ysfdu e/;karj ds ckn iVdFkk ypj g¨ xà gSA ruq dk euq ds çfr vpkud çse dk vglkl vkSj voLFkh dk viuh xyZÝsaM ruq dh euq ls ‘kknh ds fy, jtkeanh [kVdrh gSA N¨Vs ‘kgj dh ruq ds fdjnkj esa daxuk ju©r ds vfHku; dk vyx igyw ns[kus d¨ feyrk gSA bl fdjnkj d¨ Lohdkj djds daxuk us lkgl fn[kk;k gSA euq ds fdjnkj esa vkj ek/kou dh mEnk vnkdkjh ns[kus d¨ feyrh gSA N¨Vh Hkwfedk esa fteh ‘ksjfxy vlj N¨M+ tkrs gSaA nhid M¨cfj;ky] Lojk HkkLdj vkSj ,tkt [kku lg;¨xh Hkwfedkvksa esa çHkkfor djrs gSaA
7 [kwu ekQ+ C;kg fganh fQYe¨a dk ,d lQy vkSj y¨dfç; fo”k; jgk gSA ;’k p¨iM+k vkSj lwjt cM+tkR;k dh fQYe¨a esa ge lp vkSj dYiuk ds esy ls lnSo fookg dk ,d vkn’kZ :i ns[krs vk, gSa] ysfdu vkuan ,y jk; dh fQYe ruq osM~l euq esa mÙkj Hkkjr esa yM+dh fn[kkus ds fjokt ls ckjkr ds vkxeu rd d¨ fcuk fdlh ykx&yisV ds vlyh jax esa is’k fd;k gSA yanu ls nqYgu dh [k¨t esa dkuiqj vk, M‚DVj eu¨t ‘kekZ mQZ euq ifjfpr fdjnkj yx ldrs gSa] ijarq ‘kjkc vkSj flxjsV dh ‘k©dhu ,oa gj g¶rs ,d u;k Co‚;ÝsaM cukus esa ;dhu j[kus okyh ruqtk f=osnh mQZ ruq fQYe¨a esa vkà vc rd mÙkj çns’k dh lh/kh&lknh] ?kjsyw] vkKkdkjh csfV;¨a lh ugha gSA nso Mh esa vuqjkx d’;i }kjk x<+s ikj¨ ds fdjnkj ds ckn ruq osM~l euq dh ruq Hkkjr ds N¨Vs ‘kgj¨a dh uà ih<+h dh LoNan] fujadq’k] fcankl] da¶;wt yM+dh dh Nfo is’k djrh gSaA ruq ds fy, I;kj flQZ ,LVª¨tu] VsLVª¨tu tSls gkeZ¨l gSaA mls vjsat eSfjt ls uQjr gSA ruq d¨ lgt] ljy vkSj likV thou ilan ughaA euq tc ruq d¨ igyh ckj ns[krk gS r¨ mls I;kj g¨ tkrk gSA og ‘kknh ds fy, gka dj nsrk gS] ysfdu ruq mlls dgrh gS fd og ‘kknh ls badkj dj ns D;¨afd mldk Co‚;ÝsaM gSA euq vius fy, nwljh yM+fd;ka ns[kuk ‘kq: djrk gSA fdLer euq d¨ iatkc esa mlds n¨Lr dh ‘kknh esa fQj ruq ls feykrh gSA ruq dh [kq’kh ds fy, euq mlds eka&firk d¨ mlds xqaMs Co‚;ÝsaM voLFkh ls ‘kknh ds fy, jkth djrk gS] ysfdu tc ljyrk ls lc g¨us yxrk gS] ruq dh voLFkh ls ‘kknh g¨us yxrh gS r¨ og ?kcjkus yxrh gSA og ‘kknh ds ,d fnu igys voLFkh ls C;kg djus ls badkj dj nsrh gSA ys[kd fgeka’kq ‘kekZ us ruq osM~l euq esa dkuiqj
eq[; dykdkj % fç;adk p¨iM+k] uhy fufru eqds’k] t‚u vczkge] bjQku [kku] vuq diwj] ulh#Ìhu ‘kkg] fooku ‘kkg] d¨ad.kk lsu ‘kekZA funZs’kd % fo’kky Hkkj}kt vad % 3@5
fo’kky Hkkjn~kt dh gj fQYe esa ,d va/ksjk jgrk gS] ;g va/ksjk dHkh eu d¨ r¨ dHkh lekt dk r¨ dHkh fj’r¨a dk g¨rk gSA 7 [kwu ekQ esa mlds eu ds L;kgd¨r¨a esa nch [okfg’ksa vkSj çfrdkj gSA og vius gj ifr esa laiw.kZrk pkgrh gSA çse] leiZ.k vkSj cjkcjh dk Hkko pkgrh gSA og ugha feyrk r¨ vius cpiu dh vknr ds eqrkfcd og jkg ugha cnyrh] dqÙks dk Hkstk mM+k nsrh gSA og ,d&,d dj vius ifr;¨a ls futkr ikrh gSA fQYe ds vkf[kjh n`’;¨a esa og v:.k ls dgrh gS fd gj choh viuh ‘kknh’kqnk ftanxh esa dHkh&u&dHkh vkius ‘k©gj ls NqVdkjk pkgrh gSA fo’kky Hkkjn~?kkt dh 7 [kwu ekQ Fk¨M+s vyx rjhds ls ml vkSjr dh dgkuh dg tkrh gS] t¨ iq:”k ç/kku lekt esa oapukvksa dh f’kdkj gSA
laatho lqtSu ,d lkekU; yM+dh gSA lcls igys mldh ‘kknh estj dqekj ,Mfou ls g¨rh gSA yaXM+k vkSj uiqald ,Mfou lqtSu ij ‘kd djrk gSA mldh LoNanrk ij ikcanh yxkrs gq, l[r Loj esa dgrk gS fd frryh cuu s dh d¨f’k’k er dj¨A lqtSu mldh gR;k dj nsrh gS] blh çdkj ftEeh] e¨gEen] dher] fud¨ykà vkSj e/kwlwnu ,d&,d dj mldh ftanxh esa vkrs gSaA bu lHkh ds nqxZq.k¨a vkSj T;knrh ls rax vkdj lqtSu mudh gR;k,a djrh tkrh gSA mls eupkgk iq:”k ugha feyrkA mldh ftanxh esa v:.k Hkh gSA v:.k mlls fdlh fd’k¨j dh rjg çse djrk gS] ysfdu tc :l ls i<+dj y©Vus ds ckn og lqtSu ls feyrk gS vkSj lqtSu vius çse dk btgkj djrh gS r¨ og fcnd tkrk gSA p¨V [kkà lqtSu vkRegR;k ds ç;kl esa vlQy g¨rh gSA ckn esa og viuk thou ;h’kq d¨ lefiZr dj lqtSu dh gR;k dj nsrh gSA ,slk yxrk gS fd fo’kky Hkkjn~?kkt 7 [kwu ekQ esa d¨Ã eMZj feLVªh ;k lhfj;y dhfyax dh dgkuh dgsaxs] ysfdu ;g fQYe lqtSu ds eu¨Hkko vkSj eu¨n’kk ds lkFk ukjh eu¨foKku dk vPNk fp=.k djrh gSA fQYe esa xfr vkSj j¨ekap cuk jgrk gSA ;g ys[kd&funZs’kd fo’kky Hkkjn~?kkt dh [kwch gS fd ge lqtSu ls uQjr ugha g¨rhA ge mlds lkFk thus yxrs gSaA gesa mlds thou esa vk;k gj iq:”k chekj] ykyph] dkefiiklq] /k¨[ksckt vkSj viw.kZ utj vkrk gSA fo’kky us lqtSu dh ftanxh esa vk, iq:”k¨a ds ek/;e ls ,d [kkl dky dh Hkh dFkk dgrs gSaA cgqr [kwclwjrh ls Vhoh] lekpkj i= vkSj jsfM;¨ ds tfj, ns’k dh cM+h [kcj¨a ds dojst ls os lqtSu dh ftanxh dh ?kVukvksa dk le; fu/kkZj.k Hkh djrs tkrs gSaA fQYe dk jax vkSj f’kYi fo’kky dh igyh fQYe¨a ls vf/kd vyx ugha gSA oSls Hkh fo’kky dh fQYe¨a esa rduhd dk peRdkj ugha g¨rk- mudh dgkfu;ka xqafQr jgrh gSa] t¨ vkxs&ihNs ds Øe esa ugha vkrhaA mudh gj fQYe esa vusd fdjnkj g¨rs gSa] t¨ feydj dgkuh iwjh djrs gSaA bl fQYe esa fç;adk p¨iM+k lesr vusd vfHkusrk çeq[k Hkwfedkvksa esa gSaA uhy fufru eqds’k] bjQku] vuq diwj vkSj ulh:Ìhu ‘kkg us vius fdjnkj¨a esa tku Hkj nh gSA bu pkj¨a us lqtSu ds lkFk vkSj fHkMa+r ds n`’;¨a esa çHkko N¨M+k gSA fQYe ds lw=/kkj cus v:.k dh Hkwfedk esa fooku lk/kkj.k jgs gSaA mudh vkokt T;knk vljnkj gSA vxj ogh vlj vfHku; esa vk tkrk r¨ ;g fQYe muds fy, Hkh mYys[kuh; g¨ tkrhA fQYe ds dsUæ esa fç;adk p¨iM+k gSaA mUg¨aus lqtSu ds O;fDrRo ds na’k] n~?kan~?k vkSj nqfo/kkvksa d¨ cgqr [kwclwjrh vkSj ckjhd rjhds ls vfHkO;Dr fd;k gSA mUgsa funZs’kd dk iwjk lg;¨x feyk gSA eu¨xr vkSj ,dy n`’;¨a esa og mHkjh gSaA ;¨X; vkSj vuqHkoh vfHkusrkvksa ds lkeus og T;knk fu[kjh utj vkrh gSaA fo’kky Hkkjn~?kkt dh 7 [kwu ekQ eq[; :i ls fç;adk p¨iM+k ds vfHku; ds fy, ;kn j[kh tk,xhA fç;adk us fQj ls lkfcr fd;k gS fd l/kk funZs’kd muds vfHku; d¨ u;k vk;ke nsrk gSA 7 [kwu ekQ fo’kky Hkkjn~?kkt ds fç; ys[kd jfLdu ckaM Hkh ,d n`’; esa fn[kkà iM+rs gSaA ;g fQYe mudh dgkuh lqtSu t lsou gLcSaM~l ij vk/kkfjr gSA Page 37
ith petrol prices and electricity bills continuing to climb, it makes sense to look at every dollar that’s leaving your account and work out where the money’s going. There are obvious ways you can reduce spending like cutting back on take away and your morning coffee, but if you’ve already done that, it can be hard to work out what else can go. Many people in our community have already cut back on most of the ‘nice to have’s, and with prices continuing to rise and the crises in the Middle East and Japan adding to the economic uncertainty internationally, many locals are now faced with looking at how to cut back on the essentials. But before you do that, let me offer you a few quick wins. There are some ways you can save money each month without having to give up anything else. It’s true. What I’m talking about is fees and charges. Think about it. You pay $2 here for usingAnother bank’s ATM, and $5 there for not returning the DVD on time. Now there’s not much I can do to help with the DVD fees (that’s a whole other behavioural battle I’m a fraid!) but I can offer a few simple hintsAnd tips for how to save a few dollars each month: • Ask your bank if they have a ‘basic’ bank account. This is a ‘no frills’ account that offers you all of your basic banking transaction needs, but without a monthly transaction fee. That’s $5 in your pocket, as long as you stick to your account’s terms and conditions. (For BOQ customers, we have just launched a Day 2 Day transaction account that has no monthly fee, but offers all the usual
benefits. Drop in to the branch or give me a call if you’re interested in finding out more.) • Pay your credit card off entirely each month, or cut it up. If you are finding you are paying more and more interest each month on Rahul Jethi your credit card, you need to change your behaviour. Make a note in your fees you’re paying each month. diary to pay the balance in full each So it’s not just milk you can save money on! month. If you can’t, cut it up. It sounds harsh, but more people get in to trouble with credit card debt than almost any other kind of debt. If you like the convenience a credit card offers but find you’re racking up big bills, consider a Visa Debit card. It offers the same convenience without the temptation of credit. If you are using your credit card because you’re struggling to meet your financial obligations, talk to your bank manager about getting some help. • Stop paying ATM fees. There are a number of ways to avoid ATM fees. You can either use your own bank’s ATMs or withdraw cash when using EFTPOS. Most banks now offer an ATM Locator service on their website, and some banks (BOQ) Also offerAn SMS service, whereby you can SMS your location to the ATM Locator number and it will text you back to let you know where the nearest ATM is. Knowing where the closest ATM belonging to your bank is in regard to your work And your home will make it that much easier toAvoid paying ‘foreign ATM’ fees. Another way to save on ATM fees is to increate the amount you withdraw each month. Now I’m certainly not recommending you carry around big wads of cash, but even two or three fewer ATM visits each month can make a difference.
But on a more serious note, if youAre finding that you are struggling to pay your bills or are using your credit card to get by, instead of just for convenience, I urge you to talk to your bank manager. We (bank managers) get a bit of a bad rap, but I assure you that no bank manager wants to see a customer get in to financial difficulty. We want to help, but we can only do so if you let us know you’re having trouble. So instead of lying a wake at night worrying about the bills and the mortgage, make a commitment to call your bank manager today. We can work with you to come to an arrangement that enables you to meet your financial obligations while also feeding your family and putting petrol in the car. So pre-empt those additional grey hairs and talk to your bank manager tomorrow.
And if you have a great relationship with your bank manager, like I think I do with my customers here at BOQ Blacktown, you will find that sharing your financial stress and working together to find a solution will strengthen your relationship further. My customers know that I’m here for them in good times and in bad. And then things are bad, we keep our eye on the horizon because we know the good times will come around So just by changing your again soon. behaviour slightly you reduce the
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People get furious and frightened after hearing the word “Mangalik”. They think that it is very unfortunate to be Mangalik. Let us understand what is this Mangalik all about. There is only possibility of 360 degrees for the space around Earth, if we consider our space around earth as circular and divide this circle in sectors, of 30 degrees each. There will be 12 equal sectors - 360 degrees / 30 degrees. The degrees are further divided into minutes and seconds for more precise calculations. In a horoscope there are 12 bhavas, starting from ascendant as 1st bhava and 12th bhava is a bhava of expenses. These bhavas are nothing, but 12 possible sectors, of space around us, of 30 degrees each. Janam Kundali is the placement of nine planets in these 12 bhava / 12 sectors, of 30 degrees each, at the time of birth. In other words Janam Kundali is a mathematical calculation of various planets in degrees, minutes and seconds at the time of ones birth. This calculation is more accurate, if it is done through computer, as all the planets are moving with great speed around the Sun and on their axis as well. If the planet Mars is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in a birth chart / Lagan Kundali, the person is referred to as Mangalik or horoscope of such person has a Mangalik “dosha”. Of the 12 bhava, a person in referred to as Mangalik by the presence of Mangal in 6 bhava. Therefore, there is 50% chance of a child being a Mangalik. Therefore ,it is very easy for parents to find a Mangalik boy or girl for their marriage. In hindi, the word “Mangal” means auspicious and pertaining to planet Mars or Mangal. Thus “Mangalik” should have some relation with planet Mars. Astronomically Mars is a red planet and it has been established by space researchers that Mars’ colour is red and is having
red burnt soil due to proximity to sun. Isn’t it amazing that facts established by scientists regarding Mars were written in Vedas and Indian astrology centuries ago. Mars is related with all shades of red colour - blood, liver, brother, roses, fire and fire related works. If you go analyze the above items, you will find colour red common in all of them. Colour red also signifies energy or colour of energy. People who like shades of red are more energetic and aggressive and sometimes due to extra energy, their temperament becomes hot.
Hitender Kumar following planetary position is present in Horoscope and person becomes free from Mangalik Dosha. (1)
If two malefic planets Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Ketu are together in any bhava, there would be no maglik dosha in horoscope.
(2) If planet Mars is with either Sun, Moon, Jupiter in the same house or seen by either Sun, Moon, Jupiter.
Effect of Mars during Mangalik Dosha
Marriage is not only union of two souls but also union of two bodies. In married life the position of Mars in the Janam Kundali plays a very important role, as Mars also controls heat in blood and energy to do physical work and exercise which is the foundation stone in ones married life. It is a matter of common observation that palms of some are warm and some are cold. This is all because of the position of Mars in their Horoscope and Mars being controller of energy. A Mangalik boy would be more compatible with a Mangalik girl and same is true for the Mangalik Girl too.. If you ignore this, it would result in the breakup of marriage, illness of one partner and sometimes death of the other partner depending on the level of Mangalik “dosha” in the Janam Kundali. Nullification of Magalik DoshaMangalik Dosha vanishes if the
Mars in 1st and 8th house- If Mars is placed in 1st or 8th house in Lagan Kundali, Mars would give more malefic effect on that person himself and the persons related to him through blood i.e. blood relations Mars in 2nd house- If Mars is placed in 2nd house, Mars would give more malefic effect on ones life and his spouse. Mars in 4th house- Mars placed in 4th house would give more malefic effect on spouse, mother, and mother in law, grandmothers. Mars in 8th house- Mars placed in 8th house would give more malefic
for younger brother Mars in 12th house- Mars placed in 12th house would give more malefic
for elder brother. REMEDIES (1) Regularly clean your teeth with water. (2) Give money for charity (3) Community service
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YOGA AND BREAST CANCER When I do the Warrior posture I have a feeling of empowerment, where nothing is going to defeat me, and yet I also feel at peace and even have a sense of compassion to myself and others. My experience with yoga has definitely made me stronger – physically, spiritually and psychologically. Yoga means unity, within ourselves and as part of a greater whole, and so the aim of yoga is to create in ourselves this sense of unity, irrespective of what is happening in our lives, based on our own body, mind and emotions at a particular time. In this way, yoga is our own individualised practice. A diagnosis of cancer can take our breath away but yoga can give it back. What does the research tell us about the benefits of yoga for women having treatment for breast cancer? •
Fear, uncertainty, anxiety and depression are reduced from diagnosis and during radiotherapy;
Sleep is improved and fatigue lessened;
Frequency and intensity of nausea are reduced during chemotherapy;
Hot flushes have less effect;
Sense of well-being is increased;
Time of recovery is shortened;
Immunity has improved;
Personal spirituality can be heightened.
What about after treatment?
Management of hot flushes from ongoing hormone treatment;
Movements to lymphoedema;
Return of vitality;
Awareness of what is good/beneficial for us at a particular time.
What are some helpful yoga practices? At first I found the meditation and relaxation very calming and then realised that the breathing and postures were like aching joints – especially the side bends. Vicki
ByAnnette If experienced in yoga - visualise the energy channels flowing up and down the spine/frontal channel/add chakra awareness.
To help with fatigue
Breathe into the lower ribcage, and then the middle ribcage and now the upper ribcage.
Do a deep relaxation or guided meditation, and enjoy it. Later, when your body has recovered, do slow movements with slow breathing, then rest for the same length of time e.g. one minute slow moving followed by one minute rest – repeat for as long as you feel like it.
Breathe out from the lower, the middle, the upper ribcage.
To help with clarity
Feel the ribs moving to the back, the sides and the front.
Allow the breath to become long and slow – focus just on the breath, nothing else.
Try a candle meditation – i.e. remove your glasses and focus on the bright spot of the candle flame for 3 minutes, then close your eyes and focus on the impression for as long as it lasts. When you are ready, open your eyes again. Sit with the flame about 18 inches away at eye- height.
To help with anxiety or feelings of uncertainty
The full yoga breath
If experienced in yoga - add alternate nostril breathing; humming bee breath. To help with negativity/self-defeating thoughts. Focus on a sound…..every time your mind wanders, come back to the sound. Repeat a mantra: if you don’t have one, try OM or the mantra of the breath SO HAM (pronounced hum). Witness your thoughts as an observer…and let them go….you are not the thought.
To help with healing
Sue, doing Warrior posture •
Visualise each cell filling with energy, however you want to see it: as rainbows, golden light, flowers.
Gradual return of physical flexibility and strength;
Gentle stretching of the chest and upper back;
Imagine this energy expanding out from you as an aura of energy.
Some people report less pain;
Gradual removal of aches;
Mindfulness practices to deal with fear and uncertainty;
Visualise anything you don’t want disappearing in a way that you can imagine e.g. cancer cells being destroyed.
Deep rest;
Calming of the nervous system;
You can add the breath to this; breathe in energy, breathe out anything negative.
For vitality Begin with slow breathing, add a contraction of the lower abdomen and pelvic floor on each exhalation, and on the inhalation release. Progressively add movements, usually lower body first, within your ability, with no pain and no strain – as your body is able and your scar tissue has healed, movements are in time with the breath. Annette has been teaching yoga to women who have had treatment for breast cancer for many years, including those with lymphoedema. She is currently in Tasmania doing her Masters degree in yoga and its effects on women with secondary arm lymphoedema after treatment for breast cancer. Annette will be conducting a speaking tour of Australia in September. For more info. www.enlightenedevents. , info@enlightenedevents. or 02- 8338 1570. References for Yoga research are available from Enlightened Events.
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n this issue let us see the life history of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. The greatness of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba is such that people in groups (pilgrims) walk from Mumbai to Shirdi via Nasik to visit the great temple in Shirdi and attain his blessings. Even in this modern day, faith and devotion for the great Mahan has not diminished. Sri Shirdi Sai Baba is believed to have lived between 1838 and 1918. His real name and date of birth are still unknown. He lived a simple life, living in a temple. He lived among the common man, wearing a long robe, sleeping over a mat while using a brick as headrest and got his food by begging. Such was his simple life. Initially people not realising his greatness, ignored Him. When he asked for food, no one provided him food. Only a dog and a mad man followed him everywhere. He found a group of children playing and went to play with them. As he was an old man, the children called him Baba. There on He was called Baba by everyone. It is believed that Baba stayed in Shirdi for ever. During his stay He helped everyone. He stopped the spreading of plague in Shirdi. He cured a number of diseases and problems for people. People began understanding that a great soul was present amidst them. His fame thus began to grow. He had both Hindu and Muslim followers. He became a great building force between the two disparate communities. He recited both Hindu and Muslim prayers. Hindus considered him as an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Dattatreya. All his teachings were oral. Even a layman could understand his teachings and they were down to earth, simple and easy for a common man to follow. One of Baba’s philosophies was “Sabka malik ek hai!” – There is one Supreme Being above all who protects us. He saw God in others, himself and nature. He preached that God is always with us. He was always willing to do service for anyone. An incidence that shows us his true greatness is in relation to when Baba was doing one such service. Once when he was sweeping a road, a man noticed this began wondering if Baba didn’t like people passing by. He approached Baba and enquired his reason for cleaning the road. Baba replied that he was thankful for getting the chance to clean a place. The man then asked if Baba would clean his feet. Baba was grateful for the opportunity and happily began washing his feet. The man slowly realised how great Baba. He apologised to Baba for his arrogance for which Baba replied, “I have been sent
here for cleaning. The more chance you give, the more I can clean. If you give me the opportunity I could clean this whole village”. He is there in our hearts, irrespective of the place we live in, to clean our hearts, to cleanse our souls. The people of Shirdi once had told Baba to chase the mad man out of the town. Baba refused to do so. When asked for the reason behind his decision, He remained silent. One day while Baba was serving food to people as part of his everyday routine, the whole building (mandap) began to shake. People around the place vanished, fearing that the whole mandap would collapse. Only the mad
man and the dog remained with Baba inside. These were the only great souls that were always loyal to Baba. Some people may believe that he made many miracles. For such a great soul, there is no need for him to prove his powers to others. An example for this is when a young girl came to Baba saying that she did not have any oil to light the lamp during Diwali. Baba said you take water and pray to nature to light the lamp. The girl prayed and the lamp lit. It wasn’t a miracle. The girl’s good soul and her devotion towards God resulted in the lamp lighting up. Baba is not a miracle maker. He himself is a miracle. He stays as a miracle in the heart and soul of all of us. By his mere presence, people got their solace and benefited by his grace, sincere prayers are always blessed by Guru and even Mother Nature obeys the great Mahan’s prayers. As his fame spread, people flocked to have darshan. Many people, rich and poor, from different walks of life and corners of the world came to visit Baba. He treated
them with the same respect and shared with them whatever he had. He was there for everyone and let no one return empty handed. Gifts received everyday was distributed the same evening among all the needy and poor, leaving this fakir, a pauper. He never kept anything for himself. His only ‘assets’ were a wooden stick and glasses. It was believed that Baba looked after his devotees like a mother. Like the great saints we have seen in the last 2 issues, it is also very clear that Baba also does not believe in discrimination. One of Baba’s special features was that he always kept a sacred fire (Dhuni) burning. The ash from this fire, Udi (Vibudhi) was freely distributed to the devotees at the time of their departure from Shirdi. What did Baba teach from the use of Udi? All the visible phenomena in the universe are as transient as the ash. Our bodies composed of wood or matter of the five elements, will be reduced to ashes. He also teaches that that the Brahmam is the only Reality and the universe is ephemeral and that no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, is really ours. We come here (in this world) alone and we have to go out alone. It has been proven until the present day that the Udi has cured many physical and mental maladies, but Baba wanted to din into the devotee’s ears the principles of discrimination between the Unreal and the Real. Baba took Mahasamadhi on Vijayadasami in 1918. Baba’s devotees read Sai Satcharithra (book based on the life-story of Shirdi Sai Baba) starting on a Thursday or on any auspicious day like Guru Poornima, Diwali, Navarathri etc., for 7 days and on the last day invite devotees and serve them the Prasad. One of Baba’s main notions was that the Almighty can be attained only by true service to humanity. He not only preached so but also showed this in his life. Similarly in our Ashram, we follow his simple way of leading life and taking care of the people. Our Swamiji, HH Sri Om Adisakthiyendra Swamigal also preaches and lives by the motto of “Humanity leads Divinity”. We have Sri Shirdi Sai Baba’s temple in the ashram and celebrate his Mahasamadhi day every year.
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SRI OM RAGHAVENDRA SWAMI powerful style with which Sri Raghavendra Swami debated, he was convinced that Sri Raghavendra Swami’s master was really purnaprajna. When Neelakanta tried testing Sri Raghavendra Swami on various sutras, Sri Raghavendra Swami showed him the work he had just finished-called “Bhatta Sangraha”. Neelakanta was so thrilled by the depth of this work and how well it propounded Sri Madhvacharya’s philosophy that he had it placed on an elephant and taken on a ceremonial procession. Sri Raghavendra Swami was an ardent devotee of his Guru. An example to show his devotion can be seen in this story. His Guru used to write explanatory notes on different subjects of Veda. On one occasion, his Guru was fully immersed in Bhakthi and started writing bashyam (explanatory note) for one of the great work. Since there was no electricity in those days, when it became dark, Sri Raghavendra Swami (Venkatanatha) lit an oil lamp and held it so that his Guru could write without any difficulty, and in the process burnt his palm. As the Guru was fully immersed in God’s thought, he did not realise the time or that Venkatanatha was holding the lamp. When the Guru came back to his senses, he realised the Bhakthi of his disciple. In his Gnana Dhrishtri, he envisioned that Venkatanatha will become a famous Guru in future. He repented that he was the cause for this incident. He prayed to the Lord to pardon him and applied ointment to his beloved disciple.
Poojyaya Raghavendraya Sathya Dharma Rathayacha Bhajatham Kalpa Vrukshaya Namatham Kamadhenuve
s soon as we think of our next Guru, Sri Raghavendra Swami, we can hear the above slokas from an ardent devotee. Sri Raghavendra Swami was one of the great proponents of the Madhva philosophy. For nearly 50 years, he was the head of one of the great Matts. He excelled in many fields such as logic, mimamsa, music, yoga, dharmashastra and all 64 arts. It is a belief that he is an avatar of Prahlada. He chose as his Brindavan Manchaale (Mantralaya) on the bank of the Tungabhadra, where Prahlada had performed his yagna in Krita Yuga. It is said that the stone used for the Brindavan was sanctified by the touch of Sri Rama and Sita in the Treta Yuga. Sri Raghavendra Swami was born in 1595 in Kaveripattana, Tamil Nadu to Thimmanna Bhatta and Gopikamba. His father named him Venkatanatha, as he was born with the blessings of Lord Venkateshwara. For Venkatanatha, most of his learning occurred after marrying Saraswati. Venkatanatha went to Kumbhakonam and studied under Sri Sudindrateerta. He used to stay awake past midnight to write his own comments and notes on the lessons that had been done. Once, he engaged in a debate and defeated a mayavadi at Rajamannar temple. Though his victory was not unexpected Sri Sudhindra tirtha was surprised at his scholarship in grammar, profound knowledge and rare debating skill, and called him “Mahabhashya Venkatanathacharya” Similarly he explained the significance of taptamudra dharana quoting several smiti’s that the opponents had to accept his arguments were irrefutable.
Appanacharya was Sri Raghavendra Swami’s beloved disciple who has written most of the Sanskrit hymns that we chant today in honour of Sri Raghavendra Swami. On the day Sri Raghavendra Swami was entering the Brindavana (his Samadhi); Appanacharya was on the other side of the Tungabhadra River. After being reminded of the incident which he had forgotten, he started to run towards Mantralaya. As he was running, he was composing the famous Sri Raghavendra stotra. Despite the river being in full spate, he rushed headlong and due to the power of his devotion, the river parted for him and he reached Mantralaya quickly. Unfortunately he was still too late and entered Brindavana just as the last slab had been laid and his beloved guru had vanished from his sight forever. Tears started to gush from his eyes and his voice choked. The stothra had reached its final stanza “Kirtir Divijita Vibhutiratula” but he could not continue further. Suddenly, a voice rang out from the Brindavana “sakshi haya syotra hi” (meaning that Lord Hayagriva is the witness to the statements made by Appanacharya in his stothra, and that He would make them all come true). Even today, anybody reciting this stothra with full faith and devotion gets all the grace of Guru Raghavendra Swami. Sri Raghavendra Swami lived for around 100 years and took Jeevan Samadhi in Brindavana. The land on which he attained Samadhi was given to him by a person who followed the Islamic religion. Sri Raghavendra Swami never discriminated people based on their caste, creed or religion. He only believed in showering his love and grace on everyone who had faith and love. He believed that if someone is giving him something whole-heartedly and with love, he would accept it without wondering about who the person is. He only saw their atma (soul). It is believed that He is still alive and through his Yogic powers, he showers his divine rays on his devotees. The place, where He took Samadhi, is now called as Mantralaya. He had numerous principles and teachings which are constantly preached to the world. These principles were one of the guidelines that HH Sri Om Adisakthiyendra Swamigal, our Swamiji, used when blessing us with his 18 rules. In our ashram, we have a temple for Sri Om Raghavendra Swamiji. He stands as an inspiration for the family people.
He had a son, Lakshminarayana. Although he and his family were in stark poverty, he was unaffected by it, being immersed in the sweet nectar of the Madhva philosophy. His master and Guru asked him to take sanyasam and to take control of the Mutt. At the same time, Goddess Vidya Lakshmi Herself appeared before him. She told him that the great people like him must spread the right philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya and make the Mutt strong. Understanding where his true duty lay, Venkatanatha obeyed his Guru and Goddess Vidya Lakshmi and took sanyasam despite protest from his wife. Sri Sudhindra initiated Venkatanatha on the second day of the bright half of Palguna masa in the year Durmati corresponding to the year 1621. He was given the holy name “Raghavendra Tirtha”. After taking sanyasam, his main aim was to teach all works of Madhvacharya to his disciples. Apart from imparting knowledge and guiding his disciples, he composed works for the benefit of future generations After becoming the Peetathipathi, he visited all the important places of worship throughout India. He visited Rameshwaram and Madurai. One expert, Neelakanta Dikshit, after seeing the lucid yet
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Australia’s Student visa program enables international students to study in Australia. The program facilitates the continued strength and competitiveness of the international education sector while ensuring appropriate integrity measures are maintained.
The Government values the important economic and cultural contribution made by the international education sector. In the past decade the sector has undergone rapid growth. The number of Student visas granted has more than doubled from 108,000 in 1997-98 to 269,828 in 2009-10. The integrity of the Student visa program has been challenged in recent years by the promotion of Australian education courses as a pathway to permanent migration. The Government reformed the Skilled Migration program to clearly affirm that while there are opportunities for international students seeking permanent residency in Australia, there is no guaranteed pathway. These changes have delivered a Skilled Migration program that is now driven by the skills needs of industry and employers, rather than the educational choices of international students. More recently, the international education industry in Australia has come under increasing pressure as a result of the rising value of the Australian dollar, the ongoing impact of the global financial crisis in some countries, and increased competition from other countries in the international education market. The sector has also faced negative publicity in the wake of several attacks on international students and the closure of some international education providers. While Australian education is already highly regarded, the Government is focused on driving reforms to further improve quality. Building Australia’s reputation as a provider of quality education is the key to strengthening the competitiveness of our international education sector.
Protect Yourself from Migration Fraud
Protect yourself from migration fraud and keep yourself safe online by being aware of the ways people may try to take advantage of you or your situation. Learn what type of help you can provide to people applying for a visa if you are not a registered agent.
Terms of Reference With a view to enhancing the quality, integrity and competitiveness of the international education sector, as well strengthening the integrity of the Student visa program, the Review will examine and make recommendations on: 1.
In this context it is timely to review the framework underpinning the Student visa program to ensure it is well positioned to respond to current and future challenges. The Government has appointed the Hon Michael Knight AO to undertake a strategic review of the Student visa program. The Review will report to Government by mid 2011.
An effective partnership framework that considers the respective roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, including education providers, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, and state and territory education departments. The appropriateness of existing threshold requirements for Student visa applicants including English language proficiency, financial capacity and educational qualifications. Approaches to more effectively gauge and manage immigration risk in the Student visa caseload, including considering the suitability of the Assessment Level model. Approaches, including compliance measures, to prevent misuse of the program and deter breaches of visa conditions. The suitability of separate visas for Schools, Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education, Postgraduate Research, AusAid or Defence, Non-award and Student Guardians.
Key considerations The Review will take into account: •
Student visa programs in comparable countries.
Relevant reviews and inquiries. • Global trends in the international education market. • The objectives of Australia’s demanddriven Skilled Migration program. •
Best practice data
Harry Walia management, exchange and analysis, with regard to privacy principles.
Submissions Invited for Student Visa Review The Hon Michael Knight AO issued a call for submissions to the review of the student visa program. Submissions addressing the terms of reference can be made at any time up to and including 15 April 2011 when the period for accepting submissions will close. It may be of benefit to consider the discussion paper, which will be released in early March 2011, before lodging your submission. Submissions will only be accepted by email to the following mailbox. Email: studentvisaprogramreview@ There is no prescribed format. However, to make submissions most useful we suggest: • Terms of reference is a good guide to structuring a submission. • if the submission is longer than three pages, please include a summary at the front. All submissions must include a contact name, telephone number, email and postal address so it can be verified. Submissions made on behalf of an organisation must clearly show the author’s position and say at what level the submission was authorised. Submissions may be published on the department’s website. The name of the person and/or the organisation making the submission will be included if published, however care will be taken to remove personal contact details. Published documents will be converted to portable document format (pdf) and may have a different appearance to the document that was originally submitted. Confidential submissions should be sent separately from any public submission and clearly marked as confidential and not for publication. The review will not accept any submission that contains material that is defamatory, abusive or otherwise unsuitable. Submissions that do not address the terms of reference will not be considered as part of the review. All the above information is available at (Courtesy: Australian Government, Department of Immigration & Citizenship)
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s the demand for aged care in Australia expands, Carewell launches its second suite of services during the Senior’s week meet organized by United Indian Association on March 19th 2011, since laying its very first foundations in August 2010.
allied health care services, group activities and more,” From 1st May Carewell will also support Yoga Nidra classes at the Pennant Hills Senior centre on Sundays from 3 – 4 pm, for seniors who are frail and can benefit from gentle yoga and breathing.
aged care services to culturally and linguistically diverse audience in Australia. The organization has been involved in advocacy for aged care services, to make training and support centres accessible to many aged groups in NSW.
“Carewell is different because it engages the broader community to come forward and give back to the community by way of volunteering
For more information about Carewell please logon to
and supporting aged care” said Madhu.
CAREWELL has been started to provide the community a support platform for care services, information, cultural activities and knowledge exchange. Carewell is working hand in hand with various community organizations that support aged groups, to allow for greater reach within the community and optimum use of resources. More importantly, its aim is to provide culturally specific care, tailored to the local community needs which have been recognized to be lacking in modern communities. Carewell has been set up with some dedicated community members and there are a lot of people who have come forward in their own way to make the journey a great one. Madhu Chaudhuri, of Carewell said “The Dementia day care facility is going to be introduced soon apart from unique facilities like volunteer driven computer training classes, support to disadvantaged women,
“Important services like t e m p o r a r y residential respite and meal services are already in place and are hugely popular. A number of additional services are being arranged. We have already received a Broadband for Seniors Kiosk and are engaging with the Australian Seniors Computer Society for training material. We are also working towards providing regular bus services because travelling has emerged as a concern for seniors,” she added Carewell’s vision is to provide culture specific
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he Indian Australian community in Western Sydney are celebrating the victory of the Liberal Party and look forward to an new era of closer engagement in local politics. Many in the community have voted for the Liberals for the first time.
Acknowledging the support of many who have voted for the Liberal for the first time he said “ We won tonight seats not only have not won before, we won tonight seats we’d not dreamed of ever winning”. He promised to govern for all , “Whatever your job, whatever your heritage of religion or your lifestyle, we will deliver the honest and accountable government that you deserve. We will deliver the confident, limitless future we seek for ourselves and our children”.
The “Grass roots movement” started in June last year, saw a group of committed community leaders question the wisdom of keeping unrequited faith in the Labor Party and urged Indian Australians to get to know the Liberal Party better. They developed a unique “Tea Party” program, where Liberal Candidates and senior Liberal leaders were invited into the homes of community members to share a meal and understand their perspective on key issues of interest to them.
The support for the Liberal Party from the Indian Australian community has been unprecedented, over 100 volunteers from the community gave their time generously to the cause on election day. Dr Virk said, “I believe we are witnessing a structural shift in the political make up of Western Sydney where the Indian Australian community has shown that migrant communities will not support Labor blindly and tolerate being taken for granted.
The Indian community liked what they saw, and soon there was strong support for the program from all sections, the Punjabi, Gujarati, Fiji Indian, South Indian to the Anglo Indian and Goan community. According to Dr Virk a founder member of this group, “The campaign served to bring Indian Australians together, to speak with one voice, to make NSW number one again. It is a great story, a great outcome for our community “.This group has organised a 25 to 30 Functions(Tea Parties,Dinner,BBQ,Lunch) in last 45 days for Liberal Party Candidates in Western Sydney and another parts of Sydney.
It has significant implications for Federal politics and in other ethnic communities as well”. Dr Virk thanked all those who have supported this campaign, Rahul Jethi, Sarabjit Singh Sabi, Mr Sumit Luthra, Avtar Singh Billu, Jaswinder Bhogal, Raj Gokul, Jayaraman, Gurmeet Singh, Ashwani Sharma, Jaideep, Santokh Singh, Bipen Sharma, Gianji, Sanjay Patel, Debi & Ellias, Satender Banepal, Arun Kashi, Gurtej Thind, Mr Bath, Navneet Singh, Vijay Rana,Harjinder Singh,Sunit Khosla,Manprit Chintu Ji, Navneet Anand, Ajay Trehan , Pradip Singh and Gurdip. He also thanked the local media for their support in this campaign, Hindi Gaurav, Indian Link, Beyond India, The Punjab Times, Ryde Weekly, Harman radio, Masala news online and others.
Tea parties were organised for 11 candidates across Western Sydney, Ray Williams (Hawkesbury), David Elliott (Baulkham Hills), Geoff Lee (Parramatta), Tony Issa (Granville), Victor Dominello (Ryde), Greg Smith (Epping), Kevin Conolly (Riverstone), Mazhar Hadid (Liverpool), Tanya Davies (Mulgoa), Matt Kean (Hornsby) and Kirsty Lloyd (Toongabbie). These candidates visited temples of all denomination in Western Sydney to better understand Indian culture. Ray Williams, representing the then leader of the opposition Barry O’ Farrell and Dr Jagvinder Virk attended also a concert by Asha Bhosle where over 4,000 people were present.
We could not have done this without their support. “This is just the beginning , we have a long way to go to earn the trust the community has shown in us and we will continue to engage with the community” said Dr Virk.
Dr Virk said, “Our people realised that Labor had been taking them for granted for far too long. Their needs were simple, support small business, good relations with India, stop the waste and mismanagement of taxpayers money and ease the cost of living pressures. The Liberal Party is committed to delivering on its promises and to making New South Wales number one again ”. In his victory speech, incoming Premier Mr. Barry O Farrell, pictured below at one of the Indian community Barbeque functions, said “This is a victory for everyone who wanted to make New South Wales Number One again, We will not let you down.”
The Indian Australian community plans to host a dinner event with all of the new Members of Parliament who attended community gatherings and other senior Liberal leaders to reinforce their commitment to the program. “The community now has a strong voice in Parliament, Nine of the eleven candidates who were part of our program have been elected, some in safe Labor seats such as Parramatta. “ said Dr Virk. The group plans to continue engaging with the Indian Australian community through similar events to cement this structural shift in Australian politics.
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SHRI OM CELEBRATES SENIORS WEEK The theme, LIVE LIFE, as put out by this Government aims to encourage seniors to actively participate at social events taking place. At Sri Om, Seniors Week celebrates the valuable contribution seniors make to our community in general and families in particular.
cultural activities, they should think of their responsibilities as well. One of the responsibilities being bringing up their grand children in a proper manner and teach them good things.” Seniors week 2011 started with a welcome address by Easwaran Iyer Senior Coordinator of Day Centres.
Together with Auburn Council and Auburn Tamil Society, SEWA international, it is our way of saying thank you to seniors and a great opportunity for all the
Dignatories present were His Excellency Mr. Amit Das Gupta, Consul General of India, Hon. John Murphy Federal Member of Parliament for Reid, Hon Barbara
generations to join with older people to celebrate.
Perry NSW Minister, Councillor Ned Addi representing Mayor of Auburn. Several councillors including councillor Le Lam and Irene Sims were present.
As our President HH Sri Om Gnana Sakthiyendra Swamiji put it, “Vandharai vazha vaikkum India”. That is a proverb in India, that means whoever comes to India, India will give life for them.” “Here in Australia too we can use the same proverb, because here, this Government recognises and helps the community and respects the seniors. This is so good to see, here all the ethnic community people leading more comfortable life here.” “Yes of course we are missing our peoples and our environment. I am going to request the seniors- most of the seniors, besides spending time enjoying various
Mr. Bala Balendra Auburn Tamil Society, Dr Nihal Agar and Dr Raja Jayaraman – Chair and Vice Chair of Hindu Council of Australia, Mr Sanjeev Bakri Secretary of Hindu council of Australia, Mr. Satya Khanna President SEWA International, Mr. Karthikeyan and Rajesh Venkataramiah, Secretaries of SEWA International, Mr. Sant Bajaj AHIA Seniors Group, Mr Ruben Amores, President of Pilipino community, Mr.F. Wali, President of Auburn Small Community Network. Besides them, Doctors from AIMGA, Dr Ritin
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ekpZ&viSzy Fernandez (Cardio Research), Dr Vijay Kumar – CSGPN – Researching into Sexual behaviours of Indian Migrants were present. All the dignitaries spoke of several achievements and contributions made by our seniors and encouraged them to come forward in to the community and make further more valuable contribution for peace and harmony in the families and in the communities. His Excellency Mr. Amit Das Gupta, Consul General gifted numerous books about India, its culture and tradition to Auburn Library. He also presented a book about India to Councillor Ned Adi representing Mayor of Auburn.
organising FIRST ORGANIC VEGE GARDEN fully maintained by seniors at Riverstone. The inauguration is slated for Friday 25 March, 2011 at Riverstone Neighbourhood centre, Park Road, Riverstone. Open Air Picnic is organised for seniors in association with Auburn Council and Auburn Tamil Society at Auburn Park, Macquarie Road, Auburn on Sunday 27th March 2011. There will be Indian traditional games and outdoor activities are programmed for the event. Free Morning Tea and lunch provided in both the places. For
contact Shweta Sharma 0405 367 please 238 and Jay Raman 0410 759 906.
Welcoming the gift, Hon John Murphy, Hon Barbara Perry and Councillor Ned Adi expressed happiness about the large gathering of seniors (over 300 seniors) and spoke of the connections between two countries and positive contributions made by our community and seniors in particular to the Society. Seniors and their families were entertained by several multicultural programs – bollywood songs and dances, Phillipino, African drums, Taiwanese traditional Indigenous dances and Chinese Tai Chi Five Animal formation exercises. Seniors themselves staged a very big entertainment program – Gidda, bollywood songs and dances. Many seniors were awarded for their excellent participation in initiatives and activities by all the dignitaries. Sri Om Care and SEWA provided with FREE Morning Tea, Lunch to all participants and visitors. There are two more events for seniors before Seniors week 2011 is wound up. Sri Om Care with the support of Riverstone Neighbourhood centre is
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ecisive wars are less unruly. Indecisive wars continue the carnage of one side, the other side and then both sides. War between Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan army has ended decisively. One side has complete victory over the other. The winning side in its celebrations may have missed a chance for reconciliation and nation building for a peaceful future. That must be the case, otherwise hundreds and thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils will not be fleeing their home, bouncing in the bottom of unsafe boats in treacherous seas and end up at the shores and then in the detention centres like Villawood in Sydney. Some arrive as genuine refugees, peaceful civilians, escaping brutal economic, physical and political system. Some may be exsoldiers of the Tamil Tigers. What do we do with suspected exTamil tigers. Men and women who have had little education in any vocation other
than in laying traps, killing and fighting. Should we open our border to such people or should we let them languish in detention centres with uncertain future. This is not the first time, Australians have to answer this questions. In two world wars and quite a few minor wars, a whole generation of young men have been deprived of a normal life. They were trained not to read literature or to solve mathematics puzzles or to build new technology. Instead, a gun was shoved in their hands and off to enemy firing squad. They return home sometimes not at all, other times with missing limbs and a fortunate few come back with intact body but a traumatic mind. Australians know how to absorb men with skills which are obsolete for the economy and dangerous for the society. War veterans as ex-soldiers are called, have been settled with active community participation and government help. This has been a successful policy as can be
By Surinder Jain seen by the popularity of RSL clubs. Same should be done for the veterans of Sri Lanka war. Ex-Tamil Tigers are war veterans, not a security risk as ASIO believes them to be. They should be trained in vocations while in detention and assimilated upon their release in the wider society as productive members who do not have to resort to their war skills to make a living. The question is, WHO IS GOING TO RETRAIN THE TAMIL TIGER so that they can become useful and productive members in their new society. Is it the role of the Australian Government or of a few inspired individuals. Should organizations like, Hindu Council of Australia, United India Association, Council of Indian Associations, Sewa International and many more wash their hands off the problem and become new Dritrashtra of a modern era.
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arry had walked in hoping to renew his student visa. His student visa was running out in just over four weeks. His course would go on for another four months. A month’s preparation, he thought, would allow him sufficient time to plan his visa application well. Stories of broken hearts were already plentiful. Not all students had been able to renew their visas successfully. He was not going to take a chance with his by trying this on his own. It was just not worth it. He would seek professional advice and follow it. As Garry narrated his situation, the gentleman across the table, a registered migration and education agent, referred him to a colleague of his, another migration agent at this office. The agent, Garry was told, worked mostly on visa applications under the DIAC’s Employer Sponsorship program. A routine practice in this office is to assess students’ situation holistically. There was no harm. The application procedure for his student visa application had already been explained to Garry. The next migration agent patiently educated Garry on his options apart from a student visa and how different visas under the Employer Sponsorship program interacted with each other. Garry was hesitant. Last time his employer had intended to retain Garry in his business on a full time basis, none of the three agents they had met were able to sort it out for them. Ultimately they had given up. Garry had then decided that he was just going to complete his studies in Australia and return home. As a Pastry Cook, holding pastry cooking qualifications, he was no longer eligible to apply for a General Skilled Migration visa application onshore. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship had introduced unprecedented changes. This time he was not even thinking about it and it had all been figured out for him. The agent handed out relevant excerpts of Departmental policy. Garry was now enthusiastic. The approach at this agency was prudent. It was caring. Armed with the list of documents and a better understanding of application requirements for a SC 457 visa, Garry had immediately called up his employer.
The employer and the agent discussed the matter at length. Garry left. The discussion with the counsellor had been good. The chat with the migration agent even better. In less than 45 minutes his options had been worked out. Garry was confident and happy. A week later, the applications were filed. Another week later, Garry had been granted the visa. He was once again on track to gain PR. Sheena had trained to be a hairdresser. Her employer was keen to employ her on a full time and permanent basis. Sheena however was not as lucky as Garry. Her ENS case had been mismanaged by their previous agent. So once the casually planned employer nomination application fell through, she found herself in a situation where she was not even eligible to apply for another student visa onshore. In fact she would not be eligible for another student visa for the next three years. Her student visa had expired while her employer’s application was being processed. Her agent had also failed to inform her on time. Deadline for making an MRT appeal expired two days earlier. All was lost. Things could have worked out favourably for Sheena too had her employer received better and timely advice. She went back. The situation is grim and not all agencies are created equal. Not many agencies are equipped to offer quality education counselling alongside visa advice that is based on up to date knowledge of visa application procedures and above all years of practical experience. Not all agencies have multiple agents; there are FIVE Registered Migration Agents at The Immigration Centre, with each working exclusively on a specific set of visas. Specialisation minimizes risk. Combine this with the ‘student-first-always’ approach and you have a company that is not the same as any other. The Immigration Centre Pty Ltd and Globe Education Marketing Consultants Pty Ltd (GEMCO Sydney) are Australian businesses operating from level 1, 802, George Street, Sydney. While GEMCO Sydney are premier consultants for a select group of Australian educational institutions, providing a comprehensive range of services to member institutions and potential international students through a network of affiliated offices in the Asia pacific region, The Immigration Centre assists students with their visa applications. Both Mr. Ajay Trehan (Director and Principal Migration Agent of The Immigration Centre Pty Ltd) and Mr. Navneet Anand of GEMCO Sydney have been associated with student industry for over 15 years. “We support our students to take control of their higher education, to explore and achieve their potential and accomplish their ambitions. With the relaxation of higher education
By Ramneek Madahar sector rules, students from India will once again find Australia as an attractive and affordable destination.” says Navneet Anand of GEMCO Sydney and The Immigration Centre. These new changes would allow students to demonstrate lesser funds in order to make a visa application for the higher education sector. For all student visa applications to be lodged on or after April 1, 2011, students would now be required to show access to funds for only the first two years of their studies. “From April this year, India will once again start enjoying status of a low risk country for the higher education sector. India will be upgraded as an Assessment level 3 country for visa application for a SC 573 Higher Education Sector visa. This will require funds to have been held for a period of only three months prior to the date of application. Additionally, this change will also allow non-immediate relatives and friends to offer financial support towards the living cost and tuition fees requirements to support of a student visa application. This is a very important change.” says Ajay Trehan of GEMCO Sydney and
The Immigration Centre. The new changes will also allow prospective students to make visa application with support from entities other than their spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents and Australian uncles or aunts. Another significant change is classification of University delivered Diplomas under the higher education sector. This will allow Higher Education diploma level visa applications to be filed as TU 573 applications. Permanent Residency post course completion from here on is incidental. Investing in quality education is the only way forward. In fact, that is the way it should always have been. The team at GEMCO Sydney and The Immigration Centre serves the academic aspirations of international students who wish to expand their horizons by gaining an internationally recognized degree. (Names and situations of the students adapted)
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WHAT IS MY NAME IS WOMAN MRS INDIA AUSTRALIA 2011-MY MIA 2011? MIA is about you. Your story of time management, home management, family management and above all personal time and personal care management. MIA is about your endeavours, your success, your failures, your bad days, your sad days, your happy days, your experiences….your every day effort story to add another memorable day to your marital life. MIA is about the woman that you are…. It is a reason to acknowledge your flexibility for any responsibility of home, family and self; and managing all at the end of the day to bring home a serene dinner time with a smile of satisfaction. MIA believes that change is a factor and reason for evolution. We all evolve in different ways every day, every month, every year. So, does a woman’s role in a family. Therefore, MIA requests and invites you to tell Australia more about you…. MIA also believes that the success of mankind is hidden in sharing and caring…
MIA also believes that a person who nurtures such a beautiful culture of sharing and caring, is always respected and remembered. Sharing your experiences with other women of the Indian community and with other women of Australia would provide you a platform to relive those moments with these women and your experiences may inspire these women to follow you and make you their hero. Experiences shared by a mother with her children, a grandmother with her grandchildren has always been the norm of any progressive society and we respect and believe in this culture and it is this culture that nurtures our future actions and decisions. So, you are welcome to the world of MIA….we invite you to be the first one to revive this culture. For participation or more info please visit
Why vote for MIA contestants?
My MIA is ………………My And these meaningful and Name is Woman-Mrs India Australia beautiful reasons discovered by MIA 2011 provided a purpose to invite all the My Name is Woman-Mrs India Indian women of Australia to come Australia 2011 is an acknowledgement on stage of MIA. and support to womanhood and the We invite you - Be the first one to share your experiences on your home management, family management and self time management, your thoughts, your new ideas, your future plans and your aspirations. Share with us, those new roles that have evolved in you during these marital years - that defines a married woman of today.
family that she nurtures every day, every month, every year. My MIA is a platform where any Indian married women of Australia (resident of Australia) can share her experiences and celebrate her success story as a woman of today. The world, Australia and the Indian community has and would
always acknowledge a woman’s role in a family. But now, it is time we women step forward and appreciate, support, acknowledge, applause another woman. That’s the simple message of MIA- We are women-Our name is woman –in fact every woman today, would not deny to say-My Name is Woman. I am a mother, I am a wife, I am a family woman, but first I am a woman. I am a woman who gives preference to her family and self equally. I am as important to me, as I am to my family. My health and my personal time are valuable and priceless for me. My aspirations, my dreams are still alive, and I can work to achieve them even today. And, any woman who feels the same as I do, she receives my applause and support completely. This thought of yours could multiply to create many more like you- this world would be a safer, career friendly and more meaningful place for any woman of any country. And it is time we acknowledge another woman. It is time one woman celebrates another woman’s success. It is time one woman stands for another woman. It is time one woman appreciates another woman’s efforts. It is time we stand up and applause another woman who represents us all. Let us vote for these women who are a reflection of us.
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Date : 4th April, 2011
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Supported by
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nited Indian Associations kicked off NSW Seniors Week celebrations with a Seniors Forum which was held on Saturday 19th March 2011 at Parravilla Function Centre, Parramatta. M r s S u m a t i Advani, Chair of the Forum Organising Committee,
welcomed the participants and highlighted the challenges faced by the Australian Indian Seniors particularly those on bridging visas. While seniors willingly and silently support their families and wider community, very often the need to provide them with support is overlooked. They don’t have access to basic medical benefits and transport benefits such as Seniors Health Card and Seniors Travel Card. Mr Raj Natarajan, Chair of the UIA Seniors Committee highlighted the various representations that UIA has already made to both the State and Federal government on individual a n d collective basis. He said, that while there have been some wins, a lot is yet to be achieved. He said that the UIA Seniors Steering Committee will continue to pursue these critical issues until they are resolved. He also urged all Australian Indian Seniors organisation to form one strong voice via the UIA platform so that our
voices are heard as success can only be achieved through unity. He has urged government representatives present - both Indian and
Ageing population & Healthy Ageing. The newly established Carewell Centre, Ashfield was formally launched. Carewell provided a Australian- state and federal - to valuable transport service for some establish a joint working committee of the attendees. Commonwealth to look at the special needs of this Respite and Carelink Centre held a group of Australian Indians and stall and provided useful information. come up with ways to address The Forum was also attended their needs quickly so that they by Mr Vivek Kumar who represented too can enjoy these benefits within the Consul General of India, Ms their remaining lifetime. Mrs Aruna Julie Owens, Federal Member for Chandrala, President of UIA, said Parramatta, Hon Peter Primrose, that UIA holds an Minister for Ageing, Hon Barbara annual Seniors Perry, Minister for Local Government, Forum as its way Mr David Elliott, Liberal Candidate of saying thank for Baulkham Hills and Mr Geoff Lee, you to our Seniors Liberal candidate for Parramatta. Mr for the valuable Vivek Kumar, Hon Peter Primrose, contribution that Ms Julie Owens and Hon Barbara they continue to Perry all praised UIA for the excellent work they are undertaking on behalf of the Australian Indian make in our life community. Good which is greatly news is Minister for enriched by Ageing also committed their presence, to follow up on the skills, experience issues raised at the and wisdom Forum with the NSW Ministerial committee. that comes Community Service Awards were with maturity. presented to Dr Gurcharan Sidhu, She said that Mrs Hemalatha Chandramohan, A u s t r a l i a n Sri Vasudevacharya and Mr Seniors provide Selvadorai Tinnanur. Participants valuable support were entertained with Bollywood to the rest of Golden Hits by Band Baja Group the family in the and Nandini, Nisha have performed form of childcare, sharing household the vibrant Bollywood dance. Lots chores and providing valuable of door prizes were won, the guests mentoring. This support allows have enjoyed the delicious lunch. their children to flower and prosper UIA in conjunction with and make a positive contribution Respite and to the overall Australian economy. Commonwealth Carelink Centre Sydney Multicultural It is important that the Australian government recognises the economic Community Services is holding MAHABHAGYAM value of how this background support AROGYAME reduces the reliance on external Wellness for Happiness workshop on service providers and gives it due Saturday 9th April 2011 at Strathfield consideration in its support plans Town Hall, 65 Homebush Road for the seniors who are on bridging Strathfield NSW 2135 between 10am and 1pm. Admission is free and light visas. lunch will be provided. The Forum also included For further details please visit discussions on issues such as Power UIA website – of Attorney, Wills and Advanced Care Directives, Health issues among the
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After a huge success earlier and with a history of almost 10 years, Harman radio was gifted back to the community on March 11, 2011. The re-launch ceremony was held at Milsons Point and the chief guest was Mr John Alexander, the Member of Parliament from Bennelong and great tennis player. Indu Thaker: What was the idea behind the establishment of Harman Radio and what was the main motive? Harman Radio: Since year 2000 Australia is experiencing a huge migration boom from Indian subcontinent especially from Punjab. For the large population of Indians in foreign land there was a need of community based radio channel. Harman radio was voluntarily run by Amandeep Singh Sidhu, a successful farmer and an entrepreneur. At that time it presented only weekly Punjabi program in rural region of Coffs Harbour (NSW), famous as Woolgoolga, the village of first Punjabi/Indian settlement in Australia. The program was a huge success in distributing information, entertainment and running community programs. Amandeep tried his best to convert this need into an opportunity to serve the community and mother tongue. He started working on this bigger goal. Harman Radio was established in June 2005, in Sydney after his eldest son Harmandeep and name suits channel’s popularity as well. Harman Radio feels proud for being the first ever to present the live broadcast of Sports, Cultural and Religious activities of Indian origin in Australia. Being pioneers within the industry, it is also contributing to the Indian community businesses by promoting their products and services on the Radio. Indu Thaker: Is there any specific audience targeted? What about the local Talent? Harman Radio: Every listener is considered important. Therefore, every effort has been made to reach the audience, specifically people living in the remote areas where internet-enabled mobile phones are the only source of information. Harman radio provide a platform for Local Australian Indian youth to show their talent and capability as presenters, newsreader and in technical support. Harman Radio also set a stage for intellectual people in community to share their wisdom and knowledge with audience. Harman Radio also conducts live interviews of famous Punjabi and Hindi singers, writers, religious and political leaders from India, Pakistan and around the world visiting Australia. Indu Thaker: What programmes can we listen?
Harman Radio: Harman Radio is now back with its originality and is Australia’s one and only premium 24/7 Punjabi/Indian radio. Live gurbani, discussions, talkback,
news, entertainment, sports, new releases, requests, current affairs, you name it-you will have it. It also has collaboration with Gurmat Vibhaag of Punjabi University, Patiala and the relay of live shabad kirtan from Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, New Delhi and few other religious institutions is under consideration. Different teams are made worldwide for different programmes but the main office is in Patiala(India). Indu Thaker: Can you tell us about the accessibility of Harman radio? Harman Radio: Harman radio is reachable to its audience even through the simplest mode of communication—mobile phones with internet facility. All the phone models made after 2006 can be used. You can download the application, click on the logo and enjoy listening. If you have a normal mobile phone, try the Java version or you can listen on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad devices by installing its own native application. Car radios and online listening was added in January, 2006 along with interactive website( f you want to listen in your own player eg using iTunes, Winamp, or Realplayer click on one of the following links, http://harmanradio. com/webradio/main_AU_all_mp3_32.m3u main_AU_all_mp3_64.m3u If you are using modern phones’ Wifi capabilities you can connect directly to the Internet (WLAN) and can avoid all operator’s costs. If your are website owner, administrator or webmaster and you want to provide LIVE radio to your visitors or member OR want to help Harmanradio reach your visitors, then you can do so through widgets/ snipits where you can choose to link with or without Harman radio’s logo.
with the studio. Indu Thaker: What do you think are your achievements so far if you look back since you started? Harman Radio: We always wish that children born here should get knowledge and awareness about our golden heritage and culture and feel proud of it. We want our elders living or visiting here feel at home in vast cultural diversity of Australia. Almost a decade’s hard work is achieved when team of Harman radio senses the uniform growth and development of the community. The gaps of remote, rural and urban thoughts are being matched through common platform interaction. The people of Coffs harbour are embracing the fast life of Sydney and folks of Sydney are respecting the peaceful and calm lives of Woolgoolga. This was the main aim of this media source to cover the disparities through problem and thought sharing formula. Indu Thaker: What are the future expectations and would you like give any message? Harman Radio: Harman Radio emphasizes on promoting cultural and community issues throughout the world. It is using latest radio interactive method which is very easy to use. Every listener is important and given equal opportunity to express his/ her views. Listeners can interact through email, phone, website, radio and facebook. The main message to the community is that Harman Radio does not have any competition with any media source and it is providing a serious and unbiased platform via sincere efforts to promote independent views. It expects creative response from the listeners. So sit back, listen, relax and get ready to be part of it!
All the listeners can directly interact
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HIGHACHIEVERS WERE HONOURED personal qualities that would make a significant contribution to Australian community in NSW. Before an august audience of distinguished guests, proud parents and encouraging community members, the 33 young achievers were honoured
Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) in Australia is proud to be the community organisation that not only helps the under-privileged in Australia and India but also acknowledge the young high achievers of Indian community in Australia. GOPIO hands to
fraternity joined deliver another
successful event ‘GYAAN 2011’ on 13 March 2011 at Castle Hill. GYAAN NIGHT was launched by GOPIO Australia in 2010 to acknowledge the success of HSC students and to honour them for their achievements. The GYAAN Awards are open to all HSC students of Indian origin, who attained ATAR 99 and above in HSC results. The awards are presented during a ceremony each year to outstanding young achievers for their academic, Indian language, dance, drama, music, visual arts and sports achievements and for demonstrating the capabilities and
achievers of Indian origin. These awards provide a great opportunity and give important recognition to our leaders of tomorrow. She congratulated them and their proud parents and wished them all a great future ahead. Harry Walia, Co-ordinator of GOPIO Sydney region addressed the audience, highlighted GOPIO’s achievement and read the message of GOPIO International Chairman Mr. Inder Singh. He expressed gratitude to Hon. Amit Dasgupta Consul General of India, Sydney for special gifts for all the students and to Hon. Michelle Rowland
with GYAAN awards for their hard work, grit, determination and loads of talent. Trophies and certificates were presented to high achiever of each category to recognise their success. GOPIO Sydney President and the Event Manager, Mrs. Lucky Singh as usual in her MP, federal member for Greenway inimitable style welcomed all for sponsoring all the trophies for the award winners. Hon Amit Das Gupta was also the chief guest for the evening. Mr. Dasgupta applauded the Australian cultural diversity and congratulated the young achievers of Indian origin. Other guests for the evening included Hon.
the guests saying, “It is a night of celebrating hard work, commitment and enthusiasm. We greatly value this extremely special occasion where we acknowledge, encourage & most importantly promote the positive achievements of our young
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lkeqnkf;d SINGH Academic Excellence Award (a trophy and a cheque of $500.00)a very kind and encouraging gesture, indeed. The award ceremony was followed by a short entertainment program which was a potpourri of traditional and Bollywood dances and songs. Maya Da Dhaba had laid out sumptuous dinner, there was an auction and raffle draws conducted fabulously by Ayush Sharma and Sumeet Sarna where attractive prizes were given away to the winners.
John Robertson, Transport Minister, representing the Premier of NSW, Hon. Ray Williams MP, representing Opposition leader of NSW, Hon. Peter Primrose Minister for Youth, Volunteering, Ageing & Disability Services, Hon. Nathan Rees MP, former Premier of NSW, Hon. Michelle Rowland, Federal Member for Greenway, many councillors of Labor and Liberal parties and community. The evening was led by charming and enthusiastic ladies Lucky Singh, Neeru Singh and Sneha Chandran. The event was sponsored by Maya Da Dhaba as Platinum sponsor, Sharma Kitchen as Gold sponsor and Best & Less as Silver sponsor and other sponsors were Angad’s Creations, ANZ real estate, Minto Cellars, Centrum Printing, Cressel Software, Hami Car Repairs, Grace
Ayush Sharma President GOPIO Glenwood closed the evening with a thank note by acknowledging all the sponsors, the dignitaries, the young achievers, their families and members of the Indian community.
of India Restaurant, Innovative Hub, Kellyville Ridge Medical Centre, Congratulations to all the Kings Restaurant, Michelle Rowland (Federal Member for Greenway), Poonam’s family day care, Radhika Imports and S4S coaching. The two young achievers for their overall performance received a pleasant surprise when two trophies and cash cheques were sponsored by two community peopleMrs Gurcharan Kaur and Mr. Sukhjinder Pal Singh. They announced H.S. NARULA All deserving winners and a big pat Rounder Award (a trophy and a on the shoulders of all the GOPIO cheque of $250.00) and Sd. AJIT Presidents including Mrs Lucky Singh, Mrs. Neeru Singh, Mr. Ayush Sharma, Mr. Balbir Singh, Mr Sameer Pandey , Mr. Ravinder Singh, Mr. Mahavir Arya, Mr. Balkar Singh Kang, Mr Daniel Chandran, Mr. Harpreet Singh, Dr. Jawahar Thomas, Mr. Bhupinder Chhibber, Mr. Manmohan Singh, Mr. Sumeet Sarna, Mrs Kuldeep Kaur, Mrs Poonam Chhibber, Mrs. Sneha Chandran, Mrs Preeti Singh, Mrs Neeta Sarna, and all the volunteers who worked relentlessly for this event. All in all it was an evening worth spent. GOPIO Australia encourages future students of Indian origin to apply for GYAAN awards after their HSC exam in December each year at their web site
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çkekf.kd HkkokuqHkwfr dk dkO; vkt ds n©j esa t¨ vf/kdre dfork,¡ fy[kh ¼jph ugha½ tk jgh gSa] os Hkko’kwU; vkSj çHkko’kwU; gh vf/kd gSaAokLrfod dfork r¨ og gS] ftls jpukdkj vius çk.k¨a ds Li’kZ ls thou çnku djrk gSA t¨ ikBd d¨ cgqr xgjs rd m}sfyr dj nsrh gSaA dqN y¨x gkbdq ds uke ij likVc;kuh ;k ,d iafDr d¨ r¨M+dj rhu iafDr;k¡ cuk ns jgs gSa] ftles u NUn dk fuokZg g¨rk gS] u Hkko] fopkj vkSj dYiuk dkA lkfgR; ns’k&dky dh lhek esa u c¡/kdj jgk gS] u jgsxkA gkbdq d¨ dqN y¨x vk;kfrr dgdj misf{kr djuk pkgrs gSaA ,slh l¨p ges vxzxkeh u cukdj çfrxkeh cukrh gSA fQj r¨ gesa vk/kqfud lekt vkSj lkfgR; dh cgqr&lh dykvksa] rduhd¨a vkSj fo/kkvksa d¨ njfdukj djuk g¨xk] t¨ dHkh lEHko ughaA d¨Ã Hkh fo/kk vius fopkj&txr] Hkko &l©Un;Z ,oa moZj dYiuk ls gh LFkk;h cu ldrh gSA fcuk l¨ps le>s fdlh Hkh fo/kk dk ys[ku djuk]ml fo/kk dh u r¨ deh gS] u det+¨jh (;g r¨ ys[kd fo’ks”k dh nqcZyrk gSA y?kqdFkk] x+t+y vkSj vrqdkUr dforkvksa esa Hkh ,slh ?kqliSB g¨rh jgh gSA le; cgrs ty d¨ fuFkkj nsrk gSA cprk ogh gS]t¨ jprk gSA fdlh Hkh fo/kk dk x©jo mÙke ys[ku ls gh c<+rk gS] fdlh O;fDr fo’ks”k ;k frdM+e ls ughaA gkbdq ds fy, d¨Ã fo”k; R;kT; ugha gSA lkfgR; dh d¨Ã Hkh fo/kk u ekuo&laosnuk dh mis{kk dj ldrh gS] u vius le; dh ;k lkekftd lj¨dkj¨a dhA gkbdq d¨ Hkh Hkkjrh; ifjçs{; esa gh ns[kuk pkfg,A Hkko dh vk¡p esa ris fcuk gkbdq viuk lgh Lo:i /kkj.k ugha dj ldrk gSA ioZr&f’k[kj ls yq<+drk csM©y iRFkj B¨djsa [kkdj ,d u;k :i /kkj.k dj ysrk gSA
mlesa ,d vu¨[kk l©Un;Z tkx mBrk gSA ;g l©Un;Z mlds la?k”kZ dh dgkuh dgrk gS ;k ;w¡ Hkh dg ldrs gSa fd ;g l©Un;Z mlds la?k”kZ ls :ikdkj xzg.k djrk gSA ftl dfo us ftruk la?k”kZ fd;k g¨xk]nq[k&nnZ d¨ vius ekul esa ftruk ft;k g¨xk] ftldk ân; ihM+k ¼Lo;a dh ;k nwlj¨a dh½ esa ftruk pqvk g¨xk(mldk dkO; mruk gh Hkko&ço.k]thoUr vkSj eeZLi’khZ g¨xkA vuqHko] laLi’kZ] Hkk”kk dk lgt vkSj Hkkokuq:i ç;¨x] mez dk ugha vuqHko dk e¨grkt+ gSA cgqeq[kh çfrHkk dh /kuh M‚0 Hkkouk dq¡vj dk fgUnh vkSj laLÑr ij leku vf/kdkj jgk gSA f’k{k.k ls tqM+s g¨us ds dkj.k ‘kCn&lkeZF; ij mudh et+cwr idM+ gSA ;gh dkj.k gS dh gkbdq&jpuk esa bUg¨aus ,d u, v/;k; dh ‘kq#vkr dh gS vkSj og gS Hkko&ço.k gkbdqvksa dk ltZuA M‚0 Hkkouk dq¡vj dh ;g ‘kfDr mud¨ uhjl jpuk djus okys vius vxzt¨a vkSj L;wM¨ /otk/kkfj;¨a vkSj çorZd¨a ls vyx djrh gSA buds gkbdqvksa dk Qyd cgqr O;kid gSA mldk ,d fljk vxj ckg~; çÑfr gS]r¨ nwljk ukt+qd N¨j mFky&iqFky ls lk{kkRdkj djrh vUr% çÑfr rd dh ;k=k iwjh djrk gSA lekt ds çfr laosnu’khyrk ml ;k=k dk vkRe rRRo gSA Hkko¨a dh el`.krk] vfHkO;fDr dh lgtrk buds gkbdqvksa esa ns[krs gh curh gSA M‚0 Hkkouk dq¡vj ds ikl l’kDr Hkk”kk gh ugha] moZj dYiuk Hkh gSA eu dh O;kdqyrk d¨ xqye¨gj ds lkFk fgju dh papyrk dk :i nsdj fdruh [kwclwjrh ls t¨M+k gS& HkVdk eu @xqye¨gj ou @cu fgjuA xqye¨gj dh Mkfy;k¡ cgqr det+¨j g¨rh gSa] t¨ t+jk&lh vk¡/kh ds dkj.k VwV tkrh gSa] Hkkouk us liu¨a ds VwVus ds mieku ls bl ckjhdh d¨ ekfeZdrk vfHkO;fDr nh gSA bUg¨aus ckg~; vkSj vUr%çÑfr d¨ xqfEQr djds vu¨[ks vUnkt+ esa lgtrk ls lkdkj dj fn;k gS & rst Fkh vk¡/kh @VwVk xqye¨gj @liu¨a &tSlkA blh çdkj [ksr ds uoo/kw ds :i d¨ u, n`’; fcEc esa fij¨dj lgt ,oa HkkokRed fp= çLrqr fd;k gS & [ksr gS o/kw@ ljl¨a gSa xgus Lo.kZ ds tSlsA fpfM+;¨a ds xhr d¨ eUfnj dh ?k.fV;k¡ dguk] ,d lkFk dà vFkZ [k¨yrk gSA ,d vksj çÑfr dk d.kZfç; laxhr r¨ nwljh vksj efUnj dh ?kf.V;¨a dk vfHkHkwr
rkjksa dh pwuj
jkes’oj dkEc¨t ^fgeka’kq*
djus okyk vk/;kRfed vuqHko Hkh tqM+k gSA bl rjg ds fcEc vFkZ&xqEQu xgu fpUru] ekfeZd vuqHko vkSj Hkko& fo’ys”k.k ls tUe ysrs gSaA dof;=h dh lw{en`f”V bls vksj çHkkoh cuk nsrh gS & fpfM+;‚a xkrha@?kafV;‚a efUnj dh@xhr lqukrhaA blh çdkj iou dk mnkÙk :i ^eU=¨pkj.k @ djrh ;s iou@nso & iwtk lhA* bu iafDr;¨a esa iwjh rUe;rk ls vfHkO;Dr gqvk gSA ‘kke vkSj >hy dk ;g vuqie :i nsf[k, &17 o.kZ¨a ds xkxj esa fdl rjg ifjiwfjr dj fn;k gS fd ikBd jlflDr gq, fcuk ugha jg ikrk & 1& vks<s cSBh gS@d¨gjs dh pknj@’kke lqgkuhA 2&nqYgu >hy@rkj¨a dh pwuj ls@?kw¡?kV dk<+sA de ls de ;g uo¨<k :i gkbdq ds fy, r¨ u;k gh gSA Hkkouk ds gkbdq&dkuu esa dgha jf’e;¨a dk nq’kkyk vks<+s l¨Ã ?kVk dk ekuohdj.k gS] r¨ dgha Hkkuq d¨ xqyky yxkrh ‘k¨[k fdj.ks gSaA dgha /kqa/k l©ru ls nq[kh fo;¨xh jkr gS]ftls vius çseh pk¡n dh çrh{kk gSA dgha lhi ls >k¡drk e¨rh gS( ysfdu lc dqN uohu vkSj vuNq, ç;¨x ds :i esa l©Un;Z ls flDr dkfynkl dh ‘kdqUryk dh rjg&vuk?kzkra iq”ia tSlk & lhi &ls e¨rh@tSls >k¡d jgk g¨@uHk esa pk¡nA* çÑfr dk bruk fofo/krkiw.kZ fp=.k fdlh ,d dfo ds ,d gh dkO;&laxzg esa brus O;kid :i esa ,d lkFk nqyZHk gSA dof;=h ,d lQy fp=dkj Hkh gSa( vr% fp=kadu dh ckjhdh ‘kCn&p;u esa Hkh ifjyf{kr g¨rh gSA ^p‚anuh jkr@tqxuqvksa dk lkFk@gkFk esa gkFkA* gkbdq esa çse dh Å”ek ns[kus d¨ feyrh gSA vxj fo’kq) :i ls Hkk”kk dh d¨eyrk ns[kuh g¨ r¨ M‚ Hkkouk dq¡vj dk ;g gkbdq & o¨ e`x N©uk cgqr gh ly¨uk dqykpsa HkjsA N©uk] ly¨uk vkSj dqyk¡ps dk ç;¨x lkFkZd gh ugha lVhd Hkh gSA dqyk¡ps dsoy p©ik, ds p©adM+h Hkjus ds :i esa g¨rk gS]t¨ ;gk¡ gkbdq d¨ uà špkà çnku djrk gS & ^’kekZà yrk@<w¡<rh fQjs oL=@ir>j esaA*
Page 60 ir>j dk blls csgrj fp=.k D;k g¨ ldrk gSA i=ghu yrk dh ozhMk blh esa gS fd og oL= dh ryk’k esa yxh gSA mls fujkoj.k jguk e;kZfnr ugha yxrkA ijnsl esa jgdj viuk ?kj&xk¡o ftl csrjg ;kn vkrk gS] mls Hkkouk us uhe dh Nk;k] dq,¡ ds ehBs ikuh ls vfHkO;Dr fd;k gS uhe dh Nk¡o ehBs dq,¡ dk ikuh o¨ esjk xk¡oA txR &lR; ds :i esa çÑfr ds lR :i ds lkFk fpR :i Hkh mlh rUe;rk ls fpf=r gqvk gSA bl /kjrh ij ekuo d¨ laosnu’khy cuk;k gSA ;gh laosnuk mlds g”kZ&fo”kkn] vk¡lw&eqLdku vkSj la;¨x &fo;¨x ds :i esa mldh lcls cM+h lEifÙk gSAHkkouk dk thou &la?k”kZ buds gkbdqvksa esa cgqr rUe;rk vkSj vkos’k ds lkFk fpf=r gqvk gSA mudk Hkkoqd ân; feyu vkSj çse d¨ isM+ vkSj yrk ds çrhd¨a ls bl çdkj mdsjrk gS& ^ldqpkà &lh@fyiVrh gh xÃ@yrk isM+ lsA* ;k Lusg dk jax ,slk cjlrk gS fd og vax¨a ls NwVus dkuke gh ugh ysrk& Lusg dk jax@cjls dqN ,sls@NwVs uk vaxA* fç; dk feyu lkjs vdsysiu d¨ ihNs N¨M+ nsrk gS& ;kn¨a ds esys@gSa vc lkFk rsjs@ugha vdsysA* dgha og eng¨’k ‘kke gS t¨ ije fç; ds lkFk xqt+jh Fkh& eng¨’k&lh@Fkh o¨ ‘kke lqgkuh@xqt+jh lkFkA* blls Hkh vkxs c<+dj feyu dh og [kq’kcw gS] t¨ ru vkSj eu&çk.k esa cl xà gSA [kq’kcw dk ;g vuwBk ç;¨x feyu d¨ iw.kZ:is.k çkekf.kd cuk nsrk gS & ^egdk x;k @esjk ru&eu ;s@ rsjk feyuA* dgha og lkxj& rV dh og /kwi gS t¨ viuh tUe &tUekUrj dh I;kl cq>kus ds fy, fu%’kDr g¨dj ysVh gqà gS& ysVh Fkh /kwi@lkxj rV ij@I;kl cq>kusA dgha thou &la?k”kZ Fkds iaNh ds #i esa]r¨ dgha /kwy&Hkjh vk¡f/k;¨a ds :i esa çdV g¨rk gSA gj txg
ekpZ&viSzy Hkkouk th vUr% vkSj ckg~; çÑfr esa vn~Hkqr lkeatL; LFkkfir dj ysrh gSa] tSls & ^Fkdk gS iaNh@foLr`r gS xxu@t+[+eh gSa ia[kA* vkSj ^py jgh gSa@/kwy &Hkjh vk¡f/k;k¡@[k¨;k gS jkLrkA* eu r¨ mUeqDr jguk pkgrk gS]ysfdu thou fdlh _tq js[kk esa ugha pyrkAmlds pkj¨a vksj vUr% vkSj ckg~; la?k”kZ dk d¡Vhyk tky f?kjk gS] t¨ lkjh mUeqDrrk d¨ frj¨fgr vkSj ?kk;y dj nsrk gS & ^Fkk eu esjkA mUeqDr iaNh tSlk @ tky esa f?kjkA* thou ds mu iy¨a d¨] t¨ ia[k yxkdj mM+us d¨ vkrqj gSa ( Hkkouk th us tky esa Q¡lh frryh tSls ukt+qd ç ds ek/;e ls eq[kfjr dj fn;k gSA ^frryh* dk ;g çrhdkRed ç;¨x cgqr &lh LoIueXuk ;qofr;¨a dh thou&O;Fkk dk Hkkokuqokn gS & ^uUgha frryh@cqjh Q¡lh tky esa@u¨ap yh xÃA* fojg dk fp=.k djus esa dof;=h dh ys[kuh ân; d¨ æfor dj nsrh gSAfonk g¨rs le; lqcduk O;Fkk dh ijkdk”Bk gSA;g æo.k’khyrk] ml iy d¨ fu”Bqj cuk nsrh gS& lqcd iM+h@dSlh Fkh o¨ fu”Bqj@fonk dh ?kM+hA* fç; ls nwj jguk fdlh ouokl ls de ugha g¨rkA ;g thfodk ds fy, ?kj ls nwj jgus okys ;k fofcUu dkj.k¨a ls vyxko lgus okys vkt ds cgqr ls y¨x¨a dh la?k”kZiw.kZ xkFkk gS & ^eu mnkl @tc rw ugha ikl@ gS cuoklA* tc dHkh ;s la?k”kZ vkSj ijs’kkfu;k¡ ^/kwi* ds çrhd:i esa fpf=r g¨rs gSa (r¨ thou&vuqHko ds fudV g¨us ds dkj.k vf/kd c¨/kxE; g¨ tkrs gSa& ^tc Hkh feyh@gesa r¨ lQ+j esa@/kwi gh feyhA* dHkh xgu vuqrki dh ihM+k eu d¨ eFk nsrh gS ( D;¨afd bl fu”Bqj lalkj esa pkgdj Hkh dqN vkf’k;kus cl ugha ikrs&^ u cl ldk@esjk gh vkf’k;kuk@lcdk clkA*
vius ?kj tkvks u vady ! ‘kgj esa d¶Z;w yxk FkkA y¨x vius&vius ?kj¨a esa nqcds cSBs FksA xfy;k¡ vkSj lM+dsa lqulku iM+h FkhaA rHkh] u©&nl cjl ds n¨ cPps u tkus dc vius ?kjoky¨a ls vk¡[k cpkdj ?kj ls ckgj fudydj lM+d ij [ksyus yxsA nwj rd [kkyh iM+h lqulku lM+d ij [ksyus esa mUgsa etk vk jgk FkkA fjD’kk] lk;fdy] LdwVj] e¨Vj dkj vkfn dk d¨Ã Hk; ugha FkkA rHkh] x’r dj jgs flikgh us mUgsa ns[kk vkSj MkaVrs gq, c¨yk& ^^,s cPp¨ ! Hkkx¨ ;gk¡ ls--- tkvks vius ?kj¨a esa---** cPps viuk [ksy j¨d dj [kM+s g¨ x, vkSj flikgh dh vksj QVh vk¡[k¨a ls ns[kus yxsA fgEer dj muesa ls ,d cPpk c¨yk& ^^lM+d r¨ [kkyh iM+h gS] gesa
lqHkk’k uhjo
[ksyus n¨ u] vady \** ^^ugha] lM+d ij ugha [ksy ldrs rqeA rqEgsa ekywe ugha] ‘kgj esa d¶Z;w yxk gS \** ^^o¨ D;k g¨rk gS] vady \** dej ij gkFk j[ks lges&ls [kM+s nwljs cPps us iwNkA ^^d¶Z;w esa ?kj ls ckgj fudyus okys d¨ cUnwd dh x¨yh ekj nh tkrh gS] le>sA** x¨yh ds uke ij n¨u¨a cPps lge x,A ,dk,d muesa ls ,d vius psgjs d¨ viuh n¨u¨a gFksfy;¨a ij fVdkdj vk¡[k¨a d¨ x¨y&x¨y ?kqekrs gq, csgn eklwfe;r ls c¨yk] ^^rqe Hkh r¨ ?kj ls ckgj lM+d ij ?kwe jgs g¨A---rqEgsa Hkh r¨ d¨Ã x¨yh ekj ldrk gS--- rqe Hkh vius ?kj tkvks u vady !**
lkfgR; ,slk D;¨a g¨rk gS\ D;¨afd nqfu;k ds ‘kkfrj y¨x nwlj¨a d¨ fo;¨x nsus esa gh yxs jgrs gSaA fQj lkekftd vkSj tM+c) vkSj [k¨[kyh uSfrdrk ds brus O;o/kku gSa]bruh ekuofufeZr ?kqVuHkjh e;kZnk,¡ gSa fd pkgdj Hkh d¨Ã viuh O;Fkk lkoZtfud :i ls ugha dg ldrkA blh ?kqVu d¨ Hkkouk th us bl çdj O;Dr fd;k gS& ^dguk pkgw¡ @ gS NViVkgV @ dg uk ikÅ¡A* dgha og nq[kh gS]ftldk cPpk mlls fcNqM+ x;k gSA fgjuh ds ek/;e ls ,d eerke;h ek¡ dh nq[k&dkrj eu%fLFkfr cgqr ekfeZdrk ls O;Dr gqà gS & nq[kh @ [k¨trh gS viuk @ fcNM+k cPpkA oSlk gh nq[k ijnsl es viu¨a dh ;kn vkus ij g¨rk gS] t¨ eu d¨ cgqr xgjs rd eFk nsrk gS & ^ijnsl esa@tc g¨yh eukÃA rw ;kn vkÃA* Hkkouk th ds dkO; esa vHkkoxzLr lekt Hkh iwjh lgkuqHkwfr ds lkFk mifLFkr gSA mldh nqnZ’kk dk LokHkkfod fp=.k uUgsa ls gkbdq esa ltho g¨ mBk gS& QVh jt+kà @ ;s er iwN¨ dSls @lnhZ fcrkÃA* fQj Hkh thou &la?k”kZ¨a vkSj vHkko¨a esa vk’kk dk lUns’k /kS;Z c¡/kkrk gS& N¨M+¨ uk rqe@ ;w¡ vkl dk nkeu@ g¨xk losjkA* c<+rs çnw”k.k dk D;k çHkko g¨xk] ;g iwjs fo’o ds fy, fpUrk dk dkj.k gSA dof;=h Hkh blls vutku ughaA dkys liZ dk mieku i;; nq”çHkko d¨ lkdkj dj nsrk gS & ^vkleku esa @dkys liZ&lk /kqvk¡ @ Qu QSyk,A* gkbdq esa chtea= dh ‘kfDr fufgr gS] bldk vglkl M‚0 Hkkouk dq¡vj ds gkbdq i<+us ij g¨ tkrk gSA ;g ladyu mu gkbdq &foj¨f/k;¨a dk eq¡g cUn djus esa Hkh l{ke gS] t¨ gkbdq d¨ likVc;kuh dk i;kZ; le>us dh Hkwy djrs jgs gSa] lkFk gh mu gkbdq dfo;¨a d¨ Hkh uà n`f”V nsus esa l{ke gS] t¨ dqN Hkh çk.kghu &Hkkoghu fy[kdj mls gkbdq dh laKk nsrs jgs gSaA eBk/kh’kho`fÙk ls d¨Ã vPNk lkfgR;dkj ugha cu ldrk( D;¨afd vPNk ys[ku gh fdlh fo/kk d¨] lkfgR;dkj d¨ et+cwr cukrk gSA M‚0 Hkkouk dk ;g dk;Z bl fo/kk dk lcls csgrjhu mnkgj.k gSA vkt ugha r¨ dy bl laxzg dh çklafxdrk d¨ Lohdkj djuk iM+sxkA rkj¨a dh pwuj ¼gkbdq&laxzg½ % M‚0 Hkkouk dq¡vj] i`”B%160A ewY;¼lftYn½ % 150 çdk’kd % ’k¨Hkuk çdk’ku]123&,] lqUnj vikVZes.V] th ,p 10] uà fnYyh&110087 çdk’ku o”kZ % 2007
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tkus D;k <w¡<rh jgrh gSa ;g vk¡[ksa--irk ugha gekjh vk¡[k¨a d¨ bruk dqN ns[kus dk D;¨a ‘k¨ad gS- ftruk Hkh bud¨ iyd¨a esa can dj y¨] ;g fQj njokt+k [k¨y ds b/kj m/kj ns[kuk ‘kq: dj nsrh gSa- vc dSls le>kma bu vk¡[k¨a d¨\ Mjrk gw¡ vxj fdlh ls yM+ xà r¨ d;ker vk tk,xh] mBuk cSBuk eqf’dy g¨ tk;sxk] fny cspSfu;¨a ds leqUnj esa fQj ls Mwc tk;sxkvk¡[ksa vxj [kqclwjr g¨a r¨ bldh rkjhQ ds iqy ca/k tkrs gSa] vxj uk g¨a] r¨ y¨x bues dkty yxkds buls ,sls rhj pykrs gSa fd ns[kus okyk ,d ne t+[+eh g¨ tkrk gS- bd ut+j I;kj ls fdlh d¨ ns[k ysa] r¨ nqljs dh ftanxh laoj t+krh gS] vkSj vxj ;gh ut+j fdlh d¨ viuh ut+j¨a ls fxjk ns] r¨ fxjus okyk iwjh mez ikuh dh cw¡n ds fy, rjl tkrk gS- cgqr le>krk gw¡ bu vk¡[k¨a d¨] ysfdu dec[r ;g viuh gjdr¨a ls ckt+ gh ugha vkrh- D;k ‘kku gSa bu vk¡[k¨a dh- fnu esa r¨ [kqyh vk¡[k¨a ls lius ns[krh gSa vkSj jkr d¨ can iyd¨a esa lius ns[krh gSa- ysfdu tc liu¨ d¨ lkdkj djus dh ckr vkrh gS] r¨ gekjh ut+j gels gh ut+jsa pqjkrh gSa- ij dqN Hkh g¨] vk¡[ksa gSa r¨ lius gSa] lius gSa r¨ vius gSa- fdlh ds fy, r¨ ;g nnZs&fny dh nok dk dke djrh gSa vkSj tc ;g yky g¨ ds fdlh d¨ ns[krh gSa r¨ o¨ ty dj [kkd g¨ tkrk gS- bruh uV[kV gSa ;s] fd gjne fdlh ls viuh vk¡[ksa pkj
lkfgR; M‚ Hkkouk dq¡oj
djus dh g¨M+ esa jgrh gSa- [kqn r¨ yo dqekj Mwcsaxh gh] nqljs d¨ Hkh Mqc¨ nsaxhdHkh Fkdrh ugha ;s- ,d pht+ fey tk;s r¨ nwljh dh ryk’k esa yx t+krh gS- tc bues vkalw Hkjs g¨rs gSa r¨ ns[kus okys dh vk¡[k¨a esa Hkh vkalw vk tkrs gSa- fdlh d¨ nq[kh ns[k gh ugha ldrh- fdlh us dgk gS “peu esa th ugha yxrk dyh ns[kh ugha t+krh] xqy¨a ds njfe;ka rsjh deh ns[kh ugha t+krh( bykgh muds fgLls ds xe Hkh esjs fgLls esa vnk dj ns] fd mu eklwe vk¡[k¨a esa ueh ns[kh ugha t+krh fny vkSj fuxkg dk cgqr xgjk fj’rk gS- fuxkg¨a ds jkLrs ls gh r¨ fny dh nqfu;k vkckn g¨rh gS- gekjs ikl ,slh ut+j g¨uh pkfg, t¨ gekjs nq’eu is Hkh esgjcku g¨ tk;s] vjs n¨Lr r¨ ut+jsa pqjk ds gh Hkkx tkrs gSa- ges’kk bUgsa vkalqvksa ls er fHkx¨b,] dHkh dHkh bues ikuh ds NhaVs Hkh Mkfy,] cgqr glha ut+j vk;saxh- ;g r¨ gesa [k+qnk dh nh gqà o¨ fu;ker gSa fd vxj ge bUgsa x¨j ls ns[ksa bues gesa [k+qnk gh ut+j vk,xk-
1 igjs esjh vk¡[k¨a ij brus igjs igys r¨ u Fks ns[k ldrh Fkh eSa Hkh [kwclwjr [okc ij vpkud D;k gqvk t¨ fudky yh xà budh j¨’kuh vkSj vc r¨ ;s j¨ Hkh ugha ldrhA
2f’kdu esjs psgjs f’kdu epk nsrh Fkh ,d rwQku muds fny esa ij vkt dSlk cnyk ;s e©le t¨ vc f’kdu cu xà muds fny cgykus dh otgA
Raj Mahal Indian Restaurant
A Taste ofAuthentic Indian Cuisine 7/74 Hawkesbury Rd, Westmead NSW 2145. Contact Person: Ram Partap Ph: 02 8677 8144
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r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS
tkxks&js&tkxks fot; dqekj flag
çhr nsgyoh flMuh [k+ke¨’kh tqcka cu tk, tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS] g;k bdjkj g¨ tk, tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS-
tkxks&js&tkxks&js& vks lksus okyksa] Lo;a tkrs&tkrs fu’kk dg jgh gS] vkÅ¡ eSa fQj ls rks lksuk nksckjk] Lo;a tkrs&tkrs fu’kk dg jgh gSA fQj ls ljksoj esa ‘krny f[kysaxs] iq”iksa ls Hkaojs fQj ls feysaxs] dwg&dwg dwg&dwg xk,xh dks;y] fpfM+;ksa ds >qjeqV fQj ls mMsa+xsa]
ue vk¡[k¨a d¨ Nw ysa yc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS] ckgsa vkx¨’k esa ys ysa tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS-
fQj ykfyek Nk,xh bl xxu esa] pqids ls cnyh fQtk dg jgh gS] tkxks&js&tkxks&js&vks lksus okyksa] Lo;a tkrs&tkrs fu’kk dg jgh gSA
‘k¨f[k;k¡ jax&,&fguk cus tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS] fny esa dgha mBs d¨Ã nnZ & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS-
ys py gesa Hkh ln~iFk is ys py] fuHkZ; lnk gksa izKk gks vfopy] tks Hkh djsa ge dY;; gks] euqtrk ls Hkj nks ns nks gesa cy] viuh d`ik dk izHkq nku ns nks] e/kqj Loj xq¡tkrh _pk dg jgh gS] tkxks&js&tkxks&js&vks lksus okyksa] Lo;a tkrs&tkrs fu’kk dg jgh gSA
rUgS;k¡ yqHkkus yxsa tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS] tkuk tku cu tk;s tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gSlkalsa rwQ+ku cu tk,¡ tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS] fny d¨Ã uk[kqnk <wa<s tc & r¨ e¨gCcr g¨rh gS-
rqEgsa rks vuojr l`tu xhr xkuk] dÙkZO; iFk ij c<+rs gh tkuk] rqEgsa c<+ ds Nwuk uhykHk uHk gS] rqEgsa rks f{kfrt ds ml ij tkuk] mRlkg] mYykl] LQwfrZ Hkj yks] ‘khry lqjfHke; gok dg jgh gS] tkxks&js&tkxks&js&vks lksus okyksa] Lo;a tkrs&tkrs fu’kk dg jgh gSA
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iquhr xz¨oj ,oa e¨uk g¨yh [ksyrs gq,
f”kYik] fnO;k] r`fIr] LosPNk] j¨th] fdj.k] fu’Bk g¨yh ds jax esa jaxs gq,
,tkt+ [kku] t‚u fuosu] gjh”k osyth] eqds”k ek:
isjkesVk ,oa xzsufoy ds mEehnokj Lokeh ukjk;.k eafnj ij
jkts”k “kekZ g¨yh ds volj ij vius ifjokj ds lkFk
‘k’kkad flag gsyaLoxZ eafnj ij
uhye jsLr©jsaV ds Kku pan] fycjy ikVhZ ds isjkesVk mEehnokj tsQ+ yh ds lkFk
tlfoanj Hk¨xy fo|k ckyu ds lkFk
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vuqjkx prqosZnh ds dkVwZu
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