vxLr&flracj 2011
HINDI GAURAV Hkkjrh; vkWLVªsfy;k fe=rk esyk fQj Hkkjrh; leqnk; esa ,d ehy dk iRFkj lkfcr gqvk
d a k k ” s k fo’
iadt mnkl 3 flracj dks flMuh esa
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Page 8 eq[; lEiknd % vuqt dqyJs’B lEiknd % LosPNk dqyJs’B lEiknu&lfefr % MkW “kSytk prqosZnh MkW vk”kk xqIrk MkW Hkkouk dq¡vj jkes”oj dkEckst ^fgeka”kq* ys[kd ,oa lg;ksxh% uhye dqyJs’B M‚ eatqyk iar vCckl jt+k vYoh lj¨t vj¨M+k gSjh okfy;k M‚ js[kk y¨gku f”kYik dqyJs’B banq fufru enku latho dqekj “k¨Hkuk lsB lg;¨xh% vfer Hkk¡rh fQ+j¨t+ “ks[k dfiy dqyJs’B r#.k iar
laikndh; vktdy tSlk dh lHkh y¨x tkurs gS Hkkjr esa vUuk gtkjs th ljdkj ds f[kykQ Hk”Vªkpkj ds eqÌsa ij gqadkj Hkj jgs gS ogh nwljh vkSj fØdsV esa baXySaM Hkkjr d¨ yxkrkj iVduh nsrk vk jgk gS vkSj VsLV esa Hkkjr d¨ uacj ,d dh xÌh ls mrkj fn;k gSA vUuk gtkjs th Hkkjr esa vke vkneh ds fy, ,d mEehn ds :i esa lkeus vk;s gS] vke vkneh ml fnu dk bart+kj dj jgk gS t¨ y¨x Hk”Vªkpkj ds tfj;s /ku&n©yr] u©djh vkSj igq¡p d¨ vius rd gh vuqt dqyJs’B lhfer j[krs gSA oSls Hkkjr esa tu vkUn¨yu le; le; ij g¨rs vk;s gS dHkh ckiw] dHkh tsih vkSj vc vUuk laiknd gtkjsA ,d pht ns[kus dh jgh fd vUuk gtkjs th d¨ t¨ y¨dfç;rk feyh o¨ mud¨ ckiw ts ds lEeq[k [kM+k djrh gSA ,slk ugha gS fd ;g y¨dfç;rk vUuk gtkjs t¨ d¨ jkr¨a jkr feyh] vUuk gtkjs th lsuk fd lsok ls fjVk;MZ g¨us ds ckn y¨x¨a fd lsok esa vUuk th us vius vki d¨ lefiZr dj fn;kA vUuk th tu y¨diky fcy ds leFkZu esa vkUn¨yu dj jgs gS vkSj ljdkj ljdkjh y¨diky fcy ykxw djus fd ckr dj jgh gSA ljdkj fd ea’kk blh ls irk pyrh gS t¨ mlus ljdkjh tu y¨diky fcy dk t¨ ik:i rS;kj fd;k mlesa r¨ Hk”Vªkpkfj;¨a ds f[kykQ d¨Ã dM+h ltk dk d¨Ã çko/kku ugha gS vkSj ltk feyus esa Hkh dkQh le; yxsxkA pfy, ge ,d ut+j Mkyrs gS tu y¨diky vkSj ljdkjh y¨diky ijA {ks=% jktusrk] u©dj’kkg vkSj U;k;ikfydk ij vf/kdkj {ks= ljdkjh fo/ks;d% lhohlh dk vf/kdkj {ks= u©dj’kkg¨a vkSj y¨diky dk jktusrkvksa ijA U;k;ikfydk ij d¨Ã dkuwu ugha tu y¨diky% jktusrk] u©dj’kkg o U;k;ikfydk nk;js esa dkfe;ka% Hkz”Vkpkj jktusrk vkSj u©dj’kkg¨a dh feyhHkxr ls gh g¨rk gSA ,sls esa lhohlh vkSj y¨diky d¨ vyx vf/kdkj {ks= nsus ls bu ekey¨a d¨ O;ogkfjd n`f”V ls fuiVkus esa fnDdrsa is’k vk,axhA ;fn fdlh dsl esa n¨u¨a laLFkkvksa ds vyx fu”d”kZ fudyrs gSa r¨ d¨VZ esa vkj¨ih ds cpus dh vk’kadk T;knk g¨xh{ks=% y¨diky dh ‘kfDr;ka ljdkjh fo/ks;d% lykgdkjh fudk; g¨uk pkfg, tu y¨diky% fdlh dh vuqefr ds cxSj gh tkap çfØ;k ‘kq: djus dk vf/kdkj g¨uk pkfg, dkfe;ka% lykgdkjh Hkwfedk esa ;g lhohlh dh rjg vçHkkoh g¨xk{ks=% folyCy¨vj laj{k.k ljdkjh fo/ks;d% budh lqj{kk ds fy, ljdkj us gky esa ,d fcy is’k fd;k gS ftlesa lhohlh d¨ lqj{kk dk mÙkjnkf;Ro fn;k x;k gStu y¨diky% lh/ks r©j ij budh lqj{kk dk çko/kku dkfe;ka% lhohlh ds ikl u r¨ ‘kfDr;ka gSa vkSj u gh lalk/ku] t¨ folyCy¨vj dh lqj{kk djs{ks=% y¨diky dk p;u vkSj fu;qfDr ljdkjh fo/ks;d% çeq[k :i ls lÙkk i{k vkSj foi{k ds lnL;¨a ls cuh ,d desVh }kjk budk p;u tu y¨diky% xSj jktuhfrd O;fDr;¨a dh ,d desVh }kjk p;u Pl. Note: Our Office is above L J Hooker dkfe;ka% d¨Ã Hkh jktuhfrd ikVhZ g¨] og l’kDr vkSj Lora= y¨diky ugha pkgrhA {ks=% y¨diky dh ikjnf’kZrk vkSj tokcnsgh ljdkjh fo/ks;d% d¨Ã çko/kku ugha tu y¨diky% From GST Inclusive dk;Zç.kkyh ikjn’khZ g¨A fdlh y¨diky deZpkjh ds f[kykQ f’kd;r dk fuLrkj.k ,d eghus ds Hkhrj g¨uk pkfg, vkSj n¨”kh ik, tkus ij mld¨ c[kkZLr fd;k tkuk pkfg,A Special Fees For {ks=% Hkz”Vkpkj ekey¨a esa ljdkj d¨ gq, /ku dh {kfriwfrZ GST/ABN advice, Business Activity Statement ljdkjh fo/ks;d% d¨Ã Tax Planning, Negative Gearing Advice, Partnership Return çko/kku ugha Business Return, Company Return, Superannuation, Trust etc tu y¨diky% Hkz”Vkpkj ds dkj.k ljdkj dh gqà fdlh Hkh ek=k dh vkfFkZd {kfr dk vkdyu REGISTERED TAX AGENT & ACCOUNTANTS Vªk;y d¨VZ djsxh vkSj bldh ALL TYPES OF olwyh n¨f”k;¨a ls dh tk,xhA HOME Gurpal Dhingra n¨u¨a y¨diky fcy¨a LOANS REGISTERED TAX AGENT & ACCOUNTANT ij v/;;u djus ds vk/kkj Ph: 9789 0789 ij ;gh fu”d”kZ fudyrk gS Suite 4 A, 142 Beamish Street, Telephone: 02 9789 0789 ljdkj ljdkjh y¨diky ds (Cnr. Beamish & Campsie St, ABOVE L J HOOKER) Facsimile: 02 9789 0790 uke ij bl vkUn¨yu d¨ ‘kkar PO Box 901, Campsie NSW 2194 Mobile: 0413 260 000 djuk pkgrh ckdh mldh Only one minute from Railway Station (From station go towards CIVIC VIDEO then to L J HOOKER /OUR OFFICE) ea’kk Hk”Vªkpkj ds f[kykQ dqN 7 * Working days subject to ATO conditions djus dh gS ughaA
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Hkkjrh; vkWLVªsfy;k fe=rk esyk fQj Hkkjrh; l la;qDr Hkkjrh; ,l¨fl,’ku ¼UIA½ us 14 vxLr 2011 d¨ ,d Hkkjr vkWLVªsfy;k eS=h esyk Hkkjrh; Lora=rk fnol ds miy{; esa flMuh vksyafid ikdZ esa vk;¨ftr fd;kA bl laLFkk ds v/;{k vefjanj cktok us crk;k fd ;g vk;¨tu Hkkjr ls ckgj Hkkjrh; Lora=rk fnol ds miy{; esa fo’o esa lcls cM+k vk;¨tu gSa ftles lcls T;knk y¨x Hkkx ysrs gSaA bl esys esa Hkkjrh; laLÑfr dh >yd fn[kkà nsrh gSaA bl esys esa mifLFkr Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds rFkk vU; y¨x¨a us Hkkjrh; Lora=rk fnol cM+s mRlkg ls euk;kA la;qDr Hkkjrh; ,l¨fl,’ku ¼UIA½ bl esys d¨ çfr o”kZ o”kZ 1994 ls vk;¨ftr djkrh vk jgh gSaA bl esys esa djhc chl gtkj y¨x¨a us Hkkx fy;k vkSj esys ds lkaLÑfrd] Q+wM] ,oa vU; xfrfof/k;¨a dk vkuan mBk;kA bl esys esa dà x.kekU; O;fDr ,oa QsMjy ,oa jkT; ljdkj ds dà jktuhfrK ,oa eaf=;¨a us Hkkx fy;kA bl esys esa çeq[k :i ls Hkkx ysus oky¨a esa ekuuh;k egkefge Jherh
lqtkrk flag Hkkjr dh mPpk;qDr] ekuuh; vfer nklxqIrk Hkkjr ds d©alqy tujy] dsUæh; bEehxzs’ku ,oa flfVtu ea=h fØl c¨osu] ,u ,l MCyw jkT; ds foi{k ds usrk t‚u j¨csVZ~lu] ,u ,l MCyw ds iwoZ çhfe;j ukFku jhl] ,u ,l MCyw jkT; ds flfVtu ,oa leqnk; ea=h ekuuh; foUlsaV M¨feusYy¨ lfgr QsMjy ,oa jkT; ds vusd¨a laln vkSj fofHkUu {ks=¨a dh çeq[k gfLr;k¡ mifLFkr FksA vefjanj cktok us vius v/;{kh; Hkk”k.k esa fuEufyf[kr eq̨a d¨ mBk;k% ^^Hkkjr d¨ ;wjsfu;e fcØh Hkkjrh; leqnk; ds fy, ,d cgqr gh laosnu’khy fo”k; gS vkSj leqnk; esa ,d O;kid n`f”Vd¨.k gS fd vkWLVªsfy;k d¨ ;wjsfu;e dh Hkkjr d¨ vkiwfrZ djuh pkfg,] Hkkjr ijek.kq lqj{kk ds fy, ,d etcwr leFkZd jgk gS**A U;w lkmFk osYl esa baVjus’kuy Nk=¨a d¨ ifjogu esa NwV nsuh pkfg, ftlls baVj&us’kuy Nk= ,u ,l MCyw esa clus ds fy, vkdZf”kr g¨A gekjs lekt
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; leqnk; esa ,d ehy dk iRFkj lkfcr gqvk esa ofj”B fj;k;r dkMZ dh ekax g¨us yxh gS ftuds ekrk firk] t¨ fczftax ohtk ij ;gk¡ jg jgs gSA la;qDr Hkkjrh; ,l¨fl,’ku ¼UIA½ ds t‚u uhosu] jaxk jktu] xqatu f=ikBh us lHkh vfrfFk;¨a ,oa mifLFkr lHkh tu¨a dk Lokxr fd;k ,oa UIA }kjk fd;s x, dk;Z ,oa mldh miyfC/k;¨a ij çdk’k MkykA vkius Hkkjr dh egkurk vkSj vf} rh;rk vkSj vkWLVªsfy;k esa ‘kkafr ls jg jgs Hkkjrh; leqnk; dh ckr dhA lHkh oDrkvksa us Hkkjr vkSj vkWLVªsfy;k ijLij laca/k¨a ij çdk’k Mkyk vkSj Hkkjrh; çokfl;¨a dk vkWLVªsfy;k esa fn;k x;k vewY; ;¨xnku d¨ ljkgkA bl esys esa ;wvkÃ,s ,oa fgUnw d©afly us feydj j{kkca/ku ioZ euk;k ftlesa yM+fd;¨a us og mifLFkr eaf=;¨a lkaln¨a ,oa vU; y¨x¨a dh dykà ij jk[kh cka/khA
vkHkkj O;Dr fd;kA UIA us AIMGA d¨ fu%’kqYd esfMdy dSEi yxkus ds fy, rFkk ,u,lMCY;w iqfyl d¨ Nk=¨a ds fy, lwpuk iqfLrdk,a forfjr djus ds fy, fo’ks”k /kU;ckn fn;kA gj o”kZ dh rjg bl ckj Hkh bl esys dk eq[; vkd”kZ.k lkaLÑfrd dk;ZØe jgs blesa djhc 250 çfrHkkfx;¨a us Hkkx fy;k t¨ lHkh vk;q ds FksA bl esys esa eq[; :i ls çflÌ iatkch ,adj] flaxj lfranj lÙkh] iutkch xk;d fHkaMk vkStyk ,oa nf{k.k Hkkjr dh vfHkus=h Lusgk Hkkjr ls ;gk¡ y¨x¨a dk eu¨jatu djus vk;s FksA
bl esys ls ,d fnu iwoZ ;wvkÃus ,d fMUuj vk;¨ftr fd;k Fkk ftlesa fHkaMk vkStyk ,oa Lusgk us viuh mifLFkfr ls okjkoj.k dkQh eu¨jatd cuk fn;k bl dk;ZØe dh ,adfjax flMuh dh lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ ydh flag ,oa fu”Bk fuf/k t‚u fuosu] UIA ds mik/;{k dqyJs”B us dhA esys ,oa fMUuj esa flMuh us bl esys ds fy, lHkh dk;ZdrkZvksa] ds LFkkuh; Mkal leg¨a us csgn mEnk çLçk;¨td¨a] ehfM;k ,oa lHkh dykdkj¨a dk rqLrh nhaA
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ukjh fodkl dk ,d vkSj i{k ,d LFkkfir ,oa varjZk”Vªh; Lrj dh miHk¨Drk daiuh ds jkT;Lrjh; eq[; vf/kdkjh ls ckrphr ds n©jku ;s rF; vuk;kl gh mHkjdj lkeus vk;s FksA ,d egaxs j¨LV¨jsaV esa daiuh us lkykuk ikVhZ dk vk;¨tu fd;k FkkA mlesa lHkh ofj”B vf/kdkfj;¨a d¨ ifjokj lfgr vkeaf=r fd;k x;k FkkA blesa dqN ,d ckr çeq[krk ls mHkjh Fkh ftlus mij¨Dr vf/ kdkjh d¨ l¨pus ds fy, etcwj fd;k FkkA ikVhZ esa vkus okyh efgyk vf/kdkfj;¨a esa vfookfgr ;k rykd’kqnk dk çfr’kr vf/kd FkkA buesa ls ,d&n¨ vius fe= r¨ dqN ,d vius ekrk&firk ds lkFk mifLFkr FkhaA vk’p;Z r¨ bl ckr ij vf/kd gqvk Fkk fd ‘kknh’kqnk efgyk,a Hkh rdjhcu vdsyh gh vkà FkhaA cPp¨a o ifr ds lkFk mifLFkfr ux.; FkhaA cgjgky] ikVhZ ds n©jku dqNsd efgyk vf/kdkfj;¨a us efnjk dk bl gn rd lsou dj fy;k fd mUgsa ?kj rd lqjf{kr N¨M+us dh u©cr vk xà FkhA vkSj r¨ vkSj BaM ds e©le esa] nsj jkr rd pyus okyh ikVhZ ds fy, igus gq, oL=¨a ls dgha ls Hkh yx ugha jgk Fkk fd [kkuk&ihuk mÙkj Hkkjr esa fgekpy ds utnhd [kqys cxhps esa py jgk gSA ;g egt ,d la;¨x Hkh g¨ ldrk gSA g¨ ldrk gS mij¨Dr ikVhZ dk fp=.k dà Lora= efgykvksa d¨ ilan u vk,A ukjh fodkl dh dgkuh ds çokg esa cg jgs vkt ds lekt esa bl rjg dh ckrsa djuk vkRe?kkrh Hkh g¨ ldrh gSA vkSj r¨ vkSj ;qx¨a ls iq#”k ds tqYe¨a dh f’kdkj jgha] vkt Hkh lekt ds LFkkfir ekinaM¨a ls mRiUu eqf’dy¨a dk lkeuk fgEer ls dj jgh efgykvksa d¨ ;g ckr بf/kr Hkh dj ldrh gSA tcfd mUgsa lgkuqHkwfr ugha cfYd leFkZu dh vko’;drk gSA ukjh leFkZd laosnu’khy o tkx:d iq#”k Hkh ukjkt o vkØked g¨ ldrs gSaA exj ,d lkekU; ,oa ltx ukxfjd g¨us ds ukrs fdlh Hkh vlkekU; ?kVuk ij viuh vka[ksa can j[kuk cqf)eÙkk ughaA vkSj mlls cpuk r¨ fdlh Hkh leL;k dk lek/kku ughaA tc ge laØe.k dky esa g¨a vkSj u;s ekxZ esa fujarj rsth ls vkxs c<+ jgs g¨a r¨ lrdZ jguk vf/kd t:jh g¨ tkrk gSA pwafd jkLrk vutku gS] ,sls esa gj ,d oLrq&fLFkfr ds lkFk&lkFk ?kVuk dk voy¨du ,oa fo’ys”k.k Hkh vko’;d g¨ tkrk gSA myVs bl ij r¨ [kqyh cgl g¨uh pkfg,A bl ij ppkZ dh tk ldrh gSA mHkj jgs fu”d”kZ d¨ ilan&ukilan fd;k tk ldrk gS] exj gdhdr ls vka[ksa pqjkuk fdlh Hkh rjg ls mfpr u g¨xkA ukjh dh voLFkk vkSj O;Fkk ij [kqydj fo’ys”k.k djus] c¨yus ek= ls fdlh iq#”k d¨ ukjh foj¨/kh ugha dgk tk ldrkA vkSj tgka rd le> tkrh gS ogka rd mij¨Dr vf/kdkjh Hkh ukjh&foj¨/kh ugha tku iM+rkA myVs laosnuk,a T;knk fn[kkà ns jgh FkhaA ojuk mij¨Dr ppkZ esa mldh fpark mHkjdj ugha vkrhA etkd] mykguk ;k ‘kjkjr dk d¨Ã va’k ugha FkkA vkSj ;gh dkj.k gS t¨ mij¨Dr ifjfLFkfr ij #ddj fparu dh vko’;drk eglwl gqÃA blesa d¨Ã ‘kd ugha fd ukjh us vkfndky ls tqYe lgs vkSj vkt Hkh lgrh vk jgh gSA ml ij lkekftd] jktuhfrd ds lkFk&lkFk ekufld] ‘kkjhfjd vkSj HkkoukRed :i ls gh vR;kpkj ugha fd;k x;k] cfYd /kkfeZd rjhds ls Hkh r¨M+k x;k] fopkj¨a d¨ ej¨M+k x;kA mldh l¨p ds lkFk Hkh [ksyk x;kA mls dqN u l¨pus rd ds fy, etcwj dj fn;k x;kA lp iwNk tk, r¨ iq#”k us gj le; gj oDr] gjlaHko fu;a=.k esa j[krs gq, mls miHk¨x dk lkeku cuk;s j[kus dh lQy d¨f’k’k dhA ,d ,slh e¨e dh lqanj&lthyh xqfM+;k] t¨ lqu r¨ ldrh gS] c¨y ugha ldrhA ns[k r¨ ldrh gS exj le>uk ftlds fy, vko’;d ughaA t¨ vkneh dh I;kl
d¨ cq>kus ds fy, ges’kk rS;kj g¨uh pkfg, exj mls [kqn I;kl ugha yxuh pkfg,A mlds lkFk /k¨[kk fd;k tk ldrk gS exj o¨ fdlh ds lkFk /k¨[kk ugha dj ldrhA foMacuk gS fd bl ;qx esa Hkh efgykvksa ij vekuoh; tqYe g¨rs gSaA bu lcdk gjlaHko foj¨/k gh ugha j¨d yxkus dh d¨f’k’k Hkh dh tkuh pkfg,A fodkl çfØ;k esa vk/kqfud ;qx ds vkrs&vkrs ukjh&foj¨/kh ladqfpr l¨p ij dà iq#”k¨a us Hkh dM+s ‘kCn¨a esa vkifÙk dhA ;gka rd fd dà ckj l[r joS;k Hkh vf[r;kj fd;k vkSj ukjh Lora=rk ds leFkZu esa [kqydj lkeus vk;sA lekt ds çcq) o çxfr’khy oxZ us Hkh vkxs c<+dj lgk;rk dhA ogha ukjh us Hkh Lo;a ds ç;kl] igy ,oa u;s&u;s ç;¨x fd;s vkSj bl rjg viuk ,d Lora= vfLrRo cuk;kA ukjh oxZ us gj :i esa çxfr dh vkSj vkRefuHkZj cuhA dà {ks=¨a esa og iq#”k ls vkxs Hkh fudy xÃaA exj mldh ;k=k vHkh tkjh gSA ysfdu ;gka loky nwljk gS fd ukjh us t¨ fodkl fd;k gS] ftl fn’kk vkSj ekxZ ij og vkxs c<+h gS] os mlds Lo;a ds lkFk&lkFk lekt ds fy, fdrus fgrdkjh gSa\ fdrus ykHknk;h gSa\ fdrus ‘kqHk vkSj Qynk;h gSa\ loky ;g Hkh mBrk gS fd fodkl dk ldkjkRed i{k D;k gS\ vkSj og Hkh fdl dher ij\ ;gka lkekftd eaFku djus ij] fdlh iq#”k d¨] iq#”k g¨us ek= ls mldk nq’eu ?k¨f”kr ugha fd;k tk ldrkA iq#”k mldk gelQj] gejkgh] gejkt] gene Hkh g¨ ldrk gSA ,d iDdk ‘kqHkfpardA d¨Ã dg ldrk gS fd fdlh efgyk }kjk Lora= :i ls efnjk dk lsou djuk vkSj fcuk ifjHkk”kk ds ‘kkjhfjd laca/k LFkkfir djus esa iq#”k lekt d¨ D;k rdyhQ g¨rh gS\ ;g Hkh ,d rjg ls mls fu;a=.k esa djus dk ,d dqfVy rjhdk dgk tk ldrk gSA ;gh dke iq#”k Hkh r¨ djrs gSa] ;g rdZ Hkh fn;k tk ldrk gSA exj fdlh Hkh lkekU;] ljy o le>nkj ifjokj ls iwNsa fd muds liwr ds }kjk Hkh bl rjg dk thou thuk D;k mUgsa ilan vk,xk\ d¨Ã Hkh ftEesnkj eka&cki vius ykM+ys iq= d¨ nsj jkr ‘kjkc ds u’ks esa /kqr g¨dj lM+d¨a vkSj ikfVZ;¨a esa >werk gqvk ns[k [kq’k ugha g¨rsA r¨ fQj ,d iq=h dk ;g :i fdls ilan vk ldrk gS\ vke ekrk&firk vius yM+ds dh vPNh ls vPNh u©djh yxus ds ckn Hkh rc rd larq”V o ‘kkar g¨dj ugha cSB ikrs tc rd og ‘kknh djds iwjh rjg ls viuk ifjokj ugha clk ysrkA fQj ,d yM+dh ,oa efgyk ds lkFk bl rjg dh voLFkk ifjokj o lekt esa fdl çdkj Lohdkj dh tk ldrh gS\ lp r¨ ;g gS fd d¨Ã Hkh laosnu’khy vfHkHkkod vius cPps dh mPN`a[kyrk d¨ ilan ugha djrk] mldh xyr jkg d¨ Lohdkj ugha djrkA dgus d¨ r¨ dqN y¨x ;g Hkh dg ldrs gSa fd bl rjg dh efgykvksa dh la[;k çfr’kr esa cgqr de gSA lR; g¨ ldrk gS] exj ftl rhoz xfr ls ;g la[;k c<+ jgh gS o¨ fparktud gSA vkSj blls vf/kd fpark dh ckr gS fd bldk egkuxj ls fudydj N¨Vs&N¨Vs dLc¨a esa fn[kkà nsukA blesa d¨Ã ‘kd ugha fd dà jk”Vª¨a ds jk”Vªk/;{k ,oa cM+h&cM+h daifu;¨a dh eq[; vf/kdkjh ds :i esa gh ugha] ç’kklu] dyk] foKku o okf.kT; ds {ks= esa Hkh efgyk,a u;s&u;s dhfrZeku LFkkfir dj jgh gSaA efgyk,a iq#”k¨a ls çfrLi/kkZ djus esa Hkh ugha fgpfdpk jgh gSaA mldk vkRefo’okl igys ls vf/kd c<+k gS r¨ ogha O;fDrRo esa Hkh fu[kkj vk;k gSA og vkt ;dhuu viuh cgqeq[kh çfrHkk dk çn’kZu djus esa lQy jgh gS ysfdu blds lkFk gh fQYe o foKkiu esa mudh okLrfod fLFkfr d¨ ns[kdj nq%[k g¨rk gSA vkt Hkh o¨ ;gka ,d miHk¨x dh oLrq ds :i esa gh çLrqr dh
tkrh gSA mldk l©an;Z] ekalyrk] mldh lsDl vihy] uXurk csph tkrh gSA ;gka dyk ls mldk d¨Ã lj¨dkj ugha g¨rkA Hkkjrh; fQYe baMLVªh d¨ gh ns[k ysa] d¨Ã tekuk Fkk] tc dà efgyk dykdkj l’kDr vfHkus=h ds :i esa mifLFkr Fkha vkSj vdsys vius da/ks ij fQYe pyk;k eukst flag djrh FkhaA tcfd o¨ iq#”k ç/kku lekt FkkA vkt fLFkfr cny pqdh gSA vf/kdka’k ukf;dk,a yk[k¨a&dj¨M+¨a esa [ksyrh t:j gSa ysfdu ,slk çrhr g¨rk gS fd flok; ‘k¨&ihl ds dqN ugha jg xÃaA mUgsa dqN Hkh djus dh vko’;drk ugha] vfHku; dh t:jr ugha] vly esa dqN djus d¨ fQYe o foKkiu esa g¨rk gh ughaA vf/kdka’k txg r¨ mUgsa flQZ l©an;Z d¨ çnf’kZr djuk vkuk pkfg,A foKkiu¨a esa miHk¨Drk lkexzh dh txg viuk nsg&çn’kZu dj ldrh gSaA brus ek= ls og uke Hkh dek ldrh gSa vkSj nke HkhA ;g lQy efgyk,a tc ;qokvksa esa ,d j¨y&e‚My ds :i esa LFkkfir g¨ tkrh gSa r¨ ;g ,d l¨pus dk fo”k; cu tkrk gSA bl u;s lehdj.k vkSj fodkl d¨ D;k dgsaxs\ cM+h vthc¨xjhc fLFkfr g¨ pqdh gSA fodkl vius lkFk eqf’dysa Hkh ykrk gSA gj lq[k ds lkFk nq%[k vkrk gSA u;h lkekftd O;oLFkk dh Hkh viuh eqf’dysa g¨axhA ;g dà :i esa dà fn’kk ls dà Lrj ij vk,xhA ukjh ds flQZ vkfFkZd Lrj ij Lora= g¨ tkus ls gh dke ugha pysxkA fuEu vk; oxZ dh efgyk,a rd etnwjh esa fnuHkj [kVdj pan t:jh #i;s dek ysrh gSa] dà ckj iwjk ifjokj vius da/ks ij <¨rh gS] exj lgh ek;u¨a esa dHkh Lora= ugha g¨ ikrhaA mldh bl O;fDrxr n;uh; n’kk ,oa ikfjokfjd nqnZ’kk ij D;k dgsa\ vly esa lkekftd l¨p d¨ cnyuk g¨xkA O;kogkfjd f’k{kk dh vf/kd vko’;drk gSA ojuk ge ns[k gh jgs gSa fd ukjh d¨ vius u;s Lo:i esa vkSj cM+h eqf’dy¨a dk lkeuk djuk g¨xkA u;h O;oLFkk esa u;s tekus ds u;s&u;s lj¨dkj g¨axsA ;gh ugha] gesa laca/k¨a d¨ u;s :i ls u;s <ax ls ifjHkkf”kr djuk g¨xkA vk/kqfud ;qx esa fofHkUu dkj.k¨a ls lekt dh lajpuk cnysxhA mnkgj.kkFkZ ikjaifjd ‘kknh yo&eSfjt ls fudydj fyo&bu&fjys’kuf’ki rd igqap pqdh gSA ;g fodkl dh ,d yach o varghu çfØ;k g¨ ldrh gSaA bls vk/kqfud thou dh gdhdr dgk tk ldrk gSA Bhd gS] exj ,d O;fDr ds :i esa ns[ksa r¨ ;g gesa vdsysiu dh vksj /kdsyrh gSA tSls fd la;qDr ifjokj ls ,dy ifjokj rd r¨ fQj Hkh Bhd Fkk exj ogka ls fudydj ,d vdsyk O;fDr] D;k ;g mfpr gS\ lkekftd gh ugha çkÑfrd :i ls Hkh ns[ksa r¨ gj ,d d¨ ,d lkFkh o ekuoh; laca/k dh vko’;drk g¨rh gSA D;k vk/kqfud fodkl dh va/kh n©M+ esa ge bl ewyHkwr vko’;drk ls nwj ugha Hkkx jgs\ ekuk fd gj jkLrs esa] gj e¨M+ ij] u;h&u;h rjg dh eqf’dysa vkrh gSa vkSj bls Lohdkj Hkh fd;k tkuk pkfg,A exj ;g ns[kuk g¨xk fd ;g gesa fdl dher ij çkIr g¨ jgh gS\ dgha fodkl ds uke ij gekjk uqdlku r¨ ugha g¨ jgk\ dgha gekjs dne xyr fn’kk dh vksj r¨ ugha tk jgs\ dgha ,sls e¨M+ ij r¨ ugha eqM+ x, tgka vkxs lqulku jkLrk g¨] ywVikV g¨rh g¨] d¨Ã ljk; u g¨] d¨Ã eafty u g¨] d¨Ã lkFkh u g¨\ ,sls jkLrs esa vdsys c<+us ls D;k Qk;nk\ bls ew[kZrk gh dgsaxsA
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fgUnw ;wFk d¨aÝsal esa ;qokvksa d¨ fgUnqTe dh f”k{kk nh x;h fgUnw ;wFk vkWLVªsfy;k] fo’o fgUnw ifj”kn~ dh ;qokvksa y¨x¨a dh ,d ‘kk[kk gSA bl ‘kk[kk dh LFkkiuk o”kZ 2009 esa gq;h FkhA u¨FkZ isjkesVk esa nwljk fgUnw ;wFk d¨aÝsal dk vk;¨tu 7 vxLr d¨ fd;k x;k ftlesa leLr vkWLVªsfy;k ls ;qokvksa us c<+&p<+dj Hkkx fy;kA bl ;wFk d¨aÝsal dh Fkhe Fkh fØ;sV] dusDV vkSj dfeVA bl dkaÝsal dk eq[; mÌs’; ;qokvksa esa fgUnw ‘kCn ,oa /keZ ds ckjs esa tkx:d djuk] ;qokvksa esa jpukRed dk;Z¨a ds ckjs esa] viuh fojklr] viuh laLÑfr vkSj leqnk; ds çfr ftEesnkjh le>uk gSA blesa ;¨xk] esfMVs’ku] dqfdax] oSfnd] usr`Ro {kerk ,oa fgUnw laLÑfr dh fofHkUu Lo:i¨a d¨ le>uk FkkA bl bl d¨aÝsal dk ‘kqHkkjEHk çkr 9 cts ls gqvk ftlesa lHkh Hkkx ysus okys vfFkfrvksa dk Lokxr fd;k x;kA blds ckn oSfnd eU=¨a dk mPpkj.k fd;k x;kA lcls igys ;wFk d¨aÝsal ds lfpo us lHkh d¨ lac¨f/kr djrs gq, bl dkaÝsal dk mnh’; le>k;k x;kA blds ckn ldjkRed l¨p ,oa mlls tqM+s gq, fof”k;¨a ij ppkZ dh x;hA bl d¨aÝsal esa fgUnw ,oa ;qokvksa ls tqM+s gq, orZeku esa py jgs eq̨a ij
O;kid :i ls ppkZ dh x;hA ;qokvksa us viuh ftKklk ,oa ç’ku¨a d¨ csckdh :i ls iwNkA bl esa fgUnqTe ls lfEcUf/kr lHkh tkudkjh nh x;h fd fgUnqTe gS D;k vkSj vkWLVªsfy;k esa fgUnqTe dk D;k Lo:i gSA oDrkvksa us crk;k fd vkWLVªsfy;k ds y¨dy
y¨x¨a d¨ fgUnqTe ds ckjs esa dqN T;knk irk ugha gS] ge lHkh d¨ t#jr gS fgUnw /keZ ds ckjs esa y¨x¨a d¨ tkx:d djus dhA bl volj ij fo’o fgUnw ifj”kn~ ds çkf/kdkfj;¨a lfgr vusd¨a x.kekU; O;fDr ,oa ljdkj ds çfrfuf/k Hkh mifLFkr FksA
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ljLorh laxhr Ldwy us tUek’Veh eukÃ
FkhA M‚ rjy¨pu flag bl Ldwy ds ek/;e ls laxhr dk çpkj&çlkj esa tqVs gq, gSA ljLorh laxhr Ldwy ls tqM+s gq, lHkh laxhr çseh bl volj ij mifLFkr gq, vkSj vius Hktu¨a ls HkxokUk Jh Ñ”.k dh efgek eafMr dhA M‚ flag lfgr vusd¨a y¨x¨a us Hktu xk;s bu Hktu¨a ds ckn HkxokU Jh Ñ”.k HkxokUk dh vkjrh mrkjh x;hA var esa fo’ks”k vfFkfr ds :i esa i/kkjs cSadj feLVj jkgqy tsFkh us Jh Ñ”.k HkxokU ds thou ij çdk’k Mkyk vkSj ;g crk;k fd Jh Ñ”.k }kjk fn;k x;k xhrk dk Kku orZeku ;qx esa Hkh csgn ljLorh laxhr Ldwy CySd Vkmu us Jh Ñ”.k mi;¨xh gS] vxj d¨Ã O;fDr muds }kjk fn, x, Kku d¨ tUek”Veh dk ioZ cM+h /kwe/kke ls lkr vxLr d¨ euk;kA vius thou esa vuqlj.k dj ys r¨ og d”V¨a vkSj e¨g&ek;k M‚ rjy¨pu flag us bl Ldwy dh LFkkiuk pkj o”kZ iwoZ dh ls eqDr g¨ ldrk gSA M‚ rjy¨pu flag vkWLVªsfy;k vkSj
U;wthySaM esa laxhr ds {ks= esa ,d tkuk&igpkuk uke gSA vkius dà ns’k¨a esa vius laxhr dk çn’kZu fd;k gSA vkids }kjk fy[kh x;h iqLrd rky ‘kkL= dk y¨dki.kZ U;wthySaM dh ç/kkuea=h gsysu dykdZ us fd;kA
l[kh laxe us fQj lQyrk dk ijpe Qgjk;k ckj ckj c¨ys fny lkou lkou py¨ lf[k;¨a py¨ euk;sa l[kh laxe
rht dk R;©gkj lkou dk eghuk vkSj l[kh laxe cgqr gh [kqclwjr laxe Fkk [kwclwjrh dh NVk gj vksj FkhA l[kh laxe dk ;g mRlo rsjgoha ckj lQyrk iwoZd [kqf’k;¨a ds lkFk euk;k x;k ftldh Fkhe Fkh ekLd] lf[k;k¡] jax&fcjaxs Qsl ekLd ds lkFk vk;ha FkhA ;g jaxkjax dk;ZØe iap ckmy esa ب,’ku Dyc esa euk;k x;k] ltkoV dkQh vkdZ”kd FkhA gj fdlh us lqUnj ifj/kku¨a ds lkFk [kwclwjrh dh NVk fc[ksj nh FkhA ;g dk;ZØe uanuh vksj lq”kek us csgn mEnk <ax ls lapkfyr fd;k FkkA bl dk;ZØe esa iwf.kZek ‘kekZ ,oa muds lewg us vius u`R;¨a ls y¨x¨a d¨ cka/ks j[kkA fMEiy ds nhts nslh ,aVjVsuesaV us y¨x¨a d¨ >weus ij etcwj dj fn;kA bl dk;ZØe esa LVst dk lapkyu çhrh] vkLFkk ,oa fnO;k /khaxjk
us fd;kA LFkkuh; yM+fd;¨a ds eu¨cy d¨ c<+us ds fy, ,d QS’ku ‘k¨ Hkh vk;¨ftr fd;k ftlesa ,d ls ,d lqUnj yM+fd;¨a us csgn lqUnj fyckl¨a esa bl çfr;¨fxrk esa Hkkx fy;kA ;g l[kh laxe vkt ls rsjg o”kZ ‘kq: gqvk Fkk ;g ,d ek= ,slk dk;ZØe Fkk ftlesa dsoy efgyk,a ,oa yM+fd;ka gh Hkkx ys ldrh Fkh ftlls efgyk,a bl esa vius eu eqrkfcd viuh lgsfy;¨a ds lkFk eu¨jatu dj ldsa] ;g ijEijk vkt Hkh tkjh gSA ;g dk;ZØe Hkkjrh; leqnk; esa ,d çfr”Bk çkIr dj pqdk gSA bl dk;ZØe dk efgyk,a o”kZ Hkj çrh{kk djrh gS vksj Hkjiwj vkuan mBkrh gSA bl dk;ZØe dh y¨dfç;rk dk vkye ;g gS dh bldk d¨Ã T;knk çpkj ugha g¨rk vksj mlds ckctwn ;g gj o”kZ lQyrk dh dgkuh dgrk vk jgk gSA
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D;¨a cuke D;¨a % ijek.kq ‘kfDr loZçFke M‚ g¨eh HkkHkk d¨ ‘kr’k% ueu ftudh nwjæf”V dk çHkko ;g gS fd vkt Hkkjr ds N% ikoj LVs’ku esa 20 ijek.kq&fctyh dh bdkb;ka dke dj jgh gSa ftuesa 4780 esxko‚V dh {kerk gSA vU; 29 bdkb;ka fuekZ.kk/khu gSa ;k fdlh ;¨tuk ds varxZr gSaA ;g tkuus ds ckn LokHkkfod ç’u mBsxk fd vkWLVªsfy;k us bl fn’kk esa fdruh çxfr dh gS\ r¨ tokc ;g gS fd ekax vkSj iwfrZ dh lehdj.k n¨u¨ ns’k¨a esa vyx&vyx g¨us ls rqyuk djuk csdkj gS fQj Hkh vki ugha ekurs r¨ lqu yhft;s! ;gk¡ ijek.kq&fctyh dk ,d Hkh ikoj LVs’ku ugha gS vkSj jktuSfrd okLrfodrk ;g gS fd vxys ,d ;k n¨ n’kd¨a esa d¨Ã fj;sDVj cuus okyk Hkh ugha gSA ;gk¡ HkkHkk ijek.kq vuqla/kku dsUæ ¼BARC½ tSlk fo’kky dsUæ r¨ ugha ij vkWLVªsfy;u ukfHkdh; foKku vkSj rduhdh laLFkk ¼ANSTO½ ds varxZr pkj laLFkku
gSa ftlesa czsx laLFkku çeq[k gS ftldk ukedj.k czsx firk&iq= d¨ lEekfur djrk gS ftUgsa 1915 esa Hk©frd ‘kkL= esa u¨cy iqjLdkj feyk FkkA ANSTO ds varxZr ‘k¨/k ds fy;s n¨ fj;sDVj gSa ftuesa ls igyk 2007 esa cUn dj fn;k x;k vkSj nwljk OPAL uoEcj 2006 ls lfØ; gqvk gSA ;g 20 esxko‚V dk fj;sDVj U;wVª¨u ds mi;¨x ls ijek.kq&lajpuk d¨ le>us ds fy;s dke vkrk gSA bldh rqyuk esa Hkkjr esa ‘k¨/k ds fy;s BARC esa 4 lfØ; rFkk bafnjk xka/kh lsaVj esa n¨ lfØ; fj;sDVj gSaA vkWLVªsfy;k esa 1969 esa igyk fctyh mRiknd fj;sDVj cuus dk çLrko vk;k Fkk vkSj Bqdjk Hkh fn;k x;k fdUrq Hkkjr esa fctyh dh U;wure vko’;drk iwjh u g¨ ikus ls blds ikl d¨Ã fodYi ugha gS A vkLVªsfy;k esa dkcZu&tfur Ãa/ku de çnw”k.k okyk cgqrk;r esa ik;k tkrk gSA ;gk¡ “lkQ d¨;yk rduhdh” Hkh gS tc fd Hkkjr esa fuEu Lrjh; d¨;yk ç;¨x esa yk;k tkrk gS bu dkj.k¨ ls ijek.kq&fctyh ns’k dh egRoiw.kZ vko’;drk gSA vr% vkLVªsfy;k }kjk Hkkjr d¨ ;wjsfu;e u cspuk fo’o esa çnw”k.k d¨ c<+kok nsus ds cjkcj gSA blds foifjr vkWLVªsfy;k ds ikl fodYi gSaA og n¨u¨ çdkj dh fctyh esa ls d©ulh eg¡xh iM+sxh ;g l¨ap ldrk gSA mls tuer vkSj jktuSfrd dkj. k¨a dh fpUrk djuk Hkh vko’;d gSA ,d loZs ds vuqlkj 49 izfr’kr turk vkWLVªsfy;k esa ikoj LVs’ku cukus ds i{k esa gSA 8 izfr’kr y¨x rVLFk gS vr% gk¡ykafd tuer esa foj¨/kh det¨j iM+ tkrs gSa ij ‘kk;n fycjy ikVhZ
bl fn’kk esa dqN dj ik;s D;¨afd bl ny esa ls 59 izfr’kr y¨x leFkZu djrs gSa tcfd yscj ikVhZ esa dsoy 30 izfr’kr y¨x ijek.kq&fctyh ds i{k esa gSaA ;wjsfu;e dh iwath dh ckr dh tk; r¨ fo’o ds ;wjsfu;e dk 23 izfr’kr Hkkx vkWLVªsfy;k esa g¨rs gq;s Hkh ;g fLFkfr gS vkSj bldh rqyuk esa Hkkjr esa cgqr de ;wjsfu;e gSA gfjgj >k bldk dqy ;wjsfu;e dsoy 10]000 esxkokV fctyh ds fy;s i;kZIr g¨xkA ;g ;wjsfu;e laof/kZr Hkh ugha gSA bu esa gky esa gqà nq?kZVuk ds dkj.k dkQh y¨x Mj x;s gSa] fLFkfr;¨a esa vkWLVªsfy;k *fo’o esa tyok;q ifjorZu* dh t¨ y¨x vc rd tyok;q&ifjorZu d¨ j¨dus ds fy;s fpark esa vkSj ijek.kq foj¨/kh vfHk;ku dh jktuhfr esa vko’;d ekurs Fks os HkhA ijek.kq&y¨ch esa ls gh ,d my> ldrk gS vkSj okLro esa my>k gqvk gSA r¨ bl ny dk ekuuk gS fd uohuhdj.k ds ;¨X; mtkZ ;kus ijek.kq&leFkZd vkSj ijek.kq foj¨/kh vfHk;ku esa lgh l©j] iou ;k HkwxHkZ mtkZ vkfn Hkh tyok;q&ifjorZu d©u gS\ csjh czwd us 2010 esa ^^D;¨a cuke D;¨a % ijek.kq d¨ j¨dus ds fy;s l{ke gSa vkSj nh?kZ dky esa ;s lLrs ‘kfDr** uked iqLrd fy[kh ftlesa tuer d¨ N¨M+ dj Hkh g¨ tk;xsA vc ,sls y¨x¨a d¨ ijek.kq&foj¨/kh le>k oLrqfLFkfr ds fglkc ls fopkj fd;k x;k gS fd bl tk jgk gS vkSj mUgs iwokZxzg ls xzLr Bgjk;k tk jgk ‘kfDr ds leFkZu ;k foj¨/k esa fdu rdZ¨a d¨ lgh ekuk gSA ;g nwljk ny le>kus dk ç;Ru dj jgk gSa fd tkuk pkfg;s\ czwd ds fglkc ls i{k esa fuEu rdZ okftc gSa %¼1½;g lcls lqj{khr fodYi gS¼2½ ijek.kq&’kfDr d¨ vlhfer dgk tk ldrk gSA ¼3½ uohuhdj.k ds ;¨X; lz¨r¨a ls ;k dk;Z{kerk c<+kdj Ãa/ku dh leL;k gy g¨us okyh ugha gSA ¼4½uà rduhdh viuk dj ijek.kq&dpjs dk çcU/ku fd;k tk ldrk gSA foj¨f/k;¨a ds bu rdZ¨a d¨ nenkj Bgjk;k x;k gSA 1- ijek.kq mtkZ [kphZyh gSA 2- t¨ rduhdh dke esa ykà tk jgh gS mlesa ijek.kq&dpjs dh leL;k dk lek/kku ugha gS 3-tyok;q&ifjorZu dh leL;k ds fy;s ;g Rofjr gy ugha gSA tSlk fd Open New Store bl iqLrd esa Cellars, Shop 1, 26 Derribong Dr Cordeaux Heights 2526 Li”V gS fd ;g lcls lqCordeaux jf{kr fodYiHeight gS fdUrq Qqdqf’kek Woolongong ph- 02 42442467
Page 22 tkikuh IykaV r¨ ;¨tuk ds vuqlkj dke dj jgk FkkA blesa fpUrk dh d¨Ã ckr ugha gSA ijek.kq&foj¨/kh&ny Hk; dh jktuhfr ls ykHk mBkus okyk dke dj jgs gSaA ,slh nq?kZVuk cgqr de g¨rh gSA ijek.kq HkfV~V;ka lqjf{kr gSa vkSj ml ij vfrfjDr [kpZ g¨rs gq;s Hkh tyok;q&ifjorZu dh leL;k ds lek/kku ds fy;s ;s vf/kd egRoiw.kZ gSA ,slk dgus okys ijek.kq mtkZ ds dqN leFkZd tc dkcZu&tfur mtkZ dk foj¨/k djrs gSa r¨ os *dkcZu&VsDl* dk Hkh foj¨/k dj nsrs gSaA ;g VsDl lHkh ns’k¨a esa ppkZ dk fo”k; gSA dkcZu&tfur mtkZ dh jk[k o xSl ok;qeaMy esa fey tkrh gS blds ,ot esa ljdkj lEcUf/kr dEifu;¨a d¨ gr¨Rlkfgr djus ds fy;s ;g VsDl yxkrh gS D;¨afd bl çnw”k.k dk d¨Ã gy ugha gSA tc fd ijek.kq&fctyh ds ekeys esa çk:i ¼design½ }kjk ftl gn rd pkgsa lqjf{kr o çnw”k.k&eqDr cuk;k tk ldrk gS vr% [kpZ dh rqyuk djrs le; dkcZu&tfur mtkZ esa dkcZu&VsDl r¨ fxuk gh tkuk pkfg;sA tSlk fd gkoMZ ljdkj }kjk vf/kÑr fLord¨oLdh fji¨VZ esa dgk x;k gS fd dkcZu&VsDl u fxuus ij ijek.kq ‘kfDr 20 ls 50 izfr’kr eg¡xh iM+rh gS ij varjjk”Vªh; Js”B&dk;Zç.kkyh ds vuqlkj de ;k e/;e ewY; yxkuk pkfg;s t¨ fd dkcZu Mkà vkWDlkbM ds çfr Vu ij 25 ls 40 vkst+h M‚yj ftruk iM+sxkA ljdkj }kjk 25 M‚yj ls ‘kq: dj Øe’k% 30 M‚yj rd c<+kus dh ;¨tuk gSA çnw”k.k ls tyok;q&ifjorZu lEcU/kh ‘k¨/k d¨ u ekuus okys dkcZu&tfur mtkZ dh gkfu;¨a d¨ le> ugha ikrs vkSj blesa d¨Ã vk’p;Z Hkh ugha D;¨afd buesa ls vf/kdrj y¨x *foKku esa Qsy ckyd* tSlk O;ogkj djrs gSaA os Ã’oj d¨ l`f”VdrkZ ekuus ds fl)kUr d¨ Hkh foKku esa lfEefyr djuk pkgrs gSaA vius vki d¨ loZslokZ eku dj oSKkfud ‘k¨/k ls nh xà lHkh psrkofu;¨a d¨ voS/k Bgjkuk pkgrs gSa eku¨ os çÑfr&foKku ij gh ;q) ?k¨f”kr dj voSKkfud vkSj vfroknh fopkj¨a d¨ vkst+h fpUru dh ewy/kkjk esa lfEefyr dj ds gh ne ysaxsA tyok;q&ifjorZu ds elys ds vykok ijek.kq HkV~Vh dk ;g eqÌk [kpZ ls T;knk ikVhZ dh igpku dk ç’u cu x;k gSA tSlk fd mij ds vk¡dM+s Li”V djrs gSa] fycjy ny ijek.kq mtkZ ds i{k esa gS vkSj yscj foi{k esaA ijek.kq mtkZ ds fycjy i{k/kj¨a dk dguk gS fd tkiku esa d¨Ã e`R;q ijek.kq&HkV~Vh ds dkj.k ugha gqà gS tcfd Hkwpky vkSj lqukeh ds dkj.k gtkj¨a y¨x¨a dh e©r gqà gSA vr% lkmFk vkWLVªsfy;k ds ,d eU=h us dgk gS fd vxys 10 ls 30 o”kksZa es mlds jkT; esa ;wjsfu;e d¨ laof/kZr fd;k tkuk pkfg;sA vkWLVªsfy;k esa D;k] d¨Ã Hkh ns’k [kpZ ds vykok Hkh lHkh eq̨a d¨ [;ky esa j[k dj ijek.kq fctyh iSnk djs r¨ fdlh d¨ d¨Ã vkiÙkh ugha g¨uh pkfg;sA tSlk fd vesfjdk ds ijek.kq fu;ked vk;¨x ds ,d HkwriwoZ lnL; dk dguk gS fd ^^gesa varjjkf”Vª; lqj{kk d¨ /;ku esa j[k dj vf/kd ls vf/kd ijek.kq&’kfDr d¨ ç¨Rlkgu nsuk pkfg;sA xM+cM+ r¨ rc gS tc ijek.kq&mtkZ d¨ /;ku esa j[k dj blds çlkj d¨ ekU; g¨ dsoy mruh lqj{kk ls dke pyk;k tk;A**
flMuh fo’o fo|ky; esa
^^M‚- vCnqy dyke varjkZ”Vªh; Nk=o`fÙk** ;¨tuk dh ‘kq#vkr
Hkkjr ds iwoZ jk”Vªifr ,oa çfrf”Br oSKkfud vkSj ç©|¨fxdhfon~ Mk- , ih ts dyke us varjjk”Vªh; Nk=¨a ds eu¨cy c<+us ds fy, bathfu;fjax vkSj vkÃVh dk v/;;u djus ds bPNqd Nk=¨a ds fy, flMuh fo’ofoAky; esa ,d u;h ;¨X;rk vk/kkfjr Nk=o`fÙk ;¨tuk dh LFkkiuk esa lg;¨x fn;k gSA bl u;h M‚- vCnqy dyke varjZk”Vªh; Nk=o`fÙk ;¨tuk ds varxZr ;¨X; varjjk”Vªh; Lukrd vkSj Lukrd¨Ùkj Nk= t¨ bathfu;fjax vkSj vkÃVh ds
ladk; ds Hkhrj d¨lZ odZ dk;ZØe¨a esa ços’k ikuk pkgrs gS bl ;¨tuk ds varxZr Nk=o`fÙk fuf/k }kjk V~;w’ku Qhl dk 50 çfr’kr dh NwV feysxhA ;g ?k¨”k.kk eà esa dh x;h Fkh tc M‚dyke vkWLVªsfy;k dh ;k=k ij vk;s Fks vkSj flMuh fo’ofoAky; uz M‚ dyke d¨ muds bathfu;fjax ds {ks= esa oSf’od ;¨xnku ds fy, ,d ekun M‚DVjsV dh mikf/k ls lEekfur fd;k FkkA flMuh fo’ofo/kky; ds bathfu;fjax ladk; ds Mhu ç¨Qslj vkphZ t‚ulu dgrs gSa] ^^;s Nk=o`fÙk;ka M‚- dyke }kjk f’k{kk vkSj Nk=¨a d¨ Hkfo”; ds usrkvksa ds :i esa fodflr djus ds ç;kl¨a ds fy, viuh çfrc)rk dk çfrfuf/kRo djrs gSa**A Nk=o`fÙk lHkh u, varjjk”Vªh; vkosnd¨a ds fy, miyC/k gSa] vkSj ;g ;¨tuk 2012 esa v/;;u ‘kq: dj jgs Nk=¨a d¨ feyuh ‘kq: g¨ tk,xh t¨ fd blds ik= g¨axsA
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Tickets available at Go Cool Fruit & Vegetable Market Harris Park Free Bus service provided from Harris Park and Liverpool Railway Station on both days.
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FReshly squeezed sugaRCane JuiCe Fruit & Vegetable Competitive Prices & Friendly Service •
Wholesale supplieRs To ResTauRanTs and Clubs
54 Marion Street, Harris Park NSw 2150 p: 02 9687 0979 f: 02 9687 6805 m: 0433 698 525 Contact: M. Raj
Page 25
bafM;u owesu dYpjy ,l¨f”k;s”ku vkWQ+ vkWLVªsfy;k dk lkroka rh;ka esyk lQyrkiwoZd euk bafM;u owesu dYpjy ,l¨f’k;s’ku vkWQ+ vkWLVªsfy;k us viuk lkroka rh;ka esyk ;w MCyw ,l ds isjkesVk dSEil esa /kwe/kke ls euk;k x;kA bl esys dh ‘kq#vkr o”kZ 2005 esa dh x;h FkhA bl esys esa lHkh vk;q oxZ dh efgykvksa us Hkkx fy;k ftudh djhc 1200 la[;k FkhA bl esys esa fofHkUu rjg dh çfr;¨fxrk,a FkhA fel rh;ka vkWLVªsfy;k 2011 dh fotsrk veuohj
gqaMy jgh lkFk esa felst rh;ka vkWLVªsfy;k 2011 dh fotsrk lanhi fFkaM cuhA bl esys dh vk;¨td fofjanj xzsoky] gjiky d©j ,oa xqjnhi cjkj us bl esys d¨ lQy cukus ds fy, lHkh lg;¨xh] ehfM;k] çk;¨td ,oa mifLFkr tu¨a dk vkHkkj O;Dr fd;kA bl esys esa Hk¨tu fcYyw ÃVjh dh vksj ls miyC/k djk;k x;kA bl esys dh ,adfjax xqjthr d©j ,oa lq[kohj d©j us dhA
IMMIGRATION Bumpy Ride or Smooth Drive? Before you lodge your application, be sure to check the track record of your migration agent, At AVMCS, we have been successfully helping people like you for over 17 years, involving thousands of successful applicatons. We know the rules and guide you professonally all the way, No wonder, AVMCS is the first choice of people who want the best value for their money and efforts. Remember, there is no substitute for experince.
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AUSTRALIAN VISA & MIGRATION CONSULTANCY SERVICES 95 Wigram Street Harris Park, NSW 2160 Tel : 02 98939806, Fax : 0298912872
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flMuh esa bafM;u vkWLVªfy;u vkÃM+¨y dk vkWMh”ku laiUu gqvk
vHkh gky gh esa flMuh esa bafM;u vkWLVªfy;u vkÃM+¨y 2011 dk vkWMh’ku cM+h lQyrk ds lkFk laiUu gqvkA ;g flafxax çfr;¨fxrk fganh x©jo] lqjlaxe ,oa vkse xsV Vw xsMj ds rRok/kku esa djà tk jgh gSA bl çfr;¨fxrk dk igyk vkWMh’ku 20 vxLr d¨ laiUu gqvk blesa djhc 55 y¨x¨a us vkWMh’ku fn;kA bl çfr;¨fxrk ds fy, flMuh ds vfrfjDr esyc¨uZ] fczlcsu] iFkZ ,oa dsucsjk esa vkWMh’ku djk;s tk jgs gSA bl çfr;¨fxrk dk Qk;uy 13 uoEcj] jfookj d¨ cgkà vkWMhV¨fj;e] flYojokVj ij vk;¨ftr fd;k tk;sxkA bl vkWfM’ku dk;ZØe dk ‘kqHkkjEHk ;wvkÃ,s ds v/;{k vfejanj cktok us nhi tykdj fd;kA bl dk;ZØe d¨ ek;k Mk <kck ,oa ‘kekZ fdfpu çk;¨ftr dj jgs gSA bl çfr;¨fxrk ds fotsrk d¨ csLV ,aM ysl Vªsoy dh vksj ls Hkkjr ds fy, fjVuZ fVdV nh tk,xh ,oa o”kZ 2012 esa ;wvkÃ,s ds ÝsaMf’ki esys esa n¨ xkus xkus dk volj çnku fd;k tk;sxkA blds vfrfjDr vU; fotsrkvksa d¨ ekà ,IykU¸l ,oa rqyh TosylZ dh vksj ls iq#Ldkj çnku fd;s tk;saxsA fcYyw ÃVjh dh vksj ls bl vkWMh’ku esa çFke pkj p;fur çfrHkkfx;¨a d¨ Ýh fMuj fn;k x;k] blds vrfjDr n¨ p;fur çfrHkkfx;¨a d¨ ykHk tqUtqvk ds ‘k¨ ds fVdV fn, tk;saxsA bl çfr;¨fxrk d¨ x¨fivks flMuh] ;wvkÃ,s ,oa vfHku; Ldwy li¨VZ dj jgs gSA bafM;u vkWLVªfy;u vkÃM+¨y dk vkWMh’ku dk okrkoj.k dkQh mRlkgtud jgk ftlesa y¨x¨a us c<+ p<+dj Hkkx fy;kA Hkkjrh; leqnk; dh vksj ls djhc 100 y¨x çfrHkkfx;¨a dk eu¨cy c<+kus mifLFkr FksA
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vUuk gt+kjs dh eqfge esa flMuhoklh Hkh “kkfey y¨diky d¨ O;kid ‘kfDr;k¡ nsus okys Hkz”Vkpkj fuj¨/kd dkuwu ykxw djus dh ek¡x ij vkej.k vu’ku ij cSBs v..kk gtkjs d¨ ns’k ds vUnj vkSj ckgj ls Hkh leFkZu fey jgk gSA vkWLVªsfy;k ds ‘kgj flMuh esa y¨x vUuk gtkjs ds leFkZu esa vu’ku vkSj /kjus ij cSBsA ,d lewg xkxhZ f=ikBh ds usr`Ro esa isjkfoyk] isjkesVk esa vu’ku djus cSBkA ;g vu’ku n¨ fnu pyk ftlesa dkQh y¨x¨a us Hkkx fy;kA xkxhZ f=ikBh us
dgk fd ge lc Hkkjrh; t¨ fd vc vkWLVªsfy;k esa gSa ge lc vUuk gtkjs th dk leFkZu djrs gS t¨ fd Hk”Vªkpkj ds f[kykQ yM+kà yM+ jgs gSA ogh nwljh vksj j¨fgr jso¨ ,oa o#.k frokjh ds usr`Ro esa :Vh fgy esa vUuk gtkjs ds leFkZu esa ,d /kjuk vk;¨ftr fd;k x;kA vUuk gtkjs dk foj¨/k ljdkjh fcy vkSj tuy¨diky fcy esa O;kIr vlekurkvksa ij gS] ge n¨u¨a fcy¨a dk v/;;u djds ns[krs gS
ljdkjh y¨diky fo/ks;d
tuy¨diky fo/ks;d
ljdkjh y¨diky ds ikl Hkz”Vkpkj ds ekey¨a ij [kqn ;k vke y¨x¨a dh f’kdk;r ij lh/ks dkjZokà ‘kq: djus dk vf/kdkj ugha g¨xkA ljdkjh fo/ks;d esa y¨diky dsoy ijke’kZnk=h laLFkk cu dj jg tk,xhA ljdkjh fo/ks;d esa y¨diky ds ikl iqfyl ‘kfDr ugha g¨xhA
çLrkfor tuy¨diky fcy ds rgr y¨diky [kqn fdlh Hkh ekeys dh tk¡p ‘kq: djus dk vf/kdkj j[krk gSA tuy¨diky l’kDr laLFkk g¨xhA tuy¨diky u dsoy çkFkfedh ntZ djk ik,xk cfYd mlds ikl iqfyl Q¨lZ Hkh g¨xhA tuy¨diky ds nk;js esa ç/kkue=h lesr usrk] vf/kdkjh] U;k;k/kh’k lHkh vk,¡xsA
ljdkjh fo/ks;d esa y¨diky dk vf/kdkj {ks= lkaln] ea=h vkSj ç/kkuea=h rd lhfer jgsxk y¨diky esa rhu lnL; g¨axs t¨ lHkh lsokfuo`Ùk U;k;k/kh’k g¨axsA ljdkj }kjk çLrkfor y¨diky d¨ fu;qDr djus okyh lfefr esa mijk”VªifrA ç/kkuea=h] n¨u¨ lnu¨a ds usrk] n¨u¨a lnu¨a ds foi{k ds usrk] dkuwu vkSj x`gea=h g¨axs ljdkjh y¨diky fo/ks;d esa n¨”kh d¨ Ng ls lkr eghus dh ltk g¨ ldrh gS vkSj ?k¨Vkys ds /ku d¨ okfil ysus dk d¨Ã çko/kku ugha gSA
tuy¨diky esa 10 lnL; g¨axs vkSj bldk ,d v/;{k g¨xkA pkj dh dkuwuh i`”VHkwfe g¨xhA ckd+h dk p;u fdlh Hkh {ks= ls g¨xkA çLrkfor tuy¨diky fcy esa U;kf;d {ks= ds y¨x] eq[; pquko vk;qDr] fu;a=d ,oa egkys[kk ijh{kd] Hkkjrh; ewy ds u¨csy vkSj eSxklsls iqjLdkj ds fotsrk p;u djsaxsA tuy¨diky fcy esa de ls de ik¡p lky vkSj vf/kdre mez dSn dh ltk g¨ ldrh gSA lkFk gh n¨f”k;¨a ls ?k¨Vkys ds /ku dh Hkjikà dk Hkh çko/kku gSA
tlnso HkkfV;k rqe gekjs fny esa lnSo jg¨xs
flMuh ds çfrHkk’kkyh Hkaxjk u`R;d tlnso HkkfV;k dk ,d lM+d nq?kZVuk esa vkdfLed fu/ku g¨ x;kA Hkkjr ds vEckyk ‘kgj ds 21 o”khZ; tlnso HkkfV;k ,d baVjus’kuy fo/kkZFkhZ FksA ;g nq?kZVuk 19 eà d¨ ml le; gq;h tc tlnso ,d Vªd pyk jgs Fks] ml le; e©le [k+jkc Fkk osLV isukaV fgYl esa muds Vªd ij ,d isM+ fxj x;k ftlesa tlnso cqjh rjg t[eh g¨ x, mud¨ bejtsalh ys tk;k x;k ckn esa mudk fu/ku g¨ x;kA tlnso HkkfV;k vfHku; Ldwy ls tqM+s gq, FksA tlnso us dkQh de le; esa Hkkjrh;
lekt esa g¨us okys lkaLÑfrd dk;ZØe¨a esa vius u`R; ls ,d [k+kl txg cuk yh FkhA tlnso HkkfV;k ,d esgurh] ftankfny vkSj çfrHkk’kkyh O;fDr Fks] vkidh eqLdku y¨x¨a ds fny esa ges’kk cuh jgsxhA
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dqN vyx lk igys Lora=rk fnol ij yky fdys ls frjaxk Qgjk, tkrs oDr egkRek xka/kh dgka Fks\ Lora=rk fnol vkrk gS pyk tkrk gSA ij dHkh fdlh us l¨pk fd vktknh ds iSj¨dkj egkRek xka/kh D;¨a ugha mifLFkr Fks ml le; tc igyh ckj yky fdys ls frjaxk Qgjk;k x;kA dgka Fks os] D;k dj jgs Fks ml le;\ lÙkk feyrs gh mUgha d¨ mUgha ds vuqxkfe;¨a us dSls Hkqyk fn;k\ 15 vxLr 1947] lkjh /kjrh] lkjk vkdk’k] L=h&iq#”k] vcky&o`) lc tus M+wcs gq, Fks vkuUnlkxj es] gj ns’koklh lSadM¨a lky¨a ls çfrf{kr vktknh d¨ vius lkeus ik [kq’kh ds ekjs ckojk cu x;k FkkA ns’k dk cPpk&cPpk ftl fnu [kq’kh ls ikxy g¨ mBk Fkk] ml fnu bl t’u dk iSj¨dkj] bl mRlo dk lq=/kkj] bl LoIu d¨ ewrZ:i nsus okyk f’kYih] ns’k ds ,d d¨us es fLFkr dydÙkk es] veu pSu dh j{kk gsrq miokl vkSj çkFkZuk dj jgk FkkA egkRek xka/kh us vktknh dh [kq’kh es euk, tk jgs fdlh Hkh lekj¨g es Hkkx ugha fy;kA muds fy;s ;g 15 vxLr Hkh vke fnu¨a dh rjg gh jgkA jetku dk eghuk FkkA y¨x ckiw ds çfr vknj O;Dr dj viuk j¨tk [k¨yuk pkgrs FksA l¨ ckiw vU; fnu¨a dh vis{kk vkSj tYnh l¨ dj mB x;s FksA lqcg vkus oky¨a es fganw Hkh FksA xka/khth lcls feysA fQj xhrk dk ikB djus yxsA blds ckn lnk dh rjg çkr% Hkze.k ds fy, fudy iMsA lMd¨a ij muds n’kZu ds fy, HkhM ,df=r FkhA djhc vkB cts ckiw y©Vs vkSj ,df=r tu¨a ls dgk fd vkt gesa vktknh feyh gS ijUrq blds lkFk gh gekjh ftEesnkjh Hkh c< x;h gSA ftl pj[ks us gesa vktknh fnykà gS mls ges ugha Hkwyuk gSA miokl ls gekjk ‘kjhj ‘kq) g¨rk gSA bl çdkj gesa ‘kq) g¨dj çHkw ls çkFkZuk djuh gS fd os gesa vktknh ds dkfcy cuk,aA ;g gekjh ijh{kk dh ?kM+h gSA xka/khth dk ,d vyx gh liuk Fkk] vktknh d¨ ysdj] os pkgrs Fks fd lkjs Hkkjroklh vius vki d¨ vktknh ds dkfcy cuk,aA mudk dguk Fkk fd gesa çHkw d¨ /kU;okn nsuk pkfg, fd mlus ge xjhc Hkkjrokfl;¨a ds cfynku dk Q+y fn;k gSA vktknh dk fnu gekjh ijh{kk dk fnu gSA bl fnu lc miokl j[ksaA pj[kk pyk,aA fdlh rjg dh xMcMh uk g¨A vktknh ds fy, j¨’kuh ds }kjk lekj¨g djuk mfpr ugha gSA tcfd ns’k dh turk ds ikl ç;kIr vukt] rsy vkSj diMk ugha gSA ckiw ugha pkgrs Fks fd 1946 dh iqujko`rh g¨A fQj Hkh dydÙkk v’kkar g¨ x;k Fkk vkSj mUgsa vktknh dk igyk fnu ogha fcrkuk iMk FkkA veu&pSu dh cgkyh ds okLrsA ckiw çkFkZuk es eqf’dy ls /;ku yxk ik jgs Fks D;¨afd gtkj¨a y¨x muls feyus vkSj ;g dgus vk jgs Fks fd mUgha ds dkj.k ns’k ;g fnu ns[k ldk gSA bl dkj.k os dqN ukjkt ls g¨ x;s vkSj mUg¨aus Hkou dk eq[; }kj can djok fn;kA ckn es caxky ljdkj ds ea=hx.k muls feyus vk, r¨ ckiw us Li”V ‘kCn¨a es muls dgk fd vkt vkius vius lj ij dkaV¨a dk rkt iguk gSA lÙkk csgn cqjh pht gSA vkid¨ xÌh ij cSB dj lnk p©dl jguk g¨xkA vkid¨ lR;oknh] vfgald] fouez rFkk lgu’khy g¨uk g¨xkA /ku&n©yr&lÙkk ds ykyp es ugha Qaluk gSA vki xjhc¨a dh lsok ds fy, gSaA vaxzst¨a ds ‘kklu dh ijh{kk r¨ [kRe g¨ x;h gS vc gekjh ijh{kk dk d¨Ã var ugh Ã’oj vkidh enn djsA yk[k cqykus ij Hkh xka/khth fdlh lekj¨g es ugha x;sA ‘kke d¨ çkFkZuk lHkk es tcjnLr HkhM+ FkhA çkFkZuk ds ckn mUg¨aus fQj turk d¨ lac¨f/kr dj dgk fd vkt vktknh dk igyk fnu gSA jktkth xouZj g¨ x, gSaA y¨x¨a us l¨pk fd vc vktknh fey x;h gS] l¨ mUg¨aus jktkth ds ?kj
ij dCtk tek fy;kA ;g vPNh ckr gS fd y¨x tku x;s gSa fd lcd¨ lekurk dk vf/kdkj gS] ij ;g nq[k dh ckr gS fd os l¨pus yxs gSa fd mUgsa eupkgk dke djus] pht¨a d¨ r¨Mus&Q+¨Mus vkSj u”V djus dh Hkh vktknh fey x;h gSA turk ,slk dke uk dj] f[kykQ+r vkan¨yu ds le; tSlh ,drk n’kkZà Fkh oSlh gh Hkkouk,a cuk, j[ksA ml ‘kke xka/khth ds lkFk lqgjkonhZ Hkh Fks] mUg¨us Hkh ckiw ds ckn lHkk d¨ lac¨f/ kr djrs gq, fgUnq&eqlfye ,drk dh nqgkà nh] lcus fey dj t;&fgan dk ukjk cqyan fd;kA xka/khth ds psgjs ij ml fnu igyh ckj eqLdku dh vkHkk fnIr gqÃA fQj cgqr vuqj¨/k djus ij ckiw ‘kgj es dh x;h j¨’kuh ns[kus fudysA y¨x¨a dk lSykc mudh vksj meM iMkA N¨Vs&N¨Vs cPps csgn vkrqjrk ls muds gkFk Fkkeus d¨ yidrs jgsA HkhM mu ij xqykc dh ia[kqfM;¨a dh c©Nkj djrh jghA djhc nl cts csgn Fkd dj xka/khth y©Vs vkSj fcuk fdlh ls ckr fd, l¨us pys x;sA Lora= Hkkjr dh fu;rh ls Lora=rk laxzke ds egkuk;d dh ;g igyh eqBHksM FkhA
Hkkjr ds igys ^baVjusV xq#* “kEeh diwj ugha jgsA vius le; es foæ¨gh] yhd ls gV dj] viuh fof’k”V ‘kSyh ls yk[k¨a y¨x¨a d¨ viuk eqjhn cukus okys] vfHku; ds fnXxt¨a ds chp Hkh viuh vyx igpku cuk, j[kus esa dke;kc] f[kyanM+s dykdkj ds :i esa ekus tkus okys ‘kEeh diwj ugha jgsA mudh vnkdkjh] dykdkjh ;k vfHku; tSlk Hkh jgk g¨ og vyx ckr gS ij baVjusV d¨ viukus okys og igys dykdkj FksA mudk >qdko u;s “xtV¨a” dh rjQ mlh rjg Fkk tSls ,d cPps dk f[ky©u¨a d¨ ysdj g¨rk gSA cgqr ls y¨x¨a d¨ ;g tku dj gSjr g¨xh fd ‘kEehth 1988 ls dEI;wVj vkSj baVjusV dk yxkrkj bLrseky djrs vk jgs FksA bl rjg Hkkjr esa bl VsDu¨y¨th dk lcls igys mi;¨x djus okys bus&fxus y¨x¨a esa mudk LFkku FkkA tc igyh ckj os dEI;wVj vkSj fçaVj ?kj yk, Fks r¨ fnu Hkj ml ij vius ç;¨x djrs jgrs FksA ,d ckj muds nkekn dsru nslkà ds lkFk vfuy vackuh muds ?kj vk, r¨ lkjk rke&>ke ns[k dqN le> uk ik;s vkSj iwN cSBs fd D;k ‘kEeh vady us ?kj ij gh MsLd&Vki ifCyf’kax ‘kq: dj nh gSA brus cMs vks|¨fxd lewg fjyk;al ds vfuy vackuh }kjk ,slk loky ;g n’kkZrk gS fd ml tekus esa ilZuy dEI;wVj uke dh fdlh pht ls y¨x fdrus vufHkK FksA blhls ;g rF; Hkh iq[rk g¨rk gS fd ‘kEehth Hkkjr esa dEI;wVj vkSj baVjusV ds ?kjsyw mi;¨x d¨ c<+kok nsus okys jgs gSaA blhfy, mUgsa Hkkjr dk igyk baVjusV xq: ;k lkbcjeSu dg dj iqdkjk tkrk FkkA Hkxoku mudh vkRek d¨ ‘kkafr ns vkSj muds ifjokj d¨ bl nq[k d¨ lgus dk lke ZF;A
,d vu¨[kk eafnj] tgka f”kofyax ij fctyh fxjrh gSfctys’oj egknso ] ftuds n’kZu djrs gh vk¡[ksa ue g¨ tkrh gSa] eu HkkofoHk¨j g¨ tkrk gSA ftOgk ,d gh okD; mPpkj.k djrh gS & Roa ‘ A fiNyh ckj Q¨V¨ ugha yxk ik;k Fkk mlh deh d¨ iwjk dj jgk gwa lkou ekg ds bl p©Fks ikou l¨eokj d¨A gekjk ns’k fofp=rkvksa ls Hkjk iM+k gSA rjg&rjg ds /kkfeZd LFkku] rjg&rjg ds y¨x] rjg&rjg ds e©leA ;fn viuh lkjh ftanxh Hkh d¨Ã bls le>us] ?kweus esa yxk ns r¨ Hkh ‘kk;n iwjs Hkkjr d¨ ns[k le> uk ik;sA ;gka ,sls LFkku¨a dh
xxu “kekZ Hkjekj gS fd ml txg dh [kkfl;r ns[k balku nkar¨a rys maxyh nck ysrk gSA ,slk gh ,d vn~Hkqr LFky gS] fgekpy esa fctys’oj egknsoA ftls fctyh egknso ;k eD[ku egknso ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA fgekpy ds dqYyw ‘kgj ls 18 dheh nwj] 7874 fQV dh Åapkà ij “eFkku” uked LFkku esa fLFkr gS] f’koth dk ;g çkphu eafnjA bls f’koth dk loZ¨Ùke ri LFky ekuk tkrk gSA iqjk.k¨a ds vuqlkj tkyU/kj nSR; dk o/k f’koth us blh LFkku ij fd;k FkkA bls “dqykar ihB” ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA bl eafnj dh lcls foLe;dkjh rFkk vius vki esa vu¨[kh ckr ;g gS fd ;gka LFkkfir f’kofyax ij ;k eafnj ds /ot naM+ ij gj n¨&rhu lky esa otzikr g¨rk gSA f’kofyax ij otzikr g¨us ds mijkar ;gka ds iqtkjhth fc[kjs VqdM+¨a d¨ ,d= dj mUgsa eD[ku ds ysi ls t¨M+ fQj f’kofyax dk vkdkj nsrs gSaA bl dke ds fy;s eD[ku d¨ vkl&ikl uhps cls xkao okys miyC/k djokrs gSaA dgrs gSa fd i`Foh ij vklUu ladV d¨ nwj djus rFkk tho¨a dh j{kk ds fy;s l`”Vh :ih fyax ij ;kfu vius mij d”V dk çk:i >syrs gSa Hk¨ys HkaMkjhA ;fn fctyh fxjus ls /ot naM+ d¨ {kfr igqaprh gS r¨ fQj iwjh ‘kkL=¨Dr fof/k ls u;k /ot naM+ LFkkfir fd;k tkrk gSA eafnj rd igqapus ds fy, dqYyq ls cl ;k VSDlh miyC/k gSaA O;kl unh ikj dj 15 fdeh dk lMd ekxZ ‘palkjh xkao’ rd tkrk gSA mlds ckn djhc rhu fdy¨ehVj dh Jelk/;] [kMh p<+kà gS t¨ vPNs&vPN¨a dk ne[ke uki ysrh gSA ml le; r¨ gkFk esa ikuh dh c¨ry Hkh ,d Hkkj lk eglwl g¨rh gSA Fkku ds ,d rjQ+ O;kl unh dh ?kkVh gS] ftl ij dqYyq&eukyh bR;kfn ‘kgj gSa rFkk nwljh vksj ikoZrh unh dh ?kkVh gS ftl ij d.kZ uked çfl) rhFkZ LFky gSA mapkà ij igqapus esa Fkdku vkSj dfBukà t:j g¨rh gS ij tSls gh ;k=h p¨Vh ij fLFkr oqX;ky es igqaprk gS mls ,d fnO; y¨d ds n’kZu g¨rs gSaA ,d vy©fdd ‘kkafr] ‘kqHkz uhyk vkdk’k] nwj n¨u¨a rjQ+ cgrh ufn;ka] fxjrs >jus] vkdk’k Nwrh ioZr J`a[kyk,a fdlh vkSj gh y¨d dk vkHkkl djkrh gSaA tgka vka[ksa ue g¨ tkrh gSa] gkFk tqM tkrs gSa] eu HkkofoHk¨j g¨ tkrk gS rFkk ftOgk ,d gh okD; dk mPpkj.k djrh gS & Roa ‘kj.kaA d.k&d.k es çkphurk n’kkZrk eafnj iw.kZ :i ls ydMh dk cuk gqvk gSA pkj lhf<;ka p<+] njokts ls ,d cMs dejs es ços’k feyrk gS ftlds ckn xHkZ x`g gS tgka eD[ku es fyiVs f’kofyax ds n’kZu g¨rs gSaA ftldk O;kl djhc 4 fQ+V rFkk mapkà 2-5 fQ+V ds yxHkx gSA ogka Åij igkM+ dh p¨Vh ij j¨’kuh rFkk ikuh dk bartke gSA vkikr fLFkfr es jgus ds fy;s dejs Hkh cus gq, gSaA ijUrq cgqr T;knk BaM g¨ tkus ds dkj.k jkr es ;gka d¨Ã ugha #drk gSA lkou ds eghus es ;gka gj lky esyk yxrk gSA nwj&nwj ls xzkeoklh vius xko¨a ls vius nsorkvksa d¨ ysdj f’koth ds njckj es gkftjh yxkus vkrs gSaA os Hk¨ys&Hkkys xzkeoklh T;knkrj viuk lkeku vius da/k¨a ij ykn dj gh ;gka igqaprs gSaA mudh vVwV J)k rFkk vVy fo’okl dk çrhd gS ;g eafnj t¨ lSdM¨a lky¨a ls bu xzkfe.k¨a d¨ dfBure ifjfLFkfr;¨a es Hkh mYykle; thou thus d¨ ç¨Rlfgr djrk gSA dHkh Hkh dqYyq&eukyh tkuk g¨ r¨ f’koth ds bl :i ds n’kZu t:j djsaA ij ,d ckr t¨ lkyrh gS eu d¨ fd tSls&tSls ;gka igqapus dh lgwfy;rsa c<us yxh gSa oSls&oSls dqN vokaNuh;rk Hkh ogka LFkku ikus yxh gSA dqN lky¨a igys rd palkjh xkao ds ckn eafnj rd d¨Ã nqdku ugha g¨rh FkhA ij vc tSls&tSls bl txg dk uke y¨x tkuus yxs gSa r¨ i;ZVd¨a dh vkok&tkgh Hkh c< x;h gSA mlh ds QyLo:i vc jkLrs esa nfl;¨a nqdkusa mx vk;ha gSaA /kkfeZd ;k=k ds n©jku pk;uht vkSj bVSfy;u O;atu¨a dh nqdkusa dqN vthc lk Hkko eu esa mRiUu dj nsrh gSaA ij D;k dgsaxs] xank gS ij /ka/kk gSA
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yks dj yks ckr eqUus ds vCck dk uke D;k gS
ek¡ cki ls “kfeZank cPps
dqnjr ds fu;e¨a ds vuqlkj cPps dsoy efgyk,a gh iSnk dj ldrh gSa] ysfdu _f”k;¨a eqfu;¨a dh /kjrh dgh tkus okys Hkkjr ns’k esa ukequfdu dqN Hkh ugha A jktLFkku ds d¨VMk xk¡o ds x¨xqUnk leqnk; lsgr dsaæ esa iNys lky ,d ;k n¨ ugha cfYd iwjs 32 iq#”k¨a us cPp¨a d¨ tUe fn;k A gqvk ;w¡ fd Hkkjr ljdkj dh tuuh lqj{kk ;¨tuk ds vuqlkj xjhch dh js[kk ls uhps vkSj 19 cjl dh vk;q ls Åij dh efgykvksa d¨ ek¡ cuus ij 1700 :i;s vkSj nkà d¨ 200 :i;s fn, tkrs gSaA bl jk’kh d¨ ,sBus ds pDdj esa mDr lsgr foHkkx dh v/;{k us fiNys ,d lky esa bl foHkkx }kjk 250 cPp¨a ds tUe dk nkok fd;k A lsgr foHkkx }kjk tk¡p djus ij ik;k x;k fd bu 250 u;h cuh ekvksa esa 32 iq#”k Fks vkSj dqN iq#”k¨a dk uke r¨ jftLVj esa dà ckj Fkk A bruk gh ugha bl jftLVj ds eqrkfcd ,d 60 o”kZ dh efgyk us lky esa n¨ ckj cPp¨a d¨ tUe fn;k vkSj lhrk uke dh ,d vkSj efgyk us ,d lky esa 24 cPps iSnk fd;s A lcls cM+h gSjkuh dh ckr r¨ ;g gqà fd foHkkx dh efgyk v/;{k us [kqn Hkh bl ,d lky esa 11 cPp¨a d¨ tUe nsus dk nkok fd;k gSa A y¨ dj y¨ ckr] ckdh lc r¨ Bhd gSa ij loky ;g mBrk gS ds bu ek¡ cus 32iq#”k¨a ds cPp¨a ds firk d©u Fks\
uhfru enku
;fn vkid¨ yxrk gS fd vkids cPp¨a dh ftn ;k ‘kjkjr¨a dh otg ls vkid¨ dà ckj lkoZtfud LFkku¨a esa nwlj¨a ds lkeus ‘kfeZank g¨uk iM+k gS] r¨ tjk ;g lqfu,A cPps Hkh vius ek¡ cki dh cqjh gjdr¨a dh otg ls ‘kfeZank eglwl djrs gSaA fczVsu esa 4 ls 16 lky dh vk;q ds 1000 cPp¨a ij gq, loZs{k.k esa djhc n¨ frgkà cPp¨a us dgk fd mUgsa vius ek¡ cki ds xkM+h pykus dk rjhdk ilan ugha gSa vkSj 13 izfr’kr us r¨ ;g Hkh ekuk ds bldh otg ls mUgsa vius ek¡ cki ds lkFk dkj esa cSBus ls ‘keZ eglwl g¨rh gSa A djhc 75 izfr’kr cPp¨a us crk;k ds muds ek¡ cki xkM+h pyrs gq, nwljs okgd¨ ij fpYykrs gSa ;k xqLls ls c¨yrs gSa] ;gk¡ rd fd xkfy;k¡ Hkh fudky nsrs gSaA tcfd 20 izfr’kr cPp¨a us vius ekcki d¨ okgu pykrs gq, e¨ckÃy Q¨u bLrseky djrs gq, ns[kk gSa A cPps xyrh djrs gSa r¨ ek¡cki mUgsa MkaV nsrs gSa ysfdu ek¡ cki dh xyrh ij mUgsa vkbuk d©u fn[kk,A y¨ dj y¨ ckr ek¡ cki cPp¨a ds fy, j¨y ekMy g¨rs gSa] t+jk okgu pykrs gq, vius f’k”Vkpkj dk /;ku jf[k;s] [kkldj tc cPps lkFk esa csaBs g¨aA
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AUSTRALIA INDIA RELATIONSHIP ON SOLID GROUND Australia and India have lots in common. Some people call it five C’s. Amongst the five C’s are curry , culture (multi cultural community), common law and courts system , love for cricket and creativity. The relationship between Australia and India has continued to blossom under the previous government and also under both Rudd and Gillard led Labor Government. Then the Foreign Minister and now the Minister for Defence Stephen Smith said in the Parliament “Recognising the implications of India’s rise for Australia’s national interests, over the last two years the Australian Government has moved towards placing India firmly in the front rank of Australia’s international partnerships.” “Making India such a policy priority in Australia’s foreign relations was very long overdue. And not just because of India’s rise, but because of the strong convergence of interests and values that we share: trade and investment, strategic and security, people to people links. We are natural partners.” “As the Prime Minister’s visit to India in November last year illustrated, we are building a comprehensive, enduring strategic partnership between Australia and India. Yet for decades, the Australia-India relationship did not receive the consistent focus and attention it deserved. “ “In 2008 I compared Australia’s earlier approaches to India to a 20/20 cricket match: short bursts of enthusiasm followed by lengthy periods of inactivity. “I said we needed to treat the relationship like a test match and work with diligence, dedication, application and perseverance day in and day out to extend the partnership. The era of inactivity and even neglect is over.” However having this said and done there have been tumultuous relationship between Australia and India. This stemmed from the poor management of the International students issues specially in Victoria. This has started to sort out itself out as of late. However this has caused enormous damage to Australia’s reputation in India. The damage done to the local education industry and also to the students who find themselves in a limbo in the midst’s of the changes of the visa system has been
enormous. People are not likely to forget or forgive this. Also one must not forget that there were many students that came here knowing what they were getting into. When my father was in Gujarat last year he was frequently asked if he was from Melbourne. Melbourne became a symbol for something nasty and wrong with Australia. Australia’s name remains mud and unlikely to recover for some time yet. When we visited India in 2009/2010 monkeygate was still in peoples mind. 60 minutes program had done an interview with Andrew Symonds in Hyderabad at Qutub Shahi Tombs and our Hyderabad tour guide reminded us of the same.( This year Haribhajan Singh and Andrew Symonds have played for Bombay in the IPL tournament and their personal relationship it appears have also mended). The forth coming cricket matches between Australia and India in Australia will either help or be detrimental to this healing process. By this I mean that since this incidence in Sydney during the last tour of Australia by India , Australia has already toured to India and there was no major incident in India. The question will be how the Australian public reacts to the Indian team here. Australia will be hosting cultural activities across India next year to promote the country to Indian youths. “We are doing a big cultural promotion of Australia in India that will be held from September 2012 to January 2013. We are going to take Australian innovations and art, culture design, architecture, to present Australia as a innovative and creative country,” Peter Varghese Australian High Commissioner to India said adding, in a recent press interview “ the initiative would be structured to target Indian youths.” The two trade between has reached about $22 billion. The prime beneficiary in this has been Australia. It exports $20 billion mostly in coal and gold and imports $2 billion mostly in pearls, gems and jewellery. India is the fastest growth market for Australia. Recently there have been massive investments by Indian companies in Australia. Hyderabad-based Indian Energy and Infrastructure giant, Lanco, has acquired Griffin’s coal mines for about $850 million. Adani Group’s investment of $500m on Linc Energy’s Galilee coal tenements in Queensland in August 2010. Adani Group aims to set up a 60 million-tonne per
By Harish Velji annum facility. A 150-km rail line to the port will also benefit other coal miners in the region and is part of the Adani charter. Adani’s mines will yield coal for over 100 years. Adani Group also recently acquired Abbot Point Coal Terminal, a dedicated coal export facility, in Queensland, Australia, from North Queensland Bulk Ports. The Bhoruka Group, is investing AU$63 million in an edible oil refinery in Wagga Wagga, The agribusiness venture, Riverina Oils and Bio Energy (ROBE) Pty Ltd., is described as India’s largest value-added greenfield investment in Australia. The history about Gujarat NRE Coking Coals within NSW is well know and is planning to expanding its coking coal mines in the State planning to spend $200 million and create 150 jobs. The Gillard Government badly needs to relook it’s at policy of not selling Uranium to India. Indian has an impeccable record in non proliferation. To continue to use the mantra of India not signing NPT (nuclear non-proliferation treaty)no longer holds as they are willing to sign an individual agreement with other countries which goes beyond NTP.Australia needs to have a role in securing India’s energy needs. This role has a potential to take this relationship to projectile level. Harish Velji is an Indophile and has written for numerous papers locally and overseas. He also is an avid follower of sports and done extensive work on the radio on the original football(soccer). He is the founder and currently the Chairperson of Sub Continent Friends of Labor
TAX FILE NUMBER FRAUD ALMOST DOUBLED SINCE LAST YEAR Tax payers should be on the lookout for a scam designed to extract tax file numbers for the purpose of identity fraud, which could leave their bank accounts empty and their credit files ineffective for up to five years, a national credit repairer warns.
of the stolen TFNs. It reported that techniques to steal someone’s TFN include bogus approaches by phone calls, emails, letters, websites and text messages. People who share the same name and birthday are also in the “at risk” category.
Director of MyCRA Credit Repairs, Graham Doessel says if people fall victim to this particular type of identity theft, they are at a high risk of having their credit file misused. “A person’s tax file number is like the key to their credit file. If fraudsters are able to obtain this number, they have a crucial piece of information for building a duplicate identity in the victim’s name,” Mr Doessel says.
The Government issued an alert on its StaySmartOnline following the 2010 financial year about bogus emails from the ATO specific to e-tax.
Mr Doessel says social networking sites like Facebook have made it easier for fraudsters to obtain the extra personal information a criminal could need for identity fraud. “People post a whole host of information about themselves on sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, but people need to think - what would a criminal do with this information? If fraudsters already have a person’s tax file number, a simple check on Facebook for a date of birth can give them the tools they need to request replacement copies of personal documents, and use those documents to take out credit - even mortgage homes in the victim’s name,” he says. This comes as the Sunday Telegraph reported yesterday that the practice of stealing tax file numbers has almost doubled in the past year, from 12,669 to 31,200 from the previous year. The number of complaints made to the Commonwealth Ombudsman about the Australia Tax Office also increased almost 40 per cent, largely because
“New fraudulent emails are circulating which pretend to be from the Australian Tax Office. Using social engineering tricks the criminals behind these emails try to trick you into providing personal information as a pretext to receiving a tax refund. This personal information can be used by the criminals to steal your identity,” the alert says. The Telegraph reported an ATO spokeswoman as saying stolen TFNs and identity theft was a big problem - the effects could last for years and were a nightmare to clean up.
“The fraudster could abuse someone’s good name all over town and it is not until the victim applies for credit and is refused, that they learn about the identity theft and subsequent fraud,” Mr Doessel says. Any kind of credit account (from mortgages and credit cards through to mobile phone accounts) which remains unpaid past 60 days can be listed as a default by creditors on the victim’s credit rating, and those defaults remain there for 5 years.
Other impacts may be experienced in getting a job, a bank loan or other credit, renting a house or a car, or applying for government services or benefits. “She said the ATO had established a “client identity support centre” to assist people whose identities were stolen.
Mr Doessel says the consequence of people having a black mark on their credit rating is generally an inability to obtain credit. “Most of the major banks refuse credit to people who have defaults, or even too many credit enquiries, so it is really essential to keep a clean credit record,” he says. By law in Australia, if a listing contains inconsistencies the credit file holder has the right to negotiate their amendment or removal. “To clear their good name, the identity theft victim needs to prove to creditors they did not initiate the credit - which can be difficult. Not only are victims generally required to produce police reports, but large amounts of documentary evidence to substantiate to creditors the case of identity theft,” Mr Doessel says.
Mr Doessel says identity fraud can often go undetected until the victim applies for credit and is refused.
Contact for more details on credit repair following identity theft.
“When an identity is stolen it can take a long time to put everything right,” she said. “A person can face financial problems if someone commits fraud or other crimes using your identity.
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A number of Indian Australians joined a rally in Canberra last week to mark the first anniversary of the “broken promise” and to protest against the imposition of a Carbon Tax without being given an opportunity to vote on it.
benefits most from this tax? The global companies who have invested in manufacturing facilities to produce green products such as solar panels and who are struggling to sell their product into US and European markets?
It was not a gaggle of right-wingers, but there were many who have probably voted for Labor all their life and are confused why the Labor/Green Government is putting an additional burden on the common man when the global economy is so fragile.
The Prime Minister promised before the election that she would not introduce a carbon tax in any Government she led. We are told she was forced to change her mind due to the changed dynamics of the new Parliament. Dr Virk does not agree, “We all have choices to make and there are times we must put our country ahead of our personal careers. There is always the choice of calling the bluff of the Greens and Independents as they seek to thrust the agenda of a minority of their voters on the overwhelming majority who voted not to have a carbon tax”.The rally was addressed by Opposition leader, the Honourable Tony Abbott MHR who said, “ This is the first anniversary of the big lie and it is our job as Australians to make the point that lies don’t pay, to assert the importance of truth in government, because, ladies and gentlemen, it just isn’t right that people should say one thing before an election to win votes and do the opposite after the election to hold on to the keys of the Lodge. There is one fundamental message that we want to go out from this place to every nook and cranny of our country: There should be no new tax collection without an election”.
Dr Jagvinder VIrk, a community leader from Western Sydney was at the rally with a few supporters. “It is difficult to comprehend the logic behind the introduction of this tax that will not have any impact on global temperatures but hurt both small and large business. It will fundamentally change the structure of our economy and we are doing this in such a rushed manner at a time when the global economy is weak and other nations are, quite wisely, holding back. We are also doing this at a time when our parliamentary democracy is at its most vulnerable point with the greens and independents holding the balance of power.” said Dr Virk. “I can understand why the public on both sides of the political divide are so angry with this government”. Earlier today, the share market closed 3.5% weaker amid fears the global economy is headed into a recession. The Chief Executive of the ANZ Bank Mike Smith has warned that the global economy is “delicately poised” as the second round of shock waves from the global financial crisis hits the market. Australian retailers are struggling and shedding jobs, small businesses in suburbs such as “Western Sydney” are hurting. So why is the Labor/Green Government so confident that we can bear the additional burden of a carbon tax? Who
We are all inspired by Troy “Grover” Logan, a truck driver, who walked for nine days and 368 kms from Albury to Canberra to protest against the carbon tax. “ It is a tremendous achievement, and he was obviously in a lot of pain, but he did it because he believes in doing the hard yards for our democracy. To those who believe they can thrust a carbon tax on us based on a lie, I quote the national motto of India Satyameva Jayate (Truth Alone Triumphs)” , said Dr Virk.
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FAIR TRADING AGQUIP COMPLIANCE BLITZ A team of inspectors from NSW Fair Trading will be out in force at Gunnedah’s AgQuip from 16 to 18 August checking for unsafe, unapproved and counterfeit products.
electrical safety approval marks are available at www.fairtrading.
“Overseas a p p r o v a l Fair Trading Minister Anthony Roberts said AgQuip attracted marks are not more than 100,000 visitors and 700 acceptable in Australia. exhibitors and was an important “Penalties of up to $82,500 event in Fair Trading’s compliance and/or two years imprisonment and safety inspection program for an individual or sole trader and calendar. $825,000 for a corporation can be “Fair Trading will once given for breaches of the Act.” again work closely with AgQuip’s Mr Roberts said inspections management to ensure that would also be conducted on standall products, especially gas appliances, tools and electrical goods, comply with NSW’s rigorous safety standards,” he said.
alone renewable energy systems in the Gunnedah region. “Inspectors will be educating electrical contractors about the correct issuing of Certificates of Compliance for electrical work in all stand-alone systems,” he said.
“Inspectors will be focusing on power supplies for stand alone solar equipment, as well as power tools, welders, battery chargers and other household electrical items. “They will also be checking for breaches of the Motor Dealers Act and making sure no second hand cars are being traded. Inspectors will also check gas appliances and LPG vehicles for any breaches of the Gas Supply (Consumer Safety) Regulation.” Mr Roberts said Fair Trading had previously located and confiscated unsafe power tools, lamps and power adaptors that did not meet Australian electrical safety standards. “People in the bush are doing it tough enough and they don’t need the added hassle of purchasing dodgy or unsafe goods or not getting what they pay for.” Mr Roberts said all electrical goods sold in New South Wales must meet the requirements of the Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2004 and regulations. “This legislation covers safe electrical appliances and other electrical goods, with 56 categories mentioned,” he said. “Examples
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The Punjabi music industry’s biggest superstars – Desi Rockstars entertained and rocked Sydney audiences on Saturday, 30th July 2011 at UWS Auditorium, Parramatta. It featured an array of international performers such as Gippy Grewal, Geeta Zaildar, Sherry Mann and movie actress Neeru Bajwa, who enchanted the houseful fans to their tunes showcasing their immense talent. Gippy Grewal has risen to the one of the most recognised modern Punjabi artists. A hotel managermnet degree holder, Gippy’s childhood dream came true when his debut album “Chak Lai” created waves worldwide. Since then, the artist has given the Punjabi music lovers hit after hit, where every dance party or celebration is incomplete with the beat of Gippy’s songs. He has also featured in two successful hits, Mel Karade Rabba and recently released - Jihne Mera Dil Luteya, which had its worldwide premiere held in Auckland, New Zealand on 29th July 2011. His co-star in this film, Neeru Bajwa, Hindi and Punjabi movie actress, also graced the stage to promote Jihne Mera Dil Luteya currently running in cinemas Australia wide. She
unforgettable as the auditorium danced to his extremely popular songs. In just short span of time, Sherry has made history with his overnight success and large fan following. His single “Yaar Annmulle” broke worldwide records online, and now signed with Speed Records, Sherry has released debut album with the same title. This song reminisces the fun and priceless times at college spent with friends, which instantly clicked with the listeners taking the track to the number one position on the music charts around the world. Shows across New Zealand and Australia were hosted superbly by Sydney’s very own Divya Dhingra, who is now the Star Sensation among Indian has acted in movies with Harbhajan Mann and Jimmy Shergill, and also in Hindi films “Prince” and “Phoonk 2”. The show also featured the Geeta Zaildar, a household name with the golden voice. His record breaking songs won him great popularity and admiration across the globe. All his tracks such as “Seeti”, “Billo Nach Nach Ke”, “Sair” and the latest “Heartbeat” has created a new phenomenon throughout the Asian music industry. His video clips are watched by millions on TV and YouTube that highlight the versatility in the artist’s voice and his unique style of music. Sherry Mann also made the night
and Australian media, audiences and Bollywood celebrities. Divya compered, charmed and entertained as she won the hearts of all. The hard work and dedication of the organisers - Sukha Singh, Gurtej Thind, Garry Singh and Goldy Singh, was evident throughout the execution of the show. The support of the sponsors was appreciated and recognised with distribution of trophies at the ceremony during the show. A truly spectacular show that brought Punjab to Sydney with the rocking superstars – “Desi Rockstars”!
BHINDA AUJLA KI “DRAMEY BAAZI” A while ago, Tanya had met up with young singing sensation Bhinda Aujla. A few steps up the ladder to stardom and he is still the same. Hardworking, focussed and mesmerising. He is always this down to earth Punjabi Munda who is on a journey to achieving his dreams and is venturing on relentlessly. This interview with Bhinda proved more rewarding than the first. It is amazing how he has grown so much as a singer in such a short time. “An artiste who can compose, write lyrics, mix and edit and to top it all up sing! And sing it with such ease and style”. This is more evident in his new songs By God, Dramey Baazi, Kalyugi Mirza....Since then, his fans have been hankering for more. And true to his words his latest album has been released. It has an array of songs which will make you move, groove and even get lost in his lovely musical world. So get ready for a truly delightful musical Dramey Baazi with Bhinda Aujla! What have you been busy with In India? I was busy making music and composing songs for an album released by t-series. The song Sardari from the album Imagination is one of the first songs to be created in my studio. This song has been sung by the popular singer Kamal Grewal and Sardari, the most popular song has been composed by me. As mentioned, I was also busy establishing my very own studio. Tell us something more about this studio of yours. I had dreamed about this studio for a long time. I finally got the opportunity when I came to India and started this studio immediately. It is known as Youngster Studio. It is Punjab’s no1 studio in terms of technology.
All the equipment is from UK. “Punjab ke logon ko na UK jaane ki zaroorat hai aur na hee Mumbai.” What is your new album all about? This album is called DRAMEY BAAZI. It is my 2nd solo album after Yaar Glassy. It has 8 songs and all but one has been sung by me. 1. By God Ft. Master Saleem, 2. Dramey Baazi (Ravi Bal Mix) 3. Pasa Vat Ke 4.Tod Gayi Yaari (Ravi Bal Mix) 5. Dudh Maa De Peeta Da 6. Aj Paade Hor Daru 7. Najaja Wali 8. Teri Chanjar. Which songs are the most popular from this album? By God and Dramey Baazi are by far more the most successful hits from the song. I should make a special menion to Najaja Wali. My female fans really like this particular song a lot. What are your upcoming projects? A new Punjabi movie is being released around the 1st July, Jinne mera dil lutaya. One of the singers is Gippy grewal who is singing a promotional song, dil lutaya gaya which has been originally composed and sung by me. I am working on another music video Kalyugi Mirza which has been extremely popular on youtube. It has about 30 thousand hits is a very short span of time. I am also very busy composing 2 songs for K S Makhan’s new album, What are your future plans? I plan to launch a new album Thunder every year. This will be a Multi Album featuring 8 never heard before tracks by famous and upcoming singers. I have already started work on Thunder 1. This has completely new songs by Diljeet, K S Makhan, Gippy Grewal, Manna Dhillon. Thunder 1 is due release this August or September. It is my dream to make this a platform for 2
new struggling singers every year. Their songs will be heard with the more established and well known singers from the industry and give them an opportunity to fame. Apart from your studio and composing what keeps you busy? I get extremely busy doing shows in Delhi, Chandigarh, Punjab. Talks are also going on to do a show very soon in Australia. At the same time I am also planning to shoot a video for Thunder in Australia. (He might be looking for new faces as well!) How do you see yourself after 10 years? I am down to earth, god fearing and always thankful to my audience. Audience nahin toh kuch bhi nahin. That’s how it will be 10 years down the line. Any 5 things that are must for you. Music, Riyaaz, Watching a bollywood/hollywood movie every day, watching Prison Break, my friends. Who would you say inspires you? Koi bhi achchi cheez se mere dil mein khalballi mach jaati hai and that is my source of inspiration. How would you like to sign off? As I always say, “Yeh Duniya badi Drameybaazi, pith de peeche kaddi galaan, munh de kehndi paaji paaji”. That is what the world goes by but I do not believe in this philosophy.
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CDA’S ANNUAL CONCERT 2011 – A LOVE STORY husn hai mein Ishq hun’ from old film ‘Humraj’ to show Price and Princess in love. When they realize that their family were enemies, the chorus ‘Kahne ko jashne bahara’ from film Jodha Akbar was just superb. Choreography was excellent and all the dancers from Intermediate group displayed their talent for contemporary moves. A moment later, the stage was all set for wedding of Prince and princess and it was delight to watch little ones and junior Contemporary dance Academy presented its annual concert ‘A love story’. It was a great show both in choreography and performance wise. Dances performed were of perfect length to convey the story, none of them were overly long. A good variety of songs and styles were represented. Show had background narration to convey the story – beginning with the introduction of characters, it led through
Barso re megha and Boondon se bataen introduced Princess Sonali Chauhan. A group of Intermediate students all holding decorated traditional pots set the mood of Paniharies of Rajasthan. Like the story of Romeo Juliet, in this story, Prince Yuvraj and Princess Sonali’s families were old enemies and none was ready to forget & forgive. Story progressed further. There was a dance party scene group dancing on ‘tenu le ke jana’. Everyone including the audience were enjoying the wedding with clapping and singing along with. Like Romeo Juliet story,
the sequence of events of love, revelation and conflict and to the climax. The dance performances following the narration reflected and interpreted the experiences and feelings of various characters in the story. This love story was set in Rajasthan. The opening piece Azeemo-o-shan introduced the prince Yuv Raj Rathore. It began with a spectacular choreography with strong dancers. The dancers were very well trained in technique and performed well together with ease and brilliance. A very interesting medley of songs like … Awaara bhanwere,
there was Yash who wanted to marry Sonali. So there was a fight between Yuvraj and Yash. The fight dance on instrumental music between Prince Yuvraj and Yash was extremely well choreographed and beautifully executed. It was one of the highlights of the entire show. Song ‘raat hamari & suna man ka aangan’ was just the perfect choice of song, which conveyed the distraught and hurt Sonali. Later ‘Lakkad jal ke koyla ho gayee’ with support dancers in white skirts
set the scene of Sonali’s longing for her beloved Yuvraj. Both the dances by Advance group showed the extraordinary talent, beautiful costumes and choreography. It certainly stole the show.
on the stage. Everyone from juniors to advance students of academy danced wearing masks. During this song, Prince Yuvraj is attracted to Maya and proclaims his love dancing on ‘Patiala peg laga ke ‘ but Maya shuts him off dancing on ‘kabhi yeh kabhi woh’ a beautiful number from film ‘Sadma’. Princess Sonali enters in the party and Prince Yuvraj is smitten by her charm straight away. Sonali too falls for him. It was joy to watch couple dancing on ‘Ek mein aur ek tu’ and others joining them too. It was a very refreshing and a great inclusion of song – ‘Tu
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The another wedding celebration dances by junior group had quite of mix of songs ranging from Punjabi to fast numbers. But like being on a roller coaster ride, the atmosphere soon turned very sad when Sonali consumed potion and Prince Yuvraj thinks her as dead. To depict the full scene, two beautiful solos by Prince Yuvraj and Princess Sonali were another highlight of this beautiful show. Their commitment and artistry were evident in these dances. In the end, prince and princess both die. Everyone in the audience was totally involved in this story and they all felt for the characters. The last song ‘Kaisa yeh Ishq hai rightly conveyed the mood of the story. Finale dance ‘Dua hai dua’ introduced the characters back on the stage and as expected, it was energetic foot tapping finale. In the end Shwetambra Barar Tandon director choreographer of
the Academy, thanked everyone. Like every year, Students were given award trophies for their specific excellence in dance. It was a fantastic show. An impressive innovative and creative choreography, good selection of songs, an outstanding costumes and beautiful smiling and some very talented students who can become a very good dancer if they continue dancing. A very impressive background narration with music added an extra dimension to the whole show. It was a very enjoyable evening. Academy is now taking break for sometime as Shwetambra is now getting ready to welcome a baby soon. We wish Shwetambra very best. Looking at the performance, dedication and beautiful choreography, all the parents and we all will eagerly wait for her come back to dance teaching.
NIHAL GUPTA NEW CHAIRMAIN OF NSW MULTICULTURAL BUSINESS ADVISORY PANEL Respected business and community leader Mr Nihal Gupta has been appointed to head the NSW Multicultural Business Advisory Panel.
He has a strong and effective leadership background in sales, marketing and manufacturing with experience spanning over 30 years in the electronics and IT sectors.
The appointment was welcomed by the Chair of the Community Relations Commission, Stepan Kerkyasharian.
Mr Kerkyasharian said: “Mr Gupta is a recognised entrepreneur with a deep understanding of working in Australia and Asia, coming from nearly 20 years as Managing Director of his successful family owned electronics group, Palsonic Corporation.
The NSW Multicultural Business Advisory Panel is being established by the NSW Government to strengthen NSW trade and investment links internationally and build the State’s economy. Mr Gupta was chosen because he has longstanding experience in Asian markets including China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong. He has been appointed Chair of the NSW Multicultural Business Advisory Panel for a term of two years. His extensive knowledge and expertise will contribute significantly to the Panel’s ability to harness the strengths of NSW’s diverse, highly skilled and multilingual workforce to extend our State’s links to international markets. He possesses strong business acumen as well as a deep understanding of government.
In 2005, Mr Gupta established Digital Electronics Corporation Australia of which he is Managing Director. Mr Gupta’s achievements, service experience have included:
other and
Being appointed as an ambassador of immigration and multicultural affairs by the former federal government;
Participating in trade missions at both a state and federal level;
Member and former president of the Rotary Club of South Sydney;
Receiving Tourism Training Australia’s Platinum Award in 2007 for services to the development of the tourism
and hospitality industry, training and to the nation; •
Supporting many charities, in particular the Red Shield Appeal.
“NSW has the most diverse, highly skilled and multilingual workforce in Australia and the Multicultural Business Advisory Panel will help harness these strengths to increase the reach of NSW industry internationally.
bodies to help inform the NSW Government and the business community of opportunities in target markets.
“The Panel will have a strong focus on promoting NSW’s cultural diversity as a positioning and trade asset”, he said.
The Panel will also support the National Multicultural Marketing Awards which are managed by the Community Relations Commission.
It will advise on impediments to trade in international markets, how to strengthen existing business networks, and how to pursue growth opportunities in areas such as international education, in-bound multicultural tourism and other strategic areas.
Congratulating Mr Gupta on his appointment, Mr Kerkyasharian said: “The panel, chaired by Mr Gupta, will take the work which we have done over twenty one years in promoting export through the multicultural marketing awards to a higher level.
The Panel will also advise on issues that impact business and multicultural communities in NSW, as required.
“I look forward to the panel’s support of the awards in coming years in helping us seek and highlight outstanding achievements secured through clever use of our unique language, cultural and business connections around the world,” Mr Kerkyasharian said.
As part of its work, the Panel will create links with think tanks, academic institutions and research
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KARWA CHAUTH MELA Saturday, October 15th 2011 4:00 PM TO 9:00 PM Venue : Blacktown R.S.L. Club, (Second Avenue, Blacktown ) Main Attractions
e Pric 5 t e k $ T ic dult A e l Sing 5 y $1 l i m Fa
Karwa Chauth Pooja (Starts Sharp 4:pm) Fashion Parade Fun Competitions Dance performances Bhangra Mrs Karwa Chauth Choreography (age no bar) Fun games Bride of Australia Family Entertainment (newly married) Food n Drink stalls Sydneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best desi DJ Best Couple Award Plenty of free Parking Chief Guest: Michelle Rowland (MP Greenway) Nathan Rees (Former Premier of NSW)
Karwa Chauth pooja by Pandit Shri. Devendra Sharma ji
Please Contact : Indu Takher : 0415786205, Mona Grover 0421186741, Nishthha Nidhi: 0404672346 For sponsorship & participation contact - Australian Visa & Migration Consultancy Services Sanjay Deswal : 0412462344
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