13 minute read
AUSTRALIA Alice-Miranda A Royal Christmas Ball I - Animated Feature Films SLR Productions Australia, Coogee, PO Box 458, 2034 612 9356 4911, office@slrproductions.com Agogo Studios Kowloon, Room 801 Wing Kwok Centre (852) 2384 9723, info@agogostudios.com
BELARUS Didi A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) National Film Studio, Belarusfilm Belarus, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave 98, 220114 +375 17 377 10 02, director@belarusfilm.by
BRAZIL Trunk Train - The Movie I - Animated Feature Films Copa Studio Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Av. Mal. Floriano, 20080-003 (21) 3172-0402, lucas.bonalumi@copastudio.com
Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People I - Animated Feature Films Coala Filmes Brazil, São Paulo, Rua Augusta 1239, 01305-100 +5511991386254, coala@coalafilmes.com.br
Berê’s Vlog F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series Gloob Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Avenida das Américas, 22640-101 552121457709, mpontes@g.globo Conspiração Filmes Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, R. Teresa Guimarães, 22280-050
My Hundred Fears B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Projeto Ilha da Imaginação Brazil, São Simão, Rua 56 Qd 01 Lt 02, 75890000 64 9 9662 9434, chris@ipfilmes.com.br CANADA Once Upon... My Story! A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Maki Média Canada, Laval, 3613 avenue Nipigon, H7P 4P 5147154948, dominique@makimedia.tv
ABC with Kenny G A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Big Bad Boo Studios Canada, Vancouver, 401 - 1228 Hamilton Street, V6B6L2 6046886484, mai@bigbadboo.com
Lili & Lola B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Big Bad Boo Studios Inc. Canada, Vancouver, 401 - 1228 Hamilton Street, V6B6L2 6046886484, mai@bigbadboo.com
Pet Shop Zombies C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Epic Storyworlds Canada, Québec, 709 Saint Vallier Est, G1K 3P9 4165281577, tristan.hay.lee@epicstorymedia.com Alibi Pivotal Kids Treason Media
Far Cry 6 E - Interactive Animation Ubisoft Toronto Canada
Lucas the Spider F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series Fresh TV Inc. Canada, Toronto, 186 Wallace Avenue, M6H 1V4 +1 416-531-8585, kfedorcio@freshtvinc.com Wexworks Media Canada, Toronto, 39 Alton Avenue, M4L 2M3 +1 416.268.5512, matt@wexworksmedia.com CHINA Chicken of the Mound I - Animated Feature Films Xi Chen Production China, Beijing, Beijing, 100000 +86 13240004871, chenxi8585@gmail.com
FRANCE My Father’s Secrets I - Animated Feature Films Je Suis Bien Content France, Paris, 35, 75009 +33 (0)1 84 83 10 10, fumie@scfilmsinternational.com
Opal I - Animated Feature Films Pagod Films France, Saint Joseph, 6, 97212 +596696923173, alain.bidard@yahoo.fr Cine Woule Company France, Fort-de-France, 6, 97200
Yallah! H - Short Films Rubika France, Valenciennes, 2 rue Peclet, 59300 +33 3 61 10 12 20, patrick2carvalho@gmail.com
50/50 Heroes C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Cyber Group Studios France, Paris, 44B Quai de Jemmapes, 75010 +33155563232, sales@cybergroupstudios.com
Presto! School of Magic C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) TeamTO France, Paris, 172 bld de la Villette, 75019 +33 1 70 08 79 79, contact-paris@teamto.com France Télétoon + Canada, Montreal,H2W 2R2 +1 514-904-4099, auditoireteletoon@corusmedia.com
Theodosia F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series Cottonwood Media France, Paris, 10 rue Royale, 75008 +33 1 84 17 65 37, info@cottonwood.tv
ZDF Germany, Mainz, ZWEITES DEUTSCHES TELEVISION, 55100 +49 (0) 6131-700, ZDF Enterprises Germany
Around The World In 80 Days I - Animated Feature Films Cottonwood Media France, Paris, 10 rue Royale, 75008 +33 1 84 17 65 37, info@cottonwood.tv Studio Canal France, ISSY LES MOULINEAUX CEDEX 9, 50 rue Camille DESMOULINS, 92863 France 3 Cinéma
Pfffirates B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Cube creative productions France, Levallois Perret, 105, 92300 +33-144-090905
Unsung Women D - New Adults (13+) Zadig Productions France, Paris, 70 Rue Amelot, 75011 331 58 30 80 10, celine.nusse@zadigproductions.com Les Films du Bilboquet France mathilde@lesfilmsdubilboquet.fr
Orogenesis H - Short Films Rubika France, Valenciennes, 2 rue Peclet, 59300 +33 3 61 10 12 20, patrick2carvalho@gmail.com
Go Astro Boy go B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Something Big France, Paris, 156 rue Oberkampf, 75011 +3320518023, frederic@somethingbig.fr TEZUKA Productions Japan, Tokyo, 4-32-11 Takadanobaba Shinjuku, 169-8575 +81 3 33716411, yoshimis@tezuka.jp Anna & Friends B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Superprod SAS France, Paris, 107 Avenue Parmentier, 75011 +33(0)9 60 111 333, info@superprod.net Digital Graphics Belgium, Ans, Rue de l’Abbaye 47/b11, 4, 4432 +32 4 365 66 59, info@digitalgraphics.be Atmosphere Media Germany, Berlino, Oberwallstrasse 6, 10117
No-No Goes to Space H - Short Films Autour de Minuit France, Paris, 21 rue Henry Monnier, 75009 +33 142 81 17 28, festivals@autourdeminuit.com Bardaf ! Belgium, Brussels, 90 avenue des Meuniers, 1160 +32 496 270 513, olivier@bardafproductions.be
Taffy C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Cyber Group Studios France, Paris, 44B Quai de Jemmapes, 75010 +33155563232, sales@cybergroupstudios.com Turner Broadcasting System International United Kingdom, London katie.goldberg@turner.com
Giganto Club F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series Cyber Group Studios France, Paris, 44B Quai de Jemmapes, 75010 +33155563232, sales@cybergroupstudios.com
Tangranimals B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Cube creative productions France, Levallois Perret, 105, rue Anatole-France, 92300 + 33-144-090905,
Edmond and Lucy B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) MIAM ! animation France, Paris, 25 rue Titon, 75011 331 89 19 70 10, hanna@miam-animation.com Little Malabar A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Tchack France, Lille, 92 Rue Léon Gambetta, 59000 33 3 20 00 35 22, audiovisuel@tchack.com
Syberia: The World Before E - Interactive Animation Microids France
Sifu E - Interactive Animation Sloclap France
GERMANY Alphon’s Adventures - The Bird God G - TV Series Pilots Julia Thonig Germany, Stuttgart, Libanonstr. 136, 70186 004915120111313, hello@alphons-adventures.de
The Sausage Run H - Short Films Thomas Stellmach Animation Germany, Kassel, Elfbuchenstrasse 22, 34119 0049 561 9371618, thomas@stellmach.com EPEIOS Productions Belgium, Antwerpen, Vrijheidstraat 55, 2000 +32 (3) 248 58 85, ignace.collin@telenet.be
IRAN Benjamin I - Animated Feature Films Ayande Negar Iran, Tehran, No 46. 21st St. Peyvand St. Payam Blvd. Sa’adat Abad, +989120758680, sonia@filmarpictures.com
The wayfarer H - Short Films Iran, Tehran, , +98-912-2763768, farnaz.moazen@gmail.com
Something Black A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Solh & Salam Institute Iran, Isfahan, No. 5, 8153945953 00989127002230, Solhart.info@gmail.com
SuperEnki from Osterwald G - TV Series Pilots Oasysdigital GmbH Germany, Munich, Siegfriedstr. 9, 80803 +49-176-32263243, narges@oasysdigital.com
IRELAND Nanas Terrifying Zoom Call B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Wiggleywoo Ireland, Castleknock, 85 Burnell Park Avenue, D15xf7A +353868118847, susan@wiggleywoo.com
Alva’s World B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Kavaleer productions Ireland, DUBLIN, Baggot Close, D02WF57 +353868055344, leanduffy@kavaleer.com
Journey of Hope H - Short Films Ireland marykhalil.lsad@gmail.com
Ladybird and Bee A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Paper Owl Films Ireland, Holywood, 8 High Street, BT18 9AZ +447454010117, claire@paperowlfilms.com
ISRAEL Holy Holocaust H - Short Films osi wald (independent) Israel, Tel Aviv - Yafo, 55 Hovevay Tsiyon St., 6334651 +972528343337, osiwald@gmail.com
ITALY Faulas G - TV Series Pilots Mommotty Italy, Cagliari, via San Lucifero 90, 09127 +39 3495859524, info@mommotty.it
Mumfie A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) animoka studios srl Italy, torino, via sebastiano valfrè 16, 10121 3345732013, valentina.canclini@animoka.com Zodiak Kids France France WordWide D - New Adults (13+) Istituto Europeo di Design Italy, Roma, Via Alcamo 11, 00182 067024025, .
Next Level F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series KIDS ME SRL Italy, MILANO, VIA TITO SPERI, 20154 3666394148, alba.rondelli@kidsme.com
Food Wizards B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Rai Ragazzi Italy, ROMA, BORGO SANT’ANGELO, 00193 335.1046222, annita.romanelli@rai.it ZOCOTOCO SRL Italy, ROMA, VIA FLAMINIA, 00196 angela.zingaretti@gmail.com MAD ENTERTAINMENT SPA Italy, NAPOLI, PIAZZA DEL GESU NUOVO, 80134 0819139000, info@madinnaples.com
Snow Black F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series Rai Ragazzi Italy, ROMA, BORGO SANT’ANGELO, 00193 3351046222, annita.romanelli@rai.it ATLANTYCA ENTERTAINMENT Italy, MILANO, CORSO MAGENTA, 20123 024300101, production@atlantyca.it BEDESCHI FILM
Tardy - The water bear from outer space G - TV Series Pilots Kairostudio Italy, Cesena, via Ravenna, 47521 +39 3335969531, info@kairostudio.it
Eye of the Whale H - Short Films Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Italy, Torino, via Cagliari 42, 10153 +39 0119473284, animazione@fondazionecsc.it Street Football 4 C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Zodiak Kids Studio France France, Parigi, 5 RUE FRANCOIS 1ER, 75008 +33-1-43-18-91-91, marion.vergnaud@banijayrights.com Monello Productions Maga Animation Studio
A journey to the discovery of informatics G - TV Series Pilots Studiorain di Maurilia Moscarelli Italy, Palermo, via delle croci 47, 90139 3394534488, maurilia@studiorain.it
Superspikeball B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Rai Ragazzi Italy, Roma, Borgo Sant’Angelo, 00193 +393351046222, annita.romanelli@rai.it LUCKY DREAMS Italy, Reggio Emilia, VIA CECATI 5, 42100 +39337574599, andrealuckylucchetta@gmail.com
Le Rendez-Vous des Arts H - Short Films Autoprodotto - Walter Rastelli Italy, Bacoli, Via W. A. Mozart, 80070 +39-081-5234425, wrastelli93@libero.it
Promised Land H - Short Films Andrea Pierri Italy, Torino, Via Michelangelo Tonello 3, 10132 3807080877, mail@andreapierri.com
Hypno Tidoo H - Short Films Studio Croma animation srl Italy, Bologna, Via Francesco de Sanctis 7/B, 40132 3393313503, cromastudio.bones@gmail.com
Martha Is Dead E - Interactive Animation LKA Italy
The Case H - Short Films Rai Ragazzi Italy, ROMA, BORGO SANT’ANGELO, 00193 +393351046222, annita.romanelli@rai.it GRAPHILM ENTERTAINMENT Italy, ROMA, VIA FAA DI BRUNO, 00195 +390639742703
Incredibile! F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series L&C srl Italy, Roma, Largo Torre Argentina, 00186 +39 3773837854, lclightcolor@gmail.com
Vlady & Mirò B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Gruppo Alcuni Italy, TREVISO, Via Corti Comunale 54, 31100 0422301060, direzione@alcuni.it RAI Ragazzi Italy, ROMA, Via Borgo Sant’Angelo, 00193 Leo & Giulia us just like you - #thevaccines G - TV Series Pilots Maga Animation Studio Italy, Monza (MB), Via Sempione, 20900 +39 039 3900617, contact@maga-animation.com
Tasty H - Short Films Sara Russo Italy, Roma, Via Giovanni De Calvi 6, 00151 3451618315, sara.russo@ied.edu Sara d’Isanto Italy, Venafro, Viale San Nicandro 9, 86079 3664734183, sara.disanto@ied.edu
JAPAN Elden Ring E - Interactive Animation FromSoftware Japan, Tokyo, Ichigo Sasazuka Bldg. 2-26-2 Sasazuka Shibuya-ku, 151-0073 +81 570-001-300, web-support@fromsoftware.co.jp
Metroid Dread E - Interactive Animation MercurySteam Spain Ghostwire: Tokyo E - Interactive Animation Tango Gameworks Japan
Belle I - Animated Feature Films Studio Chizu Japan, Tokyo, Suginami-ku Tokyo,
MALAYSIA Mechamato C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Animonsta Studios Sdn Bhd Malaysia, Cyberjaya, L1, CoPlace 3, Block 3740, Persiaran Apec, Cyber 8, 63000 03-8322 2225, info@animonsta.com
Alif & Sofia B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Blindspot Studio Malaysia, SHAH ALAM, B-1-6 VISTA ALAM, 40000 +60173052507, elle@blindspot.my PRIMEWORKS STUDIOS Malaysia, PETALING JAYA, SRI PENTAS, 47800 +60176258070, nuraziemah@mediaprima.com.my
NETHERLANDS Horizon Forbidden West E - Interactive Animation Guerrilla Netherlands
Swop C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Viking Film Netherlands, Amsterdam, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 77, 1012 DC +31641430708, marleen@vikingfilm.nl
POLAND Toru Superfox: Cracken A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Animoon Sp. z o. o. Poland, Warsaw, Chmielna 24/24, 00-020 +48883667447, panas@animoon.pl Bella in the belly B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Animoon Sp. z o. o. Poland, Warsaw, Chmielna 24/24, 00-020 +48883667447, panas@animoon.pl
Sunny Bunnies A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Animation Cafe Poland, Warsaw, ul. Rolna, 191/193, 02-729 +48 573 321 181, info@animation-cafe.com
PORTUGAL Kafka’s doll H - Short Films Animanostra Portugal, Lisboa, Rua Palmira, 1170.289 +351932569889, animanostra_festivais@outlook.pt Animanostra Lisboa, Rua Palmira, 1170.289
RUSSIA Little turtles B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) JSC Telecompany Russia, Moscow, Pravdy str., 125040 +74957750171, sales@100kwt.com
My friend Tiger H - Short Films SMF animation Russia, Moscow, Aсademika Koroliyova st, 21, bld.1, 127427 +74953080032, info@souzmult.ru
After Us Mini-series “Punching Up!” B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) SMF animation Russia, Moscow, Academika Koroliyova st., 21, bld.1, 127427 +74953080032, sholud1@gmail.com
SINGAPORE The Last Stop H - Short Films Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore, 81 Nanyang Dr, 637458 +65-91395991, bervynchua@gmail.com
SOUTH KOREA JungleBox D - New Adults (13+) 38℃ animation studio South Korea, Seoul, 711, 07285 +821022359639, ksori98@38c.kr
Hu and Mu F - Live Action or Hybrid TV Series Humuhumu Studio South Korea, Seoul, 5F, 9-11, Wausan-ro 35-gil, Mapo-gu, 04052 +82-10-8383-8657, toolittle@naver.com
Piropiro H - Short Films Miyoung BAEK Turkey, ISTANBUL, MODISTANBUL Block A #3, 34408 +821026430353, miyoung.baek37@gmail.com
SPAIN Roberto H - Short Films Carmen Córdoba Spain, Madrid, c/ Princesa 31 planta 2, 28008 +34669394622, info@selectedfilms.com
The Little Orquestra G - TV Series Pilots Mago audiovisual productions Spain, Barcelona, Pau Alsina, 08025 +34 932 070 834, produccion@magoproduction.com Apus Animación, Contenido SAC Peru, Lima, Calle General Córdova, 15073 Juan Luis Carve Pascale Uruguay, Monteviedo, Lorenzo Carnelli, 11200
The Wawies A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Imagic TV Spain, Barcelona, Aribau 87, 08036 +34639609712, jordi@imagic-tv.com Life and Butterflies H - Short Films CosmosFan Spain, Madrid, c/ Princesa 31 planta 2, puerta 2, 28008 +34669394622, info@selectedfilms.com
Oddity H - Short Films Barreira Arte y diseño Spain, Madrid, c/ Princesa 31 planta 2, puerta 2, 28008 +34669394622, info@selectedfilms.com
Polinopolis C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Mago audiovisual productions Spain, Barcelona, Pau Alsina, 08025 +34 932 070 834, produccion@magoproduction.com Apapacho Films SA de CV Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Vito Alessio Robles 239 Colonia Hacienda de Guadalupe Chimalistac, 01050 Godo Studio SAS France, Perpignan, 270 Avenue du Maréchal Joffre, 66000
Mironins B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Low Films AIE Spain, Barcelona, Fraternitat 15, 08012 (+34) 635 65 65 38, mikelmas@corneliusfilms.com Walking the dog Belgium, Brussels eric.goossens@walkingthedog.be HAMPA Studio Spain, Valencia alex@hampastudio.com
THE PALESTINIAN N. A. Night H - Short Films Fabian&Fred Germany, Hamburg, Elbchaussee 28, 22765 +494033442740, fabian@fabianfred.com
UKRAINE Gulliver’s return I - Animated Feature Films 102 Distribution distribuzione@102distribution.com UNITED KINGDOM Circle Square B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Wyndley Animation ltd United Kingdom, Stratford upon Avon, 19 Scholars Lane, CV37 6HE +447775911113, myles@bromc.co.uk Kavaleer Productions Irelan
Odo A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Sixteen South United Kingdom, Holywood, Unit 12 -13 Pilots View, BT3 9LE 02890244675, rachelle@sixteensouth.tv Letko Poland, Warsaw, uL Chmielna 24/1, 00-020
OlliOlli World E - Interactive Animation Roll7 United Kingdom
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga E - Interactive Animation TT Games United Kingdom
Paddles - The Huggable Polar Bear B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Giant Wheel Animation United Kingdom, London, Unit 107, W10 5AD , info@giantwheelanimation.co.ul Melon Production Turkey, Istanbul, Unit 107, Grand Union Studios, 332 Ladbroke Grove, info@melonproduction.com.tr
Beyond a Steel Sky E - Interactive Animation Revolution Software United Kingdom
Milo A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Fourth Wall United Kingdom, LIVERPOOL, 9-19 Bold Street, L1 4DN +44(0)151 318 6023, hello@fourth-wall.com DEA PLANETA ENTERTAINMENT Spain, BARCELONA, Avenida Diagonal 662-664, 08034
UNITED STATES Psychonauts 2 E - Interactive Animation Double Fine Productions United States
The Bad Guys I - Animated Feature Films Dreamworks Animation LLC United States, Glendale, 1000 Flower St, 91201 +1 818-695-5000,
Halo Infinite E - Interactive Animation 343 Industries United States
Fairyteens C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Lizard Animation Corp. United States, Atlanta, 3400 Peachtree RD NE STE 730, 30326 +79255206800, lizard@isbdev.com