Valeria Castillo: Print Media Portfolio

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V V port folio design

VALERIA Castillo

To Whom It May Concern

VCover letter

I am requesting the opportunity to apply for the Nike Marketing Internship for this summer, and express my interest in the position. As a current student at Gulliver Preparatory and a person who is deeply passionate about sports, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work for a well known company in the industry of sportswear.

My passion for sports along with my interest in creating something appealing and meaningful for people, has led me to want to pursue a career in marketing. I am writing to share my relevant experience that I believe makes me a strong candidate for this internship.

As the People Editor and Business Manager of the nationally recognized and award-winning yearbook, The Raider Yearbook, I was responsible for designing and laying out the People’s section, managing the money of the yearbook business, and handling the senior ads. In addition, I was responsible for conducting interviews, writing articles, and creating videos that showcase the stories of our school community. My experience in these roles have helped me develop skills that make me a strong candidate and help me fit the criteria for this position such as time management, communication, and collaboration with a team of creatives. I have also developed skills in graphic design where I design eye-catching layouts, photography, writing, conducting interviews and video production using various Adobe software programs. As the Business Manager of the yearbook staff, I gained valuable skills such as budgeting and financial management, which will be essential advantages in any marketing position.

In addition to my experience, I am deeply passionate about sports and sportswear. I have always been involved in sports from a young age, and I believe that Nike has done an exceptional job of creating an unforgettable slogan that creates a meaning and adds value to the people who pursue their dreams in the life of exercise and sports.

Thank you for considering my application for this internship. I am eager to contribute and learn from talented professionals at Nike. Attached is my resume and highlights of the work I have done which give a clearer view to my qualifications for this position.



Valeria Castillo


• 9th grade - Coral Gables Senior High School

• 10th-12th grade - Gulliver Preparatory School

• GPA Weighted - 6.0

• GPA Unweighted - 4.0

• Class of 2024


• Gulliver Preparatory Reflections Literary Magazine

Contributor/ layout designer (10th)

- Paired up art and writing used in the magazine; and designed layouts spreads.

• Gulliver Preparatory The Raider Yearbook

People Editor, Business Manager/Senior Ads (11th-12th)

- People Editor of the Raider Yearbook. Organizer of the school’s annual picture day. Designed and layed out the People’s section of the yearbook with all of the faculty and student’s pictures and special profile features.

Business Manager/Senior Ads of the Raider Yearbook. Managed the finances of the yearbook business; oversaw the senior ads purchases; and designed them.

• Treemonisha Children’s Book

Editor of Treemonisha Children’s book (11th- 12th)

- Updated and edited a literature children’s book to be distributed to elementary public schools.

Honors, Awards, and Memberships

• National Honor Society (11th-12th)

• French Honor Society (10th-12th)

• Raider Cross Country Award (10th)

• All-Florida Yearbook Sports Spread Award (11th)

• All-Florida Yearbook Student Life Award (11th)

• Excellent Yearbook Sports Spread Award (11th)

• Link Crew, Gulliver Preparatory (11th)

• French Club, Gulliver Preparatory (11th)

• Key Club, Gulliver Preparatory (9th-12th)


• Varsity Track and Field (2017- Present)

• Varsity Cross Country (2017- Present)

V resume

port folio reflections

Creating the cross country spread is what I consider my best work as it was an exciting topic yet challenging experience. My purpose was to go beyond the typical cross country spread and capture the genuine joy and emotions of the teammates during the race. This required a thoughtful approach to the elements making up the spread to convey the essence of the event. From my first drafts to the published piece, the work evolved significantly. I started by studying various layouts, and experimenting with different visual elements. I interviewed the cross country runners to understand their experiences and emotions, which guided the narrative of the spread. Incorporating their quotes and stories into the design process brought depth and uniqueness to the final piece. I used the fonts of Chloe and Raleway light for the title to evoke a sense of elegance and boldness coupled with Helvetica Light for the body copy to ensure readability for the public. What I particularly like about the finished product is how it captures the essence of the race. All the photography selected was self-taken which adds a personal touch to the spread and the photographs highlight the determination and camaraderie among teammates. Additionally, the integration of quotes from multiple runners of varying class grade allows readers to connect with the different point of views from their experiences. I included two fun mods that relate a lot to the runners of the team, and give a closer look to the things they do during the season.

As my first year on the staff, I took on the editor role to manage the people section and profiles. This position brought me a lot of responsibility such as organizing my school’s picture day for all students, and interviewing faculty and students to design and write a profile feature on them. I was in charge of all of this while also managing assigned spreads every deadline. As my first year, I learned a lot by listening and seeing my staff members that have been in the staff for a longer time than me. As People Editor, I had to be very organized and paid attention to small details to make sure all the names of the students were spelled correctly and that all the mug shots were on the right section. My communication skills grew with this position as I held various interviews and communicated with my editors to agree in terms of following the standards and design for the People section. I was also able to grow as a journalist from the CSPA Convention at New York where I attended several classes with my staff to acquire new skills and learn from other people. I felt very passionate towards the publication throughout the course of the year and enjoyed very much this position.

As my first year, one of my struggles I had was managing a big section along with extra spreads that I was assigned to do to meet deadlines. I was new to the system and I had to quickly adapt to the routine of designing a spread, and organizing an important section for the book. While also being involved in extra curricular activities such as track and field, I had to find time to stay after school or come during the weekends to finish writing the articles or perfecting a spread design. Fortunately, I had a lot of support and help from my teacher, parents, and my staff members and we were all able to come through and have everything ready to meet the deadline. Going through this experience will be beneficial for me next year as it will be my second year in the staff, and now I learned how to manage my time better as I balance outside activities.



team celebrated their team victory.

The new varsity girls cross country

Story by Valeria Castillo

extremely exciting to compete against

my first season in high school. It was

“I had a very positive experience in

season progresses,” Ferreiro said.

runners in a short time.

the training and became one of the top

the season. Menon rapidly adapted to

contributed to the team’s first victory of

Freshman Tara Menon heavily

practice to reach states,” Johnson said.

us to keep working hard every day at

amazing team. This meet’s win motivates

grateful for the runners who make up this

and my teammates’, and extremely

“I felt very proud of my performance,

joined the team this year.

victory ever for the new runners who

Photo by Valeria Castillo

all the other teams,”

Di Mise said.

chance of coming in first out of

I instantly knew that we had a big

teammates for their performance.

excitement as I congratulated my

come in first place.

“I felt pure

they realized that they could

Happiness filled their faces as

crossing the finish line.

Alessandra Di Mise after

her teammate, sophomore

Johnson proudly hugs

CHEERFUL. Junior Olivia

can also become better runners as the

example to follow and to show them they

to give my younger teammates a good

I try to push myself harder each race

Andrea Ferreiro, and Lucia Ferreiro, so

me, especially my two younger sisters,

“I am aware my teammates look up to

rest of the girls to believe in one another.

the team. Ferreiro’s guidance inspired the

Senior Ines Ferreiro was the only senior on

victory meant a lot, since it was the first

consisted of many young athletes. This

mostly seniors, but this season, the team

9. Last season, the team consisted of

the lowest score of 60 points on Sept.

County Youth Fair Championship with

season. The team won the Miami-Dade

country team’s first place win of the

to celebrate their girls cross

Mise gave each other a hug

sophomore Alessandra Di

Junior Olivia Johnson and

Timmer said.

Photo by Valeria Castillo

Having a strong leader was essential.

that,” Suarez said.

potential, and this early victory adds on to

that commitment. This team has a lot of

given them results that have resulted from

“The girls’ commitment early on has

despite the team being very young.

guided the girls to reach their full potential

Suarez, along with alumna Natalie Varela,

to condition and prepare for the season.

group since the beginning of the summer

Head coach David Suarez trained the

season,” Menon said.

lot of encouragement for the rest of the

a team we came in first place gave me a

some great competition. Knowing that as

teammates to close the gap,”

trying to catch up to my

myself to keep going while

positive mentality and told

of placing on top. “I had a

the team had big chances

pushing through the race as

mile mark. Timmer kept

reaches the one-and-a-half


Writing & Design & photography

12.5% Coco Plum Circle

12.5% Kennedy Park

their long-distance runs on Saturdays. 25% Pinecrest Gardens

by Water bottles Sandals

runner to get through their meet.

Valeria Castillo Without these essentials, it was hard for a

Andrea Ferreiro said. meet must-havesday Healthy foods

Photo Spikes Towels Headphones

gave me so much energy,” junior

podium to receive our trophy, which

school’s name being called to the

cheering as soon as we heard our

“I heard everyone around me

as a team early on in the season.

knowing they came in first place

Excitement showed in their faces,


Photo by Valeria Castillo

pain of racing worth it,”

Di Mise said.

the people cheering always make the

accomplishment. My teammates and

finish races, always feel a sense of

in the varsity team this year.

“When I


Di Mise is one of the top runners

maintains her pace throughout the

sophomore Alessandra

Di Mise


The team shared their top places to complete u ne 50% Key Biscayne Bridge
sophomore Gaelle Timmer
the words the girls shouted when
they received their team trophy.

port folio clips V


by Fox Mar

with the time I got,” Valdivieso said.

did not get my personal record, I felt satisfied

watch to pause the time, and even though I

exhausted after my race. reached for my

straightway to end on a good note.

“I felt

race, Valdivieso pushed through the final

he crosses the finish line. At the end of the

for his watch to stop the time as soon as

FINISHED senior Tomas Valdivieso reaches

by Valeria Castillo

also had contributed to my team,” Lowe said.

happy that not only lowered my time, but that

it and when crossed the finish line, I was

checked my watch and realized could make

it? Would break the 19-minute barrier? I

time. “I asked myself, am going to make

dropped 50 seconds from his previous race

Lowe felt very proud when he realized he

he will be able to beat his personal best time.

sight towards the finish line as he wonders if

LOCKED IN, freshman Adrian Lowe locks his

advanced past districts.

The boys cross country team

season,” Rutten said.

especially towards the end of the

demonstrated that during my races,

confidence in myself, and I think

“Running helps me build a lot of

first runner of the team to finish.

runners of the district and was the

Rutten finished among the top five

make it on the podium for his race.

Rutten sprints to the finish line to

STAYING ON TOP. Freshman Tim


finals in Tallahassee. On top of being the

earned an individual spot in the state

Being the youngest on the team, Rutten

season,” Valdivieso said.

run side-by-side with this team in my last

over them, and it made me really proud to

There is no group of guys I would pick

already known them for a couple years.

really grateful for my team, as I have

“I felt satisfied with the results and am

compete, and have fun.

reminded his teammates to run hard,

Taking on his role, Valdivieso constantly

standout runner since his freshman year.

Valdivieso, who has stood out us a

sixth place. The team was also led by senior Tomas

qualifying to the regional meet, coming in

injuries, the team ended their season by

18. After losing many elite runners due to

the 2A District meet on Oct.

reached the finish line at

stride, freshman Tim Rutten

aining speed with each

GWriting & Design

said. Photos by Valeria Castillo

but this workout prepared me for other hilly races,” junior Stijn Rutten

long run that progressively got faster. I knew it would be chal lenging,

that helped train the boys for hilly courses.

“I had to run a n ine-mile

freshman Martin Norena said. The bridge set a challenging incline

the bridge, watched the sky change colors from black to light blue,”

this route.

“The view was unforgettable. When reached the top of

views of the ocean that stretched out before them drew the bo ys to

against the shore, and the salty sea smell breezed by them. The

pushed themselves to their limits. The sound of the waves crash ed

way across the bridge, with their feet pounding the pavement a s they

As the sun rose, the team found itself at Key Biscayne making t heir

bridge for a special long run workout.

Runners met at the Key Biscayne

Photo by Valeria Castillo

Bannon said.

Photo by Fox Mar

feel more excited and less nervous,” junior Walter

coach’s advice about running our best, began to

Adrian Lowe said.

gave them during his speech.

“As I listened to our

people do not perceive it as one,”

said. The runners fed off the energy that Suarez

are ready to execute a great team race,” Suarez

guys that am confident for them and trust that they

“Before the race, it is important for me to show the

runners’ confidence and calm their pre-race jitters.

Suarez gives his team a short pep talk to boost the


off,” junior Sebastian Prusky said.

which showed that our hard work paid

stayed very consistent in every race,

young and strong. Everyone on the team

better, as our high school team is still

“I am hopeful that next season will be

a hopeful qualifying spot to states.

for the next season, where they will chase

team. The team has an optimistic outlook

an inspiration to the other members of the

states, Rutten’s performance served as

Rutten said. Although the team did not qualify to

to what can accomplish going forward,”

in my race division. I am very hopeful as

my coach told me I was the first freshman

teams in Florida. I felt very proud when

the competitive atmosphere from the other

“I really enjoyed this season and liked

17 minutes in the 5,000-meter event.

accomplished his season goal of breaking

freshman in the 2A division at states and

only boy to qualify, he finished as the first


of a team sport cross country is, as a lot of

to us because they represent how much

and to their sport. “These shorts mean a lot

of the team’s commitment to each other

motivation, as they were a visible reminder

identity. This added an extra boost of

of their unity and as a part of their team’s

blue lightning shorts became a symbol

Rutten said. Throughout the season, the

very fast at the same time,” freshman Tim

the same funny-looking shorts and running

reactions when they see all of us wearing

tradition, but it is also funny to see people’s

team, because not only do I just like the

training days.”

“I enjoy doing this with our

them on Tuesdays, as it is their “fast workout

symbol of speed. They decided to wear

lightnings, as the lightnings serve as a

team picked a design of blue shorts with

last year’s matching shorts tradition. The

team’s unity, the boys agreed to continue

Searching for a way to showcase their

matching shorts tradition.

The team continued their

Photo Photo Photo by Fox Story by Valeria Castillo
& Photography 211 PEOPLESENIORS 210 s Alec Ramoski Elisa Regueros Noah Reiter Isabela Rezk Julia Ribeiro Zica Alexis Roades Zachary Robaina Yasmin Rodrigues Lazera Hernan Rodriguez Miranda Rodriguez Roberto Rodriguez Marco Rojas Matias Romero Lindsay Roth Pamela Roussillion Laura Rovira Compta Camila Sandaal Camila Saporta Heloise Sauvage Jonah Schachter Luke Seabra Rozenberg Victoria Serrano Ava Seymour Amanda Shaffer Teij Shah Harry Sharma Giorgio Silva Antonio Smith David Snyder Luis Solorzano Giardinelli Julia Sousa Lima Blas Kylie St Clair Isabela Stocco Lanfranchi Mia Suarez Thomas Suarez Lucas Sullivan d o s c i e i n Seniors shared their college decisions. Isabella
Alexandra ValienteBoston University Tomas ValvdiviesoBabson College Jade Garcia - Parsons School of Design Oliver LeeEmory Ainsley Kling - Florida State University David
Forest University EARLY Krishan
Boston College
Nanda -University of Miami

pushing away the damp hair from my face.

My senses overwhelmed by the sudden intake of air

Inhale, exhale.

A sigh of relief escaping my throbbing lips.

My throat no longer dry,

Inhale, exhale.

My ears, a flooded lake of commands.

My lips pushing against an inhaler,

Inhale, exhale.

Waiting for each minute to pass.

My body pushing its limits,

Practically detached from my aching body.

My mind racing, pacing, chasing,

Inhale, exhale.

Yearning for the care of someone else.

My hands reaching out,

Inhale, exhale.

As a single parent on a double shift.

My lungs working as hard

Inhale, exhale.

While pleading for an inhaler.

My voice sounding like a raspy smoker

Inhale, exhale.

Ashley Garcia

As my eyes flutter open to see my parents beside me, breathe

Inhale, exhale.

Ella Fernandez

Valentina De Macedo

Ian De Haan

Felipe De Godoy Pracidelle

Adria Davenport Juan De Fex

Caitlen Dauphin

Andrea Cristofori Lucas Cruz

Eleonore Crepy D’Orleans Kaymen Crespo

Taylor Coxhead

Tony Charlot Gregg Chase Nathan Ciattoni Sofia Ciperski Mackenzie Cohen Gina Copetti

Arthur Escoto Paige Eskra Enzo Esteruelas Paulina Estrella Carolina Febo

Juan Escotet Gomez

Pietro Enrico Jacob Escobar-Marquez Alberto Escobedo

Victoria Engel Magro

Bibiana Eichenberg Pinto

Owen Dufeny Luna Duran Georgia Easton Clarissa Echeverria Samantha Ehrenreich

Robert Dickman Rachel Dolmus Micaela Donoso

Leticia De Sanson Lemann Alara Demir Melissa Demir Nina Dennis Alessandra Di Mise

Orlando Sthory, Santiago Cavalieri, Camilo

Di Mise, Annabella Cavallaro Chloe Lyon, Marianne Arana

Adria Davenport ‘25 Larenas, Clarissa Echeverria, Alessandra

Kate Caballero, Jeremiah Lacayo Ramirez Catalina Palacio, Julia Fogel, Ariella Zecchini, Tatiana Aizemberg Walker Allen

–Tessa Weinstein, Paige Eskra, Mariajose

Eleonore Crepy D’Orleans Gabriel Munk, Oscar Valencia

Rezk Oriana Lovera, Alia Mangalji, Kathleen Serig,

stories through filml

traditional film cameras.

their memories on

Sophomores captured

still capturing our

our phones, while

disconnect from

is a good way to

that film photography

start this account because we think

memories in school.” “

Student Council.

Writing & Design & Graphic elements

campus on the instagram account @gp.onfilm, run by

See more film on

We decided to

port folio profiles V

be the most meaningful so far.

journey with the Student Council might just

cultivating the school community. Yet, his

Pandey played a meaningful role in

In his numerous leadership positions,

Pandey said.

everyone at school to feel every day,”

environment which are the feelings I want

I felt a very inclusive and supportive

sophomore class during the tug of war,

cheer for the people representing the

chant. “As heard and watched my peers

sophomores,” rallying his peers in a united

took a deep breath and shouted “let’s go

Facing his fellow sophomores, Pandey

Pandey felt nervous as all eyes fell on him.

comfortable speaking in front of crowds,

took the microphone. Although usually

president, Neelesh Pandey,

pep rally. Sophomore class

game began at the annual

The traditional tug of war

than others and it is our responsibility

“Some people are less represented

the best of the community,” Pandey said.

ways to solve them to find a solution for


inspired to conduct a survey on race and

may be causing an issue, and experiment

You have to be aware of any patterns that

identities. Because of this, Pandey was

feel included and comfortable with their

math and chess is pattern recognition.

in Texas. He learned how to make people

“The biggest lesson I have learned from

Student Diversity Leadership Conference

competitions and chess tournaments.

his experiences in competing in math

order to do this, Pandey attended the

make sure everyone felt welcome. In

to problems –something he learned from

Pandey is focused on finding solutions

tirelessly to bring students together and

positive change,” Pandey said.

As class president, Pandey works

important when it comes to creating

comfortable,” Pandey said.

because then they will feel welcome and

others, and I think those skills are really

communicate effectively and persuade

to feel respected and represented

“I want everyone’s cultural identity

“Debating has taught me how to

bring attention to important issues.

inclusive school community.

is his determination to create a more

to advocate for marginalized voices and

in the classroom and on the debate team

What sets Pandey apart from the rest,

“I was motivated to run for president to give back to my school’s community since

passionate debater, and he uses his skills

place,” Pandey said.

do what I can to make the school a better

the school has given me so much; like to

everyone feels welcome. He is also a

extends beyond just making sure

Pandey’s commitment to inclusivity

as leaders to make sure that those less represented have a voice,” Pandey said.

inclusive environment.

advocate for a more

as class president to

Pandey uses his role

Sophomore Neelesh

oF r c ah
Interview by Valeria Castillo
e this is...
Photo by Michael Sylver
AnNeelesh Pandey Writing & Design

student enrolled in the International Baccalaureate

Salas. This applies both on and off the field. As a

“I learned to never give up no matter what,” said

those he’s spent alongside his friends.

strong and resilient.

challenges along the way. These taught him to be

of two and never stopped, facing obstacles and

young age. He began playing soccer at the age

Salas developed a passion for the sport at a very

went on to clinch the state championship.

Jensen Beach, winning 3-2. The Raiders ultimately

recovered in time to join his teammates against

Determined to get back on the field, Salas

felt helpless,” said Salas.

“I felt like I couldn’t help my team win the game, I

out the rest of the game.

him as he tumbled to the ground, causing him to sit

Salas felt his ankle twist and give out from under

the striker. In a heated faceoff with his opponent,

from the other team’s possession, Salas attacked

against the MAST Makos. Hungry to take the ball

for the Raider varsity soccer team

highly anticipated game of the year

Salas three minutes into the most

Time stopped for midfielder Cosme

the sport, Salas’ most memorable moments are

high school and in college. Aside from his love for

Salas plans on continuing his soccer career in

I’ve ever played with,” said Tomas Sciarra.

now I’m 18, and he is still one of the best players

“I’ve played with him since I was 11 years old,

Year for 4A-2A.

him the Miami-Dade Boys’ Soccer Player of the

teammates and the Miami Herald, which named

His talent on the field was recognized by both his

Federico Mor-Tatis.

the final moments of the game,” said soccer coach

scoring himself, Cosme comes through, usually in

“Whether helping someone score a goal, or

nickname “Clutch Cosme” from his coaches.

pressure, something that has helped him earn the

his team. He’s also learned to work well under

grades while still being able to contribute to

compromise his time to focus on getting good

to his complex schedule, he had to adapt and

courses with soccer practices and games. Due

program, Salas learned to balance his rigorous

C c l t u


the field.


him on and off

soccer drives

Junior Cosme Salas’ love for

for the world,” said Salas. 122 Design

Story by Alexis Acosta and Clarissa Echeverria
this is... Cosme Salas
Photo by Michael Sylver
“I wouldn’t trade any of the friendships I’ve made LAYOUT DESIGNVALERIA CASTILLO

practicing on the ice, honing her skills

from there. She spent countless hours

Tara’s passion for ice skating only grew

going,” Menon said.

it from the very first lesson, and I just kept

when I was about eight years old. I loved

“My mom put me in ice skating lessons

she truly fell in love with it.

enrolled in lessons at a young age that

skating. But it was not until she was

graceful and challenging sport of ice

figure skating. Menon has always been drawn to the

order to practice the sport she loves:

Tara Menon goes through every day in

day. That is the daily routine freshman

to bed, only to repeat everything the next

for track and field, do homework, and go

the cold hard ice, go to school, workout

doing a double Lutz on

Ice Arena, fall after

drive an hour to Pines

ake up at 5:00


routine,” Menon said.

judges who give a score at the end of the

practice and training, all in front of nine


spins and other tricks that require a lot of

that not many people can do,” Menon

then you have to do all these jumps and

being out on the ice and doing something

body on the ice, which is not easy. And

competitions. just love the feeling of

“You have to be able to control your

and competing in more and more


requires intense focus, dedication, and

and mentally demanding sport that

balance, and strength. It is a physically

skating requires a great deal of skill,

Tara is quick to point out that figure

more than that,” Menon said.

and perfecting her routines. But as she began to compete in more advanced-

the holidays for fun. But it is really a lot

fun, like roller skating or ice skating during

They think it is just something you do for

skater, they do not really take it seriously.

“Whenever I tell people that am a figure

complexity of the sport.

many people understood the difficulty and

level competitions, she realized that not

my life. I want to keep getting better

“Ice skating is definitely a big part of

best she can be.

ice skating and pushing herself to be the

knows that she wants to continue pursuing

As Tara looks ahead to the future, she

special thing,” Menon said.

on during competitions. It is a really

we are always there to cheer each other

We all push each other to be better, and

“I love being a part of this community.

commitment to excellence.

who share a love for the sport and a

are a supportive and passionate group,

the sport. She notes that ice skaters

community that she has found within

Despite the challenges of pursuing figure skating, Tara is proud of the unique

WIT f i g n u o

tg u ri

Freshman Tara Menon juggles a tough schedule for her sport.
this is...
Tara Menon
Story by Valeria Castillo
Photo by Chiara Zecchini
& Design

port folioVreflections

I am proud of this photo because it was taken before the start of their race as the girls were doing their final warmup sprints to prepare. I like how this picture turned out to be a rule of thirds and it captures the joy felt by one of the athletes. Usually, pictures of people running do not come out as good because they are moving and tired from the race but in this picture that is not the case. It is a clear photo and it shows other members of the team in the background running as well. I feel proud that this picture was chosen for one of the opening dividers of the yearbook 2022-2023. The reaction by the girl running on the front when she saw the photo was incredible as she loved it very much.

I am proud of these photos because the top one made the dominant photo for the cross country girls spread, and the bottom one made one of the supplemental photos for the boys cross country spread. The top picture shows the reaction of two teammates hugging after their race which captures the joy of their performance. The bottom picture is a rule of thirds of a runner finishing his race which turned out to be a very clear photo which added a nice touch to the spread. As my first time taking pictures for a cross country race, I felt very satisfied with the results.

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