RHS Prospectus 2012

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Ofsted 2010:

“Students feel safe, behave well and are courteous and welcoming to visitors.” “Behaviour in the school is good.” “Child protection and safeguarding procedures meet current national guidelines.”

Ofsted 2010:

“Students are very proud of their school and th e overwhelming major ity are grateful for the sup port of the adults who wo rk with them. As they say, ‘Ours is a school in which there is alw ays someone you can ta lk to if you have any problems.”

Pastoral Care We want your child to be happy and feel safe at school The major strength of our school is that we work in genuine partnership with all of our parents and welcome you coming into school to discuss your child with us. We listen and we care. The quality of relationships at the school is a real strength. All of our pupils have a Form Tutor, an Assistant Head of Year and a Head of Year who will stay with them from the start of Year 7 to the end of Year 11. We have a specialist team of Tutors in the Sixth Form Centre. Although Rainhill is a safe and happy school, occasionally children have disagreements and arguments. We employ an Anti-Bullying Officer to counsel and to listen to students. This stops minor problems becoming major ones. Any school that claims it does not have any bullying is not being entirely truthful. We do not tolerate bullying: we act quickly. We support the victims and punish the bullies.

How to Gain Admission Rainhill is a popular and significantly over-subscribed school. Students live in St Helens, Knowsley, Halton and Warrington. Due to declining demographics, our catchment area is widening. Admissions from Year 6 to Year 7 are handled by St Helens Council. Details of our admission criteria are available on request. Admission into the Sixth Form Centre is managed by the school.

Liverpool FC Our partnership with Liverpool is such that we provide education for their Academy players. The LFC students are treated the same as all of our other students – we expect them to achieve excellent grades and play a full part in the life of the school. Admissions arrangements for these players sit outside and, in addition, to the admissions numbers for ‘local’ children. In March 2012 Raheem Sterling became the first Rainhill High School student to make his first team debut. He will not be the last.

Settling in at Rainhill We seek to make the transition from primary to secondary school as smooth as possible. Prior to starting at Rainhill, your child’s Head of Year visits every pupil at their primary school. Our Special Needs Coordinator will meet each identified child and their parents. All students have a two day induction in July, while parents have an evening to purchase uniform and another to meet key staff. Once your child starts we appoint older pupils to be buddies, and we supervise key parts of the day. Staff maintain a visible presence around the school at lunchtime and manage all students safely on to the buses at the end of the day. We expect every student to stay on site at lunchtime, either to have a school meal or to bring a packed lunch.

Trust Status Rainhill High School is a Trust School. We are founding members of Rainhill Learning Village Trust. The other partners are Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and St Helens College.

We believe in working in partnership with other organisations to maximise the quality and range of educational opportunities for our students. Some of our partners are: Trust Partners – LIPA and St Helens College The objectives of the Trust are: Liverpool FC To improve education standards for the children of Rainhill Whiston Hospital To foster collaboration to benefit children and young people by Holocaust Educational Trust expanding the opportunities open to them in education, St Helens Rugby League training and employment Anthony Walker Foundation To contribute to community cohesion by bringing about further improvements in the quality of the services we offer As a school we have a national reputation for the quality of our To promote a culture of innovation, combining traditional work. We help and mentor other schools, Headteachers and values with a 21st century approach to the curriculum teachers in Britain and abroad. To develop multi-site “all through” provision with common approaches to teaching, learning and student support Ofsted 2010: To help Rainhill High School achieve its aim of becoming the “Pastoral care is outstanding and students best comprehensive in the North West, and to be recognised as speak highly of the care, guidance and supp ort a “leading edge” school, with high performing specialist status. they receive from their teachers and from other adults who work with them The Trust has a programme of work that enhances . In their word s ‘Our teachers look out for us. opportunities for our students, staff, leaders and They are considerate and interested in our views.” managers. Logos - LIPA - St Helens College - RLV

Ofsted 2010:

“Perceptive leadership from the Headteacher and support from a committed senior team and well informed governing body ensure that Rainhill High School has good capacity to improve further.”



Personalised Learning We believe that every child is good at something. Our job is to create opportunities for every child to achieve great things. Ofsted 2010: In addition, we know it is “T

he curriculum important to ensure every child is is good and th er e is an incre stretched and challenged to asingly wide achieve in everything they do. range of academic and vocational c ourses.” Consequently, we seek to avoid a ‘one size fits all’ curriculum.

Gifted and Talented Students We offer a tailored approach to these pupils according to their needs and interests. All Gifted and Talented students have an individual mentor who ensures that these students have the right balance of intellectual stretch and fast track opportunities, yet are supported and encouraged. We offer fast track opportunities in many areas of the school. This is where students can sit examinations early. They include Mathematics, Languages, RE, Dance, English. Students can study separate Sciences at GCSE – Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students can study many languages at GCSE and A level, some take as many as 4. A number of our students have a tailored curriculum to support their elite sporting programmes. This includes professional footballers, athletes, swimmers, netballers and skiers. We will back them on their journey to become professional sports stars, even Olympians. In the Sixth Form Centre we assist our students to progress onto Oxford or Cambridge and other elite universities. Some of our Sixth Form students start their university degrees early, having fast tracked through their A levels.


Curriculum Pathways We treat each student individually in their curriculum package. In Years 7 and 8 all students take French, some with either Spanish or German. While others have Ofsted 2010 : additional Literacy, Numeracy or “The quality of teaching lessons designed to help their social is characterised by warm relatio and emotional development. nships in the classroom, c Our students take their GCSE omprehensive le sson preparat options in Year 8. Specialising in ion and teachers’ ef fective use their option choices early allows of d our students more time to get the to ata to plan activities meet the dif fering best grades. needs of stud ents.” There are 5 different routes to good GCSEs with 25 + different GCSEs, varying from separate Sciences, 3 languages, early A level study to BTECs in Construction and Catering. An extensive academic programme Ofsted 2010: is available, while for those for whom it is most appropriate a core “The Raising Achievement diet of English, Maths and Science Centre in the school has a high reputa tion.” is complemented by a range of subjects including vocational studies. All students study an Arts subject to GCSE. The range of Arts courses is significant, including: Dance, Drama, 4 different Visual Art courses, Photography, Media, Music, Music Technology and Acting.

Our curriculum enables our students to play to their strengths and to achieve their best. Homework is an integral part of learning. We set homework and expect it to be a regular part of a child’s education. Tasks are graduated to increase in their depth and demand, commensurate with the age and ability of the student and challenge of the course. In the Sixth Form Centre we offer A levels in 25+ subjects ranging from Further Maths to Economics, Law to Psychology, and from Theatre Studies to Chemistry.

Raising Achievement Centre This is a facility in school where we can provide additional one to one support for those students who need it. For example, those students: Who find the transition from primary school difficult Who need their self confidence building Who need to boost their Literacy and Numeracy skills Who need to improve their GCSE grades

Ofsted 2010:

“The school has goo d partnerships with parents and carers.”

Ofsted 2010:pport

is provided su “High quality with special for students or needs and/ educational those r fo o ls a nd disabilities a As a s vulnerable. identified a ss make progre result, they with least in line t which is a ” r peers. that of thei


Be the best you can We believe that if you expect high standards Ofsted 2010: udents you can achieve high standards. Students and “All groups of st at d standards staff enjoy warm, friendly working relationships achieve well an 11 are now ar the end of Ye based on mutual respect. Behaviour in the nal average. tio na e th above school is very good. We expect all students to wear full school uniform every day. Pride in our uniform helps to create a feeling of unity and a sense of belonging to our school. We believe that our students need to be recognised for their talents, their efforts and their achievements. As a result we have a multitude of rewards, including Representative Badges, Achiever of the Month Certificates, Postcards of Praise and an electronic system for earning and receiving prizes. We organise end of year Celebration Assemblies for staff and students, while the culmination of the year is the Presentation Evening. An annual Sports Presentation Evening, held at Anfield, celebrates team and individual success. Good behaviour is expected, recognised and rewarded. Conversely, when pupils occasionally fail to meet the high standards expected, parents can rest assured this behaviour will be corrected and appropriate action will be taken. Parents are always kept fully informed and are expected to give their full support in order to Ofsted 2010: the ensure that high standards and time for effective learning are “From when they join nts make de stu 7 maintained. school in Year

h key stages good progress in bot erage av ove ab to reach of Year end the by standard are on 11. Year 11 classes d in some course to reach, an challenging ir cases surpass, the this trend ain int targets and ma .” ent em of ongoing improv

Examination Results Our ‘A’ level results are independently judged to be consistently one of the best in the North West. At GCSE our performance has improved dramatically over the last few years. Now we achieve results which are the envy of many others. Since our last OFSTED Inspection in 2010 our results have continued to get better and better, and are now independently judged to be outstanding. Every year some students achieve an A* in every subject they study, either at GCSE or at A level.

: Ofsted 201’0attendance

is “Students re a rep d they are p high and e after well for lif y gl in nd ta outs Students ucation. formal ed es to take opportuniti ny a m e v ha ke an ty and ma responsibili to the n io ontribut excellent c munities. wider com school and ve an lt, they ha As a resu ience.” cial consc enviable so


Ofsted 2010:

atus has a “Media Arts st students’ on positive impact the standards learning and on they reach.” us has a “Specialist stat ct on developing profound impa d confidence an students’ self rk wo their ability to .” y el tiv ra bo lla co

Being an Arts College This is an important facet of life at Rainhill. We believe that a good arts education is important for all students regardless of their career aspirations. High quality arts education gives young people greater self confidence, excellent communication skills, and the ability to improvise; it encourages adaptability, enhances inter personal skills and engenders considerable creative talents. OFSTED have twice judged our arts provision to be “Outstanding”, and we have held and retained the Arts Mark Gold award for many years. Rainhill is recognised as one of the leading arts colleges in the country. Students have the opportunity to study Art, Music, Drama, Dance and Media in Years 7 and 8. All students study an Arts subject to GCSE, and the Arts Academy @ Rainhill Sixth Form Centre is a great stepping stone to life as a creative professional.

LIPA 4:19 is a franchise of Sir

Ofsted 2010


“Most stud ents enjoy their learning a nd have a keen awareness of the pro gress they are making .”

Paul McCartney’s Performing Arts

Ofsted 2010:

atus continues “Arts college st ng role in the to play a leadi the creative development of the school is a curriculum and ea.” in the local ar lead provider

University. We run a Saturday School in Acting, Singing and Dancing for all members of the community who are between 4 and 19. As well as taking LAMDA exams, there is an annual performance at a professional theatre. LIPA4:19 at Rainhill is open to all children whether they are Rainhill High School pupils or not.

Our facilities include: the Mike Doyle Arts Centre, the Desmond Wilcox Media Arts Centre, Radio Rainhill, Music and Media suites, practice rooms and a professional Recording Studio. We also have extensive facilities for Visual Art, Ceramics, Textiles and Photography and purpose built Drama and Dance studios, together with 200 seat capacity Arts Theatre.

Ofsted 2010:

“Good achievement in their academic develop ment and the high take-up of responsibilities among all year groups mean that students are outstandingly well pre pared for the next stage in their education and fo r their future lives.”


Putting Back We believe that we all have a responsibility to make our society a better place for all – especially those less fortunate than us. Our students do extensive work in the immediate community, including voluntary work in local primary schools, special schools and at Reeve Court Retirement Village. It is a common sight to see pensioners, young mums, primary schools, local sports teams and overseas students and teachers coming to Rainhill to learn and benefit from our facilities. All are welcome. Rainhill students give their time generously raising funds for overseas projects, including opportunities in Romania and our World Challenge Working Visits to places like Thailand, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya and South America. We have a Head Boy and Girl each year and a large group of Prefects. The Form, Year and School Councils are democratic, active and change, for the better, how the school operates. It was our students who had the vision, tenacity and communication skills to form St Helens Inter School Council. They also were responsible for the re-design of the school toilets. There are ample opportunities for all our pupils to show their leadership, formally through ICT, Sport, Arts, Languages and Literacy. All students are expected to show respect and understanding of their responsibilities to each other and to their global community. We are proud to be an inclusive school that celebrates the achievement of all.

10: Ofsted 20hool’s contribution


od: “The sc ion is go y cohes it n the u m d m n co lued a y is va it dents’ s u r t e s iv s d develop m lu u ultural curric f multic o s s e n aware Britain.”

Ofsted 2010:

“This is a good Sixth Form in which progr ession rates from Year 11 and retention rates within courses are impro ving markedly. Teaching and learnin are good. Teachers have secure subje ct knowledge and their students ha the utmost confidence in them, comm enting that students are guided and supported well. The curriculum is good and there is a balance of course academic, vocational and inspired by media arts. Leadership and management are good. The student voice is taken seriously and the sixth form council is highly valued by students.”

Ofsted 2010:ke


a an “Students m to the contribution outstanding to the wider school and , As prefects community. ey th mentors buddies and their t or willingly supp their younger nd a s te classma udent s and the st counterpart ouncils are and year c tions making sugges proactive in be n e school ca as to how th better.” made even

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Ofsted 2010:

“The school’s partn erships with outside agenc ies, including providers of furth er and higher education, ar e outstanding.”

RAINHILL SIXTH FORM CENTRE Rainhill Sixth Form Centre is a physically separate part of the school but integral to its success. We have an excellent track record of success in educating young people and pride ourselves on our personal approach. We offer a range of ‘A’ levels and Level 3 BTEC courses. At Rainhill Sixth Form Centre we work with the students to design a learning programme that suits your strengths and ambitions. There is a banded entry system that means the best GCSE grades are needed in order to qualify for certain courses. Demanding targets are in place and students are given support and guidance to attain them. We strive for high standards in all we do, giving students the best possible start to whatever you decide to do in the future. Sixth Form students have opportunities to expand their social, recreational, sporting and cultural interests. We offer extensive enrichment opportunities to help to develop new skills, meet new people and broaden horizons. Most of our Sixth Form students go on to study at university. Our ‘A’ levels include all of the Sciences, Maths, Further Maths, Languages, all of the Humanities, Sport, Business, Law, Economics, English Language and Literature as well as Drama, Dance, Photography, Music and Art.

The Arts Academy @ Rainhill Sixth Form Centre In the Arts Academy we offer ‘A’ levels or Level 3 BTEC’s in Art – Fine Art, Textiles, Ceramics, Graphics, Dance, Drama, Photography, Music, Media Studies. All Arts Academy students are guaranteed to work with professional artists; they are offered fast track approaches to University and are guaranteed auditions. Students will perform or exhibit their work and will be provided opportunities to participate in Master Classes. Alongside this, students can supplement their studies with extra qualifications e.g. LAMDA.

The Science Academy @ Rainhill Sixth Form Centre Launched in 2012, the Science Academy provides Science ‘A’ Level and L3 BTEC students the chance to massively enhance their CV or UCAS form and hence their career prospects. Students will have the opportunity to work with science-based industries and employers; they will be offered work placements and will take part in research. The Science Academy significantly enhances students’ prospects of getting onto the most competitive degree courses at the top universities. We are very proud of Rainhill Sixth Form Centre and its reputation as an institution that combines academic success with personal care and support. Come and experience Rainhill Sixth Form Centre at its Open Evening, where you can meet both staff and students. Alternatively, you can just ring up and arrange a visit. Our strengths lie in that we are able to offer: Excellent Results An extensive and flexible range of courses Small class sizes Personal individual support A friendly community atmosphere A place where staff know you as individuals and can support you to achieve your best. It is the students and staff that make our Sixth Form Centre so special.


Beyond the classroom We believe that there is a lot more to a good school than what happens during lesson times. We organise competitive teams in all major sports from rugby to golf, hockey to swimming, cricket to netball. Football is extremely popular and we have successful teams for both girls and boys. Our teams have an excellent track record in winning local and regional competitions. In 2011, we became the first St Helens School to win the Merseyside Cup. We are leading providers in St Helens of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, consistently achieving high levels of success. A hugely popular activity. This year more than 60 students progressed through the scheme. There are numerous trips and visits to enhance classroom learning. Overseas visits are many and frequent, including Geography visits to Holland and Spain, a History trip to Berlin, English visits to the battlefields of Flanders, two skiing trips every year, a dance trip to New York, a Drama exchange with the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and Language visits to Spain, France and Germany. Sixth Form Centre students actively participate in World Challenge. Our most recent cohorts have visited Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam and Kenya to lead on Education and Relief Projects. Sixth Formers take part in Science, Business, Law and other conferences, as well as doing voluntary work in primary schools, local businesses and care homes. In the Arts, music concerts, dance shows and drama productions are the norm. With school facilities open out of school hours enabling staff to run extensive clubs and activities. We organise a breakfast club and homework clubs are a daily occurrence. It is these opportunities that give students life-enhancing experiences that they remember for the rest of their life. We want all students to take part in at least one extra club per week.

HOUSE SYSTEM There are 4 houses at the school, named after the Rainhill Trials: Perseverance, Rocket, San Pareil, and Stephenson. There are many events across all subject areas that allow students to compete for their House. As well as a traditional Sports Day, inter-house Football, Netball and other sports, there is an Inter House ‘X Factor’, ‘Rainhill Can Dance’ and many more. Each student is placed in a House, and wears a tie and PE kit that reflect their House colours.

Ofsted 2010:

“Students speak wa rmly of the extensive variety of educational trips, suc h as visits to the First Wo rld War battlefields, the Geog raphy excursion to Spain an d the performing arts visits to London and New Yor k.”


Ofsted 2010:

“There is an excelle nt and very well supported range of extra curricular an d enrichment activitie s, with an emphasis on the creative and performing arts. �

Rainhill - aiming high, gaining local, national and international recognition.


Student Profiles :





Oliver Smile

Previous Primary School

ynch Laura L

Oakdene Primary, Rainhill.

My favourite subjects are

Maths, PE, Business Studies.

School Club and Activities

Previous Primary School My favourite subjects are School Club and Activities

Whiston Willis. Dance and Maths.

. Dance Company, Sixth Form a great It has great teachers and I enjoy Rainhill because really dance department, and can choose help you with anything you to do in the future. college I would like to go to dance My ambitions for the future are d next year to train more an lly. If I na sio hopefully dance profes to do a wasn’t successful I’d like ty. History degree at Universi , Dance English Higher Project A* GCSE results g En A*, Drama A*, Maths A, e A, RE Literature A, Eng Languag tistics B, A, ICT A, Science (2) B, Sta History B, Spanish B. a familiar I chose Rainhill as it was Why Rainhill Sixth Form College? er size environment and the small the of Sixth Form, rather than pealed ap d, larger colleges aroun are to me more as I believe you a big is closer to everyone. Dance ht dance factor for me and I thoug s great would be best here as it ha facilities and teachers. and get Enjoy your time at Rainhill Message to new pupils can. involved in as much as you in Knowing my work paid off Highlight of your career to date? and reference to exam results the new being able to be a part of Dance Company.

“Have hard,


Football team, Cricket team.

I enjoy Rainhill because

They assist you to reach your capability levels and gain excellent exam results.

My ambitions for the future are

To go to University, leading to a law degree.

Message to new pupils

Get involved in extra-curricular activities and take all opportunities you are given. Highlight of your career to date? Winning the St Helens Cup with school.

“They assist you to reach your capability levels and gain excellent exam results.”

k r o w d n a fun ” f f o y a p l l i it w 12

E ON: L I F O R P -Swindell ykes

Megan D

Previous Primary School

Oakdene Primary, Rainhill.

My favourite subjects are

Biology, Geography.

School Club and Activities

Netball, Rounders, Duke of Edinburgh.

I enjoy Rainhill because

I have met some amazing people and the teachers are encouraging with work.

My ambitions for the future are

To maybe become a teacher.

Message to new pupils

Take every opportunity presented to you. Try your best in everything you do.

Highlight of your career to date? Becoming Head Girl. Receiving Sports Girl of the Year in Year 7, also the Endeavour Award in Year 8..

t and s e d r a h r u o y “Just try ies it n u t r o p p o e h take all t on’t d d n a , u o y o presented t o try t d e n e t h ig r f be something new.”






Jonah C

Nutgrove. Photography and PE. a; Rugby Football tour to Malag b; Prefect. Team; Photography clu nities and I You get lots of opportu se au bec ill inh I enjoy Ra . like seeing my friends onal sport. are To play professi My ambitions for the future nhill as it Enjoy your time at Ra Message to new pupils goes very fast. football ing to Malaga with the Go e? dat to eer car r you Highlight of ’ good at it. team because I am ‘so

Primary School My favourite subjects are School Club and Activities

PROFILE ON: Robert Schenck

Previous Primary School

My favourite subjects are



School Club and Activities


Sophie Thom

I enjoy Rainhill because

Previous Primary School

St Ambrose Catholic Primary School, Speke.

My favourite subjects are

Dance, Drama and Maths.

School Club and Activities

Dance Company. I was a member of many sports clubs, rounders, netball, football. Took part in all school productions, playing lead roles in Our Day Out and Mrs Johnstone last year in Blood Brothers, as well as all dance shows.

I enjoy Rainhill because

People are friendly, lessons are fun.

My ambitions for the future are

To attend a dance college and become a performer.

GCSE results

12 A*s and 4 As. Why Rainhill Sixth Form College? Class sizes are small and you get to know everyone. Message to new pupils Have fun and work hard, it will pay off. Highlight of your career to date? Being in shows at The Brind ley and Theatre Royal.

Oakdene Primary, Ra

inhill. PE, because I am very competitive and love sport. Math s, because I like working with nu mbers and solving problems. Year 10 and 11 Footba ll, Athletics Year 10 Cricket.

I am around all of my friends, and so enjoy learning ne w things because it isn’t borin g. Also I am given many opportuni ties. My ambitions for the future are To do well in al l my exams, including A level hope fully, and go to a good University. GCSE results So far in Year 10 A* in Maths, A in Science. Message to new pupils Take every opportuni ty that you are given to take pa rt in activities in and outside of sch ool. Highlight of your career to date? When I was fir st picked to play for the Year 11 football team, and becoming a regular member of the squad, or going to Ma laga on a football tour.

ime at t r u o y y o j n “E volved in t e g d n a l il Rainh an.” c u o y s a h in as muc 13





w Grov


Previous Primary School My favourite subjects are s School Club and Activitie I enjoy Rainhill because ure are My ambitions for the fut

inhill. St Ann’s Primary, Ra Politics, Geography. 13 – True India Expedition 20 Edinburgh. Adventure, Duke of proachable. The teachers are ap

e to m lp e .h .. . .. s r e “Teach lso a e ’v I . t s e b achieve my nd a le p o e p w e n met a lot of nds.” many new frie



University. y, A Chemistry, A*Physics, A Biolog GCSE results y, A Maths, B A Music, A Geograph ench, A ICT, A Product Design, B Fr English. sizes and all ere are small class Th ? ge lle Co rm Fo th Why Rainhill Six very good. of the teachers are at you enjoy! Pick the subjects th s pil pu w ne Message to in a band in e experience to play Th te? da to r ree ca Highlight of your ence. front of a live audi

Lydia Jervis



Previous Primary School

Longton Lane Primary, Rainhill.

My favourite subjects are

Sociology, Drama and Dance.

School Club and Activities

Duke of Edinburgh; apprenticeship at the Rainhill High School Dance Company, and after school dance activities.

I enjoy Rainhill because

I enjoy all my lessons and get on well with all students and teachers. They help to inspire me to achieve my best. I’ve also met a lot of new people and many new friends.

My ambitions for the future are

To be a professional dancer.

Message to new pupils

Be ambitious and don’t hold back on any opportunities. Keep focused in lessons because you’ll regret not paying attention when you reach GCSE years!


George Darw

Primary School My favourite subjects are

St Ann’s Primary, Rainhill. Science, Geography.

School Club and Activities

Air Cadets, Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Duke of Edinburgh, Aikido.

I enjoy Rainhill because

Yes, because the teachers have pushed me and I find the subjects interesting, and I have many good friends.

My ambitions for the future are

To become a fast jet pilot in the RAF.

Message to new pupils

Just try your hardest and take all the opportunities presented to you, and don’t be frightened to try something new.

Highlight of your career to date? Becoming the House Captain of Perseverance and becoming Head Boy.

Highlight of your career to date? Performing in London in July after being placed the Wild Card for the UDance 2012 competition.

ses s la c ll a m s e r “There a rs e h c a e t e h t f and all o are very good.” 14

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