ANALYSIS This comes at a time when New Delhi’s strategic vulnerabilities have not only evolved but its technological gaps have also threateningly widened. Encountering both state and non-state actors, disruptive technological advancements have the potential to revolutionise India’s war-fighting capabilities. With the strengthening of a ChinaPakistan axis coupled with the prospect of an intentional leakage of disruptive technology by Pakistan to its non-state proxies, it is imperative for Indian defence planners to think out of the box. New Delhi’s concerns for a potential trickle down of this technology to non-state
DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE INDIAN MILITARY MATRIX With the strengthening of a China-Pakistan axis coupled with the prospect of an intentional leakage of disruptive technology by Pakistan to its non-state proxies, it is imperative for Indian defence planners to think out of the box in terms of the use of such technology By HARSH V PANT AND ANANT SINGH MANN
I 20
n a timely intervention, Indian Army Chief General MM Naravane encouraged the nation’s armed forces “to pay adequate emphasis on the available disruptive technologies that have dual use and are being driven by commercial entities and innovations” and emphasised the need for their adapted incorporation into the “Indian context.” Accordingly, as an extension of this effort, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India’s premier defence technology supplier, is reported to have setup a panel charged with enhancing its efficiency by reappraising its 57 laboratories and reducing their technological overlapping.
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actors is well-founded against the backdrop of the Houthi rebels in Yemen claiming the responsibility for the successful attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities through a coordinated swarm drone strike in September 2019. Other examples of nonstate actors exploiting freely available technology include the bombing of Ukrainian state ammunition dumps by alleged Ukrainian Separatists using thermite grenades delivered by drones causing great devastation between 2015 and 2017. Closer to home, there have been several reports of Pakistan supported non-state actors using drones to deliver weapons to create internal instability through terror attacks in Punjab
10/12/2020 7:34:35 AM