Rallyup Magazine Spring 2019

Page 32

Tanzania & Craig Also known as Chuck & Coop #loveandmentalhealth

hen Tanzania and Craig first started dating, they expressed their deepest dark secrets to each other. The things that were expressed had never been told to anyone or maybe just a few people. Tanzania was still battling issues with her skin. Craig always expressed how much he loved her skin. He always encouraged her to wear clothes that showed her beautiful skin. When she went to the Dominican Republic, She kept asking him how do I look and if she should wear a two piece swimsuit, shorts, and mini-dresses. He encouraged her as much as he could and when she started posting her pictures of her skin, it made him feel

really good. He knew that she was still trying to overcome those thoughts in her mind and he was so proud of her. Tanzania has helped Craig battle some things that had led to his depression. He was still fighting a mental battle. They never judged each other and accepted each other for who they are. They have really deep conversations that may not always be easy to talk about. However, the trust and safe space has allowed them to become closer. They recently got engaged last year on December 25th. The key to their relationship is honesty, trust, communication, and lots of love. Sometimes, we think that we are the problem but really it’s not us. It’s that thing that was holding us back that was the issue. It was the other people involved that was the issue. It was the thoughts that was in our head that became the issue. We are no longer bound to our past. We are mentally free and it feels good.

: @chunk_and_coop

Photo 32 | rallyupmagazine.com | Spring Issue 2019

by Tinisha Curl

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