1 minute read
from PETS Manual
Dg Citation
1. Membership Development.
a) All Clubs must achieve a net increase in their membership as per the table appended below Preference be given to youngsters and Ladies.
Membership as on 01 Jul 2023
Net increase as on 31 May 2024
3. The Rotary Foundation
a) Contribute at least $ 100 per capita to Annual Fund of TRF b) Contribute at least $ 25 per member towards Polio Fund.
4. Service Projects
a) Conduct at least ONE service project every month covering any avenues of service to achieve balanced activity.
Start a new club with 25 members b) Induct one new member on installation day
2. Club Administration
a) RI club invoices payment on time b) District Dues payment and Rotary News Subscription on time c) Club Goals and Achievements MUST be uploaded in “My Rotary” site d) All club Officials to be registered in “MY Rotary” of www.rotary.org. e) Club report MUST be up loaded in District Website on or before 5th of every month. f) Publish at least one club bulletin/e-bulletin quarterly. g) Club officers must attend at least one Training Program (COTS). h) Clubs must conduct one club assembly with AG and DD before the starting of Rotary year, finalize club goals and report to be submitted to District Secretariat. b) Of the above minimum THREE projects from District priorities SMILE. c) Rotary Community Corps – Sponsor or retain ONE RCC.
5. Youth Service
a) Rotaract - Sponsor or retain at least ONE Rotaract Club b) Interact – Sponsor or retain at least ONE interact club
6. Public Image
a) Any two public image programs 7.
Vocational Service
a) At least ONE vocational Excellence award to be presented during the year b) At least ONE Microfinance project for women.
8. District level Events Participation a) President and Secretary MUST register and attend PETS b) At least 50% of your Club Officers MUST register Dist Assembly. c) At least 10 % of Club strength MUST register all mandatory Dist seminars. d) At least 25 % of Club strength MUST register Dist Conference
Finance Committee
Once every month as per schedule
Arrange regular weekly meeting Charter Night PrArrange ogram Committee
Governor Official Visit
Get schedule & details from Secretariat
Invitespeakgood ers Arrange Charter Night
Make arrangements as per Secretariat'srequirement
ClubwithAssembly (at least before 2 GOweeks)
Engage maximum members
Execute GOV as perProtocols
Club Assembly Schedule as per club's tradition
All plans to be shared and completed projects to be reviewed