16th Annual Sale Foundation Angus Alliance Sale Catalog

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A LLIANC E F OUNDATION A NGUS FebruAry 18, 2023 | 12:30 | LuLing, TX The LuLing FoundATion FArm www . F ound AT ion A ngus ALL i A nce . com 16th Annual Sale



Friday, February 17

Cattle available for viewing all day.

Saturday, February 18

7 a.m. - Breakfast available, sponsored by Producers Co-Op 11:00 a.m. - Lunch 12:30 p.m. - Sale begins


Wyman Poe (979) 229-0722


Radale Tiner - Angus Journal

Phil Stoll - Weekly Livestock Reporter

Jim Banner - Southern Livestock Standard


Parker Friedrich Marketing & Consulting

566 Hillcrest Dr., Stephenville, TX 76401

254-413-2420 mob • 254-968-8162 fax/home parkerfriedrich@earthlink.net


(979) 492-2663

(817) 366-7332

(210) 867-6862


Austin Bergstrom International Airport

Austin, Texas

Take 183 South to Luling, TX (Approx. 1 hour)

San Antonio International Airport

San Antonio, TX

Take Interstate 10 East to Luling, TX (Approx. 1 hour)


Cattle will be available for inspection beginning Friday, February 18, at the sale site. All cattle will carry lot tags corresponding to sale lot numbers in sale book.


All cattle are to be settled for on sale day prior to load out. Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http://www.angus.org/Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf). Announcements made from the sale block or supplement to the sale book take precedence over what is written in the sale book. The sale day supplement will give updated calving, breeding and pregnancy examination information.

The Foundation Angus Alliance sale will be held at The Luling Foundation, Luling, Texas. The Foundation sale facilities are on the western edge of Luling, just off Hwy. 90, on Mulberry Ave.


Free delivery to central delivery points for purebred lots within 250 miles of Luling.

In the event your purchases do not qualify for free delivery, truckers will be available to transport cattle at buyer’s expense, and all arrangements will be between buyer and trucker.


Best Western Plus Longhorn Inn - Luling, TX (830) 875-5442 (Approx. 4.5 miles from sale)

LaQuinta Inn & Suites - Luling, TX (830) 351-5320 (Approx. 4.5 miles from sale)

Zedler Guest House - Luling, TX (830) 875-5515 (Approx. 0.5 miles from sale)

Lockhart Best Western - Lockhart, TX (512) 620-0300 (Approx. 13.5 miles from sale)

Seguin Hampton Inn - (830) 379-4400

Seguin Comfort Inn - (830) 372-3990

I-10 at Hwy. 123 (Approx. 22 miles from sale)


Truckers will be available at the sale to transport cattle at buyer’s expense. All shipping arrangements will be between buyer and trucker.


All persons attending the sale and related functions do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise. The owners, sale management, and hosts assume no liability for loss or damages, however so caused.


Bulls may be loaded out at the end of the bull sale. Females will need to be loaded out following the conclusion of the sale.


Bulls will sell first, followed by registered females. They will sell in sale book order.


If you are unable to attend the sale, bid online for free at CCI.LIVE. If you plan to bid on CCI.LIVE, register today at www.CCI.LIVE.

Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
AUCTIONEER: Jered Shipman (806) 983-7226 MARKETING AGENT: Parker Friedrich (254) 413-2420 MARKETING AGENT: Matt White (530) 552-0650 sALe dAy Phones: (512) 844-6415 • (512) 754-1237
EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLink®, CAB®, Pathfinder®.
Selling 188 Lots 114 serivce-Age buLLs 74 eLiTe regisTered FemALes
NGUS FebruAry 18, 2023 | 12:30 | LuLing, TX The LuLing FoundATion FArm 16th Annual Sale

Welcome to the 16th Annual Sale

We want to welcome all of our friends to the 16th annual Foundation Angus Alliance sale. Gosh, it seems like we just got started with this and we are 16 years along. Our members have always strived to bring our customers the best cattle that we can raise. I believe that we get better at what we do every year. It is our challenge to fill the needs of a diverse customer base in South Texas and those needs are constantly changing. We try to provide bull power for a primarily commercial cow population in our part of the world. The cow guys are becoming more demanding as they discover the growing value of improved carcass merit in their markets. Years ago, the commercial cow guys were looking primarily for pounds of beef in their calf crop. Today, many have discovered that there are extra dollars to be had in raising Angus sired calves that not only have solid growth but have the unique carcass merit that comes from proper bull selection. The discriminating consumer wants high quality Angus beef on their plate, and they are willing to pay for that eating experience. The cattle buyer recognizes that demand, and they are willing to pay a premium for the “right kind” of calves.

We believe that the bulls and females that are being offered in our sale are the kind of cattle that will bring you the premiums that the market demands. Come look through the cattle. Pay attention to the numbers and don’t hesitate to ask us or our sale managers about the numbers. I know that the numbers are overwhelming sometimes, but the data they represent are what makes the Angus breed stand out in the modern beef industry. They are the best tool that we have, so I urge you to embrace them.


February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Lulling, TX | 1
Dwight and Suzanne Sexton 9528 W. St. Hwy. 97 Cost, TX 78614 830-203-0168 sextoncattle@icloud.com Michael Kuck 523 S. Mulberry Luling, TX 78648-2940 830-875-2438 www.lulingfoundation.org Matthew Capps Wichita Falls, TX 940-613-6884 matthew.capps@mwsu.edu
& Kathy Langford 1173 Isidora Tr. Lockhart, TX 78644 512-754-1237 langfordcattle@gmail.com

AAA Selection Tools

Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.


Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to that of other sires.

Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.


Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in firstcalf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.

Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.


The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an age-constant basis.

Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

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2 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale



$Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming that individuals retain their own replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves. The model assumes commercial producers will replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% of their breeding females in each subsequent generation. Traits included are as follows: calving ease direct, calving ease maternal, weaning weight, milk, heifer pregnancy, docility, mature cow weight, claw set and foot angle.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre-weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.

Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, is an index which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid. EPDs directly influencing a combined index are: CED, CEM, WW, YW, Milk, HP, DOC, MW, Angle, Claw, DMI, Marb, CW, RE and Fat.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Lulling, TX | 3 CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +2.2 +96 +166 +.3 +.75 +12 +18 -36 +61 +1.54 +.79 +.031 30% 75% 1% 1% 75% 60% 15% 95% 95% 20% 1% 25% 75% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 60 100 549 100 1085 100 6.00 86 15.1 110 .24 96 33.52 *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 +*Roseda Powerball23 F091 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19180956 *Roseda Blackcap B103 D118 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +*Roseda Blackcap 0134 B103 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Sexton Exponential 6S66 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 18794129 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 1A
$M +74 20% $W +78 10% $F +102 20% $G +95 2% $B +197 3% $C +330 2% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Bull +*20327174 · Tattoo: 1S06 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 51 87 9 10 62 91 36 5 18 28 94 22 62 42 1 41 67 73 70 82 20 62 $AxH: +235 1% $AxJ: +201 2% Sample Pedigree GROWTH QUALIFIES FOR CAB OWNER WEIGHTS MATERNAL CARCASS $VALUE INDEXES DNA SCORES




4 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
1B 1A LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +0 +60 +123 +.7 +.72 +14 +36 -38 +62 +1.31 +.61 +.026 35% 25% 55% 30% 35% 60% 4% 4% 95% 20% 4% 55% 70% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 66 100 590 100 1172 100 7.71 110 13.8 101 .30 120 38.14 *Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision #*Jindra Acclaim Jindras Sapphire J 417 17972810 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 #*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Sexton Exponential 6S66 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 18794129 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 1B
Herd Bulls
$M +56 70% $W +61 40% $F +115 5% $G +83 4% $B +198 3% $C +313 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-19-2021 · Bull +*20319347 · Tattoo: 1S13 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 72 68 70 9 48 65 69 29 21 14 21 34 44 21 5 60 64 58 61 16 55 22 $AxH: +143 20% $AxJ: +108 35% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +2.1 +96 +165 +.3 +.75 +12 +19 -36 +61 +1.50 +.82 +.028 30% 70% 1% 1% 75% 60% 15% 95% 95% 20% 2% 25% 75% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 60 100 549 100 1085 100 6.00 86 15.1 110 .24 96 33.52 *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 +*Roseda Powerball23 F091 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19180956 *Roseda Blackcap B103 D118 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +*Roseda Blackcap 0134 B103 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Sexton Exponential 6S66 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 18794129 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126
$M +77 15% $W +80 4% $F +103 15% $G +94 2% $B +197 3% $C +333 2% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Bull +*20327174 · Tattoo: 1S06 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 51 87 9 10 62 91 36 5 18 28 94 22 62 42 1 41 67 73 70 82 20 62 $AxH: +236 1% $AxJ: +206 2%
February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 5 Herd Bulls 1C LOT
CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +1.3 +74 +143 +.9 +1.13 +9 +34 -32 +75 +1.72 +.71 +.034 55% 55% 20% 10% 15% 35% 40% 10% 90% 4% 1% 40% 80% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 68 100 492 100 1068 100 7.25 104 12.2 89 .22 88 37.14 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension *T C A Eastwood +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19531687 *T C A Marquis Treasure 711 +*Pine View Marquis P154 *T C A Accruel Treasure 511 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Sexton Exponential 6S66 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 18794129 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 1C SEXTON EASTWOOD 1S14 $M +63 50% $W +74 10% $F +135 1% $G +103 1% $B +238 1% $C +372 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-19-2021 · Bull +*20351797 · Tattoo: 1S14 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 45 51 43 4 54 23 32 35 37 64 20 36 35 6 1 37 81 66 57 49 47 23 $AxH: +213 2% $AxJ: +184 4%
Sexton Exponential 6S66 - Dam of Lots 1A-1C Sexton Jet Black 9S27 - Maternal Brother to Lots 1A-1C



6 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale Herd
3 2 LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.7 +81 +152 +.6 +.41 +14 +34 -62 +77 +1.46 +1.27 -.079 45% 65% 10% 3% 45% 80% 4% 10% 95% 3% 2% 1% 1% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 101 723 105 1115 101 6.20 103 15.8 106 .19 90 34.81 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*2 Bar Acclaim 8652 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19416681 *Five S All In 5305 #*Deer Valley All In BALI Blackcap 410 295 3
$M +43 95% $W +73 15% $F +124 2% $G +107 1% $B +232 1% $C +344 1% LOT Birth Date: 11-09-2021 · Bull +*20281758 · Tattoo: 1684 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 55 76 31 4 78 65 80 79 20 2 16 3 32 9 3 2 1 88 10 65 36 20 $AxH: +257 1% $AxJ: +248 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +3.3 +95 +176 +.8 +.97 +7 +36 -53 +92 +.91 +1.32 -.017 55% 90% 1% 1% 25% 45% 65% 4% 95% 1% 25% 1% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 101 100 794 100 1400 100 4.71 89 17.3 114 .27 135 37.01 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Ten X 9067 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 19606729 LFF Mc 4087 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 LFF Complete 2030 by 8009 2
$M +53 80% $W +85 2% $F +131 1% $G +77 10% $B +208 2% $C +323 2% LOT Birth Date: 10-16-2021 · Bull +*20216786 · Tattoo: 1029 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 67 87 2 1 99 14 44 46 72 82 6 2 13 2 20 2 23 75 17 93 79 3 $AxH: +221 1% $AxJ: +230 1%





February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 7 Herd Bulls 4 5A LOT LOT 2 Bar Acclaim 8652 - Dam of Lots 5A & 5B CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.3 +71 +127 +.8 +.91 +10 +24 -27 +56 +1.54 +1.20 -.023 30% 55% 25% 25% 25% 50% 30% 70% 80% 30% 1% 2% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 77 100 594 94 1186 105 5.85 111 16.0 112 .24 96 37.19 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Ten X 7126 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 18980801 #LFF Mc 4095 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 LFF 8S07 0170 of 5041 4
1075 $M +58 65% $W +64 30% $F +105 15% $G +105 1% $B +211 1% $C +332 2% LOT Birth Date: 11-16-2021 · Bull *20235819 · Tattoo: 1075 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 46 66 32 25 60 11 48 38 74 18 50 23 19 26 1 3 14 82 31 81 9 16 $AxH: +215 1% $AxJ: +211 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.7 +84 +155 +.6 +.23 +8 +29 -54 +82 +1.44 +1.20 -.040 55% 85% 5% 3% 45% 90% 55% 30% 95% 2% 2% 2% 3% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 99 614 89 1102 100 5.43 90 13.1 88 .17 81 32.02 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*2 Bar Acclaim 8652 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19416681 *Five S All In 5305 #*Deer Valley All In BALI Blackcap 410 295
$M +40 95% $W +70 20% $F +143 1% $G +102 1% $B +245 1% $C +358 1% LOT Birth Date: 11-16-2021 · Bull +*20281761 · Tattoo: 1295 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 51 76 16 6 41 61 78 77 59 56 45 4 36 2 3 2 3 62 4 73 30 49 $AxH: +274 1% $AxJ: +264 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +15 -2.2 +70 +133 +.8 +.23 +15 +34 -29 +62 +1.45 +1.07 -.008 2% 3% 25% 15% 25% 90% 2% 10% 85% 20% 2% 4% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 67 89 649 94 1087 98 6.14 102 17.1 115 .23 110 32.33 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*2 Bar Acclaim 8652 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19416681 *Five S All In 5305 #*Deer Valley All In BALI Blackcap 410 295
$M +67 40% $W +76 10% $F +112 10% $G +98 1% $B +210 1% $C +339 1% LOT Birth Date: 11-10-2021 · Bull +*20313955 · Tattoo: 1811 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 2 3 56 17 57 29 66 54 20 23 15 38 54 21 2 14 29 84 7 98 59 14 $AxH: +219 1% $AxJ: +220 1%




8 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale Herd Bulls 6 7
LOT LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +5.4 +102 +185 +1.2 +.79 +8 +24 -62 +100 +1.15 +1.13 -.018 75% 95% 1% 1% 3% 55% 55% 70% 95% 1% 10% 3% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 84 108 719 113 1386 123 6.19 117 15.4 108 .30 120 38.24 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *SG Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030 19559741 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #+*LFF Discovery 6091 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18659430 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 6
$M +53 80% $W +71 15% $F +152 1% $G +86 3% $B +238 1% $C +362 1% LOT Birth Date: 11-07-2021 · Bull *20226783 · Tattoo: 1067 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 79 98 1 1 92 9 54 61 30 32 72 1 4 1 13 2 11 85 90 34 56 68 $AxH: +228 1% $AxJ: +239 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +2.0 +62 +126 +.8 +.31 +5 +36 -27 +71 +1.66 +.98 +.018 85% 70% 50% 25% 25% 85% 80% 4% 80% 10% 1% 10% 60% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 106 578 91 1167 103 7.75 147 14.3 100 .24 96 35.60 +*G A R Momentum K836 *G A R Momentum *SEO Ultra Provider +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 19495995 +*Chair Rock Progress 3023 #+*G A R Progress +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9057 +*LFF Conversion 3050 of 1009 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 LFF Conversion 8146 +*LFF Summitcrest 1009 of 8036 19446244 #LFF Aberdeen 0163 of 6074 #TC Aberdeen 759 +LFF 1407 6074 of 4634 7
$M +65 45% $W +62 35% $F +128 2% $G +105 1% $B +232 1% $C +366 1% LOT Birth Date: 10-18-2021 · Bull *20216787 · Tattoo: 1033 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 71 44 55 16 82 7 78 80 9 79 6 44 30 6 1 10 65 60 41 9 22 5 $AxH: +215 1% $AxJ: +202 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +1.4 +79 +146 +.8 +1.33 +11 +21 -33 +72 +1.42 +.99 -.001 35% 55% 10% 10% 25% 25% 20% 85% 90% 10% 2% 10% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 67 96 651 103 1137 101 4.88 92 15.3 107 .14 56 35.43 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*LFF Cowboy Up 7004 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *LFF Cowboy Up 9095 +*Vintage Rita 5012 19608755 *LFF Exponential 7064 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 LFF Mc 4080 8 LFF
1004 M1F $M +58 65% $W +66 25% $F +126 2% $G +95 2% $B +222 1% $C +346 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-27-2021 · Bull *20193733 · Tattoo: 1004 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 36 39 16 3 81 16 20 44 53 43 88 8 10 8 4 10 12 66 64 72 15 55 $AxH: +236 1% $AxJ: +232 1%




February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 9 Herd Bulls 10 9 LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +13 -.5 +73 +138 +.8 +.88 +13 +31 -42 +76 +1.11 +1.40 -.020 10% 15% 20% 10% 25% 50% 10% 20% 95% 4% 10% 1% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 70 100 601 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 +*K C F Bennett Consent Y75 #*Connealy Consensus +*2 Bar Consent 9029 +K C F Miss Protege W148 19625113 *Five S Fusion 4742 +*G A R Fusion +*DZ Ingenuity 2N15 10
$M +46 90% $W +71 15% $F +126 2% $G +88 3% $B +214 1% $C +324 2% LOT Birth Date: 08-16-2021 · Bull +*20220471 · Tattoo: 1614 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 37 35 23 5 85 28 50 28 87 57 27 7 8 3 11 1 19 86 21 72 31 85 $AxH: +222 1% $AxJ: +227 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +3.3 +81 +134 +.6 +1.05 +11 +30 -29 +65 +1.16 +1.24 -.011 55% 90% 10% 15% 45% 40% 20% 25% 85% 15% 10% 1% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 68 100 597 100 1104 100 4.63 87 13.6 89 .15 75 33.48 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 LFF Mc 4087 #Executa of Conanga 939 18194628 LFF Complete 2030 by 8009 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #+LFF Objective 8009 of 272
$M +74 20% $W +76 10% $F +112 10% $G +87 3% $B +199 3% $C +332 2% LOT Birth Date: 10-15-2021 · Bull +*20193838 · Tattoo: 1023 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 89 97 4 24 44 26 19 35 43 54 17 15 24 9 14 1 5 99 15 32 57 11 $AxH: +213 2% $AxJ: +199 2%



10 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old Bulls 11 12 LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +3.0 +87 +156 +1.1 +1.06 +13 +22 -44 +86 +.58 +1.09 +.012 45% 85% 3% 2% 5% 40% 10% 80% 95% 1% 55% 4% 50% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 103 825 121 1223 120 4.79 89 14.7 109 .24 114 40.34 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B #*Sitz Upward 307R LCC Upshot Mandate 4024 #+EXAR Barbara T020 17987457 LCC Mandates Design 1024 #SydGen Mandate 6079 L C C Precision Design 0245 14 LCC UPSHOT REVELATION 1402 $M +53 80% $W +68 25% $F +134 1% $G +56 35% $B +190 4% $C +299 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-25-2021 · Bull *20180120 · Tattoo: 1402 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 55 71 16 8 63 57 72 40 66 27 81 14 14 5 57 7 45 84 90 44 20 76 $AxH: +163 10% $AxJ: +173 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 -1.1 +72 +132 +.8 +.94 +15 +30 -45 +60 +1.00 +1.12 -.049 15% 10% 20% 15% 25% 45% 2% 25% 95% 25% 15% 3% 2% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 70 90 698 110 1156 103 6.08 115 14.8 103 .27 108 37.49 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 LFF Complete 4063 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 18196724 LFF Bextor 9032 of 5028 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 LFF Newsline 5028 of 03K 11
1052 M1F $M +65 45% $W +69 20% $F +107 15% $G +81 5% $B +188 5% $C +309 5% LOT Birth Date: 10-31-2021 · Bull *20219103 · Tattoo: 1052 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 18 11 23 11 33 58 45 4 10 22 55 8 20 25 19 5 2 89 21 11 10 98 $AxH: +182 5% $AxJ: +162 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +3.1 +84 +141 +1.2 +.34 +11 +20 -50 +70 +1.32 +1.20 -.038 70% 90% 5% 10% 3% 85% 20% 90% 95% 10% 4% 2% 4% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 62 92 N/A N/A 1006 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33.75 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 +*E W A Ascend 7306 *G A R Momentum +*LCC Lady Ascend 9181 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up 19594820 #+*LCC Blackcap Infinity 2203 D A A R Infinity 313 +*44 Blackcap Empress W503 12
$M +39 95% $W +63 35% $F +111 10% $G +96 1% $B +207 2% $C +307 5% LOT Birth Date: 09-06-2021 · Bull *20180110 · Tattoo: 1981 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 98 2 6 83 8 71 75 73 51 79 1 1 4 5 1 6 93 85 39 16 93 $AxH: +188 4% $AxJ: +203 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.2 +71 +126 +.8 -.03 +9 +23 -23 +60 +.84 +.94 -.013 55% 75% 25% 25% 25% 95% 40% 75% 70% 25% 30% 15% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 75 96 612 97 1113 99 5.01 95 13.5 94 .28 112 33.81 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*LFF Black Granite 6053 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18659451 +44 Retail Product W063 #*G A R Predestined G A R Retail Product 1935 13
$M +62 55% $W +61 40% $F +112 10% $G +68 15% $B +181 10% $C +297 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-09-2021 · Bull *20191688 · Tattoo: 1018 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 73 70 31 31 33 42 89 67 66 72 76 41 23 23 25 20 23 85 58 6 42 96 $AxH: +162 15% $AxJ: +151 15%


February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 11 16-Month-Old Bulls 15 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.7 +80 +145 +1.0 +1.18 +15 +27 -57 +68 +1.11 +.70 +.002 60% 65% 10% 10% 10% 30% 2% 45% 95% 10% 10% 40% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 68 100 N/A N/A 1038 99 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 36.75 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 +*Lone Star Ten Fold L359 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LCC Lone Star Rita 9718 +*Lonestar Objectivebelle E755 19560544 LCC 9Q20 Crossover 7182 #+*Rito 9Q20 of Rita 5F56 GHM LCC Crossovers Answer 1829 17 LCC
REVELATION 1978 $M +39 95% $W +67 25% $F +115 5% $G +76 10% $B +192 4% $C +288 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-06-2021 · Bull *20180109 · Tattoo: 1978 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 46 46 14 9 79 37 36 47 20 6 61 1 4 9 25 34 42 99 71 26 41 59 $AxH: +138 25% $AxJ: +122 25% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.8 +86 +158 +.8 +.83 +10 +28 -42 +69 +.60 +1.22 -.021 60% 65% 3% 2% 25% 55% 30% 35% 95% 10% 55% 1% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 66 97 N/A N/A 1068 101 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 38.16 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *LCC Charming Lass 9428 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 19533445 LCC 1153 Upward 4281 +*McKellar 7229 1153 #LCC Bextors Upward 2081 18 LCC
$M +51 85% $W +77 10% $F +112 10% $G +61 25% $B +173 15% $C +275 20% LOT Birth Date: 09-03-2021 · Bull *20180107 · Tattoo: 1942 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 66 52 11 3 80 68 67 72 80 32 61 14 14 13 65 3 17 92 100 49 20 84 $AxH: +172 10% $AxJ: +180 5% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +.4 +81 +131 +.6 +1.04 +13 +28 -42 +59 +.80 +.89 -.034 30% 30% 10% 20% 45% 40% 10% 35% 95% 25% 30% 15% 5% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 62 86 812 119 1081 106 4.57 85 13.0 96 .22 105 35.70 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*LCC 10X Rita 8123 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 19311978 +*FWY Rita C085 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +Bohi Rita 8291 19 LCC RITO REVELATION 1812 $M +59 65% $W +79 5% $F +91 35% $G +67 20% $B +158 25% $C +264 30% LOT Birth Date: 09-20-2021 · Bull *20180118 · Tattoo: 1812 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 60 51 31 61 33 97 42 48 52 27 59 31 41 56 37 22 10 97 49 34 8 95 $AxH: +157 15% $AxJ: +139 20% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +.6 +70 +126 +.5 +.68 +8 +30 -29 +57 +.83 +1.30 +.003 35% 35% 25% 25% 55% 65% 55% 25% 85% 30% 30% 1% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 70 100 645 102 1171 104 5.37 102 15.9 111 .23 92 35.49 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *LFF Southern Charm 9051 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 19611747 *LFF Ten X 6092 +*Vintage Ten X 4329 LFF Complement 4067 15
$M +62 55% $W +70 20% $F +105 15% $G +71 15% $B +176 10% $C +290 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-29-2021 · Bull *20191687 · Tattoo: 1007 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 39 44 22 11 63 65 65 71 65 82 58 21 18 23 31 2 60 91 53 4 10 48 $AxH: +182 5% $AxJ: +178 5% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -4 +5.7 +82 +135 +1.0 +.42 +3 +22 -34 +58 +.99 +.94 -.030 95% 95% 10% 15% 10% 80% 90% 80% 90% 25% 15% 15% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 90 115 630 99 1100 97 5.04 95 14.0 98 .18 72 35.33 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 +*V A R Ranger 3008 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*LFF Ranger 6015 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18659536 +44 Retail Product W063 #*G A R Predestined G A R Retail Product 1935 16 LFF REVELATION 1049 $M +53 80% $W +59 45% $F +98 25% $G +77 10% $B +175 10% $C +280 20% LOT Birth Date: 10-25-2021 · Bull *20219102 · Tattoo: 1049 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 95 95 12 33 40 33 82 46 34 85 84 13 25 26 14 22 14 97 58 53 49 86 $AxH: +95 55% $AxJ: +77 55%





12 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old
22 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +2.9 +83 +145 +.8 +1.20 +6 +23 -20 +55 +1.02 +.82 -.003 90% 85% 5% 10% 25% 30% 75% 75% 60% 35% 15% 25% 30% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 75 96 658 104 1250 111 5.29 100 16.3 114 .38 152 36.01 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Vintage Rita 5012 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18066033 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 23
$M +71 30% $W +72 15% $F +94 30% $G +74 10% $B +169 15% $C +290 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-16-2021 · Bull *20190830 · Tattoo: 1031 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 88 80 16 16 66 55 36 20 91 81 68 51 57 35 20 21 18 24 57 7 21 24 $AxH: +157 15% $AxJ: +159 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +.3 +70 +136 +.6 +.88 +4 +30 -24 +50 +1.25 +.83 -.039 30% 30% 25% 15% 45% 50% 85% 25% 70% 45% 5% 20% 3% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 83 106 687 108 1277 113 7.27 138 14.7 103 .30 120 40.20 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #LFF Mc 4077 #Executa of Conanga 939 18194622 #LFF 8S07 0174 of 4035 +Sexton Rito 8S07 of CO 3J24 LFF Classy Lead On 4035 24
$M +60 60% $W +69 20% $F +86 45% $G +88 3% $B +174 15% $C +286 15% LOT Birth Date: 12-08-2021 · Bull *20314515 · Tattoo: 1102 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 56 46 25 7 90 51 82 6 69 99 42 53 46 50 5 23 8 88 97 77 51 4 $AxH: +174 10% $AxJ: +156 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +4.2 +77 +132 +.7 +1.71 +10 +23 -37 +54 +1.07 +1.01 -.003 85% 95% 15% 15% 35% 10% 30% 75% 95% 35% 15% 10% 30% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 95 122 669 106 1178 105 5.32 101 15.9 111 .23 92 38.30 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *LFF Conversion 5118 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 18540071 LFF Ingenuity 2031 of 0116 #+G A R Ingenuity +LFF Obj 0116 of T2105 20
$M +50 85% $W +59 45% $F +90 40% $G +79 10% $B +169 15% $C +269 25% LOT Birth Date: 10-25-2021 · Bull *20219101 · Tattoo: 1048 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 80 90 10 25 90 56 11 72 27 25 77 8 14 38 11 21 69 86 73 74 46 58 $AxH: +157 15% $AxJ: +155 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.0 +71 +141 +.5 +.60 +8 +32 -49 +70 +.92 +1.07 -.018 55% 70% 25% 10% 55% 70% 55% 15% 95% 10% 20% 4% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 104 581 85 1040 102 4.80 89 13.7 101 .17 81 34.40 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *RB Absolute Advantage #*K C F Bennett Absolute LCC Absolute Consensus 7204 +*R B Lady Party 167-305 19041965 #LCC Consensus Objective 2041 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #LCC Prime Objective 0419 21 LCC ABSOLUTE REVELATION
$M +31 95% $W +62 35% $F +127 2% $G +74 10% $B +201 2% $C +292 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-21-2021 · Bull *20180117 · Tattoo: 1720 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 67 75 13 1 87 38 66 23 87 67 21 3 9 4 23 3 13 84 29 50 85 70 $AxH: +209 2% $AxJ: +199 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.1 +78 +138 +.8 +1.01 +12 +22 -19 +54 +1.47 +.76 -.047 45% 50% 10% 10% 25% 40% 15% 80% 60% 35% 2% 30% 2% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 89 100 725 100 1279 100 7.02 132 15.5 102 .26 130 39.30 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #+*G A R Prophet #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 *2 Bar C Prophet 4079 +G A R Objective 1885 18201984 +*G A R Daybreak M641 #MCC Daybreak +*G A R Objective 1357 22
$M +71 30% $W +72 15% $F +87 45% $G +98 1% $B +186 5% $C +312 4% LOT Birth Date: 10-25-2021 · Bull +*20247602 · Tattoo: 1046 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 76 69 13 21 91 46 59 17 50 55 89 61 52 33 2 25 3 10 99 47 7 24 $AxH: +173 10% $AxJ: +150 15%





February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 13 16-Month-Old Bulls 28A G A R Complete N281 - Granddam of Lot 28A LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +3.9 +92 +157 +1.3 +.78 +7 +28 -42 +89 +.98 +1.01 -.042 70% 95% 1% 2% 2% 60% 65% 35% 95% 1% 20% 10% 3% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 99 771 112 1187 108 5.46 91 14.7 99 .23 110 37.69 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 28A
$M +59 65% $W +78 10% $F +130 1% $G +78 10% $B +208 2% $C +329 2% LOT Birth Date: 11-22-2021 · Bull +*20255449 · Tattoo: 1537 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 90 97 1 4 97 2 66 90 72 63 31 5 3 1 18 7 6 89 99 21 13 52 $AxH: +178 10% $AxJ: +203 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -2 +3.7 +79 +151 +.6 +1.22 +3 +26 -33 +58 +1.02 +.83 -.032 95% 95% 10% 4% 45% 30% 90% 50% 90% 25% 15% 20% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 93 121 659 104 1257 112 5.19 98 16.9 118 .26 104 39.28 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008 +*LFF Cowboy Up 7015 #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 18901945 +*Vintage Rita 5012 #*V A R Generation 2100 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 25
$M +41 95% $W +63 35% $F +102 20% $G +77 10% $B +178 10% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 12-20-2021 · Bull *20314524 · Tattoo: 1111 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 94 82 43 11 70 87 52 8 96 56 73 43 43 55 19 43 16 7 84 9 80 57 $AxH: +165 10% $AxJ: +150 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +13 -.4 +54 +94 +.5 +.91 +13 +19 +1 +45 +1.21 +1.25 -.066 10% 20% 75% 75% 55% 50% 10% 95% 15% 60% 10% 1% 1% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 91 100 775 100 1273 100 5.46 103 18.0 118 .19 95 39.71 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*Vintage Henrietta Pride 5090 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18067406 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T 26
$M +59 65% $W +51 70% $F +88 45% $G +94 2% $B +182 10% $C +295 10% LOT Birth Date: 11-07-2021 · Bull +*20226781 · Tattoo: 1063 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 22 22 86 81 12 64 59 13 98 43 87 88 78 60 5 2 1 90 4 96 49 45 $AxH: +185 5% $AxJ: +172 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +13 -.7 +68 +122 +.2 +.44 +13 +33 -25 +44 +1.18 +1.10 -.043 10% 15% 30% 30% 85% 80% 10% 15% 75% 60% 10% 3% 3% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 31 100 543 100 1026 100 4.60 87 14.9 98 .15 75 34.08 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Ten X 9067 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 19606729 LFF Mc 4087 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 LFF Complete 2030 by 8009 27
$M +63 50% $W +74 10% $F +84 50% $G +89 2% $B +173 15% $C +287 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-17-2021 · Bull +*20193605 · Tattoo: 1001 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 12 16 55 37 73 72 57 63 60 30 18 41 59 54 5 4 3 94 31 57 50 8 $AxH: +192 3% $AxJ: +174 10%







14 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old
CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +3.4 +100 +180 +1.4 +.88 +12 +31 -65 +95 +.62 +1.46 -.092 20% 90% 1% 1% 1% 50% 15% 20% 95% 1% 50% 1% 1% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 100 615 100 1037 100 4.97 84 14.7 115 .08 44 31.08 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748
$M +40 95% $W +83 3% $F +144 1% $G +71 15% $B +215 1% $C +319 3% LOT Birth Date: 09-17-2021 · Bull +*20155751 · Tattoo: 1730 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 36 90 1 1 100 2 25 63 77 39 27 1 1 1 55 1 1 86 27 89 55 88 $AxH: +202 2% $AxJ: +253 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +2.2 +92 +171 +1.0 +1.17 +11 +24 -56 +74 +1.08 +.93 -.032 35% 75% 1% 1% 10% 30% 20% 70% 95% 5% 15% 15% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 68 100 615 100 1017 100 6.18 105 12.3 96 .13 72 37.05 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748
$M +43 95% $W +73 15% $F +122 3% $G +81 5% $B +203 2% $C +306 5% LOT Birth Date: 09-16-2021 · Bull +*20155750 · Tattoo: 1732 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 44 66 2 1 96 16 22 60 58 32 72 2 6 4 13 16 10 42 73 58 15 98 $AxH: +203 2% $AxJ: +210 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +5.2 +98 +163 +1.0 +.27 +4 +18 -54 +89 +1.15 +1.04 -.036 75% 95% 1% 1% 10% 85% 85% 95% 95% 1% 10% 5% 4% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 85 108 716 104 1097 99 5.24 87 13.9 93 .18 86 35.84 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 28B
$M +33 95% $W +66 25% $F +129 1% $G +86 3% $B +215 1% $C +312 4% LOT Birth Date: 11-11-2021 · Bull +*20255440 · Tattoo: 1340 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 94 100 1 5 98 13 86 50 92 94 91 1 3 1 15 4 5 60 85 88 5 31 $AxH: +213 2% $AxJ: +226 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 +1.5 +86 +157 +1.0 +.67 +11 +23 -43 +65 +1.48 +.97 -.002 10% 60% 3% 2% 10% 65% 20% 75% 95% 15% 2% 10% 30% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 55 100 551 100 1111 100 7.58 128 12.8 100 .27 150 34.82 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748
$M +44 95% $W +72 15% $F +108 10% $G +98 1% $B +206 2% $C +311 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-09-2021 · Bull +*20160034 · Tattoo: 1260 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 34 74 8 3 95 17 57 69 95 68 77 7 9 11 2 11 29 90 67 32 13 80 $AxH: +210 2% $AxJ: +219 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.8 +94 +175 +1.4 +.80 +10 +37 -69 +77 +1.10 +.90 -.018 30% 65% 1% 1% 1% 55% 30% 3% 95% 3% 10% 15% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 84 108 718 104 1172 106 6.09 101 15.2 102 .28 133 35.94 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748
$M +28 95% $W +85 2% $F +122 3% $G +80 5% $B +202 2% $C +290 15% LOT Birth Date: 11-11-2021 · Bull +*20255442 · Tattoo: 1129 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 20 32 2 1 96 4 32 65 87 58 5 1 1 2 9 16 14 62 69 63 39 67 $AxH: +175 10% $AxJ: +203 2%








February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 15 16-Month-Old Bulls 30 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +15 +1.1 +92 +149 +.8 +.99 +13 +22 -44 +73 +1.18 +1.11 +.011 2% 50% 1% 4% 25% 45% 10% 80% 95% 5% 10% 3% 50% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 69 95 867 127 1203 118 6.06 113 14.7 109 .26 124 36.44 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LCC Jet Up 8427 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19312515 LCC Upward 10X 4207 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A LCC Upward Complete 2074 32
$M +52 80% $W +82 3% $F +113 10% $G +85 4% $B +198 3% $C +309 5% LOT Birth Date: 09-12-2021 · Bull *20203548 · Tattoo: 1847 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 14 56 8 40 55 65 44 7 98 29 80 13 25 13 13 6 57 95 36 47 15 18 $AxH: +216 1% $AxJ: +220 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +2.0 +83 +147 +1.1 +1.10 +11 +28 -59 +70 +1.42 +1.06 +.001 35% 70% 5% 5% 5% 35% 20% 35% 95% 10% 2% 5% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 104 894 131 1222 120 6.74 126 15.1 112 .33 157 39.52 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*LCC Lucys Storm 7919 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19041107 +*VC 7008 of V107 4526 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FWY Lucy V107
$M +28 95% $W +70 20% $F +113 10% $G +96 1% $B +209 1% $C +299 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-25-2021 · Bull *20203556 · Tattoo: 1791 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 37 54 14 6 69 19 35 7 93 41 35 2 10 16 2 13 39 91 60 91 88 25 $AxH: +199 3% $AxJ: +203 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 +0 +69 +125 +.7 +.28 +16 +20 -27 +58 +.89 +.96 +.011 10% 25% 30% 25% 35% 85% 1% 90% 80% 25% 25% 10% 50% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 82 112 736 108 1131 111 4.63 86 14.4 107 .20 95 38.65 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*LCC Lucys Acclaim 8127 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19237029 +*VC 7008 of V107 4526 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FWY Lucy V107
$M +42 95% $W +59 45% $F +105 15% $G +69 15% $B +174 15% $C +268 25% LOT Birth Date: 10-04-2021 · Bull *20203551 · Tattoo: 1827 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 6 11 46 50 63 63 94 63 98 4 88 40 44 39 36 18 64 93 3 90 33 65 $AxH: +168 10% $AxJ: +172 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +4.3 +96 +169 +.8 +.68 +8 +16 -47 +72 +1.25 +1.14 +.008 70% 95% 1% 1% 25% 65% 55% 95% 95% 10% 5% 3% 45% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 83 120 603 88 1110 108 6.78 126 13.7 101 .18 86 36.07 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LCC Busters Black Lady 9645 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19551874 *LCC Busters Objective 6415 +*2 Bar Buster 3543 LCC 10X Objective 4153 30
$M +47 90% $W +65 30% $F +128 2% $G +88 3% $B +217 1% $C +328 2% LOT Birth Date: 09-16-2021 · Bull *20203460 · Tattoo: 1964 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 72 88 2 4 80 25 48 11 87 34 91 2 5 3 8 2 46 51 85 51 42 19 $AxH: +234 1% $AxJ: +239 1% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +.4 +79 +140 +.8 +.60 +12 +23 -42 +70 +.96 +1.20 -.022 20% 30% 10% 10% 25% 70% 15% 75% 95% 10% 20% 2% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 113 796 117 1132 111 5.38 100 16.4 121 .20 95 39.07 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LCC Jet Journey 9719 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19534387 +*LCC Crossed Up Journey 7191 #+*WR Journey-1X74 +*LCC 10X Cross Up 3603
$M +45 95% $W +69 20% $F +125 2% $G +78 10% $B +203 2% $C +308 5% LOT Birth Date: 09-16-2021 · Bull *20203494 · Tattoo: 1919 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 19 25 31 16 38 42 74 3 99 8 73 17 31 14 19 11 28 84 35 34 13 14 $AxH: +213 2% $AxJ: +221 1%




39 2 BAR PEYTON 1516


16 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old
37 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +3.2 +92 +151 +.6 +1.58 +9 +35 -50 +77 +.84 +.95 +.022 90% 90% 1% 4% 45% 15% 40% 10% 95% 3% 30% 10% 65% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 101 738 116 1264 112 4.32 82 15.1 106 .25 100 37.29 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S *Poss Maverick 21AR O Lass 7017 18962396 Poss Pride 5163 +*Poss Hoover Dam 2509 +Poss Pride 9526 +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Ten X 7149 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 19084807 LFF Mc 4087 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 LFF Complete 2030 by 8009 38 LFF MAVERICK 1036 $M +67 40% $W +87 1% $F +114 10% $G +65 20% $B +180 10% $C +300 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-19-2021 · Bull *20216788 · Tattoo: 1036 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 87 90 1 10 93 9 3 7 65 14 20 2 3 3 32 17 78 31 93 14 4 75 $AxH: +178 10% $AxJ: +161 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +3.0 +89 +158 I+1.4 I+1.02 +9 +28 -44 I+82 I+1.09 I+.78 I+.025 30% 85% 2% 2% 1% 40% 40% 35% 95% 2% 10% 30% 70% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 75 111 531 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 #*EXAR Denver 2002B *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Blackcap 0A32 18675107 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress #+*G A R Progress +Edgewood Lady 968 *G A R Inertia *G A R Momentum +*2 Bar Inertia 9596 +*G A R Prophet 2984 19704808 +*2 Bar Rampage 7428 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*2 Bar Insure 5146
$M +57 70% $W +72 15% $F +133 1% $G +75 10% $B +208 2% $C +327 2% LOT Birth Date: 09-27-2021 · Bull 20143807 · Tattoo: 1516 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $AxH: +163 10% $AxJ: +177 5% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +3.5 +80 +141 +.5 +.72 +8 +8 -33 +59 +.77 +.98 -.010 20% 95% 10% 10% 55% 60% 55% 95% 90% 25% 35% 10% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 81 111 748 110 1105 108 4.45 83 15.5 115 .19 90 36.51 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Rita 8143 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19237033 +*LCC 10X Rita 5022 #+*Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM +*LCC 10X Cross Up 3603
$M +27 95% $W +45 85% $F +111 10% $G +65 20% $B +176 10% $C +255 40% LOT Birth Date: 09-14-2021 · Bull *20203550 · Tattoo: 1814 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 41 90 17 18 47 62 68 23 100 52 100 10 23 20 35 11 32 70 67 38 2 74 $AxH: +191 4% $AxJ: +189 3% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +1.3 +73 +131 +.6 +1.56 +14 +23 -27 +62 +1.31 +1.09 +.039 35% 55% 20% 20% 45% 15% 4% 75% 80% 20% 4% 4% 85% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 85 100 708 100 1199 100 5.24 99 15.4 101 .25 125 39.33 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 LFF Mc 4087 #Executa of Conanga 939 18194628 LFF Complete 2030 by 8009 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #+LFF Objective 8009 of 272 36
$M +60 60% $W +65 30% $F +109 10% $G +88 3% $B +197 3% $C +316 3% LOT Birth Date: 10-26-2021 · Bull +*20216792 · Tattoo: 1050 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 25 26 18 23 56 45 10 30 60 9 37 16 18 32 8 4 58 100 69 34 81 30 $AxH: +207 2% $AxJ: +192 3% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.8 +67 +122 +.4 +.85 +9 +18 -16 +62 +1.48 +1.18 -.006 30% 65% 35% 30% 65% 55% 40% 95% 50% 20% 2% 2% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 82 112 667 98 1165 100 6.23 116 14.5 107 .33 157 37.02 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*LCC Rampage Crossover 6062 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 *LCC Power Cross 8666 +*LCC Upward Crossover 0104 19361880 *LCC Power Advantage 6493 +*44 Power Broker 4292D LCC Neutrons Advantage 4630
$M +43 95% $W +54 60% $F +113 10% $G +101 1% $B +214 1% $C +321 3% LOT Birth Date: 09-30-2021 · Bull *20182560 · Tattoo: 1836 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 20 24 67 51 44 92 57 50 99 81 71 53 67 48 5 5 12 93 31 48 45 4 $AxH: +234 1% $AxJ: +215 1%







February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 17 16-Month-Old Bulls CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +2.3 +63 +114 +.5 +.52 +7 +24 -31 +41 +.80 +.36 +.032 75% 75% 45% 40% 55% 75% 65% 70% 85% 70% 30% 85% 80% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 96 627 92 1053 103 4.93 92 13.9 103 .22 105 36.40 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A LCC Speed Up 7317 #S A V Madame Pride 1134 19078679 CLL Up Shots Destiny 3175 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B CLL Predestined Yield 1752
$M +28 95% $W +52 65% $F +83 55% $G +55 35% $B +138 50% $C +207 85% LOT Birth Date: 09-21-2021 · Bull *20179872 · Tattoo: 1731 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 92 90 31 38 78 29 68 76 93 72 57 19 20 53 36 88 75 69 65 48 98 78 $AxH: +83 60% $AxJ: +50 70% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +2.0 +71 +127 +.7 +.92 +15 +18 -29 +58 +1.27 +.82 +.014 45% 70% 25% 25% 35% 50% 2% 95% 85% 25% 5% 25% 55% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 81 108 820 120 1062 104 6.65 124 15.2 113 .26 124 35.64 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*LCC Lady 10X 7193 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 19043017 +*LCC Upward Crossover 0104 #*Sitz Upward 307R FG Crossover 8046 of 601
$M +56 70% $W +55 55% $F +104 15% $G +85 4% $B +189 5% $C +301 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-30-2021 · Bull *20252826 · Tattoo: 1744 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 37 69 24 21 74 27 45 57 32 2 84 9 18 14 7 11 40 57 73 37 37 97 $AxH: +186 4% $AxJ: +181 4% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +3.3 +96 +176 +1.0 +1.00 +14 +18 -54 +85 +1.05 +.70 +.004 70% 90% 1% 1% 10% 45% 4% 95% 95% 1% 15% 40% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 73 100 710 100 1219 100 6.94 104 15.5 103 .27 87 38.25 +*K C F Bennett Consent Y75 #*Connealy Consensus +*K C F Bennett Summation +K C F Miss Protege W148 19125179 *Thomas Patricia 9705 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +Thomas Patricia 71138 *EXAR Monumental 6056B 3F Epic 4631 +*EXAR Rita 1658 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 19168354 *EXAR Rita 4W25 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*DZ Fut Dir 4268 2D08
$M +40 95% $W +67 25% $F +131 1% $G +73 10% $B +204 2% $C +305 5% LOT Birth Date: 12-25-2021 · Bull +*20279446 · Tattoo: 1394 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 59 75 2 1 100 16 28 22 87 6 88 2 5 3 9 62 73 96 68 88 63 22 $AxH: +176 10% $AxJ: +170 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +0 +3.4 +81 +151 +.8 +2.53 +6 +23 -46 +67 +.88 +.54 -.009 90% 90% 10% 4% 25% 1% 75% 75% 95% 10% 25% 65% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 82 108 730 107 1092 107 5.36 100 11.8 87 .23 110 40.47 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*LCC 10X Crossed Up 3009 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A LCC Crossed Up Lady 6320 +*LCC Upward Crossover 0104 18755205 LCC Precision Advantage 3200 +*Lone Star Advantage E753 +L C C Precision EXT 2000 41
$M +44 95% $W +60 40% $F +110 10% $G +64 20% $B +174 15% $C +270 25% LOT Birth Date: 10-14-2021 · Bull *20199641 · Tattoo: 1632 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 97 96 3 1 98 11 1 29 41 54 48 1 4 6 33 54 26 45 64 94 70 39 $AxH: +105 45% $AxJ: +83 50% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +2.8 +69 +127 +.9 +1.11 +5 +32 -44 +60 +.79 +.86 +.007 75% 85% 30% 25% 15% 35% 80% 15% 95% 25% 30% 20% 45% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 66 91 623 91 1097 107 6.57 122 13.2 98 .27 129 38.60 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*44 Power Broker 4292D #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A LCC Power Lady 8274 +*GAR/DRMCTR Objective 9J60 19352997 LCC Complete Yield 2748 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Omaha Grade 7480
$M +46 90% $W +60 40% $F +110 10% $G +63 25% $B +174 15% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 09-17-2021 · Bull *20179870 · Tattoo: 1874 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 79 83 19 17 65 11 43 74 14 74 13 5 4 7 39 16 42 20 95 86 39 99 $AxH: +148 20% $AxJ: +157 10%







18 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old
45 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +.8 +70 +126 +.6 +1.27 +12 +27 -25 +53 +.86 +.91 +.002 35% 40% 25% 25% 45% 25% 15% 45% 75% 40% 25% 15% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 64 95 782 115 1065 104 5.45 101 15.0 111 .27 129 37.41 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In *LCC All In Lady 9747 +*DCF Lucy B84 19643671 +*LCC Lady Rampage 7748 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*LCC 10X Cross Up 3603 47
$M +53 80% $W +67 25% $F +94 30% $G +68 15% $B +161 20% $C +262 30% LOT Birth Date: 09-11-2021 · Bull *20179881 · Tattoo: 1974 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 27 13 45 41 62 51 15 21 94 25 50 51 69 42 30 27 44 67 73 97 82 8 $AxH: +158 15% $AxJ: +159 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.5 +79 +140 +.7 +1.18 +5 +30 -30 +68 +.57 +.59 +.031 60% 60% 10% 10% 35% 30% 80% 25% 85% 10% 55% 55% 75% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 103 666 106 1181 107 4.58 91 14.5 94 .23 110 38.71 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 +*Vintage Discovery 4384 #*V A R Discovery 2240 *Sexton Discovery 7S37 +*44 Blackcap 6271 19147122 +Sexton Conversion 4S04 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221
$M +65 45% $W +78 10% $F +108 10% $G +47 55% $B +155 30% $C +266 30% LOT Birth Date: 11-01-2021 · Bull *20228084 · Tattoo: 1S41 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 56 63 12 8 87 30 25 31 21 78 31 18 24 8 46 64 75 77 89 80 8 58 $AxH: +112 40% $AxJ: +93 45% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.5 +80 +144 +1.3 +0 +5 +37 -40 +71 +.60 +1.45 -.053 70% 80% 10% 10% 2% 95% 80% 3% 95% 10% 55% 1% 1% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 74 101 859 126 1149 113 5.56 104 16.5 122 .19 90 31.87 #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *LCC Generation Rito 7502 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19039532 +*LCC 10X Rita 5022 #+*Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM +*LCC 10X Cross Up 3603 *Freys Opportunity 148A BSAR Opportunity 9114 *LCC Lady Opportunity 8508 #F A R Princess 214X 19237034 LCC Bextors Rampage 5081 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Bextors Predestined 0815
$M +46 90% $W +78 10% $F +112 10% $G +67 20% $B +180 10% $C +279 20% LOT Birth Date: 10-11-2021 · Bull *20199635 · Tattoo: 1850 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 92 96 7 2 78 4 87 25 82 81 2 6 10 5 39 1 1 59 26 79 87 65 $AxH: +150 20% $AxJ: +192 3% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +3.5 +89 +157 +.9 +1.54 +10 +24 -40 +76 +.89 +.53 +.027 60% 95% 2% 2% 15% 15% 30% 70% 95% 4% 25% 65% 70% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 112 782 115 1240 122 6.74 126 15.6 116 .33 157 38.48 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite LCC Jet Black Lass 9260 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19533438 LCC Pioneers Midland 2600 #S A V Pioneer 7301 +LCC Midlands Design 6004
$M +64 50% $W +72 15% $F +117 4% $G +62 25% $B +179 10% $C +296 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-30-2021 · Bull *20199651 · Tattoo: 1960 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 79 85 5 13 89 14 16 50 48 45 73 11 8 7 25 76 74 18 78 91 54 29 $AxH: +142 20% $AxJ: +130 25% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -1 +4.2 +79 +146 +1.0 +.53 +7 +23 -47 +75 +.80 +1.01 +.004 95% 95% 10% 10% 10% 75% 65% 75% 95% 4% 30% 10% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 81 117 811 119 1129 111 5.04 94 15.1 112 .14 67 34.71 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 *G A R Inertia *G A R Momentum LCC Lady Inertia 9340 +*G A R Prophet 2984 19533443 LCC Consensus Design 3403 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #LCC 878 Expectation 4039
$M +36 95% $W +56 55% $F +123 3% $G +66 20% $B +189 5% $C +281 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-06-2021 · Bull *20199636 · Tattoo: 1934 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 95 38 8 78 14 46 11 76 71 82 13 18 15 34 11 39 55 94 93 84 26 $AxH: +158 15% $AxJ: +174 10%






February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 19 16-Month-Old Bulls 52 50 LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.7 +57 +112 +.7 +1.50 +9 +25 -17 +52 +.77 +1.14 -.018 60% 65% 65% 45% 35% 15% 40% 60% 50% 40% 35% 3% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 75 96 599 94 1161 103 5.34 101 17.4 122 .26 104 38.38 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N LFF Conversion 5056 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 18540077 LFF Pioneer 1028 of 4042 #S A V Pioneer 7301 LFF Angelic Expectation 4042 52 LFF UNANIMOUS 1085 $M +44 95% $W +50 70% $F +107 15% $G +68 15% $B +175 10% $C +271 25% LOT Birth Date: 11-28-2021 · Bull *20314498 · Tattoo: 1085 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 49 36 47 24 60 13 18 59 98 46 35 39 26 25 34 3 17 39 5 64 13 77 $AxH: +158 15% $AxJ: +160 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +3.1 +85 +141 +.5 +.68 +11 +15 -22 +60 +.72 +.77 +.022 60% 90% 4% 10% 55% 65% 20% 95% 65% 25% 40% 30% 65% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 101 635 100 1165 103 4.74 90 14.4 101 .38 152 40.48 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*LFF Generation 7082 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18966373 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +63 50% $W +66 25% $F +99 25% $G +57 35% $B +156 30% $C +265 30% LOT Birth Date: 11-25-2021 · Bull *20314495 · Tattoo: 1081 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 66 77 4 18 65 48 73 32 61 27 92 19 32 12 40 23 55 87 49 83 68 17 $AxH: +127 30% $AxJ: +93 45% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -2 +4.8 +75 +136 +.7 +1.75 +4 +17 -17 +46 +.86 +.54 +.008 95% 95% 15% 15% 35% 10% 85% 95% 50% 55% 25% 65% 45% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 87 112 619 98 1168 104 4.57 87 14.0 98 .31 124 41.22 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *LFF Conversion 5037 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 18540073 LFF Pioneer 1027 of 4038 #S A V Pioneer 7301 LFF Hyline 4038
$M +52 80% $W +51 70% $F +86 45% $G +62 25% $B +148 35% $C +244 50% LOT Birth Date: 11-23-2021 · Bull *20314492 · Tattoo: 1078 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 74 83 23 30 68 35 22 64 84 48 84 56 53 63 9 72 59 42 75 25 12 59 $AxH: +99 50% $AxJ: +76 55% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -3 +4.2 +77 +132 +.6 +.94 +6 +21 -15 +51 +.28 +1.17 -.037 95% 95% 15% 15% 45% 45% 75% 85% 45% 45% 85% 2% 4% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 85 109 660 104 1182 105 6.75 128 15.0 105 .32 128 38.51 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *LFF Conversion 5103 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 18540076 LFF Complete 1045 of 6056 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #LFF Expectation 6056 of 3048
$M +59 65% $W +62 35% $F +85 50% $G +47 55% $B +132 60% $C +230 65% LOT Birth Date: 12-02-2021 · Bull *20314505 · Tattoo: 1092 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 90 4 14 93 19 46 97 73 53 80 19 29 17 82 1 7 73 37 46 55 46 $AxH: +105 45% $AxJ: +113 30%



LFF TEN X 1059

20 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old Bulls 57 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 -.7 +93 +159 +.2 +.62 +9 +24 -41 +63 +1.42 +.88 -.016 15% 15% 1% 2% 85% 70% 40% 70% 95% 20% 2% 15% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 73 100 709 100 1141 100 7.52 113 15.7 105 .31 100 39.28 *Musgrave 316 Stunner +*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *Bar W Ashland 9208 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19512439 *Bar W Sunrise 7114 +*G A R Sunrise +*Bar W Power Tool 3011 57 LCC ICONIC ASHLAND 1463 $M +73 25% $W +87 1% $F +100 20% $G +95 2% $B +194 3% $C +325 2% LOT Birth Date: 12-26-2021 · Bull +*20281663 · Tattoo: 1463 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 11 14 9 11 97 92 65 3 57 42 62 18 76 32 4 24 15 89 93 20 21 11 $AxH: +234 1% $AxJ: +209 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A North Star 06B6 +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18703064 Berger 2306B #*G A R Predestined Berger 2306 59 HOMETOWN NORTH STAR
$M N/A N/A $W N/A N/A $F N/A N/A $G N/A N/A $B N/A N/A $C N/A N/A LOT Birth Date: 09-23-2021 · Bull 20219154 · Tattoo: 6B6D CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $AxH: N/A N/A $AxJ: N/A N/A CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +16 -1.0 +64 +115 +.4 +.95 +13 +21 -16 +38 +1.25 +.66 -.030 1% 10% 45% 40% 65% 45% 10% 85% 50% 75% 5% 45% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 74 94 560 109 N/A N/A 5.25 98 12.6 102 .11 69 N/A +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A North Star 309E +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18703065 Berger 2309 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 #Deer Creek Precision 2304 60
$M +63 50% $W +59 45% $F +76 70% $G +85 4% $B +161 20% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 09-29-2021 · Bull 20219153 · Tattoo: 09E4 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 1 6 81 59 72 85 33 78 32 50 78 63 53 84 4 60 12 82 16 87 31 19 $AxH: +164 10% $AxJ: +148 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -1 +2.5 +65 +122 +.8 +.47 +9 +28 -20 +56 +.55 +.83 -.040 95% 80% 40% 30% 25% 75% 40% 35% 60% 30% 60% 20% 3% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 83 108 661 104 1203 107 4.83 91 14.1 99 .26 104 35.62 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #*K C F Bennett Absolute #*S A V Final Answer 0035 *LFF Absolute 7026 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 18903198 LFF SitzUp 0133 of 7018 #*Sitz Upward 307R #LFF RP 7018 of 3048 54
1109 $M +52 80% $W +59 45% $F +96 30% $G +55 35% $B +152 30% $C +249 45% LOT Birth Date: 12-15-2021 · Bull *20314522 · Tattoo: 1109 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 84 39 19 90 9 63 84 81 21 22 53 37 21 48 21 6 52 54 47 67 52 $AxH: +75 65% $AxJ: +56 65% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +3.4 +70 +123 +.8 +1.44 +8 +29 -7 +54 +.97 +.57 +.007 55% 90% 25% 30% 25% 20% 55% 30% 25% 35% 20% 60% 45% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 100 100 713 100 1166 100 5.49 100 13.3 100 .27 100 38.77 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 #S S Traveler 6807 T510 +LFF Objective 3043 of 2232 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 17871039 G A R 1407 New Design 2232 #Bon View New Design 1407 +G A R Precision 2610 55
$M +87 4% $W +68 25% $F +89 40% $G +68 15% $B +157 25% $C +291 10% LOT Birth Date: 12-10-2021 · Bull *20314518 · Tattoo: 1105 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 52 79 29 38 76 30 17 68 49 86 36 78 65 26 15 63 61 85 22 27 28 96 $AxH: +64 70% $AxJ: +42 70% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +2.1 +65 +111 +.9 +.93 +12 +27 -23 +39 +.75 +.42 +.020 45% 70% 40% 50% 15% 45% 15% 45% 70% 75% 35% 80% 65% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 104 723 114 1197 106 5.23 99 14.9 104 .38 152 37.68 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17906840 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T #*S A V Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 LFF Final Answer 1002 of 483 S A V Emulous 8145 17303437 +G A R H141 Precision 483 #Whitestone Precision H141 G A R Prime Time 2409 56
$M +53 80% $W +61 40% $F +71 80% $G +54 40% $B +126 70% $C +216 75% LOT Birth Date: 11-03-2021 · Bull 20216798 · Tattoo: 1059 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 50 77 14 37 81 3 44 72 80 19 32 17 12 39 48 73 60 63 18 51 15 4 $AxH: +51 80% $AxJ: +35 75%








February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 21 16-Month-Old Bulls CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 -1.0 +48 +98 +.3 +.16 +3 +36 -8 +39 +1.29 +.71 +.028 55% 10% 85% 70% 75% 90% 90% 4% 25% 75% 4% 40% 75% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 94 557 88 1099 98 4.81 91 14.9 104 .24 96 38.65 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #TC Aberdeen 759 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 #LFF Aberdeen 0163 of 6074 #+TC Blackbird 4034 16800788 +LFF 1407 6074 of 4634 #Bon View New Design 1407 RAB-GAR MS Primetime 4634K 65
1107 $M +62 55% $W +58 50% $F +85 50% $G +83 4% $B +167 15% $C +279 20% LOT Birth Date: 12-15-2021 · Bull 20314520 · Tattoo: 1107 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 78 28 79 39 44 65 97 85 34 97 16 82 65 60 2 45 79 44 100 29 42 25 $AxH: +156 15% $AxJ: +125 25% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +1.9 +71 +126 +.4 +.90 +5 +25 -32 +46 +.96 +.61 -.001 90% 65% 25% 25% 65% 50% 80% 60% 90% 55% 20% 55% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 62 90 668 105 1116 99 6.11 116 14.1 99 .30 120 39.28 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Ten X 9081 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 19606740 #LFF Ingenuity 6127 +G A R Ingenuity AB266 LFF Aberdeen 1076 of 9027 66
$M +55 75% $W +63 35% $F +82 55% $G +68 15% $B +150 35% $C +250 45% LOT Birth Date: 11-24-2021 · Bull *20314494 · Tattoo: 1080 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 87 62 45 29 79 79 55 19 54 61 74 26 45 65 18 65 51 62 77 40 44 57 $AxH: +100 50% $AxJ: +58 65% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +1.4 +70 +132 +.8 +1.06 +4 +34 -25 +48 +.82 +.54 -.008 55% 55% 25% 15% 25% 40% 85% 10% 75% 50% 30% 65% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 74 95 657 104 1163 103 4.43 84 14.5 101 .31 124 34.68 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #*S A V Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 LFF Fa 3072 of 0153 S A V Emulous 8145 17836195 #LFF 2037 0153 of 8028 Legacy Mile High 2037 +LFF 1407 8028 of 1588 67
$M +51 85% $W +72 15% $F +82 55% $G +61 25% $B +143 45% $C +236 60% LOT Birth Date: 12-23-2021 · Bull 20314530 · Tattoo: 1118 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 75 75 23 4 95 8 22 53 88 87 10 27 5 32 31 65 32 34 88 90 41 14 $AxH: +96 55% $AxJ: +78 55% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +1.9 +81 +143 +.9 +.72 +6 +27 -31 +71 +.84 +.95 -.015 85% 65% 10% 10% 15% 60% 75% 45% 85% 10% 30% 10% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 70 100 674 106 1168 103 5.11 97 14.8 103 .22 88 38.25 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Ten X 9124 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 19645356 LFF Reserve 4038 #+*V A R Reserve 1111 LFF 8S07 2053 of 6040 61
$M +73 25% $W +75 10% $F +116 5% $G +69 15% $B +184 10% $C +312 4% LOT Birth Date: 11-23-2021 · Bull *20314493 · Tattoo: 1079 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 82 65 13 13 82 39 65 23 19 75 54 35 36 12 30 15 23 79 56 7 15 76 $AxH: +164 10% $AxJ: +164 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 -.8 +72 +136 +.6 +1.00 +13 +22 -34 +47 +1.47 +.71 +.006 15% 15% 20% 15% 45% 45% 10% 80% 90% 55% 2% 40% 45% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 94 584 92 1077 95 6.42 122 13.4 94 .20 80 33.29 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*LFF Generation 7086 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18966377 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 62
$M +51 85% $W +62 35% $F +94 30% $G +93 2% $B +188 5% $C +295 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-19-2021 · Bull *20247597 · Tattoo: 1035 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 19 8 42 10 66 47 38 4 76 45 88 13 22 65 2 39 49 52 79 23 70 33 $AxH: +196 3% $AxJ: +173 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +.1 +71 +130 +.7 +.94 +8 +24 -19 +58 +.92 +.92 +.005 60% 25% 25% 20% 35% 45% 55% 70% 60% 25% 20% 15% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 45 68 578 91 1077 95 4.36 83 15.1 106 .17 68 37.49 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*LFF Cowboy Up 7004 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *LFF Cowboy Up 9078 +*Vintage Rita 5012 19608752 *LFF Conversion 7098 +*LFF Conversion 3050 of 1009 LFF Complement 4067
$M +65 45% $W +67 25% $F +104 15% $G +70 15% $B +174 15% $C +291 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-29-2021 · Bull *20247453 · Tattoo: 1008 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 92 51 9 7 79 12 42 61 36 60 79 20 25 6 24 15 50 25 87 27 76 70 $AxH: +165 10% $AxJ: +158 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -4 +2.8 +74 +136 +.6 +1.08 +3 +32 -27 +57 +1.28 +.57 -.003 95% 85% 20% 15% 45% 40% 90% 15% 80% 30% 4% 60% 30% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 82 109 608 96 1130 100 6.73 127 13.8 97 .24 96 36.68 SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*LFF Conversion 3050 of 1009 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 LFF Conversion 8112 +*LFF Summitcrest 1009 of 8036 19318216 #LFF 2037 0153 of 8028 Legacy Mile High 2037 +LFF 1407 8028 of 1588
$M +55 75% $W +70 20% $F +95 30% $G +83 4% $B +178 10% $C +286 15% LOT Birth Date: 12-22-2021 · Bull *20314529 · Tattoo: 1116 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 74 28 15 76 52 31 17 95 78 23 34 46 29 4 58 49 70 100 19 58 24 $AxH: +135 25% $AxJ: +101 40%








22 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old Bulls 69B 68 LOT LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 +.6 +83 +146 +.9 +.57 +7 +27 -40 +80 +1.31 +.61 +.004 10% 35% 5% 10% 15% 70% 65% 45% 95% 2% 4% 55% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 71 90 663 96 1097 99 6.97 116 15.1 101 .21 100 35.03 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +37 95% $W +77 10% $F +124 2% $G +84 4% $B +208 2% $C +307 5% LOT Birth Date: 11-17-2021 · Bull +*20255446 · Tattoo: 1416 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 14 41 10 13 93 9 61 65 100 86 57 8 7 2 4 50 50 74 53 39 47 90 $AxH: +200 2% $AxJ: +193 3% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +2.8 +81 +141 +.6 +.99 +1 +26 -40 +71 +.98 +.94 -.018 35% 85% 10% 10% 45% 45% 95% 50% 95% 10% 20% 15% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 81 103 653 95 1104 100 4.97 83 15.7 105 .22 105 39.10 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +42 95% $W +69 20% $F +110 10% $G +75 10% $B +185 10% $C +282 15% LOT Birth Date: 11-19-2021 · Bull +*20255448 · Tattoo: 1393 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 67 91 3 10 94 32 43 48 99 98 49 3 10 3 14 10 26 59 73 23 32 63 $AxH: +192 3% $AxJ: +192 3% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +14 -1.8 +61 +112 +.5 +1.58 +14 +21 -17 +43 +.94 +.98 +.003 4% 5% 50% 45% 55% 15% 4% 85% 50% 65% 20% 10% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 63 81 598 94 1056 94 4.98 94 15.3 107 .25 100 40.36 +*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*K C F Bennett Absolute #*S A V Final Answer 0035 LFF Absolute 4034 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 18196009 LFF 8S07 2077 of 6022 +Sexton Rito 8S07 of CO 3J24 LFF Newsline 6022 of 2120 68
$M +71 30% $W +57 50% $F +89 40% $G +72 15% $B +162 20% $C +281 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-27-2021 · Bull *20216793 · Tattoo: 1051 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 4 7 41 18 79 52 21 49 24 45 79 19 16 43 22 8 53 74 41 17 18 92 $AxH: +161 15% $AxJ: +156 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +2.1 +90 +149 +.6 +1.00 +2 +28 -49 +80 +1.33 +1.03 -.034 35% 70% 2% 4% 45% 45% 95% 35% 95% 2% 4% 10% 5% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 76 96 721 104 1076 97 6.36 106 16.1 108 .18 86 38.28 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +40 95% $W +82 3% $F +116 5% $G +94 2% $B +210 1% $C +312 4% LOT Birth Date: 11-09-2021 · Bull +*20252832 · Tattoo: 1428 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 65 81 2 13 97 31 44 53 88 99 45 2 9 2 3 12 18 83 94 28 61 52 $AxH: +231 1% $AxJ: +226 1%








February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 23 16-Month-Old Bulls 73 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +14 -1.1 +55 +93 +.3 +.14 +10 +24 +12 +38 +.97 +.84 +.027 4% 10% 70% 80% 75% 90% 30% 70% 3% 75% 20% 20% 70% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 54 74 562 89 981 89 5.49 109 16.5 106 .22 105 36.08 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 *Still Diamond Rustic 4002 *Still in the Rough 201 *Sexton Rustic 8S13 *Still Barbara Perfection 061 19459107 +Sexton Conversion 4S06 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 74 SEXTON
1S28 $M +87 4% $W +63 35% $F +84 50% $G +70 15% $B +154 30% $C +287 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-02-2021 · Bull *20228073 · Tattoo: 1S28 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 7 20 71 87 6 74 96 29 16 81 66 99 88 76 16 19 75 4 37 93 71 92 $AxH: +156 15% $AxJ: +143 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +3.2 +74 +119 +.8 +1.26 +5 +36 -16 +52 +.90 +.67 +.018 85% 90% 20% 35% 25% 25% 80% 4% 50% 40% 25% 45% 60% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 95 583 100 1073 100 7.05 111 12.8 96 .28 112 37.93 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 +*Vintage Discovery 4384 #*V A R Discovery 2240 *Sexton Discovery 7S18 +*44 Blackcap 6271 19147114 Sexton Instinct 5S43 Sexton Instinct 9S01 +Sexton Complete 2s25
$M +87 4% $W +79 5% $F +84 50% $G +65 20% $B +149 35% $C +280 20% LOT Birth Date: 11-08-2021 · Bull *20228077 · Tattoo: 1S44 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 78 87 13 43 48 23 24 42 5 73 9 63 66 24 22 38 54 25 59 70 39 46 $AxH: +112 40% $AxJ: +97 40% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 -.6 +72 +128 +.3 +.61 +14 +29 -15 +45 +1.00 +.19 +.024 20% 15% 20% 20% 75% 70% 4% 30% 45% 60% 15% 95% 70% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 76 103 568 97 1066 98 5.84 92 13.3 99 .26 104 35.41 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 +*Vintage Discovery 4384 #*V A R Discovery 2240 *Sexton Discovery 8S38 +*44 Blackcap 6271 19459115 +Sexton Complete 5S74 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 76 SEXTON PAYWEIGHT 1S49 $M +84 10% $W +77 10% $F +80 60% $G +63 25% $B +142 45% $C +268 25% LOT Birth Date: 11-28-2021 · Bull *20228081 · Tattoo: 1S49 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 2 1 32 35 90 84 71 56 3 16 44 66 74 69 10 99 84 72 90 91 50 34 $AxH: +88 60% $AxJ: +46 70% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +1.6 +79 +138 +1.0 +.86 +7 +28 -46 +59 +1.34 +.69 -.011 35% 60% 10% 10% 10% 50% 65% 35% 95% 25% 3% 40% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 101 550 107 N/A N/A 6.18 116 12.6 102 .14 88 N/A *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *North Star 418G +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18455153 +Bloom 418 Predestined / 1464 #*G A R Predestined G A R 1407 New Design 1464
DDF $M +37 95% $W +71 15% $F +92 35% $G +88 3% $B +180 10% $C +270 25% LOT Birth Date: 10-20-2021 · Bull *20219069 · Tattoo: 18G4 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 42 38 17 27 94 17 40 39 85 89 32 6 10 14 5 31 26 97 50 92 75 80 $AxH: +163 10% $AxJ: +174 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +2.7 +87 +159 +.9 +.59 +10 +23 -52 +65 +1.27 +.80 -.018 45% 85% 3% 2% 15% 70% 30% 75% 95% 15% 5% 25% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 103 658 95 1088 100 7.51 125 13.7 92 .27 129 32.28 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748
$M +28 95% $W +67 25% $F +106 15% $G +87 3% $B +193 4% $C +278 20% LOT Birth Date: 11-19-2021 · Bull +*20255443 · Tattoo: 1740 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 64 86 9 2 97 20 55 69 93 49 74 3 3 17 8 33 20 96 81 83 64 77 $AxH: +183 5% $AxJ: +173 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 -.1 +64 +120 +.4 +1.52 +6 +27 -29 +66 +.95 +.63 -.007 10% 25% 45% 35% 65% 15% 75% 45% 85% 15% 20% 50% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 55 76 675 99 979 96 4.92 92 13.3 99 .24 114 36.01 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *EXAR Stallion 7986 +*BoBo Rita 1559 18567879 *EXAR Blackcap 3385 #*Connealy Impression *EXAR Blackcap 5509 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*LCC Lucys Acclaim 8135 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19242754 +*VC 7008 of V107 4526 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FWY Lucy V107
$M +25 95% $W +61 40% $F +124 2% $G +69 15% $B +193 4% $C +275 20% LOT Birth Date: 09-14-2021 · Bull *20179865 · Tattoo: 1813 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 46 66 68 26 26 82 17 76 100 96 67 40 53 20 26 47 19 34 13 22 55 3 $AxH: +187 4% $AxJ: +154 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +2.1 +79 +146 +.9 +.80 +9 +30 -20 +68 +1.18 +.72 +.028 85% 70% 10% 10% 15% 55% 40% 25% 60% 10% 10% 35% 75% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 76 99 598 103 1110 102 6.26 98 14.0 104 .22 88 37.01 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N +Sexton Conversion 4S06 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 18176436 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 #+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 +D C C Ideal 221 of 692 8375
$M +94 1% $W +77 10% $F +115 5% $G +78 10% $B +193 4% $C +344 1% LOT Birth Date: 12-02-2021 · Bull *20228082 · Tattoo: 1S50 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 75 65 12 5 79 23 61 7 2 35 24 37 37 9 4 40 83 36 73 84 33 95 $AxH: +174 10% $AxJ: +167 10%










24 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old
CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +2.1 +72 +125 +.8 +1.09 +11 +33 -37 +41 +1.27 +.85 -.015 20% 70% 20% 25% 25% 35% 20% 15% 95% 70% 5% 20% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 77 101 654 96 955 94 6.97 130 12.9 96 .23 110 35.24 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *LCC Bextors Complete 0863 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Complete Advantage 3182 LCC Bextors Objective 8633 17695385 LCC Crossovers Answer 1829 +*Lone Star Advantage E753 #LCC Designed Crossover 8291 81 LCC BOOMERS ADVANTAGE 1318 NHF $M +44 95% $W +70 20% $F +80 60% $G +87 3% $B +167 15% $C +261 30% LOT Birth Date: 09-22-2021 · Bull 20310378 · Tattoo: 1318 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 26 51 21 49 31 37 26 8 98 48 6 30 35 60 7 18 33 94 84 44 62 47 $AxH: +159 15% $AxJ: +144 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -4 +3.6 +77 +130 +1.3 +1.26 +7 +30 -29 +63 +.88 +1.07 -.055 95% 95% 15% 20% 2% 25% 65% 25% 85% 20% 25% 4% 1% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 96 594 94 1077 96 5.73 109 14.3 100 .16 64 36.79 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *LFF Conversion 8066 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 19316275 +*Vintage Blackbird 5015 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*V A R Blackbird 2189
$M +53 80% $W +70 20% $F +108 10% $G +75 10% $B +183 10% $C +290 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-24-2021 · Bull *20219100 · Tattoo: 1044 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 100 96 5 16 59 5 37 88 83 33 24 16 4 7 30 5 3 95 83 23 17 69 $AxH: +128 30% $AxJ: +153 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +1.5 +75 +140 +1.0 +.85 +11 +31 -38 +65 +.66 +.94 -.036 55% 60% 15% 10% 10% 55% 20% 20% 95% 15% 45% 15% 4% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 67 92 568 83 846 83 4.26 79 11.8 87 .13 62 33.07 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension *LCC Acclaims Foresite 8458 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19312426 LCC Foresites Objective 4854 +DCC Rito 847 of FST X55 #LCC Objective Frontier 8541
$M +51 85% $W +71 15% $F +110 10% $G +62 25% $B +172 15% $C +274 20% LOT Birth Date: 09-16-2021 · Bull *20255439 · Tattoo: 1845 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 72 72 9 2 98 10 51 8 94 39 23 8 14 4 67 6 5 98 38 12 34 93 $AxH: +114 40% $AxJ: +105 35% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +2.9 +81 +140 +.7 +1.14 -1 +26 -37 +59 +.91 +.75 -.016 75% 85% 10% 10% 35% 35% 95% 50% 95% 25% 25% 30% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 77 101 632 93 947 93 5.09 95 11.4 84 .11 52 35.26 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus LCC Upward Consensus 2014 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 17393574 +*LCC Upward Crossover 0104 #*Sitz Upward 307R FG Crossover 8046 of 601
$M +58 65% $W +70 20% $F +93 35% $G +69 15% $B +162 20% $C +268 25% LOT Birth Date: 09-22-2021 · Bull 20180115 · Tattoo: 1201 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 91 94 3 9 97 32 34 38 28 99 63 4 12 16 14 30 31 91 99 10 18 89 $AxH: +42 80% $AxJ: +32 75% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.1 +83 +144 +.7 +0 +11 +25 -47 +67 +.70 +.82 -.029 45% 50% 5% 10% 35% 95% 20% 60% 95% 10% 40% 25% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 85 100 656 100 1162 100 4.88 84 13.6 101 .27 108 33.25 +baldridge Xpand x743 #*Hoover Dam +*Baldridge Colonel C251 Baldridge Queen S87 18493773 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Styles Upgrade J59 +Baldridge Isabel T935 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +*G A R Complete N281 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17184315 +*G A R Objective 277L #*S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 2195 77
$M +50 85% $W +74 10% $F +109 10% $G +61 25% $B +171 15% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 12-25-2021 · Bull +*20240920 · Tattoo: 1404 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 72 75 17 22 47 52 95 21 67 54 68 10 51 18 49 24 12 91 88 69 52 26 $AxH: +145 20% $AxJ: +120 30% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 +.8 +77 +135 +.7 +1.23 +12 +25 -22 +67 +.86 +.76 +.017 15% 40% 15% 15% 35% 30% 15% 60% 65% 10% 25% 30% 60% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 60 100 608 100 954 100 4.75 81 10.3 80 .21 117 40.86 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*Wilks Rita 8403 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19199868 +*EXAR Rita 8153 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +Exar Rita 9029 78
$M +68 35% $W +74 10% $F +118 4% $G +64 20% $B +182 10% $C +304 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-10-2021 · Bull +*20203555 · Tattoo: 1754 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 9 18 43 45 38 53 46 39 88 49 61 73 88 21 27 49 78 73 21 20 36 29 $AxH: +158 15% $AxJ: +133 20% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -1 +3.2 +83 +139 +1.0 +1.37 +3 +27 -33 +68 +.78 +1.17 -.021 95% 90% 5% 10% 10% 20% 90% 45% 90% 10% 35% 2% 15% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 73 100 552 100 987 100 5.09 86 11.9 93 .13 72 35.02 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*Wilks Rita 8403 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19199868 +*EXAR Rita 8153 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +Exar Rita 9029
1110 $M +57 70% $W +74 10% $F +110 10% $G +69 15% $B +179 10% $C +289 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Bull +*20203554 · Tattoo: 1110 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 87 75 16 46 61 11 17 10 95 85 29 35 37 18 50 4 34 92 24 12 19 43 $AxH: +153 15% $AxJ: +173 10% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 -.2 +74 +130 +1.0 +1.59 +10 +24 -41 +64 +1.24 +1.34 -.028 15% 20% 20% 20% 10% 15% 30% 70% 95% 15% 5% 1% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 81 100 593 100 1022 100 6.81 115 14.5 113 .24 133 39.78 *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Storms Rita 8364 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19312528 LCC Exalted Rita 3640 LCC Foresites Objective 1667 LCC Exalt On Design 6408 80
1181 $M +35 95% $W +66 25% $F +110 10% $G +94 2% $B +204 2% $C +300 10% LOT Birth Date: 11-09-2021 · Bull +*20252840 · Tattoo: 1181 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 17 10 47 46 22 38 21 37 99 59 65 17 17 31 6 2 17 98 16 44 26 46 $AxH: +204 2% $AxJ: +216 1%








February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 25 16-Month-Old Bulls 90 LOT CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +.9 +60 +109 +.6 +.58 +12 +27 -1 +54 +.88 +.67 +0 30% 45% 55% 50% 45% 70% 15% 45% 15% 35% 25% 45% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 74 97 622 91 944 92 6.18 115 12.3 91 .19 90 35.46 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +DCC Rito 847 of FST X55 #+Woodhill Foresight LCC Precision Foresite 4200 +V T New Design X55 17984243 +L C C Precision EXT 2000 #G A R Precision 1680 +G A R Ext 744 89 LCC FOREMANS WEAPON 1420 $M +91 2% $W +63 35% $F +108 10% $G +65 20% $B +174 15% $C +317 3% LOT Birth Date: 10-30-2021 · Bull *20199640 · Tattoo: 1420 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 18 25 33 35 39 30 49 34 18 19 43 70 60 19 20 40 47 26 8 66 7 91 $AxH: +162 15% $AxJ: +147 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -3 +5.5 +75 +132 +.9 +2.64 +10 +27 -26 +68 +.71 +.64 +.022 95% 95% 15% 15% 15% 1% 30% 45% 75% 10% 40% 50% 65% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 84 112 763 112 1081 106 5.42 101 12.7 94 .20 95 40.84 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*McKellar 7229 1153 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 LCC Expected Consesnsus 7844 +*Mc Elaina Anne 0110 19045682 #LCC Bexpectation 8444 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 LCC 878 Expectation 4044
$M +65 45% $W +58 50% $F +111 10% $G +55 35% $B +166 20% $C +280 20% LOT Birth Date: 11-05-2021 · Bull *20252827 · Tattoo: 1784 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 91 95 22 23 80 15 1 59 36 23 26 24 22 7 48 41 66 48 31 17 29 38 $AxH: +89 60% $AxJ: +75 55% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +.4 +48 +90 +.1 +1.22 +14 +29 -6 +30 +.71 +.65 +.041 35% 30% 85% 80% 90% 30% 4% 30% 25% 90% 40% 45% 85% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 107 613 90 1013 99 5.30 99 13.9 103 .32 152 34.07 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*TEX Playbook 5437 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *LCC TEX Consensus 7498 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete 19103016 #LCC Consensus Crossover 4829 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #LCC Designed Crossover 8291 91
$M +64 50% $W +52 65% $F +80 60% $G +54 40% $B +134 55% $C +238 55% LOT Birth Date: 10-12-2021 · Bull *20199652 · Tattoo: 1749 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 24 11 86 81 20 88 8 56 62 9 37 87 85 84 52 53 90 79 9 30 35 54 $AxH: +122 35% $AxJ: +108 35% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +1.7 +86 +152 +1.1 +.94 +12 +19 -50 +75 +1.07 +.60 +.004 70% 65% 3% 3% 5% 45% 15% 95% 95% 4% 15% 55% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 105 452 88 N/A N/A 5.63 106 11.1 90 .14 88 N/A #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 North Star 18B1 #*A & B SpotLite 3065 North Star A&B Spotlite 2924 NorthStar 918B 19162083 Berger 2917 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 Berger 2914
$M +40 95% $W +66 25% $F +126 2% $G +73 10% $B +199 3% $C +298 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-20-2021 · Bull *20219070 · Tattoo: 924B CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 48 24 7 10 79 19 34 9 93 24 85 2 9 6 12 36 32 98 67 36 1 98 $AxH: +59 75% $AxJ: +77 55% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +1.5 +55 +106 +.8 -.49 +9 +29 -4 +41 +1.40 +.32 +.015 55% 60% 70% 55% 25% 95% 40% 30% 20% 70% 3% 90% 55% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 100 575 100 1074 100 7.12 123 15.2 113 .29 116 31.38 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension *T C A Eastwood +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19531687 *T C A Marquis Treasure 711 +*Pine View Marquis P154 *T C A Accruel Treasure 511 #+*G A R Prophet #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 *2 Bar C Prophet 4079 +G A R Objective 1885 18201984 +*G A R Daybreak M641 #MCC Daybreak +*G A R Objective 1357 86
$M +56 70% $W +57 50% $F +85 50% $G +84 4% $B +169 15% $C +275 20% LOT Birth Date: 12-29-2021 · Bull +*20242690 · Tattoo: 1615 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 71 73 84 47 66 37 99 45 89 80 38 93 74 67 3 85 56 43 64 44 17 28 $AxH: +91 55% $AxJ: +60 65% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.9 +66 +115 +.9 +.67 +6 +26 -17 +46 +.86 +.90 -.034 70% 85% 35% 40% 15% 65% 75% 50% 50% 55% 25% 15% 5% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 75 99 773 113 874 85 4.20 78 12.8 95 .14 67 34.67 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 17803074 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Picasso +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A LCC Chloe All In 5246 +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18343988 #+44 Chloe 2462 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*V A R Chloe 9372
$M +56 70% $W +59 45% $F +81 60% $G +70 15% $B +151 35% $C +252 40% LOT Birth Date: 10-21-2021 · Bull *20199637 · Tattoo: 1524 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 72 82 48 44 37 36 64 67 53 82 53 57 35 52 28 11 5 94 88 98 37 40 $AxH: +124 35% $AxJ: +128 25% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.3 +80 +147 +.5 +.74 +7 +27 -27 +72 +.75 +.74 +.014 60% 55% 10% 5% 55% 60% 65% 45% 80% 10% 35% 35% 55% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 78 100 784 100 1182 100 5.50 83 13.8 92 .35 113 38.25 +*K C F Bennett Consent Y75 #*Connealy Consensus +*K C F Bennett Summation +K C F Miss Protege W148 19125179 *Thomas Patricia 9705 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +Thomas Patricia 71138 *EXAR Monumental 6056B 3F Epic 4631 +*EXAR Rita 1658 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 19168354 *EXAR Rita 4W25 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*DZ Fut Dir 4268 2D08
$M +57 70% $W +76 10% $F +120 3% $G +59 30% $B +179 10% $C +289 15% LOT Birth Date: 12-25-2021 · Bull +*20279451 · Tattoo: 1419 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 44 31 13 6 90 64 42 42 82 61 33 26 27 4 28 41 70 90 80 90 85 7 $AxH: +176 10% $AxJ: +162 10%











26 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale 16-Month-Old
CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -8 +6.4 +88 +152 +.6 +.53 +7 +16 -37 +71 +.28 +1.07 -.064 95% 95% 3% 3% 45% 75% 65% 95% 95% 10% 85% 4% 1% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 94 122 585 92 1116 99 4.03 76 14.9 104 .23 92 36.76 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*LFF Rampage 7022 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18903037 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 96 LFF
$M +55 75% $W +53 65% $F +120 3% $G +48 55% $B +168 15% $C +273 20% LOT Birth Date: 12-04-2021 · Bull *20314507 · Tattoo: 1094 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 97 96 7 19 80 47 75 43 74 19 78 11 45 15 87 14 2 94 26 4 3 64 $AxH: +126 30% $AxJ: +113 30% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.8 +68 +116 +.4 +.93 +13 +25 -7 +49 +.67 +.80 -.005 45% 65% 30% 40% 65% 45% 10% 60% 25% 50% 45% 25% 30% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 82 99 683 108 1189 104 4.71 101 16.5 110 .32 119 37.31 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #*Jindra Double Vision #Connealy Reflection LFF Double Vision 5019 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 18522610 LFF Complete 3102 OF 9017 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LFF Bextor 9017 of 4037
$M +81 10% $W +67 25% $F +83 55% $G +58 30% $B +141 45% $C +264 30% LOT Birth Date: 12-27-2021 · Bull *20333546 · Tattoo: 1119 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 30 45 72 76 55 85 45 73 42 19 44 92 92 76 42 36 43 40 30 28 10 36 $AxH: +131 30% $AxJ: +122 25% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +3.3 +63 +120 +.9 +.95 +9 +22 -13 +58 +.53 +.91 +.003 85% 90% 45% 35% 15% 45% 40% 80% 40% 25% 60% 15% 40% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 72 92 664 105 1150 102 4.99 95 14.2 99 .31 124 36.69 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 #+LFF Complete 2036 of 606 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17560259 +G A R 5050 New Design 606 #+G A R New Design 5050 +G A R Precision 1343
$M +56 70% $W +49 75% $F +107 15% $G +52 45% $B +159 25% $C +262 30% LOT Birth Date: 12-07-2021 · Bull 20314512 · Tattoo: 1099 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 92 90 51 18 56 34 41 37 88 44 76 58 38 28 59 13 43 57 4 25 14 97 $AxH: +105 45% $AxJ: +96 40% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +3.1 +64 +114 +.8 +.66 +12 +22 -20 +44 +.85 +.93 -.045 60% 90% 45% 40% 25% 65% 15% 80% 60% 60% 25% 15% 2% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 85 109 634 100 1128 100 4.75 90 15.0 105 .27 108 37.64 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 +*V A R Ranger 3008 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +LFF Ranger 6032 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18659550 +LFF 004 5051 of 272 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004 LFF Miss Prime Design 272 99 LFF
$M +48 90% $W +51 70% $F +86 45% $G +71 15% $B +158 25% $C +253 40% LOT Birth Date: 12-05-2021 · Bull *20314509 · Tattoo: 1096 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 68 83 34 33 61 17 76 90 96 30 73 30 50 36 30 4 1 14 43 24 17 83 $AxH: +130 30% $AxJ: +124 25% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +3.4 +76 +132 +.8 +.29 +7 +29 -28 +61 +1.28 +.90 -.010 70% 90% 15% 15% 25% 85% 65% 30% 80% 20% 4% 15% 25% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 109 693 102 986 97 5.81 108 13.8 102 .21 100 37.64 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Complete Storm 8284 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19312529 LCC Upward Complete 2084 +LCC Upward Design 0106 LCC Complete Objective 0848
1828 $M +65 45% $W +68 25% $F +107 15% $G +88 3% $B +195 3% $C +318 3% LOT Birth Date: 11-04-2021 · Bull *20252823 · Tattoo: 1828 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 83 90 16 32 54 23 87 31 71 71 67 37 29 17 5 14 23 47 71 64 17 19 $AxH: +189 4% $AxJ: +183 4% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +2.0 +73 +146 +.6 +.77 +14 +30 -29 +66 +.57 +1.10 -.011 30% 70% 20% 10% 45% 60% 4% 25% 85% 15% 55% 3% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 68 100 618 91 1058 104 4.53 84 13.0 96 .16 76 39.33 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In *LCC All In Generation 9714 +*DCF Lucy B84 19560332 +*LCC New Generation 7143 #*V A R Generation 2100 +*2 Bar 9Q13 3547 93
$M +74 20% $W +67 25% $F +128 2% $G +58 30% $B +185 10% $C +314 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-24-2021 · Bull *20179877 · Tattoo: 1971 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 30 42 25 2 42 29 66 4 22 20 25 26 17 6 51 2 16 63 74 73 47 41 $AxH: +196 3% $AxJ: +199 2% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +3.9 +86 +150 +.7 +1.42 +4 +28 -25 +70 +.91 +.66 +.033 55% 95% 3% 4% 35% 20% 85% 35% 75% 10% 25% 45% 80% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 81 111 713 105 1062 104 6.46 120 13.8 102 .33 157 36.85 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Rita 8444 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19312506 +*FWY Rita 5211 +*FF Rito 2Q26 of 356H 9Q13 +G A R Daybreak M721
$M +73 25% $W +76 10% $F +113 10% $G +64 20% $B +177 10% $C +303 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-26-2021 · Bull *20199650 · Tattoo: 1834 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 61 87 7 14 79 56 8 18 82 95 50 31 43 10 34 53 80 73 50 79 44 22 $AxH: +166 10% $AxJ: +150 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +3.3 +78 +141 +.6 +.35 +9 +14 -31 +61 +.91 +1.17 -.033 35% 90% 10% 10% 45% 85% 40% 95% 85% 20% 25% 2% 5% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 68 93 664 97 1003 98 7.11 132 14.2 105 .26 124 33.13 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*LCC Complete Storm 8177 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19240097 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 95
$M +56 70% $W +52 65% $F +112 10% $G +76 10% $B +189 5% $C +301 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-19-2021 · Bull *20214050 · Tattoo: 1817 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 81 97 16 10 53 44 54 2 49 87 98 16 53 17 42 2 12 45 37 84 50 52 $AxH: +201 2% $AxJ: +196 3%




LFF TEN X 1055





February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 27 16-Month-Old Bulls CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.7 +51 +87 +.4 +1.04 +7 +28 +0 +32 +.69 +.51 +.007 60% 65% 80% 85% 65% 40% 65% 35% 15% 85% 45% 70% 45% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 75 96 566 89 1051 93 4.41 84 12.4 87 .26 104 37.52 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*Vintage Ten X 4329 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17906840 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus +*LFF Consensus 5053 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 18522606 +*G A R Yield Grade N76 #+G A R Yield Grade G A R 1407 New Design 1942 104
$M +60 60% $W +54 60% $F +71 80% $G +54 40% $B +124 70% $C +221 75% LOT Birth Date: 11-01-2021 · Bull *20216796 · Tattoo: 1055 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 60 53 67 80 40 43 24 6 93 57 50 78 59 64 31 49 44 92 29 82 59 39 $AxH: +63 75% $AxJ: +24 80% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +2.2 +78 +146 +1.3 +.89 +8 +30 -38 +65 +1.07 +.76 -.030 45% 75% 10% 10% 2% 50% 55% 25% 95% 15% 15% 30% 10% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 105 701 104 N/A N/A 5.33 103 12.2 102 .18 113 N/A *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 +*Connealy Legendary 644L #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 North Star Legendary 06B8 *Jazzed of Conanga 4660 19387597 Berger 2306B #*G A R Predestined Berger 2306
DDF $M +54 75% $W +70 20% $F +110 10% $G +78 10% $B +188 5% $C +298 10% LOT Birth Date: 11-09-2021 · Bull 20215030 · Tattoo: 6B8B CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 60 73 14 2 97 2 33 60 17 31 16 4 2 10 13 22 9 36 30 98 67 18 $AxH: +114 40% $AxJ: +118 30% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -5 +5.0 +75 +141 +1.3 +.41 +2 +32 -54 +70 +.88 +.52 -.041 95% 95% 15% 10% 2% 80% 95% 15% 95% 10% 25% 65% 3% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 90 114 643 95 N/A N/A 5.01 97 11.7 98 .14 88 N/A *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 D A A R Infinity 313 #G T Expo +*North Star 4594 #D A A R Heroine L T 108 18315219 *D C C Objective 9D1 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +D C C Rita Direct 5R27 106
M1F $M +15 95% $W +56 55% $F +120 3% $G +67 20% $B +186 5% $C +256 35% LOT Birth Date: 11-05-2021 · Bull 20215037 · Tattoo: 94A3 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 100 100 6 2 90 2 67 36 89 81 16 1 1 4 22 61 4 71 95 79 96 63 $AxH: -17 95% $AxJ: +29 80% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +0 +3.6 +74 +140 +1.0 +1.56 +10 +23 -29 +70 +.36 +.95 -.013 90% 95% 20% 10% 10% 15% 30% 75% 85% 10% 80% 10% 20% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 92 114 594 94 1149 100 4.43 95 15.3 102 .26 96 38.93 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *LFF Exponential 8157 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 19446254 LFF Final Answer 4027 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 LFF Aberdeen 0159 of 6096
$M +39 95% $W +56 55% $F +122 3% $G +46 60% $B +168 15% $C +257 35% LOT Birth Date: 12-30-2021 · Bull *20333548 · Tattoo: 1122 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 87 76 32 14 69 11 22 32 100 10 57 27 16 17 75 15 30 23 12 38 61 93 $AxH: +128 30% $AxJ: +145 15% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.6 +71 +128 +.9 +1.34 +11 +30 -15 +49 +.92 +.67 +.034 70% 80% 25% 20% 15% 25% 20% 25% 45% 50% 20% 45% 80% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 104 618 97 1071 95 5.90 112 12.7 89 .30 120 35.34 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 +*LFF Conversion 3050 of 1009 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *LFF Conversion 7098 +*LFF Summitcrest 1009 of 8036 18958030 LFF Complement 4067 #*EF Complement 8088 #+LFF Complete 2036 of 606
$M +66 40% $W +69 20% $F +81 60% $G +64 20% $B +146 40% $C +255 40% LOT Birth Date: 12-22-2021 · Bull *20314527 · Tattoo: 1114 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 52 52 15 20 97 8 16 98 86 17 24 46 21 34 17 46 93 15 84 24 41 86 $AxH: +95 55% $AxJ: +84 50% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.7 +69 +111 +.9 +1.34 +14 +21 -12 +51 +.35 +.86 +.001 70% 85% 30% 50% 15% 25% 4% 85% 40% 45% 80% 20% 35% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 80 103 627 99 1105 98 4.52 86 15.1 106 .30 120 38.79 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 +Sexton Rito 8S07 of CO 3J24 #+BT Crossover 758N LFF 8S07 2073 of 4042 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 17545160 LFF Angelic Expectation 4042 #+G A R Expectation 4915 LFF 12L of R W R 1855
$M +73 25% $W +61 40% $F +85 50% $G +43 65% $B +128 65% $C +239 55% LOT Birth Date: 12-10-2021 · Bull 20314517 · Tattoo: 1104 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 26 32 19 69 72 19 36 18 62 6 52 51 36 29 69 11 47 30 54 27 22 77 $AxH: +86 60% $AxJ: +96 40% CED BW WW YW YH SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +1.3 +51 +90 +.3 +1.92 +6 +31 +6 +15 +.98 +.12 +.038 75% 55% 80% 80% 75% 4% 75% 20% 10% 95% 20% 95% 85% BW Adj. WW Adj. YW IMF RE Rib Fat Adj. SC 73 94 642 101 1133 100 5.12 97 13.4 94 .31 124 42.67 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #Vision Edella 665 19147139 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus +LFF Consensus 3054 of 8024 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 17873322 +LFF Predestined 8024 of 2232 #*G A R Predestined G A R 1407 New Design 2232 103
$M +71 30% $W +59 45% $F +40 95% $G +60 30% $B +100 95% $C +201 90% LOT Birth Date: 12-07-2021 · Bull 20314513 · Tattoo: 1100 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 81 65 63 59 76 12 86 85 92 15 90 80 96 14 99 93 46 61 14 71 27 $AxH: -73 95% $AxJ: -81 95%
28 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale

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30 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
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The Females

LOTS 107 - 180

34 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale


*Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision

The number 1 marbling dam in the breed with a maximum of +1.9 BW, a minimum of +81 WW, +155 YW, +89 CW and +1.03 RE sired by the performance sire Acclaim anchored by a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires, Deer Valley All In and TC Total 410. She has 3 progeny turned in that have an average performance ratio of 100 for weaning, 100 for yearling and 100 for IMF. This female has 19 traits in the top 5% of the breed. Talk about across the board excellence. She sells with a heifer calf (2865) born 11/23/2022 that weighed 74 lbs.


A super balanced, high performance Acclaim daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Waylon and TC Total 410. With 6 Pathfinders in the first three generation of this pedigree, there is loads of stability and predictability in this genetic combination. Check out the 14 different traits in the top 10% of the breed. She sells open ready to flush.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 35 Donors 108 107 LOT LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +1.0 +79 +145 +.83 +4 +32 -37 +77 +.79 +.86 +.015 80% 45% 4% 2% 45% 85% 15% 95% 1% 20% 10% 55% *Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision #*Jindra Acclaim Jindras Sapphire J 417 17972810 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 #*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 #+*GAR-EGL Protege +*EXAR Rita 8153 *Baldridge Blackcap T163 17674589 +Exar Rita 9029 #TC Total 410 +G A R 1407 New Design 193 108
$M +62 45% $W +78 3% $F +132 1% $G +62 15% $B +194 1% $C +314 1% LOT Birth Date: 08-05-2018 · Cow +*19199868 · Tattoo: 8403 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 65 32 33 22 67 40 49 37 40 90 26 49 75 11 36 34 74 68 13 17 61 6 $AxH: +167 3% $AxJ: +176 2%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +1.9 +81 +155 +.28 +14 +37 -56 +89 +1.14 +1.04 -.038 75% 65% 3% 1% 85% 4% 3% 95% 1% 4% 3% 3%
#*Jindra Acclaim Jindras
417 17972810 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 #*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102 #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *Five S All In 5305 +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18305859 BALI Blackcap 410 295 #TC Total 410 +BALI Blackcap 9622 107
$M +48 80% $W +76 4% $F +144 1% $G +86 2% $B +230 1% $C +346 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-02-2018 · Cow +*19416681 · Tattoo: 8652 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 88 88 32 2 65 44 90 77 32 6 14 11 24 3 10 9 5 83 3 37 41 28 $AxH: +218 1% $AxJ: +234 1%
Sapphire J


G A R Complete N281 - Dam of Lot 109 109

EXAR Crossroads 1820B - $80,000 Selection out of Full Sister to Lot 109

Who is paying attention? Here’s a Jet Black daughter that is a direct daughter of the famed former $40,000 High Roller and Wilks Ranch donor, GAR Complete N281. A full sister to this female owned by Express Ranches has accumulated over $275,000 in progeny sales that includes the $80,000 selection of Grimmius Cattle in the recent national bull sale at Cattlemen’s Congress, EXAR Cross Roads. This big ribeye female is loaded with performance, pedigree and phenotype. These are the front pasture kind. She sells with a bull calf (2920) born 10/15/2022 that weighed 64 lbs.


A very unique mature female that is one of only two dams in the entire database that has her combination of BW, WW, YW, CW, Marb, and RE, and she is the number 4 WW and number 12 YW Ashland dam in the breed. Talk about getting it done. She possesses 17 traits in the top 10% of the breed. She sells with a heifer calf (2920) born 10/15/2022 that weighed 64 lbs.

What an amazing opportunity to acquire genetics that will result in full blood sibs to the $80,000 selection of Grimmius Cattle in the recent 2023 National Bull sale, EXAR Crossroads. This a tremendous opportunity to get in on the ground floor with time tested genetics that always rise to the top of the industry. Offering four conventional embryos with a 50% conception guarantee if the work is performed by a licensed professional

36 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale Donors
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.3 +99 +168 +.35 +5 +23 -37 +70 +1.07 +1.04 -.038 40% 50% 1% 1% 80% 80% 70% 95% 3% 10% 3% 3% *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 +*G A R Sunrise #MCC Daybreak *Bar W Sunrise 7114 +*G A R Objective R227 18857525 +*Bar W Power Tool 3011 #+*PA Power Tool 9108 +*2 Bar Complete 1838 110 BAR W ASHLAND 9208 $M +68 25% $W +90 1% $F +105 10% $G +82 2% $B +187 2% $C +311 2% LOT Birth Date: 11-27-2018 · Cow *19512439 · Tattoo: 9208 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 21 18 9 17 93 61 72 7 79 70 85 24 54 21 10 11 9 96 91 30 62 24 $AxH: +202 1% $AxJ: +191 1% 110
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +4.5 +86 +150 +.54 +4 +33 -39 +82 +.74 +1.18 -.009 80% 95% 1% 2% 70% 85% 15% 95% 1% 25% 1% 20% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +*G A R Complete N281 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17184315 +*G A R Objective 277L #*S S Objective T510 0T26 G A R Retail Product 2195 109
$M +64 35% $W +76 4% $F +125 1% $G +66 10% $B +191 2% $C +312 2% LOT Birth Date: 11-19-2018 · Cow +*19297724 · Tattoo: 8022 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 82 87 6 14 89 21 79 51 59 67 20 14 38 2 43 1 18 86 44 65 33 33 $AxH: +174 3% $AxJ: +198 1% LOT LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +3.2 +78 +137 +.55 +13 +21 -31 +84 +1.36 +.96 +.032 +2 +4.5 +86 +150 +.54 +4 +33 -39 +82 +.74 +1.18 -.009 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *SG Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030 19559741 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +64 +64 $W +61 +76 $F +145 +125 $G +89 +66 $B +234 +191 $C +367 +312 LOT Embryo $AxH: +269 +174 $AxJ: +246 +198 S S S D D S D D



The number 1 $B, $C and $AXJ, the number 2 WW, number 3 Marb, number 4 RE and $AXH, and the number 5 YW female in the breed sired by the cutting-edge Hollywood, anchored by one of the crowd favorites from last year’s sale, the $11,500 Four Sons selection, LFF Maverick 0129. This young female is what we are trying to accomplish in the industry. Take advantage of this opportunity to be a part in this breed changer.

LFF Maverick 0129Dam of Lot 111


The number 1 $C, WW, YW, CW and RE, the number 2 Marb and $B Jonesboro in the breed that stems from a dam that is a direct daughter of the ABS Pathfinder Sire, GB Fireball. Wow, a tremendous growth curve and elite carcass merit on this very unique female. Buy the future here folks.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 37 Fall
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +4.7 +105 +181 +1.62 +7 +30 -51 +106 +1.14 +1.40 -.050 90% 95% 1% 1% 10% 65% 25% 95% 1% 15% 1% 2% *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Enhance +*Williams Jonesboro 700-602 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 19850751 +*Powell Erica 7312 +*ECO Lombardi 1512 +*Williams Prop Erica 255 -895 *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 *LFF Fireball 0109 *GB Anticipation 432 19909775 LFF Conversion 8112 +*LFF Conversion 3050 of 1009 #LFF 2037 0153 of 8028 112
$M +74 20% $W +87 1% $F +151 1% $G +92 2% $B +243 1% $C +389 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-28-2022 · Cow +*20494379 · Tattoo: 2021 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 86 93 1 3 96 3 5 24 46 41 19 7 2 1 14 2 6 75 80 32 9 24 $AxH: +215 2% $AxJ: +274 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -2 +4.6 +106 +182 +.11 +3 +29 -48 +95 +1.62 +1.31 +.011 95% 95% 1% 1% 90% 95% 30% 95% 1% 1% 1% 50% *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Enhance +*Williams Hollywood 700-380 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 19850747 +*Powell Erica 7312 +*ECO Lombardi 1512 +*Williams Prop Erica 255 -895 *Poss Maverick #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *LFF Maverick 0129 Poss Pride 5163 19909505 +*LFF Ranger 6015 +*V A R Ranger 3008 +44 Retail Product W063 111
$M +69 30% $W +89 1% $F +142 1% $G +108 1% $B +250 1% $C +393 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-30-2022 · Cow +*20494418 · Tattoo: 2028 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 89 92 1 1 97 7 84 13 60 59 49 6 4 1 1 1 58 30 34 64 52 48 $AxH: +242 1% $AxJ: +270 1%

Fall Bred Heifers




The number 1 $C female in the breed by the $80,000 Grimmius sire, SG Salvation, with her unique combination of CED, WW, YW, CW, Marb and RE. This female is loaded with performance, maternal strength, and carcass merit. She is a maternal sister to the $20,000 high selling female in last year’s sale selected by Hirschy Angus. This one is the complete package. Best news yet, she sells AI bred on 12/5/2022 to GB Fireball and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 from 1/4/2023 to 2/15/2023.

A high performance Acclaim daughter that stems directly from one of the best kept secrets in the industry, Exponential 6S66, who has produced several daughters that have sold for, $75,000, $30,000, $15,000, and $25,000. Check out the shear balance in this female, +74 WW, +152 YW, +83 CW, +1.10 Marb, +230 $B and +354 $C. She sells AI bred on 12/7/22 to GB Fireball 672 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.

38 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
Sexton Exponential 6S66 - Dam of Lot 114 114 113 LOT LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.5 +74 +151 -.04 +10 +24 -46 +84 +1.10 +.99 -.009 70% 80% 15% 4% 95% 30% 65% 95% 2% 15% 10% 25% *Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision #*Jindra Acclaim Jindras Sapphire J 417 17972810 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 #*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102 +*Vintage Exponential 4413 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Sexton Exponential 6S66 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 18794129 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +44 Rita 94126
$M +57 70% $W +55 50% $F +149 1% $G +81 10% $B +229 1% $C +354 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-23-2021 · Cow +*20319348 · Tattoo: 1S18 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 57 73 38 1 72 27 96 57 8 37 77 7 9 3 11 10 25 14 43 25 49 22 $AxH: +215 2% $AxJ: +219 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +3.7 +89 +158 +.33 +10 +26 -28 +88 +1.31 +1.13 +.008 35% 95% 2% 2% 85% 30% 50% 80% 1% 5% 3% 50% +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *SG Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030 19559741 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17354644 +44 Rita 94126 #*G A R Predestined +G A R Objective L196 113
$M +80 10% $W +76 10% $F +139 1% $G +91 3% $B +230 1% $C +378 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-21-2021 · Cow +*20451624 · Tattoo: 1S56 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 49 91 4 3 84 39 77 59 24 47 65 26 20 2 7 5 43 72 59 47 14 12 $AxH: +262 1% $AxJ: +251 1%


A big time marbling direct daughter of the ABS Global sire, GB Fireball, that stems from a dam that is a direct daughter of the legendary $40,000 former High Roller and Wilks Ranch donor, GAR Complete N281. Make note of the explosive growth curve and elite carcass merit on this female. She possesses 13 traits in the top 10% of the breed. She sells bred 12/15 To Breakthrough and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.


Look at the marbling on this female by the ABS Global sire, GB Fireball, that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Consensus and Complete. With a +89 WW and +227 $B, this female is the number 23 marbling Fireball daughter in the breed. She sells bred 12/14 to Maverick.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 39 Fall Bred Heifers 116 115 LOT LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +3.7 +89 +148 +1.67 +9 +34 -39 +79 +1.70 +1.42 +.007 55% 95% 2% 4% 10% 40% 10% 95% 3% 1% 1% 45% +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*JMc 7229 1445 3191 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 LFF Mc 4087 #Executa of Conanga 939 18194628 LFF Complete 2030 by 8009 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #+LFF Objective 8009 of 272 116
$M +55 75% $W +84 2% $F +112 10% $G +113 1% $B +226 1% $C +348 1% LOT Birth Date: 10-24-2021 · Cow +*20223890 · Tattoo: 1042 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 76 93 2 9 91 4 3 60 86 56 5 5 6 3 1 1 13 100 7 78 56 14 $AxH: +220 1% $AxJ: +234 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +2.7 +81 +141 +1.10 +11 +21 -32 +72 +1.63 +.85 +.026 30% 85% 10% 10% 35% 20% 85% 90% 10% 1% 25% 75% +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*V A R Ranger 3008 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*LCC Lady Ranger 6600 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18623717 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 115
$M +62 55% $W +66 25% $F +124 2% $G +101 1% $B +225 1% $C +354 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-24-2021 · Cow *20179875 · Tattoo: 1660 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 27 60 31 21 57 49 26 23 59 61 76 22 54 30 3 19 17 92 9 53 46 39 $AxH: +224 1% $AxJ: +198 3%


A double digit calving ease female by the ABS Global sire, GB Fireball, and from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sires Vision Unanimous and VAR Ranger. This super balanced female checks all of the boxes with performance, carcass merit and elite $Values. 16 different traits in the top 10% of the breed. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Iconic.


A double digit calving ease female that is the number 6 $C Revelation daughter in the breed that stems from a dam that combines the ORIgen sire Jet Black and the legendary $40,000 GAR Complete N281. You have to appreciate the EPD profile on this super balanced female that possesses calving ease, explosive growth, carcass merit and elite $Values. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Fireball


The number 16 $B, number 22 $C, number 26 YW and number 33 WW among the 265 Revelation daughters in the breed that stems from a dam that is the lead-off donor in this event who is truly a unique individual on the hoof and on paper. This female is following in her dam’s footsteps. There is power in the blood here. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Kenny Rogers and P.E. starting 12/15/2022 to Reg 20191710.

2 Bar Acclaim 8652Dam of Lot 120

A double digit calving ease, high performance Revelation daughter that stems from a dam that combines Maverick and a full sister to the famed Ankoney matron, GAR Early Bird N895, who has produced over $1 million in progeny sales, anchored by the former $40,000 donor here in the program, GAR Complete N281. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Fireball.

40 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
Fall Bred Heifers
119 118 LOT LOT LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +2.5 +95 +171 +1.04 +15 +21 -64 +94 +.95 +1.24 -.052 80% 80% 1% 1% 40% 2% 85% 95% 1% 25% 2% 2% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*2 Bar Acclaim 8652 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19416681 *Five S All In 5305 #*Deer Valley All In BALI Blackcap 410 295 120 LCC ACCLAIMS REVELATION 1641 $M +53 80% $W +70 15% $F +147 1% $G +81 10% $B +228 1% $C +349 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Cow +*20155749 · Tattoo: 1641 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 92 94 2 1 76 5 51 26 25 3 85 1 1 1 23 2 2 94 46 15 1 88 $AxH: +191 4% $AxJ: +222 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 +1.6 +79 +140 +1.06 +11 +26 -30 +79 +1.15 +1.28 -.005 15% 60% 10% 10% 40% 20% 50% 85% 3% 10% 1% 30% +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*Sexton Unanimous 7S82 #*Vision Unanimous 1418 *LFF Unanimous 9143 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 19645373 +LFF Ranger 6032 +*V A R Ranger 3008 +LFF 004 5051 of 272
$M +56 70% $W +73 10% $F +127 2% $G +87 3% $B +213 2% $C +332 2% LOT Birth Date: 09-29-2021 · Cow *20193558 · Tattoo: 1009 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 26 34 20 24 82 46 22 32 63 57 28 27 49 10 16 3 11 63 21 48 81 32 $AxH: +221 1% $AxJ: +222 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 +.2 +89 +153 +1.25 +8 +39 -53 +94 +1.32 +.82 +.017 10% 30% 2% 3% 25% 55% 2% 95% 1% 5% 25% 60% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LFF Jet Black 9010 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19612019 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 118
$M +68 35% $W +92 1% $F +138 1% $G +87 3% $B +225 1% $C +360 1% LOT Birth Date: 10-16-2021 · Cow *20191690 · Tattoo: 1028 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 45 61 8 13 76 22 23 1 48 92 3 12 7 1 2 32 61 93 89 43 2 34 $AxH: +170 10% $AxJ: +164 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +1.0 +80 +136 -.02 +16 +31 -36 +78 +1.20 +1.29 -.002 20% 45% 10% 15% 95% 1% 20% 95% 4% 10% 1% 35% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *Poss Maverick #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*LFF Maverick 9160 Poss Pride 5163 19646536 +*G A R Early Bird N1065 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Complete N281 119
$M +63 50% $W +80 4% $F +132 1% $G +89 3% $B +221 1% $C +350 1% LOT Birth Date: 10-21-2021 · Cow +*20219098 · Tattoo: 1039 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 14 28 18 31 18 66 91 11 64 10 29 29 37 6 13 3 43 92 9 69 20 94 $AxH: +242 1% $AxJ: +237 1%


A super balanced Revelation daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Basin Bonus and the former senior herd sire at Langford’s, LCC Upward Design 0106. Check out the foot scores and maternal traits on this female. She brings performance with a different twist to the table. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Kenny Rogers and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.



Look at the growth curve on this Revelation daughter that stems from a dam that combines the performance leader, Pathfinder Sire Acclaim, and a former herd sire at Langford’s, LCC 10X Crossed Up 3009. With a +88 WW and +161 YW, and over a point for marbling and ribeye, this female is the kind that makes herd sires. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Beal Breakthrough and P.E. 12/15/2022 to Reg # 20191710.



Check out the marbling on this Revelation daughter that stems from a dam that combines Southern Charm and an Objective son. With a balanced growth curve, elite carcass merit and excellent maternal traits, this female is the kind that adds value to any mating. She sells bred 12/15/2022 To Wildcat and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.



A double digit calving ease Ultra Provider daughter that is a direct daughter of the $30,000 Henrietta Pride 5090 who is a maternal sister to VAR Legend anchored by the $50,000 famed 1044, that is a direct daughter of the legendary multimillion-dollar producer, Henrietta Pride 643T. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Powerball.

Check out the performance in this female by the Soaring Eagle herd sire, SEO Ultra Provider, and from a dam that has a unique twist on the maternal that includes Duff Basic Instinct and Summitcrest Complete. This female is loaded with power, performance and elite carcass merit to make her a true genetic masterpiece. She sells bred 12/6/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 41
Heifers 126 124 LOT LOT Look at the marbling this female by the Soaring Eagles herd sire SEO Ultra Provider possesses. She stems from a dam that combines two of the breeds greats, Consensus and GAR Predestined. With a balanced growth curve, added efficiency and elite carcass merit, this female is the kind that raises herd sires. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to GB Fireball. CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.3 +77 +149 +.97 +5 +32 -32 +72 +1.62 +.96 -.007 55% 75% 10% 4% 45% 80% 15% 90% 10% 1% 15% 30% +*G A R Momentum K836 *G A R Momentum *SEO Ultra Provider +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 19495995 +*Chair Rock Progress 3023 #+*G A R Progress +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9057 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus LFF Consensus 4007 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 18196834 +LFF Predestined 9022 of 5051 #*G A R Predestined +LFF 004 5051 of 272 125 LFF ULTRA PROVIDER 1061 $M +55 75% $W +71 15% $F +116 5% $G +105 1% $B +220 1% $C +340 1% LOT Birth Date: 11-05-2021 · Cow *20226780 · Tattoo: 1061 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 87 90 6 1 99 2 30 42 89 96 14 8 5 3 1 6 22 38 59 38 5 12 $AxH: +207 2% $AxJ: +200 3%
Fall Bred
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.7 +79 +143 +.60 +14 +21 -41 +66 +1.04 +.84 -.023 30% 60% 10% 10% 70% 4% 85% 95% 15% 20% 25% 15% +*G A R Momentum K836 *G A R Momentum *SEO Ultra Provider +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 19495995 +*Chair Rock Progress 3023 #+*G A R Progress +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9057 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*Vintage Henrietta Pride 5090 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18067406 +*PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T 126 LFF ULTRA PROVIDER 1017 $M +51 80% $W +64 25% $F +106 15% $G +77 10% $B +183 10% $C +288 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-08-2021 · Cow +*20193524 · Tattoo: 1017 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 35 63 6 7 88 25 64 43 65 6 85 2 6 4 11 17 17 69 88 61 19 41 $AxH: +196 4% $AxJ: +183 5%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +.6 +66 +128 +.67 +11 +27 -25 +64 +.96 +.98 -.004 45% 35% 35% 20% 65% 20% 45% 75% 20% 25% 10% 30% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Basin Bonus 4345 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *LCC Lady Bonus 7513 +*Basin Erica 2223 19053271 LCC Upward Design 5351 +LCC Upward Design 0106 LCC 10X Net Worth 3151 121
$M +77 15% $W +62 30% $F +119 4% $G +74 10% $B +192 5% $C +326 3% LOT Birth Date: 09-17-2021 · Cow *20180113 · Tattoo: 1751 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 71 69 39 8 69 77 71 54 4 48 59 45 61 23 22 9 19 79 98 20 6 58 $AxH: +178 10% $AxJ: +147 15%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +3.6 +88 +161 +.96 +8 +21 -67 +85 +1.07 +1.05 -.026 90% 95% 2% 2% 45% 55% 85% 95% 2% 15% 10% 10% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension *LCC Lady Acclaim 8664 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19237050 LCC Exalted Cross Up 6640 +*LCC 10X Crossed Up 3009 LCC Exalt On Design 6408
$M +31 95% $W +59 40% $F +136 1% $G +82 5% $B +218 1% $C +314 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Cow +*20160032 · Tattoo: 1714 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 90 87 6 2 95 37 45 24 68 49 92 1 6 4 12 9 12 45 40 14 34 38 $AxH: +199 3% $AxJ: +215 2%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +2.9 +76 +137 +1.51 +9 +30 -50 +61 +1.24 +1.12 -.008 60% 85% 15% 10% 15% 40% 25% 95% 25% 10% 4% 25% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*V A R Revelation 6299 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18432146 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 LCC Charms Objective 9040 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 19608301 LCC Objective Design 0403 2 Bar Objective 5603 #LCC 878 Expectation 4039
$M +36 95% $W +64 25% $F +105 15% $G +89 3% $B +194 4% $C +288 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-07-2021 · Cow *20180111 · Tattoo: 1904 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 80 91 16 11 60 48 15 79 78 16 34 3 5 16 6 4 40 64 51 10 65 73 $AxH: +192 4% $AxJ: +189 4%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -3 +5.1 +85 +150 +.25 -3 +32 -43 +86 +1.10 +1.18 -.039 95% 95% 4% 4% 85% 95% 15% 95% 1% 15% 2% 4% +*G A R Momentum K836 *G A R Momentum *SEO Ultra Provider +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 4060 19495995 +*Chair Rock Progress 3023 #+*G A R Progress +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9057 Sexton Instinct 9S01 +*Duff Basic Instinct 6501 *Sexton Instinct 5S42 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 18457467 +*G A R Complete 3091 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 *G A R Objective 3367
$M +57 70% $W +70 15% $F +140 1% $G +86 4% $B +226 1% $C +350 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-21-2021 · Cow *20233285 · Tattoo: 1S16 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 100 100 4 8 66 4 79 16 24 98 21 6 3 1 11 2 7 32 86 22 2 23 $AxH: +201 3% $AxJ: +214 2%

Fall Bred Heifers


A double digit calving ease K Bar boomer daughter that stems from a dam that combines the ORIgen Sire Jet Black and the Pathfinder Sire Ten X. Check out the explosive growth curve and added ribeye on this female. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Beal Breakthrough and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.



A double digit calving ease female by K Bar Boomer and from a dam that combines Monumental and the Pathfinder Sire Upward. Make a special note on this female’s balanced growth curve, excellent carcass merit, added efficiency and balanced $Values. She sells bred 12/15/2022 To Kenny Rogers and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.

A double digit calving ease, super-efficient high marbling daughter by K Bar Boomer and from a dam that is a direct daughter of the ST Genetics sire, GAR Storm. This female checks all of the boxes, calving ease, explosive early growth, added efficiency, elite carcass merit and outstanding $Values. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Kenny Rogers and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.


Wow, talk about a female that delivers calving ease with a balanced growth curve and elite marbling in this K Bar Boomer daughter that stems from a dam that is by the ST Genetics sire GAR Storm. It is not very often you find this much marbling and ribeye in the same package with this combination of calving ease and growth. Herd sire maker here folks. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to TAR Dominance and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.


Wow, calving ease, super efficient elite marbling Home Town daughter that stems from a dam that combines Absolute and an Upward son that served in the Langford program. This female is designed to make herd sires or replacement females. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to POSS Winchester heifer semen and P.E.

to 20191710.

42 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
127 LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 +.2 +68 +114 +.29 +15 +18 -13 +52 +1.21 +1.41 -.047 10% 30% 30% 40% 85% 2% 95% 40% 40% 10% 1% 2% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Storms Rita 8364 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19312528 LCC Exalted Rita 3640 LCC Foresites Objective 1667 LCC Exalt On Design 6408 130
$M +50 85% $W +61 35% $F +101 20% $G +95 2% $B +196 4% $C +304 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Cow +*20203496 · Tattoo: 1410 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 9 10 81 80 5 81 78 58 100 12 89 84 81 57 7 1 12 93 7 39 36 39 $AxH: +211 2% $AxJ: +203 2%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +15 -2.6 +50 +93 +.05 +14 +34 -13 +44 +1.65 +1.24 -.010 2% 2% 80% 75% 95% 4% 10% 40% 60% 1% 2% 25% +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 *RB Absolute Advantage #*K C F Bennett Absolute LCC Lady Absolute 9281 +*R B Lady Party 167-305 19533981 #LCC Bextors Upward 2081 +LCC Upward Design 0106 LCC Bextors Predestined 0815
$M +46 90% $W +61 35% $F +97 25% $G +110 1% $B +207 2% $C +314 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-04-2021 · Cow *20180780 · Tattoo: 1928 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 1 1 91 79 5 84 79 69 95 28 8 77 80 63 1 2 20 32 4 87 61 18 $AxH: +230 1% $AxJ: +198 3%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 +.5 +75 +131 +.81 +16 +22 -31 +78 +1.26 +.81 +.008 15% 35% 15% 15% 55% 1% 80% 85% 4% 10% 25% 50% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *EXAR Monumental 6056B 3F Epic 4631 LCC Monumental Lady 8030 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 19237006 #LCC Upward Neutron 0302 #*Sitz Upward 307R LCC Neutrons Design 3024 127
$M +52 80% $W +66 25% $F +128 2% $G +84 4% $B +212 2% $C +327 2% LOT Birth Date: 09-09-2021 · Cow *20203552 · Tattoo: 1803 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 37 53 21 21 81 20 52 8 98 3 70 18 11 3 9 21 42 69 42 39 53 28 $AxH: +196 4% $AxJ: +175 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +16 -2.0 +79 +134 +.55 +15 +24 -35 +69 +1.36 +1.42 -.017 1% 3% 10% 15% 70% 2% 65% 95% 10% 4% 1% 20% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Storms Rita 8364 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19312528 LCC Exalted Rita 3640 LCC Foresites Objective 1667 LCC Exalt On Design 6408 128
$M +39 95% $W +76 10% $F +118 4% $G +99 1% $B +218 1% $C +322 3% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Cow +*20203495 · Tattoo: 1739 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 1 1 28 48 22 51 79 43 100 39 63 30 30 14 3 1 33 85 39 84 76 42 $AxH: +234 1% $AxJ: +240 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +1.6 +81 +148 +1.97 +13 +27 -38 +65 +.97 +1.29 -.056 20% 60% 10% 4% 4% 10% 45% 95% 15% 20% 1% 1% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*K BAR Boomer +G A R Big Eye 1770 19083750 +*K BAR 5050 New Design 132 #+G A R New Design 5050 +K BAR Objective 108 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LCC Jet Black Empress 8400 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297722 +*LCC 10X Empress 4004 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*44 Blackcap Empress W503 129
$M +44 95% $W +72 15% $F +111 10% $G +83 5% $B +194 4% $C +296 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-26-2021 · Cow *20203549 · Tattoo: 1840 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 10 26 20 11 62 3 3 35 98 8 42 16 6 16 17 2 6 70 93 62 37 17 $AxH: +177 10% $AxJ: +210 2%



Fall Bred Heifers

Check out the performance in this Ascend daughter that is a direct daughter of the Jet Black daughter that stems directly from the legendary $40,000 GAR Complete N281. With a +96 WW and a +173 YW, this female is loaded with growth. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Beal Breakthrough and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.

Double digit calving ease in this Ascend daughter that has five Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree. There is loads of predictability and stability in this pedigree. 17 traits in the top 15% of the breed. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Fireball and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.

G A R Complete N281 - Granddam of Lot 132



A huge growth curve in this Ascend daughter that stems from a dam that combines All In and the Pathfinder Sire Summitcrest Complete. This female expresses a tremendous growth curve, elite carcass merit and balanced $Values. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Kenny Rogers and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.


Check out the pedigree in this Ascend daughter that stems from a Jet Black daughter that is a direct daughter of the $40,000 GAR Complete N281. With a tremendous growth curve and balanced carcass merit, this female has 15 traits in the top 15% of the breed. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to TAR Dominance and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.


A super balanced female by Ascend that stems from a dam that combines the ST Genetics Sire GAR Storm and the Pathfinder Sire Ten X. With practically a no holes EPD profile, this super complete female possesses 12 traits in the top 20% of the breed. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Beal Breakthrough and P.E. 12/15/2022

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 43
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +13 +.5 +79 +149 +1.02 +12 +30 -51 +68 +1.10 +.73 -.046 10% 35% 10% 4% 40% 15% 25% 95% 15% 15% 40% 2% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748 134 LCC COMPLETE ASCENT 1140 $M +37 95% $W +71 15% $F +111 10% $G +80 10% $B +192 5% $C +286 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-21-2021 · Cow +*20160033 · Tattoo: 1140 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 5 23 10 3 91 5 26 61 67 44 35 2 1 8 11 27 3 60 57 84 29 78 $AxH: +163 15% $AxJ: +170 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +3.3 +89 +151 +1.19 +5 +28 -52 +85 +.94 +1.02 -.056 70% 90% 2% 4% 30% 80% 35% 95% 2% 25% 10% 1% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 135
$M +20 95% $W +75 10% $F +124 2% $G +78 10% $B +202 3% $C +282 15% LOT Birth Date: 11-16-2021 · Cow +*20255445 · Tattoo: 1753 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 90 96 1 5 95 3 16 95 100 85 38 1 1 1 40 7 2 53 69 84 56 49 $AxH: +189 5% $AxJ: +214 2%
to 20191710. CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.1 +72 +126 +1.17 +7 +35 -42 +62 +.88 +.77 -.040 55% 70% 20% 20% 30% 65% 5% 95% 20% 30% 30% 4% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*LCC Lucys Storm 7708 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19040116 +*VC 7008 of V107 4526 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FWY Lucy V107 136
$M +40 95% $W +71 15% $F +103 15% $G +70 15% $B +173 15% $C +264 30% LOT Birth Date: 09-29-2021 · Cow *20180124 · Tattoo: 1778 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 61 59 27 43 70 43 21 67 82 76 19 11 10 19 35 38 8 40 83 47 81 47 $AxH: +144 20% $AxJ: +121 30%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +4.2 +97 +173 +1.14 +3 +36 -61 +97 +.97 +.83 -.031 55% 95% 1% 1% 35% 95% 4% 95% 1% 20% 25% 10% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +42 95% $W +83 2% $F +138 1% $G +74 10% $B +213 2% $C +318 4% LOT Birth Date: 11-19-2021 · Cow +*20255447 · Tattoo: 1818 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 68 93 1 1 100 1 29 90 91 96 5 1 2 1 27 14 6 67 65 19 33 68 $AxH: +161 15% $AxJ: +191 4%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +2.3 +84 +153 +.92 +11 +33 -44 +63 +1.19 +.97 -.027 30% 75% 4% 3% 45% 20% 10% 95% 20% 10% 10% 10% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj *TDAR All In 115 #*Deer Valley All In LCC Completely In 8297 +*DCF Lucy B84 19306472 #LCC Complete Objective 2978 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 LCC Objective Grade 9748
$M +48 90% $W +78 5% $F +101 20% $G +86 4% $B +188 10% $C +292 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-30-2021 · Cow +*20160035 · Tattoo: 1415 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 28 62 15 7 84 42 34 85 71 37 24 13 17 18 7 12 10 85 82 39 64 63 $AxH: +196 4% $AxJ: +199 3%

Fall Bred Heifers


A super-efficient female by SS Enforcer that possesses elite combination of marbling and ribeye that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Baldridge Waylon and the Genex Sire Lone Star Advantage. You have to appreciate the carcass merit and efficiency this female possesses. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Beal Breakthrough and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.

Check out the growth curve and marbling in this female by the Enhance son that serves in the Luling Foundation bull arsenal and from a dam that combines EXAR Stetson and the Pathfinder Sire New Design 5050. This female possesses 14 traits in the top 10% of the breed. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to GB Fireball.

Check out the growth curve this Enforcer daughter brings to the table that stems from a dam that combines Monumental and the Pathfinder Sire Upshot. She expresses a tremendous growth curve with elite carcass merit and balanced $Values. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Wildcat and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.



A calving ease, super-efficient female by the Luling Foundation sire, Ambition, who is a high performance Enhance son, and anchored by a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires GAR Prophet and Daybreak. She possesses 11 traits in the top 15% of the breed. Sells bred 12/15/2022 to DB Iconic.

A double digit calving ease Enforcer daughter that stems from a dam that combines the ST Genetics Sire GAR Storm and the Genex Sire Lone Star Advantage. This super efficient female has elite carcass merit in a very moderate package. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to Beal Breakthrough and P.E.

to 20191710.

44 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
137 LOT
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.0 +61 +121 +.80 +6 +33 -10 +41 +1.03 +1.10 -.033 45% 45% 50% 30% 55% 75% 10% 35% 70% 20% 4% 10% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Rita 2618 19274932 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 S S Daybreak K011 S S Miss Incentive X19 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 #+*GAR-EGL Protege LCC Waylons Crossover 4188 *Baldridge Blackcap T163 17986108 LCC Crossovers Answer 1829 +*Lone Star Advantage E753 #LCC Designed Crossover 8291 139 LCC LADY ENFORCER 1418 $M +72 25% $W +65 25% $F +90 35% $G +81 10% $B +171 15% $C +294 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-17-2021 · Cow *20252829 · Tattoo: 1418 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 61 56 40 9 64 40 45 16 56 77 17 59 44 28 18 2 8 94 25 80 78 84 $AxH: +182 10% $AxJ: +157 15%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 -.3 +85 +154 +1.55 +6 +37 -43 +69 +1.10 +.98 -.015 30% 20% 4% 3% 15% 75% 3% 95% 10% 15% 10% 20% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Rita 2618 19274932 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 S S Daybreak K011 S S Miss Incentive X19 *EXAR Monumental 6056B 3F Epic 4631 *LCC Lady Monumental 8402 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 19297719 LCC Upshot Mandate 4024 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B LCC Mandates Design 1024 140 LCC LADY ENFORCER 1800 $M +58 65% $W +88 1% $F +101 20% $G +81 10% $B +182 10% $C +294 10% LOT Birth Date: 09-27-2021 · Cow *20183991 · Tattoo: 1800 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 36 22 25 7 94 28 7 45 57 58 2 24 28 17 15 6 14 62 60 76 80 27 $AxH: +162 15% $AxJ: +171 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 -1.6 +63 +116 +.48 +10 +21 -18 +37 +1.11 +.51 +.024 15% 5% 40% 35% 75% 30% 85% 55% 75% 15% 70% 70% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Rita 2618 19274932 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 S S Daybreak K011 S S Miss Incentive X19 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Stormy Foresite 7295 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19039515 LCC Foresites Advantage 2952 +*Lone Star Advantage E753 CLL Foresight Yield 9752 141
$M +54 75% $W +58 45% $F +83 55% $G +72 15% $B +155 30% $C +255 35% LOT Birth Date: 09-21-2021 · Cow *20179874 · Tattoo: 1729 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 22 14 75 36 29 92 73 80 61 47 87 63 89 84 14 67 59 86 3 45 39 38 $AxH: +159 15% $AxJ: +118 30%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.6 +86 +159 +.50 +9 +29 -31 +69 +1.12 +.95 +.003 60% 60% 3% 2% 75% 40% 30% 85% 10% 15% 15% 40% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj +*EXAR Stetson 3704B #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*LFF Stetson 7099 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T 18966497 +*Ogeechee Rita 2002 #+G A R New Design 5050 +*Ogeechee Rita 9001 137
$M +68 35% $W +82 3% $F +109 10% $G +80 10% $B +189 5% $C +313 4% LOT Birth Date: 11-10-2021 · Cow *20247595 · Tattoo: 1070 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 73 62 8 2 98 44 74 10 84 35 45 33 41 11 8 15 43 79 69 56 22 45 $AxH: +196 4% $AxJ: +180 5%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +.2 +70 +122 +.34 +9 +33 -8 +46 +1.13 +.92 -.033 30% 30% 25% 25% 80% 40% 10% 30% 55% 15% 15% 10% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*DE-SU Ambition SydGen Rita 2618 19506839 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #+*G A R Prophet #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 *2 Bar C Prophet 4079 +G A R Objective 1885 18201984 +*G A R Daybreak M641 #MCC Daybreak +*G A R Objective 1357 138
$M +80 10% $W +80 4% $F +83 55% $G +83 5% $B +166 20% $C +295 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-20-2021 · Cow +*20247601 · Tattoo: 1038 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 51 41 28 32 65 49 70 11 71 81 23 79 41 36 11 9 5 9 99 41 21 54 $AxH: +169 10% $AxJ: +153 15%



A big bodied super attractive female by the Grimmius Sire SG Salvation and from a dam that combines the two sires Conversion and the Pathfinder Sire Rito 1I2. This is one awesome female that is broody, powerful and the kind that makes herd sires. She sells bred 12/5/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.


A high performance female by the 2 Bar and Langford sire, Weapon, and from a dam that combines the ORIgen sire, Jet Black, and the ST Genetics sire, GAR Storm. This female expresses a balanced growth curve and elite marbling and ribeye with a balanced set of $Values. She sells bred 12/15/2022 To Winchester with sexed heifer semen and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.


A maternal sister to the high selling female in last year’s sale, the $20,000 Hirschy Angus selection, who is a Jet Black daughter that is a maternal sister to the legendary Sexton donor, 6S66. There is power in the blood here folks. She sells bred 12/6/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/232/15/23.

A bigger ribeye female by the Langford sire, 2 Bar Foreman, that stems from a direct daughter of the ST Genetics sire, GAR Storm. She possesses 13 traits in the top 20% of the breed. This female has tons of mating flexibility. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to TAR Dominance and P.E. 12/15/2022 to 20191710.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 45
142 LOT
Fall Bred Heifers
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +2.2 +70 +136 +1.25 +7 +20 -42 +64 +1.16 +1.15 -.017 20% 75% 25% 15% 25% 65% 90% 95% 20% 10% 3% 20% +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LCC Black Storm 9774 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19534382 +*LCC Infinite Storm 7440 +*G A R Storm *LCC 10X Infinity 4220 144 LCC
$M +35 95% $W +50 70% $F +124 2% $G +86 4% $B +211 2% $C +309 5% LOT Birth Date: 09-16-2021 · Cow *20179866 · Tattoo: 1974 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 55 68 43 13 44 36 14 10 57 90 91 8 18 14 10 4 22 57 85 98 90 29 $AxH: +226 1% $AxJ: +213 2%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +2.1 +73 +133 +.36 +10 +26 -28 +56 +.73 +1.11 +.008 45% 70% 20% 15% 80% 30% 50% 80% 30% 45% 4% 50% +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 *LCC Stormy Destiny 7424 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19045737 LCC 1153 Destiny 4248 +*McKellar 7229 1153 LCC Destinys Objective 2480
$M +73 25% $W +65 25% $F +106 15% $G +64 25% $B +170 15% $C +293 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-05-2021 · Cow *20199632 · Tattoo: 1742 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 48 65 22 9 51 49 77 75 9 39 53 15 24 22 35 4 35 23 47 93 55 48 $AxH: +167 10% $AxJ: +174 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +4.2 +83 +147 +.56 +10 +19 -45 +77 +.79 +.79 +.021 90% 95% 5% 5% 70% 30% 95% 95% 4% 35% 30% 65% +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *SG Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030 19559741 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N +Sexton Conversion 4S04 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 18176435 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 #+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 +D C C Ideal 221 of 692 8375 142
$M +46 90% $W +57 45% $F +128 2% $G +61 30% $B +189 5% $C +291 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-15-2021 · Cow *20235440 · Tattoo: 1S10 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 76 83 9 10 76 33 74 51 38 20 83 2 5 5 35 37 77 97 75 10 25 76 $AxH: +170 10% $AxJ: +166 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.4 +81 +142 +1.00 +1 +30 -33 +69 +.80 +1.00 -.005 70% 80% 10% 10% 40% 95% 25% 90% 10% 35% 10% 30% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus
*Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17354644 +44 Rita 94126 #*G A R Predestined +G A R Objective L196
$M +62 55% $W +76 10% $F +110 10% $G +66 20% $B +176 15% $C +290 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-20-2021 · Cow +*20450947 · Tattoo: 1S55 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 85 85 6 8 77 14 29 24 60 99 27 10 7 3 35 4 20 90 84 53 6 56 $AxH: +171 10% $AxJ: +179 10%

Fall Bred Heifers


A double digit calving ease female by the Langford sire, 2 Bar Foreman, who possesses superb carcass merit and efficiency, that stems from a dam that combines the ABS Global Sire 2 Bar Buster and a Woodhill Foresight son. She sells bred 12/15/2022 to TAR Dominance and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.

A super balanced, very efficient female by the Sexton herd sire, 44 Payweight, and from a dam that traces back to the $50,000 Vintage Rita 5012, anchored by the legendry Vintage donor, SJH Complete of 6108 1564. She sells bred 12/6/22 to T C A Eastwood. PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.



A super-efficient 2 Bar Foreman daughter that stems from a dam that combines a Consensus son and the Pathfinder Sire, BT Crossover. Check out the DMI and $EN on this female. She sells bred to one of the hottest sires in the breed, McClintok, on 12/15/2022 and P.E. 12/15 to 20191710.



A double digit calving ease female by the Sexton herd sire, 44 Payweight, and she stems from a dam that combines S A V Raindance and the Pathfinder Sire GAR Progress. A super complete female that literally has no holes in her EPD profile. She sells bred 12/5/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380. PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40

A super balanced female by the Sexton herd sire, 44 Payweight, and from the dam of the legendary Sexton donor, 6S66, who has produced some serious high-performance cattle that includes last year’s high selling female, the $20,000 selection of Hirschy Angus. She sells bred 11/26/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380. PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.

A super efficient female by the Sexton herd sire, 44 Payweight, and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Complete and GAR Predestined. There are six Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree, adding predictability and stability. She sells bred 12/5/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick

46 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +3.9 +80 +134 +1.25 +10 +23 -18 +54 +.92 +.76 +.001 85% 95% 10% 15% 25% 30% 75% 55% 35% 25% 35% 40% #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 +*S A V Raindance 6848 #+*Coleman Charlo 0256 +*LFF Raindance 8024 *S A V Blackcap May 4136 19236884 +*Vintage Rita 5012 #*V A R Generation 2100 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 149 SEXTON PAYWEIGHT 1S48 $M +62 55% $W +68 20% $F +93 30% $G +68 20% $B +162 25% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 11-21-2021 · Cow *20228080 · Tattoo: 1S48 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 82 95 5 13 80 15 24 62 74 18 88 39 32 19 20 27 29 24 11 83 53 39 $AxH: +135 25% $AxJ: +123 25%
1/4/23-2/15/23. CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 +.5 +64 +125 +.56 +8 +38 -23 +56 +.90 +.62 +.021 15% 35% 40% 25% 70% 55% 2% 70% 30% 25% 55% 65% #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 +*S A V Raindance 6848 #+*Coleman Charlo 0256 Sexton Raindance 8S12 *S A V Blackcap May 4136 19472756 G A R Progress 1783 #+*G A R Progress +*G A R Complete 3091
$M +54 75% $W +71 15% $F +103 15% $G +64 25% $B +167 20% $C +271 25% LOT Birth Date: 10-10-2021 · Cow *20228074 · Tattoo: 1S31 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 31 59 38 7 78 24 63 71 42 85 7 38 43 15 21 38 62 31 13 100 98 29 $AxH: +152 20% $AxJ: +135 20%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.2 +65 +105 +.07 +3 +27 -2 +40 +.88 +.57 +.016 55% 75% 35% 55% 90% 95% 45% 15% 70% 30% 60% 60% #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +G A R Complete 3241 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17057034 +G A R Predestined N518 #*G A R Predestined +G A R Future Direction 1804 151 SEXTON
$M +78 15% $W +68 20% $F +79 65% $G +63 25% $B +141 45% $C +261 30% LOT Birth Date: 11-08-2021 · Cow *20228076 · Tattoo: 1S43 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 30 31 48 85 25 47 87 24 52 97 65 89 59 72 29 59 75 92 39 55 55 99 $AxH: +85 60% $AxJ: +51 70%
0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +11 +1.0 +67 +124 +.48 +12 +23 -28 +55 +1.07 +.91 +.032 15% 45% 30% 25% 75% 15% 75% 80% 35% 15% 15% 80% +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*2 Bar Buster 3543 #+*Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM LCC Busters Foresite 7444 +G A R Daybreak M721 19061429 LCC Bextors Foresite 0844 +DCC Rito 847 of FST X55 #LCC Bexpectation 8444 146
$M +45 90% $W +58 45% $F +107 15% $G +75 10% $B +182 10% $C +281 20% LOT Birth Date: 10-19-2021 · Cow *20199638 · Tattoo: 1444 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 10 23 44 21 40 60 70 89 50 28 46 25 36 34 11 16 70 59 22 88 30 98 $AxH: +186 5% $AxJ: +181 5%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +1.6 +48 +88 -.69 +7 +27 -18 +44 +.91 +.55 +.057 85% 60% 85% 85% 95% 65% 45% 55% 60% 25% 65% 95% +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*2 Bar Foreman 7586 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19064591 +*WILKS Miss 4088 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*2 Bar 28 Ambush 1853 +*McKellar 7229 1153 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 LCC Consensus Design 5829 +*Mc Elaina Anne 0110 18335380 #LCC Designed Crossover 8291 #+BT Crossover 758N G A R 1407 New Design 2912
$M +55 75% $W +45 80% $F +95 30% $G +61 30% $B +156 30% $C +257 35% LOT Birth Date: 09-28-2021 · Cow *20179879 · Tattoo: 1582 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 96 85 82 69 19 83 99 66 12 67 47 44 54 49 19 67 95 80 36 55 53 97 $AxH: +115 40% $AxJ: +82 50%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +1.9 +67 +120 +.60 +7 +31 -17 +53 +.95 +.60 -.009 80% 65% 30% 30% 70% 65% 20% 55% 40% 25% 55% 25% #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*44 Payweight 6572 21AR O Lass 7017 18750159 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3970 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +*SJH Complete of 94126 2658 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17354644 +44 Rita 94126 #*G A R Predestined +G A R Objective L196
$M +74 20% $W +68 20% $F +93 30% $G +68 20% $B +162 25% $C +284 15% LOT Birth Date: 11-11-2021 · Cow *20228078 · Tattoo: 1S45 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 56 34 47 51 62 20 61 68 31 55 31 56 25 34 20 63 28 67 17 71 48 47 $AxH: +114 40% $AxJ: +100 40%

Fall Bred Cows/Winter Heifer Pairs


A super efficient female that stems from a son of the Pathfinder Sire Discovery and from a dam that has a unique genetic combination of Duff Basic Instinct and the Pathfinder Sire Complete. This female has done everything correct and calved every year on time. She sells bred 12/8/22 to Williams Hollywood

Check out the performance in this Fireball daughter that stems from a dam that combines the ST Genetics Sire GAR Storm and the $40,000 GAR Complete N281. This female is super unique with her combination of calving ease, weaning weight, yearling weight and marbling. She sells with Lot 155A a heifer calf (2077) born 12/8/2022 that weighed 54 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick 0615 Reg 20056254.



A double digit calving ease Raindance daughter that is a direct daughter of the $50,000 Rita 5012, who is a direct daughter of the multimillion-dollar producer, SJH Complete of 6108 1564, who is a direct daughter of the six million-dollar producer, Rita 6108. She sells bred 12/6/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23.


A big time spread on this female by one of the hottest sires in the industry, GB Fireball, and from a dam that combines the ABS Global Sire 2 Bar Buster and the Pathfinder Sire SAV Net Worth. She sells with Lot 156A a heifer calf (2061) born 12/11/21 that weighed 58 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick 0615 Reg 20056254.


A very balanced female by Conversion and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Complete and Predestined. She possesses six Pathfinders in the first three generation of her pedigree adding predictability and stability. She sells bred 11/27/22 to Williams Hollywood 700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23 - 2/15/23.

Check out the weaning and yearling weight on this Ascend daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Acclaim and Waylon. She possesses 17 traits in the top 10% of the breed. This female has big time performance written all over her. She sells due to calve mid-January 2023 to Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 47
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +15 +1.6 +99 +170 +.74 +16 +19 -46 +82 +1.81 +.98 +.039 2% 60% 1% 1% 60% 1% 95% 95% 2% 1% 10% 85% +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*G A R Storm #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*LCC Complete Storm 8177 Maplecrest Eva 7010 19240097 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 155 LCC FIRESTORM 0877 $M +61 55% $W +81 3% $F +124 2% $G +110 1% $B +234 1% $C +364 1% LOT Birth Date: 09-08-2020 · Cow *19841519 · Tattoo: 0877 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 24 84 1 3 99 22 42 47 38 22 85 5 8 7 1 9 48 95 2 82 79 55 $AxH: +250 1% $AxJ: +241 1%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +3.5 +83 +149 +1.52 +6 +26 -33 +80 +1.22 +.83 +.078 80% 95% 5% 4% 15% 75% 50% 90% 3% 10% 25% 95% +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 +*2 Bar Buster 3543 #+*Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM LCC Busters Net Worth 6151 +G A R Daybreak M721 18739585 LCC Net Worths Design 1514 #S A V Net Worth 4200 LCC Expectahatchee 5148
$M +45 90% $W +70 15% $F +130 1% $G +77 10% $B +207 2% $C +313 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-28-2020 · Cow *19854109 · Tattoo: 0615 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 74 79 16 9 78 43 7 44 95 91 47 28 64 10 12 26 87 80 74 87 60 56 $AxH: +191 4% $AxJ: +173 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +2.0 +94 +167 +.65 +6 +28 -57 +92 +1.28 +1.06 -.044 45% 70% 1% 1% 65% 75% 35% 95% 1% 10% 10% 3% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*Wilks Rita 8403 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19199868 +*EXAR Rita 8153 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +Exar Rita 9029 157 LCC RITAS
$M +42 95% $W +81 3% $F +139 1% $G +93 2% $B +232 1% $C +343 1% LOT Birth Date: 10-19-2020 · Cow +*19933059 · Tattoo: 0902 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 46 62 8 8 79 3 61 24 85 84 51 7 3 3 8 14 8 40 20 53 83 13 $AxH: +202 3% $AxJ: +258 1%
700-380 and PE to Sexton Maverick 0S40 1/4/23-2/15/23. CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +0 +3.3 +68 +107 +1.30 +6 +40 -14 +44 +.75 +.47 -.003 90% 90% 20% 35% 20% 70% 1% 55% 35% 25% 55% 30% #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Vintage Discovery 4384 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 17906894 +*44 Blackcap 6271 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Sandpoint Blackcap 7977 Sexton Instinct 9S01 +*Duff Basic Instinct 6501 Sexton Instinct 5S43 +D C C Rita 3J24 of 1I2 221 18457466 +Sexton Complete 2s25 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 FG Crossover 8046 of 601 152
$M +83 4% $W +77 3% $F +77 60% $G +57 25% $B +134 40% $C +257 20% LOT Birth Date: 10-08-2017 · Cow *19147114 · Tattoo: 7S18 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 86 85 28 76 33 46 29 33 16 60 4 79 80 42 26 71 46 73 70 84 38 9 $AxH: +75 45% $AxJ: +46 50%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +1.1 +62 +112 +1.33 +13 +25 -10 +40 +.54 +.75 -.014 20% 45% 30% 30% 15% 10% 60% 45% 45% 45% 20% 15% #+*Coleman Charlo 0256 #*O C C Paxton 730P +*S A V Raindance 6848 +Bohi Abigale 6014 18578965 *S A V Blackcap May 4136 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004 #+S A V May 2397 #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Vintage Rita 5012 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18066033 +*SJH Complete of 6108 1564 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 153
$M +56 60% $W +61 25% $F +88 35% $G +52 30% $B +139 35% $C +236 40% LOT Birth Date: 09-26-2018 · Cow +*19236884 · Tattoo: 8024 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 43 69 62 33 13 83 35 17 97 16 77 77 74 70 68 35 15 4 35 56 62 58 $AxH: +127 15% $AxJ: +102 20%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +2.1 +56 +95 +.56 +10 +33 -23 +39 +.94 +.63 +.047 80% 70% 50% 60% 65% 30% 15% 80% 50% 10% 30% 95% #+BT Crossover 758N #C A Future Direction 5321 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 BT Royal Pride 237G 16262077 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 #BR Midland Exar Saras Dream 9809 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #C F Right Design 1802 +*LFF Summitcrest 1009 of 8036 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 17290337 +LFF Predestined 8036 of 2232 #*G A R Predestined G A R 1407 New Design 2232
7S81 [ DDF ] $M +52 70% $W +58 35% $F +74 70% $G +64 15% $B +138 35% $C +231 45% LOT Birth Date: 09-06-2017 · Cow +*19147137 · Tattoo: 7S81 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 59 37 80 89 52 49 61 86 22 21 14 47 25 73 16 53 92 89 11 96 85 54 $AxH: +96 35% $AxJ: +80 30%

Winter Heifer Pairs




Check out the explosive growth in this Ascend daughter that stems from a dam that combines a son of the former Summitcrest sire, GT Expo, and the Pathfinder Sire Connealy All Around. Make a special note on the carcass weight and marbling combination this female possesses. She sells due to calve mid-January 2023 to Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.



A double digit calving ease Jet Black daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires EXAR Upshot and SydGen Mandate. There are tons of maternal excellence built into this female. She sells with Lot 161A a heifer calf (2040) born 12/18/2022 that weighed 62 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.

A high performance female by the Langford herd sire, LCC Generation Rito 7502, and from a direct daughter of the $40,000 GAR Complete N281. This female possesses a tremendous growth curve and elite ribeye. Best news, she sells with Lot 159A a bull calf (2082) born 12/12/2022 that weighed 58 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254 .

A high performance super complete Enforcer daughter that stems from a dam that combines sons of the two Pathfinder Sires GAR Predestined and Woodhill Foresight. She possesses 14 traits in the top 20% of the breed coupled with growth, carcass merit and maternal traits. She sells due to calve mid-January 2023 to Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.


A super balanced Jet Black daughter that expresses explosive growth and elite residual daily gain with added maternal traits and balanced carcass merit. Seven Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree create rock solid stability in this female. She sells with Lot 160A a bull calf (2048) born 12/16/2022 that weighed 65 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.

A double digit calving ease, super-efficient Enforcer daughter that stems from a dam that combines 44 Arsenal and the Pathfinder Sire GAR Sure Fire. What a combination of efficiency and ribeye in this productive female. She sells with Lot 163A a heifer calf (2066) born 12/11/2022 that weighed 50 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.

48 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +1.4 +68 +129 +1.10 +4 +30 -31 +62 +.39 +.73 +.042 20% 55% 30% 20% 35% 90% 25% 85% 20% 80% 40% 90% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B #*Sitz Upward 307R LCC Upshot Mandate 4024 #+EXAR Barbara T020 17987457 LCC Mandates Design 1024 #SydGen Mandate 6079 L C C Precision Design 0245 161
0404 $M +43 95% $W +64 25% $F +102 20% $G +40 75% $B +142 45% $C +227 65% LOT Birth Date: 09-26-2020 · Cow *19936118 · Tattoo: 0404 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 23 32 48 23 92 11 31 61 81 85 45 30 19 19 75 30 84 60 58 58 81 65 $AxH: +86 60% $AxJ: +116 30%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +2.5 +72 +129 +.85 +3 +31 -19 +58 +1.03 +.60 +.024 70% 80% 20% 20% 50% 95% 20% 60% 30% 20% 55% 70% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Rita 2618 19274932 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 S S Daybreak K011 S S Miss Incentive X19 MGR Predestined 7045 #*G A R Predestined #LCC Bextors Destiny 3084 +ICC Evergreen 4313 17695411 LCC Bextors Foresite 0844 +DCC Rito 847 of FST X55 #LCC Bexpectation 8444 162 LCC LADY ENFORCER 0308 $M +74 20% $W +71 15% $F +105 15% $G +70 15% $B +174 15% $C +300 10% LOT Birth Date: 10-08-2020 · Cow 19909901 · Tattoo: 0308 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 77 78 48 34 31 78 54 23 27 83 30 77 66 39 17 59 72 64 87 34 32 20 $AxH: +169 10% $AxJ: +151 15%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 -.6 +69 +128 +.72 +3 +33 -16 +52 +.80 +1.20 -.014 20% 15% 25% 20% 60% 95% 10% 50% 40% 35% 2% 20% SydGen Enhance *SydGen Exceed 3223 *S S Enforcer E812 SydGen Rita 2618 19274932 #S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 S S Daybreak K011 S S Miss Incentive X19 +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Arsenal 7640 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19125904 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 163 LCC LADY ENFORCER 0466 $M +68 35% $W +76 10% $F +97 25% $G +70 15% $B +167 20% $C +285 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-19-2020 · Cow +*19936120 · Tattoo: 0466 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 15 6 58 24 15 81 43 7 59 86 11 59 65 38 28 1 10 96 88 99 44 29 $AxH: +188 5% $AxJ: +176 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +3.4 +90 +156 +1.33 +2 +34 -54 +89 +1.40 +.91 -.058 70% 90% 2% 2% 25% 95% 10% 95% 1% 3% 15% 1% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress +*E W A Ascend 7306 +G A R Big Eye 1770 19054050 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj D A A R Infinity 313 #G T Expo #+*LCC Blackcap Infinity 2203 #D A A R Heroine L T 108 17406985 +*44 Blackcap Empress W503 #*Connealy All Around B/R Blackcap Empress 127
$M +29 95% $W +80 4% $F +126 2% $G +98 1% $B +224 1% $C +320 3% LOT Birth Date: 10-21-2020 · Cow +*19912025 · Tattoo: 0396 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 91 97 1 1 100 1 25 76 96 99 5 1 1 1 2 9 2 69 98 33 98 69 $AxH: +132 30% $AxJ: +140 20%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -1 +4.4 +91 +161 +.68 +9 +31 -45 +86 +.68 +1.46 -.040 95% 95% 2% 2% 65% 40% 20% 95% 1% 50% 1% 4% #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *LCC Generation Rito 7502 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 19039532 +*LCC 10X Rita 5022 #+*Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM +*LCC 10X Cross Up 3603 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*LCC Jet Black Lady 8022 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19297724 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L
$M +57 70% $W +77 10% $F +131 1% $G +70 15% $B +201 3% $C +318 4% LOT Birth Date: 10-17-2020 · Cow *19898956 · Tattoo: 0802 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 76 72 5 6 89 33 56 30 86 17 25 9 41 2 47 1 2 92 27 48 20 31 $AxH: +188 5% $AxJ: +212 2%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +3.6 +85 +149 +.90 +6 +25 -39 +79 +.82 +.81 -.026 60% 95% 4% 4% 50% 75% 60% 95% 3% 35% 25% 10% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #*Jindra Double Vision #Connealy Reflection LCC Double Direction 4289 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 17986135 BDA Diamond Direction 2089 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +Roden Rita 089
$M +61 55% $W +69 20% $F +122 3% $G +67 20% $B +189 5% $C +306 10% LOT Birth Date: 11-09-2020 · Cow *19919297 · Tattoo: 0489 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 83 96 4 5 88 12 60 10 79 72 59 7 5 1 33 24 11 33 69 51 20 16 $AxH: +169 10% $AxJ: +175 10%


Winter Pairs


A super complete female by the Langford herd sire, 2 Bar Weapon, and from a dam that combines MGR Treasure and the Pathfinder Sire Journey. She possesses the combination of added efficiency, docility and balanced carcass merit. She sells with Lot 164A a heifer calf (2087) born 11/30/2022 that weighed 60 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254

A super balanced Freys Opportunity daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Consensus and Objective T510. With a balanced growth curve and added elite carcass weight, this female is the kind that produces those scale smashers. She sells due to calve mid-January to 2 Bar Weapon Reg 19060637.



*Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision


A royally bred Acclaim daughter that stems on the maternal side from the legendary multi-million-dollar producer, Basin Lucy 3829. This royally bred female has seven Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree. She sell with Lot 165A a bull calf (2041) born 11/30/2022 that weighed 58 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.


A super balanced, very complete Jet Black daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires, Ten X and Connealy All Around. Seven Pathfinders in the first three generations of this female create predictability and rock solid stability. She sells with Lot 168A a heifer calf (2840) born 12/12/2022 that weighed 68 lbs. by 2 Bar Weapon 19060637.


A calving ease, bigger ribeye Freys Opportunity daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Bextor. 17 traits in the top 20% of the breed with an emphasis on growth and maternal traits. She sells with Lot 166A a heifer calf (2850) born 12/7/2022 that weighed 77 lbs. by 2 Bar Weapon Reg 19060637.

A very complete, super balanced Samson daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Ten X and New Day 454. Check out the nine Pathfinders in the first three generations this female possesses, talk about rock solid stability and predictability. She sells with Lot 169A a heifer calf (2941) born 12/16/2022 that weighed 68 lbs. by Gabriel Maverick Reg 20056254.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 49
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.8 +77 +136 -.24 +11 +34 -37 +77 +.38 +.78 -.021 25% 60% 5% 5% 95% 20% 10% 95% 1% 70% 15% 10% BSAR Opportunity 9114 BSAR Design Doctor 0910 *Freys Opportunity 148A Bishops Lassie 746 17644282 #F A R Princess 214X #*Sitz Upward 307R F A R Princess 202T #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus #+44 Chloe 2462 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 17348755 +*V A R Chloe 9372 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +44 Chloe 7056
$M +55 65% $W +76 4% $F +116 3% $G +45 45% $B +161 15% $C +264 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-30-2018 · Cow 19297717 · Tattoo: 8246 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 63 82 9 5 96 5 98 19 78 61 11 10 6 4 78 19 11 94 16 93 41 55 $AxH: +105 30% $AxJ: +132 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +1.6 +76 +139 +2.33 +10 +32 -29 +59 +.80 +.78 +.011 30% 60% 10% 4% 1% 30% 15% 90% 10% 20% 15% 50% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*LCC 10X Empress 4004 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17987414 +*44 Blackcap Empress W503 #*Connealy All Around B/R Blackcap Empress 127
8400 $M +54 65% $W +75 4% $F +99 15% $G +62 15% $B +161 15% $C +263 15% LOT Birth Date: 10-31-2018 · Cow *19297722 · Tattoo: 8400 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 36 60 24 14 78 20 1 51 87 9 18 34 13 26 24 40 61 73 49 70 51 62 $AxH: +135 15% $AxJ: +140 10%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +1.8 +67 +126 +.48 +9 +22 -23 +54 +.54 +.72 -.045 80% 60% 20% 15% 75% 40% 80% 80% 15% 45% 20% 2% #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 #*Sitz Upward 307R +*SS Samson C4701 #Barbara of Plattemere 337 18496310 *SS Isabel Z720 +*G A R Progression #SS Isabel T336 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus LCC 10X Objective 4153 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17987398 LCC 454 Objective 1853 #*B/R New Day 454 #LCC 5603 Design 8539
$M +46 85% $W +56 40% $F +99 15% $G +54 25% $B +153 20% $C +244 30% LOT Birth Date: 11-06-2019 · Cow *19587607 · Tattoo: 9415 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 79 55 45 16 66 53 73 34 86 31 84 36 51 31 46 29 3 72 70 82 78 39 $AxH: +115 20% $AxJ: +92 25%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +3.5 +70 +131 +.49 +12 +29 -23 +54 +.89 +.66 +.036 85% 95% 25% 15% 75% 15% 30% 70% 35% 30% 50% 85% +*44 Arsenal 4W07 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +*2 Bar Weapon 7599 *DZ ND 5050 0F15 19060637 *G A R Sure Fire 1705 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Destination 1513 +*MGR Treasure #*V A R Discovery 2240 *LCC Ritas Treasure 8074 +*SJH Impression of 6108 1614 19237054 *WR Rita 06 #+*WR Journey-1X74 +*Montana Rita B074 164
0807 $M +63 50% $W +62 30% $F +99 20% $G +63 25% $B +162 25% $C +273 20% LOT Birth Date: 09-28-2020 · Cow *19854116 · Tattoo: 0807 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 86 86 47 17 52 86 62 8 72 16 38 51 66 33 23 47 81 10 10 90 15 32 $AxH: +147 20% $AxJ: +108 35%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +.7 +66 +124 +.99 +10 +32 -35 +57 +.71 +.41 +.025 45% 40% 35% 25% 40% 30% 15% 95% 30% 45% 85% 70%
17972810 +Jindra
#*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*VC 7008 of V107 4526 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18032857 +*FWY Lucy V107 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Basin Lucy 3829
Sapphire J 417
Blackbird Lassy 1111
$M +44 95% $W +66 25% $F +112 10% $G +52 45% $B +164 20% $C +257 35% LOT Birth Date: 12-15-2020 · Cow +*19970981 · Tattoo: 0413 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 59 58 27 18 51 42 50 74 34 52 40 24 69 15 51 61 67 56 8 63 89 50 $AxH: +103 50% $AxJ: +71 55%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +2.0 +66 +123 -.17 +11 +44 -30 +60 +.60 +1.17 -.032 25% 65% 20% 15% 95% 20% 1% 90% 10% 40% 1% 5% BSAR Opportunity 9114 BSAR Design Doctor 0910 *Freys Opportunity 148A Bishops Lassie 746 17644282 #F A R Princess 214X #*Sitz Upward 307R F A R Princess 202T #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak LCC Bextors Rampage 5081 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18345724 LCC Bextors Predestined 0815 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 +LCC Predestined Design 8015
$M +55 65% $W +73 10% $F +103 10% $G +62 15% $B +164 10% $C +268 15% LOT Birth Date: 09-28-2018 · Cow *19237034 · Tattoo: 8508 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 70 89 30 18 53 13 93 63 61 73 1 40 13 25 50 1 6 50 56 39 44 70 $AxH: +136 15% $AxJ: +164 3%

Winter Pairs/Open Heifers


A big time spread on this TDAR All In daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sires Consensus and Bextor. 19 traits in the top 20% of the breed on this female that checks all of the boxes—growth, maternal, carcass merit and end product $Values. She sells with Lot 170A a bull calf (2979) born 11/30/2022 that weighed 79 lbs. by 2 Bar Weapon Reg 19060637.


Check out the performance in this female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines DAAR infinity and the Pathfinder Sire, W H S Limelight 64V. With an explosive growth curve and elite carcass merit this female sells open ready to breed.



A super-efficient TDAR All In daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sires Waylon and Predestined. With a +1 $EN and a balanced growth curve, this female is unique as she will raise those easy keeping progeny without sacrificing performance. She sells due to calve mid-January to 2 Bar Weapon Reg 19060637.

A super balanced daughter of the North Stars herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires New Day 454 and Objective T510. Five Pathfinders in the first three generations adding stability and predictability. She sells open ready to breed.

*E W A Peyton 642


+*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9


A double digit calving ease female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines an A&B Spotlight and WCC Special Design. She possesses an elite growth curve, balanced carcass merit and balanced $Values. She sells open ready to breed.

A high marbling female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire A&B Spotlight and an Objective T510 son. With her growth and carcass merit both ranking in the top 10% of the breed, this female is the kind that delivers performance for herd sires. She sells open ready to breed.

50 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.5 +83 +158 +.33 +11 +32 -58 +79 +1.27 +1.00 -.059 55% 80% 5% 2% 85% 20% 15% 95% 3% 10% 10% 1% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 +*Berger 62D D A A R Infinity 313 NorthStar A1A1 +*44 Blackcap Empress W503 18152231 Berger 2244A1A #*W H S Limelight 64V Berger 2244A1
$M +24 95% $W +70 15% $F +126 2% $G +93 2% $B +219 1% $C +308 5% LOT Birth Date: 11-02-2021 · Cow 20215035 · Tattoo: 1A1B CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 66 76 5 1 100 2 76 15 65 17 15 1 1 1 3 7 3 91 92 100 98 78 $AxH: +126 35% $AxJ: +129 25%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +.2 +59 +112 -.18 +5 +26 -21 +55 +1.06 +.31 +.009 30% 30% 55% 45% 95% 80% 50% 65% 35% 15% 90% 50% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 #*B/R New Day 454 #+Boyd New Day 8005 Berger 4562B1 B/R Ruby 1224 16996124 Berger 4562B #*S S Objective T510 0T26 Berger 4562 174
2B1A [ DDF ] $M +45 90% $W +56 50% $F +107 15% $G +68 20% $B +175 15% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 11-29-2021 · Cow 20215031 · Tattoo: 2B1A CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 54 56 59 29 55 34 90 85 43 90 54 43 58 20 8 85 42 34 15 60 65 51 $AxH: +27 90% $AxJ: +28 80%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +0 +4.8 +76 +142 +.63 +6 +19 -46 +55 +1.22 +.50 -.018 95% 95% 15% 10% 65% 75% 95% 95% 35% 10% 70% 15% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 North Star 18B1 #*A & B SpotLite 3065 North Star A&B Spotlite 44A7 NorthStar 918B 19162082 Berger 2244A +2 Bar Objective 6693 Berger 2244
4A7B $M +27 95% $W +46 80% $F +101 20% $G +81 10% $B +182 10% $C +263 30% LOT Birth Date: 11-22-2021 · Cow 20215039 · Tattoo: 4A7B CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 82 94 41 21 76 18 62 77 37 44 86 7 6 48 3 83 28 48 63 47 71 33 $AxH: +13 90% $AxJ: +40 75%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +0 +4.1 +83 +150 +1.17 +12 +27 -32 +67 +.80 +.92 -.022 90% 95% 2% 2% 25% 15% 45% 95% 4% 20% 10% 10% #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *TDAR All In 115 +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18793735 +*DCF Lucy B84 #*EXAR Denver 2002B +Da Es Ro Lucy 11209 +*McKellar 7229 1153 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 LCC Expected Consesnsus 7844 +*Mc Elaina Anne 0110 19045682 #LCC Bexpectation 8444 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 LCC 878 Expectation 4044
9789 $M +59 50% $W +68 15% $F +112 4% $G +67 10% $B +179 4% $C +291 4% LOT Birth Date: 09-25-2019 · Cow *19560333 · Tattoo: 9789 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 92 88 3 4 90 3 25 81 79 3 63 11 4 3 17 9 16 78 54 36 29 44 $AxH: +143 10% $AxJ: +154 4%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +.8 +60 +102 +.24 +13 +26 +1 +29 +.83 +.61 +0 25% 40% 35% 45% 85% 10% 50% 20% 75% 20% 35% 35% #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *TDAR All In 115 +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18793735 +*DCF Lucy B84 #*EXAR Denver 2002B +Da Es Ro Lucy 11209 +*Baldridge Titan A139 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 LCC Titans Destiny 7303 Baldridge Forever Lady T269 19043268 #LCC Bextors Destiny 3084 MGR Predestined 7045 LCC Bextors Foresite 0844 171
$M +82 4% $W +64 20% $F +71 75% $G +62 15% $B +133 45% $C +255 20% LOT Birth Date: 09-25-2019 · Cow *19560336 · Tattoo: 9730 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 21 21 77 90 15 62 92 23 57 9 56 95 85 90 23 52 41 78 78 30 5 18 $AxH: +122 20% $AxJ: +106 20%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +10 +2.3 +76 +142 +1.20 +9 +23 -40 +65 +.91 +.52 -.013 20% 75% 15% 10% 30% 40% 75% 95% 15% 25% 70% 20%
Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E
19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery
Berger 16E3 North Star 18B1 #*A & B SpotLite 3065 *North Star A&B Spotlite 90EA NorthStar 918B 19162084 Berger 90E #+*W C C Special Design L309 Windac Aberdeen G090
W A 444 of 968 Progress
$M +42 95% $W +60 35% $F +113 10% $G +66 20% $B +178 10% $C +273 20% LOT Birth Date: 11-15-2021 · Cow 20215041 · Tattoo: 0EA2 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 15 52 52 14 85 5 27 69 49 48 73 12 3 29 23 70 19 64 56 80 76 15 $AxH: +20 90% $AxJ: +60 65%


With a +78 WW and +140 YW and +1.37 Marb, this female is by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires WR Journey and Ambush 28. Five Pathfinders in the first three generations to add stability and predictability. She sells open ready to breed.



Calving ease, efficiency and marbling in this female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines a herd sire bred in the program and the Pathfinder Sire Objective T510. She sells open ready to breed.


A high performance female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires DAAR Infinity and GAR Retail Product. Explosive growth and elite marbling in this female. She sells open ready to breed.


A super balanced female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines DAAR Infinity and the Pathfinder Sire Objective T510. She tested seven traits for single digit genomic scores. Sells open ready to breed.

A super balanced female by the North Star herd sire, Peyton’s North Star E3A2, and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires A&B Spot Light and New Day 454. With a single digit genomic score for growth, you can count on adding performance to your herd here. She sells open ready to breed.

February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 51
Open Heifers
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat -4 +5.1 +81 +151 +1.68 +7 +32 -40 +76 +1.20 +.81 -.038 95% 95% 10% 4% 10% 65% 15% 95% 4% 10% 25% 4% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 +*Berger 62D D A A R Infinity 313 NorthStar 9B1D +*44 Blackcap Empress W503 18152227 Berger 379B1 #G A R Retail Product Berger 379B 179
$M +43 95% $W +65 25% $F +115 5% $G +85 4% $B +201 3% $C +304 10% LOT Birth Date: 12-08-2021 · Cow 20215036 · Tattoo: B1D4 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 100 100 11 2 100 4 7 63 72 30 11 8 6 6 5 28 7 94 76 61 37 3 $AxH: +102 50% $AxJ: +112 35%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +1.8 +71 +143 +.02 +8 +27 -46 +68 +.80 +.78 -.069 55% 65% 20% 10% 95% 55% 45% 95% 15% 35% 30% 1% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 North Star 257B #*A & B SpotLite 3065 North Star A&B Spotlite 2B1E Berger 257 19162091 Berger 4562B1 #*B/R New Day 454 Berger 4562B 180 NORTH STAR B1E2 [ DDP-M1F ] $M +27 95% $W +58 45% $F +121 3% $G +69 15% $B +189 5% $C +272 25% LOT Birth Date: 11-09-2021 · Cow 20215040 · Tattoo: B1E2 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 71 75 23 3 96 4 84 57 51 53 38 2 2 4 25 17 1 92 67 67 80 49 $AxH: +85 60% $AxJ: +85 50%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +1.7 +78 +140 -.27 +10 +29 -38 +65 +1.37 +.76 -.046 35% 60% 10% 10% 95% 30% 30% 95% 15% 4% 35% 2% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 #+*WR Journey-1X74 *B/R Future Direction 4268 North Star 257C 2 Bar 5050 New Design 7831 18785374 Berger 257 #+B/R Ambush 28 #Deer Creek N D 0250
$M +36 95% $W +73 10% $F +107 15% $G +93 2% $B +200 3% $C +295 10% LOT Birth Date: 11-22-2021 · Cow 20215033 · Tattoo: 57C3 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 65 82 11 9 85 13 97 42 86 20 41 14 7 13 2 32 5 32 73 99 79 63 $AxH: +168 10% $AxJ: +150 15%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +13 +.5 +54 +99 +.77 +14 +38 -21 +46 +1.34 +.44 -.021 10% 35% 70% 65% 55% 4% 2% 65% 55% 5% 80% 15% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 NorthStar 06B5 +*Berger 62D *North Star 9D6 Berger 2306B 18808771 *D C C Objective 9D1 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +D C C Rita Direct 5R27
$M +50 85% $W +63 30% $F +87 45% $G +86 4% $B +172 15% $C +273 20% LOT Birth Date: 11-27-2021 · Cow 20215038 · Tattoo: 9D6C CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 12 37 81 58 38 31 45 64 78 19 6 54 31 65 1 84 26 71 47 55 58 29 $AxH: +98 50% $AxJ: +71 55%
CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +.8 +66 +120 +.37 +10 +30 -41 +59 +.99 +.60 -.043 35% 40% 35% 30% 80% 30% 25% 95% 25% 20% 55% 3% *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 Peyton’s North Star E3A2 #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19448937 North Star 6E3A #*V A R Discovery 2240 Berger 16E3 D A A R Infinity 313 #G T Expo +*North Star 9A2E #D A A R Heroine L T 108 18315217 *D C C Objective 9D1 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +D C C Rita Direct 5R27 178
A2E3 M1F ] $M +27 95% $W +61 35% $F +100 20% $G +73 15% $B +173 15% $C +251 40% LOT Birth Date: 11-18-2021 · Cow 20215032 · Tattoo: A2E3 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 72 84 10 6 90 1 67 90 91 66 9 3 1 2 12 35 5 93 29 81 88 34 $AxH: +49 80% $AxJ: +64 60%


52 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale Gabriel Cavalry 0178 - Reference Sire LINDEMANN FERTILIZER SERVICE, INC. Cost, Texas WE HAVE A BETTER SOLUTION 830-437-2269 Liquid Fertilizer Feed Tubs Weedspraying Liquid feed Agricultral supplies CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat +2 +5.7 +100 +180 +1.35 +11 +17 -48 +109 +1.38 +1.10 +.010 85% 95% 1% 1% 25% 20% 95% 95% 1% 3% 3% 50% #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 #*Connealy Consensus *WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 +Brista of Conanga 927T 17979842 War CC&7 Z044 X029 #*SydGen C C & 7 War Game Day X029 U239 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB 6404 Sure Fire 657 +*G A R Complete N281 18689594 +*GB Now Look 56 *McKellar Now Look +Hpca 5050 4202
$M +49 85% $W +64 30% $F +168 1% $G +94 2% $B +261 1% $C +388 1% REFERENCE Birth Date: 08-20-2020 · Bull +*20191710 · Tattoo: 0178 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 55 91 2 3 93 9 10 43 65 24 96 10 2 1 3 9 68 92 52 79 38 82 $AxH: +221 1% $AxJ: +223 1%
February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Luling, TX | 53
54 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Lulling, TX | 55 RCIC is an equal opportunity provider. RCIS is a registered trademark of Rural Community Insurance Company. © 2021 Rural Community Insurance Company. All rights reserved. SCHAEFER CROP INSURANCE SERVICES SEGUIN, TX “Dedicated to Personal Service” MULTI-PERIL • CROP-HAIL • PRF RAINFALL Office # - 800-373-5851 • Craigs Cell # - 830-305-0110 You can’t control the weather. And you certainly can’t control the markets. Minimize your risks with a crop insurance plan through your local RCIS ® agent. Call today. We grow stronger every day — together SM Protect Your Investment
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58 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
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60 | Foundation Angus Alliance 16th Annual Sale
February 18, 2023 - 12:30 - Lulling, TX
VISIT US ONLINE TO LEARN MORE: WWW.FOUNDATIONANGUSALLIANCE.COM A LLIANC E F OUNDATION A NGUS FebruAry 18, 2023 | 12:30 | LuLing, TX The LuLing FoundATion FArm www . F ound AT ion A ngus ALL i A nce . com 16th Annual Sale Parker Friedrich Marketing and Consulting 566 Hillcrest Dr. Stephenville, TX 76401 (254) 413-2420 mob (254) 968-8162 fax/home parkerfriedrich@earthlink.net PRSRT FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID St. Joseph, MO Permit #2017

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