In the beggining was the marketing of values

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In the beggining was

the Marketing of Values


Professional studies

“Εν Αρχή ην το Μάρκετινγκ Αξιών”

The mechanism of advertising today is based mainly on social representations. But with the help of these representations, advertising displays specific human types, who with their presence affects the recipients-viewers, or because they are a model for them, either because they wish not to resemble to them.


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The m rese echanis n m of disp tations. But adverti lays sin wi sp recip ients ecific h th the h g today caus u e the -viewers man ty elp of th is based p e , y wi sh n or becau es, who se repre mainly o w ot to se n s rese e they ith their ntations social r ar mble ep , p to th e a mod resence advertis in el fo em. r the affects th g m, e ither e be-

The m is ba echanis s m tatio ed main of adv n e l repr s. But w y on soc rtising t esen o i tatio th the h ial repre day spec n e s i pres fic huma s, advert lp of the enence ising se n typ ers, or b affects t es, who display s ec he them w , eith ause th recipie ith thei to re r e n semb er becau y are a ts-view m se le to o them they wi del for sh n . ot

rt A


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Age Offence


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This is an offensive advertisement to old people because it presents that the only thing they can do well is commenting others, like Statler&Waldorf of the Muppets use to do. The campaign is for OK! magazine which is specialized in the yellow press.


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Deceiptive advertising


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This advertisement is based on a double-meaning photograph. If we separate the photo into two parts, the first one shows two people sitting on a bench resting and the second one shows a homeless man with his stuff. Consequently, it is deceiptive with the sense that it can guide the viewer’s thought in a different direction each time.


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Ethnicity offence


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This advertisement insults the cultures of peolple who express their tradition with body painting, jewlerry and ornaments. Habits in whch cultures like ours are not used to.


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Homosexuality offence


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It is about a Loreal advertising campain which is offensive to homosexuals. It shows a homosexual who wears make up and has coloured nails.The photo has a humorous sense and helps the advertisement to be satirical for homosexuals. The truth is that this is not a representative photograph of homosexuals’ life.


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Racist connotation


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This advertisement connotates that the white man who has been shaved with a Gilette shaving machine came up with a better result than the coloured man underneath. Its connotation is deeply racict because the slogan guides the mind of the viewer to see the color difference between the two people.


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Religion offence


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This is an advertisement created for a familial help line which connotates Joseph’s violence against Mary and little Jesus. Joseph is a holy person for Christian religion and he can’t be compared to any human creature.. The holy family also is something sacred and advertisers must be careful when they think they reach the limits of offence.


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Advertisements seductive to children


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The kid in this advertisement seems to be seducted by a stranger who gives him a chocolate. So, this ad is both seductive and offensive to children as they are not supposed to take anything from strangers because it is dangerous. It delivers a wrong message after all.


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Sex Offence


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This advertisement presents men as creatures that the only thing they can do is sitting on the sofa watching TV and especially football games.


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An obviously offensive ad to women. It encloses sexual connotations about male superiority against women.

‘Wanna have everything at your feet?’


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Social groups distinction


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We use to call ‘geek’ a person who is expertised in something patricular. The most usual is for someone who is a technology and pc expert. Geeks have some special charcteristics, for example they tend to be antisocial. That’s why many times the ‘geek’ characterisation has a negative sense. In modern societies they seem to have form a whole social group because of their special characteristics and sometimes the tough treatment from their environment. So, when they are used in an advertisement, like this, for a satirical reason, the distinction of their social group is obvious and offensive.


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Professional Studies


The m rese echanis n m of disp tations. But adverti lays sin wi sp recip ients ecific h th the h g today caus u e the -viewers man ty elp of th is based p e , y wi sh n or becau es, who se repre mainly o w ot to se n s rese e they ith their ntations social r ar mble ep , p to th e a mod resence advertis in el fo em. r the affects th g m, e ither e be-

The m is ba echanis s m tatio ed main of adv n e l repr s. But w y on soc rtising t e o i i spec sentatio th the h al repre day n e s i pres fic huma s, advert lp of the ene i s n ers, nce affe types, sing disp e o w c them r becaus ts the re ho with lays c e , to re either b they a ipients- their vie re semb e le to cause th a mode wey w l them ish n for . ot

rt B


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Social Responsibility


Social Design The First Things First manifesto was written 29 November 1963 and published in 1964 by Ken Garland. It was backed by over 400 graphic designers and artists and also received the backing of Tony Benn, radical left-wing MP and activist, who published it in its entirety in the Guardian newspaper. Reacting against a rich and affluent Britain of the sixties, it tried to re-radicalise design which had become lazy and uncritical. Drawing on ideas shared by Critical Theory, the Frankfurt School and the counterculture of the time it explicitly re-affirmed the belief that Design is not a neutral, value-free process. It rallied against the consumerist culture that was purely concerned with buying and selling things and tried to highlight a Humanist dimension to graphic design theory. It was later updated and republished with a new group of signatories as the First Things First 2000 manifesto.


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The social paradigm of Oliviero Toscani Oliviero Toscani is best-known worldwide for designing controversial advertising campaigns for Italian brand Benetton. Toscani has talked about his vision of personal freedom. “To be free is to free yourself of your human complexes,” he says.That’s why he has touched the taboos of the decent society. With his campaigns he tries to send social messages about brotherhood, peace, AIDS and especially against racism. He has used shock adevertising (or shockvertising) in order to shock. He says that ‘There are no shocking pictures, only shocking reality’. ‘You have to live everyday in a full way, you have to believe that there is nothing else in life. You have to be generous, you have to give, don’t expect to get anything back but you get a lot back, if you give a lot. You have to believe in good rhythm, to believe it’s possible and to try and not fall apart if something goes wrong -- but belong to the search of quality all the time. It’s all about being aware of being alive, I don’t like to waste my time, I’m looking for something that’s new to gain, to live for, to believe in.’, that’s what he said in an interview in CNN. He says that “There are people who, when they look at a picture, they get angry at it. But they should get angry at themselves for not having the courage to look into the problem.” He shows that curiosity gives motivation and being angry at things is a real inspiration. What he really wants to show is that people use to be blind by choice, the same time social problems can be shown with the simplest of the ways, ONE IMAGE. With his latest campaign ‘Unhate’ he tried to show that anyone can love each other and be loved, no matter who he is.


United Colors of Benetton What does ‘United Colors of Benetton’ mean? Toscani in his first Benetton campaigns shooted children from different racial backgrounds and called it ‘All colors of the world’. It was one of the first slogans to appear in Benetton, which later altered and became ‘United Colors of Benetton’. The concept was such strong, that the company adopted the slogan as its logo. For the first time in the world of commercial trademarks, the slogan United Colors of benetton became a trademark. Its name connotates brotherhood of races and fights against racism. Benetton carries a ‘Big Idea’ in its main concept. Although the products never took a principal place into the campaigns, its images, strong and minimalistic, gave birth to a new genre of advertising, ‘Shock Advertising’ and they give position to the company as a conscious marketer. Different images always break through the clutter of social ads. People get touched and think of the issue and they might take a neccessary positive action.



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Greenpeace is is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries. Greenpeace states its goal is to “ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity�and focuses its campaigning on world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. Greenpeace is based on its volunteers and the moral volunteering. Its volunteers and emploees fight for the rights of the planet without asking anything back, just the good of the environment. A graphic designer’s social responsibilities in Greenpeace and generally, are, as the manifest says, to use his skills and experience on other things that worth more. Not only in the world of advertising. There are signs for streets and buildings, books and periodicals, catalogues, instructional manuals, industrial photography, educational aids, films, television features, scientific and industrial publications and all the other media through which graphic designers promote their trade, their education, their culture and their greater awareness of the world. A graphic designer must have as their priorities more useful and more lasting forms of communication.


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Greenheart is a name for different plants and also the name of Sony Ercsson’s new mobile series. What is important here is not only that in a huge market, like the one of the mobile phones, a company tried to differeciate environmetally but the logo is really interesting. It promotes the environmetal-friendly strategy to the mobile users while the logo is communicating an intimate feeling using the heart and the leaf. The heart is the sign of love and communication and the leaf the sign of nature and the environment. Combining those two with a green color (the color of nature) the company communicates the love for the environment. It has not corners, it only has curves, because corners are more aggressive, while curves create a cosy and warm feeling.That is how this logo manages to get in our hearts.

The advertising company New Business Director He is the person who is occupied with different product-market- technology combinations which can require different marketing strategies and business models in order to make them a success.

Art Director... in charge of the overall visual appearance and how it communicates visually. He/ she makes decisions about visual elements used, what artistic style to use, and when to use motion.

Executive Creative Director The responsibilities of an executive creative director include leading the communication design, interactive design, and concept forward in any work assigned.

Account Director Is the person who is occupied with the account of a client (or more).

Brand Business Director...

Research Director... in charge of the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. in charge of the research realized for the clients’ target groups.

Creative Copywriter Director... in charge of the overall advertising communication, the slogans used and the final ideas.

Assistant Creative&Marketing Director... the assistant of the creative director and/or the marketing director. He is responsible for various marketing and creative activities.


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