64 | Ransburg Scout Reservation
At Ransburg Scout Reservation, the Scout Oath and Law are our guiding principles. We expect each leader to provide the guidance within the troop to follow these principles, the policies of Ransburg Scout Reservation, the Crossroads of America Council and the Boy Scouts of America.
Camper Release Policy Campers will only be released early from camp to custodial parents. Release to others must be communicated in writing in advance, with troop leaders’ knowledge. Parents must indicate in writing who the Scout will be leaving with and the time and day of departure. For the scout’s safety, scoutmasters must escort the scout to the camp office and sign the scout over to the approved persons. Damaged Equipment Scouts are expected to take care of all equipment they use. Sometimes, however, equipment is damaged
and it needs to be replaced or repaired. If equipment is misused by the troop, the cost of any damaged equipment will be settled before the troop leaves camp on Saturday. Damages to equipment should be reported to the Quartermaster or your Ridge Commissioner. Camp Visitors Parents and families are always welcome at Ransburg Scout Reservation. Wednesday evenings and the Friday night campfire are two excellent times for visitors. Visitors who desire to eat a meal can purchase a meal ticket at the camp office. All Visitor meals cost $9.50.
Our dining hall has limited space and it is difficult to sit visitors with their troop. If an open seat exists (for example a partial adult is no longer in camp) visitors will be able to sit with their troop. In most cases, however, visitors, or a member of their troop, will need to Return to Contents
sit at the visitors table. The dining hall steward can help visitors locate their table upon arrival. Dining Hall All Scouts are required to be at all meals, unless the troop is cooking in the campsite for the week. For no reason should a Scout be denied or allowed to skip a meal. Food should not be taken out of the dining hall. Smoking & Vaping Smoking is prohibited in camp (per state law and BSA policy) The goal of this policy is to keep smoking away from Scouts. All buildings are smoke free environments; smoking outside the entrance or exit of any building is not permitted. In addition, all campsites must be smoke-free. The designated smoking area is in the camp parking lot. This includes electronic nicotine delivery systems. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are