“Blue Temple� workflow
Problematic: Where: How:
Where to concentrate actions to achieve maximum impact ? Energy distribution, environmental protection, education / medical programs Mapping descrepencies, vulnerabilities and need for development
Today, data is being collected everywhere, there are many initiatives in creating dashboards to visualize them dynamically. However, the impact simple visualizations have on people is very questionable. Moreover, accessibility is monitored with different levels of security allowances. These elitists tools are reserved for a selected class of decision makers. We are trying to redestribute information in a format that is a conversation started instead of decision making tool. Data is public, therefore should be accessible to public, no matter their digital litteracy and wealth.
Data acquisition - Harvesting - Mining
Source of the data we have used: - MIMU (Myanmar Information Management Unit) - NASA (SRTM) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - NASA Nightlight satellite recordings - Open Street Map (.osm) - ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) - Shapefiles (.shp) on government websites - Chin State government (MOC, MOHT) - Tourism Agencies (need to sign NDAs) - Personal recordings - Asia Foundation TDI data (availble since May 20) - One Map Myanmar ?? - ...
Data Sets - Benchmarked
Data Evaluation Example: - Incompleatness - Inconcessnet - Trustworthyness -
Data Analysis
3 Macro programming (Python) Grasshopper on Rhino6 Re-formating to usuable configuration
Influencers - Coefficients
Topography Modelling
Data Evaluation
Democratization of data
Examples: - Accessibility - Proximity to different services - Topographic coanditions -
Visualization and representation Intangible data
ShanTou Competition , GuangDong, China - 2017 - Land Value Analysis
The given value of the land depends on its location. We have narrowed the influence of the value to five different criterias. Each criteria have been assigned with a coefficient that varies according to its importance. The distance each plot has to the generated 3d topography assignes its final value. The blue color corresponds to the current land price, while the red corresponds to the current land price times its value factor. This study was made according to our original urban design strategy. After further exchange and discussion, the model can be adapted to new requirements.
Ngapali Resort Plannig, Rhanike, Myanmar - 2017 - Land Value Analysis The given value of the land depends on its location.We have narrowed the influence of the value to five different criterias. Each criteria have been assigned with a coefficient that varies according to its importance. The distanceeachplothastothegenerated3dtopographyassigneditsfinalvalue.
Proximity to water: 0.5
Road access: 0.35
Urban design strategy: 0.5
Seclusion and views: 0.35
Constructiblity slope: 2
Tree location: 0.35
{ Myanmar Algorithmic Parametrical Systems }
\\ blue temple co., ltd. raphaĂŤl monnier \\
Source of the data we have used: - MIMU - Myanmar Information Management Unit (excel spread sheet) - NASA - (SRTM) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission + Nightlight satellite recordings - Open Street Map (.osm) - ESRI ArcGIS Base Maps - Environmental Systems Research Institute - Blue Temple - Data analysis / Treatment - Shapefiles (.shp) format of geographic data - Chin State government - MOC, MOHT - Personal recordings - Asia Foundation TDI data
{0;0} 0. Myanmar 1. LON: 96.511886379 2. LAT: 21.12494983
grasshopper - parametrical scripting rhino6 - 3D modelling
importing data - analysis visual representation
Source: “In Plain Sight” by Diller Scofidio + Renfro
mapping 4 change
kachin state topography \\ NASA sattelite recordings
Credit: NASA - (SRTM) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data procesed by blue temple., co.
Data from Chin ESE Department provided by Bernard Robin- Summeo Consulting
Production of energy in Chin State
BlackMarble_2016_D1_geo // Chin State // Myanmar
Suoni Satellite photo remastered
Amplified photos
Village names that are the most light
Census 2014 // Chin State // Myanmar
3D mesh
Contour lines
Village names the most populated
Processed data population/amount of light // Chin State // Myanmar
Artificial processed topography
Village with the most need to lighting
Decision making tool for development
Implementation of mini grid
Nothern Chin State
Southern Chin State
thank you
{ Myanmar Algorithmic Parametrical Systems }
\\ blue temple co., ltd. raphaël monnier \\
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Román NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center