Yangon Bus Station

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Yangon Bus Station Urban and landcsape design in city context Workshop 2017 Yangon Myanmar Raphaël Monnier

Empowering citizens to take back control of public space is Yangon essencial for it’s harmonious development. The city was designed exclusively for cars and completely ommited the presence of pedestrians. this initiative will try to raise questioning and suggest a possibility of upgrading and highering the quality of these forgotten spaces. In a complete ecological way, the structure will provide different kinds of public services that are today very often privately owned. The “Yangon urban Tree” initiative could be the starting point of a discussion regarding public space regeneration. The idea started from the assement of the gentrification problem inflected by localized urban parcs. Such economic “eco-system services” have an impact on the rent increase of neighboring buildings. Low-income family who cannot afford this inflation are pushed away from the newly created high quality lifestyle intended by the parc. The idea of creating “de-localized” parc as a network in the city would higher all citizens life conditions without the desastrous consequences of gentrification. Using existing public transportation network infrastructure as a basis for this project could be a way to tackle with both of these issues. Therefore, this presentation will try to provide an alternative form to Yangon bus stops.


Yangon existing bus stations working 200m range


The traditional water-tower in NewYork city is a good example of engineering infrastructure becoming a landmark in the city. It stands out on the roof of the building to provide running water to the neighborhood. The idea of the Yangon Bus Stations would be to develop this concept and add to the tower as many features to upgrade the quality of the space it covers underneath. The tower takes upon a social roal, it serves as a gathering place, maybe also the center of the community, not just a place of transit to take the bus but more importantly a destination. The idea of cleaning the air at this specific place is very strong, along these big roads ponctured by the stations, the heavy traffic and the buses make the air the most polluted in the city. The impact of the air treatment is therefore shortterm. The point would be to try to question this matter and advertise future possible change for the city: Pollution and heavy traffic.



First Model - Process work













Rain water tower


Photo-voltaic panels to deliver charging base


Nesting for birds


Algea air purifying system


Water vaporizer


Shading and cooling device


Internet provider and cellular antenna


Lighting for night


rban farming

Using the low-tech fabric, naturally it is possible to harvest the air’s humidity. This technic would provide drinkable water and storable into a tank located at the bottom of the Tree to facilitate structural purposes.

Very often during the hot season do people experience electrical power cuts in the city. Offering a pod with free solar-panel based charging would be a big asset.

Yangon has a unique condition of mixing together wide life and humans together. (Dogs, cats, mice, rats, insects, birds, snakes, etc...) Cities today too often rejects the possibility of co-habitation. By incouraging the formation of urban ecosystems, you would encourage natural “Eco-System Services” to improve citizens lifestyle. The overload of cars in Yangon’s trafic causes pollution levels to rise. Emphasizing the role of public transportation by turning bus stops into social interaction HUBs would help to gain public opinion. Also, a more short term solution could be to clean the air locally. Algea are 10 times more effecient than trees regarding air purification and can be transformed into carburant after use. Cooling the air by vaporizing water harvested in the air humidity.

The creation of social interaction HUB goes along with the creation of a zone of confort. Shaded space for the hot season and dry space for the rainy season are both important to take into account.

Having cheep and public access to internet today is important for Yangon citizens to stay connected and follow news on facebook.

LIght as well as trees have the tendency of lowering crime in the city. Beautiful light has the tendency of awakening imagination and delight. A battery would collect everyday the necessary energy to power simple LEDs put inside the structure of the tree.

Yangon aready has the particularity of having farming all around the city in very residential zones. Promoting public farming would incourage more citizens to develop their doings.


2 modules of tree according to possibility




Site Example



Structure is assemble on site


Thank you

Contact: RaphaĂŤl Monnier Architect and Urban Planner raphael.monnier@gmail.com +95 995054 3456 Office: No.77, 27th street, Yangon, Myanmar


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