The magazine going forward
s you might already have noticed the magazine is in a transition: On the recent general assembly in Danish Sommelier Association, it was decided to proceed with the magazine in English seeing as to many of our members currently are non-Danish speakers. To ensure best inclusion
BY NI NA HØJG A A R D JE NSE N as well as largest reach and use of the magazine it was an obvious choice. This issue will be mainly in English with very few exceptions. From the next we will go fully English. Hopefully it will only encourage more to contribute to the magazine. If you have been travelling, hearing an awesome podcast, attended an exciting tasting or have some interesting thoughts to discuss
then we want to hear from you! Why not share it with your community? You are still welcome to send in articles in Danish, then I will help you translate - same goes for proofreading and advising. I look forward to reading your input and hope you will enjoy this lingually updated version of the magazine.