Sommelier Summer 2022

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Record from the Danish Sommelier Association’s (DSF) General Assembly The president welcomed the participants: 9 from the board and 8 members.

in Herning as well as a few tastings and Masterclasses conducted by Jonathan and Nina which went well. Looking into the coming year we will again see online tastings as well as physical tastings on the program. After summer we will again conduct a Danish Championship and we will be the host of the Nordic Championship. DGU has approached DSF in regard to a national Sommelier Team which the board has spend time during fall and early spring to assess. We have now delivered our material and conditions to DGU which they will respond to sometimes during this spring.

Choice of conducter: The board nominated Bonnie who accepted and thanked for the nomination. She could conclude the meeting was summoned in orderly time. Yearly account of the President: In the past year a good number of online tastings have been completed. Mainly taking place during spring as lockdown was still upon us. After the Summer we hosted Danish Sommelier Championship 2021 were Jonathan Gouveia won. At the following dinner Jesper Boelskifte was named honorary member of the association. Following in ASI held a bootcamp in Warszawa. In October Denmark was represented by Jonathan Gouveia and Ketil Krongaard Sauer at the Nordic Championship 2021. Unfortunately we didn’t bring home victory this year. At European Championship in November at Cyprus Nina got a 2nd place. ASI is currently updating their website with learning materials such as videos which we can all utilize and gain from. Also there is an ongoing diploma examination to which we (DSF) are currently looking into the possibility of offering it in Denmark.

The attendees could approve the account. Cashier’s presentation of accounts: The budget and accounts were gone through and approved. The auditor commented a lack of 4-5 appendixes. Said will be provided and auditor signs with the reservations of provided appendixes. Spendings related to travels were also walked through with specifications. Election for the board: Kim Thygesen, Tim Vollerslev, Jes Kildentoft og Christian Høj-Jørgensen recieved re-election Johan Garder modtager did not sign up foro re-election

Furthermore there has been the selection of for the upcoming World Championship 2023 where only 2 candidates signed up for the race. Nina won the final spot hence, she will be representing Denmark in Paris in February. Otherwise we have just had the qualification examination

Bonnie was nominated and voted in. Søren Hansen recieved re-election. All thanked for their elections. 8

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