An inspired legacy of learning, leading, and serving
– OUR MISSION – The Ravenscroft community, guided by our legacy of excellence, nurtures individual potential and prepares students to thrive in a complex and interdependent world.
possibilities that can be experienced by ONE unique individual – the potential of ONE child – the power of ONE idea – the thrill of
ONE discovery – the broadening of ONE mind – the inspiration of ONE teacher – the integrity of ONE brushstroke – the lessons from making ONE mistake – the making of ONE leader – the weight of
ONE opinion – ONE act of service – ONE round of applause...
ENGAGING MINDS — EMBRACING EXCELLENCE — ENRICHING LIVES Consider the significance of one moment. At the same time that a kindergartener watches the wings of a new butterfly unfurl, one of our ninth-graders is starting to grasp the structure and function of DNA. At roughly the same moment, a smile bursts across the face of a first-grader after reading a particularly trying passage without any prompts whatsoever from his teacher. Across campus, a rousing discussion in Advanced Placement Comparative Politics has spilled over the boundaries of clock and classroom. These students have experienced what some might say is predictable, but we at Ravenscroft would agree is novel — because they have learned it for themselves in a moment of personal and intellectual transformation that is celebrated by our entire community.
We recognize potential, one child at a time. In our vibrant community of young seekers and scholars, ONE individual will stand out from all the others, in our minds as well as yours: your child. A Ravenscroft education is founded on the conviction that each young person has inherent gifts and interests of great worth. We foster those gifts and interests and grow them into passionate and meaningful pursuits — in the classroom, on the field, in the studio, and throughout the local and global community. What we help each student accomplish is great, yet the way we do it is simple: we place a priority on knowing your child — and developing all of your child’s possibilities, while preparing him or her not only to thrive academically and otherwise in college, but to live a life of purpose and meaning in all the years beyond.
As an independent college-preparatory school, Ravenscroft — both its atmosphere and its people — nurtures the following attributes in our students: ● ● ●
an active curiosity, a daily delight in learning, a devotion to excellence in academics and personal character, an appreciation for one’s talents and passions, and a growing sense of responsibility for self and others.
Over time, in ways both deliberate and spontaneous, your child becomes forever changed — ready to thrive in a complex and interdependent world. In fact, our graduates often say how their experiences here gave them not only a strong intellectual foundation, but also a sure moral and ethical compass, which together pointed them toward lives of significance and fulfillment. Such a transformation could happen at only one place — Ravenscroft.
“Over time, I’ve come to appreciate how my years at Ravenscroft helped me develop a strong sense of identity. The teachers here knew me — and knew me well. From the time I was small, their encouragement and influence helped me know myself and discover my own strengths and potential.” Emily Procter ’86 Actor and community volunteer
MANY INDIVIDUALS, ONE CLOSE COMMUNITY If you ask what it means to be a part of the Ravenscroft community, you’ll get a lot of different answers. Yet, every answer will reveal the strong sense of identity, responsibility, and friendship cultivated here. A sixth-grader might say it’s reading aloud to a class of secondgraders, marveling all the while at how small they seem. A prekindergartener might say simply that he wishes “show and tell” happened every day, because his classmates let him know his words are important. And leave it to one very cool 11th-grader to suddenly
“In a community that spans Pre-K through grade 12, teachers can have a tremendous influence on a young person’s entire life. It’s a great responsibility, one that comes with great rewards — such as watching the children I taught in kindergarten collect their diplomas at graduation or teaching the sons and daughters of my former students.”
enthuse that the best way to know and appreciate teachers and classmates is to spend a week hiking and camping with them.
Carolyn Everett Head of Lower School
ower School is the first place most of our students realize just how significant and
treasured they are on our campus. A curriculum both intellectually engaging and developmentally appropriate awakens each one of our students to the joy of discovery — from a field trip to the Farmers’ Market to an overnight trip to Camp Kanata to interactive Smart Boards that make sharing their ideas fun. Academics are rounded out with regular instruction in foreign languages, art, and music, in addition to laboratory experiences that make science exciting. Books beckon readers throughout the Lower School, and by first grade, writing begins in earnest — a vital form of expression that is taught across the curriculum throughout all grades until graduation day. Along the way, Ravenscroft focuses on making each transition as smooth as possible — grade to grade, year after year.
The Lower School 4
“The teachers make learning fun by doing projects like catapults. It’s serious learning, but it’s fun.” Rollins, Fifth Grade
ENGAGING MINDS Students at Ravenscroft find their minds engaged in critical thinking and unceasing intellectual inquiry. Small classes come alive with spirited discussions, varying opinions, and questions that appear to have no answers. In a sixth-grade science classroom, you’ll find students bent over microscopes, examining fibers, blood, and fingerprints as part of a forensics study. In other classrooms, students are putting Socrates on trial and an AP Biology class is studying enzyme action. Another is strangely silent, though, because the AP Environmental Science students are out conducting a field study of water quality.
Lighting a fire: Classes at Ravenscroft — from violin class in kindergarten to Biotechnology — crackle with expectancy of discoveries waiting to be made. That’s because the breadth of what our teachers know about the subjects they teach is surpassed only by their passion for teaching young people. To them, teaching is as much about developing relationships with their students — getting to know individual interests
and learning styles — as it is about delving into subject matter. They know that one tiny spark is all a young mind needs to fire away with limitless intellectual possibilities. Yet, be assured that our caring and accessible faculty — over 50 percent of whom possess a postgraduate degree — continue to support, encourage, and inspire our students day after day, so that no good idea ever flames out.
“The attitudes of the faculty are always the same toward you. They always come in with a smile on their faces, ready to teach you in a way that is the best. That's what makes Ravenscroft Middle School a fun, warm, happy school filled with laughter.� Tiandra, Eighth Grade
The Middle School
Hands and feet — a young mind’s ideal companion at all ages:
t first, the transition to Middle School is all about developing responsibility and managing time. Students at this age learn to think for themselves and ask questions.
They show initiative in exploring their own interests and abilities, and they develop leadership skills — all within a warm and supportive environment. As students move through Middle School, they learn to work independently and collaboratively in groups and on teams. They have more homework, which reinforces the ideas introduced during the school day. Writing assignments are more complex and a host of special projects such as the Global Issues Forum — topics to research and problems to solve — await them. Math and language arts classes build on concepts introduced in the Lower School. Placement in appropriate level classes and an emphasis on study skills culminate in a solid foundation to support learning in higher-level courses.
Sure, our students use textbooks, but “hands-on” experiences are what really get their brains going. Led by their nationally recognized science teacher, second-graders plunge undaunted into their latest project — designing, engineering, and building a suspension bridge that everyone can enjoy — and yes, walk across — on the Lower School playground. Fifthgraders act out their favorite Greek myth before their classmates — a technique that assures they will remember not only the story, but its significance to them. Third-graders visit Masonboro Island as they explore coastal ecosystems. Upper School students may maneuver a challenging ropes course to build confidence in themselves and trust between classmates, or explore a nuclear reactor to better understand laws of physics. By graduation, they will have bonded on camping trips, toured major art museums as a way of enhancing their own art experience, or breathlessly awaited a judge’s accolades at an out-of-town choral or band competition. And a great many of them will have traversed oceans, continents, and distant cultures on their individual quests for knowledge.
ere students delve deeply into complex subjects and
accomplish the rigorous coursework that prepares them for college. Upper School students have the opportunity to explore many new things. However, they tend to select classes and extracurricular activities that match their natural abilities and acquired interests. For those ready to take the challenge, Ravenscroft offers 27 Advanced Placement courses along with independent-study courses. Each of our students meets regularly with a faculty advisor — who over the course of four years may guide the student in important matters such as whether to take an honors-level class, planning a senior internship, or listening to a
EMBRACING EXCELLENCE Our best for their best: Though our rigorous academic curriculum does prepare our students for elite and competitive colleges and universities, that’s not the only reason we offer it. The main reason is that our students deserve nothing less: nothing less than classes that will stretch the boundaries of ordinary thought; nothing less than award-winning, highlytrained teachers to challenge and support them; nothing less than extensive and relevant technology resources available at every turn; and the finest classrooms, laboratories, and libraries you could imagine. All of which means one thing: while we expect our students to do their best, they know we give them ours, too.
student rehearse a speech before Student Government elections.
“What’s so wonderful about advisory group is I get to spend time with these intelligent and funny students in a relaxed setting. We talk about all the important things, but we also have lunch together and joke around with one another. For four years I enjoy having a relationship with them and their families.” Leslie Pressel Chair, Science Department
The Upper School
“In a smaller community like Ravenscroft, it’s easy to stand out and be a leader. You can start a club. I started the Global Warming Interest Group. We placed bins around school as a way to help students see how one little piece of plastic contributes to a larger problem.” Shana, 11th Grade
“At Ravenscroft, students develop a sense of ethical courage, which strengthens their personal development. We educate servant leaders by helping them connect with the heart, and then challenging them to action.” Doreen C. Kelly, Head of School
Serving others — a product of ethical behavior — gives our students practical, real-world learning opportunities. From Safety Assistants in the Lower School to Ravens Guides who mentor Middle School students, students gain confidence and a sense of identity when they realize they can have a positive influence on others. Whether it’s putting a pencil machine in the Lower School to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House, starting an oncampus recycling program, suggesting a project to raise money for victims of natural disasters, or launching a hand-hygiene training program for employees at a local hospital, service at Ravenscroft begins with students seeing a need, creating a way to meet it, then leading and learning through that experience. Each time the progression repeats itself, our students are transformed by their capacity to make a difference in the lives of others.
Developing Leaders, Cultivating Ethics: Leadership begins with a conviction and builds from there. We believe everyone has the potential to be a leader. In class, on the field or the stage, or through multiple extracurriculars — opportunities for young people to lead abound. Some students run for elected offices, such as Student Government or Honor Council. Others lead less visibly, but just as significantly, by encouraging a classmate or setting a good example. The Ravenscroft community celebrates and recognizes both kinds of leaders. Our Ethics and Leadership Program aims to help students become confident public speakers and recognize their own leadership style, so they will be prepared when their own passion to lead emerges. Because leadership involves responsibility to self and others, we cultivate ethical behavior in large ways and small — from mutual adherence to the Honor Code to extending the common courtesies, like holding a door or helping a teacher. 10
RAVENSCROFT FINE ARTS Outstanding Fine Arts Program: • Choral Ensemble • Concert Band • Drama • Jazz Ensemble • Percussion Ensemble • Photography • Strings Orchestra • Symphony Orchestra • Visual Arts • Wind Ensemble
ENRICHING LIVES Explore a pastime, nurture a passion: Inspired by gifted teachers and surrounded by our beautiful Fine Arts Center, students at Ravenscroft can freely experience the delights of artistic expression. Some find playing an instrument or painting pictures a relaxing pastime that complements academics. For others it’s an all-out passion they can pursue in an environment that celebrates and nurtures their gift. Either way, students feel comfortable expressing themselves in an artistic fashion — through performances, concerts, recitals, completing a portfolio, or seeing their artwork displayed in the Fine Arts Center’s gallery.
Artists of all ages: Whether it’s a Pre-K art class, a kindergarten violin class, or second-graders practicing for their stage performances in “The Time Machine,” the foundation for art starts early. By the time students reach Middle and Upper School, a variety of drama, visual arts classes, and performance ensembles are available to meet the needs of accomplished students ready for more advanced study. Students drawn to the arts enjoy the opportunity to study at an advanced level through honors and advanced placement courses. Accomplished and experienced faculty including visiting artists-in-residence, along with competitions, applied lessons, and dedicated studios, allow us to nurture the talents and techniques of our most avid artists and performers.
“The Fine Arts faculty put so much time, passion, and individuality into teaching; they are able to bring these kids to a level of excellence far exceeding expectations. Students learn, not only how to express themselves, but also what it means to be an integral part of something larger than themselves. Lessons learned of discipline and commitment to other students will have a positive influence for life.” Ginny Watters, Parent 11
“Ravenscroft’s size is a big advantage when it comes to sports. You can participate in a sport you love without feeling the pressure of 400 kids showing up at tryouts. There are cuts, definitely, but more opportunities for more students to get involved.” Lanny, 11th Grade
Students not only stretch their minds, they test the limits of what their bodies can do. For one student it might be finishing a one-mile run. For another it might be training with the hope of earning a state title. Both of them find it exhilarating to discover just what the mind and body together can accomplish, with encouragement and support from coaches and teammates. When it comes to sports, students enjoy a healthy balance of participation and competition. Students participate in many sports during daily physical education classes beginning in first grade and continuing through the ninth. Intramural and team sports begin in Middle School, with more than 80 percent of students participating. Caring, knowledgeable, and experienced coaches help accomplished athletes gain confidence and accelerate their performances, and help novice enthusiasts develop skills that will help them enjoy the game and stay physically fit, too. All of our athletes learn the value of belonging to a team, preparing for a game, and managing their time — skills valuable both on the field and in the classroom. And all of them enjoy playing in and on some of the finest facilities you’ll find anywhere. While many go on to play in college and a few professionally, our athletics program brings out the best each individual has to give.
RAVENSCROFT SPORTS State-of-the-art Athletic Complex: • 47 competitive Middle School, JV, and Varsity sports teams • Football and soccer stadiums • Baseball, softball, and multiple practice facilities • Aquatics center • Eight-lane track • Six tennis courts • Fitness facility • Four gyms • Wrestling room
“We want our students to have global perspective and to be globally savvy. We want them to develop proficiency and to communicate in a second language. We want them to appreciate the diversity and richness of other cultures and help solve the world’s problems.” David Kates Director of International Education
ENCOUNTERING A WIDER WORLD Our school-wide International Education program intersects with nearly every academic discipline and helps students of all ages explore, understand, and connect with the vast world around them. Technology brings distant cultures and geography right to students’ fingertips. Thanks to videoconferencing capability, our students can collaborate with students across the globe. Lower Schoolers, for example, may develop writing skills by communicating with international e-pals. Foreign language instruction and study gives them yet another way to approach the world and its people, as do frequent guest speakers, who inspire us with their personal experiences and insights.
One journey leads to another: After all that, it’s no wonder our students itch to do some real, live exploring of their own. Middle School students may tour the Costa Rican rainforest (at left and above), Quebec, or England. Upper School students cross the equator to explore Chile, Argentina, or Peru. Exchange programs place students with families in Spain and elsewhere, improving their conversational skills and giving them a cultural understanding impossible to gain from textbooks. A tour of Italy and Greece gives them a clearer understanding of the Classical age, while four weeks studying in Spoleto, Italy, takes their artistic talents to a whole new level. 13
College counseling is comprehensive, yet highly personalized, taking into account the strengths, talents, and passions that have been nurtured here over the years. The college counseling process begins in ninth grade. Advisors work with students to make course selections, and counselors advise students on testing strategies and extra-curricular involvement to keep students on track for the selective college admissions process.
By 11th grade, our college counseling staff initiates a series of one-on-one meetings with each student — some of which include parents, as well — to begin the process of discussing college choices. Seminars, alumni panels, and visits from college representatives from across the country help students narrow the choices even further. Seniors receive extensive support in essay-writing, interview preparation and practice, plus the assurance that their college counselor is advocating on their behalf. And while our graduates attend selective colleges and universities, our primary goal is to help each one of our students earn admission to the one college that is best for them.
“Ravenscroft not only prepared me exceptionally well for my undergraduate education, but also for life. The Ravenscroft community taught me about the power of friendship and instilled in me a moral obligation to help those in need. These principles have enabled me to cope with life's challenges and I know they will continue to inspire me in my future work.” David Fajgenbaum '03
One afternoon in late April, a cluster of seniors — perhaps a bit restless for what lies ahead — surrounds a map posted outside the college counselor’s office. Colorful pins pierce several dozen points on the map. Each anchors a tiny slip of paper bearing one student’s name and chosen college or university. Each pin-point represents something — but certainly not everything — for which Ravenscroft has been preparing students: the college of their choice. And each one symbolizes the process of narrowing many possibilities to the one choice that best suits them and their aspirations.
Something for the road ahead: When our graduates do make their final departures, they carry a bit of Ravenscroft with them. Their character bears the imprint of their time here, which influences and shapes many of their experiences throughout their lives. And
by the way, they do come back again — to football games and alumni lunches and career panels. Not surprisingly, a good many return to the carpool line, this time in the driver’s seat — collecting their own children, passing on the legacy.
ONE MORE THING You have one chance to choose an education that will transform your child’s life forever. We understand it’s an important choice that represents careful consideration for your family — one that requires thoughtful investigation. Nothing can capture the essence of Ravenscroft like a personal visit. We can tell you our story, but we feel a visit will help you and your child experience it for yourselves. We want to hear your story, too. So we invite you to contact our admissions staff for more information or to schedule a visit. Tour our campus and ask as many questions as you’d like. While you’re here, the same idea that’s uppermost in your mind will be uppermost in ours — what’s best for your child. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact the Admissions Office at 919-847-0900. Meanwhile, visit us online at
– OUR VALUES – An Engaged Mind, An Ethical Character, An Aesthetic Appreciation, A Healthy Lifestyle, and A Spiritual Foundation ...the stretching of ONE’S boundaries – the sound of ONE voice – the expression of ONE artistic gift – the
player – the strength of
ONE’S character – the telling of ONE story – ONE possible
problem – the thrill of ONE game – the encouragement of
ONE friend – ONE sense of humor that restores the spirits of many – the influence of ONE community – the impact of
ONE Ravenscroft education.
Ravenscroft School 7409 Falls of Neuse Road, Raleigh, NC 27615
Ravenscroft School, Inc., an independent, co-educational, pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade college preparatory day school, does not discriminate against any persons, in admission, in violation of any applicable local, state, or federal laws or regulations.