Poems chaand, mere pyaar!

Page 1

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart!

pkยกn] esjs I;kj Press Ctrl+L [For Full Screen Mode]

* Font : Hindi-Naagaree Shiva


O, Moon, My Sweet-heart!

pkยกn] esjs I;kj!

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart!

pkยกn] esjs I;kj! [LOVE POEMS]

iz.k; @ izse dh dfork,ยก



Publisher :

Rachana Prakashan, Jaipur

Index S.NO. 1

POEMS Passion And Compassion / 1

jkx&laosnu ¼1½ 2


eeRo 3

Willing To Live

ftthfo"kq ¼1½ 4

Passion And Compassion / 2

jkx&laosnu ¼2½ 5


ojnku 6


Le`fr 7


cgkuk 8

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart!

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! LOVE POEMS

To A Distant Person

nwjorhZ ls 9


cks/k 10


fu"d"kZ 11

You (1)

rq e ¼1½ ISBN



: Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar


Edition Price

: Rachana Prakashan 57, Natani Bhawan, Misrarajaji Ka Rasta, Chandpole Bazar, Jaipur : 2012 : Rs. 250/-

12 13

% [ktqjkgks dh ewfrZ&dyk

You (2)

rq e ¼2½ 14

In Vain

vdkjFk 15

One Night

,d jkr 16


lglk 17



Printed by : Sheeta Printers, Jaipur

doj fp=k


iz r hd



la L i'kZ

Page No.


Face To Face


vkeus&lkeus 20



lgiaFkk 21

Once And Once only




In Chorus


Good Omens


Even Then


An Evening At ‘Tighiraa’ (1)


An Evening At ‘Tighiraa’ (2)


To The Condemned Woman

50 51

A Submission


At Midday I Accept


vaxhÑr 33

Who Are You?




Accept Me


Again After Ages




Who Are You?

dkSu gks rqe

Who Are You?


dkS u rq e 39

The Man


vfHkje.k 38

Lust For Life


;qxksa ds ckn fQj 37

Light The Lamps

nh;k tykvks

Lohdkj yks 36

No More

vc ugha

;kpuk 35



dkSu gks rqe 34



nksigjh 32

Fill With Love

Lusg Hkj nks

fuosnu 31



iz/kwfirk ls 30



ftthfo"kq ¼2½ 29


fcjfgu 49

Life Aspirant

To The Beloved

fiz;k ls

frf?kjk dh ,d 'kke ¼2½ 28

You Are Away

nw j rq e

frf?kjk dh ,d 'kke ¼1½ 27

The Night Of Aghan

vxgu dh jkr

iq u jfi 26

The Night Is Passing

jkr chrh

lqy{k.k 25



leos r 24

Attachment For Beauty


fud"k 23

O, Destiny

gs fo/kuk

cl] ,d ckj 22

You Smiled

eqldqjk, rqe

You Embellished In Song

xhr esa rqeus ltk;k

You (3)

rqe ¼+3½ 60

Don’t Be Hard-Hearted

er cuks dBksj

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @6

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /7


The Beam


fdj.k 62

To the Moon


pk¡ n ls 63

The Beauty Of The Sleeping Moon


Who Says?


Clouds Have Hovered




In Moonlight


The Moon And You


What Wrong I Did?


Stay A While




In Expectation


No Grievance


The Song Of Separation


Light The Lamp






Restless Within


My Moon


In Awaiting

izrh{kk esa

We Had Met


fey x;s Fks ge 81



es j k pk¡ n 80

Your Reminiscence

rqEgkjh ;kn

vkdqy&vUrj 79

The Saffron Of Your Maang

rqEgkjh ek¡x dk dqadqe

uhan 78

Earthen Lamp


/kU;okn 77

The Blessedness Of Man


nhi tyk nks 76



fojg dk xku 75

So, To Meet You

rqels feyuk rks ---

dksbZ f'kdk;r ugh 74

Don’t Realize Lie This

;g u le>ks

izrh{kk 73



fo'okl 72

O, Moon My Sweet-heart!

pk¡n] esjs I;kj!

tkvks ugha 71



cqjk D;k fd;k Fkk 70

Down The Memory Lane

Le`fr dh js[kk,

pk¡n vkSj rqe 69

Don’t Know Why?

u tkus D;ksa

pk¡nuh esa 68

Moon And Stone — 2

pk¡n vkSj iRFkj ¼2½

fuosnu 67

Moon And Stone — 1

pk¡n vkSj iRFkj ¼1½

Nk x;s ckny 66

A Mirage


dkSu dgrk gS\ 65



pk¡n lksrk gS 64



The Result






Lokxr ¼okRlY;½

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @8

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /9

dsoy fganh esa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ä

O;Fkk&cksf>y jkr n'kZu dy jkr izfrnku lkFk u nksxh rq e & 4 mRlxZ

Appendix : 1 Bio-data : Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar


Dedicated to Adeswar Rao, Amir Mohammad Khan, Anshu Bharadwaj, D. C. Chambial, H. C. Gupta, Kalpna Rajput, Kedar Nath Sharma, Lakshmi Shankar Sharma, Mukesh Sharma, Narendra Sharma ‘Kusum’, Ramsevak Yadav, Ravinandan Sinha, Shalin Kumar Singh. Varendra Kumar Varma. (all co-translators of my poems & advisers.)

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @10

¼1½ jkx&laosnu @1



lc Hkwy tkrs gSa --dsoy ;kn jgrs gSa vkReh;rk ls flDr dqN {k.k jkx ds] laosnuk vuqHkwr fj'rksa dh ngdrh vkx ds! vkneh ds vkneh ls izhfr ds lEcU/k thrh&Hkksxrh lg&jkg ds vuqcU/k! dsoy ;kn vkrs gSa! lnkA

All things are forgotten ... Except Those moments of passion Soaked in intimacy And those experienced moments Of the blazing flames of relationships! The bonds of affection Among men Are the living commitments Which bind them together In their common path. They are only remembered! Forever. Now and then They shower upon An awakened lonely moment of night Caught in the grip of pain, And in the sinking weary heart, Heavy and detached, Turning into tears Divine.

tc&rc cjl tkrs O;Fkk&cksf>y fu'kk ds tkxrs ,dkUr {k.k esa] Mwcrs fuLlax Hkkjh DykUr eu esa! vJq cu ikou! Ä


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @12

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /13


¼2½ eeRo


They are neither rare Nor precious Not at all available On earth or in heaven Tears ... of unique love, Of the soul Of expanse unfathomable!

u nqyZHk gSa u gSa vueksy feyrs gh ugha bgyksd esa] ijyksd esa vk¡lw ---- vuwBs I;kj ds] vkRek ds vikj&vxk/k vfr&foLrkj ds!

A dark cloud of tears surges From the deep undiscovered Pilgrimage of the heart, And then ... At that moment when The splendour of holy feelings Spreads on the face – Both eyes filled with tears, The edge of the sari1 wipes them away!

ân; ds ?ku&xgure rhFkZ ls budh meM+rh gS ?kVk] vkSj fQj ---ftl {k.k mHkjrh psgjs ij lÙo Hkkoksa dh NVk µ gks mBrs lty nksuksa u;u ds dksj] iksaN ysrk vapjk dk Nksj! Ä

­ 1 Length of cloth worn by Indian women.

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @14

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /15


¼3½ ftthfo"kq


Suddenly Today, when I saw you – I want to live further!

vpkud vkt tc ns[kk rqEgsa µ dqN vkSj thuk pkgrk gw¡!

Passing through The solitary path of life Long and difficult, Burning every moment, In the realty of life And in its blazing flames, Suddenly

xqt+j dj cgqr yEch dfBu lqulku thou&jkg ls] izfriy >qyl dj ft+Unxh ds lR; ls mlds ngdrs nkg ls] vpkud vkt tc ns[kk rqEgsa & dM+okgV Hkjh bl ft+Unxh esa fo"k vkSj ihuk pkgrk gw¡! dqN vkSj thuk pkgrk gw¡!

Today, When I saw you – I want to drink A bit more of poison! In this life Brimming with bitterness I want to live further!

vHkh rd iz;s ! dgk¡ Fkha rqe\ uhy&dqleq !

Until now O worldly delight! Where were you? O you the lotus -blue !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @16

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /17


¼4½ jkx&laosnu @ 2


You – Create music [rhythm] in heart, I – Will sing the song of life!

rqe µ ctkvks lkt+ fny dk] ft+Unxh dk xhr eSa µ xk Å¡¡!

In this way Let our age go on dwindling, Let the throbbing breaths In our hearts move on! Let the waving wick of love Go on burning In both of our hearts! Let the mutual emotion And compassion Of our living souls Go on cherishing!

mez ;ksa <yrh jgs] mj esa /kM+drh lk¡l ;g pyrh jgs! nksuksa ân; esa Lusg dh ckrh ygj cyrh jgs! thoUr izk.kksa esa ijLij Hkkouk & laosnuk iyrh jgs!

You – tell a story Of enchanting love, Listening which I – Can sleep peacefully! for a while! And lose myself In sweet and charming dreams Forsaking my Entire grief! You – Make your tears of love Overflow towards me, I – Will make the splendour of heaven To stoop down At your feet!

rqe µ lqukvks bd dgkuh I;kj dh eksgd] lqu ftls eSa µ pSu ls dqN {k.k fd lks tkÅ¡! nnZ lkjk Hkwy dj e/kq&LoIu esa csfQ+Ø [kks tkÅ¡! rqe µ cgkvks I;kj&ty dh NyNykrh /kkj] pj.kksa ij rqEgkjs LoxZ & oSHko eSa µ >qdk ykÅ¡!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @ 18

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /19


¼5½ ojnku


Reminded I am Of your love!

;kn vkrk gS rqEgkjk I;kj!

On one day You, on your own accord Bestowed upon me A world of silvery beauty and charm!

rqeus gh fn;k Fkk ,d fnu eq>dks #igys :i dk lalkj!

Eye-catching festoons! Were decorated At each and every door!

lt x;s Fks }kj&}kj lqn'kZ cUnuokj!

Reminded I am Of your love A gift, life-like!

;kn vkrk gS rqEgkjk I;kj! izk.kizn migkj!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @20

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /21

¼6½ Le`fr


;kn vkrs gSa rqEgkjs lkaRouk ds cksy! vk;k VwV dj nqHkkZX; ds ?kkrd izgkjksa ls rqEgkjs vad esa ikus 'kj.k!

Reminded I am Of your words of solace!


Broken By fatal blows of misfortune I came to you To get consolation In your lap! O My sweet maiden Brimming with compassion And with unbridled emotion At once On your own accord You have fallen in love with me!

leosnuk vuqHkwfr ls Hkj vks] e/kq cky! Hkko&foHkksj gks rR{k.k rqEgha us I;kj ls eq>dks lg"kZ fd;k oj.k!

You have filled My wounded and poisoned heart With your sweet sugar-candy lke words of peace!

nh fo"k Hkjs vkgr ân; esa 'kkfUr e/kqtk ?kksy! [kM+ha vc ikl esa esjs] fuj[krha }kj fg; dk [kksy! ;kn vkrs gSa fiz;k! eksgu rqEgkjs lkaRouk ds cksy!

Now you stand before me And look at me Opening the doors of your heart! Beloved! Reminded I am Of your charming words of consolation!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @22

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /23


¼7½ cgkuk


I am reminded of Your fake sulkiness!

;kn vkrk gS rqEgkjk :Buk!

To feel the happiness Of persuasion To fill the boring moments Burdened by monotony With ever new Matchless Colours of life, I am reminded Of your fake sulkiness!

euqgkj&lq[k vuqHkwr djus ds fy,] ,djlrk&Hkkj ls Åcs {k.kksa esa jax thou dk uohu viwoZ Hkjus ds fy,! ;kn vkrk gS rqEgkjk :Buk!

To behold Again and again The past love Of many a birth, And through this pretext To keep the auspicious lamp Of our spiritual union On the threshold! I am reminded Of your fake sulkiness! I like very much Your fake sulkiness full of love Of bygone days!

tUe&tUekUrj iqjkuh izhfr dks fQj&fQj fu[kjus ds fy,] bl cgkus eu&feyu 'kqHk nhi vk¡xu&}kj /kjus ds fy,! ;kn vkrk gS rqEgkjk :Buk! vikj&vikj Hkkrk gS rqEgkjk jkxe; chrs fnuksa dk :Buk!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @24

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /25


¼8½ nwjorhZ ls


Your recollection is enough For spending the rest of my life Happily!

'ks"k thou th ldw¡ lq[k ls rqEgkjh ;kn dkQ+h gS! dHkh de gkss ugha ,glkl thou eas rqEgkjk ;g fcNksg&fo"kkn dkiQ+h gS! rqEgkjh Hkkoukvksa dh /jksgj dks lgstk vkt&rd eu esa] vejrk ds fy, dsoy mUgha dk ljl xhrksa esa lgt vuqokn dkQ+h gS!

Never Diminish the feelings Of your remembrance, The pangs of your separation Are enough! Until today I have kept with care The trust-treasure of your feelings In my mind. For living long It is enough Only to render them Into sweet songs!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @26

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /27


¼9½ cks/k


Forget that – We met Ever! All the pictures painted Were mere dreams!

Hkwy tkvks µ feys Fks ge dHkh! fp=k tks vafdr gq, lius Fks lHkh!

Forget – The colours, The blooms, The streams of desires Experienced Gushing through The body and the mind!

Hkwy tkvks µ jaxksa dks cgkjksa dks] nsg ls % eu ls xqtj+ rh dkeuk&vuqHkwr /kkjksa dks! Hkwy tkvks & gj O;rhr&vrhr dks] xk;s&lquk;s xhr dks % laxhr dks!

Forget – Every past moment, And the music and the song Sung and heard!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @28

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /29


¼10½ fu"d"kZ

In this life There is nothing, Nothing indeed More beautiful than love, Anywhere! If birth is a blessing It is because of this, Indeed, because of this! If the fragrant life is more bewitching Than even fascination, It is because of this! In this life There is nothing, Nothing indeed More comforting than love, Anywhere!

ft+Unxh esa I;kj ls lqUnj dghas dqN Hkh Hkh ugha ! dqN Hkh ugha ! tUe ;fn ojnku gS rks blfy, gh] blfy, ! eksg ls eksgd lqxaf/kr izk.k gSa rks blfy, ! ft+Unxh esa I;kj ls lq[kdj dgha dqN Hkh ugha ! dqN Hkh ugha !

Because there is love, So this life has the scent of a flower, Or else, it is a thorn in the heart, Burning its way each moment!

I;kj gS rks ft+Unxh egdk gqvk bd Qwy gS ! vU;Fkk( gj {k.k] ân; esa rhoz pqHkrk 'kwy gS !

In this life There is nothing, Nothing indeed More difficult than love Anywhere!

ft+Unxh esa I;kj ls nq"dj dgha dqN Hkh ugha ! dqN Hkh ugha !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @30

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /31

¼11½ rqe----

(11) YOU

tc & tc eqldqjkrh gks cgqr Hkkrh gks ! rqe gj ckr ij D;ksa eqldqjkrh gks !

Whenever you smile you look more pleasing! Why do you smile over trifles? Whenever you face the mirror beau ideal for make up to put a bright moony dot between your bow like eye-brows on your hair free bright brow you gloat and look more pleasing!

tc & tc lkeus tk LoPN niZ.k ds lqeqf[k ! Ük`axkj djrh gks] /kuq"kkdkj HkkSagksa & e/; ds'kksa ls vuko`r Hkky ij uo pk¡n dh fcUnh yxkrh gks] Lo;a esa Hkwy Qwyh uk lekrh gks cgqr Hkkrh gks !

Far away from the town then lost in the memory of some one when you float the lamps in the river you look more pleasing, gracile enchantress you look more pleasing! Time and again when you hum dulcet poignant tunes of lovelorn songs or sing sweet hymns, you look more pleasing!

uxj ls nwj tk dj fQj unh dh /kkj esa eksgd fdlh dh ;kn esa nhid cgkrh gks cgqr Hkkrh gks ! eqX/kk yktoarh rqe cgqr Hkkrh gks ! tc ckj & ckj e/kqj Lojksa ls eeZ&Hksnh fpj&lukru I;kj dk e/kq & xhr xkrh gksµ iwtk & xhr xkrh gks cgqr Hkkrh gks !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @32

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /33

¼12½ izrhd

(12) SYMBOL Who knows when You kept a bunch Of entwined flowers In my room And left!

v)Z&f[kys Qwyksa dk lg&ca/ku rqe esjs dejs esa j[k tkus dc pyh x;ha !

It is as if You placed a mirror Reflecting rays Of myriad unfelt and new Feelings In my room And were deceived By yourself !

tSls pedkrk fdj.ksa dbZ&dbZ vu&vuqHkwr vNwrs Hkkoksa dk niZ.k rqe esjs dejs esa j[k tkus dc]

O! The meaning of life Suddenly changed As if Someone stumbling Regained balance With new feelings of love And rising like huge new waves.

vius gkFkksa Nyh x;ha ! thou dk vFkZ vjs lglk cny x;k] xgjs&xgjs fxjrk tSls dksbZ l¡Hky x;k Hkj jkx meaxsa u;h&u;h ! Hkj rhoz rjaxsa u;h&u;h !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @34

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /35

¼13½ rqe---

(13) YOU …

xkSjS;k gks esjs vk¡xu dh mM+ tkvksxh ! vkt e/kqj dyjo ls xw¡t jgk ?kj] cjl jgk fnf'k & fnf'k I;kj & Hkjk jl & xkxj] Mj gS tkus dc tk nwj fcNqM+ tkvksxh ! tc & rd jguk gS lkFk jgs gkFkksa esa gkFk] lq[k & nq[k ds lkFkh cu dj th ysa fnu nks & pkj] ijLij Hkj & Hkj I;kj] esjs thou & iFk dh ixMaMh gks tkus dc vkSj dgk¡ eqM+ tkvksxh !

You are the sparrow Of my courtyard You will fly away! Now my house rings With sweet harmony, The nectar of love rains From all sides, I fear Who knows when You will leave and be lost! As long as We are together, Let's hold hands, For a few days at least, Let's live together As partners In pleasure and pain, Let's love each other, You are the pathway of my life, Who knows where and when You will branch off.



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @36

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /37


¼14½ vdkjFk fnu jkr HkVdk gj txg lq[k&LoxZ dk lalkj ikus ds fy, ! dfydk f[kyh ;k v/kf[kyh >weh e/kqi dks tc fj>kus ds fy, ! lqulku esa rjlk fd;k ru&xa/k jl&migkj ikus ds fy, ! D;k&D;k u thou esa fd;k dqN iy rqEgkjk I;kj ikus ds fy, !


Day and night went astray, in every place, To attain the world of happy heaven! The buds bloomed or half-bloomed When, swung to captivate the Madhup1! Pined, in a lonely place To get the gift of pleasurable aromatic body! In life, what did and what not, To get your love for a few moments! Remain absorbed in perplexity continuously To get the base-point of faith!

Mwck o mrjk;k lrr fo'okl dk vk/kkj ikus ds fy, !

By putting the life at stake Continued to play, knowing defeat as fore-decided!

j[k ft+Unxh dks nk¡o ij [ksyk fd;k] cl gkj tkus ds fy, !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @38

1 A large black-bee

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /39

(15) One Night

¼15½ ,d jkr v¡f/k;kjs thou&uHk esa fctqjh&lh ped x;ha rqe! lkou >wyk >wyk tc ck¡gksa esa jed x;ha rqe !

Like a flash of lightning You came in the dark sky of my life! In my arms you swung When swayed freely the month of saawan1! Like a shruti2 tune you rang When the kajali3 was heard outside!

dtyh ckgj xw¡th tc Jqfr&Loj&lh xed x;ha rqe !

Like the music of anklets you chimed When the tri-yama4 became fragrant!

egdh xa/k f=k;kek tc ik;y&lh >ed x;ha rqe !

Standing near the tulsi5s in the courtyard You shone resplendent, O the only one!

rqylh&pkSjs ij vk dj vycsyh Ned x;ha rqe !

Like a flame you glowed Coming in my forlorn home and courtyard! ­

lwus ?kj&vk¡xu esa vk nhid&lh ned x;ha rqe ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @40

1 The fifth month of the Indian Calendar (rainy month) 2 A minute part of a musical note produced at the time of carrying one musical note to another. 3 A type of folk-song sung by ladies during Bhadon (a rainy month) festival. 4 Third part of the night — a time of union of husband & wife. 5 A famous basil plant. It is considered holy by Hidus and worshipped in their courtyards.

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /41

(16) Suddenly

¼16½ lglk

Today I remembered you, My heart resounded with song ! As if the sound of Anhad1 echoed in my heart ! After years, O, after years!

vkt rqEgkjh vk;h ;kn] eu esa xw¡tk vugn ukn ! cjlksa ckn cjlksa ckn ! lkFk rqEgkjk dsoy lp Fkk] gkFk rqEgkjk lgt dop Fkk] lc&dqN ihNs NwV x;k] ij thfor iy&iy dk mUekn ! vkt rqEgkjh vk;h ;kn ! chr x;s ;qx gksrs&gksrs] jkrksa&jkrksa lius cksrs] ysfdu mu e/kq py&fp=kksa ls thou jgk lnk vkckn ! vkt rqEgkjh vk;h ;kn !

Your company was the only truth, Your hand the only protection, Everything has disappeared, but The ecstasy of each lived moment remains! Ages have entered oblivion, Sowing dreams in nights, But those sweet images Have always inhabited my life!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @42

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /43


¼17½ laalxZ

Since We knew each other -

tc ls gqbZ igpku µ

Involuntarily, Sweet songs began to flow From my mute lips.

ewd v/kjksa ij v;kl fcNy jgs dy xku !

The first time I saw you, My eyes were lost in you,

ns[kk ,dkxz igyh ckj µ

Hope soared The heart spread wings And wished To touch the sky.

c<+ x;k fo'okl! eu ia[k ilkj Nwuk pkgrk vkdk'k !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @44

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /45

(18) TOUCH

¼18½ laLi'kZ

O Innocent! Your soft cool Fingers Touched My forehead That moment, I thought no more Of my problems.

vks ifo=kk ! e`nqy 'khry m¡xfy;ksa ls Nw fn;k rqeus ekFk esjk µ eqf'dysa ml {k.k x;k lc Hkwy !

In my heart Suddenly burst forth Thousands of Morning fresh flowers ~ And faded The countless thorns And desert bushes Of my path.

f[ky x;s mj esa gt+kj&gt+kj VVds Qwy !

­ [kks x;s iFk ds vusdkusd 'kwy&ccwy ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @46

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /47

¼19½ vkeus&lkeus

[19] FACE TO FACE We’ll talk to our heart’s content, in one another’s embrace will talk throughout the night, we’ll utter words to our heart’s content!

th Hkj vkt cksysaxs] ijLij vad esa vkc) lkjh jkr cksysaxs] th Hkj ckr ckysaxs !

On the simple honest surface of faith we of alike characteristics will open the complexes of inferiority the sloughs of doubt, easily with open heart!

fo'okl dh le&Hkwfe ij ge ,d&/kekZ ghurk dh xzafFk;k¡ lansg ds fueksZd [kksysaxs] lgt fuO;kZt [kksysaxs !

We’ll live tonight to our heart’s content, drink the vessels of nectar!

th Hkj vkt th ysaxs] lq/kk ds ik=k ih yasxs !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @48

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /49


¼20½ lgiaFkk ikj dj vk;s chgM+ ft+Unxh dh jkg yEch jkg] lkFk&lkFkA ixMafM;k¡ ;k jkt&ekxZ iz'kLr [kkb;k¡ ;k ioZrksa dh ?kwerh Å¡pkb;k¡] ikj dj vk;s lkFk&lkFk! ,d iy Hkh dh u vkg&djkg! nhurk ls nwj] ghurk ls nwj] fdrus gh jgs etcwj! ugha dksbZ f'kdu vk;h ekFk! ikj dj vk;s Hk;kud jkg] ft+Unxh dh jkg lkFk&lkFk! vk¡f/k;ksa dh /kwy ls ;k pj.k pqHkrs 'kwy ls µ #ds ughas ! rirh /kwi ls] xgjs mrjrs ?ku v¡/ksjs dwi ls Fkds ugha ! rj&crj djrs jgs r; lQ+j] Fkkes gkFk @ ck¡/ks gkFk lkFk&lkFkA ikj dj vk;s vtu&ch ft+Unxh dh jkg @ yEch jkg !

Crossed the rugged uneven path of life long path together as one! Footpaths or highways wide chasms or circular heights of mountains, traversed together as one the path of life! even for a moment no sigh or moan! Far from misery / far from inferiority howsoever helpless! Not even a wrinkle on forehead! Travelled the horrible path, the path of life together as one. With the dust of whirlwinds or foot prickling thorns – Never stopped! In scorching sun, in deep descending dense dark well were never tired! Drenched to the bone kept on traveling, holding hand in hand tied hands together as one. Traversed the unfamiliar path of life long path!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @50

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /51

¼21½ cl] ,d ckj!

(21) ONCE AND ONCE, ONLY Loving wandering eyes two Should see me Once and once, Only !

Lusg&rjfyr nks u;u eq>dks ns[k ysµa cl] ,d ckj !

Two Love-shaken hands Should take hold of me Once and once, Only !

nks iz.k;&dfEir gkFk eq>dks Fkke ysµa cl] ,d ckj !

Serpentine arms two Should enfold me Once and once, Only ! Two Inflamed blazing lips Should kiss me Once and once, Only !

lfiZy Hkqtk,¡ nks eq>dks ck¡/k ysµa cl] ,d ckj] nks vfXuokgh gksaB eq>dks pwe ysµ a cl] ,d ckj !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @52

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /53


¼22½ fud"k

Were some sweet-scented Warm-ray of love To touch Me Wax I am !

fdlh e/kq&xfU/kdk ds I;kj dh Å"ek&fdj.k eq>dks Nq, rksµ ekse gw¡ !

Were some ‘Mugdha’1 Chakori2 Innocent Impatient Stray Eyes two Glanced Me — Moon I am!

fdlh eqX/kk pdksjh ds vcks/k v/khj HkVds nks u;u eq> ij iM+a s rksµ lkse gw¡ !

­ 1 Straight-forward youthful girl. 2 Red-legged partridge. According to the poetic lore, ‘chakori’ loves the moon.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @54

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /55

¼23½ leosr



laxhr&lgkf;uh lqd.Bh vk thou dh r`".kk dks xk !

Come, you sweet-throated Songstress, sing out the life’s thirst. May the whole creation resound with seven notes, the lonely path may become an orchestral board!

lIr&lqjksa ls LifUnr gks vx&tx] laxhrd cu tk;s lwuk ex !

Bring various instruments of melodious music, play on them; bring the solemn drum, the lyre and, the divine surbahar1. Sing, ye, O! Sweet-throated one! Sing out the life’s thirst.

yµ k lqjcgkj&oh.kk&e`nxa fofo/k ok| yk ctk] lqd.Bh xk ! thou dh r`".kk dks xk !

­ [1 A musical instrument like guitar.]


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @56

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /57

¼24½ lqy{k.k



lqcg ls vkt fdl vO;Dr ls mj mYyflr !

What unknown does make my heart fill with delight today Since morning! All of a sudden A melodious note, the right eye throbs intermittently perforce!

lglk lqHkkf"kr jkx] nk;ha vk¡[k jg&jg dj foo'k LifUnr ! nwj dyxh ij fc[kjrh vtuch xgjh lqugjh vkc] igyh ckj xeys esa f[kyk gS ,d yky xqykc ! u tkus fdl vtkus vkRe&'kqHk lEHkkO; dh ;g Hkwfedk ! jksekap iq"iksa ls ynh ru&;wfFkdk ! 'kk;n] vkt rqels HksaV gks !

At a far off crest there spreads a strange deep golden glow, A red rose has bloomed for the first time in the flower vase! God knows to what unknown self-good this is a pretty prelude! The body-jasmine laden with flowers of thrills! Possibly, we may meet today!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @58

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /59


¼25½ iqujfi ekul esa vizR;kf'kr vfrfFk ls rqe vpkud vk x;s ! ekukµ ugha Fkk iwo&Z izLrqr vknzZ vxokuh ltk;s] gkj dfy;ksa dk fy,] gj }kj cUnuokj ck¡/ks] izfr iyd mRlqd izrh{kk esa ! rqEgha fiz; ik=k] vH;kxr ! crkvks µ ugha gw¡ D;k lnk ls Lokxfrd eSa rqEgkjk \ g"kZ&iqyfdr gw¡] vÑf=ke Hkwfe ij esjh lgt cu vorfjr gks rqe ! lqiokZ /kU; gw¡] Ñr&ÑR; gw¡ ! ij] ;g ldqp dSlh \ #dks dqN nsj vuqHkwr gksus nks vfer vueksy {k.k ;s ! tkurk gwµ ¡ rqe izoklh gks] vfrfFk gks pkgdj Hkh ekuoh vklfDr ds lqdqekj cU/ku esa c¡/kksxs dc \ vjs fQj Hkh---rfud--- vuqjks/k fQj Hkh ----!


As an unexpected guest you came to mind suddenly! I know – I wasn’t preprepared for your overwhelming welcoming with garland of buds, and affixing festoons on every door, eager every moment awaiting! You, the dear one, a visitor! Say – have I not been a receptionist of yours as ever? I’m overjoyed, appear on my unsophisticated heart-land simple one! Ominous moment, am thankful, grateful! But, Why this coyness? Stay a while let me feel these extremely invaluable moments! I know – you’re a roving, a guest how could you be tethered to the tender trap of human love? Eh! even then ... a little ... supplication even then!


­ pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @60

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /61

¼26½ frf?kjk dh ,d 'kke


¼fp=k % ,d½ frf?kjk ds 'kkUr ty esa rqEgkjk xksjk eq[kM+k jgL; Hkjs fufuZes"k eq>s ns[krk rSj jgk gS ! lqMkSy ekaly xksjh ck¡g mBk v#f.ke djry ij fgyrh pØksoa kyh vaxfq y;k¡ nwj frf?kjk ds o{kLFky ls eq>s cqykrha ! eSa & tks rV ijA ns[k jgk Nfc ckbukWD;qyj yxk;s okluk cksf>y vk¡[kksa ij ! Ä


In the placid water of the Tighira dam your fair face mysteriously, floating unblinking looks at me! Lifting sturdy, fair, muscular arms the circle-tipped fingers moving on the red palm of your hand invite me from the far off span of the Tighira dam! I, who on the bank. Look at the beautiful image wearing a binoculars on lusty, heavy eyes!

­ 1 A drinking water reservoir in Gwalior town (M..P.)

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @62

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /63

¼27½ frf?kjk dh ,d 'kke


¼fp=k % nks½


On the narrow bridge of the Tighira bowed-eyes hesitant you!

frf?kjk ds l¡djs iqy ij ufer u;u lgeh&lgeh rqe ! rst+ gok esa ygjkrs ds'k] lqxfBr vaxksa dks vafdr djrk Qj&Qj mM+rk dkathoje~ dh lkM+h dk QSyko] nks Q+qrhZys gkFkksa dk fdruk vlQy nqjko ! gkSy&s gkSys pyrs uaxs xnjk, xksjs iSj] lius tSlh vn~Hkqr j¡xjsyh jksekapd lSj !

Waving hair in the blowing strong wind, silhouetting the sturdy limbs, fluttering end of kanjivaram1 saree, what an unsuccessful strategy of two smart hands! Slowly, gently move naked, flabby, fair feet, a queer, dream-like, pleasant, romantic walk!

­ 1 A town in Tamilnadu, where these sarees are manufactured.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @64

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /65


¼28½ ftthfo"kq @ 2 xgjk v¡/ksjk lk¡;----lk¡; iou] Hkokog 'kki&lk Nk;k xxu] vfr 'khr ds {k.k ! ij] ft;ks bl vkl ijµ 'kk;n fd dksbZ ,d fnu ckys jfo&fdj.k&lk jkx&jaftr gse eaxy&nhi ! lqulku iFk ij ewd ,dkdh ân; rqe] Hkkjor~ ru O;FkZ thou ! ij] pyks bl vkl ijµ 'kk;n fdlh {k.k fpj&izrhf{kr vtuch ds pj.k fu%l`r dj mBsa laxhr ! [kks x;k e/kqekl] ir>j ek=k ir>j ( Qwy cnys 'kwy esa lius x;s lu /kwy esa ! vks vkRegark ! }kj&okrk;u djks er can] 'kk;nµ lenq[kh dksbZ HkVdrh ft+Unxh vk d{k dks j¡x ns lquk LofxZd lq/kk/kj xhr !


Dense darkness heaving sighs the wind horrid sky spread like curse, very chilly moments! But, live on this hope – some one may light like sun-ray love-laden golden lucky lamp! On a desolate path silent solitary heart you body like burden futile life! But, move on, on this hope – at some moment long-awaited stranger’s feet may create music! Lost is the Spring, Autumn merely Autumn, flowers turned into thorns dreams drenched in dust! O suicider! Shut not the doors and windows, some equally tortured wandering soul may dye the room by reciting a heavenly nectarlike song!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @66

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /67


¼29½ iz/kwfirk ls


O fallen woman Condemned by the world Come! Me would give you cinnabar To wish you blessedness!

vks foiFkxs ! tx&frjLÑr] vk ek¡x dks flUnwj ls Hkj nw¡ !

O you, Who have only known Deep sighs and wailings Me would bless your voice With sweet melodies! O you, Who are rich With the ironies of life, Come, Me would bless you With the mirths of life!

lgpjh vks ! ewd jksnu dh µ daB dks ukuk u;s Loj nw¡ ! vks /kuh ! vfHk'kIr thou dh µ vk rq>s mYykl dk oj nw¡ !

O you, Who are drooping Being excommunicated, Come! O come, Me would give you The abode of lotuses blue!

vks ufer fuokZflrk ! vk vk uhy deyksa ls f?kjk ?kj nw¡ !

O you, Who are deprived of every-thing, Mocked-at woman! Come, O come, Me would feelingly Tickle my fingers Into your rugged locks!

oafprk vks ! migflr ukjhµ vjs vk #{k ds'kksa ij fodafir Lusg&iwfjr m¡xfy;k¡ /kj nw¡ !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @68

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /69


¼30½ fuosnu Qwy tks eqj>k jgs tx&oYyjh ij v/kf[kys dkj.k mlh dk [kkstrk gw¡ ! gs izk.k ! eq>dks ekQ+ djuk ;fn rqEgkjs xhr dqN fnu eSa u xkÅ¡ ! Lo.kZ vkHkk&lk lqokflr ru rqEgkjk ns[k vuns[kk d:¡] Nfo ij u eksfgr gks rfud Hkh eqldjkÅ¡ ! Qwy tc eqj>k jgs olq/kk cuh fo/kok lqeqf[k ! fQj vFkZ D;k Ük`axkj dk] ix&uwiqjksa dh xw¡trh >adkj dk \ gj Qwy f[kyus nks t+jk] Mkfy;ksa ij I;kj fgyus nks t+jk ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @70


The flowers that fade away Without beaming full smile On the branches of the earth Stir my questing spirit! O my love, forgive me, If I cannot sing these days In thy praise. Forgive me If I cannot appreciate The fragrance or the golden beauty Of the physical mould. Forgive me If I cannot smile At your enchanting beauty! O my lovely love! When the flowers are fading And the world looks like a widow, What meaning could there be In the beauty-aids, or The jingling of the ankle-bells? Pray, Oh, Pray That the buds may blossom And the branches quiver with love!


O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /71


¼31½ nksigjh



At midday despairing and crestfallen I bemoan I am not by your side!

nksigjh dk le; vueuk------ mnkl] eSa ugha rqEgkjs ikl ! ,dkdh rafnzy LofIuy tksg jgk vfojy ckV [kksy d{k&dikV ! fpyfpykrh /kwi cksf>y cukrh vkSj vk¡[kksa dks ! lk¡;&lk¡; djrh yEcs&yEcs Mx Hkjrh gok&nwfrdk lans'k rqEgkjk dgrh ! ekSu ! rHkh eSa mB Hkj ysrk ck¡gksa esa dj ysrk Lohdkj ljy 'khry vkfyaxu vkxeu vkHkkl rqEgkjk ikdj ! <yrh tkrh nksigjh gksrh tkrh vUrj&O;Fkk xgjh----xgjh----xgjh !

Lonely, drowsy and dreamy I peer constantly at the path through the door ajar! The searing sun blears the eyes more. The sizzling, striding wind herald conveys your tidings. Mute! Perceiving your arrival instantly springing up, I enfold her in my arms and clasp her in a soothing, comfy embrace. Alas! With the waning noon my agony deepens more and more!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @72

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /73


¼32½ vaxhÑr


O Large-eyed The Khanjan1-eyed Pretty one The curse That you have inflicted on me ..... I accept.

vks fo'kkyk{kh uhy daBk{kh 'kqHkkaxh ! 'kki tks rqeus fn;k vaxhÑr !

O bestower of benedictions! The life-giver The poisonous gift That you have given me ..... I accept.

vks i;fLouh dY;k.kh ! fo"kt migkj tks rqeus fn;k


LohÑr ! Ä

1 Wagtail; often used as a simile in Indian Literature for depicting beautiful, playful eyes.

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @74

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /75

¼33½ dkSu gks rqe\ v¡/ksjh jkr ds ,dkar esa vutku nwjkxr----fdlh laxhr ls eksgd e/kqj ln~&lkaRouk ds cksy fo"k/kj frDr varj esa vjs ! fdlus fn;s gSa ?kksy \ dkSu \ dkSu gks rqe \ volUu thou&es?k esa uhykatuk&lh >k¡drha vkca/k okrk;u ân; dk [kksy ! l`f"V dh xgjh ?kqVu esa] nkg ls >qyls xxu esa] dkSu rqe tkrha lty iqjok ljh[kh Mksy \ dkSu gks rqe \ dkSu gks \ laos| ekul&psruk dks] 'kkar djrh osnuk dks !



In the solitude of this darksome night — Who has poured Into my poisonous, bitter self The sweet words of great consolation — Sounding like a charming musical note, Coming from a distance, Springing a pleasant surprise? Oh, who is it That opens the closed windows of my heart To peep in Like a spark in the dark clouds Of a gloomy life? Who is it That moves Into the charred sky, or Into the sultry suffocating world, Like the moist-laden east wind? Oh, who is it That stirs my consciousness To mitigate my sufferings?



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @76

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /77

¼34½ ;kpuk


'kSy gks rqe gSa dls lc vax] fodflr&o; Hkjs uo&jax !

Like a carved cameo you are having well chiseled limbs and feature glowing profusely with youthful glamour!

izR;w"k us tc Lo.kZ fdj.kksa ls Nq, lqxfBr dM+s mUur f'k[kj izfr jkse jtrkpy x;k lglk flgj] nzqr Losn&eafMr ru nzfor eu] 'kh"kZ pj.kksa rd gqbZ ln~&lapfjr jfr&jl ygj ! 'kSy gks rqe usg&fu>Zj&/kkj /kkfjr] izk.k gfjek Hkko okflr !


When the golden rays of dawn smooched the spasmodic heaves of your voluptuous body your entire epidermis got rejuvenesced and the pulsating heart suffused you with love from top to toe. A soulful onyx you are flush with spontaneous love and douched with intense emotions! Please bestow on me my cherished wish of minimal pleasure of your lavish love and a brief hug of your body! Kindly fill my eager heart with your surging love!

,d d.k fiz; usg dk ,d {k.k lq[k nsg dk eu&dkeuk oj nks ! vuko`r ik=k vUrl~ Hkkouk Hkj nks !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @78

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /79

¼35½ Lohdkj yks



My wishes : Like the twinkling stars On the breast of the blue!

esjh dkeuk,¡ % xxu ds o{k ij f>yfey flrkjksa dh rjg !

My passions : Like the bright streams Of the fast-flowing 'Bhagirathi'! That rises from the Himalayas!

esjh okluk,¡ % fgeky; ls izokfgr esjh Hkkouk,¡ osxxk HkkxhjFkh dh 'kqHkz /kkjksa dh rjg ! egdrs&lkS/a krs mRQqYy ikVy ls fofufeZr :i/kj l|Ld gkjksa dh rjg ! rqEgkjh vpZuk vkjk/kuk esa lefiZr gSaA vykSfdd 'kksfHkuh ! jeuh lqugjh nhidfydk ls ân; dk d{k T;ksfrr gS ! bl tUe esa Lohdkj yks Lohdkj yks esjk vNwrk I;kj yks !

My feelings : Like the most beautiful garlands Of red roses Fresh, fragrant and blossoming! I offer these to you In adoration; O celestial Beauty! Every little bit of my heart Is filled with Your beautiful golden rays! Accept me, O accept me, Even in my life of mundane existence I offer to you my purest love!

­ 1 Name of the river Ganges.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @80

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /81

¼36½ ;qxksa ds ckn fQj--;qxksa ds ckn lglk vkt rqe ! LoIu dh uxjh clk;s gkFk fljgkus j[ks lks;h gqbZ gks cFkZ ij ! D;k u tkxksxh \ gqvk gh pkgrk iwjk lQ+j----! vk¡[k [kksyks vk¡[k [kksyks 'kCn pkgs ,d Hkh eq>ls u cksyks ! ns[k] fQj pkgs cgkuk uhan dk Hkj yks ( ;qxksa ds ckn fQj ik jax uo jl f[ky mBsxk /kwi eqj>k;k dqlqe ! fdrus fnuksa ds ckn lglk vkt rqe !



After ages, All of a sudden isn’t you? Lost in the world of dreams Head, pillowed on arm On the berth, you sleep ! Won’t you wake up? My journey’s almost done .... ! Open your eyes Open your eyes, Utter not a single word to me, tho’ Have a look at me And then Feign sleep again. After ages, Now again Getting new colour and sap fresh Will bloom Sun-withered flower ! After days numberless Suddenly, so you are !!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @82

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /83

¼37½ vfHkje.k


dy lqcg ls jkr rd dqN dj u ik;k dYiuk ds ¯l/kq esa ;qx&;qx lgsth vkl ds nhid cgkus ds flok ! ân; dh fHkfÙk ij thfor vtUrk&fp=k--- js[kk,¡ cukus ds flok ! fdl d+nj Hkjek;k rqEgkjs :i us ! dy lqcg ls jkr rd dqN dj u ik;k( flQ+Z dYiuk ds LoxZ esa LoPNan lSykuh&ljh[kk ?kwek fd;k ! u'khyh&>werh edjan&osf"Vr 'kqHkz dfy;ksa ds diksyksa dks e/kqi ds I;kj ls pwek fd;k ! fdl d+nj eq>dks lrk;k gS rqEgkjs :i us ! dy lqcg ls jkr rd dqN dj u ik;k Hkkouk ds O;kse esa Hkksys diksrksa ds mM+kus ds flok ! vHkkoksa dh /k/kdrh vkx ls eu dks tqM+kus ds flok ! HkVdk fd;k] gj iy rqEgkjh ;kn esa vVdk fd;k ! fdl d+nj ;g dl fn;k ru eu rqEgkjs :i us !


From morn till night Nothing could I do But set afloat in fancy's ocean Lamps of long-long cherished dreams! And draw living Ajanta frescoes On the canvas, my heart! How intensely I've been seized By your beauty! From morn till night Nothing could I do But wander in the Elysium — my thoughts Like a traveller free from bonds! Like a love-lorn bee I've only kissed and kissed The buds, bright, ravishing, drunk And drenched in honey! How tormented am I By your beauty! From morn till night Nothing could I do But release the innocent doves In the firmament — my feelings And soothe a heart Ablaze in the raging fires of want I wandered — wandered all the time Engrossed in thoughts of you How strongly seized am I Body and soul By your beauty!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @84

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /85


¼38½ dkSu rqe dkSu rqe v#f.ke m"kk&lh eu&xxu ij Nk x;h gks \ yksd&/kwfey j¡x fn;k vuqjkx ls] ekSu thou Hkj fn;k e/kq jkx ls] ns fn;k lalkj lksus dk lgt tks feyk djrk cM+s gh Hkkx ls] dkSu rqe e/kqekl&lh vejkb;k¡ egdk x;h gks \ ohfFk;k¡ lwus ân; dh ?kwe dj] uo&fdju&lh Mky ckgsa >we dj] LoIu Nyuk ls izoafpr izk.k dh psruk esjh txk;h pwe dj] dkSu rqe uHk&vIljk&lh bl rjg cgdk x;h gks \ fjDr mUeu mj&ljksoj Hkj fn;k] Hkkouk laosnuk dks Loj fn;k] dkeukvksa ds pedrs uo f'k[kj I;kj esjk lR; f'ko lqUnj fd;k] dkSu rqe vonkr jh ! bruh vf/kd tks Hkk x;h gks \ Ä


Like redness of dawn overcast the heart-sky, who, you are? Coloured the dull world with love, Filled the mute world with sweet song, Offered the golden world, so easily, which is found only, in having a great fortune, Like spring, perfumed the mango-groves, who, you are? Roaming in the lonely galleries of heart, Swinging, embracing with fresh rays-arms, Awoke my dream-beguiled deceptive life-conscience by the act of caressing, Allured me so much, like a sky-fairy, who, you are? Filled my void, dejected heart-lake Gave tune to passion and compassion, Shining new peaks of desires, Made my love honest-auspicious-beautiful, Charmed me so much, O, pious! who, you are?


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @86

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /87

¼39½ xhr esa rqeus ltk;k xhr esa rqeus ltk;k :i esjk eSa rqEgsa vuqjkx ls mj esa ltkÅ¡ ! jax dksey Hkkoukvksa dk Hkjk gS ygjrh ns[kdj /kkuh /kjk usg nks bruk ugha] l¡Hkyks t+jk xhr esa rqeus clk;k gS eq>s tc eSa lnk dks /;ku esa rqedks clkÅ¡ ! cslgkjs izk.k dks fut ck¡g nh rIr ru dks okfjnksa&lh Nk¡g nh vkSj thus dh u;h Hkj pkg nh xhr esa rqeus trk;h izhr viuh eSa rqEgsa viuk ân; xk&xk crkÅ¡ !



You embellished my look in your song, I'll embellish you in my heart with love! Hue of tender feelings is filled, Seeing it, fields light-green are blooming, Don't give so much love, sustain a little, When you inhabited me in your song I shall stay you in my thoughts for ever! You gave your arms to unsupported life, You gave cloud-like shade to heated body, And filled new desire to live, You confessed your love in song I shall express my heart — singing that song!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @88

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /89

¼40½ eqldjk;s rqe---eqldjk;s rqe] ân;&vjfoUn esjk f[ky x;k] ns[k rqedks g"kZ&xnxn] izkI; esjk fey x;k ! pk¡n esjs ! D;ksa mBk;k bl rjg thou&tyf/k esa Tokj js \ ik x;k rqeesa lgkjk dkfeuh ! ;qx&;qx HkVdrk I;kj js ! vkt vk¡[kksa esa x;k cl] izhr dk liuk u;k ! js lyksus es?k lkou ds eq>s D;ksa bl rjg ugyk fn;k \ D;ksa rM+i uhykatus ! fut ckgqvksa esa usg ls Hkj&Hkj fy;k \ lkFk NwVs ;g dHkh uk] gs fu;fr ! djuk n;k ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @90



You smiled, the lotus of my heart bloomed! Seeing you, I rejoiced, I attained my attainable! My moon! why did you raise Tide in the ocean of life in such a way? O, Beautiful lady! my ages' homeless love Got support in you! Now, a novice dream of love, inhabited in eyes! O, charming cloud of Sawan1! Why did you wet me like this? O, Lightning! why you did so restlessly embrace me in your arms with love? May we never be detached, O, destiny! be kind!

­ 1 The fifth month of the Indian Calendar (Rainy month)

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /91

¼41½ gs fo/kuk! gs fo/kuk ! eksjs vk¡xu dk fcjok lw[ks uk ! ;g igyh igpku feBkl Hkjk] js >wes ygjk;s jgs gjk] gs fo/kuk ! eksjs lktu dk fg;jk nw[ks uk ! gs fo/kuk ! eksjs vk¡xu dk fcjok lw[ks uk ! yEch chgM+ lqulku Mxfj;k] js g¡lrs tk, chr mefj;k] gs fo/kuk ! eksjs eu&cfl;k dk eu :[ks uk ! gs fo/kuk ! eksjs vk¡xu dk fcjok lw[ks uk ! dHkh u tx dh [kksVh vk¡[k yxs] lk¡lr dh v¡f/k;kjh nwj Hkxs] gs fo/kuk ! eksjs tkscu ij fcjgk Å[ks uk ! gs fo/kuk ! eksjs vk¡xu dk fcjok lw[ks uk !



O, Destiny! the plant of my courtyard may not be dried! It is the symbol of first sweet acquaintance, May swing, wave and remain ever-green, O, Destiny! the heart of my lover may not be hurt! On the long rugged, lonely path The life may pass joyfully, O, Destiny! the heart of my heart-dweller may never remain indifferent! The world may never look us with ill-will, The darkness of pain may go far away, O, Destiny! my youth may never remain separation-burnt!

­ 1The fifth month of the Indian Calendar (Rainy month)


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @92

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /93


¼42½ :iklfDr lksus u nsrh lqNfo >yeykrh fdlh dh ! tknw Hkjh jkr] fiNyk igj vks<+s gqvk tx v¡/ksjk xgj Hkj izhr dh yksy 'khry ygj lwjr lqgkuh ljy eqldjkrh fdlh dks ! lksus u nsrh lqNfo >yeykrh fdlh dh ! xgjh cM+h tks feyh ihj gS fu/kZu ân; ds fy, ghj gS vatu lq[kn usg dk uhj gS vYgM+ vtkuh mej txexkrh fdlh dh ! lksus u nsrh lqNfo >yeykrh fdlh dh ! jh>k gqvk eksj&lk eu exu ckgsa fody] dk'k Hkj yw¡ xxu dSlh yxh ;g fojg dh vxu e/kq xU/k&lh ;kn jg&jg lrkrh fdlh dh ! lksus u nsrh lqNfo >yeykrh fdlh dh !


Glittering beauty of someone doesn’t allow me to sleep! Enchanting last quarter of the night, The world is covered with dense darkness, With lively cold waves of love Smiles, attractive simple face of someone! Heavy pain that I got Is a diamond for my poor heart, Collyrium, with tears of pleasant love, Glimmering, inexperienced simple life-time of someone! Charmed peacock-like delighted heart, Restless arms eager to embrace the sky, How hard-felt is the fire of separation, Disturbing, sweet fragrance-memory of someone!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @94

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /95


¼43½ eksg&ek;k lksupaik&lh rqEgkjh ;kn lk¡lksa esa lek;h gS ! gks fd/kj rqe efYydk&lh jE; rUoaxh] js dgk¡ vc >yeykrk :i lrjaxh] e/kqerh&en&lh rqEgkjh eksguh jeuh; Nk;h gS ! lksupaik&lh rqEgkjh ;kn lk¡lksa esa lek;h gS ! ekuoh izfr&dYiuk dh dYi&yfrdk cu dj x;ha thou tok&dqlqeksa Hkjk miou] [kks lHkh] cl] ekSu eu&eankfduh geus cgk;h gS ! lksupaik&lh rqEgkjh ;kn lk¡lksa esa lek;h gS ! gks fd/kj rqe] lR; esjh eksg&ek;k jh izk.k dh vklkojh] lq[k /kwi&Nk;k jh jkg thou dh rqEgkjh fp=klkjh ls ltk;h gS ! lksupaik&lh rqEgkjh ;kn lk¡lksa esa lek;h gS ! Ä


Like magnolia-perfume your memory is impregnated my breaths! Jasmine-like elegant, delicate-bodied, where are you? Where is your rainbow-like glittering coloured appearance? Mesmerizing1 me, your charming beauty is overspreading! You, are like Kalp-latika2 for all human imaginations, Made life a garden, full of Java3 flowers, Losing all, I only silently flowed the celestial Ganga of my soul! Where are you, my illusion, true? Aasavari4 of my heart, dhoop-chhanh5 of my contentment I have adorned my way of life-gallery with your life-paintings!

­ 1 Madhumati-mad (Trance-state / Half-conscious state) 2 According to Indian mythology, the tree of Lord Indra's paradise, which yields anything desired. 3 A red flower used in worship the idol of goddess. 4 A musical mode. 5 Cloth in which wrap and waft are of different colours.

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @96

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /97


¼44½ jkr chrh


Your memory is haunting, The night is passing!

;kn jg&jg vk jgh gS] jkr chrh tk jgh gS ! ft+Unxh ds vkt bl lqulku esa tkxrk gw¡ eSa rqEgkjs /;ku esa l`f"V lkjh lks x;h gS] Hkwfe yksjh xk jgh gS ! >wers gSa fp=k u;uksa esa dbZ xr rqEgkjh ckr gj yxrh u;h vkt rks xqt+js fnuksa dh cs#[+kh Hkh Hkk jgh gS ! cg jgs gSa ge le; dh /kkj esa izk.k ! j[kuk ij Hkjkslk I;kj esa dy f[kysxh mj&yrk tks fdl d+nj eqj>k jgh gS !

Today, in such a solitude of life I awake in your thoughts, The whole creation has slept, Earth is singing a lullaby! Many sights swing in the eyes, Your each past talk seems alive, Even, your casual looks of bygone days Are appearing pleasant this day! We are flowing in the stream of time, But, O, sweet-heart! have faith in love, Tomorrow, creeping-plant of heart will flourish, Which is fading how much, now!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @98

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /99

¼45½ vxgu dh jkr rqe ugha ( vkSj vxgu dh B.Mh jkr ! la/;k ls gh lwuk&lwuk] eu csgn Hkkjh gS] eqj>k;k&lk thou&'krny] dSlh ykpkjh gS ! gS tkus fdruh nwj lqugjk izkr ! rqe ugha( vkSj vxgu dh BaMh jkr ! [kksdj liuksa dk /ku] vk¡[ksa cscl cksf>y fu/kZu ns[k jgh gSa Hkkoh dk iFk] Hkj&Hkj vk¡lw ds du] Mksy jgk vUrj ihiy dk&lk ikr ! rqe ugha ( vkSj vxgu dh BaMh jkr ! gS nwj jksfg.kh dk vk¡py] jksrk ewd dyk/kj [kkst jgk gj dksuk] fc[kjk tqUgkbZ dk lkxj fdldks js vkt crk,¡ eu dh ckr ! rqe ugha ( vkSj vxgu dh BaMh jkr ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @100



During this cool night of aghan; Oh, I missed you! Since evening, the lonely heart is very cumbersome, Somewhat faded is the lotus of life — helplessness of what sort! Not known, how far is the golden morn! Losing the riches of dreams, eyes are helpless, heavy and empty, Looking the course of destiny, with drops of tears, Heart is throbbing like the leaf of peepal2 tree! The hem of Rohini3 is far; silent moon weeps, Wide-spread moonlight-sea is searching every corner, Whom to tell the secret of heart!

­ 1 Ninth month of the Indian Calendar (Margsheersh) 2 A holy tree of Hindus. 3 According to Hindu mythology, wife of moon. Fourth amongst twenty-seven constellations.

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /101

¼46½ nwj rqe


nwj rqe fiz;] eu cgqr cspSu !

Dear! far way you are, my heart is immensely restless!

vtuch dqN vkt dk okrkoj.k] dj x;k tSls fd dksbZ /ku gj.k] vkSj ge fu/kZu cus osnuk dkj.k cus ewd cu iNrk jgs] thou v¡/ksjh jSu ! nwj rqe fiz;] eu cgqr cspSu !

Environment somewhat is strange, today, As if somebody has snatched the essence of life, Am I so unfortunate being myself is the cause of separation-pain! Simply, regretting silently, Life — a gloomy night!

[kks dgha uhykatuk dk gkj js] vueuk lkou cjlrk }kj js] vkSj ge ,dkUr esa jkr ds lhekar esa tkxrs [kks;s gq,&ls] iy u yxrs uSu ! nwj rqe fiz;] eu cgqr cspSu! Ä


Missing somewhere the luminous-garland, Disturbed sawan1 is showering at the door, All alone am I During the extreme end of the night, Although, awakened, but forgotten every thing, Eyes don't fall asleep even for a moment!

­ 1 The fifth month of the Indian Calendar (rainy month)

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @102

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /103


¼47½ fiz;k ls bl rjg ;fn nwj jguk Fkk] rks cls D;ksa izk.k esa \ gS vifjfpr jkg thou dh lkFk esa lacy ugha ( O;kse esa] eu esa f?kjh >a>k ,d iy dks dy ugha] ;fn vdsys Hkkj lguk Fkk ( rks cls D;ksa /;ku esa \ ty jgh thou&vHkkoksa dh vkx pkjksa vksj js] f?kj jgk volkn vUrj esa gS Fkdk eu&eksj js] bl rjg ;fn ewd nguk Fkk rks cls D;ksa xku esa \


Otherwise, to remain far, like this Why did you live in my heart? Way of life is unknown With provisions nil, Storm is raising in the sky , in the heart, No peace even for a moment, Otherwise, to bear the burden alone Why did you so fix thyself in my thoughts? Oh, the fire — of life's dearths, Is burning all around, Depression is enclosed in my spirit, Tired is the peacock of heart, Otherwise, to burn so mutely Why you impressed so much, the soul of my songs?



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @104

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /105


¼48½ fcjfgu


dc ljy eqldku ikVy&lh fc[ksjksxs ltu !

O Dear, when will you spread your innocent rosy smile!

vueuk lwuk cgqr cksf>y ân; /kM+duksa ds ikl vkvks] gs ln; ! dj jgh fcjfgu izrh{kk] mj Hkjs thou&tyu !

Heart is out of sorts, lonely and very heavy, O, merciful, touch my heart-beats, This Birhin is waiting for you, with heart full of life's burning pangs!

/kwi esa eqj>k jgh ;kSou&yrk e/kq&clarh I;kj bldks nks crk eksjuh&lh ukp yw¡ th Hkj] jtr ik;y igu !

The vine of youth is fading in the sunlight, Tell her about the sweet sensual love, Wearing silver anklets I wish to dance like a peahen to my heart's content!

lkFk ys fprpksj lks;h gS fu'kk Hkkfouh&lh jkx&jaftr gj fn'kk js vtkuk nnZ izk.kksa dk] d:¡ dSls lgu !

Night is sleeping with her heart-stealer — Moon, Every direction, like an emotional woman, is vibrating with songs, Hey, How to bear such an unknown sweet pain of heart!


­ 1 A woman who is separated from her lover.

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @106

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /107


¼49½ izrh{kk


How many days passed Dreams didn't come!

fdrus fnu chr x;s liu u vk;s ! tkxs lkjh&lkjh jkr Mksyk varj ihij&ikr eu esa ?kqeM+h eu dh ckr ltu u vk;s ! es?k epkrs uHk esa 'kksj taxy&taxy ukps eksj gedks Hkwys jh fprpksj lnu u vk;s ! Hkj&Hkj vk¡py dfy;k¡ Qwy nhi cgk;s lfjrk dwy jg&jg rjls ikus /kwy pju u vk;s !

Entire night I remained wakeful, Upset heart is unsteady like a peepal1-leaf, Secret desires gathered and disappeared, Dear husband didn't come! Clouds making noise in the sky, Peacocks dancing in forests — this and that, My heart-stealer, Alas! has forgotten me, Home didn't come! Filling buds-flowers in the hem, Set afloat lamps at the river-bank, Longed eagerly to get the foot-dust, Feet didn't come!


Ä 1 A holy tree of Hindus

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @108

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /109


¼50½ lk/k fdrus ehBs lius rqeus ns Mkys ij] /kjrh ij I;kj l¡tks;k ,d ugha ! ;qx&;qx ls tx esa [kkst jgk ,dkdh ij] ugha feyk js eupkgk ehr dgha] dksykgy esa ewd mefj;k chr x;h lqu ik;k iy Hkj Hkh e/kq&laxhr ugha] Hkj&Hkj Mkys {khj&¯l/kq eqldkuksa ds laosnu ls ân; fHkxks;k ,d ugha ! fdrus ehBs lius rqeus ns Mkys ij] /kjrh ij I;kj l¡tks;k ,d ugha ! ,d rjQ+ rks fc[kjk nha lq"kek&iwfjr lkS&lkS e/kqeklksa dh jaxhu cgkjsa] vkSj lgt ns Mkys nksuksa gkFkksa ls xgus jfo&'kf'k] rks xtjs Qwy&flrkjs] ij] esjs moZj thou&iFk ij rqeus cht e/kqfjek dk cks;k ,d ugha ! fdrus ehBs lius rqeus ns Mkys ij] /kjrh ij I;kj l¡tks;k ,d ugha !


How much sweet dreams you bestowed, But, arranged not the least love on earth! Alone, I am searching in this world, for ages, But, didn't get desired intimate friend anywhere, Helplessly, time of life passed in hue and cry, Couldn’t hear charming music for a moment, You poured the milky oceans of smiles, But, didn't drench a single heart with compassion! On one side, you spread well adorned colourful merriments of hundreds of springs, And distributed, with both hands, in gratis Jewels like Sun and Moon; bracelets of Star-flowers so, But, on my prolific life-course You didn't sow a single seed of sweetness!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @110

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /111

¼51½ Lusg Hkj nks



vkt esjs ekSu cq>rs nhi esa fiz;] Lusg Hkj nks !

O Dear, fill Sneh1 in my silently extinguishing lamp, this day!

txexk, ofrZdk vkyksd QSys yksd esjk uo lqugjk :i ys ys vknzZ vkuu ij vej eqldku [ksys ewd gr vfHk'kIr thou] jkx jaftr izs; oj nks !

The wick may shine, and splendour spread, World of mine may turn into a fresh golden appearance, Everlasting smile may play on tear-drenched visage, To the life — silent-troubled-cursed — Give love-boon of worldly pleasures!

cUn ;qx&;qx ls ân; dk }kj esjk jkg Hkwyk] re HkVdrk I;kj esjk HkXu thou&chu dk gj rkj esjk tx&tyf/k esa Mwcrs dks ck¡g nks] fo'okl&Loj nks !

The door of my heart is closed for ages, Strayed away and wandered in darkness — my love, Every string of my life-harp is broken, Sinking in the worldly ocean, Give him arms, give him voice of faith!


­ 1 Love, Oily substance.

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @112

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /113


¼52½ jrtxk


jg&jg dgha nwj] e/kq ct jgh chu !

Far somewhere, continuously Sweetly, the harp is being played!

vk;h u'khyh fu'kk eneLr gS gj fn'kk f?kj&f?kj jgh ;kn] lq/kcq/k fi;k&yhu !

Intoxicating night has come, Every quarter is intoxicated, Remembrance recurrent in the mind, Consciousness immersed in the thoughts of beloved!

e/kq&LoIu [kks;k gqvk tx 'kkar lks;k gqvk fiz;&:i&ty&ghu] v¡f[k;k¡ cuh ehu !

The world is sleeping silently, Lost in sweet dreams, In absence of water-like look of the beloved eyes transfigured themselves into fish!

vk'kk&fujk'kk Hkjs thou&fiiklk Hkjs fny vkt cspSu] [kkeks'k] x+exhu ! jksrh gqbZ gj ?kM+h dSlh eqlhcr iM+h tSls fd loZLo esjk fy;k Nhu ! Ä

Filled with hope and despair, Infused with thirst of life, The heart is restless, silent and sad! Every moment is weeping, Oh, what sort of calamity has fallen down As if everything of mine was snatched!


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @114

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /115


¼53½ oapuk ftldks le>k Fkk ojnku ogh vfHk'kki cu x;k ! pedk gh Fkk vfHkuo pk¡n xxu esa es?k Nk x;s] egdk gh Fkk esjk ckx fd flj ij otz vk x;s] ftldks le>k Fkk 'kqHk iq.; ogh dVq iki cu x;k ! ftldks ik thou esa LoIu l¡tks;s ( O;aX; vc cus] txex djrk ftu ij Lo.kZ ogh vc {kkj ls lus] ftldks le>k Fkk lq[k&lkj ogh larki cu x;k !


Whom I thought boon Same became a curse! New moon had just glittered, Clouds, at once, spread in the sky, As soon as the garden became fragrant Thunderbolts flashed on the head, Whom I considered propitious and sacred Same became a bitter sin! Getting whom I decorated dreams of life, They became only ironies of fate, On whom gold reflected bright light, Same are smeared now with ashes, Whom I considered the essence of pleasure Same became more and more painful!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @116

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /117

¼54½ vc ugha--vc ugha esjs xxu ij pk¡n fudysxk ! chr tk,xh rqEgkjh ;kn esa lkjh mej ikj djuh gS v¡/ksjh vkSj ,dkdh Mxj ( fdl rjg volUu thou cks> l¡Hkysxk ! 'kkar] cscl] ewd] fu"Qy [kks meaxksa dks ân; fpj mnklh eXu] fu/kZu] [kks rjaxksa dks ân; vc ugha thou&tyf/k esa Tokj epysxk ! usg jaftr] g"kZ iwfjr] banz/kuq"kh Qkx dks miouksa esa xw¡trs jl&flDr iape&jkx dks D;k irk Fkk] bl rjg izkjC/k fuxysxk !



On my sky, no more, the moon will rise! In your memory, the whole life will pass, Ought to cross the dark lonely path, How this load of sad life will be sustained! Losing the raptures; calm, helpless, mute, fruitless heart, Losing the waves of emotions, perpetually immersed in sadness, poor heart, The tide of excitement will not remain in the ocean of life, any more! Love-delighted, joy-filled, rainbow-coloured Holi, Passion-drenched Pancham Rag1, echoing in the garden, Never known, destiny will swallow, this way!

­ 1 The fifth note in music; acknowledged as the note of cuckoo's cooing.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @118

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /119

¼55½ nh;k tykvks ;g xqt+jrk tk jgk rwQ+ku vc rks rqe u;s ?kj esa u;k nh;k tykvks ! feV x;k gS LoIu dk og uhM+ ftlesa pk¡n&rkjs txexkrs Fks] chu ds os rkj lkjs HkXu ftuesa Loj fdlh fnu >u>ukrs Fks ! Hkwy tkÅ¡ µ blfy, rqe vc u;s Loj esa u;k e/kq&xhr xkvks !



The storm is petering out Now in the new abode Do light up a lamp — anew! Dreams - their dome Once lit up with moon and stars Lies deflated — torn! The harp-strings, all pieces The ones that emitted melodies once! I want to forget all So please sing me a song Fresh and sweet In a new strain!

;g u iwNks fdl rjg eSa ft+Unxh dh /kkj ij mBrk jgk] fxjrk jgk] Hkkouk,¡ /kwy ij lksrh jgha ;k O;kse esa mM+rh jgha(

Ask me not How many times Did I fall and rise On the stream of life Many a time My emotions lay dead in dust And often soared in the blue,

ij] tkurk gw¡ µ ?kw¡V fo"k dh ys pqdk fdruh] vlj fo"k dk ugha tkrk eq>s ekywe gS ;g Hkh !

Yet do I know — I have drained the cup of poison to the dregs, Sure do I know — Unshakable is its effect!

ij] t+jk rqe ?kV&lq/kk dk rks fiykvks ! gS vHkh rks pkg ckd+h] vkSj mj ds }kj ij ns[kks epyrk Tokj g¡lus dk 'kqHks! ckd+h] vHkh rks I;kj ds vjeku ckd+h] pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @120

But why don't you To my lips bring the flask of nectar! The desire still burns, And the portals of heart A tide of laughter knocks, Dear! the love is still alive with all its aspirations, Steeped in the flowery sweetness of spring Several nights of enchanting mad moon still remain, O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /121

Qwy&ls e/kqekl esa [kks;h vusdksa eqX/k ikxy pk¡n dh jkrsa vHkh ckd+h] oQ+k dh] csoQ+kbZ dh gt+kjksa O;FkZ dh ckrsa vHkh ckd+h ! rqe rfud rks eqldqjkrh lkFk esa esjs pyh vkvks! ;g xqt+jrk tk jgk rwQ+ku vc rks rqe u;s ?kj esa u;k nhid tykvks!

Talks of faith and betrayal And thousand other trivial things! Smile and smile a little And be with me, my company! The storm is petering out Now in the new abode Do light up a lamp — anew!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @122

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /123

¼56½ ftftfo"kk th jgk gS vkneh I;kj gh dh pkg esa ! ikl mlds fxj jgh gSa fctfy;k¡] ?kksj xgxg dj ?kgjrha vk¡f/k;k¡] ij] vtc fo'okl ys lks jgk gS vkneh dYiuk dh Nk¡g esa ! th jgk gS vkneh I;kj gh dh pkg esa ! ioZrksa dh lkeus Å¡pkb;k¡] [kkb;ksa dh ?kwerh xgjkb;k¡] ij] vtc fo'okl ys py jgk gS vkneh lkFk ikus jkg esa! th jgk gS vkneh I;kj gh dh pkg esa ! ct jgh gSa ekSr dh 'kgukb;k¡] dwdrh ohjku gSa vejkb;k¡] ij] vtc fo'okl ys g¡l jgk gS vkneh vk¡lqvksa esa] vkg esa! th jgk gS vkneh I;kj gh dh pkg esa!



The man lives on By the cravings of love! The lightning crash near him, The tornadoes roar and rage around him, But a faith mysterious Overbrims his heart, And sleeps he cosy and comfortable In the shade benign of dreams and visions splendid! The man lives on by the cravings of love! In front of him mountain peaks dizzy, Around him yawn chasms deep But fired with faith divine The man moves on To get comrades genial On his way eternal! The man lives on by the cravings of love! The death's orchestra plays on, The mango-groves once jubilant and gay Are silent and deserted now; But with faith divine In the midst of tears and sighs The man laughs on! The man lives on by the cravings of love!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @124

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /125

¼57½ vkneh xksn ikdj] dkSu tks lks;k ugha \ gks'k fdlus I;kj esa [kks;k ugha \ vkneh] ij gS ogh tks nnZ dks izk.k esa j[k] ,d iy jks;k ugha ! Ä



Finding the beloved's lap Where is the man, hasn't fallen asleep! Where is the man hasn't lost himself Having got the beloved's love. Hero is he, who hasn't shed a tear And has treasured the anguish in the heart!


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @126

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /127

¼58½ dkSu gks rqe dkSu gks rqe] fpj&izrh{kk&jr ltx] vk/kh v¡/ksjh jkr esa \ mM+ jgs gSa ?ku frfej ds l`f"V ds bl Nksj ls ml Nksj rd] ewd bl okrkoj.k dks ns[krs uHk ds flrkjs ,dVd] dkSu gks rqe] tkxrha tks bu flrkjksa ds ?kus la?kkr esa \ dkSu gks rqe] fpj&izrh{kk&jr ltx] vk/kh v¡/ksjh jkr esa \ ty jgk ;g nhi fdldk] T;ksfr vfHkuo ys dqVh ds }kj ij] iaFk ij vkyksd viuk nwj rd fc[kjk jgk foLrkj Hkj] dkSu gS ;g nhi \ tyrk tks vdsyk] rhoz xfre; okr esa \ dkSu gks rqe] fpj&izrh{kk&jr ltx] vk/kh v¡/ksjh jkr esa \ dj jgk gS vkt dksbZ ckj&ckj izgkj eu dh chu ij] Lusg dkys ykspuksa ls ;qx&diksyksa ij jgk jg&jg fc[kj] dkSu&lh ,slh O;Fkk gS] jkr esa txrs gq, tytkr esa \ dkSu gks rqe] fpj&izrh{kk&jr ltx] vk/kh&v¡/ksjh jkr esa \



Who are you long-lost in waiting, So awake in the dark mid-night? Clouds of darkness are fleeing fast From end to end of universe, The atmosphere is calm and quiet And without a wink The stars stare in sky Who are you, sweet ! so awake In the company of galaxy of stars? Whose lamp is it burning With light new at the door? It is illuminating the path, Light is reaching out far beyond, What is this lamp, flickering alone In the face of the furious wind? Again and again to-day Strikes somebody the chords of heart-lyre And from black lustrous eyes now and then Flows down love on both the cheeks, What is that agony Twitching the heart of lotus full awake at night?



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @128

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /129


¼59½ rqe


Truly, how innocent you are!

lpeqp] rqe fdruh Hkksyh gks ! ladsr rqEgkjs ugha le> esa vkrs] e/kq&Hkko ân; ds Kkr ugha gks ikrs] rqe rks vius esa gh Mwch uHk&ifj;ksa dh getksyh gks ! lpeqp] rqe fdruh Hkksyh gks ! rqe ,d ?kM+h Hkh Bgj ugha ikrh gks] fQj Hkh tkus D;ksa eu esa cl tkrh gks] ok;q clarh cu] eaFkj&xfr ls taxy&taxy Mksyh gks ! lpeqp] rqe fdruh Hkksyh gks !

Gestures are beyond your comprehension, Sweet feelings of your heart can't be perceived, Engrossed in yourself, indeed you are The companion of supernatural fairies! You are not formal in the least, for a moment, Even then, heaven knows, how you remain in my mind! Becoming a spring-air, You loiter — forest to forest!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @130

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /131

¼60½ er cuks dBksj bu cM+jh&cM+jh v¡f[k;ksa ls er ns[kks fiz; ! ;ksa esjh vksj ! brus vkd"kZ.k dh Nk;k ty&ls varj ij er Mkyks] eSa iSjksa iM+rk gw¡] viuh :i&izHkk dks nwj gVkyks] vFkok ;qx u;uksa esa Hkj yks Qsad js'keh fdjuksa dh Mksj ! vkSj u esjs eu dh /kjrh ij lq[k&Lusg&lq/kk cjlkvks] ;g Bhd ugha] o'k esa djds izk.kksa dks ,sls rjlkvks] Nw ysus Hkj nks] dqlqeksa ls vafdr txex vk¡py dk Nksj !

bl lq"kek dh cj[kk esa rks iFk Hkwy jgk gS Hkhxk eu] rqe mÙkjnk;h] ;fn lhek rksM+s ;g meM+k un&;kSou] vk tkvks uk dqN vkSj fudV ;ksa bruh rks er cuks dBksj !



Dear! don't look towards me with such extraordinary large eyes! Don't reflect so much lunar-attraction, on flooded heart, I touch your feet, please take aside the lustre of your beauty, Or, throwing tie of silky rays, arrest me in your eyes! No more shower the pleasant love-nectar on the surface of my mind, This is not proper, after enchanting, pine the heart, like this, Allow me, at least to touch your sparkled flower-marked hem! In this rainfall of beauty, impressed-wet-heart is forgetting the way, Mind, you shall be responsible, if overflowing ocean of youth breaks limits, Will you come nearer, don't be so hard-hearted!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @132

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /133


¼61½ fdj.k mrjh jgh izeksn ls vcks/k panz dh fdj.k ! leLr l`f"V lqIr ns[kdj] jtr vjksd O;kse&ekxZ ij lesV vax&vax osxoku j[k jgh pj.k ! foeqDr [kw¡nrh jgh fuMj gjsd xk¡o] ?kj] xyh] uxj] u 'kkar jg ldh t+jk u dj ldh fu'kk&'k;u !


The innocent beam of the moon is descending with joy! Seeing the whole creation slept, On the unhindered silvery sky-route Taking upon body-parts, cautiously putting the speedy footsteps! Remaining free, trampled the route, Every village, house, street and city, Neither remained a little calm-quiet, nor performed her routine night-sleep!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @134

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /135


¼62½ pk¡n ls diksyksa dks rqEgkjs pwe ywaxk] eqldjkvks uk ! rqEgkjs ikl ekuk :i dk vkxkj gS] lqu;uksa esa clk lq[k&LoIu dk lalkj gS] vuko`r vIljk,¡ u`R; djrh gSa tgk¡] uosyh rkfjdk,¡ T;ksfr Hkjrh gSa tgk¡] mUgha ds lkeus tkvks ( ;gka¡ ij] >yeykvks uk ! cM+h [kkeks'k vkgV gS rqEgkjs iSj dh rHkh rks pksj cudj vklek¡ dh lSj dh] [kqyh T;ksa gh iM+h pknj lqugyh /kwi dh u fNi ik;h fdju dksbZ rqEgkjs :i dh] cgkuk vax <dus dk ypj bruk cukvks uk ! ;qxksa ls ns[krk gw¡ rqe cM+s gh ekSu gks crkvks rks t+jk] eSa iwNrk gw¡ dkSu gks \ u ikvksxs dHkh tk n`f"V ls ;ksa Hkkx dj rqEgkjk /ku x;k gS vkt vk¡xu esa fc[kj] #dks iFk chp] pqids ls eq>s mj esa clkvks uk !


Please smile not and tempt me thus, Or else I shall kiss your cheeks! Yes, lavishly endowed with beauty you are Your graceful eyes reflect the dream world of happiness Where dance the naked damsels Where new beauties enter and add to glamour Go and join the beauty parade Please shed not your lustre here! How stealthy are your steps Like a thief you traversed the sky But no sooner the golden sun withdraws All your lustre bewitching spreads out, Cover not your limbs with attempt so vain! For ages past I have seen you so mute Tell me please, I ask, ''Who are you?'' Now never shall you escape from view Strewn is the entire court-yard with your treasure to-day Please pause in your path and enshrine me softly in your heart!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @136

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /137

¼63½ pk¡n lksrk gS !



flrkjksa ls lth pknj fcNk, pk¡n lksrk gS !

Cosy lies the moon on the star-spangled carpet!

cM+k fuf'apr gS ru ls] cM+k fuf'apr gS eu ls] cM+k fuf'apr thou ls]

So care-free physically, Mentally so free from worries; And so content with life Holding somebody's loving 'Anchal1'! Cosy lies the moon on the star-spangled carpet!

fdlh ds I;kj dk vk¡py nckk, pk¡n lksrk gS ! flrkjksa ls lth pknj fcNk, pk¡n lksrk gS ! u;h lc Hkkouk,¡ gSa] u;h lc dYiuk,¡ gSa] u;h lc okluk,¡ gSa]

With feelings all anew, With imaginations all novel, With desires all maiden; And with a heart full of a world of dreams! Cosy lies the moon on the star-spangled carpet!

ân; esa LoIu dh nqfu;k clk, pk¡n lksrk gS ! flrkjksa ls lth pk¡n fcNk, pk¡n lksrk gS !

With happiness oozing out of every breath, With hopes nectareous And thirst eternal; Clasping light luminous to his heart! Cosy lies the moon on the star-spangled carpet!

lq[kn gj lk¡l gS ftldh] e/kqj gj vkl gS ftldh] lukru I;kl gS ftldh]

­ 1Hem, Lap.

foHkk dks o{k ij vius fyVk, pk¡n lksrk gS ! flrkjksa ls lth pknj\ fcNk, pk¡n lksrk gS ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @138

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /139

¼64½ dkSu dgrk gS --dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa thou ugha gS \ pk¡n esjk [kwc g¡lrk] eqldjkrk gS] [ksyrk gS vkSj fQj fNi nwj tkrk gS] dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa /kM+du ugha gS \ dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa thou ugha gS \ jkr Hkj ;g Hkh fdlh dh ;kn djrk gS] ns[kuk] vDlj fojg esa vkg Hkjrk gS] dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa ;kSou ugha gS \ dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa thou ugha gS \ gS lnk djrk jgk lalkj dks 'khry] gS lnk djrk jgk o"kkZ&lq/kk vfojy]



Who says, my moon is not a living being? My moon laughs and smiles excellently, Plays and then hides herself far off, Who says, my moon's heart doesn’t palpitate? Throughout the night she also remembers someone, Observe, she also sighs in separation, often, Who says, my moon is not in full youth? She ever gives to the world coolness, She ever showers dense nectar-rain, Who says, my moon is not able to give sandalwood-like soothing sensations?


dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa pUnu ugha gS \ dkSu dgrk gS fd esjs pk¡n esa thou ugha gS \ Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @140

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /141

¼65½ Nk x;s ckny rqEgkjh en Hkjh eqldku y[k dj vk x;s ckny ! rqEgkjs uSu I;kls ns[kdj] ;s Nk x;s ckny ! uosyh ! ik;yksa ls ct jgh >adkj gS >u&>u] lnk ;g >werk izfriy lq?kM+ lqUnj lqdksey ru] vlg gS ;g rqEgkjs :i dk vc vkSj vkd"kZ.k] u;u canh gq, ftldks fufe"k Hkj ns[kdj dsoy ! rqEgkjs uSu I;kls ns[kdj] ;s Nk x;s ckny ! rqEgkjh en Hkjh eqldku y[k dj vk x;s ckny ! pedrk 'kqHkz xksjs&yky QSys Hkky ij >wej] rqEgkjs ds'k ?kq¡?kjkys gok esa mM+ jgs Qj&Qj] >qds tkrs Lo;a ds Hkkj ls izfr vax uo&lqUnj] fQlyrk tk jgk gS o{k ij ls Qwy&lk vk¡py ! rqEgkjs uSu I;kls ns[kdj] ;s Nk x;s ckny ! rqEgkjh en Hkjh eqldku y[kdj vk x;s ckny ! rqEgkjk xku lqu lalkj lc csgks'k gks tkrk] cM+s lq[k dh u;h nqfu;k clk fuf'apr lks tkrk] rqEgkjh jkfxuh esa Mwc eu&ty;ku [kks tkrk] cgkrh gks vtkuh Lusg dh /kkjk ljy Ny&Ny ! rqEgkjs uSu I;kls ns[kdj] ;s Nk x;s ckny ! rqEgkjh en Hkjh eqldku y[kdj vk x;s ckny ! vfeV gS ;kn ls esjh rqEgkjk og feyu&iu?kV] fody gksdj lqeqf[k ! eSaus dgk tc] ^gks cM+h uV[kV !* mlh iy [kqy x;k Fkk ;g rqEgkjh ykt dk ?kw¡?kV] cM+s eugj o eknd Fks rqEgkjs cksy os fu'Ny ! rqEgkjs uSu I;kls ns[kdj] ;s Nk x;s ckny ! rqEgkjs en Hkjh eqldku y[kdj vk x;s ckny!

(65) CLOUDS HAVE HOVERED Looking your intoxicating smile, clouds have gathered! Feeling your eyes thirsty, clouds have hovered! O, Young lady! your anklets are jingling, Always, swing each pal1, your well-built, beautiful, delicate body, The charm of your appearance is now no more tolerable, Seeing for a blink only, eyes are arrested! Jhumer2 shines on the span of your bright-red-fair forehead, Your curly hair are flying frou-frou in the air, Each limb of your beautiful body, bent with its own load, Your flowered hem slips from the breast, over and over! Hearing your song, the whole world faints, Settling a world of much pleasure, it sleeps care-free, Sinking in your song's tune, the ship of heart lost, You overflow the stream of love — unknown and straight! Indelible is, from my memory, your that meet at Panghat3,, O, beautiful-faced! being restless when I said, ''You are very naughty!'' At that very moment your veil of shyness opened, Your those wile less words were very charming and intoxicating!


1 Equal to 24 seconds. 2 An ornament worn on the head. 3 A quay from which people draw water.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @142

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /143


¼66½ fuosnu lqIr mj ds rkj fQj ls izk.k ! vkdj >u>uk nks ! uHk&vofu esa 'kqHkz QSyh pk¡nuh] ewd gS [kks;h gqbZ&lh ;kfeuh ( vkSj fdruh rqe euksgj dkfeuh ! vkt rks cUnh cukdj {kf.kd mUeknh cuknks ! en Hkjs v#.kkHk gSa lqUnj v/kj] uSu fgjuh ls dgha fu'Ny ljy] nsg ^fo|qr] dk¡p] ty&lh* 'osr gS] Mkfy;ksa&lh ckgq ekaly ro uoy] vkt thou ls Hkjk uo xhr ehBk xquxquk nks !

LoxZ ls lqUnj dgha lalkj gS] gj fn'kk ls gks jgh >adkj gS] fo'o dks ;g izse jh Lohdkj gS] fpj&izrhf{kr&e/kq&feyu R;ksgkj lafxfu ! vc euk yks !


Dear, come and buzz the chord of my dormant heart! Resplendent moonlight is spread in sky and earth, Night, as if lost in herself, is silent, And how lovely you are — O, exciting lady! Bring me under control and fill intense passions in me, for a moment! Intoxicating red are the beautiful lips. Eyes are more innocent simple than a doe, Body is fair-skinned — like lightening, glass and water, Arms are like branches — new and fleshy, Just now, hum a sweet new song Full of life! The world is more beautiful than heaven, Every quarter is echoing, Hey, this love is acceptable to the world, O Dear Partner! long-awaited sweet union-festival, now celebrate!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @144

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /145


¼67½ pk¡nuh esa u;h pk¡nuh esa ugkyks] ugkyks ! u;u can dj vkt lks;s flrkjs] Hkxs tk jgs dqN fdukjs&fdukjs] [kqys ca/k eu ds gekjs&rqEgkjs] fdj.k&lst ij fiz; ! iz.k;&fuf'k eukyks ! u;h pk¡nuh esa ugkyks] ugkyks ! >dksjs feyu&xhr xkus yxs gSa] e/kqj&Loj ân; dks fgykus yxs gSa] u;s LoIu fQj vkt Nkus yxs gSa] g¡lks vkSj ladksp&ijnk gVkyks ! u;h pk¡nuh esa ugkyks] ugkyks ! tokuh ygj dj txh eqldjk;h] fleVrh fc[kjrh pyh ikl vk;h] cM+s eku&euqgkj Hkh lkFk yk;h lqeqf[k ! vc Lo;aa dks u cjcl l¡Hkkyks ! u;h pk¡nuh esa ugkyks] ugkyks !


Bathe in new moonlight, bathe! Today, stars slept, shutting their eyes, A few are running towards the horizon, Untied now our hearts' knots, On the bed of beam, celebrate the love-night! Gusts of wind singing union-songs, Sweet notes have moved the heart, New dreams are staying again, Laugh and remove the curtain of hitch! Youth awoke moving and smiling, Unfolding and shying, came nearer, Brought many respectful-persuasions, Beautiful-faced! Don't hold yourself forcibly, any more! Somebody embraced the black-bee, Passionately slept in the odourous embrace, Caressing with love, swung in the cradle, O, bashful lady! Capture me too!


Hkzej dks fdlh us xys ls yxk;k] ljl&xa/k e; vad esa Hkj lqyk;k] cM+s I;kj ls pwe >wys >qyk;k] ythyh ! eq>s Hkh u cUnh cuk yks ! u;h pk¡nuh esa ugkyks] ugkyks ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @146

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /147

¼68½ pk¡n vkSj rqe viuh Nr ij [kM+h&[kM+h rqe Hkh ns[k jgh gksxh pk¡n ! 'khry fdjuksa dh cj[kk esa rqe Hkh vkt ugkrh gksxh] cM+jh v¡f[k;ksa ls ns[k&ns[k vkdqy eu cgykrh gksxh] vkSj vuk;kl dHkh dqN&dqN vLQqV&Loj esa xkrh gksxh] rqedks Hkh jg&jg dj vkrh gksxh vkt fdlh dh ;kn ! vius ls gh e/kq&ckrsa rqe Hkh djus yx tkrh gksxh] ckgsa QSyk vutku fdlh dks Hkjus yx tkrh gksxh] fQj vius bl ikxyiu ij v/kjksa esa eqldkrh gksxh] rqeesa Hkh mu feyu&iyksa dk Nk;k gksxk jh mUekn ! rqe Hkh gydk djrh gksxh ;g Hkkjh&Hkkjh&lk thou] rqe Hkh eq[kfjr djrh gksxh ;g lwuk&lwuk&lk ;kSou] [kks;h&[kks;h&lh O;kdqy cu rqe pkg jgh gksxh ca/ku] rqeus Hkh bl iy liuksa dh nqfu;k dh gksxh vkckn !



Standing on your roof You, too may be gazing at the moon! You too may be bathing in the showers of the rays cool, Looking with your eyes large You may be comforting your restless heart, And at times may be singing lightly in a slow voice, You too may be remembering someone Ceaselessly at this moment! You too may be talking sweet to yourself, You may be embracing someone unknowingly And then may be smiling at the frenzy, You also may be full of intense passion Of those loving moments! You too may be making light Your life so burdensome, You too may be trilling this lonesome youth, Lost in yourself, restless you may be longing for a bond, You too may have habitat the world of dreams In such a blessed moment!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @148

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /149

¼69½ cqjk D;k fd;k Fkk \ eSaus] crkvks] rqEgkjk cqjk D;k fd;k Fkk \ dksey dyh&lh v/kwjh f[kyh Fkha] tc rqe izFke Hkwy eq>ls feyh Fkha] vuqHko eq>s Hkh u;k gh u;k Fkk] viuk] rHkh rks] lnk dks rqEgsa dj fy;k Fkk ! eSaus] crkvks] rqEgkjk cqjk D;k fd;k Fkk \ thou&xxu esa v¡/ksjh fu'kk Fkh] nksuksa Hkzfer Fks fd [kks;h fn'kk Fkh] tc eSa vdsyk [kM+k Fkk fody cu ik;k rqEgsa izk.k djrs leiZ.k] ml {k.k ;qxksa dk tqM+k I;kj lkjk fn;k Fkk ! eSaus] crkvks] rqEgkjk cqjk D;k fd;k Fkk \ rqeus mBk gkFk jksdk ugha Fkk] fuf'apr Fkha ( D;ksafd /kks[kk ugha Fkk] canh x;ha cu fcuk dqN dgs gh ojnku ekuksa feyk gks lnsgh] fdruk ljy ewd vutku ikxy fg;k Fkk ! eSaus] crkvks] rqEgkjk cqjk D;k fd;k Fkk \



Tell, what wrong I did with you? You were half-bloomed tender bud, When you met me first by oversight, I too had an experience insufficient, It was difficult to control myself for a moment, That's why, I accepted you as mine forever! In panorama of life, the night was dark, Both were lost in themselves, had no aim, When I was standing alone and confused Love! I found you surrendering yourself, That moment, you offered me all your love, preserved through ages! You did not stop my embracing hand, You were free from any anxiety, surely, there was no deception, You came in my lock-up, without uttering a word, As if I got the boon in its body-form, How simple, mute, innocent, crazy the heart was!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @150

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /151

¼70½ tkvks ugha chrrs tkrs igj ij vk igj ij] jkr ! rqe tkvks ugha] tkvks ugha ! I;kj djrk gw¡ rqEgsa rqe iwN yks f>yfey flrkjksa ls fd tkxk gw¡ muhans uhan ls cksf>y iyd ys ( D;ksafd esjh Hkkouk ro :i esa y; gks x;h gS ! eSa ogh gw¡ ,d fnu ftldks lefiZr Fkk fdlh ds :i dk /ku lkeus rsjs ! rHkh rks I;kj djrk gw¡ rq>s th Hkj] fd rwus ft+Unxh ds lkFk esjs og fi;k gS :i dk vklo fd ftldk gh u'kk pgq¡ vkSj Nk;k nh[krk gS !



Pahar after pahar come and go But, O, night, you Stay awhile! I love you most You can ask the twinkling stars, I have kept awake with dozy, heavy eyelids, For I have become one With your beauty’s charm! I am the very one To whom was one day dedicated the beauty’s wealth by someone In your presence! That’s why I love you most, For you have, along with me, Drunk the nectar of beauty, That very intoxicated fervour Seems to have spread Here, there and everywhere! So — Stay awhile, O night, You leave me not, Leave me not!


blfy,µ Bgjks vHkh] vks jkr ! rqe tkvks ugha] tkvks ugha!

1 Duration of three hours.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @152

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /153


¼71½ fo'okl ;g fo'okl eq>s gS µ ,d fnol rqe esjh I;klh vk¡[kksa ds lEeq[k e/kq&?kV ysdj vkvksxh ! cnyh cudj Nkvksxh ! njokt+s dks xksjs&xksjs niZu&ls gkFkksa ls [kksy [kM+h gks tkvksxh ! Hkksys yky diksyksa ij yTtk ds j¡x Hkj&Hkj ykvksxh ! u;uksa dh vucksyh Hkk"kk eas tkus D;k&D;k dg tkvksxh ! T;ksa pank dks ns[k pdksj fog¡lus yxrk gS] T;ksa Å"kk ds vkus ij deyksa dk ny f[kyus yxrk gS] oSls gh ns[k rqEgsa dksbZ papy gks tk,xk ! chrs ehBs liuksa dh nqfu;k esa [kks tk,xk ! fQj bafxr ls ikl cqyk,xk] /khjs ls iwNxs kµ ^dSlh gks] dc vk;ha \* rqe D;k mÙkj nksxh \ 'kk;n] nks yEch vkgsa Hkj yksxh vk¡[kksa ij vk¡py /kj yksxh !


Full well do I know A day is to come When before my eager eyes With a pitcher of nectar you will come! As comes a rain-laden cloud And hovers in the sky! You would open the door With hands as fair as mirror And stand in modesty With your innocent cheeks Blushing red and rosy Your eyes would tell me Who-knows-what in language mute! The moon thrills 'chakore'1 At dawn, lilies open up So your face glamorous Shall make some one restive And he will be lost In dreams sweet and bygone! But soon he shall beckon you And ask, ''How are you? When did you come?'' What shall your answer be? Perhaps none, except two deep sighs And then you may put Your 'Anchal'2 on your eyes!

­ 1 A bird enamoured of moon according to Indian myth. 2 Hem, Lap.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @154

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /155


¼72½ izrh{kk vkt rd eSaus rqEgkjh pkguk dk xhr xk;k] vkSj jg&jg dj rM+irh ;kn esa thou fcrk;k] D;k izrh{kk esa lnk gh eSa O;Fkk lgrk jgwaxk \ LoIu esa ns[kk dHkh ;fn] dg mBk] ^cl vkt vk;s* ! fnol chrk] jkr chrh ij] u lq[k ds es?k Nk;s] dYiuk esa gh lnk D;k eSa fody cgrk jgwaxk \ izk.k mUeu] HkXu thou] ewd esjh vkt ok.kh] ;kn vkrh gS foxr ;qx dh ogh ehBh dgkuh] D;k vHkkoksa dh dFkk gh eSa lnk dgrk jgwaxk \


Until today I sang for your love and spent my life throbbing in your remembrance, In your expectation shall I bear this pain ever? Whenever I saw you in a dream spoke out 'you will come today'! The day passed, the night passed but the clouds of happiness never cast, Will I ever flow restless only in imagination? Soul impatient, life vanquished, dumb is my voice now, Recollect that very happy tale of gone away days, Shall I only narrate fable of the thirsty wants?



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @156

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /157

¼73½ dksbZ f'kdk;r ugha rqels eq>s vkt dksbZ f'kdk;r ugha gS ! foo'k cu] u;u Hksn lkjk fNik;s gq, gSa] feyu&fp=k eksgd ân; esa lek;s gq, gSa] cgqr lksprk gw¡] cgqr lksprk gw¡] dgha nwj dk iFk u;k [kkstrk gw¡] ij] Hkwyus dh 'kqHks ! ,d vknr ugha gS ! rqels eq>s vkt dksbZ f'kdk;r ugha gS ! dHkh ns[k ysrk e/kqj LoIu tkus&vtkus] mlh ds u'ks esa rqEgsa ikl yxrk cqykus] cqjk D;k vxj eqldjkrk jgw¡ eSa] u;h ,d nqfu;k clkrk jgw¡ eSa \ lp] ;g fdlh Hkh rjg dh 'kjkjr ugha gS ! rqels eq>s vkt dksbZ f'kdk;r ugha gS ! vdsyh yrk dks dHkh o`{k ysrk yxk mj] defyuh Fkdh&lh Hkzej dks lq[kn vad esa Hkj] fleVrh x;h] pqi ytkrh jgh tc] cM+h ;kn eq>dks lrkrh jgh rc] lkSUn;Z tx dk fdlh dh vekur ugha gS ! rqels eq>s vkt dksbZ f'kdk;r ugha gS !



No grievance have I against you today! The helpless eyes conceal the whole secret The pleasant pictures of our meeting Are enshrined in the heart, I think over and over again think I Far far away a new path search I! No habit though have I of forgetfulness Dear! No grievance have I against you today! Willingly or unwillingly sweet dreams I sometimes enjoy; Thus intoxicated I conjure up your image No harm if I smile, And create a new world of my own; No mischief indeed is this! No grievance have I against you today! Sometimes even a tree embraces a creeper lone, The tired Lotus also takes the Bee in the cosy petal-fold When she shield and shrank Your memory tormented me all the more Beauty of the universe is nobody's pawn! No grievance have I against you today!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @158

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /159

¼74½ fojg dk xku



Your devoted love is now with you!

fey x;k rqedks] rqEgkjk I;kj ! ft+Unxh esjh vek dh jkr gS] ,d i'pkrki dh gh ckr gS] vkt esjk ?kj gqvk ohjku gS] ewd gksBksa ij fojg dk xku gS ( ij] [kq'kh gSµ fey x;k rqedks e/kqj lalkj ! fey x;k rqedks] rqEgkjk I;kj ! HkkX; eas esjs cnk Fkk 'kwU;&ty e/kq&lq/kk Hkh cu x;k rh[kk xjy] ikl dh igpku vc dfM+;k¡ cuha] osnuke; xr feyu&?kfM+;k¡ cuha] ij] [kq'kh gSµ fey x;k rqedks u;k Ük`axkj ! fey x;k rqedks] rqEgkjk I;kj ! ft+Unxh esa vk¡f/k;k¡ gh vk¡f/k;k¡] Lusg fcu dc rd tysxk ;g fn;k ! vk jgk c<+rk Hk;kog Tokj gS] gkFk esa vkdj fNuk irokj gS] ij] [kq'kh gSµ fey x;k rqedks lcy vk/kkj ! fey x;k rqedks] rqEgkjk I;kj !

The life of mine is the night of Amavas1, It's only a matter of repentance, Today, my home is deserted, Humming on silent lips is the song of separation, But, happy I am — A pleasant world is now around you! I was destined for the mirage, Even the dainty nectar turned sharp poison, Near acquaintance has now become tentacles , Previous meetings became painful, at this moment, But, happy I am — Auspicious adornment is now in your lot! Life is full of tornadoes, Without sneh2, how long the lamp will alight, The terrible tide is advancing The helm, which was in hand, has fallen, But, happy I am — You stand on firm foundation, now

­ 1 The last day of the dark half of a month. 2 Love, Oily substance.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @160

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /161

¼75½ nhi tyk nks ! esjs lwus ?kj esa µ ;qx&;qx dk v¡f/k;kjk Nk;k gS thou&T;ksfr tyh Fkhµliuk gS( rqeesa ftruk Lusg lek;k gS rc le>axw kµejs k viuk gS ;fn Åus vUrj esa rqe nhi tyk nks ! esjs lwus ?kj esa rqe nhi tyk nks ! dYiksa ls ;g thou D;k \ e#Fky cuk gqvk gS tx dk Å"ek&?kj] ,dkdh iFk] fQj ml ij e`x&ty rc ekuwaxk rqeesa jl&lkxj ;fn esjs Ålj&eu dks ugyk nks ! esjs lwus ?kj esa rqe nhi tyk nks ! iy&iy ij vkuk&tkuk jgrk dsoy jsrhys rwQ+kuksa dk] curk D;k \ tks gS og Hkh <grk ( le>waxk ewY; rqEgkjs xkuksa dk ;fn lw[ks lj&ls eu dks cgyk nks ! esjs lwus ?kj esa rqe nhi tyk nks ! lEHko gks u ldsxk thfor jguk iy Hkj Hkh ru&eu ekse&yrk dk gS cl ewd izgkjksa dks lguk ( le>waxk tknw dkseyrk dk ;fn ikgu&mj ds oz.k lgyk nks ! esjs lwus ?kj esa rqe nhi tyk nks !



In my desolate home — Darkness of ages is overspread, Life-lamp was lighted — it's a dream, As much affection is in you I'll know — it is mine If you kindle the lamp in my distressed heart! What's this life from ages? — a desert, Exists on the earth like a furnace, Lonely path, again with full of waves of mirage, I'll accept — there is a ocean of passion in you If you bathe my sterile heart! Each moment, coming and going only of sandy storms, What being built? — even the remaining collapses I'll understand — the value of your songs If you amuse my heart — a dry-pond! It'll not be possible to remain alive Even for a moment, for the body and heart, of the wax-like vein, No remedy, only to bear assaults silently, I'll realize — the magic of tenderness If you tickle the wounds of my stony heart!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @162

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /163


¼76½ /kU;okn nks {k.k lEiqV v/kjksa dks tks rqeus nh f[kyrs 'krny&lh eqldku ( Ñik rqEgkjh] /kU;okn ! tx dh Mky&Mky ij Nk;k Fkk e/kq&_rq dk oSHko] olq/kk ds du&du us [ksyh Fkh tc gksyh vfHkuo] esjs mj ds ewd xxu dks xqaftr dj tks rqeus xk;k e/kq&xku ( Ñik rqEgkjh] /kU;okn ! iwue dh 'khry fdjuksa esa ou&izkarj Mwc x;s] tc tu&tu eu esa liuksa ds tyrs Fks nhi u;s] ;qx&;qx ds va/kdkj esa rqe esjs yk;s tks txex Lo.kZ&fogku ( Ñik rqEgkjh] /kU;okn !

tc iz.k;ksUekn fy, ctrh eqjyh euqgkjksa dh] ?kj&?kj ls izfr/ofu;k¡ vkrha xhrksa&>udkjksa dh] nks {k.k dks gh tks rqeus vk clk fn;k esjk varj&?kj ohjku ( Ñik rqEgkjh] /kU;okn !

vk tkrh thou&I;kj fy, tc la/;k dh csyk] gj pkSjkgs ij yx tkrk vfHklkjksa dk esyk] nqfu;k ds ykaNu ls lks;k txk fn;k [kafMr fQj esjk vfHkeku ( Ñik rqEgkjh /kU;okn !


You bestowed blooming-lotus-like transient smile to closed lips, Kind of you, thanks! Full-blown spring was scattered On every branch of the world, When each whit of the earth played fresh Holi, Echoing my heart's silent space, you sang a melodious song! Kind of you, thanks! Dense-open woods covered in cool rays of the full moon, When new lamps of hope used to flicker, in the hearts of everyone, In my darkness of ages, you brought that glimmering gold morn, Kind of you, thanks! When, full of intense passions, lovers play flutes, for beloved persuasions, Echoes of songs and jingle sound when come from each house, Your presence, for only a short duration, inhabited my deserted heart-home! Kind of you, thanks! When the evening comes with life and love, On every crossroad, fair of lovers'-meet followed, Crushed with the aspersions of the world You awake again my broken ego! Kind of you, thanks!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @164

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /165

(77) SLEEP

¼77½ uhan

At this moment, my eyes are becoming sleepy!

vkt esjs ykspuksa esa uhan f?kjrh vk jgh gS ! O;kse ls vkrh gqbZ jtuh e`nqy ek¡&or~ djksa ls Fkifd;k¡ nsrh] uo&flrkjksa ls tfM+r vk¡py fcNk gS] vk¡[k lq[k dh >ifd;k¡ ysrha] pUnz&eq[k ls flr&lq/kk dh /kkj >jrh vk jgh gS ! lqu jgk gw¡ Lusg dk e/kqe; rqEgkjk xhr dqlqeksa vkSj Mkyksa ls] izfr&/ofur gS vkt iRFkj ls ogh laxhr lfjrk vkSj ukyksa ls jkfxuh mj esa lq[kn en Hkko Hkjrh tk jgh gS !

Night — coming from the sky, is patting; like mother's gentle hands, The hem, engraved with bright stars, is spreading, Drowsy eyes feeling comfortable, Ripples of shining nectar are trickling from the moon-like face! The resonance of your affectionate melodious song is being heard, in the shaking of flowers and branches, That very music is reverberating from the side by stones, rivers and rivulets, Melody is soothing the heart with delighted feelings! The gates of eyelids have closed, but dreaming as — I am sipping cool milk from someone's new breast, Yes, well in senses too; know where am I, A healthy fleshy, swaying-body-shadow is covering me!

­ cUn iydksa ds gq, iV] ij fn[kk;h ns jgk ;g] ih jgk gw¡ eSa] uo i;ks/kj ls fdlh dk nw/k 'khry] Hkku Hkh gS ;g] dgk¡ gw¡ eSa] LoLFk ekaly nsg&Nk;k >we fxjrh vk jgh gS ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @166

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /167

¼78½ vkdqy&vUrj vkt gS cspSu eu dqN ckr djus dks fiz;s ! ,djl bruh foyafcr ekSurk vc gks jgh gS Hkkj] tc lrr ygjk jgk 'khry #igyk fLuX/k ikjkokj] gks jgk cspSu eu mUeqDr feyus dks fiz;s ! vkt gS cspSu eu dqN ckr djus dks fiz;s ! 'kq"d uhjl l`f"V esa tc Nk x;s pkjksa rjQ+ uo ckSj] HkkX; esa esjs vjs dsoy fy[kk gS D;k vdsyk BkSj \ gks jgk cspSu eu dqN Hksn dgus dks fiz;s ! vkt gS cspSu eu dqN ckr djus dks fiz;s !



The heart is restless, today, to talk something, Dear! The monotonous prolonged silence is burdensome, now, When cool, wet, silvery ocean is waving, continuously, The heart is restless To meet freely, Dear! When young sprouts have overcast in dry insipid creation, Oh, I destined only a solitary place, The heart is restless to unfold some secrets, Dear!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @168

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /169


¼79½ esjk pk¡n--esjk pk¡n eq>ls nwj gS ! lwus O;kse esa jksrh vdsyh jkr gS] pkjksa vksj ls re dh yxh cjlkr gS] blfy, gh vkt fu"izHk gj dqeqn dk uwj gS ! esjk pk¡n eq>ls nwj gS ! fdl ,dkar esa tkdj rM+irk gS ljy] Hk; gS izk.k dks Hkkjh] u ihys js xjy] D;ksafd Å¡ps HkO; ?kj esa d+Sn gS] etcwj gS ! esjk pk¡n eq>ls nwj gS !


My moon is away from me! Solitary night is crying in empty sky, The darkness is pouring down from all directions, That's why, the brightness of lily is without glow! God knows, in which loneliness writhes The Innocent! There is a great risk to her life — Oh, she might have not taken poison, Since, she is imprisoned in a towering mansion, and helpless! These eyes are looking continuously, with joy, hope and trust, to each and every ray of light, rising in the horizon, Because, it is true, she has certainly the yearning to meet!


;s vk¡[ksa f{kfrt ij vk'k ls] fo'okl ls fu'Ny ns[krha gj jf'e dks mYykl ls] D;ksfa d ;g gS lR;µ mlesa pkg feyu t+:j gS ! esjk pk¡n eq>ls nwj gS ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @170

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /171

¼80½ fey x;s Fks ge ft+Unxh dh jkg ij tc nks&{k.kksa dks fey x;s Fks ge] ,djlrk ekSurk dk cks> Hkkjh gks x;k Fkk de ! mM+ x;k Nk;k FkdkoV dk] mnklh dk /kqvk¡ xgjk] ik rqEgsa eu&izk.k e#Fky ij mBh Fkh jl&ygj ygjk ! ij] cuh eaft+y euqt dh D;k dHkh Hkhµ jkg thou dh \ D;k lnk dks Nk ldha uHk esa ?kVk,¡ lq[kn lkou dh \ vkt tkuk gS fojy cgqewY; fdruh I;kj dh ?kfM+;k¡] xw¡trh gSa vkt Hkh jg&jg rqEgkjs xhr dh dfM+;k¡ !



We had met, for some moments, on the path of life! The heavy burden of monotonous silence had been lessened! The deep dark smoke of tiredness and melancholy had been emitted, Acquiring you, pleasure waves waved on the deserted heart and mind! But, did the way of life ever become man's destination? Could ever remain overcast cloudiness in the sky of happy Saawan?1 Just found out, how rare and valuable are the moments of love, Time and again, still resound pieces of your song!

­ 1 The fifth month of the Indian Calendar (Rainy month)


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @172

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /173


¼81½ xzg.k vkt esjs ljy pk¡n dks fdl xzg.k us xzlk gS \ vkt dSlh foin esa fogaxe xxu dk Q¡lk gS \ ekSu okrkoj.k esa fc[kjrha mnklhu fdj.ksa] jax cnyk fd ekuksa mBh gks ?kVk ?kksj f?kjus ! nwj dk ;g v¡/ksjk l?ku vc fudV vk jgk gS] xhr nq[k dk] cM+h osnuk dk iou xk jgk gS ! vJq ls Hkj [kM+s ewd cudj lHkh rks flrkjs] gks O;fFkr ;g lrr lksprs gSa fd fdldks iqdkjsa \ lkFk gw¡ eSa lq/kk/kj rqEgkjs eq>s nq[k crkvks] gw¡ rqEgkjk] jgw¡xk rqEgkjk u dqN Hkh fNikvks !


Which eclipse has afflicted My simple-hearted moon today? In what a hardship The sky’s bird is caught? The dejected beams Spreading in the silent atmosphere, The hue is changed As if the cloud has risen to envelop the sky,! The distance thick darkness Approaches nearer and nearer, The wind sings the pathetic song, Of deepest pain! All the stars are standing being speechless and eyes filled with tears, Deeply distressed thinking constantly to whom they should call! O, moon! I am with you, Let me know your agony, I am yours, will ever remain yours, Do not conceal anything!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @174

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /175


¼82½ foo'krk nwj xxu ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k ! txrs&txrs chr x;h gS vk/kh jkr] ij] iwjh gks u ldh vLQqV eu dh ckr] Hkjs u;u ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k ! nwj xxu ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k ! Åij ls rks 'kkar fn[kk;h nsrs izk.k] ij] Hkhrj d+Sn cM+k ;kSou dk rwQ+ku] fojg&tyu ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k ! nwj xxu ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k !


Far, from the sky, looking the Moon! Being awakened, passed the mid-night, But, couldn't express indistinct heart's desire, With tearful eyes, looking the Moon! Though, heart is appearing calm outwardly, But within, is suppressed intense storm of youth, Feeling the pain of separation, looking the Moon! The smile is spreading in the whole sky, But, how helpless, unfulfilled the yearning is, With heavy body, looking the Moon!


lkjs uHk esa fc[kjh iM+rh gS eqldku] ij] fdruk ykpkj v/kwjk gS vjeku] cksf>y ru ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k ! nwj xxu ls ns[k jgk 'kf'k ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @176

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /177

¼83½ vkd"kZ.k


ftrus ikl vkrk gw¡ rqEgkjs banq mrus gh l¡Hky rqe nwj tkrs gks ! igys gh crk nks uk igq¡pus D;k ugha nksxs \ igys gh vjs dg nks fd esjk I;kj uk yksxs ! ftruk pkgrk gw¡ vks ! rqEgsa jkds'k mrus gh cny rqe nwj tkrs gks ! vkvksxs u D;k esjs dHkh ,dkar thou esa \ D;k vPNk ugha yxrk fog¡luk Lusg&ca/ku esa \ ftruk pkgrk gw¡ ck¡/kuk vks lkse ! mrus cu fody rqe nwj tkrs gks !


As nearer I come to you, Moon The more you move away, cautiously! Tell me before, will you not let me reach? Oh, say already, you will not accept my love, The more I need you O, Moon! The more you change and move away! Will you not ever come in my lonely life? Will not like smiling in bonds of love? The more I try to bind you O, Moon! The more restless you become and move away! Why do you look continuously, standing, from the above? Why do you throw your silken well-arranged rays? As soon as, I, the wretched entangled inadvertently, In same manner, you the Simple one! move away!

­ Åij ls [kM+s gksdj fujarj ns[krs D;ksa gks \ fdj.ksa js'keh viuh l¡tks dj Qsadrs D;ksa gks \ tSls gh v¯dpu eSa my>rk Hkwy oSls gh ljy ! rqe nwj tkrs gks ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @178

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /179

¼84½ e`x&r`".kk pk¡n ls tks I;kj djrk gSµ og vdsyk ft+Unxh Hkj vkg Hkjrk gS ! ,slk ugha gksrk vxj] rks D;ksa dgk tkrk dyafdr js \ e/kqdj ljh[kk mj] rHkh rks dj u ldrk Lusg lhfer js ! pk¡n ls tks I;kj djrk gSµ u"V og viuk e/kqj lalkj djrk gS ! og vdsyk ft+Unxh Hkj vkg Hkjrk gS ! ,slk ugha gksrk vxj] rks nwj D;ksa balku ls jgrk \ uhjl ân; gS ( blfy, uk ckr ehBh Hkwydj dgrk]



One who loves the moon heaves a sigh alone in all his life! If it were not so, why should one call her blemished? Have a heart like a honey-bee That's why never remain faithful to someone, One who loves the moon ruins his happy world! If it were not so, Why should you be far from human being? Have a heart dry never utter even a word sweet, One who loves the moon garlands himself with thorns as if, of his own accord!


pk¡n ls tks I;kj djrk gSµ daVdksa dks tkudj xygkj djrk gS ! og vdsyk ft+Unxh Hkj vkg Hkjrk gS! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @180

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /181

¼85½ pk¡n vkSj iRFkj ¼1½ pk¡n rqe iRFkj&ân; gks ! O;FkZ rqels I;kj djuk] O;FkZ gS euqgkj djuk] O;FkZ thou dh lqdksey Hkkoukvksa dks txkuk] tc u rqe ¯dfpr ln; gks ! pk¡n rqe iRFkj ân; gks ! O;FkZ rqels ckr djuk] vkSj dkyh jkr djuk] izk.k?kkrh] Ny Hkjk] >wBk rqEgkjk Lusg ca/ku ( pkgrs viuh fot; gks ! pk¡n rqe iRFkj ân; gks ! Qsad dj flr Mksj xqelqe] ns[krs bl vksj D;k rqe \ LoxZ ds lezkV] uHk&LoPNUn&oklh ! js rqEgsa D;k \ l`f"V gks pkgs izy; gks ! pk¡n rqe iRFkj ân; gks !



Oh, Moon, you are stone-hearted! There's no sense; loving you, It's vain effort to persuade you, It's useless to invoke one's tender feelings of life, When you are not kind at all! It's good for nothing to talk to you, Only, passing the whole night awake, Lethal, betraying, lie is your bond of love, You want self-victory — that's all! Self-absorbed, throwing the bright string, What you see, at this side? Supremo of Heaven! free inhabitant of the sky! Oh, how does it concern you — Whether there is creation or destruction? Your attraction is not true, Your showering love is not true, True is not, your refreshing silvery smile on lips, You are engrossed in yourself, at present!

­ lR; vkd"kZ.k ugha gS] lR; e/kq&o"kZ.k ugha gS] lR; 'khry #igyh eqldku v/kjksa dh ugha gS ! rqe Lo;a esa vkt y; gks ! pk¡n rqe iRFkj ân; gks ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @182

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /183

¼86½ pk¡n vkSj iRFkj ¼2½



Moon, you are not at all stony!

pk¡n rqe iRFkj ugha gks ! gS rqEgkjk Hkh ân; dksey] Lusg meM+k tk jgk Ny&Ny gks cM+s Hkkoqd] cM+s papy] blfy,] esjs fudV gks] izk.k ls ckgj ugha gks ! pk¡n rqe iRFkj ugha gks ! jkg viuh py jgs gks rqe] vk¡f/k;ksa esa iy jgs gks rqe] 'khr esa g¡l xy jgs gks rqe blfy, dguk x+yr gSµ ^rqe euqt&lgpj ugha gks !* pk¡n rqe iRFkj ugha gks ! gks fdlh ds I;kj cU/ku esa] gks fdlh dh vk'k thou esa] xhr ds Loj gks fdlh eu esa] lksp bruk gh eq>s gSµ gk;] /kjrh ij ugha gks ! pk¡n rqe iRFkj ugha gks !

You have also a tender heart, The affection is overflowing in full, Very much emotional and agile, you are, That's why, you are at close quarters, not outside the heart! You You You So,

are progressing on your path, are nourishing amidst storms, are facing the winters' cold, smilingly, it is wrong to say, you are not a companion of man!

You are in the bonds of someone's love, You are hope of somebody's life, You are the tune of song in someone's heart, The only regret is — Ah! you are not on the earth!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @184

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /185

¼87½ u tkus D;ksa--eq>s ekywe gS ;g pk¡n eq>dks fey ugha ldrk] dHkh Hkh Hkwydj LofxZd&egy ls fgy ugha ldrk] pj.k blds lnk vkdk'kxkeh gSa] #igys&yksd dk ;g ek=k gkeh gS] u tkus D;ksa mls fQj Hkh ân; ls I;kj djrk gw¡ ! u tkus D;ksa mlh dh ;kn ckjackj djrk gw¡ ! eq>s ekywe gS ;g pk¡n ckgksa esa u vk,xk] dHkh Hkh Hkwydj eq>dks u izk.kksa esa lek,xk] vej gS dYiuk dk yksd js bldk] ugha ikuk fdlh ds gkFk ds cl dk] u tkus D;ksa mlh ij O;FkZ dk vf/kdkj djrk gw¡ ! u tkus D;ksa mls fQj Hkh ân; ls I;kj djrk gw¡ ! eq>s ekywe gS ;g pk¡n dSls Hkh u cksysxk] dHkh Hkh Hkwydj vius u eu dh xk¡B [kksysxk] ljy blds lqu;uksa dh u Hkk"kk gS] le>us esa fujk'kk gh fujk'kk gS] u tkus D;ksa mlh ls Hkkouk&O;kikj djrk gw¡ ! u tkus D;ksa mls fQj Hkh ân; ls I;kj djrk gw¡ ! eq>s ekywe gS ;g pk¡n oSHko dk iqtkjh gS] cM+h eugj xqykch LoIu nqfu;k dk fogkjh gS] os esjs iaFk ij dk¡Vs fcNs vxf.kr] vHkkoksa dh gok,¡ vk xjtrh fur] u tkus D;ksa mlh ls jkg dk Üka`xkj djrk gw¡ ! u tkus D;ksa mls fQj Hkh ân; ls I;kj djrk gw¡ !




I know, I can't associate myself with this moon, As she cannot move from heaven, even by omission! Her steps always move on the sky, She favours only the silvery world, Still, love her, with the core of my heart, don't know why! Remember her again and again, don't know why! I know this moon will not come in my arms, Never, even by mistake, devote me, Her imaginary world is everlasting, It's beyond anybody's control, to seize her, Don't know, why I show meaningless right, on such! Still, love her, with the core of my heart, don't know why! I know, this moon, will not speak to me, in any manner, Never will untie her heart's knot, even forgetfully, Her eye-language is not easy, Outright disappointment, in understanding her, With her only, I behave so emotionally, don't know why! Still, love her, with the core of my heart, don't know why! I know this moon is the worshipper of grandeur, Is the roamer of charming, intoxicating, imaginative world, And innumerable thorns are lying on my way, The winds of deprivation come always and howl, Still, I adorn the path only with her appearance, don't know why Still, love her, with the core of my heart, don't know why!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @186

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /187

¼88½ Le`fr dh js[kk,¡


izk.kksa esa fiz; ! vkt lek;k vfHkjke rqEgkjk vkd"kZ.k !

Sweetheart mine! My heart is full with your charming attraction this day!

tks dHkh u feVus ik,xk] tks dHkh u ?kVus ik,xk] rhoz izyksHku ds Hkh lEeq[k tks dHkh u gVus ik,xk] 'kk'or dsoy ;g] txrh esa eugj izk.k ! rqEgkjk ca/ku ! ;fn Hkjyw¡ eqldku rqEgkjh] vkSj pqjk yw¡ vkHkk I;kjh] rks fu'p; gh cu tk,xh esjh nqfu;k tx ls U;kjh] rqeus gh vkt fd;k esjk txex lwuk thou&vk¡xu !

vuqjkx rqEgkjk >j&>j dj tk, u dHkh eq>ls ckgj] lkFk rqEgkjs jgus ds fnu lp] ;kn jgsaxs thou Hkj]


Which shall neither fade nor will it ever lesson, Even before temptation it will never vanish, Sweetheart mine! only your attachment shall live! If I could have own your smile sweet and could steal your lovely grace, for sure, in this cosmos my world will be a unique one, Only you have made this day my desolate life filled with the lustorous rays! May your love never trickle away from me! The days spent with you, true, will ever haunt, forever haunt, With my heart brimmed with love I ever welcome you!


Lusg Hkjs mj ls djrk gw¡ eSa lrr rqEgkjk vfHkuUnu ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @188

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /189


¼89½ lkFk dHkh D;k pk¡n dk Hkh lkFk NwVk gS \ jgsaxs ge tgk¡ tkdj ogk¡ ;g pk¡n Hkh gksxk] gekjs izk.k dk thfor ogk¡ mUekn Hkh gksxk] crkvks rks fdlh us vkt rd D;k pk¡nuh dk :i ywVk gS \ dHkh D;k pk¡n dk Hkh lkFk NwVk gS \ gekjs lkFk ;g lq[k ds fnuksa esa eqldjk,xk] nq[kh ;g ns[kdj gedks fi?ky vk¡lw cgk,xk] fcNqM+dj nwj jgus ls dHkh Hkh I;kj dk ca/ku u VwVk gS ! dHkh D;k pk¡n dk Hkh lkFk NwVk gS \


Do the company of moon ever be left? Where-ever we go and live, this moon will also be there, The frenzy of our life will also survive there, Do tell , does anyone, up-date has plundered the beauty of moonlight? She will smile with us in the days of happiness, Will show compassion and shed tears to see us sad, Living far, in separation, has never broken the bond of love! She will come in our sleep and decorate sweet dreams, Will tap the weary body with exceedingly cool breeze, Will flow ceaselessly and with same pace, Since the fountain of love has spout!


gekjh uhan esa vk ;g e/kqj lius ltk,xk] Fkds ru ij cM+s 'khry iou ls FkiFkik,xk] fujarj ,d xfr ls gh cgsxk Lusg dk tc òksr QwVk gS ! dHkh D;k pk¡n dk Hkh lkFk NwVk gS \ Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @190

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /191

¼90½ pk¡n] esjs I;kj! vks pk¡n ! rqedks ns[kdj cjcl u tkus D;ksa fdlh eklwe eq[kM+s dh cM+h gh ;kn vkrh gS ! fQj ;g ckr eu esa cSB tkrh gS fd 'kk;n rqe ogh gks pk¡n] esjs I;kj ! ;g ogh eq[k gS ftls eSaus gt+kjksa ckj pwek gS dHkh gyds] dHkh engks'k ^vkne* dh rjg ! ;g ogh eq[k gS gt+kjksa ckj esjs lkeus tks eqldjk;k gS] dHkh csgn ytk;k gS ! gqvk D;k vkt ;fn esjh igq¡p ls nwj gks] eq[k ij rqEgkjs vtuch Nk;k fp<+kus dk uohu l:j gks ! tSls fd fQj rks ikl vkuk gh ugha ! D;k dg jgs gks \ t+kjs ls cksyks µ ^fd igpkuk ugha !* gq'k ! I;kj ds u[kjs u ;s vPNs rqEgkjs] vc idM+uk gh iM+sxk igq¡p fdj.kksa dh lgkjs! ns[krk gw¡s vkSj fdruh nwj Hkkxksxs] eq>s ekywe gS th] rqe fcuk blds u ekuksxs !



O. moon! Your glimpse spontaneously reminds me too much of an innocent face! I know not, why so! Then comes this thing to my mind — that, perhaps, you are the same moon. my sweetheart! This is the very face kissed by me a thousand times, at times by soft kisses, at others, like the lustful Adam! This is the very face that smiled before me again and again, sometimes blushed extremely! Never mind, if today you escape my reach, reflecting a strange anew delight on your face, seems to tease me, as If you have never to meet me again! What do you say? Speak a bit louder : That — 'I didn't understand!' Hush! I can no more bear your pranks of love, aided by your beauteous beams, I must garb you into my clasps, Let me see how far you run, For sure, I know that you would never favour me until I resort to act like this!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @192

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /193


¼91½ nqjko pk¡n dks fNi&fNi >jks[kksa ls lnk ns[kk fd;k vkSj viuh bl rjg vk¡[ksa pqjk;ha pk¡n ls ! pk¡n dks >wBs l¡nsls fy[k lnk Hkstk fd;k vkSj fny dh bl rjg ckrsa fNik;ha pk¡n ls ! pk¡n dks ns[kk rHkh eSa eqldjk;k tkudj vkSj mj dk ;ksa nck;k nnZ viuk pk¡n ls ! yk[k dksf'k'k dh exj eSa pk¡n dks le>k ugha vkSj iy Hkj dg u ik;k Lo.kZ&liuk pk¡n ls !


Always glanced the moon stealthily from the lattices, And thus avoided catching moon's eye! Sent always false messages to the moon, And thus hid heart's secrets from the moon! When I looked at the moon, I smiled knowingly, And thus concealed the pang of my heart from the moon! I tried hard to comprehend the moon, but in vain, And couldn't for a moment say the golden dream to moon! Continued to make mistakes, without thinking good or bad, Committed love with moon — a someone's perpetual trust!

Hkwy djrk gh x;k vPNk&cqjk lkspk ugha I;kj dj cSBk fdlh ds] fpj&/kjksgj] pk¡n ls !

Ages are passing on silently, I am also silent, Since, on which support, now I talk to the moon!

;qx xqt+jrs tk jgs [kkeks'k] eSa Hkh ekSu gw¡ ( D;ksafd vc ckrsa d:¡ fdl vkljs ij pk¡n ls !



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @194

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /195

¼92½ ;g u le>ks ;g u le>ks dwy eq>dks fey x;k vkt Hkh thou&lfjr e>/kkj esa gw¡ ! I;kj eq>dks /kkj ls /kkj ds gj okj ls] I;kj gS ctrs gq, gj ygj ds rkj ls] ;g u le>ks ?kj lqjf{kr fey x;k vkt Hkh m?kjs gq, lalkj esa gw¡ ! ;g u le>ks dwy eq>dks fey x;k vkt Hkh thou&lfjr e>/kkj esa gw¡ ! I;kj Hkwys xku ls] I;kj gr vjeku ls] ft+Unxh esa gj d+ne gj u;s rwQ+ku ls] ;g u le>ks banz&miou fey x;k vkt Hkh ohjku esa] ir>kj esa gw¡ ! ;g u le>ks dwy eq>dks fey x;k vkt Hkh thou&lfjr e¡>/kkj esa gw¡ !



Don't think, I am on the shore now, I am still in the mid-current of life's stream! Wave is lovely to me, I love its each blow, Have love with each string of the wave, Don't think I dwell in a secure abode, now, Still am I in the open space! Forgotten songs remain in my mind, Have attachment to every hurt sentiment, For each unseen storm likely to come at each step in life, Don't think I have found the garden of heaven, I am still in a desolate place, amidst autumn! I search for altogether a new ray, a colourful and bright firmament, Want to enjoy a lovely dream, Don't think, the moon is now in my possession, I am still in darkness all round!


[kkstrk gw¡ uo&fdju #igyk txex xxu] pkgrk gw¡ ns[kuk ,d I;kjk&lk liu] ;g u le>ks pk¡n eq>dks fey x;k vkt Hkh pkjksa rjQ+ v¡f/k;kj esa gw¡ ! ;g u le>ks dwy eq>dks fey x;k vkt Hkh thou&lfjr e>/kkj esa gw¡ ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @196

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /197

¼93½ rqels feyuk rks--rqeus feyuk rks vc nwHkj ! ewd izrh{kk esa fdrus ;qx chr x;s] fpj I;klh vk¡[kksa ds ckny jhr x;s] ,dkdh thou ds futZu iFk ij dsoy ir>j&ir>j ! rqels feyuk rks vc nwHkj ! ns[k jgk gw¡] lHkh vifjfpr vkSj u;s] os tkus&igpkus lius dgk¡ x;s \ <w¡<+ pqdk vfojke ltx dksuk&dksuk] ty&Fky&vEcj ! rqels feyuk rks vc nwHkj !



So, difficult now to meet you! How many ages have passed in silent waiting, The clouds of long thirsty eyes are emptied-out, On the deserted path of lonely life, there is nothing, except a vast expanse of autumn! Before me, all are strange and new, Oh, well acquainted dreams have gone where? Have searched out continuously with vigilance each corner of sea-land-sky!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @198

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /199

¼94½ vkRe&Lohd`fr rqe bruh ikxy ugha cuks ! ftldks le> jgh gks izfriy ljy&rjy Hkkoksa dk fu>Zj] og cksf>y nnZ Hkjk oafpr fpj ,dkdh lwuk Ålj] vius eu dks o'k esa jD[kks ;ksa bruh nqcZy ugha cuks ! D;ksa cM+h yxu ls ns[k jgha µ ;g iRFkj gS] ekse ugha gS] vjh pdksjh ! lqcg&lqcg dk lwjt gS] ;g lkse ugha gS] ;ksa fdlh vifjfpr ds lEeq[k rqe bruh fu'Ny ugha cuks ! ;g es?k ugha lq[kdj 'khry dsoy m".k /kq,¡ dk ckny] blesa uknku vjs ! jg&jg [kkstks er thou dk lacy] lc e`x&ty gS] blds ihNs rqe bruh papy ugha cuks ! cM+s tru ls ltk jgh gks rqe ftl mtM+h Qqyokjh dks] dSls ygjk;s og] le>ks rfud ân; dh ykpkjh dks] vJq&Hkjh vk¡[kksa esa cldj 'kksHkk dk dkty ugha cuks !



Don't be so mad! Whom you consider, each moment, a straight rapid fountain, That's a burden-some, painful, deprived, ever lonely, void unfertile land, Keep your heart under control, Don't be so feeble! Why looking so attentively — it's stone not wax, O, Chakori1! it is a morning sun not the moon, Before any stranger don't be so innocent! It's not a cloud pleasant and cool, Only a cloud of hot smoke, O, Ignorant! don't search in it again and again life's support, All is a mirage, Don't be so unsteady after that! The deserted garden that you are adorning with such great efforts, How will it flourish, try to understand a bit, the helplessness of heart, Remaining in the tearful eyes Don't become collyrium of grace

­ 1 A bird enamoured of moon according to Indian myth.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @200

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /201


¼95½ izs; I;kj dh ftldks feyh lkSxkr gS ft+Unxh mldh lth ckjkr gS ! HkkX;'kkyh og ( mlh ds gh fy, l`f"V esa e/kqekl gS] cjlkr gS !

A glamorous marriage procession life is For the man having love as God's gift, Lucky is he; for him alone there is Spring in nature; rains in the world!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @202

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /203

¼97½ rqEgkjh ek¡x dk dqadqe ! mM+ jgk gS vkt ;g dSls rqEgkjh ek¡x dk dqadqe ! cgqr gh ikl ls eSaus rqEgsa ns[kk u Fkh eq[k ij dgha mYykl dh js[kk] u tkus D;ksa jgha dsoy [kM+ha rqe in&tfM+r xqelqe! mM+ jgk gS vkt ;g dSls rqEgkjh ek¡x dk dqadqe ! feyk gS tc rqEgsa ;g xhre; thou crkvks D;ksa gqvk fo{kqC/k fQj ru&eu \ u tkus fdl Hkfo";r~ ds fopkjksa ls O;fFkr gks rqe ! mM+ jgk gS vkt ;g dSls rqEgkjh ek¡x dk dqadqe ! cq>k&lk gks jgk eq[k&panz pedhyk] fd gS izfr'okl Hkkjh] jax&ru ihyk] u tkus vkt D;ksa gj okfVdk esa th.kZ&'kh.kZ dqlqe ! mM+ jgk gS vkt ;g dSls rqEgkjh ek¡x dk dqadqe !



How is it, this day, diffusing out the saffron of your 'maang'! I saw you very closely, There was no where, any sign of joy, on your face, Don't know why, you kept on standing, with fixed feet, self-absorbed! When you are bestowed with such a lyrical life, Tell me, then why is so restless the state of your body and mind, Don't know, which ideas of uncertain future causing you distress! The bright moon-like face is appearing depressed, Each breath is cumbersome, getting unnerved, Don't know why, today the flowers of each garden are withered away!

­ 1Parting line of hair (on a lady's head.)


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @204

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /205

¼96½ nhid ewd thou ds v¡/ksjs esa] iz[kj viyd ty jgk gS ;g rqEgkjh vk'k dk nhid ! T;ksfr esa ftlds u;h gh vkt ykyh gS Lusg esa Mwch gqbZ ekuksa fnokyh gS ! nh[krk dksey lqxfU/kr Qwy&lk uo&ru] pwe tkrk gS ftls vk ckj&ckj iou ! ;kn&lk tyrk jgs uwru lcsjs rd] ;g rqEgkjs I;kj ds fo'okl dk nhid !



In the darkness of mute life The lamp of your hope, is burning sharp unwinking! In its light there is a unique redness, As if celebrating Deewaalee1 with full affection! The young body looks like the fragrant delicate flower Whom the wind kisses again and again! May it kindle, like memory, till new dawn this lamp of the confidence of your love!


Ä ‘ 1 A festival of the Hindus; in which earthen lamps are lit and the godess of wealth is worshipped.

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @206

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /207

¼98½ rqEgkjh ;kn



Only, your reminiscence is with me!

cl] rqEgkjh ;kn esjs lkFk gS ! vkt ;g csgn iqjkuh ckr dh /;ku esa fQj cu jgh rlohj D;ksa \ vkt fQj ls ml fonk dh jkr&lk vk jgk gS u;u esa ;g uhj D;ksa \ flQ+Z tc mUekn esjs lkFk gS ! cl] rqEgkjh ;kn esjs lkFk gS ! dg jgh gS gwd Hkj ;g pkrdh ^izse dk ;g iaFk gS fdruk dfBu] fo'o ck/kd ns[k ikrk gS ugha 'ks"k jgrh Hkwy tkus dh tyu !* cl] ;gh Q+fj;kn esjs lkFk gS ! cl] rqEgkjh ;kn esjs lkFk gS ! ij] rqEgkjh ;kn thou&lk/k dh og vfeV js[kk cuh flUnwj dh ( vkt ftlds lkeus fdafpr~ ugha izk.k dks fpark rqEgkjs nwj dh] ns[kus dks pk¡n esjs lkFk gS ! cl] rqEgkjh ;kn esjs lkFk gS !

Today, why this, a very old incidence is taking shape in my thoughts? Today, again like that night of farewell, Why tears are running down in the eyes? When only the frenzy is with me! Chatki1 is saying this painfully — ''How difficult is the path of love, The obstructing world can't see, Remains the burns only , to be forgotten, Only this complaint is with me!" But your reminiscence, a life's wish, became that ineffaceable line of vermilion — Before which, not a little, life is worried now, for your remote presence, The moon is with me to look at!

­ 1 A mythological Indian bird. Drinks only the rain-water during the 'Swati' constellation.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @208

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /209

¼99½ ;kn vkt cjlksa dh iqjkuh vk jgh gS ;kn ! lkeus ftruk iqjkuk isM+ gS mruh iqjkuh ckr] gks jgh Fkh ftl fnol vkdk'k ls fjef>e lrr cjlkr] fNi x;k Fkk ';keo.khZ cknyksa esa pk¡n ! vkt cjlksa dh iqjkuh vk jgh gS ;kn ! rqe [kM+h Nr ij] v¡/ksjs esa flgj dj xk jgh Fkha xhr] ikl vk;k Fkk rHkh eSa Hkh ( feys Fks Lusg ls nks ehr ( vkt u;uksa esa mlh dk 'ks"k gS mUekn ! vkt cjlksa dh iqjkuh vk jgh gS ;kn !



Years' old memory is just recollecting in my mind! The tree, in front of me, is as much old so much is the incidence, The day when the sky was drizzling continuously, The moon had hidden behind darkened clouds! Standing on the roof, Feeling thrills in darkness, You were singing the song, Just then, I also came nearby, Met two lovers with love, Frenzy of that very day alone is saved in the eyes!



pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @210

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /211

¼100½ izrh{kk esa izrh{kk esa flrkjs [kks x;s ! fcrk;h Fkh vdsyh jkr ftudks fxu] cus Fks /kM+duksa ds tks lcy lacy] fdju iwjc fn'kk ls yk jgh vc fnu ( fujk'kk vkSj vk'kk dk mM+k vk¡py] fujarj vk¡lqvksa dh /kkj ls Nk;h xxu dh dkfyek dks /kks x;s ! izrh{kk esa flrkjs [kks x;s ! u;u iFk ij fcNs] fuf'k Hkj jgs txrs ljy mj&Lusg ls tyrk jgk nhid] tyu iwfjr lHkh Hkkoh fufe"k yxrs ( ;qxksa ls dj jgk eu lk/kuk viyd] ân; esa vk fiz;s ! mBrs lrr vPNs&cqjs ;s Hkko jg&jg dj u;s ! izrh{kk esa flrkjs [kks x;s ! f{kfrt dh vksj QSys iaFk ls py dj dHkh g¡lrs gq, rqe ikl vkvksxs] cuk fo'okl] thou ds vjs lgpj ! ugha rqe bl rjg eq>dks Hkqykvksxs] iihgs ! dg fo;ksxh ds lHkh vc rks vHkkxs dYi iwjs gks x;s ! izrh{kk esa flrkjs [kks x;s !



The stars disappeared, in waiting for someone! Counting them, passed the lonely night, They were strong support for the heart-beats, The rays from the east are fetching the day, The hem of hope and despair has blown away, Continuously with the streams of tears They have washed away the overcast darkness of the sky! Eyes, seeing the path, remained awake the whole night, The innocent lamp of heart, kept on flickering with sneh1, All the forthcoming moments, appeared as if full of burns, The heart has been worshipping continuously since ages, O, Dear! rising in the heart, non-stop, such unusual thoughts — good or bad! Walking from the path, spreading towards the horizon, When sometimes, you will be nearby, smilingly, It's my belief, O, companion of life! You will never forget me like this, O, Papeehe2! say — all the wretched kalps3 of the Viyogi4 have been completed!

­ 1 Love, Affection, Oil substance. 2 Papeeha (Chatak) — A mythological Indian bird. Drinks only the rain-water during the 'Swati' constellation. 3 A day of Brahma (one thousand 'mahayug' — 4,32,00,00,000 years of mortals) 4 Man separated from his wife or beloved.


pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @212

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /213

¼101½ ifj.kke


;g ;qxksa dh lk/kuk dk vkt D;k ifj.kke gS \

Is this the result of ages' long devotion?

eSa rqEgkjs :i dk lk/kd tksgrk 'kksHkk lnk viyd] ij] x;k feV lq[k&lcsjk ft+Unxh dh 'kke gS ! ;g ;qxksa dh lk/kuk dk vkt D;k ifj.kke gS \ LoIu esa rqedks cqyk;k Fkk] d{k varj dk ltk;k Fkk ij] ;qxksa ls Lusg&fu>Zj cg jgk vfojke gS ! ;g ;qxksa dh lk/kuk dk vkt D;k ifj.kke gS \

I am a devotee of your attractive form, Always look unwinding your grace-glory, But the morn of happiness has vanished, it's the evening of life! I have called you in dream, Decorated the room of heart, But the fountain of love is simply flowing Incessantly from the ages! Ears are attending to the sound of footsteps, My both the eyes are eagerly awaiting, But there is seen not even a glimpse of yours!


Jo.k vkgV ij fVds esjs] u;u&;qx iFk ij >qds esjs] ij] ugha vkHkkl rd dk vkt fdafpr uke gS ! ;g ;qxksa dh lk/kuk dk vkt D;k ifj.kke gS \ Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @214

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /215


ifjf'k"V µ 1 ¼okRlY; ½


The blooming orchid in my yard strews a multi-shaded grandeur sweet.

¼102½ Lokxr1 twgh esjs vk¡xu esa egdh] jax&fcjaxh vkHkk ls ygdh ! pedhys >cjhys fdrus blds dksey&dksey fdly;] gS bldh ck¡gksa esa e`nqrk gS bldh vk¡[kksa esa ifjp;] Hkksyh&Hkksyh xkSjS;k pgdh yViV ehBs cksyksa esa cgdh ! yEch ypdhyh gfjvkbZ Mkyksa Mxex&Mxex >wyh] ik;k gks tSls /ku LofxZd dqN&dqN ,slh gwyh&Qwyh] yxrh gS fdruh Ndh&Ndh xg&xg xguksa&xguksa xgdh !

Her soft and silky tangled tresses have a perfect shiny gloss. She has snugness in her arms and an insight in her eyes. Naively she squeaks like a sparrow and warbles dulcet notes. Lanky and fresh as if dangling from a tree twig she feels bestowed upon the riches divine and seems gloating over all her lot. She appears thoroughly satisfied adorned as she with trinkets fine. The orchid is blooming the beauteous blossom in my yard.

­ (To my grand-daughter baby Ira)

egdh] esjs vk¡xu esa egdh twgh esjs vk¡xu esa egdh ! Ä ¼1 ikS=kh bjk ds izfrA½

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @216

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /217

ifjf'k"V µ 2 ¼ek=k fganh es½a

¼2½ n'kZu

¼1½ O;Fkk&cksf>y jkr fdlh rjg fnu rks dkV fy;k djrk gw¡ ij] ekSu O;Fkk&cksf>y jkr ugha dVrh] eu dks lkS&lkS ckrksa ls cgykrk gw¡ ij] iy Hkwy rqEgkjh ewfrZ ugha gVrh!

eu] n'kZu djus ls ca/ku esa c¡/k tkrk gS ! ;g n'kZu liuksa esa Hkh dj nsrk lks;s mj dks papy] y[kdj 'kh'ks&lh uo vkHkk vk¡[ksa iM+rh gSa fQly&fQly] u;uksa dk ?kw¡?kV fxj tkrk] eu Hkj vkrk gS !


;g n'kZu dsoy {k.k Hkj dk fc[kjk nsrk Hkksyh 'kcue] cu tkrk gS R;ksgkj lty ihM+ke; flldh dk ekre] bldk osx iz[kj vk¡/kh ls gksM+ yxkrk gS ! ;g n'kZu mToy Le`fr esa gh nsrk varj ds rkj fgyk] uhjl thou ds miou esa nsrk gS vufxu Qwy f[kyk] bldk daiu ehBk&ehBk xhr lqukrk gS ! ;g n'kZu izfrfnu&izfr{k.k dk yxrk u dHkh mj dks Hkkjh] fnu esa lksus] fuf'k esa pk¡nh dh ltrh jgrh Qqyokjh] ;g u;uksa dk thou lkFkZd iw.kZ cukrk gS A ;g n'kZu ewd ydhjksa dk cjlk nsrk lkou ds ?ku] xgjs dkys re ds iV ij ¯[kp tkrh fctyh dh rM+iu] bldk vkuk mj&?kkVh esa T;ksfr txkrk gS ! Ä

pk¡n] esjs I;kj! @218

O, Moon, My Sweet-heart! /219

¼3½ dy jkr

¼4½ izfrnku

dy jkr t+jk Hkh rks uhan ugha vk;h ! lwuh dqfV;k Fkh esjh lwuk Fkk uHk dk vk¡xu] dsoy txrk Fkk eSa] ;k txrk fo/kq dk Hkkoqd eu ( izfriy c<+rh Fkha T;ksa gh ftldh fdj.ksa ckgsa cu] c<+rh tkrh Fkh jg&jg tkxzr vUrj dh /kM+du ( uk en ls cksf>y ;s v¡f[k;k¡ vylk;ha ! dy jkr t+jk Hkh rks uhan ugha vk;h ! Lo;a fudy dj LoIu&dFkk dh c<+rh Fkha ?kVuk,¡] mM+ tkrh Fkha 'kS;k ij uo&ifjey&vU/k&gok,¡] ygj&ygj dj v¡xM+k dj tkxha lqIr Hkkouk,¡] fuf'k Hkj iM+h jgha pqipq eu dks vius cgyk,] mUeknh&lh cu u {kf.kd Hkh 'kjek;ha ! dy jkr t+jk Hkh rks uhan ugha vk;h ! fc[kj dHkh dp o{kLFky ij mM+&mM+ ygjkrs Fks] ;k fd dHkh lt&xq¡Fk dj nks os.kh yV cu tkrs Fks] dey&o`ar ij dHkh HkzejvLQqV jkx lqukrs Fks] dksey iÙks ckj&ckj Qwyksa dks lgykrs Fks] curh feVrh jgh vtkuh ijNkb± ! lp] dy jkr t+jk Hkh uhan ugha vk;h ! Ä

rqEgkjs ewd fu'Ny I;kj dk izfrnku dSls nw¡ ! vuks[ks bl ljy e/kq&I;kj dk izfrnku dSls nw¡ ! fo'okl Fkk brukµ u nqcZy gks ldwaxk eSa] fo'okl Fkk bruk u eu&cy [kks Fkdwaxk eSa ! ij] #dk gw¡] lksprk gw¡ ,d eaft+y ijµ fd dSls cu ldw¡ eSa vax] lkFkh bl rqEgkjs eksg ds lalkj dk ! izfrnku dSls nw¡ rqEgkjs ewd fu'Ny I;kj dk ! Lusg ik;k Fkk ( dgkuh cu x;h ! vo'k fu'kkuh cu x;h ! vQ+lksl gS xgjk fd mldk xhr gh vc xk jgk gw¡] vkSj vius dks foo'k&fu#ik; fdruk ik jgk gw¡ ! vkSj gh iFk vkt esjs lkeus ftl ij fujarj tk jgk gw¡ ! lksprk gwµ ¡ lkFk dSls nw¡ rqEgkjs jkx esas tks ct jgk gS ft+Unxh ds rkj dk ! izfrnku dSls nw¡ rqEgkjs ewd fu'Ny I;kj dk !

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mUekn Hkkoqdrk lHkh rks vkt eq>ls nwj gSa] Lof.kZe&lqcg dh jf'e;k¡ lc ';ke&?ku ds vkoj.k esa c) gks etcwj gSa ! vkS* ;qx&fojks/kh vk¡f/k;k¡ gSa( ij] rqEgkjh ;kn dj bu vk¡f/k;ksa ds chp Hkh iqjt+kjs jg&jg lksprk gwµ¡ fdl rjg nwaxk rqEgsa og va'k thou dk feyk gS tks rqEgsa lPps ân; ds Lusg ds vf/kdkj dk ! izfrnku dSls nw¡ rqEgkjs ewd fu'Ny I;kj dk ! Ä

¼5½ lkFk u nksxh \ tc txrh esa daVd&iFk ij izfr{k.k&izfriy pyuk gksxk] Lusg u gksxk thou esa tc ( fQj Hkh fry&fry tyuk gksxk] ?kksj fujk'kk dh cnyh esa canh cudj iyuk gksxk] thou dh ewd ijkt; esa ?kqV&?kqV dj tc ?kqyuk gksxk] D;k ml /kq¡/kys {k.k esa rqe Hkh cksyks] esjk lkFk u nksxh \ tc uHk esa vk¡/kh&ikuh ds vk,axs rwQ+ku Hk;adj] egkizy; dk xtZu ysdj Mksy mBsxk ikxy lkxj] fopfyr gksaxs lHkh pjkpj] fgy tk,axs ty&Fky&vEcj] dksykgy esa [kks tk,axs esjs izk.kksa ds lkjs Loj] thou vkSj ej.k dh lhek ij] D;k c<+dj gkFk u nksxh \ Ä

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¼7½ mRlxZ

¼6½ rqe rqe lglk vk vkyksd&f'k[kk&lh pedha ! tc re esa thou Mwc x;k Fkk lkjk] lks;k Fkk nwj dgha ij HkkX;&flrkjk] rc rqe vk'oklu ns] fo|qr&lh nedha ! rqe lglk vk vkyksd&f'k[kk&lh pedha ! lw[ks r#oj ir>j ls izfriy yM+dj loZLo xok¡ feVus okys Fks Hkw ij] rc rqe uo&clar&lh mj esa vk /kedha ! rqe lglk vk vkyksd&f'k[kk&lh pedha ! tc ihfM+r varj us vkg Hkjh nq[k dh] tc lw[k x;h Fkha lkjh ygjsa lq[k dh] rc ?ku cudj rqeus uhjlrk de dh ! rqe lglk vk vkyksd&f'k[kk&lh pedha !

rqeus D;ksa dk¡Vs chu fy, \ tc ge&rqe nksuksa lkFk pys lq[k&nq[k ysdj thou&iFk ij] dq'k&dk¡Vksa ls vkgr mj dks vkil esa lgyk&lgyk dj] ij] vutkus esa] rqeus D;ksa esjs lkjs nq[k Nhu fy, \ rqeus D;ksa dk¡Vs chu fy, \ vk/ks iFk rqe ys tkvksxh D;k rqeus lkspk Fkk eu esa \ vafre eaft+y eSa] ys tkrk futZu ou ds lwusiu esa ! ij] gk;! dgk¡ og e/; feyk \ ix lg u lds] xfr ghu fd;s! rqeus D;ksa dk¡Vs chu fy, \ Ä


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Worked as a member in the managing committees of 'Gwalior Shodh Sansthan', 'Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy' & 'RashtraBhasha Prachar Samiti, Bhopal'. From time to time, poems included in various Text-Books of curricula of Educational Boards & Universities of India.

DR. MAHENDRA BHATNAGAR Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar’s is one of the significant post-independence voices in Hindi and Indian English Poetry, expressing the lyricism and pathos, aspirations and yearnings of the modern Indian intellect. Rooted deep into the Indian soil, his poems reflect not only the moods of a poet but of a complex age. Born in Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) at maternal grandfather's residence on 26 June 1926; 6 a.m. Primary education in Jhansi, Morar (Gwalior) and Sabalgarh (Morena); Matric (1941) from High School, Morar (Gwalior); Inter (1943) from Madhav College, Ujjain; B.A. (1945) from Victoria College, - at present, Maharani Laxmi Bai College - Gwalior; M. A. (1948) and Ph.D. (1957) in Hindi from Nagpur University; L.T. (1950 ; Madhya Bharat Govt.) Places of work — Bundelkhand, Chambal region and Malwa. High School Teacher from July 1945. Retired as Professor on 1 July 1984 (M.P. Govt. Educational service). Selected once for the post of Professor of Hindi Language & Literature, in Tashkent University, U.S.S.R. (1978) by UGC & ICCR (NEW DELHI) Principal Investigator (U.G.C. / Jiwaji University, Gwalior) from 1984 to 1987. Professor in the IGNOU Teaching Centre of Jiwaji University, Gwalior in 1992.

Worked as one of the members in the Audition Committees of Drama / Light Music of All India Radio (Akashvani) - Stations Indore and Gwalior. Contracted Song-Writer of All India Radio \ For all Radio Stations (Light Music Section). Broadcast many poems, talks and other programmes from Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior and New Delhi (National Channels) Radio Stations. Conducted and directed many literary societies in Ujjain, Dewas, Dhar, Mandsaur and Gwalior. Appointed as one of the Award-Judges by 'Bihar Rashtra-Bhasha Parishad, Patna' (1981 & 1983), 'Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan, Lucknow' (1983), 'Rajasthan Sahitya Akademi, Udaipur' (1991,1993,1994) & 'Hindi Sahitya Parishad, Ahmedabad, Gujrat (2001). Poems translated, published and broadcast in many foreign and Indian languages.

Eleven volumes of poems [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

in English :

‘Forty Poems of Mahendra Bhatnagar’ [Selected Poems — 1] 'After The Forty Poems' [Selected Poems — 2] ‘Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar’s Poetry.’ [Selected Poems — 3] 'Exuberance and other poems. ‘Death Perception : Life Perception’ 'Passion and Compassion' 'Poems : For A Better World' 'Lyric-Lute' 'A Handful Of Light' New Enlightened World Dawn to Dusk

Worked as Chairman \ Member of various committees in Indore University, Vikram University, Ujjain & Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra.

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Distinguished Anthologies


Poet Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar : His Mind And Art. [Edited]


LIFE : AS IT IS [Poems of faith & optimism : delight & pain. Philosophy of life.]

Concerns And Creation [A Critical Stuy Of Mahendra Bhatnagar's Poetry] [Edited]


Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar : Realistic and Visionary Aspects [Edited / Forthcoming]


O, MOON, MY SWEET-HEARET! [Love poems]



SPARROW and other poems [Nature Poems]

Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar’s Poetry : In The Eyes Of Critics e-book / Ed. Kedar Nath Sharma




ENGRAVED ON THE CANVAS OF TIME [Poems of social harmony & humanism : realistic & visionary aspects.]

DEATH AND LIFE [Poems on Death-perception : Life-perception & Critical Study]

One volume of translated poems in French


Received awards, four times ( 1952, 1958, 1960, 1985. ) from Madhya Bharat & Madhya Pradesh Govts.

('A Modern Indian Poet : Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar : Un Poèt Indien Et Moderne'.)

Edited HINDI literary magazines 'Sandhya' (Monthly) and Pratikalpa' (Quarterly) from Ujjain.

Works published in seven volumes in Hindi three of Poems (comprising sixteen earlier collections), two of Critical articles, one on Premchand ( Research work) and one of Miscellaneous writings.

Member Advisory Board : Indian Journal of POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURES [Half-yearly / Thodupuzha-Kerala]

Eighteen Poetry Collections [Hindi] are compllied in three Volumes of : 'MAHENDRA BHATNAGAR KI KAVITAA-GANGAA' Ä

Patron : www. creativesaplings.com

Links :

Published research & critical studies : (1)

Adviser : 'POETCRIT' (Half-Yearly / Maranda, H.P.),

Living Through Challenges : A Study of Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar's Poetry [By Dr. B. C. Dwivedy]

ENGLISH-FRENCH — www.poetrypoem.com/mpb1 HINDI — http://dmbpoeminmusic.blogspot.com [Kaavya-Dhaaraa]

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— http://singerkumaradityavikram.blogspot.com [Poet : Mahendra Bhatnagar]

— www.pustakaalay.blogspot.com — www.kavitakosh.org/mbhatnagar.html — www.radiosabrang.com

Contact : 110 Balwant Nagar, Gandhi Road, Gwalior — 474 002 (M.P.) INDIA Phone : 0751-4092908 / M — 81 097 300 48 E-Mail : drmahendra02@gmail.com Ä

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