RayChat on Campus 2014 瑞象校园系列活动

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序 Contents 内容规划 Outline 讲座简介 Lecture Information 关于瑞象馆

About the Ray Art Center

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当代社会生活日新月异,人们交流表达的方式也在随之改变,摄影以及影像文化正是其 中最富有活力的部分。今天,社交媒体平台以及移动终端技术已经让摄影不再局限于新 闻和记录的功能,并打破传统审美的框架,从而作为人们得以实现自我认知,建立新的 社群关系的手段,成为当代人生活方式的一个部分。由此,在多大程度上掌握影像及其 生产、传播的一系列概念和理论已经成了我们考量自身对周遭世界的理解和把握能力, 和判断个人的文化修养的重要维度。

从2014年9月至12月,瑞象馆将邀请海内外著名的影像艺术工作者和相关领域的学者共 同推出2014瑞象校园系列讲座活动;活动对象为高校非艺术专业学生,同时也向社会 公众开放。该系列活动包括十二场讲座和讨论,参与该活动的讲者将以跨学科的视角就 “影像作为艺术”、“影像的生产和传播”、“观看与被观看”等三个方面展开讨论, 以帮助听众了解影像艺术的知识和理论,培养视觉修养,并帮助他们更清晰地认识自身 所处的环境和所面对的未来。系列讲座结束后,其内容还将以一系列纸质和视频的出版 得以进一步传播和保存。

此次系列讲座的地点都在大学校园,为不同背景的学生和校园里形形色色的听讲者提供 交叉学科的理解影像之旅。每场讲座的讲师将从自己熟悉的领域出发,以不同的视角切 入影像的世界,摄影图片、视觉新媒体作品、电影、纪录片,总体来说,当代以及历史 上发生的视觉现象和表达方式都在讲师的考察之列。讲师来自各个领域,出色的学者、 实践者、艺术创作者将结合自己的学识和经验,提出对影像艺术某个方面的观点,以及 就影像艺术对其他领域的影响阐述看法。讲座的时间长度达4小时,前2小时刚刚从现象 深入到学科内部,后2小时能进一步理出一条脉络,或碰撞与交流出另一个出口。



Society is changing every day and with it, the way people interact and express themselves. Photography and visual culture are one of the most vibrant aspects of our society. Social media and mobile terminal technology have now liberated photography from its traditional role as a news and documentary tool. No longer straitjacketed by traditional aesthetics, photography is now a means for us to get to know ourselves and forge ties within a community. This art has become a part of contemporary life. Now, our understanding of concepts and theories of creation and dissemination of images has become an important yardstick of our understanding of the world around us, and our cultural sophistication.

From September to December 2014, the Ray Art Center is inviting renowned scholars in various related fields, to RayChat on Campus 2014, to give a series of lectures. These lectures are intended largely for students without an arts background, but they will also be open to the general public. There will be 12 separate lectures and seminars examining photography from an interdisciplinary perspective, along the following three themes: ‘photography as art’, ‘the production and dissemination of images’, and ”seeing and seen”. The aim of the series will be to improve public awareness as well as appreciation of photographic art (theory and practice), by which to help the audience to understand the present state and future direction of photographic art. After the actual series has concluded, there will be a paperback and video version available for continued discussion and for posterity.

These events will be held on university campuses, offering students from different backgrounds and schools a vivid multi-disciplinary portrait of how photographic art has evolved. Each speaker will talk about a topic within their own field of expertise – photographs, new media artworks, films, and documentaries – providing different perspectives of the medium. Every aspect of photography’s different phenomena and breadth of expression, whether historical or contemporary, will be examined. Speakers come from across the spectrum, with distinguished academics, practitioners, and artists all using their knowledge and experience to provide enlightenment on a particular area of photography – or, indeed, looking at the impact of photography on other disciplines. Each lecture will last four hours, with the first half introducing the topic with a look at a particular discipline, and then the second half exploring theories on future development or exchange of ideas with the audience.




第一部分,影像作为艺术。在这一部分中,讲座覆盖的领域将包括: 1)摄影史;2)摄 影图像学;以及 3)影像在跨人文学科中的解读。通过这一部分讲座内容,希望能够让 听众对以摄影为基础的影像艺术的历史、解读、本质等问题有大致的了解。

第二部分,影像的生产与传播。在这部分的讲座中,主题包括:1)摄影创作的手法, 2)从传播学角度认识影像,3)电子媒体、新媒体时代的影像,4)中国当代摄影等几 个方面的内容。我们希望听众通过参加这部分的活动,对影像的生产和传播模式,及其 背后种种错综复杂的社会、政治和经济因素有一个大致的了解。同时会更多着力的是, 在今天电子媒介和社交媒体作为重要载体的时代,影像是如何逐渐成为人们社会生活的 重要部分,而它在未来又具有怎样更多的可能性。

第三部分,观看与被观看。在这一部分,我们将主要基于文化批评各方面的理论来探索 影像本身及其生产和传播过程中所含的各种权力的主体及其运作机制,社会、历史是怎 样在影像中被构建的,同时也对影像的纪录美学、政治解读进行探讨。



The lectures will be divided roughly into the following three sections:

1) Photography as art. This section will cover: i) The history of photography ii) Photographic iconography iii) Interpretation of photography from a cross-disciplinary humanities angle These lectures aim to provide a general introduction to the history, interpretation and core of photography-based visual culture.

2) Production and dissemination of images. This section will cover: i) Photographic means of expression ii) Photography through the prism of communication iii) Photography in an age of electronic and new media iv) Contemporary Chinese photography This section focuses on providing audiences with an overview of the production and means of dissemination of photography, as well as the complicated web of social, political and economic factors behind it. A particular point of emphasis will be how photography has gradually become an important part of people’s lives, and its potential for the future in an era of electronic and social media.

3) The final section will focus on seeing and seen. Cultural criticism will be employed as a means to explore photography and the systems of power involved in its production and dissemination and portrayal of society and history in photography. There will also be discussion about the documentary aesthetics and political interpretations of photography.




地点:上海外国语大学 演讲人:顾铮






并 不 局 限 在 上 海 , 是 因 为 方 便 大 家 了 解,才以上海



时间在镜头下凝固,历史在瞬间定格。本次 讲座介绍的一些摄影家的作品主要集中在上海


Photography and the City:

Date: September 24th

Shanghai Case Study

Venue: Shanghai International Studies University Speaker: Gu Zheng

Understanding the city through the lens – the

of them based in Shanghai. It is hoped that these will

changing face of Shanghai, where civilization

provide an overview of the experience of Shanghainese

and ignorance march shoulder to shoulder:

photographers; there will also be more recent work from

here is a laboratory with architectural tradi-

Shanghai’s current metropolis age. Of course, metropoli-

tions, or overly grandiose wonderful places

tan photography is not restricted to Shanghai; but the city

to go. The city has its share of strange artistic

is a handy example for study.

reflection. From unknowable to knowable, time stands still when the shutter is pressed. In an instant, history is defined. This lecture will introduce work by several photographers, most


Keywords: lens, metropolis, history, Shanghai


Gu Zheng


Scholar, photography critic, photographer and




Born in Shanghai in 1959, Gu is a professor

信息与传播中心研究员。专事摄影理论与实践、摄影 史、视觉传播,担任《视界》丛刊、《艺术家茶座》、 《中国摄影》、《欧洲摄影》(柏林) 等刊物的编委。 1998年毕业于日本大阪府立大学人类文化研究科比较

at the Journalism School, Fudan University, and PhD supervisor. He is also assistant direct of the Research Center for Visual Culture, a member of the Research Center for Information and Communication Studies. Gu devotes


his research to the theory, practice and history


of photography, and to visual communication.


Gu sits on the committee of editors for World, Artists Teahouse, Chinese Photography, European Photography (Berlin) and other publications. Gu Zheng graduated with a PhD in Comparative Culture from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Osaka Prefecture University. In 2001 he visited UC Berkeley; in 2013 he was on the panel of judges for the final round of the World Press Photo competition.


观看与思考 ——影像传播的受众视野

时间:10月16日 16:00-18:00 19:00-21:00












的自 然 符 码 。 摄 影 给 人 类 社 会 带 来 了 有 形 和 无 形 的







地点:南京大学 演讲人:韩丛耀

使得影像在当代社会受到了最无情的质疑。 经过170多年的发展,摄影术现在已经成为


Observation and Reflection:

Date: October 16th 16:00-18:00 19:00-21:00

Audience Perspectives in

Venue: Nanjing University

Dissemination of Images

Speaker: Han Congyao

Photography, film, mobile phone and other

history, photography has become an indispensable in-

‘geometric replication’ technology has rev-

dustry; the most important tool for the spread of infor-

olutionized our society. Broad access to and

mation; a lifestyle full of creativity; society’s greatest

widespread use of imaging technology have

commodity; and an essential source of knowledge about

transformed the way development is mea-

the natural world, society and ourselves. Therefore, at its

sured, from material improvement to digital

core, the art of photography is a sign of modernity, and

progress. Photographic technology has satis-

the images produced a natural code for the transmission

fied our yearning for ‘true’ depictions of reality,

of information. Photography has changed society both

and affirmed the ‘veracity’ of the physical world

visibly and invisibly, and these changes are not restricted

around us. At the same time, these images are

by national or regional boundaries; they are global. As a

also technological fakery dressed up as ‘truth’,

form of popular culture, photography has a global legacy

making photography the subject of relentless

to bequeath.

skepticism in contemporary society. Over the course of its more than 170 years’


Keywords: technology, duplication, truth, popular culture


南京大学新闻传播学院/历史系教授,博士生 导师,中华图像文化研究所所长。兼任法国 欧亚印象交流协会(ISASES)顾问,马来 西亚韩新传播学院讲座教授,中国摄影家协会 理论委员。 一直从事视觉传播、图像史学、摄影学的 理论研究和教学。代表性著作有:《新闻摄 影学》、《图像:一种后符号学的再发现》、 《中国近代图像新闻史:1840—1919》 (6卷)、《中国影像史》(10卷)。

Han Congyao Professor and PhD supervisor at the Department of History, and at the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University. Professor Han is also director of the Chinese Institute for Image Culture and an advisor to ISASES, visiting lecturer at the One World Hanxing College of Journalism and Communication in Malaysia, and sits on the Theoretical Committee at the China Photographers Association. Professor Han has been involved in research and teaching of visual media and communication, the history of imagery, and photography. Key works include: News Photography, Images: A Rediscovery of Post-Symbology, A History of Pre-Modern Imagery and News: 1840-1919 (6 volumes), A History of Chinese Photography (10 volumes).


绘画之于影像 ——新旧视觉媒介的比较



杜尚、郎静山、布列松、安迪 • 沃霍尔、里希特、


大卫 • 霍克尼、比尔 • 维奥拉等大师的经历和作品来





地点:北京外国语大学 演讲人:汪涤

现二十世纪许多重要的艺术家都能在两者间 自由穿行,找到有趣的创作点。本讲座以


Painting V.S. Photography: a Comparison of Traditional and New

Date: October 23rd Venue: Beijing Foreign Studies University Speaker: Wang Di

Visual Media

Painting is a much older visual medium than

the experiences and artwork of Marcel Duchamp, Lang

photography; the aesthetics of painting had

Jingshan, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andy Warhol, Gerhard

a great influence on the rise of photography.

Richter, David Hockney, Bill Viola and other greats as a

Photographic art from the 20th century on-

means to analyze the possibilities provided by painting

wards attempted to put a distance between the

to photography and to discuss the possible relationship

two, and some photographers even asserted

between painting and photography in the future.

that painting was an out-of-date medium. However, many important artists of the 20th century made free use of both media, finding suitable inspiration in each. This lecture will look at


Keywords: painting, media, 20th century


华东师范大学美术史副教授,博士。中国美术家 协会会员,上海美术家协会会员。从事中外美术 史,美术批评与视觉文化的教学和研究,出版著 作多种。

Wang Di Assistant professor of History of Fine Art, East China Normal University, PhD. Dr. Wang is a member of the China Artists Association, and the Shanghai Artists Association. Dr. Wang specializes in the history of fine art, both Chinese and international, and teaching and research of fine art criticism and visual culture. Dr Wang has many published works.


镜像自我和他性 ——摄影的人类学解读 如果把照相比做照镜,照片就相当于照相者的镜像。但与 照镜不太一样的是,照相在绝大多数情况下,都不是自己 去照,而是被人照。这就导致我们所说的“照相者”,大 多同时包括着观察者和被观察者、拍摄者和被拍摄者。拍 摄者虽然没有出现在镜像中,但他的观看、思考、角度和 选择,必然会影响到镜像的呈现。所以,关于“我们”的 镜像,多半是“他观”的结果。如早期外国人对中国人的 观看呈现的刻板印象,主体民族对少数民族的认知、“识 别”和观看等。我们带着各式各样的“镜子”,最终还是 照出了自己。在他人的身影上有自我的痕迹,在自我的镜 像里也混合着异己的东西。


Mirroring the Self and the Other: an Anthropological Angle on Photography Date: October 29th Venue: Sun Yat-Sen University Speaker: Deng Qiyao

If one thinks of a photograph like one’s reflection in the mirror, then a photograph becomes the mirror image of the photographer. However, unlike looking at oneself in the mirror, the vast majority of photographs are not selfies. This has produced the phenomenon of the ‘photo-taker’, most including observer and observed, the photo-taker and the subject. The photographer does not enter the frame, but his or her focus, thought, perspective and 11

时间:10月29日 地点:中山大学 演讲人:邓启耀

choices all have an impact on the creation of the mirror image. Therefore, ‘our’ mirror images are most often the product of another’s perspective, just like the early impressions that foreigners had of the Chinese which then became stereotypes, or the way ethnic minorities are viewed by the majority, with different treatment and observation. We have all sorts of ‘mirrors’ but the final portrait is of ourselves. We leave our mark as photographers on the silhouettes of others, and in the mirror of our self we find alien elements, too. Keywords: mirror, third-person, self, Other


中山大学社会学与人类学学 院教授,博士生导师。兼中 国民族学会影视人类学分会 副会长、徐萧冰摄影奖推荐 委员、连州摄影奖评委等, 曾创办文化影像类杂志《山茶.人文地理》。著有摄影理论 著作《我看与他观——在镜像自我和他性间探问》等。

Deng Qiyao Professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University, also vice-chairman of the visual anthropology section at the Association of Chinese Ethnology; member of the nominating committee for the Xu Xiaobing National Photography Award, Lianzhou FOTO judge, founder of culture and photography magazine Camellia: Human Geography, and author of works on photography theory including Observer and Observed: An Exploration of Mirroring of the Self and the Other.


当代摄影中的几种表现 手法

时间:11月6日 地点:云南大学 演讲人:林路













媒介手段,将这些话题所编织的无形的网 化为影像,成为人类视觉的具象化。


Means of Expression

Date: November 6th

in Contemporary Photography

Venue: Yunnan University Speaker: Lin Lu

The central value of contemporary pho-

fairly clear interpretation of contemporary photography: since

tography is not about churning out artistic

the 1960s, the art has taken on a certain form that builds on

idols for worship. Photography is more

the varied forms of expression and extreme intrepid spirit of

about substance and relevance to social

modern photography, interlarding it with commentary on all

issues than simple aesthetics. Whether di-

kinds of political and social issues while developing technique

rected at the fear and prejudice produced

to the effect of staging photographs rather than simply taking

in society by political power, or the web of

them. In this way, the ideas of the artist are better integrat-

interconnected social issues, photography

ed into contemporary life, through engagement in discussion

is swift and unique in its approach, captur-

with society.

ing the previously invisible networks behind these issues on camera and making

Keywords: social participation, private photography, experi-

them concrete images.

mentation, photograph media

Therefore, it is possible, perhaps, to give a



上海师范大学教授,摄影专业硕士生导 师。上海市摄影家协会副主席,上海翻译 家协会会员,艺术策展人。 已出版摄影理论和技术专著以及画册90多 本,发表摄影文章数十万字。曾获得第四 届、第五届中国摄影金像奖,2004年9月 获得由全国高校联合会评选的“中国摄影 教育优秀理论奖”。

Lu lin Professor, Shanghai Normal University, photography MA student supervisor. Lin is vice chairman of the Shanghai Photography Association, a member of the Shanghai Translators Association, and art curator. Lin has published works on theory and technique, over 90 catalogues, as well as over 100,000 characters’ worth of articles on photography. Lin is recipient of the 4th and 5th Gold Award for Chinese Photography.


纪录的美学 ——从本雅明的 “灵晕”说起

时间:11月13日 地点:浙江大学 演讲人:吕新雨





述,但是后人对此的阐述却纷繁不一。究竟 如何理解这一理念?如何重读本雅明这两本



The Aesthetics

of Documentary Making: A Look at Walter Benjamin’s Aura

Walter Benjamin’s Short History of Photography and The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction lay out his concept of ‘aura’, but interpretations of the idea have differed widely since his time. How should ‘aura’ be understood? How should these two classics of his be revisited, especially in the context of documentary aesthetics, and in the light of the new documentary movement in contemporary China? These issues will be the subject of this lecture.

Keywords: Walter Benjamin, aura, documentary aesthetics, New Documentary Movement


Date: November 13th Venue: Zhejiang University Speaker: Lü Xinyu


华东师范大学——康奈尔比较人文研究中心主任,华 东师范大学传播学院教授,博士生导师。主要著作有 《神话 • 悲剧 • <诗学>—对古希腊诗学传统的重新 认识》(1995)、《纪录中国—当代中国的新纪录 运动》(2003)、《书写与遮蔽:影像 • 传媒 • 文 化论集》(2008)、《乡村与革命》(2013)、《 乡村与国家》(即出)、《学术、传媒与公共性》 (即出)。主编:



书,2013年开始陆续推出,复旦大学出版社。联合主 编“批判传播学”系列文丛,2014年陆续推出,华东 师大出版社。主要研究方向为影视理论、传播政治经 济学、文化研究、广播电视学等。

Lü Xinyu PhD, Director of the ECNU-Cornell Center for Comparative Humanities, Professor at the School of Communication. Major works include Myth – Tragedy – Poetics – A New Understanding of the Poetic Tradition in Ancient Greece (1995), Documenting China – The New Documentary Movement in Contemporary China (2003), Writing and Cover-Ups: Wri tings on Photography – Media –Culture (2008), The Countryside and Revolution (2013), The Countryside and the State (forthcoming), Academia, Media and Publicness (forthcoming). As editor: Documentary – Photography: Overseas and In China (collection, began publication in 2013, Fudan University Press). Joint chief editor, Critical Communication series, published from 2014 by ECNU University Press. Main research interests: film theory, politics and economics of communication, cultural research, and radio & television.


摄影与人体: 情色、政治与主体性














地点:重庆大学 演讲人:郭力昕

主体性建立是紧密连结的,不同的人体摄 影实践,如何协助或者阻碍了这个主体性的



Photography and the Nude: Eroticism, Politics and Subjectivity

Date: November 20th Venue: Chongqing University Speaker: Kuo, Li- Hsin

What exact message is nude photography try-

photographs, and will look at how the sexual, adult and/

ing to convey? How has this art form continued

or erotic themes and politics of gender use established

to the present day, while in mainstream work

concepts to repeatedly clone conservative ideas about

in salons or among photography aficionados,

sex and the body, or in the claims of artists, legitimize

outdated attitudes continue to be emphasized?

their exploitation of the established gender order. We

What do the words ‘human body’ or ‘the body’

will also look at political nude photography and observe

signify, and why photograph them? What kind

how it can overturn these conservative constructs and

of desire or need does in the artist or viewer

transform the body into a political symbol of freedom and

does this reflect? The body is closely connect-

the subject.

ed to the creation of individual subjectivity; how do different nude photographs assert or

Keywords: body, subjectivity, gender politics, body con-

challenge the formation of this subjectivity?


This lecture will examine a large number of



Kuo, Li- Hsin


Kuo teaches at the Department of Radio and Television at Tai-


wan’s National Chengchi University. He is the former chief pho-


to editor of Ren Jian magazine and sits on a host of awarding

自2003年起担任“台北电影节” 咨询委员迄今。著作包括《书写摄 影:相片的文本与文化》、《阅读

committees for annual press photography awards. Since 2003, Kuo has been a member of the consultant committee for the Taipei Film Festival. His published


works include: Writing Photog-

的叩问: 纪录片的政治与去政治》(

raphy: Texts and Culture on the


Negative, Reading Photography (Zhejiang Photographic Press), The Politics of Documentaries (forthcoming).


从摄影到鬼魂徘徊学 —现代摄影与新媒体艺 术的台湾语境

时间:11月26日 地点:复旦大学 演讲人:龚卓军











达(J. Derrida)在《马克思的幽灵》(Spec-


tres de Marx)一书中开宗明义所说的:那




期,它为的是正义——尚未来到的正义。它 为的是战争、政治的各种暴力、民族主义、


From Photography to Spectre Hauntology – Taiwan Context of Modern Photography and New Media Art Date: November 26th

might be the victims of all kinds of disaster, too:

Venue: Fudan University

they remain on account of some impossible,

Speaker: Gong, Jow-Jiun

unimaginable ethics and political stance, on behalf of those specters not yet born or those

Modern photography and new media art question the

who have already died. This lecture will focus

illusory nature of reality through the realism in their illu-

mainly on issues of lingering specters of history

sions: it’s a ready-made clairvoyance, and those ghosts

in modern Taiwanese photography. There will be

summoned linger around with their shapes and arias.

discussion of the photographs, video and new

Their asymmetry is an imposition on all of society’s mir-

media artwork of artists including Zhang Zha-

ror images, causing a permanent time warp. The aim is

otang, Tehching Hsieh, Chen Chieh-jen, Kao

as Jacques Derrida stated in his book, The Specters of

Chungl-li, Ming-chuan Huang, Lin Poliang, Shen

Marx: the specters linger because of a historical griev-

Chao-liang, Yao Jui-chung, Tsa Ming-liang, Kao

ance, but without a particular date in mind: they remain

Jun-Honn, Hsu Chia-wei, Yu-Hsien Su, Hu Tai-li.

because justice has not been done. The specters remain because of war, all kinds of political violence, national-

Keywords: specter, linger, justice, Taiwan

ism, racism, colonialism, or gender discrimination. They


Gong, Jow-Jiun


Assistant Professor at the Graduate Institute


of Art Creation and Theory at Tainan National


University of the Arts. Gong is interested in phil-

论与评论者、翻译者。 曾任《张老师月刊》主 编与采访编辑,目前为《艺术观点ACT》季刊主编 。 着有《身体部署:梅洛庞蒂与现象学之后》,译有《 空间诗学》、《眼与心》等。

osophical aesthetics, art theory and criticism, and translation. He was previously editor in chief and interview editor for Living Psychology, and is now chief editor at Art Critique Taiwan. Publications include Deployment of the Body: Beyond Merleau-Ponty and Phenomenology, and he has translated La poetique de l’espace by Gaston Bachelard, and Eye and Mind by Maurice Merleau-Ponty.


当代艺术与80年代 时间:12月4日 地点:武汉大学 演讲人:汪民安

1980年代的艺术家有几种不同的生命态度 和艺术态度。两种激情:身体的激情和灵魂 的激情;两种理性:崇高的理性和冷漠的理 性。但这并不是全部。欲望的宣泄,灵魂的 宗教救赎,理性的崇高,多少都带有一些英 雄主义的痉挛姿态。在另外一些艺术家那 里,我们看到了英雄主义的反面,或者说, 我们看到的英雄是以亵渎的方式来出场的。 前者是要在一片虚无和溃败的氛围中寻求救 赎,后者正好相反,他们则是要让所有的神 话崩溃,让它们彻底地虚无。大体而言,他 们不是去从事文化拯救,而是去从事文化亵 渎;不是去做一个艺术巨人,而是做一个艺 术的渎神者;不是去确立一种艺术思想,而 是放弃艺术思想;不是让作品获得永恒的在 场,而是让作品迅速地消失。这是以渎神的 方式来获得神秘感,以破坏和虚无的姿态来 获得英雄的形象。所有这些,都跟1980年代 的思想文化氛围密切相关,它们既是80年代 的产物,也直接奠定了今天中国当代艺术的 现实根基。本次讲座将结合80年代中国当代 艺术的特征,尤其是85新潮运动的展开,来 讨论1980年代的历史格局。



Contemporary Art and the 1980s

Date: December 4th Venue: Wuhan University Speaker: Wang Min’An

Artists during the 1980s had different

the whole, these artists did not involve themselves

attitudes towards life and towards art.

in saving their culture but in desecrating it; instead

There were two different passions:

of becoming martyrs for their art, they became blas-

physical and spiritual; and two differ-

phemers; instead of affirming an artistic vision, they

ent rationales: lofty and idealistic, and

relinquished their ideals. They didn’t create immortal

cool and detached. However, these

artwork but hurried its demise. A sense of mystery

weren’t everything. The catharsis of

was gained by means of such profanity, and an im-

desire, the religious salvation of the

age of heroism through destruction and nihilism. All

soul, and lofty rationale all had some-

of these changes are intimately connected to the

thing of the spasm of heroism about

philosophical and cultural atmosphere of the 1980s;

them. To other artists, we saw the flip

they are both the product of that decade and the

side of that heroism, or rather, the he-

foundations of Chinese contemporary art today. This

roes we observed were prone to mak-

lecture will cover what set Chinese contemporary art

ing their mark through blasphemy. The

of the 1980s apart, especially the beginning of the

former sought redemption amid an at-

’85 New Wave movement, as an introduction to the

mosphere of nothingness and failure;

historical backdrop of that decade.

the other camp were the exact opposite: they wanted to destroy all myths

Keywords: passion, rationale, cultural blasphemy, 85

of redemption and leave no trace. On

New Wave


Wang Min’An


Professor at the Institute


for Cultural Studies, Cap-







University. research

interest is cultural theory. Publications include The Limits of Michel Foucault, Nietzsche and the Body and six more. Wang is also chief editor of the series Production.




地点:深圳大学 演讲人:李公明

本 次 讲 座 围 绕 摄 影 作 为 一 种 政治监控和证据的历史 展开,叙述其开端和发展。讲座将围绕“中国革命摄 影”详述其“反对肢解现实”的政治学原则,再探讨 纪实摄影的政治叙事,最后,将与大家探讨摄与被摄 的道德与社会正义问题。

关键词:中国革命摄影,纪实摄影,政治叙事,摄与 被摄

Political Narratives

in Modern Photography Date: December 10th Venue: Shenzhen University Speaker: Li Gongming

This lecture will focus on photography’s past as a tool of political surveillance and proof, from its inception and early development. A central theme will be “Chinese revolutionary photography” with a detailed look at the political principle of “opposing the dismembering of reality”. We will also explore political narratives in documentary photography, followed last of all by a discussion of the issues of morality and social justice involved between photographer and subject. Keywords: Chinese revolutionary photography, documentary photography, political narrative, photographer, subject



广州美术学院美术史系 教授、港台文化艺术研 究所所长。多年来撰写 大量思想文化与时事评 论专栏文章,个人专著 有《中国美术史纲》(主编)、《广东美术史》、《 历史是什么》、《奴役与抗争——


话》、《左岸的狂欢节》、《思想守望录》、《广州 人》、《在风中流亡的诗与思想史》、《书画与自 然》、《不对》等。

Li Gongming Professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts’ Faculty of Fine Art History, director of the Institute for Hong Kong and Taiwan Culture Research. For several years, Li has penned a great number of articles both individual and in regular columns on philosophy, culture and current affairs. Li’s publications include ART History of China (chief editor), A History of Guangdong Fine Art, What is History?, Slavery and Resistance – Dialogue Between Science and Art, Mardi Gras on the Left-Hand Shore, Keeping a Philosophical Vigil, The Guangzhounese, A History of Poetry and Thought in Exile, Painting, Calligraphy and Mother Nature, and Incorrect.




地点:西安交通大学 演讲人:赵川













身影,这促使他最终放弃了修补国人身体的 医学理想。他年轻的身后,正是中国人为了


The Body and Photography:

Date: December 17th

the Chinese Experience

Venue: Xi’an Jiaotong University

Picking up a traditional, intricately made

ing people’s bodily complaints. Luxun was part of a

box from the West, a Chinese attempts

larger context that saw the Chinese moving towards

to move from being the subject in front of

a stronger, modern society, by reshaping themselves

the camera lens to being the photographer

both physically and spiritually. This re-sculpting, in

looking out on the subject – the world. The

mind, body and soul, has been seen as a basic com-

many nameless figures in the pictures are a

ponent of the ideal of a modern state. The short his-

poignant symbol of our efforts to step out-

tory of Chinese photography is inseparable from this

side the passive subject role. When Luxun,

larger process. Zhao Chuan will attempt to explore

the father of modern Chinese literature, was

how the changes in the Chinese body from the late

in Japan, he looked at newsreels the Japa-

Qing period and the changing experience he sees

nese produced and saw the humiliation of

within, have influenced perception, documentaries,

the Chinese by the Japanese and Russian

dissemination and artwork.

Speaker: Zhao Chuan

in different wars. He decided to abandon his dream of becoming a doctor and heal-


Keywords: late Qing, body, change, take a photo


作家、艺术批评家、剧场 导演。他是2005年开始 的民间团体“草台班”的 创建及主持者,创作边缘 但社会性极强的当代剧场 作品。他关于艺术的写作在海内外发表和出版,并曾 受邀于包括中国美院、纽约大学、苏黎世艺术大学等 艺术院校授课。

Zhao Chuan Author, art critic, and theatre director. Zhao began his private drama troupe hosting in 2005, producing fringe contemporary drama work that is highly relevant. Zhao’s writings about art have been published in China and abroad. He has been invited to teach classes by the China Academy of Art, New York University, and by Zurich University of the Arts.


2000年以来的 中国当代摄影

Contemporary Chinese


Date: December 19th


Venue: Xiamen University


Speaker: Hai Jie


This lecture will begin with a look at Chinese contempo-


rary photography in 2000. After the beginning of the new


millennium, the country was gripped by a fast-paced ur-


banization drive which not only failed to resolve the woes


of the previous century but created a slew of issues itself.

的是普遍的洗劫与撞击,这是主要的背景和 线索。同时,2000之后,由于互联网在中国 的迅猛发展,资讯的及时获得与摄影观念过 眼云烟式的补课与更迭,也使得中国摄影在

Photography Since 2000

Disaster and conflict: these are the wider context. At the same time, in the new millennium, with the swift development of the internet, timely access to information and an education in the array of photography concepts, allowed Chinese photography to develop and spread roots within


a short space of time, with a magnified cohort effect and


consequent breakdown of ideas that has led to diversity.


All of this has been a challenge for our analytical and


critical faculties. Nevertheless, Chinese photography has


grown under the shadow of such a context and made


itself seen. During the process, the art form has, influ-


enced by Western thought, held itself up to scrutiny, and


at the same time has questioned its own cultural identity


cautiously in the melting pot of globalization. Is photog-

这种后殖民主义是否就一定能促使我们返回 到内部去发言?这个“内部”经过推土机和 移动终端的交互式体验之后,是否还有迹 可循?



raphy a form of cultural colonization? Does this post-colonialism necessarily have to push us to make ourselves heard among our own people? Having braved the double assault of the bulldozer and mobile phone, does ‘our people’ still exist? Keywords: urbanization, cultural colonization, diversity


独立策展人、影像批评家、作家,山东工艺美术学院客座教授,南方报业传 媒集团《289艺术风尚》杂志主笔。成功策划和运作“不一样的风景”大型 全国巡展、“发现中国新锐摄影师”活动、“自助餐”2014艺术家工作室 开放计划等大型项目。出版有:《照镜子的人——16位中国当代摄影艺术 家访谈录》、《表态——与十四位中国当代摄影艺术家对话》等书。主持微 信公众平台“海杰视界观”。 Hai Jie Independent curator, photography critic, author, and visiting lecturer at the Shandong University of Art & Design, Hai is currently chief commentator at Nanfang Media Group’s 289 Fengshang magazine. He has successfully curated large projects including “A Different View”, a large Chinese exhibition that toured China; the “Discover Emerging Chinese Photographers” event, and “Buffet”, an open project by the 2014 Artists Workshop. Hai Jie sat on the nominating committees for the TOP20-2011 AND TOP20-2013 Emerging Chinese Contemporary Photographer exhibitions. Hai Jie’s publications include: Man in the Mirror – Interviews with 16 Chinese Contemporary Photo Artists; and Declarations: A Conversation with 14 Chinese Contemporary Photo Artists. Hai Jie also has a public account on the messenger platform WeChat: “haijie_photo”



About Ray Art Center


The Ray Art Center was founded in 2008. We are a


non-profit organization specializing in photographic art.


Since our founding, we have launched a website, www.


rayartcenter.org, with articles about photography, a se-

II)” 、“上海祭忆1980s” 、不定期摄影

ries of photography forums: “Face to Face With the Ex-

讲座等各种类型的活动。自2014年起,瑞象 馆拥有了自己的小型展览空间,以及一个更为 独立的“阅读角”;前者是当代摄影实践中一 些严肃的富有实验性的最新成果的展示平台,

perts”, and some exhibitions: “Clues (I, II)” and “Shanghai Remembers the 1980s”. We organize photography lectures and other events as well. Since 2014, Ray Art Center has its own exhibition space and an independent ‘reading corner’. The space is for displaying some of the


more serious, highly experimental examples of contem-


porary photography. The reading corner offers photog-


raphers, fans and students of photography the Center’s collection of photography catalogues, history, essays, books and articles, magazines new and old, and books hand-bound by the artists.

瑞象馆开幕展《当真》RayArt Center Opening Exhibition REAL-LY 29


【瑞象馆】 “青年影像创作者扶持计划”和“青年摄影评论专项扶持计划” 启动在即

由【瑞象馆】荣誉发起的“青年影像创作扶持计划”将于2015年初正式启动。这个计划旨在扶持、协 助有影像创作梦想的青年摄影师完善、完成自己的作品,并协助其推广自己的作品。

每年度,影像艺术研究和推广机构【瑞象馆】将提供2万元作为创作基金,发放给经过遴选的2-3位28 岁以下的创作者,以资助其完成影像作品。获得资助的优秀作品方案还将得到【瑞象馆】影像学术委员 等知名策展人、评论家的指导。作品完成后,还将有机会发表在“瑞象视点”艺术家专栏,并推荐至其 他摄影机构、国内外摄影节等平台。

另外,【瑞象馆】还为有志于摄影评论事业的青年评论者特设“青年摄影评论专项扶持计划”,鼓励青 年评论者展开深入的摄影研究和评论工作。



【瑞象馆】新浪微博:@瑞象馆 【瑞象馆】微信公号:rayartcenter


2014瑞象校园系列讲座 RayChat on Campus 2014

主办: 瑞象馆 Hosted by: Ray Art Center

特别支持: 迅销中国 Sponsored by: Fast Retailing Co., Ltd

高校支持:上海外国语大学、南京大学、北京外国语大学、中山大学、云南大学、浙江大学、重庆大学、复旦大 学、武汉大学、深圳大学、陕西师范大学、厦门大学 Supported by: Shanghai International Studies University, Nanjing University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Yunnan University, Zhejiang University, Chongqing University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, Shenzhen University, Shaanxi Normal University, Xiamen University

顾问:顾铮、林路、郭力昕 Advised by: Gu Zheng, Lin Lu, Kuo, Li- Hsin

策划:施瀚涛、沈健文 Planed by: Shi Hantao, Shen Jianwen

设计:罗仲忆、陶蓉 Designed by: Jony Luo, Tao Rong

在本项目的执行过程中,得到了以下个人和机构十分重要的帮助,在此感谢:(按姓氏笔画排序) 王小舟、王婧、邬俊杰、汪民安、刘际东、吕哲、李季、李颖、季芬、陈若晗、钟国华、郭小宁、郭峰、涂险峰、谭佳音 上海外国语大学“思索讲坛”、云南艺术学院、武汉大学文学院、重庆大学团委学生会、厦门琥珀书店 We would like to specially thank to the following individuals and organizations for their great contributions on this project: Wang Xiaozhou, Wang Jing, Li Ji, Li Ying, Wu Junjie, Wang Minan, Ji Fen, Chen Ruohan, Zhong Guohua, Guo Xiaoning, Guo Feng, Tu Xianfeng, Tan Jiayin, Sisuo Forum at SISU, Yunnan Art Academy, Humanities College at Wuhan University, Student Union of Chongqing University, Xiamen Hupo Bookstore.

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