2018 portfolio Ray Hsi

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Protfolio Facts Jui-Ting Hsi


Ray Hsi

Amount per serving

Year 2013-18

Page Number

1. Future Perfect


Project Cordination 40% Exhibition Planning Circular Thinking

30% 30%

2. REstone Material R&D

9 100%



Social Design


Product Design


4. SUNSTOO Product Design

19 100%

5. perTe’


Interial Design




6. School Projects Creativity

23 100 %

*All project contained creativity and design thinking. Check your allergy history before consumption. Product made out of curiosity.

Working Experience

NABA BA in Design Milan, Italy


Pratt Institute Industrial Design New York, USA


Material Lab Tutor Domus Academy Milan, Italy


United Nations Intern Giulio Vinaccia Studio Madagascar

Design Intern Cast4_Professional storyteller Milan, Italy.


Freelance Journalist MOT/TIMES online magazine

REnato lab-Trash Designer Taipei, Taiwan


E d u c at i o n


a b o ut

R AY Language












/ Recycled








Leather 2



S u sta i n a b l e / C u r at i o n P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e nt


Advisor_ Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei Co-Host_ E-Ti consulting Partners_ Super Dragon Technology, PileUp Life, cubiio, WeMo Sponsor_ Taihu Brewing


1 . F ut u r e p e r f e c t

Host_ REnato lab, SUNSET

Objective exhibition

When our satisfaction after purchase has shrunk and the sense of value has depreciated, it is time for us to rethink. Sustainability is often connected to high-cost, ugly design or impracticality. Therefore in this project we aim to use curation as the power of communication. “Future Perfect;”is an experiment test of the transition from “current imperfection” to an “ideal future”.



Solution Talk about circular economy without using the word! 1 exhibition: We showcased about 40 examples of business model, brands, companies which all want to create a greener future. 6 events: A perfect future requires contribution of people from different expertise, we hosted 6 events to talk about it from angle like food, business, technology, design and space.





- In the exhibition we try to create little waste as possible, with our partner cubiio, we encourage people to bring back the engraved ugly fruit that was collected from the local market.

-SUNSET SHOP, a high-end select shop, is where the exhibition took place.

-The exhibition has 3 zones: 1. Experiential plates: Showcasing growing services towards sustainability in Taipei City in petri dishes. 2. Products: Designer brands are also trying to create beautiful replacements of disposal products and also products made out of recycled materials. 3. Reading Area: Don’t judge a book by its cover, a place for visitors to sit and find answers for their own definition of future perfect.

-Foovolution event: A dinner feast at TK restaurant, with the dishes grew and designed for this event from the chef/owner.



R e c y c l e d m at e r i a l R e s e a r c h & d e v e l o p m e nt


Jade Green TG01

Granite Green OG01

REstone Partner_ Super Dragon Technology

Night Sky OB02

Tiger Brown OR01


2 . r e st o n e

Granite Blue OB01

By collaborating with one of the biggest electronic waste recycler in Taiwan, we aim to find a way for the huge amount of unwanted PCB board through design, material development and marketing.

Information Every year, Taiwan discards 28,303 tons of PCB (source: Taiwan EPA) within every PCB, there are 14% of valuable metals that are extracted after shredding. The rest 86% is thrown away as trash. Project REstone aims to create value

through the unwanted 86%. Utilizing the shredded PCB as the foundation, along with other incinerator-heading e-waste, the end result generates a granite-like pattern without any dyeing.

Property Density Scratch Resistance Water Absorption Flexural Strength Abrasion Acid/Alkali Test

1.42 g/cm3 3 0.1% 634 kgf/cm2 0.00 g Surface has no contamination, change of color and any other abnormal activity.

Note • Testing method: SGS-CNS 3299. Certified under interior tile standards. • Processing procedure such as cutting, flushing, polishing can be done by regular wood working machinery.

• High water and chemical resistance. • Texture can be created differently onto the material surface by order. • Mold material suggestion: Metal and Silicone 11

Develop process: 1.Discover the new possibility of SD business model and trends for recycled material. 2.Define the output that fits SD and also designer. 3.Design the pattern. 4.Deliver 5 patterns of color/ texture and sent to SGS for safety tests.

Result(stage one): By working with professional design studio ShiKai, we understand what are the issues that designers would encounter by using the new material and keep making the material more stable. At the first stage of prototyping, we have a collection of book stand, side table and ice bucket.


s o ci a l / p r o d uct d e sig n P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e nt


Design Coordination_ Giulio Vinaccia Studio Photographer_ Gabrielle Lemanski


3. tsara

Host_ UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization


old target TSARA target

Objective TSARA (beautiful in Malagasy) is to engage local craftsman and see them involved in a socially and economically sustainable venture that improves their quality of life; while simultaneously strengthening the image of Madagascar on the global stage.

Observing well-established craft trends in the local market that are lacking a network for a more global distribution, we worked with Malagasy rural artisans to develop the furniture, home decorations and bags with the thought of appealing to hotels and resorts cited in the area of the Indian ocean, as well as within the European markets. In order to establish a business model that first and foremost financially improves the lives of the individuals involved, we asked the craftsman what stipend they would ideally like to receive for their work. Based on their consensus, costs for the TSARA products were established. This simple survey and implementation has brought forth competitive pricing for the handcrafted pieces compared to other initiatives with similar intentions, whose long-term strategies focus more on ‘making money’, rather than providing increased quality of hygiene, workplace and living conditions for the individuals involved.




Search from books, similar country examples or consult UN.



Design new business model and right target market.



After gathering all the materials and technique, we start mix and match.


Create and adjust the design with our creative Malagasy partners.



An exhibition in the palace, invite all the stakeholders&media.


Outcome While the physical outcome of the ambitious enterprise was displayed, the unseen benefits of TSARA are significant. Then 43 women have received leadership and financial education from the ministry of craft, culture and heritage; women from the community of Rastafarian have received eye examinations, with 34 of them being equipped with eyeglasses to enhance their daily activities; while six villages have been given access to tools to upgrade the hygiene conditions in their respective workplaces. Additional asset of the collaboration has seen a contract with air Madagascar, who will purchase pieces especially designed by vinaccia and produced by the participating artisans for the business lounge and business class travels of the airline, further benefiting the artisans and circulating their work to a greater market.

p r o d uct d e sig n sc h o o l p r o j e ct


Suntoo silicone X (Shore A 21) bottoms


silicone Y (medicational)


B r a n d i nt e r i o r d e s i g n sc h o o l p r o j e ct


Professor: Giulio Vinaccia Designer: Julia Czerinich and Ray Hsi. Course: Social Design

spending a good time together with carefree conversations to relax for some minutes. Based on this culture, we develop a space , which is orientated at the culture of the products origin. Not just selling the product, we sell a product with the story behind. The aim is to give our customers a delightful experience.



Concept: In our daily life we are used to the fact that goods of our daily life are always there. But what should be important is the question of the origin of different products an the background story of the product. To tell this story is our main strategy to introduce Alce Nero products to the publicly introducing the culture of drinking tea. Tea stands for

Dream of Book 2014 An art installation that combines a bed with a huge size book. Inspired from a lack of sleeping in New York and desire to hide into a perfect world.

Vita a milano 2013 Thanks to the culture shock of the Italian perspective of time. I gathered the data of how late people go to class and use the help of Processing to create a unique pattern. 23

Ceramic Study_SAKE 2014 During my exchange student time at Pratt Institute, I was impressed by the resource of workshops at school and aimed to learn as much as I could. Therefore my aim in this project is the ability to learn as much skills as I could, including wood spinning, ceramic slip casting and metal working.

6 . sc h o o l p r o j e ct

Branding_ Ray Hsi 2014 We were asked to design a visual identity for ourselves and that’s when I realized that I tend to solve problems with a dynamic way. 24

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