Hello, Readers
We’re excited to bring you another edition full of amazing talent and iconic moments in the world of fashion. This month, we’re shining a spotlight on some of the most talented photographers. **DALTONKEYNES** who perfectly captures the beauty of Avatar in his work. our blogger **Jhonathan** also shares his new perspective on the trends that are shaping the fashion industry today. And in an exclusive interview, **Inkaku Capalini** takes us behind the scenes of how she prepares for her live performance. And what makes her voice so powerful?
In this issue, we’re introducing you to Essy Luv, our featured model whose charm and style continues to dazzle on and off the runway. Plus, the Plaid Models Challenge presented by AIM Agency is shaking up the industry with its mix of that inspires creativity and innovation You’ll also get special attention from Models Readers, who are launching a new Style Challenge that promises to push the boundaries of fashion interpretation.
This issue also addresses the dilemma facing fashion designers today: the difficult choice of partnering with bloggers to build a digital presence. Or host traditional fashion shows to keep the runway alive. This is a fascinating discussion that reflects the dramatic changes sweeping the industry.
And don’t forget—October is full of exciting events that you won’t want to miss! Stay tuned for all the latest updates.
Have fun with this problem. And thank you for being a part of our community of fashion leaders!
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by BonieFacio
Essy Luv is a dynamic and candid Second Life model known for her integrity, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to excel in every task. With a positive and analytical approach, she values autonomy and handles challenges with a sense of responsibility that defines her work. Essy thrives on problem-solving, bringing her detail-oriented passion to everything she does, while always maintaining fairness and high standards for herself and others.
Her journey into modeling wasn’t planned, but once it began, Essy embraced the multifaceted world of fashion with open arms. Fashion, for Essy, is an art form and a storytelling tool, an armor when needed, and a vulnerability when expressed. Her personal style is as multidimensional as she is, evolving with every quality piece she discovers in Second Life. For Essy, clothing is more than just a statement—it’s a reflection of creativity, inspiration, and reputation.
A devoted mentor and runway model since 2011, Essy has worked with prestigious agencies like Amazing Impressions Modeling Agency, In-Nova Models, and SL Fierce. Her pride in her craft shows in her meticulous attention to detail and her desire to give her best to the best of the Second Life fashion world. As a role model and mentor herself, Essy believes in paying forward the knowledge and support she’s received, shaping her presence on the runway and in the modeling community with grace and gratitude.
Hello and thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Our readers are very interested in who you are, where you come from. Can u tell us a little bit about who is behind the avatar?
I am a candid individual who has and values integrity. I try to be a positive, resourceful and responsible individual who can execute difficult tasks and doesn’t need to be micromanaged. I think I am resolute and dependable with inwavering determination to do well at my job and to solve problems in the most autonomous manner possible. I believe I am analytical, detail-oriented, passionate and versatile about my work. I try to be fair in everything I do with the premise that what I expect from others is no less than what I expect from myself.
What was your first job intention when you came into second life? How did you feel about the fashion industry?
“Job? No way did I come to Second Life to have a job. That just kinda happened. In response to your question of how I felt about the fashion industry highly depends on which segment you might be referring to so I guess you would need to be more explicit. :) “
What are your hobbies and interests besides Second Life?
“Alas, ’into each life some uncertainty must fall’, as they say, and this is a question on which, frankly, the answers will remain forever one of those unfathomable mysteries about which one can only speculate in the small hours, equipped for exploration of the dark infinity of possibilities with nothing more substantial than a single guttering candle and a sense of vaguely indignant bewilderment”.
Let’s get into your favorites.
1. What is your favorite personal style?
I am a multidimensional person with an accordingly multidimensional interest in clothing and accessories. Clothing is a storytelling tool and an art form, armor and a vulnerability when we need it. Even though “fashion is an instant language”, I have yet to be able to translate my closet decisively.
2. Who are your favorite designers?
If I see something of quality, creativity, inspiration and yes, if the Second Life designer is of good reputation they are my exact FAVORITE at the moment I decide to buy the item.
3. Who are your favorite places to visit?
My favorite place to visit in Second Life is the home I share with BonieFacio, my life’s most important person, all worlds, bar none. We actually don’t get to spend much time there, so when we do, it’s “special time”.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?
Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all I do. Nope, there are boundaries.
I do have a particular person that I need to acknowledge with both gratitude and admiration for being not only an instructor, but also a coach, role model, and mentor. The lessons I learned under his tutelage transcended the boundaries of fashion modeling and have become the foundation on which I build. I really have no superlatives to describe my gratitude for all his encouragement, guidance, influence and inspiration since 2013. I hope that I pay it forward to someone else by being a good mentor also. Thank you, BonieFacio, for your unwavering support and invaluable advice.
Are u currently in an Agency? When did you sign with an agency? What agencies are you currently part of?
“I have worked with some great agencies in my years as a runway model in Second Life. ONE agency, in the very beginning, was a nightmare and a lesson I have never forgot.
My pride and “”home”” has always been Amazing Impressions Modeling Agency. I signed on with AIM on March 19, 2013. Currently, I am part of AIM Agency, In-Nova Models, InWorld Inc Official, NovaEikon Model Agency, SL Fierce, T-G-M ** The Gossip Modeling. My intent has never been to be seen on every runway in Second Life, but rather to give my best to the best of the best on the grid. “
Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you became a model? ummm ... Might be funny or interesting to me and boring as Hell to y’all. Let me think on that and I’ll get back to you?
What do you think makes your stand out? Can you share a story?
I dont know that I do “stand out”. I know that I will do my very best at whatever it is I am doing because it matters to me that it’s done right and done well. Period.
Tell us about your education: Have you attended fashion modeling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken? Does it costs a lot of money? or can you teach yourself?
“Since 2011 I have attended 7 academies in Second Life and 2 operations that touted themselves as the BEST and charged an absurd amount of lindens -- but yeah, let’s leave that dog sleeping.
Anyway, I learned many things from many instructors along the way (most great instructors - some laughable at best). All of what I learned was valuable.
No, I dont think you can teach yourself everything of what you need to do an excellent job as a runway model. I do NOT think you should invest your lindens into schools or academies without doing your research on who and what they are about. There are too many “schools” where the teachers set themselves up as “the source of knowledge” and yet they have little to no experience themselves. Look them over and BE PICKY!!
They took a model class and boom ... they’re a professor. Bullshit! Don’t let them sell you a bag of bricks. If you really want to do SL runway modeling do your homework, find the best, be willing to accept their knowledge and guidance.
What advice would you give someone starting out?
If you’re gonna do it .. Give it all you got and then give it some more, but do NOT walk around with your heart on your sleeve!
What do you prefer: Modeling, blogging, print work, photography, competitions? and why?
Print work/Vendor Modeling .. that was my initial goal when I started and remains a passion.
Where do you see yourself in a year from now?
Do you have any dreams or goals you want to have achieved
I hope I’m still breathing. A year is a bit far off.
Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all?
I do. Nope, there are boundaries.
If you could change something in the fashion world in SL what would it be?
Agencies would respect proprietary and intellectual information as well as standards and practices.
by BonieFacio
Meet Jhonatan Venus, a dedicated Second Life blogger and model whose passion for fashion has only deepened through years of experience. His journey into blogging began with the support of designer friends, allowing him to evolve into a skilled photographer and application expert, showcasing both male and female avatars with finesse. Jhonatan’s unique ability to set up stunning scenes and use tactical poses to highlight products has made him a standout in the SL fashion scene.
Though he faced a major setback after winning the SL Top Model 2022 competition, which impacted both his blogging and modeling career, Jhonatan has since rebuilt his confidence. His experience taught him resilience and deepened his commitment to his craft. Whether through blogging, DJing, or styling, he continues to fuel his passion for fashion. Inspired by icons like Aurora Donner, Venus Germanotta, and Matty King, Jhonatan remains dedicated to growing his presence in the SL fashion world, with dreams of opening his own fashion agency one day.
Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
I can say that from this experience as a blogger I have learned a lot. I have made new friends, even important ones, I have become even more passionate about the fashion of the second life metaverse, starting already as a model, blogging brings you to a commitment that you have to maintain with a team of many people who are the designers and especially the blogger managers who work for them to respect the timing of their requests and if you have passion in doing it and you have a good hand, being a blogger gives you a lot of satisfaction.
Describe how did you first get into blogging?
“I started to do the blogger through designer friends with a few of them I expanded then improving in taking photos and making applications as soon as they opened a little everywhere always making a selection of what I could have been good fortunately I have always used my avatar both as a woman and as a man, I am a boy in rl but I love fashion and dressing even the female avatar I am passionate about and like my doll. So I put myself thanks to their great initial help in good sponsors who gave me the availability to start off great.”
Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?
My strengths in blogging have been already having knowledge in modeling how to set up a photo how to match and make a beautiful scene with tactical poses that make the product well visible.
What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?
My biggest failure starts from modeling where I completely fell to the ground after winning a very important competition like sl top model 2022 which led me to make myself known a little more around after a fashion show organized to thank for the win attached to blogging that introduced me to many designers with whom I made a bad impression, where when I had a bad period in my real life and consequently also here in second life I gave in to the bad side of myself, where collaborating with an agency organizing shows planning to start an agency under people who were important to me I lost my mind and withdrew all the sponsors that I had planned for these shows so as to disappoint friends and people with whom I had worked for years now and the designers with whom I had established a good relationship so as to ruin my reputation not completely but a great deal both in blogging and in modeling. And only after more than a year I regained confidence like others did not.
Why did you start with blogging? Describe your writing process, from concept to publishing. How do you stay motivated?
I started blogging because I loved fashion and with this interest, I wanted to evolve in this area too, the procedure of tagging the designer blogger managers and linking the LMs of the shops or if they are in the various events. I am motivated because when you finish a photo you see that it turned out well and has a good following and that you put effort into how to set up the photo location and outfit overall this makes me more and more passionate so that I can continue with new posts.
Second Life is a big place, do you have any other interests besides blogging?
Yes I have other interests as I already said in modelling but also as a DJ I have also done it, and as a stylist.
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
“I motivate myself to keep the blog active because after almost two years of doing it, you get attached to all the work you put into making it what it is today and keeping it active the best thing is to be consistent in publishing posts regularly.
The fashion industry has a lot of bloggers, how do you get in contact or how do you pick the designers to blog for?
But among us bloggers we get to know each other through events and friends of friends, I choose the designers based on my abilities and where I find opportunities.
We bloggers know that Blogging is really time consuming and a lot of work. How do you deal with organizing your posts?
Before when I had many sponsors and also events to do everything I did 3 posts a day morning afternoon and evening.
How would you describe your personal style and is there a person who is a fashion inspiration to you?
My personal style can be normal as many times extravagant it depends on the look I have to stick to. My sources of inspiration are two, one of my oldest friends who is Aurora Donner and the other is Memole Giha where they brought me to love the world of modelling and blogging.
How do you attract new readers? Describe the methods you’ve used and their impact on site traffic? What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?
The best strategy is to first do a good job, so a nice photo that can impress and make people want to like and follow your profile, but also knowing the
rest of the blogger world around you and immersing yourself among them and with people who are not bloggers.
Can you tell me about few sources from where you get products for review on your site?
Some things I’m inspired by are from Venus Germanotta’s photos, and for men from Matty king
How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers? Everyday
What would you like to achieve in the future?
Any Dreams?
Maybe open that fashion agency that I have never opened but it remains a dream I prefer to practice as a model and blogger
COAT| ::GB::Plaid Long coat
PANTS| -ODIREN- Jason Pants
BOOTS| [Deadwool] LDN boots
HAT & HAIR | tram - 1028 hair
BANG | Studio Exposure - Sweet Halo Mesh Bang
DRESS | cheezu - kei school dress - plaid
BRACELET & RINGS | RealEvil - Glitz Bracelet & Rings
GARTER | Romazin Jewelry - Garter Nusi
BOOTS | TETRA - Horizon boots
LINER | PURPLE - Danger Eyeliner
LIPS | Opulein - Soft Lips EVOX
will follow...
TOP : Gawk! ~ Basic Tank Top - Watermelon!PCP! ~
LEGGINGS : Kore Leggings - Unionbre Lime-Hot Pink
SHIRT : BM ~ Tartan Shirt
SHOES : : CULT : ~ Jemima
EARRINGS | SIGMA ~ Maeve Hoops
NECKLACE | SiGMA ~ Tie Up Cord Necklace
NOSE STUD | euphotic ~ Hizma
Hair | Stealthic - Dice
Dress | Flavor Plaid Somie
Hat | :Dernier: “Fascinator” Hat
Heels | [BREATHE]-Satsuko Heels
Jewellery | SIGMA Aries earrings, choker, bracelets
Clutch| =Zenith=Bow Clutch
SHIRT | -Pixicat- Joe Shirt - TartanBW
PANTS | -Pixicat- Lydia Jeans
SHOES | EQUAL - Gracie Kitten Heels
SUNGLASSES | BONDI . Rikku Sunglasses
NAILS | .:Avanti:. Evony Nails
NECKLACE | SIGMA Rhea neck chain
BRACELETS | MICHAN - Rori Bracelets
HAIR | DOUX - Micha Hairstyle
BAG WITH ROSES | *Tentacio* Marina Bag
COAT: -Pixicat- Farrah Coat (TartanRed)
BOOTS: NX-Nardcotix Sabina Boot Latex Black
LEGGINGS: Mute. High Rise Leggings - Black
RINGS: KUNGLERS - Betsy rings
TONE 2 - Nudes & Naturals Khol Liner
[theSkinnery] Agatha Lipstick
by BonieFacio
Thank you so much for you time. I know for some of you its not easy to getting an interview. Do you mind me asking ... are you nervous? Not anymore. I use to have terrible stage fright and nerves that would mess with me but with some time and age, the nerves went away and now I feel honored to be acknowledged and interviewed by such an amazing group of people.
Our magazine usually does interviews with models, photographers, bloggers, .... , but i think there is so much more on the grid. We all know the club scene but there are also the LIVE SINGERS. Our readers probably like to know a bit more about the person behind the avatar. Who are you? And where are you from? Can you tell us 3 great characteristics of yourself?
I’m just a California girl who’s been singing for over 35 years. Music is woven into my identity—it’s not just something I do, it’s a huge part of who I am. I’ve performed in various states across the U.S. and even abroad, and I truly can’t imagine a world without music.
Interestingly, I’m actually quite shy. Offstage, I’m quiet and reserved, observing and learning before opening up. But when I perform, I become someone entirely different, channeling my passion through music.
Second Life has been a game-changer for me. When the pandemic hit and everything shut down, I began performing in this virtual world.
The live music community here is incredibly supportive and has made a lasting impact on my life. It’s a place of strength and connection, where I’ve found more love and encouragement than I ever expected.
Lastly, I believe in having fun and spreading joy wherever I go. I love playful sarcasm and banter with friends, and I think life is all about making the most of every moment, in every way we can. clu
Who are your musical influences, and how have they shaped your style?
Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke, Whitney Houston, Nat King Cole. I could go on and on about musical influences that have shaped my style. I’m not fully sure how to explain how these icons have shaped my style because I don’t recall a time that I didn’t love music. My first memories are of dancing, singing along to the tunes of these incredible performers and wishing I could hold a tune, not even fully aware that I was already hitting the right notes and had a natural inclination to surround and bury myself in music.
Have you ever dealt with stage fright or performance anxiety? How did you manage and overcome it?
Wow. What a question. I wonder if there is enough space to answer! lol. To try and make it short, yes, I had horrible stage fright for many years due to a mishap that occurred when I was in elementary school. A modern dance class that did not prepare me for what a big audience would look like which sent me spiraling into years of horrible performance anxiety. I ended up growing out of it. I made many attempts to try and give some relief but it wasn’t until about my 30s that I slowly began not to care if someone had something negative to say. I was always worried about being judged or put down or being told I was doing something wrong. Now I just feel joy to be able to sing freely, without the anxiety and with such an incredible group of people.
Do you ever get bored doing what you always do? How do you keep your job exciting? I never get bored singing. I keep it fresh and exciting by constantly learning new songs. I am currently up to almost 700 and continue to find songs to learn or songs that I know and didn’t remember I knew, so I can add them to my list. I’ve also continued to branch out into different genres which is fun and exciting when learning a genre I might not have experienced before. Music is in my soul so it never feels like a job to me.
Can you share an example of a time when you had to adapt your musical style to fit a specific project or audience?
Well, I do sing several different genres. I can do full shows of Jazz, Blues, Contemporary, Top 40s, Rock & Roll, Ballroom, Holiday shows, Naughty shows, oldies back to 1920s. I make sure to find out what style the venue owners want and adapt with genres, outfits, costumes and anything that might help create the feel that a venue is wanting.
How do you stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in music?
I’m not sure anyone can stay fully updated with trends and advancements when music growth moves so fast. I do not go searching for the latest trends, I simply hear something I love and then if I love it, I have to sing it or find a way to do so because there are genuinely so many that I must find a way around its original so that I can sing it.
Getting followers or people attending your set isn’t easy. How to you get people to come to your set? I am just myself, the good and the bad. I consider myself to be professional and friendly. I love to make new friends and I love to sing with people, for people, in any format. I do my best to stay social, support other singers and invite as many as possible hoping they might like to come listen to some tunes and party with me.
Sometimes in venues people can be really hard, jealous or even a bully when they don’t like the music. How do you deal with drama?
I do not respond to any sort of drama. If something mean is said, I ignore it. I’m not offended when people don’t like me. Everyone has their preferences and genres that they like. If I’m not their cup of tea, that is completely ok with me.
Besides singing are there other things you like to do in second life? ynamic world of fashion. However, I’ve learned to channel it positively, us I love to shop of course. I love to make outfits too. In 17 years, I have over 1k of outfits which means I’ve got a serious problem but wow is it fun! I love to socialize too. Meet new people. Sim explore. There are so many amazing places!
To end i like to give you a chance to promote your club. You meet someone that doesn’t know the club, how would you convince them to come and work there? And if you had the chance to make a slogan or advertisement what would be the headliner?
I do have a club. The Savage Kitty. I don’t have the time to promote it the way I would like but I do have it set up so people can use the house stream for DJ sets, comic shows, Dinkie shows, live music, open mics or anything they might like to do on an open stage with an open mic board and free stream to play with. The slogan I use in Second Life in Inkakulicious which is also the name of my in world group.
Can you describe your work ethic and commitment to your singing in SL, how do you prepare yourself? I am extremely committed to my singing in SL. As much as I am in my RL performances. I spend a lot of time rehearsing, I warm up, I make sure to be early, set up and ready to be on time. It is one of my favorite things to do so I am always ready to rock it and party in whatever form might be set as a theme for each venue.
Any last thoughts you like to tell our readers? I’d like to thank the amazing community of Live Music in Second Life, for your incredible support & friendship. It means so much to me. The people are beyond incredible. The entire atmosphere has changed my life more then I could ever express.
SHIRT| Emery - Cecilia
JACKET | Tetra - Valerie
SKIRT | Emery - Nantucket
SHOES | Gos - Kayla Mary Janes
PURSE | My Bags - My Toronto Bag
EARRINGS | Chop Zuey - Oceans
NECKLACE | GeWunjo - Finja
HAIR | Truth - Flirt
NAILS | Shiny Stuffs - Colorfast
1. Read up about the styling
2. Join ModeLS Reader group (secondlife:///app/group/5239fef3-47e7-e856-26e0-9a667c2f1394/about)
3. Make sure your styling & picture is stylish and be inspired
4. Send your picture and styling card to “”before THE DATE ON THE PICTURE”
subject : ModeLS Magazine Styling challenge (your name) styling card (example)
HAIR : brand name - item name
NECKLACE : brand name - item name
PANTS : brand name - item name
5. You will get contacted by boniefacio to make appointment for the picture if you are selected
Lately, fashion bloggers have been seen to play more significant roles in the Second Life (SL) world and so much so that a section of scholars is contending that they are changing the nature and face of virtual fashion shows. Originally, fashion shows have been a peak of new collections display in SL, providing a unique opportunity for designers to introduce their works in stylish, engaging manner. Nevertheless, such programs always entail various expenses, including paying the agency for the organization of the event, and advertising. In contrast, bloggers present an attractive alternative: they are capable of featuring collections for free, which will give them an edge in terms of a wider and more frequent coverage.
It is also important to compare bloggers and fashion shows and find out their weaknesses; one of them is definitely the cost issue. Designers spend a lot of money and time to make new outfits just to get an attractive fashion show. All this summed up, makes fashion shows a huge investment in terms of money and time. Bloggers, in contrast, may work for goods, which can be significantly cheaper for designers. As most of them are looking forward to growing their portfolio, many bloggers are willing to review, style, and photograph the collections for the designers without charging them.
Another factor is the ability to extend the bloggers’ post’s reach and its duration of how long it is relevant. A fashion show maybe prestigious but it only gets a few viewers mostly those who can be present at that part in-world. It could be something like a show on television where after the program is over people go away, and the effects are not there. For instance, a blog post remains online and accessible for reference even in the future more than an hour. It can be posted, commented on, and bookmarked, providing constant visibility to a designer’s creations. Most often, an insightful blog article accompanied with attractive photos can go viral on social media extending past in-world coverage of fashion shows.
Bloggers are also able to tailor their content to specific audiences, targeting niche markets and communities. They often have dedicated followers who trust their style and opinions, making their reviews highly influential. This means a single blog post can generate buzz and sales for a designer in a way that a one-time fashion show may struggle to replicate.
However, there are several drawbacks which do not reduce the value of the fashion shows for a variety of reasons, primarily if the designer wants to get prestigious or the kind of publicity. Live performances that are provided by shows are much more unique, they allow to create a unique emotional experience of the viewer. It is simply much more glamorized than blogging, where the atmosphere of the runway, the audience clapping at the catwalk and some sort of applause are missing.
But this year has seen a lot of bloggers rise to the occasion and this is forcing many designers to reconsider their marketing strategies. Some of them are doing both – have the bloggers who actively promote the brands and the fashion shows which happen at specific times. Some of them are focusing more on blogging as they know the great influence of bloggers on the issues of sales and visibility .
To address whether bloggers are killing fashion shows in Second Life, it’s clear that blogging is rapidly gaining the upper hand. Bloggers offer higher engagement with broader, more diverse audiences at a fraction of the cost of putting on a fashion show. This makes them an invaluable part of many designers’ marketing strategies. As a result, fashion shows are slowly being overshadowed by the reach and effectiveness of bloggers.
In this evolving landscape, both bloggers and fashion shows still have roles to play. But as Second Life— and the digital world as a whole—becomes more open and accessible, the growing influence of bloggers is undeniable. They’re continuously shaping new ways for fashion to be presented and consumed, pushing the traditional fashion show further into the background. But without fashion shows you really don’t get the feel of the outfit how it actually looks and moves unless you buy a demo in the store. Bloggers should support the fashion shows are should contact fashion agency’s to help out or even let the models of the agency evolve into blogging.
by BonieFacio
Could you share some details about yourself, including your interests beyond photography? Additionally, could you let us know your background and the specific areas of photography that you concentrate on?
Firstly, Thank you for this opportunity, I have always come from an Artistic background and watched very closely a friend of mine editing pictures in SecondLife when I first joined. I took the knowledge and grew with it as development of SecondLife became stronger, and BlackDragon Viewer was introduced as it’s been a great tool in helping me produce my finished photo results.
Have you undergone any formal training in graphic design, or do you have a background in it? Additionally, what sparked your initial interest in delving into photography within Second Life, and which aspects of virtual photography do you discover to be the most captivating or challenging?
I would say having a creative eye helps a lot, but I’ve never had any formal training in photography my knowledge has come from watching Youtube tutorials and the use of in built photo plug in tools to help to enhance my images, getting the right lighting and shades can be challenging sometimes but alternating with windlights helps.
What 3 words describe your personal photography style?
Artistic, Expressive, Bold
I’m sure many of our readers will be intrigued to hear how you actually make your pictures regarding windlight, size of the pictures, pixels. Do you have a favorite that you always turn to? And what do you think makes the best angle to take a picture?
I always start by saving my pictures as 8K images, that way you can really capture stronger graphic detail before you even start to edit. I have always used Jay Battlescars windlights and stand by these
still as I find them to be the best for sky and shadow detailing.
Is there a specific photograph you’ve taken that holds a special place in your heart? If so, could you share the link and tell us what makes that particular image stand out to you?
I lost my cousin in RL a few years ago and I was hit pretty badly by this as we were very close, so I decided to dedicate the following image to her.
(see next page)
Lastly, could you provide insight into the projects currently occupying your creative focus? Are there particular areas you wish to explore in the future? Additionally, do you have any aspirations or dreams within your photography journey, and do you believe you’re making progress toward achieving them?
I have my creative juices flowing everywhere right now! as this is great time of year to experiment in seasonal shots, Halloween themed images and my blogging also helps to encourage this and help to tell a story, I would like to set a personal goal of possibly capturing landscape images in SecondLife and look forward to starting this.
Is there something else you would like to say to our readers?
Only for anyone wishing to start in photography, just remember no picture is a bad picture, just always remember to be creative and just have fun! :)
New and exciting oppontunity awaits you!
We do live shows with Designer items, as well as, Fun shows for models to display their most creative creations. We are always looking for new and upcoming designers, or established Creators.
Contact Jenni Eros, Owner ReVel Talent Model Management
CLUB is Hiring!
Positions: DJ’s and Managers
Working Hours: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM SLT
Join our vibrant team at COSMIK CLUB and be part of the ultimate entertainment experience! We are looking for talented and enthusiastic DJs and Shift Managers who can also DJ/HOST to keep our dance floors buzzing.
Contact BonieFacio [APPLICATIONS]