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Blizzard by Annaliese

It was a frigid day in Aceville, as always. The sky was covered by dense, gray clouds. Aceville was a strange place, it was a small town where nobody ever came and nobody ever left. Aceville Middle School was up on the hill. As long as you are up there, there is no snow. Even though there was no snow, doesn’t mean it wasn’t cold. There were three kids who all went to the town middle school. Two were best friends, but the other didn’t even know the two friends existed. The friends names were Bella and Rikki, the other was Tyler. Bella is from Puerto Rico, and had curly light brown hair. Rikki had blond hair and was really short. Tyler had dirty blond hair and he was 5 feet tall. All of them were 12.


In biology Bella was quietly talking to Rikki while Rikki was just chatting away to Bella. Meanwhile Tyler was spitballing who ever he could while the teacher wasn’t looking. Just while Mr. Mittle was turning around Tyler did the biggest spitball ever and hit Mr. Mittle right on the forehead. “TYLER!!” Mr. Mittle shouted angrily. and pointed straight to the door. “Oh, is it an early release day Mr. Mittle?” Tyler, who was also the class clown, replied. “And you two,” Mr. Mittle pointed to Bella and Rikki, “stop talking and go with Tyler!” Bella and Rikki left without saying anything.

*** Sitting in detention was the most boring thing for Bella Mr. Mittle had cameras watching them so she and Rikki couldn’t talk to each other. The only thing left for them to do was watch the snow. Wait snow!?!? But it doesn’t snow up on the hill. Bella was terrified, if down the hill only snowed sometimes, and when it does it is a storm, what will it be on a hill that doesn’t snow. EVER! “Guys, Why is it snowing?” Bella asked nervously. “What!?!?” Tyler and Rikki said in unison. “Yeah look outside,” she said gaining back her confidence. Meanwhile, Mr. Mittle was in the teacher’s room and saw with the cameras that the kids were freaking out. Now as strict as he is, Mr. Mittle would never let a kid get hurt on school grounds. So he ran as fast as he could down to detention to see what was going on, but as soon as he got there he left. Mr. Mittle had seen the snow. There were no windows in the teacher’s room so he wouldn’t have known. Mr. Mittle was the only teacher that was in the school. There would’ve been more teachers but nobody really liked Mr. Mittle so they left him with detention.


“Oh great, now we have no teachers and we are left alone at school!” Bella shouted while being mad and scared at the same time. “Does anyone have a phone?” “I do!” yelled Tyler. Bella and Rikki ran to Tyler but he wanted to use his own phone first. He tried to call his mom, then his dad, but they didn’t pick up. Then Rikki tried to call her dad, then her mom. No one picked up. Next Bella tried to call

her mom, then her dad. Nobody answered, but she knew why. If no ones parents picked up, then there is probably no connection.


“Now what should we do?” Bella asked. She was really freaking out now she wanted to be home with her family. “I have an idea, we could break a window,” Rikki said. “Uh, I don’t know, should we?” Bella asked. She wasn’t really sure about breaking school property. But if it was the only choice, she would do it. “Uh, how are we going to break it though?” “We could use a camera!” Tyler yelled. That is what they did, they broke the camera, but it worked. Except for the fact that the snow was so high that they sank in right when they jumped through the window. Rikki went through first, then Bella, But Tyler knew after Rikki went that they would sink right through. He helped Rikki out. And Rikki helped Bella out. But it was really tough to get them out of the snow because it was almost as tall as them.


“We could walk through the snow,” Bella mumbled. “Wait, what did you say Bella?” Tyler asked. “We could walk,” she said a little louder this time. “I dont think we can walk, but we could dig!” Tyler yelled excitedly. “Grab supplies!” Rikki added. In the classroom there were plastic spoons and bins. Then they looked in some lockers. There were gloves and jackets. Finally they looked in the custodian closet. They found more bins, dust pans, trash bags, and a shovel. “Lets start digging! Tyler shouted.


To get to the snow they went through the window again. They decided to leave the spoons because they wouldn’t have been much of a help. So they took all of the bins and bags and shovels and got to digging. After about 10 minutes (which felt like an hour) they were exhausted.

“Are we almost home?” Bella asked while panting. “I dont know. Dig up!” Rikki said. She would’ve yelled but everything was louder under there. It was like they were in a snow cave, all the sounds echoing off the icy walls. Once they got above the snow they noticed that they had barely left the window. “How can we only be here?” Bella was starting to get anxious. After they had been digging for a half hour they were starting to get the hang of it. So eventually the process was getting quicker. They were moving about 10 feet every 20 minutes. It was getting easier each time the digging tools were hitting the snow. It was super easy after about an hour… Until they hit ice. “What the heck?!?” Bella had thought ice was just thin frozen water. But now she realized that ice can be as hard as rock. “Go around, its the quickest way!” Tyler said. Thats just what they did they took the bins, bags, and shovels and dug around the ice.

“Lets dig up to see where we are,” Rikki recommended. “Sure,” said Tyler. Digging up was even more tiring than digging around the ice. It was almost like they were on a slant. They finally got above the snow. They were on a slant they were half way down the hill! And the snow was getting shallower too. If only she could do that whole digging process again she would be home! She dug faster and harder. She dug,and she dug, and she dug, some more, and eventually her fingers were numb. “Is anyone else’s fingers numb?” “Yep,” said Tyler.

“Yeah, these gloves aren’t the best for snow, are they,” Bella answered. Digging was getting harder every time the tools were hitting the snow. Bella got so used to the snow that it didn’t even feel like they were on much of a tilt anymore. Were they even on a tilt anymore? “Can we dig up I want to see where we are.” As they dug up it got easier. “The snow is starting to feel a little bit warmer and shallower, and OW!!” “What happened Bella? Rikki asked. “I hit something hard, can you guys dig up to see what it was?” Bella replied. “Sure,” Tyler said. Bella waited for Rikki and Tyler to come back. “Yes!!” Bella heard Rikki yell. “Finally!” She heard Tyler shout. As they were coming down Tyler and Rikki were smiling. “What is it?” Bella asked excitedly. “A gutter!” they both yelled in unison. “Thats why I felt like I wasn’t on a slant anymore!” Bella said. Bella moved back then moved up with Tyler and Rikki. They were right it was a gutter! Bella had never been so happy in her life. “Does anyone know whose house this is?” Bella asked. “I do! Its mine!” Tyler shouted. They all went into his house. But it was a little bit of a struggle to get through the snow. “We did it! We actually did it!” We got home! “Oh Tyler thank god you are home I missed you so much!” Tylers mom said. “Mom!” Tyler said a little embarrassed. “Lets call your parents you two, so they can come pick you up


*** The next day at school they made sure to be extra good and not talk or spitball ever again while a teacher is talking. Because they were pretty sure since that was their first time in detention, the gods got mad at them.

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