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By Hannah

Peter ran outside into the fresh Saturday morning air, sat down on the porch step, opened his book, and began to read when he heard a screeching sound. He looked up to see, in front of him, a moving truck. He thought, if they had a kid his age, maybe he could finally make a friend.” “Peter,” his mom said as she closed the door behind her. “The new neighbors are moving in and,” she said after a pause, “I think it will be a good opportunity to make new friends. ” “I try to make friends. I really do. But you keep pressuring me to make friends, and its hard.” “Im sorry, I just wanted to help you.’’She said softly and walked away.

Miles walked into the mucky day, and trudged into his new house. He thought to himself, “No one ever gives me a chance! Maybe if they did, I could make a friend. We always move. The only place I had a friend was in my old school. I need to make a plan after I unpack my stuff.�

The next day at school Peter waited for recess. He could make another attempt at making friend when recess finally came. Peter went up to a group of friends. As he started their way, they walked away like he had a disease. He didn't mind because he knew he had tried. That’s what he did the whole recess but people just ignored him.

After Miles unpacked, he went downstairs to get a snack. His mom came up to him and told him that he had to go to school the next day. His heart sank. He knew he couldn't go. It would remind him too much of his old school and his best friend Josh. As he walked up the stairs, he heard his mom stop him. She gave him a letter from Josh. Miles took the letter and mumbled “Thanks’’ to his mom. After he took the letter, he went into his room and ripped it open and read.

Dear Miles, I just wanted you to know that I miss you and I wish you were here. Write back, Josh When he was done reading the letter, he thought. ‘I want to go see Josh and Josh wants to see me. So I’m going to run away.... But when?How am I going to get there? What time?’ All these thoughts were clustering through his mind. While he was trying to figure them out, it came to him! He was going to dig a hole, all the way to Josh’s house, after dinner.

“Dinner was delicious,”Peter exclaimed. As he walked up the stairs, his mom stopped him. “Did you make friends today?!?!” she asked happily. “I tried but nobody wants to be friends with me, everyone has their own groups.” He started again going up the stairs. When he got up the stairs his older brother asked: “Did you make friends bro,” He said. He mumbled no, and kept walking. “DID YOU MAKE FRIENDS!?!?” His little sister, Valerie asked. “No” he said but clenched his fists and keeped walked as he got to his door he heard his dog bark. “Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!” and it sounded like he (the dog) was asking what everyone else was, did you make friends? Now that was the last straw. He screamed “DOES EVERYBODY WANT TO KNOW I CAN’T MAKE FRIENDS!” he slammed the door, went to his closet. He grabbed a bunch of shirts, went to his dresser. Pulled out even more shirts,and stuffed them in a bag. He ran through his doorway, past his siblings and down the stairs to the garage. He grabbed his shovel and went to the fence at the farthest place away from his family and started to dig. He was going to dig a hole to China.

“Thanks for dinner mom it was great.” Miles said after he brought his dishes to the sink. “Can I go play outside?” “Your welcome, sure you can go play outside?” his mom answered. “Thanks again,” he said as he put on his shoes. When he got outside he went straight to the garage to get the shovel. Miles went to a place near the fence. He started to dig. Once the shovel hit the soft spring ground, he knew his plan was going to work.

Peter was already about a foot into the ground when he thought about his suitcase and how it wasn't going to fit in the hole. Then he realized he could get clothes in China. After he thought about that, he realized nothing could get in his way. Peter felt better and started digging faster.

Clink! Clink! Miles heart was beating. It was jumping out of his chest. At that moment, he heard a faint noise coming from the other side. It said, “What was that?" He didn't know what that noise was. He started to climb out of the hole. The other voice sounded just as scared as he was. Miles said, "Hello, if you're there then dig to the middle where we can meet." After a few minutes of clinks there were two muddy faces looking at each other. Miles just stood there with his mouth wide open. He was looking up at the holes that connected right where he was standing. He was so amazed by this that he almost forgot about the boy in front of him. Then he said, "My name is Miles. What's your name?" "I'm Peter. What are you doing here?" "I'm running away from my family because they keep telling me to make friends." "Hey, I'm running away to see a friend."

"What's that sound?” Miles asked. Peter shrugged. Miles could smell the dirt and before he knew it. He was buried in dirt, gravel and other stuff. He had no hope, no friends. It was getting hard to breath. The heavy dirt was pushing on his shoulders. He started to close his eyes when he felt a cold sweaty hand on his arm that dragged him out of the heavy dirt. IT WAS PETER. “LETS GET OUT OF HERE!”Peter screamed.

Miles and I climbed out my tunnel. I told him “I guess I was wrong. I thought I shouldn't have been that mean to my family.” “Hey I have an idea. Tomorrow, let’s walk home together.” “Sounds like a plan,” Peter was so relieved. After Peter apologized to his family, he went to bed.

The next day after school, Peter and Miles walked home together liked they had planned. Miles asked “So does this mean we’re friends?” “I guess it does,” they smiled at each other. “You know what? I just hope our parents don’t find out about this.”

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