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The Robot By Henry Blanchette Page 1 On a warm Saturday in Kino, Florida Alexander Young was walking home from soccer practice. When he walked past his favorite Toy Store. It had a blue awning and the store was red. Every time he walked by he would look at the item and the window. It was always the newest item. He stopped and looked through the window and froze and he saw a remote control robot! “Wow I wish I could have one of those” Alexander exclaimed. Then his eyes shifted to the price tag. “$250, I’ll never afford that.” He sighed and headed home. He decided that he was going to save up the money he needed.

Page 2 The second he got home he looked through his money and he found $100 dollars of his money. “Only $150 more,” he said happily. “Mom do you have any ideas on how I can earn a lot of money?” Alexander asked. “Well we live in an urban area, you could have a yard sale,” his mom

suggested. Page 3 So the next day Alexander took a bunch of stuff and put it on a table outside and made a bright red sign. Then his sister Liz came outside and started playing with one of the toys. “Liz stop, go away,” Alexander shouted and she waddled back inside. At the end of the day Alexander had made $50 dollars. “I still need $100 more dollars,” he sighed. “Mom I still need more money.” Alexander said to his mom that night. “Well Alexander, I could help you and we could have a bake sale,” his mom suggested. Page 4 So that morning he and his mom got up early and made cookies, cake, brownies, and lemon squares. Alexander made a neon green sign for the bake sale. Right when the bake sale started Liz went outside and took one of the cookies without Alexander noticing.

The bake sale was pretty successful Alexander made $40 dollars. “I still need $60 more dollars,” Alexander complained that night. Any more ideas mom? he asked. “I hear our neighbors need someone to babysit maybe you make some money off of that” his mom said. “That’s a great idea so the next day he knocked on the neighbors house and asked if they wanted him to babysit.” “Well that sounds lovely we were thinking of going out for dinner tonight how about you come over around 6:00 and we will be back at 8:00.” “ Sounds good, see you then.” Alexander said. Page 5 That night Alexander had made $60 dollars babysitting he had earned $250 dollars and he could afford the robot. “Yes I earned all the money,” he said euphorically. “I am very proud of you Alexander you made all the money you needed in 3 days! That is an accomplishment” Page 6

The next day Alexander walked down to the toy store and bought the robot for $250 dollars. He ran home opened the box and felt the smooth stainless steel and started controlling the robot. Just as he had figured out the controls Liz came crawling into the room. “Shiney, me want,” Liz said cheery. “No Liz, this is MY toy!” Alexander shouted. Page 7 But Liz didn’t listen. She took the robot in her tiny hand and smashed the robot on the hardwood floor it shattered into tiny pieces. “LIZ WHAT DID YOU DO?” Alexander screamed louder than he had ever screamed before. Then tears were running down Liz’s face as she ran into the kitchen and said to mom. “Alexander yelled at me.”

“Because she broke my robot!!” he yelled “That was $250 dollars.” He took his hand and smacked Liz right on her arm, ran to his room and slammed the door

so hard that the door almost fell down! Page 8 Alexander must have stayed in his room for a good 30 minutes before his mom came in holding a red shopping bag. “Alexander, can I talk to you?” his mom asked calmly. “I guess so.” Alexander sighed. “I’m sorry Liz broke your toy I really am and to make it up to...” She paused reached into the bag and pulled out the same robot that Alexander had bought with his money. “You bought me the robot?” he exclaimed. “Oh mom, thank you so, so, so much.” “Well, you deserve it. You really worked hard to earn the money and this is your reward.” Then, in came Liz trolling into Alexander’s room. “I’m sorry Alexander.” Liz said sincerely. “I forgive you” Alexander said calmly. “I forgive you.”

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